
What is a Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA): What They Do. Deposit insurance system - how banks work with asv Assets asv

System compulsory insurance deposits (CERs)- special Government program implemented in accordance with Federal Law No. 177-FZ dated December 23, 2003 “On Insurance of Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation”.

The main objectives of CERs are:

  • protection of the rights and legitimate interests of depositors of banks of the Russian Federation;
  • strengthening confidence in the banking system of the Russian Federation and stimulating the attraction of funds to the banking system of the Russian Federation.

The State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) was created to ensure the functioning of CERs and, first of all, to ensure the payment of compensation for deposits in banks participating in CERs upon occurrence of insured event.

The operation of the compulsory deposit insurance system

Participation in CERs is mandatory for all banks eligible to work with deposits of individuals. Deposits are considered insured from the day the bank is included in the register of banks participating in DIS. Current list of banks - participants of DIS is published on the official website of the Agency in the information and telecommunication network "Internet"

Currently, 718 depositors (data as of February 27, 2020) of banks participating in the deposit insurance system are protected by CERs, including:

  • operating banks licensed to work with individuals - 360;
  • operating credit institutions that previously accepted deposits, but lost the right to attract funds from individuals -6;
  • banks in the process of liquidation - 352.

The funds of depositors who have entered into an agreement with the bank are subject to insurance bank deposit or a bank account agreement, including deposits certified by savings certificates.

In accordance with federal law depositors include:

  • individuals - citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizen, a stateless person;
  • individuals - individual entrepreneurs (IE);
  • legal entities classified in accordance with legislation Of the Russian Federation to small enterprises, information about which is contained in the leading Federal Tax Service of Russia unified register small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

Monetary funds are not subject to insurance:

  • posted on bank accounts(in deposits) of lawyers, notaries and other persons, if such bank accounts (deposits) are opened in connection with professional activities;
  • placed in bank deposits, the introduction of which is certified by certificates of deposit;
  • transferred to banks in trust management;
  • placed in deposits in branches of banks of the Russian Federation located outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • are electronic money;
  • placed on nominal accounts, with the exception of certain nominal accounts that are opened by guardians or trustees in favor of the wards;
  • placed on collateral accounts;
  • placed in subordinated deposits;
  • placed by legal entities or in their favor, with the exception of funds placed by small businesses or in their favor.
The depositor's right to compensation for deposits arises upon the occurrence of an insured event.

An insured event is one of the following events:

1) revocation (cancellation) by the Bank of Russia of the bank's license to exercise banking operations; 2) introduction by the Bank of Russia in accordance with legislation The Russian Federation moratorium on the satisfaction of the claims of the bank's creditors. An insured event shall be deemed to have occurred from the date of revocation (cancellation) of the Bank of Russia license from the bank or from the date of the imposition of a moratorium on satisfying the claims of the bank's creditors.

Informing the Agency of Investors about the occurrence of an insured event

Information about the occurrence of an insured event against the bank is published on the official website of the Bank of Russia and on the Agency's official website on the Internet, as well as in the media. The Agency, within 5 working days from the date of receipt from the bank in respect of which the insured event occurred, the register of the bank's obligations to depositors shall be posted on the Agency's official website in the Internet information and telecommunications network and sent to this bank, as well as to the Bank of Russia for placement on its official website in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" and in a periodical printed publication at the location of this bank a message containing information about the place, time, form and procedure for accepting applications from depositors for payment of compensation for deposits. In addition, within 1 month from the date of receipt from the bank of the register of the bank's obligations to depositors, the Agency also sends a corresponding message to each depositor of this bank, the data on which is contained in the register and to which, as of the date of sending this message, the bank has deposit obligations.

A depositor can receive all this information by calling the Agency's hotline (8-800-200-08-05) (calls within Russia are free).

The depositor can also subscribe to news on the bank of interest to him on the Agency's official website on the Internet. In this case, the depositor to the address Email, indicated by him at the time of subscribing, are sent automatically news posted on the Agency's website in the section "Deposit Insurance / Insured Events" for this bank.

The size insurance compensation

The amount of compensation payable on deposits is determined based on the amount of the bank's obligations to the depositor insured in accordance with federal law.

Reimbursement for deposits is paid by the Agency to the depositor of the bank in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of all his deposits, including interest, but not more than 1.4 million rubles. In total.

On escrow accounts opened for settlements under a transaction for the sale and purchase of real estate and for settlements under an agreement of participation in shared construction, the maximum amount of insurance compensation is 10 million rubles. Refunds for escrow accounts are calculated and paid separately from refunds for other deposits.

Interest is calculated on the date of occurrence of the insured event based on the terms of each specific bank deposit (account) agreement.

For bank deposits denominated in foreign currency, the amount of compensation is calculated in the currency of the Russian Federation at the exchange rate, established by the Bank Russia on the day of the insured event.

The amounts of the bank's counter claims against the depositor (for example, on a loan taken by the depositor in the same bank) are deducted when calculating the compensation paid by the Agency from the amount of deposits. In this case, the deduction of the amount of counterclaims does not mean their automatic repayment (full or partial). The depositor's obligations to the bank remain the same and must be properly performed in accordance with the terms of the agreements concluded with the bank.

In case of full or partial repayment by the depositor of the debt to the bank, the depositor has the right to receive insurance compensation in the appropriate amount. At the same time, he can send a free-form application to the bank on making the appropriate changes to the register of the bank's obligations to depositors.

Get information about all available ways You can repay the loan and pay the loan to a bank whose banking license has been revoked on the Agency's payment portal: www.payasv.ru.

Payment of insurance indemnity

Reception of applications from depositors for payment of compensation for deposits and payment of compensation for deposits begin, as a rule, after 10-14 calendar days after the occurrence of the insured event. The specified time is necessary for the Agency to receive information from the bank on deposits (register of obligations), verify it and organize payments.

You can apply for payment during the entire period of the bank's liquidation. On average, the procedure for liquidating a bank takes about 3 years.

Insurance compensation for depositors who did not have time to apply for the payment of insurance compensation is carried out by the Agency on applications in exceptional cases, for example, in case of a serious illness, a long business trip abroad, military service.

In order to ensure the fastest payment of reimbursement for deposits, acceptance from depositors of applications for the payment of reimbursement of deposits (the application form is posted on the Agency's official website on the Internet) and other required documents, as well as the very payment of compensation can be carried out by the Agency through agent banks acting on its behalf and at its expense.

The selection of agent banks is carried out on a competitive basis. The announcement of the results of the selection of agent banks is posted on the Agency's official website on the Internet no later than 7 days after the occurrence of the insured event.

Payment of compensation for deposits is made within 3 working days from the day the depositor submits to the agent bank an application for payment of compensation for deposits and an identity document. Payment of compensation can be carried out both in cash and by transferring funds to the bank account specified by the depositor, opened with the bank. Payment of compensation for deposits of individual entrepreneurs is carried out only to an account opened for carrying out entrepreneurial activities. Payment of reimbursement for deposits of a small business is made to the bank account of the small business opened with the bank.

The start date of payments and the name of the agent bank, including the addresses of its offices where the insurance compensation can be obtained, are published on the Agency's official website on the Internet and in the media.

If the court decides to liquidate the bank, settlements with depositors in the part exceeding the payment made by the Agency are carried out in the course of the procedure carried out by the decision of the arbitration court bankruptcy proceedings or forced liquidation. Such claims of depositors are satisfied as part of claims of the first priority creditors.

Financial Basics CER

To make insurance payments, federal law provides for the formation of a compulsory deposit insurance fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund). The Fund is formed from insurance premiums of banks participating in DIS, income from investment of temporarily surplus funds of the Fund, property contribution of the Russian Federation.

Insurance premiums are paid by the banks participating in the CER on a quarterly basis. The rate of insurance premiums is set by the Board of Directors of the Agency. Since the III quarter of 2015, a mechanism for paying contributions at differentiated rates has been introduced. Application higher rates depends on the maximum interest rates of banks on deposits attracted by them and the assessment by the Bank of Russia of their financial position, including the supervisory response measures introduced by the Bank of Russia.

The procedure and mechanisms for monitoring the investment of the Fund's temporarily surplus funds have been established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The list of assets allowed for investment is strictly regulated. Data on income from investment of the Fund's assets are published in annual reports Agencies.

The funds of the Fund spent on payments are fully or partially returned to the Fund upon satisfaction of the Agency's claims to the liquidated banks, which were transferred to it as a result of the payment of insurance compensation to their depositors.

The funds of the Fund have a strict special purpose and can only be spent on the payment of compensation for deposits. In order to control targeted spending, the funds of the Fund are recorded in a specially opened account of the Agency with the Bank of Russia.

Financial stability CERs are provided with the property of the Agency, and, if necessary, with funds federal budget, as well as loans provided by the Bank of Russia.

Deposit Insurance Law

Glossary of basic terms

Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA)- a non-profit organization created by the state to provide work Deposit insurance systems (CERs) and protection of interests depositors... DIA operates on the basis of Federal Law No. 177-FZ of December 23, 2003 "On Insurance of Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation" (Federal Law No. 177-FZ)... The organizational and legal form of the DIA is a state corporation. It is the DIA that organizes the payment of compensation to individuals and legal entities for deposits, which are insured in accordance with Federal Law No. 177-FZ, from funds compulsory deposit insurance fund.

Bank - participant of CER- a credit institution that has the right to attract funds from the population during deposits... The bank must pay insurance premiums v Mandatory Deposit Insurance Fund; inform depositors about their participation in CERs, about the procedure and amounts of receiving compensation for deposits; keep records of the bank's obligations to depositors.

Contribution- funds placed by depositors in banks participating in CERs on the territory of the Russian Federation on the basis of a bank deposit agreement or a bank account agreement. The term “deposit” includes capitalized (accrued) interest on the amount of the deposit. Deposits both in rubles and in foreign currency are subject to insurance coverage. The exclusion of certain types of monetary obligations from insurance is established by law. In particular, the following are not subject to insurance: funds placed on bank accounts (in deposits) of lawyers, notaries and other persons opened for the implementation of professional activity; deposits, the making of which is certified by a certificate of deposit; funds transferred to banks in trust; deposits in branches of Russian banks located abroad; electronic money; funds deposited in nominal accounts, with the exception of nominal accounts that are opened to guardians or trustees and beneficiaries of which are wards, collateral accounts and escrow accounts, unless otherwise specified Federal Law No. 177-FZ; funds placed in subordinated deposits; funds deposited by legal entities or in their favor, with the exception of funds deposited by small businesses or in their favor. In addition, deposits that are not nominated for monetary units(for example, in grams of precious metals).

Depositor- a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen, a stateless person, including those engaged in entrepreneurial activity, or a legal entity classified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation as small enterprises, information about which is contained in the unified register of small and medium-sized businesses, which is maintained in accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209 - FZ "On the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Russian Federation", which entered into a banking agreement with the bank contribution or bank account agreement. The depositor is entitled by law to receive insurance compensation at the bank in respect of which there has been insurance case... In order to exercise this right, individual depositor it is enough to submit a relevant application and a document proving his identity. Counter claims- monetary obligations depositor to the bank (the balance of debt on a loan, overdraft, etc.). Counterclaims reduce the amount of obligations in settlement insurance compensation... Payment of insurance indemnity does not entail automatic termination (offset) of counterclaims.

Register of banks - participants of DIS- a list of banks, deposits in which they are insured in accordance with Federal Law No. 177-FZ... The register is maintained by the DIA. It is available for review on the official website of the DIA on the Internet. If the bank has insurance case, then it is subject to exclusion from the register after the DIA completes bankruptcy (liquidation) procedures of the bank.

Bank liabilities register- a list of the bank's obligations to depositors and counterclaims bank to depositors, on the basis of which the payment is made insurance compensation... Contains information about depositors; O contributions and about counterclaims bank to depositor.

Deposit Insurance System (CER)- a special state program implemented in accordance with the Federal Law “On Insurance of Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation”. Its main task is to protect the savings of the population placed in Russian banks. TCO allows depositors upon occurrence of an insured event, receive reimbursement on deposits within the maximum amount of insurance compensation established by law. The deposit insurance mechanism is as simple as possible and does not require any preliminary actions from the depositor: deposits and accounts of individuals and legal entities in a member bank CERs subject to insurance in accordance with Federal Law No. 177-FZ are insured "automatically" from the moment the funds are deposited with the bank on the basis of a bank deposit / account agreement.

Insurance indemnity (deposit / deposits indemnity)sum of money payable depositor at the onset insured event... It is established based on the amount of the bank's obligations to depositor minus counterclaims jar.
Reimbursement for deposits is paid in the amount of 100% of the amount of all deposits in the bank, but not more than the maximum amount of insurance indemnity, established by law... The amount of the deposit includes both the amount of money deposited by the depositor and the capitalized (accrued) interest on the deposit. Insurance compensation is paid in rubles within three working days after the depositor (his representative, heir, legal successor) submits an application for payment and the necessary documents (identity document, power of attorney, document on the right to inheritance), but not earlier than 14 working days from the date the occurrence of an insured event, if an earlier period is not determined by the decision of the Board of the DIA. Deposits in foreign currency are translated into rubles at the exchange rate of the Bank of Russia at the date of occurrence insured event.

Maximum size insurance compensation- the statutory limitation on the aggregate amount of compensation for deposits paid to one depositor in one bank. Starting from December 30, 2014, the maximum amount of insurance compensation is 1.4 million rubles. In previous periods of operation, the CER was set equal to 100,000, 190,000, 400,000, 700,000 rubles, depending on the date of the insured event. For certain types of accounts ( escrow accounts opened for settlements under a real estate purchase and sale transaction and escrow accounts opened for settlements under an agreement for participation in shared construction) the maximum amount of insurance compensation is 10 million rubles.

Insurance case- revocation (cancellation) from bank - participant of CER licenses of the Bank of Russia to carry out banking operations or the imposition by the Bank of Russia of a moratorium on meeting the claims of the bank's creditors.

Bank insurance premiums- quarterly contributions of banks participating in DIS to the compulsory deposit insurance fund. Since July 1, 2015, differentiated rates of insurance premiums have been introduced: basic, additional and increased additional.

Mandatory deposit insurance fund - financial basis for CERs. The fund consists of the property contribution of the Russian Federation, insurance contributions of banks participating in DIS, income from the placement of the fund in state and corporate securities, cash and property received from the satisfaction of the claims of the DIA, acquired as a result of the payment of compensation for deposits. The funds of the Fund are used for payments insurance compensation for deposits and other purposes established by federal laws.

Introduction. General overview of activities

The Deposit Insurance Agency was established in January 2004 on the basis of Federal Law No. 177-FZ of December 23, 2003 “On Insurance of Individual Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation”. The agency is endowed with the following functions:

Ensuring the functioning of the deposit insurance system;

Acting as a bankruptcy commissioner (liquidator) of insolvent credit institutions;

Financial rehabilitation (reorganization) of banks.

The Agency maintains a register of banks participating in DIS, pays insurance compensation to depositors upon the occurrence of an insured event, and manages a compulsory deposit insurance fund (FOSV).

To forecast the Fund's resource flows, the methodology for assessing the financial stability of the compulsory deposit insurance system is applied, using statistical processing reporting data of banks, as well as historical data on their bankruptcies.

For the quarterly assessment of the insurance risks of DIS, along with the econometric model, models are used that allow assessing the financial stability of banks based on information about their credit ratings, as well as current market quotations of securities issued by banks and expert assessments.

Investment of the Fund's assets is carried out on the principles of repayment, profitability and liquidity of the acquired assets. For the DIA, as for all other state corporations, the Government of the Russian Federation establishes general order and the terms of investment, as well as the procedure and mechanisms for monitoring the investment of temporarily surplus funds.

The list of permitted assets for investing the Fund's assets includes:

Government securities of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Bonds of Russian issuers;

Shares of Russian issuers created in the form of an OJSC;

Mortgage-backed securities of Russian issuers;

Securities of international financial institutions admitted to placement and (or) public circulation in the Russian Federation.

Investments of the Fund's assets in deposits and securities of Russian credit institutions are prohibited.

The structure of investments of the Mandatory Deposit Insurance Fund is determined by the Board of Directors of the DIA annually, taking into account the current and future conditions in the investment markets.

Insurance payments mechanism

If an insured event occurs in relation to the bank (its banking license is revoked), its depositor is paid financial compensation- reimbursement of deposits in the amount of up to 700 thousand rubles. If the bank is liquidated (declared bankrupt), its settlements with the depositor in the part exceeding the specified payment are carried out later, in the course of liquidation procedures (bankruptcy proceedings) in the bank (if the bank has funds).

To receive compensation for deposits, a citizen must submit to the DIA (or an authorized agent bank) an application and a document proving his identity (usually a passport). This can be done at any time from the date of the insured event until the completion of the bank's liquidation (bankruptcy proceedings), which usually lasts two to three years. In exceptional cases, if there are valid reasons, the insurance indemnity is also paid to persons who did not apply within these terms.

Payment of compensation is made directly to the DIA or through an authorized agent bank in accordance with the register of the bank's obligations to depositors. Payments begin no later than 14 days from the date of the insured event. This period is necessary to receive information from the bank on deposits and organize settlements.

The average period for the actual start of payments is even less - 11.5 days. A gradual reduction in the start date of payments is a strategic guideline of the DIA, aimed at smoothing out the negative consequences of the occurrence of an insured event.

Upon the depositor's application, the payment can be made both in cash and by transferring funds to the bank account specified by the depositor.

The amount of insurance payments

In accordance with the current legislation, compensation for deposits is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of deposits in the bank, but not more than 700 thousand rubles. Foreign currency deposits are recalculated at the rate of the Bank of Russia as of the date of the insured event.

When calculating the amount of insurance compensation, the amount of the bank's counterclaims against the depositor is deducted from the total amount of deposits.

The amount of compensation in one bank cannot exceed 700 thousand rubles, even if the depositor keeps money in several accounts. However, if he has contributions to different banks, in each of them the maximum amount of compensation will be 700 thousand rubles.

The maximum amount of insurance compensation and the history of its increase:

During the activity of the DIA as of April 2012, 120 insured events occurred. 330.6 thousand people applied for insurance compensation for a total amount of 59.5 billion rubles.

Register of banks participating in CERs

As of September 2012, 892 banks were participants in the DIS:

Operating banks licensed to work with individuals - 783;

Operating credit institutions that previously accepted deposits, but lost the right to attract funds from individuals - 10;

Banks in the process of liquidation (bankruptcy proceedings) - 100

Sign “Deposits are insured. Deposit insurance system "

The bank's participation in the compulsory deposit insurance system is evidenced by the sign “Deposit Insurance System. Deposits are insured. "

The sign can be used by a bank participating in the deposit insurance system by placing it on glass operating cash registers, at information stands, at the entrance to the bank premises, at their ATMs, annual reports, on bank cards issued by the bank and other information carriers for clients.

The mark may be included in the forms of deposit / account agreements concluded with individuals, provided that the funds under these agreements are subject to insurance. The Bank also has the right to place the sign on its website on the Internet.

Bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation) of credit institutions

In accordance with Federal Law No. 40-FZ of February 25, 1999 "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy) of Credit Organizations", Federal Law of December 2, 1990 No. 395-1 "On Banks and Banking Activities" and Federal Law of October 26, 2002 No. 127- The Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" DIA performs the functions of a liquidator and bankruptcy administrator of credit institutions.

The compulsory liquidation procedure is carried out at the request of the Bank of Russia on the basis of the decision of the arbitration court if the value of the property (assets) credit institution, whose license to carry out banking operations has been revoked by the Bank of Russia, is sufficient to fulfill its obligations to creditors and obligations to pay mandatory payments. If the property (assets) of the liquidated credit institution is insufficient to satisfy the claims of creditors, then a bankruptcy procedure is introduced in relation to it on the basis of the decision of the arbitration court.

Appointment of the DIA as a bankruptcy commissioner (liquidator)

The Arbitration Court appoints the DIA as a bankruptcy commissioner (liquidator) in the following cases:

If the credit institution had a license from the Bank of Russia to raise funds for deposits of individuals;

In case of failure to submit to the arbitration court in the manner established by the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" for the approval of the nominee of the bankruptcy commissioner - an individual, in the event of bankruptcy of credit institutions that did not have a license from the Bank of Russia to attract citizens' funds into deposits;

When the bankruptcy commissioner (liquidator) is released or removed by the arbitration court - an individual;

In case of bankruptcy of absent credit institutions-debtors.

Inspection (liquidation) statistics of credit institutions

As of September 2012, the functions of the bankruptcy administrator (liquidator) were carried out by the Agency in 116 credit institutions, of which: in 114 bankruptcy proceedings were underway, in 2 - compulsory liquidation. 71 of the liquidated banks were registered in Moscow and the Moscow Region, 45 in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The number of creditors in the liquidated banks as of the indicated date exceeds 65 thousand. The volume of established claims of creditors in the liquidated banks amounted to 279.8 billion rubles.

The average percentage of satisfaction of creditors' claims of 93 banks in which bankruptcy proceedings have been completed for the entire period of the Agency's activity as of January 1, 2012 amounted to 17%. In credit institutions in respect of which bankruptcy proceedings were completed in 2011, creditors' claims were satisfied on average by 39.1%. At the same time, in three bankrupt credit institutions the claims of creditors of all queues were satisfied in full.

The remaining property was returned to the participants (shareholders) of seven out of fifteen credit institutions, where liquidation procedures were completed in 2011, after full settlement with creditors.

From the beginning of its activity until June 2012, as a corporate bankruptcy commissioner (liquidator), the Agency carried out liquidation procedures in respect of 288 banks and fully completed them in 172 banks.

The tasks of bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation). Representatives of the bankruptcy commissioner. Information on the progress of liquidation of credit institutions

In the course of bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation) of credit institutions, the Agency is engaged in:

Carrying out an inventory and appraisal of the credit institution's property by attracting an independent appraiser;

Ensuring the safety of the property of the liquidated credit institution;

Establishing creditors' claims and maintaining their register;

The formation of the bankruptcy estate;

Settlements with creditors of the credit institution;

Identification of signs of deliberate and fictitious bankruptcy, as well as the circumstances of the bankruptcy of a credit institution, which are the basis for bringing the heads and / or founders of the liquidated credit institution to subsidiary liability.

The Agency exercises the powers of the liquidator (liquidator) through the representatives appointed by it from among its employees, acting on the basis of a power of attorney.

The legislation requires the Agency to regularly provide reports and other information on the progress of liquidation procedures to the Bank of Russia, the arbitration court and the meeting (committee) of creditors of the credit institution, including by publishing information messages on the progress of bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation) in the media.

The formation of the bankruptcy estate for settlements with the bank's creditors includes an analysis of the condition of the property of the bank in liquidation, an inventory of assets and their determination market value by conducting independent evaluation, collection from debtors of existing debts to a credit institution, as well as organizing and conducting auctions in the property of a liquidated credit institution.

In the course of bankruptcy proceedings (liquidation), the DIA identifies and challenges transactions concluded to the detriment of the property interests of banks and their creditors (dubious transactions), searches for and reclaims illegally withheld bank property from third parties, declares a refusal to execute contracts and other transactions of the credit institution, if the execution of these transactions by the credit institution entails losses for the credit institution in comparison with similar transactions made under comparable circumstances, and if there are grounds, it takes actions to attract civil and criminal liability persons guilty of driving a credit institution to bankruptcy.

Financial rehabilitation (reorganization) of banks

Financial recovery tools (reorganization)

For three banks, the procedure was applied to transfer part of their property and all obligations to individuals under bank deposit / account agreements to financially sound acquirer banks:

As of April 2012, the total amount of financing for measures for the financial rehabilitation of banks, taking into account the repayment of the principal debt (including for assets acquired by the Agency or received as repayment of loans provided) is 492 billion rubles, of which the Bank of Russia was financed 345 billion rubles, due to the property contribution of the Russian Federation to the Agency - 147 billion rubles.

Governing bodies and organizational structure of the DIA

The governing bodies of the agency are the board of directors, the board and general manager... The supreme governing body of the DIA is the Board of Directors, which includes seven representatives of the Government of the Russian Federation, five representatives of the Bank of Russia and the General Director of the Agency. Personal composition of the board of directors:

FULL NAME. Position
Siluanov Anton Germanovich Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Golubev Sergey Alexandrovich Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia - Director of the Legal Department
Lukov Vladimir Valentinovich Deputy Director of the Department financial policy Ministry of Finance of Russia, since 2011 - Professor at the International University in Moscow
Nikishin Andrey Viktorovich Deputy Head of the Foreign Economic Policy Department of the Expert Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation
Popova Anna Vladislavovna Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation
Alexey Savatyugin Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation
Safronov Vladimir Alekseevich Head of the Main Inspectorate of Credit Institutions of the Bank of Russia
Simanovsky Alexey Yurievich First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia
Dmitry Skripichnikov Deputy Director of the Department for Innovative Development and Corporate Governance of the Ministry economic development RF
Sukhov Mikhail Igorevich Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia
Turbanov Alexander Vladimirovich General Director of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency"
Kirill Yankov Deputy Head of the Federal tax service(until January 2012)

The organizational structure of the Agency includes.

Initially, insurance compensation was limited to the amount of 100,000 rubles, and the Deposit Insurance Agency included only federal banks. Since 2006, the amount of compensation has almost doubled and amounted to 190,000 rubles, and already in 2008 400,000 rubles were paid to the affected depositors.

The sources of funds for the DIA fund are: Insurance premiums of banks, which constitute the main source and occupy more than 80%. Profit from investment of the fund's resources is about 14%. Property contribution of the Russian Federation 5%. this moment ABC already includes more than 800 banks, and the size of the insurance payment is 700,000 rubles. The DIA carries out procedures for the control of the banks of the participants, controls, forms the flow of funds and manages the funds of the fund. Recently, the DIA has also been entrusted with the functions of financial rehabilitation of banks, as well as the appointment of bankruptcy commissioners and the conduct of liquidation procedures in insolvent banks.

How does ASV work?

The main function of the DIA is to protect the savings of depositors who place deposits in Russian banks in rubles and in any other currency, but only on the territory of Russia.

For any bank licensed to work with deposits of individuals and operating in the Russian Federation, participation in the system state insurance deposits are required. Citizens making deposits in banks do not need to additionally sign an insurance contract with the DIA, since all banks included in the register of the compulsory insurance fund automatically receive a compensation guarantee for their depositors in the DIA system. The Deposit Insurance Agency returns to the depositor the amount of the deposit upon the occurrence of an insured event, then the calculations for reimbursement of the deposited amount of the deposit between the bank and the DIA are carried out without the depositor's participation.

How do banks insure deposits?

The deposit insurance system obliges the bank to transfer insurance premiums to the fund on a quarterly basis in the amount of 0.1% of the amount of all existing deposits of individuals from own funds... Investors' funds are not included in the deductions. This is how the insurance fund is created. Thus, the bank client does not need to additionally insure his deposit, the insurance has already been completed. Thus, all your deposits up to the maximum reimbursement limit are reliably protected and you do not need to worry about the bank's reliability and additional insurance.

How can I find out if a bank is included in the deposit insurance system?

As noted above, all banks licensed to carry out banking activities and working with individual funds are required to conclude an insurance contract with the DIA, it will not be superfluous to check whether your bank is on the list of participating banks or not on the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency. Many banks on their booklets and websites necessarily provide information for depositors that the bank is in the insurance system. Is interest insured? The state limit on the payment of the sum insured is limited. A depositor of a closed bank will receive up to 700,000 rubles. Interest on the deposit will also be reimbursed if they are part of the deposit (capitalized), but if both the interest and the deposit are within the maximum amount. If citizens have deposits in foreign currency, then in the event of an insured event, compensation is made at the exchange rate at the time of the insured event. If you have an amount that exceeds the maximum compensation, it makes sense to divide it into deposits in different banks.

Where to apply for payment of the sum insured?

If it so happens that your bank can no longer fulfill its obligations, the payment for the insured event is made either by the DIA Fund itself or by the bank appointed by the Fund. You will find the exact information where to go either in the media (the bank is obliged to inform depositors) or by going to the website of the deposit insurance agency asv.org.ru or at the bank itself. In order to receive the amount of compensation due to you, it is enough to come to the Deposit Insurance Agency or to the agent bank. appointed by the DIA with passport and application standard sample, which can be obtained from the DIA website.

Which deposits are refundable and which are not?

Deposits of individuals (including debit cards) and deposits of individual entrepreneurs are insured and subject to reimbursement. Exception: Bearer deposits. Trust Deposits. Contributions of entrepreneurs of certain types of activities (advocates, lawyers, notaries).

Deposits in foreign branches. Deposits in precious metals according to the law of drag. metals do not belong to cash). Transfers without opening an account, including electronic transfers... The maximum amount to be reimbursed is 700,000 rubles. The state guarantees depositors an unconditional return of the deposit no later than two weeks from the date of submission of the application. By law, all banks carrying out banking on the territory of Russia, they must become participants in the deposit insurance fund, then a deposit of up to 700,000 rubles can be safely entrusted to any bank, since in the event of bankruptcy or license revocation, you will return your savings within 14 days.

Under what conditions does an insured event occur?

An insured event occurs when: The bank's license of the Central Bank is canceled or revoked. The Central Bank introduces a ban on the satisfaction of creditors' claims (bank bankruptcy, serious financial difficulties jar).

Ignore smart advice about what to choose reliable bank, albeit with low interest rates on deposits. Choose deposits with the maximum profitability and capitalization, and the DIA deposit insurance system guarantees the return of your savings in any case.

Question - answer 05/21/16 57 835 0

And how does a deposit insurance agency work?

Every second person uses a bank card in Russia. Receives a salary, draws up deposits, conducts business.

Hundreds of banks offer to issue a deposit or card. Some of them don't play by the rules The central bank and may lose their license at any time. The court will begin to liquidate the bank, its property will be sold, and clients will be left face to face with the deposit insurance agency.

We will tell you how it works and to whom it returns the money.

Elena Babushkina


What is DIA and who controls it?

The Deposit Insurance Agency is a corporation established by the state to service the deposit insurance system. Such "airbags" are formed by the national and large private banks of the majority developed countries... For example, there is a federal deposit insurance corporation in the United States, a deposit insurance and credit guarantee corporation in India, and in Japan there are two independent deposit insurance corporations at once.

The deposit insurance system protects private investments in banks. If trouble happens to the bank, the agency returns the insured money to the depositor.

Whose money does DIA insure?

The deposit insurance system protects the money of individuals, regardless of their citizenship. If you have opened a deposit or got a card in a bank that works with DIA, you can apply for insurance.

DIA insures:

  1. Time deposits (for any period).
  2. Money on accounts opened with the bank.
  3. Money on bank cards - personal, salary, student or pension.
  4. Foreign currency deposits.
  5. Demand deposits.
  6. Individual entrepreneurs' accounts.

The accounts of guardians or trustees, the money on which is officially intended for the wards (the bank calls them the beneficiaries), also fall under insurance protection.

On the special conditions funds are insured on escrow - conditional accounts for settlements on transactions for the purchase and sale of real estate at the time of their registration.

Whose money does the DIA not insure?

There is a whole list of nuances that do not allow you to use the DIA insurance. Your money is not insured if:

  1. you are a lawyer or notary, and the account is open for work;
  2. your deposit is open to bearer (even if there is a passbook or certificate);
  3. your money has been transferred to the trust of the bank;
  4. you keep money in Russian bank, but the account was opened abroad;
  5. money is electronic or is on a prepaid card;
  6. Funds are deposited in nominee, collateral and escrow accounts - other than those indicated above.

Anonymized metal accounts are also not covered by insurance coverage. Everything that is measured in weight units (grams, ounces, etc.) is not insured.

How much money will the DIA return if the bank bursts?

The DIA has a limit of 1.4 million rubles per person and one bank.

If you kept less than 1.4 million rubles in a broken bank, then the DIA will return you the entire amount of the deposit, including interest.

If you have more than 1.4 million stored, you will only get 1.4 million.

If your spouse has a deposit in the same bank, then the DIA will pay each up to 1.4 million rubles.

The amount of insurance payments is 1.4 million rubles for one bank. If you keep money in three banks and the Central Bank took away licenses from all three, then you will receive up to 1.4 from each.

Will the interest on the deposit be returned?

If your bank's license was revoked, the deposit insurance agency will return you both the amount of the deposit and the accrued interest. The agency will add to the amount of the deposit the amount that you earned on interest by the day of the insured event. The day the license is revoked usually coincides with this date.

What will happen to the deposit in dollars or euros?

The deposit in foreign currency will return to you at the rate of the day when the bank's license was revoked. If the ruble falls in price that day, you will lose part of the money. DIA will issue the full amount in rubles.

And if there are several deposits in the bank and the amount is more than 1.4 million?

The agency will return a little of each deposit if their amount exceeds 1.4 million rubles. It will count proportionally: from great contribution- more, from small - less.

The depositor opened two deposits in one bank with balances of 1.9 million and 900 thousand rubles. DIA guarantees him 1.4 million rubles of insurance: 950 thousand rubles for the first deposit and 450 thousand rubles for the second.

Will the bank close my loan?

If you have both a deposit and a loan in a broken bank, the DIA will deduct the balance of the loan debt and the interest accrued on it from the insurance. The loan will not be closed automatically, because the law prohibits the offsetting of obligations. You will service the loan in another bank, which the agency chooses.

What will happen to the invoice for buying an apartment?

The reimbursement for the escrow account opened for the real estate transaction is calculated and paid separately. The amount of insurance will be maximum if the account had no more than 10 million rubles. Deposits, money on cards and everything else are not deducted from this amount.

Will it happen that I am not in the register of depositors?

If you suspect that your bank is unreliable, make it a rule to keep all contracts, statements and other bank documents - up to checks from an ATM. If the agency refuses to include you in the register of depositors retroactively, they will all come in handy in court.

How do I get insurance?

Within seven days after the revocation of the license, the DIA will determine the list of agent banks that will pay you insurance. Addresses, passwords and addresses will appear on the doors of the burned-out bank and on the agency's website. The agent bank will accept your written application, issue an extract from the register of depositors and queue it up.

Applications for the payment of compensation for deposits: for individuals, individual entrepreneurs, for escrow accounts and in case more than 1.4 million rubles were stored in the bank

If you are far away, the application can be sent by mail: the recipient will be the DIA, and the signature on the application must be certified by a notary.

In February, the agency decided on an experiment and allowed depositors of Interkommerts bank to submit an application through mobile app... Perhaps this will soon become a common practice.

The agent bank pays the amount of insurance due to you in cash or to a special bank account. The payment method must be indicated in the application. Individual entrepreneurs receive money only to the current account.

How long will it take?

Since the bankruptcy procedure of banks takes about two years, you can apply for a refund within a year or more. According to the law, payments to depositors begin 14 days after the occurrence of the insured event and continue until the court fails the bank. After accepting your application, the DIA is obliged to pay out the insurance within 3 days.

Where does the DIA get the money?

The DIA always has money for payments to depositors. The deposit insurance system takes money from the compulsory deposit insurance fund. Money comes there from three sources:

Bank insurance premiums. Banks accepting deposits pay insurance premiums to the DIA. At the time of this writing, there are 830 such banks. Every three months they transfer to the fund 0.1 percent of the amount of all insured deposits that the bank keeps. If a bank holds a billion, it pays a million rubles. And starting from July it will pay
1.2 million.

Loans from the Central Bank of Russia. When the insurance fund runs out of money, the DIA takes a loan from the Bank of Russia. Recently, the agency's board of directors approved a third loan for 170 billion rubles. There is never less than 10 billion rubles in the fund.

Return on investment. DIA invests funds insurance fund in government securities, deposits of the Central Bank, shares and bonds Russian companies... The agency directs the profit to cover its own expenses, and at the expense of the surplus it can replenish the fund.

How to check that the bank is working with the DIA?

Usually banks report that their deposits are insured, and the DIA monitors the format of these messages. The agency's nameplate can be found on the forms of bank deposit or account agreements, as well as on the bank's website.

The agency is obliged to maintain a register of participants in the insurance system, therefore, it updates the lists of banks on its own website every day. Each member bank in this list has its own card. Make sure it is in place - in the "List of CER Participating Banks" section. In extreme cases, you can use the ACV hotline.

Joint-stock company Tinkoff Bank
Bank number by register: 696
Full name of the bank: Joint Stock Company "Tinkoff Bank"
Location of the bank: 123060, Moscow, 1st Volokolamskiy proezd, building 10, building 1
Main bank registration number: 1027739642281
Bank registration number according to the Book state registration credit institutions: 2673
Date of inclusion of the bank in the register: 24.02.2005

If a bank that cooperates with DIA is revoked a license, its card is moved to the section "Insured events".

"Interkommerts" KB (LLC)
Bank number by register: 728
Full name of the bank: Commercial Bank"INTERKOMMERZ" (limited liability company)
Location of the bank: 119435, Moscow, Bolshoy Savvinsky per., 2-4-6, bldg. 10
Bank main registration number: 1037700024581
Bank registration number according to the Book of State Registration of Credit Institutions: 1657
Date of inclusion of the bank in the register: 03.03.2005
Payment of insurance compensation is carried out

So in the end, is my money protected or not?

If the bank actually exists, honestly cooperates with the DIA and issued you a bank deposit agreement - your 1.4 million rubles are insured and will be returned. Keep your receipts, statements and calmness.


  1. Ordinary deposits, money on cards, individual entrepreneurs' accounts - all this is insured.
  2. If the bank bursts, the DIA will return up to 1.4 million rubles.
  3. If the bank seems unreliable to you, do not keep more than 1.4 million rubles in it. Read the article;
  4. Contracts, extracts, receipts from ATMs - it is better to keep all this. Especially if you have contacted an unreliable bank.
  5. To get insurance, you need to get an extract from the register of depositors and apply. When the agent bank accepts the application, it will have three days for payments.

More than three hundred Russian banks are currently in the process of liquidation - such data was published in November. Almost each of these credit institutions attracted deposits from individuals and individual entrepreneurs. The deposit insurance system, which has existed in the Russian Federation since 2004, made it possible to return to depositors a total of 1.7 trillion rubles. This state program not only provides protection against possible loss funds for, but also significantly increases public confidence in banking structures and the institution of savings in general. What is a deposit insurance system (CER) and how is it organized?

The deposit insurance system in the Russian Federation is based on the fact that the state, in the event of bankruptcy of a bank or revocation of its license, guarantees a quick return to individual clients and individual entrepreneurs of the deposit amount of up to 1.4 million rubles. According to the Association of Russian Banks, in the first half of 2017, the average deposit of a resident of the country amounted to 163.1 thousand rubles, the share of deposits less than 1.4 million rubles is approaching 60%. Consequently, the most part of the population's savings falls under the parameters of the deposit insurance system (DIS).

How relevant the CER is can be judged at least by the fact that during its operation more than 3.6 million depositors took advantage of the opportunity to receive compensation. In total, during this period, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation revoked the licenses of over 400 banks (the full list can be found here: https://www.asv.org.ru/insurance/insurance_cases/). In 2017, 45 credit institutions stopped working, among which there are participants in the TOP-30 Russian banks (for example, Yugra).

The maximum amount of compensation for deposits in closed banks since the beginning of the program has grown 14 times. From 2004 to 2008, it was 100 thousand rubles, then increased to 700 thousand. Since the end of 2014, this figure has been at the level of 1.4 million rubles.

History of changes in the amount of insurance compensation:

  • from January 2004 to August 9, 2006 - 100 thousand rubles;
  • from August 10, 2006 to March 25, 2007 - 190 thousand rubles;
  • from March 26, 2007 to October 1, 2008 - 400 thousand rubles;
  • from October 2, 2008 to December 28, 2014 - 700 thousand rubles;
  • from December 29, 2014 to the present - 1.4 million rubles.

Life story

Back in the early 2010s, I got caught with the Holding-Credit bank, where I kept a decent amount. It simply evaporated, and the contributor base was restored literally piece by piece, using separate preserved files. Fortunately, I ended up in one of the files, and the procedure went off without a hitch. 4 days after the announcement of the start of payments, I came to the Sberbank branch near Gorbushka and turned to the first employee I came across. He invited a special manager, who took me to a special window, where I signed the application and almost immediately received the contribution itself (fortunately, it was 370 thousand, less than the maximum) and interest. Finally, they said: "They don't owe you anything more.".

Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA): what is it and why was it created?

The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) is state organization, created within the framework of the law “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation”. The tasks of the DIA include control over the contributions of banks to a special fund from which payments are made to depositors who have suffered as a result of bankruptcy or revocation of the bank's license

Since the deposit insurance system is a special state program, a corporation with 100% state participation was created for its implementation in 2004. The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) acts as a liquidator and bankruptcy administrator of banks with revoked licenses, and most importantly, it manages the compulsory deposit insurance fund, from which depositors are paid compensation.

The volume of the fund as of October 1, 2017 was about 40 billion rubles. However, this figure in itself says little: the process of returning the deposits of closed banks is ongoing, this year alone, the DIA attracted over 600 billion rubles in loans from. These loans are repaid due to the inflow of deductions from Russian banks to the fund within the framework of the deposit insurance system.

Available funds The Agency invests mainly in government securities and deposits of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; it is prohibited by law to invest insurance fund money in bank shares.

The Board of Directors of the DIA is headed by the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, this body includes six more members of the country's government, as well as five representatives of the Central Bank, which underlines the official status of the Agency and its reliability, provided by state funds.

The safety of the deposit in the event of a bank collapse is guaranteed by Federal Law No. 177-FZ “On Insurance of Individual Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation”.

Now the insurance system covers two categories of depositors: individuals and individual entrepreneurs.

The CER scheme is very similar to the algorithm of any compulsory insurance, except that the role of insurers is not citizens, but banks. Credit organizations deduct to the Deposit Insurance Agency a share of the attracted financial resources... From this money, an insurance fund is formed in the DIA, which is then spent on compensation to depositors of banks with a revoked license.

Current rates of contributions of banks to the deposit insurance system

To become a member of the CER, the depositor does not need to conclude a separate agreement - the deposit is insured automatically when it is opened.

There are only two insured events in which the DIA compensates the contribution:

1 Revocation or cancellation by the Central Bank of the bank's license. Occurs in case of detection of signs of insolvency (impending bankruptcy) or violation of the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Voluntary liquidation of the bank by its owners does not fall under the deposit insurance system - simply because the bank owners can make a decision to close the bank only after full settlement with all creditors, including depositors.

If the owners decide to simply lock the office doors and go abroad, the bank will be liquidated by the decision of the Central Bank - with the revocation of the license and compensation to customers within the deposit insurance system.

2 Moratorium. Prohibition of satisfying the claims of the bank's creditors (imposed by the Bank of Russia). A moratorium is introduced when the bank itself delays in payment to its creditors due to a lack of funds in its accounts.

Example: banks, in order to issue loans to individuals, take money on credit themselves at a lower interest rate from other banks and organizations.

The essence of this measure is that the Central Bank for 3 months suspends any payments to the bank (payments on deposits, on enforcement orders, fines, penalties, etc.) except for current expenses (staff salaries, social benefits, utilities and other household payments).

During this period, the Central Bank checks the work of the credit institution and decides whether to revoke its license. Two weeks after the introduction of the moratorium and before its end, you can apply to the DIA with an application for compensation for the contribution. In the entire history of the Agency, the moratorium was introduced only twice: in Vneshprombank and Nota-Bank in 2015.

Central Bank of the Russian Federation

If the bank's license is revoked, the depositor can get back the invested amount (no more than 1.4 million rubles) without waiting for the procedure of the credit institution. The first payments are made already 14 days after the announcement of the revocation of the license (if the register of depositors is in order and has been submitted to the DIA on time).

The deposit insurance agency works, as a rule, through agent banks, there are sixty-two of them in the DIA register. These are the leading banks with state participation (for example, VTB24 made payments to the clients of Ugra Bank), as well as large private credit organizations (Alfa-Bank, B&N Bank and others).

This was done to improve accessibility: as a rule, there are branches of agent banks in all large cities, it is easier for depositors to go there than to send documents by mail to the DIA.

The legislation does not provide for any priority in the payment of compensation: two weeks after the revocation of the license, any depositor (both an individual and an individual entrepreneur) can apply to the agent bank - the main thing is that information about him is in the register of depositors of the bank whose license has been revoked ... More details about cases when information about the depositor is absent in the register and what to do in such situations is discussed at the end of this article.

The deposit return procedure is simplified as much as possible: the depositor applies to the agent bank with a minimum number of documents. If everything is in order, the individual is transferred to the account indicated by him or given in cash at the bank's cash desk. Individual entrepreneur the returned funds are transferred to an account in any bank (it is most profitable to open an account with an agent bank - you do not have to pay a commission).

Revocation of a license, after which the bank stops working, must be distinguished from reorganization (financial recovery). In the second case, a temporary administration is introduced in the bank, the owner can change and the media buzz, but nothing changes for the depositor - the work with deposits takes place as usual, the money can be withdrawn in full if desired. Usually, sanitation is applied in two cases:

  • The bank is important for the state of the country's economy, and its closure may entail negative macroeconomic consequences;
  • The deterioration is temporary and is associated with the panic of depositors, and not with a real financial "hole" in the bank's capital.

In 2017, the Central Bank sanitized two credit institutions from the TOP-10 - Otkritie and B&N Bank.

Which banks are included in the deposit insurance system

According to the DIA as of November 13, 2017, the deposit insurance system includes 476 operating Russian banks, in which over 24 trillion rubles of deposits of individuals and individual entrepreneurs are concentrated.

The law obliges all credit organizations that accept deposits from the population to participate in CERs. To be eligible to display the "Deposits are insured" banner on their website, banks must meet several requirements:

  • Reliable reporting (according to the norms of the Central Bank), errors and inaccuracies should not affect the assessment of the financial stability of the organization;
  • Fulfillment of the Central Bank standards for reserves, capital amount, etc .;
  • The financial stability of the bank was recognized by the Central Bank as sufficient (primarily in terms of liquidity, quality of risk management and other similar parameters);
  • Timely provision of data on the persons who control the bank.
  • Timely correction of detected violations.

Not all banks meet these requirements. 4 credit organizations are now deprived of the right to attract funds from the population. Thus, the Central Bank points out to banks about problems with accounting for deposits and suspicion of maintaining "notebook" accounts, when money is taken from depositors, but not held according to documents.

After the ban on attracting new deposits, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation begins to check for the presence of off-balance accounts - for example, about 800 depositors were identified at Miko-Bank, whose money (828 million rubles) did not go through the bank's balance sheet and lost in an unknown direction. As a rule, the restriction on accepting deposits ends with the revocation of the license.

There are several ways to check if your bank is in the CER. The simplest thing is to look at the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency (section "Participating banks", sorted alphabetically: https://www.asv.org.ru/insurance/banks_list/). You can also clarify the information of interest by calling the free hotline : 8 800 200-08-05.

On the Internet resources of banks included in the deposit insurance system, there is a special sign developed by the DIA. Also, this sign is placed on glass in cash desks and at bank tellers.

How to return a deposit if the bank's license was revoked

The activity of the credit institution is terminated only by the Central Bank. The refund process starts immediately after the bank's license is revoked.

Within a week from the date of receipt of the register of debts to depositors, the Deposit Insurance Agency sends a message to the Bank of Russia Bulletin and the official city newspaper at the location of the bank.

The text indicates the place, time, form and procedure for accepting applications for the payment of compensation for deposits. Similar information is posted on the websites of the Agency and the bank itself. Then, within 30 days, the same messages are sent to depositors by mail.

Most often, depositors find out about the revocation of their bank's license from the media, they usually always talk about this in the news on central channels, write on large news sites and portals such as Yandex, Mail, etc.

Finally, if you come to the bank, and its office is suspiciously closed during the height of the working day, then here's what you should do:

1 Go to the DIA website and then either call the hotline 8 800 200-08-05, or enter the name of your bank into the search bar. If it turns out that the bank's license has been revoked, then you will find out which bank was appointed as the DIA's agent for compensation payments. These data are posted on the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency, or ask the hotline specialist.

2 14 days after the announcement of the revocation of the bank's license (its date is indicated on the Agency's website), the depositor, his representative or heir writes a statement in the DIA form. The form can be downloaded from the Agency's website (https://www.asv.org.ru/insurance/, section "Forms of documents") or filled in at the agent bank. No rush is required, but you need to be in time before the end of the bankruptcy procedure (this date will be announced on the websites of the DIA and the closed credit institution). If the depositor or his heir "yawned", the term can be restored by proving that force majeure circumstances, military service or serious illness interfered with the applicant.

3 Documents are attached to the application. For the depositor, a passport is enough, the representative also brings a notarized power of attorney. If the depositor is a minor, parents or guardians provide his birth certificate. A document of adoption is required from adoptive parents, and from guardians, respectively, on the establishment of guardianship. If it is not possible to submit documents in person to the agent bank, they can be sent by registered mail with notification.

4 According to the law, the agent bank must consider the depositor's application by the end of the next business day (if the bank has already received the depositors register from the DIA). If the amount of compensation is small, immediately after the application is received, it is paid through the cashier (the limit depends on the rules of the agent bank - in some cases, a million can be paid, but most often the amount is limited to one or two hundred thousand rubles). Otherwise, the depositor will be asked to come the next day, the required amount will be prepared. If in the application the depositor wished to receive money by wire transfer, the agent bank is given three working days for this.

5 Along with the money, the client is given a certificate of the amount paid / transferred. This document is especially important if your deposit exceeds 1.4 million, and you plan to file claims against the bank without a license in the future.

If the compensation of the deposit for some reason (not related to the refusal to the client) is not paid on time, the depositor has the right to go to court. You can require the following:

  • forfeit;
  • compensation for moral damage;
  • payment of interest for the use of other people's money from the first day of delay.

Life story

I had a deposit of 200 thousand rubles in the ever-memorable Bank-T. I knew that the bank was dumb, but it offered interest that I could not resist (about 12.5%, even very cool at that time). As time went on, I deduced the interest on my card. And then I saw in Yandex that the bank's license had been revoked. I went to the DIA website - the first line of news contained a message about the timing of the appointment of the agent bank. I waited a few days, went to the site again - Sberbank was chosen as the agent bank. Deposits were not paid everywhere; the list of branches was also posted on the DIA's website. In the branch that was closest to me, the return of deposits was handled by the department that served Sberbank's VIP clients. But there was a queue there too - not of the scandalous grannies, but there was. The first time I came just to ask. They said that apart from a passport, nothing is needed. The state of accounts is punched on it. I was immediately found in the register, signed a statement drawn up by the manager - and that's it, you can go to the cashier. I didn't go to the cashier because I had an account with Sberbank and asked to transfer money to it. The translation came instantly. What was pleasantly surprised, even the interest for the last month of service was compensated. "Bank-T" paid interest on the last day of the month, and until November 30, it did not finish working. I thought that I would not receive anything in November or the maximum at the “demand” rate, but I was paid at the usual rate - another 1,700 rubles, plus a penny, plus to the body of the deposit.

DIA office in Moscow at the address: Vysotsky street, 4

Frequently asked Questions

Are all types of bank deposits insured?

No, not all. The law establishes a clear list of deposits, the compensation of which the state guarantees:

  • on demand and urgent;
  • on salary, pension and scholarship bank accounts;
  • on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs (in banks deprived of a license after January 1, 2014).
  • on accounts owned by guardians and trustees, but opened for minors or incapacitated ones (in banks whose license was revoked after December 23, 2014).
  • on special accounts () opened by individuals for settlements on real estate transactions (in banks that remained without a license after April 2, 2015).

But what banking products do not fall into the deposit insurance system:

  • Funds on deposits of lawyers, notaries, etc., if these accounts are opened for professional activities.
  • Bearer deposits of individuals.
  • Funds transferred by individuals to banks in trust.
  • Deposits opened in branches of Russian banks outside the Russian Federation (the CER does not apply to foreign countries).
  • Electronic money deposits.
  • Funds in nominal and escrow accounts (other than those mentioned above).
  • Funds on unallocated metal accounts.

Is the interest on the deposit insured?

Yes, they are insured, but only if they were added to the principal amount of the deposit before the start of the bankruptcy procedure. Let's take a look at a few examples for a better understanding:

Example # 1

You have placed on a deposit 100,000 rubles, for a period of one year and interest accrual at the end of the term. Let's say that six months after the conclusion of the agreement, the bank's license was revoked. Since your money did not lie on the deposit for a year, it means that interest was not charged to you, which means that it is not subject to insurance.

Example # 2

You have placed on the deposit all the same 100,000 rubles, for a period of one year and interest accrual at the end of each month. Six months later, the bank's license was revoked. In this case, you will receive your contribution + interest for six months, as they were calculated and due to the amount of the contribution every month.

Does the deposit insurance system include debit card accounts?

Deposit insurance applies to accounts debit cards, the procedure for compensation for them is the same as for other types of deposits. Exceptions are prepaid bank cards. Cash they are not insured.

Life story

At one time I had a plastic card"Svyaznoybank" was lying to itself, on it was "for a rainy day" the amount of 15 tr. One day, right before the New Year, I heard on the radio that the bank had closed already a month ago. At first I decided that the "stash" was gone forever, but nevertheless I got into the Internet to look for ends. On the bank's website, there was an instruction to apply for payments to Sberbank - with a passport. Knowing our bureaucracy, I took all the documents with me - the original and copies of the agreement with the bank and much more. And at the same time, the account number of the other card to transfer money there, if everything goes well. The branch of Sberbank, which I had to contact, was on the other side of the city, but I went there in good faith, thinking that the nearest office would hardly help me. They received me in 10 minutes. The employee took her passport and filled out the application herself. I signed. The employee herself went with the check to the cashier and brought me my 15 thousand. It all took exactly 20 minutes.

When can a payment be refused?

There are only three reasons why you will not be paid a deposit compensation:

  • The register does not contain information about you as a contributor.
  • You have provided incorrectly executed documents or did not provide any paper.
  • The agent bank did not receive the register of depositors from the DIA.

The agent bank is obliged to provide you with a written explanation of the refusal to pay the insurance indemnity.

Life story

It took a long time to choose a bank to put money there, which they planned to spend later on buying an apartment, but in the meantime, earn on interest. Deposit insurance was one of the main conditions. We live in Samara, it seemed most convenient to open a deposit in the Volga-Kama bank. From time to time they came, replenished, took extracts - everything was as usual. And then there was a rumor that the bank was a skiff. We just had to pay a deposit to buy an apartment, got alarmed, ran to the bank. A kilometer-long queue, of course, they did not see the money, but they almost knocked it out by force bank statement with account balances with a bank mark. And they calmed down. We waited for a "letter of happiness" from the DIA - and fell into shock. We are not in the registry! But we have an extract! We wrote a counter statement to the Agency, attached a copy, we are waiting for a decision. An unsubscription came from the DIA: you are not in the registry. They didn't even look at the extract! If it were not for the State Duma deputy and the prosecutor's office, they would not have received anything. As a result, they were paid only after 6 months.

What if you were not in the register of contributors?

The reason for such an unpleasant situation may be the negligence of bank employees (documents related to depositors are lost or destroyed, employees are fired, there is nowhere to look for ends) or the so-called "off-balance sheet deposits" - when they took money from depositors, but did not spend it according to the documents, issuing bogus bills to clients. As a result, you have an agreement in your hands, but there is no information in the bank that you made a contribution. Accordingly, when contacting an agent bank for compensation, you will receive a refusal. For example, the depositors of Krossinvestbank, Miko-Bank, Stella-Bank had to experience a similar experience, where the number of "notebook" deposits approached 100%.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state