
Polis OMS child documents. Detailed instructions for parents for the receipt of a medical policy for a newborn: What documents are needed to appeal, the timing of the design. Application for receipt

After birth, the baby needs care and caressing parents. In addition, it is necessary to arrange documents confirming its citizenship and law. One of them is a medical policy for a newborn, which makes it possible to enjoy free medical care. At the same time, it is not necessary to resort to the services of the hospital in the Region area, you can contact the establishment of any place of stay. For medical observation and carrying out free activities stipulated by law, it will be enough to apply for attachment to the clinic.

When to execute?

The generally accepted period for obtaining the policy of the OMS - 3 months from the date of birth. Insurance companies provide that the newborn is distributed to the insurance of the mother (another legal representative). It operates for 30 days from the date of registration of the kid by the Commissioner government agencies. Then compulsory medical insurance of the child provides an organization in which parents appealed to obtain the policy.

If within three months the OMS is not issued, from the polyclinic can call for reminder, and the next trip to the doctor, on a planned examination or with complaints, will be paid. Many institutions may be completely refused to honey. Aid newborn. The lack of polis deprives the baby free medicines, vaccinations, departure a doctor to the house, if necessary. With inpatient treatment, expenses will have to pay for parents. When observing the baby in private clinicThe problems will not arise, but it is necessary to arrange the policy in case of emergency appeal to the state. institution.

Where to contact?

Where to get an insurance policy, Polyclinic staff will be prompted, there are several options:

  • Insurance companies;
  • Specialized items (often located next to the hospital).

Parents independently choose an insurance company for registration medical Polisa., getting free, is mandatory. This may be any organization located nearby, or the services of which are family members. It is easier to navigate the clinic where you plan to be observed with the baby. It is enough to clarify how the insurance organization they have a contract and contact the OMS process.

Send an application to receive health insurance for a newborn in different ways:

For obtaining it is necessary to come personally, since it is required signature in the registration log.

Documents for receipt

Preparation for registration must be started in advance, since some documents require additional time.

Registration of the newborn

Make a birth certificate needed in the registry offices, no later than 30 days after the child's appearance. This period is established by law. You can apply for the district IFC, whose employees independently transmit required documents In the registry office, where you need to take the testimony.

Parents must provide:

  1. Help from honey. Institutions where childbirth, or from a private organization, an entrepreneur provided honey. Services. If the child appeared outside the hospital, a document from the clinic is provided, which later turned a woman with a baby, or a statement confirmation from a witness present at birth;
  2. Mother's passports and PAT;
  3. Certificate of marriage registration. If it is not officially issued - a statement application. Both parents need to come together. In the event of a man's refusal to recognize paternity, data for registration is made from the words of the child's mother;
  4. The statement on the established sample is filled with the appeal.

The certificate issuance is usually done on the day of submission of documents. Additionally, you need to take reference number 24 (№25, if a woman is not married) for the subsequent design of children's benefits.

Getting reduced

Previously, the assignment of the insurance number for an OMS application was not required, now the policy is not issued without it. You need to turn to Pension Fund, Better a week after registration of the baby, when the registry office gives information about the child there.

The receiving insurance number for a child should appear in the PFR with a passport, the birth certificate to the baby and fill out the application. For several days, it is possible to pick up SNILS.

Registration of place of residence

Parent, at which the child will be registered, you need to provide employees of the passport:

  1. Certificate of marriage;
  2. Passports Pope and Moms;
  3. Child birth certificate;
  4. The statement of the second parent to consent to register the baby from the spouse. In this case, both must be present when applying for registration.

The passport of whom the child is prescribed is taken for 2 weeks. It is necessary to take into account this when planning other important affairs. When submitting an application, the toddler is not required. For most insurance companies, it is enough to say the future address of the toddler registration.

OMS design

In the insurance organization must be provided:

  1. Parent passport with whom the baby is registered;
  2. Birth certificate;
  3. The completed application is a questionnaire for the established sample (the form displays insurance organizationcan be found on the company's official website). Most insurance agents independently fill out the form on the computer, printed to check and sign up the applicant;
  4. SNILS.

When issuing any evidence and registrations, it is better to always have 2-3 copies of the documents provided.

Manufacturing time

Medical policy can be taken after 15-20 days, less often a month after submitting an application. Exact deadlines need to learn from insurance agent. As long as the OMS is drawn up, parents give a temporary policy that fully replaces the original document. It is similar to a certificate containing the infant data, the date of filling, the validity period. It is obliged to take polyclinics, the points of issuing baby food (at the place of registration of the child, or provide a certificate that they did not receive at the place of registration).

The temporary document is valid for a month, by the end of this term the medical policy should already be ready.

The prepared policy may pick up personally or other person with a passport, a statement filled on the day of the submission of documents and the attorney that can be compiled in free form and not to certify notaries, other legitimate ways.

If the parents do not have the ability to make a document design, it is better to additionally clarify the insurance agent, whether it can make another person and that it will be necessary.

Policy DMS.

Additionally, you can issue voluntary insurance on a paid basis. It makes it possible to use medical services not provided by the OMS program: types of rehabilitation, preventive procedures, diagnostic research, additional consultations.

The cost of DMS - from 5000 rubles, depends on the set of services provided and the number of clinics in which the child can be examined. The list is determined by the parents. The duration of the document is 12 months, after which it is necessary to extend the contract, otherwise it loses its strength.

Voluntary insurance system has a commercial basis, but officially permitted, assumes the possibility of issuing hospital sheet If necessary.

There are limitations for issuing polis DMS.: It cannot be obtained if a child has congenital defects that require constant medical control.

Obtaining insurance Polisa. For a newborn, it does not cause difficulties, does not require the presence of both parents and kids. You should take care of the presence of a document to prevent problems when receiving medical care for a child.

In this article, we will consider not only the question of where to get a policy on a newborn, but also important moments About the timing and nuances of the work of the OMS itself for the child, which must be known.

Polis is required to get free medical Services throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. The child will be able to receive medical care Regardless of where it is registered, however, the volume of this assistance may differ depending on the region of obtaining the policy and the region of actual residence.

How long is it required to issue this document

It is required to arrange the OMS within 3 months from the date of birth - it is this information that the Internet provides us. Almost all sites, where the deadlines for obtaining OMS, indicate this period, but at the same time on all sites of insurance companies it is indicated:

Mandatory medical insurance of children from birth and before the expiration of thirty days from the day state registration Birth is carried out by an insurance medical organization in which their mother or other legal representatives are insured. At the end of thirty days from the date of state registration of the birth of a child and until they achieve the age of majority or before the acquisition of them in full, compulsory medical insurance is carried out by an insurance medical organization chosen by one of his parents or another legal representative.

And here there is already a specific source in the form federal Law of November 29, 2010 N 326-FZ "On compulsory health insurance in Russian Federation».

Where did the 3-month period come from, it was not possible to determine if someone knows, then write in the comments.

Register policy on registration, registration or actual place of residence?

The Internet, as always, gives us contradictory data on whether it is possible to place a policy for a newborn without registration. Somewhere they write that the execution of the policy is possible only at registration of parents, somewhere they write that the registration does not matter. Also ambiguous information on registration on the actual place of residence is required whether it requires an OMS or not. Let's deal with where the truth is.

For 3 largest insurance companies personally, to clarify this issue. Everywhere they said that it is possible to arrange in another city, registration is not required, but when clarifying how much medical care can be obtained, it was said that the policy is attached to the actual place of residence and can be counted for the full amount of medical care in the region where polis was decorated.

In another region, it will be possible to calculate only on emergency assistance, if, when moving to another region, the full amount of medical care will be required, it is necessary to overlap it to a new actual place of residence. Operators hot line Insurance companies also asked about the need to confirm registration on the actual place of residence, which was said: "Registration is not required, the actual place of residence is determined from your words."

Purchased from the words of employees of insurance companies.

There is a personal experience on this. We received a policy for the first child in St. Petersburg, and in three months aged, various procedures were held in the children's clinic in the Volgograd region. Polyclinic workers turned against the fact that our policy is not local, but the services in the form of a heating course and several visits did the doctor.

Personal experience with an adult OMS confirms that if you live in the region for a long time, it will be necessary to issue insurance in the region in the actual place of residence in order to receive a full amount of medical care. Registration or registration for an adult did not need. It was in Sochi.

Where the policy is executed

  • in MFC;
  • in the insurance company;
  • in the clinic.

Documents for registration

  • Certificate of birth of a child.
  • The statement on the established pattern (is issued on the spot).
  • Passport of the Russian Federation of one of the parents.
  • SNILS if available. There are rumors that they wanted to make a law that SNILS will be mandatory when making the policy, but there are no accurate data that this law came into force and while SNILS is provided only if there is, but it is better to clarify this moment by telephone at the insurance.

Usually, within 30 days, you are given a finished policy; While it is made, you are given temporary.

Who can get

You can get the finished policy personally or for you can get another person by proxy. Practice confirms this. At one of the children, the policy received mom (grandmother), while our family was in another city.

Get the OMS policy for a newborn need as soon as possible after birth, as it is a guarantee that your child will be provided with the required free medical care for the amount specified in this program program, if necessary. The sooner you get it, the more likely you can help your child in a medical institution.

How to arrange the policy of the OMS newborn?

For registration of the CHAM policy for a newborn you will need documents:

  • passport of one of the parents.

Register the policy of the newborn is necessary within three months from the birth of a child. To do this, you need to take a birth certificate, as well as a passport of one of the parents, which is registered at the place of issuance of the CHA policy. You can find out the address and time of the territorial foundation of LMS in the children's clinic.

Remember before getting a policy on a newborn, you in obligatory Needless stay. So, if there is a registration at the place of stay, the newborn is issued a temporary policy of the OMS. This temporary policy will be independently extended until registration is valid. If your child is on registration at the place of residence, then in this case it is issued a permanent policy.

You have the right to register your child absolutely in any insurance company, but remember to open the State Policy of the OMS must be necessary. This insurance gives you the opportunity to be serviced absolutely in any state medical institutions. Policy is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the territory of all countries that have concluded a health insurance contract. In places of action of the policy, your child is obliged to provide absolutely any medical care for free, of course, this concerns state medical institutions.

During the design of OMS for a newborn on an ongoing basis, you will be issued a plastic card. However, it will take some time to create this document, it all needs to be clarified with the representative of the policy of issuing policies. Do not worry, at that time until the permanent document is made, you will be issued a temporary paper policy.

Obtaining the OMS of the Newborn

So, the day came when you need to pick up the policy. With you, you must have all the same documents: a passport and birth certificate. If for some reason you can't get the OMS policy yourself, then for you it can make a trusted face. This man must necessarily have:

  • passport;
  • application for receipt issued during the submission of the application;
  • power of attorney to receive a newborn mastery policy.

Registration of a newborn at the place of residence

As we have already spoken, before you get a newborn policy, the child must be registered at the place of residence or stay. What is needed for this, we will tell you now.

Required documents:

The policy of compulsory health insurance allows every citizen of the Russian Federation to receive medical care for free. Honey service is periodically required and young children. What documents are needed to decorate the policy of the OMS newborn, we will tell in detail.

How important is the medical policy for a newborn?

According to the norms of current legislation, every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to receive emergency medical care. If we are talking, for example, a preventive inspection, obtaining benefits in the form of free medical assistance in the territory of the Russian Federation (in any settlement Countries, without binding to the place of registration) guarantees the policy of compulsory health insurance.

The medical policy is necessary for adults if they get sick: you need to provide a hospital employer. He will need a sick teenager: a certificate will be required at school. Why the policy of the newborn? The reason is simple. In Russia, pays a lot of attention demographic situation and health care. The kids in the first year of their life 1 time per month should inspect the pediatrician and several times a year - other narrow specialists (ENT, cardiologist, children's dentist). The Polis of OMS guarantees the high quality of the provided medical care. And the employees of the insurance company regularly check the baby's medical card to check whether he received the necessary help.

The law does not establish a strict framework for the execution of the policy. If parents do this not immediately after the birth of the baby, and much later, they do not have to pay a fine or carry a different punishment. But, as practice shows, the perfect option is to get this document within a month after mom with newborns will discover from the maternity hospital.

What documents will required?

The insurance medical policy is not issued on the day of circulation. You have to wait from 2 to 4 weeks. You can learn about his readiness by coming to the insurance, or just wait when the agent calls and report that the document can be taken. All this time, when contacting medical insurance, you can use temporary, it differs from permanent, more like a certificate from the insurance company, which includes information about the newborn.

Important! The temporary policy has a validity period - no more than 30 days. But by the time this term is completed, the permanent policy, indefinite, is already issued to parents.

For the policy of the OMS, an insurance company employee provides the necessary documents:

  • birth certificate;
  • SNILS kid;
  • parent Passport, requested the design of the document.


In the insurance company you will be given a printed application form. All that is required from you is to make information about the child to the appropriate graphs:

  • date of Birth;
  • sNILS number;
  • registration address (where registered);
  • address of the actual residence;
  • passport data, contact phone number (for parents).

With the filling of this document, difficulties should not. If necessary detailed information You can find out on the official website of the insurance company.

Birth certificate

Employees of the SC in order to verify the accuracy of the information specified in the application, the original birth certificate will be required. This document is issued in the registry office. In order to get it, one of the parents (often it makes dad) provides:

  • (extract) from the maternity hospital;
  • certificate of marriage (if it is);
  • filled according to the sample statement.

Certificate is issued on the day of circulation.


Document for the child's assignment Insurance number An individual personal account is issued in the territorial separation of the Pension Fund. Contact here better 7-10 days after receiving a birth certificate. During this time, information about the recently registered citizen of the Russian Federation (your baby) will be transferred to the Pension Fund. We'll have to wait some time (usually - a week) before SNILS will be ready.

Registration certificate

In order to obtain an insurance policy, decorated in the name of a newborn, a certificate of registration of the baby is not necessary. But since this information you will contribute to the application for the policy, it will not be too much. For the same reason, the original of your passport will be required: an insurance company officer will check whether you correctly indicated the necessary information.

Important! By contacting the insurance company for obtaining the CHAM policy, the parent must provide the original of his passport. Copies, even certified by the notary, are not accepted.

The finished insurance policy should pick up the one who filed a statement. It can make it anyone else (for example, grandmother, aunt baby), but when applying, you must specify information about this person and provide a power of attorney. She is written by hand in free form. Request the notary does not need.

For more information on how to issue a NEX-based OMS policy, you can learn from the following video:

Policy Mandatory medical insurance is a system that allows you to get a majority of medical services in any region. It works as follows: Every month, everyone who works in the Russian Federation make deductions to the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund. These funds enter insurance medical organizations operating in the OMS system. And they already pay the work of employees of the clinic, hospitals, dispensaries and other hindsings - by the number of served patients and services provided to them.

To make medical services for free, you must confirm that you are in the OMS system. This can be done by presenting the policy of the OMS.

"\u003e Compulsory medical insurance (OMS) is a document confirming your right to free medical care in public health facilities throughout Russia.

2. How to make a policy of OMS?

For the execution of the OMS policy you will need:

  • passport or temporary identity card if you change it;
  • insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS).

If you make up a polis to a child, you will need:

  • application (filled at the reception);
  • certificate of the birth of a child;
  • a document confirming that you can represent the interests of the child: your passport, the act of guardianship authority and guardianship on the appointment of a guardian or trustee, the court decision, and so on;
  • Snaps of the child (for children under 14 years old - if there is, for children, over 14 years old - be sure).

If the documents are submitted to your representative, you will additionally need:

  • passport of the representative or temporary identity card if he changes him;
  • power of attorney for insurance in the chosen organization.

OMS policy can also issue For the execution of the OMS policy, a foreigner will need:

  • application (filled at the reception);
  • passport foreign citizen or another document recognized in the Russian Federation certifying the identity of a foreign citizen in accordance with the International Treaty;
  • residence permit for permanent residence permit in Russia or a marking on a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation in a passport of a foreign citizen or in another document certifying the identity for temporarily residing in Russia;
  • SNILS (if any).
"\u003e Foreign Citizens, For the execution of the OMS policy, the person without citizenship will be needed:
  • application (filled at the reception);
  • a document recognized in the Russian Federation certifying the person of stateless person in accordance with an international treaty, or a document issued in the Russian Federation a person without citizenship that does not have identification documents;
  • residence permit for permission to be permitted in Russia or a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation in a Personality Document for Temporarily Residential Russia;
  • SNILS (if any).
"\u003e stateless persons
and For the execution of the OMS policy, refugee will be needed:
  • application (filled at the reception);
  • one of the following documents: a refugee certificate, a certificate of consideration of a refugee recognition, a copy of the complaints about the deprivation of refugee status to the federal migration service with a marking for consideration, a certificate of provision of temporary asylum in the Russian Federation.
"\u003e Refugees

You can submit documents to the insurance medical organization from the register of the Moscow City Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance. Citizens of the Russian Federation registered in Moscow (both adults and children), previously never received a policy of the OMS, can issue a policy both in the insurance and any center of the State Service, regardless of the registration area.

Please note: before registration of the birth of a child and within 30 days after that, the child's medical insurance is carried out by the same insurance company in which his mother or another legal representative is insured. After this period, one of the parents or another legal representative can choose another insurance company for the child.

The Policy of the OMS will be ready within 30 business days after registering the application and the documents you applied. At this time on the day of the appeal, you will be given a temporary policy that you can use as usual.

3. How to change or restore the Polis of OMS?

If your insurance company is satisfied with your insurance company, change the CHI policy or make it a duplicate in cases where:

  • you changed the place of residence, full name or other data in a document certifying the person, within a month;
  • you discovered inaccuracy in the personal data specified in the document;
  • you have an old-sample OMS policy (green leaf of A4 format or plastic card), and you want a new sample document (Blue A5 format sheet or three-color plastic card);
  • you spoiled or lost Polis of OMS.

To replace or obtain a duplicate policy, you will need the same documents as for primary design. If your personal data has changed, place of residence or inaccuracies were found in the issued policy of the OMS, the documents confirming this will also be needed.

You need to contact your insurance company. IN

  • when the duplicate policy is needed - provided that the previous policy was a new sample and was drawn up in Moscow;
  • when you need a replacement policy of the OMS of the old sample on the policy of a new sample - provided that old Polis It was drawn up in Moscow and after that your personal data was not changed;
  • when the OMS policy is replaced due to the change of personal data: surnames, name, addresses of residence - provided that you have a new sample policy and it was drawn up in Moscow.
  • "\u003e some cases You can also contact any center in the city, regardless of the place of registration.

    If you want to change the insurer, you need to seek the design of the new policy in the organization you like. But pay attention to general rule You can change the insurance company no more than once a year. If you changed the place of residence or your insurance has stopped the activity - it is possible more often. At the same time, from November 1 to December 31, the statements to the change of insurance company are not accepted.

    Within 30 days after the registration of the statements and documents you apply, you will be issued a policy of the OMS of a new sample (the field of the old sample is no longer issued). At this time, you will be given a temporary policy that you can enjoy as usual.

    4. Is it possible to place an OMC policy online?

    Submit documents for registration (replacement, recovery) of the OMC policy online can adult users of the official website of the Moscow Mayor Website with a full (confirmed) account, which in which personal Cabinet Snob is specified.

    To issue (replace, restore) an OMC policy online, you will need:

    • scan-copy of a document certifying a person;
    • Black and White Photography 320x400 pixel size, up to 5 MB in format: JPG, JPEG, JPE. "\u003e Photo (when ordering an OMS policy in the form plastic card with electronic media)
    • Scan-copy of the signature in black and white with a size of 160x736 pixels, up to 5 MB in format: JPG, JPEG, JPE. The size of the proprietary signature should not exceed 10x46 mm. "\u003e Skan-copy of the signature (when ordering an OMS policy in the form of a plastic card with electronic media);
    • omc Polis number (if available).

    After you give documents, you will be available in your account temporary testimony. The OMS policy itself will be ready within 30 days after registering submitted documents. You can get it in the selected policy of the Insurance Medical Organization policy or in the center of the State Service (depending on what kind of method you will specify when submitting documents).

    5. How to check whether my OMS policy is valid?

    6. What medical services can be obtained free of charge on the policy of the OMS?

    On the CHI policy throughout Russia (no matter where it is decorated) you can get free Medical services turn out to be medical organizationsinvolved in the implementation of territorial oMS programs, in the amount of the established basic compulsory health insurance program.

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