
Soviet census. The history of the censuses of the population in the USSR and Russia. Help Census in the USSR

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-1.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Census of the population in the Soviet period">!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-2.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The first Soviet census of the population was carried out in 1920 in civil war and Destroy."> Первая советская перепись населения проводилась в 1920 году в условиях гражданской войны и разрухи. Переписью было охвачено только 72% населения страны, так как в ряде районов страны еще велись военные действия. В 1923 году была проведена перепись населения в городах и поселках городского типа одновременно с переписью промышленных и торговых предприятий.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf--3.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e n three forms were used: personal sheet, family card (only in cities) and owned"> n Использовались три формы: личный листок, семейная карта (только в городах) и владенная ведомость. В семейной карте учитывался состав семьи с выделением супружеских пар и их детей, продолжительность брака и !} living conditions.

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-4.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The census program included 14 signs: gender; age; nation; native language; place of birth; duration"> Программа переписи включала 14 признаков: пол; возраст; народность; родной язык; место рождения; продолжительность проживания в месте переписи; брачное состояние; грамотность; физические недостатки; психическое здоровье; занятие (с выделением главного и побочного); положение в занятии и отрасль труда; для безработных - продолжительность безработицы и прежнее занятие; источник средств существования (для не имеющих занятия).!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-5.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The total population of the country according to the 1920 census data with doubt"> Общая численность населения страны по данным переписи 1920 г. с доисчислениями по территориям, не охваченным переписью, составила 136, 8 млн. человек, в том числе городского - 20, 9 млн. , или 15, 3%. По сравнению с началом 1917 г. численность населения сократилась на 6, 7 млн. человек. Примерно 2 млн. из этого числа приходится на эмиграцию из страны, остальные 4, 7 млн. - демографические потери от гражданской войны, вызванных ею голода и эпидемий, а также сокращения рождаемости.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-6.jpg" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Soviet second, the first All-Union Population Census was held as of 17"> Вторая советская, первая Всесоюзная перепись населения была проведена по состоянию на 17 декабря 1926 г. К ней тщательно готовились. Вопросы переписи обсуждались на 2 -й Всесоюзной статистической конференции (25 февраля - 3 марта 1925 г.) и на Всесоюзном съезде статистиков (1 -7 февраля 1926 г.). Основными переписными формулярами были личный листок и семейная карта (последняя только в городах)!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-7.jpg" alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Personal sheet contained mostly the same questions as when census 1920"> Личный листок содержал в основном те же вопросы, что и при переписи 1920 г. , и включал 14 вопросов, а с подвопросами - около 30, в том числе о поле, возрасте, брачном состоянии, этнической принадлежности и родном языке, грамотности, месте рождения и продолжительности !} permanent residence At the census, the presence of physical disadvantages, serious injury and mental illness. A whole group of commodity issues was devoted to the characteristics of the main and side exercise, social status, profession and place of work. For not having classes, sources of means of existence have been found. For the unemployed, questions were intended for the duration of unemployment and about the former lesson. The last requirement had considerable significance at that time: the correspondence of 1926 showed the presence of about 1 million unemployed in the country.

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-8.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Family card contained more than 20 questions designed to characterize the size and composition"> Семейная карта содержала более 20 вопросов, призванных охарактеризовать размер и состав семьи, а также ее жилищные условия. Перепись дала богатейшие материалы для изучения жизни российской семьи, многие из которых не утратили интереса к себе и сегодня.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-9.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e Census materials 1926 were published in 56 volumes. This publication was"> Материалы переписи 1926 г. были опубликованы в 56 томах. Эта публикация была и остается самой богатой публикацией итогов переписи населения в советский период истории нашей страны. Общая численность населения СССР, по данным переписи населения 1926 г. , составила 147 028 тыс. человек!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-10.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e All-Union Census of the population of 1937 N is the only time in history"> Всесоюзная перепись населения 1937 года n Единственный раз в истории СССР (и впервые после 1897 года) перепись проводилась как однодневная. То есть учёт населения вёлся фактически «до» (а не «после») критической даты (момента переписи). n В ходе переписи учитывались наличное население. n В качестве основной формы впервые использован бланк списочной формы на 8 человек, заполнявшийся на квартиру. n Программа переписи включала 14 признаков: пол; возраст; национальность; родной язык; религия; гражданство; грамотность; название !} educational institution; class or course; whether the middle or higher school graduated from; race classes (services); place of work; public group; Is married.

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-11.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e The census data did not correspond to the expectations of the party leadership, and therefore contained in it"> Данные переписи не соответствовали ожиданиям партийного руководства, а потому содержащаяся в ней информация была засекречена. В частности, численность населения составила 162 млн, в то время как предполагалось 170- 172 млн. Вызвал раздражение и ответ на вопрос о вероисповедании (лично вставленный в перепись Сталиным). Верующими себя назвали 50 % населения, из деревенских жителей - 70 %. Сохранившиеся !} preliminary results The census for a number of indicators was published only in 1990.

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-12.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e All-Union Census of 1939 N conducted"> Всесоюзная перепись населения 1939 года n Проведена по состоянию на 17 января 1939 года. n Численность населения страны составила 170, 6 млн человек, в том числе городского - 56, 1 млн (33 %). Разработка основных предварительных материалов переписи была механизирована и осуществлена за срок в 15 месяцев. Окончательной обработке материалов переписи помешала начавшаяся война. Неполная разработка ряда показателей была завершена уже после войны.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-13.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e All-Union Population Census of 1959 N conducted as of"> Всесоюзная перепись населения 1959 года n Проведена по состоянию на 15 января 1959 года. n Вопросы методологии и организации переписи 1959 года обсуждались на Всесоюзном совещании статистиков в июне 1957 года. n Общая численность населения СССР составила 208, 8 млн человек. Доля городского населения - 48 %. n Перепись послужила мощным стимулом к активизации научных исследований не только в демографии, но и в экономике, социологии и других общественных науках.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-14.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e All-Union Census of the 1970s n started on January 15"> Всесоюзная перепись населения 1970 года n Начата 15 января и продолжалась по 22 января 1970 года. n Программа переписи 1970 года состояла из следующих форм: 1. форма 1 - переписной лист сплошной переписи; 2. форма 2 - переписной лист выборочной переписи; 3. форма 3 - опросный лист для лиц в трудоспособном возрасте, занятых в домашнем и личном подсобном сельском хозяйстве; 4. форма 4 - бланк учёта передвижения населения от места жительства до места работы или обучения.!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-15.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e All-Union Census of the 1979 Population N Type of Census: Survey."> Всесоюзная перепись населения 1979 года n Тип переписи: опрос. n Категории: наличное и постоянное. n Признаки в переписном листе сплошной переписи: отношение к главе семьи, пол, причина и время отсутствия в месте переписи (для временно отсутствующих по постоянному месту жительства), возраст, семейное положение, национальность, гражданство (для иностранцев), родной язык, другой язык народов СССР, которым опрашиваемый свободно владеет, образование, тип учебного заведения (для учащихся), источник средств существования. n Признаки в переписном листе выборочной переписи: место работы, занятие по этому месту работы, общественная группа, продолжительность непрерывного проживания в месте переписи, число рождённых детей (для женщин).!}

Src \u003d "https://present5.com/presentation/3/16699207_422512256.pdf-img/16699207_422512256.pdf-16.jpg" Alt \u003d "(! Lang:\u003e All-Union Census of the 1989 population The last census in the USSR was held"> Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989 года Последняя перепись в СССР проводилась 12 января 1989 года. По данным !} last censusThe population of the Soviet Union was 286, 7 million people, including the urban population - 188, 8 million people, or 66 percent. The population of the RSFSR amounted to 147, 4 million people. Its distinctive feature was that for the first time, along with information about the population, information about housing conditions was collected. This made it possible to obtain information about the housing conditions of various socio-demographic groups of the population in all parts of the country, on the development of housing cooperation, about the degree of people's security housing and its improvement.

According to official sources of information, the population of the USSR constantly increased, the birth rate grew, and the mortality rate fell. Such a demographic paradise in a separate country. But, in fact, everything was not so simple.

Census in the USSR and source demographic data

In Soviet times, seven all-union censuses were held, which covered the entire population of the state. 1939 census is "extra", it was carried out instead of the 1937 census, the results of which were recognized as incorrect, as only the cash population was taken into account (the number of people who are on the day of accounting are in a certain settlement). In average, the participation of the population of the republics of the Soviet Union was carried out every ten years.

According to the universal census, held in 1897 at then Russian EmpireThe population was 129.2 million people. Only men, representatives of the supplied classes, were taken into account, so the number of non-ferre classes and female people is unknown. Moreover, some number of submitted faces was hidden in order to avoid the census, so the data is underestimated.

Census of the Soviet Union 1926

In the USSR, the population was first determined in 1926. Prior to this well-established system of state demographic statistics in Russia was not at all. Some information, of course, was gathered and processed, but not everywhere, and in the grains. 1926 census has become one of the best in the USSR. All data was openly published, analyzed, projections were developed, studies were conducted.

The accountable population of the USSR for 1926 was 147 million. Most were rural residents (120.7 million). About 18% of citizens lived in cities, or 26.3 million people. Illiteracy amounted to more than 56% among people aged 9-49 years. The unemployed was less than one million people. For comparison: in modern Russia With a population of 144 million people (77 million from them are economically active), 4 million are officially unemployed, and almost 19.5 million are not official employment.

The majority of the USSR population (by year and statistics can be observed demographic processes, some of which will be described in detail below) amounted to Russians - almost 77.8 million people. Next: Ukrainians - 29.2 million, Belarusians - 47.4 million, Georgians - 18.2 million, Armenians - 15.7 million. Also in the USSR of Turks, Uzbeks, Turkmen, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tatars, Chuvashi, Bashkirs, Yakuts, Tajiks, Ossetians and representatives of many other nations. One word, really a multinational state.

Dynamics of the population of the USSR by year

It can be said that the total population of the Union grew the year from year to year. A positive trend was observed, which, according to statistical data, overshadowed only the second world War. So, the population of the USSR in 1941 amounted to 194 million, and in 1950 - 179 million. But is it really so ridden in fact? In fact, demographic information (including the population of the USSR in 1941 and previous years) was classified, it came out even to falsification. As a result, in 1952, after the death of the leader, demographic statistics and demographies were literally the scorched desert.

But about this later. So far, we will just follow the general demographic trends in the country of Soviets. This is how the population of the USSR has changed by year:

  1. 1926 - 147 million people.
  2. 1937 - the census was declared "pest", the results were seized and sedolded, and workers who carried out accounting were arrested.
  3. 1939 - 170.6 million
  4. 1959 - 208.8 million
  5. 1970 - 241.7 million
  6. 1979 - 262.4 million
  7. 1989 - 286.7 million

This information is unlikely to allow determining demographic processes, but there are intermediate results, research, accounting data. In any case, the population of the USSR by year is an interesting field for research.

Classification of demographic data from the beginning of the 1930s

Classification of demographic information came from the beginning of the thirties. Demographic institutes were eliminated, publishing disappeared, repression collapsed on the demographers themselves. In those years, even the total population of the USSR was not known. 1926 was the last year when statistics were going to more or less clearly. The results of 1937 did not suit the leadership of the country, and the results of the 1939, apparently turned out to be more favorable. Only six years after the death of Stalin and 20 years after the 1926 census, a new account was conducted, according to this data, it is possible to judge the results of the Stalin's Board.

Reducing the fertility in the USSR Times of Stalin and the ban of abortions

At the beginning of the twentieth century in Russia was really high fertilityBut by the mid-1920s, it decreased very significantly. Even more accelerated the rate of reducing fertility after 1929. The maximum depth of the fall was achieved in 1934. To normalize the indicators, Stalin banned abortions. The years following this were noted by some fertility raising, but insignificant and short-term. Then - war and new drop.

According to official estimates, the population of the USSR grew by year by falling mortality and raising fertility. The birth rate is already clear that everything was not at all. But as for the mortality, by 1935 it decreased by 44% compared with 1913. But a lot of years had to go through the researchers to get to real data. In fact, the mortality rate in 1930 amounted to not declared 16 ppm, and about 21.

The main causes of demographic catastrophe

Modern researchers allocate several demographic catastrophes that overtake the USSR. Of course, one of them was the Second World War, the loss in which, according to Stalin, amounted to about seven million. Now it is believed that approximately 27 million killed in battles and battles, and this was about 14% of the population. Other demographic catastrophes have become political repression and hunger.

Some Events Demographic Policy in the USSR

In 1956, abortions were again allowed, in 1969 a new Code of the Family Law was adopted, and in 1981 new child care benefits were established. In the country from 1985 to 1987. An anti-alcohol campaign was carried out, which somewhat contributed to the improvement of the situation with the population. But in the nineties due to the deepest economic crisis Some actions in the field of demographics are practically not practically undertaken. The USSR population in 1991 was 290 million people.

The first Soviet census of the population was held in 1920 in civil war and destroyed. The census covered only 72% of the country's population was covered, as military operations were still conducted in a number of countries. In 1923, a census was held in cities and towns of urban type simultaneously with the correspondence of industrial and trading enterprises.

The 1920 Census Program, adopted after discussion by its wide scientific publicity on the 2nd All-Russian Statistical Conference, was significantly wider than the census program 1897. Personal sheet, which was the main census form, contained 18 questions, and with grades, from which Some had independent meaning - about 30. Questions were characterized by the composition of the population on the floor, age, marriage state and marital status, the native language and for the first time - by nationality, the place of birth. Literacy, the level of general and special education was also found out, the distribution of classes, giving the livelihood, by professions and branches of the application of labor and still for a number of characteristics.

The total population of the country according to the correspondence of the 1920 census, with respect to the territories not covered by the census, amounted to 136.8 million people, including urban - 20.9 million, or 15.3%. Compared with the beginning of 1917. The population has decreased by 6.7 million. Approximately 2 million. From this number, it is necessary to emigrate from the country, the remaining 4.7 million - demographic losses from the civil war caused by hunger and epidemics, as well as fertility reductions.

A large number of people moved from cities where food shortage was felt, in countryside. The number of urban population decreased compared with the beginning of 1917 by 4.9 million people, and his share in the entire population - from 18.0% to 15.3%. World and civil war has changed the sexual structure of the population. If a census of 1897, men accounted for 49.7%, then according to the 1920 census - 47.7% of the country's population.

The second Soviet, the first All-Union population census was held as of December 17, 1926. It was carefully prepared. The census issues were discussed at the 2nd All-Union Statistical Conference (February 25 - March 3, 1925) and at the All-Union Statistical Congress (February 1-7, 1926). The main census forms were a personal sheet and a family card (last only in cities). Personal sheet contained mostly the same questions as at the 1920 census, and included 14 questions, and with grades - about 30, including the field, age, marriage, ethnicity and native language, literacy, place of birth and the duration of permanent residence at the point of census, on the presence of physical disadvantages, serious injury and mental illness. A whole group of commodity issues was devoted to the characteristics of the main and side exercise, social status, profession and place of work. For not having classes, sources of means of existence have been found. For the unemployed, questions were intended for the duration of unemployment and about the former lesson. The last requirement had considerable significance at that time: the correspondence of 1926 showed the presence of about 1 million unemployed in the country.

The family card contained more than 20 questions designed to characterize the size and composition of the family, as well as its housing conditions. The census gave the richest materials to study the life of the Russian family, many of whom did not lose interest in themselves and today.

The census materials of 1926 were published in 56 volumes. This publication was and remains the most rich publication of the results of the census of the population in the Soviet period of the history of our country. Based on the materials of this census, the balance was developed. national economyThe current calculations of the number and composition of the population were carried out for the nearest after the correspondence years, demographic forecasts were built, the mortality tables of the USSR population were built for 1926-1927.

The total population of the USSR, according to the census of the 1926 population, amounted to 147,028 thousand people, followed by correction to abroad- 148 530 thousand people.

In addition, "there were many families with two wives - registered and actual, but also those and others vigorously proved to the counters that they are real. On the other hand, many women with children who live at the expense of alimony or their own work, wanted to sign "The girls", "leads the Penza edition" Young Leninet "quotation from the then newspapers.

Some women came to the census bureaus to complain about the counters that they did not make them in the cards as wives. Sick issues also were also about the age of women and residential area.

In addition, the native men who have several wives hid them from fear of persecution. And the Tatars on the questions about the marriage state were answered: "Host, but there is a woman," said "True from 1926".

The interface in Moscow showed that they dwell on the boulevards at night, in the garbage boxes, under the stairs in the entrances, the Chinese wall, in the tram pavilions, in railway cars. In sawdresses, the caves even arrange at the station piles, "True" notes.

The then "fists" was afraid of the census in the same way as modern entrepreneurs. Here is what writes about this, "True" from 1926: "Kulatsky groups are trying to use the census in their own interests and poisonously wept:" Here they will rewrite, they will take anything for accounting - yes the tax and fucked ... "But their voice is weak, no one They do not listen. "

But representatives of the lower layers of society were extremely honest. As newspapers noted, in some homes in the column "the main profession" the respondents wrote "the thief" or a prostitute. " And the interferes said and said: "Beggar singer", "begging musician" or just "thief." So was the colorful portrait of the Socialist Society of the NEP era.

When preparing a census 1926. Outstanding statistics V.G. Mikhailovsky and O.A. Quitko developed scientific principles that have formed both this and the following population censuses. 1926 census differed not only by the well-thought out methodology for obtaining information, but also the wealth of the data collected, especially about the social composition of the population and on families.

Census of 1937. Current calculations of the population that produced planned authorities were very different from real trends. According to their calculations, the country's population has increased rapidly, which should have evidenced by the relevant growth in the standard of living, and was at the beginning of 1933. 165.7 million, and by the end of 1937 it was expected that would be 180.7 million people. These figures were declared with the highest tribune, and therefore it was necessary that the reality would fit them.

But the correspondence of 1937 counted only 162,039 thousand people (with a recent correction to abroad - 162 739 thousand). As a result, the government announced this census failed, defective, its leaders were accused of hydration, in the intentional wages of the population. Many of them were arrested and died in the gulag, and some were shot. In the 1950s, they were all rehabilitated.

As a result of the census, the terrible effects of hunger of 1932-1934 were revealed, when the country lost about 7 million people. In print, however, this information was not reflected. Soviet newspapers not wrote about the mass death of the population, that the population "significantly rejected." "True" noted: "The first impressions of the counters who conducted a preliminary traffusion of the population make it possible to do some conclusions. It is felt that for last years Our country is significantly rejected. From all over the country they report the abundance of children. "

Secondly, this census showed that the majority of the population was believers in an atheistic country. "Extremely much trouble has delivered the counters the question: a believer or unbelieving. Suddenly, this item turned out to be the most difficult and" capricious "both for the meter and for the population," wrote "True.

More recently, already in the 90s, in the archives were found in a significant part of the preserved census materials in 1937. The group of researchers analyzed them, produced required calculations And she showed that the abundance was small, only 700 thousand people, or 0.43%. In many countries, the population inhibit the population within 5% is considered permissible.

Since the results of the 1937 census were not adopted by the government, a new population census was appointed, which took place in 1939 (as of January 17). It was now expected (according to the forecasts of the State University) that the population of the Union will be 170 million people. After the recent repression after the census of 1937, the statistics were very trying to reach the specified (in the literal) figure, prevent the "abundant" of the population. As a result of all efforts, the census showed the population equal to 170,557 thousand people (afterwards after correction to a double account and the registry, it turned out that a more real figure was 168,871 thousand)

The Second World War prevented the processing of the results of the census 1939 to the end. After the end of the war, the question of holding the next census of the population was raised to assess the damage caused by the war.

Only after Stalin's death in 1953, another population census was scheduled, which was conducted in 1959 (as of January 15). According to the main software, the correspondence of 1959 was much different from the correspondence of 1939. The census list contained only 15 questions.

At the same time, the results of the 1959 census caused a large scientific resonance, the greatest, perhaps, compared to all previous prickies of the population in our country. The census served as a powerful stimulus to enhancing scientific research not only in demographics, but also in the economy, sociology and other social sciences. This is a considerable extent that the circumstance was also facilitated that the census of 1959 was held after a little more than 2 years after the epochal XX CPSU Congress, when a thaw after the Stalinist winter came in the country and public sciences came to life. Results of the 1959 census gave everyone good food for the mind.

It should also be noted that there is no significant expansion from the mid-1950s. Official statistical publications: reference books, yearbooks, etc., mainly general economic, but also demographic.

The next next All-Union Census was carried out in 1970 as of January 15. The correspondence of the 1970 census list contained 18 questions, i.e. Slightly more than with a previous census. Additions concerned the problems of population migration. In the innovation of the 1970s census. It was also the use of a sample method, at which there were all 100% of the countries of the census list, and only 25% of the population were collected for the remaining 7 questions (the survey was conducted in every fourth housing). Then the information collected in this way was distributed according to certain rules for the entire population. Application of the selective method gives savings financial means and human resources.

The 1970 census materials were published in 7 volumes (the total volume of the pages of which were about the same as in 16 small volumes of publication of the results of the correspondence of 1959). Along with the publication, 10 volumes of the results of the census with a vulture "for official use" were published.

On interesting cases during the 1970 census wrote "Evening Moscow". In Baku village Barzavava, the right to respond to the questions of the correspondencers, was granted, 165-year-old Shiraly Mislimov. He turned out to be the oldest resident of the USSR. In the column about the year of birth, an entry appeared: "1805th". As the newspaper noted, "Aksakal Mountains gladly answered the question about the source of the means of existence. The pension that the state pays, allows Missiemov to live in prosperity. In his house built by countrymen, every evening the blue screen of the TV is glowing.

The next regular census took place in 9 years, in 1979, as of January 17. The census sheet consisted of 16 questions (11 - in a solid part of the census and 5 - in selective, 25 percent). The solid part of the census was mainly the same as at the previous 1970 census, although some of them had important editorial changes. In the selected part there were no question of incomplete employment in the year preceding the census, and two questions about migration. But it was introduced a new question addressed to women, about the number of born children. There was an important technical innovation: the census list was combined with technical information carrier. A significant part of the answers to the questions of the census (in 12 questions from 16) was recorded on it not in words, as was done in the previous censuses, but was applied to the census sheets in the form of labels specially made for this purpose with a pencil, and the census sheets themselves were then introduced into electronic reading devices. Tags on sheets were made directly during the census, which significantly increased the burden of correspondencers. But at the stage of processing of census sheets, labor costs, work deadlines, and the number of errors that are inevitably emerging with manual rewriting information from the correspondence sheets on the developing blanks were significantly reduced. There were also a number of software and methodological changes in the editorial board of some issues. In particular, the editorial office of the issue of age was changed (the date of birth was introduced along with the traditional number of fulfilling years, the marriage state was now fixed expanded in the form of four categories: who were married, never in marriage, widow and divorced (or separated). This change He opened up new opportunities for studying and predicting marriage. The results of the 1979 census were published in the only volume, the suitability of which, even for propaganda work, is very doubtful, and for any other, more serious work - especially. With a vulture "for official use" were 10 volumes were published. The census gave extensive information about changes in the population, which were subsequently widely used. The result of the census is 262.4 million.

The next and last All-Union Census took place at exactly 10 years, in 1989, as of January 12. It was significantly different from the previous census in its methodological qualities. First of all, for the first time after the census of 1926, it was a census not only the population, but also its housing conditions. In this regard, the number of issues in the census sheet has significantly increased, from 16 to 25 (18 questions are devoted to the population, another 7 - housing conditions). Just as in the peers of 1970 and 1979, a selective method was used, a quarter of the population was interviewed throughout the circle of issues, while three-quarters of the population responded to 5 questions less, i.e. For 18 questions. Questions were mainly the same as the census of 1979, additional issues concerned the migration of the population. The 1989 census materials were published for several years quite unsystematic. Initially, 5 issues of brief results were published, containing truly brief data on the number and placement of the population of the USSR and the Union republics, about age and the wedding and national composition of the population, the level of its education and the family composition.

Census of the population - The procedure for taking into account the inhabitants of Russia, which carried out in order to obtain statistical information about the economy and life of citizens.

Strict statistical accounting It was necessary for understanding the general picture in the country. After all, it was necessary to make decisions on the construction of schools, accounting for military composition, to solve the issue with small nations.

To the enormous regret of family history researchers, survey cards of the correspondence of the 1920s containing personal information About the ancestors, almost everyone was destroyed, because they were considered a secret. Based on the features of filling in questionnaires, from the results of the USSR census it is impossible to get information that would shed light on the family composition, give the date of birth of relatives. Main information that can be learned: information about the economy, detailed data.

1920 census

Even before the official creation of the USSR, it was necessary to solve economic issues, the food issue was acute. After the end of the First World War and the Civil War, many households decline, numerous labor losses on the fronts struck agriculture and industry. At the same time, the process of transition from community farm to the collective was gained momentum. Artel, communes and so on formed.

The guidance instructions specified that the population positive perceives questions personal character, even despite the fact that the information is needed exclusively for statistics. Therefore, they warn all the corresponders to be persistent When mining reliable information. The population could negotiate about professional skills and real age, as they could take their mobilization.

At the same time, measures were carried out on the administrative and territorial redistribution of districts, the borders of the provinces were changed.

In 1920 it was two censuses were held simultaneously, differed in the direction: All-Russian Agricultural Census and All-Russian, which, in fact, did not cover areas, where the fighting was still followed (did not entered the Crimea, the North Caucasus, the Far East and some other regions).

Agricultural census of 1920

Agricultural census was held in the fall of 1920At the end of agricultural work to clarify the situation in agriculture. The 1920 census issues in the residential card were identical to agricultural. Census 1916 - 1917. (). As the main form filled set List of Households and Loading Card.

Mandatory census task was to collect information about peasant farmsthat divided into categories: Cooperative state farms, rural societies, agarters, communes, other farms. ()

It is impossible to compare the statistics between themselves, 1916 and 1920. Since administrative-territorial redistribution, military actions in the regions did not allow to take into account the same territory. There have been significant changes in the economic device.

All-Russian Census of 1920

In the All-Russian census August 1920 special attention The national question was given (according to the results, the ethnographic composition of the population of regions and the country as a whole was revealed), professional citizenship classes. It was necessarily clarified in wars, as well as physical injury, mental health. Thus analyzed the influence of war on the state of the working part of the population.

In addition, were standard For each census, items: Data Housewife (FULL NAME, Gender, Age, Literacy, Place of birth and duration of accommodation in a specific place, occupation). The cities had several polling forms: a personal sheet, a residential statement and apartment cards.

As part of the census, the activities of enterprises were also taken into account.

Statistical collections on the basis The census were compiled and published in 1923, and then in 1928. Census covered approximately 70% of the country's population.

The archives have preserved cards with personal information, but no one leads statistics and accurately learn about the safety of this data can only be directly in the archive (district and regional). Some cards could get to local lore museums.

All-Union Urban Census of 1923

In March 1923 during the week A census was conducted, which swept the population that does not do agriculture, but industry and Trade. Considered information from the 1920 census. This includes not only urban residents, but also towns of urban type, industrial settlements and villages (if in the census 1920 more than 2,000 inhabitants are indicated), resort areas and settlementsWhere over 500 inhabitants in the previous census, and less than half of the inhabitants are busy in agriculture.

For a survey, already tested in previous shape censuses were used: apartment card, personal sheet and discourse.

Personal leaf Filled personally, consisted of 12 points. In addition to standard general issues They asked about work (place, deadlines), the unemployed clarified the profession, the reason and how long can not find a job, for students noted information about the mete of studies and scholarships. Mandatory question - is attributed to agriculture.

List (Family Card). By analogy with the previous census, full information was written only about the owner. His households were listed in relation to the head of the family, the age, marital status, the presence of income was indicated.

Thus, were collected statistical information about classes and professionspreviously there was no such. The entire population was divided into categories: employees, owners, dependents and unemployed, workers, servants, others.

Received information I. about living conditions in apartments. For example, most apartments were one-room, and the kitchens also used to stay, because there were big families. Found out that 1 inhabitant of the city had to 6 square meters Residential area.

Collections with the results of the census were published in 1926. The statistical information obtained as a result of the census were interesting to researchers, but were not complete. As a result, the decision was made to hold another census in 1926.

All-Union Census of the 1926

In this census was completely the whole territory of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is taken into accountIn addition to the territory of Turkmenistan (it was roughly estimated at 30 thousand people and added to the results of the census). The entire population of the USSR amounted to almost 147 million people.

Census 1926 was held in Decemberbut in some areas of Central Asia and on Far North Due to the remoteness and large scattering of the population, the census stretched almost a year (they began to rewrite before).

Used to survey personal leaves With standard issues that have already used earlier. In the cities filled family cards With an indication, in addition to the standard issues, the period of marriage and housing conditions. For rural population There were owned statements and residential cards.

By the way, B. instructions for correspondence Defined definitions, for example, to be considered urban residents. Information about the working settlements with a number of over 2000 people took from the results of the 1923 census.

A feature of the accounting of this census was also the fact that all information should have been made for the date: on the night of December 16th to December 17. Therefore, the dead after midnight the census, spent the night in one or another apartment, but not living in it constantly, who are in departure or at night shift on the night of the census and so on. Given only permanent population(that is, according to registration), in the family cards indicated temporary absence Man for work or by illness (if in the hospital).

This census allowed create a full picture social Life population, make statistical table about the main and additional classes and professions of residents (by industry), gave a concept about the class bundle of society and demographic situation in the country. What made it possible to build adequate plans for the development of many spheres of vital activity: industry, construction.

Collections with census results were published gradually from 1927 to 1929, and full results in 1933.

In some archives, the correspondence cards of the All-Union Census of the 1926 Census are preserved, more accurate information can be obtained directly in the archive.

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Population census is a scientifically organized operation of collecting data on the number and composition of the population, generalization, assessment, analysis and publication of demographic, economic and social data about the entire population living at a certain point in the country or its clearly limited part.

The census history in Russia has several periods, during which the correspondencers were interested in completely different questions.
The beginning of the accounting of the population in Russia was put in Kiev and Novgorod Principality in the 9th century. Accounting was conducted with fiscal objectives, that is, for applied.

From the second half of the XIII century, during the Mongol-Tatar yoke, the population of the population was conducted in separate Russian principalities to determine the size of Dani. The same goals pursued accounting in the territory of the Transcaucasus in the 70s of the XIII century.

Accounting at the time was economic: taken into account to draft tribute to houses or "smokes", then the object of taxation in the XIV century becomes land, productively used in the farm - Sokh (later - quarter, ten). The so-called compulsory letter was made, the results of the descriptions were entered into the screening books. In the XVII century, the coupling unit became the courtyard, and the main form of accounting is the foundation census.

In 1718, Peter the Great published a decree, which was prescribed "to take fairy tales from everyone (to give for a year) so that the truthful brought how many of whom in which the village of the Music Shower". Compiled similarly lists ("fairy tales") were collected only in three years, and then over the next three years were inspected - "revisions". Since then, the accounting of the population in Russia began to be called "revisions of the applied population" or simply "revisions". Such revisions were carried out throughout the almost one and a half centuries, until the cancellation of serfdom. Ten revisions passed in Russia, the latter - in 1857-1860. These revisions lasted for several years and were very inaccurate, because they did not take into account the actual number of residents, but only "assigned" from the submitted classes, i.e. People listed in lists for paying petilities (tax). The landowners were not in a hurry to submit the next auditive "fairy tale", so many dead were listed alive.

After the cancellation of serfdom, the population census began to be held in individual cities and even entire provinces, but many of them were governmental police officers, in which the householders simply collected information about the number of even those who were not allowed, and the residents prescribed in their homes.

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