
The process of refinancing a mortgage in a savings bank. Refinancing a Sberbank mortgage in another bank. Property approval

Usage loan products has long been considered something out of the ordinary. People calmly take loans to meet their current needs and then gradually pay off the bank in order to take out a loan again in the future. Sometimes the “credit burden” turns out to be too heavy for the family budget, and then the borrower resorts to financial instruments to help you get out of debt. Today we will discuss whether it is possible to refinance a loan in the same bank, specifically in Sberbank, and what "pitfalls" may be in the way of the borrower.

Sberbank really offers its clients to refinance credit debt on very favorable terms. You can combine up to 5 credits into one with a significant reduction interest rate, changing the loan currency and increasing the loan term, but there are mandatory conditions.

  1. First, the borrower must not have any delinquencies on loans. The presence of a delay, especially a long one, is reflected in the credit history and this is the basis for refusing to refinance.
  2. Secondly, only a borrower who has taken at least one loan from a third-party bank can qualify for internal refinancing at Sberbank.

If the borrower took all the loans within Sberbank, he cannot refinance these debts at Sberbank.

  1. Thirdly, the borrower must regularly pay all available loans for at least 180 days.
  2. Fourth, at least 90 days must remain until the end of all loan obligations.
  3. Fifth, none of the refinanced loans has been previously restructured by Sberbank or a third-party bank.

Obtaining procedure

You should start applying for refinancing by submitting an application. There are many subtleties in this matter, so it is better to come to the nearest branch. credit institution and ask Sberbank employees to give you a preliminary consultation. During this consultation, staff will refine the list required documents and help you complete your application. You don’t need to write any statements in advance, you will only lose time in vain, but you can take the documents with you.

  1. Your passport.
  2. Credit agreements.
  3. Employment book and income statements as for a regular loan.
  4. SNILS.

Refinancing your loans at Sberbank is possible only after the approval of this operation by the credit department. The maximum time for consideration of your application will not exceed 30 calendar days. If everyone required documents were provided immediately, the minimum review time will be about two days.

After approval, the borrower will be invited to the bank branch to renegotiate the loan agreement. Current debts will be consolidated, the interest rate will be reduced, and the loan term may also be extended. By agreement of the parties, it can be established Grace period in which the borrower will not pay interest or principal.

Maybe restructuring is needed?

The presence of debt in a third-party bank opens up the opportunity for the client to refinance all debt in Sberbank. If there is already a loan, even one small one, you can combine this debt with loans taken from Sberbank and refinance the whole thing under favorable interest. But what about those who have all their debts concentrated in Sberbank and have not taken any loans from other banks? Maybe you need to go and take a small loan somewhere?

Do not rush, because in addition to the refinancing program, Sberbank has a debt restructuring program. Only a borrower who:

  • lost his job as a result of downsizing or liquidation of the enterprise (confirmed by an entry in the work book and other documents);
  • was called up for military service;
  • is on leave to care for a child / children up to 1.5 / 3 years old;
  • lost his ability to work.

If none of the listed grounds is suitable for the borrower, or he has nothing to confirm these grounds, it is better not to submit an application for restructuring - 100% will be refused. A borrower who was fired cannot apply for restructuring: due to official incompliance, for absenteeism, appearing at the workplace in a state of intoxication, etc.

Restructuring is formalized in much the same way as refinancing and entails similar legal consequences. When the restructuring is approved, the debtor receives a new agreement, a new payment schedule, a lower interest rate and a longer loan term. Restructuring reduces the debt burden no worse than refinancing, but the conditions for obtaining it are more stringent.

So, you can refinance your own Sberbank loan only if there is at least one loan taken from a third-party credit institution. Otherwise, refinancing is out of the question, but there is still a chance to restructure the debt, unless, of course, there are serious grounds for that. Good luck!

A lot of life circumstances are pushing citizens to apply for loans from various financial institutions. Most often, such situations arise when it is necessary to obtain a large sum money to buy real estate or a car, but you can’t save up. And now, when the loan is issued, the purchase is made and nothing portends trouble, situations may arise that dramatically change the financial situation. To facilitate the payment of their debt obligations for citizens, banks provide for the possibility of refinancing.

What is it and where to get

Refinancing is a refinancing in another or the same bank, but on more favorable, revised terms. For this new bank completely closes debentures citizen at his own expense, and in return concludes a loan agreement with him on his own terms. Is it possible to refinance a Sberbank mortgage in Sberbank? On the this moment no, because this financial institution already provides its customers with the most favorable conditions. But such a procedure can be carried out with a loan, for example, from Rosselkhozbank, which enables its own clients to change the terms of the transaction.

So, today many organizations offer on-lending services, but the most popular and trusted by citizens are Sberbank, VTB and Rosselkhozbank (the latter is currently the leader in mortgage lending).

Program Benefits

Before you wonder if you can refinance your mortgage, you should understand the main pros and cons of this program.

So, the main advantage is that you do not need to ask permission for refinancing from the bank with which the agreement is valid. Also, when applying for a new loan, there are no commissions, the client is offered to reduce the repayment period of the debt, monthly payments, reduce the interest rate, and at the same time receive an additional amount of money for their own expenses without specifying the purpose. A client can also issue only one loan in a new bank, repaying several loans from other organizations at once.

Given all these conditions, is it possible to refinance a mortgage without fear? Of course. The only disadvantages of such a program are considered to be only a large package of necessary documents, but if you have to give away much less “their hard-earned money”, then why not.

General rules

In any credit institution, when applying for an on-lending, the amount will be issued in national currency. General rule is also that the issued amount cannot exceed 80% of the cost collateral. The process of registration itself is a regular loan, only with additional provision some papers. The maximum loan amount depends on where you live. So, in the capital region and St. Petersburg, it will reach 30 million, and in some it will not exceed 5 million. The term of the loan can be up to 30 years, and the interest rate depends on the chosen organization and, of course, on the term of the loan (the higher it is, the higher the percentage).

Requirements for clients

In almost all banks, the on-lending service is offered to clients from 22 to 65 years old (for women, the age is reduced to 60 years). Is it possible to refinance a mortgage at Sberbank for older clients? Yes, in this case, the largest organization outperforms competitors by providing similar services to citizens from 21 to 75 years old.

The general requirements are the need for continuous work experience for the last six months before applying for one job, the total work experience for the last 5 years should be 1-3 years. If necessary, you can attract co-borrowers. Is it possible to refinance a mortgage in VTB 24 for non-residents? IN this case it is impossible, the bank provides such services only to citizens of the Russian Federation, but with a similar desire, you can easily contact Sberbank.

Refinancing loan requirements

Before deciding whether it is possible to refinance a mortgage at another bank, it must be taken into account that credit organizations also put forward certain requirements for an existing loan. So, it is impossible to refinance a debt if the agreement on it was concluded earlier than 6 months ago, or if its validity expires after 3 months. In such cases, the bank will definitely refuse, so you should not even waste time preparing documents.

There is a danger of being refused even if there are delays in payment current debt. All payments must be made on time, and if there was a debt, then another year of regular payments must pass after it, only then the bank will encourage the application.

Reasons for rejection can also be low income client, bad credit history or failure to provide data on at least one loan that has been available for all time.

Preparation of documents

It is necessary to collect a certain package of documents in order to refinance a mortgage taken from Sberbank. Is it possible to compare the sets of required securities in different credit institutions? Basically, yes, all documents are required identical, only taking into account some features of the lending conditions, they can change. So, for example, non-residents of the country are only offered to refinance their mortgages at Sberbank. Can this be done with a passport? Of course not, the client will also have to provide a certificate of temporary registration.

Without taking into account such features, everyone should prepare documents proving their own identity, the identity of co-borrowers, if any. It is also obligatory to fill out an application in the form of a bank (or free), fill out a questionnaire, indicating in it all personal data and information about the collateral.

Income certificates, copies are also required. work book with "wet" seals of the employer, insurance certificate, men under 27 need a military ID (or registered), as well as all documents under a valid loan agreement:

  • the date of its redemption;
  • balance amount;
  • interest rate;
  • the amount of the monthly payment;
  • number of the loan agreement;
  • certificate of absence of fines and delays.

Such information can be obtained by an extract from the creditor bank, the main thing is that no more than 1 month has passed since its issuance.

Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to refinance military mortgage? At the moment, no banks provide such a service, since the state bears the obligation to repay it. In this case, there is a way out only when a military man with a valid loan leaves the service and automatically becomes a civilian, having the opportunity to revise the terms of his lending.

Individual characteristics

In order to refinance a Sberbank mortgage in another financial institution, some of their features should be taken into account. For example, in Sberbank itself, information about the family can be indicated in a special questionnaire, while other organizations will require certificates of family composition, birth certificates of children, and so on.

In addition, it is impossible to refinance the mortgage of Sberbank in Sberbank. Is it possible to do a similar action in VTB? Unfortunately, not either, but Rosselkhozbank provides such a service to its customers.


Before answering whether it is possible to refinance a mortgage at VTB Bank, you should submit an application to it and wait for the decision of the bank commission. The duration of this period can be up to 10 days, but often does not take more than 1 week. Only after receiving approval should you start collecting other documents, the verification of which will then also take time. After the final completion of the verification process, the client is issued sum of money, which he is obliged to spend on repaying a debt in another organization, and provide a certificate of this to the bank acting as a new lender.

Collateral Requirements

Certain conditions are also being put forward for collateral, if the VTB mortgage is refinanced in the future. Can other property be used as collateral for this? Yes, but with certain nuances. So, real estate must be put into operation, not have any encumbrances. Ownership of the property should only be held by the client.

On-lending to VTB

In this case, as in Sberbank, it is possible to issue refinancing only for loans previously taken in other financial institutions. The benefit in this case is noticeable, especially for those clients who previously took out loans in foreign currency and now have suffered greatly due to the change in the exchange rate.
Reviewing interest and monthly payments will allow you to issue new loan, which will be even more profitable than the current agreement with Sberbank. This is, in fact, a rarity, because this organization offers the most favorable conditions.

In this case, you can refinance loans for secondary housing, new buildings, private houses and cars. If necessary, you can combine several old ones under one new loan, even those taken from different financial institutions. It is important to note that in order to obtain a loan with only two documents, the amount issued from the collateral will be only half.

Reviewing conditions in your own bank

Can I refinance a mortgage with my bank? If you are a client of Rosselkhozbank, then you can. To do this, the client must also first submit an appropriate application to the organization, have the citizenship of the Russian Federation, permanent registration, work experience and age, as in previous cases. For owners of personal subsidiary plots, an up-to-date certificate from the household register will be additionally required.

An important distinguishing feature of such lending is the need to provide guarantors or co-borrowers. They can be relatives or friends (optional). If the client is married without concluding a marriage contract, then the other half will automatically act as a co-borrower.

Also, the loan is subject to similar requirements for the absence of delays and terms of its validity, the main thing is that the loan (or several loans, if there is a need to refinance more than one loan) has never been restructured before.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the refinancing of any loan in another or the same bank is the same lending, only on more loyal terms. Of course, for them the client will have to "sweat", collecting a bunch of documents and certificates, but the result is worth it, because the material benefit is obvious. For young families who have a child during the old loan, it becomes possible to use maternal capital to pay part of the debt, because the Young Family program will also operate in the same way.

Is it possible to refinance a mortgage in Rosselkhozbank on the most favorable terms? Despite the fact that the bank is the leader in terms of the number of loans issued, not everyone can find the most optimal among its offers. To really benefit, you should look for an offer with an interest rate lower than the current one by 2-3%. Also, a loan should be issued only for the amount that is necessary to repay the previous loan, otherwise the additional money will entail an increase in the size of payments and there will be no benefit.

Despite the tempting offers for on-lending from various organizations, in reality it is possible to reduce the overpayment on the principal debt only by carrying out such a procedure no more than once every 5 years. If even less is left before the end of the contract, it makes no sense to start such red tape at all, as there will be no tangible benefits at all. Well, of course, one should take into account all the individual characteristics of the financial situation in order to understand how much refinancing will make life easier in the future.

If we consider all the services of Sberbank, mortgage refinancing will play a significant role in the entire financial activities this institution. Programs mortgage lending offered by banks to the population in order to solve the housing problem. A large monthly installment and a long repayment period imply a significant burden on the payer's budget, and if financial well-being worsens and the inability to make payments, the credit history will deteriorate. Mortgage refinancing at Sberbank will allow you to cope with financial difficulties.

What is refinancing and refinancing

Banks have developed special programs on-lending to help such payers. This service also has an alternative name - refinancing. For individuals, there is no difference between the terms, but not everyone understands what refinancing is.

Mortgage refinancing is the re-registration of the terms of a loan with a reduction in the interest rate in order to be able to repay debt obligations on a previously taken loan. In other words, this is a refinance that allows you to return borrowed funds easier and faster.

Important! The refinancing procedure will be profitable only if the rate is reduced by 2-3%.

Refinancing a mortgage at a lower interest rate at Sberbank may be the only option if the borrower's solvency decreases. Extending (increasing) the payment period will reduce the amount of the monthly installment.

Benefits of refinancing at Sberbank:

  1. Combining mortgages with other loans, including credit cards, in one credit.
  2. Reducing the financial burden of debt repayment on the borrower's family budget by reducing the amount of the monthly payment.
  3. Servicing one loan is more convenient due to the unity of the payment, the control date of repayment and the account number.
  4. The bank can issue an additional up to 1 million rubles. for any purpose at the rate set by the mortgage. In this case, the amount of the overpayment will be much lower than when receiving a consumer loan.
  5. The consent of the primary lender is not required for the procedure, as is the interim collateral.
  6. It is not necessary to issue a certificate of the amount of debt on existing loans.
  7. It is allowed to change the currency of the loan in rubles.

Before refinancing a mortgage loan, you need to make a full return of the property personal income tax deduction. If you do not arrange in advance compensation for paid interest on a housing loan, problems may arise with the Federal Tax Service. This is especially applicable to refinancing multiple loans or obtaining additional loan for personal purposes.

What mortgage can be refinanced at Sberbank

At Sberbank, refinancing into a new loan implies not only a review of the terms of the mortgage, but also other types of loans, including products issued by third-party banks.

With the help of refinancing secured by real estate, you can refinance:

  1. One housing loan taken from another credit institution for the purchase, overhaul or housing construction.
  2. Up to 5 different loans:
  • car loans from Sberbank or a third-party institution;
  • consumer credit of the Savings or other bank;
  • overdraft debit cards and third-party credit cards.

Attention! Mortgage must be included in the number of refinanced loans.

For refinancing as collateral, it is allowed to provide apartments, houses or parts of living space in the form of isolated rooms.

Refinancing mortgages of other banks at Sberbank

Under the new conditions of 2018, when reinvesting mortgages from other banks, the minimum allowable amount is 500 thousand rubles. the maximum limit differs for different purposes of refinancing.

Before refinancing Sberbank's mortgage under more low interest, you should read the conditions presented in the table below.

There are 2 rules for refinancing:

  • the amount of the issue cannot exceed 80% of the price of the object based on the results of the real estate appraisal;
  • the borrower has the right to apply only for a loan amount sufficient to cover the principal debt together with current interest, as well as for the amount requested for personal purposes.

The base refinancing rate of Sberbank in 2018 is 9.5%.

General conditions for on-lending

Borrowers are put forward conditions for refinancing at Sberbank, which must be clearly observed for profitable refinancing:

  1. Collateral object. Only completed real estate with a title certificate can be transferred as an encumbrance. Without a document, applications for refinancing will not be accepted. The right of claim is not used as collateral. Real estate pledged in the organization that issued the housing loan, after paying off the debt, must be pledged by Sberbank within two months. If desired, it is allowed to provide encumbrance of other housing owned by the borrower. This option is useful for clients with unfinished residential properties.
  2. active loans. Loans outstanding must not have past due in the past year. We consider products issued 6 months or more before the application for refinancing, as well as those not previously restructured. When revising the terms of a Sberbank loan, an application must be submitted at the office where the registration took place.
  3. Applicant options. Questionnaires for refinancing are considered only from citizens of the Russian Federation aged 21-75 (for the repayment period). Work experience is from 6 months at the current place, and labor activity over the previous 5 years reaches 1 year or more.

The client's spouse is considered a co-borrower by default, unless other rules are specified in the marriage agreement (agreement).

Refinancing Options

Before refinancing a mortgage at Sberbank, you need to decide on the refinancing option, since the formation of conditions for a new product depends on it.

Savings bank offers the following types of consolidation:

  • mortgage + credit card + personal loan;
  • home loan + existing and new loan;
  • only mortgage.

If the borrower decided to refinance at Sberbank, but did not apply earlier property deduction in the Federal Tax Service, it will no longer be possible to return taxes.

Interest rate for 2018

Now the base rate for refinancing a mortgage taken from Sberbank or another institution is 9.5%. Its size may increase at the first visit to the branch, but clients have the opportunity to achieve minimum value overpayments when the established criteria are met.

After paying off the debt on refinanced products, you must take a certificate of no debt on them and transfer it to Sberbank employees.

Requirements for individuals

Individuals have the right to submit a request for refinancing a mortgage loan at Sberbank of Russia, provided that their parameters meet the criteria of the bank.

Among them:

  1. Age from 21 to 75 years. Requirements are put forward to applicants and co-borrowers. For the period of debt repayment, payers cannot exceed the upper limit of 75 years, which must be taken into account when agreeing on the refinancing period.
  2. Work experience. Clients who do not belong to the salary category must have a total experience of 1 year for the last 5 years, and also work in the last place for more than 6 months. If there is a salary card, the conditions for the holder are less stringent.
  3. Credit history. A mandatory parameter for the candidate is the impeccable fulfillment of obligations for all previous loans. If there are delays, the chances of approval are reduced to zero.

Attention! The spouse of the payer automatically acquires the status of a co-borrower. An exception is the signing of a marriage contract in the past, which states that the husband and wife have separate budgets.

After choosing a refinancing option mortgage loan Sberbank and clarification of the conditions, you should proceed with the procedure:

  1. Visit. First you need to go to the service office and consult with the refinancing manager, and then find out the package of required documents and collect the papers. Instead of a personal visit, an online application form is provided. An application for refinancing must be submitted on the official website sberbank.ru. The request processing time is 4 business days. If the answer is yes, you can start collecting papers on the mortgage object.
  2. Grade. At the second stage, various services will check the mortgaged living space within 5 days for compliance with bank requirements.
  3. The conclusion of the contract. A meeting date is agreed with the client to sign a new agreement.

The final action is the full repayment of the debt on re-arranged loans and obtaining a certificate of no debt. After the submission of the document, the rate will decrease.

What documents to prepare

Before refinancing at Sberbank, the client will have to collect all the papers from the list required by the financial institution to make a decision.

Candidate information includes:

  • completed application form;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with permanent or temporary registration in Russia;
  • documents on experience and level wages;
  • certificate of loan debt, the presence of delays and penalties for the last 12 months;
  • details of the bank that issued the loan;
  • document on the object of pledge.

Important! Before signing a refinancing agreement, you should carefully study all the points and then decide on the appropriateness of the procedure. If the revision of the conditions does not bring benefits, there is no point in refinancing.

In addition, the branch manager must submit:

  • numbers of credit agreements and dates of conclusion;
  • terms of the agreements;
  • loan amounts and currency units;
  • interest rates;
  • the amount of the required contribution.

To submit a request, you must specify the details of a third-party bank.

Mortgage Refinancing Calculator

To understand in detail the interest rates of Sberbank for 2018 will help using online calculator. With it, a visit to the office for a preliminary calculation is not required. Before applying, the program will allow you to assess the benefits of refinancing.

To do this, you need to specify in the required fields of the calculator:

  • the purpose of the loan by choosing refinancing;
  • the price of the property and the balance of the debt on the mortgage;
  • the remaining payment term;
  • indicate the presence or absence of the client's life insurance service.

Upon completion of filling, the calculator will automatically calculate the rate and payment according to the user's characteristics. Additionally, using the program, you can prepare in advance the financial base for future contributions and choose a bank.

Refinancing a mortgage taken from Sberbank

The possibility of refinancing a mortgage in Sberbank taken from Sberbank is of interest to many borrowers who are faced with financial difficulties. Among the programs for refinancing a credit institution, the consolidation of its own products is separately presented, so you can apply for refinancing a housing loan issued in the same institution.

Does the bank approve the application?

The ability to send an application for refinancing a housing loan at a Sberbank branch or online does not yet guarantee that the request will be approved. In most cases, individuals who want to lower the rate on their loan are denied.

The main reason for this decision is explained by the conditions mortgage agreement. The text of the document states that the bank has the right to reduce interest when the base rate is reduced, but such a step is not an obligation on the part of the creditor. It is more profitable for a bank to attract new customers than to approve a refinancing request for existing customers and reduce overpayment interest.

Before refinancing a mortgage at Sberbank at a low interest rate, it is worth preparing for the fact that the likelihood of the procedure being carried out is minimized. Managers financial company call the process of refinancing a reduction in the interest rate on an active home loan.

Important! If the Savings Bank refused to renegotiate the conditions, this does not mean that consolidation cannot be carried out in third-party institutions. You just need to study the offers of creditors, choose the most profitable of them, and then apply for refinancing.

If a positive response is received, the applicant will be able to achieve not only a reduction in the rate, but also the combination of mortgages with loans for smaller amounts. The old agreement will close, and all debt obligations will be integrated into a new single agreement, which will simplify the debt repayment algorithm.

If Sberbank makes concessions and agrees to the candidate's request, with the help of favorable conditions a significant reduction in the amount assessed contributions resulting in less financial burden. A client who has received permission for refinancing can expect to receive an additional loan for personal purposes.

Sberbank mortgage refinancing in another bank

Mortgage loan refinancing programs are offered by most Russian banks. The list of leading institutions includes: Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB, Raiffeisenbank, Rosselkhozbank, AHML (now Dom.rf) and Deltacredit.

To refinance a Sberbank mortgage in another bank for borrowers is a way:

  • payment reduction;
  • changes in the period of validity of the contract;
  • reduction in the interest rate.

The latter reason more often than others encourages payers to write an application for re-crediting. Choosing financial institution, it is worth focusing on the conditions offered by lenders. According to banking analysts, in order to benefit from refinancing, the changed rate should be at least 1.5% lower than the previous value. Do not overlook additional commissions and payments.

In practice, the process of on-lending does not differ from the initial registration of a loan. First, a potential borrower is assessed for solvency, based on its parameters. At the same time, the compliance of the pledged object with the requirements established within the company is checked.

Before obtaining a new loan, you will have to collect the documents necessary for refinancing. Then, real estate is assessed, contracts with insurance companies are re-executed and other expenses are paid. Before the transfer of housing as collateral on the loan will be accrued higher rate(plus 2% to the base).

Of great importance is the period of validity of the contract the client decided to refinance. More often in banks, the debt repayment scheme is based on annuity payments (of the same amount). The main part of the first installments is interest, so it is more profitable to refinance loans within 1-2 years from the date of issue. If you transfer the debt to another bank in the middle of the repayment period, you will have to pay the maximum interest again.

Refinancing of mortgage loans is distinguished from the reinvestment of consumer analogues by the complexity and duration of the procedure. After choosing a suitable bank, you need to obtain from him the consent to a new housing loan. IN loan agreement Sberbank specified the condition that the pledged property cannot participate in transactions without written confirmation of consent from the lender.

It may be difficult to obtain this document, since mortgage clients bring the bulk of the bank's profits, so their loss is undesirable. In order to retain payers, new programs are regularly developed to reduce interest rates by several points on housing loans.

Attention! The service is available after 12 months from the date of conclusion of the contract, and it is allowed to use it once a year if there are no overdue payments and the credit history is not damaged.

When transferring a loan to a third-party bank, the encumbrance from the collateral real estate must be removed, and then the mortgage must be reissued to a new institution. The procedure usually takes 1 to 2 months. During this period, you will have to pay off the debt at an inflated rate.


Base rates for reinvestment in VTB start at 8.8%. Privileged conditions are provided for consumers with payroll cards, employees public sector and subordinates corporate clients institutions.

The term of the new loan reaches 30 years, and the maximum issuance limit is 30 million rubles. The allowable amount can be increased by attracting co-borrowers and documents on additional income and sources of its receipt.

Separate VTB program allows you to apply for a loan without submitting 2-personal income tax, but for simplifying the process, the overpayment will increase by 0.7% of the basic rate. You can pre-calculate payments and apply for an application on the official website. After preliminary approval, the manager will call the candidate and agree on the date of the visit to the mortgage center.


  • low rate regardless of proof of income;
  • availability of registration for borrowers up to 75 years (for the period of the end of the payment);
  • extradition to foreigners;
  • big limit;
  • approval valid for up to 4 months.

The disadvantages of applying to VTB include raising rates before a mortgage is issued and in the absence of insurance.


Re-crediting in this bank is provided for any type of mortgage, including private houses with a land plot. The amount of overpayment is 9-12% depending on the type and location of the purchased property. In St. Petersburg and Moscow, the available amount of issuance reaches 15 and 20 million rubles.

Loans issued more than 6 months ago without overdue contributions are suitable for reinvestment. The chances of approval can be increased by attracting up to 3 co-borrowers who are relatives of the main payer. It is possible to send an application online through the website of the Russian Agricultural Bank.


  • choice of repayment algorithm (differentiated or annuity);
  • attraction of additional borrowers;
  • requirements for issuing a mandatory personal insurance missing.

The disadvantage of Rosselkhozbank is the premium to the base rate in case of refusal to purchase insurance and before pledging real estate.


Among competitors, Gazprombank has the most attractive refinancing terms. Mortgage reinvestment programs are available for the purchase of residential properties in the primary and secondary markets. The base rate for the new loan is from 9.2%.

The financial institution also adds 1% to the rate in the absence of insurance and until the collateral is reissued. The maximum loan amount is 45 million rubles. The repayment period is set to 30 years. Part of the loan is allowed to be used for any purpose, including the payment of debt to other organizations.

Here, the consumer, as in the Russian Agricultural Bank, chooses the payment scheme for the debt. This service is rarely offered by banks. In the case of a differentiated repayment algorithm, the main load falls on the initial period, which makes it possible to reduce the value of the final overpayment.

It is easier to make equal installments, but the first payments consist of 90% of accrued interest. Debt begins to decline towards the middle of the repayment term.


The majority of clients turn to reinvestment of existing mortgage loans. The procedure is carried out to reduce the debt burden and the final overpayment. When making a decision on refinancing, one should evaluate the feasibility of obtaining a new loan. It is worth collecting documents and sending an application only in case of economic benefit.

Refinancing will give an advantage if loans are issued recently, and the interest rate is at least 1.5% lower. Otherwise, it will not be possible to recoup the costs of time and money.

Video about refinancing in Sberbank:

Mortgage lending refinancing is a popular practice for banking organizations, which helps not only to attract new long-term customers, but also to provide more comfortable conditions for users. The mortgage refinancing offered by Sberbank has received an upgrade in the tariff line, which has led to a reduction in the base interest. So you can get a good benefit if all the prerequisites are met.

In this article, we will consider the following questions:

  • review of the tariff line of refinancing from Sberbank;
  • detailed analysis of specifications and loans available for repayment;
  • the necessary list of documentation required for preliminary preparation;
  • conditions and requirements from the borrower;
  • overview loan calculator, which you can use in 2019 on free terms.

Sberbank lowers mortgage refinancing rates of other banks

Sberbank is the largest domestic state organization Russia, which is popular among debit and credit clients. The authority of the company is associated not only with a favorable tariff line, but also with the introduction of modern software and technical developments into the activity. The analytical center of the bank caught the general trend towards lower interest rates among competitors. For refinancing to become profitable, the difference in the rate should be 1-2%. This policy made it possible to reduce the basic TA to 10.6%, and, subject to the conditions of Decree No. 1711, to 6%.

Refinancing a mortgage at Sberbank in 2019 requires the client to:

  • preliminary study of the possibility of transferring a loan from the current servicing banking organization to Sberbank;
  • collection of all necessary documentation and filling out an application form;
  • waiting for a response to the application.

All of the above actions have their own nuances that require additional consideration.

What loans can be refinanced

Modern customers get the opportunity not only to transfer the mortgage, but also to receive funds to repay existing loans and money for personal needs.

Thus, the conditions for refinancing a mortgage at Sberbank imply receiving money for:

  • repayment of a loan for the purchase of real estate. It doesn't matter if it's an apartment, a private house or land plot. The minimum available amount is 300 thousand rubles, the maximum threshold is set as a result of individual consideration of each application and cannot exceed 80% of the value of the collateral;
  • existing loans in the servicing bank can also be refinanced. It supports consumer, car purchase, overdrafts and installment cards. Maximum limit funds in this case - 1.5 million rubles;
  • up to 1 million rubles can also be received for personal purposes. You will first need to fill out the appropriate form and indicate where the funds will be spent.

More detailed information can be obtained in the corresponding section of the official website or by contacting a qualified Sberbank support specialist. The company supports the ability to process a phone call, work with a virtual user account and text queries.

Basic conditions and requirements

The basic conditions and requirements can be divided into relevant categories. The pledge must meet the following characteristics:

  • the apartment or house must be in a ready-to-use condition with all the necessary notarized documentation attached;
  • purchased property in without fail must be pledged in the servicing banking organization. After re-registration, it must be transferred within 2 months as a pledge in favor of Sberbank, in accordance with the terms of the basic agreement;
  • in order to increase the possible limit or in case of non-compliance with the first item in this list, the client can provide his own property as collateral with the product of its preliminary evaluation and obtaining relevant documentation.

Consumer loans also require compliance with certain parameters:

  • all conditions in the current servicing bank must be observed in a timely manner. The presence of arrears and delays in payments is mandatory;
  • the loan must have been received at least 6 months ago;
  • more than 3 months left until the last payment deadline.

Not without mandatory requirements from the borrower himself:

  • the minimum age of such a client is 21 years, the maximum is no more than 75 years at the time of making the last payment;
  • it is obligatory to have a permanent residence permit on the territory of the Russian Federation in the service area of ​​Sberbank;
  • you must have been in your current job for at least 6 months, and general experience for the past 5 years must exceed 1 year of work;
  • the second spouse must act as the second co-borrower, if this does not contradict the terms of the marriage contract.

Is it possible to refinance a Sberbank mortgage at Sberbank

Refinancing a mortgage at Sberbank if a mortgage is taken at Sberbank is also often of interest to existing clients of the largest banking organization. Since the redemption of existing loans at a more favorable interest rate is intended primarily to attract new customers from third-party banks, several important aspects can be distinguished here:

  • Sberbank is actively working towards redesigning existing tariff plans, making them more profitable for customers;
  • various promotional offers are periodically launched for owners of certain TPs, which is a kind of bonus for users of such services.

All of the above factors make it possible to compare the TP line with a refinancing offer, which makes it impossible to fulfill this operation Sberbank client. Alternatively, the possibility of transferring the loan to a third-party banking organization can be noted, which we will consider in the next section.

Refinancing a mortgage in Sberbank in 2019 taken from Sberbank

Refinancing requires studying the list of current offers to date. This process is greatly facilitated due to the availability of special services, where you can select a list of banking organizations according to specific requirements in just a few clicks. Specify the type of service and the desired interest rate framework, after which the system will select best deal based on your location and current reviews for a particular service.

The next step is to collect the necessary documentation. Here you will need a basic list:

  • passport or other identification document;
  • an extract from Sberbank confirming the possibility of making a transaction and containing information on timely payments by the client;
  • certificate of income format 2-NDFL, extract from the work book;
  • valuation certificates for the acquired property.

Be careful, each company has different requirements from the user.

How to refinance a mortgage at 6 percent in Sberbank in 2019

Presidential Decree No. 1711 suggests the possibility individuals get a loan for the purchase of real estate at 6%. This is the lowest percentage of all available, which causes even more interest from customers.

For this, some conditions must also be met:

  • benefits are given to families in which a second or subsequent child is born in 2019;
  • the maximum number of benefits is limited to 3 million customers;
  • the limit for the value of acquired real estate is 8 million rubles for residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg and their regions. For other regions, the limit has been reduced to 3 million;
  • the program will be valid until 2022, after which the interest rate established by the agreement will be restored.

Additionally, maternity capital and other preferential social charges can be used. More detailed information should be obtained from a consultant, which will allow you to find out the key nuances and features in the preparation of documentation.

Mortgage refinancing at Sberbank if the mortgage is taken from VTB

VTB-Bank is also included in the rating of the leading domestic banking organizations in the Russian Federation, which creates a close competition for debit and credit customers. If you decide to transfer a mortgage and other loans to Sberbank, you should follow established order actions:

  1. Obtain permission in advance at the main VTB service office in your region. The relevant certificate must be attached to the main package of documents. This applies to both mortgage lending and other loans;
  2. Consumer and auto loans, overdrafts and other types financial transactions require confirmation of the absence of debt and timely payment for the past 12 months. Additional terms we've covered before;
  3. Submit a request in advance for the preparation of documentation for the transfer of collateral to the purchased property. This setting must also meet certain conditions.

The rest of the steps remain basic. You will need to contact the Sberbank service office and write a corresponding application. Full list necessary for the provision of documentation, we will consider in the next section.

Documents for refinancing a mortgage in Sberbank

Considering how to refinance a mortgage at Sberbank at a lower interest rate, you can select a list of required documentation for submission. Preliminary preparation of all the necessary data will significantly speed up the process of working with lending, but may require the provision of some additional papers on demand by the bank. The basic list includes:

  • passport and other identity card;
  • registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of income 2-NDFL;
  • release from the work book with the seal of the organization;
  • appraisal data of the acquired real estate;
  • certificates of pledge and consent of the spouse;
  • permission from the current servicing bank.

Mortgage Recalculation Benefits and Calculator

Apartment price:

An initial fee:

Credit term:

months years

Interest rate:

% per year % per month

Repayment scheme

Annuity Classic

One-time commission

Monthly commission

Lending in Russia is at a high level. Offers regarding such bank consumption products are in great demand.

The population draws up loans to receive assistance in terms of purchasing expensive products. This increases the chances of a purchase, speeds it up and allows you to gradually return the amount.

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In terms of refinancing, there are not many proposals. But they are at a fairly favorable level.

Loans eligible for on-lending

Refinancing is a program that allows you to change the terms of a loan. According to it, the citizen is given the opportunity to re-register financing.

All such options are taken into account. But you can also get a loan on special conditions. The essence of refinancing is to lower the interest rate.

Due to this, the borrower has the opportunity to repay the debt faster and more conveniently. At the same time, it is quite possible to avoid the accumulation of fines and even prevent their occurrence.

Using this program also allows you to secure credit history. Making a new loan is not entered as a delay or unreliability of the client.

Sberbank offers the following assistance options:

What are the basic requirements

During the procedure, any property is pledged. This is a mandatory requirement that is put forward to the transaction.

Receiving funds involves passing the verification. bank employees process information regarding different sides borrower's life.

The most difficult is the procedure for transferring from another bank. If a citizen applies for a loan in the same institution, then the chances of quickly receiving funds are much greater.

To the collateral

Previously, this bank did not accept applications for such programs. The offer resumed in 2019.

And it is worth noting that in this case it was a requirement of the country's economy. Many citizens had difficulties with payment under agreements.

In this regard, there was also a need to change many points. The project proposes a number of requirements in terms of collateral. It is imperative that you provide one.

In the same case, it is possible to attract such options for real estate:

  • town house;
  • private house;
  • house with land;
  • room or part living quarters- for example, at home.

It is necessary to take into account such indicators on which the decision is made:

  • profitability of housing;
  • in what area is it located;
  • market value at the time of renewal;
  • availability of insurance;
  • technical condition.

From the combination of these factors, they form an opinion on the advisability of re-registration, because in the event of repeated non-payment, the bank will need to deal with the sale of the premises.

The costs will be paid by him, therefore it is necessary to prove the profitability of the transaction.

According to these loans

When conducting such transactions for several loans, prerequisite it becomes that one of them is a mortgage. The following list of requirements applies to each individual episode.

All transactions must comply with the following points:

No delays Applies to current indicators only. In order to prevent the appearance of an accumulation of debts, it is worth contacting the bank for help immediately upon the appearance of difficulties with payments.
Payment statistics Lenders expect indicators on making payments on the debt in good condition within last year. During this period, all amounts must be paid and exactly within the terms established by the agreements
Date of the transaction The first loan must be taken no earlier than 180 days before applying for the refinancing program. That is, for six months a citizen must pay the amount and only after this period can count on concessions and re-registration
Minimum terms at the end of the contract It is impossible to conclude a deal if there are less than 90 days left to pay the debt. That is, if a citizen has three payments left to make, he cannot apply for a new investment
There should be no additional transactions on the debt Thus, loans that have already been reinvested or restructured are not taken into account. The full time period of the contract is taken into account

To borrowers

In order to conclude a deal, you should check the borrower. Banks establish a list of factors that affect the approval of an application:

It is worth noting that in the case of receiving wages at Sberbank, compliance with the last paragraph is not required.

The borrower is also required to provide a number of papers:

Loan amount

For 2019, Sberbank of Russia offers a program for on-lending in terms of mortgages. The amount varies, but there are minimum and maximum limits. They should be considered before submitting an application in order to understand the options for approving a request.

The minimum amount for signing an additional contract is 1 million rubles. Loans with more low sizes not eligible for this program.

The limit also applies to the maximum amount. It is equal to 5 million rubles. In the case of mortgaging real estate, no more than 80% of its value is issued.

There are also distinctions of this type:

Interest rates

In terms of these indicators, different levels are observed. Consider interest on the time of the transaction - before and after. There are also several features here.

Prior to registering a mortgage, the rates will be as follows:

After registering a deal:

Procedure for this investment

The procedure of this kind is carried out on the basis of the following actions:

Video: what you need to know

What are the reasons for refusal

A negative decision from a banking organization can be obtained in several cases. They should be considered initially in order to avoid mistakes.

You should rely on this list:

No grounds for refinancing It is necessary to study the requirements from the bank in a particular situation
Bad credit history The presence of unpaid debts, delays and other negative points affect the decision of the bank
Low solvency of a citizen If the borrower has not improved his financial situation, he has not received a guarantor or additional collateral, you should not count on concluding a deal
Lack of insurance The document is important both in relation to the collateral and the borrower
The presence of illegal redevelopment This item reduces the cost of the apartment, and the bank does not need problems of this kind with real estate

Is it possible to refinance the issued loan in another bank?

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