
Zufar Garayev became the Chairman of the Board of Ak Bars Bank. Exhibition activities of the Republic of Tatarstan Financial products of Ak Bars Bank

Zufar Garayev has been holding the post of chairman of the board of Ak Bars Bank since November 9. According to the credit organization, "in accordance with the decision of the board of directors, Zufar Fanilovich Garayev took over as chairman of the board." This decision was approved by the regional division of the Central Bank.

Recall that for the past two weeks, Garayev has been managing the bank in the status of acting chairman of the board, after the former chairman Robert Minnegaliev was appointed to the post of assistant to the president of Tatarstan.

Prior to his appointment as chairman of the board, Garayev held the post of first deputy chairman of the board at Ak Bars, where he has been working since 2003.

Zufar Garayev was born in 1972. Received higher legal education at Kazan State University, later studied at the International Academy of Marketing and Management in the direction of "finance and credit" (Master of Economics).

He began his career in 1992 as a legal adviser of the Republican Center for Emergency medical care... Subsequently, he worked as deputy head of the department of foreign exchange operations and international settlements of the Kazan branch of Mezhkombank (in this moment this credit institution no longer operates). Prior to joining Ak Bars, he held executive positions at Kamsky Commercial Bank for more than five years.

Garayev has the honorary titles of Honored Economist of the Republic of Tatarstan and Honored Economist of the Russian Federation.

According to the new chairman of the board, today Ak Bars “has everything necessary resources to successfully meet the challenges facing the banking sector and the economy as a whole. " “The Bank will continue measures to implement the development strategy: improving the quality of customer service, developing remote service channels, optimizing business processes and increasing the efficiency of the entire bank. Together, all these measures will ensure the strengthening of the financial and economic position of "Ak Bars", - emphasizes Garayev.

AK Bars

PJSC "Ak Bars" Bank is a large universal bank with state participation, occupying a leading position in the market banking services Republic of Tatarstan. The main areas of activity are lending and settlement and cash services to corporate clients, including state-owned enterprises, as well as operations with securities and attracting funds from the population into deposits.

As of January 1, 2019, the Republic of Tatarstan, represented by the Ministry of Land and Property Relations and the State Housing Fund under the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, controlled in aggregate about 88.37% of the bank's shares (including through Svyazinvestneftekhim JSC and Tatneft PJSC). The remaining shares belonged to Nikolai Karpenko (6.41%), Alexey Plugar (3.60%), Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC (1.46%, among the shareholders of TAIF JSC) and minority shareholders (0.16%)

According to Banki.ru, as of February 1, 2020, the bank's net assets are 616.51 billion rubles (17th place in Russia), capital (calculated in accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation) - 78.43 billion, loan portfolio- 206.05 billion, liabilities to the population - 120.12 billion.


Industrial practice is an organic part of the educational process. It is necessary to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in the study of subjects, to acquire practical knowledge, experience and work skills.

The purpose industrial practice are:

  • - on the basis of the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired in the learning process, to study the process of organizing financial and economic work;
  • - to acquire practical knowledge and acquire practical skills in the field of organization financial work in organizations.

The objectives of the practice are:

  • - acquaintance with the organizational and managerial structure of the organization, study of the practice of organizing and conducting financial transactions;
  • - study of the practice of organizing and conducting analysis financial condition and performance assessment;

In the period from December 17 to December 30, 2015, I had an internship at PJSC "AK BARS" BANK. During the internship, I was allowed to perform a task directly related to the main activities of the organization.

In the process of passing the internship, the following tasks were implemented:

  • - study of the history of the emergence of PJSC "AK BARS" BANK;
  • - study of the state of the organization's economy, form of ownership, management structure;
  • - familiarity with the regulatory framework;
  • - study of the main activities of the organization;

General information about PJSC "AK BARS" Bank

Organizational and legal structure of PJSC "AK BARS" Bank

Joint Stock Commercial Bank AK BARS (public joint stock company) is registered with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and has been successfully operating in the Russian financial market since 1993.

The Bank possesses all types of banking licenses existing in the Russian Federation and provides more than 100 types of banking services for corporate and private clients.

Today AK BARS Bank serves more than 3.2 million individuals and over 66 thousand corporate clients, including the largest exporters of the Republic of Tatarstan, enterprises of the oil and gas and petrochemical complex, engineering, telecommunications, construction, chemical, motor transport, trade and agro-industrial enterprises ...

AK BARS Bank is one of the twenty largest financial institutions in Russia, ranking 19th in terms of size as of January 1, 2015 equity capital and 19th place - in terms of assets1. The Bank's clients include over 2.9 million individuals and over 62 thousand corporate clients. The extensive regional network of the Bank includes 32 branches, 242 additional offices, 93 operational cash desks, 13 operational offices, 1 mobile station cash transactions.

The stability of the Bank's activities is guaranteed by the paid-in authorized capital in the amount of 38.0 billion rubles. The amount of equity capital as of October 1, 2015 is 61.0 billion rubles.

As of 01.04.2014 the branch network of "AK BARS" BANK, has 20 branches in the Republic of Tatarstan, 23 branches in large cities Russia, 166 additional offices, 148 operating cash registers, 11 operational offices and 1 mobile cash register.

PJSC "AK BARS" BANK is a member of:

  • - World Community of Banking Telecommunications "SWIFT" (S.W.I.F.T),
  • - Member of the National Association of Stock Market Participants (NAUFOR)
  • - Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange(MICEX),
  • - Association of participants of the bill market (AUVeR),
  • - Russian Trading System (RTS) and the Association of Russian Banks.

Key foreign correspondent banks of AK BARS BANK:

  • - Wells Fargo Bank N.A. (USA)
  • - Standard Chartered Bank (USA)
  • - Commerzbank AG (Germany)
  • - Deutsche Bank AG (Germany)
  • - Hypo-und Vereinsbank AG (Germany)
  • - VTB Bank (France) S.A. (France)
  • - UBS AG (Switzerland)
  • - Skandinviska Enskilda Banken AB (Publ) (Sweden)
  • - Nordea Bank Finland Plc (Finland)
  • - Komercni Banka as (Czech Republic)
  • - The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd (Japan)
  • - JSCB "Commercial and Industrial Bank of China" (Moscow) (CJSC) (Russia)

PJSC "AK BARS" BANK provides customers with the widest range of modern Banking services and high-tech operations:

  • - lending legal entities in rubles and foreign currency in the form of: a simple loan account, a credit line "under the debt limit", a revolving loan, a loan in the form of crediting a current account (overdraft), investment loan, bill of exchange credit;
  • - lending to individuals in rubles and foreign currency in the form of: secured property, guaranteed, using a credit bank card;
  • - settlement and cash services, non-cash transactions using the Bank's checks and the Bank-Client electronic payment system;
  • - operations with settlement Bank cards;
  • - international settlements, documentary transactions, collection;
  • - currency exchange operations with cash currency;
  • - foreign exchange transactions with non-cash currency;
  • - non-trade transfers of funds by systems Western-UNION, Contact.
  • - acceptance of utility and other payments;
  • - Acceptance of deposits from legal entities and deposits of the population in rubles and foreign currency with various storage periods;
  • - purchase and sale of securities (brokerage, dealer, depository activities), sale of the Bank's promissory notes;
  • - Bank guarantees;
  • - consulting and reference services, including using the reference information system Telephone-Bank;
  • - provision of safe deposit boxes for storing valuables;
  • - telex, postal and telegraph services related to settlements.

The results of the work showed that 2013 was a period of strengthening market positions in the regions of Russia, increasing business volumes in all key areas and further developing the potential accumulated over previous years.

The date of foundation of the Bank is November 29, 1993 - it was on this day that the Bank was registered. Thanks to the introduction of the bill program, AK BARS Bank almost immediately reached a high-quality new level provision of services. Since 1995, the Bank's branch network began to grow. At this time, 22 representative offices of the Bank were created in the Republic of Tatarstan. In 1996, the Bank received a license to obtain the ability to carry out Banking foreign exchange transactions - this step made it possible to improve service individuals... Since 1997, AK BARS Bank has become authorized to store the gold reserves of Tatarstan. 1998 saw the growth of the Bank's authorized capital, which amounted to 2 billion rubles. AK BARS Bank kept pace with the times and already in 1999 became a member of the Western Union international transfer system and offered its clients to work with plastic cards. In the same year, the Bank was merged with InterkamaBank.

In 2000, the number of the Bank's clients exceeded 14 thousand. The Bank has been and is actively working with plastic cards of various systems, provides loans to the population. In 2001, AK BARS Bank received financing from the German Bayerische Hypo-und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaf and began lending to enterprises in the Republic. In 2004, the Bank signed credit agreement with Kommerchny Bank (Czech Republic) in the amount of more than 11 million euros.

In 2005, AK BARS Bank became one of those who organized the National Bureau credit histories... Already in 2006, the Bank was recognized and noted in the top 30 largest banks in Russia.

At the beginning of 2013, the Bank's clients were more than 51 thousand corporate clients and about 2.5 million individuals. Among them are the largest enterprises of Tatarstan: enterprises of the oil and gas and petrochemical complex, machine-building, telecommunications, construction, motor transport, trade, agro-industrial, chemical enterprises.

As of 01/11/2016, the branch network of AK BARS Bank includes 8 branches in the Republic of Tatarstan, 24 branches in large cities of Russia, 232 additional offices, 64 operational cash desks, 11 operational offices and 1 mobile point of cash operations.

AK BARS Bank has licenses for all types of banking services in the Russian Federation - more than 100 types. The equity capital of AK BARS Bank as of April 2013 amounted to RUB 49.6 billion.

The Bank's head office is located at 420066, Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Dekabristov, 1. Phone: (+7 843) 519-39-99.

Fax: (+7 843) 519-39-75. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PJSC AK Bars Bank is, first of all, a universal bank. Here you can get any of the more than 100 offered Banking services, be it deposits, loans, insurance, settlement and cash services or representing your interests in the financial sector.

The Bank is a member of the following organizations of the Association of Participants of the Bill Market, Member of the Banking Association of Tatarstan, the World Community of Banking Telecommunications, the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange.

Against the background of the current stage of development of the Banking industry, characterized by the action of such trends as increased competition, consolidation of Bank capital, regional expansion of large Russian and foreign banks, as well as the withdrawal from the market of non-competitive credit institutions, "AK BARS" Bank in 2012 took its rightful place among the 200 largest Russian banks. According to experts, the Bank ranked 13th in terms of equity capital and 17th in terms of assets. Throughout the year, the results of the activities of AK BARS Bank have been repeatedly positively assessed by the international rating agencies Fitch Ratings"And" Moody "s Investors Service.

The bank provides its clients with a whole range of financial services to corporative clients: settlement and cash services, lending, provision Bank guarantees, operations with Bank cards, the implementation of international transactions and currency control, conclusion of contracts Bank deposit, services in the securities market, management in cash and securities of clients, brokerage and trust operations, Internet trading and much more. The retail business is the most important area of ​​the Bank's activities.

PJSC "AK BARS" BANK offers private clients high-quality comprehensive Banking services, providing the widest possible range of financial services of high quality and reliability. All categories of customers can use services such as loans, mortgages, deposits, cash settlement operations, Bank cards, precious metals, remote banking system "AK BARS Online", SMS-Banking, etc. The Bank's task in working with clients is to build long-term partnerships based on an individual approach.

  • March 11, 2015 - AK BARS Bank launched New Product- a virtual BankOK card. Online payments have now become even more convenient and secure - thanks to the virtual BankOK card from OJSC AK BARS BANK. BankOK virtual card is issued at the time of installation mobile application BankOK, available on Google play and AppStore. By downloading this application, you get quick access to the details virtual card BankOK, which will allow you to quickly make payments on the Internet. Other useful services of this application include a convenient feed history of completed payments, the ability to comment on events in the action feed, as well as the ability to transfer funds from a BankOK card to another BankOK card between users of the above application. To install the BankOK mobile application, you only need a mobile device on the iOS or Android platform, access to the Internet and a valid AK BARS Bank card with the AK BARS Online ** service connected.
  • September 6, 2015 - the restoration of the Molodezhny public garden, invested by AK BARS Bank, has been completed in Kazan. On September 6, 2015, the grand opening of the restored Molodezhny public garden took place on Dekabristov Street. AK BARS Bank acted as an investor in the project, construction work was performed by AK BARS Stroy LLC. The idea of ​​reconstruction of the "Molodezhny" public garden was implemented within the announced year of the park and squares in Kazan. In the course of equipping the park, work was carried out on laying concrete tiles, asphalting roads and measures for complex landscaping. In addition, in 2015 the Bank acted as an investor construction works for the reconstruction of the Chishmale public garden, and since 2005, AK BARS Bank has been own initiative walks over the park on the street. Yarullin, ennobling its territory.

At present, the territorial network of AK BARS Bank includes: 8 branches in the Republic of Tatarstan, 24 branches in other regions of the Russian Federation, 232 additional offices, 11 operational offices, 1 mobile point of cash operations, 64 operational cash desks, as well as subsidiary JSC RNKO Narat "in Saratov.

Today AK BARS Bank is present in 30 regions of Russia.

On the territory of the Russian Federation outside Tatarstan, there are 24 branches and 92 additional offices of AK BARS BANK

Branches of AK BARS Bank in Tatarstan:

  • - Almetyevsk branch
  • - Arsk branch
  • - Yelabuga branch
  • - Zelenodolsk branch
  • - Kazan branch
  • - Naberezhnye Chelny branch
  • - Nizhnekamsk branch
  • - Chistopol branch

In Russia:

  • - Barnaul branch
  • - Yekaterinburg branch
  • - West Siberian branch
  • - Izhevsk branch
  • - Kirov branch
  • - Krasnodar branch
  • - Krasnoyarsk branch
  • - Mari branch
  • - Moscow branch
  • - Nizhny Novgorod branch
  • - Novgorod branch
  • - Novosibirsk branch
  • - Omsk branch
  • - Orenburg branch
  • - Perm branch
  • - Rostov branch
  • - Samara branch
  • - Saransk branch
  • - Saratov branch
  • - North-West Branch
  • - Ulyanovsk branch
  • - Ural branch
  • - Ufa branch
  • - Cheboksary branch

Peculiarities organizational structure Jar:

  • 1) Branches of the Bank (territorial banks, branches) act on the basis of the provisions approved by the Board of the Bank, have a seal with the image of the emblem (logo) of the Bank and the details established regulations Bank of Russia, as well as other seals and stamps.
  • 2) Branches of the Bank are endowed with property, which is recorded both on their separate balance sheets and on the balance sheet of the Bank.

In the seals and corner stamps, letterheads and signs of the Bank (branch), it can be indicated in Russian and the state language of the republics in accordance with the legislation of the republics.

3) Changes to the Charter related to the opening, closure of branches, representative offices, changes in their status, name and location, are made by decision of the Bank's Supervisory Board at least once a year.

When a branch of the Bank is closed or its status changes, the Bank notifies foreign creditors - individuals who have placed funds on deposit accounts in such a branch - by publishing a message in the media, posting a message on the official corporate website of the Bank on the Internet, as well as posting a message in the office of this branch and in all its structural divisions in places accessible to customers.

  • 4) Branches of the Bank (territorial banks) are headed by chairmen appointed by the President, Chairman of the Management Board, branches (departments) - by managers, according to the established nomenclature.
  • 5) Chairmen of regional banks, managers of branches act on the basis of powers of attorney.

The hiring and dismissal of employees of the branches, the conclusion of labor contracts with them are carried out by the heads of the branches according to the established nomenclature.

6) Internal structural units open, close, change location, re-subordinate by the decision of the board of the territorial Bank; internal structural subdivisions of the branch - by decision of the board of the territorial Bank, in the organizational subordination of which the branch is located.

The Bank is entitled to carry out the following Banking operations:

  • 1) attracting funds from individuals and legal entities in deposits (on demand and for a specified period);
  • 2) placement of the attracted funds specified in the previous paragraph of this clause on its own behalf and at its own expense;
  • 3) discovery and introduction Bank accounts individuals and legal entities;
  • 4) making money transfers on behalf of individuals and legal entities, including correspondent banks, through their Bank accounts;
  • 5) collection of cash, bills of exchange, payment and settlement documents and cash services for individuals and legal entities;
  • 6) purchase - sale of foreign currency in cash and non-cash form;
  • 7) attraction of deposits and placement of precious metals;
  • 8) issuance of Bank guarantees;
  • 9) making money transfers without opening Bank accounts, including electronic money (except for postal orders).

Bank other than those listed above Banking operations, has the right to carry out the following transactions:

  • 1) issuance of a guarantee for third parties, providing for the fulfillment of obligations in monetary form;
  • 2) acquisition of the right of claim from third parties for the fulfillment of obligations in cash;
  • 3) trust management of funds and other property under an agreement with individuals and legal entities;
  • 4) carrying out operations with precious metals and precious stones in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • 5) lease to individuals and legal entities of special premises or safes located in them for storing documents and valuables;
  • 6) leasing operations;
  • 7) provision of consulting and information services;
  • 8) implementation professional activity on the securities market with the appropriate license.

The governing bodies of the Bank are:

  • - General Meeting of Shareholders;
  • - Board of Directors;
  • - collegial executive body - the Management Board of the Bank;
  • - the sole executive body - the Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank.

Figure 1.1.1- Organizational and legal structure of PJSC "AK BARS" BANK

The main powers to manage the Bank are delegated by shareholders to the Board of Directors, which exercises general management of the Bank's activities. The current Board of Directors has been elected by the annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

  • 1) Composition of the Board of Directors.
  • 2) The Board of Directors from among its members elects Committees - subsidiary bodies designed to ensure the effective implementation of particularly significant management and control functions of the Board of Directors in the areas most important for the successful development of the Bank. grew up
  • 3) Composition of the Committees of the Board of Directors.
  • 4) The Board of Directors, in order to ensure operational management of the Bank, elects a collegial executive body - the Management Board of the Bank. Leadership of the entire current activities The Bank is exercised by the sole executive body - the Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank, who is elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders.
  • 5) Composition of the Management Board.
  • 6) Corporate structure.
  • 7) Development strategy.

Active and mutually beneficial cooperation with a wide range of foreign partners in various areas testifies to the strong positions of PJSC AK BARS BANK in the global banking system. Such international recognition not only allows satisfying the foreign economic needs of the Bank's clients to the fullest extent, but also serves the interests of the country as a whole.

The competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders includes the following issues:

  • 1) introduction of amendments and additions to this Charter or approval of the Bank Charter in a new edition;
  • 2) reorganization of the Bank;
  • 3) liquidation of the Bank, appointment of a liquidation commission and approval of interim and final liquidation balance sheets;
  • 4) determination of the quantitative composition of the Board of Directors of the Bank, election of its members and early termination of their powers;
  • 5) determination of the quantity, par value, category (type) of declared shares and the rights provided by these shares;
  • 6) increase Share capital The Bank by increasing the par value of shares;
  • 7) approval of the audit organization of the Bank;
  • 8) determination of the procedure for conducting the General Meeting of Shareholders;
  • 9) split and consolidation of shares;
  • 10) approval of internal documents governing the activities of management bodies and audit commission Bank, etc.

The Board of Directors of the Bank carries out general management of the Bank's activities in accordance with Federal Law No. 208-ФЗ “On Joint Stock Companies” dated December 26, 1995, this Charter and the Regulations on the Board of Directors, with the exception of resolving issues within the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders.

The competence of the Board of Directors of the Bank includes the following issues:

  • 1) determination of priority areas of the Bank's activities, approval of the Bank's Development Strategy;
  • 2) convocation of the annual and extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders;
  • 3) approval of the agenda of the General Meeting of Shareholders;
  • 4) determination of the date for compiling the list of persons entitled to participate in the General Meeting of Shareholders;
  • 5) acquisition of shares, bonds and other securities placed by the Bank in cases provided for by federal law
  • 6) approval of major transactions in cases provided for by law;
  • 7) recommendations on the amount of dividend on shares and the procedure for its payment;
  • 8) use of the reserve fund and other funds of the Bank;
  • 9) approval of the annual financial plan(budget) of the Bank;
  • 10) consideration of corporate governance practices in the Bank, etc.

The quantitative composition of the Board of Directors of the Bank is determined General meeting shareholders, but there can be no less than 5 members. Members of the Board of Directors of the Bank are elected at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders by cumulative voting for a period until the next year of the General Meeting of Shareholders and can be re-elected for an unlimited number. The candidates who receive the largest number of votes are considered elected.

Only an individual can be a member of the Board of Directors of the Bank. The directors of the Bank can be elected:

  • - individuals (shareholders);
  • - Chairman of the Board of the Bank;
  • - Members of the Board;
  • - other employees of the Bank;
  • - independent directors.

The competence of the Management Board of the Bank includes issues of management of the current activities of the Bank, with the exception of matters referred to the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Supervisory Board of the Bank.

The Management Board of the Bank in accordance with the tasks assigned to it:

  • 1) organizes and conducts work in the prescribed manner to improve the work of branches;
  • 2) approves interest rates on deposits of individuals;
  • 3) establishes the system of remuneration for labor in the Bank;
  • 4) approves regulations on branches and representative offices of the Bank;
  • 5) makes decisions on the appointment of interim management, etc.

The President and Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank are elected by the General Meeting for a term of 4 years. They organize the work of the Bank. Their competence includes the solution of issues related to the current activities of the Bank, as well as:

  • 1) organization of the work of the Management Board of the Bank;
  • 2) ensuring the implementation of decisions of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Supervisory Board of the Bank;
  • 3) execution of transactions without a power of attorney and other legal action on behalf of the Bank;
  • 4) encouragement of employees of the Bank for conscientious work;
  • 5) conclusion, termination and amendment of employment contracts, etc.

Internal control in the Bank is carried out in accordance with the powers determined by the Charter and internal documents Jar:

  • 1) the governing bodies of the Bank provided for by the Charter;
  • 2) the Revision Commission;
  • 3) Chief Accountant (his deputies) of the Bank;
  • 4) heads (their deputies) and chief accountants (their deputies) of the Bank's branches;
  • 5) Service internal audit Jar;
  • 6) Internal Control Service of the Bank;
  • 7) structural unit for legalization of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism;
  • 8) controller professional participant the securities market;
  • 9) other divisions and employees of the Bank.

The Audit Commission in the amount of 7 members by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

Supervision and control over the activities of the Bank is carried out by the Bank of Russia and bodies authorized federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

JSC "Joint Stock commercial Bank Ak Bars is the largest universal bank with state participation. Ak Bars occupies a leading position in the banking services market of the Republic of Tatarstan. The company is engaged in lending and settlement and cash services corporate clients, including state-owned enterprises, carry out operations with securities and attract funds from the population into deposits.

Historical background of the Bank "Ak Bars", the activities of the bank

Year of birth of the Bank Ak Bars - 1993.

Since 1997 Ak Bars has the status of an authorized body for the storage of the gold reserve of Tatarstan, designed to guarantee investments in the economy of the republic.

Since 2002 Ak Bars became open joint stock company, and already in November 2004 the bank is included in the health care system of deposits.

The bank's shareholders are 12 organizations and 18 individuals.

The main beneficiaries of the credit institution:

  • Government of the Republic of Tatarstan 34.45%.
  • Nikolay Karpenko (13.60%).
  • JSC TATNEFT (11.61%).
  • Alexey Plugar (3.40%) ,.
  • Rail Khusnullin.
  • Rustem Galiakberov.
  • Rustem Likhachev (3.84% each).

Banking group of bank "Ak Bars":

  • LLC Ak Bars Ipoteka.
  • CB Naratbank CJSC (Saratov).

Also, the financial and industrial group includes 15 different companies, including agricultural, manufacturing, processing, construction and trade structures, as well as a financial block.

Ak Bars in numbers:

  • 44 branches.
  • 13 operational offices and 227 additional offices (of which 136 are located in the Republic of Tatarstan).
  • 110 operating cash desks and one mobile cash desk.
  • There are over 700 thousand items in circulation. plastic cards issued by the bank.
  • 900 ATMs.
  • Serving over 2.9 million individuals and over 54 thousand corporate clients, including the largest exporters of the Republic of Tatarstan.
  • The average number of employees is over 6200 people.
  • funds of enterprises and organizations - liabilities 42%.
  • Population deposits - 12%.
  • Own bonds and bills - 16%.
  • Attracted interbank loans - 7%.
  • 12.5% ​​of net liabilities.
  • Loan portfolio 62% of net assets (75% are loans to legal entities, the rest is retail).

The following services are available for legal entities:

  • Lending bank guarantees.
  • RKO.
  • Salary projects.
  • Acquiring.
  • Internet bank.
  • Salary overdraft.
  • Financing of investment projects.
  • And investments in the construction of commercial facilities, etc.

For individuals, Ak Bars Bank offers:

  • Lending (car loans, consumer loans, mortgages).
  • Money transfers without opening an account (Contact, Western Union, UNIStream and Zolotaya Korona).
  • Operations with securities in the stock market.
  • Bank cards of international payment systems MasterCard, WorldWide and Visa International.
  • Individual safe boxes making payments.
  • Operations with precious metals.
  • Remote banking service, depository services, etc.

The whole institution provides about 100 types of banking services .

"AK Bars" is a leader banking system Tatarstan , its capital is a quarter of the total capital banking organizations Volga region, as well as half of the capital of the banking system of Tatarstan. In the ranking, Ak Bars is consistently in the top 20 in terms of assets.

Board of Directors: Valery Sorokin (chairman), Igor Avanesyan, Sergey Alekseev, Farida Volkova, Alexander Lavrentyev, Yuri Levin, Robert Minnegaliev, Evgeny Tikhturov, Artur Khairullin, Midkhat Shagiakhmetov, Sergey Shibaev.

Governing body: Robert Minnegaliev (chairman), Zufar Garayev, Marat Shagitov, Radik Salyakhutdinov, Ilfan Gubaidullin, Bulat Davletshin, Ayrat Bayazitov, Gulnara Sattarova.

Financial products Bank "Ak Bars"

Deposits of Ak Bars Bank

Ak Bars offers favorable rates on ruble and foreign currency deposits individuals. Deposits of Ak Bars Bank can be opened in all branches or send an application online.

  • Ak Bars - High result (rubles 9.63%, US dollars 2.94%, euros 2.85%).
  • Ak Bars - Good Traditions (rubles 10.25%, US dollars 3.25%, euros 3.25%).
  • Ak Bars - Internet deposit (rubles 9.25%, US dollars 2.85%, euros 2.85%).
  • Ak Bars - Multicurrency (rubles 9.25%, US dollars 2.75%, euros 2.6%).
  • Ak Bars - Pension (rubles 10.25%, US dollars 3%, euro 3%).
  • Ak Bars - Person (rubles 9.75%, US dollars 3.25%, euros 3.2%).
  • Ak Bars - Growing Together (RUB 8.5%).
  • Ak Bars - Do Good (rubles 10.25%).
  • Ak Bars - Universal (rubles 9.25%).
  • Ak Bars Shire circle! (rubles 10.45%).

Consumer loans from Ak Bars Bank

Ak Bars gives you the opportunity to take ... The application can be made online or at a bank branch.

  • Preferential without insurance (without collateral): rubles 19.9%, US dollars 15.9%, euros 15.9%.
  • Preferential without insurance (with collateral): rubles 17.9%, US dollars 13.9%, euros 13.9%.
  • Preferential with insurance (without collateral): rubles 17.9%, US dollars 13.9%, euros 13.9%.
  • Preferential with insurance (with collateral): rubles 15.9%, US dollars 11.9%, euros 11.9%.
  • For a personal subsidiary farm (with security): rubles 14%.
  • For a personal subsidiary farm (without security): rubles 14%
  • Secured by real estate: 15.5% rubles, 11.5% US dollars, 11.5% euros.
  • Consumer insurance without personal insurance (without security): rubles 18.9%, US dollars 14.9%, euros 14.9%.
  • Consumer insurance without personal insurance (with collateral): rubles 17.9%, US dollars 13.9%, euros 13.9%.
  • Consumer with insurance (without security): rubles 18.9%, US dollars 14.9%, euros 14.9%.
  • Consumer with insurance (with collateral): rubles 16.9%, US dollars 12.9%, euros 12.9%.
  • Successful without personal insurance (secured by real estate): rubles 18.5%, US dollars 16.5%, euros 16.5%.
  • Successful without personal insurance (bail Vehicle and equipment): rubles 18.5%, US dollars 16.5%, euros 16.5%.
  • Successful without personal insurance (with two guarantors): rubles 18.5%, US dollars 16.5%, euros 16.5%.
  • Successful without personal insurance (with one guarantor): rubles 18.5%, US dollars 16.5%, euros 16.5%.
  • Successful with personal insurance (bail): rubles from 14.5%, US dollars from 12.5%, euros from 12.5%.
  • Successful with personal insurance (with two guarantors): rubles from 14.5%, US dollars from 12.5%, euros from 12.5%.
  • Successful with personal insurance (with one guarantor): rubles from 14.5%, US dollars from 12.5%, euros from 12.5%.

Car loans from Ak Bars Bank

Bank "Ak Bars" offers auto loans for individuals on special programs on favorable terms without down payment with a low interest rate.

  • AutoHIT (rubles 13.5%).
  • Ak Bars - Maximum (rubles 14.9%, US dollars 12.9%, euros 12.9%).
  • Ak Bars - Maximum without CASCO (rubles 17.9%, US dollars 15.9%, euros 15.9%).
  • Ak Bars - Maximum for a used car (rubles 16.9%, US dollars 14.9%, euros 14.9%).
  • Ak Bars - Maximum for a used car without hull insurance (rubles -19.9%, US dollars 17.9%, euros 17.9%).
  • Ak Bars - Profi (rubles 18.9%, US dollars 16.9%, euros 16.9%).
  • Ak Bars - Profi for a used car (rubles 20.9%, US dollars 18.9%, euros 18.9%).
  • Preferential (for civil servants and public sector employees): rubles 14.5%, US dollars 12.5%, euros 12.5%).
  • Discount for a used car (for civil servants and public sector employees): rubles 16.5%, US dollars 14.5%, euros 14.5%.

Mortgage of Ak Bars Bank

Bank "Ak Bars" makes it possible to take mortgage loan on favorable terms no down payments.

  • Ak Bars - Business (rubles 15.9%).
  • AK Bars - Military mortgage(rubles 9.5%).
  • Ak Bars - Comfort (rubles 13.5%).
  • AK Bars - Maternal capital(rubles 16.5%).
  • Ak Bars - Megapolis (rubles 13.5%).
  • Ak Bars - Perspective (rubles 13.5%).
  • Provision of housing for young families in the Republic of Tatarstan (rubles 12.9%).
  • Prospect plus (rubles 13.5%).
  • Simply brilliant! (rubles 13%).

Loans for the business of Ak Bars Bank

For the development and opening of small or medium-sized businesses Bank "Ak Bars" offers loans with favorable terms.

  • Ak Bars - Auto business (rubles 16.25%).
  • Ak Bars - Auction (rubles 15.5%).
  • Ak Bars - Unsecured (rubles 19.5%).
  • Ak Bars - Agriculture (rubles 15.75%).
  • Ak Bars - Real Estate (rubles 16.75%).
  • Ak Bars - Negotiable (rubles 16%).
  • Ak Bars - Negotiable - overdraft (rubles 15.5%).
  • Ak Bars - Development (rubles 16.25%).
  • Ak Bars - Express (rubles 18%).
  • FIM Target (rubles up to 13.25%).
  • Ak Bars-Status (rubles 14.9%).

Credit cards of Ak Bars Bank

Bank "Ak Bars" draws up credit cards with different interest rates... you can submit an online application or visit a bank office.

Fan Credit Card (MasterCard Unembossed): Russian ruble 18.9%.

  • rate from 18.9% to 21.9%.
  • grace period up to 56 days.
  • 1-year service fee is not charged.
  • bonus program.
  • chip cards are available.

Optimal(Visa Electron, Visa Unembossed Non-Personalized, MasterCard Cirrus / Maestro, MasterCard Unembossed Non-Personalized, MasterCard Unembossed): Russian ruble 23.9%.

  • rate from 23.9% to 26.9%.
  • credit limit up to 500,000 rubles.
  • grace period up to 56 days.
  • release fee - not charged.
  • fee for the 1st year of service - 500 rubles.
  • bonus program.
  • chip cards are available.

Optimal Russian ruble 23.9%.

  • rate from 23.9% to 26.9%.
  • credit limit up to 500,000 rubles.
  • grace period up to 56 days.
  • release fee - not charged.
  • chip cards are available.

Optimal Gold ( Visa Gold, MasterCard Gold): Russian ruble 23.9%.

  • rate from 23.9% to 26.9%.
  • credit limit up to 500,000 rubles.
  • grace period up to 56 days.
  • release fee - not charged.
  • fee for the 1st year of service - 2,500 rubles.
  • bonus program.
  • chip cards are available.

Simplesolution(Visa Electron, Visa Unembossed Non-Personalized, MasterCard Cirrus / Maestro, MasterCard Unembossed Non-Personalized, MasterCard Unembossed): Russian ruble 30.9%.

SimplesolutionClassic (Visa Classic, MasterCard Standard): Russian ruble 30.9%.

  • rate of 30.9%.
  • grace period up to 56 days.
  • release fee - not charged.
  • fee for the 1st year of service - 750 rubles.
  • chip cards are available.

Simple Gold solution (Visa Gold, MasterCard Gold): Russian ruble 30.9%.

  • rate of 30.9%.
  • credit limit up to 100,000 rubles.
  • grace period up to 56 days.
  • release fee - not charged.
  • fee for the 1st year of service - 2,500 rubles.
  • bonus program.
  • chip cards are available.

reference Information about Bank Ak Bars

  • OJSC "Joint Stock Commercial Bank" Ak Bars "has a license No. 2590(information on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation)
  • Supervisor Minnegaliev Robert Khamitovich
  • Address 420066, Kazan, st. Dekabristov, 1
  • Information phone of the Bank "Ak Bars" 8 800-200-53-03 (toll-free within Russia)
  • Official site of the Bank "Ak Bars" www.akbars.ru

Zufar Garayev - Chairman of the Management Board, Member of the Board of Directors, Member of the Strategy Committee of the Board of Directors of PJSC Ak Bars Bank.


The first state diploma of higher education in the specialty "jurisprudence", the qualification "lawyer" received in 1994 after graduating from Kazan state university them. V.I.Ulyanov-Lenin.

In 1996, he graduated from the master's degree in finance and credit at the International Academy of Marketing and Management (MAMARMEN) with a Master's degree in Economics.

Labor activity

He began his professional career in 1992 at the Republican Emergency Center in Kazan as a legal adviser. Then he worked as deputy head of the department of foreign exchange operations and international settlements of the Kazan branch of OJSC Mezhkombank.

From 1997 to 2003, he worked in the Kazan branch of Kamsky Commercial Bank LLC, first as a branch manager, then, since 2001, as deputy chairman of the board - manager of the Kazan branch of Kamsky Commercial Bank LLC.

In 2003, he was invited to the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC AKB Ak Bars. In October 2015, he took up the post of I. O. Chairman of the Board, and since November (to the present) has been the Chairman of the Board of the Bank.

Awards and titles

Has the honorary titles "Honored Economist of the Russian Federation", "Honored Economist of the Republic of Tatarstan".

Awarded with medals "In Commemoration of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan" and "For Valorous Labor". Has a letter of gratitude from the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

OJSC JSCB "Ak-Bars" - Management

Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC "AK BARS" BANK

The past 2005 became a milestone for our Bank on the way to achieving the main strategic goal - the formation of one of the largest universal banks of federal significance, recognizable in the world investment business community.

Against the background of the current stage of development of the banking industry, characterized by the action of such trends as increased competition, consolidation of bank capital, regional expansion of large Russian and foreign banks, as well as the withdrawal of uncompetitive credit institutions from the market, AK BARS Bank in 2005 took its rightful place among 200 largest Russian banks. According to experts, the Bank ranked 13th in terms of equity capital and 17th in terms of assets. Throughout the year, the results of activities of AK BARS Bank were repeatedly assessed positively by the international rating agencies Fitch Ratings and Moody's Investors Service.

Over the past year, there have been significant quantitative and qualitative changes in the scale of the country's economy and banking sector in particular. Against the background as a whole sustainable development the banking industry in 2005, the activity of "AK BARS" Bank can be characterized as dynamically developing. Interaction with partners grew, which was the basis for the implementation of new business projects and contributed to the increase in the Bank's assets twofold. At the same time, investments were diversified by business line, guaranteeing stable income in future. In addition, a significant increase in the scale of operations became possible due to the Bank's territorial expansion.

2005 was marked for the Bank by active development of the stock market as an investor and issuer. The Bank entered the international financial market of borrowings with the debut issue of Eurobonds, which marked the beginning of the creation of its positive business reputation in the global investment community.

The successful solution of the problems of progressive development of the Bank in the past year opened up prospects for further advancement on internal and external financial markets... We can safely say that AK BARS Bank, possessing the necessary intellectual, financial and technological resources, will not only maintain the positive dynamics of its business, but will also move forward, developing even more actively and efficiently.

Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC "AK BARS" BANK

Dear shareholders, partners and clients of the Bank!

The twelfth financial year of the activity of OJSC AK BARS BANK in the banking services market has been completed. Each year of activity contributes to the development of the Bank, as for 2005, this year was one of the most dynamic in its history.

The main result of the past year was the establishment of strong mutually beneficial relations with new partners and clients in the republic and abroad, this was achieved by expanding the branch network, thanks to the introduction of new banking products, which, in terms of their functionality, made it possible to adequately compete with the main players in the banking market. services. Effectively interacting with their business partners - management companies, non-state pension fund, leasing and insurance companies, the Bank has significantly expanded the range of services provided.

In 2005, AK BARS Bank took part in the implementation of major projects aimed at the development of strategically important sectors of the economy: petrochemical, machine-building and shipbuilding, agro-industrial and construction. The company continued to strengthen its position as a universal bank with a growing branch network, providing a wide range of services to corporate clients and the general public. Customer confidence, manifested in the dynamic growth of the customer base, has become one of the most important achievements of the Bank. Aware of the high cost of such trust, the Bank will continue to improve its technology and customer service quality.

The past year was marked by significant events in Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan - the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the 1000th anniversary of Kazan. And here the Bank did not stand aside. Especially for these dates, a socially oriented package of contributions was issued, an active participation in the preparation of events for the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan was organized. The bank solved not only economic problems, but also social ones. With the financial support of the Bank, improvement of the city, modernization of outdoor lighting facilities, construction and reconstruction of buildings were carried out.

The constructive interaction with partners and clients that has developed over previous years will allow in the future to jointly solve the problems of conducting a highly efficient, geographically diversified client business.
Let me thank you for the successful business relations that have developed over the years of joint activities and for mutual understanding. We are optimistic about the future and are confident that our cooperation will steadily expand.

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