
Who can open a nominal bill in the bank. Comparison and features. Rules for using the nominal account

Since 2014, there is a special nominal account for legal representatives, social benefits are listed on it. In addition, the account is intended for the payment of alimony, disability benefits or feed loss. The guardians of a minor or incapacitated citizen of Russia have the right to dispose of funds at their discretion. Most often, such accounts come off in Sberbank, as it has the most branches and branches, and banking devices are found in all public places. In addition, the credit and financial institution is characterized by high security and stability in the financial sector. His activity proves that the functioning of the internal system does not affect the economic situation in the country, since for a long time it consistently fulfills its customer service commitments. Let us consider in detail the nominal cumulative account of the guardian in Sberbank, what is it? After all, those who recently become a guardian does not know all the subtleties of this procedure, and for which it is necessary to have this account.

Previously, the legislation allowed the guardians only a certain amount of funds that came to the account of the ward. Its size was no more subsistence minimum. And in order to remove a significantly higher amount, guardians had to contact the guardianship bodies to obtain a special permission. These funds can be spent on learning, education, content.

But, everything changed in 2014, when the legislation of the Russian Federation made amendments. They say that the account for the accrual of monthly payments is not on the name of the child, as was previously, but on an adult, who looks after the ward. It turns out that the new law does not need to ask the permission of the guardianship and guardianship bodies at the disposal. However, it does not mean that you can start spending money without restrictions.

Since it is impossible to track the movement of funds in a row, the state decided to protect the incapacitated and minor citizen by reporting that the guardian provides in social services. This measure is due to the fact that quite often such a category of citizens becomes unprotected, and they often use them for their own mercenary purposes. Therefore, people who take care of the guardian must report in all spent money. The guardian provides state authorities all receipts and checks, and also takes a printout of transactions in Sberbank. Such a service for guardians is provided free of charge.

Important. This rule does not apply to some citizens. For example, from native or adoptive parents, evidence-free documentation is not needed if the child lives with them from birth with them together.

All the rest provide reports every year, in the state structure, he must come no later than the first day of February.

The nominal account of the guardian opens Sberbank and several other Russian credit institutions. Few who understand how this process works, because in essence the owners of the account three are the bank, guardian and the ward itself. And if we consider the banking structure, then this account opens only for two participants in the transaction. That is, the deposit has two owners, one refers to the actual, and the other formal.

Practice of applying nominal accounts

People and banking structures collided because of this bill with various kinds of difficulties. In fact, it turned out that credit and financial institutions could not open the nominal account for the guardian, as they did not understand what it was. At the same time, the organization understands this concept differently, where only two participants of the transaction are present. And according to new regulatory acts, three of them became. Against this background, the restraints of the guardian faced the problem of the impossibility of receiving benefits. Since the guardianship authorities demanded an account that is nominal, and the bank refused to open them.

The main reason for the refusal was the internal instructions of all banking organizations. In addition, banks did not have special software, it led to the fact that the benefits for a minor or an incompetent citizen were simply not listed. The first credit and financial institution, which opened the nominal account for guardians, became Rosselkhozbank. And at the end of the autumn of the same year, Sberbank began such a service, a few days after the opening of such an opportunity, he bypassed all banks that work in this area.

Terms of use of the nominal account

In the legislation, it is clearly spelled out by payments, cash can be enrolled. This is explained in Article 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, only social payments can be received to the account - this is:

  • harm compensation for health;
  • benefits, pensions;
  • alimony, in the case when parents are deprived of their rights;
  • payments for the loss of the breadwinner, for example, both legal representatives of the child died.

For a banking organization it is extremely important to know the purpose of the translation, in the event that the organization does not understand from whom and for which cash comes, they are returned to the sender. For example, if funds are transferred for the content and training of the child, then in the payment documentation it is required to indicate that these are alimony. If you specify the wrong translation assignment, the recipient will not receive any payments. Sberbank carefully monitors the implementation of the legislation.

Sberbank cannot control independently all spending that makes guardian. However, in the case when the bank's system has suspicion that money is not consumed, the customer service is stopped. In addition, the banking organization prevents a legal representative of a minor or incapacitated citizen, as well as official guardianship and guardianship bodies, if the amount of 1.4 million rubles accumulates on the balance sheet of the nominal account. This is due to the fact that it is for such an amount that the insurance is distributed.

Important. Trustees are allowed to make transactions, receive in the banking institution of certificates and extracts, as well as the management of the account can be transferred to third-party people, with a power of attorney.

Features at the opening

The contractor can enter into a contract, who has children at the care of 14 to 18 years, as well as in this category are incapable. Open an account in the bank can adopter or one of the family members - mother or father.

People are not needed to be conducted in the bank's office, the whole procedure is issued without their personal presence. However, to open the nominal account in Sberbank, the trustee must write a statement, as well as provide the manager for the documentation. The agreement necessarily indicates personal information of the cloigned, as well as all information about a person who took a minor and incapacitated person to care. It is worth noting that the trustee is not only an individual. An educational institution can be in his role, a medical organization. All cases are individual, therefore, before registration, it is required to clarify detailed information in the custody and guardianship bodies.

Also in an agreement with the bank, it is clearly written out which payment transactions for guardians are provided for, they should not violate the rights of the ward. In Sberbank there is an accrual of interest rates on the residue, it is also prescribed in the contract. Today, Sberbank pays 3.67 percent for funds that remained on the account during the estimated period of time. It is worth noting that the payments indexation occurs once a quarter.

The agreement describes in detail all rights and obligations of the parties by agreement, as well as the tariffs on which the customer service is carried out. The account opens without the deadline for the end. The trustee has the right to independently terminate the contract with the credit institution, but at the same time Sberbank notifies a minor and incapacitated citizen about the termination of the agreement and closing an account.

Important. Cleaning has a legitimate right to independently terminate the contract with the financial structure. However, this is possible only when the person is recognized completely legative. For example, the child reached 18 years of age, or the cancellation of the incapacity for the court decision.

Required documentation for opening a nominal account

The bank set a list of the main documents to submit a trustee to open the nominal account. The guardian represents a document that certifies the identity, that is, a passport. It is also necessary to present a certificate of birth or other document of the man being taken. In addition, the Bank demands to provide a judicial executive list on the recognition of a person incapacitated or restriction in the capacity where the name of the guardian is prescribed. In the event that the child is adopted, the document from the guardianship bodies is necessary. If the child is adherent or adopted, then the court decision is attached.

Sometimes the situation happens that the guardian is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to present a certificate from the migration service to the bank. It should prove the legality of finding a foreign citizen in Russia. Also, if there is an Inn, a person needs a document to provide a credit institution.

In the event that all confirmation of the paper is in order, the Sberbank employee opens the nominal account, which begins with Numbers 40823. This design number is presented to state organizations that are charged monthly payments.

In which banking organizations to open the nominal account of the Trustees

Citizens who took care can open an account for transfer benefits in any bank that provides this opportunity. To date, their number has grown noticeably. However, Sberbank is a leader in the opening of nominal accounts. This is explained by the fact that most of the budget organizations cooperate with Sberbank, which means the payment of payments is much faster. In addition, he has a huge number of branches throughout the country, and this means you do not need to go somewhere, but it is enough to contact the nearest office that is located next to the house.

The guardians have a situation that it is required to open a new nominal account, because according to the law on a savings account, the amount cannot exceed 1.4 million rubles. This is due to the fact that it is these funds that are insured by the state in case of unforeseen circumstances. You can contact these banks as:

  1. Minbank;
  2. VTB 24;
  4. Rosselkhozbank.

Difficulties using Sberbank's nominal accounts

The bill was taken to facilitate the guardianship of people. However, the creation of nominal accounts has some disadvantages that create significant problems for citizens who are guardians of minors and incapacitated persons.

The most significant disadvantage of the program is the impossibility of tie an account to a plastic product. In addition, it is impossible to see the balance balance through a mobile application or personal account on the official portal of the bank. The nominal guardian account is simply not displayed in Sberbank online, so you can simply know about the receipt of the remote way.

Understanding this, Sberbank goes to meet guardians and offers additional services, such as connecting the Green Street option. The program involves the transaction of funds from a guardian deposit for a card or another current account. This requires an appeal in the Office of Sberbank to automatically send funds from one to another current account. With such an opportunity to manage payments much easier.

It is possible to remove cash from the nominal account only in the office where the agreement on its registration was signed. That is, when moving in Russia, it is impossible to take cash. In addition, it is impossible to take advantage of the payment terminal, or purchase online.

Important. These savings accounts do not have protection as ordinary. That is, the bank does not store confidentiality. State structures have full access to the movement of funds. For example, when a trustee is late to give a report on its expenses on time, the guardianship authorities request detail in the bank for all costs.

Despite some disadvantages, this nominal account facilitated the life of the guardians. Indeed, now it is not necessary to obtain a monthly permission from the guardianship and custody of cash withdrawal, which exceeds the subsistence minimum. In addition, all means that are on the account are not subject to arrest or recovery on the debts of the guardian.

What is a nominal account and an Eskrow account (Changes in Civil Code 2014)

Federal Law of December 21, 2013 No. 379-FZ supplementedCivil Code of the Russian Federation by two new treaties - a nominal account and an Eskrow account. What kind of designs are what they need, what value can have for taxation?

Nominal accounts and accounts ESCROU are a type of bank account obligations.

The nominal account can be opened by the account holder to carry out operations with money, the rights to which belong to another person to the beneficiary. The rights to cash entering the nominal account, including as a result of their deposit by the account owner, belong to the beneficiary.

The social value of the nominal account agreement lies in the need to consolidate the commercial practice of financial, trade and other operations, in which the cash is credited to the bank accounts of persons who do not belong to those cash in an economic sense (for example, a trust manager, a broker, a service agent for mortgage valuable securities, nominal securities holder, notary, agent, commissioner, attorney and other).

For tax relations, the value will most likely have such circumstances as the recovery of taxes from the owner of the nominal account and the beneficiary. In the event of a non-payment or incomplete payment of tax within the prescribed period, the obligation to pay the tax is fulfilled in a compulsory procedure by adding a penalty on the taxpayer's accounts (tax agent) - an organization or an individual entrepreneur in banks and its electronic money.

Article 860.5 of the new edition of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation found that the suspension of operations under the nominal account, arrest or write-off of funds on a nominal account, for the obligations of the account owner, with the exception of the obligations provided for by Articles 850 and 851 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is not allowed. The arrest or write-off of funds from the nominal account for the obligations of the beneficiary is allowed by the court decision, the write-off of funds is allowed in cases provided for by law or the nominal account agreement. However, this rate confesses with the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on the recovery of the tax. By virtue of paragraph 1 of Art. 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation The norms of the Tax Code have priority to the norms of non-tax laws. The Civil Code is not a special tax law. Therefore, the contradiction will be resolved in favor of the Tax Code. Consequently, the inspection does not have obstacles to the recovery of tax debts and fees from the bank account owner, and the Bank has no reason to refuse the execution of the commission of recovery. Cash on nominal account belong to the beneficiary. Thus, for the full protection of the beneficiary, it is necessary to change the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on the recovery of taxes and fees.

There is a positive moment. Despite the fact that the Civil Code provides for the possibility of recovery of the payments of the beneficiary-taxpayer on a nominal account, for similar reasons, this will contradict the tax code that allows for recovery only from the taxpayer.

ESCOU account agreement is an obligation in which Eskrow Bank (ESCU-Agent) opens a special ESCRO account for accounting and blocking funds received from the account owner (depositor) in order to transfer to another person (beneficiary) in the event of grounds provided for by the Treaty between the bank, the depositor and the beneficiary (Art. 860.7 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This type of contracts has a long-standing application in Anglo-American law. Escrow accounts are also sometimes called the "concrete deposit" accounts, the "collateral deposit". Escrow accounts are used in different industries: under real estate transactions, in trade transactions instead of a letter of credit, when paying for judicial affairs; agreements in the division of family matters; With the wholesale of business assets, the escrous ensure proper payment of taxes and debts. In the United States, it is customary to use Escro in the event of a mortgage. The pledger (the owner of the object of the object) deposits the sum of money (in the amount of property tax and insurance premium relating to the laid object). If the pledger does not fulfill his duty on the payment of property tax and the insurance premium relating to the inclined object, the amount is transferred to the pledgee.

Escro in the form in which it is enshrined by the Federal Law of December 21, 2013 No. 379-FZ, before mixing, very similar to the letter of credit. The author failed to detect significant differences between these obligations. In the Anglo-American law, the conditional deposit (escro) is used outside of banking practice, which determines the difference from the letter of credit. First, the circle of escrow agents is not limited to any special subjects (banks, notaries) and does not provide for any special permit for the activities of Eskrow agents. Thus, the functions of escrow agents can perform any persons (legal and capable). Secondly, the control of escrow is largely disposed. The grounds for transferring property to the beneficiary can be defined fairly freely. Such grounds can be a beneficiary or a third party provided for by the Action Agreement; An occurrence of the deadline or event established by the contract. Thirdly, not only cash can be decomposed, but also any other property, as well as property rights. Thus, an escrow of a software source code is used in cases where the licensed program (the copyright holder and the owner of the source code of the program) transfers the exclusive right to the program to another person, while maintaining the source code of the program. Suppose the copyright holder went bankrupt or died. The buyer of the exclusive right to the source code is missing. Update and modifying the program in this case are extremely difficult (or cost). When using escrow, the source code of the program is deposited. In the event of bankruptcy, the death of the author, non-fulfillment by the author of obligations, the source code is transmitted to the buyer of the exclusive right to the program. That allows him to avoid difficulties with the modification of the program. It is noteworthy that such an escrow's conditions were in the draft N 47538-6 of the Civil Code: it was proposed to supplement it with Chapter 47.1 "Conditional deposit (Escro)". However, the law reflects only a part dedicated to the bank account agreement.

Using a bank account in the cases provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation places additional responsibilities to the bank and taxpayer. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 23 Tax Code of the Russian Federation Taxpayers - Organizations and individual entrepreneurs are obliged to report to the tax authority, respectively, at the location of the organization, the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur about the opening or closing accounts (personal accounts) - within seven days from the date of opening (closing) of such accounts. accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 86 Tax Code of the Russian Federation Bank is obliged to report on the opening or closing the account, on the change in the details of the organization's account, an individual entrepreneur. From July 1, 2014, the Bank will also report on the opening or closing to an individual who is not an individual entrepreneur. These responsibilities must be fully executed by the Bank regarding the nominal account and the ESCRO account.

However, the dissemination of these duties on the taxpayer - the organization or individual entrepreneur is questionable. Directly taxpayer Nominal account or ESCRO account does not open. This makes the owner of a nominal account or an escrow agent. Both faces are not taxpayers. Thus, the imposition of duties on the opening or closing of a nominal account or an ESCRO account on the owner of the nominal account, an Escrow agent, as well as on the beneficiary, is not permissible.

How to open a nominal account in Sberbank - the question of interest to the guardians, whose wards receive social benefits. The nominal account is drawn up on the guardian, and the incoming funds are intended for the ward. So, how to open and how to use the nominal account in Sberbank online, as well as other nuances of this issue.

Who can open the account

The nominal account opens onto the third person by managing the beneficiary tools, i.e. ward.

The score can be opened on the name of parents, guardians or other legal representatives of minor citizens. Social payments from the state come to the account. Also on it can be listed by alimony or pensions.

Where to open a nominal account

Until 2015, it was possible to arrange an account in any bank, more than 50% of whose shares belonged to the state. When this rule was canceled, the only condition was that the Bank participates in a unified deposit insurance system, and the amount of funds in the account of the custody did not exceed 1.4 million rubles.

This means that you can open the account in any bank where the deposit insurance system works, but the complexity is that not every bank seeks to introduce such a system, as it takes a lot of time and other resources. Also reluctance is due to other difficulties, for example, setting alerts.


Today, the best conditions for the opening of the nominal account offers Sberbank. On the official website you will find a model form to enroll social benefits, and other frequently asked questions.

Instructions for opening a nominal account

The counting of the account does not require the presence of being taken. No difficulties for the beneficiary also are also provided. The discovery includes 3 stages:

  1. Collect the necessary documentation and contact the Bank's Office with the relevant statement.
  2. In the office of Sberbank, it is an agreement where personal data of the guardian and the rules of disposal will be indicated.
  3. Contact the Department of Social Protection of the Population or another state body carrying out social benefits. The statement will need to specify the account number.

Required documents

To open the nominal account in Sberbank, you need to provide a package of documents that includes:

  • passport guardian;
  • the birth certificate of the beneficiary, if not fulfilled 14 years at the time of opening the invoice;
  • passport is fertilized over 14 years old.

In the event of a trustees of a minor citizen, in addition to the above documents, will require an act confirming the right to be a guardian and dispose of the cash of the beneficiary. Also, if available, you need to attach the INN of both sides.

If a caregated citizen is incapable, a document confirming incapacity will be added to the list above. In the event of an appeal of a citizen who is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, a migration card will be required.

Conditions for opening a bill

The following conditions are relevant, on which the new nominal account for guardians in Sberbank is being issued:

  1. Opening is made indefinitely.
  2. The currency in which the account can be opened is the Russian ruble. Other currencies are prohibited.
  3. There is no amount of uncomplicated residue.
  4. Replenishment is carried out only by non-cash. It is also possible to transfer from one nominal account to another if both belong to one person. In the appointment of payment, only "alimony" and "harm to health" can appear.
  5. There are no restrictions on the amount removed from the score.
  6. It is possible to make a long order, which will provide periodic translations of funds from the score to the plastic card of the beneficiary or other persons.

Advantages and disadvantages of the nominal account

As with any banking product, the nominal account has its pros and cons. Benefits include:

  1. Easy opening account. We need only basic documents.
  2. 1.4 million rubles are insured by the state.
  3. Every 3 months on percentage of the contribution is accrued with 3.67% of the total amount.
  4. The account owner has access to all financial transactions.

Among the shortcomings, the immaturity of the product can be distinguished. With the advent of this initiative, the spectrum of powers of guardians expands, and therefore the target expenditure of funds is the case of conscience. The popularity of guardianship has grown, and the control of due speaking has become more difficult.

Rated account - what is it needed for how to open it, who is entitled to dispose of them? You can find answers to these questions in our article.

Why do you need a nominal account, how and where can I open it?

Opening of any account, including nominal, is a financial service. Cash can be used directly by the owner or beneficiary. As beneficiaries, people who belong to the rights to the money posted in the bank (for example, incapable or limitedly capable).

Analysis of Art. 860.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation makes it possible to allocate a number of features characteristic of nominal accounts:

  1. Money belongs to the beneficiary, and the owner who concluded a service agreement with the bank is entitled to carry out operations with them.
  2. Beneficiaries can be several people, however, there are exceptions (for example, when the invoice is open to the disposal of the ward, but manages the guardian).
  3. When opening an account, all beneficiaries and foundations of their participation should be indicated. This is a substantial condition, the failure of which leads to the recognition of an agreement invalid.
  4. The bank, as a rule, is responsible for monitoring the operation of operations by the owner by order of the payment of the beneficiary.

The beneficiary has the right to establish various limitations both in the amount and for the use of funds.

Agreement on the opening of a nominal account, in accordance with Art. 860.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is issued in writing with the date of its conclusion. In case the procedure is carried out without the participation of the beneficiary, its signature is not required when conclusted.

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Download the shape of the contract

If the terms of the contract involve a disposal of several beneficiaries, each of them is taken into account in a special section. Such a mechanism is used by forex dealers to account for funds of all customers.

How to open a nominal account? The procedure is quite simple: it is enough to contact the bank, submit the necessary documents (which we will describe in detail below) and sign an agreement. At the same time, it is important for the discovery and conclusion of the contract with the Bank to determine the basic objectives of the use of funds, since to commit ordinary enumerations and the provision of the right to dispose of money, it is enough to open a regular facial or current account.

Mandatory documents for nominal account

In cases established by law, for example, by virtue of paragraph 1 of Art. 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the opening of the nominal account is necessarily a guardian or trustee for ordering the income of the ward. Depending on the category of owner, the list of documents will differ. We will analyze the variants of this list for the most popular cases of the nominal account.

  1. Parents of a minor child who paid benefits to open the following documents should be submitted to open:
    • passport of the person who applied for a statement about the conclusion of a service agreement (either another person certifies);
    • documents for a child (up to 14 years old - a birth certificate, after the 14 passport).
  2. Guardians and trustees should prepare:
    • passport or other document certifying the applicant's identity;
    • documents on the ward that advocates the beneficiary (for persons over 14 years old - a passport for persons younger - a birth certificate);
    • the act of guardianship and guardianship authority, according to which the guardian (trustee) has the right to dispose of the ward money.
  3. When opening a nominal account, the Bank has the right to request, in addition to organizational documents, additional information about the organization.

Application of nominal accounts in practice

Regulations on nominal accounts are designed to simplify the procedure for the disposal of parents (guardians, trustees) with cash that pays the state as part of the existing social programs.

Main methods of their use:

  1. In the Forex market. Forex dealers in this case act as owners, and traders - as beneficiaries.
  2. Between relatives. An example is the provision of funds for specific purposes (payment of utilities or training).
  3. When concluding contracts that suggest the parties to any obligations. Cash in this case, the owner may receive when providing the Bank for evidence of the fulfillment of its obligations.
  4. In business. The opening of an account with one legal entity allows you to manage the cash placed by another legal entity.

Thus, the use of nominal accounts is quite extensive. At the same time, the owners should be remembered that the beneficiary under the contract is the beneficiary. In the event of a license with a license, the Bank has the opportunity to receive money has only he.

Short answer: To conclude a special agreement with the bank providing such a service. But there are no well-established work with nominal accounts yet, so there will be many problems.

Long answer.

From July 1, 2014, a new type of bank account was introduced in Russia - nominal. This account is needed when one person receives the right to use the money of another person (or several people) from his (their) knowledge and consent (legal entities also concerns, but we do not consider them here). In principle, all this could be organized before using attorney, but now such situations are allowed much easier.

Example. Your relative lives in another city, you want to transfer money to him, but at the same time consider it necessary to control the costs. In this case, the relative opens the nominal account, calling you in a contract with the bank the beneficiary of this account. For the bank, this means that the owner of money on the score is you, but the one who has opened the score has the right to use them. You, like the owner of the funds, you can receive information about all movements on the score.

Moreover, if the Bank agrees to a more complex agreement, the movement can be limited to specific operations and even specific addressees. Let's say if you want your money only utility services, but not shopping in stores, specific account numbers can be spelled in the contract, where money can go, and cash withdrawals can be prohibited. Let me remind you: the contract with the bank concludes that person that will work with the score directly, that is, you will have to somehow control the necessary points to be made to the contract, for example, attend when signing.

Honestly, while this is theory. Such an account format appeared only six months ago, a few months of banks studied the question and compiled samples of contracts. Only now the nominal accounts begin to appear in the line of proposals of banks, it will take several months or even years, while banks and customers will learn to fully work with nominal accounts.

However, for several months there is one specific implementation of new opportunities: nominal accounts for children who receive various benefits from the state and alternation. Children act as beneficiaries (money owners), and their guardians are the owners of the account that have the right to dispose of incoming money. These rights may be unlimited (i.e., the owner uses children's money as he wants) or limited (free use is allowed only within a certain amount, the rest is required by a one-time or permanent resolution of the guardianship). Specific solutions adopts the regional guardianship body, the general standard practice on this issue is not yet.

A few more points to which you should pay attention to.

The money on a nominal account is insured by the DC and, when recalling the license, the bank is paid to the beneficiary, but not the owner of the account.
- When closing the nominal account, money is either paid to the beneficiary, or is transferred to another nominal account, open in its favor.
- Responsibility for the information provided by the Bank is the account owner, including for information relating to the beneficiary. This means that in the event of any significant changes from the beneficiary (changing the identity card number, addresses, tax status, etc.), new information to the bank must submit the owner of the account.

Finally, a separate question - with alimony, which are paid to children who live with one of the parents (not guardian). In the law, this moment is registered in love: on the one hand, there is a mention of alimony, on the other hand, according to the letter and meaning it is said about "wards", i.e. Children under guardianship, and not living with one of the parents. Discussions on this topic continue, so if necessary, the situation is better clarified in a particular region.

While very few banks offer the opening of nominal accounts. From large, such a service is Rosselkhozbank. In Sberbank, at the end of December 2014, nominal accounts were not, although the work was carried out on their implementation. As for the "children's" money paid by the state, if earlier they had to receive only banks with more than 50% of the state, from January 1, 2015 this rule was canceled: nominal accounts for pensions, benefits and other payments Wards can be opened in any bank providing such a service.

PS If you have questions about personal finance, investment and banking activities, ask in the comments. I will try to answer them as much as possible and understandable.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state