
What's the difference between a debit and a credit card. How a debit card differs from a credit card: highlights. The main differences between a debit card and a salary card

Calculations in cashless form firmly entered the daily routine when shopping. An increasing contingent of the population is involved in using banking products through plastic payment cards. What are the main differences debit card from credit (credit cards), their advantages and disadvantages - you will find this information in this article.

Types of bank cards

A frequently used term for plastic substitutes for money - credit card, does not accurately reflect the actual picture (including cases with). In fact, credit cards are used less than 50% of the time when paying for services.

There are two main types of plastic cards issued by banks - debit and credit. Their main differences will be described below.

These banking products can be prototypes of other types of payment cards:

  1. Salaries are the same as debit. Income in the form wages accrued under an agreement with the organization by the employer, where the card is issued. Here, an overdraft is possible with a specified limit, which is repaid upon receipt of salary. The main difference from credit and debit - limited sources of income - receive only from the employer.
  2. Prepaid - calculations are carried out within the previously paid amount. The main differences from debit ones are the various ways of depositing funds into the account. Credit services are not provided. Can be used as a gift instead of money.
  3. Overdraft cards - combine the functions of a debit and credit cards, the main differences are erased. When issuing a contract, a credit limit for the amount of a negative balance is stipulated, within which spending on goods is possible. On this card possible receipts Money from various sources. It can have both a positive balance and a negative one (borrowing funds when making purchases by the client-holder). It is more convenient than cash.
  4. International banking. Designed for the turnover of funds when making payments abroad, the conditions of issue may differ, and can also be used on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Local are used only within a specific ATM network. They did not receive much popularity, since they cannot allow them to pay in payment terminals, it is impossible to make Internet payments, it is impossible to conduct transactions in ATMs of other banks. As an example - a product from Sberbank under the name "Sbercard".

Debit card - what is it?

Debit replaces cash for settlements. That is, the amount you received as income is credited to the deposit account to which the card is linked. And you, within the limit of the funds that are stored in the account (that is, the actual money deposited into the deposit account), can use electronic money.

What may be its main differences from credit - no overdraft is provided for plastic (spending more than the deposited amount), with the exception of isolated cases in case of technical interruptions (unauthorized cost overruns) in work. A debit card is charged a standard (usually small, up to 5% on ruble accounts) interest on the account balance.

Credit card - what is it?

The main difference between credit cards is the possibility of a limited overdraft. The limit is set by the issuing bank when drawing up the agreement, while the bank considers the client's solvency.

Debit card and credit main differences

The main differences in the sources of funds on the card balance. For a credit card, the main difference in the source of payment is the bank's money, which it gives to the cardholder when paying for services, for example, in a store. This is done at a certain percentage. For serious banks, it usually does not exceed 33% per annum.

For a debit card, the main differences are money earned or transferred as income to the holder of the plastic. Here, interest is calculated on the balance of funds, and not on the size of the borrowed amount.

The difference between a debit card and a Sberbank credit card

The main difference between the plastic issued by Sberbank of Russia is in the amount of the overdraft limit. For some types of credit cards, it can be 600,000 rubles (the average borrowing amount is 140 - 150 thousand rubles). Moreover, the difference in grace period provided by the bank - 50 days (the main period when no interest is charged on the borrowed money).

Sberbank also produces a line of plastic payment instruments with the ability to purchase bonuses for air travel, “cash-back” (refund up to 5% of the purchase price), special offers for people of different age groups.

External differences between a credit card and a debit card

Outwardly, there are practically no differences, on the plastic of some banks you can read the word “credit” in the cipher of the bottom row, after the digital code number. There are no major visual differences.

Bank cards as a means of payment - what is the difference between debit and credit cards?

Advantages of using a credit card:

With such a banking tool, you can afford to spend more than you earned. There is one significant disadvantage - in addition to returning the borrowed funds, you will have to pay interest on them.

Note that it is better if you refill the amount on your credit card before the grace period expires (50 days) and avoid interest charges. Positive moment compared to a cash loan from a bank - that you can use the money without reporting expenses and open a new credit line, if necessary, without any paperwork.

Now many banks offer credit cards as a gift when receiving any services. It is very tempting to spend a little more than the amount earned when buying goods. But it is better to remember that the debt will have to be repaid and the methods of repaying it from banks are the same as with conventional cash loans. That is, if the deadlines for the payment of mandatory monthly payments are violated, you:

  1. You may encounter the work of collection agencies.
  2. The owner may receive bad story credits.

Salary card Is a bank debit (payment) card intended for payment of wages and other related payments to an employee by an employer. By accompanying we mean:

  • sick leave payment;
  • payment of material assistance;
  • reimbursement of travel expenses;
  • payment of state benefits and guarantees that are made by the employer;
  • issuance of interest-free loans, etc.

In fact, all the above-described payments to the card are transferred by the bank, which has a corresponding agreement (agreement) with the employing company. The service that the bank provides to the enterprise for the cashless transfer of funds to employees is called a salary project.

A salary card is never a credit card, it is always only a debit card (but the overdraft function is available!). And in terms of its functionality, it is no different from a standard debit.

Commissions for servicing and issuing salary cards are paid by the employer. The holder bears only those costs associated with the use of additional services, for example, SMS informing or issuing an additional card. Also, all commissions associated with the use of plastic by the employee (for example, for withdrawing funds and checking the balance in a "foreign" ATM, for reissuing in case of loss) are paid by the employee himself.

Upon dismissal, the card can be returned or continued to be used as a payment instrument (for this, you will have to write a corresponding statement to the employer). But in the latter case, you will have to bear the burden of all costs yourself, that is, pay for the annual service, unless, of course, the card is free.

The bank with which the agreement will be concluded salary service, is determined at the discretion of the employer. All employees are issued cards of one bank, since such uniformity greatly simplifies the work of the accounting department to prepare the payment register to the bank, where later the salary will be transferred to the individual accounts of all employees (opened within salary project).

But there are amendments in the legislation of the Russian Federation, according to which the employee has the right to choose servicing bank on one's own. To do this, you must submit the appropriate application and full details cards to the accounting department of your company.

What are her virtues

You can refuse a salary card and receive the earned money through the employer's cash desk (however, they will "look askance" at you in the accounting department). But before you do that, brush up on its benefits:

  • convenience of receiving money - no need to visit the cashier of the enterprise;
  • the possibility of setting an overdraft limit(cleared and closed on dismissal) - this way you can use borrowed funds bank in case of overspending of money on your card account;
  • preferential terms of lending and placement of deposits- holders of salary cards automatically become preferential clients, to whom the bank is more loyal than to the client "from the street";
  • the possibility of using a remote banking services(RBS)- managing your account in the free Internet bank on your computer, including paying utility bills and any other bills, is much more convenient than crowding in line at an ATM or cash register with a payment receipt. You will also have access to a mobile application and other services ( mobile bank, SMS informing, etc.);
  • confidentiality of earnings - the transferred amount will remain a secret for your colleagues;
  • safety of funds (except for cases of fraud with bank cards);
  • the possibility of making non-cash payments - no commission is taken at any point of sale.


Along with the advantages of salary cards, there are some disadvantages:

1. The need to look for an ATM in case of a need for cash- ATMs of your particular financial institution may not be nearby, and withdrawing cash from "foreign" ATMs is fraught with an additional commission (there are such incidents that withdrawing 100 rubles, you will "give" the same amount to another bank).

2. To minimize costs, your employer may choose the most economical plastic option... Therefore, your card may be unsuitable for connecting additional services and payments outside the Russian Federation.

And one more unpleasant momentthe so-called direct debit from your card account(i.e. without your prior consent). If you have a valid loan at the bank that serves your salary card, and you have made a delay on it, then it is possible to write off funds without authorization from the card to offset its repayment. If such a procedure is provided for in the service contract bank card, then all this is legal - the bank does not violate anything. Nevertheless, the situation is not pleasant - one fine day you may suddenly find that the card account has a much smaller amount than what you expected.

Psychological factors should also be taken into account when deciding to issue a salary card. Some citizens find it much easier to control spending when they have cash in their hands. Thus, the balance of funds in the form of several paper bills in your wallet can be a more tangible concept than a state. card account.

What is the difference between a debit card and a salary card

The only difference between a salary card and a regular debit card is this is the absence of the need for its holder to pay annual maintenance and release fees(if provided) - all this is undertaken by the employer... Otherwise, this is a regular payment card. But they must be compared, of course, with debit cards this bank is the same payment system(World, Visa or MasterCard) and the same privilege level (budget, classic, gold or platinum).

For example, if you have a classic Sberbank salary card, then consider that you have received the most popular classics for free from the largest bank(according to it, by the way, the annual service for clients from the street is 750 rubles for the first year and 450 rubles for the following), and at the same time all its possibilities, and there are many of them. You can withdraw money without commission at any Sberbank ATM in the country (replenishment is also free) and pay with it all over the world (using a Sberbank MIR debit card, however, while you can pay within Russia). In addition, the salary employee receives a lot of additional services (mobile application, mobile (sms) bank, Internet banking, auto payment and fast payment, piggy bank, loyalty program (cashback) "Thank you", overdraft and so on).

It's the same with other banks. For example, Tinkoff bank offers his well-known Black card as a salary, according to which the balance of your funds on the account will be credited annual percentage(7% at the time of this writing), there are other goodies (cashback and free transfers). It just doesn't hurt to clarify whether there is a separate tariff plan for your salary card, and whether it will differ from the tariffs of an ordinary debit card.

Of course, the type of plastic produced will depend on the bank, but no one will bother you to transfer money ("pull" - on banking slang) to the card that you use for regular payments, since many credit institutions do not take money for this.

Take a closer look at your salary card. She may have many additional opportunities that you never knew existed. So make the most of them!

Russian banks offer their clients different kinds plastic cards. But all of them can be combined into three groups: credit, debit and salary. Our fellow citizens already well know what a credit card is, as this product is very popular. But what is the difference between a debit card and a salary card - every consumer should know these nuances.

Major differences

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A debit card is opened for the purpose of depositing your own funds on it and using them for settlements. It is not installed on them credit limit, therefore, the client has access to the balance in the amount of the money deposited by him.

Salary cards are opened by the bank at the direction of the company, which will pay wages, advance payments, bonuses, vacation pay, travel, social benefits due to the employee in accordance with Labor Code... The bank signs an agreement with the organization for settlement and cash services and maintaining a salary project.

An employee may refuse to open a salary card in this bank and issue it in another financial institution privately. He personally provides the details for crediting salaries to the accounting department.

It is possible to connect a credit limit to this card. It is often called overdraft. The cardholder makes settlements at his own expense, and, if desired, can use credit resources. Maximum limit overdraft is from 1 to 3 salaries.

Basic comparison

The design process for each of the cards has its own characteristics. It is very important to study the tariffs for their service, as any banking service has a price.

Receiving separately

As we noted above, the salary card is opened to all employees of the organization in a centralized way within the framework of the salary project. You can apply for a debit card of your choice and contact any financial institution. The main requirements are the presence of a passport document and the age of the client from 18 years old.

You can get both a debit and a salary card at the same time from the same bank. Two current accounts will be opened for you. One is credited with wages, and the other - funds contributed by the holder himself.

It is also possible to issue an additional card to the main account in the name of relatives. The main holder can set spending limits for each additional card at his discretion. it great way to plan family budget and control costs.

Merger with overdraft

A line of credit or overdraft is established for debit and salary cards. This is a short-term loan that the client can use at any time.

When the payment is received to the account, the debt is automatically repaid. The bank pays interest for the use of credit resources. Their size is indicated in the contract for servicing the plastic card.

Having issued an overdraft, the client can use not only his own, but also the bank's funds. For example, a credit card is only for making payments at the bank's expense. The limit for it is set higher than for the debit one. But a credit card is much more expensive to service.

There is also another advantage of a debit card - cash withdrawals from an ATM are free of charge. For a similar operation on a credit card, its holder will need to pay up to 4% commission.

An overdraft is a short-term loan. For its use, the bank charges a fee, which is specified in the contract for the service of "plastic".

The debit card holder must have the following information:

  • Is it possible to connect the overdraft to the account.
  • Maximum limit.
  • What balance will be shown to you at the ATM and SMS when making a transaction (only own funds or taking into account the overdraft). Otherwise, you yourself without wanting to, you can constantly borrow from the bank.

In most cases, in ATMs and statements, the balance of the account is indicated taking into account the overdraft. To determine the balance of “your” money, it is necessary to subtract the limit of the established overdraft from the available balance. Let's look at an example.

At an ATM with a card you can withdraw 50 thousand rubles... The bank has set an overdraft limit for you in the amount of 30 thousand rubles... Accordingly, your funds on the card are only 20 thousand rubles.

If you withdraw more than this amount, you will borrow from the bank. And for the use of credit resources you need to pay interest.

If there are good turnovers on the card, and the client actively uses it for settlements, the bank, at its discretion, can increase the overdraft limit. At the same time, the client is not always informed about this. Therefore, if the balance on your card has unreasonably increased, contact the branch or call center and find out what kind of money it is.

The bank cannot establish an overdraft on a card without the consent of its holder. All the conditions for its registration are necessarily stipulated in the contract.

If you use credit resources, you must pay off debts regularly. Income from wages will not always be enough to pay off the debt. Be sure to specify the amount of debt and pay the missing amount through the cashier. This will allow you to avoid the accrual of penalties and interest for late payment.

Parallel with credit

Credit card or simply "credit card" is a form of providing bank loan... This is the same consumer credit, which is issued to the card. Unlike debit credit, only the use of bank funds within the established limit is possible.

If the line of credit decreases as it matures, it is considered non-revolving. In the event that the funds deposited on the card are again available for settlements, the line is called renewable.

The bank calculates interest on the balance of the debt on the card every month. Their borrower must repay within the next 30 days. All the nuances and procedure for making settlements are determined by the loan agreement.

How does a debit card differ from a salary card in practice?

As we have already noted above, the salary card is opened based on the decision of the company's management. Employees are simply confronted with the fact in which financial institution they will open an account for paying salaries. For its registration, the client, as a rule, does not apply to the bank.

Accounting centrally provides all documents for employees that are necessary for this procedure. After the cards are issued, they are issued to employees and all documents are signed with them. Issuance of a salary card for a client is absolutely free. All commissions are paid by the company.

To apply for a debit card, the client personally contacts the bank branch. He provides his passport and pays the account management fee.

Both salary and debit cards are personalized, and the bank will need about 10 working days to issue them

Which service is more profitable

So, we already know how a debit card differs from a salary card, but which card is more profitable? The salary card has the same functionality as well as debit.

The advantages of a debit card include:

  • accrual of increased interest on the account balance;
  • availability of funds for settlements;
  • the holder of "plastic" can use it to pay utility bills, make payments on loans, make settlements on the Internet and the retail network, withdraw funds to it from electronic wallets, replenish a mobile phone account;
  • cards are automatically connected to online banking, which greatly simplifies the process of transactions.

But for this product there is a monthly service fee, its amount is indicated in the tariffs of each bank. The higher the class of "plastic", the more expensive it is to maintain.

Opening and using a salary card is absolutely free for its owner. All commissions are paid by the company. Service on preferential terms is the main advantage of a salary card over a debit card.

Also, the advantages of the product include:

  • cards can be used for payments abroad;
  • there are no commissions for crediting and withdrawing funds from the account;
  • connectivity line of credit at a minimum percentage and without providing a certificate of income;
  • holders of salary cards can always count on getting large amounts of credit on favorable terms.

But there is one rule that every payroll card holder should know about. If you no longer work at the company, then you must definitely contact the bank and write an application for closing the card. The accounting department notifies the bank of your dismissal. Based on this letter, the salary card is transferred to private terms of service.

Accordingly, the bank charges a commission for maintaining an account in accordance with the current tariffs. If you do not close the card in time, you can get a huge "minus" on your own salary card. Whether you knew about it or not, you still have to pay off the debt.Therefore, be careful and close the card if you do not plan to use it in the future.

January 2019

In the wallet of almost every resident of the country there is some kind of plastic card. Someone is charged a pension on it, someone pays a loan from it, and someone keeps their savings there. Today we will talk about the main differences between a salary card and a debit card.

What is a payroll card?

Salary bank plastic card is a special financial instrument, which is based on the contractual principle of relations between the enterprise and commercial organization... At its core, the product is classified as a debit product. It can be connected to an overdraft facility with the right to regular monthly income accruals, as well as bonus and bonus incentives from the employer. In addition to the card itself, its owner can use the bank's services online and make purchases and other payment transactions through Internet resources. If an employee of the enterprise made the decision to dismiss, then all the costs of maintaining the product will now fall on his shoulders, regardless of who paid the bank for servicing the plastic up to that moment.

Comparison of debit and salary cards

If we consider these two offers of the bank in the format of a visual inspection, there is practically no difference between a debit card and a salary card. They can be distinguished by:

  • design decoration;
  • tariff plan and principle bonus accruals(or their complete absence);
  • the possibility or absence of a customer bonus system;
  • specific functionality.

With a more detailed study, you can pay attention to other significant points. The salary card is somewhat limited in comparison with the debit card, which is specially designed to accumulate capital and ensure the integrity of its preservation. In the latter case, there is a linkage of funds on the balance sheet to personal savings or savings bank details user. Moreover, its presence is a prerequisite to the opening of such a card, with the help of which a person has simplified access to his money. He can cash them out quickly and make financial top-ups.

Unlike salary, given view plastic has:

  • the ability to make deposits without any limit restrictions on the amount;
  • the funds on the card can be used by the user at his own discretion at any time and at any ATM - in addition, subject to the withdrawal of funds from the device belonging to the bank that issued the card, this can be done without any commission fees;
  • the client is able to dispose of the entire amount in full.
Note! To minimize the restrictions that salary plastic entails, many financial companies offer their holders to open cards with a debit balance as part of the relevance of their salary project. In this case, there is also material benefit from linking two or more products.

Benefits of payroll bank cards

This type of plastic has a number of specific characteristics that can be considered the advantages of its use:

  1. The product costs its owner much cheaper than standard offers - as a rule, all costs are borne by the company that has entered into with financial institution an agreement for the issuance of such cards for their employees. Less common are the options when these costs are divided in half. But even in this case, the material benefit is obvious.
  2. A simplified way of obtaining consumer lending services - the company sees the entire income capital of the user in full and can objectively judge the level of his solvency. If there is no doubt about this, there are obstacles to obtaining credit funds will not, and with a high level of wages, the client can count on enough large amount loan. Bank actions in this case are explained minimum percentage the risk that the client will not be able to return the borrowed money.
  3. Saving time when obtaining a loan - a minimum package of documents from the candidate will be required, and the application is considered quickly, because the company already has almost all the data to study the degree of its reliability.
  4. When binding plastic to other types of cards of the same financial company tariff plans for them can be changed downward, and loan rates applied at the lowest possible threshold.
  5. The confidentiality of information about the income received is an advantageous difference between this method of settlements with employees from the standard issuance of money through the company's cash desk.

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Plastic card is a financial instrument for committing cashless payment... There are debit and credit cards, knowing and understanding their differences, you can choose the right product.

The main differences between debit and credit cards

The fundamental difference between a debit card and a credit card is the ownership of funds.

  • Debit card implies the opening of a special card account (SCA) in the name of a client, intended for personal finance... The card itself is tied to it - payment instrument, allowing you to make expense transactions remotely. Conditionally, this can be called a form of deposit, since a person transfers his money to the bank for safekeeping.
  • Credit card is a type of loan and this is its main difference. The financial organization opens a loan account, on which money limit... You can use it at any time, in whole or in part.

Differences between a credit card and a debit card can be found even at the stage of registration. To get the first one you only need a passport. Banks, with rare exceptions, may refuse to issue it. Allocation of a credit line requires an extended package of documents: income statements, copies work book, report from the bureau credit histories etc.

Features of bank cards

The peculiarity of the credit card is the presence of a grace period from 50 to 100 days. If the money is returned within the specified period, interest will not be charged. It is important to clarify from what moment the countdown occurs. This can be the first day of each month, the date the statement was generated, or the day when it was made. expense transaction... Grace period does not relieve the borrower from the obligation to make monthly payments.

Debit cards have their own purpose and are divided into salary, social and personal. The costs of servicing salary cards are usually borne by the employer. Social benefits are intended for the payment of pensions and benefits, therefore, for them annual commission not provided. Debit cards issued by own initiative, is used to store and accumulate savings. It provides the owner with more privileges from the bank and the right to choose the necessary options, including making a profit as a percentage of the account balance.

Fundamental differences between credit and debit cards

The fundamental difference between the cards lies in the terms of use:

  1. Cash withdrawal fee... Credit card means primarily cashless payments, for cash transactions you will have to pay according to the tariffs. The bank can set restrictions on the withdrawal of money from the ATM. Sometimes these funds do not have a grace period. Debit cardholders do not charge any cash withdrawal fees.
  2. Annual maintenance cost for cardholders issued for personal money the client is much lower. In some cases, banks set free service debit card. Credit card maintenance is more expensive. The fee is debited automatically monthly or annually, depending on the tariff.
  3. Card limit is the amount of the loan approved and allocated by the bank to the client. Initially, it is calculated based on monthly income, in the future can be increased at the request of the borrower or at the initiative financial institution... Sometimes banks offer to fix in the agreement the amount that must always be on the account. In return, the client receives additional privileges and discounts.
  4. Bonuses and interest... Debit and credit cards give their holders a number of advantages: a refund of part of the money spent (cashback), discounts and gifts in shops and restaurants, bonus miles for flights, etc. For funds spent from a credit card during the grace period, bonus programs may not apply.
  5. Interest on account balance... Some debit products offer monthly interest charges. With credit cards, interest will only be charged on the outstanding debt.

There are debit cards that allow for overspending. Overdraft is a limited amount that you can spend in excess of your own finances... The absence of a grace period and a fixed maturity period of one to three months are typical for an overdraft debit card.

How to distinguish a credit card from a debit card

Banks often offer debit or credit cards as they are highly profitable products. If several cards have accumulated, the question may arise how to distinguish them from each other. There are several ways to find out which category a plastic card belongs to:

Bank employees will determine the purpose of the card and explain the difference between credit and debit.

Call center employees will identify the product by number or full name of the client and will remind the terms of use.

It describes in detail the terms of use of the issued card. If there is any mention of interest rate, monthly payment and grace period - the product is credit.

The “debit” or “credit card” lettering on the outside can help identify the type of card. If there are no such inscriptions, you can go to the bank's website and see the design. As a rule, the external design of the two types of cards is different.

By logging into personal account on the bank's website or in mobile application you can see the statement and current active cards... If the product is credit, then the amount to be paid, the limit and the debt will be indicated.

The external difference between a debit and a credit card may lie in the presence of the owner's personal data on the front side. Plastic cards leveraged is always personalized. Full name may not appear on debit cards.

Thus, the main difference between debit and credit cards is the purpose of use. In the first case, it is an electronic wallet, in the second - a revolving loan.

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