
Replenishment of net assets by the founder of wiring. Making the founder of property to increase net assets: tax consequences. Increase the assets in accounting

Bospong pricing - Ancient state on the shores of the Sov. Kerch Strait ( Bospop Kimmeria). Formed by Greek cities-colonies, founded during the Great Greek Colonization on the European and Asian Berengi of the Strait: Pantikapeem, Mirmekim, Feodosia, Kepami (Colonists from the Mileta), Hermonass (Single Eolian Colony), Fanagoria (Team colonists), Nimfehem (Colonists with about. Samos). The severity of the shield began at the beginning of the VI century. BC e. and lasted until the end of the century and later (Fanagoria - the largest policy Asian Bospore, based approx. 540 BC er). There were also smaller cities - Tyritaka, Diya, Chinese, Kimmerik, Porpheme, Perfumes, Tiramba, Acre, Structures, Herakliya, Zenonov Chersonese, Achilly, Tatra, Bati, Zehief. Some appeared in the VI century. BC e., others - during the so-called secondary colonization, i.e., expanding the agricultural territory of previously emerged policies. Most of the "small" cities of the Bosporus appeared no earlier than the end of the V - the beginning of the IV century. BC e.

Ruins of ancient Kiteya

Initially, large cities - Panticapey, Nimfei, Hermanau, Fanagoria - existed on their own: had their agrarian peripherals, authorities, civil teams, minted coin, i.e., they were classic Greek policies, the same as in Greece and Malaya Asia. On the shores of the Strait and in the depths of the mainland lay fertile lands, giving rich grain yields (part of them was settled scythiansGroundists, motami and syndami). In addition, the Kerch Strait, the Azov and Black Sea had richest fish reserves, fishing and exports of fish also brought a considerable income. Such wealth attracted all new merchants and artisans to the Bosporus, turning the largest policies to craft and trade centers and strengthening there social and property stratification. By the beginning of the V c. BC e. As a result of the arrival of new immigrants in major cities, layers of impoverished citizens were formed, some of the land plots were deprived of the limitations of the polis. It forced them to move out of policies and gave impetus to the foundation of "small" borrowing cities and expansion of the territory.
Strengthening positions for the nobility, especially brightly manifested in Panticapey, the largest Bospor field, led to the establishment tyranny. In 480 BC e. There, the archelanactide dynasty came to power led by a certain archeanact, a representative of one of the noble birth, probably miretic origin. The Board of Archelanakdis became the beginning of the creation of a single B. c., But the first priority of their task was to press the Scythians on the European coast of the Strait to increase the suspended Pantikapee Choru, including through the accession of nearby small cities and settlements. In the first half of the V c. BC e. Under the power of Pantikapey, Mirmekiy moved, finally, the same fate suffered Tirithics, Porpheme, Parfivities and Zenonov Chersonesos. As a result of the land, subject to the Pantikipei community, expanded, and this gave the opportunity to Tirants to take control of the part of the European coast of the Kerch Strait, so that later to start penetration into the Meoty (Azov) coast of Rocky Chersonese, as Ellina called Kerch. The influence of PanticaPay has spread to the Asian Side of the Strait, however, this part of the Bospore remained independent.

Coin from Pantoaty.
III century BC e.

Strengthening centrality trends in the second quarter - mid V c. BC e. coincided with the sea and military political bloom of Athens after the victory in Greco-Persian War. The Athenian Power sought to strengthen the Black Sea Straits, the Black Sea coast and Frakia. However, the Athens penetration on Bosporus was hampered by the policy of archelanactides, expressed by the economic interests of the local nobility related to the island and lowland Greece. Anticipating benefits from trade with Bosporus, Athens tried to change the economic and social policy of the rules of Tiranans.
In 438 BC. e. The Pententy Day there was a coup, the power of archelanactides was overthrown and began the Board of Spartoc - the founder of the new dynasty. Spartokidov, Rule B. C. until the end of II century. BC e. The circumstances of the coming to power of the new dynasty, its origin (modern researchers consider their Greek-Thracians or Greco-Iranians), the fate of archelanactides (it is known that some "exile" with Bosporo) lived in an independent Feodosia), the role of Athenian in a political confrontation In PanticaPea (a member has happened a year before the maritime expedition of the leader of Athenian democracy Pericla In Pont) are unknown. In the Spartok and its successors, a policy aimed at creating a single centralized state increased, which led to the deepening of trade and political ties with Athens. The regime of the Spartokidov, as well as their predecessors of archelanactides, was a polis tyranny, caused in a panticader, which for a long time remained its socio-economic base.
Athenians, however, did not immediately include Spartokids in the circle of their allies. First, they have achieved the transition to the control of Nitness, where by tradition cleruchai And they put their governor, and then included part of the first Athenian sea union along with other cities that did not submit to the Tirana of Panticapey - Patter (or Patrasius), Kimmerik, Hermanau, Tiramba (or Tyritaka). Neither Panticapey, nor Fanagori, nor other small policies that were in the sphere of influence of these cities, the Athenian allies, were obviously not included, therefore the Athenian Power was not fully connected to the Bosporus to conduct a pro-phase policy.
Capturing power, Spartok I (438-433 BC) did not take any serious foreign policy steps, as it was engaged in strengthening his own position. And only his brother and successor to Satir (433-389 / 388 BC) began to expand the possessions of Pentantypey in the south and on the Asian side of the Strait. OK. 405 BC e. He achieved inclusion in B. C. Nymphi to take control of the nearby crossing from him through the Kerch Strait for further expansion to Cindica. A little earlier or for about this time, Satira's power passed the city of Kpay on the Taman Penoye, becoming the outpost for expansion on the Asian side. Namfey got into the hands of Satira after the transition to His Gilon's side, the Athenian ruler in Nymphoe, grandfather of the famous Athenian speaker Demosthen. Gilon was convicted for it in Athens, but went to Satira, who took him with honor and appointed the ruler in the Kepa. Since that time, the rapprochement of Spartokidov and Athens, where commercial deeds Representatives of the Panticapey Elite began to ride. This was facilitated by the defeat of Athenians in Peloponnescent War And the need for bread supplies from Bosporus.
Protecting the position in Eastern Tauridus, trampled by the nymph and his choy, while holding the control of the KEPE and setting friendly relations with the Syndic kingdom, Satir took a trip to Feodosia, a large port through which bread took out. She was under the Protectorator of Heraklei Pontic, the largest policy in South. The Black Sea region, feeding the mediation from the trade of the Northstontime Wheat. Satir took this step in the interests of Athens, who did not want to share with the herakleas oligarchs arrived from trade. Herakleya did not accept, Satir could not take the Feodosia from the go and was forced to start a long siege. As a result of the ruled bosporot-herakley conflict, Tiran's relationship with the Greeks and the Sindo-Motor Population of Asian Bosporus was aggravated: in 403-389 BC. e. Fanagory began to check off the autonomous coins, retained the autonomy of Hermonass, was restless in Sindica, where the ally of Satira King Pekatae was overthrown from the throne. Bosporian Tiran managed to put him on the throne again, and in order to strengthen the Sindo-Bosporia Union, he issued his daughter for Hekatey, demanding his former wife - Tirgatao Tirgatao from the Moto tribe.

Drachma from Fanagoria.
IV century BC e.

The latter began a war with hekatem and satire, having gathered under his authority, many Motor tribes and devastating the Sindian kingdom and Asian ownership of Satira. The price of persistent diplomatic efforts of Satir managed to achieve a truce, but Mota continued to war. The result was the attachment of about 389 BC. e. Fanagoria and other Greek policies of the Asian Bosporus, but to conquer Cindica and master the Feodosia Tiran could not. He died about 388/387 BC. er, and completed his sons of Levkonu and Gorgippa had to complete.
By the beginning of the 2nd quarter of the IV century. BC e. The Levkon finished victorious war with Heraclei, and about 360s to N. e. Feodosia was in his power. His brother Gorgipp managed to conclude peace with Tirgatao and as a governor in Asian Bosporge began the process of joining the Sindian kingdom, founding the city of Gorgippia in the Sunda Harbor (Sov. Anapa).

Excavations of Gorgippia

At the same time, the Levka came to Sindica from the north and subjugated one of its important urban centers - the Labrite (now sevenctacious town). The addition of the Feodosia, Fanagoria and other cities of Asian Bosporus, as well as the Cindica and Motor tribes in Kubanye, the creation of a single B. Ts., Which began Satir, and graduated from Levkon I, which the Greeks considered the brilliant ruler. By the nature of B. c. He represented the Union of Hellenic Cities - Simmakhius, at the head of which was Tiran Pantikapey, the capital B. C. Officially, he was the "archon of Bosporo and Feodosia", and the Greek cities and their choir were meant under Bosporus, and Feodosia was isolated as the most important trading port attached to the Simmakhius of the force and later the remaining lands. Even later, the Levkon included the indication in the title that he was the "archon of Sindics", thereby emphasizing its accession even later than Feodosia. Finally, the full official title of Spartokids was entrenched in everyday life: "Archons of Bosporus and Feodosia, Tsari Sundov and all Mets" (or individual tribes of Meotsky origin). So by the middle of the IV century. BC e. B. c., Arounded on the shores of the Kerch Strait, the Black and Azov Seas - from Sov. The old Crimea and the ongoing Tauridics to the opposite of the Caucasus and the city of Novorossiysk.
At Leftkone I (388/387-347 BC. E.) A favorable union was concluded with Scythians and the political and economic flourishing B. c. It became the main supplier of grain to Athens and other states of Vost. Mediterranean. The Bosporian ruler gave the Athenian merchants and merchants who conducted cases in the interests of Athens, the right of the duty-free export of grain and the right to load ships first, and from other merchants they took 1/30 of the cost of goods. For merchants, more favorable duties were installed on LesBos - the usual 1/60 of the cost of goods and reduced 1/90, if the cost of the exported bread reached 10 talents, i.e., 2-3 times smaller than for others merchants. The Athenians received about 400 thousand bread from Bosporus each year, while the price it turned out that with 300 thousand medimans of 10 thousand medimans and from 100 thousand medimans of 3 thousand grains of grain arrived as it were for free. The volumes of grain supplies were and large: from the Feodosia of Levkon, the Levkon sent one day to Athens 2.1 million breads of bread. For this, the Bosporus tyrant and his sons, under whose supervision was the export of bread, received the rights of Athenian citizenship, and the Bosporians are the right of duty-free and priority load in ports. Children of Levclon - Spartok II and Perisad I - continued the policy of active ties with Athens and promised them not to stop the supply of grain and even increase them, for which the Athenians showered their awards and money and retained the privileges used by their grandfather Satir and father Levkon I. They They also received the prerogative to recruit the sailors on the ships, and later on Agora Athens and in Pirée, copper statues of Perisada I were delivered, his son Satir II and Gorgippu, Brother Levcona I (the last one, obviously, as a governor in Sindica, from where the lion's share of grain came from).
Huge grain supplies were provided by the high yield of wheat and other cereals on fertile lands Vost. Crimea, Taman and Sindics. Some of the bread exchanged for goods that came to local tribes - wine, olive oil, decorations, dear dishes, weapons, household items, incense, etc. Extensive ties with the barbaric district, trade with Mediterranean and rapid economic growth attracted Bosporus artisans and intermediary traders. They lived in Pantikapee, Fanagoria and other cities, performed orders for the Bosporus, as well as the Scythian and Syndskaya, providing it with highly artistic products. Some of these things got into the royal burials, in particular in the seven-chokes of Kurgan and Kul-shock, the mounded necropolis of Nymphi and others.

Hryvnia from Kurgan Kul-Boe

To establish active trading ties with barbaric tribes at the mouth of the Don within the local settlement, known in Science as Elizavetovskoe orthopic, there was a trading colony of alopecia, and at the beginning of the III century. BC e. A little further to the east of the Bosporus Greeks founded Tanais - Hellensky emporiumwho carried out trade throughout the Lower Tip and Vost. Meotider. Thus, the 2nd half of the IV century. BC e. I became the time of the highest heyday B. C., and Archont Perisad I (344-311 BC) for the brilliant and wise board, as well as rapid overcoming the effects of a devastating war with Scythians about 328 BC. e., was even equal to the gods.
Revenues from bread exports, certain types of crafts, land possessions were in the hands of the ruling dynasty and its surroundings. Part of the profits went to the construction of the fleet and the set in the troops of mercenaries, including Pafuladsev and Thracians. However, the socio-economic structure B. C. remained polis. Polis, tyrannical in nature, was the authorities of Spartokidov: although they called themselves the archons (higher polisters), the Greeks called them by tyranans. The power of the ruling dynasty was built on a polis land tenure, despite the fact that its representatives themselves were landowners and controlled bread removal. Their land ownership was governed by polis laws, and supervision for harvesting and exporting grain was carried out by them not as the owners of the Earth, but as the supreme rulers. The polisy bread bale watched the wheat from the internal areas into coastal towns and fortified settlements, from where they were delivered to her ships in Panticapey and other large bospor polls, where they drove to merchant vessels and sent for the sea. Duties from the cost of cargo were charged the supreme rulers who had the right to reduce them or cancel, as well as to make a branch. At this time, land ownership of Bosporus at that time included the far and near Chore of Pantikapey, Nymphi, Feodosia, Fanagoria, Hermanss, Gorgippies and other smaller cities, that is, structurally resembled the agrarian periphery of the Greek cities-states who have extensive land ownership with their composition Small cities with their own small rural district, for example, the territory of Chersonese Tavrichesky, Rhodes, Fasos, cities in Great Greece and Sicily, etc.
The proclamation of Spartokidov "Kings of Sindov and all Mets" testified that they considered themselves the tribes who inhabited the land in the Skuban region. These lands did not fall into the structure of the polis land tenure, but they legally spread the power of the archon. Since Sindica and Meotika were previously subordinate to the Scythian and their local kings, the native people saw their successors in the Bosporous archons and therefore, they called their kings by the tradition.

Scythian gold mask.
Zap. Black Sea.
IV century BC e.

The Earth of Sindics, controlled by the Bosphor, were in possession of local tribal communities who paid tribute (or sold bread) not personally spartokids, but the polis authorities of the Bosporus in the face of his archons. These lands cannot be counted to the "tsar", because Spartokids were not the owners of the Earth, and remained polisted archons, i.e. the rulers' magistrates.
The feature of the Power of Spartokidov was the institution of co-guards: Tyran-Archont, having received the power of inheritance, had to share it with sons, of which the eldest, the direct heir of his father, at first, performed him by his co-program in Asian possessions. This form of government remained until the middle of the 2nd half of the III century. BC e.
Last quarter of IV century. BC e. (after the collapse of the Power of Alexander Macedonian and the struggle diaghelov For power, and then the creation of Hellenistic kingdoms) was marked by the strengthening of centralized board and foreign policy positions B. C. After the death of Perisada, his sons began the internecine struggle, which ended with the victory of Euvela (310-304 BC. E.). He managed to get rid of rivals, seriously stabbing the traditional institution of co-guards, to keep the Sindica, the main bospor larger, to ensure the safety of navigation in the Black Sea and strengthen its position in its pool and achieve a solid position of the Bospor in the system of Hellenistic states, without allowing its absorption with new rulers . The agenda with the inevitability arose about the transformation of the Archontal authorities in the royal to adequately defend his interests. The need to strengthen the uniform authority dictated also to the exacerbation of the situation in North. The Black Sea region in connection with the activation of Scythians due to the increasing raids of the Sarmatian nomads on the priazovsky steppes and even Tar. The first of Spartokidov officially accepted the Tsarsky title of Spartok III (304-284 BC). Spartok III adopted a number of measures for resuming the supply of grain to Athens.
Interruptions in the trade of grain caused an aggravation of the inner position. Part of the Bosporian and local elite openly expressed discontent, and the Athenians had to support the new Bosporus ruler. However, it must be emphasized that the change in the titular of the Spartokidov, called the kings, was not a consequence of changes in the social and economic framework of the regime. He remained polis and tyrannoe, fueled economic resources Bosporian cities and lands inhabited by local tribes. At the same time, the last category of lands was constantly declining, since many subjective tribes were led from submission to B. C., such as agriculture Scythians who lived by communities on the European Bospor's Choir, and Cindicke Motor. To keep fertile lands and successfully resist in strengthened in the III-II centuries. BC e. The aggression of Sarmatov and Sarhov settlers seized near Meotyda, the Bosporors built new fortified settlements and estates in the choral and moved the former agricultural population, which was forced not only to raise bread, but also to carry a military guard service.
But even such measures did not help soften the sharp decline in the grain trading in the middle of the III century. BC er, caused by a number of objective reasons: the inclination of the power of Athens, the appearance of new bread exporters, the overall crisis of the polis system and the reduction of suspended polysms of fertile land, decreased by trade with the steppe as a result of ethnopolitical changes in the don and Dnipro interference (due to the movements of Sarmatov, who were also depened also and in the buban). And although handicraft activities and domestic trade on the bosporement did not weaken, the decline in agriculture, the basis of the economy of the kingdom, manifested itself more and more clearly.

Tsarsky Kurgan. Kerch. IV century BC e.

Bosporian kings tried to preserve the high international prestige of their state: they set up the exchange of ambassadors with Ptolemeevsky Egypt, I have been offering to the generallyline sanctuary and temples on Delje, in ditch, delphes, milt, karosa, etc. However, the leading role in the trade of grain was irretrievably lost. The situation was aggravated by the need to pay the annual large tribute to Sarmatam, who mastered almost all the lands to Vost. Meotider to protect yourself from their intrusions. A sharp decline in trade income made the payment of this given extremely burdensome. For the counterweight of the Sarmatian threat, intensified by the 1st half of the II century. BC E., Spartokids went to the union with the power of the Scythian kingdom in the Crimea. It looked at the position of the Bosporovsky rulers in the eyes of their subjects, especially Ellinov, for the Scythians, many of whom lived now in Panticaphea and even rejected with Spartokids, at any time they were ready to set over the Bosporus the protectory of the Scythian kingdom and overthrow the oded tyrannic regime.
The trading and craft and agricultural top of the Bosporian Greeks was looking for a way out of a catastrophic position. Taking advantage of the fact that by the end of the II century. BC e. In the Black Sea region intensified Pontic kingdomShe achieved that Perisad V, the last ruler from the Spartokid dynasty, about 111 BC. e. voluntarily passed power to the Pontic King Mithridate Evpataru.

Mithridate Evpator in the image of Hercules.
I in.

Just during these years, the troops of the latter under the command of the strategist of Diophanta successfully fought with Scythians in the Crimea and freed the Chersonese Taurica from them. Transmission B. c. Mithridate opened a new era in his history.
Mithridate Evpator considered Santa. Black Sea and especially B. C. As the most important part of his power, from where it was possible to draw resources, mostly bread, for the generic kingdom, which was preparing for long and bloody wars with Rome For the domination of the east. Mediterranean and Asia Minority. Bospospor was declared the hereditary possession of Mithridate and officially passed under the power of the Pontic King as the adopted heir to the last Spartokid. However, at first, Mithridat had to be relying solely on the material capabilities of the polis chore of Pantikapey, Fanagoria and Gorgippia, which had exhausted by previous cataclysms. It was possible to get grain from more extensive lands only after the victories in the Kerch Strait over the barbarians at the turn of the 90-80s to N. er, and especially after the first war with Rome in 89-85 BC. er. when the north-valued tribes stood on his side. The choir of the Bosporian cities in the form, in which it was preserved since the time of Spartokidov, could not provide mitridates with the necessary amount of grain, so after expanding the range of the Bosporian land suspended by him, inhabited by farmers, he declared himself the Supreme Owner of the Earth and appointed Bospill of their governors. This made it possible to proceed to the creation of royal land domains that coexisted with a limited choir of large Greek policies.
To expand the volume of royal land and bread supplies, Mithridate and its governors needed support for the barbarians: Sarmatov, Ahetsey, Geniokhov, Zigov, Methers and Taurus Scythians who lived on former Bosporons and borders. Some of these tribes he won, and then began to bring to the service in the troops, providing a tribal top of trophies and prey, and ordinary community workers, on which they naturally seen. This was a beneficial trading and craft layer in the Greek cities, launched a mutually beneficial trade exchange with barbarians under the rule of the Pontic Tsar and its governors. The most convenient form of protection of policies and their choirs, as well as the royal domains became the system of military-economic settlements of the type of shedding and cleruggicreated by the example of Hellenistic states. Their inhabitants were engaged in agriculture and military affairs, receiving a cash reward for it.
The unbearable tax burden and support of mitridate on the barbaric periphery led to a powerful uprising. The mitridate sheltered in the capital of Bosporus committed suicide (63 BC). As a result of the uprising, his son came to power Farnac, and Fanagory, the first speaking against the Pontic Tsar, became independent. Announced for treason, the Father "Other Romans", Farnak in 48 BC. er, in the midst of civil war between Caesar. and PompeySupported by Sarmatov invaded the army of the Romans and their allies in Malaya Asia, in the hope of restoring the father's powers. Shortly before that, he subordinated to Fanagoria, again entered in B. C. However, a broken Caesar in the battle for Sale in 47 BC. e. He was forced to retreat on Bosporus, where he soon fell in battle with Asandrom, who left the governor before.
Asander was postponed from Farnak and declared himself an independent ruler, adopting the title of Archont, and then the king. Under Asandra B. C. Reached economic and military power, since at that time the formation of the Hellenistic system of the royal land tenure and fortified settlements and a stupid system was generally completed, it was possible to attract Greeks and Sarmatian tribes to the Allies, as well as Sarmatian tribes (siracians and arses). The latter were increasingly actively introduced into state power, providing an impact on politics and cultural traditions.
Despite the external independence, B. c. hit the orbit of the influence of Rome, because Caesar, Mark Anthony and Octavian August Repeated on him in their east policy. For these purposes, the Romans were considered important to neutralize the Sarmatian nomads who pose their interests in the Caucasus and in Asia Minor, as well as to eliminate the military-political management system based on the royal land tenure and military-economic settlements. This system was the key to independence B. C. And he taled the danger of the revival of Mitridatovskaya politics aimed against Rome's interests. But the Romans failed to achieve their goals. In 45 BC e. Caesar Mitridat Pergamsky was defeated by Asandra. The same fate suffered and the Pontic Tsar Pamemon I sent by August and Agrippa to destroy the Mithridatian management structure - in 8-7 BC. e. He fell from the hands of barbarians-cathek on Asian Bosporge. As a result of the failures of the Roman policy created by Mithridate Evpator, Farnak, Asandrom and dynamics, the management structure and royal land tenure and B. c. began to evolve as a typical llinistical state Education. The active functioning of the choir, the rise of the economy in the cities, the restoration of trade relations with Malaya Asia, mainly with the Roman province of Viphinia-Pont, attracting Sarmatov as a cathaos and their use to protect the b. c. Lands in Skuban region quickly brought him into the category of the largest states of the Black Sea region.
In the end, the Roman authorities realized that in the interests of the safety of their own oriental boundaries, the military and economic potential of the Bosporus could be used, and in the form, in which it was formed during the Mithridate and his successors. The strong army, support for Sarmatov, polis and royal land tenure in the uniting role of the king (the Supreme Owl of the Earth and Vassal of the Roman Empire) - all this fited into the system of allone and customer states in the East. Mighty B. c. From now on, it was considered as opposed to the Sarmatian threat and the outpost of the Roman interests in the Black Sea basin. Therefore, the Romans retained the Hellenistic management structure and the basics of the economy B. c., But intently ensured that the local kings do not allow the confuses of confusion to Roman influence. And the main thing is that the balance of the interests of the Greek Tips and the Sarmatian aristocracy are respected and there were no conditions for aggressive wars against Romans. To do this, they sent cash subsidies to Bosporus, gifts to the Bosporian kings and the Sarmatian leaders and their surroundings, appointed their representatives at the courtyard of the Bosporovsky rulers, adjusting their policies in the right direction. The Roman Empire argued the Bosporian kings on the throne, provided them with the titles of the Roman people and the Roman emperor. The dependence on Rome led to conservation in B. c. Hellenistic traditions B. state device, social relations, culture.
Despite the strong relationship of Bosporus with the Roman Empire and his pro-Vyshi politics, some kings did not want to put up with a comprehensive control over their activities. In 45-49 n. e. Tsar Mithridat VIII decided to rely on Sarmatov-Sirackes and Military Essayrs at the Tsarist Choir and limit the influence of urban merchants and artisans supporting the Romans. He openly demonstrated independence that he jeopardized the entire Black Sea policy of the Roman Empire and the balance of its strategic interests. As a result of direct military intervention, Rome managed to make the end of the throne of Cotis I, a supporter of close relations with the Roman Empire, and then the defeat of the Sirackes and the overthrow of the mitridate. From this time, the Roman influence on the bosporement became even more significant, and his kings performed faithful Vassals of Rome. They successfully opposed to Alanam, it was regularly paid to the tribute to the Roman administration, the Sarmatian nomads-Sirackes and Aorsa, expanded possessions in the Crimean Scythia, conquering brake Scythians, preserved in the inviolability of the border on the European and Asian Bosporge. With their assistance, an extensive military-official apparatus was created, which served the interests of the Greco-Barbaric Tips and the King, who was making a powerful army. It was Mercenaries, Greek militias, Sarmatian and Motan cavalry. At the same time, their military compounds and fleet are directed to the Bospospor only in the case of extreme danger to their long-term interests.

Ruins of the Hermanss. Taman ps

Development B. c. As an Hellenistic state and control by the Roman authorities of the province of Viphini-Pont led to the rapid development of the economy: in the largest cities of Panticapi, Fanagoria, Tyritaka, Gorgippies and others had craft workshops, and the Bosporian city layer was actively engaged in agrarian production, trade and fisheries. Throughout B. c. New cities and fortresses were built, trade relations with barbaric tribes in the Crimea, in the North Caucasus and in the uglon, were intensified. In the II-III centuries. n. e. Shopping Emporius in Tanaisa joined the strip of a rapid bloom, there were merchants from Bospore and from Roman Malaya Asia, as well as Hellenized representatives of Sarmatian tribes, engaged in intermediary trading, such as supplying wine and olive oil in exchange for slaves, bread, leather, fish. At the same time, the development of development reached Gorgippia, which controlled trade with the tribes of North. Caucasus. The intensive commodity exchange between the eastern Roman provinces, the Bosporus and Sarmatian tribes led to the growth of the power of B. c., Which has reached the greatest heyday by the end of the II - the beginning of the III century. n. e. when his borders stretched from South-Zap. Tauridi to the spurs of the Caucasian Mountains. The Bosporian kings performed as reliable allies of the Romans, which was divided into the Crimea influence with them: the southwest of the peninsula remained under the control of the Roman troops and the Allied Roman Empire of Chersonesse Tavrichesky, and the central regions and east were under power B. C. Floal B. c. She continued until the beginning of the 2nd quarter of the 3th century, when, due to the exacerbation of the situation on the eastern and Danube borders of the Roman Empire, the troop troops had to be withdrawn.
The movement of the barbaric peoples in the Nizhny Danube, in the substrast and the assistant, caused by the arrival of the German and Celtic tribes, as well as the activation of Alanov, violated the BOSPOR's relationships with the Sarmatian world and the Roman authorities of the Majia and Severobhalkan provinces. In the middle of the III century. Gothic and other German tribes settled on the Bosporus and in the vicinity of Meotyda, destroyed Tanais and Gorgippia and weakened Pantikapey's power, Fanagoria, Hermanss.

The remains of the fortress Tanais at the mouth of the Don

The ruling Bosporian dynasty was forced to give up his position, having transferred part of the powerful powers to representatives of the Goto-Alanian nobility. For almost the entire 2nd half of the III century. The uppras together with Gotami and Sarmato Alans took part in the robbing campaigns to the Roman low-depths of the Multiaziary provinces, exposing robberry shopping cities and bringing rich prey. However, the military and political power of Bosporus went into the past than the Romans and the Allied Chersonsides. At the beginning of the IV century. In retaliation for the rosetteer against Roman provinces and Chersonese, they were soldier from the Bosporus most of their Crimean possessions, while Goths have gained in North. Caucasus and in the east. Meotider.
The weakened kingdom, torn by the struggle for the power of various groups, subjected to the attacks of Sarmatov and the German tribes, was still held - the last coins of his kings are dated to the beginning of the 40s IV century. However, near the middle of the IV century. Under the blows from the east of the Gunnic tribes B.t., who had more than a thousand-year history, ceased existence as a politically organized integer, although his individual enclaves were soon revived. But it was already another era and another state.

Lite: Gajdukevič V. F. Das Bosporanische Reich. Berlin / Köln, 1971; Anhin V. A. The history of the Bosporus Kimmerian. Kiev, 1999; Saprykin S. Yu. Bosporian kingdom at the turn of two eras. Moscow, 2002. S. Yu. Saprykin.


1) The state arising from about 480 to P. X. In the East Crimea and on the Taman Peninsula, on the shores of the Bospop Kimmeria. Combined the policies of Greek colonists and land of local barbaric tribes, including Sindov, Mets, Dandaris. The center of this union was the city of Panticapey. The ruling archelanactide dynasty that took place from the Mileta, in 438 to P. X. Replaced the Dynasty of Spartokidov, Thracian origin. In the Bosporus cities, together with the increase in the local population (Scythians, Tavrov, Sundov and Sarmatov), \u200b\u200bdemocratic forms of self-government gradually were gradually outlined, and the state turned into a monarchy. The Bosporian kings relied on the Scythian and Syndomeota to know, protecting the safety of transit trade in the Northern Black Sea region - the main source of their wealth. In the V-IV centuries. to P. X. The most important thing of the income of the BOSPORO was the export of grain (wheat, millet, barley) in the policies of antique Greece, primarily in Athens. In the middle of the II century. Before P. X. The Bosporus and his ally Chersonese, the Taurisual conflict arose with the Scythian state, and his military assistance was provided to him by the Pontic Kingdom in the South Black Sea region. In 109 to P. X. Bosporus Tsar Perisad V lost the power to the Pontic Tsar Mithridate VI Evpator and was killed for this by the Armchair group of nobility headed by Scythian Tsarevich Savmak, the pupil of Perisada. Under the rule of mitridate, the economic situation of Bospor has sharply deteriorated due to the protracted wars of Pontians with the Romans. This caused the uprising of the cities: Fanagoria, Nymphi, Feodosia and Chersonese against Mithridate Evpator, and after his death, the Roman commander Guy Julius Caesar broke the troops of Farnaka, the son of Mithridate VI, and the Bosporian kingdom received a formal independence under the Roman Protectorate. In the first centuries from P. X. The economic and cultural flourishing of the cities of Bosporus occurred, but this period did not last long. From the middle of the III century. The invasion of nomadic tribes began. At first, Bospospod had a dependence on ready and was forced to provide them with his fleet for robber raids on the land of the Roman Empire and the city of Caucasus. By the end of the III century. Activity is ready to relax and the Bosporian trade began to live in a little, but the starting raids of Asian nomads have undermined its economic bases. In the 40s IV century Bospospor stopped the release of his own coin, and in 363 he asked for protection from the Roman emperor Julian Apostode (360-363). In the 70s IV century Huming along the Northern Black Sea region Avalanov Gunnov finally crushed the Bosporus kingdom;

2) The city on the coast of the Eastern Crimea, which arose on the site of the Pantikathey destroyed gunns Capital of the Bosporovsky Kingdom. In the V - early VI centuries. He depended on the Gunnov, Sarmatians and Alans prevailed among its inhabitants. In the 20s Vi in. It was attached to Byzantium and became one of the important border points of the Empire. At the end of the VII century. Bosporus and lying from him through the Strait Fanagory were captured by the Khazari. Bosporus became the capital of the Khazar governor of the Eastern Crimea. In the middle of the IX century. Weaved Khazars moved to Don, and Bosporus began to play the role of a major trading port, the center of transit trade. At the end of the IX - early X centuries. Pechenegs invaded the Northern Black Sea region and destroyed most of the cities of the Eastern Crimea, but they spared the Bosporus, which they need to exchange captured mining for overseas goods. At the end of the X century. Bospospor entered the ancient Russian darkness of the Taman Peninsula in the Taman Peninsula and received a new name - Korchev. After the leaves of Russians from the Black Sea region in the first half of the XII century. For some time, the city was again in the zone of Byzantine influence, but from the beginning of the XIII century. Byzantium ceased to control the Black Sea pool, and the Korchev fell under the power of the Genoesers. The city was renamed Italians in Cherkio, a large Genoese trade factor and fortress appeared in it. From the middle of the XIII century. Tatars became the hosts of the Northern Black Sea region, but the Genoese coexisted peacefully with them and retained a number of cities, including Cherkio. The arrival of the Turks in 1475 put an end to their stay in these edges. In the authorities of the Turks Kerch (formerly. Korchev) remained until 1771, when she was captured by the troops of the Russian Empire. In the city, miraculously survived the laid in the X century. The Temple of John the Forerunner, the only Byzantine temple, preserved in the Northern Black Sea region.

Byzantine Dictionary: 2 tons / [Sost. Society. Ed. K.A. Filatova]. SPB: Amfora. AMFORA TID: RHGA: Oleg Abyshko Publishing House, 2011, vol. 1, p. 166-168.

Bosporian kingdom

Dynasty of Archonactides, 480-438 BC e.

This dynasty of specific information has not been preserved. It is even possible that no dynasty did not exist, and the early Bosporian rulers were elected and wore the title of Archont.

Dynasty of Spartokidov, 438-109. BC e.

Judging by the names of the kings, this dynasty was Thracian origin. She replaced the throne of the archonactides.

Spartok I 438 / 7-433 / 2

Selevk and Satir I 433/2-393 / 2

Satir I (one) 393 / 2-389 / 8

Levkon I and Gorgipp 389 / 8-349 / 8

Spartok II and Perisad I 349/8-344 / 3

Perisad I (one) 344/2-311 / 10

Satir II and Printing 311 / 10-310 / 9

Printing (one) 310/9

Evmel 310 / 9-304 / 3

Spartok III 304 / 3-284 / 3

Perisad II 284/3 - OK. 245.

Spartok IV OK. 245-240

Levkone IK OK. 240-220

Hygiene approx. 220-200.

Spartok V OK. 200-180

Perisad III OK. 180-150

Perisad IV OK. 150-125

Perisad V OK. 125-109

Killed Scyths as a result of conspiracy.

Evpartrial dynasty, 107-8 / 7. BC e.

The founder of the dynasty was the king of Ponta Mithridat Evupator, who was a nephew of Perisada V. Probably, a childless Parisad V, he visited him in the Bosporian kingdom.

Evpator Mithridat sent troops who suppressed the performance of Scythians.

Mithridate I Enervator 107-63

Farnak 63-47

Asander 46/5-17 / 6

Dynamia 17-16.

Skribonium 15-14.

Polem 14-8 / 7

Dynasty of Aspurgians, 8/7 BC. e. - second. floor. IV century n. e.

Asprong (Rescuri I), the son of Asandra and dynamics, in 14 G. received from Rome Titul King. 8/7 BC e. - 37/8 g. e.

Gepary 37 / 8-39

Mithridate III (for some time together with hepatpyrus) 39-44 / 5

Komotei I (possibly overthrown in 62) 44/5-67

Reskuri II 68 / 9-90

Savromat I 93 / 4-123 / 4

KIONI II 123/4-132 / 3

Reztalk 131/2-153 / 4

Tit Julius Evpator 153/3-173 (7)

Savromat II 173/4-210 / 11

Reskuri III 210 / 11-226 / 7

CODIES III 227/8-233 / 4

Savromat III 229 / 30-231 / 2

Reskurii IV 233/4

Intotei 236.

Reskuri V Ser. III century

Farcanz Ser. III century

Savromat IV?

Titus Julius Tirans 275/6-278 / 9

Hedosbiy (Hedobius) OK. 280.

Fofors (usurper) approx. 286/7-308 / 9

Radamsad (RadamSED) 308/9-318 (7)

Reskuri VI 318 / 19-335 / or later

It is believed that the kingdom died in 370 as a result of the invasion of the Huns. But according to the latest data, the Bosporian cities from the Gunnov were practically not affected. Probably, both under the Gunno power, and later, and when the Byzantine - Bospospor was managed by the local rulers dynasty. In any case, about 522 years there is a king named Detun.

Used materials: Sychev N.V. Book of dynasties. M., 2008. p. 76-78.


Greece, Elda, South of the Balkan Peninsula, one of the most important historical countries of antiquity.

Bospospor Fracy - Strait between Europe and Asia (Sovr. Bosphorus), connecting the Marmara Sea (propontide) with the Black Sea (Ponta Evksinsky).

The Bosporus state was a very peculiar phenomenon, not fitting in the framework of those ideas that are usually associated with the concept of the Greek policy. Bosporological state, or just Bosporos, in the blooming time of its existence, in IV and the first half of the III century. BC e., occupied an extensive territory. His ownership covered the entire Kerch peninsula to Feodosia inclusive, the entire Taman Peninsula with the coastal strip adjacent to him to Novorossiysk, as well as the territory adjacent to Taman in Kuban and its tributaries. Areas lying along the northern and eastern coasts of the Azov Sea, if not included in the composition of the Bospor, then in any case were in the sphere of its economic impact. And in another respect, Bosporus was distinguished from Olbia and Chersonesos. The latter were typical Greek policies (cities-states). The state appeared on the bospor, in which, along with the Greek cities, local tribes were included, playing a significant role in the entire subsequent history of Bospor.

While Olbia and Chersonesos, in their public system, were typical slave-ownership republics, in the Bosporus state fairly after his formation established the monarchical form of government, which remained until the end of the History of Bospor.

The geographical position of the Bospor of the Kimmerian in the Kerch Strait and his wealth was inevitably the attention of Greek seafarers. The Kerch Strait connecting the Black Sea with Azov, opened the way to the distant north, to countries with Scythian, Meotsky and Sarmatian population. The wealth of Bosporus was bread and a fish. Strabo, describing the Kerch Peninsula, says that, starting by Feodosia, stretches the plain with fertile soil, that the earth, whipped by any couch, gives a rich harvest. The inhabitants of the peninsula were farmers; Their Strabo contrasts the residents of the steppe-to-nomads, which, he says, did not handle the lands, but provided it for rent for a reasonable fee. When the territory of the Kuban basins and its tributaries included in the Bosporian state, its bread resources increased more than. The fish was in abundance of both in the seas surrounding the Bosporus and in the rivers flowing into the Azov Sea.

Trade offensions of Jonyan with local tribes inhabited by the shores of the Kerch Strait began in the VII century. BC e. The foundation of Bos Ior cities with Greek colonists falls on the VI century. BC e. During this period, colonies arose here: in the eastern Crimea - Feodosia, Nymphi, Tyritaka, Panticapey, Mirmekiy and others, on the Taman Peninsula - Kepa, Fanagoria, Hermanau, etc. These colonies were founded by Ionaans, mainly by Milega's immigrants; Fanagoria was the colony of the Teosa - the city on the West Bank of Malaya Asia. The base of Hermanss is attributed by some sources. Mitilylene is the city on the island of Lesbos. These cities came the core from which the Bosporus state was created. The importance of these cities was unequal, Panticapy and Fanagoria played the greatest role in the life of the Bosporus. According to Strabo, "the main city of European Bosplovers is a panticapy, and Asian - Fanagoria, and PanticaPay serves as a residence of the Bosporian rulers.

In addition to the listed cities, within the Bosporian kingdom there was a significant number of other settlements. They were mainly located on the shores of the Kerch Strait, and partly also in the inner parts of the Kerch and Taman Peninsulas. The settlement of the Tanais, the former, according to Strabo, "the largest barbarians after Pentanty, was found at the Lower Don. Soon Tanais acquired the rights of the city, had his own Archont and enjoyed well-known independence.

Behind the coastal strip of the Kerch and Taman Peninsula, on which the Bosporian cities and settlements were located, lay extensive spaces of arable land belonging to the local population. The Grekov-Jonyan waters on the Bosporus promised local nobility of great benefits. She got the opportunity to join the Greeks in regular commodity exchange. Bosporous cities have made every effort to involve the upper sections of the local population in their range of commercial interests. Racing by the Greeks with local tops led to the fact that the latter began to expose Hellenization. A vivid example in this regard was Sinda who were inhabited on the Taman Peninsula, in the nearest neighborhood with Greek colonies. In the second half of the V c. BC e. Sindica, who was then independent of the kingdom independent of the Bosporus, minted his coin on the sample of the Greek coin. Syndski king, ruled at the end of the V-beginning IV century. BC e., I wore a Greek name, and the Bosporian ruler of that time was not only friends with him and helped him in the fight against the enemies, but he married his daughter for him.

Initially, all Bosporian cities were independent cities-states (culisians). But already in 480 BC. e. They united as and served as the beginning of the formation of the Bosporus state. Cities-states united to successfully confront the surrounding local tribes. The association entailed recognition by all cities of the primacy of Pantikathey and the authorities of his rulers (AR of Hoitov). Archons Pantikapey belonged to the nature of archelanactides.

Archelanactys ruled on the bosporement to 438g. Don. e. They changed the Dina of Suti Spartokidov, called by the name of her first representative of Spartoca. Whether the dynasty has a violent or peaceful way, we do not know, but the first assumption seems more likely. But with confidence it can be argued that the Spartokids, in contrast to the Greeks-Archeanacts, in their origin were immigrants from not Greek, and probably local nobility. On the issue of the origin of Spartokidov there are various hypotheses. Some researchers were inclined to consider Spartoca by Thracian, others - Scythians; Recently, it was put forward to the fact that he was a representative of the local, Sindo-Meotskaya nobility.

At the first spartokydah, Bosporus distributed its power to numerous local tribes. IV and the first half of the III century. BC e. They are considered the epoch of the highest economic and political prosperity of Bosporus. Already the successor and son of the Dynasty of the Dynasty - Satir began the war with Feodosia, which remained the independence. In this war, Heraklei Pontica intervened, concerned about the aggressive Bospor's aggressive politics on the Tauride Peninsula and, above all, the threat to Hersonsose. Military actions, which lasted under the successor of Satire - His Son Levko (389-349 to paragraph.), Ended in the inclusion of Feodosia to the Bosporus state. Since that time, the rulers of the state began to be titled "Archons of Bospop and Feodosia", and the concept of "Bospospod" included a combination of Greek cities along the banks of the Kerch Strait.

Simultaneously with the conquest of Feodosia, Spartokids turned their expansion in the eastern direction. First of all, Levko included the Sindica region in its kingdom, is sufficiently sufficiently as described above, which was subjected to Greek influence. Here on the Black Sea coast was a significant city of Gorgippia, on the site of modern Anapa. Then he conquered those who lived next door to the sind tribes of Tore-Tov, Dandariyev Ilzems. Under the successors of Levkon, his sons, Spartok and Perisada, rules for some time together, the territory of the Bosporian state included the territory of Kubanja, where the Fateyidoshi meotosky tribes lived. Bosporological rulers have now become the owners of large and fertile areas in the Asian part of the Bosporus. On the eastern outskirts of the state, they organized strengthening, widely using the Sindo-Motor fortress. Thanks to the excavations of Soviet archaeologists, we have become well known the fortress, the ruins of which are now called the seven-pot townships, from Art. Varenikovskaya. This city, which emerged at the turn of the VI and V centuries. BC er, was a major economic and strategic point of syndov. It was charged with stone walls with a thickness of 2.5 m, the walls and towers were wide stone staircases. 30 km from the seven of the township, the Krasnobatar farming, has an even more powerful fortification. Here, stone walls, combined with a whole system of earthy shafts, defended an extensive area.

Spartokids in IV century. Don. e. They called themselves the kings only by local tribes, with respect to them the Greek population of the Bospor, were called by archons, i.e. by elected rulers, although in fact, they were hereditary. The Greek cities of Bospop continued to use municipal self-government, but politically depended on the Spartokidov, based on a large hired army. Large cities of Bosporus - Panticapey, Feodosia, Fanagoria - minted each coin on the same system, common to the state.

After the death of Perisada (309 BC. Er) between his three sons there was a distribution due to the throne. Against the eldest son - Satira, who joined the throne, performed the younger - Evmel, attracted some local tribes of the eastern part of Bospor. Satir with significant military forces, consisted of Greek and Thracian mercenaries, as well as the Allied Scythian troops, crossed out of Pentantypey on the Taman Peninsula and won the victory over his brother. Evmel was hidden in the fortress of his ally, Tsar Fateev Arifaryna. During the unsuccessful storming of the fortress, Satir received a deadly wound and died. With the middle brother, Got Emmel, who had joined the throne, began negotiations, offering to divide power: Prolin will rule in the European part of the Bospor, and he, EMMEL, in the Asian, i.e. on the Taman Peninsula, in the Kuban pool and in the azovye. When Prota responded with refusal, EMMEL, based on the support of local tribes, captured all the fortified points of the Asian part of the Bosporus in his hands. Protanted, who spoke out against EMMEL A, was pushed and returned to the Panticapey, but soon he tried to resume the struggle again, but this time unsuccessful - he died for a violent death. Evmel, who turned out to be the winner in the internecine struggle, was steeply dealt with the adherents of his rivals. During the five-year-old board (309-303), Evmel developed energetic activities: he sought to strengthen the friendly connections of the Bosporus with the Black Sea cities, tried to protect the shipping of the Black Sea suffering from Pirates and provided all the support of the merchants.

The Greek population of the Bosporian cities was occupied mainly by trading and craft activities. Greek settlers also had land plots. There is little data on the nature of land tenure on the bosporement. However, in some sources it is possible to conclude the presence of large land ownership, which was in the hands of the ruling dynasty, as well as the top layer of the Greek and local population. The presence of large land ownership was associated with the formation of large slave-owned farms, which in the imperfection of the then agricultural equipment required the use of significant slave power. Such slave-owned farms provided Bosphoru abundant and uninterrupted obtaining grain bread, not only satisfying the needs of the state, but also opening ample opportunities for bread exports. Along with major land tenure, they existed, especially in the early period, and small. Significant dowels apparently have and temples.

Important information about the early period of the economic history of the Bosporovsky state can be levied from the archaeological material found at the Kerch and Taman Peninsula - construction balances, items, as well as coins, whose oldest copies, chased in Pentantyphey belong to the second half of the VI century. Types of ancient coins testify to the Ionian (Miletsky and Samos) influence on the Panticapey chasing. About intercourse with Ionia, and then with attics they speak ceramic products and metal production items found in the excavations of the Bosporous cities, their necropolias and burials for nobility of local tribes, starting with the VI century. BC e. However, at this time, along with the objects of Greek imports, the Bosporian cities traded also products of their own handicraft production, the significance of which in subsequent centuries increased. Already in the VI century. Don. e. The rich buildings at a high level of construction business were erected in Panticapey. Excavations in the place of the alleged Acropolis of the city found part of the architecture and base of columns of the Ionian order, which appeared from the temple. On the same grief, the mitridat on which was located panticapy, revealed remnants of a multi-room residential building of the end of the VI B. BC e., whose walls were carefully laid out of the stone.

In the excavations of the ruins of the Bosporovsky G. Nymphi, recently discovered the remnants of production (ignoring furnaces, etc.) of clay dishes of the second half of the VI century. BC E., There are also found forms to highlight terracotta statuettes as early as early. In Tyritaka excavations, very interesting ruins of a residential building of the second half of the VI century were opened. BC er, in which the life of the colonists who were brightly reflected on the shores of the Kimmerian Bosporus. In the house, along with imported products (painted Greek vessels from Corinth, Claladome, Athens, terracotta figures from the islands of Rhodes and Samos) were the vessels of Greek work, but made, undoubtedly, in place, that is, on the bospor. It is no less interesting that together with the Greek household items, a typical Scythian bowl was found, made without the use of a pottery circle. Probably, in the Bosporian cities, not only the Greeks from Ionia were lived, but also locals, which led to the complex process of cultural interaction.

From the second half of the V c. BC e. Bosporus led lively trade with Athens.

With the acquisition of extensive possessions in the Eastern Crimea and in Kuban, Spartokids were able to increase trade operations with the Athens State. For the last Bosporovskaya lived in the first half of the IV century. Don. e. There were true treasure, as it constantly needed bridal bread.

For Bosporus it was advantageous to have in the face of Athens Permanent Buyer. Athenian aristocrats who ruined during the Peloponnesian War (431-404) were willingly sent with trading goals in the bospores of their sons. Athenian merchants, the Bosporus government provided special attention. They had the right to export bread-free bread in any quantity. In turn, the burders could export goods purchased from Athens in the Athens market. Bosporous bread purchases operations were made on credit; The Athens State Bank was kept as a deposit of the amount due to the Bosporian kings for the bread sold. The revenues received from the export of bread and other goods were, an obeying, the main state of income of the Bosporian state.

The lively trade, founded mainly on the export of the amount of bread in Greece in Greece for the time of the amount of bread, as well as salty fish, gave the possibility of Greek and local slave-owned nobility of the Bospore to enriched, accumulate enormous wealth, which, in particular, was reflected in the burials of the Bosporian rich. In the stone crypts under the high mounds, together with the dead, there were a large number of expensive, sometimes artistically executed things, which will reach below.

Fabrics, wine, olive oil, various kinds of decorations and cosmetics and cosmetics items were brought to the bospore. The wine was imported mainly from the Islands of Chios, Fasos, Rhodes, Spit, from the low-depths of the book, as well as from Herakley Pontica. A large nostavider of olive oil from the second half of the IV century. BC e. He was blue. Wine and oil were brought in amphoras, the handles and throats of which were often supplied with stamps containing the names of the owners of ceramic workshops. Champless amphoras and fragments of them in large quantities are found during the excavations of the Bosporous settlements.

From Athens on Bosporus, every-time dishes were imported: a bowl for wine drinking, clay fixtures, vessels for incense and a significant amount of highly artistic painted vases, which are found in the excavations of the necropolis of the Bosporian cities and Kurgans.

They also imported metal products, including artistic craft items - expensive gold and silver vessels and a variety of decorations: Pansně, earrings, necklaces, etc.

Own production of Bosporus became well known since the archaeological studies of the ruins of the cities of Pantikapey, Fanagoria, Nymphi, Mirmekia, Tiritaki and agricultural settlements. The population of Bosporian cities largely consisted of artisans - Goncharov, Kuznetsov, jewelers, Kamnetsov, Stolyarov. The treatment of agricultural products focused mainly in large farms and was carried out by the work of slaves and labor of dependent peasants consisting of indigenous inhabitants - Scythians, Sindov, etc.

Bosporian potters produced in a huge amount of roofing tiles, domestic dishes, artistic ceramics and terracotta - clay figurines. Very interesting Bosporian vessels III century. BC e. With bright polychry painting (so-called watercolor vases).

Especially there should be a Bosporovaya Thorieving - the production of artistic metallic dishes of chascribed work and decorations from precious metals. Bosporian masters skillfully adapted to the tastes of the consumer, which was the mainly rich Bosporian, Scythian and Meotskaya to know. They created original artworks depicting scenes from the life of Scythians, striking the subtle knowledge of their life, customs and tastes. The wonderful works of the Bosporian Town Tov were found not only in the rich burial of the Bosporus, but also far beyond. Such are the silver amphora of the Chertomytsky Kurgan, silver gilded vessels and a gold comb from the Kurgan Soloki and a lot of others.

Multiple tombstones decorated with reliefs are carved with skilled hands of the Bosporus masters.

Of the crafts associated with agriculture, in the first place stood, reinforcing, winemaking. Starting with the III century. BC e., local winemaking has acquired big scales. When excavations MIRMECHIA, TNRITAKA vessels and other Bosporian cities were found, remnants of many wineries were found, i.e. buildings in which adaptations are preserved (davile platforms, tanks, presses) who served for the manufacture of wine.

The main city of the Bosporian state was Panticapy - the residence of the king, the craft, shopping and cultural center.

The name of this city does not find an explanation in Greek. It is believed that it is local origin and originally belonged to the local societies. At the place of local settlements, Tiritaka and a number of other Bosor cities and settlements arose.

According to Strabo, PanticaPay was a hill built on all sides, having 3.5 km in a circle. From the east side of the city was the harbor and docks for 30 ships. The city was acquainted with a fortress wall, the remnants of which were still noticeable at the beginning of the last century. The second powerful wall surrounded the Acropolis, located on the top of the hill, is currently called the Mithridate Mountain. On the Acropolis were luxurious palace buildings of the Bosporian kings and temples. At the most elevated point of the Acropolis, Kibel's sanctuary stood, as the large marble statue of the goddess found here.

In the IV-III centuries. BC e. The limits of PentantyPhey expanded in the West and South-West direction. The architectural structures of this time are distinguished by a high level of construction art.

At the end of the XIX century. Well-preserved remnants of an extensive rich building III century were discovered. BC e., the inner premises of which were artistically decorated with painted plaster. The city had a sewer and water supply. During the excavations, lead and clay pipes were found. The city was clean, the garbage was exported outside the urban trail. Excavations recent years It was shown that the buildings and streets were located on the steep slopes of the hill on terrace-shaped occasions, the creation of which required large earthworks. The retaining walls were found, one of which belongs to V c. BC e. What does Pantikathey say about the terrace-shaped layout during this period. Okavockkin detect signs of existence at this time of agricultural buildings in the city feature appeared later. Production premises, houses of artisans and urban poor were on the outskirts of the city, the second for the value of the Bosporus city was Fanagoria. Strain reports that Fanagoria was a commercial city where goods were delivered from Meetida (Azov) and a barbarians located behind her. Fanagoria was near the mouth of one of the shipping cars (now a non-existent) Kuban delta and occupied an extremely beneficial position in trade. At the huge fortification of Fanagoria currently systematic excavations are being conducted. The boundaries of the ancient city are determined, the remnants of monumental buildings of V centuries are open. BC E., One of them, who was thinking, was a gymnasium, in which the fanagories were engaged in physical exercises, very popular both in Greece cities and in the ancient cities of the Northern Black Sea region. It is not by chance that therefore in the burials of the VI-III centuries. Find accessories related to gymnastic exercises. In Fanagoria, a whole warehouse of amphora V c was found in the Fanagoria of the recent excavations. BC e.; The remains of the buildings of the rustic masonry with painted plaster, bases of columns and pebble mosaics, pointing to the wealth of public and private facilities of Fanagoria were also found. Here were found inscriptions that contain important information for the history of Bospor. In the vicinity of the city, many Kurgans were found with the rich ignitions of the residents of Fanagoria and its districts, and in close proximity to the city, in the necropolis on the hills, is a large number of graves of V-IV centuries. Don. e. containing a significant amount of dishes, decorations and other items.

Under one of the large mounds in the 60s of the last century, the female burial of the end of V c was opened. BC E., in which the wonderful painted figured vases of Athenian production were: one of them represents the Sphinx, the other - Aphrodite in the sink and the third - Sirena. A strikingly thin painting of VAZ and perfection of the form makes them with genuine masterpieces of Greek artistic craft.

In religious cults that had spread on Bosporus, was reflected the most important importance of agriculture in the Bosporgeous economy. In the first place was the cults of female deities: Demeters, Aphrodites, Cybel, Artemis, who were perceived as the personification of the forces of nature, her fertility. The popularity of these cults was also due to the fact that they corresponded to similar worship for the forces of nature, personified in the form of a female deity, at the local population. The cult of Poseidon - Ship-Fasser and Aphrodites - Challnitsy Audittures indicates the close relationship of the Bosporous religious cults with trade and seams. In the same connection, the cult of Apollo Delphinia is the patron saint of the navigation and the tamer of sea storms. The cult of Apollo-doctor, who enjoyed by the special patronage of Spartokids should also be marked.

The patrons of the cult was the Bosporovskaya to know, including the Bosporian kings and their closest relatives, from whose environments were in priests.

Numerous Kurgans of Greek and local nobility of Bospor concludes monumental crypts. These structures usually consisted of the funeral (most often quadrangular) chamber and dromos (corridor) leading to it. The crypts were arranged from limestone slabs without the use of a binder solution. The funeral chambers were covered with a discusible vault consisting of several rows of plates, consistently advanced and protruding over the underlying rows. The overlap of drromos was also suitable. Such a shape of the floors gave the ability to withstand the pressure of a large earthy embankment of Kurgan. The crypts of this type were open in the vicinity of Kerch, especially on the stone ridge of Yuz-both, in the mounds on the Taman Peninsula and in the Anapa. The most remarkable are the crypts of the Golden and Tsarist Kurgans located near Kerch, and Melk Chesmensky, located on the territory of Kerch.

In the III century. BC e. Clamps with pinpoint coating began to be crowned with semi-cylindrical vaults; The walls and arches in them were placed and covered with painting, which was only sometimes applied at earlier time. From painted crypts should be noted open in 1908 in Kerch a small crypt of the second half of the IV century. BC e. Its walls are painted with wide colored stripes, and at the top under the ceiling there is a frieze, which depicted on nail various items associated with gymnastic exercises: Alabasters (oil vessels), Strigil (tool that gymnasts cleaned the body after exercises), towels with patterns , Merchant bandage, wreaths from laurel leaves (award winners on the competition). The wall painting corresponded to things found in the crypt: small clay vessels for fragrant oil and iron strigil. Bosporous burial crypts occupy an important place in the history of architecture.

Representatives of the Panticapes' nobility were buried in expensive wooden sarcophagas, sometimes covered with inlays or painting.

In 1830, a kurgan, known as Kul-Both, was excavated 6 km to the west of Kerch. The discovery of the Kul-Omsk Kurgan with his treasures that entered world fame made at one time a big impression on the wide public circles and made special attention on the excavation of Kerganbv Kerch and Taman Peninsulas, which found a large number of precious highly artistic decorations, dear dishes, weapons and Other items. In the Kul-Obski Kurgan inside the extensive crypt, overlapped by a stepped arch, was found in the cypress cataming the burial of a valuable Skif Warrior, his wife or concubine and slave servant, and the wife and servant were obviously a violently killed at the funeral of their ruler. The burial is dated IV century. Don. e. Together with a notable Scythy lay an iron sword in gold sheaths and with a hand-covered with gold, which depicts animals, braided with a golden ribbon handle of Nagiyki, outbreak - burning, grinding stone in a gold frame and a golden bowl. The headdress of the deceased consisted of the Golden Tiara and Scythian Pointed Felt Bashley, decorated with gold plaques. There were four gold figures of Scythians on the head of the jam, and one of them depicts two Scythians driving wine from one vessel. On the neck of the deceased was the great gold hryvnia, the ends of which were decorated with images of Scythians-riders. There were massive gold bracelets ending with Sphinx figures.

From the west side of the sarcophagus lay a skeleton of women. Her head was decorated with electro-tialy with floral ornament, two large gold pendants depicting Athens's head and two gold earrings of the finest Greek jewelry work. The neck was massive gold hryvnia with ends in the form of lying lions and a golden necklace. Near the female skeleton, two gold bracelets were found with the image of the vultures attackers on deer, and the bronze mirror, the knob of which is covered with gold and decorated with images of a Scythian beast style.

Between the legs of the skeleton stood the famous electrow round vessel with the image of the Scythians. Extlime clothing of the dead, as well as funeral bedspreads were decorated with many gold and electric plaques.

The southern wall of the crypt lay the skeleton of servants. Iron knives with bone handles were found near his head. In the south-western corner of the crypt in a special deepening, the bones of the horse were found, the Greek bronze helmet and bronze knemides (pulps). Along the northern walls there were bronze vessels, including Scythian bronze boiler with lamb bones. Another bronze boiler with lamb bones stood in the northwest corner of the crypt. Along the Western Walls were placed clay outlook amphoras for wine, near them in silver gold-plated, basin and a silver dish lay several massive silver vessels of excellent chasing work. Here they also lay two long rails of copies. A few hundred bronze arrows and copies were scattered across the glue. Bone plates with drawings were also found, amazingly finely executed by engraving - an imaginary, lining of the bed or sarcophagus. Under the stone floor of the crypt was a cache, in which the Golden Blyha was found from Pan-Qui in the form of a deer.

In the second half of the III century. BC e. The economic weakening of the Bosporus, which was said with even greater force in II century. BC e. This is due to the fact that from the middle of the III century. BC e. In the Greek markets, the Bosporus Bread began to be crowned with cheap bread from Egypt. International trade Bosporus narrowed, and a hectic atmosphere created in the Northern Black Sea region, in connection with the promotion of Sarmatian tribes to the West, prevented the development of trade with the surrounding bipos of tribes. Meanwhile, the weakening of economic ties with the Mediterranean was pushing the Bosporological slave aristocracy to strengthen trade relations with the cities of the southern coast of the Black Sea and local tribes.

Since the state's financial power was shaken, it was not able to contain a hired army in former sizes. And if earlier the Bosporian kingdom went along the way to expand its borders, now it has not had enough strength to defend its territory from the Scythians who have strengthened their state in the Crimea. In an effort to avoid the transition to the power of the Scythian kings, the Bosporian ruling tip went on a conspiracy with the Pontic Mithridate, as a result of which the ruler of Perisad, the last of the Spartokid dynasty, refused the authorities in favor of Mithridate Evpator.

The transfer of a great excitement in the Bosporus kingdom by Perisada. Greek to know the cities of Bospore and the Hellenized Scythian, Meoti and Syndic tops, which made a privileged class of the Bosporus population, considered the replacement of the ruler, as a means to preserve their class domination within the state. Otherwise, perisada's renunciation was perceived by the numerous ordinary population of Bosporus, a significant part of which in the Eastern Crimea was Scythians. Untineal, attached, devoid of all political rights population of villages, as well as numerous slaves in cities, undoubtedly pinned high hopes for the victory of the Scythians who carried out the pressure from the central part of the Crimea. These hopes for improving the situation now, after the transfer of power, the Mithridate could not be implemented. Therefore, the Scythian Bottoms responded to the change of power on the Bosporge the revolutionary act, the roots of which should be sought in deep contradictions that have already existed for a long time between the class dominant and the grade of the enslaved, between the slave-owned one and slaves. The banner of the uprising raised Savmak, Skif by origin, the slave ("Film") perisada. The uprising began in Panticaphea and quickly spread among the dependent population of the entire Kerch peninsula to Feodosia inclusive. The rebels killed Perisada and proclaimed Savmak king, which confirm the preserved Bosporos coins with his name and the title of the king. The uprising occurred during the secondary stay in Panticaphea Diophanta, the Pontic Communion, which shortly before that, together with Chersonese, led the war against the Scythians in the Eastern and Central Crimea. A conspiracy was drawn up against Diofanta, but he managed to run on the ship sent from Chersonese.

How significant the size of the uprising, shows the duration and seriousness of the preparation of the punitive expedition, which was sent to the Bosporus Mithridate. It was the third expedition of Diophanta on the Tauride Peninsula; She began approximately six months after the start of the uprising, and the land army was accompanied by a military fleet. Chersonese was elected support base for the deployment of hostilities. As a result of a long campaign that lasted at least six months, Diophant managed to master the Feodosia and Pantica-Peime, where the rebels were strengthened. After that, the uprising was suppressed. The most active part of its participants was destroyed remaining.

It was very destroyed as a result of military events. This is told by large construction work that followed in I in. BC er. what is found out by excavations.

After the defeat of the Savmak's uprising, the city of Bosporus and Chersonese became part of the Pontic Kingdom of Mithridate, who had sought to create a powerful state in the field of the Black Sea region, able to withstand Roman aggression in the east. Mithridat led a long and intense struggle with Rome, and in this struggle the Tauride Peninsula, according to his plans, was to play an important role, supplied by the Pontic Kingdom of soldiers for the army and providing the last food. The further the struggle of the mitridate with Rome stretched, the more and more severe the durations imposed on them on the Northern Black Sea region became. Residents of the Tauride Peninsula along with Sindica, located on the Asian side of the Bosporus, should have paid the Mithridate Annual tribute in the amount of 180000 Medimans of Bread (about 107,000 hectoliters) and 200 silver talents (about 290,000 rubles). In addition to regular Dani, the inhabitants of the Bosporus from time to time were imposed great over the money and in kind. In the cities of the Black Sea region were the governors of Mithridate. In the army of mitridate there were Scythian, Sarmatian and Meoti detachments.

After the first war with Rome, when the power of Mithridate was shaken, the inhabitants of Bospop raised the uprising and declared themselves independent of the mitridate. Using this uprising after the second war with Rome, Mithridate in 79 BC. e. He conveyed to the Bosporus His Son Mahar. When Mithridat during the third war with Rome began to endure defeats from the Roman commander Lukulla, Mahar switched to the side of the latter. Later, when Mitridat, finally broken by Roman troops in Malaya Asia, retreated across the Caucasus in Bosporus, Mahar, who was afraid of treason for treason, fled from Pantikathey to Chersonesos, where Par was committed to suicide, or was killed by order of Mithridate in 65 BC e.

Mithridate tried to negotiate the world from Pantikapey Mridat. However, they did not led to anything, as Pompei (Lukulla's successor in war with mitridate) demanded a complete surrender to the personal surrender of the Mithridate. Then Mithridat decided to take the last desperate attempt. His plan was to strike Rome from the North through Thrace, Paunonia and Macedonia. At the same time, Mithridate expects support for the Scythian Sarmatian tribes, the ruling layers of which have already understood the danger of Roman expansion. Sources indicate that Scythians, brands, Sarmatians and all the tribes who lived around the Motiarian lake were allies of Mithridate, which, seeking to strengthen the Union with them, gave their daughters to his wife leaders of the strongest tribes.

Preparation of a new grand hike to Rome demanded a mass of weapons, military vehicles, vessels, provinces, etc. To exercise all these events, the residents of the Bosporus, "not excluding the poorest", as the Appian notes, were subject to serve and natural mantle, and on this basis Rudely bloomed rough arbitrariness, abuse and theft of officials, which caused the ambulation of the population. What measures the Mithridat resorted when creating his army, shows the fact that access to the army was discovered not only for free, but also for slaves. The Bosporus merchants were also brutally suffering from the sea blockade, which the Roman fleet was inexorably conducted since the Mitridate settled. All this led in the end to the fact that Fanagoria raised the uprising. The latter, as the long-awaited signal, was picked up by Nymfehem, Feodosia and Chersonesos. Taking advantage of this, Roman agents through the middle of the son of Mithridate-Farnak, which had passed on the side of the Romans, caused an uprising in the army of Mithridate, and this was finally solved by his fate. Not wanting to get into the hands of Romans, the once terrible king committed suicide (63 BC). So unsuccessfully ended attempts to Mithridate to create a coalition of the tribes and peoples of Malaya Asia and the Black Sea for the struggle against the Roman expansion.

History of Bosporus VI-I BB. BC e. It is divided into several stages. VI and beginning V c. BC e. Characterized by the basis and strengthening of independent cities-colonies, V c. BC E.- The association of these cities, the creation of the Bosporus state and the strengthening of its economic base. From the end V and especially in IV century. BC e. There is a sharp expansion of the boundaries of the state by including the territories of local tribes and nationalities in the Kerch and Taman Peninsula, in the lower course of Kuban and East Priazov. IV and the first half of the III century. BC e. Characterized by the high development of the Bospor economy (trade, handicraft production, urban planning, agriculture, etc.), an increase in its international situation and military power. The period from the middle III to the first half of the i century. BC e. It is noted by the economic and political weakening, leading to the submission of Bosporus Mithridate Evpator. The Bosporian state was one of the early slave-owned states in the territory of the USSR.

The gradually increased class antagonism between the slave-owned aristocracy and the masses of the enslaved population resulted at the end of II century. In a large uprising under the leadership of Savmak, which had a huge impact on the further development of the Bosporus.

The brightest feature of the Bosporus state is the inclusion of local peoples. Therefore, Bosporus was not purely Greek, but a Greco-local state. Among all the ancient states of the Northern Black Sea region, the influence of the culture of local tribes and peoples was the most important in the Bosporus state.

Bosporus at the end of the IV century. BC e.

The Bosporus state, which arose long before the Greco-Macedonian conquests and was not directly affected by them, nevertheless, in many respects, discovered similarity with the Hellenistic states of Malaya Asia - Perma, Viphinia, Cappadocya, Ponte.

The Bosporian kingdom in the time consideration was included in the time consideration, both Ellin's polls with the developed slave-owned relations and territories inhabited by local tribes, whose slavery was just beginning to develop. The number of policies in the central part of the Bosnor was quite large: not only such large cities like Panticapy, Fanagoria and Feodosia, but also less significant - Namfey, Tyritaka, Mirmekiy, Heronass - had the invisible, the polis. Part of the Ellenic population of policies was landowners, however, the population of the Bosporian cities was mainly engaged in craft and trade. The leadership and owners of craft workshops played a leading role in the dominant class environment. The population living outside the polis territories is Scythians, Sindia and Meota, which occupied agriculture, was subjected to exploit, not only from the name of the Ellen Pollen Policy and Kings, but also from the local aristocracy developed from the family-tribal nobility. It can be assumed that outside the territories of the policies, the Bosporian ruler, like the Hellenistic kings, was considered the supreme owner of the entire Earth, although part of it belonged to the rights of ownership of Hellenic and local nobility.

Development of handicraft production and Torgonley

In the second half of the IV century. BC e. At Perisada I (344/43-310 / 09), the Bosporian kingdom reached the greatest political power. The ownership of the Bosporus covered the Kerch peninsula at this time to Feodosia inclusive, the Taman Peninsula with the coastal strip adjacent to it up to the modern Novorossiysk, the lower flow of Kuban and its closest to the mouth of the tributaries. In the mouth of Don Bosporus belonged to Tanais. The tribes who lived along the North and Eastern shores of the Azov Sea recognized the hegemony of the Bosporus. From the same time, war between the Bosporus and Scythians ceases for many years.

The real monuments are partially from the Bospor itself, partly from the mounds of the steppe strip adjacent to it indicate that the bipos of this time becomes the center of the local craft. In the Scythian mounds of the end of the IV century. BC e. Found artistically performed vessels, plates, clogged on clothes, parts of the gathering. All this is made of gold and silver with an ornament, indicating the local origin of these items. Bosporological origin of metallic products from the Scythian Tsarist Kurganov IV-III centuries. BC e. It is confirmed by the similarity of their style with the style of the Bosporian coins of this time. With IV century BC e. Golden Stats appear in the appeal, not similar to the old coins of Pentantypey, nor on the coins that were accepted at that time in other Hellenic cities. They represent the original creation of the Bosporus masters and are distinguished by high artistic advantages. Ceramic production has also received significant development on bapr. In addition to roofing tiles and mass household dishes, as well as clay containers for storing products were made on the biploral and artistic ceramics.

The Bosporian kingdom was closely connected with his tribes surrounded. Trade with Scythians served as an incentive for the development of handicraft production. In exchange for the products of the Bosporus craft, Scythians, Sinda, Meota, and Sarmati were brought to the bipos of bread, the cattle was driven, brought slaves. Products of cattle breeding were mainly in place, bread exported to the Mediterranean. Slaves were partially exploited by the Bosporus, partially went for sale. A significant part of the Bospora's Governors sent on the territory of the Bosporus Kingdom of Bospora, sent it to large quantities to the Mediterranean markets. At the same time, the part of the bread was bought from Scythian settled tribes and then resell by Ellinsky or local Bosporus merchants. The growing baking trade of the Bosporus was one of the reasons forcing the Bosporus Spartokid to expand their possessions and at the same time, if possible, maintain good relationships with Scythians. The decline of Olvia led to the direction of the main flow of Scythian bread across Pentantypey, which further contributed to the prosperity of the Bosporge trading.

International Bospore importance in IV-I centuries. BC e. It was inextricably linked with his role in trading. Therefore, the Bosporus Dinas tried to patronize trade in every way and increase the export of bread. Their powerful fleet guarded trading paths on the Black Sea against the brands and peoples of the Western shore of the Caucasus engaged in piracy.

An extremely important article of the Bosporus export in the Mediterranean was slaves. The inscriptions show that in Rhodes, which was actively trading with the Bosporus, there were Sarmatian, Scythian and Motor slaves. The removal of slaves has increased significantly compared to the previous period. The decomposition of the primitive-communal system building from nomads of the Northern Black Sea region and the permanent wars between them contributed to the influx of slaves on the Bosporus, mainly from the number of prisoners of war, which nomads were eagerly sold by the Ellin merchants. A well-known role in increasing the number of slaves on the bosporement and the corresponding growth of the Bosporous slave trade could be played by victorious wars themselves, which was conducted throughout IV and the first half of the III century. BC e.

Focusing in the hands of spartokidov of extensive lands with the farmers sitting on them, as well as herd, fisheries and craft workshops (well known, in particular, the royal ceramic workshops who made roofing tile) finally, the slaves who arrived constantly as a result of wars allowed Bosporus governments capture a significant proportion of the Bosporus exports into their hands. Spartokida's own merchant fleet did not hold, and we used usually ships of merchants, both visitors (especially Athenian) and Bosporos. Large landowners sometimes themselves eased ships to export their farm products.

In the interior and external Bosporus laid in the first half of the III century. BC e.

After the death of Perisada I, the struggle in the medium of the dominant class of Bosporus, which took place in the form of a civil war between his sons. One of them, Evmel, who came out the winner of this struggle, was forced to go to the agreement with the Pantican aristocracy. He convened the National Assembly and proclaimed the restoration of "deceo politics", i.e. an ancient polis device. At the same time, residents of Pantikapey received athei (freedom from duty), which they had once used, and exemption from taxes. Obviously, Eumela's predecessors, and first of all, Perisad I were not considered the polis traditions of Pantikathey, taxed by the citizens with heavy duties and contributions to military needs.

Provided its power, Evmel began to think about expanding the ownership of the Bosporus. He helped Byzantium, Sinop and Callatia in the fight against Lisimaha; A thousand Callathians who fled because of hunger during the siege of their native city Lisimakh, received land on the territory of the Bosporus on the rights of military colonists (Cleruukhov).

The successor to Eumela Spartok III (304 / 03-284 / 83) - and maybe Evmel himself - became already referred to as the king (bassileum) not only in relation to the conquered tribes. This probably occurred under the influence of the respective acts from the Diarathels, which in 306-305. declared themselves kings. The external position of the Bosporus in Spartok III continues to be strengthened. The most important evidence of this is an agreement with Athens. Athenians were just freed from the power of the demetry of the polyorecket and hurried to notify the Spartoca about it to restore relations with the Bosporus. Decree, which was the result of these negotiations, is significantly different from previous Athenian decrees relating to the rulers of Bospor. If earlier, representatives of the Spartal dynasty were considered as individuals, now Spartok is referred to as the king; If earlier it was discussed solely about trade, now the formal alliance is: Athens undertake to help Spartoku and land and on the sea, if anyone attacks his power. The contract, however, was invisible, more likely to Athens than Bosporu: If the Athenians are still guaranteed trade privileges, now Spartrocks got off with an uncertain promise to "make them all the best." Despite the fact that the number of bread, which he presented at the same time, was relatively small (15 thousand medimans \u003d 9 thousand hectoliters), the Athenians provided an exceptional honors from Spartok.

At Perisada II (284/83 - after 252), Bosporus relations with Egypt, Rhodes and Delica are strengthened. In one Egyptian papyrus, the news was preserved on the arrival of the Parisada ambassadors to Egypt (254/53). Strengthening political ties contributed to highly developed trade between the Hellenistic states and the Ponta coast.

Depreciation of the Bosporian Kingdom. Savmaka uprising

From the second half of the III century. It begins, the decline of Bosporus begins. These literary and epigraphic sources become very scarce. According to coins, stamps on tile, made in royal workshops, fragmentary literary mentions and random inscriptions are known to the names of individual rulers, but it is not possible to establish their chronological sequence. Judging by the names, the Spartokid Dynasty Rules on the Bosporus to the end II century. BC e., perhaps with some breaks, but the royal house was framed by civilians. The inner universities were aggravated by the Natius of Sarmatov from the East and Scythians from the West, which was noticeably intensified by the end of the III century. BC e.

Bosporian trade decline at the end II century, associated with changes in the political situation in Greece and Malaya Asia and with continuous clashes with neighbors, led to a decrease in the revenues of the Bosporogorship rulers and did not allow them to keep the large hired army, and this made it difficult to fight Scythians. In addition, they needed funds to bother off the Scythians and Sarmatians and even, to pay the tribute to them at times. All this has also affected the inner position of the kingdom, led to an increase in the operation of dependent farmers. By the end of the II century. The situation was so aggravated that it was possible to expect a joint performance of slaves and the dependent peasantry against the ruling nobility of the Bosporian cities.

In this setting, the ruling Circles of Bospor in search of support, which would help them to preserve their privileged position, turned to the Pontic king Mithridate VI Evupator. As a result of negotiations between both parties, an agreement was concluded, according to which the Bosporus Tsar Perisad V "voluntarily" handed over his power to Mithridate. However, the broad layers of the oppressed population of the Bosporus and, first of all, Scythian slaves responded with a uprising on this agreement between the Bosporus, and Mithridate. The accumulation of large masses of slaves in Pavtahape facilitated the preparation of the uprising, at the head of which a group of slaves Scythians belonged to the king of Perisada became. The head of the uprising was Skif Savmak. Details of this event are unknown. Obviously, one of the first actions of the rebels were the proclamation of the King of Savmak. Thus, they were organized by his own kingdom, just as it happened in Sicily during an uprising in 137-132. BC e.

The decisive actions of the rebels threatened the mitridate of the loss of his possessions and influence in the Northern Black Sea region. For several months, Mithridat prepared a fleet and land army and spring 107 or 106 BC. e. sent him under the command of Diophanta to Crimea. Using Chersonesos as a support point, Diofant attacked Feodosiya from the sea. And Feodosia and Pentantapey had a stubborn resistance of mitridate troops. Invisible, in these cities, the positions of Savmak were especially strong, since the large masses of the free poor were concentrated here. However, the rebels did not possess sufficient military force to reflect the attack of Diophanta. On their fierce struggle with Pontic Forces, traces of large destruction at the end of II are indicated. BC E.: Maybe the struggle occurred on the streets of the city even after the urban fortifications were captured by Diophant. Many participants of the uprising Diofant executed. Savmak was captured alive and sent to Mithridate in Sinopo, where it was probably also executed.

Northern Black Sea Castle Under the rule of Metpdat Evupator

After the suppression of the Savmak's uprising, a significant part of the Black Sea coast turned out to be a significant part of the Mithridate. The subordination of Bosporus and other States of the Black Sea region Mithridate involved them in the orbit of the largest events that took place on Ponte in the first third of the I century. BC e.

In the economy of the North-Attractian cities, at this time there were new features: the strengthening of economic relations with the Pontic Kingdom led to the fact that the previous relationships with the Aegean Basin shopping centers were significantly reduced. A well-known role in strengthening the exportation from the Northern Black Sea region to South played the supply of bread and other power items in the Pontic kingdom ruined. However, this intense export has not so much contributed to the development of the productive forces of the Northern Black Sea region, how much did it go to the depletion of its economy. In addition, the result was given numerous taxes, which the population of the Black Sea region had to pay the king.

Deterioration economic RegulationsProbably the cause of the growth of antiponti sentiment among the Bosporus population. Already at the end of the first war, Mithridate with Rome, in 83 or even a little earlier, Bosporus restored its independence. Details of this movement are unknown. Mithridate managed to again subjugate Bosporus only in 80 BC. e.

The death of mitridate and the transfer of power to Farnaca in 63 BC. e. The positions of the population of the Northern Black Sea region, who delivered the headquarters and ships for his wars with Rome for the father's kingdom for his wars were not facilitated. Displeased by the wide circles of the Bosporian slave owners in the Pontic Dynasty, led to the fact that the local knock was put forward to the counterweight to the Farnaka of the noblepper of Asandra, proclaiming his king. However, the Board of Asandra did not weaken political tension and did not suspend the economic decline, which was worried about the Bosporus. However, from mid i c. BC e. In the inner political life of Bospor, the Romans, who estimated the strategic importance of the Northern Black Sea region during the struggle with the mitridate, are beginning to intervene.

Culture of the Bosporian Kingdom

For the material and spiritual culture of the BOSPOR, the interloga, primarily Ionian, and local elements, was characterized. This was particularly brightly affected by the art craft.

On metal objects, along with general plots, a purely ornamental nature begin to be reproduced in the conditional Late Anonym or Lateattic style of plots associated with the life and religion of Scythians. The most famous and rich mounds of Scythian steppes are full of monuments of this kind. These are the Kul-Both and the Kurgan of Pationotiot near Pantikapey, the throat and Solokha on the lower Dnieper, mounds on the middle Don. Regarding the dating of these Kurgans there are various opinions, but it is no doubt that they mainly coincide in time with the flourishing of the Bosporian kingdom.

Obviously, in Pantixapee and in other cities of Bospor, there existed in the IV-III centuries. BC e. Special School of Artists, which made for Scythian, Syndskaya and Meotskaya Knight artistic items that responded to her tastes and reproducing the familiar to her life. Achievements of this school are very significant. The scenes of the Scythian life were interpreted here with great realism.

Bosporian ceramics also testifies to the artistic originality of local production. The terracotta figurines and vessels with bright polychrome painting are especially interesting (the so-called watercolor vases), the production of which relates mainly to the IV-III centuries. BC e.

Weave various ethnic elements influenced religious views. The Ionian settlers brought with them in Panticapey and Fanagoria their ancient cults, among whom the cult of Apollo was especially distinguished. However, along with this, they perceived the cults of the local population, which were only superficial Hellenization and which, as the role of local elements on the bipos, become predominant. Among the local cults, the cult of the Supreme Women's Divine, which corresponded to the Major Great Mother of Gods, "Lady of Animals" played a particularly important role. The rich and revered sanctuations of this goddess were scattered throughout the Sindica. She was called the Aphrodite Appeatura (in Fanagoria), then Artemida Agrother (at the Tsukur Liman). There is little about intellectual life of the Bosporus society. The exit of the Bosporus was a philosopher of spheres (some, however, consider him from Borisphen, that is, Olvia), Stoic, who lived in Egypt with Ptolemye Philadelph and his successors. The spheres are known as the ideological inspirer of the Spartan reformer Cleomane.

Poems falling in the Bosporus gravestone inscriptions indicate that poetry also received a well-known development on Bosporge. Bosporovskoye, mostly, the origin had numerous Scythian novels, vividly drawn local living conditions. They spread throughout the Hellenistic Mire (some of them were found even in Egypt both on papyrus and on the shards) and influenced Greek literature. Bosporge existed, invisible, its own historiography, which had a court character: it is possible that it is precisely this historiography that the story of the diodor of Sicilian about Spartokydah diodorus is ultimately, as well as some individual news that have survived from other authors.

The IV-III century were the time of the twist of Pantikahey. The city was active in the slopes of Mount Mitridat, at the top of which the Acropolis was located. There were water supply and sewage in the city - lead and clay pipes were preserved.

Bosporian kingdom: brief historical essay

The Bosporus Kingdom is the Greek monarchical formation of the Northern Black Sea region. The history of its occurrence begins from the moment of the appearance of migrant policies that grew up in the coastal zones of the Kerch Peninsula of Crimea and Tamani. These apoquies were erected by low-chairs and Hellenes from the Aegean Sea.

Among them were democratic republics and policies with an oligarchic form of management. The rich land allowed the newly applied Greeks to engage in agriculture, breed livestock, fish, and, of course, trade with the metropolis, neighboring tribes and polishes. In the cities, united tendencies were born, which intensified under the influence of the threat of attacks of barbaric Scythians. Panticapey gradually acquired the status of the capital policy.

If you believe the antique writer Diodorus Sicilian, the Bosporian kingdom existed from 480 BC. e. They were then ruled by archelanactide - immigrants from the Mileta who managed to keep tyrannical power for 42 years, transmitting it by inheritance.

Archelanactides replaced Spartokids, who headed the Bosporian kingdom almost to I. BC e. As Spartok came to power, historians do not know. One can only assume that the events such as the coup have occurred. However, we can also assume what happened voluntary transmission authorities.

The first rulers of the kingdom are the Archons of the Bosporus. Despite the tyranical nature of the management, the city of the Bosporian kingdom, still had some signs of autonomy. This confirms the information on existing people's meetings and councils. In addition, posts in such polishes were elected.

The next era of the Bosporian kingdom is associated with the activities of Satira I, Levclon I and Perisada I. They increased the territory of the Power (it included the mouth of Don, the grassrootion of the Kuban and the eastern part of the Azov region), conquered the Feodosia, and later - living nearby Syndo Mets and Scythians.

Economic ties of the Bosporian Kingdom

The economy of the Bosporian kingdom was held on trade. Initially, his policies were collaborated with settlements of small Asia and the Greek Islands of the Mediterranean. Then, about V c. BC er, the goods began to carry in Athens. In parallel, exchanges with dependent barbaric tribes.

Scythians, meters and syntids were good suppliers of slaves, and slaves were valued in the overseas markets. Eldeada supplied the Bosporian kingdom with wines, olive oil, artisans made by artisans. The main goods of the Bosporus - grain, but, besides him, fish, skins, wool walked on the overseas import. All this Greeks received due to their own work and efforts of dependent barbarians who sold agriculture and craft products. In exchange for these goods, Hellen was given to tribes, made by local artisans and things delivered by the sea.

The Bosporian kingdom also had trade relations with Olbia and Chersonesos, with the southern Black Sea and Eastern Ponte.

Closer to the end of the VI century. BC e. In PantixaPea, the chasing of their own money was established. Later, the issue of coins continued, but it is known that during the economic crisis III century. BC e. Gold and silver replaced low-quality copper equivalents. After the reform of Levucon II, the situation stabilized.

Farming, cattle breeding and crafts in the Bosporian kingdom

In the state, which actively exported grain crops, agriculture paid special attention. Agricultural districts were located around urban centers, some farmers were inhabited in the villages. Many grains were grown in Scythian sites and on the lands of Sindo Mets.

Residents of ancient settlements used a plow method and a bipoly soil treatment system. They have grown such cultures as wheat, barley, vika, lentils, millet. The Greeks were also grown by grains, alternating them with cereals. Tangled profit brought viticulture.

In the Bosporian kingdom held a cattle, with the help of which land was treated.

Handicrafts of the Bosporian kingdom reached a high level of skill. Especially in woodworking and in stone construction. They knew how to make ships, houses, furniture, nominal tile. Local masters skillfully treated metals, a lot of iron and bronze items were found in the Greek bappore policies.

Bosporian jewelry no less affects: jewelry that was attached to clothes or sabs, robusts, bracelets, etc. Many such things were found in Scythian burials. In addition, Hellenes were able to rush, they independently processed the skin, made crafts from bones and, of course, clay products. In the pottery workshops of the Bosporian kingdom, kitchen utensils were made, which was distributed among the Greeks and representatives of the tribal undermineum.

Bosporian kingdom: life, religion and cultural features

The entire population of the Bosporian Kingdom was three social groups: slaves, the top and the average layer (the peasants-communities, foreigners, people who did not have slaves). Ethnic composition The states were quite a foral, since it included representatives of the barbaric tribes. By the way, many of them managed to hold high positions in society.

The amount of arable land has significantly dominated the city territories, therefore, among settlements of the Bosporus kingdom, there were not only policies, but also small villages in which farmers lived.

Cities differed in pomp. Among them, the most majestic was a Panticapey: his homes, temples, public buildings were richly decorated, during the construction of the structures located there the newest technologies were used for that time, artificial terraces were made.

The phenomenon of the Bosporus culture is an artistic craft. On the subjects made in the ancient polishes, many plots from the life of Scythians. Probably, things were made to order and in the Bosporian kingdom there was a whole school of masters who were engaged in this kind of painting.

A high level of culture of the Bosporian is spoken by developed poetry and their existing theatrical art that has not yielded to this Greek. Poems were told to the music and even organized peculiar competitions in which the best declamator was defeated. The Bosporian kingdom loved lyrics and dances, as well as in Mediterranean cities. With the penetration of Sarmatov, elements of the nomadic Iranian-speaking people began to be traced there.

Residents of the Bosporovsky State revered fertility gods. Their deities had Greek and east origin. Among them are Aphrodite, Apollo, Astarta, Cyber, Corra, Zeus, etc. In their honor, the Greeks built temples, made sculptures and figurines. To date, two religious complexes of ancient times are open: the nymphic sanctuary of Demeter and Apatur in Taman.

Thus, the Bosporian kingdom appeared in V c. BC e. and existed to the last decades of the IV century. n. e. This is eight hundred years. It was founded by archelanakdes, but after some 42 years they were replaced by Spartokids, which managed to I in. BC e. Satir I, like his followers, including Perisada I, managed to expand the territory of the monarchy.

From the end of the IV century. BC e. Varvara occupied an important place in the life of the kingdom. It all ended in that in the second century BC e. Ellina paid them tribute. At the end of II century BC e. Diophanta hiking was held and the Bosporian kingdom was included in the Pontic State. It is known that this stage of the history of the monarchy was marked by the economic crisis. Almost all the money that could go to the development of cities was given to fight Rome.

In the middle of the i century n. e. Everything changed: the former enemy of the Bosporovsky state became his ally, although it was not able to protect the bosospinal from the devastating raids of the Huns. Despite the efforts of enemies, the economy developed in this state, culture. In the best times, the living conditions of the Bosporian citizens resembled Roman.


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