
MGSN 1.01 99 updated edition. Alpn architectural laboratory of Polina Nozdracheva. Microclimatic conditions and aeration conditions

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Foreword INTRODUCED by the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow.

ADOPTED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Decree of the Government of Moscow N 49 dated January 25, 2000

REPLACE 9MGSN 1.01-98 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: A.V. Kuzmin (Chairman), R.V. Gorbanev, V.P. Korotaev, G.S. Yusin, Yu.V. Obolensky, V.A. Bulochnikov, L.A. Bochin, L.A. Korotchik, N.N. Filatov. AUTHORS OF THE WORK IN GENERAL: G.S. .Kozhaeva, N.S. Pushkareva, O.A. Baevsky. AUTHORS OF SECTIONS: L.F. Strashnova, A.V. Voinova, G.V. N. Ilyina, N. G. Rytvinskaya, E. A. Yablokova, V. V. Karelina, A. N. Krasnikov, E. N. Borovik, S. S. Krakovich, N. N. Pastushikhin, G. S. Merkurieva, M.V. Zhiltsova, P.A. Osmolovsky, M.I. Komarovskaya, G.N. Marokhovskaya, R.N. Amosova, M.G. Krylova, T.V. Chistyakova, B.M. NIiPI General Plan of Moscow; N.Yu.Grigorieva, V.V.Aleksashina, M.A.Semina, B.V.Belozersky, M.A.Andryushchenko, Yu.M.Pirogov - Moscow State Expertise; S.A.Vasiliev - Moskompriroda; S.G. Fokin, T.E. Bobkova - MHC SES; I.A. Morozov, V.F. Khozyainov - UGPS GUVD of Moscow.


Purpose and scope

1.1. The norms and rules for designing the layout and development of Moscow MGSN 1.01-99 (hereinafter referred to as the norms and rules) are aimed at implementing master plan development of Moscow, developed in accordance with the legislation on urban planning, apply to newly built up and reconstructed areas of Moscow and establish:

a) requirements that ensure the protection of the natural environment and the health of citizens, the preservation and development of the territories of the natural complex, the protection of historical and cultural monuments, the preservation of the historical environment, fire and other safety requirements when designing the layout and development of the city; b) types and parameters of urban planning objects regulation, including urban planning capacity* their territories;_____________________* Hereinafter, the words in italics, see Appendix 2 "Terms and definitions" socially guaranteed living conditions in accordance with the purpose of the territory; d) norms and rules for organizing systems of transport and engineering infrastructures; e) norms and rules for organizing systems for servicing and locating social infrastructure facilities. 1.2. The norms and rules are obligatory for the implementation by all subjects of urban planning activities in the development and examination of urban planning documentation, control over the implementation of urban planning activities. 1.3. The norms and rules comply with the Laws of the Russian Federation, the norms and legal acts of the Government of Moscow, GOSTs, SNiPs and other documents, a list of which is given in Appendix 1.

Objects of urban planning regulation

1.4. The objects of urban planning regulation are:- functional planning formations: public centers, zones, public building sites, residential areas, microdistricts, groups, residential building sites, industrial zones, industrial building sites, natural zones, parks, gardens, boulevards and squares; - a network of institutions and public service enterprises; - street areas - road network, transport and engineering infrastructure. The location of urban planning regulation objects in the city is determined as part of or on the basis of the Master Plan for the Development of Moscow, urban development plans for the territories of administrative districts, districts, city territory planning projects. The boundaries of the objects of urban planning regulation are established as part of urban planning documentation on a scale of 1:2000.1.5. When designing the layout and building of rationing objects, the following should be observed:- intensity use of the territory, differentiated for the central core of the city, city nodes, main and intermain areas; - the quantitative ratio of territories or fund of various functional purposes, corresponding to the functional planning formation; - requirements for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, the preservation of historical planning and development; - protection requirements environment and territories natural complex(PC); - sanitary and hygienic standards and fire safety requirements; standard projects residential and public buildings in the territories of the central core, urban junctions, highway zones, natural complex, reserve territories of the PC and protected zones of monuments of gardening art, history, culture, architecture. (recreate) the positive qualities of the reconstructed environment: the orientation of buildings relative to the streets, the scale ratio of open and built-up spaces, landscaping, landscaping.

Section 2. PROTECTED TERRITORIES Protection of historical and cultural monuments, preservation and development of historical zones

2.1. Moscow has the status of a historical city in accordance with the Laws of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the city of Moscow. Urban planning activities in the territory of Moscow should not lead to a distortion of cultural heritage sites, as well as the peculiarities of their perception. The regulation of urban planning activities in terms of the protection of cultural heritage is carried out on the basis of: approved boundaries and regimes for the maintenance and use of territories of historical and cultural purpose; normative parameters of evolutionarily established types of building - morphotypes; historical and cultural research; requirements and restrictions of a visual landscape nature. 2.2. The regimes for the use of territories of historical and cultural significance in the city of Moscow are established by the body for the protection of monuments of the city of Moscow and approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow in agreement with the body for the protection of monuments of Federal significance. Territories of historical and cultural significance include territories of immovable monuments, protected areas, specially protected territories and their protection zones. 2.2.1. The territory of a monument of history and culture (historical and architectural, landscape gardening, monumental and decorative heritage) is subject to protection and use together with the monument itself as a single complex. Construction and economic activities are prohibited on the territory of the monument, except for restoration, regeneration and measures to ensure physical safety monument and the conditions of its perception. The mode of maintenance of the territory of the monument allows the use of methods of compensatory construction in order to restore the compositional integrity of monuments. 2.2.2. Protected areas are subject to a strict development regulation regime, which provides for the preservation and restoration of the originality and value parameters of the traditional urban landscape, as well as ensuring the optimal relationship of modern buildings with the historical urban environment. 2.2.3. The design of planning and development in the territories adjacent to the territories of cultural heritage sites should be carried out in accordance with the established regimes for the maintenance and use of zones for the protection of cultural heritage objects: prohibiting construction and economic activities that can lead to a violation of the physical safety of a monument of history and culture, as well as a distortion of the conditions for its perception and traditional high-rise parameters of a valuable urban environment. The predominant mode of maintaining the buffer zone is the regeneration of the urban planning environment of historical and cultural monuments (for sites that have been radically transformed, the renovation mode is defined - new construction on the scale of the traditional building morphotype); ensuring optimal perception of urban heritage objects - protected areas, as well as the adjacent valuable urban environment in the structure of the urban landscape; construction with regulation of high-rise parameters of the designed buildings;

d) a zone of protected landscape with a strict regime of urban planning regulation, which provides for ensuring optimal interaction between the natural and anthropogenic landscape, the formation of favorable conditions for the visual perception of monuments of garden and park art, the main natural components of the environment of monuments of landscape gardening art, fragments of valuable natural relief and landscaping, as well as development of recreational areas and improvement of the ecological characteristics of the urban environment;

e) a zone of a protected cultural layer, the maintenance regime of which provides for the conduct of protective archaeological excavations for the purpose of research, conservation and museumification of historical and archaeological monuments, as well as the implementation of archaeological observations in order to study the cultural layer and identify historical and archaeological monuments.

2.3. Planning and development projects within the boundaries of the historical part of the city (within the Kamer-Kollezhsky Val) and in the zones of protection of historical and cultural monuments outside the historic city should not violate the types of buildings that have developed as a result of the development of the urban environment - morphotypes of historical buildings.

2.3.1. Building morphotypes of historical and cultural value include the following:

old Moscow low-rise sparse, constituting the area of ​​​​the most ancient, including the manor building of the first half of XIX century;

traditional multi-storey, which is the location area of ​​the main array of historical buildings of the second half of the 19th century, with inclusions of buildings from the beginning of the 20th century;

perimeter-compact, which is an area of ​​concentration of intensive development late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century;

"constructivism" of the 1920s - 1930s; "neoclassicism" of the 1940s - 1950s;

contrast-storey, which is a zone of distribution of mixed multi-storey sparse buildings and fragments of historical buildings.

2.3.2. In order to preserve the traditional spatial organization of building morphotypes that are of historical and cultural value, the following urban planning characteristics are standardized (Table 2.1.):

height: the average number of storeys of buildings in the quarter, the nature of the street front;

the ratio of open and built-up spaces in the quarter: the percentage of development, building density;

maximum dimensions of buildings in the quarter: height (in floors), length (in meters);

block building line: percentage of intervals between houses, the nature of the architectural design of the interval, the orientation of the street facades of buildings relative to the building line;

intra-quarter planning: stable shape of plots (courtyards), the largest size of the side of the plot (yard).

2.3.3. When designing layout and development in the zone of localization of historical morphotypes for quarters with the preservation of historical buildings on less than 75 percent of the footprint of the footprint of the entire development of the quarter, one should remain within the threshold indicators of the percentage of development and the average number of storeys of each morphotype.

For quarters with the preservation of historical buildings on more than 75 percent of the area of ​​the footprint of the entire building of the quarter, it is allowed to change one of the indicators (the percentage of development or the average number of storeys) by no more than 5% or 0.5 floors, or both indicators, subject to a change in the density indicator buildings by no more than 25% or both indicators with the condition of changing the building density indicator by no more than 25%, for the perimeter-compact morphotype - in the direction of increase; for the old Moscow low-rise sparse - in the direction of reduction; for a traditional multi-storey building - in any direction. Permissible indicators of building density of morphotypes are given in Table 2.2.

2.3.4. When designing in territories developed by buildings of the 1920s and 1930s (in addition to the original three-dimensional compositions preserved), an increase in building density by no more than 10% is allowed.

When designing in territories developed by buildings in the 1940s-1950s, it is allowed to use local installations in intra-quarter territories in compliance with the principle of planning regularity and an increase in building density by no more than 10%.

2.3.5. Specific planning and spatial parameters for the development of sites that are within the boundaries of any morphotype, but which are not the territory of a historical and cultural monument, are established within the range of morphotype indicators - the regulations for urban planning, developed in a special manner in agreement with the Main Directorate for the Protection of Monuments (GUOP) Moscow. The boundaries of building morphotypes should be determined according to the "Layout of morphotypes of historical building on the territory of the central part" of graphic appendix 1 to MGSN 1.01-99.

Parameters of the characteristics of the spatial organization of the development of historical zones

Table 2.1

Retained characteristics Building morphotypes 20-30 years "Constructivism" 40-50 years "Neoclassicism" Contrasting-storey boundary of the XIX-XX centuries. and the end of the 20th century.
Staromoskovsky low-rise sparse, 1st half of the 19th century. Traditional multi-storey XIX-beginning. XX centuries Perimeter-compact turn of the XIX-XX centuries.


average number of storeys* no more than 3 3-4 4-5 5 7-8 5-9
street silhouette character - number of storeys multi-storey homogeneous homogeneous uniform with high-rise accents contrast-storey

The ratio of open and built-up spaces

percentage* of development no more than 30 30-50 50-75 30 25 at least 30
building density* thousand m 2 /ha no more than 10 10-20 20-30 15 15 no more than 30

Maximum dimensions of buildings

height - number of storeys 3 7 8 7 12 13
facade length along the street front (m) 40 80 70 80 200 100
Compliance with the building line of the quarter percentage of intervals between houses at least 30 10-30 no more than 10 - 20-30 no more than 50
the nature of the architectural design of the interval cour d'honneur, green spaces, fences fences, lawns - lawns cour d'honneur, parterre greenery lawns, green spaces, small forms
orientation of the main facades frontal frontal frontal free, corner frontal -
Intra-quarter planning stable form of the yard open semi-closed closed overflowing semi-closed semi-closed
sustainable size of the side of the yard (m) (distances between houses) 30 60 50 50 120 80
_____________* - in the quarter

Protection of the territories of the natural complex

2.4. When designing in the territories of the natural complex, one should be guided by the Law of the city of Moscow "On the regulation of urban planning activities in the territories of the natural complex of the city of Moscow". The boundaries of the territories of the natural complex are approved by the Government of Moscow and are fixed by the lines of urban planning regulation. The territories of the natural complex, according to the conditions of rationing, are divided into specially protected natural areas and green areas.

2.4.1. Specially protected natural territories are designed in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow on specially protected natural territories in accordance with the established regimes of urban planning activities with the involvement of special standards and the performance of the necessary research.

2.4.2. Green areas are designed in accordance with the established modes of urban development in accordance with Section 7.


3.0. When developing project documentation, priority should be given to environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, protection of health and the formation of a safe environment for the population. General environmental and sanitary and hygienic requirements, observance of which is mandatory in urban planning, are established by the relevant Laws of the Russian Federation.

Atmospheric air protection

3.1. When developing project documentation at all stages of urban planning, an assessment of the state and forecast of changes in atmospheric air quality as a result of the implementation of design solutions should be carried out by calculating the levels of air pollution from a combination of all types of pollution sources (OND-86, SanPiN, with taking into account the relief, planning organization and microclimatic conditions of the territory, including the aeration regime.

For industrial zones, as well as for separately located facilities that have sources of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air, it is necessary to provide for the organization of sanitary protection zones in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1 / and other regulations.

In order to ensure sanitary and hygienic, environmental standards and the requirements of paragraph 6.4 of these standards, when designing industrial enterprises, it is necessary to provide for the introduction of more advanced technologies and equipment, the use of highly efficient dust and gas trapping devices. If it is impossible to fulfill the above requirements for facilities that have a negative impact on the state of the air basin, a change in the profile of production facilities, their relocation or liquidation should be provided.

In order to prevent the formation of gas contamination zones along highways and to localize them, planning measures are being developed that take into account the conditions for aeration of territories between highways (including courtyard spaces), and provide sanitary and hygienic standards for atmospheric air quality for various areas of the city, medical institutions and facilities recreation.

Noise protection

3.2. The objects of protection from sources of external noise in the city are residential and public buildings, sports and medical institutions, recreational and resort areas and the territories adjacent to them. Noise characteristics of external noise sources, levels of sound penetrating into residential and public buildings and noise levels in building areas, the required amount of their reduction, the choice of measures and means of noise protection should be determined in accordance with the current regulatory documents (SN 2.2.4 /, SNiP II-12-77 and others).

The developed protection measures should include urban planning, architectural planning, construction and acoustic measures:

Ensuring functional zoning of the urban area and the formation of buildings, taking into account the required degree of acoustic comfort;

Arrangement of sanitary protection zones between the residential development of the city and industrial, public transport enterprises, and other spatial sources of noise;

Application of planning and object-spatial solutions for building, using the noise-protective properties of the environment;

The use of noise barriers-barriers placed between noise sources and objects of protection from it;

Use of underground space to accommodate transport and other sources of intense external noise;

Strengthening the sound insulation of external enclosing structures of residential and public buildings, etc.

Protection of the geological environment

3.3. The planning and development of the territory should be carried out on the basis of engineering-geological zoning of the territory and a comparative assessment of areas in terms of the degree of favorableness for urban development, taking into account the forecast of changes in the geological environment in the process of construction and operation of facilities. At the same time, the following are assessed: the possibility of changing the hydrogeological regime of the territory, the protection of groundwater from pollution, groundwater resources for technical water supply, the presence of dangerous engineering and geological processes and the possibility of their activation (karst-suffusion, landslide, erosion, gully formation, flooding of territories), soil stability at the base of buildings. Measures for engineering protection and territory preparation are developed in accordance with Section 11 and current regulatory documents (SNiP 2.01.15-90, SNiP 11-02-96).

Soil protection

3.4. The assessment of the state of soils in populated areas is carried out in accordance with the current regulatory documents (SanPiN 42-128-4433-87, GOST and is aimed at identifying areas of stable excess (relic and modern) pollution that require sanitation for the corresponding types of functional use. When assessing the state of soils, the following are determined: physical, chemical and microbiological contamination of the soil; soil radioactivity (natural background and artificial radioactivity); the impact of soil pollution on the quality of surface and groundwater; dust-forming properties of the soil; soil's ability to self-cleanse. Measures for soil protection provide for the introduction of special regimes for their use, changing the intended purpose and recultivation of soils and should be based on criteria that determine the degree of danger of soil pollution for various types functional use of the territory and various functional purpose objects.

Clearing the territory from industrial and domestic waste

3.5. When developing the planning and development of the city territory, measures should be taken for the collection, removal, burial, processing (taking into account reuse) of industrial and household waste.

When developing project documentation, the following should be carried out:

Analysis of the formation, use, neutralization and disposal of all types of waste, including the identification of the most dangerous sources of waste generation (enterprises, organizations) and unorganized landfills;

Assessment of scientific, technical and industrial potential in the field of reducing the volume of waste generation, their neutralization and processing, taking into account recycling;

Forecast of the volumes of generation, neutralization and use of waste for the period of the project.

Measures to create environmentally friendly conditions for the placement and disposal of waste are developed comprehensively (from the system for collecting and transporting waste from the source of their generation to the place of processing, disposal), taking into account the need for land resources for the placement of facilities for processing (burial) of waste and the geological conditions of the territories intended for the placement of these objects. Measures are also being developed to prevent the uncontrolled export of toxic waste to landfills and the formation of unauthorized dumps.

Selection of a site for the construction of enterprises for the collection, processing, neutralization, disposal, etc. industrial and domestic waste must take into account the environmental features of the facility and be carried out in accordance with the current sanitary and building codes(SNiP 2.01.28-85).

Protection of surface waters 3.6. A set of water protection measures is developed on the basis of the existing and predicted state of water bodies in accordance with the requirements for the composition and properties of water, and the standard indicators of maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of the content of harmful substances in the water of water bodies in accordance with the current regulatory documents (SanPiN 4630-88, CH 496-77). In order to maintain a favorable hydrological regime, improve the sanitary condition, rational use of water resources of rivers, lakes and reservoirs, coastal water protection zones are formed, where a special regime for the use and protection of natural resources is established, as well as other economic activities. The water protection zones of water bodies, which are the source of drinking water supply for the city of Moscow, are specially protected areas. When determining the types of water intake devices and their locations, the requirements for the quality of drinking water in accordance with SanPiN should be taken into account. Surface water from the territory of enterprises, storage facilities, vehicle fleets, etc. should be treated at local or cluster treatment facilities, mainly using treated water for production needs.

Protecting residential areas from exposure to electromagnetic fields

3.7. To protect residential areas from the effects of electromagnetic fields, as well as when determining the size of the SPZ for electromagnetic emitters, it is necessary to be guided by the current regulatory documents (SanPiN 2.2.4/, etc.). On the territory of residential development, where the level of electromagnetic radiation exceeds the maximum permissible levels, it is necessary to provide for the implementation of architectural, planning and engineering measures (limiting the power of radio transmitting objects, changing the height of the antenna installation and the direction of the radiation angle, moving the radio transmitting object outside the housing or housing from the zone influence of a radio transmitting object, cable laying).

Protection of residential areas from ionizing radiation 3.8. The allotment of territories for residential construction should be preceded by obtaining information on the state of the gamma background and the presence (absence) of radioactive radiation at the site of the proposed development. In the presence of radioactive radiation within the site of the proposed residential development, decontamination work and reclamation of the territory must be carried out in compliance with applicable requirements.

The placement of objects intended for work with sources of ionizing radiation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of radiation safety NRB-96 (Radiation Safety Standards).

Protection of residential areas from vibration and infrasound

3.9. Vibration parameters in residential buildings are regulated by MGSN 2.04-97. Permissible levels of infrasound, methods for their measurement and assessment are established by SanPin 2.2.4 /

Insolation and illumination 3.10. When designing layout and development, it is necessary to ensure the norms and rules for insolation and illumination of territories and premises in accordance with MGSN 2.05-99 and MGSN 2.06-99.

Section 4. PUBLIC AREAS 4.1. Public territories are intended for placement of objects of authorities, representative offices and embassies, research and design organizations, objects of culture, education (higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, schools, institutions for preschool and out-of-school education), religious organizations, trade, services , sports, recreation, healthcare, hotels, social service facilities.

4.2. For public areas are normalized:

Pedestrian accessibility of stops of mass passenger transport: off-street, ground passenger, depending on the size and visitor capacity of public facilities;

Availability of car parking spaces - no further than 150 meters from a public facility located in a public area;

Pedestrian safety within pedestrian area, constituting the core of the public center and public zone - an indicator of the density of the pedestrian flow - no more than 0.3 people / sq.m *;

Pedestrian visitor activity in the territories of multifunctional centers and highway public areas is an indicator of the lowest density of pedestrian flows;

The possibility of unimpeded movement of people with disabilities and other people with limited mobility throughout the pedestrian zone in accordance with VSN 62-91 * "Designing the living environment, taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and people with limited mobility";

Environmental safety (sanitary and hygienic levels of noise, pollution of atmospheric air, soil, radioactive contamination, etc.) of the territories of public institutions.

____________________* It is calculated as the ratio of 0.75 of the total estimated capacity of objects (visitors and employees) to the area within the boundaries of the pedestrian zone of the center (outside the building).

4.3. Public territories form a system of citywide centers, are part of local centers and are located in residential and other functional areas in the form of plots.

Functional and planning organization of the city center system 4.4. The central core is a public area within the Garden Ring; Functional-planning organization and development are formed when the following requirements are met:

Listed in section 2 of these rules: "Protection of historical and cultural monuments, preservation and development of historical zones";

Protection from building up and inclusion in a single pedestrian recreational network of natural and reserved historical sections of the urban environment;

Permeability, openness for citizens of at least 70% of intra-quarter territories;

Public use of at least 25% of the areas of the first floors of buildings facing the streets and alleys;

The size of the quarter, determined by the preserved historical layout;

Preservation of the residential function in at least 25% of the development fund of the Central core.

4.5. Urban multifunctional center, formed according to the general architectural design in urban nodes on an area of ​​​​no more than 10 hectares; the share of public buildings is at least 70% of the total floor area of ​​the entire building of the node, while the share of buildings of actively visited facilities* must be at least 25% of the total floor area of ​​public buildings.

________________* Objects of trade, service, culture and art.

4.5.1. The boundary of the urban multifunctional center is the total outer boundary of the sites adjacent to the intersection of highways or the boundary of the quarter of the multifunctional complex - buildings.

4.5.2. The intensity of use of the territory of the multifunctional center should have: building density - at least 30 thousand square meters / ha, built-up area - at least 50%; the total floor area of ​​the ground part of the development is not less than 100 thousand sq.m. The total floor area of ​​the building in the underground space must be at least 30% of the total floor area of ​​the ground part of the building.

4.5.3. Multifunctional complexes-structures should be designed according to 4.04-94. The public space of the multifunctional center is formed on the basis of a single pedestrian zone, which ensures the interconnectedness of the center's facilities, the continuity of pedestrian communications at all levels of the complex, the convenience of approaching transport stops and landscaped recreational areas. The density of the flow of pedestrians who are at the same time in the pedestrian zone (outside the buildings) is determined on the basis of: not less than 0.2 people / m 2 during the day and not more than 0.3 people / m 2 - at rush hour. Uniformity during the day of urban activity of a multifunctional center should be created by placing objects in its composition with a shifted mode of attracting flows of visitors or employees.

4.5.4. The length of the transition between the most distant objects from each other should not exceed 400 m. The length of the transition from any point in the center to the nearest site for temporary storage of vehicles should not exceed 400 m, to a public toilet - 150 m. Entrances to public objects at the main pedestrian level should be located no less than 15 meters.

It is not allowed to place residential premises on the floors adjacent to the pedestrian zone.

4.6. The mainline public zone is formed on the mainline territories by buildings that form a street front, and an intra-quarter territory adjacent to a depth of no more than 50 meters on each side; share public fund in the general building fund should be at least 50%, of which the share of actively visited objects should be at least 15%, the share of the total area of ​​apartments in residential buildings in the total building fund should be at least 30%.

4.6.1. The boundary of the mainline public zone is the total (external from the mainline) boundary of the building plots adjacent to the mainline.

4.6.2. The building density of the territories of the mainline zone should be at least 20 thousand m 2 / ha with a building density of at least 30%. The total floor area of ​​buildings in the underground space must be at least 20% of the ground total floor area of ​​buildings.

4.6.3. The public space of the highway zone is formed by the pedestrian part of the highway (sidewalk), areas in front of buildings that are indented from the building line, squares adjacent to the building line and floors of buildings that are in contact with the pedestrian level. The building of the street front should have a total length of intervals between buildings - no more than 25%.

The estimated flow density of pedestrians who are at the same time on the territory of the pedestrian zone (outside the building sites) should not be less than 0.1 people / m 2 during the day, but should not exceed 0.3 people / m 2 at rush hour.

Entrances to institutions of service, trade, culture should be located at a frequency of at least 5 for every 100 m of the street front. The first floors of public and residential buildings and structures facing the street front should be occupied by objects with an open regime for visitors; placement of residential premises on the 1st floors is excluded. It is not allowed to place plots of industrial territories larger than 0.5 hectares in the mainline zone.

4.6.4. The intervals between stops of mass passenger transport should not exceed 250 meters. The access of trucks to objects located in the main area should be organized from side and parallel streets, without crossing the pedestrian path.

On-site long-term parking (more than 15 minutes) should be located outside the level of pedestrian traffic no further than 100 meters from the object. On-site parking for short-term parking (less than 15 minutes) should be located no more than 50 meters away from the objects.

4.6.5. Squares or green areas up to 0.1 hectares in size, equipped with outdoor furniture for recreation, should be organized at least 3 per 1000 meters. Requirements for the planning of the territory of the square are given in clause 7.5. In landscaped areas, the projection of the crowns of trees and shrubs should be at least 50% of the territory.

4.6.6. The main street zones, the width of which in the red lines does not exceed 60 meters, are recommended to be organized as a single public zone by the arrangement of public spaces with trade and service facilities in the underground level connecting the sides of the main street.

On parts of sidewalks adjacent to the service facilities that are at least 12 m wide and the density of pedestrian flows is not more than 1.5 people / m 2, it is allowed to place additional service and trade areas of a seasonal nature, while for pedestrian traffic there should be at least 0.5 width pavement. The length of the transition from any point of the zone to a public toilet should not exceed 200 m.

4.7. Multifunctional zone and multifunctional park zone - an area of ​​more than 10 hectares, limited by the main streets of citywide and regional significance, by highway territories; formed by quarters with a territory size, as a rule, not more than 5 hectares with public, residential, mixed residential development, groups of mixed residential development, squares, boulevards, gardens, parks; in the multifunctional zone, the share of public, residential (mixed residential) development sites and green areas of the PC is at least 40, 25, 20%, respectively; in the multifunctional park zone, the share of public building plots and green areas of the PC is at least 30 and 40%, respectively.

4.7.1. The building density of quarters of the territory of the multifunctional zone should be taken at least 10 thousand square meters per hectare.

4.7.2. On-site parking of public facilities with a parking duration of more than 15 minutes should be located at the underground level, at a distance of no more than 100 meters from the facility.

4.7.3. It is necessary to organize pedestrian zones and streets that unite sightseeing objects and parts of the urban environment.

4.7.4. The length of the pedestrian crossing from any point of the multifunctional zone to the stop of mass passenger transport should not exceed 400 m, to the public toilet - 200 m.

4.8. Specialized public zone - an area larger than 25 hectares, formed by a quarter or a group of quarters with public buildings: educational, business, sports, cultural, information, entertainment or other facilities, depending on the specialization of the zone, have at least 60% of the total floor building area public area. It is limited to the main streets of citywide and district significance.

4.8.1. The placement of a specialized public zone is determined in the Master Plan for the Development of Moscow. The size of the territory of the zone, the intensity of its use, the total capacity of objects, the ratio of built-up and non-built-up territories, the architectural and spatial organization are established in the urban development plans of the Administrative Districts, territory development projects, planning projects and development projects.

Functional and planning organization of the territory of local public centers and zones 4.9. Local public center - the center of the city district, includes the main squares of the district with metro stations and parts of the streets adjacent to them, is formed on the territory of up to 10 hectares by public buildings, mixed residential areas, natural and recreational areas (square, garden, boulevard), united pedestrian zone.

4.9.1. The intensity of use of the territory of building plots should be at least 15 thousand square meters / ha with a built-up area of ​​no more than 50%.

4.9.2. The share of green areas in the local center should be at least 20% of the center's territory.

Parking lots for car parking should be located at the ground or underground level, no more than 100 meters from any point on the territory of the center, public toilets - no more than 200 meters.

4.10. Inter-main public zone - the territory of a quarter or a group of quarters from 5 to 50 hectares, formed by public, industrial, mixed residential and residential areas, landscaped areas, is located on inter-main territories of more than 500 hectares. The share of public, industrial and recreational sites in the aggregate is at least 80% of the territory of the zone, while the share of public building sites is at least 25%.

4.10.1. The intensity of use of the built-up areas of the inter-main public zone is established according to the construction zoning scheme.

4.10.2. Quarter size - no more than 15 hectares.

4.10.3. On-site parking with a parking duration of more than 15 minutes should be calculated according to Table. 9.3.2 and arrange public facilities on the territory of the sites, including in cooperation, in the form of built-in, built-in-attached, underground parking garages.

Functional and planning organization of a public building site 4.11. Public building site - an area of ​​up to 5 hectares with a share of the public building fund in the general fund - at least 60%, located in residential, industrial, natural and recreational, public areas, in mixed-use areas; consists of a building area of ​​a public facility, an on-site site for receiving and distributing pedestrian flows associated with the facility, a parking lot, as well as landscaped and utility areas. The nature of planning and development, the intensity of use of public building sites is determined by the type of public facility and is regulated by the parameters and rules of the section.

4.11.1. The following types of public facilities are distinguished depending on the requirements for the organization of the territory and the intensity of use of the site:

Objects that allow mixed use of the site, compact (multi-level) location of on-site sites and on-site landscaping: research institutes, design organizations with a general mode of operation, administration and management facilities, trade, service facilities, cultural facilities;

Objects that do not allow mixed use of the site and require at least 0.5 m 2 of undeveloped territory (including green areas) per 1 m 2 of total area: mass and professional sports facilities, schools, kindergartens, boarding schools, boarding schools for the disabled and elderly, medical institutions of stationary type.

4.11.2. Placement of sites of public facilities should be carried out, observing the building density of the city territory regulated by construction zoning, while the intensity of use of the territories of objects that allow mixed use of the territory, as a rule, should be set higher than the intensity of use of other territories in this structural part.

4.11.3. Public facilities should be placed relative to pedestrian routes in such a way as to ensure a uniform density of pedestrian flows not exceeding 0.3 people / m 2, taking into account the distance from highways and metro stations (Table 4.1).

4.11.4. Sites for boarding schools for children, the elderly, hospitals of a stationary type, schools, preschool institutions, mass and professional sports facilities should be located on inter-main areas when meeting the requirements for atmospheric air and the permissible noise level, insolation and natural lighting conditions, and other environmental factors, normalized for these objects.

Remoteness of public facilities from metro stations and city highways

Table 4.1

Types of public facilities depending on the size of visitor flows

Placement of public facilities in relation to metro stations and highways

With uniform visitor loads - more than 300 thousand people. per day (trade objects with a capacity of more than 100 thousand m 2, objects of mixed use of the territory - a capacity of more than 200 thousand m 2 total area)

Should be placed at a distance of no more than 100 m from metro stations

With "peak" loads - more than 20 thousand people. at rush hour (sports and entertainment facilities, with a capacity of more than 30 thousand m 2, objects of administration and management, research institutes, design organizations, with a capacity of more than 100 thousand m 2)

It should be placed at a distance from metro stations at least 50 m and no more than 200 m

With uniform loads from 50 to 300 thousand people. per day (trade, service facilities with a capacity of 20 to 100 thousand m 2)

It should be placed at a distance from metro stations no more than 200 m or at a distance from highways no more than 50 m

With "peak" loads from 5 to 20 thousand people. at rush hour (cultural facilities, sports and entertainment, higher educational institutions, administration and management facilities with a capacity of 40 to 100 thousand m 2, religious facilities with a capacity of 10 to 40 thousand m 2 general area)

Should be placed at a distance of no more than 200 m from metro stations

Section 5. RESIDENTIAL TERRITORIES 5.1. Residential areas are designed to organize a living environment that meets modern social, hygienic and urban planning requirements, and are formed in the form of the following objects of urban planning regulation:

Plots of residential, mixed residential development as part of public areas, residential groups and microdistricts;

Groups of residential, mixed residential development as part of public zones, microdistricts or autonomously located in the vicinity of complexes and zones of other functional purposes;

Neighborhoods within residential areas or autonomously located in the vicinity of complexes and zones of other functional purposes;

residential areas.

5.2. The type of the rationing object and its boundaries are established as part of the urban development plans for districts and districts of Moscow. Urban planning characteristics are determined by the location in the city (Table 5.1).

The design population is determined in the urban planning assignment for design, depending on the comfort categories of residential buildings ( 3.01-96, Supplement No. 4 to MGSN 3.01-96), located on a built-up (reconstructed) territory. The calculated indicator should be taken when building residential buildings Comfort category I - no more than 50, and comfort category II - 20 - 30 sq.m of total area per person.

The planning and development of residential areas should be designed taking into account the needs of people with disabilities and people with limited mobility (VSN 62-91 *).

5.3. When designing the layout and development of residential areas, the following is standardized:

Conditions for the safety of the habitat according to the normalized sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements (sections 3, 12);

Urban planning characteristics of residential areas (Table 5.1);

Intensity of use and specific provision of territories with areas of residential, mixed residential development (Table 5.2);

Minimum specific provision with common areas in a group, microdistrict, residential area (Table 5.3);

Density of residential development on the territory of the group, microdistrict, residential area (Table 5.3);

The minimum specific provision with green areas in a group, microdistrict, residential area (Table 5.4);

Minimum specific provision with a standard complex of objects of daily, periodic and approximate maintenance (Tables 8.1, 8.2);

Accessibility of objects of approximate, daily and periodic maintenance is not more than 300, 500 and 1200 m, respectively;

The length of pedestrian approaches to stopping points of ground mass transport - no more than 400 m;

The length of pedestrian approaches from stopping points of ground mass transport to shopping centers, department stores and clinics - no more than 150 m, to other service facilities - no more than 400 m;

Availability of car storage spaces in parking garages (clause 9.3.3) with their placement within reach: for residents quarters of preserved buildings- no more than 1500 m, for territories with cottage development - no more than 200 m, for other residential areas - no more than 600 m.

Conditions for the placement of parking garages (Tables 9.3.1, 9.3.4);

Pedestrian accessibility of landscaped areas of common use (square, boulevard, garden) - no more than 400 m.

Functional and planning organization of the territory of the siteresidential, mixed residential development 5.4. A plot of residential, mixed residential development is an area, as a rule, up to 1.5 hectares in size, on which a residential building (houses) with an adjoining territory is located. The boundaries of the territory of the site are the boundaries of land use.

5.5. A plot of residential, mixed residential development consists of the area of ​​​​the base of the building and adjoining territory. The adjacent territory includes the following mandatory elements: approaches and entrances to the house, guest parking, areas of greenery with playgrounds and recreation areas. The form of balance of the territory of the site is given in Table. 1 Appendix 3.

5.6. The dimensions of a residential, mixed residential development site are accepted in the ranges of the intensity of use of the corresponding city territory (Tables 5.1, 5.2). The normalized parameters of the elements of the territory of the site are given in Table. 5.3 and table. 2 Applications 3.

Entrances to houses in the local area should be taken at least in size calculated according to fire safety requirements (section 12).

5.7. On the territory of a residential, mixed residential development site, it is prohibited to place detached non-residential facilities, as well as built-in and attached non-residential facilities that are unacceptable for placement in residential development due to sanitary and hygienic requirements (SNiP 2.08.01-89, SanPiN 2.2.4 / 2.1. 8.583-96, MGSN 2.04-97). The share of non-residential stock in the total volume of the fund on a residential development site should not exceed 20%, on a mixed residential development site - 60%, while the presence of an industrial development fund should not exceed 10%.

5.8. In cases where non-residential facilities are located on the lower floors of residential buildings, they must be separated from residential premises by fire-resistant, soundproof ceilings and partitions, have independent shafts for ventilation, entrances for visitors separated from the residential area, entrances and areas for parking cars.

5.9. It is allowed to place preschool and school institutions on the first floors of residential buildings, provided that the standard indicators of illumination, insolation, acoustic comfort, area and cubic capacity of the premises, the height of the main premises at least 3 meters clean, and an independent ventilation system are provided. It is necessary to organize separate entrances and walking areas.

5.10. Residential buildings with built-in and attached service facilities should form the development front of residential streets. Entrances and approaches to built-in and attached objects should not be placed in the local area.

5.11. In city areas with a normative intensity of land use over 20 thousand sq. m / ha, it is allowed to arrange elements of a residential area (rooms for children's games and adults' recreation, sports halls, green spaces) in the amount of development. A necessary condition for their placement is the availability of appropriate structures, fences, waterproofing, soundproof ceilings and partitions, separate shafts for ventilation and emergency exits.

5.12. The minimum standard for designing landscaped house adjoining areas with playgrounds for children's games and adults' recreation should be taken from Table. 5.3. Playgrounds and recreation areas should be designed according to the norm of 0.5-0.7 sq.m / person. The distance from the windows of the houses to the borders of recreation and games areas is at least 10 m. Provided that the minimum norm of landscaping in the adjacent territories is ensured, it is recommended to design the placement of sports grounds at a rate of 0.8-0.9 sq. m / person. The distance from the windows of residential buildings to the boundaries of sports grounds should be taken from 20 to 40 m, depending on the noise characteristics.

On the territory of the Central Core for sites of historical residential, mixed residential development, the specific area of ​​landscaping for the perimeter-compact morphotype should be at least 2.5 sq.m. low-rise buildings - at least 15 sq.m/person, for buildings built in the 20-30s - at least 6 sq.m/person, the minimum provision with playgrounds and recreation - 0.7 sq.m/person, including areas in specially equipped closed recreations, as a rule, in the upper insolated floors and on roofs.

5.13. parking garages on the territory of a residential, mixed residential development site ( built-in, built-in, underground) are designed to store cars of the population living in this area. Entrances to parking garages should not interfere with the operation of adjacent territories, they should be isolated from recreation areas and children's games, sports grounds. The placement of free-standing parking garages and entrances to them in the local area is not allowed. Distances from residential buildings to parking garages, guest parking lots, entrances to and exits from parking garages should be taken in accordance with Table 9.3.1.

Functional and planning organization of the territory of the residential group,mixed residential development

5.14. A group of residential, mixed residential buildings - an area, as a rule, up to 8 hectares in size with a population of 5 - 8 thousand people, provided with approximate service facilities within its territory, and with daily and periodic service facilities (Tables 8.1, 8.2) - within standard accessibility.

5.15. The territory of a group of residential, mixed residential development includes areas of residential, mixed residential development and common areas of the group: landscaped areas (square, boulevard), areas of kindergartens, close service facilities, parking garages, driveways and parking lots. The form of the balance of the territory and the normalized elements of the territory of the group are given in Table. 3 and 4 of Appendix 3.

5.16. A group of residential, mixed residential development, depending on the location on the territory of the city, should be formed as part of the territory of the microdistrict and the public zone, as an autonomous residential formation - within 500 m of the accessibility of urban nodes and on inter-main territories of less than 1000 hectares, while the following should not be allowed:

Placement of objects of city service in adjacent territories;

Tracing entrances and approaches to objects of district and city significance through the territory of the group.

5.17. On the territory of a group of residential, mixed residential development, it is prohibited to place separate non-residential facilities with plots of more than 0.05 hectares that are not related to servicing the population of the group. The share of non-residential stock in the volume of the development fund of a residential group should not exceed 25%, of a group of mixed residential development - 65%.

5.18. Groups of residential, mixed residential development are formed in the form of a quarter or part of a quarter. The boundaries of the group are established along the red lines of the road network and (or) along the near edge of the passage, and also - in the case of adjoining - along the boundaries of land use.

5.19. The need for preschool institutions should be determined in accordance with the actual demographic conditions according to the indicators of pre-project studies, control and indicative demographic indicators are given in Appendix 4, table. 1.3. The design of preschool institutions is carried out in accordance with MGSN 4.07-96. The size of the plots should be taken according to Table 8.4.

In the territories of the city with a standard building density of residential plots of more than 20 thousand square meters / ha, preschool institutions should be designed with a capacity of no more than 6 groups, in some cases up to 4 groups - built into residential buildings with the organization of separate entrances and walking areas.

On the territory of the city with a standard building density of residential plots of 15-20 thousand square meters / ha, it is allowed to place preschool institutions with a capacity of 10-12 groups, in some cases up to 6 groups, attached to the ends of residential buildings, with the removal of part of the premises beyond the dimensions residential building. Playgrounds for children to walk and play should be no more than 30 m from the entrance to the kindergarten building, and at least 15 m from the windows of a residential building.

5.20. Entrances to the territory of groups of residential, mixed residential buildings should be provided in increments of no more than 200 m. When designing passages to the territory of a group, fire safety requirements and isolation from the adjacent territory, as well as the requirements of subsection 9.1, should be taken into account.

In historical buildings, the calculated indicator of driveways and parking lots in the ground plane should be no more than 20% of the intra-quarter space for all types of buildings and be no more than: 5.0 sq.m / person. - in the perimeter-compact morphotype, 6.0 sq.m / person. - in a traditional multi-storey building, 8.0 sq.m/person. - in the old Moscow low-rise and 3.5 sq.m / person. - in the building of the 20-30s.

5.21. On the territory of groups of residential, mixed residential development, underground, ground and combined parking garages (a combination of underground and ground) should be designed taking into account the requirements according to Table. 9.3.1, 9.3.4, on-site parking - according to table. 9.3.2.

5.22. Distances from sites with garbage containers to the windows of residential buildings, the boundaries of children's plots, medical institutions, places of rest should be taken at least 20, but not more than 100 m; sites should be adjacent to through passages, which should exclude the maneuvering of garbage trucks. The placement of engineering networks and structures in residential areas shall be carried out in accordance with clauses 10.4.4, 10.8.9, 10.8.10.

Functional and planning organization of the territory of the microdistrict 5.23. A residential microdistrict is a territory, as a rule, no larger than 35 hectares with a population of no more than 25-30 thousand people, provided with approximate and daily maintenance facilities within its territory, and periodic maintenance facilities within the limits of standard accessibility (Table 8.1).

5.24. The estimated territory of the microdistrict includes groups of residential, mixed residential buildings and common areas of the microdistrict: areas of schools, daily service institutions, communal facilities, parking garages, green spaces (garden, square, boulevard), streets, driveways, parking lots. The form of the balance of the territory and the normalized elements of the territory of the microdistrict are given in Table. 5 and 6 of Appendix 3.

5.25. A residential microdistrict should be formed on residential areas as part of residential areas. As an autonomous residential formation - within 1.5 km of the accessibility of urban nodes in inter-main areas of less than 1000 hectares. The microdistrict occupies, as a rule, the territory of several blocks, and is not divided by highways of urban and regional significance. The boundaries of the microdistrict are the red lines of highways of citywide and regional significance, as well as - in the case of contiguity - the approved boundaries of territories of other functional purposes, natural boundaries.

5.26. On the territory of the microdistrict, it is prohibited to place non-residential facilities with plots of more than 0.5 hectares that are not related to servicing the population of the microdistrict. It is allowed to place small businesses and low-capacity manufacturing enterprises that complement the complex of compulsory service institutions. The share of the non-residential fund in the volume of the microdistrict development fund should not exceed 25%.

5.27. General education school institutions should be designed in accordance with MGSN 4.06-96, the need to accept, according to real demographic conditions, with established indicators of the need for children of different ages in these institutions. Control and indicative indicators of the provision of children with schools are given in Appendix 4, Table. 2, 3. The calculation of the territory should be made according to Table 8.4.

When designing new schools in the city's territories with a standard building density of residential areas over 20 thousand sq. m / ha, it is allowed to place blocks-rooms of an elementary school with a capacity of up to 240 people built-in or built-in-attached to residential buildings. The size of the land plot adjacent to the built-in block must be at least 150 sq.m. With separately located sites, their size should be at least 100 sq.m per class, and the distance from the school building should not be more than 50 m. Senior classes of general education schools can be converted into lyceums - accessibility is not standardized.

5.28. The organization of streets and passages in the microdistrict should be taken in accordance with subsection 9.1. The placement of multi-tiered parking garages should be carried out, guided by subsection 9.3, table. 9.3.1 and 9.3.4. Parking lots on the territory of the microdistrict should be designed in accordance with Table. 9.3.2.

Functional and planning organization of the territory of a residential area 5.29. Residential area - an area of ​​​​usually more than 75 hectares in size. The population of a residential area is provided with a complex of objects of daily and periodic maintenance within its territory (Table 8.1).

5.30. The estimated territory of a residential area is made up of microdistricts and common areas of a residential area: sections of periodic maintenance facilities, sports and communal facilities, parking garages, green areas (parks, boulevards, etc.), streets, squares, parking lots, etc. Form of territory balance and normalized elements of the territory of a residential area are given in Table. 7, 8 Appendix 3.

5.31. A residential area should be formed on residential areas of inter-main areas larger than 500 hectares within the boundaries of an urban area.

The boundaries of the territory of a residential area, as a rule, are the red lines of highways of citywide significance, as well as - in the case of contiguity - highways of district significance, approved boundaries of territories of other functional purposes, natural boundaries. The territory of a residential area should not be crossed by citywide highways.

The balance of the territory of a residential area does not include:

Technical zones engineering communications and technical corridors of power transmission lines and high-pressure gas pipelines;

Sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises, railways and high-speed roads that are not used for the placement of communal facilities in a residential area;

Technical zones of the subway in the event that they cannot be used to accommodate sites and facilities serving the population of a residential area;

Specially protected natural areas, industrial zones.

5.32. On the territory of a residential area it is prohibited to place non-residential objects with a territory size of more than 2 hectares. It is allowed to place public, industrial, natural and recreational sites at the urban level, while the share of non-residential stock in the total building fund of a residential area should not exceed 35%. When placing production areas, be guided by Section 6.

5.33. Fulfillment of regulatory requirements for the placement of a mandatory set of service facilities (clause 5.29) and the envisaged placement of public and industrial facilities (clause 5.32) must provide at least 40% of the able-bodied population with places of employment in a residential area.

5.34. It is recommended to combine the public center of a residential area with the exits of metro stations and public transport stops, while ensuring the standard access time for residents - no more than 15 minutes. The public center of a residential area should be formed, as a rule, by periodic maintenance facilities located on public building sites, plots and groups of mixed residential buildings. As a rule, the structure of the center, in addition to institutions of trade, culture, art, should include a park and a sports complex.

5.35. In the zones of influence of public centers and along the main streets of regional significance, when forming the planning structure of residential areas, it is allowed to use types of residential and public buildings of a higher intensity of use than the normative indicated for this city area in Table. 5.1.

Urban planning characteristics of residential areas

Table 5.1

City areas Central core of the city City knots Primary territories Inter-trunk territories


less than 500 ha 500-1000 ha over 1000 ha

The predominant types of normalization objects

Plots and groups of residential, mixed residential development as part of a public zone Housing stock as part of a multifunctional center Plots and groups of mixed residential development within a public area Groups of residential, mixed residential development, Microdistrict Residential Development Group, Neighborhood, Residential Area Residential area

Standard size quarters in residential areas (ha)

0,5-2,5 - - 2,5-5,0 5,0-10,0 10,0-15,0

Building density of residential plots in the city territories and in the objects of rationing (thousand sq. m / ha)

Note 2 20,0-25,0 20,0-25,0 15,0-20,0 5,0-15,0

Use of underground space (% of the total floor area of ​​the development of the ground part of residential buildings)

In accordance with historical and cultural justifications In accordance with the design requirements of urban multifunctional centers over 15 over 15 10-15 5-10

1. If there are requirements for the protection of the natural complex and the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, it is allowed to change the intensity of the use of residential areas, deviations from the normative indicators for special justifications.

2. Residential development of urban nodes is presented in the form housing stock as part of the development of public multifunctional centers; the share of the housing stock should be at least 20 and not more than 50% in the total building fund of the town-planning hub.

3. In the event that individual plots of mixed residential development with residential buildings of the I category of comfort are located in the highway and multifunctional public areas of the city, and the provision with a total area in the residential development being placed is more than 30 sq.m per person, the building density of the residential plot is allowed take over 25 thousand square meters per hectare. The calculation of the elements of the local area is carried out on the basis of the real population.

Summary table of indicators of provision with territory and density of residential development

Table 5.3

Accommodation in the city Inter-trunk territories, inter-trunk territories less than 500 ha Inter-main territories 500-1000 ha
Normalization objects Group, neighborhood Neighborhood, residential area Neighborhood, residential area
BUT Common areas (m 2 ter./person) total,

by group

Mr. Group Mr. Total for Mr. Lived. district Total lived. district Group Mr. Total for Mr. Lived. district Total lived. R.
including: at least 1.2 at least 2.4 not less than 3.6 at least 2.2 not less than 2.9 at least 5.1 no more than 14.0 no more than 20.2 not less than 2.7 at least 3.5 not less than 6.2 no more than 16.0 no more than 23.6
1 Plots of green spaces not less than 0.3 not less than 0.4 not less than 0.7 not less than 0.3 not less than 0.3 not less than 0.6 not less than 4.0 not less than 4.6 not less than 0.3 not less than 0.3 not less than 0.6 not less than 5.0 not less than 5.6
2 Kindergarten plots* not less than 0.6 - not less than 0.6 at least 1.5 - at least 1.5 - at least 1.5 not less than 1.8 - not less than 1.8 - not less than 1.8
3 School sites* - at least 1.5 at least 1.5 - at least 2.0 at least 2.0 - at least 2.0 - at least 2.4 at least 2.4 - at least 2.4
4 Plots of garages no more than 0.3 no more than 0.4 no more than 0.7 no more than 0.4 no more than 0.5 no more than 0.9 no more than 0.8 no more than 1.7 no more than 0.5 no more than 0.6 no more than 1.1 no more than 0.8 no more than 1.9
5 Plots of communal facilities - no more than 0.1 no more than 0.1 - no more than 0.1 no more than 0.1 no more than 0.2 no more than 0.3 - no more than 0.1 no more than 0.1 no more than 0.2 no more than 0.3
6 Sites of sports facilities of regional significance - - - - - - at least 1.0 at least 1.0 - - - at least 1.2 at least 1.2
7 Plots of objects approx. service no more than 0.3 - no more than 0.3 no more than 0.5 - no more than 0.5 - no more than 0.5 no more than 0.7 - no more than 0.7 - no more than 0.7
8 Plots of micro-service facilities - no more than 0.4 no more than 0.4 - no more than 0.6 no more than 0.6 - no more than 0.6 - no more than 0.9 no more than 0.9 - no more than 0.9

Sites of district service facilities, Streets, squares, parking lots

- - - - - - no more than 8.0 no more than 8.0 - - - no more than 8.8 no more than 8.8
B Ter-and residential area (m 2 ter / 20 m 2 total area of ​​​​residential development) in total, including: 10,7-13,3 13,4-17,6 17,7-33,3
landscaped not less than 5.0 not less than 6.0 not less than 7.0
guest car parks 0,7 0,8 0,9
IN P-d lived. plants of a group, microdistrict, residential area (thousand m 2 /ha)** 22,4 - 17,2 18,7-14,5 17,1-13,1 14,4-11,3 8,2-7,0 13,0-7,4 11,2-6,8 6,9-4,7
Share of non-living. fund as a part of fund lived. s-ki (%) no more than 40 10-20 no more than 10
_______________* In the case of placement of kindergartens and schools built-in-attached to residential buildings, their plots are calculated as part of the local area.

** Residential building density of a group, microdistrict, residential area - the total floor area of ​​the ground part of residential buildings (including built-in and attached non-residential premises) in the dimensions of the walls, falling on the territory of the group, microdistrict, residential area (thousand sq.m. /ha) 5.36. In the case of adjoining a residential area to citywide green areas, it is possible to reduce the rate of provision of residents with green spaces in a residential area by 25%. The distance between the projected line of residential development and the near edge of the forest park should be taken at least 30 m.

5.37. The distance from the edge of the carriageway of main streets of citywide significance to the line of residential development is established on the basis of the calculation of the noise level (SNiP II-12-77). In the zone of noise discomfort, green spaces (at least 70% of the width of the territory of the zone with insulating plantings), parking garages, open parking lots, and other utility facilities should be placed.

In the case of adjoining residential buildings to the railway, the distance from residential buildings to the nearest rail is established by calculating noise levels in accordance with the standards (SNIP II-12-77). If it is impossible to ensure the normative noise level with a planning gap, other noise protection measures should be applied in accordance with the specified standards.

The distance from the edge of the main carriageways of district streets to the building line should be no more than 25 m, otherwise, a 6 m wide lane should be provided for the passage of fire trucks, but not closer than 5 m from the building line.

Entrances from streets of district significance to residential areas should be designed with a step of no more than 200 m.

5.38. Parking garages and on-site parking on the territory of a residential area should be placed in accordance with subsection 9.3, table. 9.3.1, 9.3.4, 9.3.2

5.39. When placing engineering networks, sections 10 and 11 should be followed.

Provision of green spaces

Table 5.4

repair of the road surface (including patching) at the address: Moscow, Berezhkovskaya embankment, 20 (approximate area - 7500 m2). General description of the item...
Landscaped elements of the territory in the objects of urban planning regulation Unit rev. Indicators of the minimum provision with green areas sq. m / person.
City areas
Inter-main areas over 1000 ha Inter-main territories 500-1000 ha Inter-trunk territories, inter-trunk territories less than 500 ha
Plot of residential, mixed residential development
1 Landscaped house territory sq.m.------ pers. not less than 7.0 not less than 6.0 not less than 5.0
not less than 7.0 not less than 6.0 not less than 5.0
Group of residential, mixed residential development
1 Greened residential areas -"- not less than 7.0 not less than 6.0 not less than 5.0
2 Landscaped areas of preschool institutions (50% of the territory of the school) not less than 0.9 not less than 0.75 not less than 0.3
3 Plots of green spaces total. group use (square) not less than 0.3 not less than 0.3 not less than 0.3
Total green areas not less than 8.2 not less than 7.05 not less than 5.6
1 Green areas for groups -"- not less than 8.2 not less than 7.05 not less than 5.6
2 Ozel. ter. school plots (40% of the plot area) not less than 0.96 not less than 0.8 not less than 0.6
3 Plots of green spaces for common use of the microdistrict (garden) not less than 0.3 not less than 0.3 not less than 0.4
Total green areas at least 9.46 at least 8.15 not less than 6.6
Residential area
1 Green areas of the neighborhood -"- at least 9.46 at least 8.15 -
2 Plots of green spaces total. use of a residential area (park, etc.) not less than 5.0 not less than 4.0 -
Total green areas at least 14.5 at least 12.15
multi-apartment residential buildings on the street. Baikal city of Irkutsk 289/7 and 289/8. 1.Replacement of wooden tambour doors with warm aluminum doors 2.Repair of the roof 3.Repair...
Hello. We need people for the repair and decoration of residential (non-residential) premises, facade workers, roofers ...
General description of the subject of the competition, indicating the main quantitative parameters: - Repair of interpanel seams; - the term of the work (according to the plan): ...
Replacement of drives and relay protection equipment in RP-2 at the address: Moscow, Berezhkovskaya embankment, 20, building 50. General description of the subject of the competition, indicating ...

Temporary norms and rules for designing the layout and development of plots of the territory high-rise buildings and high-rise town-planning complexes were developed by the State Unitary Enterprise NIiPI of the General Plan of Moscow in order to form the regulatory framework for high-rise housing construction in the city of Moscow. rules of the city of Moscow.

Editorial Board: P.A. Shevotsukov, A.P. Zobnin, S.B. Tkachenko, O.A. Baevsky.

The work was done by the team of authors: G.S. Yusin (supervisor), M.G. Lifanovskaya, L.B. Kozhaeva, N. S. Pushkareva, N.G. Rytvinskaya, E.A. Solovyanova, O.V. Kravtsova, L.F Strashnova, A.V.Voinova, M.G.Krestmein, E.N.Borovik, A.L.Molina, G.N.Marokhovskaya, B.MDeggyarev, I.N.Ilyina, S.V.Ilyinsky , T.D. Mogosova, I.V. Ivashkina, V.A. Gutnikov, V.D.Faraponov

Approved by: the Office for Technological and Environmental Supervision of Rostekhnadzor for the city of Moscow, the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of the city of Moscow, the Territorial Directorate of Rospotrebnadzor for the city of Moscow (TsT SEN), Mosgosexpertiza, the Main Directorate for Civil Defense and emergencies the city of Moscow, the Moscow Heritage Committee and the prefectures of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow.

1. GUP NIiPI DEVELOPED the General Plan of Moscow Moscomarchitecture

2. INTRODUCED by the Complex of Architecture, Construction, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow.






MGSN 1.04-2005

Section 1. General Provisions

1.1 Temporary norms and rules for designing the layout and development of areas of the territory of high-rise building complexes, high-rise urban development complexes (hereinafter referred to as the "Norms and Rules") are developed as regional standards for urban planning in accordance with Article 24 of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

1.2 The objects of urban planning regulation of these Norms and Rules are sections of the territory of a high-rise building-complex, a high-rise urban development complex. The definitions of objects of urban planning regulation are given in and contain the requirements for the placement of a mandatory set of service facilities, including car storage areas, the share of which is at least 20% of the total area of ​​buildings.

Note: Residential areas with high-rise buildings that do not provide for a mandatory set of service facilities and car storage areas, and the share of the public function is less than 20% of the total building area, should be designed in accordance with MGSN 1.01-99.

1.3 The rules and regulations establish:

Requirements for the conditions of placement, planning organization and development of plots of the territory of a high-rise building-complex, high-rise urban planning complex;

Standards and rules for organizing public services for residents and (or) those working in a high-rise building-complex, high-rise urban planning complex;

Standards and rules for organizing transport services and engineering support for a high-rise building-complex, high-rise urban planning complex;

Norms and rules for engineering preparation and protection of areas of the territory of a high-rise building-complex, high-rise urban planning complex;

Fire safety norms and rules for planning and building sites of a high-rise building-complex, high-rise urban planning complex;

Requirements for the design of sections of a high-rise building-complex, high-rise urban planning complex, ensuring the protection of the natural environment and the health of residents.

1.4 The norms and rules are obligatory for the implementation by all subjects of urban planning activities, control over the implementation of urban planning activities.

1.5 The rules and regulations comply with the Federal Laws and Laws of the City of Moscow, regulatory legal acts, a list of which is given in.

Section 2. Normative references

References to the following normative documents are used in these Norms and Rules:

High-rise town-planning complex(VGK) - a group of buildings of different heights, including those over 75 m high, united by a common functional and planning and architectural and spatial solution, including a mandatory list of local service facilities for residents and employees of the VGK, car storage places for residents, employees and visitors VGK in accordance with the requirements of the table. , And .

Plot of the territory of the VZK, VGK- part of the territory of the city within the quarter, limited by the boundaries of the land. The specific indicator of the area of ​​the site of the territory of the VZK, VGK should be taken as no more than 0.4 sq.m of the site per 1 sq.m of the development fund. The size of a quarter when placing a plot of the territory of the VZK in it should be no more than 2.5 hectares, a plot of the territory of the VGK - no more than 5.0 ha.

Section 4

4.1 When placing sections of the territory of the VZK, VGK, the urban planning zoning of the city territory and the regulatory requirements for the organization of functional planning formations (rationing objects) should be taken into account.

To justify the dimensions of the development, parameters and functional purpose of the areas of the territory of the VZK, VGK, the following should be performed:

Visual and landscape analysis of the location of the VZK, VGK (taking into account the Scheme of the architectural and spatial organization of the territory of the city of Moscow, volumetric and spatial perception in this sector of the city, in the area, in the adjacent territories);

Analysis of the possibility of geological risk and predictive assessment of changes in the geological environment, engineering and hydrological conditions of the territory under the influence of expected loads on the site and in the area where the VZK, VGK are located;

Calculations of the capacity of transport and engineering networks, taking into account the additional load from the VZK, VGK, in order to prevent overloading of road transport and engineering communications;

Justification of the red lines of the street network that limits the quarter of the location of the site of the territory of the VZK, VGK, taking into account the Integrated Transport Scheme of the City of Moscow;

Predictive assessment of changes in microclimatic conditions during the placement of VZK and VGK and determination of areas of frequent recurrence of adverse weather conditions using mathematical modeling methods;

Light-climatic calculations of the level of insolation and natural illumination for the sites of the VZK, VGK, adjacent territories and buildings for compliance with current standards;

Calculations of the provision of the population with landscaped areas of common use and public service facilities within the boundaries of the established functional planning formations in the territories adjacent to the sites of the VZK, VGK;

The influence of the impact of aircraft taking off, landing and maneuvering in the areas of location of nearby airports and airfields, ground infrastructure facilities, as well as radio technical means of air traffic control, radio navigation, landing, communications and meteorological support.

4.2 When placing ATC and VGK within a radius of 30 km from the control point of the aerodrome, their location and height must be agreed with the senior aviation commander of this aerodrome.

The placement of airborne and airborne complexes outside the areas of airfields must be agreed with the Commander of the Air Force and Air Defense formation, which is responsible for organizing the use of airspace in the zone of the Unified Air Traffic Management System (EU ATM), where these buildings are planned to be located. At the same time, all buildings with a height of more than 50 m are subject to approval.

The project documentation for the construction of the airspace complex and the airborne cargo complex is sent for approval to the Special Commission under the Directorate for the Use of Airspace and Air Traffic Control of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

4.3 On the territory of the city, it is necessary to place sections of the territory of the VZK, VGK of public, public-residential, public-industrial and public-industrial-residential purposes, which is due to the requirement to form comprehensive service as part of the VZK and VGK. The ratio of the functional composition of the premises of the VZK, VGK, depending on the location in the areas of the territory of various functional purposes, is given in.

4.4 The site of the territory of the VZK, VGK is formed as an independent functional-planning formation (rationing object). The conditions for placing plots of the territory of the VZK and VGK as part of other functional planning formations of the city must comply with the requirements presented in.

4.5 The estimated number of residents and employees in the hosted VZK, VGK is determined in accordance with.

Section 5

5.1 On the sites of the territory of the VZK, VGK and (and) as part of the development, the following should be placed:

Public service facilities for those living and working in the VZK, VGK;

Storage places for cars belonging to residents of VZK, VGK;

Places for storage and parking of cars for employees and visitors of the VZK, VGK;

Calculation and placement of public service facilities should be carried out in accordance with, calculation of storage places and conditions for placing cars - in accordance with.

5.3. On the sites of the territory of the VZK, VGK, it is not allowed to place objects prohibited for placement in accordance with the current construction and sanitary and epidemiological standards and rules, as well as documents regarding the design of multifunctional high-rise buildings and complexes. The placement of parking lots and parking garages on the sites of the territory of the VZK, VGK should be carried out in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1 / 2.1.1200-03.

Comprehensive schools

Trade and consumer service enterprises for only 1000 inhabitants, including:

sq.m. total area.

The shops:


sq. m. pl


Catering establishments

Consumer service enterprises

slave. places

Leisure, recreation and additional out-of-school education institutions per 1000 inhabitants

sq.m. total area.

Health and social care facilities per 1,000 inhabitants, including:

sq.m. total area.

Territorial polyclinics:

sq.m. total area.

for adults

visitors per shift

for children

visitors per shift

Family doctor's outpatient clinic

sq.m. total area

Territorial complex center of social services

sq.m. total area.

Indoor sports facilities for only 1000 inhabitants

sq.m. total area.

Directorate of the VZ, housing and communal services for a total of 1000 inhabitants

sq.m. total area.

Law enforcement facilities

sq.m per object

Sberbank branches per 1000 inhabitants

sq.m. total area

Post offices for 15 thousand inhabitants

*- service facilities in the territories adjacent to the sites of the VZK, VGK should be within the regulatory accessibility for residents of the VZ, VGK (MGSN 1.01-99)

7.1.3. If the value of the total flow exceeds the capacity of the road network, it is necessary to reduce the total area of ​​the building, change the functional composition of the facilities, or provide for the appropriate development of the road network.

7.2 The load on the road network created by cars owned by residents, employees and visitors of the OT, EMC, should be calculated by the number of cars per rush hour. The number of cars owned by residents of the VZK, VGK should be taken at the rate of 450 vehicles per 1000 residents. The number of vehicles serving the VZK, VGK and belonging to those working in them should be calculated taking into account the functions to be placed and the size of the areas for these functions.

7.3. Departures (entrances) from the site of the territory of the VZK, VGK should be organized in accordance with these standards.

Urban mass passenger transport

7.4. When placing the VZK, VGK, it is necessary to develop projects for the organization of transport services and the transportation of passenger flows, due to the functioning of the VZK, VGK. At the same time, provision should be made for the provision of mass passenger transport during the morning rush hour for those leaving the VZK, VGK and arriving at them, in an amount not less than:

80% - for VZK, VGK located on the territory of the city within the third transport ring;

70% - for VZK, VGK located in other areas of the city.

7.5 The length of pedestrian approaches from stopping points of ground passenger transport to the VZK, VGK should not exceed 300 m, when placing public service facilities of urban importance in the VZK, VGK - 150 m.

Storage and parking of cars

7.6 Car storage places for residents, workers and visitors to facilities that are part of the VZK, VGK should be located within the allotted area in accordance with Table 9.3.1 MGSN 1.01-99.

7.7 The required number of parking spaces for the organized storage of cars owned by residents of the VZK, VGK should be determined at the rate of 450 parking spaces per 1000 residents. The number of parking spaces for passenger cars in guest parking lots should be determined at the rate of 40 parking spaces per 1,000 inhabitants.

7.8 The required number of parking spaces for parking cars of employees and visitors of objects of various functional purposes that are part of the VZK VGK should be determined in accordance with MGSN 1.01-99.

7.9 Entrances, exits and driveways to parking garages and parking lots should be organized in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1 / 2.1.1200-03 and section 9 of MGSN 1.01-99.

Pedestrian traffic

7.10. On the site of the territory of the VZK, VGK and adjacent territories, a network of pedestrian communications (sidewalks, pedestrian roads and paths) should be provided, connecting the entrances and exits of buildings in the shortest directions with stops of mass passenger transport, storage places and parking lots, service facilities, recreation areas, children's sites.

7.11. It is necessary to ensure the safety and comfort of pedestrian movement on the territory of the site of the territory of the VZK, VGK, providing for the functional separation of traffic and pedestrian zones.

Section 8 Engineering

Water supply

8.1 Specific indicators for water consumption of VZK, VGK should be taken in accordance with SNIP 2.04-01-85 * and MGSN 1.01-99.

Estimated average daily water consumption of VZK, VGK is determined as the sum of water consumption by consumer categories (), providing for water consumption for irrigation.

8.2 Water supply of VZK, VGK should be carried out from city networks through water inlets from two independent sources through ITGT or a built-in central heating station in accordance with the technical conditions for water supply.

When deciding on the placement of pumping stations, the priority is to comply with the permissible levels of noise and vibration from pumping equipment in rooms for various purposes.

8.3. In the fences of the territory of the VZK, VGK, it is necessary to provide openings (hatches) with a size of 250x250mm for laying trunk lines from fire trucks to buildings.

8.14 In order to provide the residential development site of the VZK, VGK with means of communication, it is necessary to provide:

Entering the radio network;

Two inputs of a fiber-optic information transmission network providing television, radio broadcasting, Internet, email, other telematic services, as well as connection to information resources (networks) of the city of Moscow and the organization of a communication channel for the security center of the VZK and VGK with the MGO Emergencies;

Commissioning of a public telephone network with the possibility of providing urban, long-distance and international telephone communications.

8.15 The inputs of the fiber-optic network into the building must be spaced apart and made from two trunks laid along different routes. The design of the external connection node should be carried out according to the technical specifications of the owner of the connected network.

8.16 Depending on the technical capabilities, the telephone communication of the VZK, VGK can be organized in various ways:

Laying a cable from an automatic telephone exchange (PBX) - if there is a free numbering capacity at the PBX serving the area where the VZK, VGK are located;

Construction of a remote electronic concentrator (EATS) of the telephone network in VZK, VGK - in the absence of the necessary numbering capacity at the ATS serving the area where VZK, VGK are located;

Connection to various exchanges via fiber-optic communication lines - in the absence of the necessary free numbering capacity at the exchange serving the area where the VZK, VGK is located, but the necessary number of free numbers is available at other exchanges of the Moscow region;

By building its own mini-ATS with access to the city via connecting lines (dialing an additional number) and connecting from the city by dialing the subscriber's internal number in the local telephone network - with the economic inexpediency of the second and third options.

On-site networks and facilities

8.17 The engineering system of VZK, VGK is connected to city networks through pumping water and sewer stations, central or individual heating points, individual distribution transformer substations (RTP) and transformer substations (TP), distribution telephone cabinets (RSh), wire broadcasting and cable switchgear televisions designed to serve only one building.

Projects for connecting VZK, VGK to urban engineering networks are carried out in accordance with the technical specifications issued by operating organizations.

8.18 Connection of VZK, VGK to city engineering networks with simultaneous laying of water supply, heating networks, communication cables and power cables with voltage up to 10 kW should be carried out in impassable and semi-passage tunnels. Taking into account the possible inflow of water into the canal (in the event of an accident of water supply and heat supply pipelines), the laying of cable networks should be carried out with a drainage device and the installation of safety sensors (presence of water or humidity). The laying of engineering networks in communication corridors should be carried out with a balance delimitation of pipelines.

Section 9. Engineering preparation and protection of territories

9.1 Measures for the engineering preparation and protection of high-rise building sites should be aimed at ensuring the engineering and construction safety of these objects and contribute to the rational functioning of the building, the engineering infrastructure system, the preservation of historical, cultural, architectural, landscape, water, natural objects in the territories adjacent to sections of the VZK and VGK.

9.2. When choosing areas and sites for the construction of high-rise buildings at the pre-design stage, it is necessary to carry out engineering and construction justifications for the placement of high-rise buildings, which should include:

Forecast of changes in the geological environment under the impact of planned man-made loads on it from high-rise buildings, transport and underground engineering infrastructures;

Definition of danger and risk zones;

Establishment of planning, functional and technological restrictions.

9.3 Design of engineering preparation and protection of high-rise building sites should be carried out in accordance with MGSN 1.01-99, SNiP 2.07.01-89 * and SNiP 22-02-03, establishing requirements for vertical planning, organization of surface runoff, drainage of territories, preparation of foundations in various engineering-geological and hydrogeological building conditions.

9.4 Initial data for the development of engineering and construction justifications for high-rise buildings and engineering preparation of the territory must be formed on the basis of engineering surveys in accordance with the requirements of MGSN 2.07-01 and SP 11-105-97, and the scope of surveys - in accordance with SNiP 11.02-96

9.5 The conditions for the construction of high-rise buildings in various engineering and geological situations determine the following regulatory requirements for engineering preparation and protection of the territory.

9.5.1 The development of engineering and construction justifications for the placement of high-rise buildings should be carried out on the basis of forecasts of changes in the geological environment under the influence of expected man-made loads from the planned high-rise buildings, taking into account the interaction of structures, utilities and the natural environment. Forecasts should be carried out using computer modeling methods or analytical (mathematical) calculations using the reference manual to SNiP 2.06.15-85 "Flooding forecasts and calculations drainage systems in built-up and built-up areas.

9.5.2. On the basis of predictive assessments of changes in the geological environment under the influence of high-rise buildings, zones of danger and risk should be identified, setting appropriate requirements for planning restrictions, reorientation of functions, changes in the dimensions and parameters of structures, design solutions and construction technology.

9.6 Designing measures for engineering preparation in areas of high-rise buildings should provide for:

Regulation of surface runoff through the implementation of vertical planning and a rainwater drainage system;

Laying of engineering networks in underground tunnels and collectors;

Organization of energy supply systems with auxiliary facilities and devices;

Construction of protective structures and engineering systems to prevent the development of hazardous geological processes;

Reclamation of the territory in case of placement of high-rise buildings on the site of withdrawn industrial enterprises.

9.7. In areas of high-rise buildings, the natural relief should be preserved as much as possible, and, if necessary, radical vertical layout- backfill areas with well-permeable soils. Underground communications of water supply, sewerage and heating networks should be laid in tunnels provided with drainage and devices for diverting leaks into the drainage network.

9.8. To prevent flooding during the design and construction of high-rise buildings located in flood zones, the placement of drainage protective structures must ensure the protection of the underground part of high-rise buildings and the entire site of the high-rise building territory in accordance with the requirements of MGSN 1.01-99.

9.9 In cases where the underground parts of high-rise facilities create an obstacle (barrage) to the flow of groundwater, it is necessary to provide for the installation of water supply siphons to bypass water from the upstream to the downstream with the simultaneous construction of wall protective drains to relieve filtration pressure on the underground part of the structure.

9.10 The drainage system, which ensures the lowering of groundwater levels in high-rise buildings, should be included in the general drainage system in the area of ​​high-rise buildings. Density common systems The drainage established by calculations based on the filtration characteristics of soils should be adjusted to take into account the increase in building density, and depending on this, systematic drainages or a combined system of ring drainages can be used. The underground part of high-rise buildings should be equipped with reservoir drainages and devices for pumping water from them into the collector of the general drainage network.

Section 10 Fire Safety Requirements

10.1. To ensure the access of fire trucks to high-rise buildings, it is necessary to arrange circular driveways with a hard surface at least 6 m wide at a distance of 10 m from the outer walls of the high-rise part of the house.

10.2 The design of the roadway of the fire passage, along which the passage of fire trucks is provided, should be designed in accordance with the regulatory documents for the design of multifunctional high-rise buildings and complexes.

10.3 Through passages under passages, galleries or through arches of high-rise buildings should be made at least 4.5 m high and at least 3.5 m clear.

10.4 The distance to a nearby fire station from a high-rise building site with a building height of up to 100 m inclusive should be no more than 2 km, and with a height of more than 100 m - no more than 1 km. If it is impossible to comply with these requirements, as part of high-rise buildings, it is necessary to design the placement of a fire station or a fire station equipped with special equipment in agreement with the fire service authorities. On the adjacent territory, at a distance of no more than 500 m from the high-rise building site, a platform for lowering the transport and rescue cabin of the helicopter should be provided.

10.5. Water consumption for outdoor fire extinguishing of high-rise buildings should be provided in the amount of 100 l / s and provided from three hydrants installed on a ring water supply network with a diameter of 300 mm at a distance of no more than 100 m from buildings or a fire compartment (when dividing a building into fire compartments by area ).

Section 11. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements and protection; environment

11.1. When developing urban planning documentation for the location of high-rise building sites and determining building parameters, priority should be given to ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, protecting health and creating a safe living environment with the requirements of environmental protection, rational nature management, both in high-rise building sites and on adjacent territories. Environmental and sanitary and epidemiological requirements, the observance of which is mandatory for urban planning, are established by the relevant Federal Laws ().

Microclimatic conditions and aeration conditions

11.2. When choosing space-planning solutions for high-rise buildings and designing a comprehensive improvement of their sites, it is necessary to assess the microclimatic indicators of the state of the air basin. It is necessary to ensure the reduction of wind flows that occur near the ground floors not only of the high-rise building itself, but also of the adjacent buildings, as well as to create rational conditions for the aeration of the building.

11.3 Design solutions for the placement of high-rise buildings that form a building line along highways should provide the best conditions for dispersing pollutants emitted by moving traffic.

11.3.1. When designing high-rise buildings located along the building line along highways, the formation of "canyon-type" streets is not allowed:

The distance between high-rise buildings along the building line should exceed their length by more than 10 times;

The ratio of the height of the building to the distance represented by the sum of the width of the carriageway and sidewalks must be less than 1.5.

11.4. When point placement of high-rise buildings in areas of existing development, do not allow an increase in the value of the frequency of pollutant concentrations that exceed the established standards for air quality.

Atmospheric air protection

11.5 The design of high-rise buildings must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air" and SanPiN

11.6 Calculations of pollutant emissions in the areas of high-rise buildings from vehicle storage facilities must be carried out in accordance with the approved regulatory and methodological documentation. The placement of emission sources on the site should ensure the standard level of atmospheric air pollution in the surface layer, in particular at recreation areas.

Noise protection

11.7 Protection from external noise sources should be carried out by developing special noise protection measures. Noise characteristics of external noise sources, levels of sound penetrating into living quarters and noise levels in built-up areas, the required amount of their reduction, the choice of measures and means of noise protection should be determined according to

11.10 The degree of geological risk when placing high-rise buildings should be assessed on the basis of available materials on the manifestation of adverse geological processes in the territory of Moscow.

11.11. To protect the components of underground engineering infrastructure from landslide and erosion processes, karst, suffusion, flooding and other negative engineering and hydrogeological processes, a system of special measures should be developed to protect territories and monitor the state of the geological environment.

Green spaces

11.12 Landscaping of areas of the territory of the VZK and VGK should be carried out in accordance with MGSN 1.02-02 using the methods of mobile and compact (including vertical) gardening, with the possibility of placing green spaces in the volume of the building. It is recommended to provide green roofs at a height of no more than 15 m (5 floors).

11.13. On the territory of the natural complex (PC), the placement of areas of the territory of the VZK, VGK is not allowed.

Water basin protection

11.14 The placement of high-rise building sites within the boundaries of water protection zones is allowed in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and in agreement with the authorized territorial bodies of water use.

Sanitary cleaning

11.17 Sanitary cleaning of high-rise building sites should be designed in accordance with federal law"On production and consumption waste". Considering special conditions functioning of high-rise buildings, when designing sanitary cleaning, it is necessary to use a special waste disposal system. All questions related to the collection, accumulation and removal various kinds waste are solved by individual projects for waste disposal, which are developed by specialized organizations in relation to specific areas of high-rise buildings.

Appendix A

1. "Instructions for the design of buildings and structures in the regions of Moscow with the manifestation of karst-suffusion processes" / Moscow City Executive Committee - M .: 1984

2. Reference manual "Forecasts of flooding and calculations of drainage systems in built-up and built-up areas" - M. Stroyizdat, 1991

3. “Method of calculating the concentration in the atmospheric air of harmful substances contained in the emissions of enterprises. ODN-86 "/ Goskomgidromet - L. according to the assessment of the aeration of the territory in residential buildings in Moscow: Gidrometeoizdat, 1994

5. "Recommendations for the design and construction of foundations and foundations for the construction of buildings near existing ones in conditions of dense urban development in Moscow" / Moskomarchitectura - M .: GUL "NIAC", indication of the ICA No. 2 dated 13.01.1999

7. "Methodology for assigning the volume of engineering and geological surveys in the center and middle part of Moscow" / Department of economic and scientific-technical and industrial policy of the construction industry of Moscow - M.: GUSHNIATS, approved 08/14/2000

8. "Regulations on the types of functional, construction and landscape designation of plots in the city of Moscow" / Moskomarchitectura - M.: SUE "NIAC", order of the ICA No. 89 dated 04/25/2002

9. "Instruction on engineering-geological and geo-environmental surveys" / Moskomarchitectura - M.: SUE "NIATs", ICA instruction No. 5 dated 11.03.2004

10. Manual for the operation of civil airfields of the Russian Federation (REGA RF-94);

11. Guidelines for determining the levels of the electromagnetic field by the air traffic of civil aviation in the HF, VHF, UHF and microwave ranges, No. 4550-88 - M.: USSR Ministry of Health, 1988

Appendix. B

Determinant of the functional composition of the premises of the VZK, VGK, depending on the location on the sites of the territory of various functional purposes

The functional purpose (use) of a building area plot is determined by the ratio of the areas of building premises for three groups of urban functions (residential, public, industrial) as a percentage of the total building area on the site. This method of determining the functional purpose (use) of the site is carried out in accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow "On the General Plan of the City of Moscow" (the main directions of urban development of the city of Moscow).

The requirement for the obligatory presence of service functions in the VZK, VGK and the expediency of the presence of public functions of urban significance narrows the possible ranges of the functional purpose of areas of the territory for VZK, VGK. For example, such types of sites as "residential", "industrial", "industrial-residential" cannot be recommended for VZK, VGK.

Table B.1 Estimated indicators of the number of employees in public service facilities

Types of objects


Number of employees (per 1000 units of measure).

Children's preschool institutions

Objects of trade

sq.m. retail space

Public catering facilities

Consumer service facilities

work places

Theatres, concert halls



1 million volumes


Medical institutions

visits per shift

Section 9.3 shall be stated as follows:

"9.3.1. The need for areas for the placement of facilities that provide storage, parking and maintenance of passenger vehicles should be determined taking into account the expected level of saturation of the city with passenger vehicles of all categories, the requirements for the efficient use of urban territory and ensuring environmental safety.

For the territory of the city, district, district, microdistrict, the total need for parking spaces for storing cars of individuals should be taken in the amount of at least 320 parking spaces per 1000 inhabitants *.


* Residents - individuals permanently registered on a residential area in Moscow.

For car storage legal entities- At least 20 car spaces per 1000 inhabitants should be provided, all of which should be placed in parking garages.

When placing garage and parking facilities on the territories of areas of mass housing construction, as well as in areas of existing urban development, their accessibility should be ensured in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 9.3.4 and 9.3.10 of these standards.

For individual objects of new construction and reconstruction (residential, public, industrial purposes) - the required number of parking spaces for storage and parking of passenger vehicles should be determined in accordance with clauses 9.3.3 and 9.3.9 of these standards.

The number of parking spaces required for the object, established by the calculation, should be placed within the area allocated for the construction of this object. It is not allowed to use the street and road network for these purposes (including the carriageway, sidewalks, green areas and other elements), as well as plots allocated to the developer for compensatory improvement.

Clause 9.3.3

"9.3.3. For a residential area, residential group, residential building - the required number of parking spaces for the organized storage of passenger vehicles should be determined taking into account the comfort category of residential development *, providing for:


* The definition of comfort categories for residential development is carried out in accordance with MGSN 3.01-01 "Residential buildings" and clause 5.2 of these standards.

Within the boundaries of residential areas, guest parking should also be provided in accordance with the requirements of clause 9.3.16 of these standards.

Clause 9.3.9. Section 9.3 shall be stated as follows:

"9.3.9. For objects of new construction and reconstruction of public and industrial purposes, as well as when changing the functional purpose of objects, the required number of parking spaces for parking cars (for employees and visitors) should be determined by calculation, in accordance with the standards given in Table 9.3.2.

Table 9.3.2

Objects to visit

Units of account

1 parking space is provided for the following number of units of account

for territories within the Garden Ring

for the rest of the city

1. Administrative and business facilities

Institutions of public authorities

m total

Administrative and management institutions, buildings and premises of public organizations

m total

Commercial and business centers, office buildings and premises

m total

1.4. Banks and banking institutions

with operating rooms

m total

No operating rooms

2. Objects of science and educational purposes

Research and design institutes

m total

Higher education institutions

teachers, staff, students, employees
in one shift

3-5 teachers
and collaborators +1 parking place for 20 students

2-4 teachers
and collaborators +1 parking place for 10 students

Secondary institutions, colleges, special and private schools, schools of arts and music schools urban significance

one-shift teachers

Centers for training, amateur creativity, clubs of interest

m total

3. Objects for industrial purposes

Industrial buildings and utility and storage facilities

in two adjacent shifts, pers.

4. Objects of trade, household and municipal purposes

Warehouse stores (small wholesale and retail trade, hypermarkets)

m total

Objects trade purpose with a wide range of goods of periodic demand for food and (or) non-food groups (shopping centers, shopping malls, supermarkets, supermarkets, department stores, etc.)

m total

Specialized stores for the sale of goods of episodic demand of the non-food group (sports, car dealerships, furniture, household appliances, musical instruments, jewelry, books, etc.)

m total

Markets are permanent

Universal and non-food

m total

Food and agricultural

m of total area

Restaurants, cafes of urban importance


Objects of communal services

at the same time visitors

Ateliers, urban photo salons, hairdressing salons, beauty salons, solariums, fashion salons, wedding salons

mtotal area

Salons of funeral services

mtotal area

Dry cleaners, laundries, repair shops, specialized centers for the maintenance of complex household appliances, etc.

receiver's workplace


Cemeteries, incl.

Within the Moscow Ring Road

at the same time visitors

on the territory of a city outside the Moscow Ring Road (see note 9)

but not less
50 m / seats


at the same time visitors

but less*

10 cars/places for 1 ritual hall


* The text corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

5. Objects of culture and leisure

Exhibition and museum complexes, museum reserves, museums, galleries, exhibition halls

at the same time visitors

Theatres, concert halls

Federal and city significance

spectator seats

Cinema centers and cinemas

of citywide importance

spectator seats

district value

City libraries, Internet cafes

settlement places

Objects of religious denominations (churches, churches, mosques, synagogues, etc.) (see note 8)

at the same time visitors

but not less than 10 m / places
per object

but not less than 10 m / places
per object

Entertainment centers, discos, slot machine halls, nightclubs, casinos

at the same time visitors

Billiards, bowling alleys

at the same time visitors

6. Medical institutions

Specialized polyclinics

visits per shift

Multidisciplinary consulting and diagnostic centers

visits per shift

Hospitals, dispensaries


Specialized clinics, rehabilitation centers


Boarding schools and boarding houses for the elderly and disabled


7. Sports and recreation facilities

Sports complexes and stadiums with stands

seats in the stands

Health complexes (fitness clubs, sports and fitness centers, sports and gyms)

mtotal area

Specialized sports clubs and complexes (tennis, equestrian sports, ski centers, etc.)

at the same time visitors

Water parks, swimming pools

at the same time visitors

8. Transport service facilities

Railway stations

long-distance passengers during rush hour

Bus stations

passengers during rush hour

Airport terminals

passengers during rush hour


1. Differences between the calculated indicators for the territories within the Garden Ring and other areas of the city (columns 4 and 5) are due to the need to unload the city center from vehicles and the focus on the predominant use of mass passenger transport when traveling to the central zone of the city.

2. Regulatory indicators include the required number of parking spaces for employees and visitors (residents of Moscow and other settlements); excluding parking spaces for cars serving the technological needs of the facility (car parking associated with loading, unloading goods that ensure the operation of the facility, etc.), as well as for tourist buses.

3. In a preserved building with a total area of ​​trade facilities from 400 to 800 m, the calculated number of parking spaces may be reduced by 2 times, with a total area of ​​less than 400 m, parking may not be provided. In the case of new construction, parking spaces for cars should be organized for any size of the trading area and placed within the allotted area.

4. The total area of ​​the object includes the total floor area of ​​the building, determined within the inner surfaces of the outer walls, including the area of ​​mezzanines, passages to other buildings, glazed verandas, galleries and balconies of auditoriums. The area of ​​multi-room premises is included in the total area of ​​the building within one floor.

5. When calculating the required number of parking spaces for objects, the indicators for which are given in the range of values, the lower value of the indicator (to the left of the hyphen) is used if the object in question is located at a distance of more than 600 m from the high-speed off-street transport station (along the air line) - greater value of the indicator (to the right of the hyphen) - if the object is located at a distance of less than 250 m; if the object is located at a distance of 250 to 600 m from the high-speed off-street transport station, the value of the calculated indicator is in the interval between smaller and larger values ​​and is determined by interpolation, in proportion to the required distance.

6. Symbol "n.r." in column 4 means that, as a rule, an object of this type is not located in the city center. If the need for its placement is justified, the calculation of the required number of parking spaces should be carried out according to the standard indicator for the rest of the city (column 5).

7. For buildings with premises of various functional purposes, the required number of parking spaces should be determined separately for each type of premises, and then summarized.

8. The calculation of parking spaces for objects of religious denominations should be made for the maximum number of visitors on the day of the week, but without taking into account the days of the main / main / religious holidays.

9. The calculation of parking spaces for visitors to cemeteries is carried out for weekends of the spring-summer period, without taking into account the peak demand on religious holidays associated with mass visits to the burial places of close relatives (commemoration of parents, etc.).

10. Placement of parking spaces for visitors to urban and natural parks should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of Section 7. Recreational areas, clause 7.3.5. real norms.

In parking lots and parking garages serving objects of various functional purposes, parking spaces for personal vehicles belonging to disabled people should be allocated in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 35-01-2001 "Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility".

In archive.zip

9.2.1. The system of urban mass passenger transport should ensure the functional integrity and interconnectedness of all the main structural elements of the urban territory, taking into account the prospects for the development of the city and the region. When developing a project for the organization of transport services for the population, one should ensure the speed, comfort and safety of transport movements of the permanent and temporary population of the city, as well as - daily migrants from the suburban area. Urban mass passenger transport should take 80-85% of the total annual volume of urban passenger traffic; when traveling to the central regions - not less than 90%. 9.2.2. The average time spent on a trip from residential areas to places of employment should be provided in the amount of 50-55 minutes. for 70-75% of the total number of employed population of the city, to the historical center of the city no more than 45 minutes.9.2.3. The framework of the Moscow transport system should be high-speed rail passenger transport, the system of which should be supplemented by a network land transport.The integrity of the transport system of the city should be ensured by the creation of transport hubs, the integration of types of rail transport.9.2.4. The development of schemes for the organization of transport services for the population should be carried out on the basis of the Master Plan for the Development of Moscow and the Integrated Scheme for the Development of Transport in Moscow, taking into account the existing mass transport network, based on the estimated passenger flows during the peak hour on the most loaded stage and the main parameters of various transport systems - based on a comparison of options - according to technical and economic indicators, socio-urban planning and environmental characteristics, existing and expected load of streets and nodes with traffic flows, existing and expected environmental conditions, requirements for the preservation of historical and cultural monuments.9.2.5. The estimated capacity of the rolling stock should be taken from the following conditions for the comfort of passenger transportation during the rush hour on average: - for high-speed rail transport - no more than 3 standing passengers per 1 sq.m of the free floor area of ​​the passenger compartment (with fully occupied seats); - for ground types of mass passenger transport - no more than 5. When assessing and planning the operation of passenger transport for the next five years, the filling of the rolling stock should be taken, respectively, no more than 4.5 and Estimated carrying capacity and speed of communication of various modes of transport should be determined based on Table. 9.2.1 and specify by calculation.


9.2.7. The subway development scheme, including its types (express subway, mini-metro, ground light subway) should be developed on the basis of the master plan and CTS in conjunction with the planning structure of the city, engineering and transport infrastructure, providing for the possibility of integration and organization for the future of block train traffic on the network subway.9.2.8. Subway lines should connect areas of high concentration of residential development and the main functional elements of the city with each other, taking into account the direction of formation and the power (size) of the main passenger flows.9.2.9. Metro stations should be located in the centers of passenger-forming loads of residential, industrial and public areas, near large multifunctional complexes and objects of the city center system, near railway, river and bus stations and other public facilities, providing convenient access and access to them. Pedestrian accessibility of metro stations should be taken no more than 700 m, transport accessibility - no more than 2200 m. In the central part of the city, pedestrian accessibility of all metro stations should be ensured no more than 500 m.9.2.10. To ensure the possibility of constructing convenient transfer hubs (in accordance with paragraphs 9.2.43-45), metro stations should be located as close as possible to existing and planned stations of other high-speed transport lines (metro, railway and others - at their intersections). Distances between metro stations should be taken, as a rule, 1.2 - 2.0 km, but not less than 800 m; in the central part of the city, the distance between stations is determined by specific urban conditions. 9.2.11. When designing lines, structures and devices of the subway, it is recommended to be guided by the Manual for the design of subways, approved by the State Corporation "Transstroy" on 26.06.92 N МШ-120.

Table 9.2.1

NN p/n Kind of transport Maximum frequency, pairs of trains per rush hour (unit of rolling stock) Number of wagons in the train Estimated carrying capacity, thousand passengers at rush hour Message speed, km/h


operating system,

40 6-8 40,0-54,0 35-45

express metro

40 8-10 54,0-68,0 50-55

Suburban-urban railway, 2-4 - track

14-28 10-12 20,0-50,0 45-55

Urban high-speed off-street rail transport mini subway, surface light subway

14-30 4-6 15,0-30,0 25-35

High-speed transport system city-airport

14 6 20,0 70-80
5. 30 1-2 3,4-6,8 15-20


1 - 25-35
1 - 18-20


40 1 3,5-4,7 18-20

Small-sized ground transport minibus

Determined by the conditions of traffic organization 1 - in the flow
9.2.12. Metro lines should be underground - deep or shallow. In some cases - when crossing rivers, along the lines railways etc. - with an appropriate feasibility study, it is allowed to provide ground (overground) subway sections arranged in covered galleries. 9.2.13. For the construction of ground and shallow lines and stations, lobbies, entrances and other metro facilities, technical zones should be reserved, the boundaries of which are determined in the feasibility study for the construction of lines. In the technical zone of lines with a width of at least 40 m, the construction of buildings and structures, planting trees, laying of longitudinal underground utilities.9.2.14. When placing shallow urban facilities along metro lines, one should be guided by the requirements 2.04-97 "Permissible levels of noise, vibration and requirements for sound insulation in residential and public buildings", the calculation of vibration and noise levels should be carried out according to the method described in the same place.9.2.15. When designing a shallow underground (open method), it is necessary to provide for the possibility of integrated development of urban underground space: placement of multifunctional public transport complexes, underground garages, small-scale associated trade facilities, etc. Storage and maintenance of rolling stock 9.2.16. An electric depot should be placed on each metro line; with a line length of more than 20 km, provide for a second electric depot, and for a line length of more than 40 km, a third electric depot. When justified, it is allowed to use one electric depot for two lines with the same type of rolling stock for the first period of operation of the new line. Electric depot sections should be located in close proximity to the lines subway with fixing the boundaries of the sections in terms of the red lines of the city.9.2.17. The sanitary protection zones of the electric depot and other buildings should be provided in accordance with the sanitary classification of objects according to the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1/ 77, as well as the calculation of the level and zones of pollution of environmental components.9.2.18. When developing proposals for tracing lines of new types of high-speed off-street transport, the main parameters given in Table 9.2.2 should be taken into account.

Table 9.2.2

Indicators Express subway Mini subway Surface (light) metro City railway High-speed transport system Monorail transport. system
Gasket nature tunnel tunnel ground, trestle tunnel ground ground, trestle ground trestle

Tunnel internal dimension, m

5,1-5,2 4,5-5,0 5,1-5,2

Minimum radius in

1000 150 150 600 300 25

Maximum longitudinal slope +

30 60 60 9 40 100

Average distance between stops, m

3000 500-800 800 1700 5000 800-1000

Ground passenger transport

General requirements

9.2.19. The development of ground public transport, as well as the placement of its infrastructure facilities, should be carried out on the basis of the Comprehensive Scheme for the Development of Ground Passenger Transport. The designed surface transport network should provide: - transportation of passengers to high-speed off-street transport stations; - inter-district passenger communications; - intra-district passenger communications. 9.2.20. The density of the surface mass transport network in the built-up area of ​​the city should be at least 2.6 km per sq. km of urban development. On the territory of the Central Administrative District, the network density of the ground mass transport should be provided for 3.2 km per sq. km, including territory within the Garden Ring - 4.0 km per sq. km (excluding the route network of small-sized passenger transport serving the city center). 9.2.21. Distances between stopping points of ground passenger transport, as a rule, should be taken: bus, trolleybus - 400 m, within the central core of the city - 300 m, tram - 400÷600 m; express bus - usually not less than 800 m (in areas of mass development - 400 m). Land transport lines 9.2.22. Ground passenger transport lines should be provided on the main streets (citywide and regional significance), and in the central administrative district and on the local network. 9.2.23. The design of tram and trolleybus lines should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.05.09-90. In areas with limited capacity of the street network and when passing through the territories of the natural complex, it is allowed to provide off-street sections of tram lines in shallow tunnels or on flyovers. 9.2.24. Independent lanes for the movement of ground passenger transport should be allocated in case of congestion situations in the movement of vehicles on the stretches of the road network with the number of lanes of at least 3 in one direction. not less than 0.7 of the lane capacity. Stopping points 9.2.25. The length of pedestrian approaches from ground transport stops should not exceed: - to places of residence or places of employment - 400 m; - to shopping centers, department stores, hotels, clinics - 150 m; - to other objects - 400 m; - to stations and stopping points of other modes of transport in accordance with the requirements of paragraph. Stopping points for ground passenger transport should be located with the following requirements: on main streets of citywide significance of class I (with continuous traffic) - outside the dimensions of the carriageway in the immediate vicinity of off-street pedestrian crossings - on side driveways (if any) or in " pockets"; on the main streets of citywide significance of class II and district - in the dimensions of the carriageway. In the event that trolleybuses and buses standing at stopping points interfere with the movement of traffic flows, "pockets" should be provided; in the areas of traffic interchanges and intersections - outside the elements of interchanges (exits, entrances, transition lanes, etc.). 9.2 .27. When placing stopping points in "pockets", it is necessary to arrange transition and speed lanes for slowing down and accelerating movement with a total length, including a stopping area, of 70-90 m. less than 0.75 m, or markings.9.2.28. "Pockets" (widening of the carriageway) should be provided, as a rule, by reducing the width of the dividing (landscaped) lanes between the carriageway and the sidewalk. The depth of the pocket should be taken to stop the bus - 3 m, trolley bus - 2 m.9.2.29. Stopping points on trolleybus and bus lines on main streets of general city significance (with regulated traffic) and on highways of regional significance should be placed, as a rule, behind the intersection, at a distance of at least 25 m from it. It is allowed to place trolleybus and bus stops in front of the intersection - at a distance of at least 40 m if: there is a large passenger-forming point or an entrance to an underground pedestrian crossing before the intersection; the throughput of the street to the intersection is greater than behind the intersection; immediately after the intersection, the entrance to the transport engineering structure (bridge, tunnel , overpass) or there is a railway crossing. The distance to the stopping point is calculated from the "stop line". 9.2.30. The length of the landing area at stops of bus and trolleybus routes should be taken: with a total frequency of movement of not more than 30 units. per hour - 30 m, with a frequency of movement from 30 to 50 units. per hour - 10 m more than the length of two units of rolling stock of especially large capacity; at a frequency of movement of more than 50 units. per hour - 15 m more than the length of three units of rolling stock with an especially large capacity. The width of the landing area should be taken at least 1.5 m; to install a waiting pavilion, a widening of up to 5.0 m should be provided. The waiting pavilion is installed at a distance of at least 3 m from the side of the carriageway.9.2.31. Tram stops should be placed, as a rule, before the intersection (in the direction of travel) at a distance of at least 5 m from it. The distance to the stop is calculated from the "stop line". It is allowed to place tram stops behind the intersection - in cases where: there is a large passenger-generating point behind the intersection; the capacity of the street behind the intersection is greater than before the intersection. with a two-car train, its length should be taken as 40 m; at a frequency of more than 30 trains per hour - by 10 m more than the length of two two-car trains. stair descents. Stopping points and sidings should be located, as a rule, on straight sections of the track with a longitudinal slope of not more than 30 +. In cramped conditions, it is allowed to place stopping points on the inner sections of curves with a radius of at least 100 m, as well as on tracks with a longitudinal slope of not more than 40 +.9.2.32. It is forbidden to place stopping points of ground passenger transport in the security zones of high-voltage power lines, which are: from the outermost wire of the power transmission line to 20 kV - 10 m, 35 kV - 15 m, 110 kV - 20 m, 220 kV - 25 m, 500 kV - 30 m, 750 kV - 40 m, 1150 kV - 50 m. At the end points of the route network of ground passenger transport, settling and turning areas should be provided, taking into account the need to remove about 30% of the rolling stock from the line during the off-peak period. 9.2.34. For a bus and a trolleybus, the area of ​​the settling and turning area should be determined by calculation, depending on the number of routes and frequency of movement, based on the standard: bus type "LiAZ-5256" - 100 sq.m per one parking space; bus type "Ikarus-280 "- 170 sq.m per one parking place; trolleybus of the "ZiU-9" type - 100 sq.m. per one parking place; trolleybus of the "ZiU-10" type - 170 sq.m. per one parking place. For a tram, the area of ​​the settling and turning area should be determined by calculation, depending on the number of routes and the frequency of movement, based on the standard: 0.55 - 0.8 ha - for 1-3 routes. The width of the settling and turning area should be provided: for buses and trolleybuses - at least 30 m; for trams - at least 50 m. The boundaries of the settling and turning areas must be fixed in terms of red lines. Settling and turning areas of urban passenger transport, depending on their capacity, should be located at a distance from residential buildings at least 50 m.9.2.36. At the end stations of passenger ground transport on urban and suburban-urban routes, arrangement of premises for drivers and attendants should be provided. office space is determined in accordance with Table 9.2.3. The end stations of the routes of small-sized individualized transport should be arranged near metro stations, mass visiting facilities, intercepting parking lots, at a distance of no more than 40 m from the entrances to these objects. The end stations of urban and suburban ground passenger transport in the city should be placed in an environmentally friendly manner.

Table 9.2.3

Indicators Unit rev. Number of routes
2 3-4 5-6 over 6

Land area

sq.m 225 256 375 1296

Site configuration for placement of a typical facility with premises for service personnel

m 15X15 16x16 15X25 36X36

Floors of the building

this. 1 1 2 2

Storage and maintenance of rolling stock

9.2.37. Storage and maintenance of rolling stock should be carried out on the basis of an integrated scheme for the development of ground passenger transport. To ensure the operation of passenger ground transport, territories should be provided for accommodating facilities of the material and technical base with the establishment of site boundaries in terms of red lines (depots, parks, repair plants, etc. objects). When placing the operational and technical devices of urban transport, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities of their future development, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements. 9.2.38. When placing parks and garages, the longitudinal slopes of the site should not exceed: for a tram - 0.025; trolleybus and bus - 0.05. The transverse slopes of the site should not exceed Storage of the rolling stock of bus transport should be provided, as a rule, closed. The area of ​​the land plot for closed storage bus garages should be taken in accordance with Table 9.2.4.

Table 9.2.4

Bus fleet capacity (number of cars)

Unit rev. Norm of area per unit of rolling stock
Capacity 80-135 seats Capacity 140-250 seats
100 ha 0,035 0,055
200 -"- 0,03 0,043
300 -"- 0,025 0,04
400 -"- 0,022 0,037
500 -"- 0,02 0,036
When placing bus depots, it is advisable to take their capacity to 400 parking spaces. The capacity of structures for storing bus transport should take into account the possibility of arranging the entire rolling stock, minus the number of all inspection and repair parking spaces available in the depot and the number of rolling stock located according to the plan under repair at other enterprises. In the conditions of a shortage of urban land, when designing bus fleets, it is allowed to arrange them at two or more levels. 9.2.40. For the storage of rolling stock of electric transport, closed premises should be provided for at least 25-30% of the total number of rolling stock assigned to the depot. The rest of the park is allowed to be kept open. When placing trolleybus parks, it is advisable to take their capacity of 250 parking spaces. The capacity should take into account the possibility of arranging the entire rolling stock, minus the number of all inspection and repair parking spaces available in the depot, and the number of rolling stock that is under repair at other enterprises according to the plan. Depots, repair shops, parks and parking lots for storing rolling stock , as a rule, should be placed on one land plot. The approximate area of ​​the land plot for the operational and technical devices of the tram and trolleybus should be taken according to Table 9.2.5 and Table. 9.2.6. In the event of a shortage of urban areas for the storage of rolling stock of ground transport, it is allowed to provide additional areas remote from the main transport company. 9.2.41. On the territory of the depot, separate entrances and exits (main and reserve) for tram cars and trolleybuses should be provided. The number and capacity of traction substations is determined by calculation electrical network. The area of ​​the land plot for the location of the traction substation is assumed to be approximately 0.15-0.25 ha.

Table 9.2.5

Table 9.2.6

Capacity trolleybus fleet(number of cars)

Unit rev. Area norm. per unit rolling stock
Capacity 80-135 seats Capacity 140-250 seats
100 ha 0,04 0,045
150 -"- 0,039 0,044
250 -"- 0,035 0,037

Transport hubs

9.2.43. In transport interchange hubs of citywide significance, formed on the basis of high-speed off-street transport stations, the length of pedestrian routes from stopping points of ground transport should be provided: to metro stations, express metro, high-speed tram and city railway - no more than 100 m; to stations and stopping points points of suburban-urban railways - no more than 150 m. Within the interchange nodes "metro - suburban-urban and urban railway" the length of pedestrian routes should not exceed 150 m. provide a range of pedestrian approaches no more than 120 m. Note. The length of the pedestrian path is calculated from the ground transport stop to the entrance to the lobby of the high-speed off-street transport station. 9.2.44. When transferring from parking lots "P + P" to high-speed off-street transport, the range of pedestrian approaches should be taken in accordance with Table 9.3.3, clause To reduce the time spent on transfers, it is recommended to use local transport systems that accelerate pedestrian traffic.

9.3. Individual transport

9.3.1. The city should provide areas for storage, parking and Maintenance of the fleet of cars of all categories, based on the expected level of saturation with cars, in accordance with clause 9.1.2. Facilities for storage, parking and maintenance of cars should be located in compliance with the standard radius of accessibility from the serviced objects, taking into account the requirements for the efficient use of urban territories, ensuring environmental safety.9.3.2. It is necessary to develop schemes for the placement of structures for storing and parking cars (including as part of urban development plans for territories) - for the city as a whole, as well as for individual administrative-territorial entities. Based on the developed schemes in planning projects, development and reconstruction of residential areas structures for storage and parking of cars should be placed taking into account the functional and planning solution of the territory and the features of development (existing and planned) of a residential area, microdistrict, residential group, site (section 5 "Residential areas"). Storage of cars 9.3.3. The required number of parking spaces in the places of organized storage of vehicles should be determined on the basis of: for the storage of cars in private property , based on the city average of 70% availability of places in organized garage and parking facilities - 210 parking spaces per 1000 inhabitants (1 parking space per 1.5 apartments); at the same time: - in residential development of the I category of comfort - 270-330 parking spaces per 1000 inhabitants (1 parking space per 0.75 - 1 apartment); - in residential development of the II category of comfort for apartments with medium and high indicators of the standard area - 180-210 cars per 1,000 residents (1 parking space for 1.5-2 apartments), for apartments with low standard area - 50-70 cars per 1,000 residents (1 parking space for 5-6 apartments ); - in cottage development - 650-700 parking spaces per 1000 inhabitants (1 parking space per 0.3-1 cottage, apartment); for cars of state, municipal, foreign and other affiliation - 20 parking spaces per 1000 residents; for taxi transport - 1.5-2.0 parking spaces per 1000 residents. Structures for the storage of cars of the permanent population of the city should be located, as a rule, within a radius of accessibility of 250-300 m from the places of residence of car owners, but not more than 600 m; in the territories of cottage development no more than 200 m. The specific indicator of the territory required for storage facilities for cars of the permanent population of the city should be taken in accordance with the standard indicators for the placement of garage and parking facilities - for a residential group, microdistrict, residential area (section 5 "Residential areas"). 9.3.6. Structures for the storage of cars of all categories should, as a rule, be located: in the territories of communal storage and industrial zones, in the territories of protective zones between the right of way of railways and building lines, in areas with a sharp difference in relief, ravines, in sanitary protection zones areas of industrial enterprises and railways (in case the SPZ complies with the norm and is landscaped in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.1.1/ Total emissions from parking garages should not pollute industrial sites in concentrations higher than established standards; in residential areas - in communal and public areas, in areas with a sharp difference in relief, ravines, areas of transport facilities, in underground space - under areas of lawns, sports structures, under driveways, parking lots. Structures for the storage of cars belonging to permanent residents of the city (usually with a capacity of no more than 300 cars) can be placed in residential areas- in territories close to their borders.

Table 9.3.1

Objects to which the distance is calculated Distance, m
10 or less 11-50 51-100 101-300 over 300

Walls of houses with windows

10 15 25 35 50

End faces of houses without windows

10 10 15 25 35

Children's preschool institutions and schools

15 25 25 50 *
25 50 * * *
________________* Established in agreement with the state sanitary supervision. Notes: 1. Distances should be determined from the boundaries of car parks (open areas), the walls of the parking garage - to the boundaries of areas of preschool institutions, schools, hospitals of a stationary type.2. In the case of placing several parking lots (open areas) on adjacent sections located with a gap between them not exceeding 25 m, the distance from these parking lots to residential buildings and other buildings should be taken into account the total number of parking spaces in all parking lots, but in all cases, preventing the placement of car parks with a capacity of more than 300 parking spaces in the intra-quarter residential development. In some cases, in residential buildings, the placement of multi-tiered parking garages with a capacity of more than 300 parking spaces is allowed if justified by the relevant calculations of the dispersion of harmful emissions and noise protection calculations, subject to agreement with government bodies Sanitary Supervision and Moskompriroda. It is not allowed to place detached parking garages in the adjoining territories.4. If the entrances to the garage are not oriented towards residential and public buildings, the distances indicated in the table can be reduced by 25% in the following cases: - in the absence of opening windows in the garages - for parking garages closed type I-II degrees of fire resistance; - when constructing a solid wall fence (blank wall) - for closed-type parking garages of all degrees of fire resistance. 2 tables 12.1.5. In residential areas, it is not allowed to place parking garages without external wall fencing or with incomplete external wall fencing (such as "whatnots").6. Distances from car parks and ramp-type parking garages with the number of parking spaces within the gradations indicated in the table, but not less than 10 parking spaces - can be taken by interpolation. Underground parking garages in residential areas and in the local area can be placed under public and residential buildings, green spaces, sports facilities, under economic, sports and playgrounds (except for children), under driveways, guest parking lots; school sites (subject to the organization of entrances to and exits from garages, as well as the placement of devices for the emission of harmful substances - outside the school sites, in accordance with clause 9.3.8). Parking lots (open areas) for storing cars belonging to a permanent population of the city, it is expedient to temporarily place them on sites reserved for the prospective construction of objects and structures of various functional purposes, including multi-storey parking garages.9.3.7. Places for storing cars belonging to disabled people, in accordance with the requirements of VSN 62-91 *, should be provided in parking garages and parking lots located no further than 50 m from the place of residence of the car owner. If the availability of existing structures exceeds 50 m, arrange temporary garages from fireproof prefabricated structures remote from residential buildings in accordance with Table 9.3.1. The placement of garages for the disabled should be carried out without violating the conditions for the safety of pedestrians and vehicles in residential areas. 9.3.8. Distances from parking lots and ground parking garages of ramp type to buildings for various purposes should be taken at least as given in Table. 9.3.1. Distances from underground parking garages to urban development facilities, as well as distances from parking lots and ramp-type ground parking garages to public buildings are not limited. When placing ground and combined parking garages, as well as ventilation shafts of underground parking garages, the expected calculated concentrations substances should not exceed the established sanitary standards (SanPiN 2. 2.1/2.1.1. 567-96), noise levels should not exceed the maximum permissible values. Distances from the entrances to and exits from underground parking garages to the windows of residential buildings and school sites, kindergartens and medical institutions should be arranged in accordance with the requirements of clause 9.3. 23. Parking of cars 9.3.9. The required estimated number of parking spaces for parking cars should be determined in accordance with Table 9.3.2. At parking lots and parking garages serving visiting objects of various functional purposes, parking spaces for personal vehicles belonging to disabled people should be allocated in accordance with the requirements VSN 62-91*.9.3.10. For Moscow, a combined layout of structures for parking cars should be organized, including on-site, cooperative, intercepting parking lots of the "P + P" type, the service radius of which should be taken in accordance with Table. When organizing cooperative parking lots serving groups of objects of labor and cultural and entertainment purposes, it is allowed to reduce the total required number of parking spaces: in the territory of the central administrative district of Moscow - by 20-25%, in peripheral zones - by 10-15%. 9.3 .12. When calculating the required number of parking spaces in on-site and cooperative parking lots on the territory of the central administrative district of Moscow, the duration of car parking should be taken into account: no more than 2.5 hours - within the Garden Ring; no more than 5 hours - outside.

Table 9.3.2

Objects to visit Units of account 1 parking space for the next number of units of account
1 2 3

Administrative and management institutions


4-7 1)

Objects of commercial, business and financial spheres



Scientific and design organizations, higher education institutions

teachers and staff


Industrial and municipal storage facilities

workers and employees


Shopping malls, department stores, stores with sales area over 1000 sq.m.

sq.m of retail space

15-25 1)

trading places


Restaurants, cafes of citywide importance



Theatres, circuses, concert halls, citywide cinemas

spectator seats


Museums, exhibitions, libraries

one-time visitors


Medical institutions of stationary type


Objects of physical culture and sports with seats for spectators

spectator seats




At airports

passengers arriving during rush hour

Notes: 1. Normative indicators take into account Moscow and non-Moscow passenger cars of all categories. 2. Normative indicators include the required number of parking spaces for employees and visitors. 3. With the size of the trading area from 500 to 1000 sq.m, reduce the calculated number of parking spaces by 2.5 times; if the size of the trading area is less than 500 sq.m - it is allowed not to provide parking lots.

Table 9.3.3

Types of parking lots and car parks Appointment and placement Distances to facilities


Parking lots for maintenance of individual objects; located directly at the service facilities

To shopping centers, department stores, hotels, clinics, passenger premises of stations - no more than 150 m; to other objects - no more than 400 m


Enlarged parking lots for servicing groups of objects; are placed with increasing accessibility radius

To the most remote object from the served group - no more than 1200 m


Parking lots for the interception of traffic flows directed to the city center; are located on the approaches to the city center near the stations of high-speed mass transport: in radial directions; on the periphery of the city; on the way to the city

To transfer stations for high-speed mass transport - no more than 150 m

9.3.13. When organizing intercepting stops at the outer approaches to the Garden Ring and to the borders of the central administrative district (in order to unload central regions cities from vehicles) their capacity should be calculated for no more than 80% of the required number of parking spaces for parking cars heading to the objects of labor application, and no more than 60% of parking spaces serving cultural and community facilities located in the city center , with a corresponding reduction in parking capacity within the city center.9.3.14. When organizing "P + P" type parking lots on external approaches to the Moscow Ring Road, intercepting the flow of passenger vehicles heading to Moscow from other cities and towns, their capacity should be calculated for no more than 50% of the required number of parking spaces for parking of cars when traveling for work purposes and no more than 25% of parking spaces - when traveling for cultural and community purposes to the peripheral areas of the city. Parking lots "P + P" on the outer approaches to the Moscow Ring Road should be located near railway stations, stops of express buses, fixed-route taxis in accordance with Table During the construction of multifunctional buildings-complexes in the lower ground or underground tiers of these facilities, it is necessary to provide for the placement of parking garages, which should provide for the need for parking spaces for parking cars belonging to employees and visitors of the complex, without conflicting with the scheme for organizing car parking developed for the territory under consideration.9.3.16. Within residential areas, open areas (guest parking lots) should be provided for parking visitors' cars, at the rate of 40 parking spaces per 1000 inhabitants, no more than 200 m away from the entrances of serviced residential buildings. Types of facilities for storing and parking cars and methods of their placement 9.3.17. The type of structure for the storage or parking of cars should be chosen in accordance with the general architectural and urban planning solution of the surrounding development, taking into account the territorial possibilities, hydrogeological features. with a device for the entry of cars straight or curved ramps, semi-ramp, inclined floors, elevator lifts, mechanized and automated lifts and manipulators. It is advisable to provide free-standing parking garages of various types: ground - 4 - 6 tiers, combined (with floors above and below ground level) - 6 - 9 tiers, underground, as a rule, 2 - 4 tiers. parking garages for storing cars of the population may be located in the underground and basement floors of residential buildings and public buildings (in the latter case, it is advisable to combine storage and parking of cars in one volume). Built-in underground parking garages of at least two tiers should be provided on the territory of high-intensity development. It is necessary to separate residential apartments from the garage by a non-residential floor. 9.3.18. Multi-tiered mechanized and automated closed-type garages with passive movement of cars inside the building (with the engine turned off) are allowed: schools), residential buildings - with a capacity, as a rule, of no more than 150 parking spaces; public purpose - without limiting the capacity; - built in between the blank end walls of two adjacent residential buildings - subject to the layout of the parking garage without going beyond the dimensions of residential buildings in width - with a capacity, as a rule, no more than 150 parking spaces. A prerequisite for the use of built-in , attached, built-in-attached mechanized and automated parking garages is the device of load-bearing structures independent of the main building, providing noise and vibration protection, ensuring the dispersion of emissions of harmful substances in the air up to the MPC in the territory of residential development. 9.3.19. The built-up area and the size of the land plots of detached parking garages for cars should be approximately taken in accordance with Table. 9.3.4. The area of ​​the site for parking one car in car parks should be taken as 22.5 sq.m; when adjoining parking lots to the carriageway of streets and driveways - 18.0 sq.m per car. Entrances, exits and driveways to garages 9.3.20. Entrances to freestanding, built-in and built-in-attached structures for the storage of cars (parking garages and parking lots) with a capacity of up to 300 cars, and exits from them should be provided to the local street and road network of a residential area, secondary streets and driveways. Entrances to garages and parking lots should not cross the main pedestrian paths, should be isolated from recreation areas, playgrounds and sports grounds. 9.3.21. The shortest distance from driveways or streets from which the main exit from a parking garage with a capacity of more than 300 cars is carried out should be taken: to the intersections of the main streets ("stop lines") - at least 100 m; to the intersections of district streets - at least 50 m; to the intersections of local streets - at least 20 m; to stopping points of mass public transport - at least 30 m.9.3.22. External entrances and exits of multi-tiered parking garages should be provided separate. At least 2 traffic lanes should be provided at the entrance and at the exit (with a width of each lane - at least 3 m). It is allowed to have the entrance and exit side by side, with the obligatory division of the carriageway in the directions of movement (dividing lane or markings). Parking lots (open areas) and parking garages with a capacity of up to 50 cars can have a combined external entrance-exit with a width of at least 6 m. In front of parking garages with a capacity of more than 50 parking spaces, an accumulation area should be provided at the rate of 1 parking space for every 100 cars, but not less than a parking area for 2 fire trucks. 9.3.23. Entrances to detached underground garages for cars and exits from them must be removed from the windows of residential buildings, school sites, children's and medical institutions by at least 15 m. Distances from entrances and exits to the walls of residential buildings and public buildings without window and door openings are not limited. In historical buildings, when parking garages are located under residential buildings, an irregular gap is allowed from the entrances to them to the windows of the premises when performing necessary conditions fire safety (device of a visor, the use of refractory structures, regulation of the mode of operation). Car service 9.3.24. Car service stations should be designed at the rate of one post for every 250 cars from the city's total fleet of cars, taking the size of their land plots according to table Distances from service stations to residential buildings and public buildings, as well as to school sites, kindergartens and hospitals of a stationary type located in built-up areas, should be taken at least as given in Table Filling stations (gas stations) should be designed at the rate of one fuel dispenser for every 1200 cars of the city's total car fleet, taking the size of their land plots according to Table Distances from gas stations with underground tanks for storing liquid fuels, automobile gas filling compressor stations (on compressed gas), automobile gas filling stations (on liquefied gas) - to the borders of land plots of preschool institutions, secondary schools, boarding schools, medical institutions with a hospital or to the walls of residential and public buildings and structures, it should be taken: with 1-2 fuel dispensers - at least 25 m; at 3 and more - not less than 50 m. Note. 1. The specified distance should be calculated from fuel dispensers and underground tanks for storing liquid fuel for medical and educational institutions - to the boundaries of the sites.2. Placement of gas stations with ground tanks on the territory of Moscow, as a rule, is not allowed.

Table 9.3.4

Floors of garages Types of ramp 1) garages
ground combined underground
Area, sq.m per 1 car
building soles site building soles site building soles plot 2)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 27 30,0 - - 25 5
2 15 19,2 15 18,0 15 4,1
3 10 13,0 10 11,6 10 3,3
4 8 10,0 8 8,8 8 2,4
5 6 8,0 6 6,5 6 1,8
6-8 4 5,5 4 4,8 - -
9 or more - - 3 3,5 - -
Notes: 1 - for multi-storey semi-mechanized parking garages (equipped with elevator lifts), the indicators of columns 2-7 are reduced by 1.2 times, mechanized and automated garages - by 1.3-1.5 times; 2 - in the area of ​​​​the underground garages - parking areas include the size of the accumulation area, protective landscaping, external ramps for the entry and exit of cars.

Table 9.3.5

Table 9.3.6

Buildings to which the distance is determined Distance from service stations with number of posts, m
10 or less 11-30

Residential buildings (including ends of residential buildings without windows)

25 50

Public buildings

25 50

General education schools and preschool institutions

50 *

Medical institutions with a hospital

50 *
_____________* Determined by agreement with the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. Notes: 1. Distances are calculated from the windows of residential and public buildings and from the boundaries of the land plots of general education schools, kindergartens and medical institutions with a hospital to the boundaries of the site of the service station.2. Service stations with more than 30 posts should be located outside residential areas in industrial areas. Distances are determined in agreement with the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, but not less than 100 m from residential buildings.

Table 9.3.7

9.3.28. It is forbidden to place petrol and gas filling stations and other sources of increased danger at a distance of less than 25 m from the boarding, turning and settling-turning areas of ground passenger transport, pedestrian crossings. 9.3.29. Separate washing points for 1-2 posts should be located at a distance of at least 25 m from residential buildings, public buildings and structures, the boundaries of land plots of preschool institutions, secondary schools, boarding schools, medical institutions with a hospital. 9.3.30. When placing and designing gas stations on main streets, additional traffic lanes should be provided to ensure the entry and exit of cars. 9.3.31. To service non-resident transport, service stations and motels should be provided, placing them on the approaches to the city on highways federal and regional significance.




MGSN 1.01-97

Part 1

Introduction date 1997-08-12

Editorial committee: A.V. Kuzmin (chairman), R.V. Gorbanev, G.S. Yusin, A.Yu. Becker, Yu.V. Korotkov, A.L. Voronin, N.V. Obolensky, V.A. Bulochnikov, A.G. Ishkov, L.A. Korotchik, N.N. Filatov.

Section authors: L.F. Strashnova, A.V. Voinova, S.G. Pushkarev, S.V. Ilyinsky, I.N. Ilyina, N.G. Rytvinskaya, E.A. Yablokova, V.V. Karelina, A.N. Krasnikov, E.N. Borovik, S.S. Krakovich, N.N. Pastushikhin, G.S. Merkurieva, M.V. Zhiltsova, P.A. Osmolovsky, M.I. Komarovskaya, G.N. Marokhovskaya, R.N. Amosova, B.M. Degterev - NIiPI of the General Plan of Moscow; M.G. Shapiro, N.Yu. Grigorieva, V.V. Aleksashina, M.A. Semina, B.V. Belozersky, M.A. Andryushchenko, Yu.M. Pirogov - Moscow State Expertise; S.A. Vasiliev, V.A. Gutnikov - Moskompriroda; S.G. Fokin, T.E. Bobkov - MHC SEN; V.S. Zhiryakov - UGPS GUVD of Moscow.

INTRODUCED by the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of Moscow.

APPROVED by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 12.08.97 No. 592.

Instead of VSN 2-85.


1.1. These norms and rules are aimed at the implementation of the Guidelines approved by the government for urban development of Moscow until 2010.

1.2. The application of the "Norms and Rules ..." in urban planning should ensure the achievement of the following most important goals:

Sustainable development of the city and its structural elements;

Socially guaranteed quality of the urban environment;

Preservation and revival of urban planning, architectural, historical and cultural heritage;

Preservation of the Natural Complex and improvement of the ecological state of the environment;

Increasing the efficiency of using the urban planning potential of urban areas.

1.3. The document covers all structural and functional planning elements of the city:

Central core, city nodes, mainline territories, intermain areas;

Large urban formations in the form of zones and complexes (residential, industrial, public, natural and recreational);

Areas of different functional purpose.

The site as an object of urban planning regulation is standardized for the first time, in order to legally protect the quality of the urban environment in the new economic conditions.

1.4. These norms and rules for planning and development of the city of Moscow establish:

The intensity of urban development use of territories depending on their location in the structural parts of the city;

Regulations of the functional and planning organization of the territory and development, ensuring the preservation of the historical appearance of the urban landscape, protection of the environment and territories of the natural complex, requirements for sanitary and hygienic and fire safety;

Normative and calculated indicators of the provision of the development fund, functional areas, engineering and other resources, service institutions and places of application of labor.

1.5. These norms and rules are obligatory during the development and examination of pre-project and design urban planning documentation, control over urban planning activities.

1.6. These rules and regulations are based on the provisions of the Legislative acts of the Russian Federation, legal and regulations Government of Moscow, GOSTs, SNiPs, SanPiNs and other documents, the list of which is given in Appendix 1.


2.1. The territory of Moscow is divided into planning elements and structural parts.

2.2. Planning elements of the city territory: site, street, square, block.

Plot - a separate part of the territory of a specific purpose.

Street, square - the territory delimited by the red lines of the city's street and road network.

A quarter is an interstreet area bounded by the red lines of the road network.

2.3. Territories are divided into built-up and non-built-up. The built-up territories include the territories of quarters, more than 5% of the surface of which is occupied by buildings with a density of more than 0.5 thousand m 2 / ha.

2.4. Structural parts of the territory of the city: the central core, the city node, the main territory, the inter-main territory.

The central core is the territory within the Garden Ring and adjacent blocks and sites.

City junction - a territory that includes an area formed by the intersection of city highways, with areas adjacent to it, and having exits of high-speed off-street transport stations.

Highway territory - the territory adjacent to the main streets of citywide significance, on segments connecting the core of the city center with city nodes or nodes between themselves.

Inter-main territories - territories bounded by the red lines of the main streets of citywide significance, the boundaries of the territories of urban nodes and near-main territories; differ in the size of the territory: up to 500 ha, from 500 to 1000 ha and more than 1000 ha.

2.5. The objects of urban planning regulation are functional planning formations:

Residential building plot, mixed residential building plot;

a group of residential, mixed residential buildings;

residential area;

Residential area;

industrial building site;

production area;

public building site;

Multifunctional Center;

specialized center;

public area;

forest park, park, garden, square, boulevard;

landscaped areas of residential, public, industrial buildings;

landscaped areas for special purposes.

Sustainable types of functional planning formations in the structural parts of the city are given in Table. 2.1.

Table 2.1

Functional and planning organization of the territory of the structural parts of the city

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