
Recipe for cooking cucumbers in the autoclave. Canned vegetables in autoclave. Canning cucumbers in autoclave

So, the whole process of cooking stew in the autoclave can be divided into several stages:

  1. Preparation of stew blanks.
  2. Installation of blanks in autoclave.
  3. Heating and sterilization in the autoclave. But this recipe is universal and is suitable for any type of meat.

Ingredients for stew

  • Pork - 3 kg.
  • Salo - 200 gr
  • Bay leaf
  • Pepper peas (black and fragrant)
  • Water - 1 cup
  • Salt to taste

How to cook stew in autoclave

Preparation of meat

Our main ingredient is meat. Its selection must be taken as carefully and seriously. It is not recommended to take frozen meat. It is only fresh or in extreme cases chilled. You can use any meat: it is suitable for both rabbit and chicken, and pork.

An important feature of the stew is its long-term storage. But there is one feature: as a rule, most of the species of meat are lean. And so that our product can be stored for a long time, a sufficient amount of fat is necessary. Therefore, to preserve any meat (exclusion of pork) will have to use additionally fat.

Selection of Turkey dishes

With a few care, you need to take the choice of cans for stew. Any crack may threaten the explosion of cans and spill product. After the preliminary inspection of the banks we rinse, dry. Made? Then go on.

Laying billets in the jar

Yes, yes, and here there are features. Pieces of chopped meat are stacked in a tight way so that a pair of centimeters remains to the lid. In the remaining space, add seasonings (bay leaf, black pepper, etc.), which rely on the recipe. If the meat is lean, plus add fat. We ride banks using the lepts machine.

Preserving process

The last stage, canning itself. Banks are placed in the autoclave, well, if it provides presser cassettes for cans. Canning in cassettes makes the whole process more convenient and safer. After that, the autoclave is poured with water. It is important that all banks are fully immersed in water. Autoclave Close and begin the preservation process.

From now on, we have to strictly follow the recipe. The fact is that the time and pressure required for cooking, in each recipe can be quite high. But on average, the standard stew is required half an hour canning at a temperature of 120 degrees. After starting to cool the autoclave to 30 ° C. Do it need it gradually! Otherwise, on the finish, you will try to collapse, and the contents cans go in free swimming in autoclava. Carefully read the instructions described in our article to avoid breaking the covers in the autoclave. After cooling, we begin to burst the pressure, also gradually. Reaching a zero parameter, you can open the tank and get banks. In general, everything is ready.

This is what a universal recipe looks like for the preparation of any meat stew in the autoclave. For more varieties, you can resort to various tricks, such as advanced product marination or adding additional spices and ingredients. But any preparation of meat stew is built on this basic recipe.


Probably half of the success in cooking home deception depends on good equipment. Homemade canned food is no exception: a stable and reliable home sterilizer is required.

In order to avoid failures, we recommend to carefully approach the choice of a home autoclave and get acquainted with the instructions for use. Then the home sterilizer will be a reliable help in the preparation of home stew for many years.

Video: Pork stew in autoclave

Video: Turkey from chicken in autoclave


recipe for autoclave! Shukaite Recipe to autoclave?You are here!

autoclave for conservatory

Autoclaves for homemade canvasovnya We can come to our Inthernet Shop Farmash. Our managers to preempt pіdіbrati autoclave pіd be sick of yours! We have a vi you will have Yak Model Gazovі, so і Електричні (universalnі), mіstkіsti Від 5 to 28 Lіtrovich cans.

On our site zіibranі vsі moscow recipe for autoclave! Shukaite Recipe to autoclave?You are here!

On the cob XIX stolіttya of "yavilisya Pershi, otrimanі for Relief termіchnoї obrobki, canned germetichnіy tarі. Ale termіchna obrobka i Teper zalishaєtsya by raspostryanonnim method vigotovlennya konservіv. Sterilіzatsіya Yea one of bunt tehnologіchnih etapіv. Sterilіzatsіya konservіv Je termіchnoyu obrobkoyu product yak zabezpechuє zagibel Bakterіy z Metha Pavivalnya Pozuvannya at the temperatures of Pomirny KliMat (15-30 ° C), and iodine і with B_lsh Temmy Temperatures. Won Garantu Chewless Conditions Conditions for Kharchuvannya (according to M_Krobіologici seasons). In the main sterilization of cans at temperatures 120 ° С, Іnodі Wester 100 ° S. Sterilіzatsiya is recognized for trivany animal of canning products Products, Vona Znashchennnya Kharchovo Tsіnnosti, organoleptic dysflows, unawarelism. Ale Sterilizatsiya in the homemakers of trivaly, the labor line. Vicarovoy autoclave for conservatory Vi knowingly zamshuєte Hour of the commercial hour, it is guaranteed the story of all Bakterії. Recommended Vicrystuvati for Sterilіzatsії Ta Fasuvana Be-Yakyki Vosіv Cannediv Schlyanoy Tari Rysno M_stkostі Vіd 0.2 to 3.0 liters of banks Z Waste Aboy Vychuvuvannya.

1. Playing the products of the banks of sunk tightness.
2. Put into the autoclave balls - the jar on the bank, to the head. At the bottom of the p_dklatsti trees "Janu Rushіtka.
3. Fit the water, Yaka is no longer a member of a ball of 2 cm.
4. Scatter the crush the autoclave І tanned the cake.
5. Autoclix to pumped into the autoclave of the Reader to a tish of 1 atm і іzually (for the additional mysteriousness) ABOUT ABOUT RUBRITI PERSONITY HERMETYICHNY З "єДнанна. Went TISK POTTROBNO FOR SKERMENNE BACKENING CANKS, BO UKHNIVANNIY VIONICSEє RISNITSIA PRESISTA .
6. Nagrati water in the autoclave to 110 ° C (TISK will be forces). If the temperature is pіdnmet to 110 ° С, Zіktki Hour І Vitriimirts of the banks 50-70 HF. ALEH STOPTER TIM TEMPER NOT PERFORMED WITH 120 ° C. Such a regimen is to reach the yak zincoville-rigid organismіv, so I am Smakovі Yakosti Canning.
7. Snatter from Vognition (Vimknuti) І stabbing for Okolodynnya (you can also for the additional cold) to temperatures are not worse than 30 ° C.
8. Trophi Wester Catherm Brisk in autoclave. Vіdkriti autoclave, through the hose of angry Water І VIYNATi banks.

Treka Dodati, Scho autoclave pressure gauge will be shown by TISK at temperatures 110 ° C - 2.5-3.5 atm, and at temperatures 120 ° C - 4-4.5 atm. Tobo, TISK Send a branch of the Avtoklava І "about" єMU RITRY SHO Having poured Mіzh Krishkoy І banks.

Modes of sterilіzatsії cansoviv

Marinated cucumbers "Magnit"

2. Place the seasoning at the bottom of each can. You can take, for example, chrine leaves, currant leaves, dill flowers, cherry leaves, oak leaves, bay leaf or carnation, choose to your taste. Add also a couple of garlic cloves, black peas and coriander pepper.

3. Prepare brine. For one liter of pickles you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon salt with slide
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon 9% vinegar
  • 1 liter of water

Just mix all the ingredients, no need to boil, the brine must be room temperature.

4. Rinse the cucumbers, and then immerse them in boiling water for a few seconds so that they save bright green.

5. Then to put them tightly into the jars and pour the finished brine so that 2-3 cm remains to the surface of the bank.

6. Slide banks with metal covers (also pre-washed) and sterilize in the autoclave for 20 minutes.

7. Wonderful crispy pickled cucumbers are ready! You can only rejoice and be proud of yourself.


Marinated Cucumbers "Wedding Ring"

Carefully wash the cucumbers and cut them with rings with a thickness of approximately 1 cm. Fold into a large bowl.

  1. Mix:
  • 250g sugar sand
  • 250g 9% vinegar
  • 200g sunflower oil
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • 2 Coriander tablespoons
  • 2 big heads garlic

This quantity of seasoning is enough for 4 kg of cucumbers.

Season the resulting mixture and leave in a bowl for 5-6 hours, not forgetting to mix so that the cucumbers are so impregnated.

  1. Prepare glass cans: Just wash them with detergent, no need to sterilize, autoclave will make this work for you.
  2. After 5-6 hours, spread the cucumbers in pure banks. For 4 kg, you will need 7 cans of 0.7 ml.
  3. The delicious salad is ready! Enjoy.

Attention! Foods in banks are so that 2-3 cm remains to the surface of the jar. Pour water in the autoclave so that it covers the upper jars on 3-4 centimeters, and an air pocket of 5-6 centimeters remained between the surface of the water and the autoclave lid.

Canned tomatoes "Eclipse"

  1. Prepare glass jars: just wash them with detergent, you do not need to sterilize, autoclave will make this work for you.
  2. Prepare tomatoes. Choose the fruits of the same size and degree of maturity. On the fruit of each tomato, make a small puncture so that the tomatoes do not crack when heated.
  3. Cook the fill. To do this mix:
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp. Sololi.
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1.5-2 art. l. 9% vinegar
  1. Explore the tomatoes on banks along with the greens and pour the finished fill.
  2. Slide the banks with metal covers and sterilize in the autoclave for 20 minutes.
  3. Ideal canned tomatoes are ready! You are well done!

Attention! Foods in banks are so that 2-3 cm remains to the surface of the jar. Pour water in the autoclave so that it covers the upper jars on 3-4 centimeters, and an air pocket of 5-6 centimeters remained between the surface of the water and the autoclave lid.

Vegetable caviar
At 3kg tomatoes

Ingredients for 3 kg of tomatoes:

  • 1 kg of carrots
  • 1 kg of Luca
  • 1 kg of Bulgarian pepper
  • 1 kg beet
  • 500 g of sunflower oil
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sololi.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara

Rinse tomatoes, free from the skin, turn through the meat grinder. Add 1 kg of carrots, 1 kg of bow, 1 kg of bell pepper and 1 kg beets, 500g sunflower oil, 2 tbsp. Salts and 2 tbsp. l. Sugar, boil in dishes on slow fire for 1 hour.

Then add 100g vinegar, decompose into clean banks and sterilize 20 minutes in the autoclave.

Attention! Foods in banks are so that 2-3 cm remains to the surface of the jar. Pour water in the autoclave so that it covers the upper jars on 3-4 centimeters, and an air pocket of 5-6 centimeters remained between the surface of the water and the autoclave lid.

Canned eggplants
At 5kg eggplant

Eggplants rinse, cut into 0.5 cm with circles, salt and put under load for 2 hours (in order to get rid of bitterness).

Slide a towel every piece and fry in sunflower oil.

Make eggplant sauce: 8 pieces of red tomato, 4 pieces of red pepper pepper, 10 pieces of Bulgarian pepper, 300g garlic scroll through the meat grinder, add 1 cup of sunflower oil and 0.5 cup 3% vinegar.

Roasted eggplants to dip in the sauce and lay in pure banks, roll with metal covers and sterilize 15 min in the autoclave.

Attention! Foods in banks are so that 2-3 cm remains to the surface of the jar. Pour water in the autoclave so that it covers the upper jars on 3-4 centimeters, and an air pocket of 5-6 centimeters remained between the surface of the water and the autoclave lid.


1 kg of red pepper
1 kg of tomato puree
30g salt
50g Sahara

First you need to cook tomato mashed potatoes, and it is done like this:
Tomatoes are passed through the meat grinder, bring to a boil and wipe through the sieve, then they are boiled 2.5 times. Pepper is added to the finished puree, sugar and salt adds. The mixture put on fire and tomatin for ten minutes, stirring constantly.

Then lay out in pure banks, rush with covers and sterilize in the autoclave for 20 minutes.

Attention! Foods in banks are so that 2-3 cm remains to the surface of the jar. Pour water in the autoclave so that it covers the upper jars on 3-4 centimeters, and an air pocket of 5-6 centimeters remained between the surface of the water and the autoclave lid.

Recipes from Daria and Tatiana

Home (household) Autoclave is a device that allows you to quickly prepare home canned food.

The advantage of the autoclave is the ability to raise the temperature of preparation from 100 to 120-125 degrees Celsius. This is achieved due to overpressure when working the autoclave. Significantly reduces the duration of cooking canned, it allows you to preserve more nutrients and vitamins, as well as home recipes autoclave do not require additional preservatives (vinegar, citric acid, salt or sugar).

Cooking in the autoclave occurs in airless space in hermetically closed banks.

Types of autoclaves for canning

  • without pre-injection pressure (sterilizers);
  • with forced downloading overpressure.

In autoclaves that do not require air injection, special clamps (cassettes) are used for cans. On the metal plate, finished cans are put on the metal plate and pressed their other plate from above, securely fixing that the lids with cans do not break during the cooking in the autoclave.

Preparing home recipes in an autoclave with a forced downloading of overpressure, you can not clamp the cans. It is enough to close the jars and pump up with the help of an ordinary pump the necessary pressure in the autoclave. Due to the fact that it will be higher pressure in the jar, the cover will not be squeezed.

Autoclave device

The autoclave is a tank with hermetically closed lid, handles and binding attributes:

  • thermometer;
  • monomere;
  • nipples for pressure injection;
  • valve for resetting overpressure during the preparation process;
  • drain hole.

Canned in autoclave: better gas or electric?!

The main question when buying an autoclave is the source of its heating. If you have a gas or ordinary electric stove, the autoclave is suitable in the form of a conventional cylinder with a lid and sensors. Its design is very simple, the price is small, it is durable and unpretentious in care.

In the absence of gas or electric stoves, you will have to use more "advanced" instances of autoclaves for canning with an integrated electrical heating element usually about 2 kW.

"Gas" devices without a built-in heating element

The size of the autoclave depends on the volume of the cylinder. An example will serve the Belarusian "Novogas":

Height (cm)

Number of cans of 1 liter (PC)

Number of 0.5 liter cans (pcs)

How much meat is placed in 1 time (kg)

From the factory, the autoclave is supplied to the consumer in the bubble film, all sensors are turned upside down inside the cover.

The diameter of the neck is 12.5 centimeters. Inside the device contains a passport, an additional gasket (rubber ring). At the bottom of the cylinder - the stand for jars.

Heating of a 24-liter autoclave up to 4.5 atmospheres at 25 degrees Celsius is achieved in about 2 hours. Fully cools in 10-12 hours. After cooling, it is necessary to gradually pull the residual pressure, it is impossible to open the autoclave immediately.

There is one "difference" of almost all Belarusian autoclaves: they come to the destination with the scolars of paint on the cylinder. These sites will need to be painted that the metal does not bear in the process of cooking canned.

Electric autoclaves

The concept is the same as the gas, a significant difference only in the presence of a built-in heating element (TEN). Electric autoclaves are manufactured, as a rule, stainless steel.

Autoclaves with EBU.

Autoclaves with an electronic control unit (ECU) no longer have on the lid of pressure and temperature sensors, they have only a pressure adjustment mechanism - the wrapping valve. The computer is attached to the wall of the device, and regulates the work process.

After installing the cans in the prepared autoclave and its closing, you need to simply select the cooking program, or set your parameters. After installing the program, the water will automatically warm up to the set temperature and will support it according to the programmed duration.

On the hole for a drain in the device with the computer there is no longer a crane - draining water will start automatically after cooking canned according to the specified program.

Preparation for work

Before placing canned food in an autoclave with forced pressure injection, for most devices will have to spend some measures. By placing banks for cooking in an autoclave, bay with water and pumping air to 1 atmosphere, lubricate all the places of fastening of sensors, valve and nipple with soapy water. With a loose connection, bubbles will arise, and problem areas will need to re-screw.

Cooking canned in the autoclave is a very fast and not troublesome process. Farmers who grow animals on meat, home autoclave is very useful!

Technological instruction
Canned production in autoclave sterilizer

g.Vladimir Trading House "Dec"

You can buy autoclave with us by clicking on the picture.



  1. Beef stew. Lamb stew
  1. Stew pork
  1. Stew meat in tomato
  1. Beef, pork and lamb boiled in its own juice
  1. Goulash
  1. Salon woman with meat
  1. Fried liver in tomato sauce
  1. Pate meat
  1. Loader with cream oil, liver pate with carrots, liver pate with fat
  1. Kidneys in tomato sauce in Czech
  1. Rabbit Ragu.
  1. rabbit Fricas.
  1. Pilaf Uzbek

Canned meat from poultry meat

  1. Chicken in its own juice
  1. Chicken with rice
  1. Bird boiled in oil
  1. Chicken fillet in jelly, stew chicken in jelly
  1. Chicken in white sauce
  1. Chicken in jelly
  1. Chakhokhbili from Kur.
  1. Chakhokhbilted from ducks
  1. Chicken, Adygei, Duck in Adygei
  1. Meat goose with cabbage, goose meat with buckwheat

Canned fish

  1. Fish roasted in oil
  1. Natural fish in oil

Vegetable canned food

  1. Salad summer
  1. Vegetable salads
  1. Icra from eggplant


Older Mushrooms

Polish mushrooms

Champignons of Provencal

Sterilization regimes

Background table


For the first time canned food in hermetic containers, obtained by heat treatment, appeared at the beginning of the XIX century, but until today, thermal processing remains the main and most widely common way to produce canned food.

One of the main technological stages is sterilization. The sterilization of canned food is thermal processing of a product that ensures the death of microflora to prevent microbiological damage at temperatures of moderate climate (15-30 o C), and if necessary, at higher temperatures, and guarantees the safety of canned food intake. Sterilize canned at temperatures above 100 o C, most often at a temperature of 120 o C.

It is sterilization that determines the preservation of the nutritional value, organoleptic properties, the harmlessness for the consumer and creates the necessary prerequisites for long-term preservation of benignness of canned products.

At home, the sterilization of canned consuming, long-lasting process. The use of an OCTM sterilizer autoclave will solve this problem and expand the range of domestic canned food.

For the packaging and sterilization of any kinds of canned food, the use of glass containers of various capacity from 0.2 to 3.0 liters with types of urinating crimp and spinning are recommended.


Meat for cooking canned must be matured, i.e. Weathered after slaughter during the day.

  1. Canned Recipes - "Beef stew", "mutton stew"


0.5 liters of bank

Raw meat (beef or lamb), g

Fat (vegetable oil), g

Onion, g

Pepper black peas, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. cut meat into pieces of 50-120g;
  3. cut onions;
  4. put on bottom banks pepper black

and bay leaf;

  1. stir the meat with sliced \u200b\u200bonions

(optionally you can increase the number

luke and add carrots), salt and fat

(vegetable oil);

  1. to put raw materials in banks, so

so that the emptiness remains 2-3 cm;

  1. roll banks;
  2. start the sterilization process.

2. Canned receptor - "Pork stew"


0.5 liters of bank

Meat raw (pork), g

Onion, g

Pepper black peas, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

3. Canned recipe - "Meat stew in tomato"


0.5 liters of bank

Meat raw, g

Tomato paste, g

Onion fried, g

Red pepper. G.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. cut meat into pieces weighing 50-60g;
  3. cut and fry on bow onions;
  4. mix meat with a fried onion (optionally you can increase the number of onions and add carrots), salt, sugar, tomato paste, red pepper;
  5. put the raw materials in banks, so that the emptiness is left 5-6 cm to the lid;
  6. roll banks;
  7. start the sterilization process.

4. Canned Recipe - "Beef, pork and lamb boiled in its own juice"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. cut meat into pieces weighing 50-70g;
  3. boil meat for 10-15 min in boiling water;
  4. mix meat with salt and put into banks, so that the emptiness of 2-3 cm is left to the cover;
  5. pour meat broth;
  6. roll banks;
  7. start the sterilization process.

5. Canned receptor - "Goulash"


0.5 liters of bank

Roasted meat (raw), g

Fat heated, g

Onion, g

Pepper black ground, g

Bay leaf, pcs.

Tomato paste (12%), g

Wheat flour, g

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. lay a laurel leaf on the bottom of the bank;
  3. fry meat in fat for 30-40 minutes;
  4. cut onions;
  5. stir the meat with salt, onion, sugar, pepper black, tomato paste and flour;
  6. to put raw materials in banks, so that the emptiness is 2-3 cm to the lid and left;
  7. roll banks;
  8. start the sterilization process.

6. Canned Reception - "Solyanka with meat"


0.5 liters of bank

Meat raw, g

Wheat flour, g

Onion peeled, g

Fat for frying onion, g

Black pepper. G.

Peeled carrot, g

Bay leaf, pcs.

Cabbage Fresh, g

Tomato paste (30%). G.

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. cut meat into pieces weighing 30-40g;
  3. chop and fry on bow onions;
  4. cut carrots;
  5. chopping cabbage;
  6. pass (fry on a dry frying pan to light brown) flour;
  7. mix meat with flour, tomato-paste, onion, carrots, cabbage, salt, black, sugar;
  8. put raw materials in banks; Thus, to the lid and the emptiness of 2-3 cm remains;
  9. roll banks;
  10. start the sterilization process.

7. Canned receptor " Fried liver in tomato sauce »

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

4. Support liver in banks; Pour hot sauce in such a way that the emptiness remains 2-3 cm to the lid;

5. Put the banks;

Cooking sauce

The passable flour is carefully falling asleep into the warm broth, rubbing the grips formed and stirring. The mixture is boiled in tanks for 20-30min. Before the disappearance of grains. Then the rest of the composite parts of the sauce are administered successively on the recipe and 15min boils again.

Sauce is poured into banks at a temperature of 70-75 0 with immediately before sunset.

Receiver Sauce.

Components content in%

Broth ................................................ ..58.8.

Flour ................................................... 6.0

Onions ................................................... 2.0

Carrots ............................................. ... 1.0

Salt ................................................... .. 1.0

Sugar ............................................. .... 1.0

Tomato-paste ........................................... 30.0

Pepper .................................................... 0.15

Bay leaf……………………………… . ..05.

8.Repperurate canned "Meat pate"

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

2. Put the meat (beef, pork) on pieces weighing 500-700g;

3. Make meat for 40-60 min in boiling water;

4. Fry onions in fat until golden crust;

5. Resume the meat with salt and onions and crushed on the meat grinder;

6. Add broth and spices by recipe, mix thoroughly;

7. Support in banks, so that an emptiness of 2-3 cm remains to the lid;

8. Total banks;

9.Repperurate canned food "Liverbird stove with butter",

"Liverbird pate with carrots", "Loading pate with fat"

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

2. Clear from the film and cut into pieces of 50-60g in pieces;

3. Looking in flour and fry 3-5 minutes;

4. Onions, carrots roasted in fat until golden crust;

5. Liver, onions, carrots are crushed on a meat grinder;

6. In the chopped mass, melted fat or butter, salt, spices are added, mixed thoroughly;

7. Passten mass to be put in banks, so that the emptiness remains 2-3 cm to the lid;

8. Total banks;

9.Ack the sterilization process.

10. Canned Recipes - "Kidneys in Tomato Sauce in Czech"

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

2. Will clean from the film and cut along in half, pull out 2-3 hours, boil, cool;

3. Kidney cut into cubes 1-2 cm;

4. Prepare tomato sauce;

5. To lay the kidneys in the banks, pour hot sauce;

6. roll banks;

Cooking sauce

Fat loaded into the boiler, then chopped onions, after frying, add flour; Broth, tomato-paste, salt, sugar, pepper boil 15min, add vinegar.

Reception of tomato sauce

Components content in%

Broth ................................................ ..57,5

Flour ................................................ .5.0

Onions ................................................... 2.5

Salt .....................................................2,5

Sugar ............................................. ... .1.5

Tomato-paste .......................................... .30.0

Pepper black ...... .. .............................. .0.05

Fat ............. .........................................0.9


  1. Canned Recipes - "Rabbit Ragu".

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

3. Welding or frying, cutting into pieces (50-60g);

4. The welding of broth from beef bones;

5. The ward of tomato sauce;

6. Packaging pieces of meat in cans, fill with hot sauce;

7. roll banks;

Sauce Recipe (in%)

Spin smoked sliced \u200b\u200b.............................. ..8.6

Onion raw purified .................................................. ... 9,4

Garlic peeled .......................................... ..0.23

Wheat flour ............................................. ... 4,5

Tomato-puree ................................................................. ... 20.0

Salt ................................................................4,3

Sugar ............................................................... 1.0

Pepper black ..................................................................................

Pepper red ................................................... 0,060

Broth ............................................................ ..53.0

12. Canned Recipes - "Rabbit Fricas."

Sauce Recipe (in%)

Butter creamy .............................................................22.1

Wheat flour………………………………………. ..1.5

Broth ............... .. .......................................... ..40.3

Sour cream ....................................................................... ..31,0

Salt ................................................................5,0

Pepper black ....................................................0.05

Muscata Walnut ............................................. ... 0,03

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

2. Preparation of carcumps, cutting along the ridge, flushing, soaking in a 1% acetic solution (2: 1) for 20 minutes;

3. Welding, cutting into pieces (35-40g);

4. Preparation of rice, flushing, cooking in a 1% salt solution;

5. Bouffering of beef bones;

6. The welding of sour cream sauce;

7. Packaging pieces of rabbit in banks, fill with hot sauce;

8. roll banks;

9.Ack the sterilization process.

13. Canned receptor - "Uzbek pilaf"

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

2. Cut the lamb to pieces 20-30g;

3. Fry meat, onions and carrots;

4. Boil in the boiler for 20 minutes a mixture of onion and carrots with rice, salt, fat and pepper;

5. Follow in the banks of meat and the mixture;

6.All banks;

7.Ack the sterilization process.

Canned meat from poultry meat

14. Canned Recipes - "Chicken in its own juice"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. chop chicken into pieces weighing 50-120g;
  3. cut carrots;
  4. put the laurel leaf and pepper on the bottom of the bank;
  5. stir the meat with chopped carrots (optionally you can increase the number of carrots), salt
  6. roll banks;
  7. start the sterilization process.

15. Canned Recipes - "Chicken with rice"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. fry pieces of chicken in vegetable oil;
  3. cut onion and carrots;
  4. boil the rice in boiling water (8-10 min);
  5. stir rice with butter;
  6. put the pepper black and fragrant on the bottom of the bank;
  7. mix roasted chicken meat with chopped carrots (optionally you can increase the number of carrots), salt and rice;
  8. to lay raw materials in banks, so that the emptiness of 2-3 cm is left to the lid;
  9. pour with broth or water;
  10. roll banks;
  11. start the sterilization process.


0.5 liters of bank

Chicken meat on the bones, g

Butter creamy, g

Onion, g

Carrots, G.

Pepper black peas, pcs.

Easy pepper, pcs.

Broth (boiled water), g

16. Canned Recipes - "Bird boiled in oil"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. cut the chicken in pieces of 25-50g;
  3. boil pieces of chicken;
  4. put on the bottom of the banks pepper black and bay leaf;
  5. stir the boiled chicken meat with salt;
  6. put the pieces of meat and butter creamy in cans, so that the emptiness of 2-3 cm remains to the lid;
  7. roll banks;

8.Ack the sterilization process.

17. Canned Reception - "Chicken fillet in jelly", "stew chicken in jelly"

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

3. Avoid pieces of chicken;

4. Strain the broth and add swelling gelatin, boil (at the rate of 1 st. Composition of gelatin on 1 tbsp. Cold water, 1st. Swollen gelatin for 1l broth)

6.All banks;

7.Ack the sterilization process.

18. Canned Reception - "Chicken in a white sauce"

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

2. Board boil, cut into pieces of 30-50 grams;

3. Prepare the sauce;

4. Chickens put in cans, pour hot sauce;

5. Turn the banks

6.Ack the sterilization process.

Cooking sauce

Reception of tomato sauce

Components content in%

Broth ................................................ ..84.0

Flour ................................................ .5,2

Oil ................................................ ..9.8.

Sugar ............................................. ... .1.0

19. Canned Reception - "Chicken in Jelly"

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

2. Cover the chicken on pieces of 25-50g;

3. Avoid pieces of chicken;

4. Strap the broth and add swelling gelatin, boil (at the rate of 1 st. Composition of gelatin on 1 tbsp. Cold water, 1st. Swollen gelatin for 1l broth);

5. Support pieces of meat into cans, pour hot broth in such a way that the emptiness remains 2-3 cm to the lid;

6.All banks;

7.Ack the sterilization process.

20. Canned Reception - "Chashbari from chickens"

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

2. Chicken cut into pieces of 30-50 grams;

3. Page chicken pieces on fed oil;

3.Warring broth;

5. Support pieces of chicken in a jar, add swollen rice, pour hot sauce;

6. roll banks;

7.Ack the sterilization process.

Cooking sauce

Bouillon is boiling from chicken bones in water with the ratio of bones and water 1: 3. In the melted oil add dried flour, then broth and sugar, 2-3min boils, fed to the packaging at a temperature not lower than 75 0 C.

Reception of tomato sauce

Components content in%

Tomato-puree .......................................... .34.6

Broth ................................................ ..62,25

Pepper red .................................... .5,2

Black pepper ..................................................... ..9.

21. Canned receptor - "Chashbari from ducks"

Canned formulator

Components content in%

Meat duck roasted .............................. ..50

Tomato sauce .......................................... .34

Onions roasted .................................... .. ... 16

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

2. Cut into pieces of 30-50 gr.;

3. Page slices of ducks on fed oil;

3. Swim broth;

4. Depreciation of tomato sauce;

5. Open, wash, cut into small onions, put out 5 minutes in a skillet;

6. Look on the bottom of the banks onions, pieces of duck and pour hot sauce;

7 roll banks;

8.Ack the sterilization process.

Cooking sauce

Bouillon is boiling from chicken bones in water with the ratio of bones and water 1: 3. In the melted oil add dried flour, then broth and sugar, 2-3min boils, fed to the packaging at a temperature not lower than 75 0 C.

Reception of tomato sauce

Components content in%

Tomato-puree .......................................... .34.6

Broth ................................................ ..62,25

Green parsley .................................... .3.0

Pepper red .................................... .08

Pepper black .........................................0.07

22. Canned Recipes - "Chicken in Adygei". "Duck in-Adygea"


c / b at 500g

s / b at1000g

Chicken semi-shot

Duck semi-shot

Bone fat

Red pepper

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

2 Cut the carcasses of the bird into pieces of 50-70 gr.;.

4. Preparation of refueling;

5. Support pieces of birds in banks, pour sauce

6. roll banks;

7.Ack the sterilization process.

Receiver refueling (in%)

Fat ............................................................. ... .15

Onions roasted ................................................ 21

Pepper red ................................................... ..3

Flour ................................................... .. ......... ... 15

Garlic ............................................................ ..5

Salt .................................................................. 5.

Water ................................................ .. ............... 36

23. Canned Recipes - "Goose meat with cabbage." "Goose meat with buckwheat." "Goose meat with rice." "Dutch goose in tomato sauce."

"Goose meat with cabbage"

"Meat goose with buckwheat"

Meat goose roasted

Stewed cabbage

Buckwheat porridge

Rice boiled

Explorations goose boiled

Tomato sauce


"Meat goose with rice"

"Dragging of goose in tomato sauce"

Meat goose roasted

Stewed cabbage

Buckwheat porridge

Rice boiled

Explorations goose boiled

Tomato sauce

Cooking technology:

1. Add covers and banks;

2. Turn the meat into pieces of 50-70 gr.;

3. Fix meat in fat or vegetable oil;

4. Swipe sauer cabbage with goose rich, bone broth, fried onion, laurel sheet, sugar, pepper and salt;

5. Ward buckwheat porridge with fat, onions, spices;

6. Cook the rice porridge with fat, onions, spices;

7. Processing by-products, cooking;

8. Preparation of broth from goose bones (yield 1: 1);

9. Preparation of tomato sauce from broth, salt, sugar, pepper, tomato paste, roasted bow, vinegar;

10. Put layers of bird pieces, porridge, pour hot sauce;

11. roll banks;

12.Ack the sterilization process.

Canned fish

24. Canned Reception - "Fish roasted in oil"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. fry fish in vegetable oil;
  3. put on the bottom of the banks pepper black and bay leaf;
  4. stir a fried fish with salt;
  5. to lay raw materials in banks, so that the emptiness of 2-3 cm is left to the lid;
  6. roll banks;
  7. start the sterilization process.


0.5 liters of bank

Pepper black peas, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Vegetable oil, g

25. Canned Recipes - "Fish natural in oil"


0.5 liters of bank

Fish (without head and inside), g

Pepper black peas, pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Vegetable oil, g

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. cut fish into pieces weighing 50-80g;
  3. put on the bottom of the banks pepper black and bay leaf;
  4. stir fish with salt;
  5. to lay raw materials in banks, so that the emptiness of 2-3 cm is left to the lid;
  6. pour vegetable oil;
  7. roll banks;
  8. start the sterilization process.

Vegetable canned food

26. Canned Recipes - "Salad summer"

27.Repperurate canned Vegetable salads ».


Type of salad, g per 1 kg of mixture






Cabbage fresh

Pepper sweet red

Sweet pepper (red or green)

Fresh brown or dairy tomatoes (you can use red)

Fresh cucumbers

Sunflower or cotton oil

Acetic acid 80%

Bay leaf

Pepper black peas

Pepper fragrant peas

Pepper red hammer


Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. cut cucumbers, onion rings, tomatoes on 8 pieces, pepper Bulgarian, carrot straw; Cabbage to choke;
  3. put in banks with layers sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables;
  4. boil water for marinade;
  5. add and dissolve salt, sugar, oil and vinegar (by recipe);
  6. pour vegetables in the Marinada Bank, so that the emptiness of 2-3 cm remains to the cover;
  7. roll banks;
  8. start the sterilization process.

28. Canned receptor - "Icra from eggplant"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. cut eggplants on cubes 2 * 2 cm; fry
  3. chop carrots and pepper Bulgarian straw;
  4. cut onion to cubes;
  5. fry carrots, bell pepper, onion in vegetable oil;
  6. prepared vegetables mix with tomato, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, twisted 30 minutes;
  7. to put raw materials, so that the emptiness of 2-3 cm is left to the lid;
  8. roll banks;
  9. start the sterilization process.


Tomato paste, g

Eggplant, G.

Pepper Bulgarian, g

Carrots, G.

Onion, g

Vegetable oil, l

Parsley, G.

R and b s

29. Canned Recipes - "Mushrooms by Starrums

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. boil mushrooms for 5-6 min,
  3. drain the water and rinse with running water;
  4. boil in water with salt, spices for 10 minutes; At the end of the cooking add vinegar;
  5. pack into banks;
  6. roll banks;
  7. start the sterilization process.

30. Canned receptor - "Mushrooms in Polish"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. mushrooms cut into equal pieces;
  3. mushrooms pour water, salt, add chopped onion, fragrant pepper;
  4. cook for 25-35 minutes;
  5. prepare marinade (add salt, sugar, boil, add vinegar or citric acid at the end)
  6. roll banks;
  7. start the sterilization process.



Mushrooms, kg.

Onion on the pcs.

Bay leaf, pcs.

Pepper black peas, pcs.


31. Canned Recipes - "Provencal Schmpignons"

Cooking technology:

  1. wash lids and banks;
  2. mushrooms pour slightly salted water;
  3. cook for 5 minutes;
  4. prepare marinade (add pepper, bay leaf, nutmeg, boil, at the end add vinegar or citric acid)
  5. pour mushroom marinade, boil 5 minutes,
  6. place mushrooms with marinade in banks;
  7. roll banks;
  8. start the sterilization process.

Sterilization regimes

Recipe number

The name of canned

Volume of banks, l

Sterilization temperature,




Canned meat

Canned meat from poultry meat

Canned fish

Vegetable canned food

Marinated mushrooms


  1. To ensure the free expansion of the liquid in the caught banks when heated, the fluid level in the bank must be below the upper edge by 2-3 cm, depending on the tank of the can.
  2. Meat and fish products are sterilized in 2 and 3 liter banks are not allowed.
  3. Exposure time for lamb and beef old increase by 15-20 minutes.
  4. The duration of the sterilization of products can be clarified, based on the own experience of cooking canned food.
  5. Deviations from a given sterilization temperature should not exceed + 2 o C.
  6. In the table, the duration of sterilization corresponds to the exposure time of cans in the autoclave at sterilization temperature without taking into account the heating time to a given temperature.
  7. In the production of pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, sterilization time in 3-liter banks should not exceed 15 minutes.
  8. In the fake and sterilization of products, the use of glass containers with the lid of the brand "Twist-off" was allowed to use.

Reference table of product volume and mass ratios

(mass in grams)


Glass slim

dining room

Wheat flour of top grade

Potato starch


Margarine melted

Milk whole

Vegetable oil

Condensed milk with sugar

Milk dry

Cottage cheese

Sugar sand

Powder sugar

Baking soda

Gelatin (powder)

Acetic essence

Powder vanilla

Lemon acid

Cinnamon hammer

Natural honey

Honey artificial

Invert syrup

Jumped, jam

Crushed core

Cutty crushed

Ground coffee

Fruit juice

Chicken Egg (1pc. -40g)

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