
UKS "Vostok": in the plans - three panel houses. Supplement to the design declaration

Let, like a current on the wires,
Happiness pours hands to you
There will be a lot of achievements,
Positive moments,
Sea of \u200b\u200blight and heat,
Energetic days, good,
Class and wage premiums
Achievements without obstacles.
To keep you the Lord
Gave you health and strength!


I congratulate on the day of the energy and from the pure heart I wish you to warm my dream with hope, warm my love my love, to warm your soul kindness. Suppose any problem will be eliminated, and any problem in life is easily solved. I wish the strong forces and incredible vital energy for every day.


Let the energy of the universe
Helps to live brighter,
After all, honorable, undoubtedly
Energy to be!

Let the eyes always shine
Light bulb 100 watt
And look around around
With pleasure always!


Energy Respect
For comfort, warmth and light.
We appreciate you, gentlemen,
After all, without you, we are nowhere.

Let the personal life in your life
Everything will always be fine.
Bright days to you, long years
And our fiery hello.


On the day of the energy I wish:
Let you manage
The salary will let a big one
And life will always be sweet.

Let them respect everything and love
Health will be all a hundred
After all, the world, and people know it,
Without energy - nothing!

Congratulations on the Day of Energy. Electrician 2018 Day - Congratulations, Poems, SMS


Let energy uninterrupted
Runs in life wires.
Fate Let not Cobbit the scheme
Let not spark in trifles.

Let the light not go out in personal life,
Love transistor will not burn.
Healthy and strong very,
Let the Lord keep you!


Happy energy congratulations on you.
Light, warmth from the soul you wish.
Smaller accidents more salary.
And what else do you want for happiness?

Success in all and high aspirations
On person to be all without stress,
And to the side bypass the trouble.
And all the rest is already nonsense!


I wish everyone our energy
On a separate warm office,
More uninterrupted power supply
In entrusted to each objects and buildings.

I wish for everyone - sincere honors,
Authority, recognition in society,
High salary and all sorts of benefits.
Let each of you live flourishing!


Happy energy you!
I wish you happiness by year,
To raise energy,
Good luck correctly shone.

I wish the charms of earth
Attachments of large, gold.
Steep climbs and vertices,
Blessed, sensual depths.

Chances of life and happiness.
In the work of arrivals and frequent,
Fortunes in the case and let always
The warmth of native saves you.


There are many professions, there are no accounts,
We will say about the energy sector especially:
Caring for your house in the houses.
So, after all, without light live, try.
Our relatives, congratulations to you!
And every every very much we pride.
Everywhere and everywhere, on this day and hour
A good strive to say about you.
Who all electricity owns -
Solve everything in life will be able to resolve.
Good luck to you let him go!

Congratulations on the Day of Energy. Funny congratulations to power engineers


Happy energy Congratulations on you!
Happiness in labor, I wish in my life!
Give people you light and warm
Time thank you say you came.

Let only successes await you at work,
Houses-comfort, kindness and care.
Warm companies and bright friends,
Wear fun with them in life!

Let not "fuss out & raquo; Hope and power,
"Shines" health, prosperity, success.
Easy tasks, inspiration and peace.
Reign in the house wealth let, laughter!


Congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish the light labor weeks, uninterrupted power supply, the debt work of all the mechanisms, the fullness of resources, a lot of strength, energy, good health And personal happiness!


Light give - work your
And warm to warm us!
And today our right,
From the heart you wish you:

Forces, patience and charge,
To have enough strength!
Happy holiday you all guys!
Happy the most important with "Speat & Raquo;!


On the day of energy I wish
Light, heat and happiness to everyone
Who at any time, not tired,
Correct power failure!

Thanks to whom we are at home
Warm, cozy, good,
I wish joy, good luck,
So that everything in your life is:

Love, good, success, recognition,
Comfort, wealth, cute house,
Caring for loved ones and health
Live in happiness with warm and big!


I wish the eyes from happiness glowing,
Because all the dreams were realized.
In the soul, your fire was always burning,
And your happiness you knew how to share.
Healthy health also wish
Happy energy I congratulate you!

Energy Day - Poems, Prose, SMS


We have known for a long time,
That without light it is impossible to live
From the soul you congratulate you,
Happy Energy Friends!

We wish you success
And in labor, and in the life of personal
Joy, heat and light,
So that everything is fine!


Happy energy you all,
Let the work waiting for success!
Let good comes to the house
Heat, cozy will be in it.

Let the salary be high
Peace on the heart and in the shower.
For your work, your value appreciate you and love
Let's celebrate already!


We wish to be energetic
And there is no cheerful charge.
Mobile to be dynamic
And optimism in life emit.

All energy - energy and power,
To feel at the height
So that you have enough opportunities
And the path is short to find your dream.


Happy Energy Congratulations on heart
We wish the success of exceptional
So that everything worked and everything is shining,
And electricity did not disappear at all!

So that accidents do not happen to force majeure,
With power so that there is no quarrel
But I regularly paid the award,
And you alone and very cool live!


Celebrates his holiday
Energy is our native!
Happiness will always be
Will be a long year!

Life successfully will let
Side bypasses sadness
Joy in the heart let him rejoice
And the soul always worries!

Will always be light
Will be joyful, warm
At work is waiting for success,
It will be heard will be a ringing laughter!

Congratulations on Energy Day 2018


Energy reminding:
Day is not easy today
Let the energy fill
You are up to top, with your head.

To make it all enough:
To work, on the family,
And on vacation remained.
Come on - now Nalu!


Your profession is more important.
It merges in words:
Warm, comfort, windows light
And wire lines.

Happy energy, friends!
Good luck to you in everything
Health, peace and goodness,
Smiles day after day.


In the world of our progressive
Without electricity - do not live.
With her cool in the house,
Even the kettle does not turn on.

You help all people:
You give comfort, comfort,
For energy in response -
Your invalid work in the world.

Happy holiday,
I congratulate you
And I wish health
To be a good life!


Happy energy, steep specialist.
Let, as if current, runs, flies, flows
Energy on the veins, sea positive,
To work with mood and strength.

Let the work be safe
And the vacation is long, beautiful and beautiful.
Let the houses every day waiting for a warm dinner
And those who are loved by which needed.


In every house there will be light,
Heat that people asked.
There is no more important profession
Happy energy day of Russia!

Let the side go sorrow,
Give your life to health.
Everything will come true what they dreamed of
Let happiness go through the heels!

Energy Day 2018.


Profession is excellent,
Profession is so important
Not very sitting,
Not very paper.
And forces enough,
(After all, he is in response!)
Probably for cheerfulness,
Drink, only energy!
Happy your congratulations
All the lot of earthly wish!


Without you, everyone knows, there is no life.
Without the Internet, how could I?
For water warm, per light

Impossible tasks
Get up will not be in front of you.
Health, joy, good luck.
You always stay with us.

Success in all matters
And let the fire fails
Nor in your windows, nor in the hearts,
We congratulate you from the soul.


This day is all filled with good and warm,
Yes, and can not be different.
This is a holiday for those who hard labor
It will help us in the winter.

This is a holiday for those who give us the light.
We will wish them all
So that every family has light and warm
So that the house was filled with love.


You are light, warm in the house carries
All people have your work in width.
Thank you want to say
And a lot of happiness wish.

In the work there will be order,
Will not really problems
Incomes every day grow
And the work will be safe.

And in your personal life, let everything be:
Family, friends, native people.
And that the fire of happy eyes
You are forever not a UGAS.


Being energy honorable
And archival, gentlemen.
On all you are always the light,
And the rest is nonsense.

Heat in the hearts wish you
And in the life of only bright days,
Health, happiness and success,
Racinglements and ideas.

When energy day - December 22, 2018


Congratulate energy
I wish on this day.
Let luck and health
Never lead never.

I wish you success,
More joy, victories.
Let career growth arrive,
And there will be no trouble in life.


We wish you in labor-good luck,
Solve all complex tasks
Health, joy, love,
Let the luck be the lights.

We wish you happiness, prosperity,
Let wishes are fulfilled
In the family, always reigns
Happy energy, guys!


Heat and light, cozy in the house.
All Energy Honor!
We wish you love huge
Let you in all matters luck.

Let energy be, power,
Let the fire burns in the soul.
Work joy to give,
To work all the vigor not to take.

So that everything is fine in families
Not slogans sparkle in the eyes.
Let you increase the salary,
Income to grow, like on yeast!


With you - light, without you - dark,
Here is the arithmetic.
And we welcome warmly
All of you, energy.

Let the light burn all brighter.
And eyes shine.
And for many years
Energy is enough.

You really need a country.
You are indispensable.
Happiness, joy doubly
And more new lines.


You need just like light
In your absence, miss,
More beautiful than one just no,
You congratulate you today.

Energy to you big,
To through the edge. And it did not end.
All-all to be good
And the station did not turn off.

Electrician 2018 Day - Congratulations, Poems, SMS


Your work is important for everyone,
Everyone benefits
On the day of the energy, say -
All of you praise and honor!

And wish good luck
Joy, happiness, love,
To welcome warming up
All your nights and days.

Let never fade
Light of your joyful eyes.
Let's say thank you very much!
Happy energy you!


Happy energy you congratulate you,
Let it be in the houses to always shine light!
Energy, cheerfulness, I wish you
Health, success and new victories!

I wish you all on the network included,
To work for you the joy of giving!
And finally, I will say only one thing:
Remember that in power industry!


Light is life and move forward,
Much in life depends on life.
There is he-around all living and blooms,
And what for him - often people do not see.

An energy worker's day - important moment,
Those who go to us and heat supply.
People who are not knowing the awards,
And what kind of light on earth is responsible!

Happy holiday you, dear friends,
Let your hard work be appreciated.
And never envelops darkness
Those who are priceless for the light of the people!


Energy - Vivat!
Let spark from happiness look,
Let on Vienna-Wires
Only love flows to you.

And we wish you
The passion was like spark sheaf,
Energetic in deeds
And good luck to you in the works.


Thank you for the bright light,
I wish to live without any trouble.
All energy in your holiday -
Health is more, all different.

Let problems scatter,
And life will fill the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness.
Let you appreciate at work
How much money pays for money.


Day is unusual today
We wake holiday celebrate.
Energy of loved ones,
Let's congratulate together.

After all, without them we are nowhere
With them light, warmth, water.
Thanks always grateful.
Happy Holidays of you Lord!


Happy Energy Congratulations on Energy
On the right holiday is only yours.
I wish big love and joy
Shore to the soul every day peace.

Let it be all successful at work
Care surrounds let the family.
Abundance of an unprecedented, of course
And there remained friends next to.


Happy energy today
I want to congratulate you, friends!
And wish a lot of happiness
Love huge and good!

So that there is lightness in work,
And in life there was no concern.
To health a lot
Good luck, money and plant!


I wish only the desired spark:
In work, in the house, in relationships.
And the best only moments in life.
Happy Energy Take Congratulations!


Happy energy you!
I wish the bright days,
To illigate your life
One hundred light bulbs.

Let never go out
In your eyes lights,
Let the current be electric
Bats only from love.

Without tension let them go
Working work.
And to the energy in you
Burlila and flowed.

Happy Energy, Hurray!
Let the most bright will be happiness,
Let the good will add
And inspiration, and participation.

Sparkle the joy of eyes
And the heart will hope hope
And tenderness cleaner than a tear,
In the shower will bloom, of course!

Happy energy! Today it will be hot!
Eyes Let your joy burn
Incredibly joyful and bright
With energy in one hundred thousand kilowatt!

Let everything be beautiful, vigorously,
Let it be dead too lazy and sadness,
Meet your holiday you are enchantingly
Will sparkles your mind!

Congratulations, Energetik
And wish all the soul
Happy pulling ticket,
Love and Joy big!

Let always be working light,
You are grateful for that
Slovy, sincere hello,
Your holiday is luxurious!

Your hard and serious work,
Without you, my house is silent,
The refrigerator does not freeze,
TV does not shout.

Congratulations, energy,
And I wish you trouble not to know
On the way, good luck to meet
And friends with her become!

Happy energy, friends!
We can not congratulate you!
All because for the country,
Your efforts are important!

You give people to the heat,
In our homes, we are always light.
Thank you, tell you everyone,
And on the holiday, on the usual day!

We wish you success in labor,
In the family of love, good and laughter!
Energy let you have enough
In any cases and endeavors!

Happy your fate ticket,
You are our pride - energy,
Profession proud of you
You are the light and joy of the whole country!

Happy professional today,
You relax at least a bit
Let the light be all the fate
And only shining let the soul.

Let the light burn always
Never burns out
So that there was a lot forces and will
Not hard on the road road!

Must light burns always,
Warm water in the crane
Every day and every hour
You give comfort for us!

Power to be cool
We know that we are fine,
Thank you talking
We thank heart!

Comfort you give and light
So that we live without knowing troubles.
Give the world and warm
So that no one is frozen from us.
Comfortable make life
And there is a lot of meaning in it.
"Thank you" do you want to say
And from the soul today wish,
You have energy, congratulating,
Successes in brave activities.
Let everything be fine with you,
Wonderful and diverse.
Health of strong and strength,
And happily so everyone lived.

You know that plus, and minus
We need, so that everything is ok.
Let all unnecessaries leave
And it will be from love warmth.

Let happiness be variable,
Then quiet, kind, then explosive,
Health is strong certainly.
Success to all your business!

Everything will replace our montior:
Light, wiring and congregation,
Tile, chandelier, miracle oven,
So that we did not burn a lot of candle ...

So as the light always lived,
With electricity was friends
Tv watched
And from happiness sang songs!

Let the light be in every home
Both in the hospital and in the hospital,
In kindergarten and school,
And in the drive corridor!

Energy's professional festival is celebrated in one of the shortest light days a year - December 22.

Installed by the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of June 30, 1994
№461, taking into account the proposal of the State-Joint-Stock Holding Energy Company of the Kyrgyz Republic and considering that on December 22, 1920, it was decided to build the first hydropower plants in Kyrgyzstan.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the work of power engineers whose tirelessly work is created one of the most necessary products - heat that provides comfort in homes without exception of citizens of the country.

The history of this holiday takes its beginning in 1966 on May 23. It was then that by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was established "Energy Day" in memory of the day of adopting a state plan of electrification of Russia at the 8th All-Russian Congress of Soviets in 1920. Since then, this holiday is also celebrated in Russia, and in the countries of the former USSR.

"Energy Day" is a holiday of all those who have ever been involved in the creation and maintenance of energy systems. "Energy Day" is also a holiday of those who remain in the employee's responsible post energy industry. Finally, the "Energy Day" - the holiday of all, for whom the concept of "warmth" and "light" is not just words, but a whole epoch ...

On the day of energy for good many years of tradition, the best representatives of the energy sector on this day are high awards, certificates and valuable gifts. And from all festive wishes, you can note the most important and relevant today - "Dear Energy! Try to in every home in every family there are always light and warmth. "

Since 1988, the Day of Energy has been celebrated in the third Sunday of December, last years - again on December 22.

To fully imagine who energetics, and why their profession is so important and needed, remember the turning off the electricity in your own apartment. There is no light, the TV does not work - boring, the microwave does not work, there is no place to charge a mobile phone ... so that there are household appliances - and hospitals, shops? All work freezes without electricity!
Therefore, do not miss the "Energy Day"! Among your friends, there will probably have people related to this professional holiday. Select them a congratulation, and certainly pay attention, it is necessary for them as well as the light to all of us!

Your us will not forget,
Light in home bring you to people
Energy we congratulate
Live happily wish together.
At work new achievements,
And desires of different performances
Peace, light and health are stronger,
So that you live and easier. © ©

Energy Day - Congratulations

I want to pass hello to you
Say thank you that you give people light!
After all, as you know - without him,
Around the darkness and darkness!
Let your life always be bright,
Do not fail let the wind wire!
And the house will be happiness and comfort,
More often, let my friends name! © ©

Congratulations on Energy Day

People all on the whole planet
Without energy not live
And so important
We are friends with energy.
And perhaps it is only
With your help, friends!
And so we are singing
In these twins of December.
Many do not even know
Holiday Energy
We decided not to give
Candies or bouquet.
Our gift to all a gift
After all, poems from all soul
We wrote collective
So try, write!
We wish a lot of light in them
And in the soul always heat,
So that energy is priceless
For people has always been. © ©

Congratulations to energy

An energy worker's day! Power Power!
And you have a magnificent look
After all, labor is not from the lungs - support of beating
Life in all areas of the population!
We wish you health, warmth and good luck,
From month to month, be richer!
Love, longevity, fun work,
Stay in the past dashing care! © ©

Poems on the Day of Energy

Heat and light drawing at the planet
You serve them in apartments and houses,
To extend our life to us,
No matter how much evil winter lasted.
You are promoter-energy everywhere
Let gently meet grace
Let Light, warm your heart will be warm
And it will not get tired of happily knocking! © ©

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