
Goods on credit pros and cons. Cons and pros of a loan. The main advantages of a bank loan

Increasingly, residents of Russia want to get a car because the speed of life is increasing every day: you need to be in time everywhere, and it is now fashionable to go on vacation in your car. However, not everyone can afford to buy a brand new car right away, paying all its cost. New lending programs developed in Russian banks will help out of this situation.

Developing at a fairly fast pace the new kind banking services- car loans. Auto loan is a loan designated purpose, in this case to purchase a car. The car itself, in turn, becomes collateral for this loan. The average car loan rates are much lower than traditional consumer loans.

The level of sales of cars on credit by Moscow banks is higher than lending to other entities. The capital's banks offer several types of car loan programs, which allows you to take into account the individual needs of each client.

Which banks provide car loans for used cars

As for the banks that offer such a service, their number is increasing every year. According to statistics, the following banks have the highest rating: Sberbank, VTB, Raiffeisenbank, Alfa-Bank, Post Bank, Rosselkhozbank and others. Banks offering this car loan service most often work closely with car dealerships and loan agreements are drawn up through their joint efforts.

There are also banks that specialize in selling used cars. You can get a car loan for a used car, in addition to those listed above, at Absolut Bank, Credit Europe Bank and subsidiary banks Western car dealerships that issue loans for the purchase of used cars in their countries. These are Toyota Bank, BMW Bank and other banks, most often named according to the brand of the car that is for sale.

Those who want to buy a used car on credit should know that such a loan will cost them more and it is not as easy to get it as when buying a new car. In this case, the interest rate is always higher. This is explained by the increased risk that can carry loan car. The risks are associated with the possible theft of a car or it may be listed as collateral at any other bank. In addition, a used car is an illiquid asset for a bank.

When issuing car loans for used cars, banks require the borrower to comply with additional conditions and restrictions:

  • at the time of car loan repayment, a foreign-made car must be no older than 10 years, a domestic car - 5 years;
  • the amount of the down payment varies within 10-50 percent and depends on the general condition of the car, its model and age;
  • some banks do not issue a car loan for a used car manufactured in countries such as China, Iran, India, Russia and Ukraine;
  • the number is taken into account former owners used car, its mileage, insurance amount and loan terms.

Otherwise, the requirements for the borrower when applying for a car loan for a used car coincide with the requirements for lending a new car. This is the presence of Russian citizenship, permanent residence in the lending region, the presence of seniority. Total work experience and work experience for recent times at one place.

There are several types of car loans. One of them is to purchase a used car from official car dealers, the next one is from a private person. These lending programs offer higher an initial fee and interest than in the case of buying a used car in a car dealership.

The purpose of a loan or installment plan is to borrow money from a financial institution or merchant to purchase goods and services. On the one hand, it is convenient and practical - there is no need to postpone the purchase indefinitely, trying to accumulate the required amount. However, in practice, there are frequent cases when there are problems with paying the debt: they read the contract inattentively, did not understand the essence of the operation, and the monthly payment was overdue.

In order to prevent such situations, it is important to understand what a loan and an installment plan are, how they differ from each other, what are the pros and cons of each procedure.

What is a loan

This is the issuance of money at interest with a return. A loan can be targeted: for the purchase of a car or housing; and non-target () - for any needs. The loan is issued for a period specified in the contract. Late payment will result in Negative consequences: a fine, seizure of property or other sanctions.

What are its features

Credit has a number of distinctive features. This includes: the registration procedure, its total cost, the process of issuing money.

Let's consider each item in detail:

  1. For registration, they apply to a banking organization - in person or through the official website of the company. Submit an application, where they indicate their personal data: full name, place of work, size monthly income, marital status, purpose of lending. Indicate the desired loan term and interest rate. Based on these data, bank employees make a negative or positive decision.
  2. Before signing the document, it is recommended to pay attention to the full credit cost - this is the loan amount + accrued annual interest. The Bank is not entitled to include others in the credit value without the consent of the consumer.
  3. They issue funds in cash or by bank transfer - by transfer to a card or account. This condition is pre-written in the loan agreement.

To whom and under what conditions

Credit for favorable conditions issued only to solvent citizens.

The “portrait” of the average borrower looks like this:

  • a woman or a man from 25 to 45 years;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • has a permanent source of income;
  • has been married for a long time and has children;
  • has a secondary specialized or higher education;
  • there is property in the property - a car, an apartment, land plot(if necessary, the property is issued as a pledge);
  • there is a positive

Attention! If a person has a bad credit history, there are outstanding payments, there is no official job, and so on, he will be given a loan only in microfinance organizations. In such offices, money is under more high interest than in a bank for a short time.

The terms of issuance are set by the bank. In addition to the amount of the monthly payment and repayment terms, these are insurance, the cost of related services (for example, consideration loan application or SMS notifications), currency, installment fee.

What amount and for what

The amount depends on the purpose. Large loans in the amount of 300,000 rubles or more are issued for the purchase of a car or real estate. An amount less than 300,000 rubles is issued for consumer purposes - purchase household appliances, repair, trip abroad, tuition fees. The amount depends on the interest rate and the payment term.

Pros and cons

To the pluses consider the opportunity to take money "here and now", without waiting for bonuses or wages. It is easier to give money in installments than to accumulate it over a long period of time. Convenient loans that can be repaid ahead of schedule, making a larger payment every month and reducing the interest rate. Often a loan is the only way to urgently go for treatment or pay for unexpected expenses.

Minuses- overpayment, interest-free loans do not exist. To receive money, you need to collect a package of documents and submit an application, wait for the bank's response. If there is a delay, then the borrower is responsible for paying penalties or fines. If he suddenly lost his job or fell ill, then the debt due to penalties and fines begins to grow.

Where can I apply

They are issued in banks or microfinance organizations. In addition to an application for receiving money, documents are required: a passport, a certificate of employment, a marriage certificate (if any), a military ID. Each organization sets its own list of documents.

Attention! It is convenient to apply for a loan for consumer purposes online or through mobile app. It contains personal data and a copy of the passport; it is not necessary to collect a long list of documents. The decision is communicated via SMS or a bank employee calls you.

What is installment

This is payment for goods in installments over a certain period of time - from several months to several years. There is no interest, the buyer does not overpay money.

What are its features

Installments are provided for a short period of time, usually from six months to three years. The purchase acts as a pledge - guarantees a refund. An installment agreement is drawn up with detailed description all conditions. There is an initial payment - from 10% to 50% of original cost goods. Payments are made monthly in equal installments.

Attention! The sale of goods on credit with payment in installments is also practiced. The buyer purchases the goods in the store, and concludes an agreement with the bank. With this type of installment, there are interest, but low. They are already included in the price of the goods, that is, in fact, the buyer does not overpay the bank.

To whom and under what conditions

Getting a loan is easier than getting a loan. Its registration takes from 10 to 20 minutes, it is enough to have a passport with you. On its basis, an agreement is drawn up, which indicates the amount of monthly payments and the repayment period. Store employees do not require a certificate of employment, certificate of marriage and other documents from the buyer.

The terms of provision include the schedule and amount of payments, sanctions for delay - fines and penalties. Some stores set their own conditions for the provision - additional documents, refusal to pay by installments without explanation, the maximum installment period.

What amount and for what

The installment amount is equal to the amount of the purchased goods. If the installment plan exceeds the purchase price, then the seller has included in the amount of payments additional terms- commissions or interest. They give installments for any product: household appliances, jewelry, furniture, clothing.

Pros and cons

pros- fast registration, no need to collect a package of documents, provide information about the place of work or earnings. With the help of installments, it is easy to buy expensive goods without hitting the family budget. If the installment is “clean”, then there is no overpayment on interest.

Attention! The advantage of the procedure is that they arrange an installment plan in the store, no time is wasted on a visit to the bank.

Minuses- short delivery time, in some cases, the need to make an initial payment in the amount of 10% to 50% of the amount of the desired product.

How is an installment different from a loan?

Installment vs Loan - What's the difference?

For understanding, consider the following distinctive features:

  1. Interest rate. Installment payment is interest-free, while loan payment is always the amount of the debt + interest.
  2. Having a positive credit history. This is important for obtaining a loan; when buying in installments, the history does not matter.
  3. Registration deadline. For installments, 20 minutes are enough, while an application for a loan is considered on average from several hours to a week.
  4. Required documents. For installments - a passport; for a loan - income statement, SNILS, military ID and so on.
  5. An initial fee. In the case of installments, it is about 30% of the amount of the goods.
  6. Delivery period. Credit - on average from one to 10 years; installments - from six months to three years.
  7. If the goods are bought on credit, they immediately become the property of the buyer. If in installments - is in pledge.

What is more profitable: installment or credit

An installment plan is issued if they do not want to spend time collecting papers and confirming the issuance of money. This type of loan is convenient for purchases up to 100,000 rubles. It does not imply an overpayment, which saves the buyer money. If there are difficulties with payments, then it is easier to agree with the seller to temporarily suspend payments or adjust the schedule than to ask the bank for it. Late payments do not affect your credit history in any way.

Credit is recommended to take on more expensive purchases. They are thought out in advance and study the terms of lending from different banks. A loan is more convenient and more profitable for those who are confident in the stability of their income for many years to come. However, it is important to pay attention in advance to the size of the interest rate and the final amount of payments.

Which is better credit card or installment card

The installment card is suitable for regular small purchases, no interest is charged on the amount spent. Installment plan is convenient and profitable to use in partner stores of the bank, while a credit card has no such restrictions. Installments do not withdraw cash, credit cards allow you to do this, albeit with a commission. Credit cards have a limit many times higher than installment cards.

Attention! Before you get an installment card, ask in which stores you can pay for it, how much the service costs, if there are any hidden fees and options. It is important to find out what percentage and penalties are charged in case of non-repayment of money on time.


If we are talking about more expensive purchases, then it is better to get a loan from a bank - to prove your solvency and stick to the payment schedule. A credit or installment card will also help you make purchases - when making them, it is important to find out the terms for returning money and the amount of fines accrued in case of delay.

A cash loan is one of the classic forms of borrowing, involving a small limit and a simple registration procedure. It is used to get the necessary amount in the shortest possible time to solve urgent financial issues. Like others banking products A cash loan has its pros and cons.

The main advantages of a bank loan

Here are the main advantages of cash loans:

  • The requested amount is paid in full and immediately after signing the contract. You no longer need to borrow money from friends or collect money from each salary in order to purchase the right thing.
  • Debt repayment occurs in a convenient mode according to the schedule, without much burden on your family budget.
  • Consumer loans are issued. The client does not have to report on what needs he is going to spend the amount received.
  • Bank - serious financial structure whose activities are regulated by law. The client can no doubt about the transparency and reliability of the transaction. Such a guarantee cannot be provided by private lenders. The main thing is to carefully read the terms of the contract before signing it.
  • To get a loan and proof of income. When requesting a small amount, the bank does not require collateral and guarantees from third parties.
  • Debt can be repaid early without commission and overpayment of interest.
  • A wide range of products for any purpose and time frame. The line of credits is regularly updated. Almost every organization has tariffs with reduced rates and an increased limit for regular borrowers.
  • Possibility with timely payment. Paying borrowers performing in good faith financial obligations get access to more profitable credit products.
  • Inflation has a negative effect on the amount of accumulated funds, and the cost of goods is constantly growing. Given these factors a loan with interest is more profitable than long-term accumulation own funds for the desired purchase.

What follows from this?

Rates are low now and inflation is high. Sometimes it is more profitable to take a loan than to save for a long time. Especially when it comes to where they offer a percentage of 5% per annum and a car loan, where you can find options of 3% -4% per year.

When issuing a loan, the minimum requirements are put forward for the borrower: age, a valid civil passport, permanent registration in the region where the bank is present, and a stable source of income. Confirmation is not always asked, some lend even without official work. MFIs are even more willing to lend. Often only with a passport, and even with minimal requirements. But the percentages are higher. Standard 1% per day.

Everyone can receive. Cash loans are available for almost all categories of citizens with any income level.

Some organizations are willing to offer a small loan without proof of income and official employment. There are separate profitable offer for, and payroll clients.

To expand their customer base, banks simplify the procedure for applying for and obtaining a loan as much as possible. The easier and faster, the more customers. Today, this can be done at the lender's office or online without leaving home. This will require access to the Internet and 10 minutes of free time to fill out the questionnaire. Online application saves the borrower time. Upon receipt of preliminary approval, he remains to visit the nearest branch of the bank and bring a package of documents.

Now the requirements for borrowers are becoming stricter. For example, almost no one gives out without proof of income. Plus, the borrower should be able to painlessly pay monthly payments. Without income statements - only in MFIs or organizations issuing up to 50,000 rubles.

Disadvantages of cash loans

Credit obligations may have their own "pitfalls" and "surprises" if the client has not carefully read the terms of the contract. Before applying for a loan, we recommend that you adequately assess your financial opportunities so as not to go into delay and not get into debt hole.

If used correctly credit products, the minuses are much less than the pros:

  • High interest rate on borrowed money. The annual rate on loans up to 30 thousand rubles, provided for a period of up to 1 year, can reach 40%. Maximum bets loans are set by the Central Bank. Lenders do not have the right to exceed the normative indicator. On the official website of the regulator, you can get acquainted with the current values ​​for the current quarter.
  • Hard penalties. The amount of interest for late payments is specified in the loan agreement. In the event of a prolonged default on obligations, banks call the debtor's contact persons. As a result, this negatively affects his reputation and CI.
  • Age restrictions and income restrictions. Not every bank will provide a loan to a pensioner or student without a credit history and a stable income.
  • The borrower must plan their income in advance and “cut out” funds from the budget to repay the loan. He cannot skip or defer payment to the next month.
  • Even one delinquency on a loan can serve as an obstacle to obtaining subsequent loans.

If you familiarize yourself with the conditions in advance and calculate whether you can pay off the debt, you can take it. If in doubt, contact only in extreme cases. Penalty interest and penalties are usually very high. And if you cannot pay regular payments, then it will be even more difficult with penalties.

If you do not pay on time, then your credit history deteriorates. And now, consider this as an end to the possibility of taking a loan in the future at a low interest rate.

In addition, in order to apply for a loan, in any case, you will have to visit a bank branch, answer the questions of the manager and present the original documents.

At the same time, the interest rate on bank loans much lower. To get loans on the most attractive terms, we recommend using the services of one lender. Earn a positive reputation and upgrade financial rating. This will reduce the percentage. For regular borrowers, banks reduce rates to 9% -15%.

So take it or not?

We got acquainted with the pros and cons, it remains to understand whether it is worth taking or not. Depends on what you need the money for. On the new phone because the old one is tired? Definitely not. It's not such an important purchase. For treatment or buying a new refrigerator if the old one is broken? Here it is already a necessity - you can take it.

Our opinion: take if needed. In cases where there is no time to save, money is needed right now. Others are better off living within their means. You can save up for a vacation in a year. On the phone - in a few months. And does it need to be changed?

The second option is take if it suits. Mortgages are often more profitable than rented housing. Car loan - issued at the price of inflation. And then there are MFIs that give as much as you receive.

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Loans have long been part of the life of almost every person, and at the moment it is one of the most common banking services that can be offered not only to individuals, but also legal entities to help them solve their financial difficulties. Getting a loan today is no big deal. You just need to provide the minimum required documents, submit an application to the bank, and the terms for approval of such an application, as a rule, are not at all long. Therefore, people actively use this opportunity, because it is very difficult to save money for the purchase of any property or, for example, household appliances, especially when a person needs such property urgently. As with any phenomenon, a loan has its pros and cons. We will talk about this and many other things further.

Loan classification

Loans that a bank can provide to citizens are classified according to the following criteria:

  1. By subdivided into individually defined payments, lump sum and annuity, which are the most common and involve payments on the loan in a certain amount on a monthly basis.
  2. According to the method of collateral, there are also several types of loans - surety, pledge or without collateral. The higher the loan amount, the more guarantees the bank needs in order for the borrower to confirm his solvency. In these cases, the bank may require collateral as security. Most often, such collateral is real estate or vehicles. Or the bank requires a guarantee, which is a written confirmation of such guarantees from third parties. However, a loan without collateral has the advantage that there is no risk of losing the pledged property.
  3. By loan term. As a rule, the term of a loan does not exceed five years, but if it is a secured loan, then in this case its terms can be much longer.
  4. According to the interest rate.

Advantages of such a phenomenon as lending

In general, this process has a lot of positive aspects:

  1. To apply for a loan, you do not need a lot of documents, but only a minimum number of them. Depending on what requirements banking organization, sometimes the list of documents is limited only to a passport and a driver's license, and a certificate of employment and other documents are not required.
  2. The short term for consideration of the application is just a few days.
  3. Possibility of obtaining Money immediately. The obvious advantage of a bank loan is that the client receives money on the day of application, which allows him to realize his plans or solve financial problems as soon as possible. If a bank client needs to make a purchase, then receiving the money immediately, he does not risk his plans, because it often happens that the product that he planned to purchase is sold in a few days and disappears from the counter, or the price for it changes significantly - the price of the goods may rise.
  4. The advantage of a loan is the gradual repayments. Currently, almost any client can choose the most suitable loan option for himself. This is due to the fact that banks are constantly reforming and developing their credit system, which allows them to have a sufficient number of customers for their development and prosperity. The loan can be repaid monthly - such loans are called annuity. In this case, the borrower can choose the amount of payment individually, taking into account their financial capabilities.
  5. Pros of a secured loan - a large limit and more low interest However, all risks must be assessed.

Is there a benefit for institutions?

The advantage of a loan for an enterprise is the ability to expand its field of activity. For some organizations, this banking tool generally serves as the start of work. In addition, the conditions for lending to enterprises are very different.

What does refinancing mean?

Refinancing (refinancing) is the receipt of a new loan in order to repay the previous loan in another bank on other, more favorable terms. In other words, this new loan to pay off the old one.

Pros and cons of refinancing a loan

The benefits of refinancing are as follows:

  1. Reduction in monthly payments.
  2. Change the currency in which payments are made.
  3. Consolidation of loans in different banks into one.
  4. Reducing the interest rate.
  5. Removal of an encumbrance from a pledge.

Disadvantages of refinancing:

  1. Additional expenses, meaninglessness of the process.
  2. A maximum of 5 credits can be combined into one.
  3. Obtaining permission from the creditor's bank.

Credit Disadvantages

The main disadvantages of loans include:

By providing loans to customers under a simplified system of lending and application processing, the bank experiences huge risks of non-repayment of funds. In these cases, banks do not have enough time to check all the necessary documents and solvency of the borrower, and since one of the goals of banks is to attract as many customers as possible, banks are forced to compensate possible losses in such a way that they benefit in advance from higher interest rates on loans. Interest is charged on general principles- the longer the loan repayment period and the larger its amount, the higher the amount the borrower will have to pay as interest, and the higher the overpayment will be if we compare the amount with the original one, which is not an obvious advantage of the loan.

Recently, banks have begun to offer their customers the so-called interest-free loans and advances, which is a very effective marketing ploy. In such cases, the borrower is attracted by bright promotional offers, but he forgets that no bank ever works to the detriment of its financial well-being. Usually in these cases, numerous commissions for issuing a loan and its servicing are disguised as the principal amount of such loans, so the bank does not lose anything here, moreover, it acquires the necessary benefit, even if it is minimal.

Rational use of loans

A loan should be taken only in cases where you need to purchase some expensive, but at the same time necessary items for life - vehicles, household appliances, furniture, or building materials for repairs living quarters. In such cases, it is advisable to take a loan for a short period, approximately 2-3 years, in order to repay it as soon as possible and thereby terminate your material obligations. It is not recommended to take on credit responsibility in case of various kinds of "force majeure", for example, a loan to pay for treatment or vacation, as in these cases there is too high a risk of not overpowering such liability.

It is very practical to take out a loan in order to purchase housing, because banks have special mortgage loans who can borrow the required amount of cash at low interest rates.

For those who decide to start their own business

There is a big risk of not paying off the loan in cases where the loan is taken from borrowers to develop their own business. Such a loan should pay for itself within six months, but if this does not happen, the person is at a loss. Financial liabilities grow and accumulate, and if the business does not generate the necessary income, the risk increases even more.

Don't be swayed by shopping

You should not take on credit obligations directly in stores, in cases of purchasing certain goods. Such express loans imply extremely high risks for banks, therefore, in any case, banks compensate for the costs incurred by increasing credit interest. The overpayment for the goods in these cases will be unusually high. When purchasing goods in stores, it is much more profitable to use credit cards. In most cases, with this credit scheme, a one-time commission is charged upon purchase, which is about 20% of the total cost of the purchased goods. However, when returning the goods back to the store, such a commission is usually not returned, since it is considered as a payment for registration services. loan agreement.


Whatever attitude you have towards loans, it is important to remember one very important thing. Under any circumstances, you need to carefully read the contract that you conclude with financial institution. Otherwise, the consequences may not be the most rosy and overshadow your joy from quickly received money.

Pros and cons of buying household appliances on credit

There is not always money for the purchase here and now, but the desired product is just put up for sale. It often happens that the cost of household appliances is much higher than the budget planned for the purchase. In such cases, you can arrange the goods on credit or in installments. Today, absolutely anyone with a positive credit can take out household appliances on credit. credit history.

In any major home appliances store, you will meet bank consultants who are ready to help with obtaining a loan. Thanks to this offer, you can here and now become the happy owner of an expensive laptop model, a new two-chamber refrigerator or dishwasher. Some borrowers immediately go to the bank for target loan for a big purchase. Applying for a loan for household appliances is easy and simple, usually the bank's decision takes from 10 to 30 minutes, the loan agreement is signed by the client immediately on the spot.

It will be necessary to pay for a purchase on credit in small installments during the selected loan period. But when making a purchase of household appliances on credit, remember that commodity loans have their pros and cons.

When is it really worth resorting to lending?

The urgent need for technology in the absence of the proper amount of money imposes on us an appeal to credit organizations. If you do not have an urgent need to purchase this or that product, it will be much more profitable to save the required amount for several months and purchase the purchase without paying additional interest.

Breakdown of equipment in the house is an unforeseen circumstance. In this case, the possibility of lending will be a salvation for a family in which the necessary comfortable living Appliances. In such a situation, it will be more prudent to make a purchase on credit than to postpone indefinitely.

The first way to purchase a purchase not at the expense of your own funds is to apply for a store loan. Today it's easier than ever. If your salary is 20-25,000 rubles, and the desired purchase costs 50,000 rubles or more, then by applying for a loan, you can pay a convenient and affordable amount every month.

It is not difficult to find a store with the possibility of buying on credit today. Even small centers of electronics and household appliances resort to lending to look good in the eyes of customers and expand the circle of potential buyers. If you prefer online shopping to classic shopping, you can apply for a loan directly in the online store.

Buying household appliances in a store on credit consists of a few simple steps:

  • choose a product.
  • going to a credit counselor.
  • we conclude a loan agreement.
  • we pick up the desired product.

Bank loan

Everything is simple here. The main task is to choose the one you are ready to purchase among many similar products.

After filling out the application, it remains only to wait for a response from the financial institution. If the loan is approved, then we proceed to the signing of the loan agreement. It is recommended to take out insurance. This will help in the event of a breakdown of equipment purchased on credit.

After concluding a loan agreement and clarifying all the nuances, all that remains is to pick up your goods, keeping the guarantee receipt.

The second option is to apply for a loan directly from the bank. To do this, you can use it as targeted lending (then send sum of money it will be possible only for one planned purchase), and consumer credit. If you are wondering if a bank will give you a loan, check out the list of required documents in advance. Today, banks are quietly lending to small amounts persons with a positive credit history and a permanent job.

The main advantages of purchasing household appliances on credit include:

  • quick acquisition of the necessary equipment;
  • comfortable monthly payments;
  • the possibility of obtaining a loan without a down payment;
  • minimum requirements for the borrower;
  • the possibility of purchasing goods in installments, that is, without interest.


  • overpayment for goods in the form of interest;
  • additional purchase insurance costs.
  • loan repayment within a specified period.

If you urgently need to purchase new technology, but at the same time you do not have the necessary amount of money, a loan will be the best way out for you!

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