
Design as a type of human activity. Chapter I. Design in technical and social systems. Design as a type of purposeful human activity

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Design is a specific technology, which is a constructive, creative activity, the essence of which is to analyze problems and identify the causes of their occurrence, develop goals and objectives that characterize the desired state of an object (or area of ​​design activity), and develop ways and means to achieve set goals.
As object Sociocultural design consists of two subsystems: society and culture. The discrepancy and contradiction between the real picture and the designer’s ideal ideas about the norm is a problematic field for the formation and implementation of sociocultural projects.
The project in this case is a means of preserving or recreating social phenomena and cultural characteristics.
leading target orientations problem-target design are:
- creating conditions for development sociocultural subject (individual, community, society as a whole), self-realization of a person in the main spheres of his life by optimizing his connections with the sociocultural environment, resolving or minimizing problems that characterize the unfavorable circumstances of his life, intensifying the joint activities of people to maintain the cultural environment in a suitable life condition, its constructive change through one’s own efforts;
- providing favorable conditions for the self-development of cultural life by stimulating mechanisms of self-organization, meaningful combination and support of historically formed and new socio-cultural technologies, elements, phenomena.
Objectives of project activities:
- analysis of the situation, i.e. comprehensive diagnosis of problems and a clear definition of their source and nature;
- search and development of solutions to the problem under consideration, taking into account available resources and assessment possible consequences implementation of each option;

On the other hand, culture ( cultural activities) is condition and means of solving problems and tasks located in other planes of social and individual existence. Projects of this type, as their ultimate goal, involve the optimization of life processes (human, social group, region, etc.), and culture acts as a means and condition for such optimization. Priority design areas- these are the most significant social and personal spheres of socio-cultural life(and corresponding types of activities), characterized by a maximum concentration of problems and having the capabilities and resources to optimize human life.
Revealing priority design directions are carried out mainly by situation analysis, characterizing the totality of circumstances and conditions for the functioning of society as a whole and the local situation, fixing the social, socio-demographic and socio-cultural problems of a specific territorial-administrative unit.
Project audience- a carrier of socio-cultural and personal problems, i.e. a social category or group of the population, characterized by specific social and cultural characteristics and differing from other groups in the composition of conditions and life processes.
During the design process, it is necessary to take into account the main options, characterizing the specifics of the community under consideration:
- problems of which this community is the bearer;
- socio-cultural characteristics (values, morals, customs, traditions) regulating behavior and social interaction in the community;
- knowledge, skills and abilities that members of the community possess and which can be used as a means of resolving a problem situation;
- resources that are potentially available to members of the community and that can be used during the implementation of the project.
Methods- these are ways and means of achieving goals and solving problems; means are a set of techniques and operations to achieve a goal. Within the framework of the project, methods and means are specified by a set of planned activities.
Form- this is a certain ordered activity, a way of organizing the content, methods, means, performers and audience of the project.
Practical activities:
Practical activities can be aimed directly at solving a problem, or they can provide additional means of implementing a project. To adjust the content of the project as it progresses and to enhance public participation, public opinion polls can be planned.
In addition to specialists who are proficient in design technology and engaged in design activities on a professional basis, participants in the development and implementation The content of projects (especially at the stage of its implementation) can and should be:
1. Decision-making bodies in the field of culture, whose functions are related to ensuring the development of programs, projects, their approval, and control over their implementation.
2. State and non-state institutions and organizations, scientific and expert councils, capable of taking responsibility for the development, scientific justification, qualified examination of programs, projects, assessment of public initiatives in terms of the feasibility of their support. Creative associations and charitable organizations can hold special events aimed at attracting the attention of the population and the media to programs and projects (press conferences, exhibitions, concerts, auctions, mass events, etc.).
3. The public, grouped around specific programs and projects, for which participation in their implementation is a way of cultural fulfillment life, serves as a unifying and socializing factor. Public inclusion process development, discussion and implementation of projects is also important from another point of view - it stimulates self-organization and initiative of the population, contributes to the formation of stable initiative groups and social communities. In order to attract and effectively participate the public, specialist consultations are required, as well as appropriate material and organizational support for initiatives.

Target setting of projects:
- to preserve viable values ​​and cultural phenomena of the past, characteristic of all components of the sociocultural environment (in the subject-spatial world, preservation, restoration and reconstruction of historical and cultural monuments, the architectural environment; in relations between people, support for traditional patterns of behavior and communication adequate to modern times; in the cognitive-evaluative sphere - storage and introduction into cultural circulation of texts of the humanitarian culture of the past).
- development and active use in the actual space of life cultural heritage(elements subject environment past, viable traditional mores, customs, rituals, etc.).
Targeted support for cultural innovation within the project involves:
- identification, promotion and replication best ideas and technologies for optimal existence in today’s sociocultural situation (for example, environmentally friendly ways of human existence in the environment, forms of optimal organization of spaces in settlements, examples of architectural structures, monumental, applied art, design);

Depending on the position of the designer, there are two types of project strategies:

First type focused on maximum understanding and consideration of the specifics of the culture that becomes the object of project activity. In this case, the goal of the project is to create conditions that ensure the preservation (conservation) of the cultural area of ​​the region - the object of the project implementation, and only then - the self-development of the cultural subject.
In the second type projects, the dominant task is to export their own cultural samples (values, norms, technologies) into a “foreign” cultural context, which is thereby modified, “artificially” transformed. The idea of ​​development underlying of this type projects is determined to some extent by the awareness and understanding of the impossibility of solving problems using the resources of the culture that (or fragments of which) is the object of project activity.

The creation of new objects and new objects is determined by human needs. Design as a type of activity is used in all spheres of life: construction, business, production of clothing, interior items, etc. Consequently, each technological process involves the creation project. Designed products may have different shapes, must satisfy the fantasies and needs of the people who use them. Such products must meet their purpose, modern standards and requirements.

At enterprises, in order to create beautiful, useful and high-quality products, a large number of specialists take part in the development of the project - designers, constructors, technologists, doctors, economists and etc.

Rice. 126. Creative work of designers and constructors

Product design consists of the following stages:

  • Determining the purpose of the future product.
  • Determination of requirements for a future product.
  • Analysis possible options product models.
  • Development of a sketch of the future product.
  • Performing calculations, clarifying the shape and design of the product.
  • Creation of working documentation.

Design (from lat. projectus -pre-conceived idea) - the process of creating a project for a future object and methods for its manufacture.



Course 4


Compiled by:

Murzagalieva E.T.

Almaty, 2017

Practical lesson №1.

Introduction to design.

Design of chemical and pharmaceutical production is the careful development of scientific, technical and economic solutions. The basis is a comprehensive analysis and forecast of the planned construction project.

Chemical production design is the process of forming a plan for a facility in a given industry, which begins with determining chemical technologies for processing target products or performing various studies, and ends with the commissioning of the constructed enterprise, i.e. the process of creating engineering, technical and technological design solutions meeting the requirements and rules of the GMP standard.

Design chemical and pharmaceutical production has its own specifics and requires the designer to understand the general laws and special knowledge in a specific chemical process. It is necessary to understand that with the variety of existing processing technologies in the chemical industry, they are based on the basic methods and stages of production. Traditionally, the main processes used in such enterprises are reaction, heat exchange, mixing and separation processes.

Creating a chemical production project consists of two interconnected stages:

· structural or technical;

· technological or functional.

Creating a chemical production plan is not an easy task and requires a lot of effort and resources.
At the project formation stage, a lot of issues can be resolved (technical, economic, environmental, etc.), when solving which modern developments and achievements of technology and science should be taken into account.

Chemical plant design tasks:

· preparation of documentation for a competitive enterprise based on advanced technologies;

· technical equipment of the enterprise with the ability to ensure the consumption of natural raw materials in the complex;

· development of efficient production cycles, with minimal emissions of air and other pollutants, recycling of factory waste and modern treatment facilities;

· for the purpose of rational exploitation of regional natural resources, design of chemical industry enterprises;

· provide with operational, cyclic technology. Initial extraction of raw materials - chemical processing (granulation, enrichment or other chemical processes) - production of finished assortment;

  • development of production technology that takes into account options for initial raw materials and materials, stages of obtaining semi-products and finished products, taking into account risk analysis, as well as all requirements and restrictions;
  • maintaining the flow of the process, aligning all stages and operations into a single sequential technological chain, eliminating the possibility of confusion or omission;
  • meeting the requirements for clean rooms and protection zones of critical process operations, compliance with the required cleanliness classes and pressure drops;
  • execution of architectural and constructive solutions taking into account GMP requirements;
  • identifying measures to prevent cross-contamination;
  • Creation engineering systems and clean media systems according to technological needs;
  • rational arrangement of personnel workplaces.

Design stages:

· technical specifications from the customer for the design of a chemical and pharmaceutical plant;

· Feasibility study (technical and economic justification of the facility);

· promising business plan;

· selection of a region, district and site for the construction of an enterprise, taking into account natural resources;

· development of design documentation taking into account the basic principles, rules and regulations for the design of chemical industry facilities.

Scope of work

The scope of work is determined by the customer’s technical specifications: stage “P” and “P” or only the working stage. Design regulates the presence of special sections in the documentation:

· production management;

· labor protection, civil defense and emergency situations;

· protection measures and impact assessment on the spatial environment;

· standards and calculations of maximum permissible waste and emissions with subsequent disposal and disposal are mandatory.

Modern production They are distinguished by the multi-stage production of target products, the complexity of technological solutions, high energy and material intensity, the large length and complexity of pipeline and cable communications, and deep functional interdependence in the material, energy and information flows of individual stages. To accommodate such complex production, communications and all services, there is a need to create specialized buildings, underground structures and overpasses.

The architectural and spatial organization of chemical enterprises is characterized by an abundance of open technological and pipeline equipment and a developed railway transport network.

The design of production facilities in the chemical and related industries is a complex, diverse and labor-intensive process that must be considered as a combination of a number of socio-organizational and engineering-technical stages.

Project documentation is intended for the so-called customer. The customer can be an industrial enterprise, a ministry or a private person, i.e. organizations and individuals interested in the production of products by future production.

Design documentation is developed by the designer. This is either an independent organization or a division of a design and construction association. The designer is considered to be an organization that has a license for design activities.

In the development and implementation of the project, except design organization(general contractor), specialized enterprises take part: construction, installation, commissioning, etc., which are called subcontractors.

The project of an industrial enterprise consists of three main parts:

– production technology, as a system of equipment for the manufacture of products based on the latest achievements of science and technology in this and related fields of pharma. production;

– a space-planning solution that ensures an optimal technological process in its constant development, simplicity and versatility of an economical engineering and construction solution, creation of labor and living comfort for workers, ideologically artistic expressiveness of the image of the structure as a whole;

– rational building structures and engineering equipment providing best conditions for organizing the technological process and its development over time, meeting the conditions of mechanized construction production and being the organic basis of the space-planning construction of a structure or complex.

The project consists of a graphic part and an explanatory note. Instead of the graphic part, a layout of a workshop (site, apparatus, etc.) can be made. The graphic part and the explanatory note must be interconnected.

Explanatory note The course project should include the following sections:

1. Title page.

2. Design assignment.

4. Introduction.

5. Analytical review.

6. Technological part.

7. Engineering calculations.

8. Conclusions on the project.

9. Application.

10. List of references.

The introduction formulates the main objectives of the industry and gives general characteristics of the designed object in accordance with the received task. The analytical review contains an analysis of the state of the art and production technology of the industry related to the designed facility (both domestic and foreign data).

The technological part contains detailed description and justification for the selected technological scheme with its drawing made on tracing paper or graph paper.

Engineering calculations include material and thermal calculations, calculations and selection of auxiliary equipment, indicating its brands and main technical characteristics, technological and technical calculations, hydraulic, mechanical calculations, etc.

Project composition:

1. Master plan and transport– are given a brief description of area and construction site; decisions and indicators on the situational and master plan (taking into account zoning of the territory), on-site and external transport, choice of mode of transport, basic planning decisions, measures for landscaping the territory; solutions for the location of utility networks and communications; organization of enterprise security.

This section contains drawings:

situational plan for the location of an enterprise, building, structure, indicating on it existing and projected external communications, utility networks and ancillary areas, the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone, specially protected territory. For linear structures, a plan of routes (internal and external) is provided, and, if necessary, a longitudinal profile of the route;

cartogram of land masses;

a master plan on which existing and designed (recommended) and subject to demolition buildings and structures, environmental protection and improvement objects, landscaping of the territory, fundamental decisions on the location of on-site utility lines and transport communications, and planning marks of the territory are plotted. The objects, networks and transport communications included in the launch complexes are highlighted.

2. Technological solutions contain:

1) data on the production program;

2) characteristics and justification of decisions on production technology;

3) data on the labor intensity of manufacturing products, mechanization and automation technological processes;

4) composition and justification of the equipment used (including imported);

5) solutions for the use of low-waste and non-waste technological processes and production, recycling of resources;

6) proposals for organizing product quality control;

7) decisions on the organization of repair facilities;

8) data on the quantity and composition of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into water sources for individual workshops, production facilities, and structures;

9) technical solutions to prevent (reduce) emissions and discharges of harmful substances into environment; assessment of the possibility of emergency situations and solutions to prevent them;

10) type, composition and volume of production waste subject to disposal and disposal;

11) fuel, energy and material balances of technological processes;

12) the need for basic types of resources for technological needs.

Main drawings of this section:

fundamental technological schemes production;

layout drawings (plans and sections) for buildings (workshops);

functional and schematic diagrams of automation of technological processes and power supply of technological equipment;

cargo flow diagrams.

3. Architectural and construction solutions– they provide information about the engineering-geological, hydrogeological conditions of the construction site. A brief description and justification of architectural and construction decisions for the main buildings and structures is given; justification of fundamental decisions to reduce production noise and vibration; household and sanitary services for workers. Electrical, explosion and fire safety measures are being developed; protection of building structures, networks and structures from corrosion.

Basic drawings: plans, sections and facades of the main buildings and structures with a schematic representation of the main load-bearing and enclosing structures.

4. Engineering equipment, networks and systems– the section contains solutions for water supply, sewerage, heat supply, gas supply, electricity supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Given engineering equipment buildings and structures, including: electrical equipment, electric lighting, communications and alarms, radio and television, fire-fighting devices and lightning protection; dispatching and automation of management of engineering networks.

Main section drawings:

plans and diagrams of heat supply, electricity supply, gas supply, water supply and sewerage, etc.;

plans and profiles of utility networks;

drawings of main structures;

plans and diagrams of in-shop heating and ventilation devices, power supply and electrical equipment, radio and alarm systems, automation of utility network management, etc.

1. Master plan and transport

To optimally select the area for construction of a new industrial facility, the following information is required:

1) estimated need for raw materials;

2) location of sources of raw materials;

3) placement of markets for the finished product;

4) energy demand (thermal and electrical);

5) quantity and quality of process water;

6) approximate dimensions construction site taking into account the prospect of expanding the facility;

7) labor demand (by qualifications);

8) quantity and composition of waste to be disposed of, methods of its neutralization.

Situational and master plan– one of the most important parts of an industrial enterprise project, containing a comprehensive solution to the issues of planning and landscaping of the territory, placement of buildings and structures, utility networks, organization of economic and public service systems.

A situational plan for an industrial enterprise is a part of a project that includes a plan for a specific area settlement or the surrounding territory, which indicates the location of the designed enterprise and other objects that have direct technological, transport and engineering connections with it. The situational plan is developed on a scale of 1:5000, 1:10,000, 1:25,000.

To reduce the contamination of residential areas with emissions from industrial enterprises, they are located taking into account the prevailing wind direction, which is determined by the average wind rose summer period based on long-term observations (50...100 years) of meteorological stations.

The wind rose is placed on the situational and general plans in the upper left corner of the drawing and built on the appropriate scale as follows; the circle is divided into 8 or 16 equal parts and as a result 8 or 16 points are obtained: N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW. From the center of the circle (origin of coordinates) the percentage repeatability of winds throughout the year (the result of long-term observations) is plotted on a selected scale at the corresponding points. The resulting points are connected. The most elongated side of the resulting figure shows the direction of the prevailing winds.

Within the production and sanitary protection zones of enterprises, it is not allowed to place residential buildings, hotels, dormitories, buildings for gardening and dacha partnerships, preschool and general educational institutions, buildings of boarding educational institutions, medical and preventive institutions and recreation, sports facilities, etc. public buildings, not related to production maintenance.

Pharmaceutical industry enterprises with a sanitary protection zone of up to 100 m are not allowed to be located on the territory of industrial zones (districts) with enterprises of metallurgical, chemical, petrochemical and other industries with hazardous production, as well as within their sanitary protection zones.

Using a situation plan, a master plan of the designed enterprise is developed on a scale of 1:500, 1:1000, 1:200 or 1:5000.

The master plan of an industrial enterprise depicts:

Placement of all buildings and structures;

Location of workshops by groups;

The width of fire and sanitary gaps between buildings;

Driveways and entrances to workshops, roads and railways;

Network engineering;

Fencing the territory indicating the entrance and passageways to the plant territory;

Placement of fire hydrants, landscaping areas, wind rose.

When developing a master plan, first of all, zoning of the territory of the designed enterprise is carried out, i.e. dividing it into four zones :

I – pre-factory, where auxiliary buildings are located (administrative buildings, passenger transport parking);

II – production, where the main and auxiliary workshops are located;

III – auxiliary, intended for energy facilities and for laying engineering communications;

IV – warehouse with sorting stations and depot.

Normative base when designing, equipping pharmaceutical production and project documentation: SPDS, ESKD, GOST, ISO, technical regulations, DIN, etc.

In the development of the territory of a pharmaceutical plant, a corridor is designed between the buildings. Buildings and structures should be oriented with their ends facing this corridor. The communication corridor contains technological material pipelines, heat supply networks, recycled water supply and some types of industrial sewerage, and power supply networks. The main method of laying communications should be above ground, with the exception of gravity pipelines or pipelines for sanitary sewerage and fire-fighting water supply.

In order to improve working conditions industrial buildings and installations in open areas and shelves with equipment that emit industrial hazards should be located in relation to other production facilities and the administrative zone on the leeward side. The location of the enterprise territory must be such that conditions for direct solar radiation and natural ventilation are ensured.

Development of territories of chemical and petrochemical industry can be of four types:

With open equipment;

Semi-open and closed equipment;

Solid (pavilion);


The development of enterprises with open equipment consists of platforms and shelves on which various types technological equipment(columns, reactors, heat exchangers, etc.).

Equipment and engineering structures fill almost the entire space of the plant, with the exception of a few service buildings. This type of enterprise has a developed network of overpasses and communications through which liquid and gaseous products are transferred.

Design as a type of engineering activity.

One of the main functions of an engineer is the design of objects for one purpose or another or technological processes for their manufacture. Design in its most general form can be defined as a process of directed action by a designer (a group of designers) necessary to develop technical solutions sufficient for the implementation of a created object that meets specified requirements. The final stage design work is the release of a set of documentation reflecting the decisions made in the form necessary for the production of the object.

When implementing a project, the design engineer is required to make technological calculations of auxiliary equipment, all transport devices (belt and screw conveyors, pneumatic transport, etc.), as well as calculate the required productivity and select the appropriate types of feeders, dispensers, measuring devices, cyclones, etc.

Gurye L.I. Design of pedagogical systems: Proc. allowance; Kazan. state technol. university

. –– Kazan, 2004. – 212 p.


The dynamics of changes in the requirements of social production for a specialist dictates the need for him to develop a creative approach when using professional skills. Solving this problem requires shifting the emphasis in training from the assimilation of ready-made knowledge to the development of non-standard thinking, creative abilities and personality traits. The latter is possible during the transition from reproductive-informational learning, which is characterized by a disciplinary model of learning, to productive-creative learning with a design-creative model.

The technology of variable design, which is now becoming a universal component of modern engineering activities in various fields, requires effective creative self-expression, consisting in generating rational options for a design solution. The design process is only effective when the designer is characterized by an orientation toward novelty and the desire to go beyond known concepts. But for this, a specialist must have creative intelligence, the signs of which are: flexibility of mind, breadth of thinking, determination, independence and criticality. These characteristics are formed in the process of educating a creative personality.

Nurturing a creative personality requires the teacher to understand the methodological and psychological-pedagogical aspects of educational, research and work activities, the logic of educational actions to develop the productive abilities of the individual. A teacher needs to understand the essence and patterns of activity of the specialist he is preparing, as well as the essence and logic of his own professional and pedagogical activities in the preparation and education of such a specialist.

Thus, the teacher must have a methodological culture that allows him to navigate, understand and manage activities, transform them in order to more effectively implement the tasks facing him.

The teacher must be prepared for any changes. It is predicted that young teachers entering the world will have to accept and then abandon 2-3 educational paradigms during their professional careers. Therefore, such a quality of a teacher’s personality as openness to innovation is becoming increasingly important. He must be able to design the educational process in conditions of rapid change. This work, which is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and novelty, requires an analysis of previous activities, identification of problems, setting and specification of new goals, selection effective ways their achievement, as well as correct assessment of results.

Beginning of the form

The ability to predict, plan, and design one’s activities are among the most important professionally significant skills of a teacher. They need to be purposefully formed and developed. Design, according to O.S. Gazman, - complex activities, which has signs of autodidacticism. Design participants, as if automatically (without a specially proclaimed didactic task on the part of the organizers) master new concepts, new ideas about various spheres of life, about industrial, personal, socio-political relations between people, a new understanding of the meaning of the changes that life requires. Participation in design puts people's lives in the position of creator of new living conditions. Given tutorial is aimed at developing a project culture for a technical university teacher.

Chapter I. Design in technical and social systems

Introduced concepts

Brief introduction

Activities Planning Forecasting Foresight Programming Design Engineering design Types of design Design methods System engineering design Socio-technical design Social design Social technologies

This chapter examines design as a universal, purposeful human activity and as a professional activity, its main types - technical, system-technical, socio-technical, social. General and special design characteristics are revealed. Our goal: to reveal the essence of design as a universal activity, its types, content, methods so that you can: understand the meaning of design and the possibilities of its use in various types activities.

1.1. Design as a type of purposeful human activity

1.1.1. Future Information Forms

There are various forms of information about the future. Can you differentiate between them? Which ones do you use?

Obtaining information about the future - foresight - is divided into scientific and non-scientific (intuitive, everyday, religious) (see Fig. 1.1).

Scientific foresight is based on knowledge of the laws of development of nature, society, thinking, intuitive - on human premonitions, religious - on faith. Foresight is expressed in two forms - predictions and pre-instructions.

Prediction involves describing possible or desirable prospects, the state of solutions to future problems.

Prediction is actually associated with solving these problems using information about the future for purposeful activities and society.

Prediction takes the forms of premonition, anticipation, foresight, forecasting.

Premonition(simple anticipation) contains information about the future at the level of intuition - subconscious. Prediction (complex anticipation) carries information about the future based on life experience, guesses about the future that are not based on scientific research.

Forecasting should mean a special scientific study, the subject of which is the prospects for the development of the phenomenon. Forecasting appears in the forms of goal setting, planning, programming, and design.

Goal setting- this is the establishment of an ideally assumed result of an activity.

Planning– projection into the future of human activity to achieve a predetermined goal under certain conditions, means, transformation of information about the future into directives for targeted activities.

Programming– establishment of basic provisions, which are then developed into planning, or a sequence of specific activities for the implementation of plans.

Design– creation of specific images of the future, specific details of developed programs.

Rice. 1.1.

1.1.2. Planning and design as a universal activity

The most universal goals of human activity are the creation of something and the restructuring of what has been done. They permeate all types of human activity. Universal activities are planning and design - any purposeful activity aimed at solving a specific (situational) problem.

To plan means to organize some actions to be performed in the future. The development of a plan is prompted by needs and aspirations or by the imperfections of existing systems that require change. In this sense, to construct means to form a plan or scheme of work, to imagine and organize, to reflect. To have a plan in mind is to have a goal, intention, system, or solution in mind that meets an important need.

Design is the creation of an ideal description of a future object, prior to its implementation. Design methodology has received great development in recent decades, having absorbed a set of procedures for setting a problem, generating options, selection, optimization, decision making and others. It is now generally accepted that almost any transformative and/or creative human activity can and should be based on design methodology or its individual procedures.

Currently, any research activity is associated with the implementation of various projects. Projects are being developed in almost all areas of activity. Any person faces the need to transform situations, create artificial objects and structures, develop action algorithms, and plan the stages of achieving certain goals! Essentially, we are designing whenever we develop ways to transform a given situation into another, more acceptable one.


The change in the nature of mental work associated with the development of information technology, the emergence of new labor functions, specialties, professions, the emergence of international standards of quality, ecology, and management have necessitated the search for new methods for the systematic design of mental work.

The understanding of organizational design has expanded. Currently, methods for comprehensive assessment of the quality of managerial work, design of automated workplaces, automated control systems, rational division and cooperation of labor are being developed using unified methodological schemes.

A systematic study of the organization of management processes in Russia and Belarus contributed to the formation of such new areas of organizational design as the regulation of managerial work and the design of management system standards for organizations.

Development of organizational design in the USA and European Union led to the emergence of organizational reengineering, the formation of the structural analysis and design methodology (SADT) and the IDEF system of methodologies.

The development of organizational design is currently moving towards the creation of a methodology and methodological tools for the integrated design of systems for improving the work of management personnel. Organizational design in the modern sense is a set of methodological tools that allow you to streamline and systematize management processes.

2. Design as an activity

Design as a process, depending on the design object, can be presented as: strategic; organizational; investment; design; technological.

The design of any object is associated with the creation, transformation and presentation in an accepted form of the image of this object, most often its component parts. For strategic design the created image can be presented in the form of a set of strategies, for organizational design- in the form of a special organization of the object in question, organizational decisions that increase the efficiency of management and, accordingly, economic activity.

Design begins when there is a design task, and the result of design is a set of management decisions, expressed in the form of a complete set of documentation.

From a decision-making perspective, design is the process of developing management, design, social, economic decisions aimed at obtaining the desired effect. From an information point of view, design is the process of converting input information about a design object into output information in the form of design, technological, economic, and organizational documentation. From an organizational point of view Various approaches can be taken to the design process. First of all - block-hierarchical. According to which the designed system is divided into hierarchical levels. At the highest level, only the general features and features of the designed system are used. At subsequent levels, the degree of detail of consideration increases.

Each system has its own internal structure (structure, functions, factors ensuring the integrity of the organization). For example, the system of organizing managerial labor includes: living labor itself (expenditure of labor), objects of labor, means of labor, which serve as a measure of the development of the workforce, as well as an indicator of social relations. The functions of such a system constitute a manifestation of the internal content of the system in its relations with the external environment. To identify the structure of an object means to mention its parts and the ways in which it comes into relationship.

Organizational design differs from other types of design not only in the form of the result and the area of ​​research, but also in the need to take into account the nature and interrelations of a large number of factors that influence the construction of the object being studied and determine its economic efficiency.

The difference between organizational design is also the need for mandatory structural and parametric optimization of the objects under consideration (using structural and functional models).

Currently, the systems approach is used without exception in all areas of science. Application systematic approach to study an object means endowing it with properties and laws of existence of the system.

Under system one should understand a complex whole, which consists of many elements, united by various relationships and isolated from what surrounds them by any boundaries. System element- this is an object that, being integral part system, performs a specific function, and is not subject to further dissection when conducting this study.

The most important property of the system - integrity “cannot be considered without using the concept “ relationships" and "connections".

Connection characterizes a set of new properties that arise and exist in the process of mutual influence of objects. Communication is impersonal, and relationships imply interaction between subject and object.

Relationship presuppose the presence of a subject and an object of the relationship, the presence of an active driving force that initiates the relationship. The subjective component of the concept “ relationship", not only reflects

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