
Giant constructor: How new panel houses are built. Giant constructor: How new panel houses are built Constructor panel house form

I love toys from this Russian manufacturer. First we had a construction crane, and later an ambulance and a plane. I would love to buy a police car, but my son is not at all interested in the police. The designer "Panel House" perfectly complements the above-mentioned collection of toys.

The thing is that it consists of separate blocks on each of which there is a loop for grabbing a construction or truck crane of the same series with a hook.
The details are large, bright, strong, they are easily attached to each other (with a little effort). The constructor is not complicated, therefore it is also great for small builders.
The constructor includes 16 elements, which include: cube-shaped storey blocks with one blank wall and three openings for windows and doors, windows, doors and roofs. One window has a balcony. The constructor also includes supports (blocks with stairs), you can probably call them the foundation on which the house is located. Equipment:

Windows (including those with a balcony), doors, roofs, blocks with stairs are removable. Doors and windows are simply inserted into the openings, the doors do not open. The designer assumes the construction of one two-story and one one-story houses at the same time. The height of the finished one-story house is 13.5 cm, two-story - 20 cm, the height of the "apartment" is 9 cm. You can also build a three-story house, but the second door will have to be placed either on one of the upper floors (exit to the void) or as an emergency exit on the ground floor. I will immediately warn you that it is possible to install a window in the doorway, but it will not hold tightly and can easily fall out (seen in the photo below).

You can build three one-story houses, but one of them will be without a roof, foundation and door. If you leave one opening empty, then the entrance to the house will still be :))
I bought three sets of the designer (two for gifts), but during the construction process I decided to keep all three sets for myself so as not to limit the imagination of the children. Now we can build a skyscraper

or a small street.
Since there are houses, there must be residents :)) Little men of this manufacturer (not in the set) or figures from Kinder Surprises and Lego Duplo will fit there. But in order to put the toy into the house, you need to remove either the door, or the window, or the foundation (a block with a ladder), which is not very convenient. It would be possible to place the toy on the balcony, but the floor of the balcony rises above the floor of the house, so not every toy will fit on this ledge. The loop on the floor prevents the figurine from sitting down.

But all this is already nit-picking, because. The main purpose of the designer is the construction of houses. Children naturally do not pay the slightest attention to the above nuances - they build as they want and even find additional functions. :)) So, for example, it turned out that blocks with a ladder (foundation) can be attached to each other and the resulting load can be moved with a crane, just like at a real construction site!

And if you add figures of "builders", and a concrete mixer, a dump truck and other machines, then you can start the construction of the century or build a city! And there before construction railway not far ... In general, an excellent designer and, by the way, inexpensive.

It is believed that panel houses they lose to monolithic and brick ones due to the lack of free layouts, poor sound and heat insulation and monotonous facades. But due to the cheapness and high speed of construction, Moscow has been built up with panel houses since 1947. Now, according to the chief architect of Moscow, Sergei Kuznetsov, about 40% of new buildings in the city are of panel type.

Last year, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin approved improved standards for typical housing. This is how new series of panel housing construction appeared - the embodiment of the ideas of officials and architects about a comfortable city. Their appearance was preceded by the modernization of house-building plants and the development of architectural concepts. The Village decided to find out how the new panel houses differ from previous projects. To do this, we visited the plant, where they make panels for new houses, went to the experimental quarter and talked with architects.

New panels

Typical houses can be assembled as a large constructor. The parts are block sections - compartments from several apartments. They are ordinary, rotary, latitudinal, and the configuration of the house depends on how they are arranged. The main requirement of the Moscow authorities for new buildings is the ability to combine different block sections and use a different set of apartments on the floor.

Other details of the designer are colors. A variety of facade solutions is another point of improved standards. In addition, the height of the ceilings has been increased to three meters in the new houses and an entrance for people with limited mobility has been equipped.

The first floors in new houses are non-residential, they are intended for street retail - shops, cafes, consumer services, public spaces. Finally, there will be somewhere to place the infrastructure, which is traditionally lacking in the quarters of panel high-rise buildings, the designers say.

Approval of the architectural council of Moscow passed only five proposals from house-building factories, of which two - the series "DOMRIK" and "DOMINAD" - are produced at the House-Building Plant No. 1 (DSK-1).

House-building plant

At the Krasnopresnensky ZhBK plant of the House-Building Plant No. 1, which occupied 19 hectares immediately behind the Third Ring, we are met by Chief Engineer Igor Anatolievich Pavlov. The first thing we see is a "miniature exhibition", which contains one panel from each typical house made on DSK-1. It’s hard not to recognize your house in them, the house opposite and many other houses, which are full in every district.

If we imagine the panel as a sandwich, then it consists of several layers: cladding, reinforced concrete, insulation and again reinforced concrete. The layers are connected by a discrete reinforced concrete connection - for this, a cutout is made in the insulation, into which the reinforcement is inserted. This way, no gaps are formed between the layers, which makes the panel more energy efficient. The outer layer of the panel can be tiled, smooth or embossed. The inner surface must be processed for further wallpapering.

The pallet with concrete moves on the conveyor, and in ten operations the panel is ready. Production begins with molding, then the tile is laid. Each color of the tile, and there are only 26 of them, has its own marking. Under the uniform rattling of the conveyor on which reinforcing parts are made, the chief engineer enumerates the colors as if he were painting a watercolor: sorrel, apricot, azure, turquoise, sky...

After the tile, concrete pavers lay concrete, insulation is placed on it, and concrete again. The last operation is finishing: an apparatus that imitates the movement of a skier levels the concrete surface. The entire conveyor panel passes in 19 minutes, and then goes to heat treatment, where it dries for several hours. After processing, the panel is ready to go to the construction site.

Separately, a reinforcing shop operates at DSK-1, where frames are made on a conveyor and manually. They are especially proud of the machine that automatically bends the reinforcing parts that are needed for discrete communication. DSC produces 440,000 panels per year. Elevator shafts, roof panels, flights of stairs and landings are also being built at the plant.

How do new houses differ from each other?


The standard ceiling height in new homes is 2.8 meters. Another innovation is the inverted flat roof, which allows better heat retention. "DOMRIK" can be recognized by its flat facade (the loggias seem to be sunk into the facade of the building), color transitions on the facade, and almost panoramic windows of the same type. The layout of the new series includes compact odnushki and dvushki. The area of ​​apartments - from 30 to 60 square meters. They are inexpensive and meet today's demand for housing, according to the plant. According to the CIAN portal, prices for apartments in such a house start at 3.8 million rubles.

Ricardo Bofill, author of the concept of the DOMRIK series:“Prefabricated panel houses do not mean worse than monolithic ones. The negative perception is associated with a large number of low-quality buildings over the past 30 years. Quality begins with the reconstruction of production, modern equipment, new colors and a well-thought-out process for transporting and assembling panels. In Europe, heavy sandwich panels are increasingly being phased out in favor of ultralight materials.

The development of the DOMRIK series took DSK-1 and the Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura bureau two years. The peculiarity of "DOMRIK" is how the facade design is obtained from the design of each panel. The panels can be combined in color and position on the façade, following simple rules compositions. It turned out to be a universal architectural dictionary.

The joints between the panels have visually disappeared, which means that the perception of the house as a panel has also disappeared. We also made flat facades - mainly due to economic considerations and the possibilities of production lines at the factory.

Ideal panel house does not look like a panel. Big cities require different houses - not only in color, but also in height, texture, composition. Each resident must recognize his house among others. It depends not only on the houses themselves, but also on the city planning solutions».


In the houses of the DOmnad series there are odnushki, dvushki and treshki with an area from 39 to 81 square meters. The colors of "DOmnad" are more restrained than the bright shades of the "DOMRIK" series. The northern facade of the house is flat, and decorative architectural elements(friezes) and projecting loggias.

Alexander Nadysev, author of the concept of the DOmnad series:“Initially, the workshop was tasked with modifying a 17-storey building of the P-44 series, but in the end it turned out new house. Everything about everything was three months. The first nine-story house was built in parallel with the approvals in the Moscow Committee for Architecture. Architects, designers, engineers and many subcontractors worked on the project of the house.

We had a lot of technological limitations, but I think that the house turned out to be sustained in terms of architectural solutions and comfortable. For example, in such houses there will be three-room apartments with improved layout.

The following modifications will be aimed at improving comfort in apartments due to bay windows different forms. They provide additional space, a comfortable view from the window and good lighting.”

At the construction site

For construction nine-story building you need about 450 panels. The construction of panel houses is proceeding extremely quickly: a floor-section is erected in a day, and seven to ten months pass from the stage of the foundation pit to the moment of settlement.

There are three main types of panels: exterior wall panels, interior wall panels, and floor panels. The construction technology is simple: the panels are interconnected by special metal bonds by welding. Joints between panels are filled cement-sand mortar or special insulation. First, the outer wall panels are mounted along the contour, followed by the inner walls, and then the ceilings.

New DSK-1 houses have already been built in residential complex"Nekrasovka-Park" on the Lyubertsy Fields. Two more are currently being built there, and one is being built in Southern Medvedkovo by city order. By 2018, the Moscow authorities plan to build 80 houses of new series.

Why are new panel houses better than old ones?

Artem Ukropov, architectural bureau Megabudka:“Typical panels that were developed earlier have become obsolete a long time ago. And the innovations on which the new series are based are relevant. Glazing of the first floors, access to the entrances from the ground level and other solutions can affect the quality of the residents of these houses. This makes it safer and more convenient. This has been talked about for a long time, but finally it has found a physical embodiment.

A tool has also appeared that is more convenient for designers to use - a palette of variations of facade solutions. It is important to remember here that this is only a tool, the main thing is the ability to use it, which is often lame.

Everyone who has ever encountered the design of panel houses stumbled upon the limitations of the designer. Now there are more variations in the constructor, new necessary details have been added. Of course, the problem of panel housing construction is more structural, but even these details are a small victory, despite the fact that there are already very good interpretations using the updated constructor.”

Ekaterina Stepanova, interior design studio Variatika:“Panel houses have stepped forward and bear little resemblance to cold Khrushchev houses with thin walls and a minimum area of ​​​​rooms. Modern series panel houses in many respects reach the quality of a monolith. The layouts have become more diverse, the area of ​​​​the rooms has increased. In some series, free planning is even possible.

Thermal insulation has become more thoughtful, now it has become unprofitable for everyone to heat the street. In some series, additional insulation of the facade is used. The technology eliminates interpanel seams, the weakest point in heat and sound insulation.

According to the characteristics, some houses are close to the comfort class: the first floors are non-residential, underground parking, a yard free from cars, large windows, high ceilings, and many options for decorating the facade.

In general, we can say that the clear line between low-quality economical panels and elite monolithic houses is being erased. Especially considering that the quality of construction of monolithic houses is often not the highest. Despite this, the stereotypes are strong. Other things being equal, many will choose a monolith.”

Anton, buyer of an apartment in DOMRIK:“I bought an apartment in the 11th quarter of Nekrasovka and issued it with a mortgage under the state program. I have studio apartment, 32.5 meters. The apartment has a functional layout - for example, my kitchen is 7.7 square meters, this is a lot for such an apartment. The room also increases if desired by moving the partition and reducing the corridor.

Appearance- visiting card of the house. I have an apartment in a turquoise DOMRIK, and it appears in all the photographs of Nekrasovka and is generally very remarkable. The orange coloring of the second "DOMRIK", in my opinion, is not so interesting. The facade of the house is flat, loggias from the 4th to the 17th floor. There are panoramic windows up to the 15th floor - I really like the lighting.

The house is warm, there is even a “B+” sign hanging on the house, which indicates a high energy efficiency class. They say that the soundproofing in the house is not very good - I can't say for sure yet. But overall, I'm happy."

The projects of prefabricated houses, which were presented by DSK, fully demonstrate that the companies have done a serious job of updating the old series, the construction of which should be completely stopped this year. From now on, only modern and aesthetically attractive buildings will be built in Moscow. What is the problem of microdistricts built in Soviet time, which series of houses can be considered progressive, whether real estate prices will rise after the modernization of the DSK, "MP" was told by the chief architect of the capital, Sergey Kuznetsov.

- What prompted the authorities to switch to new series of panel housing construction?

Panel housing construction is practiced in many countries, and for Russia, with our specific climate and systemic quality problems at a construction site, the topic of elements prefabricated at the factory is especially relevant. Only the quality of this "designer" needs to be constantly developed and improved, giving the maximum variety. It is important to get away from the concept that the whole building is considered a product: a modern panel house, like a Lego constructor, can be assembled from a different set of parts.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin set us the task of moving away from the production of obsolete series. To do this, it is necessary to rethink industrial housing construction, because the modernization of the DSC implies not only the houses themselves and their prefabricated elements that are produced in the workshops, but also planning the territory, zoning spaces. We held scientific and technical councils, meetings of the Architectural Council and prepared standards that can be considered a kind of tool for designers. And only when we realized that our ideas can be implemented, we moved on to action. In May 2015, the standards were enshrined in Moscow Government Decree No. 305.

- What are the main disadvantages of microdistricts built up with panel houses?

Most of the Soviet-type microdistricts are built up typical houses series popular at the time. Their monotony forms the monotony of the environment, destroys the individuality of both their home and the area as a whole. The absence of an active function on the first floors in the old series deprives the residents of the area of ​​the opportunity to create their own street.

From the point of view of urban flexibility, significant shortcomings are also obvious. The overwhelming majority of the old series formed the development of such a configuration that is most beneficial to the developer and often not tied to the contour of the site. This approach can be seen in almost all existing neighborhoods.
It is important to note that the corner sections of those series in most cases are a blank concrete surface and do not look too aesthetically pleasing. They cannot be used as efficiently as possible, as they do not provide for the location of the apartments. However, corner sections can have a completely different content and elegant look.

And what about the new series?

The corner sections are filled with apartments, the facades are enlivened by the presence of windows and balconies-loggias. Such a section is able to form a comfortable residential courtyard and not violate the aesthetics of the external appearance of the quarter.
The city has another important component - it is the silhouette of buildings, which is often ignored by projects. Soviet microdistricts. The silhouette is a permanent component of the city's panorama. Precisely because of the uniformity standard series it is impossible to form an expressive panorama line. One way to improve the situation is to vary the number of storeys of sections and offer the city new interesting skylines.

- What series of panel houses can be considered progressive?

Today, ten DSKs are guided by the mayor's order. All of them are either already modernized or are in a transitional stage. The projects that were presented at the Archcouncil fully demonstrate that serious work has been done. Houses produced by factories where new technologies are used - these are DSK Grad, LSR Group, KROST Concern, can be called progressive. They have many variations both in planning and urban planning solutions, and in facades. Combines that work based on old technologies, but have been modernized, produce series that still need to be improved.

- What are the most interesting and most popular series in the capital market?

The general picture is that today, in terms of the volume of new series, the most popular are DSK Grad and the DOMMOS series of GVSU. True, DOMMOS, in our opinion, still needs to be improved, since there are a number of points that do not fully comply with Decree No. 305. popularity.

However, most of all we have questions about facade plasticity and flexibility of planning solutions. In the near future, we plan to hold a regular meeting of the working group with all market participants. The topics will concern, in particular, the repeatability, which, for example, the PIK-1 series has. They, as well as the DSK-1 and GVSU series, also have the problem of insufficient facade plasticity, so we really hope that they will be modernized in the future.

- When in last time carried out the modernization of the Moscow house-building factories?

Such a large-scale modernization, as it is today, is happening to the plants for the first time. However, it should be clarified that out of 10 enterprises carrying out construction on the territory of Moscow, two plants were built by private investors already taking into account new technologies - these are DSK Grad of Morton Group and KROST. The rest began modernization after 2012 and by now have completed the re-equipment for the new series. This is PIK-Industriya with the PIK-1 series; "LSR. Construction-M" with the series "LSR", "DSK-1" with the series "DOMRIK", DOmnad", "D8-1 / 17N1"; Glavmosstroy with the KUB 2.5 series; SU-155 with a new series based on the I-155M; HC GVSU "Center" - with a series of "DOMMOS" and "Narostroy". By the end of 2016, it plans to complete a comprehensive reconstruction of the production facilities of DSK No. 7 of CJSC Patriot Engineering.

- Will real estate rise in price after the modernization of DSK?

The order of prices for the construction of housing from the panel will remain the same. Moreover, the demand in the market may increase significantly due to the advent of obvious benefits panels: construction, which is carried out at any time of the year, the speed of construction of objects and high quality installation.

I love toys from this Russian manufacturer. First we had a construction crane, and later an ambulance and a plane. I would love to buy a police car, but my son is not at all interested in the police. The designer "Panel House" perfectly complements the above-mentioned collection of toys.

The thing is that it consists of separate blocks on each of which there is a loop for grabbing a construction or truck crane of the same series with a hook.

The details are large, bright, strong, they are easily attached to each other (with a little effort). The constructor is not complicated, therefore it is also great for small builders.

The constructor includes 16 elements, which include: cube-shaped storey blocks with one blank wall and three openings for windows and doors, windows, doors and roofs. One window has a balcony. The constructor also includes supports (blocks with stairs), you can probably call them the foundation on which the house is located. Equipment:

Windows (including those with a balcony), doors, roofs, blocks with stairs are removable. Doors and windows are simply inserted into the openings, the doors do not open. The designer assumes the construction of one two-story and one one-story houses at the same time. The height of the finished one-story house is 13.5 cm, two-story - 20 cm, the height of the "apartment" is 9 cm. You can also build a three-story house, but the second door will have to be placed either on one of the upper floors (exit to the void) or as an emergency exit on the ground floor. I will immediately warn you that it is possible to install a window in the doorway, but it will not hold tightly and can easily fall out (seen in the photo below).

You can build three one-story houses, but one of them will be without a roof, foundation and door. If you leave one opening empty, then the entrance to the house will still be :))
I bought three sets of the designer (two for gifts), but during the construction process I decided to keep all three sets for myself so as not to limit the imagination of the children. Now we can build a skyscraper

or a small street.
Since there are houses, there must be residents :)) Little men of this manufacturer (not in the set) or figures from Kinder Surprises and Lego Duplo will fit there. But in order to put the toy into the house, you need to remove either the door, or the window, or the foundation (a block with a ladder), which is not very convenient. It would be possible to place the toy on the balcony, but the floor of the balcony rises above the floor of the house, so not every toy will fit on this ledge. The loop on the floor prevents the figurine from sitting down.

But all this is already nit-picking, because. The main purpose of the designer is the construction of houses. Children naturally do not pay the slightest attention to the above nuances - they build as they want and even find additional functions. :)) So, for example, it turned out that blocks with a ladder (foundation) can be attached to each other and the resulting load can be moved with a crane, just like at a real construction site!

And if you add figures of "builders", and a concrete mixer, a dump truck and other machines, then you can start the construction of the century or build a city! And there it’s not far from the construction of the railway ... In general, an excellent designer and, by the way, inexpensive.

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