
Which side to insert the Sberbank card. Elementary, Watson, or how to use a bank card at an ATM? Terms of use of the card

In the 21st century, it is difficult to imagine your life without a bank card, this convenient tool storage and disposal of their funds. All savings and wage stored in one place, which is very convenient, you can also make purchases on the Internet using a bank card, which brings us closer to a new era of technology. The stored money can be easily withdrawn at any ATM, in just a couple of minutes. This article will tell you which side to insert the card into the Sberbank ATM.

Main rules

Since in Russian Federation the most common points of delivery Money from Sberbank, they are found in almost all stores. Therefore, we will consider the rules on these ATMs. Although the rules are general in nature, they can easily be used for ATMs of other organizations.

Consider the structure of a bank card:

  • In the upper left corner is the name of the bank, in our case "Sberbank".
  • The front side contains the card number, usually a set of numbers that runs through the entire front part.
  • Below are the dates, they show the period for which the bank card was issued.
  • Below it is the First Name and Surname of the cardholder.

But the main part, which is needed in order to understand which side to insert the card into the ATM is above the card number. If you look at your plastic card, you can see the chip. This microchip is located on the left edge of the bank card.

So, the Sberbank plastic card must be inserted in such a way that this microchip is on the opposite side from you and looks up. In other words, the front side of the card should be turned up, and the first thing that goes into the hole of the card collector will be the chip. It turns out that the inscription "Sberbank" will be on the right side.

Problems that may arise

It so happens that when trying to use an ATM, difficulties or unforeseen circumstances arise, it is worth considering them.

  1. It is worth making sure that the slot where the card is inserted is free. There are no foreign objects or plastic cards forgotten by someone. It is also necessary to pay attention to where exactly you are going to insert the card. Some people confuse a card slot with a cash dispenser.
  2. The screen should ask you to insert the card. If there are any menus or incomprehensible inscriptions, it is better to use another device.
  3. Insert the card only with the front side. We have already examined what the front side looks like. But there are times when people still confuse the sides.

Let's take a look at the reverse side of the card:

  • The name of the bank to which the card belongs is repeated at the bottom.
  • Next comes the paper strip. It is designed to protect the cardholder from theft. It contains a sample of the owner's signature. It is also filled with an information code, card authentication.
  • The card verification code, usually consists of three digits, and is located next to the signature sample. It is used to protect accounts when shopping online.
  • Magnetic stripe, the key place where all information about the owner, account numbers and other data is stored necessary for the bank... It is painted black and is located at the top of the reverse side.
    Therefore, you should not confuse the parties and worry that you do not correctly insert your bank card into the ATM. The device is programmed so that it will not accept the card if it is not inserted correctly and will definitely return it, asking to insert it again.

If the ATM, for some reason, does not want to automatically accept your card, you should not shove it by force, it is better to use another machine.

Before receiving money, be sure to pick up the card. The ATM will ask you about this by the corresponding inscription on the screen.

If you enter the PIN code incorrectly more than three times in a row, then your card will be blocked. But do not panic, the first blocking lasts 24 hours and is automatically removed after the expiration of this time. If you urgently need to use the card, then call those. Sberbank support.

Now you know which side to insert the card into the Sberbank ATM. And you can easily use the services provided by the bank. Withdraw cash, pay bills, transfer money to relatives or friends. That significantly saves your time, as well as eliminates the long queues at the Sberbank branch of the people standing behind you. Having increased your knowledge of the use of a plastic card, you will no longer be a person, because of whom there is a huge queue, because he does not know much about this whole system. Now you know everything and can avoid unpleasant situations.

A bank card is a universal way to store savings. With its help, you can quickly access funds. However, in order to withdraw money and manage it without problems, you need to know how to insert a card into a Sberbank ATM.

Terms of use

If a person first decided to withdraw money or perform another operation, experts advise not to be hasty. The bank card must be carefully examined. It has two sides. One of them contains the number and expiration date of the card. This side is considered the front side. Below is the magnetic stripe. With its help, the ATM reads information about the customer.

Insert the card into the device face up. In this case, its number should be located closer to the right edge of the receiving hole. You can only use a device that is free. There should be no other card or foreign objects in the receiving slot.

If the card is inserted incorrectly, the device will return it on its own.

Don't put too much pressure on the card. It only needs to be nudged slightly. The device will automatically pull the card inside. If this does not happen, you should make sure that the ATM is working properly. In case of repeated repetition of the problem, you need to use another device or contact support.

If the card is inserted correctly, you will need to enter a pin code to gain access to funds management. It should be specified correctly, since the number of input attempts is limited.

Before proceeding with transactions, experts advise you to read a few tips:

  • When withdrawing cash, money must be withdrawn quickly. About 45 seconds are given to perform the manipulation;
  • If the device did not issue money, you should immediately contact the technical support staff of Sberbank;
  • Don't rush to enter your pin code. Haste can lead to mistakes;
  • You can use only serviceable banking equipment;
  • You should not share personal information with strangers or ask them for help in withdrawing savings. Sharing information with third parties can lead to theft of funds.

The ATM did not return the card

If the device did not return the card, there is no need to panic. Statistics show that such situations can occur for no apparent reason. To solve the problem, you must immediately contact the bank representatives and report the situation. Telephone hotline usually indicated on the ATM screen. Sberbank representatives will inform:

  • Which department will the card be delivered to;
  • When can I visit the Sberbank office to pick up the card;
  • List of required documentation.

Usually, to return the card, it is enough to visit the specified branch of Sberbank in set time. You need to have your passport with you. If the client has used the device of another credit institution, the waiting period may be delayed. In some situations, the card will need to be reissued.

Every Russian commercial bank the task is to constantly increase the clientele that constantly uses by plastic cards both credit and debit.

Banks make money from this. Sberbank of Russia is no exception. Most of the holders already know how to use plastic correctly, because they use similar services from several credit and financial institutions at once. They can easily make a payment in a store, pay for a purchase on the Internet, using mobile application transfer funds anywhere.

But there is a category of people who receive plastic for the first time and do not know how to use it, do not know how to correctly insert a card into a Sberbank ATM. This may be due to the fact that the employer paid the salary in cash, and then acquired salary project and started transferring money to a bank account. Or a person does not know anything about it due to his young age.

Description of the plastic card

What is it like classic card Sberbank? This is a piece of plastic that has its own details and designations on its surface. In the upper left corner there is a bank symbol and the inscription "Sberbank". Below is a chip - a special device for identifying the card and its owner. Under the chip there is a unique sixteen-digit number, under which the period until which it is valid is indicated. You can identify it by the characteristic inscriptions "Month / Year" and "Valid Thru". In the lower left corner, the name and surname of the owner of the plastic, for example, Ivan Petrov, are embossed. Below is the number of the department in which the card is served. In the lower right corner there is a symbol of the payment system, it can be “Master Card” or “Visa”.

All of these attributes are on the front side. The reverse side differs from the front side, since it has a magnetic strip designed to read information. Below it is the field in which the client must sign when receiving the card. Next to the field is the CVV code. These are three numbers on a white background. They are needed to make payments on the Internet for goods and services. To the right, the symbolism of the "Thank you from Sberbank" program, as confirmation of the card's ability to participate in this program for accumulation bonus points... Below is a sticker with the image of a dove, which flaps its wings in the process of reflecting rays of light. This hologram indicates that the card belongs to the Visa payment system.

Which side to insert the Sberbank card

Insert the card face up and the back face down. Most people follow this rule, but insert the plastic with the wrong edge. Remember, in order for the ATM to accept the card, you need to grasp the edge with the symbol of the payment system. In other words, your thumb should be next to the Visa Classic icon!


Before sending the card to the receiver, inspect the ATM for skimming devices.

Skimming is a type of fraud that can help attackers get all funds from your card, including credit. In order not to fall for this bait, you need to inspect the receiver for overlays or other items that are not typical for ATMs. If something raises your doubts, then it is best to abandon the operation and find another Sberbank ATM.

Some devices have mirrors. They are for the safety of customers. In the process of working with an ATM, you can look at them and control the situation behind your back. They show people standing behind you. So you can notice a suspicious person in zone 24, who stands aimlessly and seems to be waiting for someone. It could be a burglar or a fraudster. So don't forget about the mirrors! Perhaps it would be better to postpone the operation.

In the process of entering the pin code, you need to cover the keyboard with your free hand. This is an elementary security rule that can keep secret from others the password to access your money. The PIN code must be memorized immediately and in no case should it be written on the back of the card. Because of this, many have already regretted it, since in case of loss of plastic, the finder can easily withdraw all your funds. If you have forgotten the PIN code, then after three incorrect entries, the system will block access to your card funds. Be careful!

Also, we advise you to always pick up the check from the ATM after completing all transactions. An attacker can learn from him about the funds remaining on your card. If the ATM has eaten the card, then you need to contact the nearest Sberbank office and write an application for a refund. At the very first collection of the ATM, the card will be seized and delivered to one of the Sberbank branches.

Now you know everything about how to insert a card into a Sberbank ATM and what precautions must be taken in zone 24. If you have any questions, you can ask the support line consultants at 8-800-555-555-0.

It will be interesting for you

Customers who have recently issued a card probably wondered how to insert a card into a Sberbank ATM. It's very convenient way storage of funds. It is easy to use an ATM, the main thing is to carefully read the instructions on the device screen.

If this is your first time using an ATM device, don't worry or worry. Sometimes even experienced holders insert the "plastic" in the wrong direction.

Look carefully: the initials of the holder are indicated on the front side, and a magnetic strip is located on the back. It is easy to see it: it is deep black and is located immediately below the CVV code (3 digits).

Which side to insert the card into the ATM

To be aware of which side to insert the card into a Sberbank ATM, you should first consider it. The "plastic" must be sent to the device correctly: the magnetic stripe must "look" down and be on the right side of the receiving hole.

The "plastic" is always indicated international system which includes banking product: Visa, Mastercard, Mir. When placing in the receiver, make sure the emblem is closer to you.

Important! If the card is not inserted into the receiver, then there are 2 possible reasons:

  1. You are trying to insert it in the wrong direction.
  2. The ATM is defective. Refer to another ATM.

Where is the card reader located at Sberbank ATMs

ATM consists of 2 parts: upper and lower. Above are located:

  • a computer with software that is responsible for the correct functioning of the system;
  • card reader (or card reader) - a device that reads information from banking products;
  • printer for issuing checks;
  • LCD or CRT monitor;
  • keyboard;
  • hidden surveillance camera.

The lower part is equipped with a safe and a combination lock. To see where the card capture reader is located, look at the device diagram below. The card reader is located at the top of the ATM, on the right. There is always an ad "Insert card" glued under the receiver.

Frequently asked questions and answers to them

How to insert a world card into a Sberbank ATM

To send "plastic" monetary system"World" in a card reader, you need to learn how to correctly insert a Sberbank card into an ATM. Perform manipulations step by step:

  1. Take a close look at the ATM and be sure the slot is empty.
  2. Pay attention to the monitor screen: there should be only a welcome message on it.
  3. Place the MIR banking product face up in the device.
  4. Eliminate unnecessary pressure: the product must be inserted easily.
  5. Press the card lightly, the ATM will accept it by itself.
  6. Next, the screen will display an inscription about the request for a pin code.
  7. You can start working with ATM.

The Sberbank Molodezhnaya card, like a product of any other bank, is inserted into the device in the same way.

How to protect yourself from fraudsters who read data

Fraudsters can use funds from the card only if they have a pin code. Be careful! It can be spied on when the owner of the "plastic" enters it at the ATM. Many owners have information on a piece of paper or on the card itself.

It is highly undesirable to do this! Since cybercriminals often steal both a banking product and a wallet. If the ATM is under dubious security, then the criminals can secretly install a video camera that records the PIN codes of the cardholders.

To be calm about the safety of your funds, follow the general recommendations:

  • do not tell anyone the PIN-code of your bank card;
  • do not store data for access to funds next to the card;
  • do not use devices located in doubtful places, with dim lighting, a small number of people on the street.

You have a bank card. To spend any banking operation you need to insert it into the ATM. But you don't know how to do it. It’s a shame to ask passers-by, as I inserted it the last time, it’s forgotten.

How to insert a card into an ATM correctly?

I will try to explain to you how to insert a card into an ATM so that you will remember this action for a lifetime.

It doesn't make any difference what bank your card is. That is, the question of how to insert a card into an ATM of Sberbank, Privatbank or others does not make sense. Each card of any bank has a logo payment system... The most common ones are Mastercard and Visa.

We are looking for this logo and cover it with our thumb, and press it with the index finger from below.

Which side to insert the card into the ATM? The card has a rectangular shape. You need to insert it into the ATM with the long side away from you, in the position shown in the photo.

If you try to shove the card into the ATM with the other side or the other end, the ATM will rest, but will still take it. But he won't be able to give it back.

I assure you that you will remember this method with your thumb forever, and you will be able to safely access an ATM with cards of any banks in any country in the world.

Video: How to insert a card into an ATM?

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