
Hello policy activation. Insurance policy "Hello, neighbor!" from VTB Insurance. What documents are needed

VTB insurance: apartment insurance, types and maximum amounts of payments:




What is insured

Are insured decorative elements houses, communication facilities (gas pipeline, water supply, etc.), movable property(all objects costing less than one hundred thousand rubles). The insurance includes cases of failure of electrical appliances. Insurance is also paid if the infrastructure of the house does not withstand the winter temperature drop.

Everything is the same as in the standard, plus the damage is compensated in case of flooding of the apartment.

Maximum insurance payout

100,000 rubles in compensation for the repair and repair of communications.

100,000 rubles for damages in case of breakage of furniture and electrical appliances.

200,000 rubles of compensation for the repair and repair of communications.

200,000 rubles for damages in case of breakage of furniture and electrical appliances.

Compensation for damage from temporary accommodation in a hotel, repair of infrastructure affected by temperature fluctuations and other additional cases provided for by the tariffs are evaluated separately. But in each case it will not be possible to reimburse more than 200,000 rubles.

REFERENCE. The user himself has the opportunity to choose a tariff on the bank's website. You can choose which objects are insured and for what amount, as well as insure the load-bearing structures of the house. Thus, you will receive compensation even if the house collapses completely.

The cost of apartment insurance in VTB 24 depends on the footage and the chosen tariff. The minimum amount for the "standard" tariff is 1012 rubles per month. For "comfort" you will have to pay at least 1128 rubles per month. "Comfort" is the most expensive tariff, 2853 rubles are requested per month.

What documents are needed?

In VTB, apartment insurance is issued as a standard; to conclude an agreement with the bank, you need to bring it to the office:

  1. Original of your passport.
  2. Report on the price expertise of the property that is insured.
  3. Documents confirming the ownership of the apartment.

At the VTB Bank office, you will also be given a template questionnaire, which you will need to fill out as an application for insurance.

Hello Neighbor Program

This VTB 24 apartment insurance program “Hi, neighbor” was launched by VTB 24 in order to popularize and simplify the property insurance procedure. Its advantage is that in order to apply for apartment insurance at VTB 24, you do not need to spend hours at the bank office, contact property appraisers and look for a certificate of ownership of the apartment.

To get insurance under the program, you just need to purchase a policy, and then activate it on the official website of VTB 24: https://www.vtbins.ru/individual/property/privet/activateprivet/. To buy a policy, you do not need to present documents. Personal data is entered directly in the questionnaire on the site.

REFERENCE. You can buy a policy not only at VTB branches, but also at branches of MTS, Euroset, as well as at Russian Post offices.

In what cases are damages compensated?

Program participants who have activated the policy are compensated for damages in the same insured events as for those who went through the standard procedure for concluding an insurance contract.

The money is reimbursed if the apartment was damaged by fire. In this case, the costs of cosmetic repairs, as well as the purchase of damaged furniture, are compensated.

If the infrastructure is damaged, the costs of its restoration are also reimbursed. Compensate for losses associated with robbery or theft. An insured event is also considered a terrorist attack.

Cases of flooding of an apartment or house are also registered as insurance.

The company refuses to provide insurance compensation if the client damaged the property while intoxicated. And even sue the client if he tries to simulate an insured event.

They do not compensate for damages in case of accidents that were caused by the improper use of dangerous equipment. It is impossible to receive compensation for the property seized by bailiffs.

How much does a policy cost and how can I buy it?

An apartment insurance policy under the Hello Neighbor program can be purchased at different prices, depending on the maximum amount of compensation. For a minimum package of services, including insurance of the apartment and movable property inside, you will have to pay 549 rubles.

For insurance for a maximum amount of 500 thousand rubles, you will have to pay 1,599 rubles. A comprehensive package of services will cost 3900 rubles, it provides insurance up to 800 thousand rubles.

To purchase a policy, just contact any VTB office. When buying a policy, you automatically pay a one-time fee under an agreement with the bank.

But not only VTB sells these policies, they can be purchased at the offices of the following organizations:

The procedure for buying a policy in different institutions will not differ.

ATTENTION. If you decide not to activate the policy, you only have one month to get a refund for your purchase. Activation of the policy can be carried out 3 months after purchase.

Requirements and rules

The program is subject to the same rules as other insurance products of the bank. At the same time, it is very easy to purchase a policy.

You do not need to write an application and collect documents for this.. Any person can purchase a policy, where the data necessary for activation will be indicated, the bank does not impose any requirements here.

Concerning general rules insurance, then the insured is obliged to immediately inform the insurer about the incident that has occurred, should not deliberately adjust the accidents.

The picture that will open up to bank employees when assessing the damage should be the same as in the first hours after the incident. You can not change anything at the scene, only if the current situation does not threaten the life and health of people.

The client has the right to challenge the result of the bank's expertise and enter into a legal dispute with it.

If the client was previously compensated for the losses associated with the theft of his property from the apartment, and then the police returned this property back intact, the client is obliged to return the amount paid to the bank. The Bank has the right to verify the reliability of the testimonies of its customers, even if this requires inspecting their property.


Why is apartment insurance at VTB beneficial for customers?

The bank has several insurance programs designed for buyers of different incomes. We remind you that you can clarify all the necessary information on VTB apartment insurance on the official website of the bank.

They indemnify for damage related to damage to the infrastructure of the house, cosmetic repairs and movable property. It is not necessary to conclude an agreement, VTB has a “Hi, neighbor” program, according to which you can activate the policy via the Internet.

VTB insurance "Hi, neighbor!" - a policy that will help insure your own property and real estate. Its advantage is that you can gift it to your friends and relatives. To purchase it, you just need to visit one of the branches of VTB, Bank of Moscow, Post Bank, Raiffeisenbank, Euroset or MTS.

If you sign up for a Hello Neighbor policy, you can always count on:

  • Compensation for damages due to insured event.
  • Compensation for damages to neighbors if you flood them.
  • Compensation of funds for the repair of real estate at the bay.
  • Purchase reimbursement new technology when it is stolen.

If you want to take out insurance for the VTB 24 apartment “Hi, neighbor!”, you do not need to invite appraisers for an inspection or submit any documents to the bank.

The policy covers losses for:

  1. Household, audio and video equipment.
  2. Clothing and equipment located indoors.
  3. Preservation of interior finishes.
  4. Preservation of furniture and interior items.
  5. Civil liability to neighbors.

Thanks to such insurance, you can not worry about losses caused by:

  • Fires or other exposure to high temperatures.
  • Flooding, flooding, burst pipes.
  • Actions of an unlawful nature.
  • Explosions of communication systems.
  • mechanical impact.
  • Lightning strike or other natural disaster.

When you buy for yourself or your loved ones the policy "Hello, neighbor!" from VTB insurance, it is not automatically activated. It must be self-registered. The validity of such an agreement will be 12 months from the date of registration. Please note that only one policy can be issued for your real estate.

In order for the insurance policy to take effect, it must be activated. Not all people, especially those to whom it is given, understand this need. In order for it to take effect, you need to visit the official website of VTB insurance “Hi, neighbor!” , where in without fail you must provide the following information:

  1. The validity period of the policy and its number.
  2. Personal data.
  3. Activation code.
  4. Contact details and email address.
  5. Property address.

It is very important to provide correct contact details, as any changes will be sent to them. Also check the correctness of what you wrote email address, because an activation code will be sent to it, as well as an insurance form, which you will have to print.

Usually, the activation of the policy occurs one month after the data is entered. This is done to minimize the risk of abuse of insurance by the user. The duration of the policy is 1 year.

Program features

VTB insurance “Hi, neighbor!”, reviews of which you can easily find on the net, is an option for those who need to protect their property from any risk without any difficulty and any red tape. The advantage of such insurance is that there is no need to assess the house and provide any documents. You will need one passport. It is necessary for the bank employee to make sure that the buyer is a Russian citizen.

Insurance policy "Hello, neighbor!" you can buy and not for personal use, you can give it to your relatives and friends. Activation occurs at any time convenient for you. To do this, you just need to go to the site and enter the data.

When you purchase a policy, you will be given a contract and a brochure detailing any features of Hello Neighbor insurance. An access code will also be generated for you, which you need to keep until the end of the insurance period. Be sure to ask the bank employee in what cases you can receive a payment, as well as what amount of compensation you can count on.

The advantage of such a program is the complete absence of the need to calculate insurance risks. This significantly reduces the cost of the policy. You do not need to delve into all legal terms - insurance is included basic set options, which is quite enough for any bank client.


Price insurance policy"Hi, neighbor!" determined by the client. All packages presented by VTB have the same risks, but differ in the amount of insurance. You determine how much money you receive.

Cost, rub.Maximum payout amount
Damage to property, rub.Civil liability, rub.
3900 600 000 300 000
5000 700 000 400 000
12000 1 250 000 750 000

The higher the cost of insurance, the more money you will receive upon the occurrence of an insured event. Keep in mind that when applying for such a policy, you will not have to spend money on assessing your property, that is, there will be no additional costs for you.

You can decide for yourself which policy will be enough for you. However, we strongly recommend that you take out maximum insurance if your home has expensive equipment or modern repairs.

How can I buy insurance?

To purchase an apartment insurance policy from VTB "Hi, neighbor!", You need to visit one of the many points of sale.

For now, you can do this:

  • At the office of the organization.
  • In the salons of mobile operators.
  • In banks that have entered into partnership agreements with VTB.
  • In all branches of VTB.
  • In Eldorado and Know-How stores.

There you can also ask the employee to activate your policy. If you are not sure about the correctness of your choice, be sure to read VTB reviews insurance "Hello, neighbor!". You can do this on the official website. On the this moment the company also sells policies online. Such high availability makes the policy truly the best choice for those who value their time. With the help of such insurance, you will be able to fully protect your home from unforeseen risks.

Requirements and rules

Buy an insurance policy "Hi, neighbor!" from VTB insurance is extremely simple. To do this, you do not have to prepare a package of documents in advance or fill out any applications. The bank does not impose any requirements on buyers, anyone can purchase insurance. The only thing that is put forward to users is the requirement to immediately report an incident. It is also strictly forbidden for a person to independently adjust accidents in order to receive an insurance payment.

It is strictly forbidden to change places, remove or supplement the picture of the incident until the apartment is inspected by a bank employee. It is important that everything looks the same as it did the first time after the incident.

The only exception is if the current situation threatens the life and health of people. If you strongly disagree with the result of the assessment, you have the right to challenge it with the help of an independent examination.

In case of theft of property from the apartment, the bank reimburses cash as a compensation. In cases where the police manage to return it intact, the client undertakes to return the money previously accepted by him in full. The bank has full right conduct an examination that would verify the testimony of their clients. This is also acceptable if access to property is required.

If you need protection from accidental troubles, then the best choice is the Hello Neighbor! policy. VTB Insurance. This product offers coverage for the most common risks and is relatively inexpensive. The main advantage of the policy is that it does not take a lot of time to issue, you just need to come and purchase it as a product in a store.

Product features from VTB Insurance

The insurance program "Hi, neighbor!", which is implemented by VTB Insurance, is positioned as a convenient and quick solution if you need insurance against underlying risks. There is no property appraisal to purchase this policy and no paperwork is required from the buyer. Maximum - they can ask for a passport to make sure that the purchaser of the policy is a citizen of Russia.

You can take out insurance for yourself or give it to someone. The main thing is to activate the policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance on the official website of the company and indicate the information of the beneficiary.

When buying a policy, the client will receive a contract, a special code and a brochure explaining the features of the Hello Neighbor insurance! VTB, including how to receive payment and in what cases.

This policy is convenient because the client does not need to choose insurance risks, overpay for unnecessary options, delve into complex legal formulations. The product already assumes a basic set of options that are suitable for most bank customers.

The video explains in detail the circumstances in which property insurance can be useful and even necessary

Risks of damage to housing - apartments or houses

According to the rules of "Hi, neighbor!" VTB Insurance can provide insurance coverage for the following objects:

  • interior decoration of the house;
  • infrastructure elements;
  • Appliances;
  • textile products, furniture and any movable property;
  • civil liability (for example, if the policyholder accidentally flooded the lower tenants and now must pay for their repairs).

As you can see, the risks are quite real and fairly common. Under the policy, you can insure a room or apartment, but you cannot insure a private house or cottage. The most commonly used policy is "Hello, neighbor!" VTB 24 for apartment insurance. Protection is initiated when the following events occur:

  • fire, explosion, including gas;
  • flooding or other exposure to liquid;
  • natural disaster or man-made disaster;
  • robbery, theft, deliberate arson and other illegal actions by third parties;
  • falling objects and other impacts.

The cost of the policy "Hello, Neighbor!"

The client himself can choose what will be the cost of the policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance. There are three options to choose from, including the same risks, but differing in the sum insured (these are the funds that the policyholder will receive upon the occurrence of stipulated by the agreement developments).

Thus, the higher the initial cost of the policy, the higher the insurance premium will be. Since the property under the VTB 24 Insurance program "Hello, neighbor!" does not need to be evaluated, then the client does not bear additional costs. If he has a lot of expensive property, it is better to buy more expensive insurance. Otherwise, the insurance payment will not cover the potential costs.

How to buy a policy

VTB 24, Post Bank and partners

Purchasing the Hello Neighbor! VTB Insurance is available at several retail outlets and banking institutions at once:

  • at the office of the insurance company;
  • in all banks of the VTB network: VTB 24, Bank of Moscow, Post Bank;
  • in partner banks: Raiffeisenbank and Sovcombank;
  • in the Euroset, MTS, Beeline, Rostelecom communication stores;
  • in the shops household appliances and electronics "Know-how!", "Eldorado" (when buying any product, managers, as a rule, offer to buy an additional policy - this can be useful, especially if the equipment is purchased on credit).

It is also possible to purchase the policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance at the Russian Post and some other partners of the company. The only thing that cannot be done is to buy a policy online. It is necessary to get a special code at the points of sale and activate "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance for official bank companies.

Requirements, rules and reviews

As already noted, there are no special requirements for the buyer. However, there are restrictions on the identity of the insured person and on property. So, the user must be an adult citizen of Russia, and the insured property must be subject to cost restrictions.

Judging by the reviews of VTB Insurance "Hi, neighbor!" there are no special difficulties with issuing a policy, as well as with receiving insurance payments.

However, the owners insurance product sometimes the question arises how to return the policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance. Unfortunately, this cannot be done, since the policy is a finished product of one-time use. After activating the code, the agreement between the client and the insurance company comes into force, and it is no longer possible to terminate the contract, having received the premium paid back.

Subsequently, if the insurance needs to be renewed, you need to buy a new policy.

Insurance activation

But buying a policy is not enough, you need to “launch” it. Not everyone knows how to activate "Hello neighbor!" VTB Insurance. This is done on the official website of the insurer, namely on this page: https://www.vtbins.ru/individual/property/privet/activateprivet/

The policyholder must provide:

  • policy number;
  • activation code;
  • the validity period of the policy (all this data can be found in the contract);
  • information about yourself;
  • email address and phone number;
  • address of the apartment or room to be insured.

You must specify a real e-mail, as it will receive:

  • link to activate your personal account;
  • the policy itself, which can be printed or saved in in electronic format.

A month after activation, the policy will become valid. The insurance cover is valid for 1 year.

After the activation of VTB Insurance "Hi, neighbor!", A month of "waiting" begins, during which the policy will not be valid. This is done on purpose to prevent abuse of insurance.


Thus, the policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB Insurance is a very convenient tool for those who need affordable and simple protection of property and personal liability. Insurance payments under the policy are fixed, but their size is enough for the needs of the average client. You can choose the product that suits your price. However, the acquisition itself does not provide any protection, since the policy must be activated on the official website of the insurance company. After a month of "waiting" the contract will come into full force.

How often leaving the apartment or leaving Vacation home for several months, have you thought about the safety of your own property, what could be affected by unforeseen incidents? Have you thought about how much the losses will cost, and what will be the price of recovery?

It is in these cases that the insurance policy “Hi, Neighbor!” comes to the rescue. from VTB. The company has been on the market for a long time and has managed to establish itself as a reliable insurer, one of the top ten insurers in Russia. The company offers to insure an apartment, a house, a dacha, as well as furniture and equipment located in them.

A unique offer from VTB Insurance is the policy "Hello, neighbor!". The uniqueness is that it can be bought ready-made, with virtually no documents and inspections. The seller can only ask for a passport, although you will need it at check-in as well.

This insurance package can be given as a gift or used independently, and all the necessary options are already included in the contract and there is no need to clarify or add.

Rules for property insurance "VTB Insurance"

The sum insured is divided into two parts, one of which protects real estate and personal property, namely:

  • Cosmetic repairs, electrical wiring, water supply and household equipment;
  • All equipment, including video and audio, household;
  • Furniture, jewelry, valuables and clothing.

The second part, protects civil liability the policyholder to neighbors, guests and other third parties who may have suffered as a result of emergencies.

Insurance situations:

  • Acts prohibited by law, such as theft, attempted entry, hooliganism, a fight, and so on;
  • Flooding, for whatever reason;
  • Natural disasters, for example, hurricane, flood;
  • The occurrence of a fire, as a result of a lightning strike, electrical wiring short circuit, explosion of household appliances and other things;
  • Damage to property as a result of mechanical impact on it, for example, it can be dropped, scratched.

The cost of the VTB policy under the program "Hello, Neighbor!"

There are six variations of the Hello Neighbor Pole:

The cost of the insurance policyThe maximum amount of the payment is directed to protect property (in case of damage to: interior decoration, movable property, household appliances)The maximum amount of payments for the repayment of civil liability
549 rubles100 000 rubles50 000 rubles
799 rubles150 000 rubles70 000 rubles
1 599 rubles300 000 rubles200 000 rubles
2 999 rubles500 000 rubles250 000 rubles
5 000 rubles750,000 rubles350,000 rubles
12 000 rubles1 250 000 rubles750,000 rubles

Of these, three popular tariffs stand out:

  • The first policy, worth 1,599 rubles and designed to cover inexpensive property, is most suitable for communal apartments and apartments.
  • The second policy costs 5,000 rubles and is designed for apartments with European-quality renovation and country cottages, sum insured 1,100,000 rubles, of which 750,000 is directed to protect property, and 350,000 to pay off civil liability.
  • The third and most expensive policy costs 12,000 rubles, with increased protection up to 2,000,000 rubles, of which 1,250,000 can be used to compensate for lost real estate and movable property, and 750,000 can be used to compensate for the damage caused to third parties. Designed for luxury residential buildings and apartments to cover all damage. Sold exclusively in the offices of VTB Insurance.

If it turns out that the amount of any damage is greater than the declared compensation in the contract, the insured undertakes to pay it himself and not claim additional insurance premiums. If the amount of damage is less than promised, then it is fully compensated without the right to rely on the remaining money.

Ivanov and Petrov bought two policies worth 5,000 rubles...

Ivanov and Petrov bought two policies worth 5,000 rubles. After a certain time, they simultaneously had a pipe break, at the time of the start of the heating season. Petrov was at home and managed to eliminate the accident in time with the help of a special call. services. Ivanov, on the other hand, was delayed at work, and therefore, by the time he arrived, not only his apartment, but also the apartment of the neighbors downstairs, had suffered. As a result, total amount Petrov's damage amounted to 100,000 rubles, which included the replacement of batteries, parquet and payment for emergency services. In Ivanov, the total damage amounted to more than 1.5 million, as it was necessary not only to change pipes and parquet, but also to pay for the damage caused to neighbors. Contacting insurance company, Ivanov received only the declared 100,000, and Petrov 700,000 and 400,000, he had to pay the remaining money out of his own pocket.

Where can I get a Hello Neighbor policy?

Insurance policy "Hello, neighbor!" VTB insurance is distinguished by its availability, because it can be bought not only at the office of VTB Bank, but also at Sovcombank, Raiffeisenbank, Russian Post, Rostelecom, Euroset, Megafon, Eldorado, Know-How, Svyaznoy and from other partners.

To purchase it, you do not need to provide documents on ownership, the conclusion of appraisers, and generally show your property to anyone. The seller may ask for a passport to confirm the purchase.

Activation of the policy "Hello, neighbor!" from VTB insurance

Insurance begins to operate only after activation, and it must be carried out no later than the 30th day from the date of purchase. The duration of the insurance policy is 1 year. To activate the purchased policy, you need:

1. Go to the official website of VTB in the section "Individuals" and find "Property insurance". There, select the service insurance policy "" ().

2. In the left menu there is a button "Activate policy", click on it.

3. After clicking it, a page will open in which there will be fields for entering information. The policyholder independently enters the policy number, activation code and validity period.

Then provide information about yourself:

  • Date of Birth;
  • Contact phone number and email.

Information about the property insured must be:

  • Type of property (apartment or house);
  • Region, city, street and building of the insured building.

Now the policy is officially activated and comes into force in a month (waiting period, 1 month insurance will be frozen), this is done on purpose to prevent abuse. Be sure to save your purchase receipts, they will be needed in the event of an insured event.

In order to feel secure in various force majeure situations, a “Hi, neighbor!” Policy has been created. VTB Insurance offers this program against the most popular risks, which has a very affordable price. To purchase it, you will not need to spend time on paperwork, but just visit the branch and immediately pick up your purchase after payment.

Features of the policy "Hello, neighbor!" from VTB Insurance

The demanded program provides coverage in the event of the occurrence of standard risks. You can use the insurance yourself or arrange it for another person in the form of a gift. One of the main conditions is to activate the policy on the website of the organization and enter the data of the beneficiary.

Study of VTB programs 24 Insurance "Hi, Neighbor!" - conditions, reviews confirm that the launch of the policy is extremely simple.

At the time of purchase of insurance, an information brochure, a contract and a code to activate the service are issued.
As the main advantage of this program, it should be noted that there is no need to study the contract in detail, select insurance risks and overpay for options that are not required in real life. The service provides for a standard list of options.
The video provides information in which cases property insurance is essential:

Risks covered by insurance

Objects that are subject to insurance protection:
  • Appliances;
  • interior decoration of the premises;
  • furniture, movable property, textile items;
  • parts of the infrastructure;
  • civil liability (flooding of residents from below and the need to repair their housing).

Home insurance coverage includes civil liability to neighbors, but until the onset of an insurance situation, the policy must be in an active state.
Risks that include this program are considered to be in the highest demand. You can insure an apartment or a room, but not a cottage or a private house. The most common option is apartment insurance.
Circumstances for obtaining insurance coverage:

  • flooding or other damage to property from liquid intrusion;
  • fire, explosion, including gas;
  • man-made disaster or natural disaster;
  • falling objects and other impacts;
  • theft, deliberate arson, robbery and other illegal actions of other persons.

The cost of the policy "Hello, Neighbor!"

At the time of purchase, a choice of the price of this policy from three options is provided. All of them include a list of the same risks, which provide for different insurance payments(money that will be provided to the policyholder in the event of an insured event). The price depends on the size insurance coverage, and the set of risks is the same. In order to pay out insurance indemnities of a large size, it will be necessary to initially pay a large amount. Under the Hello, Neighbor! program, which is offered at VTB 24, you will not need to assess property and pay additional funds. If you have expensive property, it is better to give preference to more expensive insurance.

Where can I get insurance

Options for purchasing an insurance policy:
  • at the office of the insurance institution;
  • in VTB Group organizations: Bank of Moscow, Post Bank, VTB 24;
  • in the salons of MTS, Euroset, Rostelecom, Beeline;
  • in organizations that are partners of the bank: Sovcombank, Raiffeisenbank;
  • in the centers of electronics and life. “Know-how!”, “Eldorado” equipment (the policy is offered additionally in case of purchasing equipment on credit from a bank).

Buying "Hi Neighbor" insurance to protect the apartment, it is possible at VTB branches, and the procedure for launching it takes place on the VTB Insurance website.

In addition, you can buy insurance at the Russian Post. It is not possible to purchase a policy remotely. A special code is required, which is issued during the period of its purchase at points of sale.

Rules and requirements

At the time of implementation, certain restrictions are provided. The insured must have Russian citizenship and be of legal age, and the property must match the price of the policy. Based on feedback from customers who have used the Hello Neighbor policy, there are no difficulties in purchasing it and paying out insurance coverage.

Customer feedback confirms that the policy begins to operate after the activation procedure, and coverage payments occur without any problems.

Some insurance holders are wondering if it is possible to return the Hello Neighbor! policy. from VTB Insurance? This is not provided, because as a result of activation, an agreement begins to operate, according to which it is impossible to return the deposited funds or terminate the contract.
In order to extend the period of validity of the insurance, you will need to purchase a new policy.

All the details and details on insurance "Hi, neighbor!"

All details and conditions are on the page.

Insurance activation

In order for the service to start its operation, you will need to launch it on the website of the insurance company:
Policy activation information:
  • special code;
  • insurance policy number;
  • personal information;
  • validity;
  • address of the insured object (room or apartment);
  • phone number and email address.

Detailed information about Hello Neighbor! and its launch are available on the VTB Insurance website.

Information will be sent to the indicated e-mail:
  • policy in electronic form, which, if necessary, can be printed;
  • link to register in your personal account.
The insurance comes into effect one month after the activation procedure has been completed (waiting period). The duration of the insurance protection period is 1 year. Performance given condition is required so that customers cannot use the policy for their own selfish purposes.

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