
A series of home Copes M Sail. Cope series at home. Overdown version of the two-bedroom apartment series Kope

We greet you! This page contains full information about the houses of the Copet-M-sail series, the features of the balconies and loggias. We will look at the main questions that concern insulation and vaporizolation. The mini review will consider the most pressing and popular materials for insulation. Special attention It is paid to swing and sliding windows, indicating the features and advantages of each of the window systems.

You will learn how the complex repair of balconies and loggia is performed. In certain blocks, information is collected on the most popular views of the external and interior decoration, indicating their advantages, features and disadvantages. We will talk about combining balconies and loggias with a room, we will analyze in detail the advantages of combining and the basic requirements for the implementation of this type of work.

You will see examples of work performed by our masters and built-in furniture made by individual measurements. The video will allow you to study in detail the insulation technology.

The advantages of the warm glazing of the Kope-M-Par

To create a Cope-M-sail on the loggia of a comfortable microclimate, warm windows made from PVC profile are needed. The cheapest window profile - the KBA standard 58, CVA profile Energy 70 combines an affordable price and good protection from the cold.

The advantages of warm glazing: good protection from cold, high-quality sound insulation and protection against atmospheric precipitation, the ability to combine different types Window profile and double glazed windows.

The main features of swing window systems: plastic window frames are sufficiently heavy - weight 1Q. The meter may exceed 50 kg, the price of windows from PVC profile is higher than that of sliding glazing.

In the pictures you can see examples of glazing loggias in the house of the Copet-M-Par series. And the video shows the loggia, glazed swing plastic windows. At the request of the customer, plastic rehau were installed with swivel - folding flaps equipped with two-chamber glass windows.

Video glazing or plastic turnkey plastic windows

Sliding glazing loggia copie-m-sail

Sliding window systems are applied for glazing dismayed premises. Advantages of sliding windows: Saving free space (thanks to sliding skeins), low weight, practicality, durability. Windows features: Sliding flaps are not completely closed, and therefore it is not necessary to talk about high-quality thermal insulation with such glazing.

Maximum, which can be achieved - acceptable protection against wind and rain. The temperature difference on the street and indoors is only 10-15 degrees. Aluminum profile windows can freeze at low temperatures. In the winter period, open windows for ventilation is not always possible.

Sliding window systems Sladonds are made of plastic profile. They do not freeze and easily open regardless of the temperature on the street. The features of the windows Slothidors: a more durable profile (withstands the strong gusts of the wind at high altitude), the mass of window frames is slightly increased, higher cost in comparison with aluminum sliding windows.

Photo gallery will allow you to familiarize yourself with the examples of sliding glazing installed on the Kope-M-M-Par Logs.

Overview of materials for insulation Loggia Cope-M-Par

The insulation of the loggia Kope-M-sail allows you to turn an empty room into a full, living room. For insulation, you can use a lot of materials, but in this block we will look at the most common and demanded options.

The most popular insulation is PESEROPLEX. This is a quality material implemented at an affordable price. The thickness of the sheets of the polyems can be 30, 40 and 50mm. The higher the thickness of the sheets, the better the quality of insulation. The master chooses the desired thickness independently - it all depends on the characteristics of the balcony or loggia, the storeys of the house and other factors.

Polyurethane foam is no less common. This is a high-quality insulation with increased rigidity. Its price is slightly higher than the fastener of a similar thickness.

Most available way Heat the Copet-M-Par loggia - use foam sheets. Advantages of foam: low weight, low price, good thermal insulation. The disadvantage of only one is reduced resistance to mechanical damage. Sheets are quite fragile and easily break.

Loggia needs not only cold protection, but also high-quality vaporizolation. It can be achieved thanks to the foil foam. The foam layer turns the room in the similarity of the thermos: moisture does not penetrate the room, and heat is stored for a longer period. Foil Penophol sold in large rolls: sheet of the desired size And the length wizard cuts on their own.

The cut sheets are stacked in the joint - this method of laying the highest quality. And the seams formed during the styling process are closed with aluminum scotch. In the pictures you can see examples of the insulation of the loggia copie-m-sail materials that we have already considered in this review.

A video demonstrates an example of the insulation of a 50mm thick polyplex and vaporizolation with a foil turnkey foam.

Video with demonstration of loggia insulation by turnkey penplex

Materials for finishing loggia copie-m-sail

In order to use the Kope-M-M-Par Loggia as a residential room, work on interior decoration is needed. The choice of materials depends largely on the installed glazing. If on the loggia sliding windows - the finish must wear the temperature differences and high humidity. With glazing with warm windows, you can use any materials.

The most popular material is plastic panels. Panels can be used to finish the walls and ceiling. The advantages of plastic panels are obvious: a small price, an extensive choice of color scheme, practicality, resistance to temperature and humidity drops.

No less often used wooden lining. Advantages of such a finish: Beautiful appearance, raw materials are natural wood. The wooden wallboard has an original drawing. The price of lining depends on its class. The highest quality and expensive - eurvagon, more accessible classes of class A, B and C.

MDF panels are used for the interior decoration of the loggias. This material is cheap, but quality is not too high. MDF panels poorly carry a high level of humidity.

One of the practical solutions is decorative stone. Decorative stone is made of fireproof synthetic materials. It is light enough, and in appearance is no different from the natural stone.

In the photo gallery, you can familiarize yourself with the examples of the internal finishing of the Kope-M-Par loggia above the materials.


Combining Loggia Kope-M-Sir with room and kitchen

Loggias in the Cope-M-M-Sail Series House allow you to increase residential space. The most popular way to achieve this result is to combine the loggia with a room or kitchen (various options are due to the planning of apartments).

Advantages of alignment: additional square meters Residential area at the lowest price, new redevelopment capabilities, separate area for work or rest. Popular options for arrangement of a combined loggia and balconies: an office, a games room, a winter garden, a compact dining room, a sports room for sports.

Please note: when combining loggias and balconies, the wizard do not affect the supporting structures. Only the old balcony block is dismantled. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry about obtaining the permission of BTI. In the photos you can see the results of the union of the loggia.

Examples of loggia alignment with room and kitchen

Built-in furniture for loggia copie-m-sail

For the arrangement of residential loggia, the corresponding furniture is needed. As a rule, these are compact stands and built-in storage cabinets. Functional computer tables are used to improve the working office, for the bedroom - you need a sleeping set.

Special attention is paid to the filling of cabinets: more spacious departments are needed for storing large things, many shelves will be needed for small items. The price of furniture can differ significantly: the price tag is due to the size of furniture, the quality of its finishes and the materials spent on the manufacture of the product.

Reduce the cost of embedded furniture is quite simple: for this, the wizard remove the back and side walls. These changes do not affect the strength of the structure, and the price is reduced. Images are presented examples of furniture for the Kope-M-Par Loggia.

Video with embedded furniture for loggias to order

If the loggia or the balcony is used as a residential room, without warm windows from PVC profile not to do. Please note: Sliding windows made of aluminum profile can freeze. Aluminum - metal, and therefore in winter the windows can freeze and do not open. Plastic sliding windows Sladonds are devoid of such a shortage - but their price and mass is slightly higher. Do not expect from sliding windows of good insulation of the room: the difference in temperature indicators between the street and the loggia is 10-15 degrees.

All prices presented on the page are approximate. For their calculation, the standard sizes of loggias and balconies in the house of the Copet-M-Par series are used. Accurate price information can be found after the balcony and loggia and the choice of glazing type.

Sliding system: Provedal

price 19600. rub.

Swing System: Provedal

Dimensions - 920x2280x730x1650 price 34872. rub.

Metal Plastic System: KBE (KBE)

Dimensions - 920x2280x730x1650 (single-chamber) price 49546 rub.

Dimensions - 920x2280x730x1650 (two-chamber) Price 54301 rub.

Metal plastic system: Rehau

Dimensions - 1650 (1750) X1750 (1850) x1550 price 32500. rub.

SERIES SERIES Cope-M-Sail Price glazing apartments

The Kope-M-M-Par series received its name thanks to the appearance of the facade. Loggia semicircular shapes have a great similarity with conventional sails. This series was widely distributed, and in 2007 it was improved. Since then, the house has underground garages and non-residential first floor used as a premises for trading enterprises.

In Moscow, such houses can be seen in the Chertanovo district, Konkovo, Ochakovo, Zyuzino, Donskoy (Start of Warsaw Highway), Obruchevsky, Alekseevsky. On the territory of the Moscow region houses built in the cities of Dolgoprudny, Lyubertsy, Mytishchi, etc.

Specifications Series:

number of floors - from 12 to 25,
the height of the ceilings in residential premises - 266cm,
elevators - passenger and 2 cargo-passenger,
balconies - loggias and balconies, glazed by the developer,
year of construction: since 2003 and to the present.

Features of apartments: All rooms are isolated, the standard bath, the length is 170 cm. All apartments have a separate bathroom. On each floor there is a loading valve of the garbage disposal. The outer walls are made of three layers (concrete - insulation - concrete), the thickness is 30cm. Emergency walls are made of reinforced concrete panels with a thickness of 18cm. Unfortunately, most of the interior walls refers to the supporting structures. Opportunations of apartments are limited.

The advantages of the series: high-quality heat and sound insulation of walls, the presence of heating devices with thermostat, smoke in case of fire is removed automatically, in each entrance of cargo and passenger elevators.

Calculation of the price of glazing apartments in the house of the Copet-M-M-Sir series

Four bedroom apartment - Dimensions and prices of windows

the price is formed

Three room flat - Dimensions and prices of windows

Profile Rehau Blitz (Blitz) 60 - the price is formed

Two-roomed flat - Dimensions and prices of windows

Profile Rehau Blitz (Blitz) 60 - the price is formed

One bedroom apartment - Dimensions and prices of windows

Profile Rehau Blitz (Blitz) 60 - the price is formed

Included in the price : Windows themselves, delivery, rise, dismantling the old and installation of new windows, the installation of sings, slopes and window sills.

The experience of some of the workshops in the field of repair and construction exceeds 10 years. In our work, we apply inexpensive, high-quality and efficient technology. The low cost of our services is the result of purchasing proven and inexpensive materials directly from manufacturers, bypassing intermediaries and unnecessary costs.

We are ready to implement any of the examples provided on your balcony or loggia. Our masters do not like to speak about the quality of your work. See please videos

Cope-M sail- modified series of residential multi-storey houses Panel type, which began to go out in 2003. The basis of these new buildings is the famous copser series .

Discussion of the houses of this series on the forum:

Sectional and tower houses of the Kope-M-Par series in Moscow, photo: © Site, layouts with size in the photo below (clickable)

First of all, the metamorphosis touched external view Multi-storey, thanks to which they began to look more modern and interesting compared to early CA and other new buildings. The new series of houses received an attractive structure: the variable the floors of the "sail", emitting marble design of the facades with colored tiles. In addition, the facades of houses are distinguished by the fact that they are located at once two types of loggias: rectangular loggias and round-shaped loggias. The loggia of the second type is similar to the sail, so the name "Sail" was given new buildings. Most of the facades have a glass coating, which gives homes of a series of grace. Such an architecture in typical panel houses was used for the first time.

In 2007, they begin to build houses in which underground parking appears, as well as the first non-residential floor, having a different destination. Parking has one tier where you can position 150 cars. The height of new buildings reaches 25 floors, and it is even more than that of the new buildings of the Kolos series. The minimum number of floors is 12, but 23-25-storey houses are most often found. Perhaps the location of winter gardens.

Type of new buildings: Panel houses are divided into 2-6 sections, and each of them has its own entrance. The entrances are assigned a concierge place, there are high-speed freight and passenger elevators.

The ceilings at an altitude of 2.8 m. On each floor there are 4 apartments, but there are variations of sections in which 12 apartments of small dimensions are located. In contrast to the CE, a new series of houses received an improved planning of the apartments, in which the space began to be used more rationally, and the apartments became spacious. In addition, the combination of several apartments in one has become more convenient: when combining two apartments in a common unit, you can get a large living room, a spacious bathroom and a kitchen with a ventilation shaft.

Houses Copet-M Sail There are tower and sectional. Section consists of 1-4- room apartments.
  • 1-bedroom apartments of the houses of this series have a total area of \u200b\u200b38-43 square meters. m., from which 18-19 squares are assigned to the living area, and in the kitchen 10-10.4.
  • 2-bedroom: 54-62 square of a total area, of which the living - 34-38, the kitchen - 10-10.5.
  • 3-room: 76-82 square total areaOf these, 46-54 are residential, 10-13 - kitchen.
  • 4-room: 100-103 Total area, of which 58-63 - residential, 10.3-13 - kitchen.

The planning of the apartments was good and in the older series of Copes, and now it became even better. There is a spacious kitchen, large loggias, and in some apartments - Erkers. The floor in the apartments has noise protection properties and is often covered with laminate.

The 3-4-room apartments are equipped with an additional bathroom.

Rooms in new buildings are isolated from each other, and the bathrooms are separate.

The staircases are well ventilated, and the stairs have access to the balcony.

The garbage can be thrown out on each floor.

In the kitchens Kope-M sail installed electric plates of the walls are built from three-layer panels: the first layer is concrete, the second layer is the insulation, the third layer is concrete. Their thickness is 30 cm. Between apartments and between rooms are located reinforced concrete panels 18 and 22 cm. Thick.

The outer walls are covered with a rectangular tile, as well as a tile that is emitting marble. External walls can be of different colors: Ossociation, sea wave color, ultramarine.

Roofing flat.

The main disadvantage of apartments in the houses Kope-M sail - this is limited option Redevelopment of premises. but rational planning All apartments of the series of the series allows the buyer to immediately choose the appropriate option.

Cope series houses consist of layout volume-planning elements (CAP) that can join each other and therefore at home can have a different configuration and length. The main advantages of this series of houses are three-layer panels that have increased thermal insulation.

Series: Cope

House type: panel

Manufacturer: DSC-2 (since 2001 included in the Peak Group of Companies)

Year of construction: Since 1981.

Number of floors: 22

Number of rooms in the apartments: 1, 2, 3, 4

Height residential premises: 2.64 M.

Number of apartments on the floor: 4

Number of sections (entrances): from 2.

Elevators: 2 passenger lifting capacity 400 and cargo-passenger capacity of 630 kg

Stairs: Unclear, with outcomes on fire fighting balcony

Ventilation: Natural exhaust through the vents in the bathroom and in the kitchen

Garbage: Garbage with loading valves on each floor

Technical floor: Technical and Technology for Placement engineering communications

Balconies: In all apartments (since 1986). In the early modification of CEP-80 (built from 1981 to 1985), one-room and some two-bedroom apartments were without balconies. Since 2002 (CEP-2000 modification) Balconies are glazed by the developer

Baths: Standard, length 170 cm

Bathrooms: separate

Exterior walls: Three-layer panels 300 mm thick

Interior walls: reinforced concrete thickness 140 and 180 mm

Partitions: 80 mm thick

Overlap: Reinforced concrete 140 mm

About the constructive strength of the family of the series Kope says the next fact. In 2008, as a result of an explosion of a gas cylinder on the 11th floor of a 22-storey section in Moscow, in the house on the street. The Korolev academician collapsed several external panels. However, all the carrying elements of the section stood, and when repairing a house, it was enough to restore these exterior panels, strengthening the bearing walls on two floors with a small steel frame. In Zelenograd, all the houses of this series have one configuration.

Series panel houses Kope-M-Par - a new version of the popular Moscow series. The name "Sail" series received due to the external similarity of semicircular loggias with sails. More than half of the building facades are covered with glass. Possible alternately floors: from 22 to 25 floors. The Cope-M-Par series was designed in the early 2000s. Year of construction: from 2003 to the present. Total built about 55 houses. Main areas of construction Moscow: Central and South Chertanovo (), Donskoy (Start of Warsaw Warsaw), Obruchevsky, Konkovo, Ochakovo, Zyuzino, Alekseevsky (Malomoskovskaya Str.), As well as to Kolomenskaya Embankment.

In the Moscow region of the Kope-M-M-Par Series built / built in new cities microdistricts: Dolgoprudny (Central), Lyubertsy (MKR ""), Khimki (MKP. "", "Jubilee", ""), Mytishchi (MKP. "", "Perlovsky"), der. Puffy ().

Since 2007, many houses of the Kope-M-Par series are built with underground parking. The first floors are designed by non-residential, sometimes with attached premises, to accommodate trade and service sectors.

All rooms in the apartments of the Kope-M-Sail Series series isolated. All apartments are provided with erkers and glazed loggias. Each entrance has been installed two passenger and one cargo-passenger elevator. Separate bathrooms in all apartments. Three-, four-room apartments provide dark comanies. Ladders are unseasonable, with fire balcony. There are additional floors
Noise isolation. The kitchen stove is electrical, the ventilation is natural exhaust, blocks in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Garbage on the stairs, with a loading valve on the site.

The first house of the Kope-M-Par series was built in 2003 on the street. Innovators (UNWA). In the 2nd half of the 2000s. based typical series Kope-M-Par was developed a single-section series, the area of \u200b\u200bkitchens in two-, three- and four-room apartments of which increased by an average of 25%.

According to the cumulative characteristics of the Copet-M-Par series, a very successful series can be recognized, the only drawback is the presence of a large number of bearing walls, which makes it difficult to redecessing the premises.

Detailed features of the series

Passagesfrom 2.
Floorsfrom 12 to 25, the most common options - 23, 25
Ceiling height2.66 m.
LiftsOne passenger (400kg.) And two cargo-passenger (630 kg.)
BalconiesGlazed balconies, loggias, erkers, half-players.
Apartments on the floor4. There is a section of a section with 12 small apartments.
Years of constructionfrom 2003 to the present
Built housesMoscow: about 25,
Moscow region: about 30
Square of apartments1-room apartment Total: 38-43 m², living: 18-19 m², kitchen: 10-10.4 m²
2-room apartment Total: 54-62 m², living: 34-38 m², kitchen: 10-10.5 m²
3-room apartment Total: 76-82 m², living: 46-54 m², kitchen: 10-13 m²
4-room apartment Total: 100-103 m², living: 58-63 m², kitchen: 10.3-13 m²
BathroomsSeparate, baths: standard.
StairsLackless, with access to the fire balcony.
Garbage chuteWith a loading valve on each floor.
VentilationNatural and forced exhaust, in the kitchen and bathroom.
Walls and overlapsExternal walls - mounted three-layer panels with a total thickness of 30 cm. Internal intercommour - reinforced concrete panels 18 or 22 cm thick. Partitions with a thickness of 14 cm. Overlap - reinforced concrete plates with a thickness of 14 cm.
Bearing wallsInternal intercorporation longitudinal and transverse. Most interior
Colors and claddingFacing: a large rectangular tile and tiled "under marble", deaf ends, protruding edges of panels and balconies - an unlubted painted panel.
Colors: Sea wave, gold, ultramarin, coloring options for unleashed elements different.
Type of roofFlat with rolled coating and inner drainage. Technical floor over the top residential floor.
DignityHeated sound insulation, heating devices with temperature controls, copper wiring, automatic smoke removal system.
disadvantagesLimited repaid opportunities
ManufacturerDSC-2 (included in the group of companies of the Peak)

And the Moscow region is overgrained series panel house Cope-M-sail. The main developer is the company PIK-industry. House has modern viewIn some planners, panoramic loggias appeared. Since the beginning of 2007, most of the houses of this series have received their underground garage. The Ochakov reinforced concrete plant (DSC-2) managed to embody and realize all his creative potential. Thanks to this, we can buy and live in modern apartmentswhich meet all the requirements of today's life. Planning two room apartments in panel house Cope-M-sails have mostly two frequently encountered options. Additions to them can dock balconies and panoramic loggias.

Today we will look at the layout one-bedroom apartment, with rooms overlooking different sides at home. In the people, such a layout is called a breakdown.

Dimensions and a detached apartment:

Hall with a corridor - 9 sq.m.

Little room - from 14 to 14.8 sq.m.

Big room - 18.8 to 20 square meters.

Bath and toilet - 3.5 / 1.3 sq.m.

Kitchen - 10 sq.m.

Residential metrah from 32.7 to 34.8 sq.m. And the overall member of the apartment from 60.3 to 61 sq.m.

Planning circuit 2 room apartments with dimensions, in the panel house Cope-M-sail

3-D layout of a two-bedroom apartment without panoramic loggia

3-D layout with panoramic loggia in a large room

We go into the hallway and pick up the layout with the same dimensions as in the two-plate dispenser of the P-44T series panel house is the same narrow on the walls of the hall, the panel box hangs on the same place.

I would like to be on the left or right side of the entrance door in the hallway there would be more space. And here a narrow naked nailer practically reaches the door.

We transfer your view from the hallway, into two interroom doors. And again we find a coincidence. The only difference is that the big room has a rather wide opening in the wall. A double door will be installed on this place.

Option with already installed doors in rooms.

Consider from the hallway to the right in the corridor leading to the kitchen. Designers solved the toilet to allocate more square. The photo clearly seen how the toilet wall is extended from the side compared to the bathroom.

We go to the toilet and it can be seen that the dimensions allow you to place a washbasin, not causing inconvenience to the toilet bowl. Already in the budget version of the repair from the developer, the Waterman is installed in the toilet. Toilet size is 1.3 square meters

Toilet design after repair.

Bathroom - planning spacious. Initially, a chrome-plated heated towel rail is installed, and not painted with white paint pipe.

Kitchen in Cope M-Par - Quite a spacious room. Dimensions allow not to use. The main plus planning is that the kitchen has its own balcony. Many women about such only dream.

Corner kitchen set on two walls posted everything you need for comfort. Even the washing machine hid under the table top.

Pretty large refrigerator, found its place.

And you can also put a kitchenette. I got up on my place and the path to the balcony does not light up.

Big room in Kope-M-Par- Want to express gratitude to the designers. The size of the room is almost 20 square meters felt. Breathing will be much freer in such a room.

Pretty spacious balcony.

Minus only that he took away extra meters on the balcony fireproof staircase.

With dimensions, in the room you can arrange a lot of furniture.

And the happy owners in such a panoramic loggia room can embody very interesting designs.

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