
Excellent food in the first place. Fast Food Restaurant Overview Burger King First Burger King

  • Franchise: description, prices
  • Description and Brand History
  • Official site
  • Online store
  • The shops
  • Product Catalog

Franchise Burger King Description

As a possible franchisee, you will probably be interested to know the history of the company's creation and development of the company offering franchise. Get acquainted with the history of the brand, with his official website, online store, catalog and overview of stores of those who have long and successfully cooperate with the company, including in the franchise scheme:

Burger King Brand Description

Burger King is a network of fast food restaurants, which began its owners James Maclamore and David Edgerton in 1954 with a simple concept: they were interested in attracting families who at that time could already afford small joy of life.

This was due to the fact that the post-war crisis could be considered overcome, and it was called the so-called demographic boom, that is, the Fast Food restaurants could count on a quick replenishment of the client base.

The first restaurant of the future network was opened in December 1954 in one of the suburbs of Miami called Insta Burger King. An impetus for the creation of this business was visited by the McLamer of the McDonald's network restaurant, familiarization with the production and method of manufacturing hamburgers, equipment. It was after this visit that he decided to establish his own version of the system of fast food restaurants.

In 1957, Burgen King Menu and Prices changed as follows: the menu was expanded, and the prices became united for all network restaurants, regardless of their location. At the same time, on the Burger King, the discount was not provided and even more so, the cost of lunch in this institution was always somewhat higher than in McDonald's.

By 1959, the owners of the company understood that it was time to expand the business and develop it outside Florida. To implement these plans, they used franchising and began selling the right to open establishments under the brand brand. This appeared such a phenomenon like a franchise. The plan has worked, the network has grown quickly in size.

Official site

Visiting the starting page of the official website Burger King from the first seconds will provide the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the applicable proposals, for example, in the restaurant's network discount acts on the second portion of beer.

The appetizing images of the dishes and beverages offered by the institution cause an irresistible desire to try them, and immediately, for this you can order King Burger to the house and evaluate the unique taste of branded recipes of local novers, cheeseburgers, hamburgers and other dishes.

The official website of the institution is already available in Russian, which cannot but rejoice. Any user by going to the site https://burgerking.ru /, it gets the opportunity to get acquainted with the full list of the menu, which is divided into three categories:

  • Voppers and burgers;
  • Snacks and salads;
  • Drinks and desserts.

The tab "New and Promotions" can be found in the current proposals. In addition, on the official website you can get brief information about the company, its formation and development, which will allow the brand spirit deeper and feel a special atmosphere that reigns in each of the restaurants of the network.

Useful information can be learned by visiting the restaurants page, where all the company's restaurants are noted within a certain city and their accurate addresses are indicated. In addition, the owners of this network of fast food institutions offer their customers to take part in a survey, the results of which should demonstrate the level of their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the quality of service and submitted dishes in the visited restaurant.

Burger King Delivery

What to make avid food connoisseurs from Burger King, who for some reason can not or do not want to visit one of the rapid food institutions of this network?

Would you really have to sit at home or in the office and suffer, dreaming about the satisfning or cheeseburger, sharp wings and classic Madfins from a rich menu variety?

Fortunately, the owners of the chain of restaurants take care of their clients, which have recently available Delivery Burger King to the house. Freshly prepared fast food in the shortest possible time will be on your desk: you can dine at lunch break, eat at any convenient time or just enjoy your favorite meal when you want it.

By the way, the delivery of the company will become an excellent way out if guests unexpectedly gave you, and there is absolutely nothing to put on the table.

Today many sites have opened offering such a service as delivery of dishes from the network restaurants to the house, admirers of this certainly delicious and satisfying food you just need to make an order and wait for the arrival of the courier.


The concept of the Menu Burger King is based on burgers with beef cutlets. Dietary salads today are also presented, and children's menu, as well as a standard set of desserts and beverages.

The main difference of the Burger King cutlet from the similar product of his main competitor McDonald's is that they are skipped through the grill, and do not warm up on the open plate. Buns also pass through the grill. The highlight of the company's menu has become onion rings.

The corresponding positions in the menu will also have for fishes and chicken lovers. It is worth noting that the most cost-time cooking is just a fish cutlet, since it is prepared in a fryer for about four minutes. Given the peculiarity of this dish, the fish burger is preparing exclusively under the order, that is, it is not done about the supply and does not lie on the shelf on the shelf, therefore it is always fresh.

The restaurant menu contains a rich selection of not only branded issues and burgers, but also snacks, salads, desserts and popular drinks. Among such a variety, each client of the network of restaurants of Fastfud brand will find a favorite dish.

Burger King Address

It is not difficult to find the address of the nearest restaurant due to the presence of a special page on the official website of the institution network called "Restaurants". When moving to this page in the Russian version of the site, a map of Moscow and nearby regions are displayed.

On the map With the help of special designations, the location of restaurants was marked, under it there is a list corresponding to the conventional notation and containing data on the exact location of the company's institutions. On the same page indicate the opening hours of each of them, as well as their contact details.

The convenience of finding a suitable establishment is provided by the line "Select the City", after clicking the list of cities, where there is representative offices of Burger King.

The list is quite extensive, which allows a large circle of consumers to find the opportunity to visit one of the restaurants of the world-famous network. After the choice of the city, its card is displayed with the symbol of the location of the fast food restaurants, under which their addresses are placed.

Burger king prices

As you know, the main competitor of the brand has always been McDonald's, while the pricing policy of these two leaders of the Fastfud market has always been approximately at the same level: the cost of lunch in McDonald's has always been lower than the cost of a similar dinner at Burger King. Back in 1957, in all brand restaurants, united prices were installed, guaranteeing all customers with high-quality service and delicious food in any of them at the same cost.

The fact that Fast Food is harmful today is known to everyone. But at the same time, these are very tasty and appetizing, inexpensive dishes that can be eaten along the way to work. That is why there is no first ten years so popular restaurant "Burger King". Employee reviews emphasize that tons of finished products are sold daily through trading networks. We offer today to get acquainted with the history and geography of points, open vacancies. In addition, we will try to look inside and see the company through the eyes of her employees.

History of success

Just below, we will return to the reviews of employees. "Burger King" will soon celebrate his century. Specialties from the very first days were hamburgers or proppers, as well as Potatoes. The history of the network began with a small restaurant in Florida. On the way to modern development, the company changed the four owners. In 2013, there were more than 13 thousand restaurants in 80 countries of the world. The network turnover is more than 117 million dollars.

Fast Food conquers Russia

Relatively recently, in 2010, the first restaurant of this network was opened. It happened to this expected in Moscow. By the fall of 2017, more than 400 restaurants were opened in Russia, more than 200 of them in Moscow. More than 30 settlements also have its own Burger King. Young people are already so accustomed to such culinary research, which increasingly replaces the normal food to the fast food. It is good or bad - we will not argue. Our task is to know what to work in such a popular network, serving thousands of visitors daily. And we will help us in this reviews of employees. "Burger King", by the way, regularly gives ads for the search for personnel. What happens behind the doors, because of which we get fragrant buns with ruddy cutlets and a bright sauce? Only one who managed to work in the ranks of employees can say about it.

Your step in the future

Most come to this business very young people. Yesterday's or current students are addicted to the opportunity to grow together with the company, increase their professional level and income. This fully confirm the reviews of the staff. "Burger King" makes it possible to go through the way from an ordinary employee to coach, manager, deputy director, territorial manager. Very tempting. What should be done in order to get to the top of the career stairs? Let's deal with together.

Carier start

It is of fundamental importance, in which city you decided to settle in Burger King. Reviews emphasize that the very first restaurants of this network are located in the capital from all available in Russia. This means that experienced employees work here, which can convey their knowledge of beginners. But it is also not easy to reach the stellar vertex. This is associated with high competition. Next to you there are several dozen of the same, and among them there may be more talented. Therefore, you will have to sweat anyway, but especially if you live in employees to work in Burger King, they are sometimes called a pitch hell, but apparently, you need to find the meaning of what you are doing, and aim to go. Then the picture will become much more fun.

Starting position

The first thing you have to come to humble - a tough regulation. The main task of each employee is quickly and at the highest level to fulfill the duties assigned to it. Only becoming the best at this stage, you can go to the next, because soon you will learn newcomers.

So, for the beginner there are two positions: this is a kitchen or ticket office. What advise you to choose reviews? "Burger King" is a fast food restaurant, and if you want to succeed, you should be good to understand the recipe and intricacies of cooking. Therefore, starting with the kitchen. So in the team, you will quickly quickly, and learn the main recipes, which will help when it comes to go into the hall and proceed to communicate with guests.

How to get a job

Fast food sphere is a high rhythm and compliance with standards. Master all the subtleties, quickly switch, adjust the task for young and energetic. Therefore, in the team a large percentage of students. This causes high frames of frames. On average, each team consists of 80% of students, which is welcomed by the company's policies.

If you are from 18 to 25, you can maintain a normal dialogue, then you should not be afraid of interviews. He is spent the same guys, as you can, a little older. Their goal is to close the free vacancy as soon as possible, as well as yours - to work out. And again a little mansion here will stand Moscow. The reviews of Burger King employees say that in the first interview they were satisfied with stress interviews, they were offered to dance on the table, asked discouraging issues. So the employer tries to appreciate your ability to act in non-standard situations.

Beginning of work

First, everything seems strangers and scary. This is especially true of the kitchen. Huge plates with hundreds of a kitlet, baking buns, salads, and between all these are dozens of people who roll in strange phrases. Need time. You stand out a coach, which will be trained. Usually, the beginner put first into the department, where the goods prepare for shipment to the kitchen. Something to defrost, wash something, decompose or pour. The coach will prompt the sequence of actions. Here are very well thought out clear schemes, everyone knows what and at what stage it should do.

The whole learning process is divided into several stages. First, the coach says and demonstrates. Then the coach does, and you describe. Then you do, and the coach suggests. Finally, you do and speak at the same time. Complexities here are to learn all the numbers. This also often emphasizes feedback. Burger King is a large and well-known company, and the marriage in production is unacceptable. Therefore, the oil temperature, cooking, storage time on board, on extradition, outlet temperature, assembly time, grams and milliliters - all this has to teach to infinity.

Stage two

After the employee learned all the stages of production and began to freely navigate, he goes to the cashier. But it does not always happen, the guys sometimes refuse. But if this stage does not afford, then faster becomes coaches. But the Girls Cashier is waiting. There are only two positions, the first and second number. The first contact with the client helps to choose, accepts payment and breaks the check. The second collects an order for a tray. In addition to the whole day you need to be friendly and attentive, so also full material responsibility.

Personal rating

Inside the network, each cashier has a personal magnetic card on which all sales are recorded. On shift, each of them gets quite specific tasks that must be completed. This is a certain amount of potatoes and sauces, sandwiches and desserts, new products. The salary of employees (St. Petersburg) is also tied on personal sales. Reviews "Burger King" are estimated as an opportunity to earn good, subject to personal efforts, of course.

But this practice exists only in large cities. In small townships, a personal competition on the ratings is constantly conducted, but does not give almost nothing. Sometimes the best employee gets a small premium. But if the restaurant performs on average ratings in the end of the month, then managers and the best employees receive the award.

Career growth

It is quite possible, which is why many things are in such an "Burger King". Employees of St. Petersburg, Moscow and other regions are suggested that if you are sociable and communicated, you pull themselves to knowledge and do not hear away from work, then in ordinary employees they will not be disturbing. As soon as I learned constantly and naturally smile, politely talk and easily resolve any conflict situations, automatically become a candidate for coaches.

The composition of the latter is limited, usually it is one for a whole team. The speed of your promotion also depends on the revolution of the restaurant, so the work in Burger King is valued especially in large cities. Employee reviews suggest that further promotion to the managerial composition depends directly from the growth of the network in your city. After all, as soon as a new restaurant opens, a part of the governing makeup is translated there, and the "losses" is replenished due to the personnel reserve, which coaches are. The latter has regular meetings and trainings, creative tasks.


This is the most important thing for every person who is arranged. I would like to say that the salary here is commensurate with invested efforts. The rate is hourly, it is regularly indexed, but depends on the region. It is surprising that there are no negative feedback from employees. Working in Burger King (in Yekaterinburg, for example) costs 110 rubles per hour, and in Moscow about 160. This is the original tariff rate. At the same time, a person immediately indicates how many hours he can devote to work. It is possible to work 40 hours a week or negotiate on 20. If you need money, then go to part-time and processing.

The next rate of the rates will be when you become a wagon, that is, you will work well in any restaurant area. Even above, the salary is already at the trainer. The company helps to grow to all interested.

Hamburgers as the main dish of fast food restaurants are a closed type sandwich with a nested filling. At first glance, a piece of meat, from two sides, closed with a bun, does not make a bad impression. Moreover, people assure in the utility of this uncomplicated dish.

Fast Food and in particular hamburgers are dangerous in that they produce a deceptive impression of utility. Behind abundantly sticking out of the edges of the boiler, a shock dose of calories, fast carbohydrates and harmful fats.

Why in burger king delicious or than harmful additives

All ingredients that are part of Fastfud dishes are familiar and available to us. However, no one is experiencing such love for chicken, tomatoes, cheese, salad and bells, which nourishes to hamburgers. The point is not in combination of these products, but in the additives that make food more appetizing and delicious.

Meat is abundantly squeezed by such additives as sodium glutamate, artificial flavors and stabilizers. As a result, food acquires reinforced taste, causing addiction to this kind of food.

Despite the fact that the taste amplifiers are allowed to use, they harm the body.

Why get fat from burgers

Hamburgers, rolls and meat dishes are far from the most dangerous products from the point of view of calorie products. Most of all calories are contained in desserts and drinks in the form of sugar, the main supplier of drum doses of fast carbohydrates.

Even if some kind of dish chosen by you is in the framework of the calories for you, then you risk these most framework to significantly exceed, ordering a carbonated drink or juice. The combination of high-calorie products is the cause of overeating.

Harm for children

The harm of adult hamburgers is obvious, and the harm of fast food for children can not even go in comparison with the risk to whom adults will be exposed to "food on the go". Children's growing organism is particularly susceptible to harmful components of such food. The abundance of sugar and salt in fastofud disrupts the water-salt balance in the body, leads to the rebupping of calories.

Children especially need macro and trace elements for their growth, so it is very important to provide them with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In the event that one of the main techniques of food at the child replaced by a campaign in the King Burger, the child's body does not have the necessary components for growth.

Dangerous and the fact that fast food networks lure kids attractive bright pictures, gifts and toys. All this produces in children a persistent association "Burger King \u003d delicious food", which is difficult to refute. They begin to refuse usual, "tasteless" food.

Dishes from Burger King with minimal harm to health

It happens that there is no other opportunity to eat in the afternoon, except in fast food restaurants. Fortunately, the caloric content of the menu Burger King is not equally high. If you study in detail the offer of this restaurant, you can find both positions that can approach and for fitness adherents. These include "King Nuggets" (265 kcal) and "Nobram Mini" (320 kcal)

Salads are also harmless, but there are some nuances.

    First, it is not desirable to add the proposed refueling to the salad, since it lies most of the calories of the finished dish.

    Secondly, the taste of vegetables in a salad for unknown reasons is much less pronounced than those that we used to eat usually.

Table of calorie content of the main dishes Burger King:

Name Weight of portion Calorie Proteins Fat. Carbohydrates
French fries 75 205 3,5 9,8 25
Novel 280 578 25 34 44
King Nuggets 100 265 6,5 27 43
Hamburger 110 220 8,5 28,5 5,6
Cheeseburger 125 247 11 9 30
Big King. 200 430 17 30 27
Nopper Mini 154 320 14 17 30
Salad Mix. 80 18 1 0 3

Style outcome

Following our advice, you can always dine in Burger King with benefit.

We all know how bad for our body Fast Food is harmful. But at the same time, this is a delicious, appetizing and inexpensive snack. Therefore, not the first ten years so popular the fast food restaurant Burger King, widely populated in Russia. We invite you to get acquainted with his history, menu, shares and discounts, geography of points, and also learn about open vacancies in the company and read reviews about work here.

Meet "Burger King"!

VK, Burger King - Brand Global Fast Food Company, whose owner is the American company Burger King Corporation. Her corporate dish - proppers (variety of hamburgers), FRI potatoes. Headquarters is located in Sunny Miami (Florida, USA).

The story of the beloved many fast food network began in 1953 - then a restaurant called Insta-Burger King was opened in Florida Jacksonville. It must be said that the owners have encountered a number of financial difficulties for the next year of its existence. The case was bought by local franchisees - D. Maklamore and D. Eztemton. The name of the acquisition was slightly changed - turned into Burger King, and buyers became founders of the future worldwide network of fast snack restaurants.

But "Burger King" on the way to date was to change more than four owners. And, I must say, now his cases are quite good: in 2013, the company had 13 thousand restaurants in 79 countries, its turnover was equal to $ 1.97 billion, and net profit - $ 117.7 million.

Nowadays, the new addresses "Burger King" appear solely due to various variations of franchising.

"Burger King" in Russia

Today, the master franchisee (a franchisor responsible for issuing sublicenzies from the corporation) in the Russian Federation is the company Burger Rus LLC. Society is a joint project of VTB-Capital, Burger King Europe and the owner of the coffee shop network "Chocolate" A. Kolobova. The general director of the Master Franchisee is D. Honey.

It is expected that the first was opened in our country "Burger King" in Moscow. It happened relatively recently - in January 2010, in the TC Metropolis. For September 2017, such statistics are:

  • 466 restaurants are open in Russia.
  • 226 Points - in the capital and Moscow region.
  • 57 "Burger Kings" in St. Petersburg.
  • 10 restaurants - in Novosibirsk.

Russian restaurants "Burger King"

Today, the "Burger King" addresses are a dense network for a map of the Russian state. At the same time, their overwhelming number is in the European part of the country. Geography is very extensive:

  • Moscow.
  • St. Petersburg.
  • Yaroslavl.
  • Chelyabinsk.
  • Tolyatti.
  • Tyumen.
  • Tomsk.
  • Stavropol.
  • Smolensk.
  • Sochi.
  • Surgut.
  • Rostov-on-Don.
  • Permian.
  • Orenburg.
  • Novosibirsk.
  • Novorossiysk.
  • New Urengoy.
  • Magnitogorsk.
  • Kazan.
  • Krasnoyarsk.
  • Krasnodar.
  • Yekaterinburg.
  • Vladivostok.
  • Bryansk.
  • Barnaul.
  • Anapa et al.

Find out if there is a "Burger King" in your city, simply - go to the "Restaurants" section on the official website of the network, enter the name of the settlement in the search string. Click on ENTER - and the system will show the addresses of points.

Menu "Burger King"

Now we smoothly move on to the "delicious" part of our narration. The "Burger King" menu consists of the following positions:

  • Burgers. From beef - four types of novels (standard, "junior", double and triple), two types of "Big King", a hamburger, two types of cheeseburgers, "Long Beeth". Chicken - "Crispi Chicken" and "Chichenburger". Fish - "Fish King".
  • Rolls (similarity shawarma in this case) - "Fish Roll", "Caesar Roll", "Roll".
  • Garniirs. Onion rings, potatoes - fries and rustic.
  • Snacks. Wings, nuggets, prefabricated sets.
  • Salads. Vegetable mix and "Caesar".
  • Beverages. Dairy cocktails (strawberry, chocolate, vanilla), black and green tea, several types of coffee, cold teas, popular carbonated drinks - "Pepsi", "Sprite", "Mirinda", "Lipton", "Seven-Up", etc. d.
  • Desserts. Pies with apple or cherry, ice cream, ice cream horn, Brownie with ice cream, Madfin.

New and promotions

Shares in Burger King - the phenomenon is quite frequent. Let's look at the last:

  • Cheeseburger for 49 rubles.
  • The new snack "Chicken Free", according to the company, made of one hundred percent white chicken meat.
  • New Burger "Chicken Fillet" with a solid chicken breast filling.
  • When paying by a bank card "Mastercard" - 30% discount on "Chicken Free", onion rings, nuggets, wings.
  • "Big King" or "Chicken King" - 99 rubles. I must say, the prices in the Burger King are very democratic.
  • "Junior-dinner" with one of the six toys of Smurfs as a gift.
  • The new Burger "Baconizer" is 100% beef, bacon and cheese.
  • Lunch for 200 rubles: Burger to choose from ("Chicken-Barbecue", "Vomputer Junior", "Chicenburger", "Cheeseburger"), drink to choose from, nuggets and fried potatoes.
  • Unlimited gradation limit cup with a cold drink, etc.

Coupons in "Burger King"

Another feature of the network are coupons - special codes that need to be reported or visualized to show the cashier to obtain an additional discount. You can find them on leaflets that are distributed in the restaurant itself, on his official website, as well as in the special mobile application "Burger King", accessible to all common smartphone platforms.

Coupons in Burger King have a specific validity period, and you can use the code of one of them during this period countless times. Be careful - the coupon discount is final and is not summarized with other promotions or loyalty programs.

Prices in Burger King do not depend on coupons only in a number of restaurants:

  • Located at airports.
  • In Moscow: Summer cafe on Red Presnya, points in the "Opening of Arena", "Yerevan Plaza", Moscow Palace of Youth.
  • In St. Petersburg: a point near the m. "Street of Dybenko".
  • In Anapa: Restaurant on Grebenskaya.

Let's see for an example on the existing coupons and shares in the Burger King:

  • "Second ice cream for free."
  • "Two burgers for 199 rubles" (choosing from "Vpper", "Long Chicken", "Caesar Roll", "Big King".
  • "Second cappuccino for free."
  • "The second" Long Chicken "for free."
  • "Junior-lunch for 189 rubles" (Cheeseburger, Drink, Potatoes, and toy) and MN. Dr.

Order delivery services

In Moscow, there is a type of service as your own delivery "Burger King". This is due to the fact that the widest network of restaurants is opened in the city, which is why it is possible to deliver a fresh and hot dish to the addressee, it is possible relatively quickly. The company assures that the snack waiting time will vary within 45-90 minutes. The order for the order is quite symbolic for the capital - approximately equal to the cost of two burgers.

Order delivery from "Burger King" is simple:

  1. Call the courier service number (you can easily find it on the official website), list the name operator and the number of desired dishes, the delivery address.
  2. Go to the official website in the "Delivery" section and add to the basket the names you need, then in the lower pop-up box, click on "specify your address" and fill in the template form: your location, contacts, comments on the order.

You can order a lunch from Burger King, you can use the services of famous food companies in your city - for example, "Delivery Club".

Work in "Burger King"

On the same official website in the section "Vacancies" and "Career" you will see jobs open to employment:

  • Mentor (or - coach, employee engaged in parallel with the work of learning newcomers).
  • Manager of a certain restaurant.
  • Deputy Director Restaurant.
  • Director of the restaurant.
  • Regional manager.
  • Senior Regional Manager.

The company has the traditions of career growth - the chain of posts, according to its representatives, maybe over a short time to pass any conscious employee. You can respond to your favorite vacancy immediately on the Burger King website - click on "Fill out a questionnaire". Information that should be reported to yourself, standard: Full name, is interested in position, citizenship, a specific city and restaurant, age, phone number and email address.

On the Employer page in Head Hunter, you can familiarize yourself with office vacancies:

  • Head of projects to support the opening of new restaurants.
  • Design specialist.
  • Office Manager.
  • Human Resources Manager.
  • Recruitment manager, assistant.
  • Auditor.
  • Operating engineer.

In a number of cities open vacancies and night cleaners.

New employee

The company considers himself a legend in the field of catering, and its mission in our country: to become the most beloved network of fast food restaurants. To do this, she needs to be the best in everything - in pricing policy, hospitality, quality and service. The achievement of all this, respectively, falls on the shoulders of each of the workers. Why should all maintain the main values \u200b\u200bof "Burger King":

  • The main person in the restaurant is a guest. Employees must exceed all its expectations.
  • Friendly team - you need to support everyone and everyone, to be ready to help the comrade.
  • Positive mood - a working day should pass only on the wave of optimism.
  • High goals and ability to achieve them.
  • Guaranteed recognition of decent - initiative, prone to self-development of workers.

And now let's move on to the reviews about working in Burger King - we will see how the company in eyewitnesses pursues these high goals.

General advantages of work

So, let's see what is absolutely positive will be each employed in Burger King:

  • "White" salary.
  • Friendly team.
  • Strictly observed lunch break.
  • Free lunch (for operating more than 8 hours - two lunch).
  • The real possibility of fast career growth.
  • Comprehensive training and support for interns.
  • Fast employment.
  • For working until 00:00 free deal to the house by taxi.
  • It is possible to combine with study.
  • Compensation of the medical commission passing.

Common minuses of work

And now on the basis of reviews about working in Burger King, consider unpleasant moments that may be expected to be expected in the workplace here:

  • Incompetent leadership.
  • Small salary.
  • Salary accrual delays.
  • Unable to change his schedule with an employee - both towards recycling and in the direction of the reduction of paid working time.
  • Systematic non-compliance with both Russian labor legislation and clauses prescribed in the employment contract of the employee.
  • Exit to work on holidays is not charged at a double rate. In addition, he is obligatory - for the New Year, Victory Day, City Day, and so on.
  • Penalties for all violations are both large and small. Up to the deprivation of award and downgrade.

High quality products, corporate dishes, a variety of menu, pleasant pastime and pleasure for the whole family are ready to provide places Burger King (Burger King). Which upsters, the fall has survived the company on the way to popularity in the fast food business, the race for the brand leadership with McDonald's, read on.

Foundation of the company

The consequences of the Second World War and the precipitate of unpleasant memories were subsided, it was possible to successfully overcome the crisis, a demographic explosion was called in the USA. For these forecasts, most of the entrepreneurs made large rates by investing finances in the development of family-type restaurants. Similar idea tanned and James Maklamore with David Ejerton, they opened the first fast food restaurant Burger King.

Fastfud Basics, Hamburger Cooking Technology, Maintenance Manera - All this James Maklamore studied in detail on the example of McDonald's popular then and successfully applied such institutions in his own network. To focus on married couples on their establishments, the founders of the brand added cutlery. True, they were plastic and uncomfortable in use, as thought.

The beginning of the popularity of the brand

The history of the development of Burger King is noticeably different from its competitors in the field of fast food with numerous takeoff and drops. The company in the entire history changed 4 owners.

December 4, 1954 - Insta-Burger King restaurant was opened in Miami. He resembled McDonalds, but had and essential features. The price of products for products were fixed, are somewhat overestimated compared to competitors. (In McDonalds, Hamburger accounted for a client in 15 cents, and in the new restaurant - in 18 cents).

The manner of cooking dishes has highlighted. The brand insisted on the preservation of nutritious, vitamin values \u200b\u200bof beef for the burger during the preparation of it on the grill, without oil use. This pointed to care for the health of customers.

After 3 years, the company adds the original WHOPPER dish in the menu (from English. Gromdina). A huge sandwich instantly loved by visitors. Since 1958, the brand has stepped up with rapid pace. To reinforce the success of business, the founders are solved on the original marketing move - to remove the advertising video about the company and the question. For Burger King, this is not the only way out of television ethers, the brand regularly creates new advertisements, launches them for a universal review.

Each new video significantly raises the company's rating. 1959 - a new restaurant in Florida opens, and then leadership is solved for franchising. Franchisees, in their opinion, is a budget option to increase the network of restaurants-Fast Foods. Indeed, only 8 years it took the opening of 274 institutions under the brand logo.

King Burger and Pillsbury Corporation

The next important stage in the development of the brand is to change the owner. In 1967, Burger King becomes the property of Pillsbury Corporation. Buying new owners cost $ 18 million.

The replacement of the owner followed the accelerated pace of opening of new restaurants. The leadership of the brand engaged in the sale of franchises was almost forgotten about quality, service.The consistency promised in the commercial, the identity of the atmosphere, the equality of the cost of products in all network establishments was not respected. The company was on the grain of ruin.

Correct the situation was able to Donald Smith, the former McDonalds Manager. Management promised Donald absolute freedom of action, the embodiment of bold ideas in the development of the brand. Smith strengthened control over establishments, introduced their unscheduled inspections, sent all the forces on the standardization of restaurants. And in 1974, visitors please the novelty in the organizational process, the technique "Make yourself." Now the client is given the opportunity to independently compose favorite additives to Sandwich.

For 10 years of presence in the company Donald there is an expansion of the network of institutions in the United States and in 30 countries of the world.

  • 1975 - The company goes to a brave step sets windows "King Auto". Now the motorists ordered their favorite dishes, without leaving the car's interior. Convenient, qualitatively, timely - the main tasks of the leadership.
  • 1977 - Burger King every customer gives toy present to the main purchase. This bonus attracts even more customers.
  • 1978 - the brand comes to a new level in the cooking of dishes, expands the menu. Now customers are offered sandwiches for every taste (with chicken, fish, ham).
  • 1980 - Another bold marketing stroke is being introduced, in the form of win-win lottery. In the same year, Donald Smith leaves the company, brand affairs begin to deteriorate.

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