
Extraordinary provision of housing. In order of priority. Social housing. Housing for the disabled: benefits, documents and procedure for providing an apartment

Every citizen of the Russian Federation is guaranteed the right to housing by Article 40 of our Constitution. Today, free housing, as before, is received by those citizens (in turn) who most urgently need it. However, it is not easy to get an apartment according to this scheme. What documents should be collected in order to get housing for free, and how to do it?

Who applies for a free apartment, and who can get free housing out of turn in Russia

At the moment, free housing from the state (according to Federal Law No. 29 of 14/06/06) can be counted on under the following conditions:

  1. The family is recognized as poor (low income).
  2. The size of the area of ​​the family's dwelling is below the accounting norm for each family member. It should be noted that this norm is set separately by region. For example, in Moscow - 10 sq / m per 1 family member, and in Vladivostok - 13 sq / m. Note: in the process of determining the area of ​​family housing, the area of ​​the real estate that everyone owns is also taken into account.
  3. The dilapidated state of the housing where the family lives. Or the house cannot be repaired and was declared unfit for habitation by a special commission. The decision on the "accident rate" of the house is taken by the executive authorities.
  4. Living in a common area with the family (communal apartment) of a chronically ill person with a severe form of the disease. The list of such diseases is in the decree No. 378 of 16/06/06. For example, tuberculosis or gangrene, etc.
  5. Lack of amenities in the house. For example, electricity or heating, hot water and / or running water, bathtubs, stoves, etc.
  6. Family members do not own any real estate if they have the right to live in the Russian Federation.

On a note:

Only those citizens who are recognized as poor and are in dire need of improvement can join the queue. housing conditions... The status of the apartment (state / owned) does not matter - financial insolvency is of the greatest importance. It is also worth noting that families registered even before the adoption of the new LCD (before 2005) will not have to prove their financial insolvency. But for those who stand in line today, this fact will have to be confirmed with a solid package of documents.

Free housing out of turn - who is eligible?

  1. Persons whose housing, according to the established procedure, was officially recognized as unfit for habitation, as well as unsuitable for repair / reconstruction.
  2. All children are orphans.
  3. All children who were left without parental care.
  4. All persons with a history of severe chronic diseases that can harm the health of others.

A complete list of documents for the queue for a free apartment

If you have a reason to be on the waiting list and claim free housing, prepare package of documents for the housing commission:

  1. Application (by sample). It must be signed by every member of your household over the age of 18 who wishes to be eligible for “needy” status and certified by the check-in / registration department (where you live).
  2. Passport of the Russian Federation of the applicant and all family members + photocopies of the necessary pages (marital status and children, photo with place of residence, information about previously issued passports). IN this case family members are a husband (wife) and their children under 18, or persons who live with them and have other signs of kinship, or those who live with the applicant, including those moved to the square as family members by a court decision ...
  3. All documents (+ copies) defining / confirming the composition of the family, family relations, etc. That is, birth / marriage or divorce certificates, all relevant court or guardianship decisions, etc.
  4. Form 7 and 9 (both valid for 1 month only).
  5. Extract from the personal account on the number of residents (validity period - 1 month).
  6. Extract from the Unified State Register with information on the presence / absence of housing for the applicant and family members (the certificate is provided separately for each, validity period - 1 month).
  7. Documents that are the basis for the registration of the applicant and family members on their area: a donation agreement or transfer of ownership, an order or a social rent agreement, etc.
  8. Information on income - for the last 12 months, for each family member: documents on scholarships and benefits, certificate of pension amount, all certificates from work, etc. In the absence of work: original + copy work book(to be assured in advance by the personnel department); a statement (did not work anywhere, had no income, lived on the dependents of this and that), certified by a notary; a certificate from the employment center (that there was a fact of receiving / not receiving unemployment benefits).
  9. A package of documents / certificates with information on the value of all property owned (taxable property) from the applicant and other family members. That is, a certificate from the PIB, a document from the Committee for Land Resources and Land Management (on the normative price of the site), a document with an assessment of the vehicles owned (taken from an organization, respectively licensed). Of course, each certificate must be fresh (as of the year of circulation).
  10. A package of documents with information confirming the right to benefits for the provision of housing (originals + copies). That is, all documents on disability, certificates, etc.
  11. TIN + SNILS (also originals + copies) - for each (if any).
  12. Inquiries about the technical / condition of the dwelling (conclusions, acts, etc.) - for those persons who live in a room unsuitable for living.
  13. Documents about those residential, suitable for permanent residence premises that are located outside the city in which the application is submitted (mandatory for each family member, if such housing is available).
  14. Documents on housing provision and the fact of residence in one of the cities of the Russian Federation on a legal basis for 10 years (certificate of registration).
  15. A package of documents / certificates of the right to receive housing out of turn (if there is such a right). You may need following documents: an act of the interdepartmental commission stating that housing is unsuitable for living (under Article 57, paragraph 2, paragraph 1 of the LC), certificates from the medical institution (with Article 57, paragraph 2, paragraph 3 of the LC), a document from the authorities guardianship (under Article 57, Clause 2, Clause 2 of the LC).
  16. A package of documents stating that the recognition of a citizen (citizens) as poor. The very decision on such recognition is issued by the Department of Social Protection of the Population. In addition to it, the following will come in handy: 2-NDFL, certificates of scholarships / pensions, child benefits, etc. That is, all documents and certificates that are proof of income for the last 2 years.
  17. If the documents are submitted by the applicant's authorized representative: an envelope with a paper binder; power of attorney (drawn up in the prescribed manner), passport.

Read also: Federal Target Program Housing 2011-2015

Where to go and how to get in line for social housing - instructions

The first step to the status of a “waiting list” for free housing is the official recognition of a poor family. Such a decision is made if the income of each adult family member is lower living wage... The presence of taxable real estate and cars is also taken into account. After recognizing the family as poor and the appointment of state / social / benefits, you can begin that difficult (alas) path, which, with a successful combination of circumstances, will be crowned with receiving free housing. Where to start and what to remember?

How to get in line - instructions.

  1. We clarify the complete (for your region and in your case) list of certificates / documents and the application form.
  2. We submit documents together with an application to local authorities at the place of residence.
  3. We are waiting for the special commission to make a decision (documents are considered for about 1 month). If you receive the status of "waiting list" or, on the contrary, if you refuse, you will be sent a written response (within 3 days). Possible reasons for refusal are the excess of the total family income in comparison with the norms corresponding to the status of "poor", deliberate deterioration of living conditions (strangers registered in your apartment, exchange of a large area for a smaller one, etc.).

If there are reasons for extraordinary receipt There is no housing, then you will be assigned the status of a waiting list, and already in the usual queue you will expect the keys to free housing.

Why they can deregister or move the queue back - reasons:

  1. Submission of an application for deregistration.
  2. Loss of the grounds that gave the right to free housing.
  3. Change of residence with subsequent residence in another municipality.
  4. Receiving funds from the state for the purchase / construction of housing or a plot for building a house.
  5. Identification of false information in documents.
  6. Changes in family composition or housing conditions.
  7. Loss of foundation for social rent.
  8. Intentional deterioration of living conditions.
  9. 3 refusals from the proposed housing.

On a note:

The property / living conditions of the people on the waiting list are checked by the authorities:

Lawyer Alexey Abramov answers the questions of the magazine's readers.

I have been standing with my mother and brother since 1998 in line to improve their living conditions. For three of us, we are entitled (minus the available living space) 32 sq. m. Recently, the district housing department calculated the meters in a new way: taking into account the apartment, which is owned by my wife. As a result, it turned out to be only 24 sq. m. Is this correct? Why is the property taken into account that belonged to the wife before our marriage?

In accordance with the Law of the city of Moscow dated June 14, 2006 No. 29 "On securing the right of residents of the city of Moscow to residential premises", when making decisions on the provision of housing for use or on rendering assistance in acquiring ownership of housing, authorized executive bodies of the city verify applicants and their family members have other residential premises in respect of which they have an independent right to use or ownership (clause 5 of article 21 of the Law).

Since your wife's apartment is her sole property (acquired before marriage), none of the three of you has the right to use, let alone ownership, in relation to this dwelling.

Thus, I believe that the department took into account the living quarters of your spouse, without having a legal basis.

Five-story building for demolition, five people are registered in a two-room apartment under a social rent agreement. They began to settle the house in 2008. Friends gave advice to urgently withdraw from the queue. Say, if you are not on the waiting list, then the resettlement will be according to the social norm - 18 sq. m per person. It sounds kind of dubious, maybe you know something about this?

In accordance with Art. 13 of the Law "On ensuring the housing rights of citizens during the resettlement and vacating residential premises (residential buildings) in the city of Moscow" to citizens vacating premises occupied under social rental contracts and registered with housing, with their consent, housing conditions are improved in the order of priority. In this case, the date of their recognition as needing improvement of living conditions or in residential premises is taken into account.

If citizens refuse to improve their living conditions, they are provided with living quarters equivalent in terms of the total area occupied. Such citizens continue to be registered with housing until the queue arrives.

My husband and his daughter from their first marriage are registered in the Moscow region in an unprivatized apartment. I am expecting a child, whom we plan to register there as well. Can you please tell me if we can queue up for the expansion of the area or is it just for Moscow? Now the apartment is 45 sq. m, three will be registered.

In order to register for housing, it is necessary to be recognized as poor, as well as to have housing area less than the registration rate.

The size of the accounting rate in each district of the Moscow region is established by the local government. For example, in Pushchino or Jubilee, the norm is no more than 10 square meters. m. Therefore, if in one of these cities in an apartment of 45 sq. m. m, three people live, they cannot count on improving their living conditions.

I'm an adult. I live with my sister's parents and family (she, husband, child) in a communal apartment. We occupy two rooms out of three. We have been waiting in line to improve housing conditions since 1990. Should we be provided with an apartment in our area? What options are possible? Can we get three one-room apartments or a two-room and one-bedroom apartment?

Preservation of the area of ​​residence is valid only for those citizens who are relocated from houses subject to demolition. All the rest are provided with housing within Moscow.

Your family will be allocated housing at a rate of at least 18 sq. m for each family member (when the turn comes). The law says that the requirements of citizens, not based on the norms of federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow, on the provision of living quarters in a specific place, house, on a floor, at a specific address, with a certain number of rooms are not subject to satisfaction.

The family stood in line to improve their living conditions. Recently, housing was provided, but for each person there is less than the established standard. Will the family be removed from the line?

In general, the provision rate is 18 sq. m per family member.

The grounds for deregistration of housing are indicated in Art. 15 of the Law of Moscow "On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to residential premises":

In case of leaving for a permanent place of residence outside the city of Moscow;

- when the living conditions of the residents of the city of Moscow change, recognized as needing to improve their living conditions, as a result of which the grounds for granting or acquiring ownership of residential premises with the help of the city of Moscow have disappeared (since they gave less than what was required, I believe that you cannot be removed from housing registration);

- in case of loss of grounds for obtaining residential premises under a social tenancy agreement or gratuitous use residents of the city of Moscow, recognized in need of housing;

- when transferring subsidies in accordance with the established procedure;

- when the authorized executive authorities of the city of Moscow identify information that does not correspond to those specified in the application, as well as in the documents submitted by the applicant;

- when authorized executive bodies of the city of Moscow identify cases of illegal actions of officials when registering for housing, which led to the unjustified acceptance of citizens for housing registration;

- when served in authorized bodies the executive power of the city of Moscow of a personal application for deregistration of housing or in the case of providing them with housing in accordance with this Law;

- in other cases stipulated by federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow.

In connection with the resettlement of our house, they give an apartment under a social rent agreement. We have collected all the certificates, as required, we are waiting. But the fact is that I am getting married soon, the registration of the marriage is planned for the period when the social loan agreement is not yet ready. If I get married and change my surname, will I have to redo all the certificates and wait for another contract again? What is the best way to do it? Maybe postpone registration?

I think that it is not worth postponing the registration of marriage. After all, even if you change your surname, your maiden name will be indicated in the marriage certificate. You can present a copy and original of this certificate. Thus, your marriage will not affect the receipt of an apartment in any way.

I am an orphan, I am on the waiting list for housing, already included in the consolidated list. A distant relative wants to register me in her apartment. If this happens, will I lose my right to social housing? I am a single mother, can this somehow affect the size of the space provided?

The right to living quarters for orphans is enshrined in Art. 8 of the Law "On additional guarantees for social support of orphans and children left without parental care", it does not depend on the availability of registration. If you have correctly stated everything in your question, then registration will not be the basis for removing you from the queue.

The status of a single mother will not affect the living space in any way.

Does it have the right poor family(who owns an apartment in emergency house) to provide housing out of turn? The city administration refused on the basis of ownership of housing. Should I go to court?

I don't think it makes sense to sue.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 57 of the RF LCD out of turn, apartments are provided under social employment contracts to citizens whose living quarters are recognized in the prescribed manner unsuitable for living and cannot be repaired or reconstructed. You are not a tenant, as you are homeowners.

Lists of citizens registered as needing housing will be published on the official websites of local self-government bodies of municipalities of the Moscow region annually no later than January 30, the press service reports.

The corresponding changes to the regional law "On the procedure for keeping records of citizens as those in need of residential premises provided under social tenancy agreements" were made by the Moscow Regional Duma, the material explains.

The report notes that in order to promptly and timely fulfill this requirement, the Ministry of the Construction Complex of the Moscow Region, in accordance with the powers in the field of housing policy, came up with an initiative to create a new subsection "Realization of the rights of citizens to housing" on the official website of each municipality. The Regional Ministry of Construction recommends placing in it lists of citizens registered and in need of residential premises, information on the number of residential premises received in the municipal housing stock, on the number of residential premises provided to citizens under social rent agreements and the lease of specialized residential premises, as well as information on the sale housing programs.

"Wherein Special attention we ask you to pay attention to the observance of the requirements of the legislation, citizens and the interests of citizens in the formation of these lists. I would like to note that citizens registered before March 1, 2005 retain the right to be registered on this register until they receive housing under social rent agreements, ”the words of the Minister of the Regional Construction Complex Sergei Pakhomov are quoted in the message.

Thus, three lists will be posted on the official websites of municipalities: a general one, which lists all citizens who are not provided with housing and are registered; a separate list of citizens entitled to an extraordinary provision of housing; as well as a separate list of citizens with the right to priority provision of housing. The list of "extraordinary" and "priority" is formed from the general list in chronological order according to the date the citizen submits an application for having such a right and supporting documents, the release notes.

According to the monitoring carried out by the Ministry of the Construction Complex of the Moscow Region in 2016, the registration of those in need of housing is maintained in more than 180 municipalities in 11 categories of citizens.

Currently, the government of the Moscow region is considering a draft law "On the procedure for keeping records of citizens in need of residential premises provided under social tenancy agreements", a number of important changes will be made to the document in the near future, which concern keeping records of citizens in in electronic format... We are talking about the creation of a single for the Moscow region information system registration of citizens in need of living quarters. This will make it possible to provide services to citizens through the provision of state and municipal services and create a "transparent queue", as well as exercise control, including public control, over the activities of municipal authorities in terms of the distribution of residential premises that come into their possession.

“Keeping a“ transparent queue ”by local governments will reduce the likelihood of its violation and make the distribution of housing open and understandable for citizens,” the message concludes with the words of Sergei Pakhomov.

The reasons for excluding military personnel or their family members from the waiting lists for housing may be the following:

Illegal queuing procedure for housing;

The presence of residential premises in the ownership of both the serviceman and his family members;

Availability of living quarters for use, both by the serviceman and by his family members;

Registration at the place of residence in a residential building, as a family member of a tenant of housing or as a family member of a homeowner, which implies the use and provision of housing for the soldier himself or his family members;

Intentional deterioration of housing conditions (if five years have not passed since the intentional deterioration);

Dismissal of a serviceman not on a preferential basis with a calendar length of service of more than 10 years, but less than 20 years;

Other grounds providing the housing authority with the opportunity to exclude a serviceman from the lists in need of housing.

Our organization has a positive experience in providing legal assistance to military personnel and members of their families in all of the above cases!

We are not an organization that speaks about its success unfoundedly! We have a wealth of experience and positive jurisprudence on every possible problem that a serviceman and his family members have. We are ready to share this practice with you! You have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with some court decisions on our website, we can provide you with other court decisions for your attention in our office!

If you were excluded from the waiting lists for housing, then this is not a reason to despair! It is necessary to get a clear, high-quality advice from a professional lawyer.

When servicemen contact us with a problem of exclusion from the waiting lists, we offer several options for solving this issue at once!

Call us of course! Come to our office! We will not only provide you with competent advice on resolving the current circumstances, but also select court decisions for your problem, from which you yourself will understand that the court should be on your side!

Residential areas are provided to citizens of the Russian Federation in a strict order of priority if they are registered as in dire need of housing, or in need of better housing conditions, in accordance with Article 33 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Only special categories of citizens can get housing out of turn, due to their resettlement after various natural disasters and man-made disasters. For example, a family is not on the waiting list for housing, but an earthquake or flood has occurred, as a result of which their existing housing has been destroyed or threatened with a collapse.

According to all the same legislative norms of the Russian Federation, the registration of all citizens of the country who need to improve their living conditions or do not have permanent housing at all is kept according to a single list. But on the basis of a single list, three separate lists are drawn up: first-priority, extra-priority and those on the list for housing on a general basis.

This principle of priority can in no way be violated in favor of the needy, regardless of the degree of citizens' need for housing and regardless of the personal merits of citizens. Citizens receive the right to provide housing at the moment when they register documents submitted for housing.

According to the changes in the Housing Code of 1996, in case of violations of the rules of priority for obtaining housing bailiffs may decide that the issued housing order is illegal. Institutions, organizations, local administration bodies (in whose jurisdiction the distributed living quarters are located), or a prosecutor acting in the interests of one of the parties, can file a claim for violations of the rules of priority in obtaining housing.

It is noteworthy that citizens independently do not have the right to go to court with claims if they believe that their rights as waiting lists have been violated. They can only act through a legal institution or local government bodies. On the one hand, such legislative norms can be regarded as restricting the rights of citizens, but on the other hand, the law is the same for everyone and should not be violated. In fact, in judicial practice, there are often cases when applications from citizens are nevertheless accepted and considered on an individual basis, based on the situation that has developed at a particular point in time.

In what cases are changes made to the list of priorities of citizens for housing not in favor of the needy?

According to article 34 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, changes in the waiting lists among citizens in need of housing can be made by local governments with a good reason or by the administrations of enterprises / organizations (after coordination with the trade union committee).

For example, for malicious violations of the rules of the labor order at an enterprise, a citizen can be “displaced” on the waiting list for housing by several points. But no one will be able to exclude a person in need from the waiting list for housing, according to legislative norms, no matter what violations of discipline he was accused of (hooliganism, constant late work, drunkenness, theft of property, if it does not entail the scale provided for by the criminal code, etc.).

The administration of the enterprise has the right to transfer the priority of a citizen on the list for receiving real estate from the housing stock even for one malicious offense. In fact, there are quite a few cases in which the waiting list for housing can be legally displaced in the general lists.

What category of citizens of the Russian Federation has an extraordinary right to receive housing?

Out of turn, citizens have the right to receive housing in the Russian Federation if they:

  • Lost housing (public or government) due to a natural disaster.

  • Stayed in the nursery government agency and the period of their majority has come, as well as if they were dependent on trustees, guardians or relatives and now, for a number of reasons, they cannot be returned to the living space that their parents had.

  • They were sent on distribution as specialists to work in another area or region.

  • They were trained in a higher, vocational, secondary technical institution, in graduate school, residency, etc.

  • According to the Law on the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation, the local administration must provide city judges with housing within six months from the date the judge takes office. This means comfortable housing, if the judge has such a locality was not available. Extraordinary housing is also provided to employees of the prosecutor's office, district inspectors on the same conditions - within six months after taking office.

  • Disabled people and citizens of retirement age, if they were treated in inpatient institutions, and then were discharged from these medical institutions and now need housing. They may be returned to their former housing if it meets the sanitary standards of living or is provided out of turn with another dwelling.

What category of citizens of the Russian Federation have the primary right to receive housing?

Based on article 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, citizens can be included in the priority lists for housing:

  • People with disabilities of the Great Patriotic War and participating in military operations in defense of the Motherland and citizens of the Russian Federation (including employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and other military units).

  • Families of those who disappeared or died during the Second World War and in other hostilities on the territory of Russia and abroad. The dependents of these categories of citizens, their spouses, parents, disabled children, etc. are equated to members of such families.

  • Heroes of Russia and the Soviet Union, Heroes of Labor, as well as persons who were awarded the Order of Labor Glory, the Order of Glory, the Order of three degrees "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces."

  • Persons with severe forms chronic diseases(a list of such diseases can be found in the corresponding article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). For example, it can be tuberculosis, severe bronchial asthma, psoriasis, severe mental illness, etc.

  • Families whose relatives (spouses, parents) died in the line of official or state duties, fulfilling their duty as a citizen of the Russian Federation, saving the lives of other citizens or protecting the country's law and order.

  • People with disabilities of groups I and II who were injured during military operations or in civilian operations, as well as as a result of congenital injuries or serious illnesses.

  • Workers and employees of the sectors of housing and communal services, social organizations, who have worked for a long time in one area of ​​production. Such citizens can receive the priority right to receive housing after a meeting of the collective, at which an agreement is drawn up, signed by the administration of the organization or enterprise, as well as representatives of the trade union committee.

  • Women who have received the title of "Heroine Mothers", as well as families in which three or more minor children are brought up, single mothers and families in which twins, twins, triplets, etc. were born.

  • Rescuers from professional or community rescue teams.

  • Teachers, doctors and other employees whose services are needed by local medical, health, general education, preschool and other institutions or enterprises of settlements of the Russian Federation.

  • Is given priority right housing for police and customs officers.

  • Persons affected by political and economic repression.

In fact, all of these above-mentioned lists of out-of-order and top-priority for housing or for improving housing conditions are far from exhaustive. According to Legislative regulations ZhK RF, provides for other cases when citizens from the general list for housing can be moved to other categories of lists - priority and extraordinary. Housing from the housing stock is distributed with the participation of the administration of the settlements of the Russian Federation with the participation of trade union committees, as well as representatives of local enterprises, organizations, institutions, etc.

Scams with housing for the capital's waiting list did not begin today. To remind you of this once again, we publish a letter from a resident of Sokolniki to one of the regional newspapers:

“I consider it necessary to touch upon the topic of the waiting list for the Sokolniki district. At the meetings of the municipal assembly, I have repeatedly raised the issue of providing us with a list of people on the waiting list by the Department of Housing Policy of the city of Moscow. But the deputy Krestovskaya, who illegally calls herself the head of the municipal assembly and conducts meetings together with deputies from United Russia and school principals, categorically refuses to comply with such a request, arguing that this list allegedly contains personal data and therefore the waiting list is not subject to promulgation.
Such a refusal is illegal. There is a special order of the Department of Housing and Housing Policy of the Government of Moscow No. 68 of March 2, 2005 "On ensuring free access to waiting lists, as well as to the lists of citizens included in the program for providing housing." In it, officials are directly prescribed: the lists must be posted and available for citizens to familiarize themselves with in the administrations and district housing departments, and even drawn up in the form of brochures.

Despite the desperate resistance of Krestovskaya and her associates, I managed to obtain these lists. Below I will publish them and analyze them. It will be clear why these lists are classified and our "valiant" deputies from the party of crooks and thieves are trying in every possible way to prevent us from accessing this information, protecting it more than banking secrecy in Switzerland.


For now, let's consider the list of the lucky ones who received apartments, being on the waiting list. So: at the end of 2007 there were 1,027 families or 2,856 people in the queue for improvement. In 2005, apartments were provided to those on the waiting list, which have been registered since 1983. From 2002 to 2006, 112 families or 256 people received apartments. In fact, people have been queuing for 21-22 years. But there are those who stood much less. For now, we will consider citizens with the category of queuing up "on common grounds." For example, citizen V.S. Chesnokova. stood from 1995 to 2004. At the same time, Kabonina N.I. had to wait in line from 1983 to 2005. Also on the list we see 60 lucky people who received housing in 2004-2013 - they stood in line from 0 to 9 years. We look further - citizen R.M. Khairetdinov. got up in 2002 and got it in 2005. Polovinkina N.V. stood in line from 2002 to 2004, citizen I.V. Lobanova - from 2004 to 2005. And here are the real "champions" who did not stand in line for a year: Lunkina N.V. (from February 2004 to November of the same year); Cherepnina S.A. (from May 2005 to August), Antonov I.A. (from May 2005 to October); E.V. Severtseva (since the end of 2005, and by the New Year on December 29, 2006 already received housing "); Dunavetskaya L.S. (from January 2010 to March 2010). And here is the waiting list by the name of M.A. Nasibullin. This one managed to get apartments twice. In 2005, as part of a family of 3 people, got on the line and got an apartment in 2008. His accounting file is 53-953520-01-2005-0002. Under the same registration number, he is already part of a family of 4 and receives an apartment in 2013. We can only be happy for this gentleman - after all, every three years he manages to improve his living conditions.

Here's another example. Citizen Piryazeva N.V., registered in 1999 in the category " medical workers"(Worked as a nurse at school No. 1282), in 2006 received two-room apartment in the Mitino area in a 16-storey building. Currently continues to live on the street. Egerskaya, 1. I know this citizen well, since she lives on the floor below my apartment. For a family of four, she had two rooms in a three-room apartment with a total area of ​​32 sq.m. The neighbor did not live in this apartment and his room of 14 square meters was closed. Further, Mrs. Piryazeva registers her parents from the village and stands in line, although even for six people she has enough meters. True, her parents were never seen by neighbors in this apartment, but this did not prevent her from getting a wonderful two-room apartment in 7 years. Further, apparently, she buys out a room from a neighbor and becomes the owner of the entire three-room apartment. So, at the moment, this citizen has three-room apartment in Sokolniki with an area of ​​73 sq. m for three on the street. Egerskaya, 1 (recently renovated) and a two-room apartment 55 sq. m in Mitino in the same house, probably renting it out. This is the trick that citizen Piryazeva did with the apartments, making five rooms out of two. On this fact, I will apply to the Investigative Committee on the subject, in my opinion, of a corruption component and fraud.

Similarly, "medical workers": Sherstkin A.E., who stood in line from 2002 to 2009 and Korneeva E.V. - from 2002 to 2008. HAND WASHING HAND But the judge of the Preobrazhensky court Solovyova T.P. has been in line for the "judge" category since 1998. This citizen is well known to me, since, being a deputy from 2004 to 2008, I defended the rights of citizens and, in particular, those on the waiting list. As you know, in our area about a hundred apartments and rooms were and are in the shadow circulation. I was forced to sue the VAO prosecutor's office for giving me an illegal answer regarding the provision of apartments to those on the waiting list. This case was considered first by Judge Ryzhova, and then by Judge Solovyova. The prosecutor's office was forced to submit to the court the materials of the check on my application. In the materials of the check there was not a single document that would testify to the legality of the residence of certain citizens in the apartments I indicated.

For example, in the financial and personal account submitted by the EIRTS, in the column “grounds for residence” there was “no basis”, and there were many similar answers. But, despite all this, the judge Solovyova T.P. February 6, 2007 makes a decision that “everything is legal”. After this verdict, the next year, 2008, she receives an apartment. If any of you have to sue under the chairmanship of this judge, then you can congratulate her on the housewarming. We will have fun, and she will be pleased.

The secretary of the municipal meeting of deputies and the right hand of Krestovskaya is Nadezhda Ivanovna Bursha. In 2007, she joined the queue with her daughter in the “out of use living quarters” category. True, she lived in a one-room apartment on the street. Korolenko, 1, building 3 is a 9-storey brick building. Living room with an area of ​​about 21 sq.m. October 19, 2010 she receives a two-room apartment on the street. Bolshaya Ostroumovskaya, 15. Why they considered her living conditions unsuitable remains a mystery. Indeed, at present, other people live in this apartment who do not complain about anything. Proceeding from the fact that as an active opponent of the reconstruction of the 3rd microdistrict and one of the members of the Save Sokolniki Committee, I managed to defend 23 houses from demolition and achieve their transfer to the conservation zone, Nadezhda Ivanovna never ceases to accuse me of for me she lives in inhuman conditions and that because of me she will no longer get an apartment in a new house on the Jaegersky Pond on the site of the demolished "cube houses". Yes, indeed, now there is an increase in her family - her daughter got married and gave birth to a daughter. As if everything went well for Nadezhda Ivanovna - her current house would be subject to demolition and she would have already received two apartments, or even three, in the event of her daughter's divorce from her husband, and they would be real happiness - just like nurse Piryazeva.


So the head of Bursha, already well-known citizen Krestovskaya, likes to live in Sokolniki, despite the fact that she also has other apartments.

I quote the answer from the department economic security and anti-corruption in the Eastern Administrative District to my request “about the eviction of the deputy Krestovskaya, who illegally seized a two-room apartment on the 2nd Boevskaya street, 6, apt. 4A, about the eviction of A.G. Skorobogatova. (the former deputy head of the council for social issues), who illegally registered in an apartment at the address: Malaya Ostroumovskaya, 1A, apt. 179, and the fulfillment of the order of the prosecutor's office to evict the family of Kuramagomedova Z.P., who arrived from Dagestan and illegally residing at the address: Malaya Ostroumovskaya, 1G, apt. 21 "," ... Detective police captain E.N. Kobtsev .... established: In the Sokolniki area of ​​Moscow ... persons illegally, by agreement with officials district councils, occupy apartments at the addresses: st. 2nd Boevskaya, 6 quarter, 4A, st. Malaya Ostroumovskaya, 1A, apt. 179, st. Malaya Ostroumovskaya, 1G, apt. 21 ... ".

Since the heads of the council are the head of the council Kuzhelev N.N. and his deputy Dadaev S.V., then from this answer it can be understood that Krestovskaya, Skorobogatova and Kuramagomedova entered into an agreement with these officials and, with their consent, live quietly in the seized apartments. I wonder if the waiting list will turn to Messrs Kuzhelev or Dadaev to be provided with the same apartments by agreement, whether it will be possible for them to refer to the response of the OEB and the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Eastern Administrative District of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow No. 02/2 - ref. 3029 on 07/08/13?

Most likely, in order to get housing according to this scheme, you need to consult with citizen Krestovskaya - how best to negotiate with the district authorities. Let him share his experience. Not all of her only to work for herself!

Since these citizens have been living in these apartments for many years, and during this time we have changed several heads of councils and their deputies, it turns out that it is enough to agree with your friend from the council, and the apartment is in your pocket. Isn't that why Deputy Krestovskaya went all out in order to seize power in the region by any means, to turn the region into a cash cow for herself and her "comrades-in-arms" in "hard work for the benefit of citizens." Based on the data I received, 194 families on the waiting list were provided with apartments from 2008 to 2013.

I have made a request addressed to State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein, where I ask him to support me in demanding a total inventory of the housing stock and conducting a check at the highest level with the subsequent initiation of criminal cases. The other day I received an answer from him, where he thanks for the materials provided and says that in this regard he sent requests to law enforcement agencies.

Russian citizens, whose income is below the subsistence level in a particular region, are endowed with the constitutional right to receive free or low-cost housing from the state.

Conditions for the allocation of free apartments by the state

What are the conditions for the allocation of free housing in 2019

Answering the question of how to get municipal housing, it is worth considering the key conditions for the allocation of free houses and apartments.

The Housing Code of the Russian Federation considers the provision of low-income needy citizens in order of priority, taking into account the following criteria:

  1. The financial situation of applicants for housing (the assessment is based on the family's income, after which it is determined whether it will be able to purchase a home in the next 20 years).
  2. Not participating in privatization programs (such citizens already own real estate on the terms of social employment).
When allocating housing, the order of priority must be taken into account. However, if the documents for free housing are submitted by especially needy citizens, the list of which was given above, then housing is provided out of turn.

Required documents

In order to join the queue for receiving housing from the state, it is necessary to submit a package of certificates prepared in advance to the municipality.

It consists of the following documents:

  • Applications from all legally capable family members;
  • Copies of passports, birth certificates, SNILS, as well as a marriage document;
  • Documents containing information about income (2-personal income tax or 3-personal income tax);
  • A copy of the certificate confirming that the applicants have taxable property;
  • Apartment plan drawn up by BTI;
  • A note from the house book and personal account;
  • Certificate that the person (family) has been living in the settlement for at least 10 years;
All copies of documents must undergo mandatory notarization.

Receiving an apartment from the state in the Russian Federation may require the submission of other additional documents to grant the right to receive a living space. At the same time, when transferring them to the commission, it is important to ask for a receipt from the receiving person.

The documents submitted by the applicant are studied in detail for 30 days, after which the applicant receives a positive decision or refusal (in writing) to assign the status of a comfortable living space in need.

The applicant can challenge the negative answer of the housing department of the municipality in judicial procedure.

What size of living space can the state provide?

Russian housing legislation clearly establishes which residential premises can be allocated to citizens in need under a social tenancy agreement:

If there is a pregnant woman among the family members whose gestational age is 22 weeks or more, then the size of the allocated area increases by at least 15 square meters.

In addition to meeting the standards for the number of square meters of living space, other requirements are put forward for houses and apartments provided by the state:

  1. The living area must meet the criteria for a comfortable dwelling (provided with communications and social infrastructure).
  2. The structure must take place within the boundaries of the settlement.
  3. The house must provide conditions for citizens with disabilities (ramps, etc.).

When housing may be refused

A citizen has applied for free housing from the state, but he may be denied the allocation of an apartment if he deliberately worsened his living conditions:

  • Exchanged a comfortable house for a dilapidated or emergency housing with a surcharge;
  • Sold or issued a deed of gift for a completely habitable dwelling;
  • Deliberately worsened the condition of the place of residence (permission or damage occurred through his fault);
  • Introduced and registered third parties in the house (except for spouses, children, parents).
All of the above actions must have taken place within the last five years (only five-year housing history is verified).

What does the social employment contract provide?

Obtaining free housing from the state provides for the registration of a social tenancy agreement, which prescribes such aspects as:

  • Owner's legal right to reside within the allocated living space;
  • The need to pay utility bills for the provided amenities (water, gas, heating, etc.);
  • Monthly payment for an apartment received on a social rental basis;
  • The right to a residence permit for relatives and other persons.
Recipients of municipal housing from the state have the right to further privatize it in the standard manner.

What prohibitions apply to public housing

Having decided on how to get housing from the state, you should clearly understand what actions with municipal living space can be recognized as illegal.

  1. The owner has no right to sell, exchange, donate the allocated municipal apartment.
  2. The possibility of renting out free apartments is excluded.
  3. Although the owner of the dwelling has the right to register other persons in it, he cannot bequeath it to his heirs.

Such restrictions on municipal housing are quite justified: the ownership of it remains with the state, therefore, the owner cannot determine its legal fate.

If a citizen disregards the rules and carries out an illegal transaction with an apartment that is socially rented, then such actions will not only entail the confiscation of the living space, but may even become the basis for criminal liability.

The main options for obtaining apartments from the state

Many people think about whether it is possible to get an apartment for free. Russian citizens... Therefore, it is important to consider options for allocating a comfortable living space.

This option can be counted on by:

  • Complete and incomplete young families with children and without children, having the status of poor and in need of housing (the age of the spouses is up to 35 years);
  • Military personnel;
  • Persons who currently live in communal apartments;
  • Workers of the Baikonur cosmodrome;
  • Participants in the elimination of the consequences of radioactive disasters;
  • People with disabilities and pensioners (primarily those who lived and worked in the Far North);
  • Large families;
  • Persons who moved from other countries due to political, national and religious persecution.

If a citizen participates in one state program for obtaining free apartment, then he cannot apply to other housing programs. If a soldier participates in the NIS, then he is not entitled to receive an apartment under the programs for the needy).

18 February 2017, 00:10 Mar 3, 2019 13:50

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