
Cash flow statement. Interconnection of accounting indicators

The entry of many organizations into the market economy has led to the problem of providing complete financial information about the organization's activities and property status as of a certain date. Among the groups of external users of such information (investors, lenders, suppliers and other commercial counterparties, customers, government and government agencies, the public), its provision is especially important for investors and future shareholders of the organization.

Financial statements - a set of interrelated indicators, presented in the appropriately approved forms, the results of the enterprise for the past reporting period.

The financial statements consist of interrelated forms that, in terms of the volume of their constituent indicators, form a single system of information about the financial condition of the organization.

Value accounting statements determined by the requirements for it.

Accounting statements must comply with the following requirements: reliability, integrity, timeliness, simplicity, verifiability, comparability, economy, compliance with strictly established procedures for registration and publicity.

Reliability is based not only on accounting information, but also on other types of accounting, primarily statistical accounting. Violation this approach makes it impossible to draw up a business plan, as well as operational property management at various levels of economic activity. This condition requires the comparability of reported and planned indicators.

In order to ensure comparability of accounting data, changes in accounting policies should be introduced from the beginning of the financial year.

If there is no such comparability, then the data for the period preceding the reporting period are subject to correction. In this case, one should be guided by the provisions established by the current regulatory acts of the system of regulatory regulation of accounting in Russian Federation... This is the methodological unity of the reporting indicators.

The adjustment itself and the methodology for its implementation should be disclosed in explanatory note to the balance sheet and statement of financial results, together with an indication of the reasons for the adjustment.

The reliability of the financial statements is enhanced by its integrity, i.e. it should include indicators of financial and economic activities, both of the enterprise itself and of its branches, representative offices and other structural divisions, including those allocated to independent balance sheets.

For reporting purposes, the reporting date is the last calendar day of the reporting period. The financial statements are prepared for the reporting year, i.e. from January 1 to December 31 of a calendar year inclusive.

Interim financial statements for the month (quarter) are compiled on an accrual basis from the beginning of the reporting year, unless otherwise provided by law, and consists of a balance sheet and a profit and loss statement.

The simplicity of accounting reports lies in its simplification and accessibility. Transition of accounting to international standards objectively contributes to the implementation of this requirement.

Verifiability of reporting implies the possibility of confirming the information presented in it at any time. Indirectly given condition assumes the neutrality of the information presented in it.

Comparability involves the presence of the same indicators over different periods of time in order to identify differences and trends.

The purpose of this comparison is to identify trends in the development of the firm. However, when using it, the principle of limiting the usefulness of information cannot be avoided, and this can affect the formation of incorrect conclusions. For example, in order to reduce production volumes in the reporting year, the company decided to restructure production and, in this regard, attracted long-term loans bank. According to the presented financial statements, it is not clear that the trend towards improvement of the company's financial condition can take place only in the long term.

To implement these approaches, the financial statements must provide a comparison of information on a specific indicator given in the statements for the previous and the reporting year.

Profitability is achieved by unifying and standardizing the relevant reporting forms, reducing individual indicators without compromising the quality of reporting data. This applies primarily to indicators that are of a reference and information nature.

Registration is the next requirement for financial statements. It means that reporting, as well as accounting for property, liabilities and business transactions, is carried out in Russian, in the currency of the Russian Federation - in rubles. The statements are signed by the head of the organization and a specialist in accounting (chief accountant, etc.)

The publicity of financial statements is carried out by organizations, the list of which is regulated by the current legislation. These include open joint stock companies, credit and insurance organizations, stock exchanges, investment and other funds created from private, public and state sources.

Publicity implies the publication of annual financial statements in the media available to its users, or its distribution in the relevant publications (brochures, booklets and other publications), as well as transfer to the state statistics bodies at the place of registration for provision to interested users.

Annual financial statements must be published no later than June 1 of the year following the reporting year.

The publication must be preceded by an audit with the obligatory approval of the annual report by the general meeting of shareholders. From the list of forms of annual reporting, the publication is obligatory subject to the balance sheet (Form No. 1) and the Profit and Loss Statement (Form No. 2). This approach is also accepted in international practice, which allows external users of information to make an informed decision in terms of investing capital in a given company.

In accordance with PBU 4/99, the following requirements are imposed on the preparation of financial statements:

  • 1. Financial statements should consist of certain forms (from 1 to 6);
  • 2. The financial statements should give a reliable and complete picture of the financial position of the organization, the financial results of its activities and changes in its financial position;
  • 3. When preparing financial statements, neutrality of information must be ensured (ie, one-sided satisfaction of the interests of some groups of users of financial statements in front of others is excluded);
  • 4. The financial statements should include the performance indicators of all branches and divisions;
  • 5. When forming financial statements, the organization must adhere to the content and form adopted by it consistently from one reporting period to another;
  • 6. For any numerical indicator, data must be provided for at least two years;
  • 7. Articles of financial statements for which there are no numerical indicators, are crossed out or not shown;
  • 8. For the preparation of financial statements, the reporting date is the last calendar day of the reporting period;
  • 9. Each component of the accounting statements must contain the name of the form, reporting date, name of the organization, organizational and legal form, TIN, address of the organization, unit of measurement, codes and codes, type of activity;
  • 10. Negative indicators in financial statements are shown in parentheses;
  • 11. The financial statements must be drawn up in Russian, signed by the head and Ch. accountant of the organization.

The importance of reporting lies in its reliability, integrity, timeliness, simplicity, comparability, cost-effectiveness, adherence to strictly established procedures, execution and publicity.

Reliable reporting helps to manage the enterprise, eliminate deficiencies, identify untapped internal reserves, respond in a timely manner and make the right decisions in connection with changes in the market.

Integrity or completeness of reporting allows you to make more informed management decisions.

Timeliness presupposes the submission of the necessary financial statements to the appropriate addresses on time.

The simplicity of accounting reports lies in its simplification and accessibility. The transition of accounting to international standards objectively contributes to the implementation of this requirement.

Verifiability of reporting implies the possibility of confirming the information presented in it at any time.

Comparability involves the presence of the same indicators over different periods of time in order to identify differences and trends. The purpose of this comparison is to identify trends in the development of the firm.

Profitability is achieved by unifying and standardizing the relevant reporting forms, reducing individual indicators without compromising the quality of reporting data, automating accounting, and choosing the optimal accounting forms.

Registration means that reporting, as well as accounting, is carried out in Russian and in the currency of the Russian Federation.

Publicity involves the publication of annual financial statements in the media, transmission to statistical bodies. The list of enterprises that must publish their annual accounts is regulated by law.

Along with the publication of annual financial statements, an auditor's report is also published, the essence of which should contain the opinion (assessment) of an independent auditor (audit firm) on its reliability (of course, positive, conditionally positive, negative, refusal to express an opinion).

Internal accounting reports are not subject to publication, as they are classified as commercial secrets. For illegal receipt and disclosure of information constituting a commercial secret, criminal liability is provided.

"New in accounting and reporting", 2009, N 3

Often, with correct accounting and the absence of errors in accounting entries and primary documents, a large number of errors are made precisely in the process of drawing up financial statements. Consider those violations that are most often identified by auditors.

Balance sheet

Sometimes in the reporting it is erroneously indicated that the balance was drawn up on January 1 This is a violation, since the reporting year for all organizations is a calendar year - from January 1 to December 31 inclusive (Article 14 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 N 129-FZ "On Accounting"). It is for this period that reports are drawn up. You also need to remember about the reporting rules for newly created organizations: for such companies, the first reporting year is the period from the date of their state registration to December 31 of the corresponding year, and for companies established after October 1 - to December 31 of the following year.

When compiling the balance sheet (form N 1<1>) the most common misclassification of assets or liabilities. for example, issued interest-free loans, accounted for on account 58 "Financial investments", subaccount 3 "Loans granted", are often reflected in the total amount financial investments, despite the fact that they do not meet the criteria for recognition as such in accordance with paragraph 2 of PBU 19/02<2>and should be reflected in accounts receivable. Another example of misclassification of assets is the reflection of deposits in banks in the "Cash" line of the balance sheet. Along with the fact that deposits are recorded on account 55 "Special accounts in banks", they are financial investments in accordance with paragraph 3 of PBU 19/02 and must be reflected in the appropriate line of the balance sheet.

<1>Unified forms of financial statements were approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 22, 2003 N 67n.
<2>Accounting regulation "Accounting for financial investments" PBU 19/02 was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 10, 2002 N 126n.

Often, when forming a balance sheet, assets and liabilities by maturity (maturity) are incorrectly classified into long-term and short-term. Assets and liabilities are presented as short-term if the circulation (maturity) period for them is not more than 12 months after the reporting date or the duration of the operating cycle, if it exceeds 12 months (clause 19 PBU 4/99<1>). All other assets and liabilities are presented as non-current. Thus, if an organization has acquired, say, a share in the authorized capital of another company and does not intend to sell this share, there is no reason to reflect such a financial investment as short-term assets.

<1>The regulation on accounting "Financial statements of the organization" PBU 4/99 was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 6, 1999 N 43n.

Often, when drawing up a balance sheet, an improper offset of accounts receivable and payable is carried out. In particular, receivables one counterparty is covered by accounts payable of another, as a result of which the active and passive sides of the balance are understated. The opposite situation also occurs - for example, if accounting policy the organization provides for a rolled-up reflection of deferred tax assets and liabilities in the balance sheet, but in fact the accountant reflects them in detail, in connection with which the balance sheet total is overestimated. In such cases, you should remember the requirement of clause 34 of PBU 4/99: accounting statements do not allow offset between items of assets and liabilities, items of profit and loss, unless such offset is provided for by the relevant RAS.

Sometimes, when compiling a balance sheet, an accountant uses an accounting method that contradicts accounting policies... For example, in the accounting policy of the organization it is fixed that the reserve for doubtful debts is not created, and the accounts receivable are shown minus the reserve. Another situation is that the accounting policy provides for the transfer of debt on loans and borrowings from long-term to short-term upon reaching 365 days to maturity, and during the preparation of reports, such a transfer was not made.

The absence of the necessary balance sheet indicators in the Certificate of the presence of values ​​recorded on off-balance sheet accounts is also a violation that is often encountered in reporting. Accountants forget to reflect here the value of leased fixed assets, issued collateral, obligations and other necessary indicators. Such a violation is fraught with obtaining a clause in the auditor's report if the missing indicator is a significant amount.

Some reporting indicators have a negative value or are deducted when calculating reporting data, for example, an indicator of the cost of goods (works, services) sold and a net loss. Such indicators are often reflected in the reporting with a minus sign or even without a sign. This is wrong, because if, according to the regulatory documents on accounting, the indicator must be deducted from other indicators when calculating the appropriate data or has a negative value, then in the financial statements this indicator is shown in parentheses (clause 12 of the Instructions on the procedure for drawing up and submitting financial statements<2>).

Gains and losses report

Often, income and expenses for certain types of activities are not disclosed in the income statement (Form No. 2). Requirements of clause 18.1 PBU 9/99<1>and clause 21.1 PBU 10/99<2>found that revenue and other income exceeding 5% total amount income of the organization, and the corresponding part of expenses are shown in the reporting for each type separately. The absence of such data in the income statement can only be compensated for by disclosing the necessary explanations in the explanatory note.

<1>The regulation on accounting "Income of the organization" PBU 9/99 was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 N 32n.
<2>The regulation on accounting "Organization's expenses" PBU 10/99 was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated May 6, 1999 N 33n.

Another violation is the lack of reference information on the amounts of basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share. If the reporting organization is a joint stock company, then it must calculate these indicators and reflect them in the reporting in accordance with Methodical recommendations on disclosure of information on earnings per share<3>.

Statement of changes in equity

Very often, when checking, auditors discover that the "References" section is not filled in the report on changes in capital (Form No. 3). Often this section is excluded from reporting due to the lack of operations to receive funds from the budget and extra-budgetary funds to finance the current costs and capital investments of the organization. This approach is legitimate, because according to clause 11 of PBU 4/99 of the articles of accounting forms, which, in accordance with the provisions on accounting, are subject to disclosure and for which there are no numerical values, are crossed out (in standard forms) or not provided (in forms developed independently , and in the explanatory note). But at the same time, the accountant forgets that the "References" section also indicates the amount of net assets, which is necessarily calculated for all organizations. The procedure for assessing the value of the net assets of joint-stock companies was approved by the joint Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Commission for the Securities Market of Russia dated January 29, 2003 N 10n / 03-6 / pz.

Cash flow statement

Traffic report Money(Form No. 4) is perhaps the most difficult reporting form to fill out. Often, an accountant, having made sure that the cash balances at the beginning and end of the period correspond to similar data in the balance sheet, believes that the program or assistant has drawn up the report correctly. An experienced auditor will immediately notice mistakes and ask questions if the balance sheet contains:

  • at the end of the reporting period, an increase or decrease in indicators of fixed assets, construction in progress or financial investments is reflected, and the report does not reflect the movement in investment activities;
  • the change in the amount of loans and borrowings received for the reporting period is visible, and the report does not reflect the movement in financial activities.

Appendix to the balance sheet

Appendix to the balance sheet (form No. 5) is a breakdown of individual balance sheet indicators. Often, when drawing up reports, the accountant repeatedly makes corrections to the balance sheet before finally preparing it for signing. In this case, it is important to ensure that the latest versions of the balance sheet and its Appendix are consistent with each other in terms of linking homogeneous indicators.

A common violation is the absence or incorrect formation of data on costs for ordinary activities by cost elements. To correctly fill in this section, you need to correctly configure the analytics of expense accounts, which will allow you to decipher the costs incurred in the context of the required elements.

Explanatory note

The absence of mandatory information in an explanatory note is the most common mistake. Today uniform form there is no explanatory note, and various requirements for its content are found in many accounting regulations. A correctly written note should contain:

  • information about the organization, its activities, executive bodies;
  • data on the applied accounting policies;
  • decoding of individual reporting indicators that were not included in other reporting forms;
  • information about related parties;
  • events after the reporting date;
  • conditional facts of economic activity;
  • data on state aid;
  • information on discontinued operations;
  • segment information;
  • information about participation in joint activities.

Yu.Yu. Makarova

Certified auditor

Chapter 13

Accounting financial statements of the organization

Information about business transactions, produced by an economic entity for a certain period of time, is summarized in the relevant accounting registers and from them is transferred in a grouped form to the accounting (financial) statements. In the system of normative regulation of accounting, financial statements are considered as a system of indicators reflecting the property and financial position of the organization as of the reporting date, as well as the financial results of its activities for the reporting period. In turn, reporting period - this is the period for which the organization must prepare financial statements.

Such a procedure for generalizing accounting information is necessary, first of all, for the organization itself and is associated with the clarification, and in some cases, the adjustment of the further course of its financial and economic activities. Therefore, the financial statements should identify any facts that may affect the assessment of information by users on the state of property, financial situation, profit and loss. The users of such information are managers, founders, participants and owners of the organization's property.

Financial statements Is a unified system of data on the property and financial position of the organization and on the results of its economic and financial activities, compiled on the basis of accounting data in accordance with established forms... The principle of drawing up and publishing financial statements is one of the defining principles underlying the accounting methodology.

The concept of drawing up and publishing reports is the basis of the system of national accounting standards in most economic countries... This provision assumes that any organization, to one degree or another, constantly needs additional sources of financing, which the capital market mainly has. It is possible to attract potential investors and creditors only by objectively informing them about their financial activities through accounting (financial) statements.

How attractive are the published financial results, current and prospective financial condition organizations, the likelihood of obtaining additional sources of funding is so high. Thus, potential users of accounting (financial) statements are persons wishing to invest their free funds in any third-party company. They are primarily concerned with its reliability and efficiency. And if the reporting data inspire them confidence, they buy the organization completely, or are content with its share, or become investors and lenders. Accounting (financial) statements are intended to help achieve these goals, which in a concise, concentrated form presents reliable data on the main (significant) indicators of the organization's economic activity.

The financial statements formed on the basis of the rules established by the regulatory enactments on accounting are considered to be reliable and complete.

When forming financial statements, the organization must ensure the neutrality of the information contained in it, that is, one-sided satisfaction of the interests of some groups of users of financial statements in front of others is excluded.

13.1. The concept and meaning of accounting financial statements

According to clause 6 of PBU 4/99 "Financial statements of the organization" "the financial statements must give a reliable and complete picture of the financial position of the organization, the financial results of its activities and changes in its financial position."

In our country, the concept of "accounting" is traditionally used, which is confirmed by Art. 2 of the Federal Law "On Accounting". At the same time, the term “financial statements” is used in the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies”.

The Federal Law “On Auditing” already defines the reporting of enterprises and organizations as the financial (accounting) statements of the audited entities. As can be seen from these documents, a clear definition of the concept of "accounting" or "financial reporting" in Russian legislation not at the moment.

Therefore, in presenting the issues of this chapter, we will adhere to the term "accounting financial statements".

The accounting financial statements of an organization is a system of indicators characterizing the conditions and results of its work for the past period; in fact, it is a special type of accounting, which is a short extract from current accounting, reflecting the summary data on the state and results of the organization for a certain period.

Accounting financial statements are the link between the organization and other market participants. Moreover, studying the accounting financial statements, the subjects market relations pursue various goals: business partners are interested in information about the organization's ability to pay off its debts in a timely manner; investors - information about the possibility of further development of the organization, its financial stability; shareholders are concerned about the market price of a share, the size and procedure for payment of dividends. With these goals in mind, it should be borne in mind that when drawing up an accounting financial statements the organization has to form two sets: the actual accounting financial statements and statements submitted in tax authorities... The above persons are interested in the first set of reports. The second set, in addition to the actual reporting, includes calculations for certain types of taxes paid by the organization ( tax returns) and various help for calculations. Accounting financial statements are the main informational result generated on the accounting accounts for the past financial year and reflecting the final result of all economic activities of the organization for this year (Fig. 13.1).

Fig. 13.1. Scheme for the formation of accounting (financial) statements

An organization operating in the market, depending on its size, industry affiliation and organizational and legal forms, has at its disposal various resources: property, land, labor. These resources, invested by owners and borrowed investors, are directed to the formation of fixed and working capital, the purpose of which is to service the production process, which is the direct goal of creating an organization.

The result of the organization's business process is a financial result, which can be either positive (profit) or negative (loss). The absolute value of this result is directly reflected in the main (main) form of financial statements - in form No. 1 "Balance sheet", and the sequence of its calculation and the procedure for its formation - in form No. 2 "Profit and loss statement".

IN planned and administrative economy the main tasks of accounting were the collection and processing of information for government (ministries and departments) and statistical authorities. The organization of enterprise management was carried out by higher authorities - the issues of planning, pricing, material compensation of labor and others were resolved "at the top" and "descended" for the execution of the organization in a directive manner. The organization was considered only as a separate link in management state property, and accounting provided information about its safety. The state was both the owner and the main investor of the organization. Therefore, the main purpose of the organization's reporting in these conditions was to serve as a means of verifying the fulfillment of state tasks, the correctness of charges in the state budget and completeness of collection of statistical information.

In a developed market economy accounting has completely different functions. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the structure of ownership is changing under market conditions; secondly, the organization is forced to carry out its activities in conditions of fierce competition, the presence of which requires constant monitoring of market conditions, careful planning of activities. Third, in modern conditions the forms, types and conditions of financing economic activities are changing: with the practical absence of budget financing and government lending the organization has to enter into competition for credit resources of commercial banks, and for the funds of other potential investors.

These factors predetermine the need to present market actors timely and complete information on the results of its activities for interested users. And it is natural that the purpose of the organization's presentation of financial statements to external users is, first of all, to obtain additional sources of funding. From that what presented in the reporting, often depends on the future of the organization.

Accounting financial statements are designed to meet the general needs of most users, but at the same time they are not required to provide all the information that users may need to make economic decisions. The financial statements mainly reflect the financial results of past events. The focus of reporting on an unlimited number of users has determined the need to identify the main characteristics of financial statements, which mainly reflect the financial condition and financial results of the organization.

The facts of economic activity and business transactions are objects of accounting. When recording and reflecting them, the accountant must follow accounting standards and use the basic provisions of building an accounting system.

When drawing up reports, the requirements of the provisions must be met normative documents on accounting for the disclosure in the financial statements of information on changes in accounting policies that had a significant impact on the financial position, on operations in foreign currency, on cash flows or financial performance of the organization, on assets, capital, reserves and liabilities, on income and expenses of the organization. Such disclosure can be carried out by an organization by including relevant indicators, tables, transcripts directly in the financial reporting forms or in an explanatory note.

The following requirements are imposed on the information generated in the reporting:

compliance with the reporting period- in Russia, the reporting period (year) coincides with the calendar;

credibility and fullness- all indicators reflected in the reporting must be justified by properly executed primary documents and accounting records, and these indicators must fully reflect all the facts of economic life that took place in the reporting year;

sequence- observance of constancy in the content and forms of financial statements and explanations to it;

neutrality- the information included in the generated financial statements must have a sign of neutrality (lack of interest in it by this or that person or group of persons);

comparability- the information reflected in the financial statements should be comparable from the point of view of management and financial analysis and the use of their results in the management process;

correctness of registration.

Accounting financial statements should include indicators of the activities of all branches, representative offices and other divisions (including those allocated to separate balance sheets).

In order to ensure comparability of accounting data, changes in accounting policies should be introduced from the beginning of the financial year. If there is no comparability, then the data for the period preceding the reporting period are subject to correction. In this case, one should be guided by the provisions established by the current regulatory acts of the system of regulatory regulation of accounting in the Russian Federation. This is the methodological unity of the reporting indicators. The adjustment, indicating the reasons and the methodology for its implementation, should be disclosed in the explanatory note to the balance sheet and the statement of financial results.

Indicators on individual assets, liabilities, income, expenses and business operations should be presented separately in the financial statements if they are material and if it is impossible for interested users to assess the financial position of the organization or the financial results of its activities without knowledge of them.

In accordance with the requirements of PBU 4/99 "Financial statements of the organization" in the financial statements, offset between items of assets and liabilities, items of profit and loss is not allowed, unless such offset is provided for by the relevant accounting regulations.

When preparing the financial statements of an organization, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of sufficiency and materiality of information.

When reflecting data in financial statements, it should be borne in mind that if, in accordance with regulatory documents, an indicator is deducted from the corresponding data when calculating or has a negative value, then it is shown in parentheses (uncovered loss; cost of goods, products, works, services ; loss from sales, etc.).

Accounting financial statements must be prepared in Russian and in the currency of the Russian Federation.

13.2. The composition of the forms of financial statements

All organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, which are both self-sustaining and budget-financed, are required to draw up accounting financial statements based on synthetic and analytical accounting.

From January 1, 2004, the annual financial statements in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 22, 2003 No. 67n "On the forms of financial statements of organizations" (hereinafter - Order No. 67n) as amended by the order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated September 18, 2006 No. No. 116n, includes the following forms:

Balance sheet (form No. 1);

Profit and loss statement (form No. 2);

Statement of changes in equity (form No. 3);

Cash flow statement (form No. 4);

Appendix to the balance sheet (form No. 5);

Report on intended use funds received (form No. 6);

Explanatory note;

Audit report.

Additional information is attached to the reporting, revealing certain aspects of the financial and economic activities of the organization and consisting of separate certificates:

List of debtor organizations;

List of creditor organizations;

Information about accounts in foreign currency with banks or other credit institutions operating on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;

Information about ruble accounts with banks and other credit institutions operating on the territory of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that new approaches to the formation of financial statements are expressed in the rejection of standard forms of financial statements, i.e., from the same set of indicators about the work of an organization, regardless of the type of activity, scale of production, organizational and legal form, etc. As practice has shown , the standard forms were redundant for some organizations in terms of a number of indicators, and for others - insufficient. In this regard, there are three options for the formation of financial statements with conventional names: simplified, standard and multiple.

Simplified version intended for small businesses and non-profit (except for budgetary) organizations. In this case, a number of forms are not included in the annual financial statements: a statement of changes in capital (form No. 3), a statement of cash flows (form No. 4), annex to the balance sheet (form No. 5). For non-profit organizations, it is recommended to additionally include in the annual reporting a report on the intended use of the funds received (Form No. 6).

Standard Option intended for organizations operating on a commercial basis and belonging to the group of medium and large organizations. This option assumes the formation of financial statements in relation to sample forms in accordance with Order No. 67n, if the indicators given in these sample forms allow you to comply with the general reporting requirements set out in PBU 4/99, as well as the requirements for information disclosure contained in in the accounting regulations.

Multiple option intended for commercial organizations belonging to the group of the largest enterprises, and large organizations with several types of activities. In this case, the number of forms that make up accounting financial statements increases significantly for a number of reasons. So, it is advisable, instead of one form No. 5 "Appendix to the balance sheet" to present the indicators of its individual sections in the form of independent forms of financial statements, or a section characterizing the amount of expenses incurred by the organization, be included in the form of an appendix to Form No. 2 "Profit and loss statement" ...

In addition, from the standpoint of the formation of financial statements, a fourth option is also possible for a separate category organizations - joint stock companies, whose securities are circulating on stock exchange... These organizations, in addition to the formation of official accounting financial statements in accordance with the established requirements, prepare reports, taking into account the requirements of IFRS, and submit them to the organizer of trading on the securities market, investor and other interested parties at their request.

In addition, the financial statements are subdivided according to the frequency of preparation as follows:

Interim accounting reporting;

Monthly reporting prepared for a specific type of organization;

Quarterly reporting;

Annual financial statements.

According to the degree of generalization of reporting data, primary accounting reports (compiled by organizations), consolidated (which are compiled by parent organizations) and consolidated (compiled by higher organizations based on primary reports) are distinguished.

The given list of reporting forms can be used by an organization as a basis for its own development of financial reporting forms. It is important that at the same time it complies with the general requirements of the current regulations for this reporting. The list of such requirements includes, first of all, completeness, materiality, neutrality, comparability, comparability, etc.

Composition of financial statements budgetary organizations established by the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

Forms of financial statements of organizations, as well as instructions on how to fill them out, are approved by the specified ministry. Other departments regulating the accounting procedure within the limits of their powers approve the forms of accounting statements of banks, insurance and other organizations that do not contradict regulations Ministry of Finance of Russia.

The annual report of organizations in some industries differs significantly from the generally accepted reporting forms, for example, the annual report of agricultural enterprises. In addition to the five standard forms that accountants of all other organizations fill out, the accounting department of the agricultural sector must prepare and submit to the federal statistics bodies and the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia the necessary set of specialized reporting forms for agricultural enterprises:

1) form No. 5-APK "The number and fund wages workers of agricultural organizations ";

2) Form No. 7-APK "Report on the sale of agricultural products";

3) Form No. 8-APK "Report on the costs of primary production";

4) Form No. 9-APK "Report on the production and cost of crop production";

5) Form No. 10-APK “Report on earmarked funding”;

6) Form No. 13-APK "Production and cost of livestock products";

7) Form No. 15-APK "The presence of animals";

8) Form No. 16-APK "Product Balance";

9) Form No. 17-APK "Report on agricultural machinery and energy".

IN agro-industrial complex specialized forms serve to obtain more complete information about the production, cost and sale of agricultural products, the number of employees, the availability of land and animals in the organization.

In each country, accounting records include a different number of reports. Thus, financial statements according to American standards (GAAP) consist of three main reports: balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement. In addition to these forms, companies often include a statement of retained earnings and a statement of equity in their statements. In the UK, financial statements are presented with a balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and an explanatory note. In France, the reporting consists of a balance sheet, a profit and loss statement and a financing table that characterizes cash flows.

From the examples given, it can be seen that the composition of reporting in different countries is similar, since national standards take into account the requirements of IFRS. In particular, IFRS propose to include in the reporting: balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, capital flow statement, description of accounting policies, explanations to statements. IFRS 1 "Presentation of Financial Statements" regulates, along with the structure and content of reporting forms, general requirements for information disclosure, establishes the rules for its formation and a list of necessary information for each statement, except for the statement of cash flows. The latter is devoted to IFRS 7 "Statement of Cash Flows".

In the European Community, several Directives have been developed and adopted, covering accounting and auditing issues. The fourth directive, adopted in 1978, deals with the content of the annual financial statements of companies. It examines the general methodological framework for the preparation of reporting by companies from the EU member states, provides alternative options for the balance sheet, profit and loss statement.

According to the Fourth Directive, the annual report includes a balance sheet, income statement and notes to the accounts. Moreover, the document contains two balance sheet formats and four - profit and loss statements. The Directive attaches great importance to explanations, which provide information that deciphers individual reporting articles. It outlines methods for the formation and assessment of financial indicators. Along with reporting forms, European companies are required to submit a report on the board of the company, which contains information on significant events related to the company and occurred at the end of the financial year, on the expected development of the company, on activities in research and development areas. At the same time, the Directive provides for the submission of an audit opinion if, according to national legislation, the annual accounts are to be published.

Comparison of the composition of the annual report in accordance with IFRS, EU directives, American standards (GAAP) and Russian standards is presented in the table.

TableComparison of the composition of annual financial statements in Russian and international practice

It should be noted that in contrast to the strictly regulated by regulatory acts Russian reporting international standards and national standards of Western countries determine only general form and order of arrangement of articles, general requirements for information disclosure.

Reporting provides insight into four aspects of an organization's performance:

The property and financial position of the organization from a long-term perspective - how stable is the organization, whether it is strategically beneficial to invest in it and have partnerships;

Financial results - the organization is working profitably or at a loss;

Changes in the capital of owners - a change in the net assets of the organization due to all factors, including capital input, its withdrawal, payment of dividends, formation of profit or loss;

The liquidity of an organization is the availability of free funds as an essential element of stable current work in terms of the rhythm of work with counterparties.

The first aspect of activity is reflected in the balance sheet: the active side of the balance sheet gives an idea about the property of the organization, the passive side - about the structure of its sources of funds. The second aspect is presented in the income statement - all income and expenses of the organization for the reporting period in certain groupings are shown in this form. Looking at the form in dynamics, you can understand how efficiently the organization works on average.

The third aspect is reflected in the statement of changes in equity, which shows the movement of all components equity capital: authorized and additional capital, reserve, and other funds, profit, etc.

The fourth aspect is determined by the fact that profit and cash are not the same thing. For the rhythm of settlements with creditors, it is not profit that is important, but the availability of funds in the required amounts and at the right time. A certain characteristic of this is given by the statement of cash flows. The last form the most difficult to draw up and interpret, nevertheless, together with the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement, it just forms the minimum set of reporting forms recommended for publication by international accounting standards. Disclosure in the financial statements of information about the sources of funds of a commercial organization and the directions of use of these funds is not new challenge for Russia and for the entire world economic community.

A cash flow statement is a dynamic report that, using the methods of balance sheet summaries of certain business transactions of the reporting period, explains the inflow and outflow of real financial resources... Compared to the balance sheet and profit and loss statement, it is focused on disclosing to external users of financial statements additional information about the financial position of the organization, which cannot be directly or indirectly obtained from others. component parts reporting.

The cash flow statement reproduces the turnover of the physical capital of the organization in its most liquid form - money capital in the form of that part of the organization's financial resources that has a universal and generally recognized form in payment transactions - the money form.

Submission of forms of annual accounting statements is preceded by a lot of preparatory work. Its content determines the need to confirm the compliance of accounting data with the actual availability of property and the sources of its formation. Therefore, the annual balance sheet is characterized by a higher reliability relative to the balance sheets presented during the year, since the basis of the preparatory work is the ongoing inventory of all types of household assets and their sources.

13.3. Consolidated financial statements

Consolidated financial statements are a combination of statements of two or more organizations that are in certain legal, financial and economic relationships.

Under consolidated financial statements means systematized information reflecting the financial position, financial results of activities and changes in the financial position of organizations, other organizations, foreign organizations considered for the purpose of drawing up these statements as a single economic entity in accordance with IFRS.

The need for consolidation is determined by economic feasibility. Entrepreneurs often prefer instead of one large firm (holding) to create several smaller commercial organizations, legally completely independent. Thanks to this, certain savings on tax payments can be obtained due to the splitting and limitation of legal liability for obligations. In addition, the degree of risk in doing business is significantly reduced, and greater mobility is achieved in the development of new areas of capital investment.

The consolidation process is as follows. A group of legally independent but economically related organizations prepares consolidated financial statements. At the same time, one of them plays a dominant role and therefore is called the parent organization, the rest of the organizations perform a subordinate role and are called subsidiaries. The data from their consolidated statements allow you to get an idea of ​​the financial condition and performance of the entire group of organizations in general. At the same time, each of the organizations maintains accounting records of their own operations and draws up them in the form of their own financial statements. Thus, consolidated financial statements have two features:

1) it is not the reporting of a legally independent commercial organization. The purpose of the consolidated reporting is not to identify taxable profit, but only to obtain a general idea of ​​the activities of a group of organizations;

2) consolidation is not a simple summation of items of the same name in the financial statements of group organizations. Transactions between members of a corporate family (i.e., entities - members of a group) are not included in the consolidated statements, but show only assets and liabilities, income and expenses from transactions with third parties.

Compilation of consolidated statements is carried out according to special algorithms based on the accounting and reporting data of the group members. Any intra-company transactions are identified and eliminated during the consolidation process.

The financial statements of the subsidiary are combined into consolidated financial statements in the following cases:

1) if the parent organization owns more than 50% of the voting shares of the JSC or more than 50% of the authorized capital of the LLC;

2) if the parent organization has the ability to determine the decisions made by the subsidiary in accordance with the agreement concluded between them;

3) if the parent organization has other methods of determining the decisions made by the subsidiary.

Information on affiliated companies is included in the consolidated financial statements if the parent organization has more than 20% of the voting shares of the JSC or more than 20% of the authorized capital of the LLC.

The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with IFRS. On the territory of the Russian Federation, IFRS and Interpretations of IFRS adopted by the Council for International Financial Reporting Standards and recognized in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation are applied.

Consolidated financial statements are prepared in the currency of the Russian Federation and in another currency, if provided for in the constituent documents.

Consolidated financial statements must be presented in Russian and in another language, if provided for in the constituent documents.

Consolidated statements are drawn up for each reporting year within the time frame established in the constituent documents, but no later than 240 days after the end of the reporting year.

Regulatory legal acts or constituent documents may require the preparation of interim financial statements for 3 months, half a year, 9 months, and other periods on an accrual basis from the beginning of the reporting year. Interim financial statements must be submitted no later than 90 days after the end of the relevant reporting period.

The algorithm for compiling the consolidated balance sheet for the consolidated group of organizations is as follows.

1. Line-by-line addition of all items of the consolidated balance sheets of the main and subsidiaries included in this consolidation area.

In cases where the share of participation of the parent company in the authorized capital of a subsidiary is less than 50%, all balance sheet items of such a subsidiary are recalculated for inclusion in the consolidated balance sheet. Each balance sheet item is multiplied by a decreasing coefficient (less than one), determined from the indicator of the share of the parent company in the authorized capital of the subsidiary. The share of participation of the parent company in the authorized capital of the first subsidiary is 43%, the second - 44.8%. The coefficient of recalculation of balance sheet items for inclusion in the consolidated consolidated balance sheet: for the first company - 43: 50 = 0.86, for the second - 44.8: 50 = 0.896.

2. The item of the consolidated balance sheet "Long-term financial investments" is reduced by the amount of investments of the main company in shares and shares of the authorized capital of subsidiaries. At the same time, the item of the consolidated balance sheet “ Authorized capital»The par value of shares and shares in the authorized capital owned by the parent company. The excess of actual investment costs over the par value of shares and shares for each subsidiary is indicated in the balance sheet item “Business reputation of subsidiaries”.

3. The item of the consolidated balance sheet "Long-term financial investments" is reduced by the amount of loans issued to subsidiaries. The item "Long-term loans" or the item "Target financing and receipts" is reduced by the same amount.

4. The item of the consolidated balance sheet “Other non-current assets” is reduced by the amount of lease liabilities of subsidiaries for long-term finance leases.

5. Balance sheet items "Goods shipped", "Settlements with debtors for goods, work and services" and "Settlements with creditors for goods, work and services" are reduced by the amount of mutual debt of the parent and subsidiaries included in the consolidated group. because of different assessments of goods shipped and settlements with suppliers and contractors, debit and credit balances of mutual settlements do not match. It is advisable to leave the resulting difference in the consolidated balance sheet as unbilled deliveries under the item “Settlements with creditors for goods, works and services”.

Another option is possible. The resulting difference in the consolidated balance sheet is recorded under the item "Other current assets" or in a decrease in the item "Deferred income", and if it is insufficient - in a decrease in the item " Undestributed profits the reporting year ".

6. The item of the consolidated balance sheet "Short-term financial investments" is reduced by the amount of loans issued to subsidiaries. The item "Short-term loans" is reduced by the same amount.

7. Settlements with subsidiaries are excluded from the assets and liabilities of the consolidated balance sheet. The balance of these calculations is pre-reconciled. The debit balance on them must necessarily be equal to the credit balance in the sum of all consolidated balances.

8. The balance of bills of exchange received and bills of exchange issued shall be reduced by the amount of mutual indebtedness of the consolidated companies on operations with bills of exchange.

9. Items of the consolidated balance sheet "Advances given to suppliers and contractors", "Advances received from buyers and customers" are reduced by the amount of mutual debt on advances that arose within the consolidated group of organizations between the parent and subsidiaries.

10. Under the item of the consolidated balance sheet “Settlements with founders”, the credit balance is reduced by increasing the item “Retained earnings of the reporting year” by the amount of dividends accrued by subsidiaries in favor of the parent company.

The consolidated balance sheet of organizations does not include:

1) indicators of accounts receivable and accounts payable between the parent organization and subsidiaries, as well as between subsidiaries;

2) financial investments of the parent organization in the authorized capitals of subsidiaries and, accordingly, the authorized capitals of subsidiaries in the part belonging to the parent organization;

3) dividends paid by subsidiaries of the parent organization or other subsidiaries, as well as paid by the parent organization to its subsidiaries;

4) profits and losses from operations between the parent organization and subsidiaries, as well as between subsidiaries.

In accordance with Art. 105 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation subsidiary a business company is recognized if another (main) business company or partnership has the ability to determine the decisions made by such a company due to the prevailing participation in its authorized capital, either in accordance with the concluded agreement, or otherwise. Dependent business company according to Art. 106 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is recognized as such if another company has more than 20% of the voting shares of a joint stock company or 20% of the authorized capital of a limited liability company.

The parent organization acts as a parent company (partnership) in relation to subsidiaries, and as a dominant (participating) company in relation to dependent companies.

The indicator “Income from participation in other organizations”, obtained as a result of summing up the accounting data, is reduced by the amount of dividends paid by subsidiaries to the parent company and each other, and is also adjusted taking into account the data obtained after the consolidation of the indicators of the statement of financial results for the previous period.

The indicator "Profit (loss) of the reporting period" of the consolidated statement is determined based on data on other income and expenses, reduced by mutual income and expenses of the consolidated organizations, taking into account the previous consolidated indicator "Profit (loss) from financial and economic activities".

Retained profit (loss) of the reporting period is determined by a decrease in the indicator "Profit of the reporting period" or an increase in the indicator "Loss of the reporting period" by the amount of accrued income tax.

The consolidated income statement does not include:

1) revenue from the sale of products (goods, works, services) between the parent organization and subsidiaries, as well as between subsidiaries of one organization and the costs attributable to this sale;

2) dividends paid by subsidiaries of the parent organization or other subsidiaries, as well as paid by the parent organization to subsidiaries;

3) any other income and expenses arising from transactions between the parent organization and subsidiaries, as well as between subsidiaries.

The inclusion of data on associates in the consolidated financial statements is carried out by reflecting two calculated indicators in it:

1) the indicator of the cost estimate of the parent organization in the dependent company. It is calculated as follows: the actual costs incurred by the organization when making investments, plus (minus) the share of the parent organization in the profits (losses) of the dependent company for the period from the moment of making the investments. This indicator is reflected in the consolidated balance sheet as a separate item in the group of items "Long-term financial investments";

2) the indicator of the share of the parent organization in the profits or losses of the dependent company for the reporting period. It is calculated based on the amount of retained earnings or uncovered loss of the dependent company for the reporting period and the percentage of voting shares owned by the parent organization in their total number (the share of the authorized capital owned by the parent organization in its total value). This indicator is reflected in the consolidated income statement as a separate item "Capitalized income (loss)" after the group of items on other income and expenses and is included in the financial result of the group.

The annual consolidated financial statements are submitted to members of the organization, including shareholders, as well as:

1) by organizations, with the exception of credit organizations, - to the authorized federal executive body;

2) credit institutions- in central bank RF.

Interim consolidated financial statements are submitted to the participants of the organization, including shareholders, if such a presentation is provided for by its constituent documents.

The annual consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the Federal Law are subject to an annual mandatory audit by an auditing organization. The auditor's report confirming the reliability of the consolidated financial statements is presented together with the consolidated financial statements.

The organization must publish annual consolidated financial statements. Consolidated financial statements are considered published if they are posted in information systems general use and (or) published in the media accessible to persons interested in it. The annual consolidated financial statements must be published by the parent company no later than September 1 of the year following the reporting year.

The publication of interim consolidated financial statements is carried out in cases where this decision is made in the constituent documents, which establish the procedure for its publication.

Control over the submission of consolidated financial statements is exercised by the federal executive body for the securities market.

Consolidated financial statements should be distinguished from consolidated financial statements. The main difference between them is that in the formation of these types of reporting, we are talking about fundamentally different procedures. So, when compiling consolidated statements, as mentioned above, there is no simple line-by-line summation (which takes place when forming consolidated statements) of the data reflected in the annual reporting forms of the group's organizations. In addition, the consolidated statements are prepared in the same set of forms as the financial statements of organizations, and the consolidated statements consist only of a balance sheet and a profit and loss statement.

13.4. Characteristics of standard forms of accounting financial statements

When evaluating the articles of the financial statements, the organization must ensure compliance with the assumptions and requirements provided for in PBU 1/98 "Accounting policy of the organization".

Balance sheet (form No. 1) in the organization's reporting structure is the most important. The balance consists of two parts: an asset and a liability, the total values ​​of which must be equal to each other. The asset of the balance sheet reflects the debit accounts, and the liabilities - the credit balances of synthetic accounts. The balances formed on the accounts at the end of the reporting period are entered into form No. 1 from the General Ledger.

In the case of the journal-order form of accounting, the turnovers on the credit of each account are recorded in the General Ledger only from the order journals. The debit turnovers of individual accounts are summarized in the general ledger from several order journals in the context of the corresponding accounts. In the event that an organization keeps records in a memorial order form, entries on the accounts of the General Ledger are made directly according to the data of memorial orders. When using computer accounting programs in organizations, data are entered into the General Ledger from registers that are formed by the machine, depending on the use of a particular program.

Balance sheet data at the beginning of the reporting period must be comparable with the balance sheet data for the period preceding the reporting period.

The balance sheet must include numerical indicators in the net assessment, that is, minus the regulatory values ​​that must be disclosed in the notes to the balance sheet and the income statement. Also, the explanations to the balance sheet and the income statement should disclose significant deviations from the rules of accounting and preparation of financial statements in the Russian Federation, indicating the reasons that caused these deviations. It is shown how these deviations affected the financial performance of the organization and changes in its financial position.

The principles of forming the assessment of individual items of the balance sheet provide for the following approaches:

Property purchased for a fee is valued at the actual cost of the acquisition;

The property received free of charge is reflected in the balance sheet at the market value as of the date of acceptance for accounting, documented or expertly confirmed;

Property made by the organization itself is accepted on the balance sheet in the amount of the cost of its manufacture;

Depreciation on fixed assets and intangible assets is accrued regardless of the results of the financial and economic activities of the organization;

The value of fixed assets and intangible assets is shown in the valuation at the real (residual) value, i.e. in the net valuation;

The use of other methods for assessing property and liabilities is allowed in cases that do not contradict the current legislation and regulations.

In world practice, it is generally accepted to assess assets at market value. The appraisal of certain types of property and liabilities is governed by the Regulations on Accounting and Financial Reporting in the Russian Federation.

The balance sheet reflects the composition of the organization's property (balance sheet asset) and the sources of this property (liability) for a specific date. The balance sheet asset consists of two sections: "Non-current assets" and "Current assets"; balance sheet liability - from three sections: "Capital and reserves", "Long-term liabilities" and " Short-term liabilities».

In the balance sheet, assets and liabilities should be presented with a division, depending on the maturity (maturity), into short-term and long-term. Assets and liabilities are presented as short-term if their circulation (maturity) period is no more than 12 months after the reporting date or the duration of the operating cycle, if it does not exceed 12 months. All other assets and liabilities are presented as non-current.

The technique of drawing up the balance sheet involves filling it out on the basis of accounting records, confirmed by source documents or equivalent technical media. The compilation of the balance sheet should be preceded by a check of the turnovers and balances on the analytical accounts with turnovers and balances on the General Ledger accounts. In this case, their identity should be achieved.

The main element of the balance sheet is the balance sheet item. Section I “ Fixed assets »Balance sheet includes the following groups of articles:

1) intangible assets;

2) fixed assets;

3) construction in progress;

4) profitable investments in material assets;

5) long-term financial investments;

6) deferred tax assets;

7) other non-current assets.

Intangible assets reflected in the balance sheet at residual value (less depreciation) and are as such in accordance with PBU 14/2007.

In the group of articles " Fixed assets»Give the cost of all fixed assets that are such in accordance with PBU 6/01. It reflects data on fixed assets, both active and in conservation or in stock. A breakdown of the movement of these funds during the reporting year is given in the appendix to the balance sheet (form No. 5). Fixed assets, like intangible assets, are reflected in the balance sheet at their residual value. The latter is determined by calculation by excluding from the original (replacement) cost of the amount of their depreciation accrued over the period of operation. In the amount of actual acquisition costs, those objects are taken into account in the balance sheet as part of fixed assets and intangible assets for which depreciation is not charged during their service life (received under a donation agreement and free of charge in the course of privatization, productive livestock, goodwill, trademarks, etc.) . P.).

According to the article " Construction in progress»Shows the cost of construction and installation work carried out by all means, as well as the cost of capital investments associated with the acquisition of fixed assets before putting them into operation. Also, according to this article, the costs of forming the main herd, the cost of equipment requiring installation and intended for installation are recorded.

Uncompleted capital investments, as well as objects of financial investments (except for loans) that have not been paid in full, are reflected in the balance sheet for the developer (investor) in the amount of actual costs. Amounts outstanding under the item of creditors are shown in the liabilities of the balance sheet in the event that the rights to the object have been transferred to the investor according to the agreement. The amounts entered into the account of the future acquisition of such investment objects are shown in the balance sheet asset under the item of debtors (lines 230, 240).

Completed capital investments in leased fixed assets produced by the lessee are accepted by him on the balance sheet in the amount of actual costs, unless otherwise specified in the lease agreement.

Article " Profitable investments in material assets»Includes income-generating investments in values ​​provided to the organization for a fee for temporary use and ownership in accordance with a lease agreement.

Long-term financial investments represent investments in the form of investments for a period of more than a year in stocks, bonds and other securities, capital of other organizations. Financial investments are taken into account in the amount of the investor's actual costs. Financial investments in shares of other organizations are shown in the balance sheet at market value if it is lower than the value taken into account. This rule applies when such shares are quoted on stock market, and information on the results of the quotation is regularly published in the relevant publications. For this difference at the end of the year, a provision must be formed for the depreciation of investments in securities at the expense of profit before tax. If at the end of the year the price of such shares has increased, then the amount of the previously accrued allowance for their impairment is written off to increase the financial result. Unused until the end of the reporting year following the year of creation, the amount of the reserve for doubtful debts is also added to the financial results when compiling the balance sheet.

Article " Deferred tax assets”Was introduced by the Accounting Regulations 18/02“ Accounting for Income Tax Calculations ”. In accordance with this PBU, a deferred tax asset is understood as that part of the deferred income tax that should lead to a decrease in income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods. Deferred tax assets are equal to the amount determined as the product of deductible temporary differences arising in the reporting period by the income tax rate established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees and effective at the reporting date.

Other noncurrent assets contain data on funds and investments of a long-term nature that are not reflected in the above articles of the first section.

Section II " Current assets »Balance sheet includes the following groups of items:

1) stocks;

2) value added tax on acquired values;

3) accounts receivable;

4) short-term financial investments;

5) funds;

6) other current assets.

Stocks. The balance sheet items of this group reflect the actual cost of raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, purchased semi-finished products, containers, work in progress, finished goods, goods, i.e. assets recognized as inventories in accordance with PBU 5/01. These inventories, excluding work in progress and finished goods, are shown at the actual cost of purchasing or manufacturing them.

Materials received from the write-off of fixed assets, inventory and household items as part of working capital, unsuitable for operation, are accounted for at market value as of the date of writing off the specified objects from the balance sheet.

Raw materials, materials, fuel, components, purchased semi-finished products, spare parts, containers used for packaging and transportation of products (goods), and other material resources included in the group of inventories are shown in the balance sheet at their actual cost, including actual the cost of their purchase and procurement.

Finished products reflected in the balance sheet in accordance with the option of the organization's accounting policy:

At the standard (planned) production cost;

At the actual production cost;

In the amount of direct costs.

If prices for the specified material resources have decreased during the year or they are morally obsolete, or have partially lost their original properties, then in the balance sheet at the end of the year they are shown at the price of possible sale. The difference in price is treated as a direct loss and is credited to the financial results of the organization.

By actual or normative (planned) full cost, including the factory (production) cost and sales costs (commercial expenses), the goods shipped, the work handed over and the services rendered are taken into account in the balance sheet.

Costs in work in progress are shown in the balance sheet in an estimate that depends on the nature of production. In a make-to-order production of goods, work-in-progress is estimated at the sum of the actual costs as of the date of its inventory. In mass and serial production, work-in-progress balances can be valued in the balance sheet according to one of the following options:

Actual or standard (planned) production

cost price;

Direct cost items;

Cost material costs, i.e. raw materials, materials and semi-finished products.

Deferred expenses are reflected in the amount of actual costs associated with the implementation of activities in the reporting year, but payable in the following reporting periods (rent, training costs, etc.).

According to the article " Value added tax on acquired assets»Indicates the amount of value added tax on material resources purchased from suppliers in accordance with purchase agreements. These expenses are subject to mutual settlements with the value added tax budget for the material resources sold.

Accounts receivable and payable disclosed in the balance sheet in the amounts agreed by the parties. If these obligations are not agreed, then each of the participants shows the debt in the reporting in amounts according to the current accounting data, which they recognize as correct. Disagreements between the parties are resolved in accordance with the established procedure by the relevant authorities.

Receivables is shown separately under two items depending on the timing of its occurrence: short-term (payments for which are expected within 12 months after the reporting date) and long-term (payments for which are expected more than 12 months after the reporting date). Deciphering the status and movement of accounts receivable is given in the annex to the balance sheet in form No. 5.

Unrealistic receivables for collection from expired statute of limitations refers to the financial results of the organization or from the allowance for doubtful debts, if it is created as an accounting policy option. The financial results also include the amount of accounts payable with expired limitation periods. For received loans and other borrowed funds, primarily loans, the debt is indicated at the end of the reporting period, including interest.

Into article short-term financial investments include short-term (for a period of not more than a year) loans provided to organizations, reflects the organization's investments in securities of other issuers.

Cash on hand and in bank accounts in foreign currency are presented in the statements in the currency effective in the Russian Federation, in amounts calculated by translating the corresponding foreign currency at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of December 31 of the reporting year.

Other current assets reflect data not reflected in other articles of the second section.

Section III " Capital and reserves »Balance sheet brings together long-term sources of the organization:

authorized (pooled) capital- is shown in the balance sheet in the amount registered in the constituent documents as a set of contributions (shares of shares, share contributions) of the founders (participants) of the organization. Its size, as well as the size of the actual debt of the founders (participants) are shown separately in the balance sheet;

own shares purchased from shareholders,- earlier this item was reflected in short-term financial investments - shows the value of shares repurchased from shareholders for the purpose of their subsequent resale or cancellation. Based on the precautionary principle, these assets are considered as a regulation to the authorized capital and therefore are reflected in the liability with a minus sign;

Extra capital - is formed as a result of revaluation of fixed assets and the formation of share premium;

Reserve capital- reflects the amount of reserves formed in accordance with the legislation and with the constituent documents;

retained earnings (uncovered loss)- shows profit (loss) in two items: profit (loss) remaining at the disposal of the organization based on the results of work for previous periods, and retained earnings (uncovered loss) of the reporting year.

Financial results(profit or loss) identified in the reporting year, but related to operations of previous years, to be included in the balance sheet of this reporting year.

At the same time, income received in the reporting year, but related to the following reporting periods, is considered as revenue of the future periods and are reflected in the balance sheet as an independent item. Their inclusion in the financial result of the organization in the corresponding share is made at the beginning of the reporting period to which this part of the income belongs.

Thus, in the balance sheet, the financial result of the reporting year of the organization is shown as retained earnings (uncovered loss), that is, the final result calculated for the reporting period, net of taxes and other mandatory payments, including various sanctions for violation of tax rules, reimbursed by arrived.

long term duties reflected in section IV of the balance sheet are represented by the following items:

loans and credits maturing more than 12 months after the reporting date;

deferred tax liabilities - the product of the income tax rate by the taxable temporary difference. The emergence of this article is also due to the introduction of PBU 18/02 and is associated with the calculation of the taxable base for profit. Deferred tax liability appears in accounting and reporting in a situation directly opposite to the situation described in the description of the article "Deferred tax assets";

others long term duties includes amounts due more than 12 months after the reporting date.

Section V " Short-term liabilities »Balance sheet combines the following amounts:

loans and credits maturing within 12 months after the reporting date;

accounts payable- suppliers and contractors; to subsidiaries and affiliates; in front of the staff of the organization for remuneration; before extrabudgetary funds and the budget; advances received; other creditors;

arrears to participants in the payment of income- reflects the amount of the organization's debt on dividends payable;

revenue of the future periods- show income received in the reporting period, but related to the next (future) reporting periods;

reserves for liabilities- Provides reserves for the forthcoming payment of vacations of employees; payment of annual remuneration for seniority; payment of remuneration based on the results of work for the year; repair of fixed assets and other reserves;

other short-term liabilities.

Obligations for settlements with banks and the budget should be agreed and identical. Inconsistency on these amounts when compiling the balance sheet is not allowed.

Profit and loss statement (form No. 2) in contrast to the balance sheet, which is a "snapshot" of the organization's property and the sources of its formation, it is intended to characterize the financial results of activities. It reflects the income and expenses of the organization with their division into the following groups:

income and expenses from ordinary activities- contain indicators of the volume of sales of products (proceeds from sales), the cost of sold products (works, services), gross profit, the amount of commercial and management costs, profit (loss) from sales;

other income and expenses- items of which reflect interest receivable and payable, income from participation in other organizations, as well as other income and expenses (types of income and expenses that do not relate to expenses for ordinary activities).

Also, this form reflects:

Profit before tax;

Deferred tax assets;

Deferred tax liabilities;

Current income tax;

The net profit of the organization.

As with balance, essential for the presentation of data in the profit and loss statement, it has an assumption adopted by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation temporal certainty of the facts of economic activity, according to which these facts relate to the time period in which they occurred, regardless of the actual receipt or disposal of associated cash.

In the absence of certain indicators necessary for the development of a complete picture of the financial position of the organization from users of reporting, one should proceed from the requirements principle of materiality, according to which the financial statements include additional indicators necessary for the user to make a decision.

Separate income is recognized significant when each of them is five or more percent of the total income of the organization, which requires their reflection in the financial statements. Accordingly, part of the costs for each type should be shown in Form No. 2. This approach provides the formation of the necessary initial base for economic analysis the effectiveness of management decisions.

An indicator is considered material if its non-disclosure could affect economic solutions interested users, taken on the basis of reporting information. The recognition of an indicator as material directly depends on the assessment of the indicator, its nature and specific circumstances that ultimately influenced its occurrence. Thus, it is recognized that the organization has the right to accept another criterion other than the level of at least 5%.

At the same time, such expenses as other may not be disclosed in the income statement (form No. 2) in relation to the corresponding income. The basis for the organization to make such a decision, as enshrined in its accounting policy, may be:

Absence of signs of materiality for such expenses when determining the financial position;

The absence of strict regulation of the reflection of these expenses in the reporting in the current regulatory documents.

Small business organizations that have not switched to the simplified accounting and reporting taxation system and which are not subject to statutory audit, may not provide a breakdown of individual indicators shown in the balance sheet and income statement.

Statement of changes in equity (form No. 3) contains indicators on the state and movement of the organization's equity capital, targeted financing and receipts, reserves for future expenses and payments, and estimated reserves... The movement of each type of capital or reserves is based on the principle of the following balance equation:

OS n + P o - I o = OS k,

where OS n is the balance of funds different types capital, reserves and funds at the beginning of the reporting period;

P about - capital increase (received in the reporting year);

And about - capital reduction (spent in the reporting year);

OS k - the balance of various types of capital, reserves and funds at the end of the reporting period.

The report includes the following sections:

« Capital change»- contains indicators on the presence and movement of the constituent elements of the organization's capital;

« Reserves»- includes reserves formed from the retained earnings of the organization in accordance with the accounting policy and regulatory legal acts;

« Help"- contain one of the most important analytical indicators - the value of the net assets of the organization.

In the reports to the report - data on net assets at the beginning and end of the reporting year and on funds received from the budget and extra-budgetary funds for expenses for ordinary activities and for expenses for capital investments in non-current assets (by areas of expenses for the reporting and previous years). At the same time, organizations give a decryption about the received funding in the context of industries.

Cash flow statement (form No. 4) reflects indicators of cash flow - cash flows.

Cash flows consist of cash flows in connection with various business transactions. The main channels of cash inflows and outflows are shown in Fig. 13.2.

Fig. 13.2. Circulation cash flows In the organisation

In the figure, arrows pointing inward show cash inflows, outward - outflows.

The organization plans cash flows based on the volume of upcoming product sales and the availability of effective market demand. At the same time, a plan of income and expenses is drawn up for the year, quarter, broken down by months, and for operational management - by decades. If a positive cash balance is predicted over a long period of time, then ways of their beneficial use should be considered. In some periods, there may be a lack of cash... Then you need to plan the sources of attraction borrowed money.

Indicated in fig. 13.2 Channels of inflows and outflows include both cash and cash flows. cashless form... So, for example, the sale of products (works or services) can be carried out either in cash, or with the provision of a deferred payment for the period specified in the supply agreement.

The receipt of funds for the products sold at the time of sale or after a specified period is the main channel of money inflows. Other sources of cash inflow are emission, sale of securities and attraction of bank credit resources.

The main directions in which there is an outflow of funds in the organization are: payment of wages to employees; transfer of amounts in repayment credit debt, arrears in tax payments and settlements with suppliers and contractors.

In accordance with clause 15 of Order No. 67n, the data of the cash flow statement (form No. 4) must characterize changes in the financial position of the organization in the context of current, investment and financial activities.

Current activities the activities of an organization that pursue profit-making as the main goal or that do not have profit-making as such a goal in accordance with the subject and objectives of the activity, i.e., the production of agricultural products, the performance of work, the sale of goods, the procurement of agricultural products, etc.

Investment activities the activity of the organization related to the acquisition is considered land plots, buildings and other real estate, equipment, intangible assets and other non-current assets, as well as their sale; with the implementation of their own construction, R&D costs; with the implementation of financial investments (the purchase of securities of other organizations, including debt securities, contributions to the authorized (pooled) capital of other organizations, the provision of loans to other organizations, etc.).

Financial activities the activity of the organization is considered, as a result of which the size and composition of the organization's equity capital, borrowed funds (proceeds from the issue of shares, bonds, loans provided by other organizations, repayment of borrowed funds, etc.) change.

Based on the results of each type of activity in form No. 4 "Cash flow statement", the amount of net cash is calculated (from current activities, from investment activities, from financial activities). In conclusion, the total net increase(or decrease) cash and cash balance at the end of the reporting period.

Information about the organization's cash flow is presented in the currency of the Russian Federation. If there is (movement) of funds in foreign currency, information is generated on the movement of foreign currency for each of its types in relation to the statement of cash flows adopted by the organization. After that, the data of each calculation, drawn up in foreign currency, are recalculated at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of the date of the financial statements. The data obtained for individual calculations are summarized when filling in the corresponding indicators of the cash flow statement.

When disclosed by an organization in Appendix to the balance sheet (form No. 5) information about its assets as fixed assets, intangible assets, profitable investments in tangible assets, data on the initial (replacement) value of these assets and the accrued depreciation are given separately.

When disclosing information on expenses for ordinary activities, grouped according to the relevant elements, the data is provided for the organization as a whole, excluding intra-business turnover. Intra-business turnover includes the costs associated with the transfer of products, products, works and services within the organization for the needs own production, serving farms, etc.

The application (form No. 5) includes the following sections:

Intangible assets;

Fixed assets;

Profitable investments in material assets;

R&D expenses;

Expenditures for the development of natural resources;

Financial investments;

Accounts receivable and payable;

Expenses for ordinary activities (by cost element);


State aid.

Report on the targeted use of the funds received (form No. 6). This form is for reporting non-profit organizations on the spending of funds received in the account of targeted financing to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to such organizations.

IN explanatory note a brief description of the organization's activities should be given ( common types activities; current, investment and financial activities), the main indicators and factors that influenced the financial results of the organization's activities in the reporting year, as well as decisions based on the results of the review of the annual financial statements and the distribution of net profit, that is, to disclose the relevant information that is useful to obtain a more complete and an objective picture of the financial position of the organization, the financial performance of the organization for the reporting period and changes in its financial position.

When setting out in the explanatory note the main performance indicators characterizing qualitative changes in the property and financial situation, their reasons, if necessary, should indicate the adopted procedure for calculating analytical indicators (profitability, share of own circulating assets, etc.).

fixed assets (share of the active part of fixed assets, depreciation rates, renewal, retirement, etc.);

intangible assets;

financial investments;

scientific and technical level of products, etc.

This information can be supplemented with the necessary analytical tables, transcripts. It is recommended to identify trends in key performance indicators, as well as qualitative changes in the property and financial situation, and their reasons.

The explanatory note must contain information disclosing information about the assessment of the financial condition of the organization for the future, depending on the time lag. When assessing the financial condition in the short term, indicators can be given for assessing the satisfactory structure of the balance sheet ( current liquidity, security own funds and restoration of solvency). At the same time, attention should be paid to such factors affecting the final results of activities as:

Availability and movement of funds in cash and in bank accounts;

Overdue receivables and payables;

The presence and occurrence of loans and borrowings not repaid on time;

Completeness and timeliness of transfer of relevant taxes to the budget and mandatory payments to extra-budgetary funds.

When assessing the financial position for the long term, the explanatory note should reflect the following factors: the structure of the sources of funds, the characteristics of the organization's dependence on external investors and creditors, as well as the characteristics of the dynamics of investment investments in previous years and for the future, with the determination of the effectiveness of these investments.

In addition, an assessment of the organization's business activity can be given with a description of the main factors that determine it. These include: the reputation of the organization in this market, its breadth and capacity, the size of the effective demand that has developed in previous years, conditions and improvement credit policy organizations, the presence of established relationships with suppliers and contractors, the level of efficiency in the use of resources available in the organization.

In the explanatory note, it is necessary to report on the facts of non-application of accounting rules in cases where they do not allow to reliably reflect the property status and financial results of the organization's activities with appropriate justification. Also, in the explanatory note, the organization announces changes in its accounting policies for the next reporting year.

13.5. Procedure and terms for submission of financial statements

After the end of the reporting year, the organization prepares and, within the time period established and agreed with the tax authorities, submits accounting financial statements to the authorities state accounting and control.

The reporting should be preceded by significant preparatory work carried out on a pre-drawn up ad hoc schedule. An important stage in the preparatory work for the preparation of reporting is the closure at the end of the reporting period of all operating accounts: calculation, collective and distribution, matching, financially effective. Before starting this work, all accounting records must be assigned to synthetic and analytical accounts (including inventory results), the correctness of these records must be checked.

When starting to close accounts, it should be borne in mind that organizations involved in the production and sale of products are complex objects of accounting and calculating the cost of production, since their products are used in different directions. Various divisions of such organizations (including auxiliary production) provide mutual services to each other. With the mutual use of products and services, it is impossible in all cases to attribute the actual costs to all costing objects, that is, some part of the costs for some costing objects of the organization should be reflected in the planned estimate. Under these circumstances, it is important to justify the sequence in which the accounts are closed.

The data at the beginning of the year of the opening balance sheet must correspond to the data at the end of the year of the balance sheet for the previous year. At the same time, changes in the financial statements relating to both the current and the last year (after its approval) are made in the statements drawn up for the reporting period, in which distortions of its data were found. Corrections of errors in the accounting statements are confirmed by the signature of the persons who previously signed it, indicating the date of the correction.

Equally important in preparing for the preparation of financial statements is such a procedure as the reformation of the balance sheet.

Under balance sheet reformation understand the write-off of profits received for the reporting year. The reformation is carried out on December 31 after the last business transaction is reflected in the accounting in a certain sequence:

1) first, they close the accounts on which income, expenses, financial results of the organization's activities were taken into account during the reporting year (accounts 90 "Sales", 91 "Other income and expenses");

2) further, the financial result for the reporting year is included in retained earnings or uncovered loss, depending on its value. To do this, the balance of sub-accounts 90-1 and 91-1 is transferred to account 99 "Profits and losses". The last record of the reporting year account 99 is closed to account 84 "Retained earnings (uncovered loss)".

Accounting statements in Russia are prepared by enterprises, organizations and institutions based on the results of their work for the reporting year. The reporting year for all organizations is the calendar year - from January 1 to December 31 inclusive.

After the preparation and submission of financial statements, a reporting meeting of the organization is held for the past year with the participation of all shareholders and owners. This meeting approves the accounting financial statements, the results of the financial and economic activities of the organization and determines the specific measures necessary for the further development of the organization.

In the event of a positive financial result, the meeting of shareholders and owners of the organization decides in what proportion and in what sequence to use the profit received. Profit can be directed to:

For the payment of dividends or interest to the owners of the organization;

For the formation of reserves for future expenses and payments;

For the implementation of investments, real and financial;

To create a reserve fund;

To cover losses from previous economic activities of the organization;

To provide sponsorship and charitable assistance to other organizations and various individuals;

On the formation of a fund for accumulation and consumption.

If the organization received a negative financial result based on the results of economic activity for the reporting period, i.e., a loss, the owners of the organization, together with the management personnel, establish the reasons for the loss and determine measures to eliminate it in the near future. For these purposes, a thorough and detailed analysis of the organization's activities as a whole and separately for each structural unit (site) is required. The main measures to eliminate unprofitability and improve the efficiency of resource management are:

Acceleration of the turnover of inventories, goods and receivables;

Improvement of credit policy, toughening of conditions for settlements and collection of overdue debts;

Reduction of non-productive costs;

Ensuring the balance of cash inflows and outflows of the organization, synchronization of their movement;

Control over the expenditure of current and capital expenditures, etc.

The deadline for submitting annual financial statements by organizations is set no later than April 1 of the year following the reporting year, and quarterly - no later than 30 days after the end of the reporting period.

The day of submission of financial statements is the date of dispatch of the postal item with an inventory of the attachment, or the date of its dispatch via telecommunication channels, or the date of its actual transfer to the property.

The organization's annual financial statements are open to interested users: banks, investors, lenders, buyers, suppliers, etc. They can view the organization's annual financial statements and receive copies of them with reimbursement of copying costs.

Amounts of reimbursement of expenses for copying and sending financial statements, received from interested users, are reflected in account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

The first reporting year for newly created organizations is the period from the date of their state registration to December 31 of the corresponding year, and for organizations created after October 1 - to December 31 of the next year. Data on business transactions carried out for the state registration of organizations are included in their financial statements for the first reporting year.

Because users are constantly making decisions, they may need information that discloses the consequences of events that occur during the year that have a significant impact on the financial position of the organization. Interim reporting is used to satisfy such user requests. In accordance with IFRS, the purpose of interim financial statements is to clarify and update information from the latest annual statements regarding changes in the organization's ability to generate profits, generate cash, etc.

Interim reporting presents statements prepared for a shorter time period than the reporting year. Such a period can be a quarter, half a year, 9 months.

In accordance with the Regulation on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, organizations must draw up and submit to the appropriate state bodies accounting statements for a quarter, half a year, 9 months and a year on an accrual basis from the beginning of the reporting year, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Accounting forms, as well as instructions on how to fill them out, are approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. So, according to the results of the quarter, two main forms of reporting are drawn up - the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement, according to the results of the year, reports are drawn up according to several standard forms.

In addition, on the basis of the data of the financial statements of the organization, they prepare reports according to the forms and instructions approved by the federal statistics body. one system reporting indicators of the organization allows you to compile reporting summaries for individual industries, economic regions, republics and throughout national economy generally.

The organization's quarterly reporting, as noted above, must be generated no later than 30 days after the end of the quarter, unless otherwise provided by law. Within the specified period, a specific date for the submission of financial statements is established by the founders (participants) of the organization or by the general meeting. In accordance with IFRS, interim reporting must occur no later than 60 days after the end of the interim period.

The date of signing the financial statements is the date indicated in the signed financial statements submitted to the addresses specified by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with RAS 7/98 “Events after the reporting date”, the procedure for reflecting events after the reporting date in the financial statements of commercial organizations is established.

An event after the reporting date is a fact of economic activity that has or may have an impact on the financial condition, cash flow or performance of the organization and which took place between the reporting date and the date of signing the financial statements for each year. So, an event after the reporting date is the announcement of annual dividends based on the results of the joint-stock company for the reporting year.

Events after the reporting date also include: events confirming the existence at the reporting date of the economic conditions in which the organization conducted its activities; events indicating the occurrence after the reporting date of the economic conditions in which the organization operates.

The consequences of an event after the reporting date are reflected in the financial statements by clarifying data on the relevant assets, liabilities, capital, income and expenses of the organization, or by disclosing relevant information.

When preparing financial statements, an organization evaluates the consequences of events after the reporting date in monetary terms, for the assessment of which an appropriate calculation is made and confirmation of such a calculation is provided.

An approximate list of the facts of economic activity that can be recognized as events after the reporting date is given in the appendix to RAS 7/98.

The development of new forms of business organization in modern conditions necessitated the introduction of the rules for publishing the latter into the accounting and reporting regulation system. The significance of this procedure is to ensure that the reporting data of public companies are available to all interested users. The publication of financial statements is important not so much as the ability to exercise a control function on the part of creditors and investors, but as one of the most important ways to maintain the company's securities market and attract additional sources of funding.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Accounting", organizations that are open in their organizational and legal form joint stock companies are obliged to publish annual financial statements no later than June 1 of the year following the reporting year. The publicity of financial statements consists in their publication in newspapers and magazines available to users of financial statements, or distribution among them of brochures, booklets and other publications containing financial statements, as well as in its transfer to the state statistics bodies at the place of registration of the organization for provision to interested users.

In the development of Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On Accounting", the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation issued an order dated November 28, 1996, No. 101 "On the procedure for publishing financial statements by open joint stock companies." This order contains the following information:

1) the balance sheet, profit and loss statement and information on the results of an audit conducted by an independent auditor are subject to publication;

2) reporting forms can be published in an abbreviated form;

3) the publication of the statements is made after an independent audit and approval of the statements by the general meeting of shareholders;

4) upon publication, the profit and loss statement is supplemented with information about the decision general meeting shareholders for distribution of profits or coverage of losses of the company for the reporting year.

PBU 4/99 "Financial statements of the organization" allows the publication of the balance sheet in an abbreviated form, if the currency of the JSC at the end of the reporting year and the proceeds (net) from the sale of products (goods, works, services) for the reporting year did not exceed, respectively, 400,000 minimum wages as at the end of the reporting year and 1,000,000 minimum wages as of the end of the reporting year. The abbreviated form may include only the totals for the sections provided for in clause 20 of section 4 of PBU 4/99. If the balance sheet currency of the company at the end of the reporting year and (or) the proceeds (net) from the sale of products (goods, works, services) for the reporting year exceeded the specified limits, the abbreviated form of the balance sheet should include indicators for the groups of balance sheet items provided for in clause 20 of section 4 PBU 4/99. At the same time, groups of balance sheet items for which there are no indicators in the OJSC may not be given, except for cases when the corresponding indicators took place in the year preceding the reporting one.

The financial statements published in abbreviated form must contain in the auditor's report the opinion (assessment) of an independent auditor (audit firm) on the reliability of these statements.

The publication of financial statements is primarily due to the fact that, in market conditions, the receipt and use of information are confidential, and from this point of view, the coverage of financial statements in the media in the legislation is important for market entities. Thanks to this process, market participants were able to study, analyze and track the development of their relationships with potential counterparties.

The costs associated with the publication of financial statements are included in the cost of production as costs associated with the management of production and economic activities on account 26 "General expenses".

Questions and tasks

1. What is the essence and significance of financial statements?

2. List the main forms of reporting.

3. What are the main requirements for reporting.

4. What activities need to be carried out before the formation of financial statements?

5. What reporting form is more important for managing the organization: balance sheet or income statement?

6. What is the purpose of the balance sheet and what is its content?

7. What data is reflected in the statement of cash flows?

8. What sections does the balance sheet consist of?

9. Describe the purpose and content of the income statement.

10. List the accounting work that precede the preparation of the annual financial statements?

11. What is the purpose and content of other forms of annual financial statements?

12. What kind of reporting is called consolidated reporting?

13. What reporting belongs to the consolidated financial statements?

14. For what purpose are financial statements published?

15. What are the rules for evaluating individual balance sheet items?

16. In what sequence are accounting accounts closed at the end of the reporting period in the organization?

17. What is the explanatory note for?

18. What is an auditor's report?

19. What is reflected in the appendix to the balance sheet?

20. What is the purpose of the information provided in the form No. 4 of the financial statements?

21. What is balance sheet reformation?


1. Proceeds from the sale of products (works and services) are reflected in the accounting document:

a) Form No. 1;

b) Form No. 2;

c) Form No. 3.

2. If the organization recognizes management costs in full in the cost of goods sold in accordance with the established procedure, general production costs are reflected in the income statement:

a) under the item “cost of goods, products, works, services sold”;

b) under the item "management costs";

c) under a separate free item in the cost price.

3. Retained earnings of the reporting year are reflected in the balance sheet:

a) in liabilities;

b) in the asset;

c) deployed.

4. Received or receivable fines, penalties, forfeits for violation of the terms of contracts in the income statement are reflected under the item:

a) "interest receivable";

b) "business expenses";

c) "other expenses".

5. Closing of accounting accounts before the preparation of annual statements is carried out:

a) in a chaotic manner, i.e. arbitrarily;

b) automatically;

c) in a specific sequence.

6. When preparing financial statements, the offset between the items of assets and liabilities:

a) is allowed in all cases;

b) is not allowed;

c) is allowed when such offset is provided for by the relevant MODU.

7. An explanatory note is drawn up:

a) once a year when preparing annual financial statements;

b) when drawing up quarterly reports;

c) when preparing interim financial statements.

8. The requirement to present in the balance sheet the numerical indicators in the net valuation means:

a) offset of separate articles, homogeneous in economic content;

b) reflection of depreciable property at residual value;

c) reduction of accounts payable to suppliers and contractors by the amount of advances issued.

9. Agricultural cooperatives when submitting annual financial statements:

a) submit an auditor's report in its composition;

b) do not submit an auditor's report;

c) issue an auditor's report under certain conditions.

10. Indicators that have a negative value in the balance sheet are shown:

a) in red;

b) in parentheses;

c) on the other side of the balance sheet.

11. The financial statements of the subsidiary are combined into consolidated financial statements in the event of:

a) if the parent organization owns more than 50% of the voting shares of the JSC or more than 50% of the authorized capital of the LLC;

b) if the parent organization owns more than 25% of the voting shares of the JSC or more than 25% of the authorized capital of the LLC.

12. The work-in-progress remains in the balance sheet are shown:

a) according to the amount of actual costs incurred;

b) in terms of the cost of finished products, determined by the percentage of availability;

c) in the assessment adopted in the accounting policy of the organization.

13. The consolidated income statement does not include:

a) the total profit of the organizations;

b) dividends paid by subsidiaries of the parent organization or other subsidiaries, as well as the parent organization to subsidiaries;

c) dividends paid by the parent organization to its employees.

14. In case of formation of reserves for doubtful debts in the balance sheet, the amount of the reserve is shown:

a) separately in the balance sheet liability;

b) in the asset of the balance sheet, reducing the amount of accounts receivable;

c) in the liabilities of the balance sheet as part of the data on retained earnings.

15. The materiality of an event after the reporting date is determined by:

a) an organization in agreement with the tax inspection body;

b) the organization, in agreement with higher authority or the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

c) by an organization independently based on the requirements of regulatory documents in the field of accounting and reporting.

16. Organizations are obliged to publish annual financial statements:

Option __1.1

Full name ._____________________________________ Group number ________________

Exercise 1.

Total questions: 10 Correct answers __________ Wrong answers ________

1. Indicators of accounting (financial) statements that have negative values ​​are given:

A) red ink

B) with a minus sign

B) in parentheses

2. The organization sold surplus materials in the amount of 11,800 rubles, including 18% VAT. The purchase price of the materials sold was RUB 4,000. Income and expenses from the sale of these materials were recognized as immaterial. How these transactions will be reflected in the income statement:

A) "other income" - 11800 rubles, "other expenses" - 6800 rubles.

B) "other income" - 10,000 rubles., "Other expenses" - 5,000 rubles.

C) other income - 6,000 rubles.

3. Based on the following data, determine the net cash from investment activities:

- purchased shares of another organization 50 thousand rubles.

- receipts from buyers of fixed assets 90 thousand rubles.

- paid additional issue shares of the organization 100 rubles.

- R&D expenses of 20 thousand rubles were paid.

- 10 thousand rubles were transferred to repay the received loan.

A) 100 thousand rubles.

B) 40 thousand rubles.

C) 110 thousand rubles.

D) 20 thousand rubles.

4. The financial result of the organization for the first quarter is determined:

A) by comparing the credit and debit turnovers on the account. 90

B) by comparing the credit and debit turnovers on the account. 91

C) by comparing the credit and debit turnovers on the account. 99

5. Negative exchange rate differences arising from the sale of goods and finished products are recorded in an accounting entry:

A) Dt 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers" CT 91 "Other income and expenses"

B) Dt 99 "Profits and losses" CT 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers"

B_Dt 91 "Other income and expenses" CT 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers »

6. Determine which transaction the following correspondence of accounts corresponds to... Operations: 1) Tax on the property of the organization has been charged for payment 2) Income tax has been charged for payment 3) A penalty has been charged for late payment of income tax 4) VAT charged on sold finished products 5) VAT charged on sold materials Correspondence of invoices: А ) D 44 K 68 B) D 90 K 68 C) D 91 K 68 D) D 99 K 68 E) D 84 K 68

A) 1 - B; 2 - D; 3 - G; 4 - A; 5 B

B) 1 - C; 2 - G; 3 - G; 4 - B; 5 - B

C) 1 - D; 2 - D; 3 - B; 4 - B; 5 B

D) 1 - A; 2 - G; 3 - G; 4 - B; 5 - B

E) 1 - B; 2 - G; 3 - G; 4 - B; 5 B

7. The organization sells the unfinished construction object of the fixed asset for 35400 rubles, incl. VAT 18%, the actual construction costs of which amounted to 40,000 rubles. The following entries will be reflected in the accounting of the organization:

A) D 62 K 91 - 35400, D91 K68 5400, D91 K 01 - 40000, D 99 K 91 - 10000

B) D 62 K 90 - 35400, D91 K68 5400, D90 K 01 - 40,000, D 99 K 90 - 10000

C) D 62 K 91 - 35400, D91 K68 5400, D91 K 08 - 40,000, D 99 K 91 - 10000

8. Purchase of securities of other issuers is reflected in the accounting records:

B) D 08 K 76, D 58 K 08

B) D 81 K 51, D 58 K 81

9. The organization purchased shares at a price of 28,000 rubles. at their nominal value of 25,000 rubles. After some time, the organization decided to create a reserve for the depreciation of financial investments according to the data securities in the amount of 2000 rubles. Subsequently, all shares were sold at a price of 29,000 rubles. Sales of shares will be accounted for as follows:

A) D 76 K 91-1 29,000 rubles D 91-2 K 58 26,000 rubles D 91-9 K 99 3,000 rubles.

B) D 76 K 91-1 29000 rubles D 91-2 K 58 28000 rubles D 91-2 K 59 2000 rubles D 99 K 91-9 1000 rubles C) D 76 K 91-1 29000 rubles D 91-2 K 58 28,000 rubles D 59 K 91-1 2,000 rubles D 91-9 K 99 3,000 rubles.

D) D 76 K 91-1 29000 rubles D 91-2 K 58 25000 rubles D 59 K 91-1 2000 rubles D 91-9 K 99 2000 rubles

10. The authorized capital of the joint-stock company was increased by means of an increase in the value of property by revaluation. Records compiled:

A) D 83 K 75; D 75 K 80

B) D 84 K 75; D 75 K 80

Task 2 Based on the data below, set the types of valuations of accounting objects when they are reflected in the balance sheet. Make a "Balance Sheet" Information about the assets, liabilities and capital of the organization

P / p No. Object name Valuation type Amount, thousand rubles
Exclusive Right to Computer Software Products
Administration building Historical cost Replacement cost Accumulated depreciation
Manufacture building transferred under a mortgage agreement as collateral to secure loan obligations Historical cost Replacement cost Amount of accumulated depreciation Cost under the mortgage agreement
Shares of LLC "Vikhr" circulation period is more than 12 months Historical cost Cost less provision for impairment of investments
Production equipment Initial cost Amount of accumulated depreciation
PJSC Lukoil shares maturity less than 12 months Initial cost Market value Historical cost less allowance for doubtful debts
Productive reserves Purchase price Actual cost
Finished products Initial cost Standard cost
Goods for resale Purchase value Sales value
VAT on purchased assets
Debts of buyers for shipped products Actual cost of shipped products Contractual value, including VAT 18%
Funds in the current account
Funds in a foreign currency account At the exchange rate at the date of the last transaction At the exchange rate at the reporting date
Authorized capital
Increase in value based on revaluation results
Retained earnings of previous years
Retained earnings of the reporting year
Debt on bank loans maturity less than 12 months Principal amount of debt (unpaid) Amount of accrued and unpaid interest
Debts to suppliers of materials and goods The cost of the received materials and goods without VAT The amount of VAT on the received materials and goods
Debts to the staff of the organization for wages
Debt on social insurance and ensuring
Debt to the budget
Own shares purchased from shareholders
Impairment allowance material values
Doubtful debt reserve

Task number 3. Draw up the balance sheet.

In all types of financial statements, there are a number of indicators that, in the end, must correspond to each other. What does it mean to conform? This means that they must be equal to each other or there has been an interconnection of accounting indicators. Such ratios of indicators are not regulated by any legislative documents, they were developed exclusively in accounting practice... In the article we will tell you what the interconnection of accounting indicators is, consider the table of indicators.

Interconnection of accounting indicators

Monitoring reporting indicators through interconnection is a huge plus for the organization's accountant, as it allows you to make sure that all reports are drawn up correctly, as well as quickly eliminate possible errors. How exactly to check the indicators, each company determines independently.

However, it should be borne in mind that even if companies use their own or modified report forms, the interconnection should in any case be respected, and the principles for constructing reporting should be the same. Indicators of the balance sheet and income statement are disclosed in detail in the statement of changes in equity, statement of cash flows, annex to the balance sheet and explanatory note.

Consider the accounting statements that are used for interconnection:

  • balance sheet (form N1);
  • profit and loss statement (form N2);
  • report on changes in capital (forms N3);
  • cash flow statement (form N4);
  • balance sheet supplements (form N5);
  • explanatory notes.

And such an indicator as profit (loss) is associated with corporate income tax. Therefore, it is necessary to reflect both tax liabilities and tax assets and income tax in the income statement. The explanations explain all the components that give the amount of the current income tax.

Indicator linkage table

Control of indicators of all forms of the accounting report is not only the final stage of reporting. Control is also necessary to obtain additional information required for analysis. Consider the main ratios of financial statements for 2017.

Balance sheet and cash flow statement:

Accounting balance Cash flow report
page 1250 as of 31.12.2017= p. 4500 of the reporting 2017
page 1250 as of 31.12.2016= p. 4450 of the reporting 2017
page 1250 as of 31.12.2017 - column as of 31.12.2016= p. 4400 of the reporting 2017
  • where, line 1250 - cash.
  • line 4400 - balance of cash flows.
  • p. 4450 - balance of funds at the beginning.
  • p. 4500 - balance of funds at the end.

Balance sheet and statement of changes in equity:

  • where, line 1310 is the authorized capital.
  • p. 1300 - the result of the 3rd section "Capital and reserves".
  • p. 3100 - authorized capital.
  • line 3300 - the amount of capital.
  • p. 3310 - total capital increase (previous year).
  • line 3320 - total capital increase (reporting year).

Statement of financial results and statement of changes in equity:

  • where, line 2400 - net profit (loss).
  • p. 3311 - increase in net profit (previous year).
  • line 3321 - capital reduction due to loss (previous year).
  • p. 3211 - increase in net profit (previous year).
  • line 3221 - decrease in capital at the expense of loss (previous year).

Balance sheet and income statement:

  • where, p. 1370 - retained earnings.
  • line 2500 - net profit.

What is the interconnection of indicators for?

Control of indicators is needed in order to control the accuracy and completeness of the report data before they are submitted to the tax authorities. Clear rules for carrying out such self check not. Businesses do it on their own. It is also interesting that the tax authorities also carry out similar checks. When they find inconsistencies, they ask for an explanation.

In some cases, such errors can lead to office check or even visiting. Therefore, it is very important to fix the rule in your enterprise to carry out interconnection in order to save yourself from unnecessary problems in the future.

How to use accounting interconnection

Reporting forms, both financial and accounting, in addition to the informative relationship, have a logical relationship. This relationship is visible when the balance sheet totals are sorted out, because for the most important totals, the detailed decoding can be seen in other forms. When decoding the results in detail, the arithmetic side of filling out the reports is checked, and any changes are clearly visible.

The balance of indicators is the main principle of not only accounting, but also accounting.

For small companies and large holdings, financial statements are a stimulator to move forward. It is possible to assess the state in which the company is at the present time with the help of accounting reports. At the same time, it should be understood that each reporting form "in its own way" can characterize the situation. Applying interconnections in practice, you can study accounting in more depth and draw the necessary conclusions.

The logical connection of indicators lies in the fact that they complement each other, and also correspond in different reporting forms. Decoding of some balance sheet items can be found only in accompanying forms. An example is the article "Intangible assets", a breakdown of which can be found in the appendix to the balance sheet. Read also the article: → "". The same is with the item "Fixed assets". In addition to these reports, some indicators can be deciphered using analytical accounting data. The same indicators are given in different forms of reports, therefore, only a competent specialist can analyze these indicators.

For example, the article "Authorized capital" is also found " Balance sheet"And in the Statement of Changes in Equity, and cash balances both in the Balance Sheet and in the Statement of Cash Flows. Their ratio means that some indicators have a relationship with each other by means of arithmetic calculation. So, residual value nemat. assets and fixed assets, which are shown in the balance sheet as an amount, are linked to the indicators of their initial depreciation cost, but already in the annex to the accounting balance sheet.

A specialist who knows everything control ratios reports can understand in detail the structure of reports, as well as check the interconnection in a simple arithmetic way.

Answers to common questions

Question number 1."Is it possible to carry out the interconnection of accounting and tax reporting?"

The fact is that for the formation of one and the other reporting, different principles are used, which speaks of different compilation rules. In this regard, there is no direct correlation between tax and financial reporting indicators.

Question number 2.“It has been said that it is recommended that the interconnection be carried out by absolutely all companies. Does this apply to small businesses? "

For small businesses, it will not be difficult to make the interconnection, as compared to large companies, the volume of indicators is significantly reduced. But this does not mean that checking is not important. On the contrary, it is worth conducting it in order to see the economic picture of the activities of your, albeit small, firm.

Question number 3.“Who in the enterprise should carry out the interconnection? Only Chief Accountant

In each individual enterprise, this can be practically any employee of the economic or accounting department, not necessarily the chief accountant. It may even be a third party brought in specifically for this purpose.

Question number 4."What documents should be used to record the fact of the interconnection of indicators?"

Answer: There is no specially developed form for information on the conducted interconnection. Organizations and entrepreneurs can independently develop this form, determine the timing and procedure for the interconnection, and also fix this in the accounting policy of the enterprise.

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