
How to generate a report in pfr 1c. Accounting info. Completing the section on compulsory health insurance

How to generate PFR reporting in the 1C 8.3 Accounting program?

Consider how the computer program 1C Accounting 8.3 helps an accountant to make quarterly reports to the FIU.

If the 1C system was timely and correctly entered Required documents, then the formation of "pension" reporting is not difficult, as it is done automatically. In order for all the data to get to the right places in the reports, the following operations must be entered in 1C.

    1. First of all, the monthly calculation of contributions for MPI and compulsory medical insurance. It is carried out by the program simultaneously with the calculation of salaries to employees with the document 1C "Payroll". The contribution rate is pre-set in the salary accounting settings (see the item “References and settings” in the “Salary and personnel” section).
    2. Payment of contributions should also be reported to the FIU. It should be reflected in 1C bank statement"Write-off from the current account" with the transaction type "Tax payment" (tax " Insurance premiums to the Pension Fund "or" to the FFOMS ", type" Contributions ").

Reporting RSV-1

When the documents on the accrual and payment of contributions have been successfully entered into the program, you can start generating reports in Pension Fund... In 1C, a workplace serves for this purpose:

Salary and personnel / Insurance premiums / Quarterly reporting to the FIU

To create a new set of reports, it is enough to set the current period and click "Create set" (the period on this button will be indicated automatically).

If there are previously created and saved sets for other periods in the 1C 8.3 program, then they are displayed in the list. Moreover, the creation of a new set of forms is possible only if the earlier sets have the status "Sent" or "Will not be transferred". To change the state, use the "Set state" link.

By pressing the button "Create a set" the program creates and automatically fills in the RSV-1 form. The window that opens displays general information taxable base and assessed contributions for the required period. The status of the form is "In progress".

Section 1 includes the amounts of contributions to the Pension Fund and FFOMS that were accrued and paid during the period, as well as the debt (if any).

Section 2 reflects the calculation of contributions based on the taxable base and the applicable tariff. If during the period in the program the documents "Sick leave" were entered, for which benefits were accrued, then the amount of benefits will automatically be reflected in section 2 in lines 201 and 211 "Amounts not subject to insurance premiums".

How to change data in RSV-1 reporting in 1C 8.3

If we return to the form of work with RSV-1 and select the line "Pack of 6 RSV-1 sections" here, we will see that a list of employees with the amounts of earnings and assessed contributions has appeared below. This is the data that falls into the "Individual Information" (section 6).

Double-clicking on the line with the employee opens a form for editing section 6 RSV-1 for this employee. If necessary, all information here can be edited manually: change amounts, add new lines.

On the tab "Section 6.8 (experience)" of the same form, information about the employee's experience is reflected. If it was entered sick leave, then the period of illness is automatically displayed here with the code ВРНЕТРУД. This section is also available for manual editing. For example, if an employee, by agreement with the management, was granted leave "without pay", you should add lines here and indicate the required vacation period by selecting the required code in the "Calculated length of service" section.

If necessary, fill in the data such as the periods of work in special conditions or for a preferential position. In case of work in conditions of “harmfulness”, section 6.7 is filled in.

Another feature that allows you to edit the length of service of employees is the link "Experience" in the form of working with RSV-1:

By clicking this link, a form for editing the experience opens in the form of a list of employees. This form contains, among other things, columns for information on the appointment of an early pension. Changes made to seniority should be saved using the appropriate button.

How to upload RSV-1 and other reports to a pension fund

The finished RSV-1 report can be printed on paper or downloaded from 1C as a file in the PFR format. It is possible to check the correctness of filling out the report using the built-in 1C checker and third-party programs.

The workstation "Quarterly reporting in the FIU" also allows you to create a corrective form RSV-1 and load sets of forms into the program from reporting files.

Starting from version 3.0.43 and higher, the 1C: Accounting 8.3 program also generates a monthly SZV-M report (it is available in the "References and Settings" subsection of the "Salary and Personnel" section of the program).

Based on materials: programmist1s.ru

Consider how the computer program 1C Accounting 8.3 helps an accountant to make quarterly reports to the FIU.

If the necessary documents were entered into the 1C system in a timely manner and correctly, then the formation of "pension" reporting is not difficult, since it is performed automatically. In order for all the data to get to the right places in the reports, the following operations must be entered in 1C.

  1. First of all, the monthly calculation of contributions for MPI and compulsory medical insurance. It is carried out by the program simultaneously with the calculation of salaries to employees with the document 1C "". The contribution rate is pre-set in the salary accounting settings (see the item “References and settings” in the “Salary and personnel” section).
  2. Payment of contributions should also be reported to the FIU. It should be reflected in 1C bank statement "" with the transaction type "Payment of tax" (tax "Insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation" or "to FFOMS", type "Contributions").

When the documents on the accrual and payment of contributions have been successfully entered into the program, you can start generating reports to the Pension Fund. In 1C, a workplace serves for this purpose:

Salary and personnel / Insurance premiums / Quarterly reporting to the FIU

To create a new set of reports, it is enough to set the current period and click "Create set" (the period on this button will be indicated automatically).

If there are previously created and saved sets for other periods in the 1C 8.3 program, then they are displayed in the list. Moreover, the creation of a new set of forms is possible only if the earlier sets have the status "Sent" or "Will not be transferred". To change the state, use the "Set state" link.

By pressing the button "Create a set" the program creates and automatically fills in the RSV-1 form. The window that opens displays general information about the taxable base and assessed contributions for the required period. The status of the form is "In progress".

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Section 1 includes the amounts of contributions to the Pension Fund and FFOMS that were accrued and paid during the period, as well as the debt (if any).

Section 2 reflects the calculation of contributions based on the taxable base and the applicable tariff. If during the period in the program the documents "Sick leave" were entered, for which benefits were accrued, then the amount of benefits will automatically be reflected in section 2 in lines 201 and 211 "Amounts not subject to insurance premiums".

How to change data in RSV-1 reporting in 1C 8.3

If we return to the form of work with RSV-1 and select the line "Pack of 6 RSV-1 sections" here, we will see that a list of employees with the amounts of earnings and assessed contributions has appeared below. This is the data that falls into the "Individual Information" (section 6).

Double-clicking on the line with the employee opens a form for editing section 6 RSV-1 for this employee. If necessary, all information here can be edited manually: change amounts, add new lines.

On the tab "Section 6.8 (experience)" of the same form, information about the employee's experience is reflected. If a sick leave was entered on it, then the period of illness is automatically displayed here with the code ВРНЕТРУД. This section is also available for manual editing. For example, if an employee, by agreement with the management, was granted leave "without pay", you should add lines here and indicate the required vacation period by selecting the required code in the "Calculated length of service" section.

If necessary, data such as periods of work in special conditions or on a preferential position are also filled in. In case of work in conditions of “harmfulness”, section 6.7 is filled in.

Another option that allows you to edit the seniority of employees, the link "Experience" in the form of working with RSV-1:

By clicking this link, a form for editing the experience opens in the form of a list of employees. This form contains, among other things, columns for information on the appointment of an early pension. Changes made to seniority should be saved using the appropriate button.

For the automatic formation of RSV-1 in 1C 8.2, you must perform the following actions:

  • In the Reports section → you need to select Regulated reports;
  • By function<Добавить элемент списка>- the choice of the RSV-1 PFR form is made;
  • Period - set reporting period;
  • Then click<Ок>;
  • When you press<Заполнить>- RSV -1 report will be generated automatically in 1C 8.2;
  • After that, you need to check the completion of the report and, if necessary, make adjustments to it.

In order to form 1C 8.2 Accounting printed form RSV-1, you need to do the following:

  • at the bottom of the form there is a button<Печать>;
  • if you select the Show form value, then the service for printing will be opened. Then you can print both all sheets in the report, and only those that will be marked with checkmarks;
  • We print through<Печать>.

How to check the correctness of filling out a report in the FIU in the form of RSV-1 in the program 1C 8.2 Accounting is considered in the form of step-by-step instructions.

Instructions for filling out the RSV-1 form in the FIU

Step 1. Filling out the title page

At the first step, information indicators about the taxpayer and the reporting period are formed. A sample RSV-1 cover page is shown below:

Step 2. Completing Section 2

In the second section of the RSV-1 form, the calculation is established for the taxpayer.

Filling out the section on compulsory pension insurance

In the line Base for calculating insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance(lines 240 and 241) - the age base is calculated:

  • For workers 1966 and older according to the formula (p. 201+ p. 203 - lines 211 -213 -221 -223 -231 -233)
  • Let's say, for example: 80 539.21 + 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 = 80 539.21 rubles. - p. 240;
  • For persons 1967 and younger according to the formula (p. 202 - lines 212 - 222-232)
  • Let's say, for example: 321 295.54 - 3 195.63 (sick leave benefit) - 0 - 0 = 318 099.91 rubles. - p. 241;

In the line Accrued insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, contributions are calculated: insurance and accumulation part(p. 250, p. 251), if their sum is more limit value base (p. 252) according to the formula: Amount of contributions = Base for contributions * Tariff for contributions.

  • So, in our case, the calculation of contributions for the insurance part: 80,539.21 * 22% + 318,099.91 * 16% = 68,614.62 rubles.
  • The calculation of contributions for the funded part was: 318,099.91 * 6% = 19,086.00 rubles.

Completing the section on compulsory health insurance

In the line Amount of payments and remuneration, in favor of individuals (p. 271) - the amount of payments by month in the reporting period (columns 4-6) and the total cumulative total (column 3) are written. The filling is similar to the indicators of the lines on the OPS (lines 201 + 202 + 203 are summed up).

In the line Base for calculating insurance premiums for compulsory medical insurance (page 275), the base is calculated by the formula (page 271 - lines 272 - 273 - 274).

  • In our case: 401 834.75 - 3 195.63 - 0 - 0 = 398 639.12 rubles - line 275;

In the line Accrued insurance premiums for compulsory health insurance the contributions to the FFOMS are calculated according to the formula: Amount of contributions = Base for contributions * Tariff for contributions.

  • Checking the calculation of contributions to the FFOMS: 398 639.12 * 5.1% = 20 330.60.

You can also reconcile the amount of contributions with the balance sheet for credit turnover accounts 69.03.01 "Federal fund of compulsory medical insurance". Similarly, you can check the calculations for all columns in the context of months of the period:

Example of filling in Section 2 of RSV-1:

Step 3. Completing Section 1

In the first section of the RSV-1 form, the calculated, paid contributions for compulsory pension and health insurance are calculated, and the balance on them is also indicated.

In the line Accrued insurance premiums from the beginning of the reporting period (line 110) - the total amount of accrued premiums on an accrual basis from January 01. The data in the line must match:

  • the amounts from section 2 column 3:
  • contributions to compulsory medical insurance - p. 276;
  • the sum of data from section 1 page 110 calculation previous period and data from section 1 page 114 of the calculation of the reporting period.

In lines 111, 112, 113 - the amounts of contributions accrued for the three previous months are entered. The data in the lines must correspond to the data from section 2 columns 4, 5, 6:

  • insurance part - page 250 + page 252;
  • cumulative part - p. 251;
  • contributions to compulsory medical insurance - p. 276;

In line 114 - the amount of insurance premiums for the last three months of the reporting period is reflected, which is determined by the formula (lines 111 + 112 + 113).

In line 130 - total amount insurance premiums payable, which is determined by summing the lines 100 + 110 + 120.

In line 140 - you need to indicate the amount of payment of contributions on an accrual basis from January 1 to the reporting date. The data in the line must match:

  • debit turnover on accounts 69.02.1, 69.02.1, 69.03.1 in correspondence with account 51;
  • the sum of data from section 1 page 140 of the calculation of the previous period and data from section 1 page 144 of the calculation of the reporting period;

In lines 141, 142, 143 - you need to enter the amount of contributions paid in the last three months. The data in the lines must correspond to the amounts of payment of contributions on a monthly basis (debit turnover on accounts 69.02.1, 69.02.1, 69.03.1);

In line 144 - the summation of lines 141 + 142 +143 is reflected.

Sample filling RSV-1 Section 1:

Drawing up a payment order for the payment of contributions to the FIU

The procedure for filling in the payment order fields for monthly payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (insurance part):

KBK for payment of contributions to the FIU

In the field 104 "KBK" you need to enter the code budget classification for the paid contribution.

Attention! The KBK is an important requisite, if it is incorrectly specified, the insurance premium will not be credited correctly and will entail the accrual of penalties.

In our example, the following BCFs are indicated:

The details of the payment of insurance premiums must be found in your pension fund or on the official website of the pension fund. For Moscow, you can use the site www.pfrf.ru/ot_moscow.

An example of a payment order for payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (insurance part)

To automatically generate a payment order in 1C 8.2, you can use the processing Formation of payment orders for the payment of taxes through the Bank menu:

Full list of our offers:

The next changes have taken place. Payment orders to the budget need to be processed in a new way. Insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs have changed. Even the KBK for contributions is now unified. Every time, accountants have to re-master accounting. In this regard, the attention is offered to the instruction on the formation of a set of reporting for 2013 to the Pension Fund in the program 1C: Enterprise 8.2.

Data preparation

1. In the Salary journal - Documents on payroll accounting - if there were documents Payroll, we check that there are documents Contributions with payroll. For zero declaration see item 4.

2. Open Salary - Contribution Calculations - add a new Insert document or copy from the previous F9. Select Payment to the FIU - indicate the date of payment, date of the document - Fill in with payments - OK

3. Here we add a new document Insert or copy from the previous F9. Select Payment to the MHIF - indicate the date of payment, date of the document - Fill in with payments - OK

Formation of RSV-1

4. Reports - Regulated reports - RSV-1 PFR - new - period 2013 - OK - Fill in - Yes.

5. We look at filling out the title page. OKATO code for 2013, we indicate the OKATO code (for reference: for already OKTMO), we check the availability of a contact phone number without signs - only numbers, the number of insured, the average number, full name

6. We look at the completion of Section 1. We check the data of the balance of insurance premiums at the beginning of the period (ie, at the beginning of 2013), if any, the amount has been accrued and paid.

7. We look at filling in Section 2.1. We select the tariff code in front of the table on the right: 01 - OSNO main 52 - main tariff, 53 - main tariff, etc., check the filling of the lines with amounts.

8. Set the number of the report pack.

The rule: batch numbers must be unique, greater than the numbers of reports from the previous period.

In this case, the pack number is assigned to both the RSV-1 form and the SZV-6-4 and ADV-6-2 forms. Therefore, please note that the batch number is not used in any previous reporting file.

9. If everything is filled in correctly, click Settings… - the Section Properties tab - uncheck the boxes from the unfilled sections 3.1-5 so as not to waste paper - OK.

Formation of individual information of personified accounting

11. Now we are preparing individual information for personalized accounting. If, when filling out RSV-1, all the lines were filled in correctly, then in the same way they should be included in the individual information. Choose Personnel - Preparation of FIU data. Reporting period 2013, quarterly reporting. Click Generate information, then carefully read the 1C warnings - everything is fine - Close and continue working, otherwise we correct the errors.

12. If "zero" and the manager is on administrative leave, or maternity, or "mother", then we create packs by hand.

We go to Personnel - Documents of the personified accounting of the FIU- create a new document Insert A batch of documents СЗВ-6-4 - click Add -, set the period 2013, set the batch number, select the required employee in the tabular section - then click the СЗВ button and select the ADMINISTRATOR (for maternity women DECRET, for those on care leave for a child up to the age of 1.5 years, choose CHILDREN, from 1.5 to 3 years old (DLDETI) and set the beginning and end of the period - for the entire 4th quarter, we choose 01.10.2013 and 31.12.2013, respectively. If partially, then the period of work is separately with empty values, and a separate period with the above code. Then OK.

Here (in Personnel - PFR personalized accounting documents) we create a new document Insert Inventory of information ADV-6-2, indicate the pack number, item Information SZV-6, select RSV-1, set the report period 2013, in the tabular section, click Add, indicate in the column Document Data Type - Stack of documents SZV-6-4 and select the previously created document - OK.

When manually creating packs, each file is unloaded from the created document by clicking on the Write file to disk - Write only file ... button, for RSV-1 by clicking on the Unload - Unload button, select the path and Save. Next, we check as indicated in clause 17.

The rule: all files must be in one folder or on one floppy disk.

Each document is also printed by pressing the Print button.

Checking packs

13. Check the numbers, then click Check: first with Built-in check, click OK on Save current settings, look at the message, - Close.

For reference: the KLADR address classifier is periodically updated, so if during the check errors related to addresses are detected, update the KLADR to the latest version in the 1C database, re-set the address at which the error was detected and re-save the individual information (from p. 11).

14. Then we install the latest versions of CheckXML-Ufa and CheckXML checking programs

15. After that, click Check again - by CheckUFA Program,

the result of the check should be OK,

then Check - CheckXML, both tabs should have Success.

If errors are found, they must be corrected.

16. Only after checking, if everything went well and successfully, click Files to disk, set the path and save - either a floppy disk (it is recommended to preformat it), or a USB flash drive (if possible, empty, or without other XML files and without other reports). When sending, you must download all the files one time.

To print reports to the FIU, click Print and print all forms in 2 copies.

17. To be on the safe side, it is advisable to check the files directly on the floppy / flash drive, for which you need to go into the programs previously downloaded and in item 14 and perform the check.

In CheckXML-UFA Open and check a file - select any of the set, all files in the folder are checked. The protocol should be Good.

For reference: the protocol is opened in the program that is installed by default for browsing the Internet.

In CheckXML - Data - Testing the FIU file (list mode)

Add - All packs from the directory - select the file path

Check - All packs.

Success must be displayed in the logs of each file.

If any of the files is highlighted in red, there is an error in it!

18. It remains only to pass. Good luck!

P.S. In the process of drawing up the instructions, version 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Enterprise Accounting, edition 2.0 ( was used.

It is submitted annually, for the first time it will be submitted to the local FIU before March 1, 2018, except in cases and. Organizations with labor Relations with more than 25 employees and contractors during the reporting period are required to submit the form in in electronic format... and you need information about salaries and other payments to insured persons, periods of work and corrective information.

In which program can you make a report

Buchsoft online

Buchsoft online - the program allows you to test reports sent to government agencies, including the FIU in accordance with its technical requirements... Program:

  • covers all reporting submitted by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • is a universal and simple solution for an accountant;
  • generates everything automatically;
  • performs auto-calculation;
  • provides technical support, guarantees and instant updates when new forms are introduced, as is the case with the SZV-STAGE form.

When using the paid version of the program, the user can:

  • generate reports, including in the form SZV-STAZH;
  • print forms, balance sheets and declarations;
  • lead several organizations;
  • import data;
  • unload completed documents.

The program has the following types of opportunities:

  • verification of reports created in any accounting software and highlighting existing errors;
  • use of up-to-date forms of documents, reference books and classifiers necessary for business activities;
  • receiving timely updates;
  • submission of reports to the FIU in electronic form, and it is required in the case of hiring more than 25 employees in the reporting period. To do this, a legal entity or individual entrepreneur must conclude an agreement with the FIU;
  • shaping of various kinds reporting.

My business

A service that independently calculates taxes and contributions in accordance with, generates reports in various forms, reminds of and, if available electronic signature with it, you can submit online reporting to the FIU, track the delivery status and acceptance of the reporting by the fund, and offer tax optimization.


The filling rules can be found in the "Filling" section, if you need to import a file, you must use the "Reports from external files" option. Clarification is made depending on the type of the submitted form: it can be the original, supplementary, or the purpose of the pension. In the "Check" tab, you can read the provisions on the implementation of the check. To fill out the chief accountant, it is necessary to check the correct indication of the following information:

  • details of the organization or individual entrepreneur;
  • information about the insured persons;
  • registration of labor orders.

Astral Report

The program provides options for manual input, verification, export of electronic files in the format of reports approved by the FIU. To create a report, you need to go through the following path:

  • select the "Generate report" tab
  • then "PFR";
  • SZV-STAZH, as well as ODV-1.

Instructions for filling in special programs

SZV-STAGE in 1C 8.3

To fill out the specified form in 1C 8.3. you need to do the following:

  • select "Insurance reporting" in the "Salary" menu;
  • click "Generate" and select the form ZSV-STAGE;
  • choose the date and year;
  • specify the type of information;
  • enter data about the employee in the "Employees" tab.


In order to generate reports in the SZV-STAGE form in the 1C: ZUP program, you must do the following:

  • select the section “Reporting, certificates in the FIU. Packs, registers, inventories ";
  • click on "Create";
  • select "Information about the insured experience, insured persons, SZV-STAGE";
  • indicate the reporting period and date of filling;
  • select "Information type" from the menu;
  • fill in information about employees or early appointment of a pension;
  • double-click on the line with the employee to open information about insurance experience insured persons.

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