
Who is the owner of the property. What does homeowner mean? There are free ways to find out the owners

Hello. I'll start with a story. I was approached by a family who decided to buy an apartment for themselves. They found the right one for themselves and decided to find out if the sellers really are the owners. To do this, they turned to one law firm and there they were asked for this information 1,500 rubles. I jumped out of my chair when I heard this amount. I told them that you can find out the owners of the apartments on your own and much cheaper. Therefore, I wrote about these methods, which somehow boil down to.

Are there free ways to find out the owners?

Property owners must have a document in their hands that confirms the ownership. Just ask to see this document. This can be a certificate of registration of rights (sample) or an extract from the USRN (sample). If there is no desire and opportunity to contact the owners, then an extract from the USRN can be obtained independently and you do not need to go anywhere -.

I will dispel a popular myth. In many forums and legal sites it is written that allegedly in tax office/ in the housing office / in the passport office they will name the property owners if you convince the employee that you want to buy this property and check it. This is complete nonsense. Remember - the owners will not be named for free, neither in these organizations, nor anywhere else. But many go there and then write in the comments that they were not told anything there. It was necessary to use the USRN statement.

Information about real estate owners is stored in the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN). According to paragraph 2 of Art. 63 of the Law on state registration, a free request to the USRN can be made by employees of law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, bailiff, notaries, etc. Ordinary citizens can make a paid request and receive an extract. The owners are displayed in it - all the details are below.

The best online method number 1 - you will find the owners in the electronic extract from the USRN

All methods are in one way or another connected with extracts from the USRN. There are several types of them, the required one is called so - an extract from the USRN on the main characteristics and registered rights to the property.

Take a look at the sample below. In section No. 2 in paragraph No. 1.1 "Copyright holder" it is shown who owns the apartment... If the apartment is owned by several people, then the size of their shares will be shown with their full names.

One owner

Several owners

Service for ordering an extract from the USRN, which I use

Any person (not even a citizen of the Russian Federation) can order an extract for any real estate in the Russian Federation. They are provided electronically and in paper form... An electronic statement is more convenient for me: 1) it costs 250 rubles, and a paper one is already 400 rubles; 2) there is no need to go anywhere - after payment the statement will be sent to e-mail; 3) easily opens on a computer or phone - no additional programs no need to install. Can be printed.

Previously, I ordered electronic statements on the official website of Rosreestr, now I use its partner service Ktotam.pro (I indicated the reasons in the next paragraph). Cost of statements on both sites 250 rubles, but in Ktotam.pro you can order 5 extracts for 150 rubles... How to order a statement is written, how to order a package of statements -. Ktotam.pro takes official information from the USRN, and not from any of its database, because together with the extract they will send digital signature registrar of Rosreestr (EDS).

Why did I start using Ktotam.pro? 1) extracts are sent on average after 1 hour. From Rosreestr it was necessary to wait an average of 47 hours; 2) extracts are sent immediately in a readable form - they can be opened on a computer and a smartphone, no additional programs are required. From Rosreestr, you will receive an extract in an unreadable .xml format and you will have to remake it into a readable form. 3) It is easier to fill in the order fields and there are few of them. The Rosreestr website is inconvenient, there are many fields for ordering and you need to enter your passport data.

Instructions for ordering an extract in Ktotam.pro

Ordering instructions with pictures. For clarity, I ordered an extract from the USRN for an apartment at Moscow, st. Vostochnaya, 13. For obvious reasons, I will not show the apartment number.

  1. Go to Ktotam.pro... Technical support: [email protected], [email protected] You can also ask me questions in the comments, but keep in mind that I am not the owner of the service, I only use it in my work.
  2. Enter the address of the apartment and click on the "Find" button.

    Here's what happened to me.

    (click on pictures to enlarge)

    In the "Street" field, enter only the name of the street, lane, boulevard, etc. Examples of addresses: example # 1, example # 2, example # 3, example # 4.

    If there is a building in the address of the apartment, then do not worry about the lack of a corresponding field. Just enter the address without the corpus, click on the "Find" button. In the next window, select the address in which the required corpus is indicated.

    If you need the city of Moscow or St. Petersburg, then type in the "Region" field. To search for other settlements, first enter the name of the region, then settlement.

  3. In the window that opens, check the address and click on "Select object".

    Package offers in Ktotam.pro

    (to enlarge the picture, click on it)

    The package is valid for 1 year. Ordered like this:

    Online method number 2 - on the Rosreestr website

    Please note that real estate owners are not shown for free on the Rosreestr website. I wrote about this in detail in my article, you will find proof there.

    On the Rosreestr website, you will have to make a paid request, or rather order the same extract from the USRN about the main characteristics and registered rights to the property. 400r is paper, 250r is electronic. I do not advise ordering an electronic statement on the Rosreestr website, tk. they send it on average after 2 days and in an unreadable form. Higher in method # 1;

  4. At the bottom, enter the captcha and click on the "Generate request" button;
  5. On the page that opens, click on the address of the apartment. As you can see, the background information does not contain the full names of the copyright holders, and so on with all the real estate.

    For example, I entered the address - Moscow, Valovaya st., 6, apt. 15, and this is what reference information I received from the USRN.

Method number 3 - at the MFC or Rosreestr branches

Everything is the same here - they will not name the owners just like that, you will need to order an extract from the USRN. Cost - 400 rubles. in paper form and 250 p. in electronic. Extracts are issued in 3-4 working days, but there are delays due to the workload of the department. I know where for the same 250 rubles. electronic statements are sent literally in 1 hour -.

If you nevertheless decide to contact the branches of the MFC or Rosreestr, you only need a passport and money for an extract. You can contact any department, no matter where the apartment is. If there is an MFC in the village, then go there, because in this case, the offices of Rosreestr do not directly accept citizens. If there is no MFC, then feel free to contact the branches of Rosreestr. Tell the employee the address desired apartment, he will fill out an application, issue a receipt and name the date the statement is ready. Also, the readiness of the order can be found by phone. On the appointed day, come for an extract along with your passport and receipt.

In accordance with Russian legislation the owner of an apartment is a natural or legal person who received the property as a result of a purchase or exchange.

Owner's powers

The apartment owner's rights are reduced to three main ones:

  1. Ownership. It means owning and holding a property. The homeowner has every right to restrict the access of unauthorized persons to the apartment and to the staircase (with the consent of other residents).
  2. Use. The owner can use the property as a profitable tool. He has the right to rent it out to both an individual and a legal entity. An individual entrepreneur can be organized in the apartment, which will save money on renting office space. The legislation does not prohibit the use of a property as collateral for loans.
  3. Order. The fate of the apartment depends on the will of the owner. He can sell it, donate it, exchange it.

It is categorically impossible:

  1. Violate the rights of neighbors. Loud music from 22:00 to 08:00, unpleasant odors, etc. are not allowed.
  2. Deal with engineering structures and communications, do it illegally. These measures can damage the entire property of a residential building.
  3. Use the apartment not for living. The law does not prohibit the creation of an office or other small business facility in it, but only if the rights to quiet residence of other residents are not violated apartment building... For example: Article 288 of the Housing Code prohibits the location of production.

Apartment owner and registered persons: general rights

The persons living in the apartment are not always the owners. As a rule, the owner of the property is one. The rest are either his family members, or persons living by virtue of a life support contract. In some cases, a person is registered on the living space who received the premises in his favor by virtue of a testamentary refusal.

In accordance with the Housing Code, the rights of the owner and the prescribed are equal if the other is a member of his family. It is legally stipulated that only spouses, children and their parents are recognized as family members. However, if they want to engage in individual entrepreneurship in the apartment, rent out a room, make redevelopment, they must obtain the consent of the homeowner.

If the family relationship has ended, then the former family members do not have the right to claim a living space, with the exception of:

  • if a minor child was registered in the apartment, then its owner does not have the right to evict him;
  • the right to use the property can be retained by the court if the former family members cannot provide themselves with housing on their own. Often, legal proceedings are reduced to the coercion of the owner to provide other housing for his former family.

At the same time, there is a former spouse (a) can legally reside, if he has not withdrawn from registration and there is no corresponding court decision. In this case, it is possible to evict a former family member only when the apartment is sold, but an appeal to the court will be required. Thus, the rights of an apartment owner in a divorce are limited by the property status of the other party and the presence of children. In accordance with the Family Code, the latter can continue to use the housing further.

Quite not uncommon is living on the living space of relatives. In accordance with article 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to deprive any person of housing. Thus, if their financial situation wants the best, then they have every right to use the apartment in which they are registered.

Often, conflicts arise between the owners and the registered persons related to the joint use of housing. You can protect yourself from headaches when imprisoned marriage contract with a soul mate, an annuity agreement or life support. In this case, each party will be guided by the rights to housing recorded in the official document.

If the housing is non-privatized, then when it is privatized, all registered ones automatically become owners. In accordance with Federal Law No. 189, it is impossible to deregister an individual who was registered in the apartment at the time of privatization. At the same time, neither the current owner, who became the owner of the housing in the process of privatization, nor the owner who received the apartment as a gift, by will or upon purchase, can evict him.

Owner's powers in an apartment building

The rights of the owner of the apartment in apartment building are determined by the Housing Code and the Rules for the Use of Residential Premises.

  1. The use of an apartment involves living in it, taking into account the interests of neighbors, requirements against fire safety, environmental and sanitary and hygienic standards.
  2. The main right of the owner is to dispose of the property at his own discretion. The law does not prohibit renting it out on condition that it pays taxes to the budget.
  3. The rights of family members are stated in article 292 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with it, they can use and own housing, and only the owner can dispose of it.

If the house is to be demolished

It is possible to demolish an apartment building both by the decision of the municipality and by the development of the territory by the developers. Let's consider each option.

The house is subject to demolition to meet government needs

This event may be caused by the need for new construction, landscaping, expansion of the neighboring complex, etc. It should be remembered that such a seizure of the territory is legal only if it is impossible to use the land plot in the future for new purposes, for example: it is impossible to lay a highway without demolishing the house.

The removal of housing in accordance with the law must be compensated. The relevant authority that made the decision on the demolition is obliged to register it in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and notify the owners in writing about the release of their premises. Moreover, this must be done within a period of at least one year. An important point is the fact that the owner received the notification.

The right of the owner of an apartment during the demolition of a house for an equivalent housing is fixed by the norms of the Housing Code. He must receive a real estate object of the same footage, where he can enter without additional repair work. If he is not interested in this offer, then the executive body is obliged to redeem his housing at a cost that includes the market price of the apartment and lost profits.

When moving to a new home, an individual automatically becomes its owner.

The demolition of housing occurs at the initiative of the developer

If the demolition of housing occurs at the initiative of the developer who is engaged in the renovation of the housing stock, then former owner apartment receives or monetary compensation, or new housing. Residents must be notified six months prior to any demolition work. A notification is sent to them.

As for private developers, they cannot demolish a house with the disagreement of even one owner of an apartment in it. In this situation, they are looking for a mutual compromise.

Knowing your rights as the owner of a home or as prescribed in it will help you avoid unpleasant conflict situations.

WHO IS A HOUSING OWNER? The owner of a residential (non-residential) premises is an individual or legal entity that has the right of ownership on the basis of a law or an agreement (privatization, purchase and sale, exchange, etc.). WHAT IS HOA? A homeowners' association is an association of owners of the premises of an apartment building for the joint management of a complex of real estate, ensuring the operation of this complex, possession, use and disposal of common property in an apartment building. As practice shows, it is often much more profitable to create, which includes several, united by one yard or quarter. First, their residents will pay much less for the maintenance of the management apparatus of the partnership: the costs for this are inevitable. Secondly, such a HOA will save a lot of money on paying for those housing utilities that they turn out not to be a separate house, but the entire residential area: garbage removal, improvement of children's or sports grounds, pruning of trees and shrubs, asphalting, etc. Thirdly, it is much easier to find a proactive and competent chairman of the HOA in several houses than in one. Two or more HOAs can create an association of homeowners' associations for joint management of common property in apartment buildings. The owner of the premises in an apartment building owns and uses not only his apartment (office, shop), but has the right to his share in the common property. The composition of common property is enshrined in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 36), as well as by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 N 491 "On approval of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building and the Rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in the event of provision of services and performance of work on the management, maintenance and repair of common property in an apartment building of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration "and is shown in Fig. 1. Roofs Technical floors, attics with utilities Elevators, elevators and other shafts corridors Fencing bearing and Staircase non-bearing platforms and staircases structures Mechanical, electrical, sanitary and technical equipment located in this house outside the Basements or inside the premises and serving more than one room And other objects intended for the maintenance, operation and improvement of an apartment building (transformer substations, collective parking lots, garages, children's and sports grounds). Real estate objects that can be managed by the HOA (Art. 136 of the LC RF) THE OBJECTIVES OF CREATING HOA ARE: - effective sharing of common property; - maintaining the required technical and sanitary condition of the building; - providing homeowners with conditions for a safe and comfortable stay; - minimization of costs for maintenance and utilities; - obtaining additional financing through economic activities; -providing residents additional services; - representing the interests of owners in relations with third parties; - joint control for compliance with the rules of residence. The creation of an association of homeowners will allow: - to more accurately determine the legal rights of residents and ensure their legal protection; - to create a workable decision-making mechanism related to the repair and maintenance of the house and individual apartments; - improve the quality of service at home, which, in turn, will increase initial cost apartments; - take part in the target program for the overhaul; - to give each tenant the opportunity to participate in decision-making on the management of housing. At the same time, one should not forget that the creation of a partnership is not just a technical operation for the preparation of documents, but a step towards changing the consciousness and psychology of residents, their attitude to property. To ensure the creation and HOA activities preparation of a certain set of documents is required, the development and execution of which is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Rights of a Homeowners 'Association Rights of a Homeowners' Association (Part 2 of Art. 137 of the RF LC) HOW TO CREATE A HOA? The decision to create a HOA can be made only by the owners of the premises of an apartment building and only at a general meeting. To hold a general meeting, it is necessary to notify all owners by placing announcements at entrances, stands and other special places. The announcement must include the date, time and place of the meeting, agenda items and information (full name, address, contact phone number) about the person who initiates the meeting. If the house has non-privatized apartments and non-residential premises, then a representative of the Committee for Property Management and Land Relations of the city of Kopeysk must be invited to the meeting. True, most likely, he will not come, and then someone from the initiative group will need to obtain a power of attorney to represent this body at the meeting. The meeting is recognized as legitimate if at least fifty percent plus one vote of the owners have confirmed their participation in it. Members of the initiative group carry out the registration of the residents of the house at the general organizational meeting. A meeting is considered competent if more than half of the owners of residential and non-residential premises are present at it. According to the law, the chairman of the first organizational meeting is the initiator of the meeting, who bears the main burden. At the meeting, you need to tell the residents of the house about what an HOA is, what are the goals of its creation, the advantages of HOA members, what problems they may face, what support they can get from local authorities. The general meeting elects the board of the HOA, which will conduct the day-to-day work on managing the house. The meeting determines how the chairman of the board of the HOA is elected. If by voting at the general meeting, then the chairman is immediately elected. Further, all the work on registration and management of the house is undertaken by the board and the chairman of the HOA. The data on the holding of the meeting are recorded in the minutes No. 1 general meeting... The extract from minutes No. 1 should contain the following sections: Listened. Decided. Voted. In the section "voted" it is necessary to indicate the number of "for", "against", "abstained" in the percentage of votes (participation shares). Each owner has a number of votes at the general meeting proportional to the share of his apartment in the total area of ​​apartments in the building. An extract from minutes No. 1 is signed by the chairman and the secretary of the meeting. TO CREATE A HOA IT IS NECESSARY: - To create an initiative group; - Obtain preliminary consent for the creation of a homeowners association of the majority of the residents of the house and agree with them about participation in the meeting; - Receive from each resident of the house a confirmation of ownership of real estate (Appendix No. 1); - Prepare a draft charter; - To acquaint tenants with the draft Charter; - Inform the tenants about the general meeting; - Organize and hold a general meeting; - To elect the board of the HOA and the chairman of the board, if so established in the Charter; - Prepare a set of documents for the creation and registration of the HOA. STAGES OF ESTABLISHING A HOA Creation of an initiative group Confirmation of the homeowner's right of ownership of real estate Confirmation of participation of the homeowner in the general meeting by his signature Preparation of a draft Charter by an initiative group Introducing residents to the draft Charter Notifying residents of a general meeting Organizing and holding a general meeting Election of the board of HOAs housing (Art. 145 of the RF LC) Issues related to the competence of the general meeting of HOA members (decisions on which are adopted by a majority of votes of the total number of votes of the members of the partnership or their representatives present at the general meeting) Amending the charter of the partnership Formation of special funds of HOA, including number of the reserve fund for the restoration and repair of common property Election of the board and the audit commission (auditor) of the partnership Approval of the annual plan for the financial figure of the partnership and a report on the implementation of such a plan Establishing the amount of compulsory payments and contributions of members of the partnership Consideration of complaints against the actions of the HOA board, the chairman of the HOA board and audit commission(auditor) HOA Adoption and amendment, upon the proposal of the chairman of the HOA board, of the rules of the HOA's internal regulations in relation to employees whose duties include maintenance of an apartment building, provisions on remuneration for their labor Determining the amount of remuneration for members of the board of the partnership Issues related to the competence of the general meeting of HOA members (decisions , for which at least two-thirds of votes of the total number of votes of the members of the partnership are taken) Decision-making on the reorganization and liquidation of the HOA Determination of the directions of use of income from the economic activities of the HOA Decision-making on obtaining borrowed funds, including bank loans Decision-making on leasing or transferring other rights to common property HOW TO REGISTER HOA? In order for the homeowners' association you have created to receive the right to all the necessary actions for the disposal and management of the house, you need to go through the registration procedure. In accordance with the Civil (Art. 51) and Housing (Clause 3, Art. 136) codes, the HOA is a legal entity, therefore, is subject to state registration. State registration of HOAs is now carried out only in accordance with the Federal Law on the Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs. On the basis of this Law, the registration of the HOA is carried out by the territorial body of the Federal tax service at the location of the HOA within five days from the date of submission of all the necessary documents. According to Art. 12 of the Federal Law on registration, the following documents must be submitted to the registering authority: a) an application for state registration signed by the applicant in the form 11001. This application must contain information about the newly created HOA: - name; - address (this is the address of the chairman of the HOA, which should also be reflected in the charter); - views economic activity in accordance with the charter of the HOA; - information about the person who has the right to act on behalf of the HOA without a power of attorney (it is the chairman), and about the founders, who are elected members of the board in order to create an HOA; - also in the application it is necessary to certify the signature of the applicant in a notarial order; b) the decision to create legal entity in the form of the minutes of the general meeting; c) constituent documents (for HOA this is the charter); e) a document confirming the payment of the state duty (2000 rubles). It should be noted that the registering authority is not entitled to require the submission of other documents, except for those established by the Registration Law. The HOA is considered to be created from the moment of making an entry on the creation in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities). Within one working day from the moment the entry on the creation of the HOA is entered into the state register, the registering authority sends (issues) to the applicant a document confirming the fact of making such an entry, and within no more than five working days from the moment of state registration, it independently transmits information about the establishment of the HOA to state extrabudgetary funds... In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 23 of the Registration Law, refusal to register an HOA is possible only in the presence of two circumstances: - failure to submit the documents required for state registration; - submission of documents to an inappropriate registration authority. The term for making a decision to refuse is equal to the period for state registration, which means it is five days. The procedure for registering HOA Preparation of a set of documents for registration Payment of state duty Submitting an application from a prepared package of documents to the territorial body of the Federal Tax Service Registration of HOA Refusal to register Issuance of a certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities Correction of the package of documents WHO WILL MANAGE HOA? Life support multi-storey building- a complex and multifaceted business. It includes maintenance, repair and maintenance different systems , networks, organization of garbage collection and cleaning of entrances, calculation of tariffs for heat and contracts with its suppliers ... All this is the sphere of application of efforts, experience, knowledge and enthusiasm of the members of the HOA board and, above all, its chairman. There is no clearly developed provision on what the rights and obligations of the chairman and board of the HOA are. Usually it defines their circle by itself. It is necessary to clearly define what the elected person is responsible for and what responsibility the chairperson elected by the meeting bears. This will allow to objectively assess the activities of the chairman and at the same time protect him from unlawful, unnecessary demands from the members of the HOA. The powers of the board are determined by legislative acts and are directly indicated in the Articles of Association of the partnership. The regulations on the work of the chairman must be approved at the general meeting of the HOA members in the form of the job description of the chairman of the partnership. And what it will be depends on the residents of the house themselves. Provisions proposed by us in Appendix No. 5 are based on the experience of existing HOAs. Obligations of the Homeowners' Association (Article 138 of the LC RF) ELECTION OF THE CHAIRMAN OF HOUSEHOLD AND REMOVAL OF HIS OFFICE As we have already said, the chairman of the board is an elected person. The charter of the partnership determines the procedure for its election. He can be elected directly at the general meeting of the members of the partnership or from the board. In the first case, the chairman is considered elected if the majority of those present at the general meeting voted for him, where the quorum was observed (more than half of the HOA members). In the second case, if the majority of the board members voted for him. The chairman, elected by the general meeting, can be removed from the leadership only by the decision of the general meeting, again if there is a quorum. It is also necessary to organize a meeting if the chairman, on his own initiative, decided to resign, a kind of resignation. The reality is that it is problematic to ensure a quorum at a general meeting of HOA members. Therefore, practice shows that it is easier and more effective to fix in the Charter the procedure for electing a chairman from the board: then it has the right to re-elect him, and there is no need to organize a general meeting for this. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOA BOARD AND ITS CHAIRMAN The members of the HOA board, the chairman of the board, the managing organization or the managing person are all liable to the HOA for losses caused by their guilty actions (inaction). The responsibility of several persons is joint and several. Board members who voted against such decisions or did not vote at all are not responsible. Any owner or group of owners who is a member of the HOA can apply to the court with a claim against persons belonging to the management bodies of the HOA. Responsibilities of the board of an association of homeowners (Article 148 of the RF LC) MANAGEMENT OF HOA HOA houses (or a group of houses) can create their own house management. It will be called its own HOA service for the operation of a house (or a group of houses), this service itself will select the most profitable contractors for the repair and maintenance of the housing stock, conclude contracts for the supply of heat, garbage disposal, etc. In this case, the HOA, on the basis of an agreement concluded with its own operational service, will be able to fully control and direct its work. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR A NEW HOUSEHOLD? Have you purchased an apartment in a house managed by a HOA? Congratulations! But in this case, keep in mind that you automatically accept all the rules of the game and agree in advance with the decision of the majority of new neighbors about the form and procedure for managing the house. Your consent must be informed. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the conditions of your current residence. And even better if you were able to do this before purchasing a home: in this case, you will not tell yourself that you bought a pig in a poke. Who should I go to for information? Of course, to the chairman of the HOA. He is obliged to provide you with the following documents: - Application for membership in the HOA (see Appendix No. 2); - a memo to the owner of an apartment in the home of the HOA (see Appendix No. 3); - the charter of the partnership; - cost estimate of the HOA; - calculating the costs of the services provided, or regulations on the basis of which the rates and tariffs are established; - obligation to pay (see Appendix No. 4). When buying an apartment in a house managed by a HOA, the chairman is simply an irreplaceable person for you. You will be able to obtain from him other documents you need to complete the transaction: - data on the presence or absence of arrears in payment of expenses for the maintenance of the apartment and common property; - information about insurance of common property (if any); - financial report of the HOA for the last quarter (year); - information about the upcoming capital costs, fees and savings that may arise in connection with these costs. WILL HOUSEHOLD HOUSE HANDLING RATE GROWTH? The structure of the payment for the dwelling includes: Payment for the use of the dwelling. Residents of non-privatized apartments pay rent, and homeowners pay property tax. Payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, which may include payments for services and work for the management of an apartment building, maintenance and current repair of common property (Fig. 2). Here everyone pays the same, tk. services for the management of a residential building, maintenance and current repair of common property are the same for both forms of ownership: private and municipal. It is important to remember that overhaul common property is made at the expense of the owner of the premises and is not included in this payment. Utility bills. Various organizations supply heat, water and electricity to our home. Such services, of course, must be paid for by us. How much do you have to pay? For the first and third articles, the amount of payments depends on the standards established by state and local authorities. As for the second article, then here we can significantly save. How? Today we have the opportunity to accurately determine for each house how much money to collect under this item and how to dispose of it so that it is spent efficiently. There is a tool for this - HOA. But here the question arises: is the savings under the second article worth the hassle associated with organizing and the work of the HOA? Our quality of life depends entirely on who is at the helm - on the chairman. The difference in payment for identical apartments in adjacent buildings can be many times over! A good chairman is a reasonable rent, clean entrances, uninterrupted heat and water supply. Bad - the opposite picture. The more competent, energetic, and meticulous the head of the HOA, the more savings we will receive under the second article. This is not surprising, because we manage our good (through a person whom we trust and who is worthy of our trust) much more frugally. rice. 2 Payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises Set in an amount that ensures the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. consumer cooperative. The amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in an apartment building is determined taking into account the proposals of the management organization and is established for a period of at least one year housing stock and the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises for owners of residential premises who have not decided on the choice of a method for managing an apartment building , as well as in dormitories, if several citizens live in the same room in a dormitory The amount of mandatory payments and (or) contributions of members of the HOA or housing cooperative (ZhK) or other specialized consumer cooperative associated with the payment of maintenance and repair costs common property in an apartment building. It is determined at a general meeting of owners of premises in such a house. Russian Federation- cities of federal significance Moscow and St. Petersburg - by the state authority of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation Established by the owners of the indicated residential premises Determined by the management bodies of the HOA, the housing cooperative (ZhK) or the governing bodies of another specialized consumer cooperative (SEC) in accordance with the charter of the HOA or the charter of the HOA (ZhK) or the charter of another SEC Appendix No. 1 Documents of title to an apartment They confirm ownership or other property rights to housing. These documents must be kept directly with the homeowner. If they are lost, you must immediately report this to the registration chamber and receive duplicates. The documents of title include: 1. Certificate of ownership of housing. 2. Certificate of the right to inherit by will. 3. Certificate of the right to inherit by law. 4. Purchase and sale agreement. 5. Donation agreement. 6. Exchange agreement. 7. Annuity agreement. 8. A copy of the entered legal force court decisions. Appendix No. 2 General meeting of HOA members "_____________________________________" (name) from _________________________ (full name of the applicant) residing at: ___________________ Application for membership in HOA Please accept me as a member of HOA "________________". I have read the Charter and the rules and undertake to comply with them. "" ____________________ 200 signature _____________________ Appendix No. 3 REMINDER for purchasing an apartment in a homeowners association building By purchasing an apartment in a building at the address: _________, you must: Provide to the board of the partnership the original and a copy of the title documents for the residential (non-residential) premises. A copy of the submitted document remains in the accounting department of the board. 2. Conclude an agreement or an agreement with a partnership on the maintenance and repair of the common property of the house. Participate in the costs and make the mandatory payments necessary to cover the costs associated with the management, maintenance, reconstruction, operation and overhaul of the real estate of a residential building, in proportion to the size of the occupied area or shares of participation. If serious malfunctions are found in the apartment, immediately take all possible measures to eliminate them. Report a malfunction to the dispatcher of the UDS (united dispatch service), if an agreement has been concluded with her, or to the manager of the house. Observe order in entrances, elevator cars, staircases and other common areas. Observe fire safety rules (blocking corridors, passages, emergency exits, etc. is prohibited). If fire safety rules are not followed, administrative sanctions are applied to the perpetrators. Do not carry out re-equipment, redevelopment of residential, utility rooms, as well as premises common use without obtaining the appropriate permission from the local government. If these rules are not followed, administrative sanctions are applied to the guilty. 8. Make monthly, no later than the tenth day of the month following the lived month, payment for housing, utilities and other services provided for by contracts and decisions of the general meeting of the HOA. 9. Allow employees of operating organizations and board members to enter the occupied living quarters. 10. When disposing of residential premises, notify the other party (buyer, tenant, etc.) of the existence of contractual obligations and debts on them. If leaks occur on the plumbing equipment, immediately report to the dispatch service (if there is a contractual relationship) to eliminate the accident or to the house manager to draw up an act confirming the fact of the bay. 12. To report to the accounting department of the partnership information about the change in the number of people living in the apartment. Submit to the accounting department of the partnership documents confirming the right to benefits: a certificate or certificates. They must be reissued annually, unless otherwise stipulated by applicable law. You must submit applications for the maintenance of your apartment to the dispatch service or the building manager. If your application is not fulfilled, check the registration log to see if it is marked there or not. If the application is not registered, ask to do so and report the incident to the board. If the application is registered, but not completed, contact the board with a statement. If you are absent for a long time, please inform the board of the telephone number of your close relatives or acquaintances who can be contacted in case of an emergency in your apartment. Board phone: ODS phone: District inspector's phone Phone of the state Kopeisk region Board I have read the memo. I undertake to comply with the requirements set out in the leaflet. Resident of apartment No. (signature) (full name, full name) Appendix No. 4 Obligation to pay Kopeysk "" 200g. I, ____________________________________, residing at: __ (surname, name, patronymic - in full) ________________________________ __ I undertake: 1. To use the acquired residential (non-residential) premises in the HOA "____" for residential (non-residential) purposes (cross out unnecessary). At the expense of own funds pay the costs of overhaul, maintenance and current repairs of the house, its engineering equipment and the adjacent territory, as well as utilities (water supply, water disposal, heat supply, hot water supply, gas supply, electricity supply, removal of household waste, maintenance of elevator facilities, etc.) and other services in the manner prescribed by law. At their own expense, pay the costs provided for by the HOA, as well as the agreement (agreement) on the maintenance and repair of common property. Payment of expenses for major repairs, for the maintenance and current repairs of the house, its engineering equipment and the adjacent territory, as well as utilities (water supply, sewerage, heat supply, hot water supply, gas supply, electricity supply, removal of household waste, maintenance of the elevator facilities, etc.) and others. to provide services no later than the 10th day of the current month for the past month. If the deadlines for fulfilling these obligations are not met, I undertake to pay penalties in an amount equal to the refinancing rate established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the overdue amount of payment for each day of delay. I am notified that in case of failure to fulfill the obligations specified in the agreement, I will be liable under this agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Signature of the owner (owner) Appendix No. 5 Job description of the chairman of the board of the HOA 1. GENERAL The chairman is an elected person, endowed with managerial powers. The chairman of the HOA: - can be elected or re-elected directly at the general meeting or from among the board members by voting, for a period established by the charter of the partnership, but not more than two years; - supervises the activities of the board, in connection with which he has the right to give instructions and orders to all officials of the partnership, which are obligatory for them; - ensures the implementation of decisions of the general meeting and the board; acts and signs payment documents on behalf of the partnership and concludes transactions that, in accordance with the current legislation, the Articles of Association, are first subject to mandatory approval by the board or general meeting; - develops and submits for approval by the general meeting the rules of the internal procedure for the work of the board and service personnel of the partnership, as well as the regulation on remuneration for their labor; - is guided in his work by legislative and regulations, The charter of the partnership, this regulation, decisions of the general meeting, board and other documents; - is a representative of the partnership without a power of attorney in all executive, representative and judicial authorities. 2. DUTIES OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD The Chairman of the Board is obliged to: 1. Study and know: legislative acts Of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the HOA, this instruction, contracts for maintenance and provision of utilities and other services, as well as other documents related to the activities of the HOA. 2. To organize the activities of the board in accordance with the current legislation, the requirements of the HOA Charter and decisions of the general meeting and the board. 3. To carry out the functions of organizing maintenance and repair of the house, as well as the provision of utilities and other services to members of the HOA. 4. Control the provision of utilities and other services of the established quality to the residents of the building. 5. To provide residents of the house in the prescribed manner with recalculation of payments when providing public services of low quality or not providing them. 6. To get from service organizations to carry out repair work, maintenance of equipment in the premises of the house. 7. Ensure storage of copies of title documents confirming the ownership rights of HOA members to residential and non-residential premises. 8. Ensure accounting and storage of economic and other contracts related to the activities of the HOA. 9. Issue, within the limits of its authority, to residents of the house settlement documents for the services provided, certificates, extracts, acts, copies of personal accounts and other documents. 10. To represent the interests of HOAs in state, municipal and other institutions related to the management and operation of the house. 12. Maintain the appropriate technical documentation for the house, control the preparation of accounting, statistical and other reports, conduct banking operations. 13. To carry out management and control over the activities of the accounting department. 14. To check the correctness of settlements with the tenants of the house for payment of housing, utilities and other services, as well as their fulfillment of payment obligations. 15. Timely inform the supervisory authorities about the unauthorized re-equipment and redevelopment of common areas, residential and non-residential premises by the residents of the house. 16. Carry out periodic monitoring of the state of structures, engineering equipment and external home improvement. Monthly: personally supervise the cleaning of the territory of the household, common areas; together with the manager (management company: hereinafter referred to as the manager) or a member of the board, check the condition of the roof of the house, technical floors and drainage systems; together with the manager or a member of the board, check the condition of the engineering equipment on the technical floors and in the basements. The chairman of the board informs the service organization about all detected faults and requires their elimination. 17. Prepare and summarize proposals for the maintenance and preservation of the house. 18. Maintain the reception of residents of the house, as well as record and register complaints and applications received from them, regarding the management of the house, paperwork, registration and correctness of payments for payments, consider them personally and make decisions. 19. To exercise control over the current or major repairs of the building. If necessary, involve specialists from third-party organizations. 20. To organize the purchase of materials and equipment necessary for the current repair and maintenance of the house. 21. To control the keeping of the accounting journal and the movement of material assets belonging to the HOA. 22. Organize staff training. 23. To supervise the work of the manager and to help him in cases stipulated by the safety precautions when performing complex work. 24. Prepare acts for write-off material resources and submit them to the board for approval. 25. Participate in the work of the inventory commissions. 26. Draw up a quarterly work plan with mandatory reporting on its implementation to the board at the end of the quarter. 27. To agree in accordance with the established procedure documents for obtaining permits by HOA members for redevelopment of residential and non-residential premises and their re-equipment (installation, connection and use of electrical appliances and machines with a capacity exceeding the technological capabilities of the in-house electrical network, additional sections of heating devices, control and shut-off valves; connection and use of household appliances and equipment, including individual water purification devices that do not have technical passports (certificates). 28. Issue permits to residents of the house, agreed with the service organization, to drain water from systems and heating devices, as well as suspend the supply of utilities. 29.Use, by the decision of the general meeting and the board, non-residential premises in the interests of the HOA, without prejudice to the rights of the residents of the house. m meeting or the board of decisions that contradict the current legislation, to demand the cancellation of these decisions. 33. Require the residents of the apartments to timely contact the service organization if they find malfunctions in the apartment equipment (fistulas, rust, leaks, etc.) and load-bearing walls (chips, cracks, etc.). Rights of the chairman The chairman of the board has the right to: 1. Conclude, on behalf of the partnership and with the permission of the board: business contracts with resource supply and service organizations, as well as organizations providing utilities and other services; agreements on the transfer of rights for management, joint ownership of the house and share participation in the costs of its maintenance, repair and management with homeowners. 2. Monitor targeted use owners of their (residential and non-residential) premises and apply measures that do not contradict the norms of current legislation in cases of using these premises for other purposes. 3. In the event of an emergency in a room owned by individuals or legal entities (in the absence of the owner at the time of the accident), threatening to damage the property of other owners and owners of the house, has the right to enter the premises with the consent of the owner. 4. In accordance with the procedure established by law, reimburse the HOA for losses incurred as a result of violation by the homeowner of statutory obligations or obligations provided for in the Agreement on the transfer of rights to manage, joint ownership of the house and share participation in the costs of its maintenance, repair and management, as well as other losses caused by the owner of the HOA. 5. Carry out the selection of personnel with its subsequent approval at a meeting of the board. 6. Supervise the activities of the staff. 7. To give members of the board separate assignments and to demand their fulfillment. 8. To have a casting vote when voting at a meeting of the board in case of equality of votes. 9. To vacate the current position ahead of schedule. The chairman of the board may additionally be granted the following rights by the board: - to independently dispose of a certain amount of funds established by the decision of the general meeting of the partnership to pay for office supplies, registration fees, etc .; - personally represent the interests of the partnership in all judicial, state, public and other organizations; - to file claims in court in case of non-fulfillment by the members of the partnership of their obligations or violation of the law by them; - to draw up and issue the documents of the established samples to the residents of the house; - carry out the selection of personnel; - solely supervise the activities of the personnel; - to select contractors. The Chairman of the Management Board has no right to: - Make payments not approved by the Management Board, as well as not provided for in the estimate. - Enter the apartments of the residents of the building without their will. - To fire employees without a decision of the board. - To comply with the decisions of the general meeting and the board, if they contradict the current legislation. - Conclude contracts without a decision of the board, unless otherwise provided by the Charter or job description. Responsibility of the chairman of the board. The chairman of the board is personally responsible for: - organizing office work in the board; - organization of accounting and storage of documentation; - the correctness of the conclusion of contracts; - failure to make decisions on the maintenance and operation of home repairs; - the timeliness and completeness of payment of taxes and other mandatory payments. The chairman of the board is dismissed from his position in case of failure to fulfill the duties provided for by this job description, as well as on the grounds set out in Labor Code RF. How comfortable and peaceful each of us will live in our common home depends to a very large extent on the chairman of the board. Therefore, a random person cannot be the chairman. The person elected to this position must have certain qualities and knowledge. It is desirable that he has: - higher (at least secondary) education, - work experience in a similar position for at least one year, - was trained in courses on management, maintenance, maintenance and repair of residential buildings. Citizens' rights to receive subsidies Members of HOAs, like all other citizens, have the right to use subsidies to pay for housing and utilities. On the basis of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the right to subsidies is possessed by: 1. users of residential premises of the state and municipal housing stock, 2. tenants under contracts for the lease of residential premises of a private housing stock, 3. members of housing cooperatives, 4. owners of residential premises. The main conditions for obtaining a subsidy include: 1. in the event that the costs of paying for housing and utilities exceed the maximum allowable share of citizens' expenses for their payment, depending on the total family income, 2. in the absence of arrears in payment for housing and utilities, 3. in the presence of an agreement concluded and executed by citizens on the repayment of arrears for payment of housing and utilities. Subsidies are provided by social protection bodies at the place of residence of citizens.

May 19, 2009 Sofya Kalmykova: Only the owner of a living space fully determines the fate of his home. The owner is the rightful owner of the apartment. But together with the owner, other citizens can live in the apartment, for example, family members of the owner. What rights do they have? Can the owner easily expel unwanted relatives from the apartment and how easy is it to do? Let's try to understand these issues.

Rights and obligations of apartment owners

In accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owner has the right to own, use and dispose of his dwelling in accordance with its purpose.

In accordance with Art. 17 of the Housing Code, the dwelling is intended for living. But you can not only live in an apartment, you can carry out professional activities in it. The owner (or his associates) can create a studio in the apartment, or adapt the room for sewing clothes, or simply work at home at the computer. But such use of housing should not violate the rights and affect the legitimate interests of those living nearby.

The owner of an apartment has the right not only to live and engage in professional activities in his apartment, he also has the right to rent out his property, and not only to citizens, but also to a legal entity. In this case, a lease agreement must be concluded with a legal entity, and an apartment provided under a lease agreement can only be used for citizens, for example, employees of an organization.

In addition to the rights, the owner also has responsibilities that everyone probably knows about. He bears the burden of maintaining his property. That is, he is obliged to make timely repairs in the apartment, pay for utilities, pay taxes established by law. You will have to pay not only for the apartment, but also common property in an apartment building.

Who is the owner's family member?

In addition to the owner, other citizens can also live with him, who, although they are not co-owners of the dwelling, are called members of the owner's family in accordance with the law.

The owner's family members include his spouse, children and parents who live with the owner of the apartment. Other relatives, disabled dependents and, in exceptional cases, other citizens may be recognized as family members of the owner if they are moved in by the owner as family members. That is, if the owner has registered people in the apartment, then they (in the legal sense) are automatically equated to members of his family.

The law stipulates that family members have the right to use the apartment on an equal basis with the owner. They are also obliged to use the premises for their intended purpose and to ensure the safety of the apartment. Capable and partially capable citizens bear joint responsibility with the owner for the obligations arising from the right to use. They are also required to pay utility bills and participate in other mandatory payments for the maintenance of the property. An exception is the apartment tax, which is borne only by the owner of the property.

If you become a former family member ...

Surely everyone has heard about the norm of the law, which stipulates that upon termination of family relations, the former member of the owner's family loses the right to use the apartment - this is provided for in paragraph 4 of Art. 31 LCD RF.

Most of all, the termination of family relations is applicable to spouses. Let's say the spouse is the owner of the apartment, and the spouse is registered with him. What will happen to the rights of the spouse if the marriage breaks up? By law, she will lose the right to use the living quarters. Does she have any hope of living at least temporarily in the same apartment?

Do not rush to be removed from the register, that is, do not sign out. Registration gives you the right to live in an apartment legally, and without your consent, the owner will not be able to discharge you. It is possible to remove a citizen from the registration at the place of residence only if he is discharged voluntarily or by a court decision.

If the case has come to court, then you need to know about the following. The law provides that if the former family member of the owner has no other housing (well, there is nowhere for a person to go!), And also if the property status of the former family member and other noteworthy circumstances do not allow him to provide himself with other living quarters, then the right to use the apartment can be retained for a specified period on the basis of a court decision. Unfortunately, the specific period during which you can still live in the apartment has not been determined, in each case the court will decide this issue individually.

Also, the Housing Code stipulates that the court has the right to oblige the owner of the living quarters to provide other housing for the former spouse and other members of his family, in favor of whom the owner fulfills alimony obligations, at their request.

If the court makes a decision that allows the former family member to live in the apartment, then the owner will not be able to evict him in any way. Although the owner still has one chance of eviction: before the expiration of the specified period, it is possible to evict only if the owner sells (donates, etc.) the specified apartment. But again, for this you will have to go to court.

But what if a child was born in marriage? Indeed, most often children after a divorce remain with their mothers. Is the child also recognized as a former member of the owner's family?

Unfortunately, after the entry into force of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, or rather paragraph 4 of Art. 31 of the RF LC, the courts considered exactly that - they recognized the child as a former member of the owner's family and evicted him along with the mothers into the street. An example of this is contained in the Review of Judicial Practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for the 3rd quarter of 2005, where paragraph 18 directly states: family of the owner of the dwelling and is subject to eviction together with the ex-spouse on the basis and in the manner prescribed by Part 4 of Art. 31 LCD RF ".

In 2007, this opinion was recognized as erroneous, and paragraph 18 of the above-mentioned Review of the Supreme Court was declared invalid.

Now the legislation answers the question about the rights of the child as follows:

“Does the child retain the right to use the living quarters owned by one of the parents after the parents dissolve the marriage?

Answer: According to Part 4 of Art. 31 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, in the event of termination of family relations with the owner of a residential premises, the right to use this residential premises for a former family member of the owner of this residential premises is not retained, unless otherwise established by an agreement between the owner and a former member of his family.

At the same time, in accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the child has the right to protection of his rights and legitimate interests, which is carried out by his parents (clause 1 of article 56 of the RF IC). Parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children, they are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children (clause 1 of article 63 of the Code).

The aforementioned rights of the child and the obligations of his parents are preserved even after the divorce of the child's parents.

Proceeding from this, the deprivation of the child of the right to use the living quarters of one of the parents - the owner of this premise, may entail a violation of the rights of the child.

Therefore, by virtue of the provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation on the obligations of parents in relation to their children, the right to use the living quarters owned by one of the parents should remain with the child even after the dissolution of the marriage between his parents.

Privatization and former family members

When privatizing residential premises, citizens have the right to either become the owners of the apartment or not to become them.

If the spouses decide to privatize the apartment, but at the same time one of them becomes the owner of the apartment, and the second refuses to privatize, then they should know: paragraph 4 of Art. 31 of the Housing Code in this case does not apply! That is, even if the spouses decide to divorce, the former spouse of the owner will still have the right to use the living quarters.

Photo: photo bank "Lori"

In Moscow and in other cities of Russia, this is a fairly simple procedure. But at the same time, there can often be several owners of such housing. And then the question arises about the division of jointly privatized property.

Who is the owner of the privatized apartment?

The owner of such housing is a person who lived in this area according to a social tenancy agreement. In this case, only permanent residence is taken into account. Also, the owner of a privatized apartment is the one who participated in the process of transferring real estate from the city fund to personal use.

If a family of several people lived on a permanent basis in an apartment (until the moment of privatization), then they can all become its owners. And in the case when the property was privatized during the marriage, the husband and wife have absolutely equal rights to it.

How is a privatized apartment divided between the owners?

In this, two options for the development of events can be distinguished: the division of property through the court and the division with the help of a special agreement. Moreover, the second option is possible only when the owners have no claims to each other.

In the event of a division by a court, all homeowners receive one room per apartment. In this case, the places for general use are:


Corridor (hallway)

If there are more apartment owners than living rooms, or if we are talking about one-room housing, then here the property is divided equally. But at the same time, there is no question of distinguishing between rooms. That is, all owners have equal rights to all housing. , and the proceeds are divided equally.

As for the settlement of relations with the help of an agreement, here it is necessary to draw up an agreement with the help of a notary. And then, register this agreement with the justice authorities. In you just need to prescribe what each of the parties relies on. Absolutely any homeowners who have turned 18 years old can conclude such a "peace".

It is worth noting that if one of the owners has minor children, then it will not be possible to do without a court in this matter.

Spouses and section of the apartment

If during privatization both spouses lived in an apartment on a permanent basis, then upon divorce it is divided into two equal parts. But if the real estate has passed into the personal property of the spouse before marriage, then the second family member has no rights to it.

Also, if the privatization is issued for one spouse, then the second also cannot count on his share in the apartment.

But we must not forget about the children. After all, even if the apartment is wholly owned by one party, then the joint children of the spouses also have the right to this property. And if the family member with whom the children remained is deprived of such rights, then he receives them at the expense of his wards.

Like any jointly acquired property, privatized housing is divided among all its owners in equal parts. Everyone is absolutely equal here. Therefore, you should not be afraid that your co-owner will someday sue your honestly acquired apartment.

Most popular

May be required in a variety of situations.

Starting from transactions with a real estate object to applying to the courts on various grounds.

Let's find out how to find out who is the owner of the apartment.

Navigating the article

Sources of information

It should be noted that information about the owner of the living space is public and any citizen of Russia has the right to learn it for his own purposes. Where to go to find out what you are interested in:

  • Companies that operate housing (management organizations, housing departments, etc.). They concentrate all information about the persons who are the owners of housing, as well as registered in it. Given the indisputable reasons for the need to issue such information, it is possible that it will be received. But, it should be noted that it is not the responsibility of the employees of such companies to provide it. In addition, most likely an officially issued document will not be issued and, accordingly, it will not be possible to apply to the necessary authorities.
  • The Bureau technical inventory also archives data about the owners of residential premises and can provide them in accordance with the requests of the notary or the court, or at the request of its owner.
  • Tax control bodies that are calculating on real estate and sending invoices to pay for it. They also have information about the owners of the apartments. They satisfy the treatment of individuals.
  • Notaries have the right to request necessary information about homeowners when certifying a transaction related to a real estate object.
  • Rosreestr registration service certifying transactions with living quarters... In it, you can find the most relevant data, which will be formed in the form of an independent one and can serve as a legally significant fact.

Extract from the Unified State Register of Rights

It is for reference only and provides all the necessary information regarding a particular real estate object. Their source is the state register, formed on the basis of the requirements Federal law"On state registration of ownership of real estate and transactions with it", which has been kept in records since 1996.

The certificate contains everything about the former and existing owners, about their shares in the property, about the encumbrances imposed on it (bail, arrest, etc.).

How to get a certificate of property owners

We will proceed from the fact that we are neither a notary nor a representative of a service whose functions include the ability to prepare requests, but an ordinary citizen of the country.

Then information about the owners in the required format can be claimed only by contacting Rosreestr or a multifunctional center that essentially performs the same functions and organizes the preparation of the necessary data.

At the same time, the documentation can be obtained in different ways.

For example, apply personally to one of the divisions of the registration service. This will require:

  • Passport.
  • Paid receipt with a state fee of 200 (two hundred) rubles.

An employee of the body will draw up a statement, which must be signed by the applicant with the application of documentation. At the appointed time, you should ensure your attendance, or a representative, and receive a prepared answer.

You can also do this using the official website of Rosreestr. It should be noted that if the person concerned does not have the necessary time or does not want to do this, you can involve intermediaries providing services for the provision of reference data.

At the same time, you can get an extract even faster than if you did it yourself. But the services of intermediaries will cost additional material costs taking into account the payment of the required duty.

How to request a statement online

How to find out who is the owner of an apartment through government services? It should be noted that no documents are required when using the service.

You will need to do the following:

  • Find on the specified service subsection "Electronic services".
  • In it, select the desired tab that forms a request for the provision of information contained in the USRR.
  • Fill in the form that opens.
  • Determine the required type of statement.
  • Enter data about the object.
  • Select the method of receipt - sending by postal communication services, at the department of the service, using e-mail.
  • Fill in the personal data of the applicant and send the task;
  • Make payment of the state duty using debit card bank, through a payment terminal or online payment systems. The amount of the payment will be 150 rubles.
  • An electronic version of the statement will be sent to the specified mail address. It should be noted that this version of the document will provide information that does not have an official status.

To contact the executive authorities or the courts, you will need an extract from with the details and seal of the organization and a certificate of the person in charge official... It can be obtained either by means of postal communication or in the territorial division of the MFC or Rosreestr.

The next step in filling out the application will be the verification of the completed data. After verification, the system will send a request code, which will be needed to control the preparation of the response.

Are there less costly methods

How to find out who owns an apartment for free? And is it possible?

You can ask the owner of the apartment from his neighbors.

If the landlord lives long enough, they may know him.

But for this, the questions must be reasoned enough so that people want to help, and not look with suspicion.

But, in a new building, such information is unlikely to be obtained. It should be noted that the information collected in this way can be very far from the truth.

After all, neighbors may not own the true situation and not know how and to whom the property is registered.

Another source of data can be payment documents for housing and communal services, they always indicate homeowners, their surname and initials, although here the information may be outdated. They are often placed in mailboxes and are freely available.

In conclusion, I would like to add that it is imperative to check the collected information in different ways, for example, about the presence and number of registered persons in the apartment, the basis for the transfer of ownership of the object, and more.

It can be stated that an extract from the USRR obtained from official sources is the most reliable document from which you can get everything you need. At the same time, it is better to still resort to the services of the MFC or Rosreestr, with the guarantee that these organizations will issue a correctly executed, reliable document .

In the video instructions - request for information from the USRR:

Ask your question in the form below

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