
How to get in line for housing for a young family. Queue for housing for a young family - the order of staging. The procedure for joining the "Young Family" program and receiving subsidies

Limited financial resources often do not allow newlyweds to acquire not only their own housing, but even rented. A long Cohabitation with the older generation often leads to negativity and conflicts. It is not for nothing that they say that the guarantee of good relations with parents is a separate existence.

What should newly-married newlyweds do if they cannot in any way accumulate the necessary amount to make as a down payment for registration? The state is trying in every possible way to stimulate the creation of new families, which is why it began to implement a special social program, the meaning of which is material support for young married couples.

What programs and preferences exist for young families in terms of obtaining their own housing

Young family can enjoy following preferences when purchasing your own living space:

  1. , the size of which is 35% of the total price of housing, in case there are no children yet.
  2. Mortgage lending in accordance with a program that assumes the use of minimum interest rates.
  3. Social mortgage, but only if there is a confirmed urgent need.

If the young family already has a replenishment, then the size of the state subsidy increases to 40% of the price of the acquired property.

Newlyweds who are eligible for the state subsidy are couples under 35 years of age. This limitation applies exactly at the time of the provision of assistance, and not for the period of submission required documents... We must not forget about this, since the adoption of a positive decision may take six months or more.

In terms of registration and repayment of a mortgage loan, the state provides the following types of benefits this category of the population:

  • reduced mortgage rate;
  • opportunity .

Includes the conditions under which the provided government subsidy must be used to repay part of the cost of the apartment. average price in this case must be calculated by the local government. The resulting value must be multiplied by the area living quarters... It is from this amount that 35% is calculated for a married couple + 5% for each child to whom this cell of society gave life. Maximum size subsidies - 70% of the cost of purchased residential space.

If obtaining the above-described privilege is not possible, then the young family has the right to obtain a mortgage loan on preferential terms. As a rule, such lending is carried out by: Sberbank, VTB 24 and a number of other large banks. Interest rates range from 12 to 13%, and the loan repayment period reaches 30 years.

In accordance with the program, newlyweds are also allocated individual construction subsidies... The funds provided can be transferred to the account construction organization, which will be engaged in the construction of the house, or keep it in order to compensate for its own expenses. The amount of state aid is the same as in the case of purchasing an apartment.

Stage-by-stage staging procedure

A prerequisite for queuing up to receive an apartment from the state is the absence of own housing or an insufficient number square meters assigned to each family member.

The latter option requires a commission review with a subsequent decision.

You can also submit documents if the place of residence is a dilapidated apartment or household, but documentary confirmation of this fact is required. By the way, the area of ​​housing will not be taken into account.

Material state support have the right to receive and those young couples whose place of residence is at variance with sanitary standards. In this case, it is also impossible to do without an official decision of the relevant commission.

Financial assistance is provided only to citizens of the Russian Federation. A family member who does not meet this requirement will not be able to positively affect the amount of the subsidy.

Since the state program provided for the next procedure for the provision of subsidies, it means that it was not without privileged categories of the population, namely:

  • families raising 3 or more children;
  • a mother who takes care of the child on her own, regardless of whether she divorced her husband or remains a widow;
  • a veteran of any military action and members of his family;
  • an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This kind of help can be provided only once, therefore, the absence of previously received preferences from the state plays a huge role. Usually, this moment does not require documentary confirmation, since the powers of the municipal authority include verification of such information.

Queuing to receive state financial support for the acquisition of their own living space involves filling out a special application form and collecting a certain package of documents.

In order not to stand idle several times in endless queues, without which no municipal institution can do, it is necessary to study the established requirements in advance.

First of all should be presented a certificate and an extract confirming the fact that the family can take part in the program. Such a paper can be: the conclusion of the commission, an extract from the USRR and a number of other documents that give the right to state support.

Next obligatory document is a certificate confirming the level of income of each of the spouses. In accordance with this, the state will be able to calculate the level of the family's ability to pay and decide whether the funds issued can really help in purchasing their own housing.

The local administration is obliged to consider the submitted papers within 10 days, after which the family receives either its place in the queue or a detailed explanation of the refusal.

It is not possible to compile an accurate list of the necessary documents, since the individual characteristics of the family can instantly make serious adjustments. If follow general concepts, then you need to have on hand next package of papers:

How do I check my queue number?

To track your rightful place in the queue in a timely manner the following options are provided:

  1. Sending a written request to the housing department through an official letter.
  2. Sending notarized copies and applications by registered mail. To track the response time (maximum - 30 days), you need to make an inventory of the attachment and order a return notification.
  3. Visit the local government office and check the current number for your own home on the spot.
  4. The regional electronic database is also a quick way to track progress in the queue. Often, this information is posted on the website of public services.

That is, there is no difficulty in finding out the information you need. In addition, the frequency of requests is not limited. But we must not forget that not all of the above methods have legal force, for example, if you plan to transfer the received information to any structure. It is, of course, very simple, convenient and quick to get acquainted with your serial number for housing via the Internet, but this information is only informative.

How long can I expect to receive housing

There is no clear regulated order of advancement in the queue to get your own family corner, but there are several legislative rules that can have a significant impact on the waiting period.

For example, specific categories citizens, the apartment should be provided during out of order... In this case, we are talking about people who are carriers of a disease that is dangerous to others, as well as people whose housing is in disrepair and must be demolished.

In view of the fact that there are many beneficiaries, the rest of the queues may not only slowly move forward, but even come back.

Social real estate is provided at a different rate in each region. It depends on many factors, but the main ones are: population size, state of the economy in the region, local budget and the awareness of each responsible employee.

Budget construction has almost completely ceased its activities, therefore, the provision of cherished square meters to needy families is often carried out only when the release of social housing occurs.

Checking the queue on the State Services portal is described in the following video:

The value of real estate is growing dynamically. Families can reduce part of the cost of purchasing an apartment by joining the Young Family program. The subsidy can be used to pay off a portion of the cost or down payment on a home loan. To get it, it is enough to know how to get on the line of a young family for housing.

Conditions for participation

  • At the time of receiving financial assistance from the state, both spouses must be less than 35 years old. If one was 34 years old at the time of filing an application, and at the time of receiving the subsidy was 35 years old, then state aid will be denied.
  • Complete and incomplete families can participate in the project. Age restrictions apply to the second option as well.
  • Only citizens of the Russian Federation can participate in the national project. From 11.12.2012, households with children, in which one spouse is a citizen of the Russian Federation, and the other is not, can participate in it. However, when calculating the amount of support, only citizens of the country are taken into account.
  • The family must have average income which would be enough for housekeeping and payment home loan simultaneously.
  • The basis for participation is the opinion of the local authorities. It confirms the right to be in the national project. Only families that have not previously received social assistance for the purchase of housing from the state are endowed with it.
  • Important! The receipt of family capital is not grounds for exclusion from the project. You can cover housing costs at the same time with funds maternity capital and a subsidy.
  • Not only households without housing can participate in the program, but also families in which the social norm of the area of ​​premises per person is not observed. The standard may be different in the subjects. On average, it varies from 8 to 18 sq. meters (per person).
  • If a residential building is recognized as dilapidated or in disrepair, then its residents can participate in the project, subject to all specified requirements.

Who is first?

The following persons have a preferential right to receive state support:

  1. Families with three or more children (Government Decree No. 1204 of 22.11.2012).
  2. Citizens living in houses whose condition is unsuitable for life (these are dilapidated and dilapidated residential buildings).
  3. Families waiting in line before 01.03. 2005 year.

Subsidy amount

Cash assistance is transferred to the applicant only in cashless form... He is awarded a personal certificate. Its validity period is 9 months. If during this period the funds were not spent for the allocated purposes, then they are returned back to the budget. In order to receive them again, the applicant must reassemble the set of documents and enter the queue.

The amount of financial assistance for the purchase of real estate is:

  • 30% of the average or market value- applicable for households without children;
  • 35% of the average or market value - for families with one or more children, as well as for single-parent families (one parent + one or more children);
  • 50% - at. This condition is not observed in all regions of the country.

Where to go

To register for participation in the program, you must contact the authorized committee at the administration at the place of registration. Here you need to write a statement and attach documentary grounds to it.

The decision is made by a special commission within 10 days. Another five days are given to notify the household. The commission is open. In case of refusal, she must explain to the applicant his reasons.

Everyone has it authorized body for improvement housing conditions there is an official resource on the Internet. On it you can find out the features of regional legislation within the framework of the "Young Family" project and get answers to questions.

After receiving a positive decision, it is necessary to apply to the appropriate authority again in order to write an application for social assistance and provide additional documents (in most cases, the previously provided ones are sufficient for the commission).

List of required documents

Recommendations on how to get on the line for a young family are clouded by a large list of documents that need to be collected to participate in the project. It can be different in the regions. A complete list can be found on the website at the place of registration.

A standard package of documents can be divided into blocks:

Personal information:

  • spouses' passports + copies;
  • birth certificates of children + copies;
  • marriage certificate (or divorce).

Financial details:

  • certificates in the form 2-NDFL, confirming the total income of the household;
  • an extract from the personal account, confirming the presence of a certain amount on the accounts of the applicants;

Important! This amount must be greater than the amount of the subsidy. If applicants do not have funds, then with the received money they can deposit an initial fee for home loans.

Registration documents:

  • family statement or. The first one is in the passport office, it is necessary if potential project participants are registered in the apartment. If they live in a private house, then an extract from the house book will be required.
  • personal account management company(copy). To obtain it, you need to contact the housing and communal services authorities and write a statement.

Documents confirming the need for a revision of housing conditions:

  1. Housing survey report. It indicates that the family needs a property larger area... The document is issued by the administration. If the building is recognized as unsafe, then the applicant must take an act on its condition.
  2. Documents of presence or absence real estate... This is Form 3 from the Unified State Register for each family member and Form 2 issued by the BTI.
It's important to know! The form 2 certificate is valid for five days from the date of receipt.

So, many do not know how to get on the line of a young family for an apartment in St. Petersburg. You will need to prove your right to participate in the national program, namely, to provide documentary evidence of your need to improve living conditions and availability stable income to pay the home loan.

Today it is very difficult and sometimes unrealistic to buy housing on your own, especially when it comes to a young family. Therefore, many families use state support and with its help they acquire housing. One of these programs can be called a young family.

The state is trying to provide housing for every resident, and is especially attentive to young families who find it difficult to buy real estate themselves. But it is worthwhile to understand that many citizens want to receive assistance from the state, and therefore, standing in line, they will have to wait not a year or two for a certificate.

It should be noted that for many families this is the only option to improve their living conditions. But first you have to collect required package documents and submit them to the administration settlement at the place of registration.

How can a young family get in line for housing?

Young family Is a federal project for four years. And in 2016 it must complete its action. But as practice shows, then for sure, such a program will last for another period of time.

The issue of extending the program until 2020 is under consideration.

But it is worth noting that such a program has undergone some changes:

  • Through subsidies you can only buy an apartment in the primary market or build on your own.
  • First you need to wait for your turn and then issue mortgage, in the absence of their funds.

People often use such subsidies from the state. This program was created with the aim of increasing the birth rate, and we can say that the state has managed to achieve this goal.

In order to get on the line, a family must consist of at least two people; such a subsidy will not be issued to one person. The family does not have to have children, but their birth increases the amount of payments.

In order for a young family to get on the waiting list for providing subsidies, the state must first of all recognize them as needing this assistance. To do this, it is tedious to comply with one of the conditions:

  1. Have no personal living space.
  2. Be poor and in need of new housing.

Seemingly simple conditions that most citizens of the Russian Federation fall under. But in fact, not everything is so simple and it will be difficult to get an apartment from the state, even if you meet all the requirements.

It is especially difficult to fall under the first category of citizens, After all, for sure, every citizen of the Russian Federation has a residence permit, this is what is considered a person's housing, even if it is formal. Temporary registration is not taken into account, which must be issued if a person stays in some place for more than ninety days.

What do you need to get in line for housing?

To get on the line, a young family must have own funds or some kind of certificate with which they can cover the rest of the amount.

As a rule, the subsidy is 1/3 of the cost of the apartment.

You can also pay the rest of the amount using credit funds, but for this you will need to provide income certificates. Also, similar funds can be used to build a house.

The following people can participate in the program:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation. If one of the spouses has foreign citizenship, then the subsidy can be obtained without it.
  • Single parents or families with no children.
  • Families with children.
  • Families, if the age of the spouses is not older than 35 years. But it is worth noting such a nuance that the age should not exceed this threshold at the time of receiving the subsidy, and not at the time of submission of documents. And the turn can reach the family in 5 years.
  • Families recognized as needy by the state. But this requires documents.

Families with many children have advantages in such a program, and the turn for receiving subsidies reaches them much faster than for ordinary families with one child.

Who can participate in the program?

You can take part in such a program only once and if you have not previously used government assistance. To apply for the allowance, you need to provide income certificates for both spouses.

The following people can participate in the program:

  • Young families who do not own immovable object.
  • If the home in which the family lives is found to be dilapidated.
  • Families with a small living space, that is, each family member does not have the necessary square meters. ? In each region, the number of meters may differ, on average it is from 10 to 18 meters for each family member.
  • If the home in which the family lives not suitable for sanitary standards.

Procedure for obtaining a subsidy for a young family

To register yourself in the queue, you need to submit all documents to the administration. You also need to provide documents confirming the status of a person in need of housing - if you have a living space, but it does not fit the requirements.

After the family submits the documents, the administration must notify you of its decision within ten days - it will either put you on the waiting list or refuse to receive a subsidy.

But they may need another 5 days to make a final decision.

As a rule, the deadlines are not violated, and during this time the family receives an answer. If they are put on a queue, then they are awarded a certificate, according to which the family will be able to receive a subsidy in the future.

You can cash it out no later than two months from the date of receipt... To do this, you need to transfer a certificate to the bank, which will be cashed in the same place. You need to create an account from which you can transfer money to the seller or developer. That is, no one will receive money in their hands, except for the sellers.

If there are no children in a young family, then the amount of subsidy payments from the state in Moscow and St. Petersburg30% from the cost of the apartment, if there is one child, the state offers a subsidy of 35%.

As a rule, such payments are valid in cities of federal significance, but in all other regions, 35% is due for 2 people, and 40% for 3 people. This amount is calculated from the average cost of the apartment. The young family must find the rest of the money on their own.

This could be:

  • Mortgage credit lending.
  • Credit.
  • Maternal capital.
  • Own funds.

The state provides money not only for the purchase of an apartment. The subsidy can be used for the following purposes:

  • Home construction.
  • Purchase of building material.
  • Calculation with LCD.
  • Down payment when registering a mortgage. But it should be noted that not all banks work with such programs.
  • To pay off interest on mortgages issued before 01/01/2011.
  • On the real estate commission, if the apartment was purchased through real estate agencies. But it is worth noting that this is only a small part of the amount.

What documents are required to participate in the program for a young family?

The list of documents may differ in each region. Therefore, before registering them, you need to clarify everything in the administration, so as not to collect the package several times.

The documents that may be required for registration include the following:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,
  • Certificate of marriage / divorce.
  • Birth certificates of children - if available.
  • Certificate of income or personal funds.
  • Documents stating that the family does not own residential properties.
  • Extract from the house book.
  • Family reference or house book.
  • Certificate of absence of debts for utility bills.
  • Certificate of confirmation of housing dilapidated or unfit for habitation.

For registration, both originals and copies of all documents may be required. Sometimes additional documents may be required. In order to check the veracity of information, services often resort to channels of interdepartmental interaction.

They may also require documents based on some individual family situations.

In addition to the documents mentioned above, you need to write more than one statement in which you need to indicate your position at the moment. Forms can be obtained from the administration, where employees will advise you in case of difficulties.

Who's first on the queue list?

As mentioned above, that is, such categories of citizens who can apply for subsidies out of turn. These citizens include the following categories:

  • Single mothers.

The state, within the framework of social support for young families, has established the opportunity to receive government aid in purchasing your own home. Of those eligible for state support in the purchase of apartments, the order of receipt of subsidies is established.

In order to queue up for housing for a young family, it is necessary to submit certain documents to the administration for consideration and meet a number of conditions. State subsidies for many young families are the only opportunity to purchase an apartment.

Get in line for housing for a young family

The provision of government subsidies is carried out within the framework of state program"Young family". The official name of this program is a subprogram of the federal target program "Housing" for 2015-2020. “Provision of housing for young families”.

The state provides assistance in the acquisition of housing in the form of a subsidy. At the same time, to obtain such support necessary condition is that the family has its own funds or a mortgage loan, maternity capital is also accepted.

To be eligible for this targeted program, young families must be no more than 35 years old at the time of the grant.

Considering that the process of considering documents can take six months, it is necessary to submit an application strongly in advance. The family for receiving the subsidy may not necessarily be complete.

A young family must necessarily consist of Russian citizens. If one of its members is not a citizen, he is not taken into account in the calculation of the subsidy.

A young family must be recognized by the conclusion of the commission as needing to improve living conditions.

The priority in receiving subsidies is large families... Proof of eligibility for the subsidy will be a certificate of ownership of the purchased or constructed housing.

Targeted program for providing housing for young families

  1. For young families who do not own their own home.
  2. For young families living in an apartment whose area is less than the established standard for living space per person. Standards vary in different regions, but on average for a family of 3 or more people, the standard is 18 square meters. m per person
  3. For those who live in a dilapidated and needy overhaul lodging

The family receives a subsidy to improve their living conditions once. Therefore, before issuing a subsidy, it is checked whether family members have received such a subsidy before.

The queuing up for housing improvement is done at the local administration. In it, you need to write an application for a subsidy according to the model.

The application is accompanied by documents confirming the need to improve living conditions (for example, the lack of own housing, or the presence of housing in which the norm of square meters per person is less than the established standard; housing is recognized as dilapidated, etc.). Social standards for living space can be clarified in the housing department of the city or village administration. They are regulated separately in each region of the Russian Federation by their own legislative acts.

When the documents are accepted, after 10 working days, that is, after 2 weeks, a decision is made to place a young family in a queue for improving housing conditions or to refuse to do so. When the request is satisfied, it is time to wait for the queue for the allocation of funds from the budget for the subsidy.

On average, the subsidy can cover only part of the funds for the purchase of an apartment. For a family of two, the subsidy can be 30% of the price of the apartment. For one child, the subsidy will be higher - up to 35%.

The family contributes the rest of the money from personal savings, maternity capital and funds mortgage lending.

Documents for obtaining a subsidy for a young family

Since the requirements for the documents provided in different regions may differ, we will present an average list. The exact list can always be clarified with the local administration.

Family documents

  • Passports with copies.
  • Child's birth certificate and copy.
  • Marriage certificate.

Financial documents of a young family

Help on the form 2-NDFL. This certificate is needed if the bank's funds are attracted under a mortgage lending agreement. In this case, both spouses provide certificates.

Registration documents

  • Extract from the house book or a certificate of the composition of the family. For a private house, the house book itself is provided.
  • The act of examining the living conditions of a young family or the act of recognizing the housing as dilapidated and unfit for habitation.
  • Sometimes they require a certificate of absence of debts for utilities... However, the absence of such a certificate cannot serve as a reason for refusing to queue up for improving living conditions.

Documents stating that the family does not own other properties

According to the program "Provision of housing for young families", the decision of the administration to queue up should be made no more than 10 working days from the date of application. After that, within 5 days, the administration must notify the family in writing about the decision.

If the decision is positive, the young family receives a certificate - a certificate that must be implemented within the next two months, because after 2 months the certificate is canceled. The certificate is transferred to the bank, where a special account is opened in the name of the certificate holder, to which the state transfers money without cash. When buying a home, funds from this account are transferred to the seller's account.

Currently, the state is providing assistance in purchasing their own housing to certain categories of citizens. In order to get on the queue for housing, young families will need to collect a package of documents, submit it to the local administration and wait for a subsidy for the purchase of housing in the queue.

For many families, this option is the only way to solve their housing problem. After all, many young people after Mendelssohn's march are forced to either rent an apartment or live with their parents.

What you need to get in line for housing

Registration of young families who need to improve their living conditions is carried out on the basis of the "Young Family" program (the official name is the subprogram "Provision of housing for young families" of the federal target program "Housing" for 2015-2020).
Support is provided through the provision of a subsidy. To receive this type of assistance from the state, it is imperative that members of a young family have their own funds or credit loan, maternity capital funds. Confirmation of the received right to a subsidy is a certificate for the purchase of a dwelling, a house (built or erected).

The following people are eligible for assistance under this program:

  • A family whose members are no more than 35 years old. At the same time, the specified age should not be exceeded precisely at the time of receiving the subsidy, and not submitting documents to the local administration. In some cases, making a decision on granting a subsidy can take up to 6-7 months, so it is advisable to take care of submitting documents in advance. It does not matter whether the family is complete or not to participate in the program. In other words, the mother (father) with the child (children) are full participants in this program.
  • Citizens Russian Federation... If one of the family members does not have Russian Federation citizenship, the calculation of the subsidy is made without this spouse;
  • The family was recognized by a special commission in need of housing through the payment of a subsidy. To comply with this requirement, certain documents will be required.

It is important to note that large families (three or more children) have an advantage in terms of providing subsidies from the state.

Who can participate in the program

  • First, young families who do not own an apartment (house) can use the right to receive assistance from the state.
  • Secondly, families that have housing, but the area of ​​such housing per family member individually is less than the established social norm. In different regions of Russia, the social norm can differ significantly. Average given value varies from 8 to 18 square meters (per person).
  • Thirdly, essential have the conditions of the existing housing. If the apartment (house) does not meet the requirements of sanitary (technical) standards, it is possible to provide a subsidy for the purchase of another housing.
  • Fourth, the housing where the young family lives has been recognized by the commission as dilapidated.

And of course, the family has never received government subsidies to improve living conditions and is not a participant in other social programs implemented by the state.

To receive Money under the home purchase subsidy, proof of the spouses' income will be required.

Procedure for obtaining a subsidy for a young family

To queue up, you must contact the relevant department of the local administration and write an application according to the established template. Second a prerequisite is the provision of a package of documents corresponding to the norms of the legislation, which confirms the fact of the need to improve the living conditions of family members (there is no own housing, there is housing, but it is less squared than established by social norms, etc.). The standards for housing, as well as the level of income of spouses required for queuing, are regulated by legislative acts in each region (subject) of the Russian Federation separately.

After submitting a package of documents, within 10 working days, a decision is made to place (refuse to place) a young family in the queue for improvement existing conditions accommodation. If the decision is positive, the family will wait in line to receive help to buy a home. It should be noted that the subsidy covers only part of the cost of purchasing an apartment (house). For families with no children, the subsidy is 30% of the average cost of housing. If the family has children (one or more), the subsidy will be 35%.

The rest of the money is contributed by the young family on their own through personal savings or borrowed funds (mortgage, maternity capital).

Don't know your rights?

What documents are required to participate in the program for a young family

It is important to understand that in each region of the Russian Federation the list of documents provided may differ significantly. Therefore, before submitting them to the local administration, the exact list of required documents should be clarified.

Consider a typical set of documents that will be required in order to become a participant in the program for receiving cash assistance for buying a home for a young family.

Personal documents citizen:

  • Passport (original, photocopy);
  • A document confirming the birth of a child, children (original, photocopy);
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce.

Documents confirming the financial viability of a young family:

  • Certificate of income level, if you plan to attract a mortgage loan for home purchase. If the parents of the members of the program participants become accomplices in the subsidy program, they will need to provide information about their level of income.

Registration documents for members of a young family in a specific region of the Russian Federation

  • Extract from the register of registered residents (house register). That is, in the passport office at the place of residence, you will need to take a certificate of family composition (how many people are registered in the apartment). If the family lives in a private household, the house book itself will be required directly.
  • In some regions, they require a certificate from the management company that serves the house, stating that there are no debts in payment of payments for the services provided. But at the same time, the presence of debt is not a reason for refusing to queue up as people in need.
  • The report of the survey, reflecting the conditions in which the young family lives. If the housing is dilapidated, then you will need an appropriate inspection certificate and its recognition as unfit for living.

Documents confirming the absence of various properties on the basis of property rights.

Subprogram "Provision of housing for young families" of the federal target program "Housing" for 2015-2020. determines that the decision on queuing is made by the authorized bodies within 10 days after the submission of all documents. The law gives another 5 days for notification (in writing) of people who applied for queuing. But, as practice shows, this period is often violated.

If a positive decision is made to put a young family in line, a certificate is issued, which is the basis for receiving social assistance for buying real estate for certain categories of people. It is necessary to implement this certificate within 2 months by transferring it to the bank to open a blocking account. That is, an account from which money can be transferred only to the seller (company - developer).

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