
Extract from the personal account of the Savings Bank. Features and procedure for issuing a bank statement for obtaining a visa

In most Consulates, when applying for a visa, they ask for a document - a bank statement, which indicates that the applicant has a certain amount. What is an extract for, and where can I get it?

The essence of the document

A bank statement is issued by an employee upon presentation of a passport. The applicant must state why he needs it. You will have to pay for the document about 200 rubles. The statement must display data on all transactions on the movement of funds for the last 3 months. The amount left in the account must also be indicated.

A letterhead is used for the document, the responsible person signs it and puts a wet seal. A photocopy of the bank card is attached to the certificate. It must be obtained 1 month before applying for a visa.

Help contains:

  • account number - it is provided to the accounting department at the place of work so that wages are credited to the account;
  • balance - the amount of finance at the beginning and end of the reporting period;
  • crediting money and writing it off;
  • account balance.

The applicant has the right to choose the period of time for which he wants to receive an extract. Full data is provided free of charge.

The statement will show how much the applicant has in the account. The amount is tied to foreign money. That is, if the finances on the account are stored in rubles, then when transferring at the rate, the amount must correspond to the required amount. Almost all Embassies accept certificates in Russian. The exception is the UK and Ireland.

Usually a certificate is prepared about 3 days upon submission of an application by the account holder.

Statement types

To choose how to order a certificate, you need to find out what it looks like and for what purpose it is needed.

References are divided into the following types:

  • Mini statement. The fastest type of statement in obtaining. Gives information about the last 10 transactions with the account. It is issued quickly, but contains a minimum of data - date, time and amount.
  • Extended. The document contains more complete and extended information. Are displayed full details for the required period of time.
  • Official. A document that is certified by a signature and a seal.

Everyone chooses the appropriate type of help for themselves.

Why is it needed

A bank statement is required in the following cases:

  • to apply for a visa to a country that requires confirmation of the financial solvency of a person;
  • to enter visa-free countries that require proof of availability of money at the time of travel.

Powers have to demand this information to limit the flow of illegal immigrants. The higher the standard of living in a country, the more requirement to tourists.

The main function of the certificate is to prove that the tourist in his home country has stable income and that he is not interested in moving to foreign countries.

Requirements of the European powers for a certificate for a visa from a bank

Each European country has certain requirements for a bank statement. They concern the size of the amount in the account. The amount is calculated as follows: 62 euros per day for 1 person. Trips generally last no more than 15 days. That is, the traveler must have at least 74.4 thousand rubles on his account.

To avoid misunderstandings, remember the following:

  • for British visas, 2 certificates are required, 1 of which is translated into English;
  • for a French visa, the certificate must contain the contacts and address of the bank;
  • for Italian, an extract from a credit card is enough.

Can be translated into English bank employees. If they do not provide such a service, the help of a translation agency will be required.

Is it possible to do without it

A bank statement is the main document that is provided for obtaining a Schengen visa. In some situations, you can do without it - the certificate can be replaced. This is a receipt that is drawn up by a third party and undertakes to sponsor the traveler and pay all his expenses.

If there is no certificate or letter, then the Embassy can present one of these papers:

  • an extract from a bank card;
  • currency exchange receipt;
  • receipt, which indicates the withdrawal of money from the account.

Despite this, if the applicant does not have a certificate in hand, he may be refused, since the listed documents do not guarantee that the tourist has enough finances.

If the applicant does not have the opportunity to present a certificate from the bank to the Consulate, then he has the right to submit other papers.

They are:

  • traveler's checks confirming the fact of payment of travel expenses;
  • certificates that show that the applicant withdrew money from the account before leaving. The document must bear the seal of the bank and the name of the branch that issued it;
  • papers showing the movement of finances, for example, checks from an ATM.

Deposits in the bank also confirm the applicant's financial solvency.

Does it matter which bank issues the document

The bank in which the certificate is issued matters if it is not a short-term (tourist) visa, but a business (working) visa that is issued.

In this case, the Embassy pays attention to the stability of the bank, its rating. The bank issuing the certificate must have a high rating and good indicator financial reporting.

How to get a statement on a Sberbank card

Sberbank provides a service for issuing statements. You can get it in several ways. Before choosing one of the options, it is necessary to clarify the requirements for the certificate at the Consulate - extracts issued in different ways differ from each other.

In the department

The traditional way to get a certificate is to request it at a bank branch. By personally visiting the bank, you can get a full package of services and draw up the required document, explaining to the bank employee all the details. To do this, you need to visit the operator and show him your passport.

The certificate will be printed at the bank itself or sent to email address client. The Consulate requires a certified document, so it is better to print the certificate immediately and ask bank employee put a stamp, signature of the head of the department.

A certificate of the amount of the amount can be obtained at any branch of the bank.

If you need a statement on a card account, then you need to contact the office where this account is serviced.

Through an ATM

For information on all production financial transactions, you need to select the “Mini Statement” service at the ATM. It has such a name because the data is issued only for the last 3 months. The ATM dispenses a small check. The service will cost approx. 15 rubles.

SMS alert

This option can be chosen by those citizens who have activated the service " Mobile banking". To find out about the status of the account, you need to send an SMS to number 900 indicating "Balance ****" or "Statement ****". Type words in Latin letters. In place of the stars, the last 4 digits of the card number are indicated.

Bank employees send information about the 10 transactions that were made last. The statement will indicate the time of the transaction, the amount (which was withdrawn or deposited to the account) and the balance. Depending on the tariff, the service is free or costs 15 rubles.

Information online

If the Sberbank Online service is connected, account information can be found in personal account. The algorithm of actions is simple - the site is visited, captcha is entered, the "apply" line is pressed and access to the card account is opened. The history of the last transactions with the account will be displayed on the screen. It remains to print the certificate. Information for the last 10 transactions is available in your personal account.

By mail of the Russian Federation or e-mail

To receive information by mail, an application is written at a branch of Sberbank. The service is free. You only pay for data transfer. At any bank branch, you can write an application to email Received notifications about the transactions carried out with the account.

What is the validity period of the document

How long is a bank statement valid for a visa? The question does not have a clear answer. Each type of statement has its own deadline.

You need to get help:

  • behind 2-3 weeks before submitting documentation for a bank statement;
  • behind 3 days for printing from an ATM;
  • behind 3 month or six months for a certificate of buying currency.

A bank certificate for a Schengen visa is considered as a legally significant source if it was issued no earlier than 1 month before the documents were submitted to the Embassy.

There are countries that allow you to present a certificate that was ordered from the bank much earlier.

The validity period of the certificate is limited. Its validity period is 21 day with the date of issue included. If during this period it is not used, you will have to contact the bank again.


There is no standard template for a bank statement for a visa. Each bank develops its own form. You do not need to indicate where you need help. It is enough to put a mark "at the place of requirement".

In every financial institution its own form for an extract.

Standard data included in the certificate:

  • the name of the bank that issued the document;
  • the name of the paper - in the center is indicated "Help";
  • personal account number;
  • personal data of the owner - must match in the certificate and in the passport;
  • date of issue of the document;
  • what currency are the savings in;
  • when the account was opened - if it was opened a few days before applying to the Consulate, then the employees may become suspicious. It is better if the account is valid for at least six months;
  • how much money is in the account on the day of the request;
  • bank details (in the help header);
  • data on the employee who issued the extract - position, signature;
  • seal.


If an account is opened in the bank, then it is necessary to attach a photocopy of the card (front side) to the certificate.

Other requirements:

  • the data of the owner and his card number must be the same as the data in the certificate;
  • you can pay with a card abroad;
  • the validity of the card must exceed the duration of the trip;
  • private entrepreneurs need to attach a tax return to the statement, this will increase their chances of obtaining a visa.

It is better not to throw away the extract until the end of the trip.

It is better not to use other people's money - the Embassy staff at any time can request information from the bank about the real state of the account. You need to provide data on those accounts to which funds are regularly received. They have more confidence.

Thus, without a certificate of account status, a visa will be refused.. It is a guarantee that the applicant is solvent. Issued at the bank during a personal visit by the applicant. If there is no certificate, it can be replaced by other documents confirming that the tourist has money. The main thing is to use your own account, otherwise your visa will be refused.

When applying for a visa, papers are required that indicate the financial solvency of the applicant. Among the options for such a document is a bank statement on the state of the account. There are a number of requirements for its design and content. In order to avoid financial insolvency as the reason for the refusal to issue a visa permit, you should read this article.

When applying for a visa, proof of availability of funds for the trip is provided. If the applicant does not have a permanent job or the official income is too low to issue a Schengen visa, they provide a bank statement.

There are a number of requirements for the execution of this paper by the Consular Sections. For such cases, an extract on the movement of money received at the information kiosk is not suitable. A certificate of account status is ordered from the Accounts department. individuals.

In a number of banks, this service is performed for a fee, and the paper itself is issued in 1-2 days. The cost of preparing a certificate varies depending on different banks from 150 to 200 rubles.

Help Sample

For submission to the Consulate, an extract from bank account issued on a special form, with a round seal and signature of a department specialist. Sometimes it is additionally signed by the head of the department.

The help contains the following information:

  • Complete customer details, including address.
  • The name of the institution itself.
  • Remainder Money.
  • Date of conclusion of the banking agreement.
  • Seal.
  • Certificate issue date.
  • FULL NAME. the employee who issued the extract, his position and signature.

bank statement sample

A bank statement has a limited validity period of 1 month. The consulates of the Schengen countries do not require that money be frozen until a decision is made to issue a visa.

Travelers in the absence of a bank account do this - they conclude an agreement, borrow money and put it into the account. After that, a certificate is issued and the funds are taken again. The recent date of opening an account causes suspicion among the employees of the Consulate, this may lead to a refusal. A number of Embassies require that the certificate reflect the movement of money over the last 3 months.

Account amount

IN different countries belonging to the Schengen area, the requirements for the amount on the account differ. On average, they calculate based on 60 euros per day. The Polish Consulate requires 40 euros per day, the German Consulate - 55. The requirements of a particular country will be found out before applying for a visa.

Calculation example for the Schengen area

If a trip is planned for 10 days, and the state requirements for the minimum amount per day of stay is 60 euros, then the balance must be at least 600 euros per person. Any account currency is allowed, the amount is recalculated at the exchange rate on the day of application.

When applying for a visa as a whole family, calculate the amount for each adult family member.


If an open bank account requires a plastic card, then attach a photocopy of it on the front side. There are a number of requirements in the account and the card linked to it.

Another help example

  • All data of the owner and the card number must match the data indicated in the certificate.
  • The card allows you to pay outside the country.
  • The validity of the card must be longer than the planned duration of the trip.
  • When applying for a multivisa for a long period, they do not provide the availability of funds for the entire period of validity of the visa. The amount is calculated based on the duration of the first planned stay in the Schengen area.
  • Individual entrepreneurs attach to the package of submitted papers and extract tax returns. This has a positive effect on decision making.

An additional confirmation of the availability of funds is the provision of checks for the purchase of foreign currency before the trip. These papers can also be attached to the visa application.

It is a common practice to put money on a card account, and after receiving a visa, pick it up. When crossing the border, customs officers make a decision to let the tourist through. It is normal practice to ask the traveler for confirmation of the availability of funds on the card or cash.

In this case, a bank statement with confirmation will come in handy, so it is not recommended to throw it away. If the term bank papers expired, it is recommended to get a new one no later than a month before the trip for reinsurance.

Bank statement - a financial document issued by the bank to the client, reflecting the status of the account and the movement of funds on it for a certain period of time.

Article 9 of the Federal Law "On Accounting" dated November 21, 1996 No. 129 determines that the operations performed by the enterprise, in without fail are conclusively confirmed. This proof is a bank statement.

The document must be kept at the enterprise and in the financial institution for at least 5 years and presented to representatives of the regulatory authorities that check the accounting in the company.

Bank statement from current account

Bank statement from the current account - primary accounting document, which clearly displays the performed banking operations and the movement of funds on the account.

order of conduct accounting receipt of bank statements on paper or in in electronic format. The federal law"About electronic signature" dated 06.04.11 No. 63 determines that digitized files signed with electronic digital signature, are recognized as electronic documents, equal in legal value to a certified paper document.

Maintaining bank statements

On the basis of bank statements, the accountant of the enterprise can reconcile the accounting data with the operations carried out by the bank. Verification must be carried out on the day of issuance of the document. If discrepancies are found, the accountant must notify the bank. The extract is stored in the archives of the enterprise and serves as evidence of settlement transactions during various inspections by regulatory authorities. Having received an extract, the accountant usually posts the data in the accounting program.

Preparation of bank statements

The preparation of bank statements is not regulated by the standards. The document must contain:
- Name of the bank;
- requisites;
- stamp and signature of an employee of a financial institution;
- date of issue of the bank statement;
- Document Number;
- sums of debit entries and accounts;
- account balance at the beginning and end of the period and other information.

The bank statement is accompanied by documents received from counterparties and serving as the basis for the movement of money, as well as papers issued by a credit institution.

How to get a bank statement

Financial institutions have a specific procedure for issuing bank statements. This usually happens at the designated time on the day following the settlement. The first copy of the document is issued to clients free of charge. If it is necessary to obtain a bank statement again, the credit institution may require payment for its services. At the request of the client, the document can be received electronically. Responsibility for obtaining statements lies with the client of the bank.

Storage of bank statements

The bank statement is issued in two copies. The first is issued to the client, and the second is kept in the archives of the financial institution. All statements not received by customers are stored in the bank for 4 months, and then destroyed. In electronic databases credit institution information is stored for 5 years. At the written request of the client, the data is extracted from the archive, printed and issued on paper.

Advice from Sravni.ru: When entering into an agreement for banking services, the client should pay attention to the procedure for issuing bank statements.

To obtain detailed information about your income and expenses on the card, you must contact Sberbank. An account statement is provided to all clients upon their request. It will indicate in what amounts the funds were received, as well as how they were withdrawn: in cash or spent on purchases. An extract is needed to obtain a visa, as the consulate checks the financial solvency of citizens.


At the consulate of the country where you plan to travel, you need to find out what kind of paper you should take, because there are two types of certificate. The first is presented in the form of a statement on the number of expenses, and the second shows the state of the account for a specific period. If there is no debit card or there is not enough funds, then an extract from the Sberbank account for a visa is prepared.

This document will indicate the funds, as well as their movement. It is necessary to pay attention that credit cards suitable for those citizens who do not have debts. The statement is issued on official letterhead. It is certified by the seal and signature of the head. The paper must be no older than 3 weeks.

What information should be?

Documents are provided by all financial institutions, including Sberbank. The account statement includes the following information:

  • Account number.
  • Balance - funds at the beginning and end of the reporting period.
  • Movement of funds.
  • Remainder.

Account balance is important. It can be at least 60 euros per day for the entire period of the trip, but each country sets its own limits.

When is paper needed?

With the statement, you can control the movement of funds on the account. Also, paper is needed for:

  • Obtaining a visa, as you need to confirm the solvency.
  • Visits to countries with a visa-free regime, as proof of availability of funds is required.

Countries request this information to limit the flow of illegal immigrants who are looking for a better life in other countries. The requirements for visitors depend on the standard of living in the state. When issuing a visa, consulates must be sure that travelers will return to their homeland. main reason this is formal employment.

Is the bank account verified? Sometimes this can be done as it is important to make sure the information is correct. But if the applicant does not show a bank account, no one will. There are several ways in which Sberbank provides these securities. In any case, the account statement will be official, only some papers can be submitted to the consulate, while others will serve only for their own needs.

Branch of Sberbank

This is the most common option. For this, branches of Sberbank operate throughout the country. Only with a personal visit you can get the necessary services, as well as draw up documents. Employees provide this information based on the client's request.

To get an extract, you need bank card and a passport. The statement will be printed immediately or transferred to your email. Since it is necessary to provide certified papers to the consulate, the extract must be printed immediately. It must be stamped and signed. A document on the spending limit is provided in each department. And an account statement is issued at the office where the card is serviced.


You can also get a document through an ATM so as not to contact Sberbank. An account statement is provided thanks to the “Mini Statement” service. To do this, you need to insert the card into an ATM, enter the PIN code, and also select the "Card History" option, which is located in the "Information and Service" section.

The information is printed on the check, which will contain information on the main operations, but only for 3 months. This service is paid, its price is 15 rubles.


It is not necessary to contact the branches of Sberbank, because the statement can be received via SMS. You only need to be a user mobile bank". What will be the price of this service depends on the tariff. If there are no funds on the phone, then the request will not be fulfilled.

To receive an extract, you will need to send an SMS to number 900. It should contain the text "Balans ****". The asterisks represent the last digits of the card. Then the last 10 transactions will be reported.


There may be another way to get an account statement. Sberbank Online provides such a service. To do this, you need to visit the official website, having previously received a username and password. You need to click on the "Statement" section, which contains information about the costs and the time when the operations were performed.

If the card is a credit card, then information about the debt, interest and payment amounts is provided. You can also get access to the "Personal Account" using applications on Android, Windows Phone, iPhone, iPad.

By mail or email

The statement can be sent by Russian post or e-mail. Moreover, it is possible to receive a report for each month. It is necessary to write an application at the bank office. Email information is sent free of charge. And if you use the Russian Post, then you need to pay for its services.

Do you need a translation of the statement?

Usually, the consulate requires a translation of the extract into the language of the country to which the trip is planned. This procedure must be carried out with the help of an accredited company. Some consulates ask for information about finances in national currency, therefore, before printing the statement, you must convert the amount of money.

Sberbank clients do not need to contact a special agency, since the documents are translated at the branch. Usually an extract costs about 100-200 rubles. Processing takes up to 3 days. The resulting document will allow you to find out about the receipts of funds and expenses.

Using any banking product, whether it is a loan, deposit or debit card, it is important to control the movement of funds in the account. This is especially true for legal entities and entrepreneurs leading commercial activity. A bank statement is an official financial document that confirms the amount of crediting and debiting money. Based on such a certificate, you can confirm the income and expenses of the enterprise, as well as the amount of tax for any form of taxation.

Account statement for entrepreneurs and organizations

A bank statement is generated on a daily basis for each account opened with a financial institution. This may be a current account through which the company conducts its activities, making a profit and interacting with counterparties and suppliers, or an account opened for credit needs.

You can request a bank statement at any time. It is formed for a certain period, which is interesting to the customer. This guide contains information on:

on the receipt of funds; transfer of money in favor of third parties; bank commissions.

Bank statements can be requested when the responsible authorized person applies to a branch of a financial institution. Required by different companies different times for the preparation of a certificate. This may take from a few minutes to 3 business days, depending on the organization's regulations.

In addition, for businesses with settlement and cash services in a particular bank, remote access to the current one is often provided through the client-bank. In this service, you can generate such a document online, but it will not have legal force. To transfer the certificate to the regulatory authorities, the seal and signature of an employee of a banking company are required.

What is displayed in the document?

Account statements may vary slightly between banks. But there is uniform form records for mandatory filling information displayed in the help:

Name and basic details of the bank according to personal account serviced by this company.Customer data and account number.Date on which the certificate is generated.Date of the previous document request.Incoming balance at the beginning of the period and outgoing balance at the end of the period.All operations, full cash flow, including debit and credit.

An example would be the following sample bank statement:

Bank statement as of 18.08.2017

Name of the organization: LLC "Planeta"

Account number: 40705910706000004461

Date of formation: 18.08.2017

Incoming balance (K): 15,000.00


Corresponding account

Type of operation

bank branch

Debit (D) Credit (K)
17.08.2017 243 40705910706000004345 2 5403654 10 000,00
17.08.2017 351 30300145856300012564 1 5503525 25 000,00
17.08.2017 242 40705910706000002425 3 5503525 10 000,00

Outgoing balance: (K) 20,000.00

The bank statement must contain complete information on each transaction:

Date of the transaction.Number of the payment document.Account to which the money is received or from which it is received.Type of transfer.Details of the bank where the account is located (BIC).Debit and credit after the completion of the operation.

The bank statement from the current account follows the generally accepted pattern " double entry". After each transaction, the debit and credit balance is indicated. In the debit section, all receipts of funds are displayed, in the credit - write-offs.

The bank statement must be supported by accompanying documents (orders, payment orders, claims). Inscribed transactions are considered valid only if there are relevant supporting documents.

To whom is help provided?

Statement for bank account is provided to a certain circle of responsible persons, who are appointed by the head of the company. As a rule, the accountant of the organization has the right to request a certificate by contacting personally.

The accountant must receive directly the document and payment orders confirming the transactions. On the same day, it will be necessary to carry out all postings in accounting system enterprises, usually 1C, using the double entry standard. For postings, the correspondence account and the account that is used in the operation are used.

Information for individuals

An extract from a current account for an organization is an important financial document that is necessary for the accounting department of an enterprise. But what is an extract for individuals? Do they need her?

Individuals can in various ways interact with banking organization. have a credit or debit card, deposit or loan, pay mortgage, car loans. Bank statements for individuals are primarily informational in nature on the movement of funds.

The client can independently control the receipt and debiting of money, check information on commissions and interest under the contract. In addition, such a document on paper has legal force. The certificate will confirm the presence of overdue debts, the fulfillment of obligations under the contract and is suitable for submission to the court or other banking organizations.

For loans

A loan statement displays the amount of crediting and debiting money. In the column "Receipts" are the amounts that the client contributes. The "Write-off" section contains data on how the funds are distributed on the account.

Information is indicated on how much was written off from the principal debt, and how much went to pay off interest for actual use credit funds. The dates of the actual receipt of money and write-offs, as well as the amount of funds in the account at the current moment.

Just like for legal entities, there is no single standard, but sample certificates have general principles and created on a special bank letterhead. An example would be the following bank statement:

Bank name: JSCB RosEvroBank BIK 044525836 General license for banking operations No. 3137 dated 26.08.2015

CURRENT ACCOUNT STATEMENT from 1.07.2017 to 18.08.2017

Client: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich

Account number: 40805910706000004461

Date of formation: 18.08.2017

Date of last operation: 08/17/2017

Account balance

Remaining principal amount
17.08.2017 Crediting funds
17.08.2017 Repayment of principal
17.08.2017 Payment of interest for the current month
12.07.2017 Crediting funds
12.07.2017 Repayment of principal
12.07.2017 Crediting funds

The amount of the principal debt as of 08/18/2017: 134,005.26

If during the course of the contract an overdue debt was admitted and fines or penalties were accrued, then this information will also be displayed in an extract from the personal account. The client can independently calculate, based on this certificate, the total amount spent on paying fines and interest.

For credit cards

According to the results of each billing period, credit card holders receive invoices that indicate the amount of transactions for the past month, information on crediting money, total amount debts and mandatory payments.

Standard account data contains minimal information. Banks can notify customers through SMS informing, sending a letter to the post office or email address. More detailed document bank on the current account is formed at the direct request of the client.

For deposits

The statement from the bank account on the deposit includes information on the amount at the current moment, as well as on the accrued interest. This is true for deposits with monthly capitalization percent, since the client can independently track the profit that his deposit brings.

In a bank statement, it will be possible to track the movement of funds, if the terms of the deposit provide for partial withdrawal money or transferring interest to a debit card.

How to get a certificate for an individual?

The document is automatically generated daily in the client's personal account. You can control your contracts through a computer or mobile app. For this, there is no need to make additional requests or applications, the certificate is generated online.

But the online statement contains only background information. The official document must have the seal of the bank and the signature of the employee. You can request a certificate by contacting the bank and writing a written application.

A document for individuals is produced, as a rule, instantly, but some banking companies may up to 3 business days. To draw up an application, you will need to have a passport with you, you may also need the number of the agreement drawn up in the bank.

A bank statement is a financial document that reflects the movement of funds in a current or current account. It is a copy of the records on current account in the bank.

What is a bank statement

The correct name for this document is “bank statement”. It contains all information about monetary transactions produced from the settlement account of an enterprise or an individual entrepreneur. The statement allows the bank client to track the movement of funds on the bank account: crediting funds, payments made, bank commissions. Account statements are automatically generated by the bank on a daily basis, if there was a movement of funds on the account. In any case, the client has the right to request a statement of his current account at any time convenient for him.

All enterprises are required to observe cash discipline. This means that an organization, regardless of the type of taxation, must accurately fill out cash book where receipts and expenditures are recorded. An important place in it is occupied by bank statements - they serve as proof of the volume cash receipts, expenses of the enterprise and the basis for charging income tax or simplified tax system or reducing it by the amount of expenses. Anyway, financial statements cannot be reliable if the accountant does not have current bank statements.

What does a bank statement look like

This document states:

Date of transaction on the account;

Type of financial transaction; - document number;

BIC of the beneficiary's bank;

Bank correspondent account;

Payer's current account;

Beneficiary's account.

The cash flow is indicated in the "Debit" and "Credit" columns. Unlike the accounting rules, the bank reflects the write-off of funds from the account on the Debit of the account, and the income on the Credit. The accountant of the enterprise must carefully check the compliance of bank statements with the payment transactions carried out. In case of discrepancies, immediately inform the bank. For the reliability of accounting, statements should be kept together with expenditure documents(payment orders), in order to avoid their loss.

If you need to get a duplicate bank statement, you need to write an application to the bank. There should be no problems with providing a copy of the document, but the bank charges an additional fee for this procedure. Individuals who actively use a settlement or correspondent account are also entitled to receive statements on their account.

If a bank account statement is required to be submitted to the regulatory authority, it must be certified by the signature of the specialist who issued it and the seal of the bank. In all other cases this is not required.

All information about an individual as an entrepreneur is in the Unified State Register Individual Entrepreneurs (

). Information about legal


The extract can be complete or incomplete. The extract is provided upon request to the tax and other government bodies(archive, city administration, etc.).

Statements are provided for opening a bank account, registration in off-budget funds, participation in the competition (

bidding), receiving

statistics codes

Conclusion of an agreement (contract), obtaining a loan or a loan, obtaining a license or permit, making transactions

with real estate

Notarization of banking


The validity period of an extract from the USRIP and the USRLE should not exceed 30 days. However, some notaries limit


extracts up to 5-10 days.

To obtain an extract, draw up an official application according to the model declared by the institution. The header of the application must contain information about you (last name, first name, patronymic), a document proving your identity (passport data), address, contact

The body of the application consists of a request for

and its rationale. It is also necessary to indicate the purpose for which the statement is taken. The following lists the documents that the applicant provides for the issuance of an extract. The application is signed by the applicant with the transcript of the signature, the date of the application is indicated.

The term for receiving an extract is 3-5 business days. The extract is issued against signature indicating the outgoing number of the document registered in the journal of the outgoing


and certified by the seal of the issuing authority.

Extracts about an individual can also be issued in the archives (contain information about the name,

patronymic, place and circumstance of birth, other information about life), at the place of residence (contain information about the place of residence, family composition, the amount of living space occupied), internal affairs bodies (contain information about offenses and criminal liability individuals), institutions of the Ministry of Health (contain information about past diseases, recommendations), etc.

Today, every company and almost every entrepreneur has a bank account. The execution of operations on it is accompanied by the execution and receipt of several types of documents, the most important of which is a bank statement. However, not all novice accountants know what it looks like, and what kind of calculations are reflected in it.

To find out

what does it look like

bank statement, it is enough to ask the specialist servicing your account to present this document to you. In fact, a bank statement is a summary of all transactions made on a current account for a certain period of time. It is a reliable source of information about the receipt and debiting of funds, as well as the amount of commissions deducted by the bank for transactions.

Composition of the extract

Any bank statement contains the following mandatory details: name of the bank;

The date of the transactions;

Name and account number of the client;

Account currency;

Incoming account balance;

Type of financial transaction;

BIC of the beneficiary's/sender's bank and its correspondent account;

Account number of the counterparty;

Numbers and amounts of payment documents received or sent during the business day;

Outgoing account balance.

The bank considers itself a debtor to its customers, therefore write-offs from the account are recorded as debits, and credits as credits. Statements are generated for each business day during which cash flow occurred on the account. For legal entities statements are issued the next day after the operation.

Statement types

At the request of the client, bank specialists are required to provide an extract for any period specified by you, or for the entire existence of the account. In addition, you can get an extended account statement. In addition to the information specified in a regular statement, this document reflects the name of the counterparty company, as well as the basis for the transaction or the purpose of the payment. Therefore, the extended extract is very informative. It allows the accountant of the company not only to track all transactions on the account, but also to clearly see which goods or services were paid for, and also - for which operations the bank commission was charged.

There are several banking rules which regulate the procedure for issuing statements.

The statement may not be certified with a stamp and signature of a banking specialist. However, if it needs to be submitted to tax office or other regulatory authorities, the presence of a bank mark is mandatory.

If the statement is lost, the bank will provide you with a duplicate of it for a fee.

Statements are provided for all client accounts, including deposit and current accounts of citizens.

article on types of bank statements


What does a bank statement look like?

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A bank statement can be used by legal entities that have settlement, current accounts, as well as individuals who have a correspondent, credit or current account opened with a financial institution. Using the statement, you can easily track all movements on the account.

What is a business bank statement

Bank statement - a document that reflects the state of the client account, as well as the movement of money through this account for a certain period. That is, it is a copy of the information on the client account. The statement is prepared at the bank and issued to the client; it can reflect information on any account of the company.

This document allows you to clearly see:

money transfer; expenditure transactions(payments made); commissions charged by the bank for the services provided.

For all accounts on which there was a movement, bank statements are generated daily. The client has the right to apply to the bank for statements at any time.

The company must have a cash book (for any taxation). In it, the accountant notes information about all cash documents(income, expenditure). Bank statements confirm the amount of expenses, revenues of the organization, according to their data, taxes are charged.

What information is included in the statement

The extract must be completed in accordance with all requirements. It must contain the following information:

name of the sending bank, details (BIC, correspondent account); the name of the bank account holder; the number of the client's account for which the statement is made; the date of execution of the last statement, the outgoing balance on it (it is the incoming balance for this statement); list of performed operations; outgoing account balance at the time of statement generation; amount of debit/credit transactions.

For each transaction, you must specify:

the date of its holding; type of operation; income and expense (the amounts are reflected in debit, credit); number and date of the accompanying document, according to which money was debited or credited; BIC of the recipient bank; settlement account of the recipient of funds and the payer.

The reflection of the movement of funds occurs "mirror" with how information is recorded at the enterprise. The column "Credit" indicates the receipt of funds (the last amount will reflect the balance on a specific date), and "Debit" reflects expenditure operations (all write-offs).

The statement, which is submitted to the regulatory authorities, must be certified by the seal of the bank and the signature of the responsible bank officer. If the document is used for other purposes, it may not be certified.

An extract is issued along with supporting documents (they are canceled with a stamp “redeemed”, if they are not there, it is impossible to make postings). It could be a memorial payment order etc. These documents are issued for each amount posted to the account.

Sberbank has the largest branch network in Russia and a wide network of correspondent banks abroad. Therefore, many legal entities open an account with this institution. An extract from Sberbank can be issued at a branch using the Client-Bank.

Bank statement: sample How an accountant checks and processes statements

Only the employee of the enterprise who is entrusted with these powers can receive an extract from the bank. The list of authorized persons is compiled by the head together with the chief accountant.

Typically, this function is entrusted to an accountant. He receives statements from the bank and checks the availability of each accompanying document; checks the amount indicated in the document and in the statement. For convenience, you can write a corresponding account opposite each operation (it will be useful when making a transaction).

Further verified statements are entered into automated system accounting for the movement of funds of the enterprise (this must be done on the day they are received). The accountant posts separately for each transaction, applying the "double entry" rule. Cor. will participate in the wiring. account 51 (settlement account in the bank) and another account (depending on the type and purpose of the operation).

Why is a bank statement issued for individuals

A bank statement filled out in accordance with all the rules can also be useful for individuals. faces. When closing the loan agreement, an extract indicating the zero balance of the debt confirms the full fulfillment of the client's obligations to the bank. This document is considered a confirmation that the account is closed, the bank has no claims against the borrower. If misunderstandings subsequently arise and some disputed debt appears, you can provide an extract in your defense in court.

An extract will also come in handy for those who have a delay in the bank. It will display all payments, as well as withheld fines and penalties. If this document, together with loan agreement refer to Rospotrebnadzor, the amount of the debt can be recalculated in the form of a letter of recommendation (fines and penalties will be counted as a debt write-off). Those. it won't legal document, binding, but the court usually takes it into account when considering credit cases.

Sometimes an extract is required to confirm the operation. For example, a person made a payment on the Internet, but the money did not reach the recipient. Then, to clarify at what stage the failure occurred, you will have to confirm that the amount was sent from the payer.

An account statement may be requested at the embassy to obtain a visa. It confirms the solvency of a person, his level of income, financial stability. There is no standard form for this document, it is drawn up according to the model of the bank.

For debit card holders, a statement can be useful for keeping track of the current balance of money. In the document, you can see all the commissions debited from the account, cash deposits, crediting interest on the balance, all debit transactions (transfer of funds, replenishment mobile phone etc.).

To get an extract, you should visit a bank branch and write an application. The document will be issued to you with the seal of the bank and the signatures of responsible persons. Many Finnish institutions give the client the opportunity to independently generate an extract in the personal account of Internet banking.

Having selected the account for which the client wants to view the movement of funds, you should click on the "Generate Statement" or "Statement" button. The screen will display all transactions performed for the specified period (for example, for a month, 3 months, etc.). This statement can be printed, its only drawback is the absence of a bank seal and signatures. Those. it has no legal force. And for personal purposes, it is quite possible to use it.

An Alfa-Bank statement can be generated in the Alfa-Click service. In the "Internet Bank" block there is a link "My Accounts". The “Funds blocked” column reflects information on transactions (the total amount of spending transactions) for which supporting documents have not yet been received. This money has not been debited from the account, but so far it has only been blocked. The table below reflects all transactions on the account since it was opened. To see the movement of funds for a certain period (for example, for a month), use the link "Account Statement" (it is located on the left). After specifying the time interval, click "Show".

In the Bank of Moscow, an extract can be obtained at a branch, in the Web-Banking Internet service, as well as at terminals and ATMs.

Tips for clients: how to get an extract without problems
It is best for an accountant to agree in advance with bank employees how often he will collect statements from the company's account: daily, once a week, etc. This will allow you to organize your work in the most efficient way. If the statement is lost, you should contact the bank for its duplicate. To do this, you must write an appropriate application. Usually, the provision of a duplicate statement is charged separately. From the account statement of an individual, you can find out data on the insurance premiums paid by the employer on account of the future pension, on its funded part. If an individual needs an account statement for personal use, there is no need to visit the bank. You can connect to the Internet service and view all the information you need remotely (at home, at work, on the road). But for submission to any institutions, organizations (court, Rospotrebnadzor), a certified extract will be required. In OTP-Bank, the statement is sent to the client's email address on a monthly basis. Sending statements by Russian post is additional paid service and connected at the request of the client. An express statement of OTP-Bank can be generated in the OTPdirect Internet service. If the bank refuses to provide the client with an extract (for example, there is a delay, and you want to review the total amount of the debt), the following measures should be taken: write an official letter to the bank with a request to provide an extract; register your appeal as incoming at the bank, your copy must be stamped and signed; write a pre-trial claim to the bank if you did not receive a response or were refused; go to court with a lawsuit if your issue is not resolved amicably.

Detailed information about banks:

Alfa-BankBank of MoscowOTP BankSberbank of Russia

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state