
Northern province. Main oil pipeline Oution - PURPU put into operation

Transneft-Siberia JSC completes the construction of arctic objects of the main pipeline PURPEA - PURPE.

Launt for gym. Behind - New Urengoy. Ahead - more than 200 kilometers on a minibus on the road from concrete slabs, laid through the tundra, in the plague. To meet and after us, heavy kamaz, Maza, "Urals" are carrying. I catch myself thinking: in the north is not just hard living (frost and wind), but also work.

Cross the Pur River, then the border of the reindeer fare - Purovsky and Tazovsky districts. On both sides, rare little larchs are black. A little terribly. On this ancient land there are completely different perfumes - spirits of the tundra. They have their own habits, their own language. And grief to someone who does not hear their votes ...

Most of the Tazovsky district is located on the Gydaninsist. Part of the population is nomads and lives out of settlements. By the way, the snow is lied here until June. Then the tundra gradually begins to revive. Gnus appears. A couple of months, and there is not far to new frosts.

The first settlement in the Taza district, founded in 1601 on the banks of the River Taz, is called Mangazea. In the 80s of the last century, a group of messench oil fields, the northernmost in Russia, on land, was discovered nearby. They received their name thanks to the Mesiah River. Preparation for the development of deposits began in 2010. In October 2012, the first oil from the East Messoyakh oil and gas condensate field was obtained within the framework of pilot industrial works.

In 2013, the concept of field development was formed, key infrastructure facilities are designed. Oil will be included in the main oil pipeline system "Polar Purpe". It is assumed that industrial mining at the East Mesmicoede will begin this year.

Among blizzards and swamps

The oil pipeline "Optolarm - Purpe" does not look like a stretched thread, it goes under the ground, then under water. Oil with a head oil pumping station No. 1 "Polarier" (GNPS-1) will flow through the linear part to the intermediate NPC No. 2 "Yamal", hereinafter - to the current linear production and dispatch station "Pur-Pe".

On NPS No. 2, 10 oil storage tanks were constructed, each of which is a nominal volume of 20 thousand cubic meters. They will contain a two-three-day oil supply in case of stopping the pipeline. The main point: oil is transported at a temperature of up to +60 degrees, so the pipelines are heated. Under conditions of ultra-low temperatures, it is necessary to maintain the operating temperature inside the tanks, so they are also insulated. The pipeline itself is thermally insulated. Previously, such experience on the heat insulation of tanks, it was not possible to install thermostabilizing devices.

From conversations with specialists, Transneft-Siberia JSC, it became clear that, during the construction of Arctic facilities, special technologies were used that reduce the impact on the environment. Thus, the method of oblique-directional drilling was built the most northern in Russia underwater transition of the oil pipeline across the Taz River. This made it possible to maintain the untouched natural landscape of the river, to reduce the technogenic effect on the local flora and fauna. To minimize the environmental impact in places of deer migration, the oil pipeline was equipped with special passages for animals. To preserve the layers of many years of marzlot, an overhead pipeline laying was used with the support system of the supports.

On the territory of the NPS-2 Yamal, the main and retaining pumping, operator, autonomous diesel-electric station, a tank fleet, a block of filter filters, fuse block, fire extinguishing station and a biological water treatment plant are located. These are the main objects of the station, and all of them stand on the piles. The contracting organization ends the construction of fire depot, gas station. As for the differences between the NPS-2 "Yamal" from other stations, it can carry out an inparaner pumping of oil, work in reverse mode.

Main specialists on NPS-2 "Yamal" - Energy, Kipovans, Mechanics, Machiners, Electricians, NPPS Operators, Linear Pipelines. The station is preparing for delivery in the summer of 2016. The watches involves a 30-day shift. Employees are placed two people in a room in a housing complex, where the dining room and laundry are located. Gym, sauna will be built at the staff for staff.

Management of all objects of the station and the linear part enshrined behind the NPS-2 is conducted from the operator. All signals, telemetry data for the control of the technological process of oil pumping and the operation of the equipment will soon come here.

Zador and youth

The head of the ADA service site (autonomous diesel electric station) Pavel Golobockov graduated from 2007 Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, received a specialty "Design and operation of gas-pipeline and gasonefraceans". He began labor activity on the Tyumen Motor Plant, on the section of the overhaul of gas turbine engines. Then he moved to the electrical station. I worked on her four years. And after it got into the system of Transneft-Siberia JSC, directly to the Directorate for the construction of the Polar Purpe oil pipeline. She worked for three years, and now the logical continuation - headed the ADA service site.

The reliable power supply of NPS-2 objects should not depend on weather and other conditions. Therefore, it was decided to build its autonomous diesel power plant. Each ADES motor has a capacity of 505.3 megawatt. There are six of them six. Four engines will be involved, the fifth - in reserve, the sixth - on the maintenance. This power will be enough to supply the energy and station, and the oil pipeline itself. ADPE will work on its own oil.

- On the NPS-2, from December last year, - noted Pavel Golobockov. - But I already see that the whole team and contractors are aimed at the result, on the launch of the object. Now at the NPS-2 simultaneously there are construction and commissioning works. The manual approved the integrated test program, within which we will run all diesel generators, test them in action.

Tests will be held in the main pumping pump. Representatives of suppliers, mechanics, energy, kipovtsy will be involved in commissioning.

Dmitry Mitovich, Engineer of Kypia Plot of service ADA NPS-2, graduated from the Omsk State Technical University with a degree in engineering engineer of technological processes of production. The NPS-2 "Yamal" worked in the Lensky district oil pipeline management of Transneft-East JSC, on the NPS-12, which in Yakutia.

- There was similar equipment, differences are insignificant. Therefore, we can say that for me the whole complex is the usual place of work, "he told. - With this equipment, I'm already familiar, in this position I work for about two years. And I think that the difficulties in his service will not have.

- Dmitry, and how did you get to Yamal?

- came here at the invitation. I found out that a new station is commissioned in the north, summarized the summary, and they were invited. By the way, in climate, the regions are not very different. The difference in time zones. But this threshold is very quickly overcome. Therefore, there were no special difficulties in terms of acclimatization. I like the work, the conditions are suitable, around good experts, guys are all young, active, so on the NPS-2 "Yamal" can work and need.
According to Mitovich, now work is carried out on the facility to prepare for the trial launch of three diesel generator units. And there are six of them. The first three have already been tested. According to the main process of electricity generation, the readiness of the equipment will be achieved in the near future. By automation, the object is already practically ready for operation. About 200 specialists work on the construction of ADPs.

Heart station

Rarely where you can see so much metal, metal structures. Only on the construction of the OBS overpass took about 400 thousand tons of metal. Plus piles, their 18 thousand, plus tanks. The heart of the station is the main pumping. It has four aggregates that are able to pump from the Mesmiah fields and Pyazyinskoe to 1800 cubic meters of oil per hour. If new fields will be put into operation on the Gydansky peninsula, then the NPS-2 "Yamal" can easily increase the productivity of oil pumping up to 3000-3500 cubic meters.

Head of the maintenance of mechanical-technological equipment NPS-2 Oleg Iconnikov works at the station since March 2014. Month in Polar, month at home, in Tyumen. And every time, leaving on the watch, sees how the station is changing, thanks to the builders acquires new, clearer outlines.

- In my jurisdiction, all technological equipment: trunk and retaining pumps, sewage, water supply, ventilation. I studied in the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, by profile. Diploma received in 2008, - the head shared.

- Oleg, you are all here such young, but at the same time on your shoulders such a huge responsibility. Not scary?

- Not at all! In fact, everything is very interesting. I have never been to the north, in the Polar, and I have this first experience. Before that I worked in Transneft-East JSC. NPS-2 "Yamal", unlike where I worked, is on perennial frozen soils, and we have all the buildings, all the equipment, all tanks and pipelines are standing on the piles. The main thing is to start the station to work, and in the future - to prevaro it to exploit it, gain experience.

By the way, the station is about 67 hectares. Around and on the linear part were seen red fox, sands, deer.

"It would be interesting to visit the cereals, see how local residents live," Oleg Ikonnikov shared. "We are temporary here, and they devote all their lives to Tundra, reindeer herding. How do they succeed, it is not clear.

According to Iconnikov, despite the crises, the fall in oil prices, Transneft-Siberia JSC is confidently forward. All workers have a worthy social package, which includes medical care, sanatorium-resort vouchers, payment of the road to the place of vacation and the other.

Pavel Golobokov will grow up two daughters, Oleg Iconnikov is a three-month-old son. And for the sake of their future, as well as the future of our huge country, all these labor watches and polar nights, 40-50-degree frosts and the icy breath of the Yamal tundra.

In the pictures: view of the main pumping pump NPS-2 "Yamal"; Heads of the plots Pavel Golobokov and Oleg Ikonnikov; There is an adhesive equipment setting; Tank Park NPS-2 "Yamal".

Radoslav Vasiliev, Oleg Belyaev /Photo/

Tyumen - New Urengoy - Tazovsky -Tyven.

The construction of the Northern Purpe-Purpe pipeline in Russia continues. The highway will give impetus to the development of new promising deposits of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the North of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Purpe Purpe oil pipeline is an integral part of the PURPE-Self Purpe-Purpe Transport System. The highway from the oil pumping station (NPS) "Purpe" to the NPC "Selflor" was commissioned in 2011. According to it, the hydrocarbons of the Vancore field began to enter the Eastern Siberian Pipeline Siberian system - the Pacific Ocean (TS ESPO), joining the export stream directed to the east. Mainer Pumpp Purpe with a length of 485 km is the next stage of the construction of the system.

This is the most northern oil pipeline of Transneft. The air temperature in those edges ranges from -56 ºС in the winter to +34 ºС in summer, and the wind speed often exceeds 40 m / s. In this case, the northern oil is distinguished by high viscosity, and to avoid its frozen during transportation, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature. This provides for the construction of oil heating points on the NPC and on the highway of the main pipeline.

The most convenient for laying a highway season is winter, when the water bodies of the North are shaved with a thick layer of ice

Over the eternal Merzlot

The most important complexity of the project is determined by the fact that the pipe passes through permafrost. Therefore, most of the oil pipeline for the first time in the practice of "Transneft" is laid by a non-traditional underground way, but above the Earth - on special supports. This eliminates the effects of heat from the pipe on the perplexed soils. However, the underground method of laying in these specific conditions is also not quite traditional. In order to maintain the temperature properties of oil and at the same time preventing the heat of the soil, the pipes with an additional heat insulating layer applied in the factory conditions are applied.

At the pre-project preparation, Transneft specialists carefully studied both domestic and foreign experiences of such construction, in particular the experience of the construction and subsequent operation of the Transisaleskin oil pipeline in the United States, also laid in the above-ground way. Over the years, this highway has encountered a sufficient number of problems without avoiding such serious incidents as the destruction of supports. Therefore, "Transneft" decided to bet on the reliability of the main technical solutions of the project "Purpe Purpe".

During its development, the company conducted a number of test cameras and inventory tests of various types of support structures and technology of their structure. This made it possible to actually take optimal technical solutions using several types of supports: fixed, fixing corners of the turning of the pipeline, free-moving and longitudinally mobile, providing the operation of compensators.

To prevent the processes of the soil elevation during operation of both the linear part of the oil pipeline and the facilities of oil and oil stations, thermostabilizers are installed - special devices refilled by refrigerant. They freeze the soil, maintaining a negative temperature in it. In total, the project "Purpe Purpe" "Transneft" has tried many technological innovations, received 16 patents of the Russian Federation.

Linear part of the main pipeline Purpe Pumpup. Photo: Oleg Smedhev

The most northernmost section of the system is erected from the south to the north: from the NPS "Purpe" - to a zero kilometer, where the head oil pumping station (GNPS) N 1 will be operated for the polar circle. All stages of construction, all types of work are carefully planned taking into account the peculiarities of northern weather and nature.

The fact is that the most convenient for laying the highway season is winter, when numerous swamps and reservoirs of the North are shaved with a thick layer of ice. At this time it is easier to deliver the necessary techniques on the highway - welding complexes, pipe-layers, excavators. That is why the main types of work are welding of the oil pipeline, pile immersion, installation of supports, styling of the pipe - also come for the winter.

In the spring, the pace of work is reduced, because at the end of May - the beginning of June the terrain on which the route of the Purpe Purpe runs is hardly becoming a water stroke. But this does not mean that in the warm season the construction is worth, - where possible, the work continues. Also in the summer there are hydrotesting of the finished areas of the pipeline, there is a testament of equipment, equipment and materials according to the active waterways.

To zero kilometer

The construction of sections of the first and second stage was completed in 2013 and 2014. Last winter, which in these latitudes ends in May, the main forces were focused on the construction of the linear part (that is, the pipe itself) of the third stage of construction. This is 151 km of the highway from GSPS N 1 "Polar" to the NPS N 2. There were welding columns, drilling rigs, pipe-layers and a significant part of the builders. The whole tube on this site, with the exception of the floodplain of the River Taz, goes above the ground.

From December last year to April of the current builders laid over 125 km of the oil pipeline. Thus, the welding of the linear part of the entire pipeline system is fully completed by the project. And in July, after the spring flood passes, hydraulic testing of the pipeline and its inner-tube diagnosis will begin. With the help of special devices - profilers and combined flaw detectors developed and manufactured by the specialists "Transneft - Diacan", the pipelines will receive complete information about the state of the pipe.

Laying the drops of ducker on the Pur River. Photo: Ilya Vorobiev

At the GNPS N 1 "Optolar" the installation of all eight reservoirs for oil storage was completed - 20 thousand cubic volumes. M each. In the summer they will pass hydraulic tests. All tanks are standing on the piles. On piles and all other station objects.

At the height of construction at the station lived and worked up to 1,500 people. For the Polar, this is a lot. If this building site was attributed to the category of settlements, it would take the fourth place in the number of residents in the Tazovsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. No one complained about the lack of work.

Construction of GSPS N 1 "Polarier" is in conditions of absolutely autonomous existence. The distance from the construction site to the nearest settlement - the village of Tazovsky is 130 km away, to the railway station in Korobalovo, where it is unloading coming to the construction of materials and equipment - 350 km. At the same time, the testament of materials on the site is possible exclusively in winter when the car opens and the ice crossing is started through the Taz River - from December to April. So, while the cold was standing, hundreds of trucks were moving on the highway.

Not a hole on the yagel

Meanwhile, on southern segments, the highway also go work. On the plot of the second stage, the construction of a 10 kV transmission air line will soon be completed, the installation of the main fiber optic communication line is completed. This year, this year it is planned to submit voltage to the objects of the linear part and conduct commissioning works of communication objects, shut-off reinforcement nodes and pricks of cleaning and diagnostics tools.

On the construction of southern sections, northern specifics also made himself felt. The first turn is 134 km of the oil pipeline, of which approximately half go underground, and the other half is over it. First, the Lesothundra passed, then the Tundra began, and the main works had to lead to the most severe frosts. The fact is that in the summer there is also prohibited. After all, the main natural wealth of the North - Yagel: If it hits it, it will be restored only in 60 years. So the peak of work on the first stage came in January - March 2013, when 2 km of pipes in thermal insulation were welded for a day, they scored up to 120 piles, they mounted up to 55 supports.

All major buildings and structures at NPS No. 2 "Yamal" have already been built. More than 80% of engineering networks and technological pipelines are laid, main pumping units are mounted, electrical equipment. Now there is an interior decoration of the premises. By the end of the year, it is planned to complete the main complex of construction and installation work, put into operation external gas supply networks and boiler installations.

Fragment power lines. Photo: Oleg Smedhev

Pipe under the pelvis

One of the most difficult stages of construction was the underwater transition through a large shipping river Taz. Under its channel, a tube was laid a little more than 1 km long, but the total length of the transition, measured by the distance between the coastal valves, was 27 km. The fact is that there is a lot of old men, lakes and small robusts, which bloom together with the river as many kilometers in the spring. On all this section, the pipe goes underground, and for reliability, two threads of the pipeline are laid - the main and reserve.

The transition directly through the pelvar was performed by the modern method of obliquely directional drilling: they dried under the bottom of the river a kind of tunnel, and then dragged the pipe through it. This is a time-consuming, but the most reliable method, especially from an environmental point of view. The famous Northern Mucsun spawn spawned in the floodplain of the pelvis, and it is a threat to its existence - an environmental crime.

To build underwater transitions in such climatic conditions and on such complex soils "Transneft" did not earlier, so they began to prepare long before construction work. But then everything went without a single hitch. So that the work does not stop even in severe frosts, the installations were placed in the freeware hangars, inside which the positive temperature was maintained. Total needed to drill three wells: for the main thread, backup, as well as for the communication cable. The diameter of the main well is 1600 mm, so it had to go through the river across the river eight times a 200 mm each.

Special attention in the implementation of the project was given to environmental safety. After all, the highway trail took place in places where historically, the full-fledged owners of the endless northern land were, and there are still indigenous peoples. Their main economic activity is animal husbandry, including the breeding of deer, fisheries, hunting for fur beast, collecting berries and medicinal herbs. To preserve the mistake of their life, it was necessary to maintain the existing flora and fauna in the original form.

Therefore, even before the start of construction, Transneft has established close cooperation with representatives of indigenous peoples and regional executive bodies. The company and its subsidiaries carefully studied the peculiarities of local soil, flora, fauna, ways to migrate deer, routes and movement of the fish for spawning. At the request of the indigenous population in the areas of the migration paths of wild and domestic deer, crossing the oil pipeline Purpe, reindeer transitions are provided.

So the moral principle is "not harming", famous from the medical cruise of the hippocrat, has become one of the main and for pipeline.

The purpose of the project "Zapolyarya-Purpe" project - ensuring admission to the system of main oil pipelines of oil of new fields in the areas of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the North of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Urengoyskaya Group of Gazprom deposits, Suzunsky, Tagulsky, Russian, Russian-Rosnef, Rosneft ", Mescoyakh and East Mesmanskoye deposits (Rosneft, Gazprom Neft), Pyakyakhinsky field (LUKOIL)

At the end of May, the author's team of Transneft received a prize of the Russian government in the field of science and technology for 2014 for the development of a new generation of construction technologies and structures, their industrial production and introduction at the objects of the main pipeline transport in the complex geoclimatic conditions of Russia. " We are talking about the methodology and technology for optimizing the construction by combining overhead and underground methods of pipe laying. Successfully solved complex scientific tasks. Based on the created mathematical models and methods, the results of the conducted multivariate calculations have developed comprehensive innovative design and technical solutions on the full cycle of creating, testing and implementing new building technologies and structures. Development Results have been successfully implemented in real production at the facilities of the PURPE-Self-Purpe-Self-Purpe

The site of the future NPS-3 is located three kilometers from the operating LPDS "PUR-PE". The area of \u200b\u200bthe allotted section is 32 hectares. The station will include 45 main objects. Reservoirs for oil storage, retaining pumping station, filter dirt leader, pressure control unit, frequency-adjustable converter, boiler room, diesel power station, operator with KTP and CRP, closed parking equipment, service-household body, fire extinguishing station, fire extinguishing tanks Water reserves, pumping station of economic and drinking water supply, art schools, lightning lines and searchlights of masts, automation and fire extinguishing systems, security fencing with an integrated perimeter security system, etc. That is, the station will be completely autonomous from the existing site of LPDS "Pur-ne".

Currently, the facility continues the installation of a cable overpass racks, designed for laying power cables, automation cables and telemechanics, water supply, heating and fire extinguishing pipelines. Builders count in the summer period to mount the main buildings and close their thermal contour to ensure the front of work on the winter on the interior and installation of domestic engineering communications.

Full passage is the work and on the construction of oil storage tanks. At the station it is planned to build four tanks with a volume of 20 thousand m3 each, as well as two RVS-5000 m3 for emergency reset of oil. Currently, work is completed on the device 4 of the 6-foundations for tanks. The start of the metal structures is scheduled for May, the procedure for admitting a contract organization to welding and assembly work is currently being carried out.

Before the start of frosts, which sometimes begin on Yamal, still on the outcome of summer, builders need not only to build tanks, but also conduct their hydraulic tests. At the moment, about 200 people are involved in construction work and about 70 units of technology, but quite soon their number will increase significantly. People arrive, change depending on the works produced, and at the upcoming warm period is planned a colossal scope of work. The commissioning of PUR-PE-3 NPS is scheduled for the 4th quarter of 2015.

The Purpe Purpe oil pipeline will connect the Yamal field with the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean oil pipeline. The length of "Purpe Purpe" will be 490 kilometers, the capacity is 45 million tons per year. In January 2014, Nikolai Tokarev, Transneft President Nikolay Tokarev reported that the company expects to commission the Purpe Purpe oil pipeline in the first quarter of 2016.

Pipeline "Purpe Purpe" pipeline

The design capacity of the second plot - the Purpe Purpe oil pipeline is 45 million tons per year. The total length of the pipeline is about 500 km. Currently, design and survey work is underway. Phased input of the pipeline maintenance is assumed: 1 stage - in December 2013, 2 stages - in December 2014, 3 stage - in December 2015

Main Oil Station No. 1 with LES

The main oil pumping station is the very northernmost point of the Purpe Purpe Pump. In the summer it is possible to get here only by helicopter, due to the exclusively moving soil. Therefore, all the necessary techniques for the construction of Velesstroy tied in winter. Weather conditions also do not indulge the builders. In the summer, the sun does not go beyond the horizon, but the average temperature does not rise above 5-11 degrees. In winter, frosts up to -45, and if he is warmer, then up to -20 C. The main task in front of the general contractor LLC "Velesstroy" is a structure of eight vertical steel tanks with a pontoon roof, with a capacity of 20,000 m3. Like all objects on GPS, tanks are installed on piles. Under one tank requires order of five hundred piles. During the day, workers Velesstroy have time to establish somewhere 300. Scarlet foundation of the tanks raised over Earth for 1.5 m, piles go deep into 12 m, thermostabilizers - by 15. At the Velesstroy facility also held work on the construction and installation of the retaining pump station, seven tanks For storing fuel of various capacity, four fuel reservoirs of water, fire depot, fire extinguishing station, cable overpass, operator, diesel power plant, process pipeline and other.

Oil Penciling Station No. 22.

NPS-2 is south of GNPS-1, at the 152nd kilometer of the track. According to the project, on this NPCK WELESSTROY builds 10 vertical steel tanks with a pontoon roof. As well as on the main oil pumping station, there are problems with Merzlot on the NPS-2. To avoid soil melting under tanks, a thermal stabilizer is installed next to each pile. At this object, Velesstroy conducts work on the construction of ten tanks for storing fuel of different capacity, organizes construction and assembly work on the assembly of the service-household body, pumping fire extinguishing and for receiving water, is engaged in the road.

Linear part 44 km

Within the framework of the Investment Project "Optolarm - NPS Purpe" Velesstroy performs construction and installation works, including the ground and underground pipeline laying, the construction of the Voltrass VL 10KV, the construction of the assemblies of the lock fittings and the vehicle of the linear part of the 3rd stage of the pipeline system on the area of \u200b\u200bthe KM 0 - km 44.56. During engineering surveys, it was revealed that laying pipes would be in extremely complex geological conditions, due to the so-called unstable soils, such as Malkoldist. They, for a long time, remain in the frozen state, then when warming by several degrees turn into an iron-like mass, losing the carrying ability. To ensure the reliability of the oil pipeline, they decided to lead it over the ground, placing the pipe with an additional heat insulating layer on pile grounds. To prevent heat loss during oil transportation, all pipes are equipped with special insulation.

Purpe Pipeline System "Purpe" - LPDS "Selflor"

Purpe Pipeline System "Purpe" -LPDS "Samotlor" In 2010-2011, a project was implemented, the result was an increase of up to 25 million tons per year of oil supplies from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Northern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. For this, over the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk (Ugra) of autonomous districts, more than 400 kilometers of pipelines were laid, refinery "Purpe" and "Samotor" were reconstructed, energy and technological support facilities were built. All these works were conducted as part of the construction of the Purpe - Samotlor oil pipeline - the first part of the global project to create the main pipeline "Polarier - Purpe - Samotlor". The second site - "Purpe Purpe" - will have a length of about 500 kilometers and a capacity of about 45 million tons per year. Commissioning is planned at the end of 2015. The Purpe - Samotlor oil pipeline allowed to increase oil supplies from the Vankor deposit to the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean system (ESTO), and from there to world markets or oil refineries of Russia. Construction In the future, additional intermediate oil refineries will raise the power of the finished site twice as to 50 million tons per year.

Participation of Velesstroy LLC in the construction of the Purpe - Samotlor oil pipeline in the construction of the Purpe Self-Sonotlor oil pipeline, where all the territories of the route were marshes and wetlands, only companies that have experience overcoming water obstacles, work with complex soils , Drain of swampy locality. Velesstroy, able to apply advanced technology and complex construction techniques, organize processes in difficult natural conditions, successfully coped with the tasks set. In addition to the mandatory compliance with the requirements of federal environmental protection requirements, specialists of Velesstroy LLC at all stages - increased norms of industrial and environmental safety to commissioning before commissioning.

Intermediate oil pumping station №2 VingApur

Intermediate oil pumping station "Vingapur" is a modern object equipped with the latest technology built in Tundra. Velesstroy held work on the construction and installation of the main pumping, which, of course, is the heart of the station, operator, in which in real time all data on pressure, temperature, vibration in the NPC and other indicators are shown. The closed parking of the technique, the fire depot, boiler room, dining room, room for a closed distribution device and much more are elevated. What I want to separately note about the NPS: first, 90% of the equipment in the pumping station - domestic. A, secondly, during the construction of the station, the customer and Velesstroy paid special attention to the environmental safety of oil transportation: the pumps were equipped with a leak control system, and the station indoors there are gas-based sensors.

Purpe refinery station

Purpe refining station - the initial item of the Purpe Self-Solor oil pipeline. There is a station in the Purovsky district of the Yamal Territory. Performing the function of the general contractor in 2010-2011, Velesstroy performed a complex of works on the construction of four tanks, volume of 20,000 m3, the building of the main pumping station, the pumping station of fire extinguishing, pumping water supply, the fueling point, construction of engineering networks and communication networks, carried out work on the installation of technological Equipment, power supply.

Purpe refinery station - expansion

Due to the impossibility of expanding the reservoir park on the current NPS PURPE, which LLC Velesstroy built a few years ago, the company had to build a new oil pumping station, which is three kilometers from the existing one. Today Velesstroy conducts construction and installation work, incl. Construction / disassembly of temporary buildings and structures; carrying out work on the opening of intersections of communications and networks of third-party organizations, their technical inspection with the involvement of a specialized organization and so on; performing commissioning work; Conducting work on the recultivation of disturbed lands.

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