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It is not known that the Portuguese would be open to India at the end of the 15th century, if the king himself was not interested in the opening, and it did not entail the essential political and material changes in the position of the country in the world. After all, as if skilled and fearless, there were no shipments, but without support (first of all, financially) in the face of the king, such large-scale expeditions had little chance of success.

So why was the sea route in India?

It must be said that it was simply necessary to get to distant, but such mounted by its wealth of India was simply necessary for Portugal at the time. In its geographical position, this European country was outside the main trade routes of the XV century, and therefore could not fully participate in world trade. Its products that can be put up for sale, the Portuguese has not so much, and all sorts of valuable goods from the East (spices and so on) had to buy very expensive. The country was weakened in financially Reconquisite and wars with a castile.

However, the location of Portugal on the geographic map of the world, of course, provided it with great advantages in the study of the Western shores of Africa and still gave hope to open the sea route to the "Country of Spices". This idea began to implement the Portuguese Prince Enrique, who became known in the world as Heinrich Maritre (he accounted for Uncle King Portugal Afonus V). Despite the fact that the prince himself never went to the sea (it is believed that he suffered from maritime disease), he became an ideological inspiration of marine hikes to the African shores.

The most interesting thing for you!

Gradually, the Portuguese moved further to the south and brought more and more slaves and gold from the shores of Guinea. On the one hand, infant Enrique was the initiator of the expeditions to the East, attracted astronomers, mathematicians, developed a whole program for the fleet, and at the same time, all the actions were subordinated to mercenary reasons - to get more gold and slaves, take a more powerful position among the nobility. It was time: a virtue and vice blended into a non-robbed ball ...

After the death of Heinrich Seavwater, maritime expeditions were suspended for a while. In addition, despite numerous attempts, seafarers, equipped with Enrique, did not even reach the equator. But soon the situation has changed. In the late 80s of the XV century, the Portuguese officer, who comes to India on land, confirmed that before the "country of spices" can be reached by sea. And in parallel with this Bartolome, Diash discovered Cape of Good Hope: managed to warm the African mainland and left the Atlantic Ocean in Indian.

Thus, the assumptions of ancient scientists were finally divided into the fact that Africa is a continent, prostrate to the southern pole. By the way, perhaps, it was Bartolome Dysut who could belong to the fame of the opening of the sea route to India, but his sailors after entering the water of the Indian Ocean flatly refused to go further, so he had to return to Lisbon. Later, Diash helped Vasco da Gama in organizing his expeditions.

Why is Vasco da Gama?

Today, we cannot reliably find out why it was Vasco da Gama who was elected to lead an expedition to the East, because in history there was not so much information about this significant journey. All researchers Chronicle of that period converge in a single opinion that for the event of such a scale, records for the preparation of the expedition are surprisingly not enough.

Most likely, the choice fell on Vasco because, in addition to its excellent navigation knowledge and experience, he also had a "necessary" character. Read more about the biography of Vasco da Gama. He knew the human nature well, he knew how to handle the ship's team, could tighten the rebeling sailors (which has been demonstrated more than once). In addition, the head of the expedition was supposed to be able to behave at the courtyard and communicate with foreigners, as civilized, and barbarians.

In YES GAM, all these qualities were combined: he was a beautiful navigate - careful, skillful and dexterous, perfectly owned the navigation science of that time, at the same time he knew how to behave at the courtyard, to be servant and persistent at the same time. At the same time, it was not distinguished by special sentimentality and tenderness - he was completely able to take captive slaves, to take the power of prey, to win new lands - which was the main goal of the Portuguese expedition to the East. The chronicles noted that the genus Gama was known not only to his bagaga, but also a timewise, a tendency.

How the expedition of Vasco da Gama was prepared

The expedition to India was supposed to take place immediately after receiving encouraging information that would confirm the presence of a sea route to India. But the death of the son of King Juan II for several years pushed this event: the king was so sad that he was not able to keep such large-scale projects. And only after the death of Zhuana II and joining the throne of King Manuel I, with the court again actively spoke to the opening of the sea route to the east.

Everything was prepared in the most thorough way. Under the leadership of Bartolome, Dysol, who visited the waters near Africa, were rebuilt with 4 ships: the flagship ship "San Gabriel", San Rafael, who commanded the brother of Vasco da Gia Paulo, Karavella "Berry" and another transport vessel. The expedition was equipped the newest cards and navigation instruments.

Among other things, according to established custom, they were prepared and submersible on board three stone pillar Padadran, to designate the belonging to the newly open or conquered land of Portugal. By order of Manuela I, these Padran were named "San Raphael", "San Gaboteal" and "Santa Maria".

In addition to sailors, an astronomer, clerk, a priest, translators who own the Arab and the languages \u200b\u200bof the natives, and even with a dozen criminals who were taken specifically for the most dangerous assignments took part in this expedition. In total, at least 100 people went to the expedition (according to the calculations of individual historians - from 140 to 170).

Three-year swimming required considerable food reserves. The main food product was a crush, for their drying, a special ovens were installed in the port of Manuela I. The trims to the refusal were loaded with cheese, saltin, dried and salty fish, water, wine and vinegar, olive oil, as well as rice, lentils and other beans, flour, onion, garlic, sugar, honey, prune and almond. With an excess, powder, stone and lead cores, weapons were taken. For each ship, three shifts of sails and ropes were envisaged, per few years of swimming.

It should be noted that as gifts by the African and Indian rulers, the cheapest things were taken: beads of glass and tin, pants in a wide strip and brightly scarlet caps, honey and sugar ... neither gold, nor silver. Such gifts were more designed for savages. And this will subsequently will not remain unnoticed. All ships were superbly equipped with artillery (from 12 to 20 guns on each vessel), the personnel was also armed with cold weapons, aglebards, crossbows. Before entering the sea in the churches, solemn services were held and sins were released in advance to all participants in advance. During this swimming, Vasco da Gama will show no better than its qualities: cruelty, often meaningless, greed, but he has already had an indulgence in advance.

Farewell to the king with an expedition

The solemn farewell of Don Manuel with Ya Gama and his officers took place in Montathera-U-Novu, one of the oldest cities of Portugal, 18 miles to the east of Lisbon. Everything was furnished with a truly royal pomp and greatness.

The king said a speech in which he expressed the hope that his subjects would do everything possible and impossible to make it a godly business, because the expansion of land and possessions of Portugal, as well as the increase in its wealth - there is a better service of the country. In the response speech, Vasco da Gama thanked the king for his honor granted to him, and brought an oath to serve his king and country to the last breath.

First journey to India (1497-1499)

July 8, 1497 Four Vasco Ship da Gama solemnly left Lisbon. The first months of the expedition passed quite calmly. The Portuguese did not stop at the Canary Islands, so as not to issue the Spaniards of their travels to the Spaniards, replenished the stocks of fresh water and provisions on the islands of the Green Cape (then it was the ownership of Portugal).

The next landing on the shore was November 4, 1497 in the Bay of St. Helena. However, here the sailors had a conflict with the local population, the Portuguese Losts did not suffer, but the Gama was wounded in his leg. At the end of November, the ships reached the Cape of Good Hope, which this time he behaved like Cape Sturges (his first name).

The storm was so strong that almost all sailors demanded from the captain of return to their homeland. But the seurior in their eyes threw all the quadrants and navigation devices as a sign that there is no return path. Although historians agree that, probably, not all, but almost everything. Most likely, the spare devices in the captain still remained.

So, having conceded the southern tip of Africa, the flotilla made a forced stop in Mossel Bay Bay. The transport vessel, transported supplies, was so badly damaged that it was decided to unload it and burn. In addition, part of the sailors died from zing, lacked people for servicing even the remaining three ships.

On December 16, 1497, the expedition left behind the last pillar-fence Bartolomeu Diash. Next, their path lay along the eastern coast of Africa. The water of the Indian Ocean, in which Vasco entered, no one century was the sea trading routes of Arab countries, and the Portuguese pioneer had to be difficult. So in Mozambique, he received an invitation to Sultan's chambers, but the goods of Europeans were not impressed by local merchants.

The Portuguese made a negative impression on the Sultan, and the flotilla was forced to hastily reter. Insulted Vasco da Gama gave an order to give a few volleys from guns on coastal villages. A little later in the port city of Mombasa, where the expedition ships were included in late February, the Portuguese was captured and looted by the Arabic vessel, and 30 people of the crew captured.

More hospitably met them in Malindi. Here, after a long search, yes Gama was able to hire an experienced Lotsmana who knew the way to India, as he understood that they had to cross the Indian Ocean. The personality of this pilot is worth stopping in more detail. Ibn Madzhid Ahmad (the full name of Ahmad Ibn Madzhid Ibn Mohammed Al-Saadi from Nedia, the approximate years of life is 1421-1500) - Arab Seamor from Oman, Lotsman, Geographer and Writer of the XV century. It came from the family of navigators, his grandfather and father drove trial in the Indian Ocean.

When an elderly sailor and his sailor with dignity rose on the side of San Gabrieel Vasco da Gama barely held back his excitement, peering into the impenetrable face of Araba, trying to understand much whether he understood in navigation. It is understandable, the fate of the entire expedition depended on this person.

Vasco da Gama demonstrated Ahmad Ibn Majid Astronor and Sextant, but on that devices did not make a proper impression. Arab just glanced at them and replied that the Arab navigators use other tools, took out and gave to see their da Gama. In addition, a detailed and accurate Arab map of the entire Indian coast with parallels and meridians was laid out before VASO.

After this communication, the leader of the Portuguese expedition had no doubt that in this pilot he gained great value. The Arabs and Turks themselves called Ahmada Ibn Majida "Lvi-Sea", the Portuguese gave him nickname Malemo Cana, which means the "connoisseur of sea business and astronomy."

On April 24, 1498, Arab Lotsman brought the Portuguese ships from Maldya and took the course to the northeast. He knew that at this time there were passing wind-monsoon winds. Lotsman brilliantly spent flotilla, cutting the western part of the Indian Ocean almost at the very middle. And on May 20, 1498, all three Portuguese ships moored from the Indian city of Calicut (today the skin).

Despite the fact that the Kalikutsky ruler met the Portuguese more than hospitably - they welcomed them from more than three thousand soldiers, and Vasco da Gama himself was awarded the audience of the ruler, the stay in the east could not be called successful. Gifts of Portuguese Arab merchants who served at the court, considered not worthy, and Hama himself reminded them more like a pirate than the ambassador of the European kingdom.

And although the portuguese trade was permitted, their goods walked badly in the local market. In addition, there were disagreements to payrolls on which the Indian side insisted. Without seeing no sense to stay more, Vasco gave an order to sail from Calicut, and at the same time he grabbed twenty fishermen with him.

Return to Portugal

Portuguese were not limited trading operations. On the way back, they plundered several merchant ships. Pirates also attacked them. The ruler of Goa tried to the cunning to lure the squadron to use ships in his military campaigns at the neighbors. Plus, all the three months that the path went to the shores of Africa, there was unbearable heat, and the crew was badly sick. In such a deplorable state on January 2, 1499, the flotilla approached the city of Magadisho. To anchor and go ashore da Gama did not dare - the team was too small and exhausted, "but to" declare themselves "ordered to fire the city from ship guns.

On January 7, the navigators threw anchor in the port of Malindi, where a few days of rest, good food and fresh fruit allowed the team to recover and again gain strength. But still the loss of the crew was so great that one of the ships had to burn. On March 20, Cape of Good Hope passed. On April 16, he sent one ship forward from the islands of the Green Cape Vasco da Gama, and on July 10, the King of Portugal took the news that the sea route to India was laid. Vasco Himself, Gama stepped on his native land only at the end of August - early September 1499. He was detained in the way the disease and death of Brother Paulo.

Of the 4 ships and 170 sailors, only 2 vessels returned and 55 people! However, if you look at the financial component, the first Portuguese foreign expedition to India was very successful - the brought goods were sold in the amount, 60 times more than spending on its equipment!

Second journey to India (1502-1503)

After Vasco da Gama paved the sea route to India, the king of Portugal has equipped another expedition to the "Country Country" under the leadership of Pedro Alvarish Cabral. But only half of the case was going to get to India, it was necessary to establish trading relationships with local rulers. It was not possible to do this senor of Cabral: the Portuguese raised with the Arab merchants, the proper cooperation in Calicut was replaced by anger. As a result, the Portuguese factor site simply was burned, and the ships of Pedro Kabral, sailing from the Indian shores, fired at the coast of Calicates from their on-board guns.

It became clear that the fastest and "straight" way to settle in India is to show the military power of Portugal. A more suitable leader for a similar expedition than Vasco da Gama, perhaps, was not to find. And in 1502, King Manuel I puts an experienced and uncompromising sailor at the head of the squadron. In total, 20 ships went to swim, of which 10 were submitted to the "Admiral of the Indian Sea", five were headed with the purpose of correcting the obstacles to the Arab sales ships, and five more, headed by, by the way, Admiral's nephew - Estevan da Gaha - were to guard Portuguese factors in India .

In this swimming, Vasco da Gama proved that no one besides him would do better with this task. On the way, he founded the forts and shopping posts in the Southern African coast - in Sofal and Mozambique, put tribute to the Arab Emir of Kilva. And in order to show the seriousness of your intentions to the Arab merchants, yes Gama ordered to burn an Arabic vessel, on board which only pilgrims were. It happened off the coast of Malabara.

In the city of Cannanur, the expedition was welcomed benevolently, and the ships were well loaded with spices. And then came the turn of the city of Calicut. Zamorin (ruler) of the city brought apologies for burning the facility in the previous visit of da Gama and promised to compensate losses, but the inexorable admiral seized all Indian vessels that stood in the port and artillery fire literally turned the city into ruins.

Indians' hostages were hanging on the masts of Portuguese ships, and the wovers sent a chopped part of the hands and feet, the head of the prisoners. For intimidation. Two days after the new shelling of the city, Zamorin left Calicut. The mission was performed. Meanwhile, Vasco da Gama went to the town of Kochin, where she helped the ships with spices and spices, and began to prepare for the opposite path.

Zamorin, gathering a flotilla with the help of the Arab merchants, tried to resist the Portuguese, but artillery on board the European ships predicted the outcome of the battle - the light Arabic ships were retraced under the fire of the scorer. And in October 1503, Vasco da Gama returns to their homeland with great success.

Third Journey to India (1503-1524)

The period between the second and third swimming was, perhaps the most calm in the life of Vasco da Gama. He lived in contentment and prosperity, together with his family, taking advantage of the honors and privileges at the Royal Yard. King Manuel I took into account his recommendations when developing plans for further colonization of India. In particular, the admiral of the Indian Sea insisted on the creation of a maritime police off the coast of Portuguese possessions in the "country of spices". His proposal was implemented.

Also, on the advice of Vasco da Gama, in 1505, the position of the vice-king of India was introduced by Decree of the king. This post in different years was occupied by Francischka D'Almeida and Affonsce D'Al Butkerki. Their policy was simple and straightforward - the power of Portugal in the Indian colonies and in the Indian Ocean was planted with "fire and sword". However, with the death of Albucheriki in 1515, a worthy receiver was found. And King Juan III, despite the old one (especially for those times), the age of Vasco da Gama - he was already 55 years old - he decided to appoint it to the position of Vice-King India.

Thus, in April 1515, the famous navigator went to his last swimming. With him together, two of his sons of Eshtevan and Paulo were departed. Flotilla consisted of 15 ships, which were baking than 3,000 people. There is a legend that when ships crossed 17 ° Northern latitude nearby Dabul, they fell into the zone of the underwater earthquake. Ship team came to superstitious horror, and only the calm and ambitious admiral remained calm, commenhaning the natural phenomenon: "Even the sea trembles in front of us!".

The first thing on arrival in Goa is the main support point of Portugal in the Indian Ocean - Vasco da Gama, the most decisive way has begun to conceare orders: he suspended the sale of guns Arabs, removed the casnocrads from posts, imposed fines in favor of the Portuguese authorities and made other repressive measures to No one has doubted who is the owner of land data. But the vice-king did not have time to fully transform all his plans to life - suddenly fell ill. And on Christmas Eve, on December 24, 1524, Vasco da Gama died in Kochin. In 1539, his dust transported to Lisbon.


Europeans from a long time attracted a fabulously rich India.

Although the trading path was difficult and dangerous enough, the trade was Boyko, because it was incredibly profitable.

Today we will tell about who opened India and how exactly it happened.

The discovery of India is an important event in the life of the planet.

Problems with trading lasting in the 2nd century

However, trading with India went smoothly - the problems began in 1258, when the Arab Khalifat fell, who supported trade.

Mongols were conquered by Baghdad, and since the trade of Mongols was not very interested, it all had a negative effect on the trade of Europeans with India.

And after the loss of the crusaders of his last Otlota in the East in 1291, trading with attractive India was almost completely discontinued.

You could only get to India seawaywhich Europeans had no idea.

Vasco de Gama

Only two long century later managed to solve this problem. Vasco de Gama turned out to be a man who managed to crowned the success of his predecessors. This ambitious and intelligent nobleman never walked on an unjustified risk and did not allow himself to take a smaller reward than deserved. If you want to know in what year Vasco da Gama opened the sea route to India,

The Portuguese king chose it for the expedition in 1497. Already in ten and a half months after the vessel was separated from Lisbon, Yakori was thrown on the raid of the city of Calicut (the ship was held along Mozambique and Somalia).

Golden Idol.

Fifteen months passed, and Vasco de Gama stood before the Portuguese king not with empty hands - with a 27-kilogram gold idol, who had a huge ruby \u200b\u200bon his chest and emerald eyes.

At this point, it became completely clear - the sea route to India is completely open.

Therefore, Vasco da Gama is the one who opened India.

Experience predecessors

Expedition Vasco de Gama used the experience of its predecessor - Bartolomeo Distas, who reached the Cape of Good Hope in 1488.

Another navigator - Diogi Cannes in 1485 became the first European, who stepped on the Earth South-West Africa. Alivise Kadamosto in thirty years before Cannes explored the mouth of the Gambia River. Alivise's records told the world about how the natives behaved at the sight of a white man.

He wrote that he came to watch, as if on a miracle, even tried to rub his saliva to check, real was the skin color or white paint.

Making sure that it is not paint, they were very surprised and mouths revealed from surprise.

First attempt to open India

However, the very first attempt to initiate Africa was undertaken by Europeans long before - back in 1291.

Sources of those times are talking about the Vivaldi brothers who went on ships in Ceut, making stocks with suppresses and drinking water. They drove into India to buy profitable products there, but no reliable information about this expedition has been preserved.

However, we can assume that the Vivaldi brothers managed to at least from the south to hit Africa, because after 1300, approximately the exact outlines of the African continent began to appear on some maps.

Now the sea route to India is fully open, and thanks to the construction of the Suez Canal is even significantly reduced.

However, the experience of the first navigators is still not forgotten - it was due to them

The famous Spanish navigator of Italian origin Christopher Columbus during his first navigation in 1492-1493 initially wanted to get to Japan, or Chiapang, as she was called at the time, and also find a shorter western way to trade with India, but it turned out that He discovered South and Central America for Europeans. AnydayLife will tell who opened IndiaThe path to which dozens of European navigators so persistently were looking for.

Despite the fact that the Indian subcontinent was achieved in the antiquity of Persians and the Greeks, it was the Romans who began to lead with India an active trading, which began approximately in the first century. e. Trade routes and ports of the Indo-Roman trade were described in the ancient Greek geographical essay of the "Peripal of the Eritrea Sea", written in the third quarter of the first century. e.

India to European colonization was the richest classical civilization with a rapidly developed international Trade. In addition, the unique diamonds known at the time were located in India. That is why many nations sought to conquer this region. In the XII-XIII century, Arabs, Afghans and Turks were invaded to North India, founding the Deli Sultanate. Later in the first half of the XVI century, India won a mogue, founding the empire that existed 200 years.

For Portugal, the search for the sea route to India became the "task of the century", since the country was aside from the main trade routes of that time and could not be advised to participate in world trade. The Portuguese had to buy exotic oriental products at highly high prices at that time, but the geographical location of the country played a role in an attempt to find the "spice country".

Royal infant (not the hereditary prince) Heinrich Mauchepher first began to organize sea expeditions south along the coast of West Africa. As a result, the Portuguese moved farther and further, creating their support points on open lands. Later, the expedition continued to continue other navigators in this direction.

In 1487, the King of Portugal Zhuan II sent for the land in search of the "Country of Spices" of two officers of Afonus di Payiva and Peru and Kovlyan. The latter was first managed to achieve India, and at least he was detained on the way back in Ethiopia, he managed to send a report on the Motherland that to achieve India actually by the sea, reinforcing Africa. In 1488, another Portuguese navigator Bartolomeu Diash Di Novais was the first of the Europeans from Africa and reached the Indian Ocean. Guided by these discoveries, the next Portuguese king Manuel I furnished the sea expedition.

For a new expedition, during the lifetime of Juan II and under the leadership of Ambassador Bartolomeus, Dysol, who knew the water, four ship were built, taking into account all the features of the sea around Africa. On July 8, 1497, Armada solemnly left the capital of Portugal Lisbon. As a result, a portuguese traveler, a naval officer and navocator of Vasco da Gama (1460 or 1469-1524) opened a new seaway from Europe to India (1460 or 1469-1524), when on May 20, 1498, Portuguese courts have achieved India, namely the city of Calicut (modern city of leather Kerala). After that, the Portuguese kingdom began to organize annual expeditions to the open "spice country". So the European colonization of India began.

Vasco da Gama (Vasco da Gama) is a famous Portuguese researcher of the Age of the Great Geographical Discoveries, the Parrings of the Sea Path to India. Born in 1460. In 1497, Portuguese Emmanuel Manuel I sent it to three ship with 168 crews to determine the southern tip of Africa and open the shortest route to India. November 20, 1497

Vasco da Gama reached the Cape of Good Hope, and in March 1498, which surrounded the southern coast of the African continent, reached the Mozambique Canal. He stayed in Mombasa, on the east coast of Africa, one with a conductor through which he crossed the Indian Ocean and arrived in Calicut in southern India, which became an important element of trading in the East, in Africa and other parts of India, Arabia and Persia.

Here Vasco da Gama met with a hostile reception of Muslims and had to leave with anything. When he was saved in Cananore and Edidedene, he went back to Portugal, where he arrived in September 1499 with 50 people.

He was appointed Admiral India for his discovery.

Portrait of vasco da gama. Unknown artist, between 1525 and 1550

Immediately they sent (1500) another expedition under the command of Pedro Alvaris Cabra, Create Portuguese shopping stations in new countries.

At several points, plants were organized, and in Calicut they were captured and captured by Portuguese. Then the big team was equipped under the command of Vasco da Gama with 20 ships 800 soldiers (1502). He left the factory in Mozambique and Sofal and went to Calicut, capturing and destroying the whole road throughout the opposite court belonging to the ruler Sarazen and Kalikutsky - Zamorin.

When he joined the king of the cochin and received a reinforcement from Portugal, Vasco da Gama brutally figured out the locals and made the fatigue send it to Portugal. Leaving the garrison to protect Portuguese shopping stations, Vasco returned to Portugal in the fall of 1503-13 ships with rich Indian goods.

For this removal, he received the title of Grofa.

Mysterious Mission Vasco da Gama

In 1524, under the command of King Joao III, Vasco da Gama went to India for the third time, and now as a vice president.

With his usual perseverance and seriousness, he managed to eliminate the abuse of the administration of the colony. Soon he died of malaria (December 1524). His remains in 1539 were delivered to Portugal.

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Opening of the sea route from Europe to India and the Far East

Portugal and Spain are the first among European countries to search for sea routes to Africa and India.

In search of nobles were interested, merchants, clergy and royal power of these countries.

Opening the sea route to India.

With the end of the reconquists (in Portugal, she ended in the middle of the XIII century, and in Spain - at the end of the XV century), the mass of small nobles - Hidalgo, for which the war with the Moors was the only occupation, was left without. These nobles despised all types of activities, except for the war, and when, due to the development of inventory, their needs increased their money, many of them were very soon indeed in the urban rods. Therefore, the idea of \u200b\u200bgetting rich in Africa or and Eastern countries was represented by these knights of reconquists left without affairs and without money, especially fascinating.

The ability to fight, acquired by them in wars with the Moors, the love of adventure, thirst for military prey and fame was quite suitable for a new difficult and dangerous business - the discovery and conquest of unknown trade routes, countries and lands.

It is from the environment that the poor Portuguese and Spanish nobles came out in the XV-XVI centuries. Bold navigaters, cruel conquerors-conquistadors, which destroyed the states of the Aztecs and the Inca, the greedy colonial officials. "They walked with a cross in their hands and with insatiable thirst for gold in the heart," one contemporary writes about Spanish conquestors. The rich citizens of Portugal and Spain willingly gave money to maritime expeditions that enloled them with the most important trade routes, rapid generalization and the dominant position in European trade.

The Catholic clergy consecrated the religious banner of the bloody affairs of conquistadors, since due to the latter it acquired a new flue at the expense of the tribes and peoples converts into the Catholicism and increased their land possessions and income.

The Royal Power of Portugal and Spain was equally interested in the opening of new countries and trade routes. The bench, who has experienced a heavy feudal groove, the peasantry and low-depleted cities could not give kings enough money to cover the expenses that the absolutist regime required; In the possession of the most important trading paths and colonies, the kings saw a way out of cash.

In addition, numerous militant nobles that remained without a business after the reconquists represented a serious danger to the king and cities, as they could easily use large feudals in the fight against the association of the country and the strengthening of royal power. The kings of Portugal and Spain sought so to captivate the nobles of the idea of \u200b\u200bopening and conquering new countries and trade routes.

Sea Path, bonding Italian shopping cities with north Western Europe, passed through the Gibraltar Strait and Ogibal Pyrenean Peninsula.

With the development of maritime trade in the XIV-XV centuries. The importance of coastal Portuguese and Spanish cities increased. However, the expansion of Portugal and Spain was possible only in the direction of the Unknown Atlantic Ocean, because the trade in the Mediterranean Sea has already been previously seized by the powerful marine cities by the republics of Italy, and trade in the North and Baltic seas - the Union of German cities - Gansa.

The geographical position of the Pyrenean Peninsula, nominated far to the West to the Atlantic Ocean favored the direction of expansion of Portugal and Spain. When in the XV century. In Europe, there was a need to look for new seaside paths to the East, less than all in these searches was interested in monopolizing in their hands all the trade between the countries of the North-West European countries, and equally, Venice, which continued to retrieve profits from Mediterranean trading.

As a result of these causes of the internal and external nature of Portugal and Spain, were pioneers in search of new sea routes across the Atlantic Ocean.

The first on oceanic paths came the Portuguese.

After conquering by Portuguese troops in 1415, the Moroccan port of Ceuts - the fortresses of the Moorish pirates located on the southern shore of the Gibraltar Strait, the promotion of Portuguese south, along the west coast of Africa to Western Sudan, from where the Golden Slaves and Ivory were brought to the north. . The Portuguese sought to penetrate the south of Seuts, in the "Sea of \u200b\u200bMraka", as the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean called the unknown Europeans.

Strong Arab states in North-West Africa did not allow the Portuguese to implement expansion to the east, along the Mediterranean coast of Africa. The western part of the Mediterranean was actually in the hands of Arab pirates.

In the organization of the expeditions of Portuguese in the first half of the XV century.

portuguese prince Enrico, a better known in history under the name of Henry Mariaphel, took part along the West African coast. On the south-west shore of Portugal, in Sagris, on the rocky cape, far-speaking to the ocean, a observatory and shipyard were built for the construction of ships, as well as the nautical school.

Sagrish became for the Portugal of the Maritime Academy. In it, Portuguese fishermen and sailors under the leadership of Italian and Catalan seafarers were trained in the sea case, they were engaged in improving the ships and navigation instruments, they were drawn up according to the information that brought Portuguese Morelods, maritime cards and were developed by the plans of new expeditions to the south. From the time of reconquists, the Portuguese were familiar with Arab mathematics, geography, navigation, cartography and astronomy.

Heinrich Drapel Travel Training Funds from the revenues of Jesus's spiritual and knightly Order of Jesus, and also received a number of trading companies on the pays from the rich nobility and merchants, which were expected to increase their income through overseas trading.

First, the navigation developed in Portugal slowly; It was difficult to find brave people who would venture to go to the "Sea of \u200b\u200bMraka". But the situation has improved significantly after the Portuguese in the West seized in 1432.

Azoreski Islands, and in 1434, Eannish hung Cape Bohador, South of which life was considered impossible in the Middle Ages; 10 years after that, another Portuguese sailor passed on 400 miles of this Cape and brought gold and slaves-blacks into Portugal, putting the beginning of the Portuguese worker. In the mid-40s, the Portuguese have already reinforced the green cape and reached the coast between the Senegal and Gambia rivers, the densely populated and rich in golden sand, ivory and spices.

Following this, they penetrated the mainland. Prince Heinrich The Navigator, objecting in words against the slave trade, actually encouraged it in every way; In West Africa, his ships were regularly sent to catch slab and the acquisition of gold sand, ivory and spices, intimidated from blacks on baubles; Usually, the prince received a significant proportion of bringing mining.

To complete the searches of the sea route to India, the Portuguese king Manoel sent an expedition led by one of his courtiers, Vasco and Gama, who originated from the poor nobles.

In the summer of 1497, four ships under his superiors came out of Lisbon and, having encouraged Africa, held along its eastern coast of Domalindi, a rich Arab city, who directly trading with India. The Portuguese concluded the "Soyuz" with the Sultan of this city, which allowed them to take with them the famous Ahmed Ibn Madzman, under the guidance of which they completed their swimming.

On May 20, 1498, Vasco da Gama ships threw anchor from the Indian city of Calicut, one of the largest shopping centers Asia, "Pier of the Indian Sea", as this city called the Russian merchant Athanasius Nikitin, who visited India in the second half of the XV century. With the permission of local raja, they began to buy in the city of spices. The Arab merchants who kept the whole overseas trade of the city in their hands, saw in this threat to their monopoly and began to restore Raju and the population of the city against the Portuguese.

Portuguese had to hastily leave the calikute and go back. In September 1499, Vasco da Gama returned to Lisbon. By the end of a two-year hard sailing survived less than half of the team.

Return to Lisbon Portuguese ships with a cargo of spices from India was solemnly celebrated.

With the opening of the sea route to India, Portugal began to master the entire marine trade of South and East Asia.

The Portuguese told the cruel struggle against Arab trafficking and shipping in the Indian Ocean and began to seize the most important trade and strategic points of South Asia.

By exercising this expansion to the East, the Portuguese conquerors used the arrivals of the ship's seating of the East, Arabic and Yavanny maps of countries and the seas of South Asia.

On the same map of the Yavansky Kormchego, who fell into the hands of Portuguese in 1512, the cape of good hope, Portuguese possessions, the Red Sea, Molukki Islands, the sea routes of the Chinese with direct roads, where ships are passing, and with the internal parts of the country. On this map, Portuguese ships moved through the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Malay Archipelago to Molukskogo Islands, the captains of Portuguese courts were prescribed by the instructions to attract Ceylon and Yavanian Kormchi as Lotsmans.

Thus, a seaway from Western Europe to India and Eastern Asia was opened.

Together with this discovery, by the seizure, a huge colonial empire of Portugal was created, stretching from Gibraltar to the Malacca Strait.

The Portuguese Vice-King of India, who was in Goa, was subordinate to the five governors managers by Mozambique, Ormuz, Muscat, Ceylon and Malacca. Portuguese submitted to their influence also largest cities East Africa. The most important discovery of the sea route, taking Europe with Asia, was used in the history of mankind, was used by feudal portugal for their own enrichment, for the robbery and oppression of the peoples of Africa and Asia.

From this time, up to the Suez Canal's breakthrough in the 60s of the XIX century.

the sea route around South Africa was the main road, which traveled between the countries of Europe and Asia was conducted and the penetration of Europeans to the Pools of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

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In 1487, trained navigator Bartolomew Diaz reached the southern point of Africa. The rounding of the Cape of Good Hope was in the world that the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean are not completely surrounded by the Earth, like European geographers of time, and are interconnected.

And again, the Portuguese began to talk about the idea of \u200b\u200bachievement, of course, finding the sea route to India. To help the sailors, Pedro and Soviek, who spelling in Arabic, sent a dangerous journey to India in India. He could collect a lot of important information about the ports of East Africa and India.

After that, ten years ago, the Portuguese travel organization was preceded by him and used the discovery of these two researchers. During this time, Christopher Columbus has already returned to Europe and stated that he found the way east when he crossed the Atlantic Ocean from the West.

On the eve of Christmas 1497, the three remaining ship sailed to the north along the Eastern Coast of South Africa, and on January 11, 1498, they have already investigated the mouth of the copper river.

The opening of the sea route to India was key in the opening history.

In addition to the fact that it was an excellent event in the art of marine life of that time, his journey became the starting point for a series of events that the world changed.

The first one who paved the way for Europeans to India was Portugal. This is mainly due to the politics of Henry Navigator, whose desire was to pave the sea route to India to establish trade in spices and spices with the countries of the Far East.

For forty years, he organized an expedition to study on the west coast of Africa, which he was allowed to successfully trade with slaves and gold, but in the south of the continent and remained unknown Europe.

In 1497, Manuel I rose to the throne, who called Vasco da Gama, who made the first swimming in India by the sea.

Bartolomew Diaz personally led the preparation of the game to swimming. Diaz believed that ordinary caravelles were not enough, and the crew should have more efficient protection for such a long journey. The fleet consisted of four ships, two of which were specially designed for this journey. The crew consisted of 170 people and was controlled by the most experienced navigators of that time.

Who opened the sea route to India?

Ships were the last navigation tools and cards. From July 26 to August 3, the crew began to prepare for the next stage of his journey, which should have taken place without the participation of Diazo. When there was a huge loophole in the West to avoid a quiet belt in Guinea's bay, the ships turned into southern Africa again.

The Malabar coast of India was in the center of trafficking in spices. The Portuguese stayed here for three months and were originally received by the Indian ruler of outer.

But Muslim merchants who were also greatly influenced by the court, did not want to refuse to control the trade in spices for the benefit of the Christians visited. And when Gama again offered his products, the reaction was inadequate. Relationships worsened, and people and gamas had to bear the necessary items to return home ashore.

Passengers who wanted to return home as soon as possible, flew out of the Cape of Good Hope, and on March 20, 1499 were floated along the western coast of Africa.

He was absent for more than two years, traveling by sea 38 600 km (24,000 km) and spending 300 days at sea. Only 54 crew members 170 survived, but King Manuel was very pleased. When he paved the way to India, he opened a lot of opportunities for his country, and soon he took advantage of this.

The most famous discoveries of India relate to the main areas of people's lives - to entertainment, spiritual improvement and medicine.

In ancient times, Indian scientists have reached a high level in mathematical knowledge.

How was the path to India?

In the first millennium, antique mathematics moved to new level And ranked a higher step.

Scientists have invented a decimal number system of numbers with their characters, which were subsequently modified and are now known as ordinary arithmetic numbers.

They also laid the basics of trigonometric calculations, decimal arithmetic and varieties of calculus methods.

Decimal system of numbers Indian scientist Arichat was invented. They also invented the digit "zero".
In India, such sciences as algebra and trigonometry appeared.
It was first calculated by Budhayan. He also gave expanded options for what is now known as the Pythagora theorem. He did it in the 6th century, long before the Arab and European mathematicians
Quadratic equationsschritharachai was created in the 11th century.

The largest number used by the Greeks and Romans was 10 in the 6th degree, while in India it was 10 in the 53rd degree.

Weighting weights existed, measuring ruins made of sinks with very precisely applied divisions. The main weight unit was 0.86 grams, the main unit of length is 6.7 mm.

Indian astronomers Back in the 2nd century BC.

installed the phases of the moon, made the prototype of the modern calendar, shared a day for a clock. Hindus wrote astronomical treatises, put forward the theory of rotation of our planet around the axis, calculated the reflection of the moonlight of the solar color.

In the 5th century of our era, hundreds of years before Astronoma Smart, C. E. Brasharacharia calculated the time for which the earth passes around the sun. This time was equal to 365.258756484 days
In India, the largest largest unit of Time, Kalpa - time from the birth of the Universe before its complete destruction.

This unit is very close to the value of the period of life and, according to the pulsating theory of the Universe, is equal to 25 billion years

Art shipments It was based on the Sind River 6000 years ago. The word navigation itself is the derivative of the Sanskrit word "ka gatikh". Triagonometry was invented there - the basis of navigation in the open sea.

Rich in the achievements of India and in medicine.

Still in deep antiquity originated in India longevity Science (Ayurveda),on which Tibetan medicine is founded today. Indian doctors studied the properties of herbs, the influence of the climate on a person, considerable attention was paid to hygiene, a diet, various psychotechnics.

Ayurveda, Medical School - the oldest in the world, if not the most ancient, it was founded more than 2500 years ago. Indians correctly understood the appointment of each organ, successfully treated many diseases. An important feature of Indian treatment was that the doctors, during the diagnosis, not only assessed the physical condition of the patient, but also his psychological attitude.

Surgeons owned more than 120 tools, and made enough complex operations.

Many surgical instruments used in surgical operations are used and still.

These are hooks, probes, scalpels, syringes, extends.

For the first time, the mention of conducting operations on a person's body with the help of such a toolkit was found in manuscripts dated by one thousand years BC.

The Ancient Indian Medical Manuscript "Sushrute Schitu" describes the technique of some operations, leads to the descriptions of instruments and surgical practices.

For curing diseases, medicines created on the basis of herbs and other plants are used. Aüverdic principles in the manufacture of drugs and cosmetics are used in modern products.

No less fame among people striving for excellence enjoy Yoga - Culture that allows you to achieve body perfection and thoughts. The figures of people sitting in the famous yoga poses were found in the settlements of the ancient peoples, and their age according to expert estimates reaches 6 thousand years.

Yoga in our time is considered as two main directions - spiritual practice, and systems of physical and respiratory exercises.

Methods in medicine were invented treatment with water treatments And some complex surgical operations.

So, it is known that medieval Indian doctors could already remove cataract, put the seams on internal organs And make the trepanation of the skull.

Appearance striving in the Indian equestrian army It became one of the important discoveries that invented in India in the II century.

This gave the opportunity to put saber blows and accurate lesions from the bow. At that time, two durable belts with rings at the ends and a rider were attached to the saddle, climbed onto the horse, inserted a thumb into one of them.

Indian invention chess In the V-VI century, it became part of human culture around the world.

Initially, the game looked differently and was called "Chaturanga", which is translated as "four types of troops", which includes the familiar playing field of 64 cells and 32 figures today.

But in contrast to the usual game, the number of players was 4, and the moves of the figurines set the playing bones. The modern name on Farsi sounds like "Shah Mat", which translates Shah died. Historians believe that from the first games there was more than one and a half thousand years.

In India, first appeared domino, cards,

First tanks and dams for irrigation Western India were built in Saurashtra. Under the leadership of King Ruddaman I in 150, an artificial river called Sudarshana (beautiful) was created
The first university in the world was founded in Teschevilila in 700 BC.

More than 10,500 students from around the world studied more than 60 subjects. University of Nalands was built in the 4th century of our era
Indians knew how to manufacture dyes, glass, poisons and incense.

They perfectly understood in ore, alloys and other minerals.

In addition to agriculture, crafts and trade were widespread developed. This indicates a large number of weights found during excavations. India was probably the first country that mastered cotton worship. Cotton fabrics were for India the subject of export over several thousand years.

They are created a wonderful language in the world - Sanskrit - Having generated most of the Idiar of the East and Indo-European countries.

They are invented hand-to-hand combat, as well as tea wine, candy, tea biscuit.

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Among countries that began to look for seasons to Africa and India were Portugal and Spain. Italian port cities played a primary role with the countries of North-West Europe. Trading ships crossed the Mediterranean Sea and through the Gibraltar Strait moved strictly to the north, the rich pyrinelene peninsula. The Mediterranean Sea was monopolized by the Italians, and Portugal ships did not have access to the cities of North Africa.

Starting from the 14th century, Portuguese and Spanish port cities have gained special significance. There was a rapid development of trade, new seaports were required to expand links. The cities began to enter ships for cargo transshipment and to replenish the reserves of the provisional and water. But Portugal could master the new seaside paths could only in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean, since in the east direction all the ways were under the control of Italy. The Pyrenean Peninsula held a profitable geographical position and was convenient for ships to new expeditions.

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The expedition of the Portuguese Admiral Bartaloneo Diash in 1488 reached the southernmost point of Africa - Cape of Good Hope. Having reinmed the cape, Admiral hoped to go along the east coast of Africa, but the admiral craft was sorted, and sailors rebelled on the ship itself. Admiral was forced to turn to the house. Arriving in Lisbon, he managed to convince that there is a road to India.

By the summer of 1497, flotilla was equipped with four ships, which, under the leadership of Vasco da Gama, headed for exploring the sea route to India. Ohibaya Cape of Good Hope, flotilla lost one ship.

The expedition continued its way along the eastern coast of Africa and, entering the port of Malindi, received from the local ruler of the experienced Lotsmana, who led ships to the Indian shores. On May 20, 1498, ships under the leadership of Vaska da Gama went to the Indian port of Calicut.


Portuguese relations with the local population did not work out so much that Vasco da Gama was forced to bring ships to the open ocean in a rush order. The road home was full of difficulty and deprivation. Only in September 1498, Vasco da Gama returned to Lisbon to Lisbon, but the seaway to India, the open Portuguese of Vasco da Gama, changed a lot in the world. After a year, 13 ships furred the ocean towards India.

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