
Pros and cons of investing in real estate. Pros of attracting investments Real investments pros and cons

Hello Readers!

On the investor's blog, quite a few articles on the investment topic have been published, many separate materials about what investment instruments and how it can, but today I would like to summarize everything in one review article, compile a list of the main investment instruments and talk about their pros and cons.

One way or another, any investment involves risk, only some are especially risky, but at the same time they can be highly profitable, while others have the least risks and at the same time less profitable.

When forming a portfolio, it should include different investment instruments in different proportions, while high-risk ones should be the least.

I’ll even insert a picture from the report, where the topic and portfolio formation were touched upon:

Here are the segments most familiar to the largest number of people, but at the same time, each of them can include other subsections, let's go through all, starting from the most risky.

The main types of popular investment instruments:

1) Forex instruments (PAMM accounts, PAMM indices, PAMM funds).

2) Betting on sports exchanges.

3) Independent trading in the Forex market.

4) Startups and venture projects.

5) Investment funds with trust management investments and HYIP projects.

6) Endowment insurance life.

7) Futures.

8) Options.

9) Independent trading on the stock exchange.

10) Currency.

11) Shares and bonds.

12) precious metals(Ingots, coins).

14) Alternative tools (antiques, wine).

15) Real estate.

Now let's move on to a brief description and the pros and cons of these investment instruments (I will group some of them):

  • forex tools, independent trading on , sports betting.

Of the most popular tools for investing today, Alpari's PAMM accounts can be called, so far they remain the most stable and profitable in more because of its policy of managing PAMM accounts and forming ready-made investment decisions from its ratings.

You can read about what separate PAMM accounts are, now many forex brokers have PAMM accounts in their arsenal, so you can try to diversify both among brokers and within each one by forming a portfolio at your discretion (the blog has several instructions for selecting PAMM accounts and strategies for copying trades from different brokers).

As for trading, this is no longer an investment tool, but work on increasing a certain amount of funds, and it is very, very risky, if you approach this process without preparation and, as a result, you can both get instant profit and merge everything to zero (which most likely).

+ availability for minimum investment(in separate PAMM accounts from $ 10), the possible receipt of large profits.

high risk of losing most (or all) of the investment and this should not be forgotten! So far, the Forex market is not regulated by Laws in the Russian Federation.

  • Startups and venture investment projects.

There are separate materials about each of these tools, about startups, and about venture projects.

These investment instruments are no less risky than forex, when investing in them, you must initially understand that either the idea can work or not, and there will be no other outcome.

+ Opportunity to choose the business idea you like, study business plans, registration documentation, contact with the project management. The amount of investment can be different, you can find the minimum from 10-50 $.

All the same high risk when investing (either yes or no). There is no instant return on investment.

  • Investment funds with trust management of investments, HYIP projects. Cumulative life insurance.

In any case, this investment instrument is the least risky, should occupy a large part in the investor's portfolio, and any investor should strive to acquire real estate in order to fix and increase their capital by increasing the price of square meters, as well as receive passive income from it in the form of rental.

Like any other investment tool, real estate has a peak in prices and a bottom, so the best option would be to buy during a recession, but since this is an expensive pleasure, you can buy at any time, renting out will help compensate for the drawdown, and then the price may recover .

+ Minimal risks. Passive income.

Great cost.

How to form your portfolio, what investment instruments to keep in it and in what proportions everyone decides for himself, but there is a successful practice that has been tested by time and people whom it helped to form their capital and increase it.

Read the necessary literature, find investment tools, build a portfolio and be profitable!

Good luck to all!


Problems of investing in small towns

Attracting investment to Russia's small towns will also provide them with competitive advantages and will be a powerful tool for their growth. Basically, the investment attractiveness of small towns depends on investment attractiveness capitals and large cities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, of which they are a part. And most of them are not interesting for investors. The own investment potential of small towns is insufficient, so there is a need for external investment resources. Improving the investment attractiveness of small towns in Russia is hampered by the main problems:

  • 1. Unfavorable demographic situation and age structure
  • 2. Dependence of enterprises of small towns on city-forming enterprises
  • 3. Low level social infrastructure development
  • 4. Underdevelopment of industry
  • 5. Low competitiveness
  • 6. High level of depreciation of fixed assets
  • 7. Low wages

Ways to increase the investment attractiveness of the city

To increase the investment attractiveness of small towns in Russia, it is necessary to develop federal and regional programs to increase the investment attractiveness of small towns. Measures taken to increase the investment attractiveness of small towns should be systematized and comprehensive, bringing together the efforts of all levels of government, as well as heads of enterprises in small towns of the Russian Federation.

The main measures to increase the investment attractiveness of small towns:

1. Creation of large enterprises and socially significant facilities in small towns.

As foreign experience shows, some of the world's largest companies were created in small towns, which eventually evolved from places where young residents left in search of a better life, to vibrant cities and towns that attract workers from all over the country.

  • 2. Creating jobs in small towns, training and attracting highly qualified personnel, for this:
    • -- Creation of technoparks and scientific campuses, business incubators;
    • -- Development of programs for affordable own housing and the provision of housing owned by the enterprise;
    • -- Improvement and creation of social infrastructure.
  • 3. Provision of state support to the subjects of investment activities operating in the territory of small towns. State support should be carried out by the subject of the Russian Federation, which includes a small town.

The main forms and methods of state support for investment activities:

  • Conducting an examination of investment projects: an examination is carried out in order to determine the degree of influence of the results of implementation investment project on the socio-economic development of a small town and the solution of its urgent problems.
  • Provision of benefits on taxes and fees: benefits on regional taxes and corporate income tax within the limits, established by law Russian Federation and the legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation.
  • Provision of subsidies from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation, which includes a small town to reimburse part of the costs:
    • -- to pay interest on loans received for the implementation of investment projects;
    • - for the payment of lease payments under contracts financial lease(leasing) concluded for the implementation of investment projects;
    • -- to pay coupon payments on bonded loans aimed at the implementation of investment projects.
  • · Provision of an investment tax credit: Investment tax credits may be granted to investment entities.
  • Provision of state guarantees: the subjects of investment activities in the implementation of investment projects may be provided state guarantees at the expense of the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on a competitive basis.
  • · Provision of budget loans: to provide state support to the subjects of investment activity in the implementation of investment projects aimed at solving the priority tasks of the socio-economic development of the city, budget loans can be allocated from the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation on a returnable and reimbursable basis.
  • Provision of budget investments: budget investments at the expense of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are carried out by financing objects owned by the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and equity participation subject of the Russian Federation in the authorized (share) capital legal entities.
  • 4. Ensuring the availability and openness of information about investment potential small towns.

Information about the investment potential of small towns in the Russian Federation and state support for the development of entrepreneurship in small towns should be published in all-Russian and international publications, which will attract both Russian and foreign investments and provide an opportunity for the investor to get acquainted with the competitive advantages of small towns in Russia. Conducting "round tables" with the participation of interested parties - to promote small towns and attract investment.

5. Holding competitions for investment projects intended for implementation in small towns and holding investment fairs for small towns in Russia.

Conducting open, free competitions for investment projects prepared for their implementation in small towns of the Russian Federation for domestic and foreign organizations, and individuals. As well as holding investment fairs of small towns in Russia to attract investors, by demonstrating investment attractiveness.

6. Development of programs to increase investment attractiveness by the authorities of small towns in accordance with the competitive advantages of the territory, taking into account the specifics of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, of which they are part.

Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own specific features regarding the availability of natural resources, industry orientation, the presence of large enterprises on its territory, etc. It is in accordance with the characteristics of the subject of the Russian Federation, which includes a particular small town, that a program should be drawn up to increase the investment attractiveness of the authorities of small towns.

7. Development of federal programs to promote the socio-economic development of small towns in Russia.

The programs correspond to the priority tasks of the country's socio-economic development and will provide a multilateral effect in all spheres of society.

8. Training of executive authorities in small towns to attract investors.

Executive authorities often lack knowledge of city marketing. They do not always know the technologies of working with investors and the correct positioning of the city, they do not always look at their cities “through the eyes of an investor”. It is also necessary to conduct seminars with the population on the basics of entrepreneurship in small towns.

9. Active study by public authorities and heads of enterprises of positive foreign experience in the field of attracting investment in small towns and its further application.

In this general point, I have defined any management of your funds by third-party professionals. That is, you do not decide what exactly the manager will do with the money entrusted to him, except that he will use them for their intended purpose.

In this direction, one must be attentive to the guarantors of the return of invested funds. If the manager asks to give him money in cash and without noise (transfer it to his grandmother), then this is a scammer. The money must be in an account opened in your name with an organization you trust. If this is a significant amount, then it should be a bank. With deposit insurance and in a reliable jurisdiction. Managers can be from any of the listed activities, whether it be a stock exchange, real estate or the foreign exchange market. Here the choice is great and depends only on you and your competence in evaluating the manager.

  • High earning opportunities
  • Opportunity to assess the quality of a manager. See the real history of his activities. What is not always available, Be careful if it is impossible to analyze the work of the manager, it is better to refuse it.
  • Relative ease of use of services. (PAMM is more convenient, the stock market and direct control in the bank, the entrance to mutual funds is less convenient).
  • Possibility of immediate receipt of funds when needed. Almost in all types of remote control.
  • Easy control of the current activities of the manager. If there is no control or it is complicated, then the matter is not clean. Be careful!
  • High quality return/risk ratio
  • Guarantees of the safety of funds when investing with the opening of trading accounts in reliable banks. Russia. Switzerland. England and further transfer of accounts to the Trust.
  • Risk of losing funds. Basically, there are two types of given risk. Trading risks this is when the manager made the wrong decisions and suffered losses. Then you also suffer losses. Non-trading risk this is when you made the wrong decision and entrusted the funds to a bad company that was not going to return them. Unfortunately this happens. You can eliminate this risk by investing under bank guarantees and / or trusting only long-term reliable companies that have proven themselves in the market. And don't forget about diversification inside directions.
  • The need to understand the direction where you are going to invest at a level sufficient to assess the quality of the manager's work.
  • High risks with a poor level of investor competence.

Hello! Let's talk about investments today. All of us from childhood were taught that in order to, you need to constantly go to work, give it your physical and mental strength. Unfortunately, it is this model of behavior that is the most common, typical among people.

But human capacity for work also has a limit. Besides, why does a person need money if he simply does not have time to spend it? He is constantly at work. It is in this case, when there is money, but nowhere to spend it, or when you need to increase it, investments come to the rescue.

What is investment

Investments is the investment of funds in various financial instruments for the purpose of making a profit.

Let's look at examples, what is investment, what is the essence of investment:

Example 1: Let's say you bought a laying hen, and then you sell it for about the same price and get paid for it. Is it an investment? Not yet.

Example 2: If you waited a while for the price of the chicken to go up and then sold it at a new, higher price and made a profit, then it's already an investment in some way.

Example 3:AT You waited until the chicken lays eggs, and you start selling not the chicken, but the eggs themselves. You sell them, you sell them, and at some point the income received from the sale of eggs begins to exceed the expenses that you incurred for the purchase of the chicken. You start making a profit: the chicken lays eggs, you sell them, you get money. The hen lays eggs again, you sell them, you make a profit again. This is pure investment.

Example 4: You bought a chicken, she laid eggs for you, you sold them, you bought a chicken again. Already 2 chickens are laying eggs for you, which you can sell and receive money. Or you can buy more and more chickens, they will carry more eggs, and the money you get will be enough to fulfill your needs and desires, live securely, just by controlling the process of buying chickens, selling eggs and making a profit.

In the examples discussed, chicken refers to a source of income, that is, an asset, and eggs refers to the cash income that an asset generates. All chickens taken together is capital, or an investment portfolio.

Investing assumes that you invest free funds in an asset, and this asset brings you a one-time or systematic profit after some time.

First steps

Investing just like that, without basic knowledge, is not worth it. Investing just because “a friend invests money there, calls me with him” or because “On TV, they showed and told how profitable it is, but the TV will not deceive!” it won't lead to anything good.

In order to figure out how to invest correctly, let's figure out what free funds you can invest, where they can be invested (in what instruments), for how long, what profit can be from each type of instrument and what is the risk.

Investment sources

To begin with, taking out a loan in order to invest is a bad idea. Investments are different, and in order to invest in, it is often necessary to take out a loan.

Plus, you need to take into account, and if the business in which the money was invested does not work as it should? If your money goes bust? How will you pay off the loan? All these questions need to know clear answers before taking on such a burden.

The advantage of such a source of investment is that the required amount can immediately and in large quantities be on hand, and the disadvantage is that you will have to pay for it, like for everything, also with interest. The same can be said about borrowing money from friends or acquaintances: the instrument in which you invest may not give a profit, and the debt must be repaid in any case.

But if you have free funds, savings, etc., and you are ready not to spend them, but to invest - go ahead! The advantage of the second source is that only you are responsible for your own funds, if you want - spend, if you want - invest, no one needs to pay for it. The downside is that in order to collect a certain amount, you need, which is often given with great difficulty. But also with a small amount money can be invested.

Where to invest

There are also speculative financial instruments, such as futures, options, indices, etc.
For investment purposes :

Direct investments- investments that are made with the aim of acquiring control over an enterprise, by acquiring a controlling stake in this enterprise.

Often foreign investors make their investments for this very purpose: the organization has no means of existence, an investor is urgently needed, there is no such thing in their country, but foreign investors will be happy to invest in any promising project, but only on the condition that the controlling stake remains the investor, and in the future he will be able to make the main decisions for the company.

He does not redeem it completely, but, in fact, receives full control over the enterprise. Attracting foreign investment is popular in our country due to the fact that there is no money in our own treasury for investing in promising projects.

Portfolio investment- investment in the "set" valuable papers, that is, in the so-called "portfolio". You buy several types of securities of various companies, and you do not have the goal of controlling the companies, you just want to capitalize on the growth in the value of these securities. This is the so-called passive ownership of securities.

And why not buy shares of one company, reliable? Why invest in several at once? The answer to this question can be: why do many want to be the owners of companies? Correctly. So that other people work for the owner, who would bring profit to the owner with their work.

The same can be said about portfolio investments: you are the owner of Investment Portfolio LLC, and your employees are your financial assets that work for you and you manage them. Employees (financial instruments) that do not bring you profit, you dismiss (remove from the portfolio), and those that work well, leave, and select new ones to increase cash flow. That's what portfolio investment is for.

Non-financial investments– related to the purchase of patents, licenses, copyrights, etc.

By deadline:

  • Short term investments- investments that will pay off and bring profit in up to 1 year;
  • Medium term investments- investments that will pay off and bring profit in a period of one to three years;
  • Long term investment- investments that pay off and bring profit in a period of three years and beyond.

By degree of risk:

  • Aggressive(high risk, high possible return);
  • Conservative(average degree of risk, average possible profitability);
  • Moderate(low risk, low possible return).

Usually, risk and return are directly proportional to each other: the higher the risk, the higher the return on an investment instrument can be, the lower the risk, the lower the return.

Often, high risk scares off investors, even in spite of high returns. The solution to this problem can be diversification, that is, dividing your portfolio into high-risk, medium-risk and low-risk assets.

Thus, you also have those instruments on which you are likely to make a profit, but a small one, and there are also those instruments on which you can make a big profit, but not necessarily you will receive it at all. What investment strategy to choose and how to diversify your portfolio, we will definitely tell you about it on our website.

The most important thing to remember when investing and assessing possible risk is: imagine that you have lost all your money invested. Yes, yes, take and imagine the worst outcome. Now think and feel, are you ready for this? How will you survive such an outcome? What will you live on? What will you do next? Now, if all these questions did not cause you nausea, headache and colic - invest safely.

Pros and cons of investing

Pros of investing:

  • You can get a stable and high profit, while you do not need to work at a regular job 24 hours a day
  • Your main task is to choose the right investment tools, and they will earn for you.
  • You can earn quite a lot of money in a relatively short period of time, however, it often depends on the initial amount of investment.
  • Investing has no "ceiling", invest as much as you want and where you want.
  • Possibility to circumvent inflation. In the CIS countries, official inflation is on average 10-15% per year, and unofficial inflation is 30-40% per year. It is not necessarily possible to cover all inflation, especially unofficial inflation, with the help of investing, but it is possible to return at least some part of your money.
  • Investments protect not only from inflation, but also from other cataclysms: the fall of the ruble or dollar, unemployment, etc.
  • Investing as such increases your financial literacy. This factor is often even more important than the income itself. For example, if you take and relaunch the financial system: take and distribute $ 10,000 to all people, then in a year some people will become millionaires, and some will become poor. Moreover, those who were rich before the “restart” of the financial system are more likely to become millionaires. And all because they are financially literate, they are the ones who know how to manage their money and increase it.

Cons of investing:

  • Investing is always a risk. There are no risk-free investments. Anyone who tells you otherwise, apparently, really wants to deceive you.
  • Investments "without nothing", without does not exist. Initially, you need to have at least a small reserve of cash in order to invest.
  • The opportunity to earn more often comes not just from having start-up capital but also because of its size. The more you invest, the greater the chance of making a big profit. At the same time, it is always better to take risks only with your own money, and not with borrowed money - what if you lose?
  • Often, investing is perceived as a trifling matter, as something that does not require time and preparation. This is not true. Learning how to invest wisely takes both time and money.
  • If you do not have time to learn how to invest, you need to contact a specialist, and this also costs money.


So, in this review article, we looked at what investments are and learned that in order to invest, you need to have funds for this. And better - forces, knowledge and means.

You can invest in the most different kinds tools, as in real sector economy (business), and in the financial.

There are a great variety of investment instruments in each of the sectors, and all investments, depending on the investment period, are divided into those that will pay off and give profit quickly, in the middle period, and those from which profits will have to wait for several years. In this case, usually the greater the profit that can be obtained from the instrument, the higher the risk of losing all invested money, and vice versa.

This is not an easy investment! But if you figure it all out, it's worth it. It is difficult to overestimate the ability to competently and correctly manage your financial resources, because money in modern world mean the very possibility of living.

Hello, dear readers of the financial magazine "site"! Today we will talk about investing (investing) in real estate.

From this post you will learn:

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of investment;
  • Various real estate investment options;
  • Features of investment in construction;
  • How to start investing with a small amount of free funds.

In addition, at the end of the article you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

The article will be pleasant and useful both for those who are just looking for ways to invest their own funds, and for experienced investors. Don't waste time, start reading. And perhaps in the near future you will take the first steps towards a successful investment in real estate.

What are the main pros (+) and cons (-) of investing in real estate, which real estate is better to invest your money in, what are the ways to profit from this type of investment - read about this and more below

1. Pros and cons of investing in real estate - main advantages and disadvantages 📑

Every reasonable person thinks about profitable investments. It is important that investments protect money from harmful effects inflation. At the same time, it is desirable that the invested funds work and bring additional income.

Investment tools used for a long time period will help to achieve the goals outlined above. At the same time, it is important that they have minimal risk and be very promising. That is exactly what they are real estate investment .

The need for housing for a person arose many years ago and has been preserved to this day. It won't go anywhere in the future either. Therefore real estate always will be in demand, which means that it is excellent investment tool.

Moreover, such investments represent quite an acceptable option for doing business. For this, it is not at all necessary to have huge sums of money. You can still invest in real estate at the initial stage of construction. In addition, it is possible to become a member of a housing cooperative by purchasing a share in it.

Like any other financial instrument real estate investment has both pros , and minuses .

Among the advantages (+) of this type of investment are the following:

  • long-term constant returns for example, renting out the purchased property for rent, you can make a profit for many years;
  • relative availability of investments;
  • real estate has a sufficiently high liquidity (under certain conditions);
  • a wide range of investment options.

Despite the significant advantages of investing in real estate, like all existing investment options, they are subject to risk.

The main disadvantages (-) of such investments are:

  • the demand for real estate is in a rather tangible dependence on the economic situation in the country as a whole and in a particular region in particular;
  • real estate prices are quite high;
  • in small towns, the demand for real estate is at a rather low level;
  • high additional costs - utilities, repairs, taxes.

Moreover, there is also the possibility force majeure . It happens that the price of a property falls sharply due to insurmountable circumstances. For example, apartments in an ecologically clean area will become cheaper if a factory or a busy highway is built nearby. As a result, the investor will not only earn nothing, but it is also possible lose part of the investment.

To avoid most problems, before investing, it is important to preliminary analysis . It compares possible investment options and examines various factors and circumstances that can affect the value of a property.

Popular investment options

2. Which real estate is profitable to invest in - 8 popular options + comparison table 📊

Investment experts believe that investing in real estate is much less risky than trading on the stock exchange, investing in startups and businesses. This is explained simply: real estate is very rarely cheaper.

The best way to invest in real estate major cities. This is especially true for living quarters. In this case, there is a direct relationship: the larger the city, the more profitable it is to invest money in real estate. This fact is connected, first of all, with the difference in liquidity for it in different cities.

But it is important to understand that in each locality you can find your own suitable properties for investment. To get the maximum profit, you should careful analysis all existing directions and choose the most profitable of them.

Option 1. Residential property

This option is the most available private investors. The risk of investing in residential real estate is minimal.

There are two ways to make money on the purchase of residential real estate:

  1. purchase for the purpose of resale at a higher cost;
  2. purchase for rental .

In any case, when buying an apartment, it is important to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • location- in a prestigious, residential or student area, environmentally friendly, remote from the city center;
  • room layout, including the presence of a balcony, a combined or separate bathroom;
  • condition— Availability and quality of repair;
  • infrastructure- how far are kindergartens, schools, clinics, public transport stops, shops.

In general, any, even seemingly insignificant, criterion can matter to buyers:

  • view from the window;
  • floor;
  • neighbours;
  • location area contingent.

To buy an apartment (or other residential property) as profitably as possible, you will have to look for it on one's own without the help of a realtor. However, it is important to check the purity of the transaction. We talked about how to do this in the primary and secondary housing markets in the last issue.

Option 2. Commercial real estate

This option for more experienced investors. For such investments, both office and retail space of a small size, as well as large buildings designed to accommodate warehouses, supermarkets, and production workshops are suitable.

Such premises are invariably in high demand. A huge number of businessmen are looking for space for doing business and are ready to give it to the owner rent. For those who purchase commercial real estate, it remains to regularly receive a profit from their investments.

Rent is a classic way to get . The profit of the investor in this case does not depend on the time spent on the work.

It is useful for an investor to know that when choosing commercial real estate as an investment object, it is required to have a sufficiently large sum of money. Investments in this direction usually begin with five -seven million rubles.

Option 3. Land plots

A smaller amount of money is required to purchase a land plot than to purchase an apartment or commercial property.

There are a number of benefits to investing in land:

  • minimum level of fraud probability;
  • no repairs required;
  • lack of payment for utilities;
  • the purchase procedure is simpler than for other real estate;
  • relatively low taxes;
  • simple design;
  • there is no need to resort to the help of realtors.

All land plots can be classified by purpose of use. For short term investment with minimal costs, the most suitable areas that are used for construction . More long-term investments worth doing in land intended for use in agriculture and industry .

But there is also limitations investment in land. Firstly, the state has tightened control over the fact that the land is used in accordance with its purpose. Besides, taxes have recently been raised on this type of property.

Option 4. Country real estate

Purchase of suburban real estate for the purpose of its further resale steadily profitable occupation . This is especially true for large metropolitan areas due to the fact that more and more often their residents are trying to settle down or have the opportunity to relax as far as possible from city noise and dirty air.

There are several options for investing in suburban real estate:

  • acquisition of objects under construction;
  • investing in finished cottages;
  • purchase land plots intended for the construction of suburban real estate.

The prospect of investing in suburban real estate is increasing over time. But when choosing an object to buy, you should pay attention on its location, available infrastructure and communications. Other factors that are important for creating comfortable living conditions can also be of great importance.

Option 5. Property under construction

Another investment option is investing in real estate objects under construction (new buildings). Despite the fact that the riskiness of this option is somewhat higher, but you can get much big profit.

It is explained very simply- a property under construction costs much less than in the secondary market. Therefore, if you invest funds at the initial stage, after the completion of construction, prices are likely to be significantly grow up. As a result, the investor will receive a tangible profit.

Risks when investing in real estate under construction are most often associated with the developer company. If he is unreliable, he rises risk occurrence of the following situations:

  • untimely commissioning of the property;
  • complete freeze of the construction site;
  • in case of illegal construction or lack of permits, complete demolition of the building is possible.

That is why, before investing in real estate under construction, an investor needs to conduct a thorough analysis of the developer.

At the same time, it is important to study not only the reputation of the company, but also the following characteristics:

  • time of existence of the company;
  • the number of completed and commissioned facilities;
  • whether there have been downtimes in the construction process in the past, their duration and reasons.

Successive stages of investment in construction

5.3. How to invest in construction the right way – 5 main steps

Any investor knows that investing according to a pre-prepared plan allows you to increase the level of profit and minimize the riskiness of investments. Investments should be carried out consistently, in accordance with the developed strategy. There are five stages in this process.

Stage 1. Choosing a developer

A mandatory and important event at the initial stage of investment in construction is developer analysis. It is important not only to find out the name of the developer, but also to clarify what his reputation is. Experts recommend investing only in those facilities under construction, which are being built by a well-known construction company in the city.

When choosing a developer, it is important to consider:

  • company reputation;
  • how many objects the company has already put into operation;
  • reviews;
  • how experienced the company is in complex construction;
  • how many investors the developer has;
  • partnership with credit organizations (banks carefully choose with whom to cooperate, conduct a thorough analysis and do not interact with developers who have a dubious reputation);
  • how carefully the developer complies with the law (the main regulatory act is the federal law 214 -FZ).

In Moscow and the Moscow region, you can trust the following developers:

GK PIK- one of the largest developers in Russia. The company was founded in 1994, it successfully implements large construction projects throughout Russia. Focused on building affordable housing. Over the years of activity, about 250 thousand apartments with an area of ​​15 million square meters were built. m. It is one of the backbone enterprises in the Russian economy.

A101 Development- The company has built about 500 thousand square meters. m. residential real estate, as well as more than 50 thousand - commercial. The developer is also building kindergartens and schools interacting with the budget. Collaboration has been established with several big banks within the framework of mortgage lending programs. The developer is included in the TOP-5 in the Moscow region and TOP-15 throughout Russia.

Capital Group is a company that deals with a full cycle of construction activities from analyzing sites for construction to finishing finished real estate. 71 projects were brought to completion, as a result of which 7 million square meters were built. m. The company's facilities are named the best projects in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Stage 2. Choosing an investment object

Another important step in investing in real estate under construction is selection of a suitable object. It is best to start from the area where the demand for residential premises is highest.

When choosing an object for attachments, it is important to consider the following parameters:

  • infrastructure;
  • proximity to public transport stops and metro stations;
  • other characteristics that affect the degree of comfort of living.

If you plan to invest in commercial real estate, you should consider the ultimate goal of the investor in advance. It will also be useful to draw up a professional business plan.

Stage 3. Negotiation

When the developer and object for investment are selected. You can start negotiations. It is important to understand that, in accordance with the laws of our country, it is impossible to register rights to real estate objects under construction.

However, the investor has the right:

  • draw up a share agreement;
  • join a building cooperative;
  • register an investment deposit;
  • conclude a share agreement.

Experts advise to stay on the equity agreement.

In addition to the method of registering the agreement, the conditions for depositing funds are discussed. The main ones are the acquisition in installment plan(payment in installments) and a one-time deposit of funds, but other options are possible.

Stage 4. Studying the documentation

All agreements entered into must comply with applicable law. It would be useful to check them with the help of an independent lawyer. Many people think that this is a waste of money. But it is not advisable to save on the security of transactions.

Stage 5. Conclusion of the contract

The final stage of the transaction is conclusion of an agreement. before signing the final version of the agreement. It is important to carefully study all its points.

In doing so, attention should be paid to:

  • When is construction planned to be completed?
  • what are the conditions for termination;
  • the price should be fixed, there should be no conditions on the basis of which it will change;
  • penalties in case of violation of the terms of the contract must be prescribed for each party;
  • force majeure circumstances.

It is important to approach the transaction for the acquisition of real estate under construction with the utmost care and responsibility. It is important to remember that there are risks that can be reduced by strictly following the sequence of investment stages.

5.4. How to make money on investments in construction - TOP 3 working ways

The investor should know which ways of earning on the acquisition of real estate under construction are the safest and most proven.

Method 1. Renting out

The income from the transfer of real estate for rent is long term investment . But this option has a stable level of profitability.

The payback period in this case exceeds five six years. But do not forget that the area in any case remains the property of the investor.

AT major cities there is a demand for rent various types residential real estate : luxury apartments for rent, rooms located in residential areas, studios for young families and others.

If we take into account commercial real estate , it can be noted that the demand for it from entrepreneurs is also consistently high. Particularly popular in large cities are premises located in business and shopping centers. The only disadvantage of commercial space is the need to invest quite large sums of money.

For purchase apartments is usually enough 1,5 -2,5 million rubles. If you plan to invest in commercial real estate, it will take approximately 2-3 times large sum.

Method 2. Acquisition of an apartment under construction for sale after commissioning

If you buy real estate under construction for resale, you can recoup the investment quite quickly - already through 1 -2 of the year. The sooner the construction of the facility is completed, the more interesting it is for investors. Particularly successful investors in one year receive an income of 100 % of invested funds.

It is important to evaluate other options as well. It is possible to make high-quality repairs in the finished apartment. As a result of such actions, its value will increase by about a quarter.

Method 3. Participation in collective investments

Investors who are looking for the safest options for investing in real estate under construction can be advised cooperate with intermediaries . At the same time, you can become a member professional investment project without buying real estate. To do this, it is enough to join a collective investment fund and receive income as a shareholder.

In Moscow and the region there are several reliable funds that invest in real estate. Including under construction:

E3 Investment- here the minimum amount to enter is 100 thousand rubles. When profit is guaranteed at the level 25-90 percent. All investments in the fund are insured. The investor can independently choose the payback period for invested funds from half a year before two years. Investors' funds are invested by professionals in highly liquid real estate, the investor is left to make a profit. Such an option is passive income with guaranteed profit and minimal risk. The company provides information support, as well as free consultations investors.

Sminex- the company invests in ready-made apartments, as well as objects at the construction stage. The company itself builds houses, as additional service investors receive renovation of apartments. In addition, the company takes care of finding tenants. The company builds cottages, residential buildings, commercial facilities. The indisputable advantage of the presented organization is the focus on achieving high quality of real estate under construction, as well as their safety during operation.

Thus, there are several ways to make money on real estate under construction. They differ not only in the level of profitability, but also in the efforts that will be required from the investor.

5.5. 4 main risks when investing in properties under construction

Any investment is associated with the risk of losing the invested funds. To minimize the chance of loss, early study what schemes real estate scammers use, what to be afraid of when investing in construction.

Risk 1. "Soap bubble"

The first way to deceive gullible investors is extremely simple. One-day companies sell to gullible investors myth , and not actually under construction objects. All work on construction sites is carried out solely for averting eyes.

Often, such projects are organized and conducted with the help of various legal structures. As a result, transactions from the outside look absolutely legal. However, as soon as the scammers collect enough money, they disappear along with the contributions of investors.

The first way to determine soap bubble - Significantly undervalued real estate. The investor should compare prices with average prices in the area under consideration. Too low cost should alert.

It is also important to make sure that information about the developer is available in the official registry. It includes all existing construction companies. Therefore, if the firm in question is not on this list, it is not a real legal entity.

Risk 2. Bankruptcy of the developer

There are many reasons why a construction company may go bankrupt:

  • inefficient management;
  • misuse of funds;
  • lack of finance;
  • high costs.

Naturally, the lack of money affects not only the construction company itself, but also investors. In order not to face such a problem, when choosing a developer, you should focus on big company , which has already put a large number of constructed facilities into operation.

Risk 3. Failure to meet the deadlines for the delivery of real estate

Another nuisance for investing in real estate under construction is delay in construction . This risk is especially unpleasant for those who purchase real estate with the attraction of credit funds. The lender does not care when the property is put into operation, it is important for him that all debts are returned on time and with the appropriate interest.

Experts came to the conclusion that every day of failure to meet deadlines eats 0,01 % of investor income. As a percentage, it's not much. However, in terms of rubles, it turns out decent amount especially when commissioning is delayed for several months or even years.

Risk 4. Force majeure situations, as well as unpredictable changes in the real estate market

These circumstances can also lead to the loss of part of the funds by the investor. An example of force majeure is the onset of a long economic crisis . As a result, supply in the real estate market can significantly exceed demand. This circumstance leads to a significant reduction in the value of real estate- often by 10 -20%. Even when the situation levels off, investors will already lose some of the potential income.

Another example of force majeure is natural disasters (forest fires, floods, earthquakes), wars, industrial disasters. The only way to protect yourself from such risks is to real estate under construction insurance.

Thus, like any type of investment, investments in real estate under construction are accompanied by various risks. Some of them can be minimized by conducting a thorough analysis in the process of choosing an object for acquisition. In other cases, insurance helps to avoid unpleasant consequences.

6. Practical recommendations for increasing the return on investment in real estate 💎

By investing in real estate under construction or ready, any investor seeks maximize final profit. You can do this using the methods below.

Recommendation 1. Make redevelopment and agree (legitimize) it

Redevelopment of a residential property- the simplest option that allows you to make housing more functional without changing it total area. If you carry out redevelopment activities correctly, you can increase the value of an apartment or house by 15 -30%.

At the same time, it is not necessary to carry out inconsistent redevelopment. All planned changes must be registered with the authorities dealing with these issues. Today it is the architectural department in BTI and the district administration.

It is important to know that the law prohibits certain types of changes to the layout, for example, demolish load-bearing walls, and expand the kitchen at the expense of living space, increasing its size by more than a quarter.

Recommendation 2. Attach additional space

This price increase option is available for private houses and cottages. There you can build additional floors, convert attics into attics, build a balcony or veranda, and make other architectural changes.

Recommendation 3. Make a quality repair

If you make a quality repair, the price of the apartment will increase by about by 15 -25%. The profit will be higher if the repair is done independentlyby investing only in the purchase of materials.

Important to buy quality materials. Buyers may well distinguish solid consumables from cheap Chinese ones.

Recommendation 4. Convert residential property to commercial property or vice versa

After studying the demand for real estate in a particular area, you can translate non-residential property to residential and vice versa. Making a profit from the conversion of residential space into commercial space is relevant for large cities, especially for business districts and walkable streets.

Thus, it is important not only to invest in real estate, but also to try to extract maximum profit from it in the future. And how to do this, we told above.

Ways to invest in real estate with little capital

7. How to invest in real estate with little capital - 3 real methods 📄

Many people think that not having enough money is a barrier to investing in real estate, but this is not true. Competent business people are able to get by with minimal funds, as well as attract additional amounts. There are several methods to do this.

Method 1. Borrowing

The most popular way to increase investment capitalloan processing for the purchase of real estate. Today, many banks provide such loans.

By the way, we talked about that in one of the previous articles of our magazine.

The investor should take into account the fact that any borrowing is associated with the payment percent. Therefore, in the analysis process, it is important to take into account additional costs. The planned income should cover the interest on the loan and ensure profit.

For a loan, you should apply to large credit organizations With positive reputation.

It is not necessary to take out a loan with interest. Many wealthy relatives give loans to loved ones without charging additional fees.

Method 2. Attracting co-investors

An ideal option for investors who have insufficient capital - unite . For those who have carefully thought out the project and convince others of its effectiveness, finding partners will not be a problem.

Method 3. Choosing a competent strategy

Any investor understands that proper investment planning is an important part of their success. Those who do not have enough knowledge in the field of investments can be advised to seek help from more experienced investors.

An example of high-quality support for beginners are various investment clubs. Such projects bring together investors who share their experience with beginners. Clubs hold various classes– courses and seminars, talking in detail about private investments. Considerable attention is also paid to investments in real estate.

On the subject of investing in real estate, the following questions are studied:

  • strategies;
  • how to enter the world of investing with minimal capital;
  • investments in various types of real estate;
  • rent and sublease.

Thus, lack of capital is not an obstacle to investment. Any purposeful person will find ways to achieve profitable investment.

8. Help from professionals when investing in real estate ⭐

Help from professionals there is no free. However, it helps much increase the rate of return on investment.

For those investors who wish to minimize risks, but at the same time provide a sufficiently high profit, we can advise you to cooperate with experts in the field of real estate investment.

In Russia, we can highlight three companies working in this direction:

E3 Investment offers to invest for a long time in different types of real estate. This ensures a high level of income. Here is the minimum entry threshold in the real estate market. Investors can deposit an amount from 100 thousand rubles.

Those who wish to invest in this company can immediately find out the level of expected profit. To do this, just use the calculator on her website.

Contributions to investment company characterized by a high degree of reliability. There are three types of insurance for all types of assets.

active offers access to the most liquid areas. Investment security is ensured through independent collective ownership. When investing funds from two million rubles, the company guarantees a profit in the amount of 11,6 %.

The investor acquires real estate and transfers it to the management of professionals. The company every month gives its customers full reporting, and also guarantees the safety of invested funds.

Gordon Rock is a real estate agency represented on international market. Investors, using the services of the company, can invest cash in hotels, commercial as well as residential properties located abroad.

The following services are also provided:

  • purchase of hotel rooms, premises Catering, medical centers, mini-hotels;
  • acquisition of real estate by persons of retirement age;
  • investing in a ready-made business in several countries of the world;
  • consultations and seminars on effective investment.

Thus, in order to invest in real estate, it is not necessary to have a lot of capital and significant knowledge. It is enough to seek help from professionals.

9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 💬

The topic of investing in real estate is multifaceted and not easy to understand. Therefore, many investors have various questions on this topic. Especially it concerns newcomers . Let's try to answer the most popular questions.

Question 1. Where is it more profitable to invest money: in real estate or in a bank for a deposit?

Often, people with no experience in investing, who have an impressive amount of money, wonder what to do with it - buy an apartment and rent it out or deposit it in a bank?

Suppose the investor has 3 000 000 rubles. Consider both investment options.

  1. If you put money in the bank at 10% per annum, you can earn in 12 months 300 thousand rubles, if the terms of the deposit do not provide for capitalization. About how and how to calculate the deposit yourself with replenishment and capitalization, read in a separate article of our magazine.
  2. Now suppose that the investor, with his available funds, bought one-room apartment in Moscow. Renting it out, he will receive 25 thousand rubles a month. As a result, for the year the same amount will run into 300 thousand rubles.

When comparing the two options, one should not lose sight of the fact that in the case of renting there are additional costs - utility bills, taxes, repairs and others. In addition, you will have to spend a significant amount of time searching for a suitable property, settling tenants.

It would seem that deposits are much more profitable than buying an apartment and then renting it out. But this is not entirely true, while analyzing the example, we did not take into account the presence of inflation. The depreciation of funds gradually eats away savings.

At the same time, it is worth considering important rule investment You can't trust official inflation data. In fact, money depreciates much faster. It turns out that at best, the interest on the deposit will cover inflation, but it is unlikely that you will be able to earn money on such investments.

At the same time, real estate prices rarely fall. In the long run, its value increases. Rent is also constantly going up.

Thus, it turns out that when considering the short-term period on deposits, you can earn more. However, given that apartments are becoming more expensive, it can be noted that real estate helps to resist inflation more effectively.

Question 2. What kind of real estate is more profitable to rent: residential or commercial?

Some investors purposefully analyze the real estate market in order to understand which objects are more profitable to rent - residential or commercial. In general, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question, since commercial and financial risks operate on the market.

For large investors, it is usually more preferable commercial properties . Experts believe that such investments pay off much faster. However, due to their peculiarities, they are more difficult for beginners.

Concerning residential real estate , it is profitable to rent it out to those who received it without any monetary costs, for example, by inheritance or as a gift. When buying such a property, it will pay off for a very long time.

Worth understanding that investing in commercial real estate is quite risky. This is due to the fact that they are more influenced by the situation in the country's economy, for example, the onset of a crisis period.

Investments in commercial real estate are subject to other types of risk that are difficult to account for. As a result, errors may be made in the process of calculating the required capital, which will ultimately lead to an increase in the likelihood of purchasing an object with low liquidity. Such investments can not only make a profit , but also entail significant losses .

However, speaking of financial relations, it can be noted that in the case of commercial real estate, they much more stable than the owners of residential premises with their tenants. When making a lease on commercial real estate, the tenant is interested in keeping it in good condition. This is due to the fact that the condition of the areas where activities are carried out, forms the opinion of customers about the company. Tenants rarely try to keep it in the best possible condition.

The issue of income received from renting out different types real estate. Everyone knows that when comparing premises of similar size, commercial facilities bring in much more income than residential ones.

Note! When buying a property, an investor should analyze which potential income she will bring . This is especially true for those properties that have already been leased. It is quite possible to make a forecast of the profitability of a property at the time of its acquisition.

It should also be compared efforts required to manage multiple properties. Naturally, the objects residential real estate(even if there are several of them and they are located in different parts of the city) are much easier to manage than, for example, trading area , divided into parts and leased to several businessmen. It is all the more important that commercial real estate is leased for a much longer period than residential.

Some investors will object that today real estate management can be transferred to specialized organizations. But this again requires additional financial investments.

What conclusion can be drawn from this?

Thus, it is more profitable to rent commercial real estate. However, this requires a significant investment of money and effort from the investor, as well as high-quality knowledge of the market conditions itself.

Investments in residential real estate are available to a wider layer of investors. money capital this will require much less. At the same time, such real estate can become a source of practically passive stable income for a very long period of time.

But still, investors who have at least minimal experience in investing in real estate can be given important advice. Before making a choice in favor of any property, it is worth conducting a thorough analysis of all options focusing on both residential and commercial real estate.

Question 3. How to buy real estate as cheaply as possible?

It is unlikely that anyone will doubt that real estate is a profitable option for investing funds. However, there are ways to significantly increase the bottom line. To do this, you can use the tips on how to buy real estate as cheaply as possible. With a good set of circumstances, you can save about 30 % cost.

Consider the possible options:

1) We have discussed in detail acquisition of real estate under construction . Such investments are profitable and have a good return on investment. However, the level of risk in this case is much higher.

Unfortunately, the possibility is not ruled out that the construction of the house by the developer will not be completed on the appointed day. Moreover, there are cases when houses were not commissioned for many years. In such situations, it is often unclear whether construction work will be completed at all.

In most large cities there are several associations of defrauded real estate investors. These people, for various reasons - for personal needs or for the purpose of investing funds - bought apartments in houses under construction, but in the end left with a broken trough . sue construction company can be difficult, especially if she declares herself bankrupt.

2) Another option that allows you to reduce the amount of investments - acquisition of real estate without repair . The investor invests in finishing work, after which the price of real estate immediately increases. With a successful combination of circumstances, carrying out high-quality repairs using good-quality materials can quickly get about 15 % arrived.

3) Investors with experience in the real estate market enjoy even more interesting ways to save money on the acquisition of an investment object. For example, many of them acquire property confiscated for various reasons, put up for auction .

In case of recognition and companies, their creditors are interested as soon as possible to return the money due to them. Therefore, often the property of bankrupts is put up for auction at very heavily discounted prices. About bidding and, we wrote a separate article.

4) Due to the occurrence of a large number of non-payments on mortgages and other types of secured loans, credit institutions often seize property from their customers that acted as a guarantee of the return of funds under the contract. This property is also being sold low prices, as the speed of return of own funds is important for banks.

Where to look for these offers:

On the Internet, you can find specialized sites that contain information on the sale of real estate confiscated from debtors, as well as seized as collateral. Investors often find very interesting investment options here.

In addition, information on the sale of collateral, as well as confiscated real estate of legal entities, is contained in the relevant register for their bankruptcy.

Question 4. What books on real estate investment should a beginner read?

Any issues related to the field of finance require certain knowledge from those involved in them. Therefore, it is important to study specialized literature on topics of interest. Real estate investment is no exception.

Book 1.

Many professional investors consider Robert Kiyosaki to be the best book on real estate investment. It is called rather trivially - "Investments and Real Estate".

Also in this work there is a huge amount of advice that does not lose its relevance, and other stories that professionals share with the reader.

Book 2.

This is the perfect book for newbies in real estate investment. In an accessible form, it is told here, profitably and correctly.

The work contains a detailed, well-structured instruction on what actions a beginner needs to perform.

Anyone, even without a financial education, will be able to extract a lot of useful information from the book, easily reading it.

Book 3.

This book is ideal for those who are somewhat familiar with investing. It will help you learn more about how to work with investment objects.

The reader will learn how to choose the most profitable property, how best to work with a huge amount of necessary information and documents.

Great importance in the work is given to how to maximize profits.

Book 4.

Instead, the work contains useful information about how to invest in real estate without risking losing personal money.

In addition, it tells how to get a good profit from such investments.

Book 5.

The book tells you what are the ways besides reselling to earn money on investments in real estate.

After reading, the investor begins to realize that there are a huge number of ways to earn money by carrying out such activities.

10. Conclusion + related video 🎥

Thus, investment in real estate is promising way passive income. It does not matter how much money the investor has. In the modern world of investments, you can even start earning with little investment.

Nevertheless, it is important to constantly engage in self-education, try to find out as much useful information as possible.

And the video - "How to create an inexhaustible income in the real estate market":

That's all for today. Good luck and profitable investment in real estate!

If you have any questions or comments on the topic of the publication, then leave them in the comments below.!

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