
Raiffeisen Bank mutual funds. Raiffeisenbank mutual funds: review and dynamics. Raiffeisen Pyp Dynamics

Pyhif Raiffeisen Bank - effective and reliable investment tools. Asset management "Raiffeisen Capital" is carried out by a team of managers. Each foundation is individual. To select the PIF, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of each of them in detail, as well as the features of cooperation with the management company.

Features of investing in Pyhves "Raiffeisen Capital"

The management company "Raiffeisen Capital" offers investors several mutiys. Each of them is distinguished by the structure of the investment portfolio and trade strategyThat allows you to purchase an asset in accordance with the individual preferences of each potential client. In the management of the company there are mutual impacts with a relatively low yield that does not exceed a lot of profit on bank deposits.

In the arsenal of the company you can also find high-yield funds with high risks. They include commodity raw materials, as well as shares of companies specializing in the development of high technologies.

Main types of funds and their characteristics

Under the direction of Raiffeisen Capital, today there are 18 mutual effects. Some of them are very similar on the assets management strategy and the structure of investment portfolios. Below is a list of the best mutual funds, which is worth paying attention to the preparation of your own investment portfolio. The yield on them is relatively low, which is compensated by high reliability. Taking into account commissions and tax fees, contributions will be justified only with long-term investments.
  1. Raiffeisen - bonds. The fund is designed primarily on conservative investors. The object of investments are state and municipal bonds of the Russian Federation and subjects. Fund's profitability in 2015 amounted to 29%, and in 2017 only 8%. This can compensate for the high reliability of investments with minimal risks.
  2. PIF "Shares". The main focus of investments are the shares of leading domestic enterprises that ensure the development of the state economy in the long run. These include mainly the organization of the industrial and mining sector, the products of which are in high demand. The investment portfolio is compiled in accordance with risk diversification standards. The profitability indicator on average at the level of 35% for 3 years. The fund's high rates did not affect even the difficult geopolitical situation.
  3. MICEX index of blue chips. The most profitable fund, yield can reach 15% per annum. The investment portfolio consists of major assets russian companieswhose services are used by high demand among consumers and in the global market.
  4. PIF "Raiffeisen - the commodity sector." A highly specialized investment fund, whose activities are aimed at financing the industrial sector, namely in:
    • oil producing and oil refining industry;
    • mining minerals;
    • production of metallurgical structures.
      The average annual profitability of the Foundation is 12% per annum.
  5. FIP "CONSUMER SECTOR". Despite the global economic crisis, which has a detrimental impact on the solvency of the population, which in turn negatively affects the profits of the consumer sector companies, this Fund Over the past 3 years, a stable yield at the level of 8% per annum has shown.
  6. PIF "Industrial". Investments of depositors are distributed between the shares of Russian companies of the metallurgical sector, as well as industrial enterprises in the chemical industry, as well as mechanical engineering and construction. The average annual yield is 9% per annum.
  1. PIF "USA". Inappropriate investments in the US economy. The yield for 2017 amounted to 12%.
  2. Active control fund. Effective financial instrument with competent risk diversification. The structure of the investment portfolio includes shares of advanced domestic and foreign commercial organizations. The average annual profitability of the Fund is 11%.
  3. FIP "Debt Markets developed countries" The portfolio consists of debt corporate assets of companies preferably from Europe and the United States who possess high credit rating. The risk is practically absent. The average annual yield of the FIF is 6% -7% per annum.
  4. FIP "INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES". Investments in this fund can be considered winless, since information technology today develop more than rapidly. The structure of the investment portfolio implies the most optimal ratio of risks and potential profitability even in conditions economic crisis. The average annual yield is about 10% per annum.

Choose an investment experience in accordance with the personal trading strategy. With a conservative approach to investment activity You can choose 2-3 funds from the proposed and distribute between them up to 40% of the total capital. This levels the negative impact of inflation on the state of the trading account, as well as ensure high diversification of risks.

With the dynamics of profitability can be found through price chartwhich is presented on the official website of the Criminal Code for each pector.

Opportunities and benefits of investment

Investments in Raiffeisen Capital Pyp have a number of benefits:

  1. The yield on some assets is 2 times the profit on bank deposits, while risks are practically identical. In other words, mutual funds from this management company are among the average between direct investment in the stock market and bank deposits.
  2. Passive income. The assets of each Fund are managed by professional portfolio managers. The investor remains only to list the means and observe the development of the value of mutuals through a personal account.
  3. Minimum investments make up only 10,000 rubles if the PAI is purchased directly in the offices of the management company.

On the background obvious advantages Such investments should also pay attention to one significant drawback - commissions and taxation. "Raiffeisen Capital" regularly changes the conditions of cooperation. At the same time, there is no advance information informing. The company at the request of the investor can act as tax agent. For this, an additional commission is charged.

How to become a foundation client

In order to invest in Raiffeisen Capital Pyp, it is necessary to personally contact the office of the management company or its agent. With yourself, it is necessary to have a civil passport. When buying mutations without intermediaries, the minimum amount of investment ranges from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles (depends on the selected FIF). The terms of the Company provide for additional investments in the selected fund. Their size should be at least 10,000 rubles. If the transaction for the purchase of shares is carried out between the investor and the intermediary organization, the minimum amount of the contribution should be from 150,000 rubles.

For registration, you will need to fill out the appropriate statement in the office of the company or mediator, after which it is necessary to translate the desired amount according to the details of its details after signing it.

The terms of the company does not provide for the minimum investment period, but portfolio managers and consultants recommend not to consider less than 3 years. Otherwise commission and tax fees Burnt most of the profits.

Despite many negative reviews that can be seen on specialized information sites, investing in Raiffeisen Capital mutilation can still be considered one of the most reliable. Negative opinions about the work of this management company are primarily due to the fact that those who left their citizens did short-term (up to 6 months). As a result, after the deduction of the tax and commissions of the Criminal Procedure, the profit was insignificant.

The management company "Raiffeisen Capital" was established by the Financial Corporation of ZAO Rifaysenbank. The company is an advanced player on financial marketIt consists in the Association for the Protection of Investor Rights and NP "National League of Governors".

Investing with the participation of funds

The main activity of the Criminal Code is the coordination of investments of physical and legal entities through blows I. trust management. The structure of the Criminal Code "Raiffeisen Capital" includes:

  1. Raiffeisen - Shares is an investment fund designed for capitalists considering long-term investments in Russian companies as one of the priority tasks. The main tools for producing profit are shares of stable companies.
  2. Raiffeisen - Bonds - Foundation open type, the main customers of which are conservative investors aimed at investment in bonds and other debenturesprovided with cash reserves of the state.
  3. "Raiffeisen is a balanced" -fond, which attracts the attention of capitalists seeking to achieve the balance of high-risk and reliable tools in one portfolio. The dominant asset of the company is shares, losses for which bonds with guaranteed coupon income are leveled.
  4. Raiffeisen - USA - Raiffeisen Capital Management Code, created for profitable transactions on stock market USA
  5. Raiffeisen - Consumer Sector is a fund that meets the interests of capitalists, highly evaluating the development of the consumer sector of the economy. The Foundation's core is the securities of large retailers, as well as companies closely related to the production of consumer goods.
  6. Raiffeisen is the commodity sector - a fund that implements financial requests for capitalists, ready to invest cash resources in the commodity sector.
  7. Raiffeisen - Information Technologies »Open Fund, which implements financial inflictions in the information business. The Foundation comes daily transactions with the participation of shares of information, telecommunication and other similar companies.
  8. Raiffeisen - Electric Power Industry Foundation, intended for capitalists who suggest profit through financial injections in the shares of companies operating in the field of electric power industry.
  9. "Raiffeisen - MICEX index" Foundation that uses basic trends as a reference stock Exchange. Priorities are transactions with shares, companies forming the "blue chips" segment, as well as trade and communications corporations.
  10. Raiffeisen - Industrial - the company invests monetary assets to implement infrastructure projects.
  11. Raiffeisen - Asia - Raiffeisen Capital Management Company Fund created for the implementation of profitable transactions in the Asian Region Fund.
  12. Raiffeisen - Brik - the Foundation, created for the implementation of profitable transactions in the stock market of countries belonging to the BRIC structure.
  13. Raiffeisen - Gold. Financial influx of the Fund is aimed at making transactions for the acquisition of precious metals. The foundation is an attractive object for investors who hold classical thinking and seeking to accommodate money resources for a long time.
  14. Raiffeisen - Treasury - Foundation, attracting the attention of investors experiencing faith in obtaining coupon income on bonds;
  15. Raiffeisen - Active Administration Fund "is a fund created for the implementation of profitable transactions in the US stock market, Europe and Asia. Oriented on capitalists ready to post financial resources for a period of 2 years.
  16. Raiffeisen - Eurobonds, Raiffeisen Capital Foundation of the Management Company, which is based on the principle of investment in dollar assets, which during the ruble stagnation period are an effective tool for profit.
  17. Raiffeisen - Second Echelon Shares Foundation - the company is focused on the acquisition of shares of little-known corporations that are at the stage of intensive development.

Personal tactics of investment

Conditions for increased market wobble frequencies often dictate investors. Choosing a personal management strategy financial means. UPR. The company is ready to provide a manager to develop a unique investment tactics, both for ordinary and corporate investors.

Limited Liability Company Management company Raiffeisen Capital actively cooperates with institutional investors, such as non-state pension funds and insurance companies. The main activity is the investment of own and attracted financial resources of investors in the most profitable tools.

Overview of mutual funds (FIF) offered by Raiffeisen Capital Management: a brief description of, profitability, risks of price fluctuations, investment strategies.

Management Company: .

Address: 119002, Moscow, Smolenskaya-Sennaya Square, d. 28.

Date of issuing a license: 04/21/2009.

License number: 21-000-1-00640.

Open mutual investment funds (FIF) offered by Raiffeisen Capital Management Company:

  • Raiffeisen - Shares
  • Raiffeisen - Bonds
  • Raiffeisen - Balanced
  • Raiffeisen - USA
  • Raiffeisen - Raw Material Sector
  • Raiffeisen - Information Technologies
  • Raiffeisen - electric power industry
  • Raiffeisen - Industrial
  • Raiffeisen - Europe
  • Raiffeisen - Treasury
  • Raiffeisen -
A source Rating Rating confirmation date Notes
RaEx ("Expert RA") A ++.

"Exceptionally high / highest level of reliability and quality of services"

09/06/2016 Recalled due to the expiration of the rating
National rating agency Aaa.am

"Maximum degree of reliability and quality of services"

04/06/2017 years Forecast - stable
investFunds.ru. 2 place in terms of cost pure assets (NAV) 08/31/2017
investFunds.ru. 4th place in terms of raised funds 08/31/2017

Brief characteristic of UK UK "Raiffeisen Capital"

The minimum amount with the initial acquisition of the shares of any mutual effect - 50,000 rubles, with subsequent - 10,000 rubles.

Dumping and discounts when exchanging shares are not charged.

The ability to remote purchase / selling shares is provided (Raiffeisen Connect).

Name FIF. Adbava Discount Remuneration of the UK Investment objects
Shares 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of Russian issuers 1 and 2 echelon
Bonds 0% until 91st day: 3%

from 91 to 365 days: 2%

more than 365 days: 0%

1,8% Corporate Bonds of the Russian Federation, Municipal and Government Bonds of the Russian Federation
Balanced 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of Russian and foreign (in the form of ETF) companies, government bonds of the Russian Federation, corporate Russian and foreign bonds
USA 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

2,4% Etf ( index Foundationwhose shares are treated on the stock exchange), the structure of which corresponds to the structure of the American stock index S & P500
Consumer sector 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of retail chains, companies engaged in the production of consumer goods, the provision of financial and other services
Raw sector 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of companies of the oil and gas and metallurgical sectors of the Russian economy
Information Technology 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of American companies High-Tech Industry, as well as companies in Russia, China, India and Taiwan.
Electric power industry 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of Russian electric power companies
MICEX index of blue chips 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

1,7% Shares of companies that are part of the MICEX index of blue chips
Industrial 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of Metallurgy companies, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Industry and Construction
Developing markets 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of companies from Russia, Brazil, India, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico, as well as ETF, corresponding to the structure of stock indexes of these countries.
Europe 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

2,4% The MSCI EMU index is the index of leading European companies included in the Economic and Currency Union.
Gold 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

2,4% ETF, the dynamics of which corresponds to the change market value Gold.
Treasury 0% until 91st day: 3%

from 91 to 365 days: 2%

more than 365 days: 0%

1,5% Deposits and debt obligations of reliable issuers (OFS)
Active management fund 0% up to 2 years: 3%

up to 3 years old: 1%

over 3 years: 0%

3,9% Shares of Russian I. foreign companies various industries - high tech, pharmaceuticals, insurance and other
Debt markets developed countries 0% until 91st day: 3%

from 91 to 365 days: 2%

more than 365 days: 0%

1,6% ETF, the dynamics of which should Index Markit IBOXX USD Liquid Investment Grade Index, the structure of which is represented by corporate bonds of American and European companies

Raiffeisen Capital

Name FIF. Yield,%
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Shares 30,4 44,3 15,9 -22,4 -24,2 20,2 8,5 -1,8 3,5 -1,8 25,4 25,5 -8,6
Bonds 7,2 6,7 5,5 -12,8 18,4 6,3 4,9 9,3 5,8 9,0 11,6 9,5
Balanced 34,1 11,0 -14,1 -19,2 24,2 7,9 1,7 3,2 -0,7 8,8 5,0 0,9
USA -15,3 -27,6 31,5 15,1 28,1 16,3 31,8 63,6 10,1 -1,9
Consumer sector -22,1 56,5 -6,5 5,2 19,6 0,0 6,0 30,5 15,6
Raw sector -11,0 28,1 17,5 -4,8 -11,5 9,7 66,9 11,8 6,9
Information Technology -11,4 64,0 11,4 -11,6 13,9 3,0 -4,2 20,9 15,9
Electric power industry -17,7 59,4 -23,7 -27,5 -29,8 -19,0 -2,7 66,8 38,9
MICEX index of blue chips -16,9 23,7 13,5 -6,0 -3,0 3,4 24,9 15,2 3,5
Industrial -43,4 6,5 -20,7 -27,5 -19,7 7,1 50,0 18,0 22,1
Developing markets 4,9 2,3 19,7 18,4 17,9 1,4
Europe -0,4 -5,0 9,3 47,4 -4,1 4,9
Gold -19,5 -0,2 48,4 8,9 -15,8
Treasury 6,4 3,4 5,7 7,2 6,0
Active management fund 3,1 14,3 48,8 6,8 7,6
Debt markets developed countries -0,7 8,5 61,8 -4,4 -13,9

The yield is calculated as the increase in the value of the share at the beginning of September of each year.

The average annual yield of the PIFFAIKA CA effect is given in the diagram.

The average annual yield is calculated as the increase in the value of the share since the creation of the Foundation to September 2017 in terms of the year.

Risks fluctuations in the cost of shares and correlation between the face

For an objective assessment of the effectiveness of investing in a PIF, it is not enough to determine the yield of the instrument, should also take into account the risk of fluctuations in the cost of mutual.

The risk is designed as the standard deviation of the monthly profitability in percent. The higher the risk, the more difficult it is to predict the future value of the share. For conservative and long-term strategies, high -ighted FIF are undesirable to be included in the portfolio.

To identify the correlation between the FIF will be a correlation matrix.

The higher the percentage, the greater the dependence in the dynamics of the cost of mutuals in the vapor of funds. Allotes the most notable combinations of correlating FIF:

  1. A group that invests mainly in the Russian stock market:
    • Raiffeisen - Shares
    • Raiffeisen - MICEX Blue Chips Index
    • Raiffeisen - Industrial
    • Raiffeisen - Treasury
    • Raiffeisen - Bonds
    • Raiffeisen - Raw Material Sector
    • Raiffeisen - Consumer Sector
  2. A group investing in a foreign company:
    • Raiffeisen - Active Administration Fund
    • Raiffeisen - USA
    • Raiffeisen - Europe
    • Raiffeisen - Developing Markets
    • Raiffeisen - Debt Markets

Regardless of other mutual funds, Raiffeisen - Gold and Raiffeisen - electric power industry behave. The funds balanced and information technologies cannot be counted on any of the groups, since the direction of their investment includes both Russian assets and foreign ones.

The average correlation coefficient between the PIF of the management company is 75.1%. I specifically bring this indicator, as it is less than, the greater the variety of the proposed funds. I will explain, the Criminal Code can create several dozen funds investing in one and the same financial assets. This is done in marketing purposes, but for us, as investors, this assortment is not of interest. Because, firstly, the profitability of all the same type of funds will approximately be the same, and secondly, the dynamics of their cost will always be unidirectional, which creates additional risks. Thus, investing the money at the same time in several correlated funds, we will not get a significant increase in yield, but the risks of vibrations of cost increase significantly.

Investment Strategies in PIF UK "Raiffeisen Capital"

1. Strategy "Bought and Hold"

The strategy "bought and kept" is suitable for the medium and long-term investment Money, as a rule, a few hundred thousand rubles to one most profitable and at the same time the least risky face for a period of more than 3 years. For these purposes, the following funds are optimal:

  • Raiffeisen - Active Return Fund 15.1% and Risk of 4.3%
  • Raiffeisen - emerging markets with a yield of 10.5% and risk of 4.4%
  • Raiffeisen - USA with a yield of 12.4% and risk of 6.5%.

2. Speculative strategy

The ability to remotely make transactions for the purchase / sale and exchange of shares, as well as the lack of allowances and discounts for exchange, allows you to apply a speculative investment strategy. You can read in more detail in the article. A wide selection of funds presented by the Criminal Code gives freedom of action. The funds are the greatest interest:

  • Raiffeisen - Shares and Raiffeisen - MICEX index of blue chips, as they copy the dynamics of the Moscow Stock Exchange;
  • Raiffeisen - Bonds and Raiffeisen - Treasury.

3. Portfolio strategy

The portfolio strategy lies in the distribution of the investment amount of money between several funds in order to obtain maximum profits at a given risk level. Traditionally, the risk portfolio is divided into conservatine, balanced and aggressive. This strategy is suitable for investing amounts of money more than 1 million rubles for a long time. Apply portfolio theory Markovitz to compile a portfolio.

1) Conservatine - An estimated yield of 9-12% per year with minimal risk.

2) Balanced - An estimated yield of 12-15% per year at moderate risk.

3) Aggressive - An estimated yield of 15-20% per year.

4. Using the FIF for currency risk insurance

The diversity of the proposed Criminal Code "Raiffeisen Capital" PIF allows them to be used to insure currency risks. By the number of funds investing in foreign assets include:

  • Raiffeisen - USA
  • Raiffeisen - Developing Markets
  • Raiffeisen - Europe

In addition, there are a number of funds whose assets are distributed among Russian and foreign financial instruments.

The initial data for calculating the yield and risk of mutual funds is taken from the official website of the Criminal Code.

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