
The amount of the deposit insured by the state per year. Deposit insurance sum. Uninsured types of deposits

The initiative to increase the amount of the insured amount in the bank was submitted to the State Duma in the summer of 2013, but since then there has been no movement. The initiative remained an initiative. But December 2014 forced to quickly consider and approve this initiative and increase the coverage from 700 thousand rubles to 1.4 million rubles, together with the previously proposed 1 million rubles.

This measure is aimed at some reassurance of depositors who have more than 1 million rubles on their ruble accounts. It should be noted that individuals with foreign currency deposits "got rich" for recent times twice in ruble terms simply due to the fall national currency... Therefore, the outflow of such deposits can be offset by an increase in insurance coverage... Those. if in July a deposit of $ 20 thousand in ruble equivalent was approximately 700 thousand rubles, now $ 20 thousand is about 1-1.4 million rubles.

However, the bill still has to be approved by the Federation Council and signed by the President, with which, probably, there will be no problems.

Prerequisites for increasing deposit insurance coverage

The fall in oil prices, the unfavorable macroeconomic situation, in fact, the gradual involvement of the country in the war, sanctions, a significant drop in the price of financial markets The panic began.

Individuals, realizing that the strongest depreciation of money was taking place since 1998, rushed to stores, sweeping everything off the shelves. "Investing in televisions" is now a more popular form of investing money than keeping it in bank deposits. The natural desire to spend money at the old prices led to the fact that banks faced the strongest capital outflows, and some banks on this wave decided to seriously speculate adding fuel to the fire - sending messages about difficulties in banks. For example, Sberbank

Will the DIA withstand

When deciding to increase the amount of compensation, naturally, no one proceeded from real opportunities DIA serve new size insurance coverage. At the end of December, the size of the reserve fund of the DIA (Deposit Insurance Agency) is just over 74 billion rubles. At the same time, just recently, the ROST banking group found itself on the verge of revoking a license; significant problems are also observed in TRUST bank. Both those and others were sent for reorganization, since the size of the deposits individuals in the TRUST bank at the time of the announcement of its reorganization amounted to more than 144 billion rubles. Taking into account the extremely risky lending policy of the bank in recent years, the “hole” (the gap between assets and liabilities) is likely to exceed 74 billion rubles, which would immediately raise the question of the DIA's insolvency.

Of course, in this case, the Central Bank would have come to the aid of the DIA, but its resource is also limited. It is one thing to provide a loan to the DIA, and another thing to start emission (issue) of money. The second will lead to galloping inflation, which will be prohibitive anyway.

Date: 08/13/2014

The State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (DIA) analyzed the development of the retail deposit market in the first half of 2014. The most significant trends are as follows.

Savings activity of the population

In the first half of 2014, the volume of household funds in banks remained almost unchanged, having decreased by 74.3 billion rubles. (in the first half of 2013 - an increase of 1,389.3 billion rubles) to 16,883.2 billion rubles. In relative terms, the decrease in deposits was 0.4% (in the first half of 2013 - an increase of 9.8%). The share of interest capitalization in the first half of 2014 is estimated at 3.2 percentage points.

Amount of bearer savings certificates in reporting period decreased by 6.5 billion rubles. (by 1.9%) to 342.4 billion rubles. Thereby Last year investments in the specified type of uninsured financial instruments practically ceased to influence the overall dynamics of deposits.

Since the beginning of 2014, the DIA has started deposit insurance individual entrepreneurs... Their volume as of July 1 was 193.4 billion rubles. (1.1% total amount deposits of individuals), having decreased from the beginning of the year by 15.1 billion rubles. The amount of insurance liability for them amounted to 105.4 billion rubles. or 54.6% of the total amount of deposits of individual entrepreneurs. The above shows that the structure of their deposits in terms of size generally corresponds to the general market structure of deposits of individuals.

In general, the total volume of insured deposits in the first half of 2014, including deposits of individual entrepreneurs, decreased by 82.5 billion rubles. (by 0.5%) to 16,717.0 billion rubles.

According to the updated forecast of the DIA, based on the tendencies of the deposit market formed in the first half of the year, the volume of deposits of individuals in 2014 may grow by 1.2-1.5 trillion rubles. or by 7-9%.

Structure of deposits by size

In the first half of 2014, the most rapid growth was observed in deposits located closer to the upper boundary. insurance compensation, from 400 thousand to 700 thousand rubles. - by 12.5% ​​in terms of the volume of deposits and by 11.3% in terms of number open accounts... Deposits also increased from 700 thousand to 1 million rubles. by 2.8% in terms of amount and 2.9% in terms of quantity. Deposits over 1 million rubles. in terms of volume, they almost did not change, and in terms of quantity, they decreased by 2.5%. Deposits from 100 thousand to 400 thousand rubles. decreased by 1.5% in terms of volume and increased by 0.4% in terms of the number of accounts. Small contributions up to 100 thousand rubles. decreased by 8.1% in terms of volume and by 0.9% in terms of the number of accounts.

Based on the results of the first half of the year, the share of deposits exceeding 1 million rubles. decreased from 40.0 to 39.6% in the total volume of deposits of the population. Deposits from 700 thousand to 1 million rubles. increased from 7.6 to 7.8%, and the share of deposits from 400 thousand to 700 thousand rubles. increased from 16.2 to 18.1%. Deposits from 100 thousand to 400 thousand rubles. decreased their share from 22.8 to 22.3%, and deposits less than 100 thousand rubles. - from 13.4 to 12.2%.

The average size bank deposit as of July 1, 2014 did not change, amounting, net of small and inactive accounts, 104 thousand rubles.

Return on deposits and its impact on the dynamics of deposits

The results of monitoring interest rates on deposits in the 100 largest retail banks indicate a smooth increase in the profitability of deposits. At the end of the first half of 2014, more than half of banks (61 out of 100) raised rates. In 20 banks, rates decreased, in 19 - remained unchanged. At the same time, the growth in the profitability of deposits occurred evenly in the first and second quarters.

The average level of rates (weighted by the volume of deposits) as of July 1, 2014 on ruble-denominated annual deposits in the amount of 700 thousand rubles. grew by 0.4 p.p. and is estimated at 7.6% per annum. Average (unweighted) interest rates for annual deposits in the amount of 700 thousand rubles. decreased by 0.4 p.p. up to 9.3%.

In general, according to the DIA, due to a certain liquidity shortage, a gradual increase in interest rates on deposits will continue in the near future.

Currency and term structure of deposits

In the first half of 2014, the share of deposits in foreign currency increased from 17.4% at the beginning of the year to 18.9% as of July 1, 2014. At the same time, according to the results of the first quarter, due to the depreciation of the ruble and the inflow of deposits in foreign currency, the share of foreign currency deposits amounted to 20.3%. However, in the second quarter, thanks to the strengthening of the ruble, the share of foreign currency deposits decreased slightly.

Share long term deposits(over 1 year) in the 1st half of the year increased from 61.8% to 63.4%, while the main growth occurred in the 1st quarter. The share of term deposits less than 1 year in the reporting period decreased from 19.3% to 18.5%. The share of demand deposits also decreased from 18.9% to 18.1%. Thus, the population preferred more profitable long-term deposits.

Concentration of deposits

The share of the 30 largest banks in terms of household deposits in the first half of 2014 did not change, amounting to 78.7%. At the same time, Sberbank's share fell from 46.7% to 46.3%.

The highest growth rates of deposits were observed in network and “regional” banks - by 3.1 and 3.0%, respectively. Deposits in banks in the Moscow region decreased by 3.7%.

Insurance liability of DIA

The amount of insurance liability of the DIA (potential obligations to pay insurance compensation) in the first half of 2014 remained almost unchanged, having increased by 0.2 percentage points. up to 65.7% of all deposits. Excluding Sberbank of Russia - it grew from 53.0% to 54.6%.

On January 27, 2005 Bank EUROALIANCE was included in the register of banks participating in the obligatory deposit insurance system under number 500.

Deposits are considered insured from the day the bank is included in the register of banks participating in the system. To insure deposits, the depositor does not need to conclude any agreement with the bank, deposit insurance is carried out in accordance with Federal law.

The state is the guarantor of the return of funds to the depositor. As part of the implementation of the Federal Law, the state specially created the "Deposit Insurance Agency" (hereinafter referred to as the Agency), which returns to the depositor the main amount of his savings for the bank, instead of the depositor, he takes his place in the queue of creditors.

In order to ensure financial sustainability of the deposit insurance system The Russian government has been granted the right to allocate funds to the Agency federal budget in case of insufficient funds of the deposit insurance fund.

Since December 29, 2014, the maximum amount of insurance compensation for deposits has been increased from 700 thousand to 1.4 million rubles.

These changes establish one hundred percent coverage of the deposit amount not exceeding 1.4 million rubles.

The new parameters of the deposit insurance system apply to banks whose insured event occurred after December 29, 2014. These changes apply to both newly opened and previously opened deposits.

In order to comply with Federal Law No. 117-FZ of 23.12.2003 “On Insurance of Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation”, we remind you of the need to timely submit to the Bank information on changes in the following information:

  • surnames,
  • name,
  • patronymic,
  • registration addresses,
  • mailing address,
  • type and details of the identity document.

In case of failure to perform such actions, it is possible Negative consequences at the onset insured event in relation to the bank in which the deposit is placed (in particular, an increase in the terms of consideration of the depositor's claim for payment of compensation for deposits, refusal to pay insurance compensation if the Agency cannot identify the depositor).

We inform you that cash accepted by the Bank for the purpose of making transfers without opening bank accounts are not subject to insurance in accordance with Federal Law N177-ФЗ dated December 23, 2003 "On Insurance of Deposits in Banks Russian Federation».

From January 1, 2019, amendments to the Federal Law of 23.12.2003 N 177-FZ "On insurance of deposits in banks of the Russian Federation" entered into force, according to which funds of legal entities are subject to insurance,

classified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation as small businesses that have entered into a bank deposit agreement or an agreement with the bank bank account... The criterion for classifying a legal entity as a small enterprise for the purpose of deposit insurance is the availability of information about the belonging of this legal entity to small enterprises in unified register small and medium-sized businesses, the conduct of which is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation." If the organization has signs of a small enterprise, it is necessary to check the availability of information about it in the unified register of small and medium-sized businesses on the website https://ofd.nalog.ru/index.html. This site also provides for the possibility of submitting an application for inclusion in the register / correction of information if, for some reason, information about the organization is missing or incorrect: https://ofd.nalog.ru/appeal-create.html.

Funds of legal entities for which there is no information about their belonging to small businesses in the unified register of small and medium-sized businesses, in accordance with Federal Law of 23.12.2003 N 177-FZ "On insurance of deposits in banks of the Russian Federation" are not insured.

Date: 05/13/2014

The State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (DIA) analyzed the development of the retail deposit market in the first quarter of 2014, examining the most significant market trends for this period.

Savings activity of the population

The volume of deposits of individuals in the first quarter of 2014 decreased by 393.5 billion to 16,563.9 billion rubles. In relative terms, the decline was 2.3%, excluding currency revaluation - 4.4%. The contribution of interest capitalization for the quarter is estimated at 1.5 percentage points. For comparison: in the first quarter of last year, the growth amounted to 496.2 billion rubles. or 3.5%. It should be noted that in the corresponding period last year, the dynamics of deposits was approximately 200 billion rubles. more than usual, probably due to a one-time inflow of funds Russian citizens from Cyprus, as well as requirements for the transfer of civil servants' accounts to Russian banks.

The volume of bearer savings certificates in the reporting period decreased by 3.7 billion rubles. (by 1.1%) - up to 345.2 billion rubles. Thus, over the past six months, investments in uninsured certificates have practically ceased to affect the overall dynamics of deposits.

Since the beginning of 2014, the DIA started insuring deposits of individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs. Their volume as of April 1 was 189.9 billion rubles. (1.1% of the total amount of deposits of individuals), having decreased from the beginning of the year by 18.6 billion rubles. The amount of insurance liability for them amounted to 102 billion rubles. or 54% of the total amount of deposits of individual entrepreneurs. This suggests that the structure of their deposits in terms of size generally corresponds to the general market structure of deposits of individuals.

In general, the total volume of insured deposits in the 1st quarter of 2014, including deposits of individual entrepreneurs, decreased by 408.1 billion rubles. (by 2.4%) to 16 391.4 billion rubles.

The noted slowdown in savings activity was caused by a number of reasons, among which the slowdown in economic growth and the weakening of the ruble should be noted. The dynamics of deposits was also negatively affected by the early payment of a part of pensions for January 2014 in December 2013.

During 2014, DIA expects moderate savings activity supported by continued growth nominal income population and enough high interest rates on deposits.

Structure of deposits by size

In the first quarter of 2014 various groups deposits by size changed at different rates. The largest deposits (over 1 million rubles) increased by 1.2% in volume, and in the number of accounts decreased by 2.8%. Deposits from 400 thousand to 1 million rubles. increased by 4% in terms of amount and number of accounts. Deposits from 100 thousand to 400 thousand rubles. decreased by 4.3% in terms of volume and number of accounts. Small deposits (up to 100 thousand rubles) decreased by 12.0% in terms of volume (in terms of the number of accounts - an increase of 0.2%).

At the end of the quarter, the share of deposits exceeding 1 million rubles. increased from 40.0% to 40.9% in the total volume of deposits of the population. Deposits from 700 thousand to 1 million rubles. increased from 7.6% to 8.0%, and the share of deposits from 400 thousand to 700 thousand rubles. increased from 16.2% to 17.0%. Deposits from 100 thousand to 400 thousand rubles. decreased their share from 22.8% to 22.1%, and deposits less than 100 thousand rubles. - from 13.4% to 12%.

The average size of a bank deposit as of April 1, 2014 remained almost unchanged, amounting to 29.4 thousand rubles, and excluding small and inactive accounts - 104 thousand rubles. (according to the refined methodology, without deposits up to 1 thousand rubles).

Return on deposits and its impact on the dynamics of deposits

The results of monitoring of interest rates on deposits in the 100 largest retail banks indicate a slight increase in the profitability of deposits. At the end of the first quarter of 2014, 43 out of 100 banks increased and 19 banks lowered rates. Rates in 38 banks remained unchanged.

Average level of interest rates (weighted by the volume of deposits) on ruble annual deposits in the amount of 700 thousand rubles. in the first quarter of this year increased by 0.2 percentage points. and amounted to 7.4% per annum. In turn, the average (unweighted) interest rate for annual deposits of 700 thousand rubles. also increased by 0.2 p.p. and reached 9.1%.

According to the DIA, such changes reflect the desire of some banks to attract funds from the population in the face of a certain shortage of liquidity and a slight decrease in the total volume of deposits.

Currency and term structure of deposits

In the first quarter of 2014, due to the weakening of the ruble against major foreign currencies, the share of deposits in foreign currency increased from 17.4% to 20.3% as of April 1, 2014. In addition to the impact of the ruble exchange rate change, there was also a small net inflow deposits made in foreign currency.

In the period under review, an increase in the share of long-term deposits(over 1 year) from 61.8% to 63.6%. At the same time, the share of demand deposits decreased from 18.9% to 17%. Thus, in the first quarter, the population preferred more profitable long-term deposits. The share of term deposits less than 1 year did not change, remaining at the level of 19.4%.

Concentration of deposits

The share of the 30 largest banks in terms of household deposits in the first quarter of 2014 decreased slightly: by 0.3 percentage points. to 78.3%, including the share of Sberbank from 46.7% to 46.1%.

The highest growth rates of deposits were observed in "regional" banks - 1.2%, the volume of deposits in network banks remained almost unchanged (an increase of 0.1%), and deposits in banks in the Moscow region decreased by 1.2%.

Insurance liability of DIA

The amount of insurance liability of the DIA (potential obligations to pay insurance compensation) in the first quarter of 2014 decreased from 65.5% to 64.5% of all deposits, and excluding Sberbank remained unchanged - 53.1%.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and the state