
Robbery will be all. Where did Stalin take gold to industrialization? The official version as the gold has been made by the population after the war

The main factor that affects monetary system Our country is the golden stock of the USSR, which reached us. It is often referred to as the Gold Fund of the Nation. It is precisely the amount of gold affects the state of the country's economy, its capabilities and reliability in the future. In our country, gold is accepted not only proud, but also measured with other states, exposing it to the departure and presenting the country's power. This stock has become not only the richness of the country's wealth, but also a factor that showed wastefulness and or greed of different leaders at different historical time.

Today we will show you how the golden stock of the USSR and Russia changed since the recent royal families and until today.

End of the XIX century

The XIX century managed to give the Tsarist Russia rich reserves, which are me able to replenish the treasury of the state with the inconspicable number of noble metals and precious stones. The government and noble families did not know the failure of nothing, although
at the same time, simple people continued to dare, as at all times in Russia. At the beginning of the rule of Alexander III, the state of the state officially had a margin of gold, which was equal to the amount of 310 million rubles. Despite the constant investments of the treasury in the construction, the development of cities, the industry and expansion of the territories, the countries of the country continued to increase rapidly. In 1888, the official figure of the country's gold reserves was 381 million rubles. Three years old, the financial party has developed so much that it was able to replenish the state reserve several times. In 1894, gold was already in the amount of 800 million rubles.

In 1984, power was changed. Instead of Alexander IIІ, Nikolai second, who continued to follow the state accounts and replenish them to consistently. Helped him at the same time the adviser Witte, who proposed in 1897 to hold the appropriate monetary reform. The total amount of the treasury at this year amounted to 1095 million rubles

XX century

The beginning of the twentieth century has a positive effect on the country's economy. In 1902, the country's fund has already consisted of 1700 million rubles. Thus, over the past 20 years, the Golden stock of the country has been increased approximately 6 times! This is a huge profit that was strictly controlled and constantly increased. The country flourished and developed, while bringing large revenues Due to the right and correct reform, which worked for all 100%.

In the near future, Russia was waiting for the Japanese-Russian War, which forced the treasury to the poor. The defeat in it and the subsequent revolution did not make himself wait for a long time, the money went on hostilities and the restoration of the army. Nevertheless, already in 1914, the treasury was fully restored, and the amount came again in the old figure of 1700 million rubles. In addition to the money at that time, the reserves of the country were replenished with 1400 tons of pure noble metal, which was kept with a special carelessness in secret places.

Soon Russia waited for the First World War. It gave rise to a large ruin. Military actions have always twisted the country's economy and pulled all forces and reserves from it. During preparation for it, gold began to actively distribute to other countries as collateral and receiving loans. Already at the beginning of the 90s, after the collapse of the USSR, this gold was looking for a long time and tried to return to their homeland, but this did not bring the desired results. Since then, the Golden Fund, which sold other countries has the name "Military Gold".

At the end of 1917, the golden margin was not more than 1,100 tons of gold. He began to actively carry in different cities and hide in the caches. In 1918, many of them were taken by the People's Army. After the end of hostilities, the gold reserve began to return to one place, but the Foundation has significantly undergone and was reversed. About 182 tons from the overall stock were spent on unknown needs or simply stolen. Until now, the lost gold is called Kolchakov.

There is also the term "Leninsky Gold", which was directed to Germany as a result of a peace treaty as reparations. The amount of this gold was about 100 tons. Thus, the Golden Foss of the USSR began to melt and leaving the reinforcement of hostilities. For example, for 60 steam locomotives that Russia bought in Sweden and England, about 200 tons of gold were paid. Metal instantly continued to go on different sides For the purchase of food, military equipment and equipment. Kominternovsky Gold went to maintain revolutionary events in other countries. Such waste led to the fact that in 1923 the golden margin was only 400 tons. By 1928, the treasury turned out to be almost empty - only 150 tons of golden. In just 20 years, the new government has achieved a complete collapse of the economy and with the help of hostilities reduces the country's reserves to zero.

To replenish the treasury with new ingots there was no possibility. This was influenced by two main reasons:

  1. The authorities completely grabbed what remains. They with diligence continued to spend the remains of gold reserves, completely stopped worrying about the people and people.
  2. There was no treasury than. The main gold depths were in those places that the power could not be fully controlled. The real extraction of the noble metal at that time was not controlled and was not considered. Only a small part of the total mining fell into the treasury.

Period of industrialization

New power and new political games forced to look for new ways of mining money. Approximately the process of industrialization demanded at least 4-5 billion rubles, but the average profit of the treasury at that time was only 400 million. Such a situation did not save general political ideas and ideas. The authorities decided to restore the country's fund by any methods. The introduction of new standards, plans and indicators in the "five-year periods" led to a new working pane.

As for the gold reserves, in 1927, according to the personal task of Stalin, the "Union Gold" trust was put on the next 5 years. Disobey or not to fulfill this plan they could not. According to Stalin, the trust was to reach the first place in the world for gold mining, while overtaking even the richest mine, which is located in South Africa.

In addition to expanding production and production, the authorities decided to go and other ways to replenish the Golden Foss of the USSR with the help of their citizens. The government decided that people at that time were a lot of gold on their hands, which urgently need to be selected and return to the treasury. To implement the intended, gold from the population was taken in two ways: confiscation and stores that sold goods only for gold. The confiscation brought the treasury about 30 tons of gold, but the shops "Torgsin" brought a colossal profit - about 220 tons of gold!

Gold mining was about 320 tons per year, but the first place in the world of the USSR could not be taken. Only a small share with these receipts went to new equipment or the development of the country. The main part was settled in the treasury or served as a guarantor of loans for the future.

By the beginning of the Second World War, in the state execution there were about 2,800 tons of gold, which showed the effectiveness of the work and methods of Stalin. It was this stock that helped in the future to win Russia this war and fully restore the country from the collapse and ruin. Before his death, Stalin was able to transfer 2500 tons of gold to the state, practically time to restore the reserve, which was in 1941.

Middle of the twentieth century

The gold reserves of the USSR began to melt with each new leader of the country. After the Board at the main post of the country of Khrushchev, the nation foundation was 1600 tons, decreasing almost 900 tons. After the time of Brezhnev, only 437 tons of gold remained in the treasury.

Subsequent leader - Andropov and Chernenko, despite their short century of state chapters, were able to multiply the capital of the country and put a little less than 300 tons in the piggy bank. Thus, after them, the treasury consisted of 719 tons of gold. During the reign of Gorbachev, the budget and stock of gold began to rapidly. After the collapse of the USSR - Russian Federation Moved numerous debts and a common golden foundation in the amount of only 290 tons.

Until the 2000s, it was planned to increase to 900 tons, but the dreams were not destined to come true. By the time Putin's main chairs of the country, there were only 384 tons in the execution. Per lately The treasury was replenished with good infusion of gold reserves and now is about 850 tons of noble metal.


As a result of this, the gold has ceased to be a legal means of payment in the United States, and the United States and then other countries overwhelmed the streams of unsecured paper dollars. And the right of US citizens to hold gold was restored only in 1974.

see also


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On Franklin Roosevelt, the Americans pinned high hopes, believing that the new president pulls out the country from terrible economic crisis. And he, only taking a chair in the White House, immediately issued a decree on confiscation among citizens and organizations of gold. Suffers could sit down for ten years. Processes against shellors began across the country. Of course, this is not a comparison with expropriation in Soviet Russiawhere the peasants took the grain and homemade cattle, but still - what was the American leader actually achieved?

Above the abyss

It all started with the Exchange. October 24, 1929, on Thursday, which was in history as Black, Investors of the New York Stock Exchange understood that the increase in the prices for which they expected will not, and began to sell shares. Sales quickly turned into panic. The Dow-Jones industrial index fell by 11 percent in one day. For the week, the stock market lost 40 percent. After four years, the capitalization of the market will collapse by 90 percent. The aggregate value of the traded shares decreased by $ 30 billion - the amount exceeding the costs of the United States in the First World War. People who have invested in the promotions of different enterprises, sometimes even on borrowed funds, broke for a few days. The collapse of the exchange dragged the entire American economy. So the great depression began.

In the next four years - from 1929 to 1933 - industrial production It fell more than twice. Along the country in mines, factories, power plants passed abbreviations. The number of unemployed has grown from 1.6 million in 1929 to 12.8 million in 1933. At the very bottom of the crisis, the unemployed amounted to a quarter of the working-age population of the United States. Real income Citizens fell 28 percent. For the first time after the end of the Civil War, the country has arisen an uprising.

At that time, the US President was Herbert Goover. In the 1920s, he responded to the call of Maxim Gorky "To all honest people" and sent Soviet Russia to help fight hunger, arranged by the Bolsheviks. It is said that helping someone in trouble takes away from himself a similar misfortune. But Havoru was able to see and survive hunger in his own country.

Photo: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presential Library and Museum / National Archives and Records Administration / Reuters

The Republican President believed in the self-regulating force of the market and was a supporter of the ideology of Laissez-Faire - the maximum non-interference of the state in the economy. But if in the early 1920s there was an increase in economics, by the end of the decade in many industries appeared signs of overproduction. This was especially noticeable in agriculture. The situation was aggravated by the strong bundle of society: the then American "oligarchic clans" - Rockefelleram, Morganam, Duponam, Mellonam - belonged to half the national wealth of the United States and about a third of all savings. And the overwhelming majority of citizens were not able to make accumulations at all. Thus, the solvent demand is soon dried. And since it is no one to buy - it makes no sense and produce.

Shelves in stores were crowded, but many could not even buy the most necessary and died from exhaustion, several million people died from hunger. The non-abused foods were destroyed - burned and treated in the ocean of grain, millions of pigs were killed, the crops were smelled. 40 percent of banks went bankrupt, deployed depositors often ended with suicide. The unemployed and homeless struck on the abandoned wastehouses homemade slums that the Americans called "Gverville". Even the famous Ganggers Al Capone, initiating a free soup in Chicago, was squeezed.

It was at that moment that Marks had never previously thought that Marx with his theory about the inevitable death of capitalism rights. There is a need for change. In this situation in the presidential election of 1933, Gouver gave way to Democrat Franklin Delado Roosevelt.

Mighty disabled

The new US president had to be a relative of the 26th President of the Republican Theodore Roosevelt and took place from the family of descendants of Dutch immigrants. Surname Roosevelt - distorted Wang Rosenvelt. The Masonic Lodge, in which he joined 29 years in New York, was called "Holland №8", since united immigrants from the Netherlands. The state of Roosevelt's family scared at the production of sugar, founded in the XVIII century.

About the strength of the personality of a new leader shows that he led the political struggle being chained to a wheelchair. At the age of about 40 years, Roosevelt suffered poliomyelitis, which only strengthened him in determination to become the leader. At 46, he became the state governor of New York, and after five years he won the presidential election.

One of the first anti-crisis decrees published by President Roosevelt was the act of confiscation from citizens and organizations of gold in ingots and coins. Everyone who had "yellow metal" were obliged to hand over to the state until May 1, 1933, exchanged for paper money at a price of 66 cents for the Troyan ounce. This could be done in any US bank that had the right to operations with gold. Citizens who have decided to leave a noble metal, threatened a fine of up to 10 thousand dollars or imprisonment for up to 10 years. At first glance, all this brushed into the methods of Lenin and Trotsky. No respect for private property.

Roosevelt himself explained the expropriation of the need to prevent the panic outflow of gold abroad. "Of course, such people can be found - they are confident that there will be a bit of them - who will prevent the Great Common Objective, selfishly pursuing their own benefit. The law provides sufficient measures of coercion, but now I am talking about joint actions to which people encourage public opinion and their own conscience. These are the only tools we use ... But we use these funds to fully fully, to support goodwill people against those who pull back, and ensure the success of our plan, "he said in his speech.

For granting gold introduced a special sign with the inscription "We make a contribution", which the president was put on. "In war, during the night attack, soldiers are bright identifying signs - so that their comrades do not fired their own. Likewise, those who participate in our program should recognize each other at first sight, "he explained.

Gold was overlooked in the "Rodinsky's" - National Fort Nox Storage in Kentucky. When the "yellow metal" was assembled, its official price rose sharply up to $ 35 per ounce. Why did Roosevelt need so much gold? Why take it away from the already impoverished citizens, changing on "papers"?

Splea on Keynes

"I am not the smartest person in this world, but I undoubtedly know how to find smart associates," the president argued. Proclaimed " New course"Repeated on the teaching of the British economist John Meinard Keynes, who spoke about the need to participate in the state in regulating economic life. It was a departure from the former policy of Laissez Faire, which no longer worked.

According to Keynesian explanation, the main cause of the Great Depression was the lack of money supply. Goods and services produced a lot, and there was not enough money for their provision. In addition, at the turn of the centuries, completely new types of goods appeared - cars, radio receivers, airplanes ... and in conditions where money is tied to the golden stock, it was impossible to increase the money mass.

With a shortage of money supply, prices began to fall, difficulties were raised with the return of loans, and then the enterprises began to bankrupt, and the problems increased in the entire economy as a snowball in the entire economy. In this situation, it was necessary to "include a printing machine", untie the dollar from gold and devalue him, which did Roosevelt.

The US Treasury deliberately tried to lower the American currency, buying gold at prices exceeding the dollar rate towards this precious metal. It also seized all reserves from reserve banks, instead of giving out gold certificates. As a result, by January 1934, the gold content of the dollar decreased by 41 percent. Thanks to the devaluation, revenues previously concentrated in banks were redesigned in favor of the industry. The underestimated dollar rate made more profitable exports, which also stimulated manufacturers.

Now we can say that Roosevelt confiscation was not the most terrible. Nobody broke into the house of Americans. There were only gold coins and bars. Jewelry under the action did not fall. Moreover, it was allowed to leave $ 100 in the gold equivalent per person. That is, a family with three children could leave 500 dollars. The coin of 10 dollars was then weighed by 16.7 grams of gold of the 900th sample. And 100 dollars is already 167 grams of gold. In fact, the state was limited to the opening of banking cells. But some citizens tried to challenge the seizure in court.

And how many Americans could afford to postpone 200-300 dollars, when the annual income was at the time an average of 1,400 dollars? The new house could be bought for about 7 thousand dollars, and rent - for $ 15 per month. Buckka bread cost 9 cents, and a liter of gasoline - 2 cent.

After the campaign for the seizure of gold, almost 14 million ounces left for Americans precious metal. That is, less than a quarter of gold in the country went to Fort Knox. True, Roosevelt was not going to "spacious" all gold until the last gram. It was important for him to exclude his investment use.

Capitalism with a socialist face

Opponents Roosevelt reproached him in the plantation of socialism. The president himself believed that he saved the country from social shocks. He conducted a number of important reforms. With the 32nd President in the United States emerged a guarantee system bank deposits. "Labor camps" were organized to fight unemployment, in which the state attracted up to three million people to the construction of infrastructure facilities - roads, bridges, airfields.

Also during the days of Roosevelt, the law was adopted social securitywho actually creating a pension system in the country. Social transformations Society met with approval. Roosevelt became the only one in the history of the US President who held this post more than two deadlines - he was elected four times and held the post before his death.

Among other things, Roosevelt canceled the dry law, operating since 1920. So those who were very upset because of their coins and ingots could be quite legally drunk.

In the twentieth century there was a number of examples when the authorities of those or other countries were confiscated gold from the population. Moreover, in some cases it was open violent actions, and in other people actually gave their gold to the authorities itself.

As, perhaps, the first such example can be brought by the German Empire during the First World War. As its financial resources exhausted, the country's authorities appealed to the population with a request to give their savings to the work of combating enemies. The patriotic appeal "steel instead of gold" was widely supported by the population, and ordinary Germans gave their gold, receiving paper stamps in return. The result of this is well known. Germany first world War I still lost, and paper stamps obtained by the German population turned into dust in the period that followed the damage to hyperinflation.

The next episode of the confiscation of gold in the population was the October Revolution in Russia. Here, the new power was tightly, actually made of gold and all other values \u200b\u200bfor those who had. Safes in banks opened, searches were conducted, and all valuable were selected without any compensation. Another similar event in Russia in Russia can be called the withdrawal of almost the entire golden stock of the Soviet Union during the periods of the Board of Mountain and Yeltsin and its sale west.

The third widely well-known episode of the struggle of power with the population with a population with gold was the United States. Decree Roosevelt introduced hard restrictions on gold possession individuals. True, for the removed gold, the federal reserve paid his tickets, but by the year later the currency was devalued, and the ounce of gold became equivalent already not 20, but 35 dollars.

In 1935, fascist Italy, again called for patriotism of the population, especially women. As a result of this call, B.Mussolini managed to collect among the rest of the rest of the only wedding rings containing 35 tons of gold. The result was the defeat of Italy in the Second World War and hanged Mussolini, and Italianians and after the fifty years were ashamed of the fact that they were so easily propaganda and parted with their wedding rings.

The next large seizure was theft of Czech gold in London in March 1939. In the operation, the Bank of International Claims, based in the Swiss Basel, was involved. It positions itself as a bank of central banks and it seems like a fully non-political structure. However, it was this establishment that played a key role in the financial preparation of Germany to the Second World War and the theft of Czech gold. Naturally in favor of Reich. The accomplice in this was the bank of England. Everything was done in such a way that beyond the extremely narrow circle of trusted persons in central banks and BMR. On March 20, 1939, soon after the entry of Germans in Prague, BMR was ordered from Prague about the transfer of Czech gold to the German Reichsbank. In turn, he gave orders to the Bank of England and he fulfilled the order of BMR on the transfer of gold. For several days, gold was sold, and the currency was transferred to the Germans to other accounts. Prior to this, the decision of the British Parliament prohibiting any operations with Czech means, as the British were quite reasonable expected that the Germans would try to seize Czech financial resources, but who is such an English parliament for the Bank of England, to listen to him when the Bank of England believes His? When the scandal broke out, the money was already a trail.

The most recent examples of such state-owned robberies is the plundering of Iraq gold and 144 tons of Libyan gold in the British. For this, they even organized a couple of wars. Everything else was also attached, but it was gold that the goal was the goal of campaigns and against S. Hussein and against M. Kaddafi.

There were other examples, but these, probably, were the most large-scale in terms of centralized robbery. Forms and methods were different, but as a result, those or other ways of power tried to take away gold from the population or from other nations. It is possible to argue on whether gold today is money or not, but the fact that his seizure and today is the reason for the unleashing of wars or carrying out possible confiscations from its own population, no doubt causes.

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Golden Chervonets.
RSFSR, 1923. Diameter 22 mm.

As you know, the first stage of monetary Il reform Soviet government began in 1922-1923,
when the so-called samples were released. At the same time, at the end of 1922, Gosbank released Chervonians, exchanged for gold. Since the Chervonets contained gold at the level of the Tens of 1913, it was
already steady currency.
At the second stage, in February 1924, treasury tickets were issued.
In addition, the barbed silver and copper coin was minted. Thus, a single
monetary system.
In order to avoid inflation processes, the government from the fall of 1923 began to conduct
"Intervention" Golden Coins. Intervention policies disintegrated into two separate points: this is the creation of a worm's stability within the country by interventions of gold and eliminate leakage abroad of the ejected
on the gold market. The first task was assigned to the Commissarfin authorities (NKF) and the state bank was assigned, the second entirely lay on the OGPU.
In addition to the struggle against gold leakage, the Chekists had the task of combating an artificial increase in its course, that is, all types of speculation within the country in this soil.

20 silver kopecks.
RSFSR. 1922 year. Diameter 22 mm.

Conducted by the State Bank intervention of gold did not lead to anything. It was noted that "the conducted intervention at all no positive results reaches, as towards achieving a decrease in demand and in the direction of lowering the prices of the free market for gold to create the sustainability of our worm" 1. In the Transcaucasus, the market was not saturated with gold, and the demand was only increasing. The price for the top ten reached 15 rubles. Taking into account that it was not necessary to count on returning back to the cash register of the GOSBANK sold, as it has flowed abroad, and the elimination of smuggled leakage was impossible, was offered to terminate further intervention in Central Asia and the Transcaucasia22. In turn, excess
import of goods over export led to reducing stocks and foreign currencyWhat caused speculation. In order to keep the currency leak into private hands, in 1928 the Golden Ruble (Chervonets) stopped being freely convertible, that is, freely exchanged for the money of other states at the official rate. Only paper money and a small barn coin remained in circulation. Real value Ruble quickly fell. For the first five years, it decreased by more than 60 percent.
At this time, the task of conducting industrialization in the country was raised. For these plans, they also needed money. Remembering the experience of the early 1920s, the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) on May 17, 1928 in this regard, in this regard, was instructed by the Commissar of Finance N. P. Bukukhanov in a two-week period to work on possible withdrawal from museums, churches and other silver jewelry for the purpose of their smelting. At the same time, the currency conversion restrictions were introduced, a forced seizure of currency and values \u200b\u200bin the population was carried out.
On May 15, 1929, the NKF reported to the Politburo that starting from 1926-1927 a bank silver coin - a ruble and 50 kopecks - began to disappear from the turnover and at the moment it is almost completely not occurring in circulation. The next day, on May 16, the Politburo decision was formed by the Commission, which considered the issue of the feasibility of seizure of silver among the population. The decision of the commission was unambiguous: the silver coin in the population is to remove.
In response in 1929, there was an even more increased demand for a transcendent coin by the population. And this is despite the fact that the release and treatment of translating silver and bronze coins were significantly increased: 30 million rubles of silver coins against 13.4 million issued in 1927/1928. The silver produced back at the State Bank's cash register was almost never returned. Especially enhanced demand for silver coin was observed since July 1929.
Economic Administration (ECU) OGPU In Circular No. 247 dated November 14, 1929, he asked to periodically illuminate the state of circulation of silver and bronze coins in the field, revealing exchange crises, interruptions in supplying coins from the branches of the State Bank, a non-depth of coins from Cass Finorgans and other institutions. It was also suggested to identify whether the buying of transcendent silver was not made, the connection of the buyers with the cashiers of the Finorgans and other institutions and other phenomena in this area, turning special attention to the border areas3.
SNK RSFSR on July 23, 1930, it ruled in order to eliminate speculative demand for a silver coin to entrust the NKF, the addict of justice and the OGPU to the tale of the decisive struggle with speculators and silver buyers, taking the necessary administrative measures towards the guilty. The NCF was commissioned to make an appropriate reduction in the estimates of departments in connection with the reduction of the Union Budget. Taking note of the message of the State Bank on the measures taken by them due to difficulties with the exchange coin, it was considered necessary to strengthen the supply of Moscow, Leningrad and the districts of large bread and commodity billets.
In the circular, ECU OGPU No. 210 in 1930 was noted on the basis of the absence of a sufficient number of transcendent silver coins. In this regard, rumors of the absence of silver increased. Speculative elements, in turn, began to create an excitement around this question around this question, turning a barrier silver coin into an object of its operations by artificially decreasing comparatively with them of paper money. This led to frequent cases of local crises in the circulation of exchange silver, which was particularly undesirable among the peasantry in the exercise of the government agencies of economic activities for bilbo groups.
Eku OGPU was notified by the local authorities that the USSR statebank had absolutely
a sufficient presence of a broken coin, which is already sent and in the future will be sent in the required quantity. At the same time, it was proposed to identify persons outrered in the so-called counter-revolutionary agitation, and speculators undermining normal money turnover. Attract the guilty to justice was supposed through a special meeting. Serious attention was asked to turn to intermediate links of a trade and cooperative network, where cases of delay and withdrawal by employees of the exchange coin were established4.
Silver seizures were weakly carried out, in this regard, on August 12, 1930, cipherogram No. 13198 was sent to the Plenipotentiary Representative offices V. R. Menzhinsky. In it, he expressed discontent about bad work According to the seizure of silver, which, he said, moved sluggish.
Since the beginning of the financial reform in appeal, 240 million silver coins were issued,
a result of the operation was withdrawn 300 thousand.
Menzhinsky reminded his representatives that they are responsible for them not only to searches for searches, but also trace all the measures to achieve a fracture to collect silver. The purpose of the operation was the accumulation of the Mary Foundation in the amount of two tens of millions of rubles. Due to the fact that the operation was massive, the troops, schools and the police were attracted to it.
No references for bilbo houses, mass checks of the fire condition of the factories, the fight against the counter-revolution Menzhinsky was not accepted. He suggested continuing the operation until silver was found, report results daily.
Karaly silver shelter cruel. Thus, on August 18, Menzhinsky sent a telegram to Leningrad, which informed the Plenipotentiary of OGPU F. D. Bear that the OGPU was considered the case on the shelter of silver. All persons held by him are sentenced to shooting.
Menzhinsky suggested a bear to bring the sentence to execution immediately upon receipt of the telegram.
On August 21, the college of OGPU According to the results of a silver seizure of silver in Moscow, they were sentenced to the highest extent of social protection:
"one. Bykov Efim Evgenevich, 68 years old, a native of Moscow, the wardrobe of the Bolshoi Theater. Detected: 810 rubles. Silver, a large number of scarce goods and manufactory.
2. Leontyev Gabril Filippovich, 65 years old, artistic theater wardrobe. Detected: 865 rubles. Silver.
3. Korolev Nikolay Makarovich, 1878, River., Small theater's wardrobe. Detected: 449 rubles. 50 kopecks Silver.
4. Maksakov Emelyan Karpovich, 54 g., Automobile driver. Discovered 500 rubles. Silver coin.
5. Romanov Ivan Vasilyevich, 1883 R., employee, served at the Kurds, discovered 1352 rubles. Silver.
6. Rabinovich Khatskal Semenovich, 1886 r., Shinkar, found 988 rubles. silver, 10 rubles. Gold, 7 dollars.
7. Markov Alexander Ivanovich, 1889 r., Merchant. Detected: silver 400 rubles.
8. Shabanov Vladimir Alekseevich - Cashier State Bank, 53 years old. Detected 478 rubles. Silver.
9. As much as Arthur Augustinovich, Kulak, Duksky District, 52. Silver was found 397 p. 50 kopecks »5.
On August 20, the Politburo instructed the OGPU to strengthen measures to combat speculators and the shelters of the exchanged coins, including in Soviet-cooperative institutions.
At the meeting of the Politburo on August 25, it was decided to publish the following message in the newspapers: "The OGPU College considers the case of a group of persons engaged in speculation and shelter of silver coin, as well as gold. The most malicious shelters engaged in the topics of active counter-revolutionary campaigning: Maximarov Maxim, Eagle Fedor Pavlovich (8 people), who have found large sums Various silver, the OGPU board sentenced to shooting. The sentence is carried out.
At the same time, the OGPU was sent to concentration camps 438 speculators and silver coin shelters for a period of 3 to 10 years from a number of areas and the republics of the USSR "6.
As of September 27, in the USSR, in order to seize silver, searches were made - 485,403; arrests - 9427; Selected exchange coins - 2 307 924 rubles.
Money, jewelry was withdrawn into the income of the state wherever it was possible.
Thus, on September 29, 1929, at the checkpoint at the station Neshoryly, in the French submann by Paris in Moscow, the shoir was seized by letters seized in a coat. During customs inspection, the Frenchwoman inspired a suspicion, in connection with his behavior
with this she was invited to a separate room for the production of personal search. As a result of searching
The hooker was found with lining coat smuggling things from items of clothing for approximate estimates worth about 400 rubles. In addition, three letters were discovered in the same coat.
in Russian without specifying addresses. Only in one of the letters was the signature of E. G. Kandyrina.
In familiarization with the content of the letters it was established that the question was about the already committed to the illegal shipment of some values \u200b\u200bfrom the USSR abroad to Kandyrina.
From the letters it was seen that in the USSR, the values \u200b\u200bremained wicked by some "host", which for their
storage Kandina allowed to pay 2-3 thousand rubles. In one of the letters they said about Boris, whom Kandinina wanted to provide from the same values. One of the letters was intended by Feeon Vasilyevna and Ivan, who had to take some silver and transfer his shoir. These letters were sent to the General Directorate of Bogogranhran (GUPO).
On the day of receipt from the border of these letters in the 2nd branch of the GUPO OGPU was caused by a shoiler who came to Moscow.
The interrogated shoiler showed that the letters were lucky by Maria Gavrilovna Smirnova, native sister Kandyrina; Borisa Kandyrin, the son of the emigrant; Maria Egorovna Spiece, the former Nyan of Kandyrin; Feeon Vasilyevna Efimova and Ivan Ilyich Varlamkin, former housekeeper and lacquer. The shoiler admitted that, leaving annually in Paris, she received from the humble value and fur and drove them abroad as Kandyrin. It did it in
last trip to Paris. The hooker indicated the addresses of all the above faces.
Boris Kandinin said to interrogated, he served in the Red Army; About everything he knows
he will say and asked only not to deprive his title of the RKKK commander. He told that the existence of treasures
he was known from the words of the mother who left him in Novorossiysk, the very evacuated abroad.
He does not know exactly the places where it is hidden, but I heard that the diamonds are buried in a cache near Moscow at the dacha of some Bukin, who does not know anything about this treasure. Values \u200b\u200bat this dacha, according to him,
ordered Seleznev and Smirnov. Silver was closed in the basement of their former home. The place know Ivan and
The most expensive values \u200b\u200bbelong to His aunt Smirnova, but where she keeps them, he does not know. Wherein
he pointed to some kind of Trucovskaya-Krasovskaya as close to the Smirnova Man, who has the latter, perhaps
and keeps value.
Operation on the search for values \u200b\u200bbroke into two parts. The first excavation at the cottage with the help of the spleen.
To this end, Kandyrin was invited to go along with OGPU employee Yakovlev in the village of Mitino
to the spray, to present her a letter to her mother Boris, where she asks to divert the values \u200b\u200band transfer them to Yakovlev, allegedly a representative of the French embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich these values \u200b\u200bwill completely fluently transport to Paris. Selezneva told that part of the value of the year three years ago, she was with Smirnova in the country. These values \u200b\u200bbelonged to Smirnova, and she took them to Moscow.
On October 2, Yakovlev, Kandinin and Seleznev came to the owner of Dachi Bukin. They explained to him the goal of arrival. Started to dig. One casket quit quickly. In the other places where six boxes should have been,
i dug from 8 am to 3 hours of the day unsuccessfully. Excavations were continued by Hupo employees, but
until the night, the results were not given. The next day, excavations continued and the rest of the banks were found.
As a result, the excavations found royal paper money, royal gold coins, things with precious
stones for the amount, according to preliminary assessment, in gold calculus 58-60 thousand rubles.
On October 4, at the interrogation of Selezneva, he told about the family silver mounted in Kandinsky.
Varlamkin's janitor and former housekeeper Efimov were arrested. At the interrogation they talked about hidden
silver, which was seized. The approximate cost is 4-5 thousand rubles.
From September 30 to October 4, the interrogations of Smirnova continued, which did not give any results.
The only thing that she admitted is that she sent a shoiler with a Frenchwoman to Paris
my sister has several coins of royal chasing, one bracelet and two rings. Has any hidden values \u200b\u200bof Smirnova denied.
On October 5, the acquaintance of Smirnova - Kira Stepanovna Tru-tina-Krasovskaya was called
he admitted that two chest of Smirnova was kept in her apartment, and in her wood-burning shed buried in
earth two iron cans. As a result of excavations in the barn at the depth of one and a half meters, two high iron cans were found. In one of them were royal paper money, in another. - Values
exceptionally high cost. Two chests were also withdrawn, they turned out to be expensive things.
According to a preliminary estimate, the cost of the generated in gold average amounted to 156,400 rubles.
In total, valuables in the amount of 220-230 thousand rubles were withdrawn in this case.
In a letter from 1931, Stalin reported a crime committed by OGPA officers during the seizure period
gold, silver and currency on the territory of the Belarusian Military District. During interrogations of the arrested on the site of the 15th border project, cases of obviously abnormal, criminal relations were registered, which bordered by torture from the persons who interrogated them.
The arrested were beaten, deprived of food for two or three days, sled into the cold room by half-dressed, practiced the drainage of the court over them, used the beatings and other unacceptable acts.
In all these criminal actions, I. V. Grinevich took part - the head of the 15th frontier, member of the WCP (b) since 1918, the workshop, in the past, an active participant in the struggle against banditry, in the Commands of the HCC
since 1918, as well as P. A. Nikanorov, M. 3. MO MOC, X. Yu. Sorz, M. I. Klimanov, A. Ya. Khilko and others.
Stalin reported that all the above faces were arrested by PP OGPU BWO and are subject to Cup of the OGPU College.
Stalin's resolution: "Isn't it really strictly?" She predicted the fate of the above faces towards mitigating punishment. Four, including Grinevich, were excluded from the party, the rest were separated by a strict reprimand.
Circular OGPU No. 404 of September 20, 1931 proposed to cover the entire territory serviced by authorized representative offices. Simultaneously with this, the circular indicated the inadmissibility of the seizure
gold and silverware of household goods - wedding rings, golden watches, gray, Persdne,
crosses, chains for them, silver spoons, forks, knives, cigarettes who have seized individual plenipotential offices in previous operations. Such values \u200b\u200bcould be seized only in cases
when it was an explicit storage nature in order to conceal or speculation.
Considering the fact that OGPU organs continued to withdraw valuable things in the population, in a year in Circular No. 572
on September 19, 1932, Eci once again clarified that the withdrawal of gold and silver household items
it should only be carried out in cases where the amount of them is commodity and represents the currency value or their storage is of a clear speculative character.
With voluntary delivery, the currency and values \u200b\u200bof the arrested were offered to release from custody. Persons who persistently evade the calculation of the currency, if there are weighty investigative testimony in Eco, it was proposed to bring criminal liability under Article 59, paragraph 12, the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, aim at a special meeting at the OGPA College.
Attention was paid to the inadmissibility of transferring an derived currency, gold and values \u200b\u200bto local customs or GUPO. For personal responsibility, the chiefs of Eco PP were offered currency and values \u200b\u200bto send every five days through Feldsvyaz exclusively to the FINOTELE OF OGPU for inventory with a mandatory copy of the ECU.
On March 11, 1932, the results spent in December-February massacre in the currency were summed up. A number of organs made arrests of a large number of persons, because of which the investigative processing was carried out by hopping and the persons who had currency were released, although it was subsequently located. Cooking searches were noted, which, as a rule, did not give "results. This was due to the fact that the currency is usually kept in the ground, firewood, walls.
It was proposed to stop the mass operation and proceed to the systematic "roll-up currency". To this end, it was proposed to create a special group in the Plenipotentiary Representative offices of the OGPU and in separate regional
departments and sectors. The category of the currency holders planned to develop "former".
It was proposed to pay attention to suburban and country areas, where they often lived
from its permanent residence of the former NEPMANs.
It was also proposed to develop an archive to identify the currency holders expelled in the camps and reference locations,
and to request these individuals for seizures of their currency.
Considering that a number of persons disappeared from the place of their permanent residence, it was proposed to take
their activities of the active search. Special attention should be paid to identifying foreign
contributions and inheritance.
In the post-telegram number 125 / eki \u200b\u200bdated February 5, 1932, it was indicated that in the process of currency
operations were observed when the OGPU organs were made by the currency among those who received it
according to translations due to the border or the Torgsin's current account. Sometimes arrests were made
visitors of shops of Torgsin, who have seized small amounts of currency, as well as confiscated
products and industrial supplies purchased in Torgsin.
It was stated that such measures terrorize small currency holders and cause significant outflow
currency receipts in Torgsin. Eku OGPU offered not only to prevent such actions themselves,
but also to prevent such actions of the police and criminal investigation.
In Circular No. 203 dated February 26, 1932, Ecu pointed out the inclusive cases of invalidity from private transitions.
Local bodies of OGP began to be arrested by persons whose address was received from
credit institutions Valuable packages with foreign currency sent to the USSR through foreign banks.
These people were selected receipts in obtaining currency on translations, after which they were released, and the currency was made free of charge. In this regard, complaints about the actions of the OGPU were made from foreign banks, the currency translated through Soviet banks. As a result of such seizures, the flow of currency was significantly reduced due to the border.
Considering this, Ecu OGPU began to select translations only in cases where there were specific information on criminal speculation by currency at the breeding prices, and arrest these individuals with polishing at the time of the transaction.
On January 7, 1931, OGPU reported to Stalin that in 1930 it was handed over to the state bank and the Soyuzole 10 172 289 rubles.
23 cop In gold rubles, of them:
"A) a full-fledged foreign currency in banknotes - 5,890,377 p. 72 kopecks.
b) Gold in coins and ingots - 3,888,576 p. 04 K.
c) different silver (products, scrap, ingots, coins) - 393 235 p. 47 kopecks »11, 5 August 1931 Politburo
CKP Central Committee (6) commissioned the OGPU to check the presence of currency and gold funds from regional and republican OGPU and
all their cash send to the state bank within 10 days.
On May 4, 1932, the OGPU would once again reported to Stalin that at the Casse OGPU on May 1 of this year there is: foreign currency - by 750,000 rubles; Gold in coins and ingots - by 1,650,000 rubles; Only 2,400,000 rubles. The berry asked for instructions on the delivery of currency and values \u200b\u200bin Gosbank, at the same time stressed that this amount with previously prosed state bank will be equal to 15 132,403 rubles. Stalin was delighted: "I must say thanks to Chekistam." Molotov, Voroshilov and Kaganovich agreed with him. "
Politburo of the Central Committee on May 16, 1932 after the operation for the seizure of currency and values \u200b\u200bin the population
requests the Commission consisting of Rudzutak, Grinc and Arkus to consider the issue of expediency
further seizure of silver in the population. It was decided to discontinue the removal of values \u200b\u200band the currency in the population,
at the same time, deciding not to object against the export of silver from the USSR in the ingots.
Government policy in this issue was extremely inconsistent, the consequences of confiscations are very
he was strongly affected on the solvability of the country's population.
Despite the fact that OGPU organs have taken serious steps to combat smuggling currency and
values, this work cannot be recognized quite effective. Low border protection density,
the absence of the necessary engineering equipment did not allow properly to block the paths.
illegal importation and export of currency values \u200b\u200band gold. IN more than This belonged to the sea coast, the border areas of the Far East, Siberia, Turkestan, Transcaucasia, the North and the North-West.
Performing party and legislative solutions, organs state security under
the leadership of the Menzhinsky and berries were forced to rob their own population ...

1. Central Asia FSB of Russia. F. 2. OP. 5. Pores. 381. L. 248-249.
2. Ibid. L. 247-249.
3. Ibid. F. 66. OP. 1. Pores. 261. L. 244.
4. ibid. Pores. 208. L. 365.
5. Ibid. F. 2. OP. 8. 633. L.1-10.
6. Ibid. L. 94.
7. Ibid. L. 138-144.
8. ibid. F. 66. OP. 1. Pores. 232. L.277-278.
9. Ibid. Pores. 254.
10. Apr. F. 45. OP. 1. D. 170. L. 62.
11. Ibid. D. 171. L. 35.

Text O.Mozokhin, K.I.N.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state