
Will the salary of nurses in. Increase salary to medical workers. Will there be a reduction

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We all know how important the work of health workers, who chose such a difficult professional path for themselves. It is very sorry, but today we can safely say about the fact that the work of medical staff in the State Medical Institutions of the Russian Federation is appreciated as much as well as physicians cooperating with private medical structures or foreign clinics. The government gave a promise that this issue would be able to resolve this year already, and the medical industry will again become one of the most prestigious areas of professional activities.

It is worth understanding whether there are fresh news about this, and what salary to expect physicians in the current conditions.

Formation of salaries of health workers

Today, the salary of the health worker includes:

  • salary itself;
  • additional charges for loads, complexity and intensity;
  • supervision payments for service and category;
  • compensation with regional coefficients.

Mostly, the medical staff can only count on the growth of its salary, because this component often falls under indexation with increasing. It can be noted that the gross part of the income of health workers are premium, compensation and additional payments. Namely, without them, it is very simple, because the accrual of these components of wages is dependent directly directly from the manual.

The requirements of May decrees are that physicians in 2018 should become twice as much as the average indicator of regional salaries, but it remains only on paper due to unexpected crisis conditions.

Expected to increase the salary of doctors 2 times

In the dry residue on the wages of health workers, provided at the federal and regional levels Rosstat:

  • the first half of this year showed that the average salary of the medical staff is 52,900 rubles. It is almost 4 thousand higher than the past year;
  • the income of the mid-level specialists is 29.4 thousand, the younger - 19.4 thousand rubles. In the past year, their salaries were equal to 28.0 thousand and 17.5 thousand rubles;
  • the highest wage is a salary of 66.4 thousand in doctors who practice in the North-West FD.

On the leading position is the Nenets AO - 130.1 thousand. The second place was entrenched for the Far Eastern FD, here the championship belongs to Chukotka, where the doctors pay 144.1 thousand rubles. With regards to the lowest salaries, the salary of 28.4 thousand rubles are obtained in North Ossetia - Alanya. In Kalmykia - 29.9 thousand rubles. If compared, then in the capital, doctors earn 90.1 thousand rubles.

Raising salary

About accrues in new wages of doctors in 2018

Fresh news deprive the hopes for a substantial increase in salary in 2018, despite the fact that they were promised by May decrees. And although the statements made by the head of the Ministry of Health of the M. Skvortsova, testify to the intentions of the government to implement the promise, which was given to employees of the medical sphere, to increase wages to the level of one hundred and eighty percent of the average salary in Russia in the near future should not be expected.

Recall that according to Maya, it was assumed the growth of salaries to doctors in 2018 to 66 thousand rubles.

Expert opinions regarding the growth of remuneration to employees of the medical sector were divided. One half of the experts is inclined to the belief that the accrual of wages is possible, since the size of the accumulated reserve governments are sufficient to fulfill the presidential decree on raising wages to doctors in 2018.

In addition, the realization of the conceived will be appropriate to the presidential elections. Another half of the experts claims that the funds needed to implement this promise is not enough.

And those and others agree in one, in 2018 it is necessary to expect salary of medical workers. Their salary will increase with the purpose of compensation for damage caused by inflation.

According to Maya, the payroll of doctors will increase to 66 thousand rubles

About salaries of nurses in 2018

If we talk about accruals in a new salary of nurses in the current year, they must be 80% of the country's average salary. And this is despite the fact that, according to the presidential decree, the wages of nurses must comply with the level of average salary in Russia.

There is a disappointing picture of the lagging from the graph of increasing salaries not only among doctors, but also from medium medical personnel.

According to Rosstat, there is a significant differentiation of nurses in the regions today. This indicator is higher than the doctors. This indicates an equally equal attitude towards the work of the medical sector employees, which can be seen at different levels of payments by regions with the same professional duties.

The promised increase in nurses will not be

About salaries of sanitary salary in 2018

Speaking about the growth of salary charges with medical professionals, one should once again emphasize the need to increase payments to younger personnel (sanitation), which has the lowest salary. Unfortunately, it is not possible to solve this question at the level of the regions in view of the limited financial capabilities of most of them.

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The wage of the health worker undergoes significant changes. A contract payment for health workers was adopted. In accordance with the Regulations on the new remuneration, the salary is accrued, based on the three components.

Considering that the doctors receive a monetary remuneration from public funds, the size of their salary is established by the norms of the law. How does the remuneration of health care workers now? What changes regarding the size of remuneration doctors are coming in 2018? These and other issues are discussed in this article.

State employees were transferred to a fundamentally new system of paying their labor. Previously, doctors charged on approved tariffs. Now the Salary of Medikov is regulated by uniform recommendations on the establishment of state and municipal wage systems at the federal, regional and local levels.

The contractual fee of health workers consists of three components:

1. Salary itself, depending on the post and qualifications.

2. Compensation payments - payment for different conditions. For example, for duty at night, recycling, work with a special contingent.

3. Stimulating payments - a clearly personalized monetary remuneration paid by order of the head of a specific employee.

At the legislative level, the minimum sizes of employee salaries for each of the position are established at the legislative level. Subjects are entitled to increase the size of the salary of doctors in their region, if this allows the budget. In this regard, in some cities, for example, in Moscow, the salary of medical professionals is much higher than in other regions, for example, Yekaterinburg.

It's no secret that health workers receive a small remuneration for their work. In connection with the crisis of remuneration, doctors from 2016 to the present was not indexed in a significant amount. However, in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation, N 2190-R. By 2018, the payment of health care workers in 2018 should grow significantly. The salary of doctors should become more than twice. However, the regulatory act taken into account this order is still not. The law on the budget in which the increase should be spelled out, exists so far only in the project stage. Therefore, it is too early to conclude about the unequivocal increase in salary.

For pay, doctors are very influenced by such innovations as issuing labor relations in the public sector by concluding effective contracts.

Such contract payment for health workers is provided for by the order of the Ministry of Lineuria of Russia N 167n. Under an effective contract, it is necessary to understand the same employment contract, but in which in addition to the consolidation of the duties of the medical worker, the descriptions of working conditions are also prescribed by the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of physicians. This allows you to make payment more transparent and projected.

This regulatory act approved an approximate form of such a contract. However, in the design of relations with doctors, it is possible to use the old contract form, but their text should include the criteria for effectiveness in accordance with the law.

Specific conditions for payment by health workers are indicated in the local medical institution act in which the employee works.

However, when paying for health workers in 2018, in terms of stimulating payments should be guided by the following criteria:

1. For intensity and high performance. For example, it is possible to establish that a specialist doctor has a stimulating allowance depends on the number of visits. Or surgeons are charged payment, depending on the complexity of the operation carried out;

2. For the quality of work. The stimulating payment of this criterion can be charged due to a certain qualification. For example, the highest category masseur receives more payments than a medic who has a given category for massage;

3. For the experience of continuous operation and long service. The longer the Medic works in the budget sector, the higher his salary. This allows you to save experienced personnel;

4. Following the work. By decision, the chief physician, the premiums at the end of the month, quarter, year can be paid to doctors.

Also, when evaluating the effectiveness of labor, doctors may be taken such circumstances as the lack of informed complaints from patients, participation in profile seminars, the lack of deaths due to medical errors, the competent design of all medical records on time.

For payment of stimulating payments to nurses, the criteria for effectiveness may be such circumstances as the lack of emergencies in the subordinate department, compliance with the rules of storage of medicines, qualitative support for patients in the hospital.

Due to the peculiarities of the profession, doctors often have to assist sick and night. For such work, additional cash is charged as compensatory payments. The norms of labor law enshrine a mandatory increase in payment for the work at night.

The minimum size of the increase is established by a bypass act and make up 20% of the hour's time rate. At the same time, the night is considered time from 22 to 6 in the morning. For doctors there are departmental acts.

So, in Moscow it has been established that health workers get a surcharge of at least 20% of the hourly rate for every hour of work at night. The amount of payment doctors can be higher if it is fixed by the local act of the institution. It can also be envisaged that the employee will receive an extra holiday time.

An alternative to duty for physicians is such an employment form as duty at home. Such a mode of operation was not named in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but it is provided for by a special departmental act - by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia N 148N.

Failure for health workers in this case is accrued in the following volume:

The period of time during which the Medic House expects a call is taken into account as 1/2 hour of working time for each hour of stay at home;

The time spent on the provision of medical care and the time of the physician from home to the place of work and back as one to one.

Failure for health workers is established by the norms of the federal and legislation of subjects.

In all budgetary institutions, there is a provision on the new remuneration of health workers, according to which the salaries doctors consist of three components.

The minimum sizes of salaries, the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the work of doctors, the features of payment at night, during duty at home.

Based on these rules, the budget institution establishes payment for each employee. Whether there will be a serious increase in salary - time will show.

2018 - the latter in the long term of raising the standard of living of teachers and doctors, which was envisaged in the so-called May decrees of 2012. The incomes of medicine workers should exceed the new year in the new year in the region in which the Medic lives, twice. For this, in particular, the decisive increase in the wages of physicians in January is planned. The salary of physicians from January 1, 2018 - which is said in the latest news from the government about what percentage will increase the income of medical workers after indexing.

How are the May decrees of 2012 and whether they can be executed

Those who at least infeit observed all these years for what happens around the so-called May decrees, they know that they have been a variety of detection of power to achieve them. The real fulfillment and the achievement of the medium salary of the doctor of two-time exceeding over average salary in the region in which he lives, in 2018, speech, of course, can not be.

One of the bright examples that affects directly medicine. For medium-sized medical personnel, that is, the Sanitary and Sanitarks, as well as the younger nurses, on May, was the purpose of bringing their income to the level of average salary in the region. The goal is definitely correct. However, in some regions, a simple step was invented - the Middle Medical Personnel was reduced, but workers did not dismiss, but transferred technical staff. At the same time, their salaries were even lower than before.

For example, in the Sverdlovsk region, most hospitals were accepted in this way, and a nurse that received 17 thousand rubles per month per month, began to receive 12 thousand, and its annual leave declined more than twice as possible - from 60 working days to 29 calendar days. Not only the stories of the workers themselves prove this situation, but also documents - the responsibilities of Sanitara were included in the job descriptions of the cleaners.

In principle, even officials do not deny such a situation. The Minister of Health of the same Sverdlovsk region reversedly said that by 2018, the junior medical staff will be reduced fourly. In a large and, it would seem rich in St. Petersburg, a similar story - authorities directly reported that he had reduced half of the junior health workers, some of them were transferred to the category of technical workers, with the same purpose - salary fund and distribution of money in favor of the remaining health workers to fulfill May decrees.

Thus, it was formally promised that medical workers would live better, in fact many began to live even worse.

Although officials will most likely be able to attract the desired indicators to the desired level, and on the eve of the presidential election, President Putin reports that its decrees of 2012 were fulfilled, which means he perfectly coped with his duties and has the right to head the country again.

The example of how it cost with medical personnel is only one of the many examples of fragrances with statistics. Journalists also wrote about more global work with numbers, when medium salary in the regions were artificially restrained, and the average wages of doctors were artificially cooled. Including, for example, due to the inclusion in the counting of income doctors of a private clinics, which most often receive not as an example more than their colleagues from state medical institutions.

What will be with the salary of doctors from January 1, 2018

Judging by the latest news that come from the government, the percentage of indexing salaries for doctors will indeed be quite good in 2018. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov called the percentage of indexation for state employees who fell into May decrees, at the level of 23%.

This is much larger than the index percentage of 4%, which was expected in 2018 most of the rest of state employees - from the police and the army to the officials themselves.

About how much medical workers get in Russia, in the fall of 2017, the Minister of Health of the Healthcare Veronika Skvortsova reported. According to her, in the first half of 2017, the health workers in Russia received an average of a month:

  • 52.9 thousand rubles - doctors,
  • 29.4 thousand rubles - medium medical staff,
  • 19.3 thousand rubles - Junior Medpersonal.

Such data were voiced at the Congress "Russian healthcare today: problems and solutions".

According to TRUD.com portal, income doctors in Russia is much more modest than in the minister's report. According to the analysts of the portal, the medium salary of the doctor in 2017 was equal to 30-35 thousand rubles per month.

Photo: Photos Maxim Platonova

On October 1, doctors raised the salary - the basic salary of the doctors grew by almost 3 thousand rubles, in the younger medical staff for 2 thousand, and at the average - by 600 rubles. The increase occurs in the framework of the execution of May decrees, according to which from January 1, 2018, doctors should receive 200% of the level of average salary in the region, and nurses and nurses - 100%. However, experts "real-time" advise doctors not to dedicate: the decree provides for the concept of "average salary", which is far from real.

"If the average salary in Tatarstan is 30 thousand per month, then this does not mean that the doctor will receive 60"

From October 1, the doctors in Tatarstan raised the salary - this is only the first part of the increase, the second is scheduled for January 1. According to the decree of the CM RT No. 731 of September 29, 2017, the basic salary of a specialist doctor will rise from 8748 to 11722 rubles, medium medical staff - from 7890 to 8560, and the younger than 6415 to 8498 rubles.

From October 1, the ratio of the average salary of doctors in the republic to the average wage in Tatarstan should be 180%, the average medical personnel - 90%, the younger medical personnel - 80%. And from January 1, 2018 - 200% and 100%, respectively.

Thus, in the first quarter of 2017, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, the average salary on the Republic of Taju was 29,358 rubles. 200% - the figure is practically fantastic, it would seem, finally the holiday comes on the street. "I have no doubt that it will be fulfilled," says Gulnar Husnutdinova, Chairman of the Trade Union of Health Workers of Tatarstan, - and the Budget of Swan, taking into account these increases. " But immediately advises not to dedicate, because we are talking only about the average salary, and not real.

Gulnar Husnutdinova advises not to dedicate, because we are talking only about the average salary, and not real. Photo PROFTAT.RU.

If the average salary in Tatarstan is 30 thousand per month, then this does not mean that the doctor will receive 60. This will not be, because someone has a salary of 20 thousand, someone has 300 thousand, and it will be an average figure, "says Gulnar Husnutdinova.

Who does the physicians receive 300 thousand? There are few such doctors, but they are, the leader of the trade union movement is responsible. And this is not necessarily the head physician, and highly qualified specialists, "world-class doctors, this is RKB and MCDC, will be happy to take them in Germany and in the United States, and to keep them here, the relevant salary needs them."

At the main mass of doctors salary 27-30 thousand rubles per month, and only with paying services and part-time can reach 40 thousand rubles. And almost all combine - on average, the doctor in Tatarstan works for 1.4 bets.

Optimization of Russian: between doctors distribute sanitary salary

In the Interregional Trade Union of Health Workers "Action" fear that Putin's instruments delivered by Misky decrees are achieved by optimization. Began with the younger medical staff - it is practically no left for his hospitals, all the agencies transferred to the post of cleaners. Consequently, the decrees regarding them are not necessary. Officially confirm this data at the time of publication "Real Time" failed, but according to other regions of the PFO figures experts lead.

According to Rosstat, in the first quarter of 2016, the number of younger medical staff decreased by 50 thousand people. In the Sverdlovsk region, the junior staff reduced by 43 percent. In the Nizhny Novgorod region in the first half of 2017, 30 thousand people were subjected to a reduction, "said Andrei Konoval, the co-chairman of the interregional trade union of health workers" Action ".

"Rosstat, perhaps, will fix these data by region, but it is necessary to understand that these are average indicators, and the internal structure of the distribution of the wage fund is not in favor of most medical workers," believes. Photo Maxim Platonov

According to Konoval, in the Decree of the Government on the execution of May decrees, it was said about the need for optimizing events and wage growth due to released places, but now it acquires caricature forms.

A bright story in the Knyagininsky CRH of the Nizhny Novgorod region. They work two ambulance brigades, in each one paradashra - there are no doctors. Previously, the challenges for these brigades took a nurse. This disgrace, of course, because it does not have enough qualifications to assess the severity of the patient's condition, but at the beginning of the year and the nurse reduced, both throughout the country, and these functions laid on the paramedics. And what to do when the Feldshera went to the challenge? Then the call takes a former nurse, and now the cleaner. And when her working day ends, it takes a cleaner from the neighboring compartment, "says Optimization in Russian Andrei Konoval.

Convival believes that the physicians of the mass category of a salary of 200% of the average in the region will not receive from January 1. "Rosstat, mayill, and will fix these data by region, but it is necessary to understand that these are average indicators, and the internal structure of the distribution of the wage fund is not in favor of most medical workers. In Udmurtia, the hospital doctor has a salary of 13 thousand, and the authorities report that in the first half of the year they have an average of 39 thousand. The same applies to Moscow: the average salary is declared 100-120 thousand, in reality, the situation is different - the district therapist receives 40-50 thousand "

"The average salary plus 200 percent, but provided the full time of working time"

Ex-Minister of Health of Tatarstan, now the State Duma Deputy Ayrat Farrakhov, believes that increasing the salary of doctors to a level of 200% of the average in the region is a real task, there are sources of financing.

Sources of financial support for health care are OMS and budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation. Contributions to OMS as a whole by 20 percent more, and budgets of subjects increased the volume of allocations more than 16 percent. The growth of allocations in health care allows you to achieve the required level of wages, and I am absolutely sure that it will be fulfilled, "says Ayrat Farrakhov.

According to Farrehov, the increase in minimum wage is not a one-time action, by 2019 it is planned to align the minimum wage and subsistence minimum. Photo Maxim Platonov

How many doctors will be received, the deputy found it difficult to call, according to him, it all depends on the average salary on the economy, which will be in the region after January 1: "The average salary plus 200 percent, but provided the full standard of working time. Neither on the gravestone, nor on a quarter bet, but with the full norm of working time. "

As for the agencies, which were transferred to the cleaner, then the salary, according to Farrehov, they will also increase. "In health care, there are categories of workers who do not belong to the specified, but there are additional allocations: it is supposed to increase the minimum wage from January 1 to 80 percent of the subsistence minimum - this is almost 2 thousand rubles, and the second is a 4% salary indexation - of this money It will be enough to fulfill decrees and raising wages. "

According to Farrehov, the increase in minimum wage is not a one-time action, by 2019 it is planned to align the minimum wage and subsistence minimum.

Therefore, low-paid budget jobs will not be. Equating the minimum wage and the cost of living, we are talking about the fact that the poor should not be. There should be no working people who have income below the subsistence minimum, "says Farrakhov.

For subjects, the deputy believes, the fulfillment of May decrees is a financial occurrence, but 30% of expenses takes over the federal budget. After improving the effort, it will be necessary to attach to save the achieved level of salaries.

Daria Turkey

The health sector is one of the most important for the state. Therefore, recent years pays a lot of attention to raising the salary to medical workers, as well as expenses for the modernization of medical institutions.

Funds are allocated for the purchase of modern high-tech equipment, and in medical institutions it is replaced with an old inventory for a new one. This can be attributed to both the repair of premises and staffing of hospitals, beds, armchairs and auxiliary medical devices.

In 2018, doctors waiting for wages. According to the presidential regulations, there will be many innovations in concerning wages of health workers throughout the country. And also the article will pay attention to the health workers of Moscow, for which new programs and good salary surcharges are provided. How many doctors and medical sisters will receive in 2018?

    1. Increased salary to medical professionals in 2018: the latest news2. Sources of funds to increase salary to health workers in 20183. Increase salary of Moscow doctors in 2018

The government of the country planned several decent premiums for 2018. For example, for medical sisters, the salary will rise by 100% in accordance with the average salary of the health worker of this category on a specific region. If we talk about doctors as medical professionals of the highest category, then it provides for an increase of 200% of the average salary in the health sector. Therefore, in order to understand how much salary will increase for doctors and nurses in 2018, it is necessary to take their salary at the end of 2017 and increase it on the relevant percentage.

However, it should be noted that in 2018, it is possible to raise the salary, depending on the region, can be gradual. If you raise the history of the government, then in 2012, the President of the Russian Federation collapsed by many important issues, including health care, signing decrees. According to them in healthcare, positive changes were to occur by 2018:

There should be a decrease in mortality among newborn babies who were born alive.
There should be almost two-time improving the production of strategically important medicines in which most people need.
Mortality should decrease from heart attacks and strokes.
Mulled mortality from malignant neoplasms should be reduced, that is, from cancer. And for this it was necessary to carry out the modernization of medical institutions, providing them with the latest equipment.
The incidence rate should be reduced and, accordingly, the mortality from tuberculosis.
Must significantly decrease mortality from road traffic accidents.

All this requires high costs and in the state the costs of health care are in the first place. Therefore, in 2018, the doctors and nurses will have such a significant increase in wages. By the way, pay attention to how salary with medical workers have increased since 2012 (in percentage ratio). If you look at the numbers, the Government of the Russian Federation performs the May Decrees of the President:

Junior medical staff,%

Medium medical staff,%


Of course, no matter what, medical workers are worried about how much boost increases for them in 2018 and whether the increase will be in general. Taking into account previous stable increases, the salaries of doctors in 2018 should rise. Moreover, there are no obstacles to this.

Based on the data of the table, recent years the salaries doctors grow the most. If from 2012 to 2016, the increase was below 100%, then in 2017 and 2018 the increase will be 100 and 200% depending on the professional affiliation. Also, the sizes of wages in different regions will increase by different amounts, since the average salary for doctors and nurses in Russia in different cities is not the same.

To designate some minima, let's turn to discussions and statements in the government, which were made in early 2017. So Minister of Health Skvortsova Veronika Igorevna, fundamentally to the May decrees of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin explained what will be the minima of wages to doctors by the beginning of 2018 as a whole throughout Russia:

Junior medical personnel
From 30.000 rubles

Medium medical personnel
From 33.000 rubles

From 66.000 rubles

This means that the salary should not pay below this size salary. The Minister of Health also clarified that as the basis of 2016 was taken with an average wage in the country. It is 36,700 rubles. Accordingly, even the younger medical staff should receive an average minimum.

If you take the salaries of doctors and nurses for previous years, then by the end of 2016 and mid-2017 the salaries of medical workers rose by 180%. This is an average of almost two times more than the salary of any other person. Accordingly, as was entrusted with the May Decrees of the President, the health workers should receive twice as much as everyone else, as this is the most complex and responsible for the lives of other people the field of activity.

Therefore, in 2018, given all statements and decrees, the increase in the salary of the health worker will occur, as was planned. The middle and junior medical staff will inform 100% salary for 2017, doctors, respectively, 200%. This will allow the state to raise the level of medical care, lifting the standard of living of doctors to a decent level.

Earlier, the government has already raised that the young generation has been raised that it goes into medical institutions should be motivated to become doctors. Therefore, a decent wage of labor as ever can create favorable and attractive conditions for work to future health workers, and thereby, it will improve the quality of medical care in the whole country.

If earlier, to make a nurse or doctor to get good money, it was necessary to work with recycling, a few shifts, several rates, then there is a mass amendment. After all, the tired doctor cannot treat well, and this badly affects health care as a whole. Therefore, according to Maya, doctors should not work with exceeding norms and should receive good money. This is one of the fundamental tasks in the state, which is working hard in recent years.

In the table you can see the projected salaries of doctors on major areas for 2018:

Middle salary in the region for the first half of 2017
Middle salary doctors for the second half of 2017
Middle salary by doctors by the end of 2018

Chukotka Autonomous District
83,500 rub.
141,100 rubles.
282,200 rub.

Yamalo-Nenets JSC
85,600 rubles.
122,600 rubles.
245,200 rubles.

Magadan Region
62,200 rubles.
95,700 rubles.
191,400 rub.

66,900 rub.
90,000 rubles.
180,000 rubles.

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
54,500 rubles.
74,200 rubles.
148,400 rub.

Jewish Autonomous Region
29,900 rub.
58,600 rubles.
117,200 rubles.

Kurgan region
21,800 rubles.
48,300 rubles.
96,600 rubles.

Altai Republic
21,600 rubles.
46,700 rubles.
93,400 rub.

Penza region
22,500 rubles.
43,700 rubles.
87,400 rub.

Altai region
19,800 rub.
38,200 rubles.
76,400 rub.

In recent years, the government has enhanced development of various programs and legislation, concerning the replenishment of funds in the Budget for Health.

If in this area everything will be fine, then the country's population will be healthy, and therefore happy. Therefore, the replenishment of funds for health care will first of all go from an improved tax system in the account of the OMS (compulsory medical insurance).

Thus, in general, throughout the country, an increase in contributions to OMS will increase by 21%, which will significantly increase the provision of health. There will be money for the purchase of new equipment, raising wages to health workers. Such an increase in contributions to the OMS goes in accordance with the May decrees of the president, replenishing the budget with the necessary amount of money.

That is exactly how much extent will allow in 2018 to raise wages to health workers for 200% of doctors and 100% nurses (younger and medium medical personnel). In general, at an increase in wages, the health workers already reserved about 450 billion rubles, which guarantees the payment of increased wages to doctors throughout the period 2018.

Although there were previously inspections and violations were revealed to increasing the salaries of doctors in remote regions, nevertheless, the state is monitored and revealing violations, it has an appropriate influence, requiring the fulfillment and increase wages to doctors even where it would seem not checked.

For medical workers of Moscow, new salary enhancement programs have been developed in 2018.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin, speaking on the annual report before deputies of the State Duma, expressed his opinion on the account of wages of Moscow doctors. In his opinion in 2018, it should be no less than 120,000 rubles.

Also, it was also noted that he noted that in the Health Department, he should make a number of improvements and reduce the load and processing that almost all health workers are experiencing, because of which, in general, the level of medical services falls.

As for additional programs, the doctors of Moscow can receive the status of the Moscow Doctor, thereby receiving an increase in the salary equal to 15,000 rubles for 5 years.

To get an increase in salary, each doctor may voluntarily pass special testing, thereby confirming the decent level of qualification.

Passing such testing, the doctor will be assigned an increase in salary size of 15 .. What should I do for this? The procedure is in principle simple and understandable to each doctor. You just need to pass testing by contacting one of the institutions:

      Methodological center accreditation of specialists of the first MIMM named after M. Sechenov.
      Moscow State Medical Dental University of Evdokimova.
      Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
    N. I. Pirogov Research University.

To date, more than 500 doctors have passed such testing. The total number of applications is several thousand. How is testing? It consists of several quite simple stages:

The first stage - you need to solve 80% of the assigned tasks correctly. In case the doctor does not pass the first stage, there is nothing terrible. The next opportunity will appear after 6 months. During this time, it will be possible to prepare well.
The second stage involves the practical part. Doctors are provided with simulation equipment on which they must show their skills to work with patients and instruments.
The third stage involves a conversation with professional teachers of medical higher educational institutions, as well as professional practitioners.

Also on the court of the Commission of the Department of Health will be necessary to submit a personal portfolio with medical achievements.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the wages of doctors in 2018 as a whole in Russia may differ from the above-mentioned tables. Nevertheless, the increase in salary or otherwise will be more detailed information every medic can find out in the institution in which it works.

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