
Title temporary buildings and structures of the IBC. Temporary buildings and structures: differences and accounting procedure. Types of temporary buildings and structures

To temporary buildings and structures (GSN 81-05-01-2001) include specially erected or adapted for the period of construction production, storage, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures necessary for the production of construction and installation work and maintenance of construction workers.

The amount of funds for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures may be determined:

- in % of the cost of construction and installation works based on the results of chapters 1 - 7 of the consolidated estimate calculation (VZiS is not charged for others, commissioning, equipment and temporary);

by calculation based on PIC data.

Simultaneous use of these methods is not allowed.

Settlements between customers and contractors for temporary buildings and structures are made for actually constructed temporary buildings and structures.

The procedure for payment for temporary buildings and structures established between the customer and the contractor must be applied from the beginning to the end of construction.
built titular temporary buildings and structures are accepted for operation, credited to the fixed assets of the customer (except for temporary highways, access roads and architecturally designed fences) and are transferred for use to the contractor in the manner prescribed by the contract.

The costs of dismantling temporary buildings and structures are paid upon their liquidation.
The refundable amounts from the sale of materials, parts, equipment and production and household equipment, received from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures on the balance sheet of the customer, are determined by calculations that take into account the sale of these materials and parts at the current price level (minus the costs of bringing them into a usable condition and delivery to storage areas).

Materials and structures obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures are accounted for by the customer's accounting department and are sold to the contractor with his consent.
When using for the construction of temporary roads from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, the return value of the slabs obtained from dismantling is determined on the basis of an act signed by the customer and the contractor.

Temporary buildings and structures are divided into titular and non-titular:


1. Temporary adaptation of newly constructed permanent buildings and structures for the maintenance of construction workers, their restoration and repair at the end of their use.
2. Lease and adaptation of existing premises with subsequent liquidation of facilities.
3. Temporary adaptation of newly built and existing permanent buildings and structures for the production needs of construction, their restoration and repair at the end of their use.
4. Relocation of structures and parts of production, storage, auxiliary, residential and public container and collapsible mobile (inventory) buildings and structures to the construction site, arrangement of foundations and foundations, installation with the necessary finishes, installation of equipment, commissioning engineering networks, dismantling and dismantling, restoration of the site, movement of structures and parts to the warehouse.
5. Depreciation deductions (rent), expenses for Maintenance mobile (inventory) buildings of a container collapsible type (except for the costs of buildings for sanitary services, taken into account as part of the overhead costs).
6. Temporary material and technical warehouses at the construction site, closed (heated and unheated) and open for storage of materials, structures and equipment supplied for this construction site.
7. Temporary arrangements (platforms, platforms, etc.) for materials, products, structures and equipment, as well as for loading and unloading operations.
8. Temporary production workshops for multifunctional purposes (repair-mechanical, reinforcing, carpentry, etc.).
9. Power plants, transformer substations, boiler houses, pumping stations, compressor stations, water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, etc. buildings (structures) for temporary use, including commissioning.
10. Temporary stations for finishing work.
11. Temporary installations for cleaning and disinfection of surface sources.
12. Temporary stone crushing and screening plants, concrete mixing units and installations for the preparation of concrete and mortar with arrangements or mobile on linear construction.
13. Temporary installations for the preparation of soils treated with organic and inorganic binders, temporary cement-concrete and asphalt-concrete plants for the preparation of concrete and asphalt-concrete mixtures with bitumen storages, etc.
14. Polygons for the manufacture of reinforced concrete and concrete products and additional elements with curing chambers.
15. Platforms, stands for pre-assembly and pre-assembly of equipment.
16. Link assembly bases for the assembly of railway track links.
17. Buildings and facilities in temporary quarries other than roads.
18. Temporary offices of construction sites, trains, construction and installation departments and similar organizations.
19. Temporary laboratories for testing building materials and products on construction sites.
20. Temporary garages.
21. Temporary structures on the construction site related to fire prevention measures.
22. Arrangement of foundations and foundations for machines and mechanisms (except for the arrangement of foundations to ensure the stable operation of pile-driving equipment when driving piles and crane runways for cranes).
23. Special and architecturally designed fences and fences in cities.
24. Arrangement and maintenance of temporary railway, automobile<*>excavation roads and passages passing through the construction site or highway, incl. connecting sections between the road and the road under construction linear structure, with artificial structures, overpasses and crossings. Demolition of roads and driveways.
<*>The use and turnover of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs in the pavement structures of temporary roads must be justified in the construction organization project.

25. Installation of temporary suspended roads and cable cranes for moving materials and parts, as well as their dismantling.
26. Installation and dismantling of temporary communications to provide electricity, water, heat, communication networks and other communications passing through the construction site.


1. On-site offices and pantries of foremen and foremen.
2. Warehouses and sheds at the construction site.
3. Showers, vats, non-sewered latrines and rooms for heating workers.
4. Flooring, step-ladders, stairs, walkways, running boards, cast-offs when laying out a building.
5. Structures, fixtures and safety devices.
6. Scaffolding and scaffolding not provided for in estimated norms on the construction works or in the standards for the installation of equipment, outdoor hanging cradles, fences and barriers<*>(except for special and architecturally designed), necessary for the performance of work, safety visors, shelters in the production of drilling and blasting.
<*>Fences and fences related to the time of their use and technical characteristics to low-value and wearing items.

7. Temporary wiring from the main and distributing networks of electricity, water, steam, gas and air within the working area (territories up to 25 meters from the perimeter of buildings or axes of linear structures);
8. Costs associated with the adaptation of buildings under construction and existing on construction sites, instead of the construction of the above (non-titular) temporary buildings and structures





GSN 81-05-01-2001

State Committee Russian Federation
(Gosstroy of Russia)

Moscow 2001

DEVELOPED by the Interregional Center for Pricing in Construction and the Building Materials Industry (MTsTSS) of Gosstroy, Russia (I.I. Dmitrenko, G.P. Shpunt), the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing in Construction and the Housing and Communal Complex of the Gosstroy of Russia (V.A. Stepanov, G.A. Shanin, E.N. Dorozhkina).

INTRODUCED by the Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing in Construction and the Housing and Communal Complex of the Gosstroy of Russia.

APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT on May 15, 2001 by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated May 7, 2001 No. 45.

REPLACEMENT of the Collections of Estimated Cost Rates for the Construction of Temporary Buildings and Structures (SNiP IV-9-82; SNiP 4.09-91), approved by resolutions of the USSR Gosstroy No. 222 dated 30.09.82 and No. 81 dated 05.10.90.




Approved and put into effect on May 15, 2001
Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated May 07, 2001 No. 45


GSN 81-05-01-2001

State Committee of the Russian Federation
for construction and housing and communal complex
(Gosstroy of Russia)

Moscow 2001

1.2. Estimated cost rates for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures are determined as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction and installation works based on the results of chapters 1 - 7 (columns 4 and 5) of the consolidated estimate calculation of the cost of construction ().

1.3. Estimated norms take into account the costs of construction and subsequent dismantling of temporary buildings and structures necessary for the production of construction and installation works, as well as for servicing construction workers within the construction site * or route ** allocated in kind for construction, taking into account adaptation and use for the needs of the construction of existing and newly erected buildings and structures of a permanent type.

The estimated rates take into account the costs of commissioning work performed during the commissioning of certain types of temporary buildings and structures - power plants, transformer substations, boiler houses, pumping stations, compressor stations, etc.


* Construction site - the territory allotted in accordance with the project in in due course, for the permanent location of the construction site, as well as services of construction and installation organizations and taking into account the temporary allotment of the territory, determined by the conditions of the work.

** Route - a right of way, determined by the plan and longitudinal profile in accordance with the project in the prescribed manner, for the permanent placement of a linear construction object (road, pipeline, power transmission line, etc.).

1.4. The costs of construction, assembly, dismantling, depreciation, current repairs and relocation of non-titular temporary buildings and structures (to meet the needs of individual facilities) are not taken into account by the norms of this Collection and are provided as part of the overhead costs for construction and installation work.

The list of non-titular temporary buildings and structures is given in .

1.5. With the appropriate justifications provided for by the construction organization project (COS), Chapter 8 "Temporary buildings and structures" of the consolidated estimate calculation additionally includes funds for:

Construction of temporary buildings and structures necessary for compensation and maintenance of special categories of builders;

Reimbursement of expenses of construction and installation organizations related to the construction and equipment of buildings and structures for the placement and maintenance of military construction units aimed at the construction of facilities;

Construction of temporary access roads, including excavation roads, outside the construction site;

Construction of temporary communications to provide the construction site with electricity, water, heat, etc. from the connection source to switchgears at the construction site (construction area);

The construction of a temporary road along the route (route road) during the construction of main linear structures of the general network for the purpose of initial development of the construction area;

Construction of the necessary temporary access roads (road, rail, etc.) during the construction of linear structures in order to ensure the supply of building materials in the case when the construction of artificial structures: bridges, overpasses, tunnels, etc., is carried out before the start of work on the route ;

Acquisition of equipment and production and household inventory for title temporary buildings and structures.

1.6. In the estimated norms for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures costs are not taken into account:

Payment for land, allotment and preparation of the territory for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, in 1.4. drainage, filling or alluvium, reclamation, restoration of water use conditions and clearing of forests (provided in Chapter 1 "Preparation of the construction site" of the consolidated estimate calculation for the construction site as a whole, taking into account the placement of temporary buildings and structures);

Arrangement of temporary earth-carrying roads in the quarry and on the dump (considered as part of the unit prices for earthworks);

Purchase of sets of inventory parts for collapsible temporary buildings, inventory houses, wagons and other container-type premises, as well as equipment for their equipping, including production and household inventory (purchased at the expense of own funds customer or contractors);

Construction of temporary transshipment bases of the contractor at the points of transshipment of building materials and structures from one mode of transport to another, as well as construction of transshipment bases of the contractor outside the construction site (taken into account in Chapter 9 "Other works and costs" on the basis of the PIC);

Development of design estimates for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures (taken into account in Chapter 12 "Design and survey work, field supervision" of the consolidated cost estimate);

Binding of typical temporary buildings and structures (included in overhead costs under the item "Expenses for the design of production").

1.7. The estimated norms are not included and are taken into account directly in the object estimates in accordance with the construction organization project (COS) costs for the construction of temporary devices necessary for the period of certain types of construction and installation works only for a specific object:

Rail tracks for cranes (crane tracks) with a base device for them;

Grounds for ensuring the stable operation of equipment during the installation of piles, as well as equipment for the production of works by the "wall in the ground" method, conveyor lines for installation steel structures large blocks;

Temporary enclosing structures separating operating premises from newly built, attached or repaired, as well as enclosing structures necessary to ensure the commissioning of a separate part of the building;

Construction of networks and structures, the need for which is caused by the commissioning of facilities under a temporary scheme;

Temporary roads inside buildings under construction for frame installation;

Berths for the production of bank protection works;

intermediate supports;

Structures to protect buildings and structures from damage during drilling and blasting operations;

Erection of temporary overhead buildings;

Laying of temporary haul roads;

The construction of temporary railway or road detours (detours) associated with the construction of new or the reconstruction of existing buildings and structures.

The list can be supplemented on the basis of the construction organization project (COS).

2. Procedure for applying the rules

2.1. Estimated norms given in , designed for new construction conditions.

When preparing budget documents for overhaul industrial buildings, reconstruction and expansion operating enterprises, buildings and structures, the construction of subsequent phases on the territory of operating enterprises or sites adjacent to it, a coefficient of 0.8 is applied to the specified norms.

2.2. When building in areas with difficult climatic conditions(in areas Far North and areas equated to them, in high-mountainous regions, desert and waterless areas), the costs of temporary buildings and structures should be determined by calculation on the basis of PIC data or in accordance with the contract according to the norms of this collection.

3. Payment procedure for temporary buildings and structures

3.1. The amount of funds for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures may be determined:

According to the rules of this collection;

According to the calculation based on the POS data. Simultaneous use of these methods is not allowed.

3.2. Settlements between customers and contractors for temporary buildings and structures are made for actually constructed temporary buildings and structures.

3.3. The procedure for payment for temporary buildings and structures established between the customer and the contractor must be applied from the beginning to the end of construction.

3.4. The constructed title temporary buildings and structures are accepted for operation, credited to the customer's fixed assets (except for temporary roads, access roads and architecturally designed fences) and transferred to the use of the contractor in the manner prescribed by the contract.

3.5. The costs of dismantling temporary buildings and structures are paid upon their liquidation.

The refundable amounts from the sale of materials, parts, equipment and production and household equipment, received from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures on the balance sheet of the customer, are determined by calculations that take into account the sale of these materials and parts at the current price level (minus the costs of bringing them into a usable condition and delivery to storage areas).

3.6. Materials and structures obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures are accounted for by the customer's accounting department and are sold to the contractor with his consent.

3.7. When using for the construction of temporary roads from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, the return value of the slabs obtained from dismantling is determined on the basis of an act signed by the customer and the contractor.

Attachment 1

Estimated cost rates
for the construction of title temporary
buildings and structures


Name of types of construction
enterprises, buildings and structures

Estimated rate,% of the cost of construction and installation works based on the results of chapters 1-7 (columns 4 and 5) of one estimate calculation

Industrial engineering

Enterprises of the ferrous metallurgical industry (except mining)

Enterprises of the non-ferrous metallurgical industry (except mining)

Objects of arrangement of oil, gas and gas condensate fields (fields)

Mechanical engineering enterprises and the electrical industry

Mining industry enterprises:

Construction of new coal (shale) mines and mines

Construction of enrichment plants. Opening and preparation of new horizons at existing mining enterprises

Construction of coal (shale) mines

Chemical industry enterprises:

Oil refineries and petrochemical plants

Other objects of the chemical industry

Peat industry enterprises

Enterprises of the shipbuilding and ship repair industry

Enterprises of the logging and woodworking industry

Enterprises of the building materials industry and the construction industry

Pulp and paper enterprises

Light industry enterprises

Food industry enterprises

Medical industry enterprises

Enterprises of the microbiological industry

Energy construction

Thermal power plants:

Condensing units with 210 - 300 MW power up to 2500 MW

Condensing units with 500-300 MW power up to 5000 MW

Nuclear power plants with a capacity of 4000 MW and above

Industrial heating CHP

Independent boiler houses

Overhead power lines 35 kV and above

Transformer substations 35 kV and above and other objects of energy construction

Overhead power lines, including lighting, transformer substations 0.4 - 35 kV

Transport construction

New railways without tunnels and bridges (overpasses) over 50m long

The second main tracks of railways without tunnels and bridges (overpasses) with a length of more than 50 m

Electrification of railway sections

Development of railway junctions, stations, reconstruction of railways (strengthening of individual sections and railway lines) and other types of construction on the operated network

Highways of national importance and local (hard-surfaced) 1 - 4 categories without tunnels and bridges (overpasses) more than 50 m long:

When using temporary mobile asphalt and cement concrete plants for road construction

Upon receipt of asphalt concrete and cement concrete for road pavement from operating stationary enterprises


Railway and road bridges over 50m long and overpasses

City bridges and overpasses:

In places of permanent deployment of the bridge construction organizations

In other points


Airfield sites

Buildings and structures of the service and technical zone

Sea ports and port facilities

River transport facilities

Collector tunnels

Housing and civil construction in cities and workers' settlements

Residential buildings and landscaping:

Residential buildings, including those with built-in premises: shops, laundries, etc. (including external networks and landscaping)

Neighborhoods, quarters, complexes of residential and public buildings(including external networks and landscaping)

Improvement of cities and towns (including work on the arrangement of streets, driveways, sidewalks, green spaces)

Schools, kindergartens, nurseries, shops, office buildings, cinemas, theaters, art galleries and other civil engineering buildings

Educational and medical buildings and structures, research, design and design institutes

Public utility facilities (baths, laundries, crematoria, etc.)

External networks of water supply, sewerage, heat and gas supply within the city (linear part)

Water supply and sewerage of cities (complex engineering structures as part of pipelines, pumping stations, treatment facilities etc.)

Urban electric transport (tram depots, trolleybus depots, tram and trolleybus lines, traction substations, terminal stations, track and energy workshops)

light rail lines

Sanatoriums, rest houses, camp sites, boarding houses, dispensaries, pioneer camps

Other types of construction

Buildings and facilities for the acceptance, storage and processing of grain and bakeries

Construction objects of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Combined arms and special purpose

Housing, barracks, communal and cultural purposes

Networks of communication facilities:

Radio relay communication lines

Station facilities, cable and air lines. Cable and overhead lines of zonal (interregional) and rural communications

City telephone networks. Interstation communication lines and nodes

Other facilities (post offices, regional communication centers, etc.)

Broadcasting and television facilities

Agricultural construction, including residential and civil construction in rural areas (except for road construction and electrification)

Water management construction and hydraulic structures, fish-water-reclamation and pond structures of fish farms, fish hatcheries for the reproduction of fish stocks and spawning and nursery farms

Main pipelines outside cities:

Water supply, sewerage

Gas pipelines and oil pipelines:

site structures (compressor and pumping stations, gas distribution stations);

linear part (including electrochemization and technical lines connections)

Heating network

Wastewater treatment plants, water supply and sewerage plants built according to an independent project

Supply companies

Enterprises of other industries

Estimated cost rates for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures

List of works and costs related to the title temporary buildings and structures included in the estimated norms

List of works and costs related to non-titular temporary buildings and structures, included in the overhead rates


Temporary buildings and structures include industrial, storage, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures specially erected or adapted for the period of construction, necessary for the production of construction and installation works and maintenance of construction workers. Temporary buildings and structures are divided into titular and non-titular. In accordance with the annex (mandatory) to SNiP! U-9-84 "Rules for the development and application of estimated cost rates for the construction of temporary buildings and structures", title temporary buildings and structures include:

4. Relocation of structures and parts of production, storage, auxiliary, residential and public container and collapsible mobile (inventory) buildings and structures to the construction site, arrangement of bases and foundations, installation with the necessary finishing, installation of equipment, commissioning of engineering networks, creation and improvement of temporary settlements (including rotational settlements), dismantling and dismantling, restoration

Sites, moving structures and parts to the warehouse.

5. Arrangement and maintenance of temporary railway, automobile and earth-carrying roads, including connecting sections between the highway road and the linear structure under construction ("whiskers") and driveways at the construction site, with artificial

Structures, overpasses and crossings. Demolition of roads and driveways.

6. Installation and dismantling of communication networks and temporary communications to provide electricity, water, heat, etc. at the construction site from switchgear to individual facilities.

7. Installation of temporary overhead roads and cable cranes for moving materials and parts and disassembling them.

8. Temporary material and technical warehouses, closed (heated and unheated) and open for materials, products, structures and equipment at the construction site, except for store foremen and foremen, warehouses and sheds at construction sites.

9. Temporary arrangements (platforms, platforms, etc.) for materials, products, structures and equipment, as well as for loading and unloading operations.

10. Temporary production workshops (mechanical repair, reinforcing, carpentry, etc.) and forges.

11. Power stations, boiler houses, pumping stations, compressor stations, air heaters,

Fans, etc. for temporary purposes.

13. Temporary installations for the preparation of soils treated with organic and inorganic binders, temporary cement and asphalt concrete plants for the preparation of concrete and asphalt concrete mixtures with bitumen storages, etc.

18. Installation and dismantling of temporary networks of compressed air, water, power supply, communications and other temporary communications in mines, tunnels and subways.

19. Temporary laboratories for testing building materials and products at construction sites.

20. Arrangement of bases and foundations for machines and mechanisms for which these costs are not included in the cost of a machine hour (except for rail tracks for tower, gantry and gantry cranes).

21. Temporary structures related to fire fighting and security measures on the construction site and in the residential village.

22. Temporary offices of construction and assembly sections, construction and assembly trains, construction departments or site trusts.

23. Special and architecturally designed fences and fences in cities.

Non-titular temporary buildings, structures, fixtures and devices include the following: on-site offices and pantries of foremen and craftsmen, warehouses and sheds at the construction site, showers, vats, non-sewered latrines and rooms for heating workers; decks, step-ladders, ladders, walkways, running boards, cast-offs when breaking down a building, safety devices; inventory unified means of scaffolding such as cradles, towers, inventory platforms, scaffolds, etc., fences and barriers (except for special and architecturally designed ones), safety visors, shelters during drilling and blasting operations; temporary wiring from the main and distributing networks of electricity, water, steam, gas and air within the working area (territories within 25 m from the perimeter of buildings or from linear structures).

Expenses associated with the adaptation of buildings and structures under construction and existing on construction sites instead of the construction of the above non-titular temporary buildings and structures.

Expenses for erection, assembly, dismantling, depreciation, current repair and relocation of non-titular temporary buildings and structures are taken into account by the overhead rates.

Estimated norms take into account the construction of a full range of temporary buildings and structures necessary for the production of construction and installation works, as well as for servicing construction workers, within the construction site, taking into account the possibility of adaptation and use for the needs of the construction of existing and newly erected buildings and structures of a permanent type.

If the project (working draft) does not provide for the construction of railways and roads, engineering communications that can be used during the construction period, then the cost of erecting appropriate temporary access roads and other communications to provide the construction site with electricity, water, heat, etc. determined depending on the length of communications (from the point of contact of the source of receipt to the construction site), their structures established in the section of the project (working draft) for the organization of construction, according to the relevant price lists, unified district unit rates on the building construction and work, and others estimated standards(that is, in excess of the cost of temporary buildings and structures).

This is very important point. In principle, the amount of cost norms for temporary buildings and structures is very insignificant, therefore it is very important to understand what is included in this norm and is not subject to additional payment, and what should be included separately, in excess of the cost norms for temporary buildings and structures. The fact is that at one time, when these norms for temporary buildings and structures were created, they discussed and decided on a commission: "This, this and this is part of the cost norms for temporary buildings and structures, and everything else is not included." This is the main, fundamental issue of determining the amount of costs for temporary buildings and structures, because if absolutely all buildings and structures of a temporary nature were included in the cost rates for temporary buildings and structures, the amount (rate) of costs for temporary buildings and structures would be substantially higher. Therefore, it is very important to be able to understand this principle and distinguish which of the provided temporary buildings and structures are taken into account by the normals, and which should be taken into account additionally.

In the development of this issue, imagine a situation where the facility under construction needs to be provided with electricity, it is not possible to lay and power the cable according to a permanent scheme before the start of work for one reason or another and, therefore, it is necessary to lay a temporary cable, 5 km long. In this situation, 25 m of cable adjacent to the building under construction are classified as non-title buildings and structures - the cost of laying them is included in overhead costs. The next 100 m of cable laid within the construction site belong to the title buildings and structures, the cost of laying this part of the route is taken into account by the rate (percentage) for temporary buildings and structures. The rest, the most significant part of the temporary cable route - 4875 m - located outside the construction site, should be included in Chapter 8 of the consolidated estimate in excess of the cost rates for temporary buildings and structures. But in addition to the cable, other temporary communications are also needed: temporary roads, and amenity premises, and foremen, and much more, provided for by the list of titular buildings and structures. Therefore, it should be clearly stated what should be taken into account by the norms, and what should be included in Chapter 8 of the consolidated estimate in excess of the cost norms for temporary buildings and structures.

Another example is also possible. A new workshop is being built at the existing enterprise. The customer provided the contractor with amenity premises, he has a canteen and the contractor's workers use it, temporary buildings and facilities for industrial purposes are not required, since the construction is carried out in the city, supplies are centralized. The length of temporary networks and communications does not exceed 25 m, since the existing networks are close. In this case, the customer has the right not to include in Chapter 8 of the summary estimate the costs of temporary buildings and structures, since in this case there are only non-titular temporary buildings and structures that are taken into account by the overhead costs of the contractor, and there are no title temporary buildings and structures at all. But if at least any of the listed title temporary buildings and structures take place, albeit in a very small amount, the costs of temporary buildings and structures should be included in Chapter 8 of the consolidated estimate at the full rate, since the principle of averaging and norms is already working here cannot be adjusted up or down.

It should be noted here that the amount of cost norms for temporary buildings and structures should be taken not by construction industry, but by type of construction, which are given in the table of estimated norms for temporary buildings and structures. For example, if for an enterprise light industry construction of treatment facilities is underway according to a separate project (working draft) and a consolidated estimate, then the cost rate for temporary buildings and structures should be taken as for treatment facilities, and not according to the rate for the construction of a light industry enterprise.

So, if we return to our example with laying a temporary cable, we can conclude that very often the same temporary communication can apply to both non-title temporary structures (the first 25 m) and title temporary structures (within the construction site, except for 25 m from the building) and temporary structures, the cost of which should be included in Chapter 8 of the consolidated estimates in excess of the cost rate for temporary buildings and structures (outside the construction site). And how to determine the correct boundaries of the construction site? As a rule, they coincide with the boundaries of the plot allocated for development, and only in some cases, in the presence of great constraint, with appropriate justification in the construction organization project (POS), an additional territory is allocated, temporarily for the construction period, which should be drawn up with appropriate documents.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the estimated norms are not included and are taken into account in accordance with the project directly in the local and object estimates of the funds:

For the construction of temporary devices required for the period of performance of specific types of construction and installation works only for this facility: berths for the production of bank protection works; circled, intermediate supports, rail tracks for tower, gantry and gantry cranes and bases for them, structures for protecting buildings and structures from damage during drilling and blasting; grounds for ensuring the stable operation of pile driving equipment when driving piles; conveyor lines for mounting steel structures in large blocks;

For the construction of temporary railway or road detours (detours) associated with the construction of new or refurbishment of existing buildings and structures;

For reimbursement of costs associated with the technology for performing underground mines and capital works: erection of temporary overhead buildings, laying of temporary haulage ways, arrangement of temporary treatment facilities;

For the arrangement of temporary roads inside the buildings under construction for the installation of the frame in accordance with the design data;

For the installation of temporary enclosing structures separating the existing premises from newly built, attached or reconstructed ones, as well as enclosing structures necessary to ensure the commissioning of a separate part of the building as part of a queue or start-up complex;

For the construction of networks or structures, the need for which is caused by the commissioning of facilities according to a temporary scheme.

Unfortunately, when this phrase was included in the text of SNiP IY-9-84, they forgot a "trifle" - to add a few letters - "etc." And some employees of design organizations and customer services try to give a literal interpretation of this text part - which is included in text, then it should be included in the estimates for specific types of work, and if some temporary structures are of a one-time nature, but are not included in the list, then these costs should be attributed to the norm for temporary buildings and structures, and in local estimates they should not be included, because, although they are one-time, they are not included in the list. This motivation is fundamentally wrong. It is important to understand here that any temporary structures for a specific type of work cannot, in principle, be covered by the rules for temporary buildings and structures, since in some cases they may be, but in others they may not, and the rules for temporary buildings and structures do not cover such cases. , they cover only the most common applications in the construction of temporary buildings and structures. Therefore, referring to the absence of "etc." in paragraph 2.11 of SNiP IV-9-84 is incorrect, because it distorts the understanding of the principle of determining cost rates for temporary buildings and structures.

It should be borne in mind that in accordance with clause 3.4. SNiP IV-9-84, in case of settlements between the customer and the contractor for temporary buildings and structures at the established percentage estimated rate, the total limit of funds for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, determined in the consolidated estimate calculation at the same rate, cannot be increased if it is insufficient . Therefore, it is very important to determine all factors in advance and, if necessary, justify the additional inclusion of funds in Chapter 8 of the summary estimates and estimates in excess of the percentage rate.

In addition, the estimated norms do not take into account funds:

For the installation of temporary earth-carrying roads in the quarry and on the dump, which are taken into account in the elemental estimated norms for earthworks;

For the allotment and preparation of the territory for the construction of temporary buildings and structures (including drainage, filling or alluvium, reclamation, restoration of water use conditions and clearing of forests). Funds for the reimbursement of these costs are provided in chapter 1 of the consolidated estimate calculation "Preparation of the construction site" for the construction site as a whole, taking into account the placement of temporary buildings and structures;

For the purchase of equipment and inventory (industrial and household) for temporary buildings and structures. These costs are reimbursed from the funds allocated by the contractor. construction and assembly organizations for the development of the production base of construction;

For the construction of construction industry enterprises (factories for the production of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, wooden structures, bricks, non-metallic materials, etc.).

The issue of allocating funds for the construction of such enterprises, if there is a need for this, should be decided by the customer and the contractor when agreeing on the project.

The estimated norms are also not taken into account, and in the case when, with appropriate justification, this is provided for by the construction organization project, the following funds should be included in Chapter 8 of the summary estimates:

For the arrangement and maintenance of temporary roads with artificial structures on them along the route of linear structures;

For the construction of transshipment bases of the contractor at the points of transshipment of building materials and structures from one type of transport to another, when this transshipment is not provided by the cargo services of transport organizations;

For the construction and maintenance of temporary buildings and structures necessary for the accommodation and maintenance of special categories of builders.

Here, disputes especially often arise on the issue of including, in excess of the norms, the costs of temporary buildings and structures, determined as a percentage according to the table of norms, the costs of constructing temporary roads along the routes of off-site networks and communications. But it is precisely these off-site networks and communications that are linear structures. Moreover, temporary roads along the routes of off-site networks are located clearly outside the main construction site, this issue has already been considered above, therefore there are two motives for including such costs in Chapter 8 of the summary estimates and estimates in excess of the costs of temporary buildings and structures, but for some reason the legitimacy of this sometimes raises doubts among customers and designers.

When using mobile (inventory) temporary buildings and structures, the estimated norms take into account the following costs:

A) for container mobile (inventory) buildings:

To move them from the warehouse of a construction organization to installation, and in case of linear construction, also to move one section to another (excluding the costs incurred when relocating from one construction site to another);

For the planning of the territory;

On the device of inputs of engineering networks;

On the device and dismantling of sites with concrete or other coating;

For installation and dismantling of internal arrangements;

To move buildings after their use to the warehouse of a construction organization;

Overhead costs and planned savings accrued on the cost of the above works. The cost of the mobile (inventory) temporary buildings and container-type structures themselves is not taken into account by the estimated rates, since the costs of acquiring such buildings are taken into account by the overhead rates;

B) for collapsible mobile (inventory) buildings:

For the movement of sets of parts from the warehouse of a construction organization to the installation site (excluding the costs incurred when relocating from one construction site to another);

For the installation of bases and foundations, installation of all parts with the necessary finishing work, with the addition of the cost of materials, products that are not included in the factory set;

For inputs to buildings of engineering networks (water supply, sewerage, gas, steam, telephone, etc.), as well as for the installation of internal sanitary, electrical and other devices;

For installation technological equipment and arrangement of foundations for it;

For the dismantling of buildings and structures, bases and foundations, the dismantling of equipment upon completion of work and the movement of parts, materials and equipment to the warehouse of a construction organization;

For landscaping;

Overhead costs and planned savings accrued on the cost of the above works, as well as on the cost of kits of parts. The cost of the sets of parts themselves for mobile (inventory) collapsible temporary buildings and structures is not included in the estimated rates, since the costs of acquiring such buildings are taken into account by the overhead rates.

In the summary estimates for the expansion of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, including the construction of the second and subsequent stages, new workshops, industries, farms and communications on the territory of existing enterprises or sites adjacent to it, a coefficient is applied to the estimated norms for temporary buildings and structures 0.8. The specified coefficient should not be applied when expanding the objects of reclamation and water management construction, as well as during the construction of individual facilities in countryside at separate construction sites.

When compiling summary estimates for types of construction that are not in the specified table (for example: hydroelectric power plants, tunnels, sports complexes, etc.), for buildings located in the Far North, as well as for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises - the size funds for temporary buildings and structures is determined by calculation based on the relevant data of the section of the project (working draft) "Organization of construction".

By agreement of the parties, it is possible to determine the amount of costs for temporary buildings and structures and settlements for the work performed on their construction not according to a percentage rate, but according to a calculation agreed by the parties on the basis of a list justified by the construction organization project. This approach to determining the amount of costs for temporary buildings and structures is used, as a rule, in cases where the actual costs for temporary buildings and structures may exceed the amount of funds determined by the percentage rate of costs for temporary buildings and structures. This is a very important point. On the one hand, this is a complex, painstaking work, on the other hand, this option is the only possible one in which the amount of costs for temporary buildings and structures included in the estimate documentation can actually correspond to the actual costs spent on these purposes and may even exceed the percentage norm.

But when determining the amount of costs according to the set-list based on the data of the construction organization project, one must be very careful about compiling the set-list itself, because if you miss something, subsequently, after agreeing on the PIC and the contract price, you can achieve any additional funds to cover the costs for the construction of temporary buildings and structures not included in the initial set-list, it will be very difficult. And it is quite possible that the contractor will not be able to achieve compensation for his costs for the construction of temporary buildings and structures that are not included in the set-list of objects agreed upon by him earlier.

When determining a set-list of temporary buildings and structures as part of the PIC, the correct determination of the construction time is of great importance, especially in undeveloped areas. After all, if the construction period is extended, then the monthly need for workers will not be very large, therefore, there will also be a small need for temporary housing and other temporary buildings and structures associated with the stay of workers, their food, transportation of workers to facilities, etc. But if the customer wants to significantly reduce the construction time, it will immediately require more housing for simultaneous residence and places in canteens, etc. (and hence the costs under the item "temporary buildings and structures"). And it is very important to resolve all these issues in a timely manner, so that later you do not have to argue and figure out whose fault the price increase was.

It should be noted that in cases where the construction industrial facilities or residential settlements begins in undeveloped areas, so to speak "from scratch", builders willy-nilly have to start all work precisely with the construction of temporary buildings and structures. And in cases where the amount of costs for these buildings and structures in the estimates is set at a percentage rate, then they also have to be "interested" at a percentage rate, that is, in proportion to the cost of work performed on the main objects. But work has not yet been carried out at the main facilities, since everything starts precisely with temporary buildings and structures, therefore, there is nothing to interest on the main facilities, and therefore, there is nothing to interest on temporary buildings and structures, because if the percentage rate is multiplied by zero, it will turn out exactly zero. As a result, there is confusion, a showdown, it comes to scandals. Everything is solved much easier if, during construction at a new location in undeveloped areas, the amount of costs for temporary buildings and structures is determined not by a percentage rate, but by a set based on PIC data, as mentioned above. In this case, and with the option of starting construction from temporary buildings and structures, it will be much easier to charge and pay for work - according to actual costs based on local estimates for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, compiled and agreed on the basis of the set-list given in the POS for this specific building. Therefore, it seems that in cases where the site for construction is allotted at a new location and work will have to begin with the construction of temporary buildings and structures, it would be better to determine the amount of costs for temporary buildings and structures according to the list given in the PIC and agreed by the parties, and not according to percentage rate.

Settlements between the customer and the contractor for temporary buildings and structures built at the expense of the funds limit determined in the consolidated estimate on the basis of the list approved by the customer, as well as for temporary objects, the cost of which is taken into account in the summary estimate in excess of the corresponding estimated rate, should be made only for actually constructed buildings and structures for temporary purposes. The exception is funds for the construction and maintenance of temporary roads, the installation and dismantling of temporary communications at the construction site and temporary networks in mines and tunnels, which in all cases are charged in the object estimate for the cost of construction work.

When calculating for actually constructed temporary buildings and structures for each such facility provided for by the construction organization project or the list of title temporary buildings and structures agreed general contractor and approved by the customer, working drawings and estimates for them are drawn up. By decision of the authority approving the project (working draft), drawings and estimates for the construction of complex non-standard temporary structures (water supply, heat supply and energy supply, railways and roads with artificial structures on them, river crossings, sea and river berths, concrete racks, etc. .p.) are being developed design organization as part of working documentation. In other cases, the development of working drawings and estimates for the construction of temporary buildings and structures is carried out by construction and installation organizations and organizations at the expense of overhead costs.

The refundable amounts from the sale of materials and parts received from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures are determined in the consolidated estimate calculation in the amount of 15% of the cost of temporary buildings and structures, regardless of the type of payment for them.

It should be noted that in the above-mentioned (see Chapter 1) Guidelines for determining the cost construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (MDS 81-1.99) in clause it is stated that "the amount of funds intended for the construction of title buildings and structures, in accordance with the rules provided for by SP 81-0194, can be determined:

According to the calculation based on the PIC data in accordance with the required set of title temporary buildings and structures;

According to the norms given in the Collection of Estimated Costs for the Construction of Temporary Buildings and Structures (SNiP 4.09-91), as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction and installation work based on the results of chapters 1-7 of the consolidated estimate.

Simultaneous use of these methods is not allowed.

Unfortunately, in this paragraph, referring to SNiP 4.09.-91, they did not indicate that the percentage rates given in this SNiP should be charged on the estimated cost of direct costs with overheads and planned savings, calculated in estimated prices of 1991. It is not indicated, probably because, as already mentioned in chapter 1, everything is estimated - normative base 1984 is considered canceled, so it does not exist. But in fact, it exists, and almost all estimate documentation is issued in 1984 base prices. And it turns out that the estimated cost, compiled in 1984 prices, is charged with limited costs of the 1991 estimate and regulatory framework, which is methodologically incorrect. It should be clearly understood that for the estimated cost compiled in 1984 prices, and accruals should be made according to the percentage norms of the 1984 estimated and regulatory base, and when the estimated cost is compiled in 1991 prices, then accruals

It should be produced according to the percentage norms of the estimated regulatory framework of 1991. And

An appropriate entry in the guidelines should have been given.

It should also be noted that in Appendix 7 of the above

Guidelines (MDS 81-1.99) provides a list of works and costs related to

Title buildings and structures. Consider this list:

1. Temporary adaptation of newly constructed permanent buildings and structures for the maintenance of construction workers, their restoration and repair at the end of their use.

2. Lease and adaptation of existing premises with subsequent liquidation of facilities.

3. Temporary adaptation of newly built and existing permanent buildings and structures for the production needs of construction, their restoration and repair at the end of their use.

4. Relocation of structures and parts of production, storage, auxiliary, residential and public container and collapsible mobile (inventory) buildings and structures to the construction site, arrangement of bases and foundations, installation with the necessary finishing, installation of equipment, commissioning of engineering networks, creation and improvement of temporary settlements (including rotational settlements), dismantling and dismantling, restoration of the site, movement of structures and parts to the warehouse.

5. Depreciation deductions (or rent), expenses for current repairs of mobile (inventory) buildings of container collapsible type (except for those intended for sanitary and domestic services).

6. Temporary material and technical warehouses at the construction site, closed (heated and unheated) and open for storage of materials, structures and equipment supplied for this construction site.

7. Temporary arrangements (platforms, platforms, etc.) for materials, products, structures and equipment, as well as for loading and unloading operations.

8. Temporary production workshops for multifunctional purposes (repair-mechanical, reinforcing, carpentry, etc.).

9. Power plants, transformer substations, boiler houses, pumping, compressor, water supply, sewer, air heater, fan, etc. buildings (structures) for temporary use.

10. Temporary stations for finishing work.

11. Temporary installations for cleaning and disinfection of surface sources.

12. Temporary stone crushing and screening plants, concrete mixing units and installations for the preparation of concrete and mortar with arrangements on the construction site or mobile on linear construction.

13. Temporary installations for the preparation of soils treated with organic and inorganic binders, temporary cement-concrete and asphalt-concrete plants for the preparation of concrete and asphalt-concrete mixtures with bitumen storages, etc.

14. Polygons for the manufacture of reinforced concrete and concrete products and additional elements with curing chambers.

15. Platforms, stands for pre-assembly and pre-assembly of equipment.

16. Link assembly bases for the assembly of railway track links.

17. Buildings and facilities in temporary quarries other than roads.

18. Temporary offices of construction sites, trains, construction departments and site trusts.

19. Temporary laboratories for testing building materials and products at construction sites.

20. Temporary garages.

21. Temporary structures associated with fire prevention and protection on the construction site, in a residential village, fire station.

22. Arrangement of bases and foundations for machines and mechanisms for which these costs are not included in the cost of a machine hour.

23. Special and architecturally designed fences and fences in cities.

24. Arrangement and maintenance of temporary railway, automobile and earth-carrying roads and driveways passing through the construction site, as well as from the junction to

Intra-construction road network and temporary

Ring (around the construction) road, including connecting sections between the road near the road and the linear structure under construction, with artificial structures, flyovers and crossings. Demolition of roads and driveways.

25. Installation of temporary suspended roads and cable cranes for moving materials and parts, as well as their dismantling.

26. Installation and dismantling of communication networks and temporary communications to provide electricity, water, heat, etc., passing through the construction site, as well as from the source of receipt to distribution devices at the construction site (construction area).

27. Construction of transshipment bases of the contractor at the points of transshipment of building materials and structures from one type of transport to another, when this transshipment is not provided by the cargo services of transport organizations.

28. Arrangement and maintenance of temporary roads with artificial structures on them along the route and linear structures.

29. Construction and maintenance of temporary buildings and structures necessary for the accommodation and maintenance of special categories of builders, military construction units, as well as rotational camps.

When comparing this list of works and costs related to title temporary buildings and structures with a similar list given in the Appendix to SNiP IV 9-84, it is easy to see that from the list given in Appendix to SNiP IV 9-84 to the list given in Appendix 7 to the Guidelines (MDS 81-1.99), almost all items were moved, except for item 18 (installation and dismantling of temporary networks of compressed air, water, power supply, communications and other temporary communications in mines, tunnels and subways) with some rearrangement of the numbering and minor text changes. But 6 new items have been added. And if paragraph 10 - "Temporary stations for finishing work" - practically legitimizes what has long been the case, and paragraph 11 - "Temporary installations for cleaning and disinfecting sources" - in reality is not so common, then the introduction of other additional items significantly changes the whole picture of the methodological approach to the issues of rationing the costs of temporary buildings and structures. So, for example, in Appendix 7 to the Guidelines (MDS 81-1.99), the list of costs related to title temporary buildings and structures, i.e., to the costs included in the percentage rate, in accordance with clause 28, includes "Arrangement and maintenance temporary roads with artificial structures on them along the route of linear structures", which corresponds to the third paragraph of clause 3.1. SNiP IV 9-84 is exactly the opposite, since in SNiP IV 9-84 this paragraph, word for word, is given in paragraph Z.1, which says that these costs are not taken into account by the cost rates for temporary buildings and structures in cases , when, with appropriate justification, this is provided for by the construction organization project, should be included in the specified chapter of the summary estimates additionally.

It turns out that in the norms of 1984 these costs were not taken into account, as in the norms of 1991 (when calculating the norms of 1991, the list of costs related to title buildings and structures was not adjusted), and now it turned out that somehow they became accounted for interest norms, in the same sizes in which they were not taken into account. That doesn't happen. If there is a need, certain types of temporary buildings and structures that were not taken into account by the percentage rate for temporary buildings and structures should be included in this percentage rate, then this percentage rate should be increased accordingly, and this just was not done.

The same situation is with the costs of construction and maintenance of temporary buildings and structures necessary to accommodate and maintain special categories of builders, military construction units, as well as shift camps - clause 29 of Appendix 7 of the Guidelines (MDS81-1.99) - first these the costs were not taken into account by the percentage rate and should have been taken into account additionally, and now it is reported that they are taken into account, although the size of the percentage rate has not increased.

The same situation is with the costs of constructing transshipment bases of the contractor at points of transshipment from one mode of transport to another, when this transshipment is not provided by the cargo services of transport organizations - clause 27 of Appendix 7 of the Guidelines (MDS 81-1.99) - the same first these the costs were not taken into account by the percentage rate for temporary buildings and structures and should have been assessed additionally, and now they are trying to squeeze additional costs into this rate. With such actions, the size of the percentage rate should be increased.

Also in more it is not clear the motivation for including the costs of depreciation deductions(or rent), expenses for the current repair of mobile (inventory) buildings and structures of a container collapsible type (with the exception of those intended for sanitary services) clause 3 of Appendix 7 of the Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation (MDS 81-1.99). In the estimate and normative base, these costs were not given in the list of title temporary buildings and structures, therefore they were not taken into account by the percentage rate for temporary buildings and structures. They could not be taken into account there, since they were taken into account as part of the overhead rates - see paragraph 2, clause 1 of the section of the list of overhead items - the mandatory Appendix to SNiP IV 9-84 "Rules for the development and application of overhead rates in construction." But if these costs were included in the list of overhead costs, therefore, they were taken into account by the overhead rate.

Now these costs are not in the list of overheads, see the list of overheads in construction - Appendix 6 of the Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products in the Russian Federation (MDS 81-1.99) they were included in the list of title temporary buildings and structures. But at the same time, the amount of overheads was changed and very significantly, changing the very basis for calculating the norms of overhead costs - before it was from direct costs, now from the wage fund - and the size of the percentage rate for temporary buildings and structures again did not increase. It turns out that money was taken out of one pocket and forgotten to be put into the other pocket, and as a result, it again turns out that the percentage rates for spending on temporary buildings and structures become underestimated. This is not good. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that these most mobile (inventory) buildings of a container collapsible type are, first of all, inventory trailers. And they are used very widely by both general contractors and subcontractors.

Separately, it is necessary to consider the issue of settlements for temporary buildings and structures in the mutual settlements of general contracting construction organizations with subcontractors. Here, the main criterion should be the question - does the subcontractor make any temporary buildings and structures, and if so, what exactly, to what extent, directly for himself or completely on the construction site, etc.

Practice has shown that in most cases subcontractors prefer not to include the costs of temporary buildings and structures in the contract price, but to use ready-made temporary buildings and structures made by the general contractor at the construction site. But if the parties determine that the subcontractor will provide itself with temporary buildings and structures and the costs for them should be included in the contract price for the subcontract complex contract work, it should be borne in mind that the subcontractor must perform not individual works on temporary buildings and structures, but the whole complex of works. If, for example, a subcontractor performs work on the construction of a temporary road, then it must perform the entire range of work on it, i.e., the laying of prefabricated reinforced concrete road slabs, the installation of a trough,. ditches, etc., regardless of whether the subcontractor has or does not have earthmoving equipment to perform these works.

Usually, the subcontractor is forced to take over the performance of the entire range of works on the construction of temporary buildings and structures in those cases when he (the subcontractor) assumes the performance of the entire range of works on the site. If, for example, a plant is being built, for example, a dairy plant, and treatment facilities for it are being built on a separate site, and one subcontractor (general subcontractor) has taken over the entire range of work on these treatment facilities, then for sure all work on the construction of temporary buildings and facilities will be carried out at the main site by the general contractor, and at the site where the treatment facilities will be built - by the general subcontractor. And all the costs of temporary buildings and structures should be compensated for him either at a percentage rate, or for the volume of work actually performed, this will be stipulated in the subcontract. Here you should pay attention to one point. As mentioned above, the size of the cost norms for temporary buildings and structures should be taken not by industry, but by type of construction.

But in this case, the percentage rate for temporary buildings and structures should be determined by the type of construction as a whole - a dairy plant, since the project for it is being carried out as a whole, together with treatment facilities, but the subcontractor performing the full range of works on the construction of treatment facilities on a separate site, will have the right to raise the question of determining the size of the percentage rate for temporary buildings and structures according to their type of construction, according to treatment facilities - he then builds them independently and on a separate site, the average cost rate for temporary buildings and structures will be more correct exactly as for treatment facilities , which means that if the subcontractor accepts a different, lower rate, he may incur losses.

But the general contractor will also face certain difficulties: if he agrees on a different, higher rate for the subcontractor's gene, and the customer does not agree on this with him, the general contractor, the general contractor may already suffer losses. Of course, if the customer agrees with the general contractor on the option, taking into account the costs of the general subcontractor, the general contractor will be able to avoid losses, but who will voluntarily agree to an increase in the cost of the project when there are grounds (and legal ones) to avoid this. In this matter, disputes and disagreements are possible. I think the best way out is to determine the amount of costs for the construction of temporary buildings and structures not by percentage, but by direct calculation, according to the set of structures determined on the basis of the POS data, of course, taking into account the interests of the general subcontractor who took over the construction of the treatment facilities, i.e. in The POS set of temporary buildings and structures should be compiled taking into account temporary buildings and structures erected during the construction of treatment facilities. The POS, (and therefore including this list) must be agreed upon by the general contractor, and the general subcontractor must agree on the list of temporary buildings and structures necessary for the construction of treatment facilities to the general contractor.

In general, funds to reimburse the subcontractor for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures are included in the contract price for a set of subcontracting works in cases where, in accordance with the construction organization project or the work performance project, as well as with the terms of the subcontracting agreement, the subcontractor accepts the erection of these buildings and structures. The amount of funds in this case is determined by the calculation agreed with the general contractor.

For temporary buildings of a one-time nature, necessary to perform one specific type of work, for example, arranging a foundation for a pile driving unit to ensure normal operation when driving reinforced concrete piles or steel sheet piles, in accordance with clause 2.11. SNiP M-9-84 "Rules for the development and application of estimated cost rates for the construction of temporary buildings and structures" these costs are included in the object and local estimates for a specific type of work. If these works will be performed by a subcontractor, their cost should be included in the contract price for the complex of subcontracted works. The subcontractor, as a rule, does not perform the installation, for example, of the foundation for a pile driving unit from precast concrete slabs, this work is done by the general contractor. And the arrangement of the rail base for the pile driver is usually done by a subcontractor. These factors should be taken into account when agreeing on the contractual price for the complexes of subcontracted works.

For temporary buildings and structures erected outside the construction site - temporary access roads, temporary water supply networks, electricity supply, etc. These costs should be included in Ch. 8 summary estimates and estimates in excess of the costs of temporary buildings and structures, since the construction of temporary buildings and structures outside the construction site (outside the red lines) is not taken into account by the norms of SNiP ^-9-84.

If such temporary buildings and structures are erected by a subcontractor, along with general site temporary buildings and structures, the cost of work on them is included in the contract price of the complex of subcontract works as for separate objects, but the costs of temporary buildings and structures, accepted as a percentage, should not be charged on them . Most often, the above cases occur in situations where the general contractor does not work at the facility on his own, and all work is performed by a subcontractor.

For non-titular temporary buildings and structures. In accordance with clause 1.4. SNiP M-9-84 costs for the construction, assembly, disassembly, maintenance and relocation of non-titular temporary buildings and structures are taken into account by the overhead rates. Consequently, all work on the implementation of non-titular buildings and structures must be performed by a subcontractor and they should not be included in the contractual price of a set of subcontracting works, since these costs are offset by overhead costs accrued for the volume of construction and installation works. This is a very important point. As a rule, this is how everything happens in life, but sometimes, from time to time, individual subcontractors still try to get funds that are not due to them. Most often this happens on temporary networks and communications laid within 25 m from the building. A subcontractor installed, for example, a marble cutter with a circular saw at a construction site, it is necessary to temporarily supply electricity to it, and temporary water supply, and in some cases, when it is impossible to organize a discharge to the terrain, then a temporary sewer, and then the subcontractor says to the general contractor - I , they say, he did all this, spent money, pay me for temporary buildings and structures. And he really did it, and really spent it, only you shouldn’t pay for it, since these costs, as non-title temporary structures, are taken into account by the overhead rates and should not be paid separately.

Most often, as already mentioned, all (or almost all) temporary buildings and structures on the construction site are erected by the general contractor and provided, if necessary, to subcontractors, and he does not pay them the percentage rate for temporary buildings and structures. When in some cases a subcontractor performs some work on the construction of temporary buildings and structures, the general contractor, at the expense of the total limit of funds for temporary buildings and structures received by him according to the estimate from the customer for the construction as a whole, pays these works to the subcontractor, but no more. Naturally, such relationships between the general contractor and the subcontractor should be separately stipulated in the contract, but even here difficulties are possible. In the same example with a marble cutter, a subcontractor may not lay temporary communications himself, but demand it from the general contractor - you supposedly take on the responsibility of providing subcontractors with temporary buildings and structures, and you leave the funds for temporary buildings and structures to yourself, do not share with us , come on, lay it down. But, as already mentioned, these temporary communications, located within 25 m from the building, refer to non-titular temporary buildings and structures, and the costs of their laying are compensated not from funds for temporary buildings and structures, but from overhead costs. Since the subcontractor charges overhead costs for his work, then, therefore, he will already receive compensation for these costs as part of overhead costs, therefore, he must perform these works himself, but without additional payment.

Approximately the same situation develops when subcontractors purchase temporary inventory cabins, when some subcontractors raise the issue of compensating the costs of acquiring them at the expense of funds for temporary buildings and structures received by general contractors according to the estimated limit. This is not true. The costs of acquiring inventory trailers-change houses are also included in overhead costs, and since the subcontractor again charges overhead costs for its work, therefore, the subcontractor has the opportunity to compensate for its costs for the purchase of inventory trailers-change houses without attracting any additional funds. But the costs of transporting change houses to and from the construction site, for their arrangement, supplying networks to them, are not taken into account as overhead costs and are paid at the expense of funds for temporary buildings and structures, therefore, the subcontractor has the right to demand compensation from the general contractor for these costs at the expense of funds for temporary buildings and structures received by the general contractor according to the estimate.

With the release of the "Guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation MDS 81 -1.99" the situation became more complicated.

Since now, after the release of these guidelines, we can say that the norms for temporary buildings and structures, expressed in percentage to the volume of contract work turned out to be underestimated, each of the parties - the customer, the general contractor, and the subcontractor - will not want to take on all the problems. The customer will say: “I don’t know anything, I don’t know anything, there are norms, they are legal, fit in. And in general, you, the general contractor and subcontractor, solve your problems among yourself and there is nothing to shift them to me.” More or less like this. And in his own way he will be right, why, indeed, he needs unnecessary problems, he has enough of his own. But the subcontractor and the general contractor also do not want to take on other people's problems. It will not be profitable for the subcontractor to pay for temporary buildings and structures erected by him, the subcontractor, at a percentage rate. The norm is too low. Consequently, the subcontractor will insist that the general contractor compensate him for the costs of erecting temporary buildings and structures in fact, or that the general contractor himself perform the work on the construction of temporary buildings and structures and provide them for use. Both will now be unprofitable for the general contractor. And a way out of the situation should be sought by determining the costs of the subcontractor for the construction of temporary buildings and structures according to the calculation based on the PIC data in accordance with the required set of title temporary buildings and structures, but with the involvement of the subcontractor to coordinate this set. But even here problems may arise, since during the period of agreement of the PIC, as a rule, a contract has not yet been concluded, and even more so a subcontract. And the subcontractor does not know whether he will be involved in this construction. And the general contractor has not yet decided which of the subcontractors he will involve. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake and miscalculate, the general contractor will act according to the old joke: "How to catch five tigers? - It's very simple, catch eight, release three." So the general contractor will try in every possible way to expand the list (set) of title temporary buildings and structures, while agreeing this list (set) with the customer, without knowing whether he, the general contractor, will subsequently be able to meet the cost limit when making settlements with subcontractors the cost of temporary buildings and structures, determined by the set (list), or will not be able to.

To an even greater extent, the problems outlined above may relate to the use of inventory trailers at the construction site. Previously, there was no such problem, since the costs of temporary buildings and structures included only the costs of their installation, dismantling, transportation and arrangement, meaning the connection of engineering networks and minimal repairs - painting, etc. Now, when these costs have become relate to overhead costs, there is a fear that subcontractors will begin to say about change houses that they are, they say, not change houses, but something else, giving them all sorts of other names. The Russian language is rich. And again, a situation may arise when there is not enough money for everyone just because the norms are too low.

Today we will try to figure out what is temporary structures, we will try to give our potential customers an answer to the question of what non-capital construction projects are, how they can be distinguished from capital facilities and in accordance with what requirements it is necessary to build hangar, stock, or awning shelter, so that it can be attributed to temporary buildings and facilities(for example, prefabricated warehouses, modular buildings).

There is no single established normative definition of a temporary structure, building or structure. There are several definitions:

In accordance with the current legislation, a temporary facility is recognized as a temporary construction of a non-capital nature without a foundation, the design characteristics of which provide for the possibility of dismantling (dismantling) and moving it without disproportionate damage to its purpose, and the rights to which are not subject to state registration("About the basics state regulation trading activities In Russian federation", the federal law dated December 28, 2009 N 381-FZ).

According to paragraph 1.1 of GSN 81-05-01-2001 (“Collection of estimated cost rates for construction of temporary, modular buildings and structures in the production of repair and construction works") "K temporary buildings and structures include industrial, storage, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures specially erected or adapted for the period of overhaul modular type necessary for the production of repair and construction works.

The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation does not define temporary structure. P. 10 Art. 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation gives the opposite definition: "The object of capital construction is a building, structure, structure, as well as objects of construction in progress, with the exception of temporary buildings, kiosks, sheds and other similar buildings." From this definition, we can conclude that the objects of non-capital construction are temporary buildings and structures of various kinds.

Attribute this or that building to the object of non-capital construction or otherwise modular building can be in certain evaluation categories. In accordance with Appendix 1 to Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 16, 2008 N 1139-PP “The general criterion for classifying objects as non-capital objects ( movable property), according to the norms of civil law, is the possibility of free movement of these objects without causing disproportionate damage to their purpose, including the possibility of their dismantling (demolition) with disassembly into component collapsible movable structural elements. The next main distinguishing feature by which one can determine temporary buildings is a legal status, namely the fact that temporary structure is built for a certain time period, in contrast to an indefinite capital object.


Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, all temporary buildings are not recognized as real estate and "are not subject to technical accounting in the office technical inventory and Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rostekhinventarizatsiya, the rights to them are not subject to registration in the Unified State Register of Rights to real estate and transactions with it” (Appendix 1 to Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 16, 2008 N 1139-PP).

According to the same Appendix, non-capital facilities include industrial, technical facilities, service and communal infrastructure: hangars, production facilities from prefabricated and dismantled structures, collection points for secondary material resources, construction camps, change houses, temporary warehouses building and inert materials, shelters, awnings and sheds for outdoor parking lots, pre-fabricated modular parking garages, including those located in the underbridge spaces.

« Temporary, modular buildings and structures subdivided into title and non-titular” (clause 1.1 of GSN 81-05-01-2001). Title buildings are specially erected or adapted for the period of construction of buildings and structures for industrial, social and cultural purposes, necessary for the production of construction and installation works and maintenance of construction workers. Based on Appendix 2 of GSN 81-05-01-2001, title buildings and structures include:

temporary logistical warehouses at the construction site, closed (heated and unheated) and open, for storage of materials, structures and equipment supplied for this construction site;
temporary multifunctional production workshops (repair-mechanical, reinforcing, carpentry, etc.);
power plants, transformer substations, boiler houses, pumping, compressor, water supply, sewerage, heating, fan, etc. buildings (structures) for temporary use, including commissioning;
temporary offices of construction sites, trains, construction and installation departments and similar organizations;
temporary laboratories for testing building materials and products at construction sites;
temporary garages;
temporary structures on the construction site related to fire prevention measures;
special and architecturally designed fences and fences in cities;

modular buildings warehouses, hangars and other buildings erected for a certain period;

temporary communications to provide electricity, water, heat, communication networks and other communications passing through the construction site.
Non-title structures - simple, low-cost on-site structures and disposable devices (Appendix 3 GSN 81-05-01-2001):

on-site offices and pantries of foremen and foremen;
warehouses and sheds at the construction site;
showers, vats, non-sewered latrines and rooms for heating workers;
decking, step-ladders, stairs, walkways, running boards, cast-offs when breaking down a building;
structures, fixtures and devices for safety;
scaffolding and scaffolding not provided for in the estimated norms for construction work or in the standards for the installation of equipment, external hanging cradles, fences and fences (except for special and architecturally designed ones) necessary for the performance of work, safety visors, shelters during drilling and blasting;
temporary wiring from the main and distributing networks of electricity, water, steam, gas and air within the working area.
Nonetheless, Russian legislation a specific list of features is not fixed, according to which it is possible to clearly establish a temporary structure. The process of allocating state and municipal lands for the construction of temporary non-capital facilities based on general rules, established by land legislation, is fully and arbitrarily regulated at the level of subjects of the Federation and is practically carried out at the level of local administrations.

To modular buildings include construction objects consisting of a consecutive number of identical modules and having the ability to be divided into component (equal parts) without losing their characteristics.






GSN 81-05-01-2001

State Committee of the Russian Federation

for construction and housing and communal complex

(Gosstroy of Russia)

Moscow 2001

DEVELOPED Interregional Center for Pricing in Construction and Building Materials Industry (MTsTSS) of Gosstroy, Russia (I.I. Dmitrenko, G.P. Shpunt), Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing in Construction and Housing and Communal Complex of Gosstroy of Russia (V.A. Stepanov , G. A. Shanin, E. N. Dorozhkina).

INTRODUCED Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing in Construction and Housing and Communal Complex of Gosstroy of Russia.

APPROVED AND INTRODUCED from 15.05.2001 by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 07.05.01 No. 45.

IN REPLACEMENT Collections of estimated cost norms for the construction of temporary buildings and structures (SNiP IV-9-82; SNiP 4.09-91), approved by resolutions of the USSR Gosstroy No. 222 dated 30.09.82 and No. 81 dated 05.10.90.


The collection of estimated cost norms for the construction of temporary buildings and structures is intended to determine the costs for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures based on the norms established by type of construction.

Estimated norms are obligatory for all enterprises and organizations, regardless of ownership and form of ownership, carrying out capital construction fundraising state budget all levels and target off-budget funds.

For construction projects financed at the expense of own funds of enterprises, organizations and individuals, estimates are advisory in nature.

Comments and suggestions on the Collection of Estimated Costs for the Construction of Temporary Buildings and Structures should be sent to:

119991, GSP, Moscow, st. Builders, 8, bldg. 2, Department of Pricing and Estimated Rationing in Construction and Housing and Communal Complex of Gosstroy of Russia.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Collection of Estimated Costs for the Construction of Temporary Buildings and Structures is intended to determine in the summary estimates the cost of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, the amount of funds for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures, depending on the type of construction established by the name of the project.

Temporary buildings and structures include industrial, storage, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures specially erected or adapted for the period of construction, necessary for the production of construction and installation works and maintenance of construction workers.

Temporary buildings and structures are divided into titular and non-titular.

The list of works and costs related to the title temporary buildings and structures, taken into account by the norms of the collection, is given in Annex 2.

1.2. Estimated cost rates for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures are determined as a percentage of the estimated cost of construction and installation work based on the results of chapters 1 - 7 (columns 4 and 5) of the consolidated estimate calculation of the cost of construction ( Attachment 1).

1.3. Estimated norms take into account the costs of construction and subsequent dismantling of temporary buildings and structures necessary for the production of construction and installation works, as well as for servicing construction workers within the construction site * or route ** allocated in kind for construction, taking into account adaptation and use for the needs of the construction of existing and newly erected buildings and structures of a permanent type.

The estimated rates take into account the costs of commissioning work performed during the commissioning of certain types of temporary buildings and structures - power plants, transformer substations, boiler houses, pumping stations, compressor stations, etc.

* Construction site - the territory allotted in accordance with the project in the prescribed manner, for the permanent location of the construction object, as well as the services of construction and installation organizations, and taking into account the temporary allocation of the territory, determined by the conditions of work.

** Route - a right of way, determined by the plan and longitudinal profile in accordance with the project in the prescribed manner, for the permanent placement of a linear construction object (road, pipeline, power transmission line, etc.).

1.4. The costs of construction, assembly, dismantling, depreciation, current repairs and relocation of non-titular temporary buildings and structures (to meet the needs of individual facilities) are not taken into account by the norms of this Collection and are provided as part of the overhead costs for construction and installation work.

The list of non-titular temporary buildings and structures is given in Appendix 3.

1.5. With the appropriate justifications provided for by the construction organization project (COS), Chapter 8 "Temporary buildings and structures" of the consolidated estimate calculation additionally includes funds for:

Construction of temporary buildings and structures necessary for compensation and maintenance of special categories of builders;

Reimbursement of expenses of construction and installation organizations related to the construction and equipment of buildings and structures for the placement and maintenance of military construction units aimed at the construction of facilities;

Construction of temporary access roads, including excavation roads, outside the construction site;

Construction of temporary communications to provide the construction site with electricity, water, heat, etc. from the connection source to switchgears at the construction site (construction area);

The construction of a temporary road along the route (route road) during the construction of main linear structures of the general network for the purpose of initial development of the construction area;

Construction of the necessary temporary access roads (road, rail, etc.) during the construction of linear structures in order to ensure the supply of building materials in the case when the construction of artificial structures: bridges, overpasses, tunnels, etc., is carried out before the start of work on the route ;

Acquisition of equipment and production and household inventory for title temporary buildings and structures.

1.6. In the estimated norms for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures does not include costs for:

Payment for land, allotment and preparation of the territory for the construction of temporary buildings and structures, in 1.4. drainage, filling or alluvium, reclamation, restoration of water use conditions and clearing of forests (provided in Chapter 1 "Preparation of the construction site" of the consolidated estimate calculation for the construction site as a whole, taking into account the placement of temporary buildings and structures);

Arrangement of temporary earth-carrying roads in a quarry on a dump (taken into account as part of unit prices for earthworks);

Acquisition of sets of inventory parts for prefabricated temporary buildings, inventory houses, wagons and other container-type premises, as well as equipment for their equipping, including production and household inventory (purchased at the expense of the customer or contractors' own funds);

Construction of temporary transshipment bases of the contractor at the points of transshipment of building materials and structures from one mode of transport to another, as well as construction of transshipment bases of the contractor outside the construction site (taken into account in Chapter 9 "Other works and costs" on the basis of the PIC);

Development of design estimates for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures (taken into account in Chapter 12 "Design and survey work, field supervision" of the consolidated cost estimate);

Binding of typical temporary buildings and structures (included in overhead costs under the item "Expenses for the design of production").

1.7. The estimated norms are not included and are taken into account directly in the object estimates in accordance with the construction organization project (COS) costs for the construction of temporary devices necessary for the period of certain types of construction and installation works only for a specific object:

Rail tracks for cranes (crane tracks) with a base device for them;

Grounds for ensuring the stable operation of equipment during the installation of piles, as well as equipment for the production of works by the "wall in the ground" method, conveyor lines for the installation of steel structures in large blocks;

Temporary enclosing structures that separate existing premises from newly built, attached or repaired, as well as enclosing structures necessary to ensure the commissioning of a separate part of the building;

Construction of networks and structures, the need for which is caused by the commissioning of facilities under a temporary scheme;

Temporary roads inside buildings under construction for frame installation;

Berths for the production of bank protection works;

intermediate supports;

Structures to protect buildings and structures from damage during drilling and blasting operations;

Erection of temporary overhead buildings;

Laying of temporary haul roads;

The construction of temporary railway or road detours (detours) associated with the construction of new or the reconstruction of existing buildings and structures.

The list can be supplemented on the basis of the construction organization project (COS).

2. Procedure for applying the rules

2.1. Estimated norms given in Appendix 1, designed for new construction conditions.

When compiling estimate documentation for the overhaul of industrial buildings, the reconstruction and expansion of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, the construction of subsequent stages on the territory of existing enterprises or sites adjacent to it, a coefficient of 0.8 is applied to the specified standards.

2.2. During construction in areas with difficult climatic conditions (in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, in high-mountainous areas, desert and arid areas), the costs of temporary buildings and structures should be determined by calculation based on POS data or in accordance with a contract for the rules of this collection.

3. Payment procedure for temporary buildings and structures

3.1. The amount of funds for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures may be determined:

According to the rules of this collection;

According to the calculation based on the POS data. Simultaneous use of these methods is not allowed.

3.2. Settlements between customers and contractors for temporary buildings and structures are made for actually constructed temporary buildings and structures.

3.3. The procedure for payment for temporary buildings and structures established between the customer and the contractor must be applied from the beginning to the end of construction.

3.4. The constructed title temporary buildings and structures are accepted for operation, credited to the customer's fixed assets (except for temporary roads, access roads and architecturally designed fences) and transferred to the use of the contractor in the manner prescribed by the contract.

3.5. The costs of dismantling temporary buildings and structures are paid upon their liquidation.

The refundable amounts from the sale of materials, parts, equipment and production and household equipment, received from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures on the balance sheet of the customer, are determined by calculations that take into account the sale of these materials and parts at the current price level (minus the costs of bringing them into a usable condition and delivery to storage areas).

3.6. Materials and structures obtained from the dismantling of temporary buildings and structures are accounted for by the customer's accounting department and are sold to the contractor with his consent.

3.7. When using for the construction of temporary roads from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, the return value of the slabs obtained from dismantling is determined on the basis of an act signed by the customer and the contractor.

Attachment 1

Estimated cost rates for the construction of title temporary buildings and structures


Name of types of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures

Industrial engineering

Enterprises of the ferrous metallurgical industry (except mining)

Enterprises of the non-ferrous metallurgical industry (except mining)

Objects of arrangement of oil, gas and gas condensate fields (fields)

Mechanical engineering enterprises and the electrical industry

Enterprises mining industry:

Construction of new coal (shale) mines and mines

Construction of enrichment plants. Opening and preparation of new horizons at existing mining enterprises

Construction of coal (shale) mines

Chemical industry enterprises:

Oil refineries and petrochemical plants

Other objects of the chemical industry

Peat industry enterprises

Enterprises of the shipbuilding and ship repair industry

Enterprises of the logging and woodworking industry

Enterprises of the building materials industry and the construction industry

Pulp and paper enterprises

Light industry enterprises

Food industry enterprises

Medical industry enterprises

Enterprises of the microbiological industry

Energy construction

Thermal power plants:

Condensing units with 210 - 300 MW power up to 2500 MW

Condensing units with 500-300 MW power up to 5000 MW

Nuclear power plants with a capacity of 4000 MW and above

Industrial heating CHP

Independent boiler houses

Overhead power lines 35 kV and above

Transformer substations 35 kV and above and other objects of energy construction

Overhead power lines, including lighting, transformer substations 0.4 - 35 kV

Transport construction

New railways without tunnels and bridges (overpasses) over 50m long

Second main paths railways without tunnels and bridges (overpasses) longer than 50m

Electrification of railway sections

Development of railway junctions, stations, reconstruction of railways (strengthening of individual sections and railway lines) and other types of construction on the operated network

Highways of national importance and local (hard-surfaced) 1 - 4 categories without tunnels and bridges (overpasses) more than 50 m long:

When using temporary mobile asphalt and cement concrete plants for road construction

Upon receipt of asphalt concrete and cement concrete for road pavement from operating stationary enterprises


Railway and road bridges over 50m long and overpasses

City bridges and overpasses:

In places of permanent deployment of bridge-building organizations

In other points


Airfield sites

Buildings and structures of the service and technical zone

Sea ports and port facilities

River transport facilities

Collector tunnels

Housing and civil construction in cities and workers' settlements

Residential buildings and landscaping:

Residential buildings, including those with built-in premises: shops, laundries, etc. (including external networks and landscaping)

Neighborhoods, quarters, complexes of residential and public buildings (including external networks and landscaping)

Improvement of cities and towns (including work on the arrangement of streets, driveways, sidewalks, green spaces)

Schools, kindergartens, nurseries, shops, office buildings, cinemas, theaters, art galleries and other civil engineering buildings

Educational and medical buildings and structures, research, design and design institutes

Public utility facilities (baths, laundries, crematoria, etc.)

External networks of water supply, sewerage, heat and gas supply within the city (linear part)

Water supply and sewerage of cities (complex of engineering structures as part of pipelines, pumping stations, treatment facilities, etc.)

Urban electric transport (tram depots, trolleybus depots, tram and trolleybus lines, traction substations, terminal stations, track and energy service workshops)

light rail lines

Sanatoriums, rest houses, camp sites, boarding houses, dispensaries, pioneer camps

Other types of construction

Buildings and facilities for the acceptance, storage and processing of grain and bakeries

Construction objects of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

Combined arms and special purpose

Housing, barracks, communal and cultural purposes

Networks of communication facilities:

Radio relay communication lines

Station facilities, cable and air lines. Cable and overhead lines of zonal (interregional) and rural communications

City telephone networks. Interstation communication lines and nodes

Other facilities (post offices, regional communication centers, etc.)

Broadcasting and television facilities

Agricultural construction, including residential and civil construction in rural areas (except for road construction and electrification)

Water management construction and hydraulic structures, fish-water-reclamation and pond structures of fish farms, fish hatcheries for the reproduction of fish stocks and spawning and nursery farms

Main pipelines outside cities:

Water supply, sewerage

Gas pipelines and oil pipelines:

site structures (compressor and pumping stations, gas distribution stations);

linear part (including electrochemization and technical communication lines)

Heating network

Wastewater treatment plants, water supply and sewerage plants built according to an independent project

Supply companies

Enterprises of other industries

Estimated rate,% of the cost of construction and installation works based on the results of chapters 1-7 (columns 4 and 5) of one estimate calculation

Annex 2

List of works and costs related to the title temporary buildings and structures included in the estimated norms

1. Temporary adaptation of newly constructed permanent buildings and structures for the maintenance of construction workers, their restoration and repair at the end of their use.

2. Lease and adaptation of existing premises with subsequent liquidation of facilities.

3. Temporary adaptation of newly built and existing permanent buildings and structures for the production needs of construction, their restoration and repair at the end of their use.

4. Relocation of structures and parts of industrial, warehouse, auxiliary, residential and public container and collapsible mobile (inventory) buildings and structures to the construction site, arrangement of foundations and foundations, installation with the necessary finishes, installation of equipment, commissioning of engineering networks, dismantling and dismantling, restoration of the site, movement of structures and parts to the warehouse

5. Depreciation deductions (rent), expenses for the current repair of mobile (inventory) buildings of a container collapsible type (except for the costs of buildings for sanitary and domestic services, taken into account as part of the overhead costs).

6. Temporary material and technical warehouses at the construction site, closed (heated and unheated) and open for storage of materials, structures and equipment supplied for this construction site.

7. Temporary arrangements (platforms, platforms, etc.) for materials, products, structures and equipment, as well as for loading and unloading operations.

8. Temporary production workshops for multifunctional purposes (repair-mechanical, reinforcing, carpentry, etc.).

9. Power plants, transformer substations, boiler houses, pumping stations, compressor stations, water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, etc. buildings (structures) for temporary use, including commissioning.

10. Temporary stations for finishing work.

11. Temporary installations for cleaning and disinfection of surface sources.

12. Temporary stone crushing and screening plants, concrete mixing units and installations for the preparation of concrete and mortar with arrangements or mobile on linear construction.

13. Temporary installations for the preparation of soils treated with organic and inorganic binders, temporary cement-concrete and asphalt-concrete plants for the preparation of concrete and asphalt-concrete mixtures with bitumen storages, etc.

14. Polygons for the manufacture of reinforced concrete and concrete products and additional elements with curing chambers.

15. Platforms, stands for pre-assembly and pre-assembly of equipment.

16. Link assembly bases for the assembly of railway track links.

17. Buildings and facilities in temporary quarries other than roads.

18. Temporary offices of construction sites, trains, construction and installation departments and similar organizations.

19. Temporary laboratories for testing building materials and products at construction sites.

20. Temporary garages.

21. Temporary structures on the construction site related to fire prevention measures.

22. Arrangement of foundations and foundations for machines and mechanisms (except for the arrangement of foundations to ensure the stable operation of pile-driving equipment when driving piles and crane runways for cranes).

23. Special and architecturally designed fences and fences in cities.

24. Arrangement and maintenance of temporary railway, automobile* earth-carrying roads and driveways passing through the construction site or highway, incl. connecting sections between the highway road and the linear structure under construction, with artificial structures, flyovers and crossings. Demolition of roads and driveways.

* The use and turnover of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs in the pavement structures of temporary roads must be justified in the construction organization project.

25. Installation of temporary suspended roads and cable cranes for moving materials and parts, as well as their dismantling.

26. Installation and dismantling of temporary communications to provide electricity, water, heat, communication networks and other communications passing through the construction site.

Annex 3

List of works and costs related to non-titular temporary buildings and structures, included in the overhead rates

1. On-site offices and pantries of foremen and foremen.

2. Warehouses and sheds at the construction site.

3. Showers, vats, non-sewered latrines and rooms for heating workers.

4. Flooring, step-ladders, stairs, walkways, running boards, cast-offs when laying out a building.

5. Structures, fixtures and safety devices.

6. Scaffolding and scaffolding not provided for in the estimated norms for construction work or in the standards for the installation of equipment, external hanging cradles, fences and fences * (except for special and architecturally designed ones), necessary for the performance of work, safety visors, shelters during drilling and blasting .

7. Temporary wiring from the main and distributing networks of electricity, water, steam, gas and air within the working area (territories up to 25 meters from the perimeter of buildings or axes of linear structures);

8. Expenses associated with the adaptation of buildings under construction and existing on construction sites, instead of the construction of the above (non-titular) temporary buildings and structures.

* Fences and fences related to the time of their use and technical characteristics to low-value and wearing items.

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