
Placement of industrial buildings serving industrial facilities. Industrial buildings and complexes. Requirements for the location of industrial enterprises

dated December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures", compliance with the requirements of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ "On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, increasing the level of harmonization regulatory requirements with European and international regulatory documents, application of uniform methods for determining operational characteristics and assessment methods. The requirements of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” were also taken into account.

The update was carried out by the team of authors of OJSC "TsNIIPromzdanii": General director dr tech. sciences, prof. V.V. Granev, deputy general director Ph.D. tech. sciences, prof. CM. Glikin, head of the scientific research sector, Ph.D. tech. Sciences T.E. Storozhenko, leading researcher Doctor of Architecture, prof. B.S. Istomin.

Amendment No. 1 to SP 56.13330.2011 was prepared by a team of authors: topic leader - Dr. Tech. sciences, prof. V.V. Granev, executive - head of the scientific research sector, Ph.D. tech. Sciences T.E. Storozhenko (JSC "TsNIIPromzdanii").

1.1 This set of rules must be observed at all stages of the creation and operation of industrial and laboratory buildings, industrial and laboratory premises, workshops (functional fire hazard class F5.1), as well as warehouse buildings and premises intended for storing substances, materials, products and raw materials (cargo) (functional fire hazard class F5.2), including those built into buildings with other functional fire hazard, in order to meet the requirements.

1.2 This joint venture does not apply to buildings and premises for the production and storage of explosives and explosives, for military purposes, underground structures of subways, mine workings, warehouse buildings and premises for the storage of dry mineral fertilizers and plant protection chemicals, explosive, radioactive and potent toxic substances, flammable gases, non-flammable gases in containers under a pressure of more than 70 kPa, oil and petroleum products, rubber, celluloid, flammable plastics and film, cement, cotton, flour, animal feed, furs, furs and fur products, agricultural products, as well as design of buildings and premises for refrigerators and granaries.

1.3 When creating workshops or warehouses (areas) at an enterprise intended for the use of the labor of disabled people, one should also be guided by the uniform sanitary and epidemiological rules for enterprises (production associations), workshops and areas intended for the use of labor of disabled people and old-age pensioners, requirements, with taking into account .

In cases where enterprises or warehouses provide for the possibility of using the labor of disabled people, additional requirements specified in the relevant paragraphs of this set of rules should be observed, depending on the type of disability.

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the effect of reference standards and classifiers in information system common use- on the official website of the National Body of the Russian Federation for Standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published this year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the part that does not affect this reference.

To combine, as a rule, premises for various industries in one building, warehouses, including premises for expeditions, acceptance, sorting and packaging of cargo, administrative and household premises, as well as premises for engineering equipment;

Accept the number of floors and the height of the building within the limits established by 5.29, based on the results of a comparison of technical and economic indicators of options for locating a production or warehouse in buildings of different floors (heights), taking into account ensuring a high level architectural solutions and energy efficiency;

Space planning and Constructive decisions accepted in accordance with the technological part of the project, developed in accordance with the technological design standards. Space-planning solutions for warehouse buildings should provide the possibility of their reconstruction, changing the technology of storing goods without significant restructuring of the buildings;

When blocking individual workshops, warehouses and structures, if possible, avoid differences in the height of building spans and internal corners of external enclosing structures;

Accept buildings without light openings, if this is allowed by technology conditions, sanitary and epidemiological requirements and economic feasibility;

Mainly use buildings with enlarged blocks of engineering and technological equipment in a prefabricated prefabricated block design;

Develop space-planning solutions, engineering support systems taking into account environmental requirements, relevant legislative acts Russian Federation.

4.4 Placement in production buildings of consumable (intermediate) warehouses for raw materials and semi-finished products in the quantities established by the technological design standards to ensure continuous technological process, is allowed directly in production premises openly or behind mesh fences. In the absence of such data in the technological design standards, the quantity of specified loads should, as a rule, be no more than one and a half shift requirements.

4.5 The safety of people in buildings must be ensured by sanitary-epidemiological and microclimatic conditions: absence of harmful substances in the air of work areas above the maximum permissible concentrations, minimal release of heat and moisture into the premises; absence of noise, vibration, ultrasound levels, electromagnetic waves, radio frequencies, static electricity and ionizing radiation above permissible values, as well as limitation of physical activity, attention stress and prevention of fatigue of workers in accordance with hygienic requirements for the organization of technological processes, production equipment and working tools, as well as the requirements of current sanitary and epidemiological regulatory documents.

4.6 The implementation of the technological process and compliance with the requirements for the microclimate of the premises must be carried out taking into account the economical use of energy resources.

Engineering systems must have automatic or manual control of the air supply system. Building heating systems must be equipped with devices to regulate heat flow.

Buildings and structures at the production site must be located in such a way as to provide the most favorable conditions for natural light and ventilation of premises.

As a rule, industrial buildings and structures are located on the territory of the enterprise along the production process and are grouped taking into account the common sanitary and fire safety requirements, electricity consumption, and human flows.

Particularly noisy industries (forging, riveting) with a noise level of more than 90 dBA should be located in isolated buildings and premises.

Production with significant heat and gas emissions should be located in one-story buildings.

If the concentration of harmful emissions does not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations, then it is possible to remove them from the building naturally (aeration). In this case, it is desirable that the longitudinal axis of the building be perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing winds. If the concentration of harmful emissions exceeds the permissible limits, then the room must be equipped with effective supply and exhaust ventilation with purification of the exhaust air.

All buildings, structures and warehouses are located in zones in accordance with production characteristics, the nature of the hazard and the operating mode.

The area of ​​procurement shops (foundry, forging, thermal) is located closer to railway on the territory of the plant.

Area of ​​processing and mechanical assembly shops, as well as warehouses finished products, expedition, etc. are concentrated near the procurement shops and near the main entrance as workshops with a large number of workers.

The area of ​​auxiliary shops (tool shop, mechanical repair shop, etc.) is usually located near the processing and procurement shops.

Woodworking shops, due to their high fire hazard, are located as far as possible from hot shops.

The area of ​​energy devices (CHP, boiler houses, fuel warehouses) is located on the leeward side in relation to other workshops due to their increased gas, smoke and dust emissions. A pre-factory site is created at the main entrance of the plant, where administrative, educational, and utility buildings are located. The plant administration, clinic, and canteen are located outside the plant fence and must have entrances from the street.

The main warehouses of toxic, explosive and flammable liquids must be located outside the factory premises at distances determined special rules. In accordance with sanitary standards, distances (gaps) between industrial buildings and structures are established. The size of the gap between buildings illuminated through window openings must be no less than the greatest height to the eaves of the opposing buildings.

Between separate buildings of buildings with a semi-closed courtyard (P and W-shaped development), the gap size must be at least 15 m. In closed courtyards, through passages are made with a width of at least 4 m and a height of at least 3.5 m. Gaps between buildings, in where particularly noisy industries are located, and the neighboring ones must be at least 100 m. When determining the gaps between buildings, the requirements for sanitary and fire hazards are compared. If the sanitary gaps are smaller than the fire gaps, the required fire gap is accepted.

Roads on the territory of industrial enterprises should, as a rule, be straight, with a hard surface, and provide two-way traffic. Sidewalks must be provided for the movement of people. Crossing bridges or a tunnel under the tracks are built across the railway track in places where there is heavy traffic of people.


Industrial buildings and structures must ensure the most efficient implementation of the technological process, create a favorable production environment and eliminate fire hazards.

Main industrial buildings (where technological equipment is located) and warehouses, if possible, should have a rectangular shape, which provides the best lighting and ventilation.

The design of industrial buildings, their dimensions and number of floors are determined by the technological process, the degree of its fire and explosion safety, and the presence of harmful emissions in accordance with SNiP 31-03-2001 “Industrial buildings”.

For the safety of workers and the convenience of transporting goods, it is necessary to provide separate entrances and exits for people and vehicles in the workshops. Doors and gates must open outwards. In case of fire, industrial buildings are equipped with emergency exits.

At external exits it is necessary to install thermal air curtains or vestibules with two doors. The width of the vestibule for the passage of people should be equal to the width of the doorway plus 0.3 m in both directions.

Gates for railway transport must have a width equal to the width of the car plus 1.5 m, and a height equal to the height of the car plus 0.5 m. Gates for motor vehicles must have a width and height of at least 2.5 m.

Auxiliary premises (household, canteens, health centers, etc.) should be located in extensions to industrial buildings, or in separate buildings with a connection to the industrial building (gallery, underground passage).

Administrative and office premises (plant management, technology department, design bureau, etc.) are located in separate buildings. The height of administrative and office premises from floor to ceiling must be at least 3 m. There must be at least 4 m2 per worker in offices, and 6 m2 per drawing table in design offices. These rooms should have good natural light and ventilation.

The necessary auxiliary premises and their equipment are assigned in accordance with SP 44.13330-2011 depending on the group of production processes.

Household premises (dressing rooms, showers, washrooms, smoking rooms, rooms for heating, personal hygiene for women), except toilets, should be located in extensions to industrial buildings.

The composition, equipment and arrangement of household premises - depending on the sanitary characteristics of the production process.


The volume of production premises must be such that each worker has at least 15 m 3 of free space and at least 4.5 m 2 of area. The required height from floor to ceiling of production premises is at least 3.2 m, and to the bottom of structural elements protruding from the ceiling - at least 2.6 m.

The height of production premises with significant heat, moisture and gas emissions must ensure sufficient removal of harmful emissions from the working area. A work area is considered to be a space up to 2 m high above the floor level where the workplaces are located. In one-story industrial premises with natural ventilation, continuous extensions along the entire perimeter of the walls, which impair aeration, are not allowed.

The interior decoration of the walls of industrial premises where they work with toxic (mercury, lead, etc.) or radioactive substances must be provided with wet cleaning.

Rails in production premises are laid in such a way that they do not protrude above the floor level. Channels and holes in the floors are covered with special covers flush with the floor surface.

Tunnels for transport devices and pipelines must have a height of at least 0.8 m and a free passage width of at least 0.6 m.

The location of production premises in the basement floors, as a rule, is not allowed. In basements with a height of 2.25 m it is possible to place auxiliary equipment (pumps, electric motors, etc.). Such premises must be equipped with ventilation. The location of administrative and office premises in basements is not permitted.

The height of household premises from floor to ceiling should be at least 2.5 m and from the ceiling to the bottom of protruding structures - at least 2.2 m. The distance from food outlets to the workshop during a lunch break of up to 30 minutes should be no more than 300 m, and with a break of at least 1 hour - no more than 600 m.

Fire safety

A fire is a combustion that is uncontrolled in time and space. Fire is a disaster that is often accompanied by loss of life and irrevocable material losses. In terms of the power of destruction, fires are ranked among such natural disasters as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, mudflows, avalanches, landslides, although they are not such (i.e. natural disasters).

Every year there are ~5 million fires on the planet, in which every thousandth inhabitant of the earth suffers thermal damage. In about every 9 out of 10 fires, a person is to blame. Thus, if a fire can be called an element, it can only be an element of human behavior.

Only in Russia every year, figuratively speaking, an entire regional city “burns down,” with all its shops, enterprises, infrastructure, etc. Every year the number of fires increases by 10%, and the death toll in them increases by 12%. For example, in 1994, more than 20 thousand fires occurred in Russia, in which about 17 thousand people died. This is a kind of undeclared war! At the same time (according to X. Banbury) about 60...80% of those killed in fires died from exposure to smoke and toxic gases.

As the height of buildings increases, the rate of smoke formation in escape routes in them (stairwells, elevator shafts, floor corridors) increases sharply.

Although, in addition to carbon monoxide, smoke also contains other potentially toxic components (for example, X. Banburn lists more than 50 components released during the destructive distillation of wood), it almost always has a higher concentration, which makes it possible to attribute the majority of deaths to it (up to 40% of corpses at autopsy contain carbon monoxide).

At the same time, when assessing the toxicity of some substances released during a fire, one should take into account the possibility of acute poisoning due to an increase in their concentration even for a short time. According to E. Butcher, the dangerous concentration for short-term exposure is ~20 times higher than the maximum permissible for long-term exposure.

However, the effect of exposure to toxic gases largely depends on the mental and physical state of people. It is well known that under conditions of mental stress arising from a fire, even very low concentrations of gases can lead to an accident or death.

The main causes of fires in the Nizhny Novgorod region:

1 - careless handling of fire;

2 - malfunction of stoves and chimneys;

3 - children playing pranks with fire;

4 - violation of rules when firing stoves;

5 - household electrical appliances;

6 - arson;

7 - kerosene and gas appliances;

8 - electrical equipment malfunction.

At the same time, a very common cause of death is smoking while drunk (70...80 people die in the region every year).

Fire safety can be ensured by fire prevention measures and active fire protection.

Table 15.1

Toxic components that can be released during combustion
various materials (E. Butcher)

No. Toxic gas or vapor Source of education (material)
Carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) All combustible materials containing carbon
Nitrogen oxides Celluloid, polyurethanes
Hydrogen cyanide Wood, silk, leather, nitrogen-containing plastics, cellulose materials, viscose, cellulose plastics
Acrolein Wood, paper
Sulfur dioxide Rubber, thiokols
Halogen-containing acids and other compounds (hydrochloric, hydrobromic, hydrofluoric acids; phosgene) Polyvinyl chloride, flame retardant plastics, fluorinated plastics
Ammonia Melamine, nylon, urea, formaldehyde resins
Aldehydes Formaldehyde, wood, nylon, polyester resins
Azo-bis-succinitrile Foam plastics
Components containing antimony Some fire resistant plastics
Benzene Polystyrene
Isocyanides Polyurethane foam

15.1. General information about the combustion process. Terms and Definitions

Combustion is a chemical oxidation reaction that releases heat and light. For combustion to occur, three factors are needed: 1 – a flammable substance; 2 – oxidizer (oxygen, chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine, nitrogen oxides, etc.) and 3 – source of ignition (energy pulse). Depending on the speed of the chemical reaction of oxidation of substances, fire is distinguished (~ 10 m/s), explosion (~ 100 m/s) and detonation (~ 1000 m/s). The combustion process is divided into several types:

· flash – rapid combustion of a flammable mixture not accompanied by the formation of compressed gases;

· explosion – rapid transformation of a substance (explosive combustion), accompanied by the release of energy and the formation of compressed gases capable of producing work;

· detonation - an instantaneous and destructive explosion caused by the explosion of another substance upon contact with it or at a distance;

· smoldering – combustion without glow, usually identified by the appearance of smoke;

· ignition – the occurrence of combustion under the influence of an ignition source;

· ignition – ignition accompanied by the appearance of a flame;

· spontaneous combustion is the phenomenon of a sharp increase in the rate of exothermic reactions before the combustion of a substance without an ignition source;

· spontaneous combustion – spontaneous combustion with the appearance of a flame;

· flash point - the lowest (under special test conditions) temperature of a combustible substance at which vapors and gases are formed above its surface that can ignite from an ignition source, but the rate of their formation is still insufficient for subsequent combustion;

· ignition temperature - the temperature of a flammable substance at which it emits flammable vapors or gases at such a speed that, after ignition from an ignition source, stable combustion occurs.

· smoldering temperature - the lowest temperature of a substance at which a sharp increase in the rate of exothermic reactions occurs, ending in the occurrence of smoldering;

· flammable liquid (FLL) – a liquid capable of burning independently after removal of the ignition source and having a flash point not higher than 61 o C; Explosive flammable liquids are those whose flash point does not exceed 61 o C, and the vapor pressure at 20 o C is less than 100 kPa (~ 1 atm);

· flammable liquid (FL) – a liquid capable of burning independently after removal of the ignition source and having a flash point of more than 61 o C; it is classified as fire hazardous, but when heated under production conditions to a flash point or higher, it is explosive;

· flammable gases – classified as explosive at any ambient temperature;

· flammable dusts and fibers are classified as explosive if their lower flammable concentration limit (LECL) is no more than 65 g/m 3 ;

· upper and lower concentration ignition limits (UCFL and LCFL) - respectively, the maximum and minimum concentrations of flammable gases, flammable liquid vapors, dust or fibers in the air, above and below which an explosion will not occur even if there is a source of initiation;

· ignition area – the area between the VCPV and LVPV. It depends on a number of factors: the power of the ignition source, the admixture of inert gases and vapors, the temperature and pressure of the combustible mixture.

Premises - a space fenced on all sides (including windows and doors), with a covering (ceiling) and a floor (the space under a canopy or limited by a mesh fence is not a premises).

Outdoor installation - installation located outdoors (outside), open or under a canopy or behind mesh (lattice) structures.

Explosive zone - a room or limited space in a room or outdoor installation in which explosive mixtures are present or may form.

Explosion-proof electrical equipment is one in which design measures are provided to eliminate or impede the possibility of ignition of its environment due to the operation of this electrical equipment.

Electrical equipment general purpose- one that is made without taking into account the requirements specific to certain operating conditions.

Intrinsically safe electrical circuit is an electrical circuit designed so that electrical discharge or heating cannot ignite an explosive atmosphere under specified test conditions.

Safe Experimental Maximum Clearance (SECG) - the maximum gap between the flanges of the shell through which the explosion transmission from the shell to the environment at any concentration of the mixture in the air.

The fire hazard of substances is characterized by linear (m/s) and mass (g/s) combustion rates (flame spread), the maximum oxygen content at which combustion is still possible.

According to the degree of flammability, substances are divided into:

1) flammable (combustible) - when ignited by an external source, they continue to burn even after it is removed;

2) slow-burning (difficult to burn) - burn only in the presence of an ignition source;

3) non-flammable (non-combustible) - do not ignite even when exposed to sufficiently powerful impulses.


Justification of requirements for the planning of industrial facilities

The placement of buildings and structures on the territory of an industrial facility is an essential element in ensuring production efficiency, the sustainability of its operation and ensuring the safety of workers, employees and the population living near hazardous facilities.

To organize the work of production and solve the mentioned problems, requirements have been developed for the master plans of industrial enterprises - one of the main sources of dangers in the technosphere. General requirements for the development of industrial enterprises are set out in building codes and rules (SNiP 11-89-80), as well as in industry standards for technological design. These documents embody the best practices in organizing production. Depending on the specifics, all-Russian requirements are supplemented by departmental (industry) ones. The importance of taking into account requirements at the design stage has been proven by life itself. It is at this stage that “delayed action mines” can be laid in the form of a combination of factors that will lead to serious accidents or negatively affect the possibility of localizing emergencies of both natural and man-made nature within the territory object.

In this regard, the example of the accident in Jonava in 1989 is indicative - the depressurization of a container with 7000 tons of ammonia with the subsequent ignition of nitrophoska (finished production products).

In a critical situation, the unsuccessful layout of the facility led to the emergence of secondary damage factors, complicating emergency and rescue operations (localization of the accident lasted more than 3 days). These consequences could have been avoided with an appropriate approach to the problem of ensuring safety and taking into account the requirements for the layout of industrial facilities.

The requirements under consideration must be strictly observed, their recording and implementation monitored supervisory authorities both in the design of new, expanded and reconstructed industrial enterprises, and in the development of master plans for groups of enterprises with common facilities (industrial nodes). The main provisions of these documents comply with the requirements of engineering and technical measures of civil defense within the Russian Federation and specify them within one object (group of objects).

In accordance with the Temporary Regulations on the Headquarters of Civil Defense for Emergency Situations, governing bodies are required to take part in activities to approve development plans for cities, districts and settlements. Knowledge of the requirements for master plans of industrial enterprises will help specialists evaluate the facility from a safety point of view and justify the requirements for their provision.

At a time when organizational measures for declaring the safety of industrial facilities and licensing their activities became mandatory, territorial and facility services were faced with complex tasks of prevention and liquidation. emergency situations. This means that specialists from emergency civil defense headquarters must understand issues within the jurisdiction of Gosgortekhnadzor, Gosatomnadzor, Goskomsanepidnadzor, Gospozhnadzor and a number of other supervisory and control bodies. On the background economic crisis The problems under consideration have become much more complex. Even at seemingly safe facilities, there are enough violations of safety standards and requirements to raise the question of temporarily stopping their activities. Practice has created a compromise between the need for the operation of an object and the level of safety on it. To determine it in relation to a specific facility, it is necessary to know the standards and requirements for organizing a safe and accident-free production process, which will allow identifying deviations during the inspection and assessing their impact on the level of risk within the territory under consideration. The issue under consideration is only part of the overall task, and the provisions discussed in the following paragraphs are a practical retelling of regulatory documents.


The designed enterprises are located as part of a group of enterprises with common facilities in accordance with the “Instructions for the development of master plans for groups of enterprises with common facilities of industrial nodes.”

Enterprises and industrial units are located on the territory provided for by the district planning scheme or project, the general plan of the city or other settlement, a planning project for an industrial area.

Enterprises, industrial units and associated dumps, waste, treatment facilities are located on non-agricultural lands or unsuitable for Agriculture. In the absence of such land, agricultural land plots of poorer quality may be selected.

The placement of enterprises and industrial units on the lands of the state forest fund should be carried out primarily in areas not covered with forest or occupied by shrubs and low-value plantings.

The placement of enterprises and industrial units on areas where mineral deposits occur is permitted in agreement with the state mining supervision authorities, and on areas where common mineral deposits occur - in the manner established by law.

The placement of enterprises and industrial units is not permitted:

Ø in the first zone of the sanitary protection zone of water supply sources;

Ø in the first zone of the resort sanitary protection district, if the designed facilities are not directly related to the use of natural healing remedies at the resort;

Ø in green areas of cities;

Ø on the lands of nature reserves and their protective zones;

Ø in zones of protection of historical and cultural monuments without permission from the relevant monument protection authorities;

Ø in hazardous areas of rock dumps of coal and shale mines or processing plants;

Ø in areas of active karst, landslides, subsidence or collapse of surfaces under the influence of mining, mudflows and snow avalanches, which can threaten the development and operation of enterprises;

Ø in areas contaminated with organic and radioactive emissions, before the expiration of the deadlines established by the sanitary and epidemiological service;

Ø in areas of possible catastrophic flooding as a result of the destruction of dams or dams.

A catastrophic flood zone is an area where flooding has a depth of 1.5 m or more and can lead to the destruction of buildings and structures, loss of life, and failure of enterprise equipment.

The territories of industrial hubs should not be divided into separate sections by iron or highways general network.

The location of enterprises in seismic areas must be provided in accordance with the "Instructions for the location of construction projects and limiting the number of storeys of buildings in seismic areas." In the northern construction-climatic zone, enterprises are located in areas with rocky, permafrost homogeneous or thawed non-subsidence soils.

With an appropriate feasibility study, it is allowed to locate enterprises in areas with foundation soils with a permafrost temperature close to 0°C, as well as with significant ice saturation and other unfavorable frozen soil conditions.

When locating enterprises and industrial units that affect the state of atmospheric air, the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air” must be observed.

When locating enterprises and industrial units that affect the habitat and breeding conditions of animals, the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Animals” is observed.

Enterprises and industrial units with sources of atmospheric air pollution by harmful substances of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes are not located in areas with prevailing winds at speeds up to 1 m/s, with long or frequently recurring calms, inversions, fogs (per year no more than 30 -40%, during winter 50-60%).

Enterprises and industrial units with sources of air pollution are located in relation to residential buildings, taking into account the prevailing wind direction.

Enterprises that require special purity of atmospheric air are located on the leeward side of the winds of the prevailing direction in relation to neighboring enterprises with sources of atmospheric air pollution.

A sanitary protection zone is provided between the industrial and residential areas.

Industrial hubs that include enterprises that require the organization of a sanitary protection zone with a width of 500 m or more do not include enterprises that, in accordance with SNiP for the planning and development of cities, towns and rural settlements, can be located near the border or within a residential area territories.

Production facilities with sources of external noise with sound levels of 50 decibels or more are located in relation to residential and public buildings in accordance with SNiP for noise protection.

When locating enterprises and industrial units that affect the state of water, the relevant regulatory documents of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority must be observed.

The location of enterprises in coastal strips (zones) of water bodies is permitted only if it is necessary to directly adjoin the enterprise sites to water bodies (in agreement with the authorities for regulating the use and protection of water). The number and length of abutments between enterprise sites and water bodies in these conditions should be minimal.

When locating enterprises and industrial units on coastal sections of rivers and other bodies of water, the planning marks of enterprise sites are taken at least 0.5 m above the highest water horizon, taking into account the backwater and slope of the watercourse, as well as the surge in wave height, determined in accordance with SNiP for loads and impacts on hydraulic structures.

The horizon is taken to be the highest water level with the probability of exceeding it for enterprises of national economic and defense importance once every 100 years, for other enterprises with operating periods of up to 10 years - once every 10 years.

The location of enterprises in areas with more frequent excesses of the water level is permitted subject to an appropriate feasibility study and subject to the construction of the necessary structures to protect enterprises from flooding.

These requirements do not apply to enterprises, their individual buildings and structures, as well as to objects for which, under the conditions of which, short-term flooding is allowed.

In the Northern construction-climatic zone, buildings and structures on coastal areas are located taking into account the increase in the thawing basin of the soil near the shore of the reservoir and the resulting changes in the temperature and hydrogeological regime of the soil.

Enterprises requiring the construction of cargo berths, piers, and new structures are located along the river below the residential area .

The placement of buildings and structures at a distance of up to 30 km from the boundaries of airfields, and especially tall structures (200 m or more) at a distance of up to 75 km from the boundaries of airfields is permitted subject to the requirements of the Air Code.

In the case of enterprises located in the area where radio stations, special-purpose facilities, and warehouses of highly toxic substances are located, the distance to the enterprises from these facilities is taken in accordance with the requirements of special standards.

The placement of enterprises near facilities for the production and storage of explosives, materials and products based on them is carried out taking into account the boundaries of prohibited (dangerous) zones and areas, determined by special regulatory documents approved in the prescribed manner, and in agreement with the authorities state supervision, ministries and departments in charge of these objects.

The construction of dumps, slag dumps, tailings dumps, waste and refuse from enterprises is permitted only if the impossibility of their disposal is justified. At the same time, centralized (group) dumps are provided for industrial units. The sites for them are located outside the enterprises and the 2nd zone of sanitary protection zones of underground water sources in compliance with sanitary standards.

The distance between the dumps of coal or shale mines and production and storage buildings is assigned no less than the value of the dangerous shear zone of the dumps, determined in accordance with the “Safety Rules in Coal and Shale Mines” approved by the Ministry of Coal Industry and Gosgortekhnadzor.

In the Northern construction-climatic zone, between dumps, buildings and structures, in addition to the indicated zones, distances are maintained to ensure the preservation of the temperature regime of the frozen soil foundations of these buildings and structures.

The rules for the location of industrial enterprises, set out in a slightly abbreviated form above, partially reflect the issues of engineering and technical activities of the Russian Civil Defense, components of unified system interrelated measures to prevent emergencies, protect the population and reduce damage in case of accidents and disasters.


The layout of enterprise sites and territories of industrial hubs should provide the most favorable conditions for the production process and labor at enterprises, rational and economical use land plots and the highest efficiency of capital investments.

The master plans of reconstructed industrial enterprises and the master plans of established areas provide for the streamlining of functional zoning and the placement of utility networks.

The distance between buildings and structures, including engineering networks is accepted as the minimum acceptable.

The master plans of enterprises and industrial units provide for:

Ø functional zoning of the territory, taking into account technological connections, sanitary, hygienic and fire safety requirements, cargo turnover and modes of transport;

Ø rational production, transport and engineering connections at enterprises, between them and residential areas;

Ø cooperation of main and auxiliary production and farms, including similar production and farms serving the residential part of the city or town;

Ø intensive use of the territory, including above-ground and underground space with the necessary and justified reserves for the expansion of enterprises;

Ø organization of a unified network for servicing R&S;

Ø the possibility of construction and commissioning of launch complexes or queues;

Ø improvement of the territory (site);

Ø creation of a unified architectural ensemble in conjunction with the architecture of adjacent enterprises and residential buildings;

Ø protection of adjacent territories from erosion, swamping, salinization and pollution of groundwater and open water bodies with sewage, waste and waste from enterprises;

Ø restoration (reclamation) of lands allocated for temporary use that were disturbed during construction.

IN master plan The natural features of the construction area must be taken into account:

Ø air temperature and prevailing wind direction;

Ø possible changes the existing regime of permafrost soils during the construction and operation of buildings and structures;

Ø the possibility of large snow deposits due to the presence of hills or elevations on the leeward side of the building;

Ø changes in the regime of supra-permafrost waters as a result of site development and the impact of these changes on the thermal regime of permafrost soils.

At the sites, enterprises and industrial units are located taking into account the exclusion of harmful effects on the R&S, technological processes, raw materials, equipment and products of other enterprises, as well as on the health and sanitary living conditions of the population in the area of ​​the enterprises.

Auxiliary buildings are located outside the circulation zone (aerodynamic shadow) formed by buildings and structures, if there are sources of air pollution on the site with harmful substances of the 1st and 2nd hazard classes.

Garages of enterprises are provided only for specialized vehicles (emergency technical assistance, technical equipment and cleaning and maintenance of the territory, rescue and fire services). If there are no automobile facilities in the construction area, garages will be provided for at least 15 trucks.

By functional use enterprise site divided into zones:

Ø pre-factory (outside the fence or conventional boundary of the enterprise);

Ø production;

Ø utility room;

Ø warehouse,

Industrial hub territory According to functional use, it is divided into the following zones:

Ø community center;

Ø enterprise sites;

Ø common facilities of auxiliary production and farms.

The division into zones is specified taking into account specific conditions.

The pre-factory zone of the enterprise is located on the side of the main entrances and approaches working at the enterprise. The dimensions of the pre-factory zones (1 hectare per 1000 workers) are taken on the basis of:

0.8 – with the number of employees up to 0.5 thousand;

0.7 - “more than 0.5 to 1 thousand;

0.6 - "1 - "4 thousand;

0.5 - "4" 10 thousand;

0.4 - "w 10 thousand.

When working in three shifts, the number of workers in the first and second shifts is taken into account.

The composition of the public center is determined in each specific case, based on the urban planning situation, the presence of service enterprises, production, technological and sanitary-hygienic features of individual enterprises, architectural planning solution industrial hub.

The public center includes production management institutions, enterprises Catering, vocational technical and secondary special educational establishments, specialized healthcare institutions, consumer service enterprises.

In the area of ​​common facilities of auxiliary production and farms there are facilities for energy supply, water supply and sewerage for transport, repair facilities, fire stations, and a waste disposal facility for an industrial unit.

In pre-factory areas and in public centers of industrial units, open areas for parking cars should be provided.

Open areas for parking cars for disabled people can be located on the territory of the enterprise.

Passage points are located at a distance of no more than 1.5 km from each other, and in the Northern construction-climatic zone - not more than 1 km.

The distance from the checkpoints to the entrances to the sanitary premises of the main workshops does not exceed 800 m.

At large distances from the checkpoints to the most remote sanitary facilities, in-plant passenger transport is provided.

Distances from workplaces to sanitary facilities are taken in accordance with existing standards.

In front of checkpoints and entrances to sanitary facilities, canteens, and management buildings, areas are provided at the rate of no more than 0.15 m2 per person. the most numerous shift.

At enterprises where it is possible to employ disabled people using wheelchairs, entrances to production, administrative, and other auxiliary buildings are equipped with ramps with a slope of no more than 1:12.

At the sites of industrial enterprises, the minimum required number of buildings is provided. Production, auxiliary and warehouse premises are combined into one or more large buildings. Placing separate buildings is allowed if technologically necessary.

Buildings and structures, based on the specifics of production and natural conditions, are located taking into account compliance with the following requirements:

Ø the longitudinal axes of the building and skylights are oriented within the range from 45 to 110 o to the meridian;

Ø the longitudinal axes of aeration lamps and walls of buildings with openings used for aeration of premises are oriented in plan perpendicularly or at an angle of at least 45° to the prevailing direction of the summer winds;

Ø in areas with snow cover of more than 50 cm or with the amount of snow transported more than 200 m 3 per 1 m of transfer front per year, through ventilation of the enterprise site is provided.

Buildings forming semi-enclosed courtyards are used in cases where no other solution can be made.

The use of buildings forming courtyards closed on all sides, subject to technological justification.

In closed and semi-enclosed courtyards, extensions to buildings, as well as the placement of separate buildings or structures, are not allowed.

The distances between buildings and structures illuminated through window openings are created at least the greatest height to the top of the eaves of the opposing buildings.

Buildings and structures with equipment that causes significant dynamic loads and ground vibration are located from buildings and structures with production facilities that are especially sensitive to vibrations at distances that take into account the engineering and geological conditions of the territory, the physical and mechanical properties of the soil at the base of the foundations, as well as measures to eliminate influence of dynamic loads and vibration on soils.

Production and testing stations with particularly harmful processes, explosive and fire hazardous facilities, as well as basic warehouses of combustible and flammable materials, toxic and explosive substances are located in accordance with the requirements of special standards approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia or agreed with it.

Buildings, structures, open installations with production processes that emit gas, smoke and dust into the atmosphere, explosive fire-hazardous objects, if possible, are located in relation to other production buildings on the windward side for the prevailing winds.

Cooling ponds, reservoirs, sludge sumps, etc. are placed so that in the event of an accident, the liquid, when spreading, does not threaten the enterprise, residential and public buildings and structures with flooding.

Spray pools are located with their long side perpendicular to the prevailing direction of the summer winds.

The distances between buildings and structures, depending on the degree of fire resistance and the category of production, are determined by fire safety standards and regulations.

Distances between open technological installations, units and equipment, as well as from them to buildings and structures, are accepted according to technological design standards.

Fire stations are located on land plots adjacent to public roads and serving a group of enterprises.

Service radii are accepted: 2 km - for enterprises with production categories A, B and C, occupying more than 50% of the total building area;

4 km - for enterprises with production categories A, B and C, occupying up to 50% of the building area, and enterprises with production categories D and D.

Buildings and structures at the production site must be located in such a way as to provide the most favorable conditions for natural lighting and ventilation of the premises.

As a rule, industrial buildings and structures are located on the territory of the enterprise along the production process and are grouped taking into account the common sanitary and fire safety requirements, electricity consumption, and human flows.

Particularly noisy industries (forging, riveting) with a noise level of more than 90 dBA should be located in isolated buildings and premises.

Production with significant heat and gas emissions should be located in one-story buildings.

If the concentration of harmful emissions does not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations, then it is possible to remove them from the building naturally (aeration). In this case, it is desirable that the longitudinal axis of the building be perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing winds. If the concentration of harmful emissions exceeds the permissible limits, then the room must be equipped with effective supply and exhaust ventilation with purification of the exhaust air.

All buildings, structures and warehouses are located in zones in accordance with production characteristics, the nature of the hazard and the operating mode.

The area of ​​procurement shops (foundry, forging, thermal) is located closer to the railway on the territory of the plant.

The area of ​​processing and mechanical assembly shops, as well as warehouses for finished products, forwarding, etc. are concentrated near the procurement shops and near the main entrance as shops with a large number of workers.

The area of ​​auxiliary shops (tool shop, mechanical repair shop, etc.) is usually located near the processing and procurement shops.

Woodworking shops, due to their high fire hazard, are located as far as possible from hot shops.

The area of ​​energy devices (CHP, boiler houses, fuel warehouses) is located on the leeward side in relation to other workshops due to their increased gas, smoke and dust emissions. A pre-factory site is created at the main entrance of the plant, where administrative, educational, and utility buildings are located. The plant administration, clinic, and canteen are located outside the plant fence and must have entrances from the street.

The main warehouses of toxic, explosive and flammable liquids must be located outside the factory premises at distances determined by special standards. In accordance with sanitary standards, distances (gaps) between industrial buildings and structures are established. The size of the gap between buildings illuminated through window openings must be no less than the greatest height to the eaves of the opposing buildings.

Between separate buildings of buildings with a semi-closed courtyard (P and W-shaped development), the gap size must be at least 15 m. In closed courtyards, through passages are made with a width of at least 4 m and a height of at least 3.5 m. Gaps between buildings, in where particularly noisy industries are located, and the neighboring ones must be at least 100 m. When determining the gaps between buildings, the requirements for sanitary and fire hazards are compared. If the sanitary gaps are smaller than the fire gaps, the required fire gap is accepted.

dated November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, increasing the level of harmonization of regulatory requirements with European and international regulatory documents, applying uniform methods for determining operational characteristics and methods assessments. The requirements of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements” and the codes of fire protection system rules were also taken into account.

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the National Body of the Russian Federation for Standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replaced (changed) document. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given applies to the part that does not affect this reference.

to combine, as a rule, in one building premises for various industries, warehouses, including premises for expeditions, acceptance, sorting and packaging of goods, administrative and service premises, as well as premises for engineering equipment;

develop space-planning and design solutions in accordance with the requirements of the national standard "System project documentation for construction. Modular size coordination in construction. Basic provisions";

accept the number of floors and the height of the building within the limits established by 5.29, based on the results of a comparison of technical and economic indicators of options for locating a production or warehouse in buildings of different floors (heights), taking into account ensuring a high level of architectural solutions and energy efficiency;

space-planning and design decisions should be made in accordance with the technological part of the project, developed in accordance with technological design standards. Space-planning solutions for warehouse buildings should provide the possibility of their reconstruction, changing the technology of storing goods without significant restructuring of the buildings;

4.4 The placement in production buildings of consumable (intermediate) warehouses of raw materials and semi-finished products in the quantities established by the technological design standards to ensure a continuous technological process is allowed directly in the production premises, openly or behind mesh fences. In the absence of such data in the technological design standards, the quantity of specified loads should, as a rule, be no more than one and a half shift requirements.

4.5 The safety of people in buildings must be ensured by sanitary, epidemiological and microclimatic conditions: the absence of harmful substances in the air of work areas above the maximum permissible concentrations, minimal release of heat and moisture into the premises; the absence of noise, vibration, ultrasound levels, electromagnetic waves, radio frequencies, static electricity and ionizing radiation above the permissible values, as well as limitation of physical activity, attention stress and prevention of fatigue of workers in accordance with the requirements and current hygienic standards.

Engineering systems must have automatic or manual control of the air supply system. Building heating systems must be equipped with devices to regulate heat flow.

4.7 In warehouse buildings it is allowed to use building structures polymer and polymer-containing materials approved for use in construction by a sanitary-epidemiological certificate.

4.8 To eliminate the negative impact of production facilities on the environment, measures should be taken to clean and neutralize industrial wastewater, capture and purify process and ventilation emissions, introduce waste-free and low-waste technologies; timely removal, neutralization and recycling of production waste.

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