
Who should install urns at the entrance. Urn and blessing residents at home (6 photos). Number of urns in this area

Appendix 13.
to the Government Decree
of February 14, 2006N. 94-PP

Mandatory requirements
By putting in order of entrances of residential buildings
And improvement of yard territories

I. Attachment

II. Improvement of yard territories

1. Coping condition.
1.1. The existing coating of the carriage of the courtyard, sidewalks and the sideways (asphalt concrete, tiled, gravel crumb, etc.) must be repaired and not to have a choice. Luches of the wells (lattices) must be at the level with a carriageway. The onboard stone should not be understated, have chips, destruction.
1.2. Vertical layout Coatings should ensure the flow of surface waters, prevent sublopulations of the territories.
1.3. The network of pedestrian tracks should be organized in such a way as to provide convenient shortest approaches to objects of urban infrastructure, as well as to sports, playgrounds, recreation sites, economic sites. IN obligatory A smooth conjugation of coating levels is provided for the unimpeded movement of small groups of the population.
2. The state of green plantings.
2.1. Green plantings should have a well-groomed decorative look, all activities are carried out in accordance with technological cards Production of work.
2.2. Trees and shrubs that are in unsatisfactory condition are subject to removal in accordance with the existing order, the stumps must be crushed. In addition, trees are removed regardless of their conditions, landed closer than 5 meters from the windows of houses and reduce the insolation of residential building.
2.3. New landings are made only by projects, it is not allowed to land in the security zone of engineering communications.
2.4. Violated lawns should be restored by subsequent lawn grass at damaged areas, capital or current repairs. During repair, it is not allowed to use non-certified soil.
2.5. In places of recreation, on recreational areas, it is advisable to a device for removable flower beds, vertical floral design, the use of perennial flower crops. The launching decorative type of seedlings should be replaced in a timely manner.
2.6. Available decorative lawn fences must be repaired and painted.
3. The state of elements of facades of buildings and structures.
3.1. Facades of buildings, engineering services, stationary fences should be in proper condition.
3.2. Constructive elements of buildings (pitfalls, inputs in basements and garocamers, drainage pipes, balconies, etc.) must be repaired.
3.3. House signs and street pointers must be installed in accordance with the applicable instructions.
3.4. On buildings, the facades of which go to the streets, flag-containers must be installed.
4. The state of gaming, sports and economic sites.
4.1. Playgrounds must be equipped with small architectural forms for multiple groups of children and adolescents. Available small architectural forms must be put in order, repaired, painted.
4.2. Examination sites should be arranged for the leisure of the older generation with the installation of benches on the venues and along the pedestrian paths.
4.3. In the presence of a sports field at the courtyard area, it is necessary to put the fencing, coating, installed equipment and ensure their content in good condition.
4.4. Available small forms of decorative purposes, elements of landscape design (fountains, trolls, alpine slides, decorative walls, etc.) must be kept in good condition.
4.5. Economic sites for containers for domestic garbage and the placement of storage bunkers for large garbage should be equipped in accordance with the current rules, have a solid coating (asphalt or concrete) and fencing. Containers and bunkers should be in good condition, painted and marked.
4.6. Within the neighborhood, if possible, it is necessary to organize special sites (places) for dog walking.
5. Equipment of places of storage of vehicles.
5.1. There must be places for temporary placement of cars (parking pockets).
5.2. Placement of metallic awning must be ordered. It is not allowed to install awnings on lawns, children's and sports grounds, carriage of intra-ordinary travel and courtyard areas, parking pockets.
6. Outdoor lighting.
Outdoor lighting of courtyards and entrances should provide regulatory indicators and function in the dark. Outdoor lighting devices must be repaired.
7. Urns for garbage collection are installed in each entrance to the entrance of the residential building, in playgrounds and recreation sites, in the courtyards at a distance of 100 m one and another.
8. Improvement of the territories of houses-new buildings must be completed taking into account the requirements of this Annex. Payment of work on the improvement of the territories of houses-new buildings should be made only after the implementation of the entire complex of improvement activities, which was provided for by the project.

Where there are heavy metal drawers from the entrances

The improvement of the city is detached from the little things. And in the literal sense: Muscovites began to complain about the absence of urns in the city. The famous urban portal has already been filed more than a hundred complaints. Some of them have an obvious fantastic shade: garbage boxes appear at the entrances for a couple of months, and then disappear. "MK" figured out who is responsible for the urns in the Moscow courts and whether they are needed at all about our entrances.

Near the entrances there is no urn at all! Past of the house walks a huge number of people to the subway and back. Garbage to throw nowhere. Throw just to Earth! - A resident of the house on the street Marshal Vasilevsky Natalya Emelyanova complains of Marshal Street.

And such messages about the garbage where the garbage tank should be, - dozens. Moreover, the urns have a sad tendency to disappear. For example, a resident of the house on Volgograd Avenue Denis Pavlov complains that the urn has disappeared at the house, because it was not concreted. The same thing happens on Dobrolyubov Street, on Leninsky Prospekt ("In this moment Of the six entrances, urn has only one. It is not surprising that it is always overflowing and the garbage is scattered around "), on Rogov Street in Schukin (" Our entrance was again deprived of the garbage! ") And on many other streets.

At first glance, it seems that urns in the capital began to disappear massively. However, the interviewed "MK" municipal deputies said that there was no citywide program to eliminate urn. As MK clarified the municipal deputy of the district of Zyuzino Konstantin Yankausskas, for the receiving territory and urns izhe with it is responsible for the GBU "Zhilishnik" of the districts.

If the entrance disappeared the urn, then the resident needs to appeal to this organization or in the district council and ask her to return, "Mundep explained. - Why do urns disappear? Or they served their time, or someone dragged them. They are sometimes stealing as an alternative smoking area.

By the way, urn, the simplest, costs about 800 rubles. Who and why I decided to cut or dig out the usual piece of iron (even instead of an ashtray) - a big question.

Every year an address list is formed in each area, "says Yakauskas. - If the courtyard fell into this program, then there, among other things, it can take room urn at the entrance, at the playground and on another territory. This list according to the law is based on the appeals of residents, municipal deputies, Acts of Oatica and on the basis of circumference of the territory that implements the government. If there are no clear appeals, then, as a rule, the project may not be that residents need.

In practice, the situation is a little different. Residents can write similar appeals for several years, ask to establish at least an artificial coating on the playground, at least the same ballot, but receive from the controls the same answer: the list agreed, your appeal was not included. Municipal deputies refer to the accommodation system of addresses opaque. It looks like the truth, as on the same city portal, some of the old complaints of certain areas (for example, in Kuzminov) remained unanswered.

The leader in appeals among the districts was Butyrsky. True, most of them are written by the same user ...

According to a recent round (the latter was on Saturday, November 3, with representatives of the councils and GBU "Zhilishnik"), in several courtyards the installation of this such requests led to the fact that the urns were set near the entrances and "ate" one parking space... - told MK MUN MUNICIPAL MP of the Butyrsky Marina Metacks.

With parking shortages in the courtyards of Moscow - this real problem. The fantasy can also be in his pocket, but you will not make the car in the pocket ... "Good did they do with their urns or not?" - The municipal deputy is asked a rhetorical issue. "They" are, most likely, people from the "housing". Perhaps the answer will give the Resolution of the Moscow Government No. 018 from 1999. We will quote it: "Each entrance of residential buildings ... Urns must be installed. The urns are set at a distance of 50 m one from the other on the streets of the first category, markets, railway stations, and in other places of mass public visits, on the rest of the streets, in the courtyards, parks, gardens and other territories - at a distance of up to 100 m. "

Apparently, to withstand the detailed distance of 100 meters, our public utilities and the balls are set where you can or do not put at all. But then they violate the point number one ...

By the way, Marina Metsten raised the old sick question: "Do I need urns for each entrance?"

The urn can stand at the playground, "the deputy believes. - It is not needed near the entrance. First, we then the entrance itself protect against negative acts, which are called terrorist. Secondly, nobody goes to the entrance in a residential building.

The story with urns and terrorism is really relevant. However, Moscow, it seems that it has not yet been determined: she wants purity near every home or not?

If our city develops along the path of separate garbage collection, then a separate urn at the entrance is clearly not a means to achieve this goal, "said Urbanist Peter Ivanov. - And then it must be removed, because there can be thrown out that it fell. Even household garbage, if imperfect garbage disposals are placed. In many houses, garbage sawing Zev is not disclosed so widely to put a bag with garbage. And it's easier to actually come out of the entrance and throw your good in the urn. This is the question of the rules of the game. If we play for a separate collection, we remove the urns and create garbagers for this. Everything rests on urban politics.

By the way, the capital is trying to fight on two fronts now: we are as if for separate collection and ecology, but the urns are still ours ... Meanwhile, transparent containers from a grid for collecting empty plastic bottles appear in Moscow in Moscow. In particular, such containers noticed in the courtyards in the Warsaw highway residents of the Chertanovo Central district.

And how are they?

After a series of terrorist attacks of the 1990s, Paris authorities decided to abandon closed garbage urns in favor of transparent bags on fasteners. This variant of garbage collection allows you to quickly react to suspicious items, although the locals immediately noticed that the bags with the garbage urged the streets of the city. However, the practice has taken root - from Paris, such bags also moved to Italy and Malta.

After the 2010 terrorist attacks, the French authorities discussed the possibility of establishing special heavy-duty urns that would hold the explosion force inside. However, such an idea is quite expensive, she has not yet received distribution.

Article 41. Requirements for the installation of urns for garbage

1. In the territories common use (including in the squares and streets, stops public transport, in gardens, parks, beaches, in the territories of markets and fairs, marins) for each entrance of an apartment building, near the kiosk, at the entrance to the trading object (including the store, supermarket, shopping center), administrative and public building (including the building of the theater (concert hall), cinema, nightclub, station and airport, credit organization, building organization catering, domestic service), in other territories (objects) with a massive stay of people should be installed urns for garbage.

2. In parks, squares, gardens, on boulevards and urn areas for garbage are installed near every bench (shops, gardening and park sofa), and in their absence - along the pedestrian tracks.

3. On the beaches of the garbage urns are installed near the beach fence, as well as near the cabins for changing and other beach facilities.

4. If there are several inputs in the trading object, the administrative and public building with garbage urns is equipped with each entrance.

5. At the public transport stops and in the entrances to trading facilities, the garbage urns are installed in an amount of at least two. In the parks, the garbage urns should be placed at the rate of one urn for garbage on 800 square meters of the park area. On the beaches of urns for garbage should be installed at the rate of at least one urn at 1600 square meters of the beach. In the markets, fairs, in determining the number of urns for garbage, it should be processed from the fact that for every 50 square meters of the area of \u200b\u200bthe market, an at least one urn for garbage is installed, and the distance between them along the trading shelving line should not exceed 10 meters. When determining the number of garbage collectors with a capacity of up to 100 liters, it should be proceeded at the rate of: at least one by 200 square meters of the market area and set them along the line of trading shelves, while the distance between them should not exceed 20 meters.

6. Street uns for garbage are installed at a distance:

1) not more than 40 meters from each other on lively streets, the main alleys of parks;

2) no more than 50 meters from each other on the beaches, territories of organizations carrying out medical activities;

3) Not more than 100 meters from each other for other territories (objects) with a massive stay of people, with the exception of markets.

7. Installation of street urns for garbage carry out:

1) in common areas (with the exception of adjacent territories in respect of which agreements on the improvement of the adjacent territory) are specialized organizations on the basis of contracts and municipal contracts concluded with the administration of the city of Irkutsk;

2) on the beach - the beach organizer (organization or individual entrepreneur who have the right to use the water site and the right to the land plot adjacent to the water object, or the administration of the city of Irkutsk, organized on the appropriate section of the water area water object and land plot Mass vacation of the population associated with swimming) or the person authorized by them under the contract (Municipal Contract);

3) At the entrances of an apartment building - persons responsible for the content of common property in an apartment building;

4) near the kiosk, at the entrance to the trading facility, an administrative and public building, in the market, fairs, marina, in other territories (objects) with a massive stay of people, except for residential buildings, - legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, owned, lease or on other things, or in the management of which are these territories (objects).

Cabinet of Ministers on October 2 approved the standards of the mandatory installation of urn in settlementsNorma.uz reported with reference to the decision "On measures to further improve the efficiency of work in the field of household waste management".

The document establishes the procedure for circulation of household waste, taking into account the specifics of species (large, construction, waste of motor vehicles, hazardous waste), their collection, transportation and disposal.

To prevent clogging of territories, buildings and structures with solid household waste, urns are installed specifically designed to collect and temporarily storing solid household waste.

  • In the entrances to the entrances apartment houses - 1 PC;
  • Each entrance (exit) in the buildings of organizations, as well as trading facilities - 1-2 pcs;
  • Each entrance (output) in the subway, underground and overhead transitions - 2 pcs;
  • In parks, forestry arrays, gardens, boulevards, squares, alleys and others - 1 pcs for every 800 square meters. m area of \u200b\u200bthe object and at a distance of not more than 40 m from each other, with the installation along the line of tracks and sidewalks;
  • In the markets and trade facilities (supermarket, hypermarket and others) - 1 pcs every 250 sq. M. m. Object area and at a distance of no more than 10 m from each other, with a setting along the line of trading shelves;
  • At the stops of public passenger transport - 1-2 pieces;
  • On entry (departures) on parking lots and parking - 1-2 pieces;
  • On the courtyard territory of medical institutions - 1 pcs for every 700 square meters. m area of \u200b\u200bthe object, and on the main alleys - not more than 10 m from each other;
  • In specially dedicated sections for smoking - 1-2 pieces;
  • On the beaches and places of recreation, adjacent to the water water area (rivers, lakes, bays or ponds) - 1 pcs for every 800 square meters. M of the area of \u200b\u200bthe object and at a distance of not more than 50 m from each other, with an accommodation of not more than 15 m from the water rivation and 3-5 m from the strip of green plantings;
  • At the receiving territories of apartment buildings and central squares, sidewalks and pedestrian zones along the main streets, as well as at bridges - 1 pcs at a distance of no more than every 50 m with an intense pedestrian movement, not more than every 100 m in poor places.

In addition, the requirements for urns and their use have been introduced. Stationary street urns must have a moving structure (overturning mechanism) and have the basis for sustainable consolidation. Emptying and purification of urns should be systematically carried out as they fill, but at least once a day.

Flushing and disinfection of urn should be made at least once a month. Special garbage bags can be used to ensure the purity of urns and convenient emptying.

The document describes the procedure for organizing garbage stations. They should be removed from the windows of residential buildings, the borders of the sections of children's institutions, relaxing places at least 20 m, but not more than 100 m, as well as be outside the visibility zone from transit transport and pedestrian communications, aside from street facades of buildings.

Containers should differ in color for separating waste collection and marked with special signs and inscriptions. A total of four types of mandatory containers are envisaged:

  • Blue - for recycled waste (mixture of secondary material resources);
  • Brown - for organic waste (food and other biodegradable household waste);
  • Gray - for non-operated waste;
  • Orange - for hazardous waste (spent mercury-containing lamps, waste thermometers, all types of accumulating elements and other).

The garbage points may contain three more additional containers:

  • Yellow - for plastic waste;
  • White - for waste glass and glass;
  • Blue - for paper waste.

Control over the compliance of these requirements is entrusted to the inspection for the control of education, the collection, storage, transportation, disposal, processing, disposal, and the implementation of the waste of the State Economy and its territorial divisions.

In cases of detection of violation, it issues prescriptions and applies measures to attract perpetrators to administrative responsibility.

The famous designer Artemy Lebedev wrote a blog about what the desire would make the benefit of their neighbors. Unfortunately, the story of the famous designer Story as the world - the neighbors did not appreciate the good deeds made for them, and as a result, the desire to make the life of their yard more comfortable and civilized in this conflict ... We hope that this story will serve as a lesson to those who will read it and teach them, if not taken personal participation In the landscaping of the native house and the courtyard, then at least with gratitude and respect to treat someone else's work.

Soon the urn was dismantled - she was removed, as if this and the truth was urban property, all that remained from the urn - four holes from the anchor fasteners, which she was fixed ... The house again healed his life ...

Neuchant Artemiy Lebedev writes that this story, first of all, taught him the following:
"one. It will be necessary at the urns intended for installation next to residential houses, Reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe hole in which you can push the garbage to take place the bottle, but did not peck the package with the garbage.
2. It will be necessary to replace the metal door into the entrance to the glass. I already ordered the drawings of my building in the archive to be as close as possible to the historical version of the door. Perhaps it will slightly improve the neighbors.
3. It will be necessary to develop a narrow urn for small garbage - larger than for bulls, but smaller than for household waste. "

In general, the following design says:
"I'm calm for this, because I know that you should never wait for gratitude from anyone, but many naive, not finding sympathy, merge," says Artemy.

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