
The building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Social post-war years Marked in Moscow the beginning of the construction of high-rise buildings, behind which the name Stalin's high rise was fixed later. Among these structures, a 27-storey building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs occupies its worthy place. This monumental structure is located on Smolensk Square and towers, decorating one of the most beautiful entrances to the center of the capital.

How it all began

In 1947, the Government on the initiative of I.V. Stalin decided to make a grand construction of eight heights. The bookmark of new buildings was timed to the celebration of the anniversary of Moscow - the 800th anniversary of the city's foundation, and according to the plan of the altitude, they had to personify this date. However, the construction of one of these houses was never completed, and as a result, the capital found only seven original majestic buildings, the style of which is referred to as Stalin's ampir or monumental Soviet classicism.

Over the creation of a project building of the Foreign Ministry worked two famous Soviet architects V.G. Gelfreich and M.A Marthus. There were several options for the planning of Smolensk Square, and intense discussions went on the floors of the future structure. As a result, they stopped at the project at home, the central part of which numbered 27 floors. The project also provided lateral six-storey buildings. During the work, the authors made changes. For example, in the initial embodiment of a spider, which crowns, did not exist. Planned a flat roof with complex teeth and installation of obelisks in the corners.

Regarding the appearance of the spider, there is a legend, allegedly, Stalin adopted such a decision. When the architectural project was submitted for approval, he made this element into it. The authors had to follow the instructions of the leader and remake the conceived. However, perform a stone turret-superstructure with a spire was unreal. In the architectural plan, she would "suppressed" the construction, and from the engineering side needed a lightweight design. After long searches, the correct output was found: it was performed from metal.

Today it is difficult to assert whether the fact of Stalin's intervention in the project of architects is true. It is possible that the appearance of tent completion with the spire was dictated by the desire to make individuality in architectural solution Constructions. Without him, the building would like to the American administrative buildings of the first half of the last century.

The construction was erected for several years, and was completed in 1953, the long-distance part of the right wing was completed.

Decor building MFA

Facing the facade of the Midior building is made by ceramic blocks of light color, the basement is red. The portal of the building is decorated with stucco and equipped with metal openwork lattices. On both sides of the portal are stone obeliski. On the main facade, you can see the coat of arms of the USSR mounted from reinforced concrete. It is located at an altitude of a little more than 110 meters, and standing at the foot of the building is difficult to believe that its area is almost 144 square meters. meter.

For interior decoration of the input and main lobby, artificial marble is used. They are lined with walls and columns with capitals and floors, stained glass and brave lattices are stained as decor.

The assembly hall, designed for 5 hundred places, is decorated with artificial marble and valuable wood. Soft chairs are made from the Korean birch and red velvet.

The numbers are impressive

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe premises of the Midior building is 65 thousand square meters. meters. Even in our time, when large business centers were built in Moscow, the Stalinist height is not inferior to them in the area. The height of the structure is 172 meters, and it is among the 87 highest houses of the capital, which are carried out into the sky more than 100 meters, and most skyscrapers have been built over the past 10-15 years.

The building of the Foreign Ministry, like other Stalin's high-rise, belongs to the sights of the capital and personifies themselves by the era of the Soviet state.

The high-rise building was built in 1948 - 1953. Architects: Professor Vladimir Georgievich Gelfreich, Mikhail Adolfovich Minkus. The width of the facade was taken at 160 meters. The height of the building is 172 m. In the central part of the house 27 floors, in the wings of 15, and in the lateral buildings 6 floors. The authors believed that such a long-term building building corresponds to the traditions of Russian architecture. The base and the lower parts of the Mid wall are lined with the red granite "Carlahti", the portals of the entrance from Smolensk Square are made of the gray granite "Korostyshevo" and shirchavsky limestone, the main volume is lined with ceramic blocks. The building completes panorama from the Borodino bridge, forming the area.

The first sketches of the planning of Smolensk Square for the new building were created in 1946. In January 1947, a decree on construction in Moscow of high-rise buildings appeared, and the work began. Several options for the project of different floors were considered. From the right, southern wing of the building was to begin a new Avenue Smolenskaya Square - the Palace of Soviets of 42 meters width. It was assumed to be pierced directly through the alleys and quarters between the prechistenka and the Siva enemy. Arbat was supposed to turn into a large street 33 meter width.

On January 20, 1949, the technical project of the building was approved, and in April, the authors were awarded the Stalinist (state) 1st degree

The building of the Foreign Ministry was commissioned in the summer of 1953, the long-distance part of the right corps was completed later. A large number of building drawings was subsequently used in the construction of the house of science and culture in Warsaw, a very unloved Polish society.

The project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not provide for completion in the form of a spider. Instead, the authors planned to put a number of complex teeth with obels for corners. There is a legend explaining the appearance of the spire.

Stalin has a new trusted guard, accompanying the leader in the car. After the first visit, the newcomer called the squash and asked:

What route went? The guard described.

What did Comrade Stalin say?


Did not say anything at all?

No, when the Smolensk Square was near the altitude new building, he said one word.

Pil ...

Yeah, understandable. You are free.

At night, the author of the project of the high-rise building of the architect Mikhail Vasilyevich Prochina and the creators of other high-altitude houses were invited to Beria. He said: "The traditions of Russian architecture are not taken into account in our projects. You need to complete all buildings with spiers. " One of the architects with tears in his eyes began to beg not touching his project: high building The Smolensk Square has already built, and the spire in it is not provided. Beria Solovo Verso: "We'll have to envisage". Ceremonially published the article on the Russian tradition of the spike architecture, then spiers appeared on high-rise homes.

When the house on Smolensk Square was ready, Stalin, examining him, asked:

And whatever the fool occurs to wenst this building with a spire?

Fragment from the book of Yuri Borev - "Staliniada".

An object cultural heritage regional importance.

Buildings of Stalin times. The crowd of foreigners and guests of the capital, walking around Moscow, it causes a shock rather mixed with fear. Although looking at the photo comes a sense of pride. Guides tell tourists a terrible story that this building was once the center of the entire residency and espionage in the USSR. Foreigners quickly take pictures and pass from sin away to Arbat so that they are not randomly irradiated or, God forbid, recruited.

Stalin's high rise - building minitiality of foreign affairs Built from 1948 to 1953. Project architects Professor architecture M. Minkus and V. Gelfreich.

The central part of the building has a height of 172 meters and includes 27 floors. At an altitude of 114 meters, the emblem is fixed from reinforced concrete. Legend says that I didn't like Stalin appearance New building, it reminded him of American skyscrapers. Then the spire was added to the already built building, which was originally absent in the project. But symbol Of the Soviet state - five-pointed star -, on this building is absent, unlike others stalinist heights.

And many have seen this building from the inside

Outwardly, the building has calm, strict architectural forms. And inside it hides a complex and tangled world of internal volumes, and spaces hidden from unauthorized eyes with light ceramic blocks of cladding, red basement granite, and modern means of protection.

The central facade of the building decorates the huge coat of arms of the USSR, in the upper parts of the side portals, the date of construction, which is characteristic of the Soviet period, is cut out, next to the complex there is a second new building with a glass roof - glass. The complex of buildings is located the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation and ministry economic Development and trade of the Russian Federation.

The walls of the entrance lobby are lined with a light marble, a polished black granite floor, stained glass windows and lattices from brass and anodized aluminum brass. The lobby is communicated with the underground wardrobe to four escalators.

The main lobby is decorated with artificial marble columns, light marble walls with a carved marble frieze, floors marble, carpet pattern; Bases, capitals, framing the opening and stained glass windows - brass. The walls of the meeting room for 500 places from artificial marble, furniture and decoration - Karelian Birch, Curtains and the upholstery of the chairs - red velvet. Wooden parts of the interior are made in addition to the Karelian birch of polished nut and oak.

The complex has installed 36 elevators, including 24 speeds. The structure has a complex ventilation system and underground business communications, paired floors, and reception halls. In the building you can get lost and get confused, as in the maze. The object is carefully guarded by modern technical protection, constant round-the-clock observation is conducted.

The majestic building of the era of the Soviet Union in the numerous crowd of foreigners and guests of the capital, walking around Moscow Arbat, causes at least shock to the afternoon with fear. Once I had to be an involuntary witness when a group of already frightened tourists told a terrible story, that this building was once the center of the entire residency and espionage in the USSR, so that foreigners quickly photographed, and passed from sin away to Arbat to the memorial apartment Pushkin, so that they are not randomly irradiated or, God forbid, have been recruited. Have you ever seen how the Chinese or the Japanese are surprised? I looked at it.

Stalin's 172-meter height of Smolensk Square, house 32/34, 27-storey building of the era of the USSR ...

For externally, a complex and tangled world of internal volumes, and spaces hidden from prying eyes, red grains, and modern facing blocks, and modern means of protection, hides a complex and tangled architectural forms of the administrative complex. The central facade of the building is decorated with a huge coat of arms of the USSR, in the upper parts of the side portals, the date of construction, which is characteristic of many structures - this case 1951, next to the complex there is a second new housing with a glass roof - glass. The complex of buildings is located the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation.

The walls of the entrance lobby are lined with a light marble, a polished black granite floor, stained glass windows and lattices from brass and anodized aluminum brass. The lobby is communicated with the underground wardrobe to four escalators. The main lobby is decorated with artificial marble columns, light marble walls with a carved marble frieze, floors marble, carpet pattern; Bases, capitals, framing the opening and stained glass windows - brass. The walls of the meeting room for 500 places from artificial marble, furniture and decoration - Karelian Birch, Curtains and the upholstery of the chairs - red velvet. Wooden parts of the interior are made in addition to the Karelian birch of polished nut and oak.

The complex has installed 36 elevators, including 24 speeds. The structure has a complex ventilation system and underground business communications, paired floors, and reception halls. In the building you can get lost and get confused, as in the maze. The object is carefully guarded by modern technical protection, constant round-the-clock observation is conducted.

So, walk on the building. You have not seen this yet, so reveal your mouths ...

1. Arbatskaya

2. Three-one Arbat Station










12. 13.







20. 21.









30. 31.

32. Maxim Novikovsky and the smallest mirror Mi-Mi


Now forget everything that you saw and send others! And remember, the architecture and photographers are not so terrible, as its mounted architects.

So it goes

Maxim Novikovsky
and his canon / samyang

Stalinist Hig - Midth Building (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) were erected from 1948 to 1953. The architects of the project were Professor architecture M. Minkus and V. Gelfreich.

The facade of the construction is made of ceramic blocks, and the base is separated by a red granite.

Photo 1. Midea building on Smolensk Square in Moscow

The feature of the Stalinist highness on Smolensk Square

The central part of the 172-meter building includes 27 floors. At an altitude of 114 meters, made of reinforced concrete is fixed. The total area of \u200b\u200bthis design is impressive - 144 square meters.

Impressive I. total area premises (65,000 sq.m), and internal space cube (400.000 cubic meters). In the building on Smolensk Square more than 2.000 (!) Premises of various purposes. To the services of employees and guests of the Ministry of 28 elevators, incl. 18 speed.

A distinctive feature of the MFA building from other Stalinist height is the lack of a symbol of the Soviet state - a five-pointed star. This is due to the probability, with the fragility of the structure of the spire.

The house on Smolenskaya Square became the first of the seven constructed Stalinist heights and called, as they say, the disapproval of the leader.

Legend of the highlight of the Foreign Ministry on Smolensk Square

The legend says that Stalin, driving past the MiDA building, outraged his similarity with American skyscrapers. The spire was decided to add the already built building, which was absent in the initial project.

It was impossible to make a stone completion. The structure could not withstand additional loads and collapse.

But, the order is an order, and the architects decided to build a boutic spire.

For these purposes I had to punch five floors to secure the supports of the future design. Then the builders mounted the skeleton of the spire and truncated it with ordinary tin. The material is unsuccessful and requiring an annual painting due to the appealing rust.

After the death of the leader of the peoples, the architect V. Gelfreich tried to dismantle the discharged part of the altitude, watched by the support of the authoritative architect of the Arch Republic.

But N.S. Khrushchev, then the head of the Soviet state, was adamant. He stated that the spire should stay in place and be a monument of the great stupidity of Comrade Stalin.

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