
Alpha insurance services. Direction for repairs on the civil liability insurance. No real guarantees

The AlfaStrakhovanie company has expanded the number of points for receiving documents on losses in the Primorsky Territory - six new points have appeared in Vladivostok, Ussuriysk, Nakhodka and Artem. They are certified stations Maintenance cars (STOA), to which the company's clients can apply with a package of documents on losses and repair the car or receive a payment without going to insurance company.

In order to improve the quality of customer service of the company in the Primorsky Territory, AlfaStrakhovanie has increased the number of points of receipt of documents on losses for drivers whose vehicles are insured in the company under OSAGO (including in the case of direct reimbursement losses). Submit a package of documents, receive payment or repair the damaged vehicle you can directly at the certified service stations, bypassing the visit to the office of "AlfaStrakhovanie". This opportunity appeared after the relevant contracts were concluded between the insurance company and car service stations.

I'll make a reservation right away that on April 5 I contacted AlfaStrakhovanie and only today, on April 12, I received a response with a request to describe the details. I duplicate my answer here in order to speed up the solution of the problem. My car was involved in a minor accident in which it was damaged: a back door, a rear fender and a bumper, one scratch with a small dent. Received a referral to STOA LLC "ADES AVTO". Before giving the car for repair, I visited the service station several times at Moscow st. Obrucheva 21 ADES AVTO LLC, during a preliminary inspection to evaluate the work, the car was washed and photographed from all sides. As a result, on March 28, I handed over the car for repair. I warned the manager and appraiser several times in advance that the car would be white pearl and that the painting would be quite complicated, and I also said that the front fender and the door were repainted. The date of return from repair was named April 5th.

On April 5, I called and asked the question: can I pick up the car today, I got the answer that no, because the colorist has not yet picked up the paint, they indicated the date of issue of the car on April 7-8, I agreed with these dates. On April 6, the owner or director of the car service called me and said that my front door had been repainted earlier and I need to make a smooth transition to the paint on the front door so that the color difference would be invisible (yes, indeed, the front door was repainted in the service earlier, also in the direction of auto insurance, but there was no color difference from other elements (fenders, doors, etc.) of the car, so I believe that the work that was performed earlier by another service was done with high quality) and these works cost an additional 4000 rubles, otherwise it will be there is a noticeable difference in the colors of the front and rear of the car, those service stations warned that they would not be in color. In my understanding, this means that I was told in plain text to pay 4000 rubles or the work will be performed poorly.

As a result, today, April 12, according to the manager of ADES AVTO LLC, they received a response from AlfaStrakhovanie that the front door color does not belong to this insured event and coloring will not be paid. Therefore, I have to pay these 4,000 rubles if I want the color of the rear door and wing to be the same as the color of the front one. I disagree with this argument, because before painting the color of the front and rear doors of the car was even and the same.

Having insured my car under OSAGO, I was always sure that after an accident where I was not the culprit, I would receive a referral from the insurance company to the service station, the insurance company was responsible for the repairs and that the car would be original appearance before the accident and all repair costs are compensated by the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident.

In connection with the above, please arrange quality repair my car and guarantee me that I get the car if internal state(this means that the internal parts of the engine, running gear, etc., from high-quality to low-quality, which is what many service stations are guilty of, will not be twisted or replaced) and the external condition in which it was before the accident (this means that the car should be painted in the same color, which the car was painted before the accident, respectively, before the car was received at the service station) as soon as possible at the expense of the insurance company.

I look forward to your early feedback, as the car has been idle at the service station for two weeks. ХХХ 0021875170 - policy number

Good day!
On 25.12.2017, an accident occurred with the participation of my car, which was at rest without a driver (automatic transmission is faulty) in the parking lot near the house, i.e. the auto-lady, moving in reverse, did not notice the car standing on the left (my) and hooked the rear right door and the rear right fender of my car with the front bumper of her car. I am a victim in this situation. A traffic police squad arrived at the scene of the accident, whose employees completed the relevant documents and gave me a certificate of the accident to contact the insurance company under the policy XXX0018464379, which is issued for the culprit of this accident. The insurance for my car ended in November 2017, i.e. almost a month before the event described above. New policy I did not issue it due to the fact that I did not use the car for technical reasons (automatic transmission malfunction).

Further, by an employee of AlfaStrakhovanie in Penza, on 02.02.2018, I was assigned to arrive at the office with all the documents (Passport, STS, PTS, certificate from the traffic police, Bank details cards for transferring funds). Upon arrival at the office of Penza, Kommunisticheskaya street 28 (4th floor), an employee of the UU department received documents from me, incl. claim for damages. Loss number 6092/133/00115, registered 02.02.2018 and accepted for consideration. An expert was assigned to me who examined and photographed the damage to my car at the scene of the accident (I can't find the car, that's why it is still in the same place to this day).

Today, 02.22.2018, I called the above office to an employee of the UU department to clarify at what stage the consideration of my issue is, since it was previously announced to me that the consideration takes place within 20 days, after which cash for the damage caused to my car, they will go to the bank card details provided by me at the request of an employee of the UU department of IC AlfaStrakhovanie when I submitted an application on 02.02.2018.

I got the following answer:
Today, the direction to the service station for the repair of your car will be directed to this service station at the address Penza, Baidukova street 69B. I asked, why at the service station, because when I submitted the application, it was specifically announced to me that the payment would be made at bank card... And also such a moment, how I will have to deliver my car with a faulty automatic transmission across the whole city (more than 20 km), to repair damage to the door and fender, and how I can return my car after repairing the door and fender again to the parking place across the city ?
The answer was: Hire a tow truck.
Is this a joke I asked? Those. I have to pay about 8-10 thousand. rubles for transporting your car to a service station, being the injured party of an accident? An Alpha employee answered me that if I can provide a receipt of strict reporting from the towing company about the transportation of my car from the accident site (Penza district, Zasechnoye village) to the place of repair (Penza, Baidukova street 69B), then AlfaStrakhovanie will pay me this tow truck service. Only here is what a reservation, this receipt must be issued with the same number as the accident, i.e. 12/25/2017 Rave? Definitely nonsense, and even falsification of a document of strict reporting!

Tell me, Dear Alpha Insurance Quality Control Service, how can I refuse to repair at a service station offered to me on extremely inconvenient conditions for me by your company and receive payment of the amount for this loss to the bank card details I provided?

Handling with statement of claim on this issue is not yet included in my plans, although in case of a negative decision on my question on your part, I will be forced to do this, since you leave me no other choice.

27.02.2018 17:46
Dear Service Quality Control Service of AlfaStrakhovanie JSC!
In continuation of my appeal to you in this post, I want to express my gratitude for the solution of my question regarding the payment of an insured event. Yesterday, 02/26/2018, as it was previously agreed with your employee, I visited the Alfa Insurance Department of Penza, where a payment agreement was drawn up.
The money was credited to the card today.
Thank you for your promptness in resolving the issue!
Sincerely, Sergey Maksimov.

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