
New travel opportunities: Italian offer. New travel opportunities: Italian Inteza San Paolo Bank ITALY

Inteza Bank - Russian subsidiary Bank Inteza Sanpaolo Groups (Italy). Inteza Sanpaolo is one of the largest banking groups in the Eurozone and the absolute market leader. banking services Italy. Intea Sanpaolo Group owns control package Shares CJSC Inteza Bank (100%).

Inteza Bank is universal Bank and provides a full range of modern banking services to enterprises and individuals.

Along with lending to small and medium-sized enterprises, one of the priorities of the Bank is servicing corporate clients. Relying on the international experience of the Intes Sanpaolo Group, the Intesian Bank serves the largest Russian and international companies and banks that are offered all types of structural and trade finance, syndicated lending, consulting and investment banking services, including maintenance in capital markets and organization of merger and acquisition transactions.

Intesa Sanpaolo (Inteza Sanpaolo) - One of the largest banking groups in the Eurozone and the leading banking group of Italy in almost all segments of the business incl. In retail, corporate and in private banking. The Bank serves more than 20 million clients in 40 countries, with focus on the countries of the Mediterranean basin and Central and Eastern Europe. In Italy, more than 11 million customers enjoy the banks. The company's total assets on March 31, 2009 were 639.3 billion euros, and the volume of loans issued 387.5 billion euros. INTESA SANPAOLO was formed on January 1, 2007 as a result of the merger of two banks - Banca Intesa (founded in 1823) and Sanpaolo IMI (founded in 1563). Headquarters is located in Turin.

Market share in Italy * Place occupied on the market *
Loans 16.0% 1
Borrowed capital 16.2% 1
Deposits 16.9% 1
Bankarance 22.9% 1
Pension funds 25.8% 1
Asset Management 26.0% 1
Factoring 26.1% 1

Headquarters address:
Torino, 10121, Italy
Tel.: +39 011 5551
Fax: +39 011 5552322
Site: www.intesasanpaolo.com.

CJSC "Bank Intesa"

Bank Intesa became the first bank in Russia with Italian capital, having received a license of the Central Bank in 2003. 86.75% of the shares of Bank Inteza CJSC belongs to the Intesa Sanpaolo group and 13.25% of the shares - the EBRD. In addition to the Moscow Representative Office of the Bank, which has been existing for more than 30 years, until 2010, Inteza Sanpaolo was presented in Russia by two subsidiaries - CJSC Inteza Bank and KMB Bank (CJSC). The main activity before January 2010 was the crediting of secondary and large business.

Since January 2010, KMB Bank Changes the name on the Bank of Inza. Under this name, a combined bank will work, created as a result of the reorganization of the banks of the Intez Sanpaolo Group in Russia (KMB Bank and Intesa Bank). One of the new activities will be the creation of a universal bank.

Inteza Bank offers a wide range of services to private clients, small and medium businesses and corporate clients:

Services for individuals deposits, credit cards, consumer and mortgage loans, insurance, individual bank safes, Payment of consular fees, mutual funds, Tax refund - a return service for the VAT amount for the purchases made abroad (you can return from 4 to 20% of the purchase cost, depending on which the VAT rate is set to a specific group of goods).
Services for small and medium businesses lending, leasing, settlement accounts, overdraft, deposits, letters of credit and guarantees, salary projects.
Services for corporate clients service and financing of business, corporate lending, investment and banking services and services in capital markets, service in international markets.

The bank has 78 branches in Russia and presented in 35 cities. In Ranking Russian credit organizations In terms of assets, Moscow Bank Inteza with net assets in the amount of 79.8 billion rubles rose from the 66th place on 01/01/2006 on the 47th as of 01.06.2010. Inteza Bank CJSC is a member of the Deposit Insurance System.

It is € 36.6 billion euros. According to this indicator, Intesa Sanpaolo ranks sixth among the largest banks of the eurozone. Known, among other things, what finances the restoration of works of art and exhibition in Russia and Italy.

A type Società per Azioni
Listing on the stock exchange Bit: ISP.
Year of foundation
Location Italy Italy: Turin
Key figures Carlo Messina (CEO)
Equity € 44.683 billion (2014)
Assets $ 782.2 billion (2015)
Net profit € 1.251 billion (2014)
Number of employees 89 486 (2014)
Website intesasanpaolo.com.
Media Files on Wikisklad

INTESA SANPAOLO was formed on January 1, 2007 as a result of the merger of two leading Italian banks - Banca Intesa and Sanpaolo IMI. In Russia there is a subsidiary bank - Bank Intesa JSC.

At present, Intesa Sanpaolo has the following ratings assigned by leading agencies:

Major shareholders

Financial indicators

As of September 30, 2013, the total assets of INTESA Sanpaolo accounted for € 639.768 billion euros.

The volume of loans issued is € 349.671 billion euros.

The volume of attracted bank deposits - € 363.310 billion euros.

To: Banks based in 2007

Intesa Sanpaolo. (read "Inteza Sanpaolo") - The Italian banking group, which is the leader in the banking services market in Italy and one of the largest banking groups of the Eurozone, is based in Turin. Market capitalization size on February 28, 2014, according to Bloomberg, is 36.6 billion euros. According to this indicator, Intesa Sanpaolo ranks sixth among the largest banks of the eurozone. Known, among other things, what finances the restoration of works of art and exhibition in Russia and Italy.

INTESA SANPAOLO was formed on January 1, 2007 as a result of the merger of two leading Italian banks - Banca Intesa and Sanpaolo IMI. In Russia there is a subsidiary bank - Bank Intesa JSC.

At present, Intesa Sanpaolo has the following ratings assigned by leading agencies:

Major shareholders

The largest shareholders of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group on April 23, 2013 are:

  • Compagnia di San Paolo - 9,718%
  • Fondazione Cariplo - 4,948%
  • Fondazione C.R. Padova E Rovigo - 4,516%
  • ENTE C.R. Firenze - 3.320%
  • Assicurazioni Generali S.P.A. - 2.706%
  • Fondazione C.R. in bologna - 2,023%
  • Other shareholders - 70.621%

Financial indicators

As of September 30, 2013, the total assets of Intesa Sanpaolo amounted to 639.768 billion euros.

The volume of loans issued is 349.671 billion euros.

The volume of attracted bank deposits - 363.310 billion euros.

The volume of insurance deposits and technical reserves - 89.662 billion euros.

Bank capital amounted to 49.481 billion euros (including net profit For the first 9 months of 2013, in the amount of 640 million euros).


Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Network includes:

  • "INTESA SANPAOLO Bank Albania" (Albania and Greece)
  • "Privredna Banka Zagreb" (Croatia)
  • VUB BANKA (Czech Republic and Slovakia)
  • CIB Bank (Hungary)
  • "Societe EUROPEENNE DE BANQUE S.A." (Italy)
  • "FIDEURAM BANK Monaco" (Monaco)
  • "INTESA SANPAOLO BANK Romania" (Romania)
  • Banca Intesa (Russia)
  • "BANKA KOPER" (Slovenia)
  • "FIDEURAM BANK" (Switzerland)
  • PRAVEX-BANK (Ukraine)

Art Collection

Intesa Sanpaolo is available at the disposal of interesting assemblies of art starting from the time of antiquity. In particular, the Bank is known as the owner of the largest and most valuable assembly of Russian medieval art (icons) outside of Russia. The meeting, from which 140 of the most significant exhibits are exhibited in Palazzo Leoni Montanari in Vicenza, quite fully represents the evolution of Russian cult painting from the XIII to the XIX century.

The icons presented in the meeting, according to the Bank itself, partially occur from the collection of the Venetian banker, whose name is not advertised. Subsequently, Milan Bank Banco Ambrosiano Veneto replenished a meeting of the acquisition of icons at auctions.

  • Russian icons from the Intesa Collection

    "Ascension of the Prophet Elijah"
    (end of the XIII century)

see also

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An excerpt characterizing Intesa Sanpaolo

- The man killed them, if "it" can be called a man ... He is a monster ... I'm trying to find it ... to destroy.
We immediately stared at Maria. Again, it was some terrible man, and again he killed ... Apparently, it was the same who killed her Dina.
"This girl, her name is Maria, lost her only defense, his friend, who also killed the" man. " I think it is the same. How can we find it? You know?
- He himself will come ... - Quietly answered the shine, and pointed to the kids spitting towards him. "He will come for them ... He looked at them by chance, I prevented him."
With Stella, we crawled along the backs of large-predicted, sipastic goosebumps ...
It sounded ominous ... And we were not yet quite adults, so that someone is so easy to destroy, and did not even know - we can ... it's in books everything is very simple - the good heroes will win monsters ... But in reality Everything is much more difficult. And even if you are sure that it is evil to win it, you need a very big courage ... We knew how to do good, that they also know how to do everything ... But how to pick up someone's life, even the most bad , to learn either Stella nor me, while somehow did not have to somehow ... And without trying it, we could not be quite sure that the same our "courage" at the most right time would not let us down.
I did not even notice that all this time was very seriously observed behind us. And, of course, our confused faces told him about all the "oscillations" and "fears" better than any, even the longest confession ...
- You are right, cute - they are not afraid to kill only fools ... or monsters ... and a normal person will never get used to it ... especially if I have not even tried. But you do not have to try. I will not allow ... because, even if you righteously defending someone, you will take revenge, it will burn your souls ... and you will never be the same ... you really believe me.
Suddenly, straight behind the wall he was heard a terrible laughter, his wildness of a crying soul ... The kids screamed, and all of them bought on the floor. Stella feverishly tried to close the cave with his defense, but apparently from strong excitement, she did not have anything ... Maria stood not moving, white, like death, and it was clear that the state of the recently experienced shock was returned to it.
"This is him ..." Girly whispered in horror. - It he killed Dina ... And he will kill all of us ...
- Well, we'll see. "Troyto, very confidently said shone." - Not these seen! Hold on, Girl Maria.
Hochot lasted. And I suddenly understood very clearly that a man could not laugh! Even the most "Nizhnaya" ... something in it was wrong, something did not converge ... It was more like a farce. On some fake performance, with a very scary, deadly end ... And here I finally "Ozarilo" - he was not the person who looked !!! It was only a human subject, and the ladder was terrible, someone else's ... And, she was not, - I decided to try to fight him. But if I knew the outcome - I probably would never try ...
The kids with Maria hid in a deep niche, which did not get sunlight. With Stella stood inside, trying to somehow keep, for some reason all the time breaking, protection. And shovel, trying to save the iron calm, met this unfamiliar monster at the entrance to the cave, and as I understood, I was not going to skip him there. Suddenly, my heart strongly started, as if in the premonition of some big trouble ....
The bright blue flame was hampered - we all were angry ... The fact that a minute ago it was a luminary, for one thing only a moment turned into a "nothing", without even starting to resist ... Overlooking the transparent blue haze, he went to distant eternity, not Leaving in this world even a trace ...
We did not have time to be frightened as immediately for what happened, a terrible person appeared in the aisle. He was very high and surprising ... beautiful. But all his beauty spoiled a vile expression of cruelty and death on his sophisticated face, and there was still some terrifying "degeneration" in it, if you can somehow define this ... and then, I suddenly remembered the words of Mary about her "horror " Dina. She was absolutely right - beauty can be surprisingly terrible ... But the good "terrible" can be deeply and greatly love ...
A creepy man again disappeared ...
His laughter was a painful echo repeated in my brain, pushing into him thousands of the thinnest needles, and my unreamed body was weaker, gradually becoming almost "wooden", as under the strongest alien impact ... The sound of the crazy lacer was crumbling for millions of unfamiliar shades, right there Returning back to the brain back sharp. And here I finally understood - this is true there was something like the most powerful "hypnosis", that fear constantly increased with its unusual sound, forcing us to panicly afraid of this person.
- Well, what - long have you been going to laugh?! Or speak afraid? And then we are tired of listening to you, stupidity all this! "Suddenly, for her own, I cried rudely.
I had no idea what was found on me, and where did I suddenly come from so much courage?! Because the head has already spun from the fear, and the legs were drunk, as if I was going to satisfy right now, on the floor of the same cave ... But it is not for nothing that they say that sometimes people are able to perform feats ... So I, Probably, before that "Waitingly" was afraid that somehow managed to forget about the same fear ... Fortunately, a terrible person did not notice anything - apparently he was the same fact that I died suddenly with him so brazenly talk. And I continued, feeling that it was necessary for anything to be faster to break this "plot" ...

Open for yourself uncharted corners of Italy, enjoy the beach holiday or excursion programs will help with ease of consumer credit!

For travelers, the loan is provided in the amount of up to 750,000 rubles at a special rate of 17% per annum. Plus - for design it is not necessary to collect a large set of documents other than those you have already prepared to obtain an Italian visa! Apply on the website of the Intesa Bank.

This is free credit card instant issuancethat will allow you not only to rent a car for movements in Italy, but also with the benefit to purchase high-quality things "Made in Italy" in Italy. Why with profit? Because the map is provided grace period 55 calendar daysduring which you can return the tools spent without charging. Interesting? Learn more on the site.

INTESA - S7 Priority

Priority registration at airports, additional baggage, flights in business class on comfortable liners around the world - these and other opportunities can be obtained for bonus miles!

What do I need to do? Just connect your Intesa Bank card to the S7 Priority program as part of the Intesa - S7 Priority offer and continue to make your daily purchases. For every 60 rubles / 1 euro, spent on the map, accrued to 1.5 miles. At the same time, the Intesian Bank will provide you with starting miles to start savings, accrued up to 1500 welcome miles when the map is connected.

Are you already a member of the S7 Priority program? Then the accumulation of miles will become even faster! Just tie your bonus account to your Intise Bank map and use all the privileges of the program.

Debit cards for travel

What is important to know any traveler - places where you can withdraw cash without commission!

Save your time and money - get the VAT reimbursement for the purchase committed in Italy, in the offices of the Intesa Bank in Russia without a fee!

Plus - enrolling the amount of return on premium map INTESA TAX FREE CARD, you can get 5% per annum on the balance on the map, as well as take cash in any ATM worldwide to 100,000 rubles / 1500 euros per month for free. Learn more on the website of the Intesa Bank.

Traveler insurance

Do you issue a visa to Italy or travel already with a valid visa, you need a tourist insurance policy for a trip.

With him you can count on the provision of qualified medical care in any situation. In the offices of the Bank of Intesa, you can always issue standard insurance with a coverage of 30,000 euros, as well as an enhanced program of insurance of amateurs of outdoor activities and extreme sports. Depending on the program, the cost will be from 0.65 euros per day.

Safety Cable for valuable things

Going on a journey or long business trip, your valuable things and important documents you can entrust us by rented a bank cell for a period of 30 days or more. While you will enjoy the trip, we will ensure the reliable safety of your values. Select Size safety Cable And the rental period on the website of the Intesa Bank is now.

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