
Long-term contribution to interest. Features of long-term deposits. What interest on deposits can be counting on long-term deposit cash

Long-term deposits in banks are essentially related to strategic savings and open at the bank from the year and more. Along with elevated interest, which guarantee passive income, they carry and increased risks.

The concept of long-term contribution is decoded as a contribution to the bank, more than a year. Pick the contribution is possible only after the expiration. There are such cases when long-term deposits in banks were kept more than a decade.

What is the difference between the contribution and deposit? The difference between the deposit from the deposit is to be stored. The contribution is the money that the client handed over to the bank for the purpose of storing and profit. But the deposit is the type of storage of values, but not necessarily money. The deposit may be securities, stocks, precious metals, etc.

It happens. A person contributes for a long time for a child. As an example: contribution to the benefit of a third party. When the child is eighteen years old, he will be able to take advantage of savings. All the existence of the contribution, interest is charged to it, additional contributions, etc. Such a contribution is usually replenished.

What are deposits? Deposits are divided into three main categories: to demand, urgent and conditional.

If you live in Ukraine and do a long-term contribution, it is better to discover the contribution to the hryvnia. This currency is stable, and the dollar or the euro is constantly "falling", then "rises". Also, by hryvnia deposits, quite decent interest. Some Ukrainian banks offered up to 27% per annum. In recent years, interest is reduced, due to the soft monetary policy of the NBU.

Long-term deposits have cons ...

Trust money bank for a long time, dangerous. A few years ago, in Ukraine, "left" several banks. Bankers still have not paid money to depositors and have not returned accumulations. According to the councils of experts, it is not necessary to make deposits into banks that are not members of the Fund to guarantee the contributions of individuals. More, no need to invest more suma, the return of which is guaranteed by the state.

Skin Depository Bank Foundation Garantu Vіdshkoduvannya Kostev for the contribution of that Vіdshkodovuє Kati in Roomіrі contribution, turns on Vіdzotka, I am pushed on the day of the day of the day of Vіdshennya by the National Bank of Ukraine about Vіdyssennnya, the bank to Cathagoria is defospic, in Romіri Zagalo Sumi Contribution, Alla is not B_lsha 200 Tishych, Alla. .www.fg.gov.ua / Depositors / Guarantee /

If something happened to you and urgently need money, you can close the deposit account without waiting for the end of the term. Of course, you will need to pay for material costs. This is usually the write-off of interest accrues or their decrease.

Even, the Bank may submit a penalty for non-compliance with the contract. Before signing the paper to the agreement, to open the contribution, read it carefully. The bank may require payment for the closure of the deposit, which has not yet ended the validity period. As you can see, close the contribution ahead of the deadline is not profitable. Bank employees will never go to your conditions because they also protect the Bank's rights.

Profitable long-term deposit deposits: basic tasks and interest rates

The main task of long-term deposits with replenishment is to accumulate and multiply. Such deposits choose people to collect a significant amount for expensive purchase. For example: to buy housing, car, to pay training, opening a business or for a trip to rest.

What is a deposit in a bank? Deposit (bank deposit) is the amount of money posted by the Depositor in the Bank for a certain or indefinite period. The funds placed the Bank uses as working capital, which come to receive profits.

Today, interest rates on placement in foreign currency below. Financial experts also strongly recommend placing cash in different currencies, producing cash assets diversify.

What is the diversification of investments? Diversification of investments - (from the lat di versus different + facere do; eng. DIVERSIFICATION OF INVESTMENTS) The distribution of investor's capital by investing in different types of securities. In our version: according to different currency deposits.

A person who wants to dispose of funds with the mind will be guided by personal desires and needs. If a long-term contribution is selected for a period of 1 year or more, then the needs of a person are reduced to the following points:

  • - the desire to get a passive income, expressed in the monthly receipt of dividends in the form of interest rates
  • - accumulation of funds for major and expensive purchases. People accumulate for the purchase of cottages, apartments, cars, household appliances, etc.
  • - the ability to protect funds from the harmful effects of inflation

These are the main tasks that are solved when placing funds on long-term deposits not only Russian banks. With the help of the financial instrument under consideration, the profit is recorded and insured against the unplanned decline in interest rates.

It is recommended to choose those programs for which the Bank offers a fixed or growing interest rate. Options where the binding to unstable indicators is carried out, it is especially true for proposals with a floating rate, it is better to leave for experienced and knowledgeable investors.

It is worth noting that the client, placing funds in a large amount and for a long time, often receives from the financial institution of privileges and preferential conditions for other types of banking services. Accordingly, the yield of such a contribution will be more. Use insurance for warranties. A visual example is the execution of a loan at a minimum interest rate, the possibility of lending on the security of the deposit, minimizing commissions and other promotions.

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What interest on deposits can you count on long-term deposit deposit?

Rate for long-term programs will be higher than in short. So, the average percentages on the proposals from 1.5 years and above will be greater than in deposits for up to 1 year. Today, the average rate on a long-term revenue deposit for a period of 3 years can reach 14-15% per annum. If you take a comparison similar programs for 3, 6 and 12 months, then here you can count on the maximum percentage of 10-11% per annum. Check the relevance of interest rates, as they constantly change. It depends on many economic factors of one or another state. For example: in Russia, deposits may be cheaper, at the same time in Ukraine, Belarus should be expensive, and in Kazakhstan and Moldova remain stable.

What is the interest rate on the contribution? Interest rates on deposits - the percentage paid by banks to customers for the use of money placed on the deposit account. The bank is an organization whose income is made up of the difference between the price of attracting and posting financial resources.

If a person chooses a storage long-term contribution, then in this case the rate will coincide with deposits opened for up to 1 year. The more opportunities give the client the program, the lower will be the profitability of the contribution.

What is a real interest rate? Real interest rate (Real Interest Rate) is the nominal interest rate minus expected inflation rate. For example, a nominal interest rate is 10% per annum, and the projected inflation rate is 8% per year. Then the real interest rate will be: 10 - 8 \u003d 2%.

Choosing long-term contributions to pay attention to the currency type. Today, interest rates on placement in foreign currency are lower than in Russian rubles and in the hryvnia.

Also, financiers are recommended to place money in different currencies, because when the course of one falls, the course is automatically increasing. Thus, this method is used to protect against inflation and the formation of stable income on the contribution. Investors, working with long-term investments in Russian, Ukrainian and foreign financial markets, enjoy this method. An example for our region is: 30% in US dollars, 20% in euros and 50% in national currency.

Long-term contribution: serious risk or high yield?

How to choose a long-term contribution, and this is not only an increased yield, but also an increased risk. The client may continue to terminate the bank deposit agreement. In this case, many financial institutions make a percentage rate at the request "to demand". Savings will be returned, but the income will be minimal. Given inflation, you can lose on it.

Not every person knows how to gently handle money. If in the coming years is planned a major and expensive purchase, then learn how to competently use financial instruments that are available today. One of these solutions is considered long-term deposits offered by domestic banks.

Advantages of long-term deposits

Remember that investing cash for a long time on the terms of a long-term contribution is always a risk. However, long-term contributions are the benefits that need to be taken into account. What advantages are we talking about?

  • - Unlike most programs on such deposits, higher percentages are accrued. At a minimum, such deposits are offered by 0.5-1% more than traditional
  • - According to the calculations of specialists working in the financial market, up to 90% of banks are allowed to replenish a long-term contribution, open for a long time. This is a good factor for people who seek to accumulate a considerable amount in their account.
  • - Profit will increase if the client has chosen the contribution that provides percentage crediting with capitalization, usually monthly.
  • - A client when he opens a contribution to a long time, can count on reducing costs for other banking services. It is worth remembering that in many banks there are loyalty programs for customers. Special conditions are assumed when deposits are placed on deposits: discounts on rates of certain types of banking services, discounts for opening accounts, preferential car loans, minimizing interest rates on loans, mortgages, microloans, etc.
What is the capitalization of interest on the contribution? In other words - accrual interest percentage. Thus, the capitalization of interest increases the effective bet on the deposit and the total amount of income received. Most often occurs monthly capitalization of interest when accrued interest is added to the principal amount of deposits once a month.

Always exist underwater stones

The choice of a long-term contribution is no exception. One example is the lack of capitalization and the ability to replenish savings. However, this is not the worst. The client, signing the contract, you need to be sure that during the entire term, the interest rate will be on the same level. Often, banks go on tricks and tie deposits to the hidden indicator. Thus, during the term of the policy of the contribution, the interest rate may decide.

How to choose a reliable long-term contribution to "not ruin"?

  • 1. Choose a reliable bank with a good reputation
  • 2. To independently explore the terms of programs. Particular attention to the footnotes and text prescribed by small fonts. As a rule, additional fees and restrictions are hidden here.
  • 3. If your own knowledge is missing, to attract an experienced specialist who himself will study the documentation and will help determine the program with the most favorable conditions for the placement of capital

Finally, it must be remembered that the client may terminate the bank deposit agreement ahead of time. In this case, financial institutions recalculate the interest rate at the tariff "to demand". This factor is also worth considering when the contribution is selected for several years.

In all the variety of ways to use free funds, bank deposits are one of the most profitable options. Since they allow to receive income in the form of paid interest, and at the same time they do not require some serious efforts from the client, they choose an increasing number of people. The most important thing is that it is necessary to do is find a suitable deposit program. For example, contributions with capitalization in Moscow are one of the most favorable types of deposits. He can bring you a very good income, even without the largest interest rate on the deposit in Moscow.

Deposit Calculator with Capitalization in Moscow

Despite a long agreement with a massive conditions, almost each of us is looking for a version of a program that will allow you to open a deposit under a high percentage in Moscow, and practically does not pay attention to other conditions. Meanwhile, such an important parameter of the deposit, as the capitalization of interest on the deposit in Moscow, has a huge impact on the level of income that can be obtained.

The contribution with the capitalization of interest in Moscow differs from the classic type of deposit in the following parameters:

  • in a classic contribution, interest is calculated on the basis of the original amount you have placed on the deposit;
  • the deposit with the capitalization of interest in Barnaul implies the addition of accrued interest to the "body" of the contribution, and the subsequent calculation of interest on the basis of this enlarged amount.

It is obvious that even without taking into account bets on deposits with capitalization, in such a way you can get much greater income than on deposits without capitalization. And if you consider a contribution to replenishment and capitalization in Moscow, when you independently can further increase the "body" of the contribution, then this is an even more profitable option.

There is only one important nuance in percentages of this type of deposit: without a detailed calculation of the contribution with capitalization in Moscow, do not rush to immediately choose the deposit program only on the fact of availability. Excluding all important parameters and values \u200b\u200byou can guess and encounter uncomfortable conditions for yourself.

It is quite difficult to make such a calculation and choose the best deposits with capitalization is quite difficult, so use the Calculator of deposit contributions with capitalization in Moscow, which you will find on this page:

  1. Enter the starting conditions.
  2. Click on the search button.
  3. The system will select a complete list of suitable options with the description of the conditions for each.

After that, you can quickly explore all the necessary information and make a weighted decision on the opening of the deposit in Moscow.

Where is it better to discover the contribution with the capitalization in Moscow?

Find where the best deposit with the capitalization of interest is not much difficulty: with such a type of programs in 2020, very many banks work (Sberbank, VTB, Russian standard, etc.), so choose from what.

The main criteria for successful choice are:

  • high interest rate;
  • acceptable conditions for the closure, partial removal and replenishment of the deposit;
  • bank reliability.

"Remember that money has the ability to multiply" - these words belong to the outstanding American policy of Benjamin Franklin. And he knew that in cash, it was not for nothing that his portrait was depicted on a hundred dollar bill.

Eroxates a Russian community expression with such a statement: "Money for money", which is especially like to use fellow citizens in financial matters, justifying their reluctance to delve into these questions in order to intelligently dispose of money. But money, indeed, go to the money, and they really can "multiply". Worldwide, at all times, any money surplus people invested in any business or value to save and multiply their capital. Money must work.

But how to make them work on yourself, not possessing any investment skills, nor any special knowledge? Each person it is worth to master at least the basics of managing his own money to be able to integrate them correctly, because to lose already accumulated - it's easier for a simple one (it is enough to recall millions of gullible compatriots, at one time we have invested money in financial pyramids). If financial literacy leaves much to be desired, it will be wiser to contact professionals, entrusted to them the issues of investment, or make a cash contribution in a reliable bank. Deposits can not only save your savings, but also to increase them.

High competition forces banks to offer very attractive conditions for investors. You can place your funds on a variety of time - you can open a short-term deposit (for up to one year), it is possible - long-term. The longer deposit period, the better conditions are offered to customers. It is natural, because the bank is more profitable to take money for a longer time. Thus, interest rates of deposits on the same amount, but for different dates, may differ quite significantly. For example, if you invest 10 thousand rubles into a conditional bank for a three-month period, then profitability will be about 6.6%, and the contribution of the same amount for 3 years will bring more than 10%. If the amount is large, then the difference in the profit will be significant. Depositors higher amounts are obtained, respectively, and a higher interest rate.

Banks in every way encourage the opening of long-term deposits, developing a variety of bonus programs. One of the "sweet" proposals is the capitalization of interest - an option in which the monthly accrued interest is added to the principal amount, which is thus constantly growing, and the following interests are accrued to an increased amount. Customers opening a long-term deposit, banking institutions are often offered secured by this deposit. The long-term contribution has, perhaps, one significant disadvantage is the inability to remove the money before the expiration of the deadline, without losing interest. But, if earlier, the depositor, who shot the funds ahead of time, was penalized by penalties, then today banks behave in such a situation more loyal.

Thus, the conditions offered by banks are uniquely more beneficial for long-term deposits than for short-term. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to postpone some amount of money for several years, a reasonable decision will be the opening of the deposit for a long time. But, if in the West long-term investments are a very common practice, then our compatriots for some reason are not in a hurry to give their savings to the banks for a long time, preferring deposits for a period of up to a year. This happens, first of all, because Russians have no firm confidence in the stability of the economic situation in the country. Insecurity in the tomorrow, which has already become familiar disbelief of banks, the sad past experience and the unpredictability of how quickly they may need accumulation - good reasons for unwillingness to take advantage of the beneficial offers of banks on long-term deposits. It is much easier to predict the closest perspective, so Russians prefer short-term deposits.

But is it worth dramatize the situation? Yes, the Russian economy today is not in its best form, and the likelihood of further decline in economic growth, and inflation does not cease to grow. But in the reliability of the banking system, it is not yet to doubt, at least, one should not worry about their deposits. After all, any Russian bank receiving funds from individuals enters the deposit insurance system, which means a state guarantee of saving depositors' money.

CER protects the contributions of citizens, both in rubles and in foreign currency, as well as funds on current accounts. The insured event is the termination of the Bank's activities, first of all - a review of the license. In this case, depositors should receive compensation from the ASV (deposit insurance agency), the payment of which is carried out through a bank agent. Returns the depositor of funds, including accrued before the Insurance case of interest, is guaranteed in the amount of up to 700 thousand rubles in each bank. For this, a special foundation has been created. If the deposit amount exceeds the established limit, the rest of the money will get possible, but with big losses. Therefore, larger savings amounts are better not to put in one bank, but to distribute several. Let it be too convenient, but safely. This will also be complied with the most important investment rule - the distribution of assets in the investment portfolio.

What is the opinion of specialists about which contributions are more preferable - long-term or short-term? What should be considered when choosing a deposit? Head of the Development Department of Deposit Products in Alpha Bank, Marina Nadashchi advises to open short-term deposits in the context of rates growth, then do not have to recking the account with each raising rates. When the rates are lowered on the market (as it happens now), it is better to make a long-term contribution to a longer time to fix a high percentage.

Deputy Chairman of the Raiffeisenbank Board, guiding the Directorate of Services of Individuals and Small Business Enterprises, Andrei Stepanenko is confident that preferences of investors depend on the level of interest rates. At high rates, customers choose a longer deposit rates to fix a high rate. Especially convenient contributions with the possibility of replenishment and removal. The contributions opening through the Internet Bank are very popular, since there is often an increased rate on them, and the time has saved its client. A.STEPANENKO reports that today the short-term deposits are opening up mostly. Not least, this is due to the slowdown in economic growth, in which people do not want to postpone the money for a long time. He also noted that recently the average contribution of the contribution. This applies primarily by the deposit segment to 400 thousand rubles. According to Stepanenko, it is the accumulation of middle class, which would correctly call "deferred consumption", and not long-term savings.

As for the most preferred currency when choosing a deposit, it is necessary to take into account here, if the client has loans, in what currency he receives wages and carries out the main spending, what investment plans are short-term or long-term investment plans. This is a complex question, so it is impossible to give an unequivocal answer. From the point of view of Marina Nadashimi, if the client has a loan, then the cash should be saved in the currency of the loan and the main spending. And the term of the deposit in the currency also depends on the frequency with which the depositor plans to use currency savings.

Whatever your contribution in the end, you preferred - short-term or long-term, currency or ruble - do not forget that the choice of the bank is a serious matter. A reliable credit institution can be considered a more or less large bank, well, if he, one way or another, is controlled by the state. Such banks in difficult times the state is usually supported to preserve the banking system as a whole, as it was, for example, during the crisis of 2008-2009.

Ranier strategy allows, opening a long-term deposit, to obtain a stable monthly income in the form of rent (monthly payment of interest without capitalization).

The most favorable long-term deposits are issued for a period of 3-5 years, but a bit of such deposits is presented in the market. The bulk of contributions opens for 3 years. It is explained by the fact that it is difficult to predict the economic situation for several years ahead, so only professionals are ready to risk large sums.

By deciding on the long-term investment of money, you need to choose whether you regularly shoot the money from the account, or increase the accumulated amount due to the capitalization of interest.

Review of long-term deposits of different banks

Sberbank of Russia

Long-term deposits of Sberbank are distinguished by the possibility of replenishment, removal of funds from the deposit, an individual timeline and an increase in interest rates with increasing deposit amount. In case of early termination of the contract for more than 6 months, there are special conditions for accrualing interest rates. When making an online deposit, elevated interest rates are provided.

Contribution "Manage"

The depositor can choose any deadline for deposit in the range from three months to 3 years. The minimum amount is 30 thousand rubles, 1000 US dollars, 1000 euros. The deposit is allowed in a minimum amount of 1000 rubles, 100 US dollars, 100 euros. Perhaps partial removal of funds to an unsigned residue.

Interest accrued monthly, capitalization is provided. The interest rate depends on the period and the amount of replenishment. Upon reaching the following amounts of gradation, the interest rate increases. The interest rate in rubles - 4.05% -6.5% per annum, in currency - 1% -2.8% per annum (excluding possible capitalization of interest).

Contribution "replenish"

The deposit term chooses the client - from 3 months to 3 years. The minimum amount is 1,000 rubles, 100 US dollars, 100 euros. The deposit is allowed in the amount of from 1000 rubles, 100 US dollars, 100 euros. Removing funds from the deposit is not provided. Interest is charged monthly and at the request of the client can be capitalized.

The interest rate depends on the term and deposit amount. Upon reaching the following amounts of gradation, the interest rate increases. Interest rate in rubles - 4.85% -7.25% per annum, in currency - 1.1% -3% per annum (excluding capitalization of interest). For pensioners there are preferential conditions for deposits.

Contribution "Save"

Deposit term - from 3 months to 3 years. The minimum amount is 1,000 rubles, 100 US dollars, 100 euros. Replenishment and removal of the part of the funds from the deposit is not provided. Interest is charged monthly and can be capitalized. The interest rate depends on the term and the amount of the deposit and is in rubles - 4.9% -8% per annum, in the currency - 1% -3.25% per annum. For customers of pension and pre-pre-age ages, special conditions on deposits apply.

VTB 24

"Freedom of choice"

The deposit period can be selected in the range from 31 to 1830 business days. The minimum amount is 15,000 rubles, 3000 dollars and euros. Interest is charged monthly, quarterly or annually. Possible capitalization of interest at the request of the client. The interest rate depends on the term and deposit amount, as the deposit is replenished, the interest rate increases.

Interest rate in rubles - 4.95% -7.4% per annum (without capitalization), in dollars - 1.15% -3.1% per annum, in euro - 0.95% -2.9% per annum. The minimum amount of replenishment is 1,000 rubles or 100 US dollars, euros. Only capitalized interest can be removed from the deposit.

By September 3, 2013, the action is valid: special conditions for early division deposit for up to 394 days in rubles (early termination without losing interest) are provided.

"Rising income"

The minimum deposit amount is 30,000 rubles, 500 dollars and euros. Term - up to 3 years. Perhaps replenishment of the deposit. The minimum amount of additional contribution is 1000 rubles or 100 US dollars, euros. Interest is charged monthly, quarterly or at the end of the term and at the request of the depositor are capitalized. Only capitalized interest can be removed from the deposit.

The interest rate depends on the period, the amount and grows in the process of increasing the deposit amount. Interest rate - 4.9% -7.4% per annum in rubles, 2% -3.4% per annum in dollars, 1.8% -3.2% per annum in euros. For pensioners there are elevated interest rates.

Alfa Bank

"Prize" - regular income

The minimum deposit amount is 10 000 rubles, 500 US dollars, 500 euros. The term is 92 days, 184 days, 276 days, 1 year, 550 days, 2 years, 3 years. Percentages are accrued monthly: they can be received in cash or translate to another account. The amount of interest rates depends on the period, the amount of the contribution and is in rubles - 6.6% -9.5% per annum, in dollars - 1.3% -3.7% per annum, in euro - 0.7% -3.5 % per annum. In case of early termination, the rate is valid - 0.005% per annum.

"Victory" - a highly profitable contribution

The minimum deposit amount is 10 000 rubles, 500 US dollars, 500 euros. The placement period is 92 days, 184 days, 276 days, 1 year, 550 days, 2 years, 3 years. Interest accrued monthly and capitalized. The amount of interest rate depends on the term, the amount of the deposit and is in rubles - 6.6% -9.5% per annum, in dollars - 1.3% -3.7%, in Euro - 0.7% -3.5% annual.

"Premier" - growing percentage

The minimum deposit amount is 10 000 rubles, 500 US dollars, 500 euros. The placement period is 92 days, 184 days, 276 days, 1 year, 550 days, 2 years, 3 years. The minimum amount of replenishment is 5,000 rubles, 200 dollars, 200 euros. The amount of interest rate depends on the period, the deposit amount. When replenishing the contribution there is a transition to the next summion range with an increase in the rate. Interest accrued monthly and capitalized. The interest rate in rubles - 5.7% -8.4%, in dollars - 0.8% -3.1% per annum, in euros - 0.4% -3% per annum.

Tinkoff Credit Systems


The minimum deposit amount is 30,000 rubles, 1000 dollars and euros. The maximum amount is 10,000,000 rubles, 300,000 euros, 300,000 dollars. Perhaps partial removal of funds in the amount of 15,000 rubles, 500 euros, 500 dollars.

The minimum amount of replenishment is 1 dollar or euro. Making funds for the contribution is made no later than 60 days before the expiration of the contract. The interest rate depends on the term of the deposit and is in rubles - 6% -11% per annum, in currency - 1.5% -4% per annum. Interest is paid monthly or capitalize.

Eurocommerce Bank


The minimum deposit amount is 10,000 rubles of the Russian Federation or 300 dollars, 300 euros. Term - from 3 months to 5 years. Accrual and payment of interest is made monthly. Deposit replenishment is possible during the first two years. The interest rate depends on the terms of placement of funds and is in rubles - 2% -11.5% per annum, in currency - 1.5% -4.5% per annum.

Automatic prolongation of the contract is possible. In the case of early termination of the contribution, there are special conditions for interest accrual, depending on the term of the deposit in the bank.

"Pension Earlier"

For registration of the deposit, it is necessary to present a pension certificate. The minimum deposit amount is 10,000 rubles of the Russian Federation. Term individual: from 3 months to 5 years inclusive. Accrual and payment of interest is made monthly. You can replenish the contribution without restrictions on the amount and frequency.

The interest rate depends on the period of finding funds in the bank and is 2.5% -12% per annum. There are special conditions for accrualing interest rates in case of early termination of the contract.

Transnational Bank


The minimum deposit amount is 30,000 rubles, 1000 dollars and euros. It is provided for an individual period in the range from 15 to 1095 days. Interest is paid monthly. Removal and deposit replenishment is not allowed. Automatic prolongation of the contract is possible.

The interest rate depends on the term, the deposit amounts and amounts to 7% -11.95% per annum, in dollars - 4% -5% per annum, in euros - 3.5% -4.5% per annum. For pensioners there are elevated interest rates. Automatic deployment prolongation is allowed.


The minimum deposit amount is 20 000 rubles, 1000 dollars, 1000 euros. Term - 1095 days. Percentage payments are made monthly. Deposit is allowed. The minimum amount of additional contribution is 5,000 rubles, 200 dollars and euros. Removing part of the funds from the account is not provided.

The interest rate increases depending on the period of finding funds in the bank and is in rubles - 10.5% -12.5% \u200b\u200bper annum, in the currency - 4% -6% per annum. Automatic prolongation of the contract is not provided.

Features of long-term deposits

Deposits for a period of 3 to 5 years are characterized by high interest rates and allow to obtain solid profit. The maximum income can be obtained by investing large amounts with the capitalization of interest during the entire term of the contract. Given the capitalization of interest, an effective interest rate increases, and the profit reaches the highest mark. However, removing monthly interest, it is possible to obtain a stable income subject to the execution of a contract for a large amount and the right choice of the deposit program.

Banks again started initiative advertising of a long-term contribution (for up to ten years). In advertising theses, the maximum of tempting information, the convenient financial conditions in the state are described in the crisis period in long-term forecasts. The increase in the volume of long-term bank deposits, however, is almost not visible. The contributor continues to exercise prudence, limiting up to one year, in special cases up to two years.

As a client chooses banks

Such customers are hard to accuse illogy: long-term contribution always has the greatest degree of risk. This is associated with universal instability in the financial market, both world and domestic, in perspective.
The risk of bankruptcy of the financial organization during ten years is significantly higher than in one year. Directly Bank also creates a lot of "pitfalls" in its contract. The most unpleasant is that the floating interest rate is established, addressed on the price of money in the market at the moment. A similar paragraph in the treaties devalues \u200b\u200bthe essence of long-term deposits, since the bank can change the rate unilaterally, respectively reduce the income of the contributor.

Risks of long-term deposits

There is another risk that is worthy to mention it, it is not connected with the bank, but directly with the contributor. Because for such a long time and its financial condition can undergo serious changes. The bank, usually, provides for predetermined penalties for the premature termination of the contribution agreement. However, along with risks, there are advantages, which must be remembered, given when investment planning.

  • First advantageso is the proportionality of interest rates of the deposit term, namely, the contribution is longer, the more annual percentage. In particular, it can be seen if you open long-term deposits in national currency.
  • The second plus is fixing interest rates on an absolutely whole period of the contract. Contribution with prolongation after the year corrected interest rates for the subsequent period, which does not occur with the long-term contribution. Therefore, when decreasing the inflation rate, for example, there is a chance to get a greater percentage than the current one for banks.

Stimulating depositors

In addition, the bank stimulates its depositors with an additional bonus and a program of multiplication of profits on its deposit, offers discounts, as well as the opportunity to use its additional services for free. In the list of such programs, you can designate the following: - deposit for a long time with unlimited replenishment. Such a contribution can be applied not only as a source of income, but also as a means of savings.

  1. deposit for a long time with percentage capitalization. Such a scheme can significantly increase total income on deposits (especially during capitalization monthly). It is necessary to notice with great regret that such a program offers less than a third of domestic banks.
  2. loyalty program. From lowering tariffs for services, as well as loan rates - to participation in the drawing of valuable prizes, including free servicing of plastic cards. Covering a long-term contribution, the bank's client must understand that, despite the big bet, the contract allows the Bank at any time. Reduce this percentage.

Features of some contributions

Today, rumor goes everywhere that the crisis has departed, and the banking system is gaining momentum, the man in the street is not in a hurry to invest more than one or two years. However, this does not prevent banks to offer a contribution to three, and even ten years. Such a cumulative contribution is convenient because it allows capitalization and replenish interest.
There are also advantages. Long contributions have two advantages.

Firstly, the dignity is that they accrue the highest percentage than others. In other words, a long-term contribution offers at least more than one percent than everyone else. Due to the fact that a long-term loan has an increased rate, it permits for a long period to consolidate the greatest profitability, while the rate of short contributions will decrease.
There is also dangerb In each contract there are tricks, what majority banks are silent. For example, long-term deposits may not contain percent capitalization and additional replenishment. But this is not the most serious drawback. When placing long-term deposits, investors must have confidence that over the next five years, interest rates will not decrease on its contribution. However, often such deposits do not have a fixed rate, because they are tied to the sheltered indicator, and, consequently, during the time the rate can decrease without notifications to the client. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully examine it at the conclusion of such a contract and think about everything in absolutely all the details of interest accruals.

For a potential depositor, there are a large number of offers from various banks, which makes it very difficult to choose.

To simplify, banks place on the sites a contribution calculator that allows you to make an instant calculation. It helps the depositor, without the cost of extra time and headaches, determine where it is still to invest available tools to acquire the highest profit.
In general, everything is well described, but it was possible to make a couple of examples, take for example Sberbank. There are just a calculator, and contributions with capitalization.

Additional information about read in a separate article.

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