
Order of the Ministry of Construction 1028 dated 29.12. Features of the application of estimated norms for construction and special construction work

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In accordance with subparagraphs 5.4.5, of paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 No. 1038, I order:

1. Approve the Methodology for the application of estimated norms in accordance with the annex to this order.

2. The Department of Pricing and Urban Zoning shall include in the federal register of estimated standards the methodology approved by paragraph 1 of this order within 5 working days from the date of its approval.

4. To impose control over the execution of this order on the Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation Kh.D. Mavliyarova.

5. The methodology approved by paragraph 1 of this order is put into effect on February 1, 2017.

to the order of the Ministry of Construction
and housing and communal services of the Russian Federation
dated December 29, 2016 No. 1028/pr

Methodology for the application of estimated norms

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This Methodology for the application of estimated norms (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology) determines a unified procedure for the application of estimated norms for construction, special construction, repair and construction, equipment installation and commissioning when determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction projects.

1.2. For the purposes of this Methodology, the estimated norms include state elemental estimated norms for construction, special construction (GESN), repair and construction (GESNr), equipment installation (GESNm) and commissioning (GESNp).

1.3. This Methodology also provides the procedure for applying estimated standards in the case of construction, special construction, repair and construction, installation of equipment and commissioning works in more difficult production conditions compared to the provided estimated standards, as well as provisions for the application of estimated standards in the implementation of dismantling work.

1.4. This Methodology provides for provisions on the use of the resource method for determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction projects.

1.5. The provisions of the Methodology are mandatory for use in determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction projects financed with the involvement of funds from the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation, funds of legal entities established by the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, legal entities, a share in the authorized (share) capital of which the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities is more than 50 percent, as well as when determining the estimated cost of capital repairs of an apartment building, carried out in whole or in part at the expense of a regional operator, homeowners association, housing, housing construction cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative or funds of owners of premises in an apartment building.

2 Terms and definitions

The terms and definitions used in this Methodology correspond to those adopted in the legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, by-laws and methodological documents.

3 General

3.1. Estimated norms are an integral part of the pricing system and estimated rationing in the field of urban planning and are designed to determine the composition and need for material, technical and labor resources necessary and sufficient to determine the estimated cost of construction, special construction, repair and construction, equipment installation and commissioning .

3.2. Estimated norms are used in determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities using the resource method, the development of unit prices and aggregated estimated standards.

3.3. Estimated norms can be used in the development of construction organization projects (PIC), to determine the duration of work, determine the production rates for the consumption of materials, analytical and other purposes.

3.4. Estimated norms are developed on the basis of the principle of averaging with minimization of the costs of all necessary resources and are not adjusted downwards.

4 Composition and characteristics of collections of estimated norms

4.1. In accordance with the nomenclature in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Methodology, the estimated norms are grouped depending on the purpose of the types and technology of work and are combined into separate collections:

Collections of state elemental estimated norms for construction and special construction works (collections of GESN);

Collections of state elemental estimated norms for repair and construction work (collections of GESNr);

Collections of state elemental estimated norms for the installation of equipment (collections of GESNm);

Collections of state elemental estimated norms for commissioning (collections of GESNp).

4.2. The collections of estimated norms reflect the industry average level of construction production for the adopted equipment and technology for performing work.

4.3. The full designation of the collections of estimated norms in accordance with the nomenclature in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Methodology contains the following structure:


GESN (x) - abbreviation for estimated norms for the relevant types of work (GESN, GESNm, GESNp or GESNr);

TN - type code of the estimated standard;

HC - collection number;

XXXX - assigned year of issue of estimated norms.

4.4. Collections of estimated norms contain a technical part, tables of estimated norms and applications.

4.5. The technical part of the collections of estimated norms includes the following sections:

- "General provisions";

- Calculation of volumes of works.

4.5.1. The "General Provisions" section contains provisions on the composition, procedure and features of the application of the estimated norms of the corresponding collection, departments, sections or subsections of the estimated norms, specifying the provisions of this Methodology or clarifying them.

It is not allowed to apply the provisions of the technical part of one collection to the estimated norms of other collections, as well as the provisions on the application of the estimated norms of this department, section or subsection to the estimated norms of other departments, sections or subsections, as well as adjusting the estimated norms depending on the method of work, for except for the cases provided for by this Methodology, as well as the technical parts of the relevant collections of estimated norms.

4.5.2. The section "Calculation of the scope of work" includes rules, formulas and examples of calculations.

4.6. Annexes to the collections contain coefficients to the estimated norms, taking into account changes in the conditions for the production of work in comparison with the provided estimated norms included in the collection, information on the consumption of material resources and others related to the application of the estimated norms.

4.7. As part of the collections, the estimated norms for homogeneous types of work are combined into tables according to the forms presented in Appendix 2 to this Methodology.

4.8. Tables of estimated norms contain a code, name, scope of work, meter, normative indicators of the average category of work and resource consumption by cost elements.

4.9. The cipher of the tables of estimated norms consists of the number of the collection, the number of the section in the collection and the serial number of the table.

The full designation of estimated norms has the following structure:


1st and 2nd characters - collection number;

3rd and 4th characters - the number of the section in the collection;

5th, 6th and 7th characters - the serial number of the table of the estimated norm as part of the collection section;

The 8th and 9th characters are the serial number of the estimated norm in the table.

4.10 Parameters of works and structures (length, height, area, mass, etc.), given with the word "to", should be understood as "inclusive", and with the words "from" - excluding the value of the parameter specified in the characteristics of works and structures .

4.11. In the description of the scope of work, taken into account by the estimated norms, a list of the main operations is given. At the same time, minor and secondary related operations, as a rule, are not mentioned, but are taken into account.

4.12. As meters of estimated norms, units of measurement characteristic of the relevant types of work, equipment or building structures being erected are accepted.

4.13. The collections of GESN, GESNm and GESNr provide tables of estimated norms in the form presented in Appendix 2 to this Methodology.

4.13.1. The tables of GESN, GESNm and GESNr contain the following standard indicators:

Labor costs of workers (builders and installers), man-hours;

The average category of work, characterizing the average category of a link of workers performing a full range of work;

Labor costs of machinists, man-hours;

The composition and time of operation of machines and mechanisms, devices, mechanized tools, machine-hours;

The list of materials, products, structures necessary for the production of work, and their consumption in physical (natural) units of measurement.

4.13.2. The resource code for each element of the costs provided for by the estimated norm is determined in accordance with the classifier of building resources.

4.13.3. Materials, products and structures, the type, variety, class or brand of which, when determining the estimated cost, are subject to clarification according to design data, are given with a generalized name, without indicating specific characteristics.

4.13.4. For some materials, products and structures, the consumption of which depends on design solutions, only their name is indicated in the tables of estimated norms, and the letter “P” is given instead of the normative indicator of the consumption of the corresponding resource. The consumption of such material resources in the preparation of estimate documentation is determined according to design data, taking into account intractable losses and waste associated with the movement of materials from the on-site warehouse to the working area (installation area) and their processing during the production of the relevant types of work in accordance with the "Rules for the development and application of standards intractable losses and waste materials in construction” (RDS 82-202-96).

4.13.5. In the tables of GESNm, in addition to the consumption of material resources, the mass of equipment (or one meter of pipeline) is given, with the exception of electrical devices, communication equipment, instruments and automation equipment, as well as cases where information about the mass of equipment is taken into account by its technical characteristics, or estimated norms have meter "t".

4.14. The GESNp collections provide tables of estimated norms in the form presented in Appendix 2 to this Methodology.

4.14.1. Tables of GESNp, taking into account the specific features of commissioning (CPR), are given:

Information on the composition of the link (team) of commissioning performers (number, specialties of engineers and workers);

Labor costs of individual performers of commissioning works (commissioning personnel) and in general per link.

The qualification composition of the link (team) can also be given as part of the technical part and annexes of the collections.

4.14.2. The following resource indicators are not given in the tables of GESNp:

Consumption of material (including energy) resources, raw materials and semi-finished products used in the commissioning;

Labor costs of operating personnel involved in the commissioning and comprehensive testing of equipment;

The use of mechanisms, including instrumentation.

The costs associated with the operation of production equipment of commissioning organizations (instruments, test benches, electronic computers, etc.) are taken into account as part of the overhead costs for commissioning, with the exception of expensive instruments and equipment, as well as mobile testing laboratories , the operating costs of which, if necessary, are provided for in the estimates for commissioning on the basis of calculations.

The costs of material and energy resources required for commissioning are not included in the direct costs of commissioning as provided by the customer and attributable to the current expenses of the enterprise.

4.15. Collections of estimated norms do not apply to certain types of structures and types of work, to the capitality, the accuracy class of which there are increased requirements, as well as to types of work in mountainous areas performed at an altitude of more than 3,500 m above sea level.

5 General requirements for the application of estimated norms

5.1. The estimated norms take into account the optimal technological and organizational schemes for the production of work, a set (list) of machines, mechanisms and material resources with the rational organization of labor and production, modern development of equipment and technology, compliance with safety requirements in normal (standard) conditions, not complicated by external factors (constraint , gas content, etc.) and positive values ​​of air temperature.

5.2. In accordance with the design documentation, which provides for the specifics of the production of construction, repair and construction works, installation of equipment and commissioning and complicating factors, increasing factors are applied to the estimated norms in the estimated calculations (in the estimates).

At negative air temperatures, when work is carried out both on open construction sites and indoors, the corresponding additional costs are taken into account in the manner established by the methodological documents for determining additional costs when performing work in winter.

For commissioning works, the procedure for accounting for additional costs when performing work in winter is determined by the provisions of these Methodological Recommendations.

5.2.1. The "complicating" factors include factors that affect the conditions for performing work, related to the technological features of their implementation (development of wet soil, brickwork of rounded walls, etc.). The coefficients that take into account complicating factors in the production of work are given in the appendices of the corresponding collections of estimated norms.

5.2.2. The conditions for the production of construction, special construction, repair and construction, equipment installation and commissioning and complicating factors must be justified by the PIC.

5.2.3. In the case when the POS provides for the performance of work in operated buildings and structures, near objects under electrical voltage, and on the territory of operating enterprises with an extensive network of transport and engineering communications, cramped conditions for storing materials, as well as in other conditions for the production of construction, special construction, repair and construction, installation of equipment and commissioning, which are characterized by specific features of their implementation at the facility as a whole, the increasing coefficients given in Appendix 2 to this Methodology are applied to the estimated norms.

5.2.4. Coefficients that take into account complicating factors and the influence of work conditions are applied to the labor costs of workers, the costs of operating machines and mechanisms, including the remuneration of machinists.

5.2.5. These coefficients are applied simultaneously with other coefficients in the manner prescribed by this Methodology. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied.

5.3. Estimated norms are not subject to adjustment, including when the design documentation provides for:

The use of construction machines and mechanisms that are not taken into account in the estimated norms that do not fundamentally change the technological and organizational schemes for the production of work;

The use, in accordance with the PIC, of ​​machines and mechanisms, the technical characteristics of which differ from those taken into account by the estimated norms, but at the same time, technological and organizational schemes for the production of work do not fundamentally change;

Performing work manually and (or) using small-scale mechanization. At the same time, the estimated norms take into account the use of machines and mechanisms or other technical means;

The use of material resources, the characteristics of which differ from those taken into account by the estimated norms, and their use does not change the technological and organizational schemes for the production of work, does not reduce the operational characteristics of the design solutions adopted in the design documentation.

5.4. When applying individual estimated norms, the following provisions should be taken into account:

When applying estimated norms for work, the production technology of which takes into account the welding of metal structures, rolled metal, steel pipes, sheet metal, embedded parts and other stainless steel metal products, a coefficient of 1.15 is applied to the norms of labor costs of workers;

The estimated norms provide for the performance of work using softwood timber (pine, spruce, fir, etc.). When taking into account hardwood timber in the design solution, the following coefficients should be applied to the operating costs of machines used for processing timber and to the labor costs of workers and drivers:

For timber from larch, birch - 1.1;

For timber from oak, beech, hornbeam, ash - 1.2;

When applying estimated standards to determine the cost of construction of capital construction projects with a complex configuration of a building under construction or tightness of the construction site, when it is impossible to supply building materials to the crane coverage area, as a result of which an additional crane operation is required, which must be confirmed by the POS, the operating time of the additional crane should be taken into account additionally in accordance with methodological documents;

When applying estimated norms for work, which take into account the supply of the solution to the place of work, it is necessary to take into account the provisions when the solution is pumped by the second mortar pump (which must be confirmed by the POS). The costs of operating an additional mortar pump should be taken into account in local cost estimates (estimates) in accordance with the methodological documents.

5.5. The work of an additional signalman warning of danger, when the exposure of a signalman is required in accordance with the safety regulations in the course of construction work, is additionally taken into account directly in local cost estimates (estimates).

5.6. The estimated norms take into account the consumption of electrical and thermal energy, compressed air and water from permanent sources of supply. Upon receipt of the indicated resources for the construction site as a whole or for the performance of certain types of work from mobile sources of supply, the difference in their cost is taken into account directly in local cost estimates (estimates), including the costs of drying buildings, as well as heating buildings in winter with electric heaters upon receipt electricity from mobile power plants. It is determined by calculation in accordance with methodological documents.

5.7. Estimated norms for work using monolithic (reinforced and non-reinforced) concrete, as well as mortar, are developed from the condition of delivery of the concrete mix by concrete mixer trucks. The additional time spent by concrete mixer trucks at the construction site in order to mix the concrete mixture between batch delivery of concrete must be taken into account directly in local cost estimates (estimates) based on POS data, with the exception of estimated rates in which these costs are provided.

6 Features of the application of estimated norms for construction and special construction work

6.1. Estimated norms for construction and special construction works take into account the industry-average optimal and organizational level of construction production, equipment and technology for performing construction and special construction works, and the material and technical resources used.

6.2. The technical part and annexes of the GESN collections provide information on the procedure for applying estimated norms for construction and special construction work, due to the specifics of the work, as well as taking into account the technological and organizational features of their implementation, which were used in the development of estimated norms.

6.3. When determining the estimated cost of earthworks in the territory allotted for construction in places that are duly attributed to areas of former military operations, it is recommended to estimated norms apply a coefficient of 1.4.

6.4. The estimated norms included in the GESN collections do not take into account the costs of the operation of individual construction machines and mechanisms (driving shields, tubing and block layers, etc.).

6.5. The estimated norms included in the GESN collections do not provide for work on the installation of electrical devices in buildings and structures, including work on the installation of electric lighting networks and electric lighting fixtures in residential and public buildings.

When determining the estimated cost, the costs for these works are taken according to the estimated norms of the collection GESNm 81-03-08-... "Electrical installations".

6.6. Estimated norms for the construction of monolithic reinforced concrete structures in sliding formwork, included in the collections of HPES, do not take into account the costs of operating the formwork lifting mechanisms. The indicated costs are taken into account directly in the local budget calculations (budgets). The operating time of the sliding formwork lifting mechanisms and the additional labor costs of workers are determined according to the POS data in accordance with the methodological documents.

6.7. The estimated norms included in the GESN collections do not take into account the costs associated with the transportation of parts of external and internal scaffolding to the on-site warehouse. The indicated costs are taken into account directly in the local budget calculations (estimates) in accordance with the methodological documents entered in the federal register.

6.8. When determining the estimated cost of installation of high quality window and door products (windows with triple glazing, double-glazed windows, etc.), the installation of which involves their preliminary disassembly (removal of sashes, transoms, etc.) with subsequent installation of boxes and hanging elements, the cost of installing such products should be determined according to the estimated norms of the collection GESN 81-02-10-... "Wooden structures", taking into account the provisions of the current methodological documents.

7 Features of the application of estimated norms for the installation of equipment

7.1. The estimated norms included in the collections of GESNm reflect the current level of organization and technology for the installation of equipment, material and technical resources, and are technically justified.

7.2. The technical parts and annexes of the GESNm collections provide information on the procedure for applying the estimated norms, due to the peculiarities of the installation of the corresponding equipment, the name, weight and other characteristics of which must be taken into account when determining the estimated cost.

7.3. The estimated norms included in the collections of GESNm are developed taking into account the following provisions:

The equipment is delivered for installation in full factory readiness (complete, having passed the factory unit or general assembly and running, bench and other tests in accordance with the technical documentation for its manufacture and delivery);

Overall equipment is delivered to the facility assembled with a protective coating, on permanent gaskets;

Oversized equipment is delivered to the facility disassembled, as enlarged assemblies or blocks that do not require fitting operations during installation, with mating flanges on fittings, as well as with fasteners and anchor bolts;

Before starting the installation of equipment at a capital construction site, work is carried out to prepare sites, installation sites or foundations brought to design marks (with a foundation pit filled around them), as well as bases for equipment and subfloors.

7.4. The estimates include the following costs:

Acceptance of equipment for installation;

Movement of equipment: loading at the on-site warehouse, horizontal movement, unloading, lifting or lowering to the installation site;

Unpacking of equipment and removal of packaging;

Cleaning of equipment from preservative lubricants and coatings, technical inspection;

Audit in cases stipulated by the technical specifications or instructions for the installation of certain types of equipment (disassembly, cleaning from grease, flushing, inspection of parts, lubrication and assembly). Equipment supplied with the seal of the manufacturer or in a hermetic version with gas filling should not be subject to revision;

Pre-assembly of equipment supplied as separate units or parts, for installation in the most enlarged blocks within the load capacity of mounting mechanisms;

Acceptance and verification of foundations and other bases for equipment, marking of equipment installation sites, installation of anchor bolts and embedded parts in foundation wells;

Installation of equipment with alignment and fixing on a foundation or other basis, including the installation of individual mechanisms and devices that are part of the equipment or its complete delivery: fans, pumps, feeders, electric drives (mechanical part), ballasts, metal structures, pipelines, fittings, oil lubrication systems and other devices provided for by the drawings of this equipment;

Welding work performed during the assembly and installation of equipment, with the preparation of edges for welding;

Filling with lubricants and other materials of equipment devices;

Installation quality check, including individual tests, hydraulic, pneumatic and other types of tests specified in the technical parts and appendices of the collections.

7.5. The estimated norms for the installation of equipment take into account, as a rule, the costs of material resources, the list and consumption of which are given in the tables of GESNm:

The main ones that remain in business (lining and cushioning materials, bolts, nuts, electrodes, metal, etc.);

Auxiliary, not remaining in business, for the manufacture and installation of devices necessary for the production of installation work (logs, beams, boards, sleepers, etc.), taking into account their turnover, as well as auxiliary material resources, not remaining in business, used for individual testing of installed equipment, drying and other purposes (electricity, gas, steam, water, air, fuel).

7.6. The estimated norms for the installation of equipment, as a rule, do not take into account the costs and are provided for when determining the estimated cost for individual collections of GESNm:

Electrical work - according to the estimated norms of GESNm 81-03-08-... "Electrical installations";

Installation of devices and means of automation - according to the estimated norms of GESNm 81-03-11-... "Instruments, means of automation and computer technology";

Production of technological metal structures - according to the estimated norms GESNm 81-03-38-... "Manufacture of technological metal structures in the conditions of production bases";

Quality control of field welded joints - according to estimated standards GESNm 81-03-39-... "Control of field welded joints";

Additional costs for horizontal and vertical movement of equipment and material resources - according to the estimated norms of GESNm 81-03-40-... "Additional movement of equipment and material resources in excess of those provided for in the collections of state elemental estimated norms for the installation of equipment."

7.7. The estimated norms for the installation of equipment do not take into account the costs of:

Installation of technological, metal structures that are not included in the delivery of equipment, including their painting;

Priming of pipelines and their subsequent painting;

Painting of overhead crane bridges;

The necessary color and distinctive coloring of the equipment, as well as explanatory and warning labels;

Installation and dismantling of inventory scaffolding (or non-inventory scaffolding, when inventory scaffolding cannot be established), the need for which is established by the design documentation in cases where scaffolding installed for construction and other works cannot be used for equipment installation;

Preparation of equipment for anti-corrosion coatings and work on these coatings;

Equipment lining with refractory and protective materials;

Laying furnace furnaces, dryers and their drying;

Earthworks for digging trenches for cable lines;

Grouting foundation slabs, pouring foundation bolts and embedded parts in wells.

The costs of these works are determined according to the relevant estimated norms for construction and special construction works included in the collections of GESN.

7.8. The estimated norms included in the GESNm collections are used to determine the cost of installing equipment that is not provided for by the GESNm collections, subject to the following provisions.

The cost of installing equipment that is similar in terms of technical characteristics, terms of delivery and installation technology with equipment taken into account in the estimated norms of GESNm, but differing in weight, should be determined:

According to the estimated norm of the closest equipment in terms of weight, taken into account by HESNm, provided that the mass of the equipment to be installed (including the mass of electric motors and drives) does not exceed 10% of the mass of the equipment;

With a difference in weight of more than 10% - applying to the estimated norm of the equipment closest in weight the coefficients given in Table 1 of this Methodology.

Table 1

Coefficient to the estimated norm Equipment weight change factor Coefficient to the estimated norm
0,30-0,40 0,70 1,21-1,30 1,15
0,41-0,50 0,75 1,31-1,40 1,20
0,51-0,60 0,80 1,41-1,50 1,25
0,61-0,70 0,85 1,51-1,60 1,30
0,71-0,80 0,90 1,61-1,70 1,35
0,81-0,90 0,95 1,71-1,80 1,40
0,91-1,10 1,00 1,81-1,90 1,45
1,11-1,20 1,11 1,91-2,00 1,50


1. The coefficients for the estimated norms given in Table. 1 apply to the labor costs of workers, to the costs of operating machines, including the labor costs of machinists. The coefficients apply to the norms of consumption of material resources not taken into account in the estimated norms and given in the annexes to the relevant collections of GESNm for individual testing of equipment and other purposes.

2. If the weight is given in the technical specification of the equipment with the word “to”, the adjustment of the estimated norms for weight is allowed only in excess of the last mass, and if “from” and “to” - in excess of the extreme limits.

3. Adjustment of estimated norms by weight is not made for electrical installations, communication equipment, instruments, automation and computer equipment, for equipment for which the estimated norms in the collection have a “t” meter, and also if in the name of the estimated in the technical the characteristic indicates the mass of the equipment.

7.9. In cases where the technical characteristics of the equipment do not indicate the material from which it is made, in the estimated norms included in the collections of GESNm, it is assumed that the equipment is made of carbon steel or gray cast iron.

For equipment made of other materials, coated with special anti-corrosion protection or with applied thermal insulation, the costs must be determined in accordance with the instructions contained in the technical parts and annexes of the relevant collections of HESNm.

7.10. With appropriate justification in the design documentation, the use of scaffolding for installation work additionally takes into account the costs associated with the transportation of parts of external and internal scaffolding from the central warehouse to the on-site warehouse and back.

7.11. The estimated norms take into account the costs of horizontal and vertical movement of equipment and material resources necessary for its installation from the on-site warehouse to the place of work at the distances given in the technical parts and appendices of the relevant collections of GESNm.

7.11.1. In the event that the project provides for the movement of equipment over a distance exceeding the estimated norms, the costs for:

Horizontal movement of equipment from the on-site warehouse to the "installation site" in excess of the distance taken into account in the estimated norms of the corresponding collections of GESNm. At the same time, in local budget calculations (estimates), additional costs for horizontal movement of equipment are taken into account, provided that the distance of movement of equipment from the on-site warehouse to the "installation site" does not exceed 1500 m, for linear capital construction projects - 1000 m;

Vertical movement (ascent or descent) of equipment to marks higher or lower than those taken into account in the estimated norms, with the exception of cases when the norms take into account the movement “to the design marks”. In the event that the movement is taken into account “within any floor”, the lifting of the equipment from the zero mark (ground level) to the floor mark of the corresponding floor should be additionally taken into account.

7.11.2. The costs of moving equipment and material resources over distances in excess of those taken into account in the estimated norms should be determined according to the norms of the collection GESNm 81-03-40-... “Additional movement of equipment and material resources in excess of those provided for in the collections of state elemental estimated norms for the installation of equipment” .

7.11.3. Additional movement of equipment at a distance of less than 50 m is not taken into account.

7.11.4. The cost of horizontal movement of equipment over 1500 m for capital construction projects (except for linear ones), for linear capital construction projects - over 1000 m are related to transportation costs and are taken into account in the estimated cost of equipment when preparing local cost estimates (estimates).

7.11.5. For linear capital construction projects with a length of more than 1000 m, the movement for an additional distance should be determined on the basis of project documentation and relevant methodological documents.

7.12. When applying estimated standards for the installation of equipment during which welding work is performed, and in accordance with the design documentation, it is necessary to control field welded joints, when preparing local cost estimates (estimates), it is necessary to take into account the costs of these works.

7.12.1. Estimated norms for the installation of equipment, with the exception of those listed in clause 7.12.2. of this Method, the costs for the control of field welded joints are not taken into account.

7.12.2. Estimated norms included in the collections GESNm 81-03-06-... "Heat power equipment", GESNm 81-03-12-... "Technological pipelines" and GESNm 81-03-13... "Equipment of nuclear power plants » the costs of monitoring field welded joints are taken into account, while the relevant instructions are given in the technical parts and appendices of the relevant collections of HESNm.

The estimated norms for the installation of equipment during which welding work is performed take into account the costs of visual and measuring control of field welded joints.

7.12.3. Costs for the control of field welded joints are determined according to the estimated norms of the collection GESNm 81-03-39-... "Control of field welded joints".

7.12.4. Methods and scope of work for the control of field welded joints are adopted in accordance with the project documentation on the basis of the current rules, guiding technical materials and instructions for their implementation.

7.12.5. Costs for control of field welded joints by destructive (laboratory) methods and production of samples for testing are not taken into account by the estimates, they are provided as part of the overhead costs of contractors.

7.13. Estimated norms for the installation of equipment are compiled depending on the name and technical characteristics of the equipment: classification of equipment according to its types, functional purpose, manufacturing and delivery conditions.

Equipment, the name, weight and other characteristics of which must be taken into account when determining the estimated cost of installation work, is additionally taken into account directly in the estimated calculations (estimates).

The procedure for including the estimated cost of equipment in the estimated calculations (estimates) is regulated by the relevant methodological documents.

8 Features of the application of estimated norms for repair and construction work

8.1. Estimated norms for repair and construction work take into account the optimal technological and organizational schemes for the production of repair and construction work, the optimal set (list) of construction machines, mechanisms and material resources in the production of work on the overhaul of capital construction projects.

8.2. The technical parts and annexes of the GESNr collections provide information on the procedure for applying estimated norms for repair and construction work, due to the peculiarities of the work performed, which were used in the development of estimated norms.

8.3. Features of the application of estimated norms for repair and construction work related to the dismantling (dismantling) of building structures are discussed in Section 10 of this Methodology.

8.4. The estimated norms for repair and construction work take into account the costs of:

On the vertical and horizontal movement of materials from the on-site warehouse to the place of work;

For horizontal movement of debris and materials from the dismantling of structures in buildings and structures at a distance of up to 80 m;

On the vertical movement of garbage and materials from disassembly, subject to lowering through the window in the trays;

For horizontal movement of waste and materials from the dismantling of structures to the place of their storage within the construction site at a distance of up to 50 m from the capital construction object.

8.5. In the estimated standards for repair and construction work, the vertical transport of materials, products and structures, as well as debris obtained during the dismantling and repair of structures, is taken into account for capital construction projects up to 15 m high.

With a higher height of the repaired capital construction objects, additional costs for vertical transport should be taken into account when determining the estimated cost in the estimated calculations (budgets).

8.6. When preparing local estimates (estimates) for repair and construction work, the costs of packing garbage into bags and lowering garbage manually on a stretcher or in bags in accordance with the provisions of the methodological documents should be taken into account.

8.7. When applying the estimated norms included in the GESNr collections, to determine the estimated cost of work on the reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities, one should be guided by the principle of maximum coincidence of the work production technology adopted in the design documentation and the scope of work given in the estimated norms.

8.7.1. In the absence of the necessary estimated norms included in the GESNr collections, the estimated costs for repair and construction work and work on the reconstruction of capital construction projects can be determined:

According to the estimated norms of the collection GESN 81-02-46 ... "Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures";

According to the estimated norms included in the GESN collections (similar to technological processes in new construction, including the construction of new structural elements), using the following coefficients:

1.15 - to the labor costs of workers;

1.25 - to the norms of time for the operation of construction machines and mechanisms, the labor costs of machinists.

8.7.2. Specified in clause 8.7.1. of this Methodology, the coefficients do not apply to the estimated norms:

GESN 81-02-46-... "Work during the reconstruction of buildings and structures";

collections of GESNm, GESNr, GESNp;

For construction and special construction work on the dismantling (dismantling) of building structures, systems and networks of engineering and technical support, included in the collections of GESN ("direct estimate norms");

For construction and special construction works used in determining the estimated costs for disassembly (dismantling) of building structures, systems and networks of engineering and technical support using the reduction factors given in Section 10 of this Methodology.

8.7.3. The coefficients provided for in clause 8.7.1. of this Methodology, take into account:

The lack of the possibility of using technological schemes for the production of work, adopted in the estimated norms included in the collections of GESN;

Losses of contractors associated with the low volume of work;

Reducing the level of the annual operation of construction machines.

8.7.4. The coefficients provided for in clause 8.7.1. of this Methodology are applied when determining the estimated cost simultaneously with coefficients that take into account complicating factors and conditions for the production of work (clauses 5.3.1. and 5.3.3 of this Methodology).

8.8. The use of estimated norms included in the GESNr collections is allowed when determining the estimated cost for certain types of construction work (non-inventory scaffolding, lowering basement floor elevations, etc.), the production of which is similar to the estimated norms for repair and construction work, and also complies with regulatory requirements for their implementation.

9 Features of the application of estimated norms for commissioning

9.1. The estimated norms included in the GESNp collections take into account the labor costs of commissioning personnel associated with the implementation of a full range of commissioning works, established taking into account the requirements of the relevant regulatory and technical documentation.

9.2. When applying GESNp, it must be taken into account that the estimated norms do not include the following costs for:

Elimination of defects in equipment and defects in its installation, imperfections in construction and installation works;

Correction and completion of application software, and loading of equipment with software;

Installation of temporary circuits and devices that ensure flushing, blowing and individual testing of process equipment and pipelines, as well as restoring design process flow diagrams after flushing, blowing and individual testing of equipment;

All types of cleaning (flushing, blowing, etc.) of pipelines and apparatuses;

Individual testing of equipment and pipelines (except for individual testing of electrical devices);

Development of production and job descriptions, other operational documentation;

Chief installation and commissioning;

Development of basic wiring diagrams and drawings, making changes to wiring diagrams;

Partial or complete reassembly of electrical cabinets, panels, consoles;

Training of operating personnel;

Preparation of passports for technological equipment;

Performing laboratory physical, technical, chemical and other necessary analyzes provided by the customer;

Maintenance of equipment during commissioning;

Coordination of work performed with supervisory authorities;

Adjustment work during the development of the design capacity of the facility;

Maintenance and periodic checks of equipment during its operation.

9.3. When performing commissioning work on several units of the same type of equipment, the labor costs of commissioning personnel for the second and subsequent units of equipment are accepted with a reduction factor specified in the technical parts and annexes of the relevant collections of HESNp.

When performing repeated commissioning works (before putting the facility into operation), the coefficients given in the technical parts and annexes of the relevant collections of GESNp are applied to the estimated norms.

9.4. When commissioning is performed by the unit (team) that completed the installation of the same equipment, a coefficient of 0.8 is applied to the estimated norms for commissioning.

9.5. Provided that commissioning works are carried out under the technical guidance of the chief personnel of equipment manufacturers or suppliers (both commissioning), a coefficient of 0.8 is applied to the estimated norms for commissioning.

10 Features of the application of estimated norms in the production of dismantling works

10.1. Estimated costs for the dismantling (dismantling) of building structures, elements of engineering and technical support systems and networks are determined taking into account the following provisions.

If there are estimated norms for dismantling (dismantling), the estimated cost of dismantling works is determined according to the estimated norms included in the GESNr collections and the estimated norms included in the GESN collections.

10.2. In the absence of estimated norms for dismantling (dismantling) of building structures, elements of systems and networks of engineering and technical support in the collections of GESN and GESNr, when determining the estimated cost, the estimated norms for construction and special construction works for the installation, installation of building structures, elements of systems and networks of engineering and technical support included in the collections of HPES, using the coefficients given in Table 2 of this Methodology.

When determining the estimated cost, these coefficients are applied to the labor costs of workers and to the costs of operating machines and mechanisms, including the labor costs of machinists included in the relevant estimated norms, depending on the type of building structures being dismantled, elements of systems and engineering networks. The cost of material resources is not taken into account in the calculation.

table 2

Coefficients to estimated norms in determining the costs of dismantling (dismantling) building structures, elements of systems and networks of engineering and technical support

No. p / p Type of dismantled (dismantled) building structures, elements of systems and engineering networks Odds
1 2 3
1 Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete building structures 0,8
2 Prefabricated wooden structures 0,8
3 Engineering systems 0,4
4 Metal constructions 0,7
5 Engineering networks 0,6

10.3. Estimated costs in determining the estimated cost for the dismantling of equipment are determined taking into account the following provisions.

If there are estimated norms for work on the dismantling of equipment, the estimated cost of dismantling work is determined taking into account the scope of work included in the corresponding estimated norms of the GESNm collections.

In the absence of estimated norms for the dismantling (dismantling) of equipment, the estimated norms for the installation of equipment included in the collections of GESNm are used, using the coefficients given in Table 3 of this Methodology.

Reducing factors are applied to the labor costs of workers and to the costs of operating machines and mechanisms, including the labor costs of machinists included in the estimated norms, depending on the purpose of the equipment to be dismantled. The cost of material resources is not taken into account in the calculation.

Table 3

Coefficients to estimated norms when determining the cost of equipment dismantling

no. Equipment dismantling conditions Odds
1 2 3
1 Equipment suitable for further use, with removal from the installation site, necessary (partial) disassembly and preservation for the purpose of long-term or short-term storage 0,7
2 Equipment suitable for further use, with removal from the installation site, necessary (partial) disassembly without the need for storage (moved to another installation site, etc.) 0,6
3 Equipment not suitable for further use (intended for scrap) with disassembly and cutting into parts 0,5
4 Equipment not suitable for further use (intended for scrap) without disassembly and cutting 0,3

10.4. The coefficients given in Tables 2 and 3 of this Methodology take into account the conditions for dismantling (dismantling) building structures, equipment in an unsecured state, freed from embedding in walls and other structures, as well as from welding or other fastening with other structural elements.

10.5. In the presence of building structures, elements of systems and networks of engineering support and equipment that are in a fixed state, additional costs associated with punching and sealing grooves, niches, nests in existing structures, as well as cutting embedded parts or elements of metal structures to which they welded, should be taken into account additionally in local budget calculations (estimates) on the basis of design documentation in accordance with the relevant estimated standards.

10.6. In cases where the design documentation for the dismantling works establishes the need for scaffolding to support dismantled (dismantled) building structures, elements of systems and networks of engineering and technical support and equipment, additional estimated costs for the installation and dismantling of supporting scaffolding should be taken into account additionally in local estimates calculations (estimates) according to the relevant estimated norms in accordance with the provisions of the methodological documents.

10.7. The estimated norms do not take into account the costs of loading, hauling and unloading construction debris and materials unsuitable for further use, obtained during the dismantling of structural elements of buildings and structures and equipment. These costs in local estimates (estimates) should be additionally determined based on the current estimated standards for loading and unloading operations, transportation of goods, mass and distances from the construction site to the place of storage of material resources or waste disposal (according to the design documentation) at special landfills with taking into account the provisions of the relevant methodological documents.

10.8. In the absence of the necessary data on the mass of the dismantled building structures in the design documentation, the volumetric weight of construction debris can be taken (for reference) according to the following data:

When disassembling concrete structures - 2400 kg/m3;

When disassembling reinforced concrete structures - 2500 kg / m3,

When disassembling structures made of brick, stone, beating plaster and facing tiles - 1800 kg / m3;

When disassembling wooden and frame-fill structures - 600 kg / m3;

When performing other dismantling works (except for dismantling of metal structures and equipment) - 1200 kg/m3.

The volumetric weight of construction debris from the dismantling of building structures is given from their accounting in the dense body of structures. The mass of dismantled metal structures and equipment is taken according to the project documentation.

Attachment 1

Nomenclature of collections of state elemental estimated norms

Collection number Name of the collection Full designation of the collection Collection abbreviation
Construction and special construction works (estimate standard type code - 02)
1 Excavation GESN 81-02-01-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-01
2 Mining and overburden works GESN 81-02-02-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-02
3 Drilling and blasting GESN 81-02-03-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-03
4 wells GESN 81-02-04-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-04
5 Pile works, lowering wells, soil stabilization GESN 81-02-05-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-05
6 Monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures GESN 81-02-06-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-06
7 Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures GESN 81-02-07-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-07
8 Brick and block structures GESN 81-02-08-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-08
9 Building metal structures GESN 81-02-09-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-09
10 Wooden structures GESN 81-02-10-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-10
11 floors GESN 81-02-11-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-11
12 roofs GESN 81-02-12-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-12
13 Protection of building structures and equipment against corrosion GESN 81-02-13-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-13
14 Structures in rural construction GESN 81-02-14-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-14
15 Finishing work GESN 81-02-15-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-15
16 Internal pipelines GESN 81-02-16-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-16
17 Water supply and sewerage - internal devices GESN 81-02-17-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-17
18 Heating - internal devices GESN 81-02-18-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-18
19 Gas supply - internal devices GESN 81-02-19-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-19
20 Ventilation and air conditioning GESN 81-02-20-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-20
21 Temporary collapsible buildings and structures GESN 81-02-21-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-21
22 Plumbing - external networks GESN 81-02-22-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-22
23 Sewerage - external networks GESN 81-02-23-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-23
24 Heat supply and gas pipelines - external networks GESN 81-02-24-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-24
25 Main and field pipelines GESN 81-02-25-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-25
26 Thermal insulation works GESN 81-02-26-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-26
27 Car roads GESN 81-02-27-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-27
28 Railways GESN 81-02-28-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-28
29 Tunnels and subways GESN 81-02-29-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-29
30 Bridges and pipes GESN 81-02-30-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-30
31 Airfields GESN 81-02-31-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-31
32 Tram rails GESN 81-02-32-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-32
33 power lines GESN 81-02-33-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-33
34 Communication, broadcasting and television facilities GESN 81-02-34-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-34
35 Mining works GESN 81-02-35-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-35
36 Earthworks of hydraulic structures GESN 81-02-36-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-36
37 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures GESN 81-02-37-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-37
38 Stone structures of hydraulic structures GESN 81-02-38-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-38
39 Metal structures of hydraulic structures GESN 81-02-39-ХХХХ.. GESN-ХХХХ-39
40 Wooden structures of hydraulic structures GESN 81-02-40-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-40
41 Waterproofing work in hydraulic structures GESN 81-02-41-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-41
42 Bank protection works GESN 81-02-42-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-42
43 Shipping ways of slipways and slipways GESN 81-02-43-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-43
44 Underwater construction (diving) works GESN 81-02-44-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-44
45 Industrial furnaces and pipes GESN 81-02-45-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-45
46 Works during the reconstruction of buildings and structures GESN 81-02-46-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-46
47 Landscaping, protective forest plantations GESN 81-02-47-ХХХХ GESN-ХХХХ-47
Equipment installation (estimate standard type code - 03)
1 GESNm 81-03-01-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-01
2 GESNm 81-03-02-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-02
3 GESNm 81-03-03-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-03
4 Crushing and grinding, concentrating and sintering equipment GESNm 81-03-04-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-04
5 Weighing equipment GESNm 81-03-05-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-05
6 Thermal power equipment GESNm 81-03-06-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-06
7 Compressor machines, pumps and fans GESNm 81-03-07-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-07
8 Electrical installation GESNm 81-03-08-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-08
9 Electric ovens GESNm 81-03-09-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-09
10 Communication equipment GESNm 81-03-10-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-10
11 Devices, means of automation and computer technology GESNm 81-03-11-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-11
12 Process pipelines GESNm 81-03-12-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-12
13 Nuclear power plant equipment GESNm 81-03-13-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-13
14 Rolling equipment GESNm 81-03-14-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-14
15 Gas cleaning equipment GESNm 81-03-15-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-15
16 Equipment for ferrous metallurgy enterprises GESNm 81-03-16-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-16
17 Equipment for non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises GESNm 81-03-17-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-17
18 Equipment for enterprises of the chemical and oil refining industries GESNm 81-03-18-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-18
19 Equipment for coal and peat industries GESNm 81-03-19-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-19
20 Signaling, centralization and blocking equipment for railway transport GESNm 81-03-20-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-20
21 Subway and tunnel equipment GESNm 81-03-21-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-21
22 Equipment for hydroelectric stations and hydraulic structures GESNm 81-03-22-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-22
23 Equipment for enterprises of the electrical industry GESNm 81-03-23-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-23
24 Equipment for building materials industry GESNm 81-03-24-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-24
25 Pulp and paper industry equipment GESNm 81-03-25-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-25
26 Textile industry equipment GESNm 81-03-26-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-26
27 Equipment for printing industry enterprises GESNm 81-03-27-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-27
28 Equipment for food industry enterprises GESNm 81-03-28-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-28
29 Equipment for theatrical and entertainment enterprises GESNm 81-03-29-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-29
30 Equipment for granaries and grain processing enterprises GESNm 81-03-30-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-30
31 Cinematography equipment GESNm 81-03-31-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-31
32 Equipment for electronics and communications industries GESNm 81-03-32-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-32
33 Light industry equipment GESNm 81-03-33-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-33
34 Equipment for healthcare institutions and medical industry enterprises GESNm 81-03-34-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-34
35 Agricultural equipment GESNm 81-03-35-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-35
36 Equipment for consumer services and public utilities GESNm 81-03-36-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-36
37 General purpose equipment GESNm 81-03-37-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-37
38 Technological metal structures, tanks and gas holders GESNm 81-03-38-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-38
39 Control of field welded joints GESNm 81-03-39-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-39
40 Additional movement of equipment and material resources in excess of the state elemental estimated norms for the installation of equipment GESNm 81-03-40-ХХХХ GESNm-ХХХХ-40
Repair and construction works (estimate standard type code - 02)
51 Excavation GESNr 81-02-51-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-51
52 Foundations GESNr 81-02-52-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-52
53 Walls GESNr 81-02-53-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-53
54 Overlappings GESNr 81-02-54-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-54
55 Partitions GESNr 81-02-55-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-55
56 openings GESNr 81-02-56-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-56
57 floors GESNr 81-02-57-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-57
58 Roofs, roofs GESNr 81-02-58-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-58
59 Stairs, porches GESNr 81-02-59-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-59
60 Chimneys GESNr 81-02-60-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-60
61 Plaster work GESNr 81-02-61-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-61
62 Painting works GESNr 81-02-62-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-62
63 Glass, wallpaper and cladding works GESNr 81-02-63-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-63
64 stucco work GESNr 81-02-64-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-64
65 Internal sanitary works GESNr 81-02-65-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-65
66 External engineering networks GESNr 81-02-66-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-66
67 Electric installation work GESNr 81-02-67-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-67
68 landscaping GESNr 81-02-68-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-68
69 Other repair and construction works GESNr 81-02-69-ХХХХ GESNr-ХХХХ-69
Commissioning (estimated standard type code - 05)
1 Electrical devices GESNp 81-05-01-ХХХХ GESNp-ХХХХ-01
2 Automated control systems GESNp 81-05-02-ХХХХ GESNp-ХХХХ-02
3 Ventilation and air conditioning systems GESNp 81-05-03-ХХХХ GESNp-ХХХХ-03
4 Handling equipment GESNp 81-05-04-ХХХХ GESNp-ХХХХ-04
5 Metalworking equipment GESNp 81-05-05-ХХХХ GESNp-ХХХХ-05
6 Refrigeration and compressor installations GESNp 81-05-06-ХХХХ GESNp-ХХХХ-06
7 Thermal power equipment GESNp 81-05-07-ХХХХ GESNp-ХХХХ-07
8 Woodworking equipment GESNp 81-05-08-ХХХХ GESNp-ХХХХ-08
9 Water supply and sewerage facilities GESNp 81-05-09-ХХХХ GESNp-ХХХХ-09
16 Automation and telemechanics devices in railway transport GESNp 81-05-16-ХХХХ GESNp-ХХХХ-16

Annex 2


1. Form of tables GESN, GESNm and GESNr


Scope of work:

01. _________________.

Meter: __________

XX-XX-XXX-XX ______________________________________

XX-XX-XXX-XX ______________________________________

Resource code Cost element name Unit meas.. XX-XX-XXX-XX XX-XX-XXX-XX XX-XX-XXX-XX
1 Labor costs of workers man-hour
1.1 Average work grade
2 Machinist labor costs man-hour

2. Form of tables GESNp



Scope of work:

01. _________________.

Meter: __________

XX-XX-XXX-XX ______________________________________

XX-XX-XXX-XX ______________________________________

Annex 3


Table 1

Construction of capital construction facilities

no. Work conditions
for equipment installation collection 46
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Performance of work (when justifying the POS) for the construction of structural elements of built-in premises inside a capital construction object under construction (with erected load-bearing structural elements), which, in accordance with the requirements of technical safety, leads to a restriction of the actions of workers in the production of work. 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20
2 Work is carried out on the territory of an operating enterprise with the presence in the work area of ​​one or more of the following factors: an extensive network of transport and engineering communications; cramped conditions for storing materials; operating technological equipment; movement of technological transport. 1,15 1,15 1,15 1,15
3 Work is carried out at an enterprise with harmful working conditions (1), while:
3.1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
3.2 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3
3.3 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
3.4 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7
4 Work is carried out in the security zone of an existing overhead power line (2), near energized objects, inside existing buildings, the internal wiring of which is not de-energized, if this will limit the actions of workers in accordance with safety requirements. 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20
5 Work is carried out in cramped conditions in the built-up part of settlements (3). 1,15 1,15 1,15 1,15
6 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
7 1,35 1,35 1,35 1,35
8.1 1,25 1,25 1,25 1,25
8.2 1,35 1,35 1,35 1,35
8.3 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
9 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2
10.1 3,00 3,00 2,80 2,80
10.2 2,00 2,00 1,80 1,80


1.1. The coefficients indicated in p.p. 2 and 5 do not apply to work performed on the premises of capital construction projects.

1.2. The coefficients indicated in p.p. 10.1, 10.2 do not apply to estimated norms, which take into account the conditions for the production of work in underground conditions in accordance with the provisions of the technical parts and annexes of the relevant collections of estimated norms.

1.3. Simultaneous application of several coefficients is not allowed. The exceptions are the coefficients specified in p.p. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied.

table 2

Reconstruction of capital construction objects

no. Work conditions Coefficients to estimated norms
for construction and special construction works (except for the estimated norms of the collection 46) for equipment installation for repair and construction work collection 46
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Work is carried out in the premises of the operated capital construction facility (4) without stopping the working process (5) of the enterprise, while:
1.1 there are no objects cluttering the premises in the work area 1,20 1,20 - -
1.2 in the work area there is one of the following factors: traffic on intrashop routes; operating technological or laboratory equipment, furniture and other objects cluttering up the premises. 1,35 1,35 1,15 1,15
2 1,3 1,3 1,1 1,1
3 Work is carried out on the territory of an operating enterprise with the presence in the work production zone of one or more of the following factors: an extensive network of transport and engineering communications; cramped conditions for storing materials; operating technological equipment; movement of technological transport. 1,15 1,15 1,15 1,15
4 Work is carried out at an enterprise with harmful working conditions, while:
4.1 the workers of the main production have a reduced working day, and the workers have a working day of normal duration; 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
4.2 workers are transferred to a shortened working day with a 36-hour work week; 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3
4.3 workers are transferred to a shortened working day with a 30-hour work week; 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
4.4 workers are transferred to a shortened working day with a 24-hour work week. 1,7 1,7 1,7 1,7
5 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20
6 Work is carried out inside operating transformer and distribution substations, electrical rooms (panelboard, control rooms, substations, reactor, switchgear and points, cable shafts, tunnels and channels, cable mezzanine floors) with operating electrical equipment or live cable lines. 1,35 1,35 1,35 1,35
7 Work is carried out in closed structures or premises (with the exception of mines, mines, subways, tunnels and underground structures for special purposes), the upper level of overlap of which is below 3 m from the ground. 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10
8 Work is carried out in rooms up to 1.8 m high. 1,35 1,35 1,35 1,35
9 Work is carried out in residential premises without resettlement. 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50
10 The work is carried out in cramped conditions of the built-up part of the settlements. 1,15 1,15 1,15 1,15
11 Work is carried out in the mountains:
11.1 at an altitude of 1500 to 2500 m above sea level; 1,25 1,25 1,25 1,25
11.2 at an altitude of 2500 to 3000 m above sea level; 1,35 1,35 1,35 1,35
11.3 at an altitude of 3000 to 3500 m above sea level. 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50
12 Work is carried out on the slopes of the mountains with the preservation of the natural landscape. 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20
13 Work is carried out in the operated subway tunnels at night "out of the window":
13.1 when workers perform only work related to the “window” during the work shift; 3,00 3,00 2,80 2,80
13.2 when using part of the work shift (before the workers enter the tunnel and after they leave the tunnel) to perform work not related to the “window”. 2,00 2,00 1,80 1,80


2.1. The coefficients indicated in p.p. 3 and 10 do not apply to work performed on the premises of capital construction projects.

2.2. The coefficients indicated in p.p. 13.1, 13.2 do not apply to estimated norms, which take into account the conditions for the production of work in underground conditions in accordance with the provisions of the technical parts and annexes of the relevant collections of estimated norms.

2.3. Simultaneous application of several coefficients is not allowed. The exceptions are the coefficients specified in p.p. 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5, 7, 8, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 and 12. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied.

Table 3

Capital repairs of capital construction facilities

no. Work conditions Coefficients to estimated norms
for construction and special construction works (except for the estimated norms of the collection 46) for equipment installation for repair and construction work collection 46
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Repair and construction work is carried out in the premises of the operated capital construction facility (1) without stopping the working process (2) of the enterprise, while
1.1 there are no operating technological or laboratory equipment, furniture and other objects cluttering up the premises in the area of ​​repair and construction works; 1,20 1,20 - -
1.2 in the area of ​​​​repair and construction works there are operating technological or laboratory equipment, furniture and other objects cluttering up the premises 1,35 1,35 1,15 1,15
2 Repair and construction works are carried out in the premises of the capital construction facility with the stoppage of the enterprise's work process, while in the area of ​​​​repair and construction works there are operating technological or laboratory equipment, furniture and other objects cluttering up the premises 1,3 1,3 1,1 1,1
3 Repair and construction work is carried out on the territory of an operating enterprise with the presence in the work area of ​​one or more of the following factors: - an extensive network of transport and engineering communications; - cramped conditions for storage of materials; - operating technological equipment 1,15 1,15 1,15 1,15
4 Repair and construction work is carried out at an enterprise with harmful working conditions (3), while:
4.1 the workers of the main production have a reduced working day, and the workers have a working day of normal duration; 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1
4.2 workers are transferred to a shortened working day with a 36-hour work week; 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3
4.3 workers are transferred to a shortened working day with a 30-hour work week; 1,58 1,58 1,58 1,58
4.4 workers transferred to a shortened working day with a 24-hour work week 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8
5 Work is carried out in the security zone of an existing overhead power line, near live objects, inside existing buildings, the internal wiring in which is not de-energized, if this will lead to restriction of the actions of workers in accordance with safety requirements. 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20
6 Repair and construction work is carried out inside operating transformer and distribution substations, electrical rooms (panelboard, control rooms, substations, reactor, switchgear and points, cable shafts, tunnels and channels, cable half-floors) with operating electrical equipment or live cable lines. 1,35 1,35 1,35 1,35
7 Repair and construction work is carried out in closed structures or premises (with the exception of underground structures for special purposes), the upper ceiling level of which is below 3 m from the ground 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10
8 Repair and construction work is carried out in rooms up to 1.8 m high 1,35 1,35 1,35 1,35
9 Repair and construction work is carried out in residential premises without resettlement 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50
10 Repair and construction work is carried out in cramped conditions in the built-up part of settlements (5):
10.1 individual structural elements of capital construction facilities (except for those specified in clauses 10.2 and 10.3), capital construction facilities in general; 1,15 1,15 1,15 1,15
10.2 roofs of medium complexity and complex (6); 1,25 - 1,25 1,25
10.3 common areas. 1,10 1,10 1,10 1,10
11 Repair and construction work is carried out in the mountains:
11.1 at an altitude of 1500 to 2500 m above sea level; 1,25 1,25 1,25 1,25
11.2 at an altitude of 2500 to 3000 m above sea level; 1,35 1,35 1,35 1,35
11.3 1,50 1,50 1,50 1,50
12 Repair and construction work is carried out on the slopes of the mountains with the preservation of the natural landscape 1,20 1,20 1,20 1,20
14 Carrying out repair and construction work at enterprises where, due to the secrecy regime, a special permit, special pass and other restrictions are applied for workers performing repair and construction work 1,15 1,15 1,15 1,15


1. The coefficients specified in p.p. 3 and 10.1-10.3 do not apply to work performed in the premises of capital construction projects.

2. The coefficients specified in paragraph 13 do not apply to the estimated norms, which take into account the conditions for the production of work in underground conditions in accordance with the provisions of the technical parts and annexes of the relevant collections of estimated norms.

3. Simultaneous application of several coefficients is not allowed. The exceptions are the coefficients specified in p.p. 4.1-4.5, 5, 7, 8, 11.1-11.3, 12, 14. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied. The resulting coefficient is rounded to two decimal places.

Table 4

Coefficients to the norms of labor costs of commissioning personnel to take into account the influence of work conditions when determining the estimated cost of commissioning

no. Work conditions Coefficients to estimated norms for commissioning
1 2 3
1 Work is carried out in the premises of the operated capital construction facility without stopping the working process of the enterprise, while in the work area there are operating technological or laboratory equipment, furniture and other objects cluttering up the premises 1,2
2 The work is carried out in the premises of the capital construction object with the stoppage of the enterprise’s work process, while in the work area there are operating technological or laboratory equipment, furniture and other objects cluttering up the premises 1,15
3 Work is carried out in the security zone of an existing overhead power line, near live objects, inside existing buildings, the internal wiring in which is not de-energized, if this will lead to restriction of the actions of workers in accordance with safety requirements. 1,2
4 Performance of work in electrical installations under voltage, with the issuance of a work permit or order, electrical rooms (panel boards, control rooms, substations, reactors, switchgears and points, cable shafts, tunnels and channels, cable half-floors) with operating electrical equipment or cable lines under voltage. 1,3
5 Performance of work on electrical equipment protected from environmental influences according to the design (dust-, explosion-, splash-, waterproof, sealed, protected from aggressive environments) 1,1
6 Performance of work in rooms of category A and B in terms of fire and explosion hazard, on explosive blocks of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd categories of explosion hazard 1,25
7 Performance of work at enterprises where, due to the secrecy regime, a special permit, special pass and other restrictions are applied to commissioning personnel 1,15
8 Performance of work in enclosed structures (premises), the upper ceiling level of which is below 3 m from the ground, with the exception of underground structures for special purposes 1,1
9 Production of works in mountainous areas:
9.1 at an altitude of 1500 to 2500 m above sea level; 1,25
9.2 at an altitude of 2500 to 3000 m above sea level; 1,35
9.3 at an altitude of 3000 to 3500 m above sea level 1,5
10 When the air temperature at the workplace is below 0°С 1,1


4.1. Commissioning works carried out in existing electrical installations include work performed after the introduction of the operating mode at this electrical installation.

4.2. The coefficients given in Table 2 are not used in the performance of work in the underground conditions of special-purpose structures, with the exception of the coefficients given in paragraphs. 3 and 4.

4.3. Simultaneous application of several coefficients is not allowed. The exceptions are the coefficients specified in p.p. 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 9.1-9.3. When applied simultaneously, the coefficients are multiplied. The resulting coefficient is rounded to two decimal places.

4.4. Commissioning works are usually carried out in heated rooms. In cases where preparations are being made for the commissioning of buildings and structures that, according to their technological characteristics, should not be heated, or outdoor structures, additional costs associated with a decrease in the productivity of commissioning personnel when the air temperature at the workplace is below 0 ° C is determined applying to the prices the coefficient given in paragraph 10.

The use of a collection of estimated norms of additional costs in the production of construction and installation works in winter when determining the cost of commissioning is not allowed.


(1) Harmful working conditions are determined by the presence in the work area of ​​factors that reduce efficiency and adversely affect health and workers:


ionizing radiation;

temperature above 40°C or below 0°C (except for cases related to the production of work in winter - for Tables 1-3);


air speed;

electromagnetic fields;

industrial noise;




aerosols (dust), including dust of heavy metals;

electrically charged air particles;

chemical substances;

substances of biological nature (antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, protein preparations, microorganisms, living cells and spores contained in preparations);

flammable and explosive substances;

(2) Under the protection zone along overhead power lines is considered a piece of land and space enclosed between vertical planes passing through parallel straight lines spaced from the outermost wires (if their position is not deviated) at the following distances:

Line voltage, kV Distance, m
1 2
1-20 10
35 15
110 20
150, 220, 330 25
400, 500 30
750 40
800 (DC) 30

(3) Cramped conditions in the built-up part of settlements are determined by the presence of three of the following factors:

heavy traffic of urban transport and pedestrians in the immediate vicinity of the work area;

branched networks of underground utilities to be relocated or suspended;

location of capital construction facilities and preserved green spaces in close proximity (within 50 m) from the work area;

cramped conditions or the impossibility of storing materials;

limiting the rotation of the crane boom in accordance with the PIC data.

(4) Operated capital construction object - a capital construction object put into operation.

(5) The working process is considered as a production process of enterprises of various types of activity (industrial and non-industrial purposes).

(6) Roofs of medium complexity include roofs with rectilinear surfaces (hipped, hip, hip with a fracture of slopes and mansard, semi-hip, with a lantern, four-gable, as well as L- and T-shaped roofs in plan, folded, roofs combined with a slope over 10%) or roofs with the number of slopes from three to five.

Complex roofs also include roofs with curved surfaces (dome-shaped, vaulted, cone-shaped, spherical, spire-shaped, cross-vaulted roofs) or roofs with more than five slopes.

Document overview

The methodology defines a unified procedure for the application of estimated norms for construction (special), repair and construction, equipment installation and commissioning when determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities.

Estimated norms are used in determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction and overhaul of capital construction facilities using the resource method, the development of unit prices and aggregated estimated standards.

The provisions of the methodology are mandatory when determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction projects financed with the involvement of budgetary funds, funds of legal entities created by the Russian Federation, its constituent entities, municipalities, legal entities, the share in the authorized (reserve) capital of which is Russia, its constituent entities, municipalities is more than 50%. Also, the application of the methodology is mandatory when determining the estimated cost of overhaul of an apartment building, carried out in whole or in part at the expense of the regional operator, HOA, housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative, or the funds of the owners of premises in such a house.

The composition and characteristics of the collections of estimated norms, as well as general requirements for the procedure for their application are given.

D.F. Ayatskov

Scientific Supervisor of the Interregional Institute of Additional Education, Acting State Counselor of the Russian Federation 2nd class, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

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