
How to open business on auto insurance. How to open an insurance company yourself and for franchise? Office and employees

Business associated with insurance occupies one of the leading places, a favorable position, so there is a high competition. But, despite her, niche to open new companies is enough, as a result of which there are many applicants who want to try themselves in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

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Insurance refers to a special kind of economic relationship, guaranteeing the insurance protection of individuals, enterprises, their interests from a variety of dangers and risks, compensation for moneyForming from paid insurance premiums.

It includes various types of activity to which:

  • primary insurance;
  • reinsurance is carried out on the risk regulations established by the Treaty of Risk on the execution of its all or a separate part of obligations to the insured to another insurer who produce it regardless of the nature of the license;
  • corporation is performed by several insurers of the same object, used in the insurance of large objects.

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Osago only

OSAGO insurance contract related to mandatory insurance Responsibility of car owners is one of the low-loaded unprofitable products. Polis provides insurance payments victims for the damaged life, health, property throughout the country.

If the company concludes a lot of treaties on the CCAMA, then the company will unconditionally tolerate losses very soon.

It is paid to the maximum amount of insurance amounts. 400 thousand rubles, of which 240 thousand It goes to compensation for damage to health, and the remaining part of the money is compensation for the property caused by damage. When the health of one person is harmful, then payments are carried out in the amount 280 thousand rubles.

If the amount of maximum compensation is exceeded, the payment is made due to the program additional insuranceconcluded separately by the insurer and the insured.

Wide spectrum

The insurance company is not focused on the same service, can cover a rather wide range, parallel to the implementation different species Examination directly related to the insurance and assessment of property caused to him. Examination and assessment allows you to expand the range of services, allowing you to earn in different directions. Insurance companies in terms of services provided in Russia 2019 were divided into two types:

  • the implementation of personal insurance services, which includes life insurance, responsibility and intermediary activities;
  • performance of property insurance services, including real estate, transport, financial risks.

Types of services provided:

  • auto insurance refers to one of the most sought-after, since any person who has a car seeks to insure his car, fencing himself from negative consequences and saving money;
  • property insurance, including real estate, is voluntary, helps to restore property, which was damaged or lost without additional costs;
  • health insurance refers to the sphere of social protection of the population, additional insurance on medicine allows you to get high-quality medical service from specialists who have high qualifications at reasonable prices;
  • lifelong life insurance is a long-term contract, which is two persons, insured and insurance agent. According to insurance in the event of termination of the contract, the insured person to receive the amount he has accumulated. In the event of the death of the policyholder, finances are awarded direct heirs;
  • insurance of travel persons ensures protection against unforeseen circumstances that are associated with medical expenses, legal, administrative throughout the country and abroad;
  • mortgage insurance helps to reduce risk concerning monetary compensationwhich occur with different losses.

Any type of insurance protects against all possible losses, because it is a guarantor providing protection.

Special type of insurance

Social policy of countries having market economyled to the formation of the system social insurance As the protection of workers from social risks in the field professional activitywho perform in the form of illness, disability, old age, the loss of the breadwinner, unemployment.

His goal is to minimize social risks, increasing the responsibility of persons entering into labor relations. It is aimed at workers who relate to the socially active population, is mandatory and voluntary, its activities are based on the deductions of the income of workers, on the principles of self-government and mutual assistance.

Per professional risk It is responsible as a separate employee and the employer, because the right to work implies the right to protect production activities and consequences arising in its course.

The degree of risk depends on the decision taken from the subject, and it is difficult to determine it, therefore the introduction of social insurance in Russia is very relevant. The results of the research confirm the increasing cases of injuries, professional diseasesAs a consequence of violation of safety regulations.

Representation of the existing company

According to the current legislation, one of the options is the opening of the branch of an existing foreign or domestic insurance company. Foreign obligations to comply with the requirements of the laws published in Russia. The controversial situations arising from the activities of a foreign company with clients are considered in the courts of the Russian Federation.

Under the provision of the Law "On Insurance" to foreign companiesThe branch opens, the requirements are presented:

  • insurance experience should be equal to 5 years, and on insurance of life 8 years;
  • the authorized capital of the company should be more 5 billion dollars.

To open a branch, it is necessary to choose the appropriate company, negotiate and sign the contract.

By franchise

Customers seek to enter into contracts with insurance companies that operate in the market for a long time and gained sufficient fame, won a certain image. The newly open company does not always cause confidence in them, so franchise can become the best option.

The company operating on behalf of a well-known firm for a fee is faster in the market.

Such a form of activity began to acquire popularity, it is connected with the fact that some of the authentic companies offer to buy franchising from them. Franchise on insurance business can be bought cheap. The minimum amount of investments is equal to 150 thousand rubles.

Requirements for insurance companies


The insurance company needs to be obtained by a license, which to legalize its activities and allow you to enter the unified state register of insurance organizations. The license is issued after receiving a certificate for activities. It is made up to one year, as it makes a thorough check of information.

To get a license, it is necessary to make a package of documents and provide them with state insurance supervisory authorities, the composition of which consists of:

  • Constituent documents of the company who entered the founders containing information on the services provided by insurance;
  • business plan;
  • designed "Insurance Rules";
  • calculations for calculating tariffs for services implemented in the company;
  • certificate Certification Qualification general Director and practical experience;
  • receipts on the payment of state duty.

Statutory fund

Any insurance company cannot begin its activities without a statutory fund, which depends on the type of activity.

Acting legislative Base Installed the minimum threshold of the Foundation, which is 20 million rubles.

For the production of life insurance, the sum is increased several times.

Beginning of work

check in

Register your company in the appropriate State bodies It is possible in quality legal entityhaving the status of LLC, CJSC, JSC, OVS.

The procedure for the registration process is carried out according to regulatory acts, among which include:

  • Federal law, referred to "On Insurance";
  • Decree of the President "On Insurance Activities" No. 530, which was published in 2006 in August;
  • The position "On insurance activity", approved by the Decree of the President No. 530;
  • Resolution of the Council of Ministers.

To register a company to the Ministry of Finance, a statement is applied by a unified form.

Documents must be attached to it:

  • the decision of the founders about the establishment of an insurance company;
  • copies of constituent documents certified by notary;
  • a credit institution document certifying the full payment of the authorized capital.


The main requirements for the office are to the location, sufficient area of \u200b\u200bthe room, interior design of the premises, parking for transport. Best option is the location of the office in the city center, near the subway, business centers.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe office must be at least 500 m to create comfortable conditions for working with clients, and in branches 150 m.

The design of the office should produce a good impression and create a respectable look, the room is better to arrange in a single style. The room is furnished with suitable furniture.

Agency network

The purpose of the Agency's network is to create the most optimized system.

It must be capable of:

  • qualitatively satisfy the needs of customers;
  • increase professional level of insurance consultants;
  • create a highly stable sales;
  • develop effective management.

The staff network schedule consists of:

  • senior manager providing an insurance company;
  • manager responsible for certain types of services;
  • insurance consultants selling sale.

In the course of production activities, it is necessary to train professional skills, directing advanced training courses to create a team of highly professional personnel.

Insurance business in numbers

Starting costs

The opening of the insurance company requires funds that are spent on the purchase or rental of premises, the purchase of office equipment, furniture, the acquisition of stationery goods, payment wages Employees, marketing and promotional activities, transportation services, payment communal services. Their size depends on the scale of the services provided.

Initial costs are distributed as follows:

  • statutory capital - 20 million rubles;
  • for rental premises from 2 million rubles to 3.;
  • design and registration of documents - 500 thousand rubles;
  • overhaul of the premises - 200 thousand rubles;
  • acquisition of office equipment - 650 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - 250 thousand rubles;
  • advertising events and marketing - 100 thousand rubles;
  • unforeseen expenses of the administration - 350 thousand rubles;
  • employee salary - 3 million rubles.

Total start costs: 28050 thousand rubles or 675 thousand dollars.


The insurance company is developing and brings profit, thanks to the expansion of the list of services that offers customers. A successful company receives a profit of 10% of the size of insurance premiums.

To assess the profitability of insurance operations on separate species or in all researchers produce a profitability of the formula:

where n is the amount of the amount of profit for reporting period Time:

P P - the amount of income on all or in the type of insurance.

Suppose that the company received pure profitequal 580 thousand rubles. For a month, the amount of income from all types of insurance was 350 thousand rubles.

Then the profitability indicator is: p \u003d 580/350 \u003d 1,65

In the calculation, the basis of the basis of the regulatory profit, expressed in the tariffs of the services provided. Reducing tariffs and more favorable insurance conditions in conjunction with an extensive range of services will increase the profitability of the company and will attract the clientele. According to the results of analyzing the market, the duration of 3-5 years is considered to be a normal payback period.

Probability of success on statistics

Forecasts of experts on research results that are constantly conducted on the market, disclose the possibilities of developing and promoting business insurance.

Although some experts note that in Russia, the investment business has no future.

The opening of its own insurance company is one of the most time-consuming and costly types of business. For the opening of a full-fledged company, at least 20 million rubles, the Director General with the highest profile education and experience in the field of insurance. In addition, the license takes about a year. The opening of the insurance company is associated with great risks, as the level of competition in the insurance market is very large.

Fundamentals of insurance business

Insurance company is one of the subjects insurance marketproviding services to conclude contracts for insurance and organization of insurance payments.

Principal newss that such companies can be provided:

  1. Personal - Life and Health Insurance, Tourism, Accidents.
  2. Property insurance - Car, housing, jewels.
  3. Liability Insurance - compensation for inconsistencies in promises and results in the production of goods.
  4. Insurance of specific and financial risks - political risks, non-fulfillment of financial obligations.

The more services the company provides, the higher its income.

What types of insurance are most beneficial?

By drawing up a list of basic services, it is necessary to focus on the faint of certain services. Most popular:

  • OSAGO services.
  • Casco services.
  • Health insurance.
  • Life insurance.
  • Real estate insurance.

To provide the OSAGO and CASCO services, you must obtain a license in Federal Service by financial markets. The license cost is about 120,000 rubles.

Registration of enterprises

Suppose you already have authorized capital, and you are going to open your own insurance company. In this case, you will need a number of documents:

  1. It is necessary to register as a legal entity. At the same time, you can choose the following ownership forms: JSC, LLC.
  2. To compile and approve the Charter of the Organization, which shows all types of services provided: types of insurance, assessment and expertise in the field of insurance.
  3. Documentary confirmation of the authorized capital.
  4. The license issued by the Ministry of Finance. To obtain a license, you must provide the following package of documents :; Insurance documents (the rules have developed, alleged tariffs, actuarial calculations); business plan ().
  5. Documents of the General Director: a copy of the passport; Copy Inn (); a copy of the diploma about higher special education; copy labor book To confirm its qualifications.

Experience of the general director of 5 years. In addition, the past of the head is checked - the presence of condoms, the actuators to the police and so on.

  1. Receipt of payment of state duty.

Within 6-12 months, the process of checking the documents provided and obtaining a license takes place. Then the company contributes to the Unified State Register of Insurance Organizations. Only after that you can start providing insurance services.


An important factor is the choice of premises. At the initial stage, you can do with one small room with an area of \u200b\u200babout 50 mq. You can arrange it both in the center and the nonility from it, but not on the periphery. It is important that potential customers can quickly get to you.

After your business begins to generate income, you can think about expanding the network of offices. In this case, you will need one large office of about 600 square meters. downtown. Some small offices in different parts of the city.

Each branch must be decorated in a business style. Customers must understand that they came to a really serious company.

If you wish to save on the room, the first time can be available insurance services leaving the client to the house or on it workplace. But at the same time, you still have to be equipped with a room in which you will store contracts, documents and simply carry out various telephone conversations.

Business associated with insurance is difficult to name stable and practically impossible to predict its yield or unprofitability. In this area, there are regularly both decals and sharp jumps and fault economic instability.

However, the insurance has long passed the stage of formation and on this moment is an For novice entrepreneurs. This article contains an exhaustive answer to the question of which interests many novice entrepreneurs: "How to open an insurance company?".

Insurance is conditionally divided into several large-scale industries, having studied in more detail that you need to decide what exactly you will do.

Insurance industry

  • Entrepreneurial risks (education damages, income loss);
  • Responsibility (duties).
  • Personal (human health, his life or workability).
  • Social (income level).
  • Property (human material values - Auto, harvest, animals, houses, etc.).

Insurance - there is a legal entry or individual Cash funds, which in the case of a certain event ( insurance case) He undertakes to pay him compensation.

And if a few years ago, the insurance by the people, accustomed to hope for perversely perceived as a useless, incomprehensible procedure, Today, many have already appreciated the benefits of this activity and normally relate to this procedure.

And more entrepreneurial personalities earn money, but is everyone who wishes can open his own insurance company?

Procedure for the opening of your own insurance company

To open your own insurance company, it will be necessary to thoroughly think about what you will insure. After you need to perform a few steps:

  • and get a license;
  • rent and equip the room under the office;
  • score
  • attract customers.

Every step will consider in more detail below.

Registration of activities

For insurance activities, you can choose almost any legal form - OJSC, ZAO, LLC. The simplest in the design is the last form, namely, to register which you need to collect a specific package of documents.

Before applying for registration, it is necessary to determine the name of the company that must containIn addition to the name of the organization, the founders and director should already be determined.

Submit tax service Need Copies of passports with the originals of all founders and leaders, TIN and registration of the latter, Criminal Procedure, documents about the company's address, inform the name of the organization in full and abbreviated form, the size of the authorized capital.

In the registration process it will take to indicate the type of activity. - Insurance with a detailed listing of all his species that you plan to do.

Nothing, except for him, do not specify, unless additional activities are related to the main, as, for example, evaluation or examination.

After you need to get a license. The company must meet the following requirements for obtaining it:

1. The presence of the required amount of authorized capital:

  • from 25,000 minimum wages when the types of insurance other than life insurance;
  • if insurance and life is supposed, including, then from 35,000 minimum wages;
  • from 50,000 minimum wages only during reinsurance.

2. The ratio between the insurance premium and own means Complied with:

  • Taken on a separate risk maximum responsibility does not exceed 1/10 of all means of the organization.
  • Registration in the territory of the Russian Federation.

What documents will required?

To obtain a license, you will need to contact the Department of Insurance Supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and provide them with the following papers:

  • insurance documents (business plan, tariffs and insurance rules),
  • a document confirming the payment of the Criminal Code;
  • registration document;
  • in the case of property deposit, the founder will need to provide an act of its acceptance;
  • data on the head;
  • balance and calculation of the ratio of assets and liabilities;
  • statement (indicating the name, addresses, index, company contacts).

Search for premises for office

For the office you will need to find the area the size of 200 square meters. m. If there is a desire you can make it larger (up to 400).

The center of the city is considered the best place for the city, however, the high cost of renting premises there makes looking for an alternative.

It can be lively streets, the first floors of the business centers, the main thing that the building is not in a residential area. Find your company should be easy Availability Near the bus stop vehicle or subway necessarily.

Let it be an old building, the main thing is that from the road it was clearly visible and people passing by in buses could notice a major sign with the name of your insurance company.

The company's office is her face, it should not be bought at repair, it should be clean in the room, light, modern, spacious. It is necessary to equip within the utility room, the manager of the manager, the room for customer service, the area for agents.

The presence in the hall of the coolers, air conditioners will give the office of solidity. Various posters, bidding prospectuses, the book of complaints and suggestions should also be indoors.

It will take to purchase office furniture, wardrobes, safe, racks, office equipment, stationery, consumables, printing and so on.

Set of employees

Selecting insurance agents, it is worth it to decide whether you want to teach them yourself or not. In the first case it is easier to find those who want, but will have to spend money on training, and to check the effectiveness of such an employee will be obtained only after training.

In any case, it is necessary to conclude a contract that binds them to work with you after passing through courses for a certain time so that money is spent not in vain.

The second option involves the search for specialists, which is quite difficult to find. Really good agents will have to lure away from competitors, offering them more flexible schedule and big percent from sales.

Minimum insurance company

  • director;
  • agents about 20 at the initial stage (than them are more, the earnings above);
  • cleaner;
  • pedagogue (if candidates are planned).

Attracting customers

Printout of leaflets, shutting banners, ads on television, radio - the second step.

Third and basic - Attracting customers agents. Suppose you are engaged in car insurance, it means that you need to look for customers in car dealerships, car services, in parking lots, etc.

Most of the clients are being studied by such a "alive" way and than more convincing will sound a speech of the agent, the more you will find wishing to insure your property in your company.

Insurance company business plan

  • Charter from 20 million rubles.
  • from 30 000 rubles.
  • Rent from 100,000 rubles.
  • Repair, arrangement, purchase of machinery and furniture from 300,000 rubles.
  • from 250,000 rubles.
  • Advertising and site from 80,000 rubles.

At the initial stage, it will be necessary to invest from 20,760,000 rubles.

Profitability of the insurance company

Despite major initial investments insurance business is considered quite profitable. With the right organization, the selection of qualified employees, the insurance company can pay off in less than four years, provided that 10% will remain in the budget from the insurance premium.

Problems found in the process of opening and work of the insurance company

In the creation of insurance, you can allocate several basic, frequent difficulties.

1. Lack of starting capital

You can solve this problem by finding investors. Before proceeding with this case, it is necessary to make a successful, which could be interested in a potential investor and allocate you from the mass of other entrepreneurs.

And about favorable conditions For the investor, do not forget, they should be a little more pleasant and more profitable for him than other similar companies.

2. The deficit of high-quality frames

At the recruitment stage, difficulties may also arise. Maybe there are many people, but those who can really attract customers and raise the company's income to find difficult. Exit - search among acquaintances, luring the competitors, motivation for agents.

3. The likelihood that a lot of insurance claims will come at the same time

It is impossible to predict this moment and only hope remains what does not happen this. But in the calculation to take this fact necessary.

Start your business in the field of insurance quite difficult, but you can Having needed monetary sum Or having investors.

To open an insurance company, you will need to get a license, and after starting to look for employees, paying special attention to their ability to convince and interest. The success of the business undoubtedly depends on the skill of the head, but in the insurance business and agents play not the last role.

Do not know how to independently open the insurance company in Russia and what is the peculiarities of doing business in the territory of the Russian Federation? See the following detailed video:

It implists the transfer of rights to sell existing products, goods or services provided to the other party. The organization of business on a franchise has a lot of advantages for both sides. For a selling (franchiser) is the possibility of expanding the business, for the buying right (franchise) - to start your own business with minimal risks and even in the absence of experience.

We list the advantages of opening a franchise business:

  • Minimizing risks. The franchise receives a model of the finished proven business, tested and proven its own. When opening an independent startup, risks increase significantly, and inexperience in the selected field or in general, in business may inflate a new case on failure. With a franchise business, the likelihood of a rapid yield on a revenue level increases significantly.
  • Minimization. Buying a franchise that buys and already promoted brand. No need to create a corporate identity (logo, branded forms, etc.), spent greatly on advertising.
  • Franchise support. Training, recruitment, marketing strategy, ready-made advertising materials - all this greatly helps in the initiative and further conduct of the selected business.

The more time there is a business, the right to which I decided to buy a franchise, the higher the chance on speed out In the pros and receipt of income. Such a business is tested by time and shows a visual result. Therefore, choosing a franchiser, it is better to stop the choice on the company already proved its profitability.

Choice of activity

Almost any business, the franchise on which you decide to buy, will have positive predictions and ensure receipt of income after a while. However, you need to choose a topical and sought-after direction. Increases the number of competitors on it. This is another of the reasons in order to take advantage of the franchise and get a proven competitive development strategy.

The provision of services is becoming increasingly demanded by the type of business, one of them. The number of people applying for insurance for various reasons is growing continuously. The success of this business industry is also explained by the opportunity to provide a wide range of services. The most popular types of insurance include:

  • life insurance
  • health insurance
  • real estate insurance
  • casco services
  • Osago

The growth in demand for the listed types of insurance is associated with an increase in the number of cars. Also increased both the number, the conditions for which is often more profitable if you make, for example, life insurance. Real estate insurance is obligatory in some types of loan, such as mortgages.

Thus, insurance is one of the most profitable niches, which foreshadows the constant demand for the services of the company, the rapid pace of development and income. If you open such a company yourself, you must have a considerable initial Capital, registration of a legal entity and for the provision of services, as well as at least some experience in this field, etc. When deciding to start an insurance business by buying a franchise, the requirements are significantly reduced.

How to open office insurance company for franchise

Thus, the opening of the insurance business is much more profitable if you open it. You will not need to learn from your mistakes, pick up the base, create authorized capital (And this is a rather impressive amount), to understand all the nuances on their own. With all this will help the already operating insurance company.

Choosing franchiser

To open the office of the insurance company for a franchise, it is necessary to choose a suitable credit company and agree with its leader about all the nuances of future cooperation. It is better to choose someone who has been working in this area for no first year. Buying such a franchise will provide the greatest possibility of rapid payback, although it can be higher. After all, for a good product you have to pay more.

The franchise will provide you with a ready-made client base, will answer all the questions about what to start and what is needed. It will be enough for you to pay the agreed amount for buying a representative office, avoiding the need to receive necessary license To implement the selected activity.

It is better to choose a company that is engaged in several directions of insurance at once - this increases the client base and, accordingly, income from activities.

The insurer can do personal or property insurance. Both options are popular, and if you combine them, it will be more. In addition to the insurance itself, the company can also provide additional servicesassociated with insurance examinations.

Do not confuse the insurance company and insurance brokers. The latter, in essence, are engaged in the mediation between the client and the SC itself. Essential investments opening duration insurance broker Not required, does not need a special license, however, the income of such a company is significantly lower. The market is full of proposals for the opening of the insurance broker, so it is important to distinguish them. Find a franchise from a large insurance company is much more complicated than the franchise for the opening of the Insurance Agency (broker).

Office room

After selection credit companyWith franchise will be bought, it should be done by choosing the premises for the provision of insurance services. It is clear that the company's office is her "face", therefore, and approach the choice should be seriously. It is better to choose an office in a respectable center or even a separate building with a convenient location.

Do not save on the room. It is also important to pay attention to the modern and stylish interior. Once in your office, the customer must feel that it was in a serious and business company. You need to conquer his trust and location. Do not remove the room less than 200-500 square meters. Its volume also depends on the number of employees who will work in it. Save on an office space, you can significantly reduce your future income.

It is important to selection of technicians. It must be modern and fast. The success of the future business depends on his work in many ways. Breakfast or insufficiency of office equipment and computers can seriously slow down the company's work.

The advantage of a franchise business often lies in the fact that the office premises and its design pays the franchisor. He helps with the selection and payment of personnel. But it happens that paying staff and need a franchise yourself.


Selection of highly qualified personnel - very important moment To implement the successful work of the insurance business. Often the help in the selection of employees is provided by the franchisor.

Any insurance company has two categories of workers:

  1. (Accountant, secretary, manager, administrator, etc.).
  2. Insurance agents - perform the main operation of the SC.

Insurance agents can be both specialists who already have experience and beginners who have committed themselves to undergo training. It is better, of course, that the staff have a special education or at least work experience in the insurance sphere. The number of employees depends on the selected latitude of the services provided and the company's capabilities. At the initial stage, the minimum number of employees is recruited, then it is optimized for the available needs.

Franchise of the insurance company "Rosgosstrakh"

As we have already written than a solid company and working longer on the market, the more profitable will the purchase of the franchise. These include the company "Rosgosstrakh" - one of the largest SC in Russia. This insurance company provides a wide range of services.

She is engaged in:

  • transport insurance
  • property
  • life and Health
  • trips
  • investments and savings
  • responsibility
  • space industry

The company 95 years has existed on the market, has a wide network of offices (over 3 thousand throughout the territory of the Russian Federation), 65 thousand insurance agents and more than 45 million customers. Many of the types of insurance "Rosgosstrakh" are already available online. Specialists of the company have not only legal, but also psychological assistance to customers when carrying out an insured event.

This is indeed one of the most modern and reliable insurance companies of the Russian Federation. If it turns out to become its agent, then you can count on a reliable partner and stable income.

List of franchises other insurance companies

Get a franchise of the insurance company "Rosgosstrakh" is not easy. However, there are quite a few other decent attention SC. We give a small list:

  • FINSITY - a network of insurance companies with more than 30 branches. Cooperation with it will allow the entire range of insurance services (personal and corporate, auto insurance, property, etc.). Starting investments - from 550 thousand rubles., Payback - 4-5 months. Franchise in the Russian market - since 2013.
  • Franchise for the detail of the developing direction in insurance - the Finance Group of the Insurance Consulting Consulting. The promised payback is 2-3 months.
  • Franchise "European Legal service"- a company with more than 10 years of experience. In Russia, the franchise is offered since 2017, promised payback from 5 months. Cost - from 660 thousand rubles.
  • Cheaper and more affordable franchise of a young insurance agency "Insurance Navigator". Required starting investments - 350 thousand rubles. The expected payback is from 6 months.

As you can see than a solid, the insurance company and the longer it is present on the market, the more expensive its franchise will cost.

Thus, the franchise is huge: you minimize the risks with an increase in the guarantee of obtaining maximum income. Even the lack of needed experience does not interfere with the lack of needed, as the franchisor will prompt and help find answers to all the questions and help get out of the difficulties. It is enough to pay a franchise and start working on it. Moreover, than a solid and more for a long time there is an insurance company, the more reliable and the cost of working with it.

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