
Unified application for a mortgage. Online application for a mortgage. What you need to pay attention to when choosing a mortgage supply

Pick up a favorable banking program is quite real, if you apply for a mortgage in several banks. It seems that everything is simple - give and choose the optimal option. In fact, this method of obtaining a loan is in itself a lot of pitfalls, which must be considered.

In this article we will consider them, as well as we describe the services offering sending applications to several financial organizations, we will analyze whether to take the second mortgage, the first to pay attention to which moments to pay attention when choosing a bank.

Why not? After all, the developers themselves offer a similar service. For example, an application for a mortgage in several banks is issued on the site of a large Moscow developer GK Peak. From person only need to come to them to the office, and the rest they will do themselves:

  1. Pick up bEST PROGRAM Mortgage lending.
  2. Represent an approximate payment calculation.
  3. Assist to make a credit application.
  4. Send it to partner banks.
  5. Conduct a deal in accordance with the selected program.

At the same time you do not need to pay for the service itself.

Some people still do not decide to submit several applications at the same time. The reason is simple - all applications approved and unhealthy are recorded in credit historyAnd, therefore, they can cause suspicion of banks. The chances of obtaining a loan, in their opinion, in this case decrease.

Indeed, banks are requested before approving the application, and it reflects all previous customer requests to other financial and credit organizations, including approved, but unused applications. But in fact, everything is not so scary:

  • applications are kept in the ki only 5 days;
  • if refused, information does not always have time to walk to another bank.

Therefore, the application for a mortgage in all banks is the idea is quite appropriate and wise.

In addition, mortgage brokers will help to make it much easier to facilitate the submission of documents. The service of mediation between the client and the bank is new, but has already become popular with many real estate buyers. It greatly simplifies the procedure for making documents and helps reduce the time for the approval of the loan. Yes, and the banks themselves are more effective agree to suggestions that comes from their partners.

What to pay attention to the submission of a mortgage application. Preparation of documents

Before applying for a bank online to a mortgage need to take into account the upcoming additional costs. Expect expenses of the next kind:

  • Mortgage insurance. This includes insurance of property (from 0.15 to 0.3%), life and health (0.39%), ownership of the property for the purchased real estate (0.21%, only for housing in the secondary market). Need to understand that property insurance It is mandatory, it is spelled out in FZ No. 102 of 07/16/1998. The remaining species are voluntary. However, if you refuse them, the bank may raise the interest rate on a loan by 1 or 1.5 points. It can also increase if the client refuses to extend annually an agreement with the insurance company.
  • Commission of banks. They may be charged for issuing certificates, for consideration of the application, for issuing documents for the removal of mortgage burden and even for crediting loan payments. Therefore, all these questions need to be found in advance before applying to the bank. Some Commissions are prohibited by law, such as the payment for the consideration of the application and for issuing a loan, other, such as a one-time payment, remain the most common and can be from 1 to 4% of the loan size.
  • Independent real estate assessment. It is held by the client himself, for the procedure will have to pay approximately 4,000 rubles.

Today, applications can be submitted in the office, and in personal Cabinet Internet portal bank. The procedure is easy: the online application is filled and sent by the Bank manager. Then the bank's specialist is associated with a potential client and primaries the conditions for further interaction. Required package Documents are transmitted by B. in electronic format, without leaving home. From documents usually require:

  • certified by the employer a copy of the labor book;
  • all scanned passport pages;
  • income certificate (by banking Blancoor 2-NDFL).

When choosing a suitable bank, you will need to focus on three parameters: an initial fee, bid, monthly payment. Consider a Read more:

  • the amount of the starting payment. Those customers who can pay half and more cost acquired real estate is more reasonable to give preference to programs with a preferential interest rate. If the money is a bit, then a mortgage program with additional security will be the best option, which can be played by another house or apartment, car.
  • percentage rate. Well, everything is clear here - the lower the rate, the better. Some banks are ready to reduce several points percentage for certain categories of customers, such as those who receive salary on their card.
  • Monthly payment. It should not be above 40% of income, which receives a borrower. If the income is small, it will be wiser to increase the credit period.

In addition, it is necessary to make sure that the borrower meets the requirements of the Bank regarding age, work experience, registration and others.

Is it possible to take a second mortgage? Practice

Take the second mortgage? What for? Happy first to pay! So many say, in fact there are people who take not only the second, but also the third and even fifth mortgage. Recently, the story of the blogger Svetlana Shishkova appeared on the network. With her husband, they took 4 mortgages for 6 years, three of them were successfully repaid and in the future, the receipt of fifth. Now they own two apartments in Moscow and in the Moscow region and know all the nuances of the procedure and how to take the second mortgage, not paying first.

Therefore, the answer to the question "Is it possible to take the second mortgage?" - Definitely affirmative, such an opportunity banks provide, however, not all. The more starting fee (at least 15%), the more offers from financial organizations and the chances of approving the application

People take a loan in different ways:

  • gas the initial debt ahead of schedule, then take a new one;
  • leave the old and take a new one;
  • sometimes future borrowers, without having a sufficient amount for the initial contribution, before taking the second mortgage, offer a bank in a deposit of an apartment, which is repayed by 90%. With all the attractiveness of such a proposal for itself, not many banks agree, considering the transaction risk;
  • then the last option remains: the borrowers sell non-free from the deposit of the apartment and divided into this money, and the remaining funds are used as an initial contribution when buying a second apartment. This option is also reluctant to be considered bankers and the percentage of failures is great. And even if the decision is affirmative, they can request 1% of the remaining unpaid loan.

Solving or not there is a second mortgage to the client, banks apply three criteria to it:

  • the size and stability of income - it must be 2 times more than monthly mortgage payments;
  • good credit history;
  • good qualitative characteristics Called real estate.

It is more convenient to take a second loan where the first is decorated.

IN different banks different conditions Loan granting. For example, to take the second mortgage in Sberbank, you can involve maternal capital As an initial contribution.

Many military are interested in the question whether it is possible to take a mortgage for the second time. The law is not limited to the number of participation in the program military mortgage. However, before submitting an application, the borrower will need to pay the loan for the first apartment. This can be done either by its accumulated means, or money from the sold apartment.

Universal application for mortgage in several banks

Many mediators appeared on the mortgage market credit and financial organization and the borrower. They create Internet services, which quickly and without problems make up an online application for mortgage in all banks. Consider the most popular of them.

Tinkoff Bank as a universal mortgage aggregator. Pros and cons

Get approval from several banks and choose the most optimal conditions for yourself can users Mortgage Service from Tinkoff Bank. The loan recipient simply leaves the online application on the site, and the remaining procedures fall on the shoulders of his personal manager, which they immediately attach to it. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. The application is filled.
  2. The service transmits it to several partner banks.
  3. The client chooses the suitable accommodation - apartment, room, apartments, vacation home, garage or other.
  4. The borrower compares the conditions from different banks and chooses the appropriate.
  5. At the final stage, he meets with a representative of the partner bank and makes a deal.

Insurance issues, evaluation decides the manager. Another weighty plus is that Tinkoff Bank Helps reduce interest from their partners. And all this is completely free. So, at least, the bank itself describes the service.

The portal Tinkoff displays feedback on the operation of the service from the website of Bank.Ru. Even running through them, you can make sure that many are satisfied with the service. Negative feedback There are also there, but they are significantly less. Here is what they write:

pros Minuses
Feedback from the user kortaf
  1. Easy in filling the questionnaire;
  2. Everything is quickly loaded;
  3. To choose from 3 partner bank;
  4. Saving nerves and forces
Did not like:
  1. After downloading documents, they cannot be edited, you need to call to the bank and ask for opening a questionnaire.
  2. Already at the stage of the transaction, it was found that the percentage rose from 11.75 to 12.0%.

I thought for a long time, how to get a second apartment in the mortgage. Tinkoff helped healthy. Tangible help during the design and full package of services without leaving home. Behind the originals, the Bank's employee arrived.


I liked the well-established service, reduced additionally interest rate, competent and professional managers


Evaluated the efficiency in solving the issue, professionalism of managers and the discounted interest rate.

  1. The bank offers the most profitable offers from their partners.
  2. It is possible to get an additional discount in the interest rate.
  3. Exhaustive consultations of specialists.
  4. Detailed information on the present value of a loan with all commissions in each partner bank.
  5. Free debit card As a bonus.
  6. High level of training specialists.
  7. Fast dialing and the same reaction to the application.

I did not like the incompetence of employees, deception, the sent schedule of payments was with a mistake of 600 thousand rubles, they were constantly needed that some documents were needed. Employees are inattentively reading these questionnaires, and as a result, after a long-term Volokhate, the application has not been approved.

As you can make sure, most users are still satisfied with the service and are ready to recommend him with familiar and relatives.

Service Domklik Sberbank of Russia with discounts on new buildings. Pros and cons

Domklik helps to purchase real estate in the mortgage. Working with the service is very simple:

  1. On the main page Domklik Pre-calculate the loan and choose the conditions acceptable for yourself: the type of real estate, its price, the amount of the initial contribution, the loan period.
  2. Create a personal account. You can edit the conditions entered earlier.
  3. Fill the application, load documents and send. The application usually is considered for 2 days, but it can be approved on the day of sending a questionnaire.
  4. After the approval of the application is received, the borrower has 90 days to choose housing and collect all documents. By the way, Sberbank holds a campaign: when purchasing an apartment in the new buildings accredited by the Bank, special conditions are provided with a borrower, one of which is a low interest rate - from 7.4%.
  5. Documents are loaded in the Personal Account, and they immediately go to the bank for verification. Within 5 days, the decision of the Bank will be presented.
  6. The borrower selects the date and time for signing the documents.
  7. To become a real estate owner, a deal must be registered in Rosreestre. Time it will take from 3 to 9 days.

In the personal account you can order a callback and send a message to the operator.

Thank you for your interest! Online application on the mortgage Departs immediately into several partner banks. Minimum bid For the current day it is 6% per annum.

Next, you will be redirected to the site for the design of contact data and application parameters so that a bank specialist contacate with you to clarify the main parameters and selection of the Bank. After all the fields are filled, you need to click on the "Send Application" button. The applied application will be sent for consideration.

The term of consideration of the application for mortgage is from 1 working day until the week. It all depends on the bank, which will consider your mortgage application.

Advantages of service

Application for a mortgage online through our service has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Fast feedback on the results of checking your credit rating. After a few seconds, you will have an understanding where to send an application for a mortgage and the causes of possible failure. This will allow you to significantly reduce the time to select the necessary bank.
  2. You get a whole list of topical proposals from banks specifically for your request. You can leave an online application into a specific bank, and not "bomb" all banks immediately. This increases the chance to get a positive solution.
  3. Big saving time. You do not need to go to the bank yourself. Submit an application can be in a convenient bank and after preliminary assessment Your credit rating.
  4. Lack of additional intermediaries. Your application will fall into the right bank, bypassing the agency. This will avoid additional boards and commissions.
  5. Savings in percent. A number of banks give additional preferences for customers who submitted an application for lending through our service.

Experts of our project prepared a number of tips for you that will enhance your chances of approval:

  1. If you received a refusal after checking the credit rating, you should not lower your hands. Be sure to get acquainted with our post. " There we have prepared a number practical recommendationsHow to act in this situation. There are no hopeless provisions.
  2. Before choosing a bank, we recommend looking into our service "", there is valuable information on the minimum requirements of the bank to the borrower and the mortgage loan.
  3. Do not be afraid to apply for a long time. It should be noted that the Bank will evaluate solvency on the basis of official income (with the exception of a number of banks). The more the term, the smaller the monthly payment, and therefore the solvency and the probability of approval. Read more about it in more detail. " You have the opportunity to do early repayment And close the loan in advance with the recalculation of interest.
  4. When making a questionnaire, be sure to specify the initial contribution of at least 15-20%. Do not write that you have to significantly reduce your chances of encouragement. How to get around this requirement of the bank you will learn from our past post.
  5. Pensioners also have the ability to make a loan on housing and optionally to work for this. Sberbank and transcapital Bank will provide mortgage before the occurrence of 75 at the time of the end of the loan. More information about the maximum age for the mortgage and the minimum can be found from our past post.
  6. Our site has a service "", if you doubt success or you are interested in additional questions about maintenance or loaning, you can ask them anonymously or in the comments.
  7. If you have difficulty designing documents or requires legal assistance in the selection of housing or solving various litigation with relatives, sellers / real estate buyers or registering bodies, then we recommend signing up for free legal advice To our online lawyer in a special form.

We hope our service will help you quickly and profitably issue a mortgage and translate your dream about the necessary real estate in reality. Please estimate the operation of the service and press the buttons of social networks.

All questions on the service of the service can be asked in the comments below. To make it easier for you to work with the bank, we have prepared for you information about what you need to provide to get the final decision of the bank.

Re-application for a mortgage after refusal to one and the same bank is possible in two months. At the same time, it is desirable to know the reason for the refusal and eliminate the questions that the bank had to you, as a potential borrower.

Mortgage is the most difficult type of lending, which involves large expenses and terms. If you decide to take a mortgage in Moscow, it is worth carefully treating the selection of a sentence from one of the banks of the capital. Select.ru selected the most profitable mortgage lending programs and assembled on one page so that you can evaluate them without spending time for searching and visiting bank branches.

In addition, you can apply for a mortgage online. Many banks of Moscow have long been offering their customers the opportunity to seek a loan over the Internet. This greatly simplifies the process of obtaining a mortgage: you can get a preliminary approval of the loan while collecting the necessary documents.

To apply for a mortgage online, browse the offers presented on the page and rate them. For you, we indicated the minimum loan amount, time and rate, and also listed the advantages of each program.

Before making a decision, calculate the payment schedule with the help of our mortgage calculator. Click on the "Detailed Calculation" button. On the page that opens in the appropriate fields, enter the amount you need and the loan period. In accordance with the terms of the loan, the system will calculate the payment schedule for you, in which the dimensions of monthly contributions will be indicated, divided into primary debt and the amount of accrued interest.

To execute a mortgage application, click on the "Apply" button in the product card. You will be redirected to a page with a form for filling. You will need to enter the following data:

  • Personal data, passport data,
  • Employment Information - Name of Organization and Inn,
  • Income size
  • Credit history information
  • The parameters of the desired mortgage - the size of the loan and the term.

Application for a mortgage online is the basis for the preliminary decision of the Bank for Mortgage. Before sending an application, be sure to make sure that you meet the conditions that the borrower is putting out. You must match by age, registration, earnings, experience, etc. All these requirements are set out in the card of each product at the chief.ru. The application will be rejected in inconsistency.

The application will be sent to the bank for consideration. An employee of the organization will contact you within 1-7 days to clarify the information, report the result of the transaction and, if you have approved, discuss the details of lending and the further scheme of your actions.

What is online application for a mortgage?

The online application for a mortgage is an online version of a standard mortgage application in a bank. You can fill it at home or at work, from a computer or mobile device, carefully reading the terms of the loan and calm everything in mind. Online applications are usually considered faster than in the banks of the bank.

How to submit an online application for a mortgage?

Semit profitable credit On the chief.ru, you can go to the application, clicking the "Details" button in the product card. You will fall on the page for registration of the application. There you will need to introduce the amount of interest to you, time and initial contribution of mortgages, as well as your personal and passport data and contacts for communication. It is also necessary to consent to data processing.

What is the feature of the online application?

The efficiency of filing and decision-making is the main features of the online application. You can not disappear from important affairs: you can find a mortgage to choose a mortgage, and then arrange - immediately on the bank's website. This will save time and strength that you could spend in the bank branch. In addition, no one forbids you to change your mind - you can refuse a loan if you have ceased to arrange conditions or you found more profitable proposition.

Which bank can I apply for a mortgage?

The development of Internet technologies causes banks to move on, and more and more credit organizations offer their customers the opportunity to place a mortgage loan online, bypassing the queue. However, it is still difficult to find a truly profitable loan. This will help to choose. By choosing a checkbox "Online Application" checkbox on the left side of the screen, you will receive a complete list of mortgage products, apply for online.

Can I apply at once in all banks?

Can. This will increase the chances of approval of the application - if in one credit organization You will refuse, it is likely that we will approve into another. To do this, you need to go through the list and fill out the questionnaire for each proposal. If you approve a mortgage in several banks right away, you can refuse those banks in which the conditions in your opinion are less beneficial.

To select a mortgage, fill out a free application.
You immediately get a list with the best offers of banks. You can pick up
for yourself the best way, and send a request to the Bank of interest.

An online application for a mortgage is quite very different from offline appeal to a specific bank. However, the advantage of such a mortgage design is the absence of the need to visit the lender. The application is served via the Internet.

Advantages of the online application

  • Is free: Free shipment
  • Conveniently: Your request will receive large banks Russia
  • Saving time: The application is applied online, you do not need to go to the bank.
  • Profitable terms: The selection of the most best offers banks.
  • Fast: For a minute you will receive the result.

How to place a mortgage loan online?

Apply for a mortgage online is currently simpler. At the same time, you will not need to visit the bank branch. In addition, you can remotely enter into a lending agreement on best conditions. We invite you to fill out the application and get a personal offer by mail literally in a couple of minutes. To do this, you will need:

  • Select the city of your stay.
  • Fill the FIO Fields, date of birth, registration address, Passport details, number mobile phone and email.
  • Get acquainted with the offer and send an application for consideration.

Selection of offers will be carried out on the basis of the personal data and information provided by you from your credit history.

What should be paid when choosing a mortgage supply?

To choose a truly advantageous offer for mortgage lending It is important to take into account many different points:

  • Annual interest rate;
  • The presence of the first installment;
  • The currency in which the mortgage is issued;
  • Credit term.

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