
Success in the sale of things. How to Succeed in Commercial Business? Service nominations winners

Despite the unstable economic situation in many countries, the retail industry is undergoing dynamic changes. Every year, more and more fluctuations are felt in the demographic characteristics of buyers, their needs, new forms of trade, technologies are developing, which radically change the activities of trading companies. Increasing sales remains a topical issue for entrepreneurs who are building their businesses in the retail segment. When using special techniques, it is quite possible to achieve an increase in profits several times in a relatively short time.

The specifics of increasing sales in retail

To choose for yourself the most effective methods of increasing sales and increasing profits, you need to explain well such concepts as inbound flow, number of buyers, average bill, repeat purchase, margin. For adoption correct decision these values ​​should be regularly recorded and analyzed.

To understand how to increase sales at a particular retail outlet, you need to calculate your indicators using a special formula: Profit = Op * M (multiply the volume of sales in monetary terms by the margin). To determine the volume of sales, a different algorithm is used - the number of buyers is multiplied by the average income from 1 client (it will be calculated by multiplying the amount of the average check by the number of purchases). To determine the number of customers, you need to multiply the number of leads by conversion, that is, the percentage of people who made a purchase in the store. Combining all the components, we get the following formulas to determine the level baseline indicators trade (they will help determine what to look for to increase sales):

  • sales volume = leads * conversion * average income per client * number of purchases;
  • profit = margin * number of leads * conversion * average revenue per customer * number of purchases.

By improving each indicator by about 15%, an entrepreneur will be able to double his profit. But to increase the level of sales, one approach will not be enough, it is necessary to use several methods and constantly monitor key trading indicators.

Most often, in practice, they use the following methods to increase sales in retail: price incentives (discounts, discount cards), mass events (lotteries, sweepstakes). These methods of increasing sales are best suited in cases where you need to increase turnover quickly (in response to competitors' actions, if necessary, adjust the outlet's pricing policy). Many people want to find a job option that would allow them to understand how to quickly make money in Moscow. Therefore, in order to attract customers, it will be easy to find promoters, people distributing business cards, flyers for an hourly fee (these are not very high-paid, but in-demand services).

When forming a price discount to increase sales at a retail outlet, it should be remembered that the size of the reduction must be significant enough so that an advertising offer can be built on them, so that they can stimulate demand, but also not provoke a drop in profits. Sales promotion will provide an opportunity to significantly increase sales and effectively solve many practical tasks: it is profitable to sell an illiquid product, increase the average check or the number of units in it, the number regular customers, draw attention to the retail item, successfully promote a new product to the market, and encourage customers to make a purchase.

How can you increase your sales?

To increase the level of retail sales, special sales techniques have been developed. Practicing only one approach will provide minimal and short-term results. It will not be enough to achieve important goals for effective operation, such as increasing sales over the long term, increasing customer loyalty and increasing the customer base. In addition, many clients are economically educated and can quickly analyze the profitability of a particular offer. The use of standard, monotonous solutions will not bring the desired result. We propose to consider several effective techniques:

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  1. We increase the margin without raising the price ("the illusion of a discount", that is, on the price tag we cross out the supposedly old price and set a new one that is more attractive to the client; this is often done when a new batch of the same product is received at a higher price).
  2. We increase the cost of goods (the principle of raising prices will not work in the case of large-scale sales, but in retail it is effective, few customers carefully and regularly monitor prices at a particular outlet).
  3. Mass mailing of SMS messages to customers with information about new deliveries of goods, promotions, sales, lotteries, sweepstakes with gift certificates.
  4. To increase the average purchase order and thus increase sales, you can use several techniques:
  • it is reasoned to offer the purchase of a more expensive product (as a rule, 30-40% of buyers choose a model with a higher price);
  • recommend a related product (CrossSell reception) depending on the sales profile, for example, shoe care products, clothing, accessories, cosmetics (forming a wide range will significantly increase sales);
  • give a small gift to a certain buyer (every tenth, etc.);
  • rebate (organize the return of part of the cost of the goods if there is a check for a certain amount or after the purchase of goods with a high value).

Advice: when organizing events to increase sales, you should work them out well in financial plan, because they can be considered successful only if the costs of their implementation, including the cost of gifts, are less than the benefits received (increase in turnover, profit).

  1. Creation bonus system(gift wrapping, free warranty service, after-sales service, online ordering and delivery).
  2. To increase conversion, you need to do everything so that a client from the category of a potential buyer goes to the group of a real one:
  • Mystery shopping visits to identify weak points in the sales system;
  • control of the behavior, friendliness of sellers, improving the quality of their level of communication with customers;
  • a reminder of yourself and the benefits of cooperation - SMS mailing, messages to email, v social networks with notifications about promotions, discounts, changes in the assortment (you can promote the Vkontakte group with practically no investment)
  1. Increasing the number of purchases will be possible due to profitable promotional offers with a limited duration, an individual approach to the client (call after purchase, please evaluate the work of the retail outlet).

Helpful hints:

  • discounts should be given only when large amount purchases or VIP clients;
  • the answer to the application or question from the client must be provided as soon as possible;
  • to attract new customers and motivate them to make a purchase, it is worth using the remarketing opportunity.

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Over time, the purpose of retailing does not essentially change - it is aimed at making a profit. The most important thing is not how successfully the company is working according to the plans, but how many satisfied customers it has. The most effective tool for increasing the level of sales is considered to be sales promotion. This can be done with the help of specially developed and tested in practice techniques. Creating a successful retail facility is one of the answers to the question of how to get rich quickly in Russia from scratch.

We all strive to make our business successful, pay attention to the global, sometimes in spite of the little things at all. Moreover, they do not always turn out to be trifles ...

"Find the beginning of everything and you will understand a lot!" K. Prutkov

Before talking about successful trading, you need to understand what is trading? Many people mistakenly believe that this is nothing more than an exchange of goods for money. Unfortunately, having checked on my own experience the technology of work of a significant number Russian companies small and medium-sized businesses, you can come to the same sad conclusion, because they adhere to the strategy: "Take more, throw further, rest while it is sold." To say that such trading strategies unsuccessful - the hand will not rise. But let's figure it out: for whom? Yes, there is no need to guess - of course, for the seller.

You can trade from two positions: based on your personal experience(often very different), it is possible - guided by marketing, and this science is more than 100 years old. Sales in marketing is viewed as "providing a service to consumers by providing them with a tool to meet their needs (goods or services)."

The buyer has a need for a product or service. The seller has an offer that can satisfy them. Demand is primary, not supply.

Successful trading can be called a trade in which both parties, the buyer and the seller, remain satisfied for a long period of time. Such a situation can arise only if the seller is engaged in diagnosing the needs of the buyer, is interested in what he really needs.

If the seller, when offering a product, is guided by his own interests, this cannot but anger the client. Even if he did make a purchase, this is a temporary victory. He may have aggression already at home: he received not quite (or not at all) what he wanted. The feeling is born that he was "shoved" with the goods, he was deceived. Is this the goal of successful trading?

It is good if the client does not return to the company or store to make a scandal, but he can do much worse, tell all his friends and acquaintances how he was “deceived”! And, as you know, the earth is full of rumors ...

The sad outcome of such a sale is an indicator of unsuccessful trade.

There is another problem that prevents trading from being successful. Many shop assistants - oh, these "connoisseurs" of shopping souls! - try to judge clients' solvency by their appearance, clothes, shoes, accessories, gestures and other non-verbal signs, deciding whether it is worth spending time on them or not.

Well, what if the customer is not dressed "from Gucci"? Does this mean that now he has no money? Maybe right now he just came for "Gucci" !? And this lady in frayed jeans and old sneakers? She may well have a very rich husband or earn decent money herself - she just rests today and does not wear "vintage" clothes on weekends.

An immutable rule of successful trading: every visitor is a potential customer. And the mood of the client and the state of the seller's wallet depend on how successful the diagnostics are.

We conclude: for trade to be successful, do not try to sell goods or services to people, sell them something that will help them satisfy their needs; solve problems; improve status or well-being; make a gift; have fun, etc. In a word - to be useful.

One of the signs of success in trading is numerous regular customers

A whole army of different specialists is constantly looking for ways to the heart of the buyer. Looking for new answers to eternal questions: how to attract a client and how to keep it?

Coming to the store with the aim of buying something tasty or interesting as consumers, we do not always know what kind of products or goods we will buy, what we will focus on. Our decision can be influenced by many things. What is this unknown or invisible, prompting to action, attracting attitude and constant visits?

These are the secrets known to professionals who are not indifferent to their work. Let's highlight several main ones:

  • constant availability of the optimal range of products and services for the target audience of your store;
  • good lighting and ventilation;
  • convenience of access to the store;
  • convenient conditions for purchasing goods;
  • availability of competently trained, loyal, properly motivated, sales personnel;
  • nicely and conveniently decorated sales area and equipment;
  • competent display of goods;
  • the absence in the range of low-quality products or products with expired use.

But you can only keep a client by achieving his loyalty! As world practice shows, out of 100% of store visitors, no more than 32% are loyal to it.

People buy where they feel good.

It is hardly possible to predict in advance all the preferences of customers, but one way or another, attracting them, it would be reasonable to take into account the interest of the electorate as much as possible.

Comparing shops, we either associate them with ourselves or not. Moreover, if we like the store, we say: "This is a store of my status!" Some of us go to the largest, most expensive stores, considering them to be stores of our status, and do not allow the thought of going shopping in other stores, telling ourselves and those around us that this is not respectable. Some people like small supermarkets close to home.

Customer loyalty to the store is the key to its stability and prosperity.

Loyalty is influenced by a large number of factors, and even such powerful factors as convenient location and suitable status cannot outweigh the negative attitude towards the store. Meanwhile, getting it is quite simple: you come to the store with the aim of making a purchase, you imagine what you want to buy, but, unfortunately, what you need now is not in this store. At the same time, you have three main components for making a purchase: a conscious need, a desire to satisfy it and the availability of money! After that, what is your opinion about this store? Come on, don't be cunning!

What kind of loyalty can we talk about when, having taken from the window the goods that you so desired, having reached the cash register and already mentally using it, you are told that for various "valid" reasons (absence in the system, incorrect labeling, does not correspond price in the system and on the label, etc.), you cannot buy it. “But excuse me,” you say, “the goods were on the trading floor in the section and shelf intended for sale, the price was indicated on it. So I can buy it! "

In this case, the store administration openly deceives customers, which affects their choice of which store to go to.

Don't create difficult clients for yourself.

They are not born “difficult”, but they become. And they are often helped in this. Who do you think? Sellers.

In order not to create "difficult" clients for yourself, just remember that you exist for clients, not clients - in order to bring you money. Whether you are a salesperson in a large hypermarket or in a small store near your home, you work in the “service industry”. And in the correct attitude, in individual work with each - the key to your success, customer loyalty, the profitability of your business and the absence of "difficult" cases.

A little finishing touch.

Nicely and correctly laid out goods are bought much better than those that are piled on the shelves. In some stores, the administration, with the help of sellers, likes to experiment with customers with the help of different types layouts, moving goods from one shelves and sections to others, while naively believing that this movement will bring an increase in sales.

Some of us have repeatedly encountered such a situation when, instead of a shelf with the products we needed, we found the sales staff of the store, chaotically sweeping goods into carts. To a legitimate question: "How would I buy this?" You were told: “Don't you see? We are working!".

Arriving at the store the next day, you are surprised to find that in the place where the goods you need always lay, there is a completely different one. After walking around the store for 5-7 minutes, and not finding what you are looking for, you go to where you do not need to look for anything, the necessary is at hand.

On the road to successful trading, and to success in general, remember that only the many smallest details distinguish mediocrity from perfection.

The brilliant results delight everyone. We see that the pursuit of victories in sports did not leave indifferent even multimillionaires, dividing them into fans and those who can run after a soccer ball, get into the hoop of a basketball basket or throw a baseball.

In the business world, exactly the same admiration is generated by people who have achieved high professionalism in the field of trade. Some companies pay their superprofessionals much more than their presidents. But you can also remember those sales agents who, working alone on a contract basis, earn more than any of the presidents.

How do some people manage to earn $ 400,000, $ 700,000, or even $ 1 million a year? How to explain why graduate School ranks among sales agents, considering which of them earned more than the President of America?

The trade craft, perhaps more than other professions, is associated with psychology. It includes qualities such as endurance, persuasion, the ability to radiate optimism and cheerfulness, and, most importantly, the ability to cope with obstacles, overcoming them daily. In addition, the salesperson must have faith in himself as well as in the one that he offers to others.

Everyone in this work can have many different approaches, the most important thing is that they give a result. Everyone sells in their own way and convinces the client in their own way. It all depends in each case from the seller, from the product and from the client.

A person engaged in trade should not at all take on the role of the so-called "pusher" in order to. We can safely say that this is a thoughtless tactic. Remember how many times you have been exposed to the annoying siege of these kind of sales agents who go door to door and at any cost try to "push" you a vacuum cleaner or encyclopedia. Even if you really need this item, you still will not buy it from such a seller because of your personal dislike of his obsession.

Whether you work delivering goods to homes or in a multi-million dollar trading corporation, your success depends, according to industrial psychologist Robert McMurray, on a unique combination of traits, properties and qualities inherent in you. In order for your undertaking to give good results, first of all, you need to “understand for yourself what the concept of trade means, and it is perfectly clear what qualities will be required of you if you take on the obligations associated with this profession”.

What are these concepts and qualities? Recent research has helped to identify four main types of trading, as well as certain personality traits, professional skills, behavioral motivation and psychological characteristics inherent in high-class professionals, which can be pointed out within these types.

Direct trade

The intensity of this kind of trade should be emphasized. It is akin to peddling, where you offer your wares by delivering them home. Since the seller is in a situation where only one contact with the prospective is possible, the probability of failure here is very high.

This type of trading requires a special technique built on the art of persuasion, and therefore the seller must create a special emotional mood, under the influence of which the client will either quickly agree to buy or quickly refuse. Only very energetic, assertive people can successfully engage in such activities, whose indestructible self-confidence helps turn a short meeting into a profitable deal. They usually try to use their emotionality as a tool with which to influence the buyer, not even expecting to receive emotional support from the buyer.

Advisory trade

This kind of trade deals with expensive goods, sales high tech or services in areas such as law, professional consulting and advertising. The ability to establish interpersonal contact with the customer, endurance and aggressiveness are the qualities necessary for success. The people working in this area are commonly referred to as trade engineers or trade consultants. They see it as their mission to help customers improve customer service.

The most successful in this group are independent, self-sufficient (as in direct trading) sales agents. They themselves speak of themselves as highly qualified specialists and attribute their success to skill, almost without taking into account that they are, as a rule, bright and assertive extroverts. It is curious to note that they are offended when, within the framework of the prevailing stereotype, people call those who are engaged in trade as “street vendors”. Such people strive to create an image of themselves as a person of high professionalism and good taste, rather than as a bright personality with a divine gift.

Relationship trade

This type of trade is carried out by sales agents in the production and distribution sectors. We can say that in their daily activities they are not in danger of failure, since all of it is built mainly on long-term relationships with consumers. Salespeople of this type tend to change jobs, moving from one company to another, taking with them most of their business connections.

The best of them are confident and conservative, and tend to feel guilty if they are out of work for a while. They perfectly combine the qualities of patience and perseverance, preferring calm working methods. They value customer loyalty and do their best to serve them the best they can, at a reasonable cost. It can also be noted that, as a rule, they work in a protected area, and in contrast to those who work in open trade.

Trade at sight

This type of trading does not require a lot of return from the seller. Failure is rare here, since the successful sale of the value on offer does not depend on the skill of the salesperson. This category includes all those who organize retail trade, accepts orders by phone or sells in a store catalog. The best in this group are the friendly and quiet salespeople and salespeople, who often push shoppers spontaneously (that is, persuade them to purchase items or products that they did not plan to buy).

Companies select potential employees for themselves using a variety of methods. One approach, practiced among Fortune's 500 firms, is to test the best salespeople in the firm and highlight the most typical traits of the most successful people. The test results are used to create a profile that includes the qualities that are most important for trading. Then they check the data of the candidates for the trading job with the resulting profile.

Trading is not easy, no matter where you work. What the result turns out to be will depend only on you. Of course, the quality of the product and service also play a role. However, regardless of the alignment, there are certain rules for all sellers.

McMurray embodies this idea in his article “The Secret of Superprofessionalism in Trading" (Harvard Business Review) .On argues that high-class professionals have certain qualities.

They have a mindset that treats every customer objection or objective obstacle as a challenge.

They are energetic and have a well-developed work habit.

They have tremendous self-confidence and a high degree of perseverance in their work.

They have a drive to make money.

They have a gift for turning the objections of their prospective buyers into a dialectical trap and thereby pushing for a deal or purchase.

They have a natural belief that the will of the seller is stronger than the will of the buyer. It should be emphasized that the listed qualities are not yet a prerequisite for "good trading", but are just some of the common features found when testing high professionals. Many of them believe that it is the challenge that lies in the refusal of the buyer to purchase the product, as well as the need to resort to a variety of various methods that make them rise higher and higher in their profession.

What distinguishes the 10% of traders who make money in trade in the markets of 90% who are losing their money?

Number of hours spent

In his latest book, History success"Malcolm Gladwell describes the 10,000 hour rule, stating that the key to success in any complex cognitive area, it is largely a matter of completing a specific task for about 10,000 hours. 10,000 hours is approximately 4 hours a day for 10 years. For some reason, most people who "try their hand" at trade, see this as a quick get-rich scheme. They think they can turn $ 500 into $ 1 million in a short period of time! It is this mentality that has led to the current economic crisis by creating “financial weapons of mass destruction” out of the markets. Most experienced traders understand that trade, in this respect, is similar to the profession of a doctor, engineer or any other requiring concentration and technical training specialty, and it takes time to acquire and hone the relevant skills. You are unlikely to see a doctor doing open heart surgery after 3 months of simulator training. Why in trade How will it take less time in an area that requires the right technical skills?

Success in trading comes with time, and you must spend enough hours to acquire the necessary experience!

Education, education and education

It's an old cliché, often cited by politicians of all stripes, when they can't think of anything else. The importance of education in achieving success in trading cannot be exaggerated. You must learn to make the best traders obsessed with the pursuit of learning to increase your market advantage, and stay on top.

Think for yourself

"No! No! No!" ... "Bear Stearns has no problem" ... "Don't take your money out of Bear Stearns! This is just stupid! Don't be stupid! "

This is all - a quote from a famous guru stock market Jim Kremer, speaking on CNBC just days before Bear Stearns lost 90% of its value. Many people followed these calls and suffered huge losses as a result. Successful traders limit themselves from the opinions of others - they focus on their own analysis of fundamental and technical information.

Ability to adapt

Market conditions changes and technologies develop, so there is always a change in conditions for trade... Increase in the share of mechanical trade is a vivid confirmation of this. The best traders, in the process of education and adaptation, constantly try to be at the forefront of the ongoing changes and develop more and more effective methods of making a profit from the development of market technologies.

Trade planning

The best traders always have a written trading plan. They know exactly what they expect from the market and always follow their plan. Their preparation for trade starts before the main market activity begins, and it is this meticulous planning and, most importantly, adherence to this plan that helps them avoid the major mistakes of any overshoot trader trade and trade in an attempt to "win back".

Be like a machine

Since human emotions play a key role in our lives, a trader's emotions can be a source of great trouble. Trading psychology and managing your emotions during trade play a key role in achieving success... Fear and greed can reduce your profit on winning trades and increase your losses on losing trades. Emotion management is highly dependent on the trading plan. The more elaborate your plan is, the less likely you are to fall into an emotional trap.

Know your tools

Each trader has a set of tools that he uses price charts, indicators, news sources, etc. It is with the help of these instruments that a trader earns his "bread". It is a vital part of a trader's arsenal, without which it would be impossible to trade. The best traders have developed their own methods of entering the market, they know everything about the peculiarities of the markets in which they trade. This skillful handling of their instruments allows the trader to take advantage of the best resources available to them and to ensure the perfect execution of their trading ideas.

Know yourself

The best traders know their flaws by dropping all ambition. They focus on what can go to trade the wrong way, and spend a lot of energy limiting and managing their risks before thinking about profit. They have objective self-esteem and focus on self-improvement.

Concentration on trading

The best traders focus directly on trade rather than profit / loss. They view each trade as a technical exercise and focus on getting the most out of the market in accordance with their trading plan. They don't think about paying their bills and wanting to earn a certain amount to pay off their mortgage. Concentrating on money in trade can lead to a loss of technical objectivity.


Most successful traders always work hard to move forward and are even more persistent in their efforts to maintain leadership. By expanding and exploring their niche, they constantly adjust to the market and continue to trade profitably in any market environment. Drive, perseverance and desire to succeed are the most important benefits of each. successful trader.

Hey! Igor Zuevich is in touch, and today we will talk with you about what you need to do in order to achieve success in sales and increase the number of sales.

There are some characteristics that can lead to tremendous sales results. All these principles are closely intertwined with each other, and you, in practice, cannot improve at least one of the characteristics without improving all the others:

1. Champions can be easily recognized as soon as they walk through the door!

Their clothes immediately show their level. It can be either the most fashionable or the least popular. However, in any case, their clothes are absolutely neat and clean. They take good care of their appearance and take care of themselves.

Watch the video: Typical Errors on Instagram

2. Champions are happy with themselves

Every person who is engaged in sales and considers himself a Champion is infinitely satisfied with himself and feels a sense of pride, and nothing else.

3. Every champion exudes self-confidence

However, newbies ask themselves - if I don't know what I am doing?

Therefore, it is necessary to beware of such emotions if you are in a situation where you do not know what and how you need to do in this moment time. You must develop your sense of humor and confidence in order to achieve more and more results.

However, it will be worse if you, on the contrary, work with a feeling of lack of confidence. In this case, it is necessary to somehow train according to certain principles in order to be a more confident person.

4. You must perceive the work as the leadership of certain people

It is necessary to suppress all thoughts in your mind that you are doing wrong when you sell this or that product to people and take away their own money.

It is necessary in the work of the seller to use only truthful information and not to deceive people with the help of your own unworthy tricks!

That is, you should, with the utmost care and warmth for your customers, sell the product using special powerful technologies, from which they will really benefit.

5. Most people who are successful in sales look only at themselves first.

Do not compare yourself to someone else, as self-confidence increases!

6. Champions want to get rich like no other!

And there is nothing wrong with this, because in this case the seller can quickly accumulate the necessary capital to be an independent person.

The most important thing is that you must first of all bring benefits to people, and not unnecessary problems from your sales. the main objective that every salesperson aspires to is the dream of becoming rich.

7. Great desire to deliver results immediately

In order to determine the degree of your desire, you can ask yourself a couple of leading questions, for example:

  • How much trouble do you have to endure to quit selling?
  • Or how much are you willing to experience problems or rejections before you go home and go to bed?

If you are a real champion and want to get huge wealth, then you should answer these questions like this: never give it up, no matter what troubles you have to experience yourself.

After all, this is absolute nonsense compared to your great desire.

8. Sellers try to find out their fear in as much detail as possible.

That is, they actually study what they fear. When they realize that they are afraid of something, they immediately begin to do it and get rid of the fear. Naturally, after a person conquers fear, he begins to feel confident and this is a very positive feeling.

9. Feel good

Many sellers only feel good when everything else is fine and the enthusiasm for this case depends not only on the seller, but also on external conditions or other people with whom they talk. If you have the same thing, then you should ask yourself questions:

  • Why do you allow this attitude to yourself and allow your life to be flung from one side to the other?
  • Why do you think that you are a simple passenger who travels through life, and at the same time cannot pick up the steering wheel and move independently where you want?
  • And why do you only feel good when everything around you works out and is going well?

That is, you become in advance in the role of such a seller, who simply becomes and waits until a buyer comes up to him and wants to buy something.

For example, If you are talking to a salesperson who is very successful, then you will not be able to understand if he had similar problems in the past day or the past hour. But how does such a person manage to hide his feelings inside?

The point is that real sellers are not really going to hide their own feelings, they are sure that sooner or later they will have problems (either this week or next) and they are always ready for them!

For example, they know that over the next 5 years, one year will be better than another. They are almost sure that they will have good luck or failure - all this will change sooner or later, and they will experience completely different feelings and results!

However, they continue to act on the same principle, that is, they do not change their behavior in any way from external circumstances and they just stay happy people, and because of trifles, they absolutely do not need to be worried!

For example, if a client appears in front of the seller who is angry, then a competent seller can easily cope with this problem. He will solve it and immediately forget about it, because what has been done is already done, and nothing can be returned back!

Champions know that between all good events, for anybody, some unfortunate event will appear, and this does not bother them, because they were both full of enthusiasm and continue to be charged with it!

10. Take care of people

Professional sellers genuinely care about the people they serve, which is why these sellers are very often approached by people for repeat purchases.

If, when talking with your potential buyer, you first of all think about how to quickly earn a tidy sum, then this will be clearly visible in your eyes and non-verbal gestures. In this case, the buyer will immediately begin to resist all your offers.

11. Any professional salesperson does not accept personal rejections.

That is, if he wanted to sell the goods to one, and he refused to buy the goods from someone else, and besides, he changed his phone number and refuses to contact the seller, then there is no need to make a serious problem out of this.

12. First and foremost, professional salespeople invest their money and time in developing themselves.

That is, your own head, from which everything, in principle, begins.

As you can see, it is possible for everyone to succeed in sales, you just need to take these practical strategies as a basis and start using them right now.As always, the main thing is to act correctly, and you will succeed. It is better to act together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs, at the same time and earn more!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

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