
Balcony. What is it and why he needs us at all. Have you ever wondered: why do you need a balcony in the apartment? Why in the apartment need a balcony 100 to 1

About why you need a balcony in the apartment, very many people are conceivedLiving in apartment buildings, stumbling once again about some trash. One people a balcony serves just a landfill of unnecessary things, another place for drying linen, third - smoking. But the balcony can serve not only in these qualities, from it you can make a beautiful and practical room. And what it will be behind the room, to solve the owners of the balcony. Why do you need a balcony and what of it can be done from it?

You can turn the balcony to the storage room. It is things, not old and unnecessary trash. To turn a balcony in a compact storage room, you must remove everything too much, make it yourself or purchase ready-made shelves, glacierly glazing the balcony and, if you wish, insulate. After that, the balcony will turn into an excellent storage room, in which it will be possible to store everything that can be - jam, salty, children's bike or stroller, tools, skiing, sled, fishing accessories and much more.

The balcony can serve as a small garden Right in the city center. If you make a little effort and spend a very small amount of money, you can turn an unsightly loggia in the real mini-garden. If the balcony is insulated, the garden will be a year round to please their owners, if not, then you need to know in advance which plants will be able to survive frosts. In small wooden boxes, it is quite possible to sow greens - parsley, dill, basil, onions, etc. Then on the kitchen table there will be a year round fresh and tasty greens. In the rig and pots you can plant flowers, both indoor and street.

Creative workshop - This is another answer to the question why you need a balcony. Re-equip the loggia in the workshop for handicrafts is quite simple. It is necessary to hang the shelves, put a working table, a comfortable chair or chair. If one of the homemade is painted with drawing, immediately you can allocate a place for easel.

Yet balcony can serve as a dining room, especially if it is a balcony near the kitchen. To do this, it is necessary, of course, to insulate the balcony, if you wish to carry part of the partition, set a small table or a long table top along the window sill.

Warm, soft floor, curtains and a beautiful tablecloth will make from a simple balcony mini dining room, in which it will be nice to dinner with the whole family or to spend romantic evenings with a loved one.

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to say with confidence that the balcony is a very necessary part of the apartment. But in what quality to use it and how it will look like - to solve the tenants themselves.

As you already understood, this article will deal with the balconies. Many do not even suspect why the apartment needs a balcony. The paradox is that most people cannot distinguish and even more so to tell about the principal difference between the balcony from the loggia. For some reason, the majority of the population uses balconies as a warehouse for their own things and often simply spinning it necessary and not very accessories.

Balcony - What is it?

The balcony is a platform of a certain form, which comes forward on buildings, while it is fenced with balustrade or metal grid. As a rule, the balcony can be supported by a column or be "hanging". It all depends on the floor on which it is located. Giving the definition by the usual everyday language: the balcony is a certain part of the house, protruding the facade of the building on which you can leave the apartment.

Why do you need a balcony?

Are you tired of your balcony going all kinds of useful and useless things? Do you want to know why in the apartment needs a balcony, and how to use it correctly and efficiently? In this article you will learn a lot of useful for yourself. You can't even imagine to what it is, at first glance, a small room can be useful and practical for you. We will offer you several creative options for the use of your balcony.


The warehouse for the necessary things, and not for any rubble, which is usually called "but suddenly it will be useful." You need to remove everything useless, make or purchase shelves or rack, which can be glazed later. Thus, you will have a cozy and practical storage room. A balcony in Khrushchev can also be made under the warehouse or storage room.

Flower garden

Make a beautiful and luxurious little flower garden. Indeed, why the apartment needs a balcony if not for a green corner. True, for this you need either frost-resistant plants so that your mini-garden pleased your eye all year round. Selection of plants for you.


This idea is ideally suitable for smoking. Are you tired of constant reproaches from relatives regarding your bad habit? Make your balcony place to relax and relaxation. To do this, you need to insulate and glazed it if necessary. You can also sit the carpet, install the bar rack and, if the place allows you to put a small sofa. Do not forget about the lighting and all sorts of things you need for you. Ready, enjoy your cozy corner.

Dining room

"Why do I need a balcony in the kitchen?" - you ask. Everything is elementary, the ideal solution is his alteration in the dining room - a room for meals. To begin with, warming up your balcony, optionally, you can remove the partition and the door, if any, but it is not fundamentally. All you have only to put a small table or make a long worktop and install it along the window sill, lay a carpet and hang curtains.


If you are a creative person and have a small balcony in Khrushchev, then you have the opportunity to make your little workshop from it. Surely you are tired of hearing from your own reproaches and discontent to your address about your needlework: how much it takes place and why everything is constantly scattered. Do not despair, re-equip your balcony to your cozy workshop for creativity. To do this, you need to put a small table, a chair or chair, hang the shelves, etc. In general, everything in this case individually and depends on the genus of your classes and hobbies. However, imagine how you will be cozy on your re-equipped balcony, no one will interfere or distract.

Mini Gym

Naturally, a full-fledged sports room you can hardly succeed, however, it will be enough for you to maintain the physical form. It is ideal for aerobics, yoga and other simple exercises. The main thing, do not forget to sit on a small rug. Also, if necessary, you can put a pair of boxes for sports equipment.

So, now you have learned why the apartment is a balcony, as well as what ideas for his re-equipment can be embodied. Choosing for you, use the balcony practical and benefit, do not collect useless things that climb it. This article lists not all ideas, so turn on the fantasy ...

Many wonder: why in high-rise buildings balconies? But if one citizens of an additional few squares of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area serve as a storage room, others manage to transform a balcony in a real design masterpiece, making it from it, almost the main highlight of the home interior.

Cozy design

So, in which you can turn the most ordinary city balcony, how creative and tastefully use a few extra square meters in the apartments?

Before you begin the choice of the interior option of the apartment, it is important to understand: a balcony and loggia are different concepts, although they are often used as synonyms. In the architectural and designer sense, everything is different: what is perfect for a small balcony, an inappropriately spacious loggia.

Balcony builders-professionals call the design attached to the building as an additional element. The loggia is embedded in the wall. Therefore, a nuance occurs, playing a key role in choosing a method for alteration of a balcony extension.

Considering that most balconies are not able to withstand huge gravity, redo them under full rooms risky. Although this does not mean that these few meters cannot be turned into something more beautiful. There are quite a lot of options - everyone is able to pick up its version of "updates".

How to use a balcony?

Little oasis

Flowing about the new future of the balcony, it is important not to forget its initial function - allows the tenants of high-rise buildings to breathe fresh air without leaving the house. Therefore, it is easier to make it a beautifully decorated relax zone or a small winter garden. But, in addition to these options, there are many other, more original and no less popular.

Even in the balconies of ordinary "Khrushchev" easy to equip:

  • storage room;
  • vegetable garden, flower bed;
  • small kitchen, dining room;
  • tiny living room;
  • continuation of the bedroom;
  • fitness corner;
  • creative corner;
  • lingerie drying area.

Room storage


It is worth emphasizing: this is a small room for the storage of the necessary things, and not the older warehouse. An ideal balcony storage room will serve as repository of household instruments, home conservation, children's toys, fishing gear, wheelchairs, bicycles, skis, sled.

How to equip storage room?

  1. The first step to creating a cozy room-repository is the installation of double-glazed windows.
  2. Remove all unnecessary, clean the room from old trash.
  3. Make several shelves of different sizes using a variety of materials: from wood to marble.

Garden in accommodation

To turn a boring loggia in a winter greenhouse or a mini-garden will not require many financial costs from the owners. At least effort - and beautiful exotic flowers will delight almost all year round. Also on the balcony garden it is easy to assemble a good harvest of vegetables and greenery. Solar loggia will serve as an ideal place for a small garden, warm rays and fresh air - what plants need.

How to equip a mini-garden?

  1. Are you planning to grow plants all year round? The balcony will have to be glazed with high-quality windows.
  2. Take care of the additional heating of the room during the cold season.
  3. Plant plating containers with plants.
  4. Choose seeds, plant saplings. From the greenery, the parsley, dill, basil, onions grow beautifully in the balconies. The flower area will ideally decorate roses, violets, cyclamen, velvets, hydrangea, curly plants. It is worth trying to steal the apartment with lemon or orange trees.
  5. Decorate the interior of the greenhouse decor in Eco style.

Outdoor kitchen

Most of the Khrushchev apartments are equipped with kitchens with access to the balcony. This nuance can be used by reworking the premises. Instead of ordinary cuisine, two zones are formed: for cooking and romantic trapez.

Can serve as a convenient continuation for the kitchen

How to redo the kitchen?

  1. If desired, dismantle the partition between the apartment and the balcony.
  2. Warf balcony.
  3. Mount the heat saving double-glazed windows.
  4. Take out a small table, chairs / stools. If there are no extra meters for a separate table, there is no on the balcony, it is easy to remake the windowsill under the worktop.
  5. Decorating the refectory beautiful curtains of warm soft shades, wall decorate with pictures, table - tablecloth. Floor to add soft carpet.

Attention. Do not load balconies with a large machinery, such as refrigerators, install gas plates.

Bar for smoking

In many families there are smokers, but relatives may not tolerate the smell of tobacco smoke. What is already talking about children, near which one at all should be seen a cigarette? Do not run away every time there is a desire to smoke, into the courtyard, especially the high spirits? They use balcony meters like a smoking room. And why not equip a mini-bar with, so to speak, places for smokers?

How to do?

  1. Will you use a mini-bar for destination in winter? Mandatory on the balcony need high-quality windows.
  2. The floor is to flow the carpet - will give extra warmth and comfortable.
  3. Install a lightweight table (for example, from aluminum), a few chairs. Allows the area - a small sofa (not too heavy), a rocking chair, a hammock (fix between the railings and the wall).
  4. Complete decoration with a small bar counter.
  5. Love a hookah? Buy and store it on the balcony bar.
  6. The romantic atmosphere will give aroma lamps, soft lighting, stylish decor details.

Attention. Using a balcony as a cozy smoking, it is important to remember the rules of fire safety

Bedroom overlooking the stars

Your bedroom with access to the balcony lacks romance? Easy to fix! A little effort - and you can count the stars directly from bed.

Bed on the balcony

To make the bedroom follows:

  1. Remove the partition between the room and the balcony.
  2. Heat the windows of the loggia.
  3. Remove all unnecessary things from the balcony, decorate with flowers, paintings, windows - light bright curtains.

His fitness room

Why in the apartment need a balcony, fans of a healthy lifestyle know. Lovers of light fitness or yoga will always need their own corner for classes. This feature will easily take on the loggia. The full-fledged gym at home will not work out, although something original is easy to create.

How to equip a fitness corner?

1. It is first important to take care of the quality of the floor on the balcony. Fix with soft warm carpet.
2. Freeing the space from all over, fix the shelf on the wall, set a small locker.
3. To securely fix the monitor on the wall, if you wish to engage in video times.
4. Install the treadmill, exercise bike.

Place for creativity

Creative people find their use for the balcony - turn into a workshop. Molbert, brushes, paints do not add comfort home, the only output is a balcony. Here, creative nature gets an unlimited will of fantasy. Conveniently can be equipped on cozy balconies writers and musicians.

Decoration of a creative workshop is a matter of taste. It will be unlisted here the original decor elements made by the personnel. Lightweight curtains will protect from excess sunlight, and their favorite incense will be configured to the wave of art.

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