
How to protect a contactless Sberbank card from scammers. Protection of contactless payment cards. Is there a chance of a refund after theft

Protect your bank card from remote reading is possible in several ways, which is important for regular users of plastic, which allows you to pay in most stores, as well as other numerous outlets without the need to enter a PIN code. A protective case for a bank card from being read will be the most reliable, cheap and convenient way to avoid such problems!

Plastic bank cards for ordinary people today are commonplace. But now they are still more often issued together with a special technology that allows you to pay at all points of sale and without inserting your card into a regular terminal. Such plastic gets its new name - NFC - card. This novelty appeared relatively recently. Its main feature of the card is the following fact - it is quite possible to pay with such a card for small purchases without the need to enter a PIN code. The very sequence of all the actions taken looks like this:

  • a person routinely makes his purchase;
  • evenly brings the card to a special electronic reader with its reverse side not closer than 5 centimeters;
  • then enters a PIN code if the purchase amount exceeds 1,000 rubles;
  • will receive a tangible sound confirmation of the completion and completion of a financial transaction.

Such plastic is quite convenient. In addition, being able to get it in Russia is quite easy. Cards of this type actively issue respectable payment VISA systems and Master Card, they are also consistently produced in a number of domestic commercial and financial institutions, but a practical protective case for a bank card will come in handy to protect your property!

The usual methods of fraud for modern contactless cards are completely irrelevant, because unauthorized persons, as well as sellers, do not interact with plastics at all. The absence of such a serious need as inserting it into a conventional card reader will also exclude the possibility of data copying using any special devices that are installed in the terminals.

Contactless cards are now a fairly safe type of plastic. Now there is an unpleasant opportunity to become a classic victim of fraudsters, because the development of technology allows completely unscrupulous citizens to implement a special scanner with which it is possible to debit money from any contactless card by persons who are within a radius of 0.6-0.8 meters and for carrying out financial transactions the scammer will not need your card number or PIN code.

On Yandex Market

The essence of the combination is the ability to read special signals that are produced by the card. A weak and unreliable consolation for cardholders is that the implementation of such actions will not allow fraudsters to withdraw large amounts, because without entering a PIN code, transactions up to 1,000 rubles are possible.

But loss even little money will be quite unpleasant for each person. Law-abiding citizens are often interested in what kind of effective ways protect cards from theft of funds. Here are the main methods to secure plastic card:

  • not forged microchip;
  • regular automatic change bank number the operation carried out to implement the payment - reducing the likelihood of reading your personal data by fraudsters;
  • the presence of a limit on transactions without the use of a PIN code;
  • shielding case for bank cards - the most reliable way protection of a plastic card from reading all the information due to a special coating that will prevent fraudsters from downloading information from your microchip through a scanner.

How does the shield cover protect?

A shielding case is a good option to prevent theft. Due to the special design, the plastic card will be perfectly protected from unauthorized access. It is an ordinary plastic case, but at its core it has the necessary metal layer, which allows you to efficiently absorb radio waves and block the possibility of radio communication between the card and the reader. Such a cover also helps to keep your card intact and protect it from the possibility of mechanical damage or moisture on its surface.

wallet with rfid protection

If you are uncomfortable wearing a plastic case, then you can instead purchase a leather wallet with rfid protection, with the technology of placing various personal information on special built-in chips that can be transferred to the appropriate scanner. Chips can be sewn into bank cards, passports, or other documents. Fraudsters will be able to use the technology, easily reading the necessary data with a scanner from a distance or gaining unauthorized access to your card.

So that none of the potential scammers could steal your financial resources or use your personal information, the company offers to buy a wallet with an innovative STOP RFID function from popular collections. When making such wallets, special radio-absorbing materials will be used, which most reliably block all scanner signals when your wallet is closed.

Wallet with protection, these are the options:

  • Blocking from the possibility of any third-party devices while your card is in the purse.
  • The most reliable protection against demagnetization, even in the case of being near a source that carries out strong magnetic or radio emission.
  • Completely protect your phone from being constantly tracked by simply placing your mobile phone in a wallet with active, you can easily interrupt the signal - this useful feature will prove to be excellent when conducting important confidential negotiations or from unauthorized surveillance.

Buy a protective case for a bank card will be necessary condition to increase the reliability of protection, because in a dynamic city life, the consequences can be the most unexpected and unpleasant, and you will not even have an idea where and when the money was withdrawn from you!

Protecting the card with foil

Buying a shielding case for a bank card is not always affordable, because it is not always available for sale. It's great to replace a card reader-proof wallet with foil - just wrap your plastic card around or think of a small case. The foil can adequately guarantee you the absence of unauthorized access!

Where can I buy a protective case for a bank card

It is best to buy a protective rfid case for credit cards in specialized stores and be sure to check them in order to avoid marriage or other inconsistencies. Be sure to consult with specialists who can consistently resolve all existing doubts! Despite the high cost, the proposed covers will ensure your peace of mind and the absence of the need to contact law enforcement agencies!

Protective RFID credit card case on Yandex Market

The fact that scammers with contactless payment readers appeared in the Moscow metro PayWave cards from Visa or PayPass from MasterCard, which can remotely withdraw money from cards in the amount of up to 1000 rubles at a time. This is not to say that such a fraud scheme has become popular, after all, a large surge of news about this has not yet been leaked to the media. But a problem is a problem, especially for people with professional paranoia :-) I also solved it and here are some results.

There are several options for solving this problem:

  1. Refuse such cards in favor of traditional plastic (for this you need to declare this to your bank when reissuing the card).
  2. Insure transactions on your card.
  3. Wrap cards in foil :-)
  4. Use wallets/wallets with screened pockets.
  5. Use special means for shielding cards while wearing them.

I started trying the fourth and fifth options a few years ago and regularly try to test some new options for shielding cards while wearing them. One of the first I got was a regular wallet with a number of screened pockets for plastic cards. I did not really like this option - after all, a wallet is a specific thing and is bought according to the "like / dislike" principle. I have never been able to find a wallet on the market that I like that has shielded pockets.

The fifth option was also far from ideal. When there is only one card, you can use such a case, which is often given away as a souvenir even at exhibitions (I received this one at PHDays). For one card, the solution is quite decent, but only for one. When there are several of them, and I have, for example, 5, it becomes inconvenient to wear such cases, because the wallet swells because of them, and if worn separately from the wallet, they are constantly forgotten in different places.

With a large number of cards, you can use these metal "boxes" with compartments for several cards. Again, this option (one of the last in my collection) I received at the RSA exhibition, that is, for free. But it also has a drawback - it does not fit in a wallet and it must also be carried separately, which is inconvenient, since it turns out two money "stores" - for banknotes and for cards.

As a summary, convenience suffers with all the shielding tools I've used. It remains either the option of refusing contactless cards, or a long search for a wallet you like with the appropriate shielded compartments for storing cards. As a backup option, you can consider transaction insurance, which will not protect against theft of money, but will help to return them (in theory).

The use of bank cards is safe, but only on condition that the user himself takes a number of measures to protect his funds, although there are currently several fraudulent schemes that allow you to withdraw funds from bank cards without the consent and direct participation of its owner. But the user can protect his cash stored on the card, for this you only need to know what funds the scammers use. Consider how to protect a bank card from fraudsters.


This scheme has long been known to attackers, law enforcement officers, and cardholders. However, it still works to this day. The scheme is that fraudsters equip self-service devices with an overlay keyboard and a reader that is installed in the ATM card reader. Thus, when trying to withdraw funds from the card, fraudsters receive the PIN code of the card and its information, which is read from the magnetic strip of plastic. With this data, you can withdraw other people's money.

How to protect a Sberbank card from scammers in in this case? Here you need to remember elementary security measures - to withdraw money only at ATMs installed in bank branches or those places that are guarded or equipped with a video surveillance system.

Calls and SMS from bank employees

This is the most primitive method of fraud, which, oddly enough, works flawlessly. What is the essence of the method, an SMS is sent to the victim’s phone number about blocking the card, or the attacker calls his mobile phone and introduces himself as a bank employee. Actually, it does not really matter how the fraudster contacts the card owner, by the way, in most cases, the attacker does not even know if you have a card and which bank serves you. The goal of the attacker is to find out the data of the plastic card and withdraw cash.

Overlay keyboard example

For example, you received an SMS from an unknown number with the text that your card was blocked, or funds were debited from it, and a request to call back to the specified number. In such a situation, the user starts to panic and fulfills all the requests of the “bank employee”, and he, in turn, tries to find out information about your card, including its balance number, CVC2 / CVV2 code, and other information.

The protection of funds on bank cards depends largely on how correctly you keep all its data in secret and under no circumstances will you disclose secret data to anyone. In addition, bank employees inform their customers about card blocking via SMS only from official numbers, Sberbank, in particular, sends messages only from 900. The same applies to calls.

note that bank employees do not ask the client for a PIN code, and other data they identify the client by the last digits, card number and code word or passport data.

Internet banking

Most of the bank's card clients use remote access to the account through a personal account in Internet banking. It's not only convenient way send payments and transfers, as well as track your balance and use other bank services, but also a huge risk.

How does it work fraudulent scheme: you do not go to the official resource, but to the site a copy created by scammers to gain access to the personal account of the bank card owner. The design of the trap site is not much different from the original, but it is still possible to find differences, although not all users are so attentive that they may suspect a trap. Usually, the user goes to these sites from third-party resources using the specified links. Next, he tries to enter Personal Area, enters the username and password, then the code from the SMS message, so the attacker gains access to the personal account.

This method of fraud is called "phishing", in most cases, fraudsters send emails to potential victims on behalf of the bank and ask them to follow the link to perform any operations.

How to protect yourself in this case - go to your personal account only from the official website of the bank. Then pay attention to the design of the site, pay attention to every little thing. If you are not sure that you have entered the bank's website, and you have suspicions that third parties can gain access to your account, dial the number hotline and block your card, then change your identification data to access your personal account.

How money is stolen through the mobile bank of Sberbank

Another way to steal money from a card is the Sberbank mobile bank, which is used by almost all bank customers. In fact, the protection of the Sberbank card from fraud is quite high, here the bank took care of its customers. However, attackers invent quite sophisticated methods of theft.

How money is stolen from cards using SMS messages. There are not many options here, the first of them is changing the mobile phone number. If you change your phone number, then it is not enough for you to simply link the service to the new number, because the information is sent to two numbers. Mobile operators sell re-blocked numbers of new customers. Thus, information can be sent to a fraudster who, with its help, can easily withdraw all the money from the card, or rather, transfer it to his account. Another way is the theft of a mobile phone, here the scammer simply steals the phone, sends a balance request to 900, then makes the transfer.

How to protect your funds. Firstly, if you change your phone number, then immediately contact the bank so as not just to bind new number, but also disable the old one. Secondly, do not leave your mobile phone unattended, if the functions of the device allow, set a password for the lock, that is, without entering the code, a third party cannot unlock. And if you find that your phone has been stolen, immediately call the operator and block the card.

Instructions for working with Internet banking at Sberbank Online

Internet payments

Many active Internet users prefer to make purchases in online stores and, accordingly, immediately pay for them. You can make a payment directly from a bank card, which is convenient for both the seller and the buyer. For scammers, this is another reason to cash in on inattentive buyers.

The fraudulent scheme is quite sophisticated, they create a copy of the website of the online store and take a full prepayment for the order. It is quite difficult to distinguish such a resource, especially for those who have never used its services before. Nevertheless, it is worth paying primarily to the pricing policy of the resource, if they seem unrealistically low to you, then this is the first reason to think about the fact of fraud. As a rule, links to such third-party online stores can be found on the forums, in in social networks and many other sources.

The protection of bank cards, or rather, the funds on them, depends only on the owner, because in this case it will be impossible to return the funds, for the reason that its owner himself voluntarily transferred them to the attackers. Therefore, be careful about online shopping, try to use the same resources. If possible, do not leave a 100% prepayment, order goods by cash on delivery or courier delivery, so that you can see the product on the spot, evaluate its quality, and only then pay money for it.

Please note that to pay for purchases in the online store, you will only need a card number, CVC2 / CVV2 code, owner's name, expiration date, other information is not required.

Protecting cards with an NFC chip

Today, banks often offer customers cards with technology contactless payment PayWave and PayPass. These cards are equipped with an NFC chip, thanks to which the card can transfer data to POS terminals with one touch. In simple words, if your card supports such instant payment technology, then you can pay for goods and services with one touch, and if the transaction amount does not exceed 1000 rubles, then entering a PIN code is not required.

Today, a new fraudulent scheme is successfully operating and it looks like this: attackers in public places, using a POS terminal, are looking for cards with an NFC chip. For example, such a scheme can be carried out in the subway, an attacker just takes the device and infiltrates the crowd, the device looks for a card with an NFC chip, when the device gives a characteristic signal, the scammer enters an amount of up to 1000 rubles and dials the payment button. Finding an intruder will be extremely difficult in a crowd.

In this case, it makes sense for owners to purchase a cover for a bank card with protection. Thanks to RFID technology, the case completely blocks the card, that is, it becomes impossible to read information from it, and you will not even be able to pay with a card in a store until you remove the card from the case.

The cost of such a protective cover with RFID technology is from 100 rubles.

General protection methods

Indeed, it is almost impossible to describe all fraudulent ones, because attackers improve and hone their skills. Getting into a network of intruders is quite simple, and none of us is immune from this. For example, a fraudster can disable an ATM by simply sealing the hole for issuing money with tape, when trying to withdraw cash, the user does not receive money and leaves the ATM trying to get someone to help, and the fraudster peels off the tape and leaves the crime scene. There are many similar ways to take possession of other people's funds.

However, the user must be extremely vigilant because it is his own funds. First, use those ATMs that are located in protected areas or directly in banks. Secondly, if your card is stuck in an ATM, block it immediately. Thirdly, never and no one do not give out your PIN code, do not write it down on paper and do not store it in your wallet next to the cards.

Be careful about online payments, and do not send your card details, card details, and secret code from SMS messages. If possible, log into your personal Internet banking account only from your own computer, because some browsers save passwords.

What to do if funds are missing from your card

To begin with, it must be said that it is not worth saving on SMS messages, usually SMS informing is carried out on a paid basis. Some do not consider it necessary to pay for information about each transaction, in fact it is necessary. For example, if you received an SMS about debiting funds from your card, you can return them and figure out the attacker in hot pursuit.

Protective case for a Sberbank card

So, money was debited from you, you received an SMS notification, immediately block the card and contact the bank with a refusal from the last transaction. Then ask for a report indicating the recipient's account number, then write a statement to the police, law enforcement officers should initiate a criminal investigation into fraud.

By the way, you should really think about how to protect credit card, because in this case you will have to pay the loan to the bank in full, because it was you who concluded the contract with it. The investigation and court may drag on for a long period, for which you will have to pay interest and principal. Only then you have to recover the entire amount from the fraudster.
Thus, you can protect your money yourself if you follow basic security measures. In case of any suspicion of fraudulent activities, block the card, by the way, if you use mobile bank, then this can be done in a few seconds using the SMS command. And never give plastic into the hands of strangers, and do not provide details.

Once upon a time, pickpocket thieves honed their skills for years in order to quietly steal a wallet. Today, everything is much simpler - your money can be stolen without opening your purse, you just need to read the data of a plastic card using a special device.

Almost everyone has plastic cards based on near field communication (NFC) or with radio frequency tags (RFID). Even the gypsies have mastered plastic cards and mobile transfers. Girls of the most ancient profession also actively take money with the help of transfers in on-line banks and through mobile applications. This seems very convenient, but there is a downside. Today we will talk about wallets with protection against reading plastic cards.

Wallets to protect plastic cards from being read

To steal your money or read data from a smartphone, smart card or copy a service pass card, you do not need to discreetly take out your wallet and read the data. Everything is much simpler, craftsmen make devices with a large range, much more than a meter for devices with RFID tags and about a meter for NFC. The cost of such devices is very low. For $100 you can buy a very high quality reader.

For many girls, this is a discovery, and from the very beginning I knew the vulnerability of this technology, and immediately understood the methods of protection. Create an impenetrable field around your cards that will protect against any readers. The principle of protection is simple - the metal serves as a barrier. Therefore, any metal foil, static bags and metal cases are impervious to attackers' equipment.

The simplest devices available to any student allow reading card data from a short distance of 20-30 centimeters. Such convergence is possible in public transport. If you travel exclusively by car, you may be in store with a more advanced device that can read data from a distance of several meters. Therefore, everyone needs to purchase special wallets to protect against reading plastic cards.

What security wallet options are available?

Leather wallets such as cardholders from fashion brands look stylish and expensive, but often fail to protect our data. But there are other options...

1. Metal wallet cigarette case type. These wallets are made of aluminum or stainless steel. Some models are simply made of metal and look like a beautiful bar of platinum or gold, others are painted in different colors, and there are wallets with , tartan and any other prints.

Which wallet to choose is up to you. But it is best to buy on Aliexpress. It is there that the largest selection and best prices. Many of our resellers buy from China, put on some dubious logo, and sell these wallets under the guise of original American-made products. They even come up with a brand name, create a website for this brand and pages on social networks.

In reality, all these wallets are made in China. There is no point in buying a more expensive product. On Aliexpress, the highest quality wallets cost 400-500 rubles. If you buy in small bulk for 5 wallets, the price will be 250 rubles apiece. There are cheaper ones, but they have simpler materials and worse quality.

If you carry a single card, there is no point in taking a metal wallet that weighs like a good smartphone. Buy a static liner bag, it will fit in any suitable wallet compartment. The static liner package is also great because it allows you to safely use your favorite Gucci or Prada cardholder wallet.

3. Purses with a special lining. The wallet can be made of leather, including crocodile or python, but inside it has a lining with a high density of metallic threads -. This applies not only to wallets, briefcases and backpacks are supplied with a protective lining. Such products are marked with the Protected from RFID tag.

Intelligence officers have long acquired such accessories, they protect not only the data of plastic cards, but also pass cards to closed objects.

Finding wallets with similar labels from fashion manufacturers is not yet easy. For the sake of interest, go to the stores of famous brands and try to find protected accessories. I couldn't find. Therefore, for now, you will have to protect your plastic cards with the help of wallets with Aliexpress.

Manufacturers of accessories are constantly looking for new design and functionality, so new solutions for the security of plastic cards will appear. Search on well-known marketplaces and search engines with queries like - Protected from RFID, cardholders NFC protected or RFID protected wallets and you will definitely find the right accessories.

CONCLUSIONS: Famous brands do not yet offer wallets with card reading protection, which means they are lagging behind modern technologies! Data security and money safety is the most important thing in our world.

There are several ways to protect a bank card from remote reading. This is an urgent issue for those who use plastic, which allows you to pay in stores and other outlets without entering a PIN code.

Surely, plastic bank cards have become commonplace for many people today. But now they are increasingly being issued with a special technology that allows you to pay at points of sale without inserting a card into the terminal. Such plastic got its name - NFC - card. She appeared relatively recently.

The main feature of the card is that you can pay for small purchases with it without entering a PIN code. The sequence of actions itself is as follows:

  1. a person makes a purchase;
  2. brings the card to a special reader with the reverse side (at a distance of no more than 5 centimeters from the screen);
  3. enters a PIN code if the amount exceeds 1,000 rubles (this item is not required for smaller purchases);
  4. receives an audible confirmation of the operation.
  5. This completes the payment process. Such plastic is very convenient. In addition, it is quite easy to get it in Russia. Cards of this type are issued by VISA and Master Card payment systems. They are produced in a number of domestic banks.

Advantages and disadvantages of NFC cards

People who managed to use the novelty immediately noticed several significant advantages of this technological device:

  • high speed of payment;
  • no need to insert the card into the terminal;
  • Possibility not to enter a PIN code.

However, in the course of use, customers also highlight a number of disadvantages, due to which some even refuse such cards altogether:

  • in case of loss, anyone will be able to use the card for payment, for this he does not even need a PIN code;
  • not every outlet has special equipment for contactless reading, so sometimes you still have to insert a card into the terminal;
  • the presence of special devices that allow fraudsters to steal funds from contactless cards.

The last question is the most pressing today. In 2015 alone, fraudsters stole more than 2,000,000 rubles from contactless cards of Russians. The relatively low amount is explained by the not so widespread use of cards and the presence of limits on transactions carried out without a PIN code. And yet, the question of how to protect a plastic card from being read should concern any person who has such plastic.

Actual ways to protect contactless cards

It is immediately necessary to clarify that the usual methods of fraud for contactless cards are irrelevant, since unauthorized persons (including sellers) do not interact with plastics. The absence of the need to insert it into the card reader also eliminates the possibility of data copying using special devices installed in the terminals. But does this mean that the owner and his savings are completely safe?

Contactless cards are now the safest type of plastic. But unfortunately, today there is an opportunity to become a victim of scammers. The development of technology has allowed unscrupulous citizens to develop a special scanner with which you can write off money from a contactless card of persons within a radius of 0.8 meters. Moreover, for carrying out transactions, the fraudster does not need a card number or PIN - code. The bottom line is to read the special signals produced by the card.

The consolation for the owners of such cards is that such actions will not allow fraudsters to withdraw large sum, because without a PIN code, you can carry out an operation up to 1,000 rubles. But the loss of even this money will be unpleasant for any person. Therefore, citizens are interested in what are the ways to protect cards from theft of funds.

To date, there are several levels of protection. Some are provided to customers along with the card, and some will have to be purchased independently.

Here are the methods to secure the map:

  1. the presence of a special microchip that cannot be faked;
  2. permanent automatic change of the number of the transaction for payment (reduces the likelihood of reading personal data by fraudsters);
  3. the presence of a limit on transactions without a PIN code;
  4. a special protective case for a contactless card (this is a reliable way to protect your card from reading information due to the fact that a special coating does not allow fraudsters to download information from a microchip through a scanner).

Sometimes people ask the question, does foil for a bank card help against scammers? If we are talking about the so-called "foil hats" (special wallets), then the answer is yes. Moreover, not only a foil bag, but also a metal box can protect against theft. The fraudster simply will not be able to carry out the operation of reading information.

Protective case

Among citizens, there are more and more special cases that protect their contactless cards from fraudsters. The effectiveness of such devices is explained quite simply. Protection is provided by a specialized material from which the covers are made. It shields (repels) electromagnetic waves, thereby blocking the work of plastic. Thus, the card cannot receive and send signals to devices. Moreover, it will not be available not only for fraudulent scanners, but also for completely legal devices at points of sale.

Of course, there is a danger that scammers will write off money while a person takes out a card from a case or uses it in a store. However, the likelihood of theft is significantly reduced in this case.

By the way, in some banks, protective covers are issued free of charge when issuing contactless cards. They help customers protect themselves from fraudulent activities and keep their money safe.

If the bank did not give out the cover, you can buy it in the online store. Its cost is not that great.

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