
State policy in the field of employment of the population (on the example of the Moscow region). Features of state policy in the field of regulation of employment of the population State policy in the field of employment of the population in brief

Due to the diversity of internal regulators of the labor market, as well as due to the social importance of its effective functioning needs qualified regulation. It seems that the creation of such an effective system of regulation in the sphere of employment is one of the main social tasks of the reforms being carried out in Russia.

The state plays an important role in providing employment.

There are four main areas state regulation labor market.
  • a program to stimulate employment growth and increase the number of jobs in the public sector.
  • programs aimed at training and retraining the workforce.
  • workforce recruitment programs.
  • the government adopts social insurance programs for unemployment, i.e. allocates funds for unemployment benefits
Objectives of state regulation of the labor market:
  • full employment, which is understood as the absence while maintaining the "natural level of unemployment", determined by the size of its frictional and structural forms;
  • creation of a "flexible labor market" able to quickly adapt to changes in internal and external conditions for economic development, maintain controllability and stability. This "flexibility", compared to the traditional labor market, manifests itself in the flexible use of part-time workers, temporary employment, job turnover, changing the number of shifts, expanding or adding depending on the need for job functions. Everyone who wants to work should find in such a market workplace that meets his needs.

State labor market policy is carried out in two main forms:

  • active - creating new jobs, increasing employment and overcoming unemployment through training and retraining of workers;
  • passive - support for the unemployed through the payment of benefits.

Carrying out active policy, aimed at achieving full employment, is in developed countries a priority direction of state policy on the labor market. The main measures of this policy are:

  • government stimulation of investments in the economy, which is the main condition for the creation of new jobs;
  • organization of retraining and retraining of the structurally unemployed;
  • development of employment services, labor exchanges that mediate in the labor market, providing information on job vacancies in order to reduce frictional and structural unemployment;
  • promoting small and family entrepreneurship, which is considered in many countries to be the most important method of providing employment to the population;
  • government incentives (tax and legislative measures) for employers to provide jobs to certain groups of the population - disabled people;
  • assistance, if necessary, to change the place of residence in order to get a job;
  • international cooperation in solving employment problems; solving issues related to international labor migration;
  • job creation in the public sector - in education, medical services, utilities, construction public buildings and structures;
  • organization of public works.

State support for people left without work, their social protection are related to passive form state policy on the labor market. The state guarantees to unemployed citizens:

  • providing social support in the form of unemployment benefits, material assistance and other social benefits;
  • free medical care.

In developed countries, financial assistance to the unemployed is carried out on the basis of unemployment insurance systems. The minimum task of these payments is to ensure the current living expenses of the unemployed. Duration - from several months, to indefinite assistance (for example, in Belgium, Australia). The funds are formed mainly at the expense of the state and entrepreneurs.

The relationship between unemployment and wages

An important basis for regulating the labor market in the country is the relationship between unemployment and. We are talking about the so-called, graphically reflecting the nonlinear relationship between these two phenomena.

Assuming that there is the same relationship between the rates of change wages and prices, then the Phillips model can be transformed into the relationship between unemployment and the rate of change in the price level. The Phillips curve gives options: either high enough employment with maximum economic growth, but with a rapid rise in prices, or fairly stable prices, but with significant unemployment.

For many years it served as the basis for socio-economic regulation in the United States and other Western countries. Many Western economists still proceed from the assumption that there is a unidirectional movement of changes in wages and prices and a multifaceted movement between these values ​​and unemployment. However, there were many examples when unemployment and inflation acquired not an inverse, but a direct relationship: despite the rise in unemployment, prices continued to rise. This raises criticism of the validity of the Phillips curve as a reliable regulator in the economy.

The listed areas do not exhaust all measures of government influence on the labor market. Along with them, there are methods of indirect regulation of the labor market: tax, monetary and depreciation policies of the government. In addition, legislation on social security, labor relations, equal civil rights, etc., also has a significant impact on the labor market.

Labor exchange

A special place in the system of state regulation of the labor market is occupied by the labor exchange (employment service, employment assistance service), which is one of the important structures of the market economic mechanism.

Labor exchange- a special institution that mediates in the labor market. In most countries, ore exchanges are state-owned and operate under the direction of the Ministry of Labor or a similar body, however, in the labor market, along with public employment services, there are a large number of private intermediary firms, whose activities are very high. There are about 15,000 such firms in the United States.

The main areas of activity of labor exchanges:
  • registration of the unemployed;
  • registration of vacancies;
  • employment of the unemployed and other persons;
  • studying the labor market situation and providing information about it;
  • testing of persons wishing to get a job;
  • vocational guidance and vocational retraining of the unemployed;
  • payment of benefits.

Most economists believe that the problem of unemployment and other imbalances in the labor market can be mitigated only by a combination of various means of stimulating economic growth, reducing the working week, and creating an effective system of retraining.

State employment policy in Russia

Public policy employment of the population- a system of measures of direct state and indirect impact on the labor sphere () to achieve the set goals.

State employment policy is tiered process: macro level; regional level; local level.

Macro level

At the macro level, the highest bodies of state legislative and executive power solve the cardinal tasks of employment policy:

  • Alignment of goals and priorities of employment policy with economic, social, demographic and migration policies.
  • Coordination of the system of goals and priorities of employment policy with financial and credit, structural, investment, foreign economic policy.
  • Development of a policy of employment and social support for the unemployed population.
Regional level

At the regional level, the above directions are taken into account. However, the powers of the regional authorities are somewhat narrowed. For example, it is carried out by the federal authorities.

The regions include the promotion of employment among the main priorities of their policy and, within their competence, implement social policy. At the regional level, in the interests of employment policy, programs for housing, transport and industrial construction and others are being implemented.

At the regional level, measures to support farming and small business are more effective than at the national level.

Employment problems at the regional level are solved as follows:

  • development of a system of training and retraining of the population (primarily temporarily unemployed);
  • improvement of information support (including computerization);
  • provision of adapted premises and trained personnel for employment centers;
  • targeted job support to contain the release of workers;
  • increasing the efficiency of registration, employment and social support for the unemployed;
  • support in the labor market for refugees and internally displaced persons, citizens with disabilities, long-term unemployed, women, youth and adolescents and other socially vulnerable groups of the population;
  • organization of public and temporary works.
Local level

At the local level, all practical work is carried out on employment, payment of benefits, and training.

State employment policy in Russia

The government of any country strives to maintain a certain level of employment in the economy. Of course, the measures taken depend on the national characteristics of each state. Below we will consider the state policy in the field of employment on the example of Russia.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that "everyone has the right to work in conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene, to remuneration for work without any discrimination and not lower than the established federal law the minimum wage, as well as the right to protection from unemployment "(Article 37, paragraph 3).

In 1991, the law was adopted " Employment in the Russian Federation"which defined state guarantees realization of the right to work and protection from unemployment.

State guarantees for the unemployed include:
  • free vocational training and retraining in the direction of the employment service;
  • reimbursement of expenses related to being sent to work in another region on the recommendation of the employment service;
  • payment of unemployment benefits;
  • the opportunity to conclude labor contracts for participation in public works, etc.

Fight against- one of the elements of the public (social) insurance system. According to the Employment Law, the State RF was created, which is an off-budget federal fund. The funds of the fund are federal property and are managed by the State Employment Service. The funds of the fund are formed at the expense of compulsory contributions from employers and working citizens, allocations from budgets of various levels, income from placing funds on deposits of the Central Bank, etc. and are directed to social protection of the population from unemployment.

Government actions to reduce unemployment can have mixed consequences.

Retraining and advanced training programs, as well as increasing the efficiency of the information service on the availability of vacancies, can increase the level of employment and reduce unemployment.

On the other hand, the payment of unemployment benefits reduces the incentives to look for work, which manifests itself in the "unemployment trap". To avoid this, the government sets differential benefit rates that decrease over time.

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2. Analysis of state and municipal policy in the field of regulation of employment of the population

2.1 Analysis of the situation on the labor market of the Moscow region

2.2 Analysis of the implementation of programs in the field of employment in the Moscow region (on the example of Naro-Fominsk)




The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that at the present stage it is necessary to pursue a purposeful policy and the results of the reforms being carried out should be focused on a person with the help of an adequate policy of employment of the population. This statement applies to both federal and regional levels. State employment policy should be based on a market economy with a social focus.

Human resources are fundamental to creating long-term unique benefits. people, their work ethic and striving to achieve their goals, their knowledge and value system, creative and innovative abilities. It is these factors that make it possible to ensure economic growth, well-being and security of the country. The sphere of work, conditions of employment, profound transformations in the entire system play a decisive role. labor relations, without which it is impossible to make a real turn towards man as the main goal of the functioning of a socially - oriented economy.

The modern Russian economy is characterized by several features that must be taken into account when analyzing the existing Russian system of employment of the population.

First, it is the extreme limitation of one's own financial resources enterprises, which sharply narrows the range of opportunities for attracting the working-age population in general and personnel in particular.

Secondly, with With the increasing complexity of production technologies, in accordance with the development of scientific and technological progress, the mentality of the employee is also becoming more complicated, his spiritual and material needs are increasingly influencing the final result of labor. The general state of the Russian economy and its opportunities to create new jobs and provide employment for a significant number of the economically active population does not add stability either.

The works of S.N. Trunin, I.V. Gelets, N.R. Molochnikova, SV. Shekshnya, M.V. Gracheva. A.A. Nikiforov, E. Balatsky. Studies of the socio-psychological foundations of the modern labor market and employment were carried out by V.A. Spivak, V.P. Pugachev, SB. Kaverin, EL, Ilyin, etc. On certain aspects of the research topic, such as the organization of labor employment, training and advanced training of personnel in employment centers, the works of M. Gorshkov, K. Volkov, V. Shkatulla, I. Eliseeva, V. T. Bylova and others.

The problem of employment of the population is the problem of involving people in labor activity and the degree to which their needs for labor are satisfied by jobs. It is impossible to achieve such a position that the entire working-age population is employed. After all, some enter the labor force, others leave it, others are fired or they quit themselves, others are in search of work, i.e. there is a normal movement of labor, part of which remains unemployed for a certain period of time.

The most important indicators in the labor market are indicators of the level of economic activity of the population, its employment and unemployment. An increase in these indicators leads to an undoubted improvement in the labor market and its welfare.

The economic basis of labor relations in our country has undergone a serious transformation over the past decade and a half. The labor relations themselves have also changed. In particular, the role of such forms of employment, which were either prohibited or were in their infancy, increased.

Target work: to study theoretically state policy in the field of employment and to analyze effective practical recommendations on its improvement on the example of the Moscow region.

This topic is very relevant in our time, since employment is an important sector of the socio-economic development of society, combining the economic and social results of the functioning of the entire economic system. In addition, employment is a kind of indicator by which one should judge national well-being, the effectiveness of the chosen course of reforms, and their attractiveness to the population.

The economic policy of the state to promote employment of the population at the present time should ensure the coordinated functioning of the labor and capital market, regulation of the formation and movement of investments across the territory of Russia, the use of corporate and private capital, taking into account the provision of employment at a level sufficient to maintain population reproduction within the guaranteed the constitution and laws of the Russian Federation.

Object of study: the sphere of employment of the population.

Subject of study: government regulation and municipal government in the field of employment (on the example of the Moscow region).

Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

1. Consider the state policy in the field of employment.

2. To study the situation on the labor market of the Moscow region

4. Analyze the implementation of programs in the field of employment in the Moscow region

Research methodology and technique. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of domestic and foreign authors devoted to the problem of the labor market and employment of the population, analysis of the forms and methods of regulating employment of the population at the level of the municipality.

In the theoretical part, the concepts of population employment in domestic and foreign literature are considered. The features of state and municipal policy in the field of regulation of employment of the population and management of employment of the population at the level of the municipal formation have been studied.

The analytical part analyzes the situation on the labor market of the Moscow region, and also studies the implementation of programs in the field of employment in the Moscow region.

The third chapter discusses ways to improve the implementation of programs in the field of employment of the Moscow region. Recommendations for improving management in the field of ensuring employment of the population are offered.

1. Theoretical study of state regulation of employment of the population

1.1 The essence of the concept of employment in domestic and foreign literature

Domestic economists have made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of employment. So, B.D. Breev gives the following definition of employment: “Employment of the population is a complex socio-economic phenomenon that is the most important component of social production. From the point of view of the economic category, employment today is practically considered as a social attitude not only to provide the population with jobs (i.e. from the standpoint of production and accumulation), but also to provide a person with the necessary means of subsistence (i.e. in connection with the formation and use of the fund consumption) ".

E.R. Sarukhanov gives a slightly different definition of the category of employment, who believes that "... the socio-economic relations that people enter among themselves regarding participation in socially useful labor at a particular workplace", i.e. "This is the practical activity of people in the production of material goods, social relations between them regarding the inclusion of an employee in a specific cooperation of labor at a specific workplace."

S.V. Andreev considers employment "as a condition for inclusion in the production process." In this case, the essence of employment is determined from several positions:

From the standpoint of production, where labor is its condition, since for the organization of the production process it is necessary to connect the worker with the means of production;

From the point of view of consumption, providing for the realized labor supply, according to which the services provided by the employee are materially rewarded;

From the standpoint of the division of labor, i.e. assignment of an employee to any field of activity.

Based on the generalization of the above and other definitions of the content of employment found in the economic literature, in our opinion, it is possible to formulate the position according to which employment, as a general economic category, expresses the totality economic relations regarding the provision of jobs and the direct inclusion of the employee in the process of labor activity.

The desire for the most complete and at the same time effective employment of the entire economically active population of the country is the goal of development in any economic system. However, if this goal is achieved, then only for a certain period. As a rule, there is always a gap between actual and effective employment, the magnitude of which and its impact on production testify to the efficiency of the economic system itself.

Experience shows that relatively full and effective employment can be achieved on the basis of sufficiently high and sustainable rates of economic growth. Economic growth rates are associated with investment, job creation and employment growth, which ultimately determines the growth of income and consumption of the population and has a reverse positive impact on investment, employment and economic growth.

The traditional (classical) explanation of unemployment can be called today simple: it proceeds from the usual reciprocity between the price of labor and the demand for labor. A decrease in wages stimulates the demand for labor and, therefore, employment; an increase in wages increases the supply of labor, but delays the growth of demand.

Arthur Pigou, author of The Theory of Unemployment, interpreted spontaneous regulation of employment in this way. During a depression, employment, wages, prices decrease, but at the same time, real wages, expressed in a basket of goods that can be bought, fall more slowly than prices, or even remain at the same level. Given the current widespread rise in prices, this reasoning sounds archaic, but you can bring the analysis closer to the present day if you remember that prices are growing unevenly and sometimes the actual nominal wages can rise somewhat more noticeably than the rise in commodity prices. But if real incomes do not decrease or even slightly increase, then this means that consumer demand, despite depression, persists. If there is a demand for consumer goods, then it means that there is also a demand for the means of production. So, we get a situation that predetermines the transition to revitalization and growth of employment. In other words, the starting point, according to A. Pigou's theory, is the fact of the relative growth of real wages in comparison with investments. If the wage increases beyond the "net product of labor", i.e. compensates for part of the remuneration for capital, then this causes a reduction in production and demand for labor. At the same time, in his "Theory of unemployment" A. Pigou puts employment in dependence on two main parameters: on the rates of real wages and on the form of the function of the real demand for labor.

At the same time, world economic practice shows that ensuring full employment and simultaneously increasing the economic efficiency of social production in modern conditions difficult to achieve, most likely impossible. This is due to the fact that the main factor of economic growth and production efficiency - the scientific and technological revolution - is simultaneously the main factor in the emergence of unemployment.

Economically effective implementation of the achievements of scientific and technological revolution is impossible without the absolute release of labor. At the same time, a decrease in employment occurs not only with the technical and technological renewal of existing jobs, but also with capital construction. The latter is carried out in the conditions of scientific and technological revolution on a more perfect technical basis, which ensures a reduction in employment and a specific reduction in the cost of production.

Any change in the socio-economic development of modern society leads to a change not only in views as to unemployment itself and its causes, but also to reforms of labor market institutions. To solve unemployment, it is necessary to determine the type of unemployment and its actual size.

According to the methods of calculation accepted in statistics, a person who has a job is considered to be employed, someone who does not have a job is considered to be unemployed, and the amount of unemployment is defined as the difference between the number of labor force constituents and the number of those employed at a given moment.

In the new conditions, freely chosen employment, as a reference point for the social market economy, should become the fundamental principle of the formation of state policy for ensuring full productive employment, which implies the need for a transition to a new model of the employment system. It is based on a combination of market principles of regulation and active participation of the state in the regulation of the rules for the functioning of the labor market and entrepreneurial activity, social protection of the population from the threat of unemployment, policy development and implementation of measures to promote employment, enhance the adaptation of the population to the conditions of a market economy.

The source of unemployment can be a variety of circumstances (change of residence, entry into working age, etc.). However, according to Western economists, main reason changes in the dynamics of unemployment is the cyclical development of the economy.

Taking into account the purpose of the study, it is advisable to dwell on those types of unemployment that go beyond the traditional forms and show the nature of development and changes that have undergone the previously known forms of unemployment.

Technological unemployment, which is caused by the transition to new generations of technology, technology, mechanization and automation of manual labor. Under these conditions, a part of the workers turns out to be redundant or a labor force of a different skill level is required.

Frictional unemployment arising from normal workforce turnover and job search processes, as well as from seasonal fluctuations in employment. Frictional unemployment exists even at full employment. Due to occupational movements and finding a better job, frictional unemployment is often viewed as voluntary.

Structural unemployment, which is formed in the event of a mismatch between the supply and demand for labor, and the ratio between these indicators for different types of labor and in different sectors of the economy and regions is not the same. This form of unemployment is associated with the closure of outdated enterprises and industries, a reduction in the output of a number of industries (for example, in connection with the transition to a resource-saving type of reproduction, a reorientation towards the production of science-intensive products). Structural unemployment occurs when enterprises in some industries go bankrupt and their workers are unable to find jobs in other, successfully developing industries.

Cyclical unemployment generated by the general low demand for labor in all sectors, spheres, regions. It is cyclical unemployment that indicates a general deterioration in the labor market. Within the framework of the described forms of unemployment, there are various modifications of them:

Conversion unemployment is similar to structural unemployment and is caused by a reduction in the number of people in the army and those employed in the military-industrial complex. At times, this unemployment can be acute, affecting the lives of millions of people;

Economic unemployment is relatively stable, due to fluctuations in the market environment, the ruin of some of the producers in the course of the competition;

youth unemployment is characterized by a disproportionately high proportion of young people (16-24 years old) among the unemployed; it has the character of predominantly functional unemployment;

hidden unemployment is most common in agriculture (a classic form of agrarian overpopulation), but it can also be observed in other areas - where there are more workers than is required to produce the final product;

stagnant unemployment covers people who do not want, and eventually cannot work.

World economic practice has made it possible to identify certain patterns in the development of the labor market and the movement of the labor force, indicating the presence of opportunities for absorbing the relative surplus of the active population.

In the new conditions prevailing market relations there is a need for the formation of employment, which would be aimed at creating market relations in the labor sphere. In accordance with the laws of the market, these relations should be based on a number of fundamental principles, the main of which is the personal and economic freedom of the employee, who can choose between employment and non-employment in social production, a particular profession and type of activity, taking into account his own capabilities. , and social needs, which means the voluntariness of labor, the abolition of its compulsory and compulsory nature.

The new concept modifies and expands the content of the “full employment” target, linking it exclusively to effective employment. This connection is based on an orientation towards the needs and interests of a person, a departure from a purely production approach to labor resources.

The problems of employment of the population do not coincide with the problems of unemployment, since it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of employment of various socio-demographic groups of the population, the motivation of workers, changes in the structure of labor resources and other factors. From the point of view of N.I. Velichko the goal of ensuring full and productive employment is to achieve an increase in labor efficiency, the formation of an employment structure in accordance with the needs of improving the sectoral and regional structure of production, taking into account socio-demographic factors.

Thus, within the framework of this concept, full employment can be achieved at any level if the population's demand for jobs is satisfied, provided that it is economically feasible to create and use jobs. In this case, work is considered suitable, which corresponds to the professional suitability of the employee, taking into account his professional training, work experience, health status, and transport accessibility of jobs, profitability. It should be noted that during the transition period in Russia, the problem of informal employment, caused by the presence of labor activity that is not taxed, has become acute. Along with hidden unemployment, informal employment can easily turn into open unemployment; in addition, it causes a deterioration in labor morale, de-qualification of the labor force, and the expansion of the “shadow” economy.

In a market economy, the point of view on effective employment is changing significantly. The ideology of universal employment of the entire able-bodied population, supported by the obligation of a person to participate in social production, is being replaced by the concept of ensuring the desired employment and free choice of the form and type of employment. In market conditions, according to B. Lisovik, “Full and effective employment of the population means providing all able-bodied citizens with the opportunity to work in their chosen field of activity in accordance with vocation, abilities, education, professional training, taking into account social needs. Thus, full employment should by no means be compulsory and can be achieved with varying degrees of coverage of the working-age population. ”

From all of the above, it follows that in a market environment, the state must create conditions that guarantee every person the opportunity to work, and a person has the right to choose a place and type of labor activity and make a decision on participation in it. Undoubtedly, it is much more difficult for a market economy to fulfill the first condition compared to the second. In Russia, thanks to the adoption of new foundations of legislation on employment, a legal basis has emerged for changing the existing principles, the functioning of the employment system.

For positive change, a fundamental turn in economic thinking and social imperatives is required. The new legislation on employment of the population provides that every citizen of the country has the right to voluntarily choose any type of socially useful activity that does not contradict the legislation, free choice of place and type of work. The democratic principle of the voluntariness of labor is proclaimed, according to which the employment of citizens is based solely on their free expression of will and the administrative coercion of people to work is prohibited.

1.2 Features of state policy in the field of regulation of employment

employment market government policy

Direct public administration employment of the population, in connection with the economic transformations in Russian society, gave way to market labor relations based on the mechanism of self-regulation of employment through the labor market. Accounting modern views on the problem of employment of the population and, in particular, the regulation of labor relations in the market economy, is the fundamental principle of the formation economic policy the state.

Employment as a social category is one of the most important macroeconomic indicators of the stability of society. It reflects the need of people not only for income, but also for self-expression through socially useful activities, as well as the degree of satisfaction of this need at a certain level of socio-economic development of society.

Population employment is necessary condition for the reproduction of labor, since the standard of living of people, the costs of society for the selection, training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, their employment, material support for the unemployed depend on it. Employment reveals one of the most important aspects social development a person associated with the satisfaction of his needs in the world of work and in connection with work.

In the theory of J. Keynes, a different meaning is attached to the role of the state in regulating the problems of unemployment. The labor market is viewed as an inert, static system that needs government regulation. The state is able to eliminate the imbalance in the labor market by regulating the demand for labor not by fluctuations in market prices for it, but by influencing production volumes.

According to J. Keynes, the state should fight unemployment and regulate it using financial policy. By raising government revenues and lowering taxes, the economy can increase aggregate demand, which will lead to an increase in demand for labor and a decrease in unemployment. However, with the development of society and the course of scientific and technological progress, economists began to face more and more problems with determining the causes of unemployment. The number of factors influencing, as has already become generally accepted, the not completely equilibrium mechanism of supply and demand in the labor market, has become so enormous that it has become almost impossible to model the processes taking place in this area and identify direct mathematical relationships.

The employment policy in our country should be based on the market economy of the rule of law. It is believed that society (state), employers and employees in their public roles should balance each other in such a way as to facilitate further progress. The state defines the general boundaries of the activities of employers and employees, and they form the details of the system of rules for their relationships. Employment policy is important element socio-economic policy and aims to force capital, natural resources and labor to interact for economic growth and prosperity.

At the same time, according to the concept adopted in developed countries, the employment policy should not take responsibility for education and professional development into its sphere; should not relieve employers of their obligations to ensure working conditions and rehabilitate those who are forced out of the labor market. Employment policies should help people get into the labor market or return if they have been forced out of it. An active employment policy should pursue the following goal: a high degree of labor force participation in social production. Achieving this goal is necessary because prosperity can only be achieved when everyone contributes to production, thereby creating the basis for their own security. Full employment in the country is considered a fundamental goal of labor market policy. It is believed that people temporarily ousted from the labor market should receive either a job or the education required for it, but not financial assistance.

Preference in this area will be given to measures that are economically justified from the point of view of the long-term perspective. Three systems are designed to provide full-time employment: a system of regular (regular) retraining, a system of organizing public works and a system of youth practice, which was a specifically Swedish innovation. According to this latter system, young people who do not find work in the usual way are provided with jobs, the costs of which are compensated to employers by the state.

Competence issues play a decisive role in a competitive environment, so the main thing is to have a well-functioning school system and highly developed higher education and science. The responsibility of employers to provide their employees with opportunities for improvement in the labor process is important both for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and for moral
the state of employees who achieve better results in the event that they see that the employer is interested in their improvement and development of motivations. This work is carried out primarily by the stakeholders themselves (employers and employees), however, the state, through a special “Fund for Working Life”, is helping to develop programs to create jobs.

The main goal of the labor market policy in the country is considered to be the achievement of full employment. For its implementation, it is considered necessary to provide support to those regions of the country where structural changes with the aim of creating new jobs; support is guaranteed for both private and public employers. In addition, state and local authorities are required to organize temporary employment for young people and citizens who have not worked for a long time. Note that in practice, full employment is usually unattainable, thus characterizing not the real state of the labor market in the country, but only the direction of work of state and other bodies in this area.

Important principles of organizing the labor market are the coordination of the activities of all administrative institutions in solving issues of employment of the population and taking into account the latter when developing programs that have at least an indirect effect on the situation in the field of labor and employment. It seems possible to apply these principles in our country, if not at the level of state programs, then at least at the level of the regions, where it is easier to coordinate the interests of all parties.

Among other tasks of labor market policy, the improvement of working conditions is highlighted. It is believed that solving this problem is in the interests of both workers and employers, and society as a whole. It contributes to the preservation of the working capacity of workers, thus preventing the rapid aging of the labor force and alleviating the problem of labor shortages. The impact on working conditions is provided through legislation, as well as constant monitoring carried out by both state and public authorities.

The issues of retraining of personnel are also among those solved within the framework of the state policy on the labor market. The creation and maintenance of the system of professional retraining in the current state increases the opportunities of the able-bodied population to find work in the constantly changing labor market. Both adult workers and young people entering the labor market for the first time are involved in the vocational training system. At the same time, the latter somewhat prevail in the total number of people who annually undergo vocational training and retraining.

The state of employment at a certain period of the country's development is determined by the ratio of labor supply factors (the initial size of the economically active population, the motivation for employment, the value living wage and the size of the pension, etc.) and the factors of demand for it (the totality of jobs, the structural transformation of the economy, the dynamics of production volumes and the price of labor, etc.), the regulation of which is the prerogative of the state.

Experience gained over decades in developed countries market economy, shows not only the inevitability, but also the effectiveness of the combination of self-regulation mechanisms and state regulation of the labor market. Of the significant number of problems associated with employment and the functioning of the labor market, priority areas of state regulation are such components as: increasing jobs, regulating demand for a job, as well as implementing state policy in the development of education, vocational training and advanced training of personnel.

All of the above is achieved on the basis of a study of the mechanisms of state regulation of employment and the labor market that are common for countries with developed market economies, which include three groups:

Economic methods (system of concessional lending and taxation; budgetary policy aimed at stimulating entrepreneurship; preservation of old and creation of new jobs; personnel training, etc.);

Organizational methods (creation of a state employment and employment service, Information system, a system of career guidance, training and retraining of personnel);

Administrative and legal methods (regulation of the conclusion of labor relations; working hours; introduction of mandatory contributions by the enterprise to employment funds; determination of quotas for employment; regulation of working life with the determination of the minimum hourly wage rate, etc.)

In addition, methods of indirect influence are actively used in the regulation of the sphere of labor force reproduction. They form the preconditions for the market entities to be guided by the recommendations, which in to a greater extent express the purpose of the economic strategy.

Thus, the methods of direct and indirect impact on the process of employment and the labor market can be defined as a set of methods of economic, organizational, legal order, forming a certain system of organized influence at all stages of reproduction of the labor force, including its formation, training and retraining of personnel, distribution and redistribution of labor force in the spheres and branches of the national economy and direct use.

The state employment policy presupposes the solution of the following main tasks:

the maximum possible satisfaction of the needs of the economically active population in paid work by using the funds at the disposal of the state aimed at stimulating the development of the production of goods and services in organizations of all forms of ownership;

expanding the scale of effective employment based on the creation and maintenance of highly productive jobs with favorable working conditions and an economically justified level of remuneration through the use of market mechanisms management;

development of the quality of the labor force, increasing the level of its professionalism, competitiveness in the labor market and professional mobility on the basis of the development of the vocational education system adequate to the requirements of the labor market;

minimization of the scale and level of unemployment, prevention of long-term unemployment;

providing material support for unemployed citizens;

enhancing the role labor migration in the creation of a single national labor market, taking into account the professional interests of citizens and the needs of the economy in the labor force.

The goals and objectives of the state employment policy are specified in relation to each stage of socio-economic development and are coordinated with the directions of structural investment, demographic, foreign economic policy, financial stabilization policy, income and economic growth.

An important element of the state employment policy is the labor market policy, which provides for:

employment in the shortest possible time of citizens looking for work, taking into account the satisfaction of the needs of organizations in workers of certain professions and specialties;

expanding employment opportunities by stimulating entrepreneurship and self-employment of citizens, organizing public works, creating specialized jobs for citizens with disabilities or those experiencing special difficulties in the process of finding a job;

increasing the competitiveness of job seekers;

social and labor adaptation of unemployed citizens in need of additional state support in the labor market;

providing material support for unemployed citizens at a socially acceptable level.

State employment policy is viewed as two-
level system, including macro level and regional

State employment policy at the macro level.

At this level, the state carries out:

Adoption of legislative and regulatory legal acts on employment and labor market issues and control over their observance;

Coordination of long-term and current tasks of the state
employment policy with the priorities of economic growth, structural investment, monetary and social policy;

Adoption of state programs for promoting employment of the population, organizes control over their implementation;

Coordination of the procedure for financing the state employment policy (in terms of central government budget funds);

Coordination of standards uniform for the entire territory of the country
social support for unemployed citizens;

Financial and organizational support to areas with a tense situation in employment and the labor market.

In the Russian Federation, the procedure for classifying a territory as tense according to the situation in the labor market is determined by the federal government.

State employment policy at the regional level.

State authorities in the regions of the country:

Develop and implement a regional employment policy, taking into account the socio-economic and demographic specifics of the regions and the main directions of the national employment policy;

Take additional measures of budgetary, tax and
credit policy to promote economic development region and ensuring employment of the population;

Develop and implement territorial target programs to promote employment in conjunction with the territorial bodies of the employment service;

Establish the procedure and directions of financing regional policy employment at the expense of regional budgets and exercise control over the targeted use of the allocated funds;

Adopt regional legislative and regulatory acts that provide additional guarantees of employment and social support for unemployed citizens in relation to the norms of state legislation on employment;

Coordinate the activities of local self-government bodies in the implementation of employment policy measures.

The state employment policy is based on several principles. They are quite logical and do not need detailed explanations. These principles include:

the priority of active measures to promote employment, including the preservation and creation of new jobs, retraining of personnel, vocational guidance and training in comparison with simple social support for the unemployed (payment of unemployment benefits);

priority support at the expense of the state budget of those elements of supply in the labor market that require the lowest costs and give a quick result;

implementation of the state employment policy, taking into account the interests of specific regional, sectoral and socio-demographic groups of workers;

support for employment in regions that are in crisis due to the state of the labor market;

implementation of balanced measures of social support for the unemployed to prevent, on the one hand, their desocialization (lumpenization), and on the other hand, social dependency.

The state pursues a policy of promoting the realization of citizens' rights to full, productive and freely chosen employment. State policy in the field of promoting employment of the population is aimed at:

Workforce development;

Ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of nationality, gender, age, social status, political convictions and attitude to religion in the exercise of the right to voluntary work and free choice of employment;

Creation of conditions that ensure a dignified life and free human development;

Supporting the labor and entrepreneurial initiative of citizens, carried out within the framework of the rule of law, promoting the development of their abilities for productive, creative work;

Provision of social protection in the field of employment of the population, carrying out special measures that contribute to the employment of citizens in special need and social protection and experiencing difficulties in finding a job (disabled people; citizens with lip service who, according to the conclusion of the authorized body, need constant care, assistance or supervision; persons released from places of detention and not provided with work for reasons beyond their control; young people under the age of 11 who are looking for work for the first time; persons of pre-retirement age two years before the age of retirement (by age); refugees and internally displaced persons, citizens dismissed from military service, and their family members; single and large parents raising minor children, disabled children: families in which both parents are recognized as unemployed; citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl and other radiation accidents and disasters); prevention of mass and reduction of long-term (more than one year) unemployment; encouragement of employers who keep existing and create new jobs, primarily for citizens in particular need of social protection and experiencing difficulties in finding a job; the combination of the independence of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments in ensuring employment of the population with the consistency of their actions during implementation federal program promoting employment of the population; coordination of activities in the field of employment of the population with activities in other areas of economic and social policy, including investment and structural policy, social Security, regulation of growth and distribution of income, prevention of inflation; coordination of activities government agencies, trade unions, other representative bodies of workers and employers in the development and implementation of measures to ensure employment of the population and control over them;

providing employment in places where indigenous peoples and other national minorities of the Russian Federation live, taking into account their national and cultural traditions, as well as historically established types of employment; international cooperation in solving problems of employment of the population, including issues related to the labor activity of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, compliance with international labor standards.

The country's transition to a market economy is a complex and unique process. It is necessary to find original ways, ways of solving tasks unprecedented in their scale. Policies should focus primarily on changing the nature of the labor market by moving from over-employment with low productivity to creating low level unemployed with highly productive employment. This is especially true when technologies and types of products are constantly changing, some are developing and other enterprises and sectors of the economy become bankrupt.

There is a need to transform a number of narrow Western models of employment policy into a more specific model for Russia, providing an increase in the quality of the labor force in the labor market as a means of social protection of people from unemployment and the most important factor economic well-being of society. Such a model requires a comprehensive account of the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of our country.

Currently, we can talk about three main options for a set of employment policy tools:


moderately passive;


The passive policy includes the payment of benefits to the unemployed and the provision of the simplest job selection services to them through the state employment service.

A moderately passive policy also provides for material support for the unemployed and the provision of job selection services. Outwardly, these two options are more economical in terms of temporary government spending.

However, the tactic of passively waiting for economic growth could justify itself only with a high flexibility of the labor market and labor force as a whole, positive economic prospects, expanding the possibilities of independent search and selection of jobs. Otherwise, the restraining efforts of passive policy on the labor market will be weak, the problem of unemployment will worsen, unemployment and associated social isolation will expand, and the loss of labor motivation among the unemployed population.

The most optimal and acceptable variant of the employment policy for the Russian Federation is an active one. It is this approach, which provides for active actions in the labor market, improving the quality of the labor force for the subsequent employment of the unemployed, can ensure the maximum possible employment of the population, the release of competitive products and the economic prosperity of society.

Based on the foregoing, it seems appropriate to implement the following priority areas of active employment policy:

to give Special attention improving the quality of the labor force in the labor market, improving the system of primary, secondary, higher and additional education, its focus on the needs of employers and changes in demand and supply in the labor market;

constantly adjust the volumes and profiles of personnel training in educational institutions, reduce the risk of unemployment among graduates;

to assist enterprises in the training and professional development of personnel in production;

ensure that employers allocate the necessary funds for personnel training, as well as advanced retraining of redundant workers for new areas of employment;

to ensure the development and improvement of a flexible, employment-oriented system of vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed population, adequate to the needs of a market economy;

develop a system of continuing education, including on-the-job training, development of self-study opportunities;

develop a system of vocational guidance and psychological support for the population;

pay special attention to the preservation of efficient workers and the creation of new jobs, including preferential taxation and lending, to support competitive industries, to support small businesses, to stimulate the entrepreneurial activity of the population;

in accordance with the program of structural restructuring of the economy, provide for measures for retraining and employment of laid-off workers;

to promote the employment of vulnerable groups of the population (disabled, women, youth, refugees, internally displaced persons, etc.), to develop public works, to develop and implement targeted programs for young people, to stimulate employers who recruit graduates of schools and vocational educational institutions;

to expand the scale of assistance to people who find themselves out of work, to take measures to quickly involve them in active labor activity.

In the process of forming a new system of labor relations in Russia, a lot has already been done: legislative and regulations regulating the relationship between the employer and the employee, compliance with the legality and legal protection of entrepreneurs and the population, internal and external tariff policy, etc. This is especially important for the development of entrepreneurship in the field of small and medium-sized businesses in the sphere of services, trade and especially production - areas that make up a huge reserve for ensuring employment of the population.

1.3 Employment management at the municipal level

In Russia, an integral system of employment management has developed in Soviet time as a mechanism for providing social guarantees aimed at efficient use and remuneration for the work of each individual person in accordance with his qualifications and social status. In general, the employment management mechanism adopted and developing at that time (basic rights in the field of labor and employment, social guarantees of the standard of living) ensured the achievement of the set goal.

In our opinion, the effectiveness of employment management at the level of the municipality should be understood as positive trends formed in the process of the formation and functioning of the labor market as a result of targeted actions taken related to identifying problems, searching for and organizing the implementation of applied solutions to issues of labor market regulation, based on the use of a wide range of methods, means, techniques, levers and technologies of the influence of the subject of management on the object (labor market) of management and the achievement of full employment of the population.

The main constituent elements of the employment management mechanism are the organizational and economic instruments of influence on the labor market, which are interconnected and interact with each other, in the process of which the interests of employers and the hired labor force are coordinated (should be ensured), and, thus, occurs (should occur) implementation of the state employment policy at all levels of its management, including at the level of the municipal formation.

The structure of the employment policy and social protection of the population from unemployment is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Main directions of the population employment policy

In modern Russia, with the transformation of the social system on a market basis, the main emphasis in the sphere of labor relations is placed on the formation of a mechanism for self-regulation of the employment process, which is determined by the nature of the operation of the market laws of the organization of labor and production. But, at the same time, in market conditions, the formation of many elements of the employment system remains the prerogative of state regulation, which gives the management of employment a social and market content.

In the process of functioning of the modern labor market, changes in the forms of employment and the system of labor organization are constantly taking place, which makes it possible to increase the degree of productive employment in relation to the economically active population. To develop mechanisms for effective management of the development of the labor market, it is required to use advanced methods for assessing the state and effectiveness of the implemented measures to promote employment of the population.

As the analysis of literary sources shows, in order to study the effectiveness of managing the employment of the population, quantitative parameters of the activity of employment services are mainly used. The most common approaches to determining effective measures to ensure employment are to designate certain areas, or they are indicated in the form of measures aimed at creating and maintaining jobs, retraining the unemployed at the request of employers, organizing public works, improving the qualifications of personnel directly in production, etc.

At the same time, in the economic literature, other approaches are proposed to the system of assessing the management of the efficiency of employment of the population. These approaches are based on specific indicators of the social performance of employment management. These indicators include:

a) the indicator of general social efficiency, which is calculated by the ratio of the number of unemployed persons taken off the register for all reasons during the year to the number of unemployed registered at the beginning of the calendar year;

b) an indicator characterizing the proportion of costs per established unit of social efficiency or per one unemployed person (a value showing "the degree of expected growth in the unemployment rate).

The practical content of the application of these indicators lies in the fact that as the unemployed are removed from the register, the value of the indicator of social efficiency increases, and vice versa.

The practice of using the above approach to determining social efficiency has revealed a certain drawback, the essence of which is that it does not reflect its real efficiency, since it takes into account the dynamics of only two categories of the able-bodied population - employed and unemployed. At the same time, beyond the scope of the analysis, there are groups of the population included in the category of “conditionally unemployed”, persons who can become actually unemployed. Taking into account the above provision of assessing the effectiveness of employment management, this study analyzes the effectiveness of ensuring employment at the level of the municipality on the example of Podolsk, for which the effectiveness of measures to promote employment was assessed on the basis of a comprehensive methodology developed by O.V. Inshakov and A.E. Kalinina.


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The transition from a centralized economic system to a market economy leads to the emergence of deformation in the field of social and labor relations and the aggravation of employment problems. The current situation makes it obvious the need for state policy in this area.

Employment policy is one of the components of the social and economic policy of the state.

Employment policy Is a set of measures of direct and indirect impact on the socio-economic development of society and each of its members

The purpose employment policy is the formation of favorable conditions for employment of the population and the provision of enterprises with a labor force through the stabilization of the economy, improving the quality and competitiveness of the labor force, the development of personnel training systems, the actions of state bodies on employment issues.

The state policy in the field of employment of the population is aimed at:

Ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens in the exercise of the right to work and free choice of the form of employment;

Support for the labor and entrepreneurial initiative of citizens. Promoting the development of their abilities for productive work by coordinating activities in the field of employment with other areas of the economy and social policy;

Compliance with the principle of voluntariness of labor, free choice of the type of employment by encouraging employers who create new jobs;

Provision of social protection of the population in the field of employment based on the coordination of the activities of state bodies, trade unions, entrepreneurs in the development and implementation of measures to ensure employment of the population. Various government bodies and public organizations are involved in the regulation of employment of the population.

The main principles state regulation of employment are:

Defensive regulation designed to restrict actions that lead to the insecurity of various groups of workers;

Incentive regulation, which helps to create conditions in which certain forms of activity can exist and develop;

Restrictive regulation aimed at discouraging individuals or groups of workers to act in such a way that they can gain advantages over others;

Directive regulation, which presupposes the guidance of workers in those directions that, in the opinion of the government or according to the statements of workers, may be in their interests;

Financial measures(taxes and subsidies) to increase labor market supply or promote employment.

Solving the problems of overcoming unemployment can be successful only if the real integration of employment policy into the general socio-economic policy is achieved.

In this regard, the effectiveness of the employment policy is directly dependent on the effectiveness of actions in related areas:

- overcoming the shortage of jobs by increasing investment activity from all sources, developing entrepreneurship; accounting for the impact economic solutions in terms of their impact on the labor market;

- consistent stabilization of living standards improvement of social support for the population, aimed, among other things, at reducing the forced need for work, which is available to certain social groups of the population;

- development of the continuous education system as the most progressive means of maintaining the quality of the workforce;

- improving the quality of the workforce including working conditions, issues of wages and use of working hours; stabilization of human resources, effective use of available jobs;

- conducting a balanced migration policy aimed at positive territorial displacement of the population, settlement of migrants, protection domestic market labor;

- developing and improving the efficiency of programs and services implemented through state employment agencies and aimed at preventing unemployment and returning those without.

Employment policy will become effective and efficient when it is focused on regulating the structure of unemployment, on redistributing the labor force by industry, territory and type of employment in order to increase labor efficiency.

For this, the following tasks must be solved:

1) increasing demand for skilled labor as a necessary prerequisite for increasing labor efficiency, improving the quality of products and services;

2) renewal of human resources through the employment of young people who have received a modern professional education (according to the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, out of 9 thousand enterprises, candidates for bankruptcy, the vast majority failed due to errors in management, due to inability to organize business in market conditions) ;

3) strengthening the role of professional labor in income growth and a corresponding change in labor motivation (highly efficient work - high wages);

4) proactive vocational training, retraining and advanced training of economically active citizens, primarily constituting a mobile reserve of labor, J taking into account the changing demand of the economy for labor in order to ensure its competitiveness;

5) expanding the flexibility of the labor market both in terms of forms of employment and labor regimes;

6) the maximum possible attraction of the unemployed to public and other temporary work;

7) improving the registration of the unemployed and the provision of benefits;

8) provision of differentiated social support to the unemployed, depending on the reasons for the loss of work and a person's readiness to adapt to new and higher professional requirements.

The solution of these tasks will ensure the revitalization of the nature of the employment policy.

Three main actors exert a controlling influence on the employment sector and the labor market: the state (primarily through the legislative and executive authorities), employers (entrepreneurs, administration of enterprises and organizations), and the state employment service (primarily its local bodies).

The state implements strategic employment management, i.e. forms the general employment policy.

Employers implement measures to maintain and improve the level and quality of employment in enterprises and organizations through the formation of demand for labor through the creation and supply of jobs in the labor market, as well as solve other employment problems within the framework of personnel management.

The employment service, acting within the framework established by law, carries out a comprehensive regulation of the employment of the population.

The main instruments of employment policy are active and passive methods of its implementation.

Active employment policy Is a set of organizational, legal and economic measures that help reduce unemployment to its minimum (natural) level and are focused on ensuring full, productive and freely chosen employment, which at the same time provides enterprises of all forms of ownership with the opportunity to freely hire workers for efficient production.

An active employment policy includes the following measures:

1) to ensure an increase in the competitiveness of workers, social and professional mobility - flexibility and dynamism of the workforce, adequate in terms of its professional and qualification structure to the technological needs of production and the structure of demand in the labor market;

2) initiating the demand for labor from both the private and public sectors of the economy;

3) encouraging the development of small business and self-employment.

The means of active employment policy include:

- labor market information- information about job opportunities, information about occupations and careers, labor market dynamics, trends in labor supply and demand. Information is disseminated in employment centers, through the media, public organizations, enterprises. An obstacle in obtaining and transmitting information about the labor market may be insufficient development of the statistical base, monitoring and sociological information (this requires serious financial costs), poor accessibility to high-quality information;

- employment assistance pursues the goal of minimizing the time a citizen searches for work, reducing the period of unemployment and the period of filling vacancies at enterprises. Necessary activities for this: a) maintaining a bank of vacancies to inform citizens about employment opportunities; b) selection of a suitable place of work and employees at the request of the employer; c) holding "job fairs" and "specialist fairs"; d) training in work skills and a special form of intensive counseling for citizens experiencing difficulties in finding a job. The main problem of increasing the efficiency of these measures is associated with the magnitude of the tension in the labor market (the number of applicants per one vacancy).

- professional education unemployed in order to provide an opportunity to acquire a new profession or improve their qualifications for subsequent employment. To this end, developed regulatory framework vocational training for adults. On a competitive basis, a network of professional educational institutions in various specialties and professions has been formed. Problems in this area include the unpreparedness of educational institutions for effective vocational training for adults, insufficient development of the educational and methodological base. In a period of economic instability, it is difficult to select promising professions. The discrepancy between supply and demand for training services in terms of professional qualifications. The need for training job seekers is underdeveloped.

- professional consulting is intended to increase the validity of citizens' choice of the type of activity and form of employment in accordance with personal inclinations and needs of the labor market, to form motivations of a higher order, including in labor activity. The employment centers provide services for the provision of: a) professional information about the state and prospects of the labor market, about the peculiarities of professions and specialties, about the requirements they place on the individual, about the conditions, work regime and its features, about employment opportunities, obtaining a profession and specialty ; b) professional advice on the necessary personal steps when choosing a field of activity, determining professional training, training opportunities; c) professional selection for both work and study places; d) psychological support, the purpose of which is to develop adaptation skills for unemployed citizens, increase self-esteem and increase motivation to find a job. There are organizational and personnel difficulties here;

- public works and organization of temporary employment; temporary subsidized employment, and quotas(allocation of a certain number of jobs that can only be occupied by workers of a certain social category) and support of jobs- programs partly funded by employment authorities and employers. These programs provide employment opportunities for persons who find it difficult, for various reasons, to find a job;

- support for entrepreneurial activity of the unemployed and self-employment consists in vocational guidance of the unemployed, consulting on starting their own business, drawing up business plans, teaching the basics of entrepreneurship, financial support at the stage of starting their own business. However, in conditions of instability and the absence of non-state investors, the process is rather slow;

- territorial redistribution of labor, etc.

Passive employment policy Is a set of measures aimed at smoothing negative consequences unemployment, first of all, to maintain the income of unemployed citizens (payment of unemployment benefits; additional payments for dependents, one-time provision of essential goods, treatment, rest and holiday events for children - free of charge or for reduced goals, etc.) and the provision of simple services for job selection through government employment agencies.

Passive measures also include the so-called compensation payments, the purpose of which is to curb mass layoffs, temporary partial compensation for the income of employees of enterprises on forced leave, as well as those working part-time (week) for reasons beyond their control. Compensation payments are used as an emergency measure and are set for a certain period and in certain amounts (from one to several minimum wages). City-forming and conversion enterprises, as well as enterprises located in "problem" regions, have advantages. However, there are risks here too - the risk of the state accepting the employer's obligations to pay wages.

The tactic of passively waiting for an economic upturn in Russia could justify itself given the high flexibility of the labor force and the labor market as a whole, positive economic prospects, in which the possibilities for self-selection of work are great. Otherwise, the restraining regulators of such a policy will turn out to be weak, the problem of unemployment will remain insurmountable, long-term unemployment and the accompanying social isolation will expand, and the loss of labor motivation for those without a job.

The state implements an employment policy at the federal and regional levels.

Employment policy at the federal level should be aimed at ensuring full, but effective employment as a necessary prerequisite for increasing the well-being of citizens, creating conditions for the diversified development of a person, the optimal combination and alternation of work and rest. This is possible on the basis of taking into account the action of both market and non-market factors.

Employment policy at the regional level should focus on:

Elimination of administrative restrictions on the movement of labor;

Workforce training and retraining;

Supporting job creation activities;

Expanding the range of public works;

Establishing long-term cooperation between the administrations of labor-surplus and labor-deficient regions on the temporary use of labor on the basis of contracts with its subsequent return to its native places and with the guarantee of providing housing, other material benefits for the earned money, as well as providing, if necessary, work;

State support for attracting foreign capital to regions with high unemployment, including for the development of small business, training for it a workforce, etc.

employment market government policy

Direct state management of employment of the population, in connection with the economic transformations in Russian society, gave way to market labor relations based on the mechanism of self-regulation of employment of the population through the labor market. Taking into account modern views on the problem of employment of the population and, in particular, the regulation of labor relations in the market economy, is the fundamental principle of the formation of the economic policy of the state.

Employment as a social category is one of the most important macroeconomic indicators of the stability of society. It reflects the need of people not only for income, but also for self-expression through socially useful activities, as well as the degree of satisfaction of this need at a certain level of socio-economic development of society.

Employment of the population is a necessary condition for the reproduction of labor, since the standard of living of people, the costs of society for the selection, training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, their employment, and material support for the unemployed depend on it. Employment reveals one of the most important aspects of human social development, associated with the satisfaction of his needs in the world of work and in connection with work.

In the theory of J. Keynes, a different meaning is attached to the role of the state in regulating the problems of unemployment. The labor market is viewed as an inert, static system that needs government regulation. The state is able to eliminate the imbalance in the labor market by regulating the demand for labor not by fluctuations in market prices for it, but by influencing production volumes.

According to J. Keynes, the state should fight unemployment and regulate it using financial policy. By raising government revenues and lowering taxes, the economy can increase aggregate demand, which will lead to an increase in demand for labor and a decrease in unemployment. However, with the development of society and the course of scientific and technological progress, more and more problems began to appear before economists in determining the causes of unemployment. The number of factors influencing, as has already become generally accepted, the not completely equilibrium mechanism of supply and demand in the labor market, has become so enormous that it has become almost impossible to model the processes taking place in this area and identify direct mathematical relationships.

The employment policy in our country should be based on the market economy of the rule of law. It is believed that society (state), employers and employees in their public roles should balance each other in such a way as to facilitate further progress. The state defines the general boundaries of the activities of employers and employees, and they form the details of the system of rules for their relationships. Employment policy is an important element of socio-economic policy and aims to make capital, natural resources and labor interact for economic growth and prosperity.

At the same time, according to the concept adopted in developed countries, the employment policy should not take responsibility for education and professional development into its sphere; should not relieve employers of their obligations to ensure working conditions and rehabilitate those who are forced out of the labor market. Employment policies should help people get into the labor market or return if they have been forced out of it. An active employment policy should pursue the following goal: a high degree of labor force participation in social production. Achieving this goal is necessary because prosperity can only be achieved when everyone contributes to production, thereby creating the basis for their own security. Full employment in the country is considered a fundamental goal of labor market policy. It is believed that people temporarily ousted from the labor market should receive either a job or the education required for it, but not financial assistance.

Preference in this area will be given to measures that are economically justified from the point of view of the long-term perspective. Three systems are designed to provide full-time employment: a system of regular (regular) retraining, a system of organizing public works and a system of youth practice, which was a specifically Swedish innovation. According to this latter system, young people who do not find work in the usual way are provided with jobs, the costs of which are compensated to employers by the state.

Competence issues play a decisive role in a competitive environment, so the main thing is to have a well-functioning school system and highly developed higher education and science. The responsibility of employers to provide their employees with opportunities for improvement in the labor process is important both for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and for the morale of employees who achieve better results if they see that the employer is interested in improving them and developing motivations. This work is carried out primarily by the stakeholders themselves (employers and employees), however, the state, through a special “Fund for Working Life”, is helping to develop programs to create jobs.

The main goal of the labor market policy in the country is considered to be the achievement of full employment. For its implementation, it is considered necessary to support those regions of the country where structural changes are taking place in order to create new jobs; support is guaranteed for both private and public employers. In addition, state and local authorities are required to organize temporary employment for young people and citizens who have not worked for a long time. Note that in practice, full employment is usually unattainable, thus characterizing not the real state of the labor market in the country, but only the direction of work of state and other bodies in this area.

Important principles of organizing the labor market are the coordination of the activities of all administrative institutions in solving issues of employment of the population and taking into account the latter when developing programs that have at least an indirect effect on the situation in the field of labor and employment. It seems possible to apply these principles in our country, if not at the level of state programs, then at least at the level of the regions, where it is easier to coordinate the interests of all parties.

Among other tasks of labor market policy, the improvement of working conditions is highlighted. It is believed that solving this problem is in the interests of both workers and employers, and society as a whole. It contributes to the preservation of the working capacity of workers, thus preventing the rapid aging of the labor force and alleviating the problem of labor shortages. The impact on working conditions is provided through legislation, as well as constant monitoring carried out by both state and public authorities.

The issues of retraining of personnel are also among those solved within the framework of the state policy on the labor market. The creation and maintenance of the system of professional retraining in the current state increases the opportunities of the able-bodied population to find work in the constantly changing labor market. Both adult workers and young people entering the labor market for the first time are involved in the vocational training system. At the same time, the latter somewhat prevail in the total number of people who annually undergo vocational training and retraining.

The state of employment at a certain period of the country's development is determined by the ratio of labor supply factors (the initial size of the economically active population, motivation for employment, the size of the subsistence minimum and the size of the pension, etc.) and the factors of demand for it (the totality of jobs, the structural transformation of the economy, the dynamics of production volumes and labor prices, etc.), the regulation of which is the prerogative of the state.

The experience accumulated over decades in countries with developed market economies shows not only the inevitability, but also the effectiveness of the combination of self-regulation mechanisms and state regulation of the labor market. Of the significant number of problems associated with employment and the functioning of the labor market, priority areas of state regulation are such components as: increasing jobs, regulating demand for a job, as well as implementing state policy in the development of education, vocational training and advanced training of personnel.

All of the above is achieved on the basis of a study of the mechanisms of state regulation of employment and the labor market that are common for countries with developed market economies, which include three groups:

Economic methods (system of concessional lending and taxation; budgetary policy aimed at stimulating entrepreneurship; preservation of old and creation of new jobs; personnel training, etc.);

Organizational methods (creation of a state employment and employment service, an information system, a system of vocational guidance, training and retraining of personnel);

Administrative and legal methods (regulation of the conclusion of labor relations; working hours; introduction of mandatory contributions by the enterprise to employment funds; determination of quotas for employment; regulation of working life with the determination of the minimum hourly wage rate, etc.)

In addition, methods of indirect influence are actively used in the regulation of the sphere of labor force reproduction. They form the preconditions for the market entities to be guided by those recommendations, which to a greater extent express the goal of the economic strategy, when choosing the direction of business independently.

Thus, the methods of direct and indirect influence on the process of employment and the labor market can be defined as a set of methods of economic, organizational, legal order, which form a certain system of organized influence at all stages of labor force reproduction, including its formation, training and retraining of personnel, distribution and redistribution of labor force in spheres and branches of the national economy and direct use.

The state employment policy presupposes the solution of the following main tasks:

the maximum possible satisfaction of the needs of the economically active population in paid work by using the funds at the disposal of the state aimed at stimulating the development of the production of goods and services in organizations of all forms of ownership;

expanding the scale of effective employment based on the creation and maintenance of highly productive jobs with favorable working conditions and an economically justified level of remuneration through the use of market mechanisms of management;

development of the quality of the labor force, increasing the level of its professionalism, competitiveness in the labor market and professional mobility on the basis of the development of the vocational education system adequate to the requirements of the labor market;

minimization of the scale and level of unemployment, prevention of long-term unemployment;

providing material support for unemployed citizens;

increasing the role of labor migration in creating a single national labor market, taking into account the professional interests of citizens and the needs of the economy for labor.

The goals and objectives of the state employment policy are specified in relation to each stage of socio-economic development and are coordinated with the directions of structural investment, demographic, foreign economic policy, financial stabilization policy, income and economic growth.

An important element of the state employment policy is the labor market policy, which provides for:

employment in the shortest possible time of citizens looking for work, taking into account the satisfaction of the needs of organizations in workers of certain professions and specialties;

expanding employment opportunities by stimulating entrepreneurship and self-employment of citizens, organizing public works, creating specialized jobs for citizens with disabilities or those experiencing special difficulties in the process of finding a job;

increasing the competitiveness of job seekers;

social and labor adaptation of unemployed citizens in need of additional state support in the labor market;

providing material support for unemployed citizens at a socially acceptable level.

Government employment policy is seen as a two-tier.

State employment policy at the macro level.

At this level, the state carries out:

  • - Adoption of legislative and regulatory legal acts on employment and labor market issues and control over their observance;
  • - coordination of long-term and current tasks of the state employment policy with the priorities of the policy of economic growth, structural investment, monetary and social policy;
  • - adoption of state programs to promote employment of the population, organizes control over their implementation;
  • - coordination of the procedure for financing the state employment policy (in terms of central government budget funds);
  • - coordination of standards for social support of unemployed citizens uniform for the whole territory of the country;
  • - financial and organizational support to areas with a tense situation in employment and the labor market.

In the Russian Federation, the procedure for classifying a territory as tense according to the situation in the labor market is determined by the federal government.

State employment policy at the regional level.

State authorities in the regions of the country:

  • - develop and implement a regional employment policy, taking into account the socio-economic and demographic specifics of the regions and the main directions of the national employment policy;
  • - take additional measures of budgetary, tax and credit policy in order to promote the economic development of the region and ensure employment of the population;
  • - develop and implement territorial targeted programs to promote employment in conjunction with the territorial bodies of the employment service;
  • - establish the procedure and directions for financing the regional employment policy at the expense of regional budgets and exercise control over the targeted use of the allocated funds;
  • - Adopt regional legislative and regulatory legal acts that provide additional guarantees of employment and social support for unemployed citizens in relation to the norms of state legislation on employment;
  • - coordinate the activities of local self-government bodies in the implementation of employment policy measures.

The state employment policy is based on several principles. They are quite logical and do not need detailed explanations. These principles include:

the priority of active measures to promote employment, including the preservation and creation of new jobs, retraining of personnel, vocational guidance and training in comparison with simple social support for the unemployed (payment of unemployment benefits);

priority support at the expense of the state budget of those elements of supply in the labor market that require the lowest costs and give a quick result;

implementation of the state employment policy, taking into account the interests of specific regional, sectoral and socio-demographic groups of workers;

support for employment in regions that are in crisis due to the state of the labor market;

implementation of balanced measures of social support for the unemployed to prevent, on the one hand, their desocialization (lumpenization), and on the other hand, social dependency.

The state pursues a policy of promoting the realization of citizens' rights to full, productive and freely chosen employment. State policy in the field of promoting employment of the population is aimed at:

  • - development of labor resources;
  • - ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of nationality, gender, age, social status, political convictions and attitude to religion in the exercise of the right to voluntary work and free choice of employment;
  • - creation of conditions that ensure a dignified life and free human development;
  • - support for the labor and entrepreneurial initiative of citizens, carried out within the framework of the rule of law, assistance in the development of their abilities for productive, creative work;
  • - provision of social protection in the field of employment, carrying out special measures to help ensure the employment of citizens in special need and social protection and experiencing difficulties in finding a job (disabled people; citizens with lip service. Who, according to the conclusion of the authorized body, need constant care, assistance or supervision; persons released from places of detention and not provided with work for reasons beyond their control; young people under the age of 11 who are looking for work for the first time; persons of pre-retirement age two years before the age of retirement ( by age); refugees and internally displaced persons, citizens dismissed from military service, and their family members; single and large parents raising minor children, disabled children: families in which both parents are recognized as unemployed; citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl and other radiation accidents and disasters); prevention of mass and reduction of long-term (more than one year) unemployment; encouragement of employers who keep existing and create new jobs, primarily for citizens in particular need of social protection and experiencing difficulties in finding a job; a combination of the independence of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments in ensuring employment of the population with the consistency of their actions in the implementation of the federal program for promoting employment of the population; coordination of activities in the field of employment of the population with activities in other areas of economic and social policy, including investment and structural policy, social security, growth regulation and income distribution, inflation prevention; coordination of the activities of state bodies, trade unions, other representative bodies of workers and employers in the development and implementation of measures to ensure employment of the population and control over them;

providing employment in places where indigenous peoples and other national minorities of the Russian Federation live, taking into account their national and cultural traditions, as well as historically established types of employment; international cooperation in solving problems of employment of the population, including issues related to the labor activity of citizens of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, compliance with international labor standards.

The country's transition to a market economy is a complex and unique process. It is necessary to find original ways, ways of solving tasks unprecedented in their scale. Policy should be aimed primarily at changing the nature of the labor market by moving from over-employment with low productivity to the creation of a low level of unemployed with high-productivity employment. This is especially true when technologies and types of products are constantly changing, some are developing and other enterprises and sectors of the economy become bankrupt.

There is a need to transform a number of narrow Western models of employment policy into a more specific model for Russia, providing an increase in the quality of the labor force in the labor market as a means of social protection of people from unemployment and the most important factor in the economic well-being of society. Such a model requires a comprehensive account of the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of our country.

Currently, we can talk about three main options for a set of employment policy tools:


moderately passive;


The passive policy includes the payment of benefits to the unemployed and the provision of the simplest job selection services to them through the state employment service.

A moderately passive policy also provides for material support for the unemployed and the provision of job selection services. Outwardly, these two options are more economical in terms of temporary government spending.

However, the tactic of passively waiting for economic growth could justify itself only with a high flexibility of the labor market and labor force as a whole, positive economic prospects, expanding the possibilities of independent search and selection of jobs. Otherwise, the restraining efforts of passive policy on the labor market will be weak, the problem of unemployment will worsen, unemployment and associated social isolation will expand, and the loss of labor motivation among the unemployed population.

The most optimal and acceptable variant of the employment policy for the Russian Federation is an active one. It is this approach, which provides for active actions in the labor market, improving the quality of the labor force for the subsequent employment of the unemployed, can ensure the maximum possible employment of the population, the release of competitive products and the economic prosperity of society.

Based on the foregoing, it seems appropriate to implement the following priority areas of active employment policy:

pay special attention to improving the quality of the labor force in the labor market, improve the system of primary, secondary, higher and additional education, its focus on the needs of employers and changes in demand and supply in the labor market;

constantly adjust the volumes and profiles of personnel training in educational institutions, reduce the risk of unemployment among graduates of educational institutions;

to assist enterprises in the training and professional development of personnel in production;

ensure that employers allocate the necessary funds for personnel training, as well as advanced retraining of redundant workers for new areas of employment;

to ensure the development and improvement of a flexible, employment-oriented system of vocational training for unemployed citizens and the unemployed population, adequate to the needs of a market economy;

develop a system of continuing education, including on-the-job training, development of self-study opportunities;

develop a system of vocational guidance and psychological support for the population;

pay special attention to the preservation of efficient workers and the creation of new jobs, including preferential taxation and lending, to support competitive industries, to support small businesses, to stimulate the entrepreneurial activity of the population;

in accordance with the program of structural restructuring of the economy, provide for measures for retraining and employment of laid-off workers;

to promote the employment of vulnerable groups of the population (disabled, women, youth, refugees, internally displaced persons, etc.), to develop public works, to develop and implement targeted programs for young people, to stimulate employers who recruit graduates of schools and vocational educational institutions;

to expand the scale of assistance to people who find themselves out of work, to take measures to quickly involve them in active labor activity.

In the process of forming a new system of labor relations in Russia, a lot has already been done: legislative and regulatory acts governing the relationship between the employer and the employee, compliance with the legality and legal protection of entrepreneurs and the population, internal and external tariff policy, etc. This is especially important for the development of entrepreneurship in the field of small and medium-sized businesses in the sphere of services, trade and especially production - areas that make up a huge reserve for ensuring employment of the population.

The system of measures to regulate and organize employment of the population includes:

  1. regulation of employment of the population. The government develops financial, credit, investment and tax policies aimed at rational allocation of productive forces and contributing to the preservation and development of jobs in the country;
  2. federal state employment service. This service assesses the state and predicts the development of employment of the population, informs about the situation on the labor market; develops and implements targeted programs to promote the employment of citizens;
  3. financing of measures to promote employment of the population. The funds are formed from compulsory insurance contributions from employers and employees;
  4. organization of public works. The executive authorities organize the performance of paid public works;
  5. social support for the unemployed. The state ensures the payment of unemployment benefits; payment of scholarships during periods of professional retraining and advanced training, etc.

Employment policy is of great importance for the formation of a civilized market and the prevention of social explosions. It should be closely linked with other programs, with structural restructuring, a general strategy for economic development, and measures to develop small business.

Employment policy should ensure the most effective use of labor potential, expand employment opportunities for various categories of the population. Great importance is attached to local employment initiatives, the encouragement of innovation and entrepreneurship. It is necessary to use all the means available for this, including training, subsidies, support in starting their own business.

Significant efforts and funds require the implementation of training and retraining programs, advanced training and retraining for the unemployed, persons released from production, the command and control system and the Armed Forces. A corresponding restructuring of education and vocational training is necessary, taking into account the new requirements. The education system must respond quickly to the changing demand for professions. Secondary and higher education institutions should adjust their curricula and teaching methods. It is necessary that young people receive professions that are in demand, and a new system of retraining for adults is also needed, which would ensure rapid adaptation and advanced training of workers.

A significant factor in the increase in unemployment is the reduction in the military-industrial complex and the Armed Forces. Need to develop special programs development and diversification of areas with a high concentration of military enterprises, ensure financing of investments in conversion from the state budget by reducing military spending, create preferential tax regime for private investment in these areas.

The organization of public works can play a role in improving the employment situation. Although, as international experience shows, this measure is of a temporary nature, providing mainly short-term employment and mainly in the field of low-skilled labor.

To enhance the labor activity of the population, it is of great importance to strengthen labor motivation, which requires a closer linkage of wages with its results, the development of systems for the participation of workers and employees in property and management. This is important not only for the expansion of employment, but also for the implementation of the general reserves for increasing labor productivity and economic growth.

Unemployment problems could also be mitigated through the wider use of non-standard types of employment - partial, temporary, home work, creation own enterprises persons who have lost their jobs. For this, it is necessary to ensure the necessary economic and legislative conditions, as well as the implementation of those legislative acts that are already in force.

The implementation of an effective and promising employment policy requires forecasting the main indicators of employment and the development of labor resources, the deployment of fundamental research in this area.

There is a need for constant monitoring and analysis of real unemployment, which is changing qualitatively. Psychological preparation of people for this social phenomenon is required. Legal ignorance of the majority of the population makes it defenseless in the event of mass layoffs. Legal education, incl. With regard to human rights, assistance and advice to those who find themselves out of work should be part of public policy.

"State policy in the field of employment. Stabilization of the labor market in Russia" and others

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