
Catalog of programs "ellis. Overview of PPs for the automation of the activities of housing and communal services, housing and communal services Integrated automated system "ellis - housing and communal services"

    For specialists in housing and communal services, the developers have created on the basis of the MS SQL Server database management system, modern software, which is aimed at automating the calculation of rent, calculation of payments for utilities and other types of services. "Ellis - Housing and Communal Services" allows you to maintain a database, which displays not only information on charges and payments, but also displays information on subsidies, on passport registration, on the maintenance of the housing stock, and so on.
    This integrated automated system meets all the requirements that exist today, in terms of productivity, reliability, the degree of data security, the ability to carry out effective information processing, analytical capabilities, and service functions. "Ellis - Housing and Communal Services" can be used in cash settlement centers, in large management companies, in which the number of serviced personal accounts exceeds three thousand.
    "Ellis - Housing and Communal Services" represents several functionally dependent software elements that interact with one database. Software elements should be understood as: "passport service", "rent", "building maintenance", "subsidies", "payments".
    Below we list the main advantages of an integrated automated system:
    The information network has a client-server structure.
    "Ellis - Housing and Communal Services" makes it possible to service a large number of personal accounts, provides the ability to maintain a complete history of payments and charges for each of them, which will take place throughout the entire period of using the program.
    The central server can exchange data electronically with housing and communal services, with social welfare services, with banks, with post offices, with companies that provide certain types of services, and so on.
    The possibility of remote control over the work of the complex automated system "Ellis - Housing and Communal Services" is provided.
    The part of the program in which the calculations are made has a built-in programming language, which makes it possible to customize it depending on the need and thereby facilitate the accrual of funds according to schemes of any complexity level. At the same time, using a large number of initial data.
    This complex system carefully regulates user access rights to program and database elements, the system stores information about users and all changes made by them.
    "Ellis - Housing and Communal Services" allows you to add as many meters for general and individual use as you like.
    This software product uses a bar-coding technique for documentation, which in turn makes it possible to very quickly identify invoices and their contents.
    The complex system "Ellis - Housing and Communal Services" can be supplemented by connecting new program elements to it.
    Let's list the capabilities of each of the software elements.
    The program element "Payment for an apartment" allows you to make payments for housing and communal services, calculate benefits, keep track of payments, take into account owners and persons who are registered, take into account information about personal accounts that do not affect the performance of settlement operations, for example, telephone , write out certificates, prepare reports and extracts of any level of complexity.
    The software element "Passport Service" allows you to make records and documents of residents, to register and deregister from it, to register and deregister from it, prepares certificates and extracts of a special form, to prepare reports in any desired form and of any degree of complexity, this element combined with the element "Rent".
    The "Subsidies" software element makes it possible to calculate compensations, exchange data in electronic form with social protection services of citizens, and prepare reports in the required form.
    The Building Maintenance program element contains the following information: the type of the house, the number of floors, the year in which the house was put into operation, its condition, the material from which the walls are made, the location and possibilities of approaching utilities, the degree of wear and tear and background information.
    As for the printing of documents, when printing, personal address bills-notifications include a comprehensive decoding for all points of accruals. Invoices - Notices are printed using the latest bar coding technology. Each form is printed with a special barcode, which further helps to identify this document and all the information contained in it.

LLC "ELLIS" has been on the market since 1989 and is currently one of the most well-known Russian software development companies for housing and communal services... Over the years, considerable experience of cooperation with enterprises and organizations has been accumulated, an understanding of the specifics of the industry, its problems and needs has developed.

The reform of housing and communal services has given our developments a special relevance and relevance. Continuous monitoring of the legislative and regulatory framework, putting things in order in the workflow, automation of settlements allows you to improve the situation in the industry without high costs and lay a solid foundation for further reforms. This is what our software products serve. Each of them is the result of many years of cooperation with specific enterprises and organizations of housing and communal services: housing administrations, settlement centers, service providers, management companies, homeowners' associations (HOA), housing construction cooperatives (HCC), construction organizations, etc.

ELLIS LLC does not just develop software for housing and communal services, but also offers a full range of services for its and further software and methodological support.


One of the main problems in the housing and communal sector is putting things in order with its financing. Despite the fact that the size of the rent has long ceased to be symbolic, the industry is experiencing significant financial difficulties. Therefore, the primary task is to streamline cash flows in housing and communal services. Our central software products are dedicated to solving this problem - "ELLIS - housing and communal services" and "ELLIS - Rent"... These are powerful automation tools calculation of rent and utility bills, easy to maintain, flexible in settings and reliable in operation, suitable for both a small housing cooperative and for the whole subject of the federation.

A useful addition to them is the program "ELLIS - Subsidies", intended for the calculation and accounting of the provision of subsidies for the payment of residential premises and utilities, provided for by the legislation on social protection of the population.

It is impossible to properly manage communal services and distribute housing subsidies without accurate data on the quantitative and qualitative composition of residents, the nature and dynamics of its change. Complex automation challenge passport registration of the population adequately solved with the help of the program "ELLIS - Passport Service".

A number of specialized versions of the "ELLIS - Kvartplata" program have been developed, simple, reliable and convenient, fully adapted to the specifics HOA and intended for self-installation and configuration.

A detailed description and terms of delivery and service of these, as well as many other software products developed and offered for implementation by ELLIS, can be found on the pages of our website.


LLC "ELLIS" for many years it has been actively cooperating with many organizations, enterprises and institutions in the center, regions and localities. We have established strong business relations with the administrations of Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Leningrad Region and other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as with Rosstroy, the Institute of Economics of Housing and Communal Services, Sberbank of Russia, etc.


LLC "ELLIS" has branches in St. Petersburg and Krasnodar, as well as many business partners who implement and maintain our software products.

ELLIS programs have been successfully implemented in many regions of Russia, cities and municipalities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region, cities of Krasnodar Territory, Karelia, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and many others.

ELLIS software is used by more than 1400 organizations and enterprises of various forms of ownership. In Moscow and St. Petersburg there are special

"ELLIS - APARTMENT FOR Housing cooperative / HOA"


In connection with the introduction of the modern software complex "Ellis - Housing and Communal Services" version 6.0, we inform you
on the termination of maintenance of the software complex "Ellis - Kvarplata"
from 01.10.2013

The program is designed to automate a complex of calculations for rent and utility bills and settlements with service providers in a separate HOA, ZhSK, ZhK.


In terms of its capabilities, the program is comparable to the basic version "ELLIS - Rent"(ver. 4.4), although it is essentially a shortened version of it and has a number of features that reflect the specifics of calculating housing and utility payments in ZhSK and HOA:

As in the basic version, a card file of personal accounts of apartment owners is kept with all the parameters of both the house and each apartment and with the formation of the current balance for each personal account... The functions of quick search and prompt modification of the personal account have been preserved.

Accrual of amounts rent and utility bills it is also made taking into account all possible benefits, compensations and subsidies for each personal account separately, based on its personal unique data. The amounts of charges are not stored, but calculated, which saves system resources and significantly speeds up the operation of the program.

Accruals can be made both according to consumption standards and according to the readings of metering devices (meters), while the options are "counter for a house", "counter for an apartment", "two meters for an apartment".

The program is equipped with a built-in report designer that allows you to edit existing and create new printed forms of documents: invoices, notices, statements, certificates, accounting and statistical reports, etc.

During printing, each letterhead invoices is marked with a unique barcode (128E), which greatly simplifies the identification of accounts and entry into the system of received payments. The barcode scanner is installed in the connector parallel to the keyboard, does not require special software, is practical to use, inexpensive and can be included in the delivery set.

The program allows not only to calculate payments, but also to take into account their receipt, thus forming the final balance for all personal accounts. The received payment amounts are automatically distributed ("split") among service providers.

It is possible to automatically recalculate charges on any personal account for any period associated, for example, with a shortage of utilities, with the presentation of a certificate of absence, etc.


The main difference is that the program can be installed and configured by the customer independently, without the involvement of ELLIS specialists, for which it is equipped with a special component - an installer, detailed instructions for installation and configuration and a developed Help system.

Setting up the accrual system does not require the introduction of complex formulas. The whole process comes down to entering tariffs in a special tabular form and using it to select the parameters of the accrual algorithm.

For all personal accounts, a single accrual system is used, which, in fact, is typical for housing cooperatives and homeowners' associations.

The accrual system is limited to 25 types of services. more of them do not fit on the standard invoice-notification / invoice-receipt form.

There is no possibility of servicing more than 1000 personal accounts and creating several organizations.


This version is multi-user, designed to work in a single local network, but it can also be used in a localized version - on one computer with a connected printer. Requirements for software and hardware are minimal: it is enough that the computer "runs" the operating system Windows 98 or higher. ELLIS specialists have developed recommendations for rational selection of the printer (in terms of reducing the cost of printing).


Delivery is carried out in the form of distributions by e-mail, or on a CD by mail. The volume of forwarded files is about 4.9 Mb. All programs contain detailed instructions for installation and configuration and an advanced Help system.

Note: the program "Rent for housing cooperatives / HOAs" is not intended for implementation in St. Petersburg.

Price: RUB 9,000 with one workplace plus RUB 3,000 for each additional. Not subject to VAT.


Personal configuration of the program, taking into account all types of charges, tariffs and benefits. The ability to download data for GU GTsZhS has been implemented. The invoice-receipt blank has a two-dimensional barcode for instant processing by payment terminals. It is possible to convert the base of owners and parameters involved in the calculations.

Price: RUB 18,000 Not subject to VAT.

Company software and services "ELLIS" VAT is not charged.


In connection with the introduction of the modern software complex "Ellis - Housing and Communal Services" version 6.0, we inform you
on the termination of maintenance of the software complex "Ellis - Kvarplata"
from 01.10.2013

The program is designed for complex automation of a single cash settlement center on the scale of the housing and maintenance service of the city, district, municipality. It allows you to perform calculation of rent and utilities, track related payments, as well as conduct mutual settlements with service providers.

Possibly as a stand-alone use "ELLIS - Rent", and as part of the integrated automated system "ELLIS - ERKTs".


Maintaining a filing cabinet of tenants' personal accounts with all the parameters of the dwelling and the balance for each personal account... The card index implements the functions of quick search and prompt changes to the personal account.

Accrual rent and utility bills taking into account all possible benefits, compensations and subsidies, it is performed for each personal account separately, based on its personal unique data according to algorithms that are implemented using the built-in formula editor by the customer's specialists independently, without the involvement of ELLIS employees. In this case, the received amounts of charges are not stored, but are calculated again if necessary, which saves system resources and significantly speeds up the program.

Calculation of services both according to consumption standards and according to the indications of individual, collective and general metering devices, including taking into account the indications of general household appliances in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011.

Generation and printing of personal address forms invoices-notices / invoices-receipts for payment of housing and utilities, statistical and accounting certificates and reports, other documents.

Input and processing of incoming current payments, their distribution to personal accounts.

Automatic recalculation of charges for any personal account for any period.

Distribution ("splitting") of the amounts received as payment between service providers: water and heat supply, electric networks, etc.


"ELLIS - Rent" program is designed to work within a single local computer network of the cash settlement center. The number of workstations is limited only by computer performance and network bandwidth. The program database is stored on a central server.

It is possible to build a distributed structure by integrating remote sites, accounting departments, and payment acceptance points into the network. Data exchange between remote terminals can be carried out in various ways, depending on the real needs and capabilities of the customer. The main options are the use of a dial-up connection or dedicated communication channels. In this case, the exchange of information occurs automatically, without additional settings, and its frequency is determined by the customer.


The program has a built-in report generator that allows you to edit existing printed forms of documents, as well as create new ones yourself.

Printed form of personal address invoices contains a complete breakdown of the amounts for all items of charges: tariff for a service, cost at the current tariff, discount on a benefit, recalculation or shortage of services, current debt or overpayment, amount of compensation (subsidies).

One of the most advanced technologies is used when printing invoices-notifications - bar coding... A unique barcode is applied to each invoice form during printing, which allows you to quickly identify the document and all the data it contains.

The format of the invoice-notice, both on the front and on the back of the form, can contain any background image, as well as other graphic or textual material, including of an advertising nature. At the same time, it is possible to print out the invoice either in its entirety (together with pictures and additional material), or just to print the payment data on a form prepared in advance by typographic method.

The printing of invoices is carried out in a specially designed mode that allows you to fully use the high-speed capabilities of modern laser printers (up to 45 pages per minute). Documents and tables can be viewed before printing and, if necessary, edited. It is possible to export documents and tables to standard MS Word and MS Excel programs.


Supply "ELLIS - Rent" program carried out in the form of distributions by e-mail or on a CD by mail.

The cost of the "box" version of the program is determined by the number of accepted for servicing personal accounts and for one workplace is (VAT not subject to):

up to 100 personal accounts (version 4.1) - RUB 4,500 ;
up to 1000 personal accounts (version 4.2) - RUB 9,000 ;
up to 5000 personal accounts (version 4.3) - RUB 15,000 ;
up to 10,000 personal accounts (version 4.4) - RUB 23,000 .

Notes: 1) the cost of each additional workplace - RUB 3,000;
2) cost program implementation depends on the amount of work on converting the database, setting up the configuration and the accrual system, as well as on the formation of the output reporting forms and includes the cost of a business trip for an ELLIS specialist.

The purchase procedure is described in detail in Program catalog, and questions related to implementation and technical support of the software product - on the corresponding page of the site.


Personal configuration of the program, taking into account all types of charges, tariffs and benefits. The ability to download data for GU GTsZhS has been implemented. The invoice-receipt blank has a two-dimensional barcode for instant processing by payment terminals. It is possible to convert the base of owners and parameters involved in the calculations.

Price: RUB 18,000 Not subject to VAT.

LLC "ELLIS" guarantees service support of the system during the entire period of its operation. The telephone support line works daily.

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