
Schedule of trolleybuses in Mariupol. City government. Project of updating Trolleybus Park Mariupol

The purpose of the activities of the enterprise: economic activities aimed at achieving economic and social results in order to profit; Ensuring a high level of culture of passenger services, the sanitary condition and preservation of fixed property, the full and qualitative satisfaction of the needs of the population in the passenger disposal of urban electric and road transport.

Contact Information

Project of Modernization of the Trolleybus Park of Mariupol

name of the project

Project of Modernization of the Trolleybus Park of Mariupol



Project Identification

Source of financing

Type of contract

Goods, Work and Services

Type of notification

General Procurement Notice

Publication date

Final date

General Procurement Notice

Mariupol and the leadership of Mariupol appealed to European bank Reconstruction and development [EBRD or Bank] provide loan funding to update the trolleybus park and modernization of the concomitant infrastructure. The project, the estimated value of which is equivalent to 15.5 million euros, will require the purchase of the following goods, works and services for the funds of the loan:

  • Low-profil trolleybuses, 12 meters long (including spare parts, diagnostic equipment, tools, spare parts and related services);
  • Equipment for repair and maintenance of trolleybuses;
  • Rehabilitation and upgrades of trolleybus infrastructure.

Thought on the above contract will be expected to begin in the second quarter of 2018.

Purchase of contracts that will be financed from the Bank's loan funds will be carried out in accordance with the principles and rules of the EBRD procurement, and will be open to companies from any country in the world. Bank loan tools will not be used to implement any payments in any physical or legal entities, as well as to pay for imports of goods, if such payments or imports are prohibited by the decision of the UN Security Council, adopted in accordance with the head of the VII of the UN Charter or in accordance with the laws and regulations of the buyer's country.

Municipal enterprise "Mariupol Tram-Trolleybus Management"

Contact person: Simonenko Vitaly Ivanovich, Deputy Head

Address: ul. Nikolaevskaya, 92.

mariupol, 87500, Ukraine

Project of updating Trolleybus Park Mariupol

name of the project

Project of updating Trolleybus Park Mariupol



Municipal and Environmental Infrastructure

Project Identification

Source of financing


Type of contract

Goods, Work and Services

Type of notification

General Procurement Notice

Publication date

Final date

General Procurement Notice

Municipal Enterprise "Mariupol Tram-Trolleybus Management" Mariupol and the Guide of Mariupol received loan funding from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("EBRD") and the Fund of Clean Technologies (FFT) and grant financing against Eastern European Ecology Partnership and energy efficiency ("WEPEE") to update the trolleybus park and modernization of the concomitant infrastructure. The project, the estimated value of which is equivalent to 19.9 million euros, including co-financing from the budget of Mariupol, will require the purchase of the following goods, works and services for the funds of the loan:

  • New low-voltage trolleybuses (including spare parts, equipment and tools),
  • Reconstruction of the trolleybus depot
  • Capital Repair of the Contact Network
  • Special equipment ( vehicles For servicing trolleybuses and trolleybus infrastructs)

It is expected that trading on the above contract will begin in the fourth quarter of 2018.

Purchase of contracts that will be financed from the funds of the EBRD and FCT and Grant WEEEE will be held in accordance with the principles and rules of the EBRD procurement and will be open to companies from any country in the world. EBRD and FCT and Grant WEEE loans will not be used to carry out any payments to any individuals or legal entities, as well as to pay for imports of goods, if such payments or imports are prohibited by the decision of the UN Security Council, adopted in accordance with Chapter VII of the Charter UN or in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country of the buyer.

Interested suppliers and contractors must contact the following address:

Municipal enterprise "Mariupol Tram-Trolleybus Management"

Contact person: Vitaly Simonenko, Deputy Head

Address: ul. Nikolaevskaya, 92,

mariupol, Donetsk region, 87500, Ukraine

the decision of the Board on the approval of fare tariffs (PDF, 199.9 KB) Charter of the KP MTTU (PDF, 136.2 KB) https://martrans.gov.ua (mobile version https:/m.martrans.gov.ua).

Also in 2017, together with PrivatBank, a project for fare in communal transport on QR Coda was implemented, through Privat 24, the opportunity appeared cashless payment Drins for bank customers.

Transportation of passengers per year: 77.0 million people, including preferential: 55.7 million people

Park KP "MTTU" at 1.01.2018 176 units:

Tram - 74 units (12 routes)

Trolleybus - 49 units (12 routes)

Bus - 53 units (16 routes)

Divisions of the KP "MTTU":

  • Tram depot №2.
  • Tram depot number 3.
  • Trolleybus depot №4
  • Bus depot
  • Path service
  • Energy service
  • Garage special machinery

Electric transport (timetable)

From May 10, 2017, the work of tram routes No. 5, No. 9 and No. 15 will be resumed in their directions. The timetable will be posted following the link: http://marsovet.org.ua/articles/show/article/225

Urban tram routes of general use of Mariupol

mariupol May 2017.

Working day

5-01; 5-22; 5-55; 6-25; 6-46; 7-05; 7-20; 7-46; 8-14; 8-31 (to depot3); 8-48; 9-07; 9-43; 10-31; 10-53; 11-37; 12-10; 12-41; 13-09; 13-30; 13-51; 14-14; 14-34; 14-55; 15-32; 16-05; 16-46; 17-19; 19-08 (to depot 3).

5-34; 5-57; 6-18; 6-48; 7-16; 7-38; 7-57; 8-17; 8-52; 9-39; 10-02; 10-47; 11-21; 11-50; 12-19; 12-35; 13-00; 13-32; 14-04; 14-21 (to depot3); 14-42; 15-11; 15-26 (to the depot2); 15-46; 16-27; 16-58 (to depot3); 17-36 (in the depot); 18-19; 19-58.

5-05; 5-24; 5-44; 6-04; 6-23; 6-42; 7-03; 7-21; 7-43; 8-03; 8-21 (to depot3); 13-28; 13-47; 14-08; 14-25; 14-45; 15-08; 15-28; 15-45; 16-07; 16-26; 16-41 (to depot3); 17-12; 19-02.

4-36; 5-16; 5-35; 5-56; 6-14; 6-34; 6-51; 7-13; 7-33; 7-52; 8-09 (to depot2); 8-29 (to depot2); 12-59; 13-41; 13-58; 14-16; 14-38; 15-00; 15-16; 15-36; 15-58; 16-14; 16-44; 16-52 (to depot2); 17-38 (to depot2); 19-31.

Departure from the Ost. "Ul. Kazantseva "

5-32; 6-24; 6-44; 7-12; 8-05; 8-32; 8-46 (to depot2); 9-09; 9-39; 10-11; 10-41; 11-14; 11-44; 12-17; 12-48; 13-18; 13-54; 14-21; 14-53; 15-15; 15-29 (to the depot2); 15-55; 16-26 (to depot2); 16-47 (to depot2); 17-25; 18-10; 19-05; 19-43; 20-37 (to depot2); 21-36; 23.09 (to depot2).

Deposit from depot №2

4-38; 5-28; 5-49; 6-12; 7-04; 7-26; 7-52; 8-15; 8-45; 9-12; 9-49; 10-19; 10-51;1121; 11-54; 12-24; 12-57; 13-28; 13-57; 14-15; 14-34; 15-01; 15-32; 15-54;1612; 16-34; 18-04; 18-49; 19-44; 20-22; 22-15.

Route №6 "ul. Kazantsev- Left Bank district»

Departure from the Ost. "Ul. Kazantseva "

5-24; 5-45; 6-13; 6-37; 7-01; 7-21; 7-48; 8-19; 8-38; 8-55; 9-26; 9-56; 10-14 (to depot2); 10-29; 10-58; 11-30; 12-03; 12-35; 13-03; 13-43; 14-11; 14-38; 15-08; 15-25; 15-44 (to depot2); 16-14; 16-42 (to depot2); 17-05; 17-46; 18-39; 19-16; 20-10; 20-46; 21-58 (to depot2); 22-15 (to depot2).

Deposit from depot №2

4-41; 5-01; 5-30; 5-54; 6-18; 6-39; 7-07; 7-31; 7-55; 8-15; 8-41; 9-11; 9-31;9-48; 10-19; 10-49; 11-23; 11-51; 12-23; 12-56; 13-28; 13-56; 14-22; 14-35; 15-04; 15-31; 16-02; 16-17; 17-05; 17-57; 18-38; 19-31; 20-08; 21-02; 21-38.

Departure from the Ost. "Ul. Kazantseva "

5-18, 5-43, 6-05, 6-23, 6-43, 7-32 in the depot, 7-50 in the depot, 8-07 in the depot, 8-27 in the depot, 8-41 in the depot, 8-58 in the depot, 9-11 in the depot, 13-00, 13-18, 13-41, 14-13, 14-37, 15-11, 15-30, 15-47, 16-10, 16- 53, 17-08, 17-16, 17-26 in the depot, 17-39 in the depot, 20-17, 23-39 in the depot.

5-48, 6-03, 6-22, 6-28, 6-50, 7-08, 7-28, 13-4514-03, 14-26, 14-55, 15-22, 15-34, 15-55, 16-14, 16-31, 16-54, 17-37, 17-52, 18-00, 21-00

Departure from the Ost. "Energown"

6-23, 6-40, 6-58, 7-19, 7-31, 7-48, 8-04, 14-21, 14-38, 15-03, 15-44, 16-01, 16- 13, 16-30, 16-42 in the depot, 16-58 in the depot, 17-20 in the depot, 18-04 in the depot, 18-19 in the depot, 18-35, 22-34.

6-44, 7-01, 7-19, 7-40, 7-52, 8-09, 8-25, 14-42, 14-59, 15-24, 16-05, 16-22, 16- 36, 16-51, 17-03 in the depot, 17-19 in the depot, 17-41 in the depot, 18-25 in the depot, 18-40 in the depot, 18-56, 22-55.

Departure from the Ost. "Ul. Kazantseva "

6-16; 6-39; 7-01; 7-23; 7-37; 7-45; 7-58; 8-08; 8-19; 8-35; 8-44 (to depot3); 8-51; 9-06; 9-26; 9-41; 9-59; 10-16;

10-33; 10-49; 11-06; 11-23; 11-39; 11-57; 12-14; 12-32; 12-51; 13-07; 13-25; 13-38; 13-58; 14-13; 14-31; 14-46; 15-03; 15-20; 15-38; 15-53; 16-11; 16-35; 16-45 (depot); 17-18;

Departure from the Ost. "Gorbolnik №2"

6-06; 6-27; 6-49; 7-17; 7-38; 7-57; 8-09; 8-18; 8-32; 8-40 (depot3); 8-52; 9-08; 9-24; 9-40; 9-58; 10-14; 10-31; 10-49; 11-05; 11-22; 11-39; 11-58; 12-11; 12-32; 12-48; 13-04; 13-23; 13-39; 13-57; 14-11; 14-30; 14-47; 15-05; 15-21; 15-35; 15-54; 16-10; 16-24; 16-43 (depot); 17-06 (depot); 17-50 (depot);

4-30, 4-50, 5-03, 5-20, 5-42, 6-15, 6-27, 6-47, 7-00, 7-19, 7-46, 8-12, 8-24, 8-45, 13-18, 13-41, 14-05,14-30, 14-53, 15-14,15-38,16-01,16-26,16-49,17-11,17-33,17-57,18-45,19-07,19-53,20-41;

Departure from the Ost. "Western"

5-45, 6-05, 6-18, 6-35, 6-57, 7-30, 7-42, 8-03, 8-15, 8-34, 14-32, 14-55, 15-19, 15-44, 16-07, 16-29, 16-51, 17-15, 18-03, 18-25, 19-11 ,19-59

Departure from the Ost. "Energown"

6-06, 6-26, 6-39, 6-58, 7-25, 7-51, 8-03, 8-24, 8-36 in the depot, 8-55 in the depot, 14-53, 15- 17, 15-40, 16-05, 16-28, 16-50, 17-12, 17-36, 18-24, 18-46, 19-32, 20-20

Departure from the Ost. "Energown"

5-45; 6-05; 6-15; 6-21; 6-27; 6-37; 6-43; 6-52; 6-58; 7-05; 7-13; 7-21; 7-28; 7-34; 7-41; 7-49; 7-55; 8-03; 8-09; 8-20 (depot3); 8-24; 8-36; 8-47; 8-58; 9-10; 9-22; 9-36; 9-47; 10-00; 10-10; 10-24; 10-41; 10-56; 11-07; 11-19; 11-27; 11-34; 11-46; 11-57; 12-05; 12-16; 12-27; 12-38; 12-49; 13-02; 13-12; 13-21; 13-28 (depot3); 13-35; 13-44; 13-54; 14-07; 14-16 (in the depot); 14-27; 14-38; 14-45; 14-54; 15-02; 15-08; 15-18; 15-24; 15-29; 15-35; 15-43; 15-54; 16-01; 16-15; 16-24; 16-33; 16-42; 16-46 (to depot3); 16-54; 17-07; 17-11; 17-18 (to depot3); 17-26; 17-40; 17-45 (to depot3); 18-02 (to the depot3); 18-08; 18-23; 18-29 (to depot3); 18-48; 19-12; 19-34; 19-49 (to depot3); 19-57; 20-19; 20-39; 20-52; 21-01; 21-23; 21-45; 22-20; 22-38.

Departure from the Ost. "Gorbolnik №2"

5-09; 5-16; 5-28; 5-38; 5-49; 5-57; 6-09; 6-20; 6-32; 6-38; 6-45; 6-53; 7-00; 7-08; 7-15; 7-23; 7-30; 7-41; 7-47 (to depot3); 7-51; 8-00; 8-07; 8-16; 8-26; 8-30 (to depot3); 8-34; 8-42; 8-50 (to depot3); 8-57; 9-06; 9-17; 9-29; 9-42; 9-55; 10-03; 10-17; 10-33; 10-40; 10-53; 11-03; 11-19; 11-37; 11-50; 12-03; 12-14; 12-22; 12-30; 12-41; 12-50; 12-59; 13-10; 13-21; 13-33; 13-43; 13-55; 14-05; 14-14; 14-28; 14-35; 14-41; 14-50; 14-55; 15-03; 15-19; 15-24; 15-31; 15-41; 15-49; 16-00; 16-05 (to depot3); 16-12; 16-21; 16-31; 16-38; 16-46; 16-49 (to depot3); 16-55; 17-08; 17-20; 17-27 (to depot3); 17-35; 17-48; 18-08; 18-23 (to depot3); 18-34. ; 19-02; 19-17; 19-43; 19-58; 20-06; 20-28; 20-50; 21-12; 21-33 (to depot # 3); 21-44; 21-58 (to depot); 22-20 (to depot3); 22-38 (to depot3); 23-12 (to depot3).

Departure from tram depot №2

4-24, 4-45, 5-05, 5-21, 5-47, 6-01, 6-20, 6-41, 7-01, 7-15, 7-43, 7-58, 8- 36, 9-10, 12-13, 12-45, 13-05, 13-25, 13-46, 14-11, 14-24, 14-40, 14-59, 15-20, 15-42, 16-06, 16-18, 16-34, 16-54, 17-15, 18-02, 18-29, 19-09, 19-54, 20-23, 21-01, 21-48 in depot number 2.

Departure from the Ost. "Western"

5-35, 5-56, 6-16, 6-32, 6-58, 7-12, 7-31, 7-50, 8-12, 8-27 in depot No. 2, 8-53, 9- 14 in depot №2, 9-52, 13-28, 13-55, 14-15, 14-35, 14-55, 15-20, 15-34, 15-49, 16-10, 16-30, 16-54, 17-16, 17-28, 17-44, 18-25, 19-12, 19-39, 20-19, 21-04

Departure from the Ost. Energown

5-14, 5-35, 5-55, 6-11, 6-37, 6-51, 7-10, 7-29, 7-51, 8-06, 8-32, 8-53, 9- 31, 13-04, 13-34, 13-54, 14-14, 14-34, 14-59, 15-13, 15-28, 15-49, 16-09, 16-33, 16-55, 17-07, 17-23, 18-04, 18-51, 19-18, 19-58, 20-43, 21-12 through energy

Departure from tram depot №2

9-09, 9-14, 9-52, 10-31, 10-48, 11-07, 11-46, 12-13, 12-45, 13-25, 22-13 through depot No. 2, 22- 28, 22-59, 23-40 in depot №2

Departure from the Ost. Energown (along to the left bank)

8-48, 8-53, 9-31, 10-10, 10-46, 11-25,11-52, 12-24, 13-04, 21-21, 23-21

Departure from depot number 3

4-59, 6-00, 7-03, 8-02, 9-03, 10-04, 11-05 , 12-06, 13-07, 14-08

Departure of the Ost "Western"

5-09, 6-10, 7-13, 8-12, 9-13, 10-14, 11-15, 12-16, 13-17, 14-18

Departure from the Ost. "Energown"

5-30, 6-33, 7-34, 8-33, 9-34, 10-35, 11-36, 12-37, 13-38, 14-37

Departure from depot number 3

5-40, 6-40, 7-40, 8-40, 9-39, 10-38, 11-37, 12-36, 13-35, 14-35, 15-35, 16-35, 17-35, 18-34, 19-34, 20-33, 21-34, 22-34

Departure from the Ost. "Energown"

6-07, 7-07, 8-07, 9-07, 10-06, 11-05, 12-04, 13-03, 14-02, 15-02, 16-02, 17-02, 18-02 , 19-01, 20-01, 21-02, 22-04, 22-58

Departure of the Ost "Western"

6-28, 7-28, 8-28, 9-28, 10-27, 11-26, 12-25, 13-24, 14-23, 15-23, 16-23, 17-23, 18-23, 19-22, 20-22, 21-23, 22-25, 23-19

Administration of KP "MTTU"

Tramway timetable


Day off

Route №1 "ul. Kazantseva - Energy Supplies »

Departure from the Ost. "Ul. Kazantseva "

5-06; 5-33; 5-58; 6-25; 6-50; 7-14; 7-43; 8-08; 8-32; 9-00; 9-30; 10-01; 10- 40; 11-23; 12-03; 12-27; 12-42; 13-16; 13-53; 14-26; 15-00; 15-49; 16-40 (in the depot); 17-36; 19-27 (in the depot).

Departure from the Ost. "Energown"

5-59; 6-24; 6-50; 7-17; 7-42; 8-09; 8-39; 9-09; 9-52; 10-33; 11-10; 11-32; 11- 51; 12-25; 12-59; 13-24 (in the depot); 13-35; 14-08; 14-59; 15-31 (in the depot); 15-51; 16-39; 18-37.

Route №3 "Combine Azovstal - Gorbolnik №2"

Departure from the Ost. "Gorbolnik №2"

5-05; 5-34; 6-05; 6-33; 7-04; 7-32; 8-02; 8-31 (depot); 13-31; 14-01; 14-27; 15-02 ; 15-29; 16-02; 16-27 (depot); 16-59 (depot).

Departure from the Ost. "K, Azovstal"

4-36; 5-35; 6-04; 6-36; 7-03; 7-33; 8-02; 8-28 (depot); 13-32; 14-00; 14-3; 15-00 ; 15-53; 15-59; 16-31; 17-25 (depot);

Route №5 "ul. Kazantseva-Left Bank district "

Departure from the Ost. "Ul. Kazantseva "

6-17; 7-06; 7-56; 8-47; 9-33; 10-21; 11-08; 12-01; 12-46; 13-38; 14-23; 15-16; 15- 58; 16-48 (depot); 17-35; 18-24; 19-09; 19-57; 20-45; 21-30; 23-00 (depot).

Deposit from depot №2

5-13; 6-08; 6-58; 7-47; 8-37; 9-27; 10-14; 11-49; 12-36; 13-27; 14-19; 15-06; 15- 55; 16-37; 17-27 (depot); 17-27; 18-14; 19-03; 19-48; 20-36; 21-24 (depot); 22-09; 23-39 (depot).

Route №6 "ul. Kazantseva - Left Bank district "

Departure from the Ost. "Ul. Kazantseva "

5-21; 5-55; 6-30; 7-02; 7-36; 8-10; 8-39; 9-11; 9-45; 10-16; 10-47; 11-21; 11- 56; 12-29; 13-03; 13-33; 14-04; 14-37; 15-09 (depot); 15-40; 16-24; 17-13; 18-01; 18-47; 19 -34; 20-21; 21-07 (depot); 22-13 (depot).

Deposit from depot №2

4-37; 5-11; 5-44; 6-16; 6-50; 7-23; 7-55; 8-30; 9-04; 9-31; 10-05; 10-39; 11- 41; 12-16; 12-53; 13-23; 13-57; 14-26; 14-58; 15-31; 16-02 (depot); 16-32; 17-16; 18-05; 18-53; 19-39; 20-26; 21-13; 21-59 (depot); 23-05 ( depot).

Route number 7 "ul. Kazantseva - Energy Supplies "

Departure from the Ost. "Ul. Kazantseva "

5-02, 5-17, 5-36, 6-04, 7-34 in depot No. 3, 8-29 in depot No. 3, 8-43 in depot No. 3, 8-59 in depot No. 3, 12- 08, 13-01, 13-17, 14-15, 14-40, 15-26, 15-47 in depot No. 3, 16-53 in depot No. 3, 17-08 in depot No. 3, 17-16, 20-17, 23-41 in depot number 3

Departure from the Ost. "Western" (in the course of energy readers)

5-48, 6-03, 6-22, 6-50, 12-54, 13-47, 14-03, 15-01, 15-26, 16-10, 18-00, 21-00

Departure from the Ost. "Energown"

6-24, 7-18, 7-33, 7-48, 13-29, 14-20, 14-38, 15-46, 16-01, 16-43 in depot No. 3, 18-35, 22- 34.

Departure from the Ost. "Western" (in the course of Kazantsev)

6-45, 7-39, 7-54, 8-09, 13-50, 14-41, 14-59, 16-07, 16-22, 17-04, in the depot number 3, 18-56, 22 -55

Route number 8 "Ul. Kazantseva - Gorbolnik №2 "

Departure from the Ost. "Ul. Kazantseva "

6-19;6-36;6-49;7-04;7-18;7-3;7-45;8-01;8-15;8-28;8-45;8-58;9-13;9-26;9-40;9-53;10-10;10-25;10-37;10-51;11-05; 11-19;11-33;11-49;12-02;12-18;12-31;12-44;13-00;13-12;13-31;13-42;13-58;14-10;14-21;14-39;14-52;15-06;15-20; 15-37;15-47;16-03;16-16;16-30;16-44;16-53;17-16;17-37;18-02;18-22;18-44.

Departure from the Ost. "Gorbolnik №2"

5-45; 6-02; 6-8; 6-35; 6-52; 7-09; 7-24; 7-39; 7-53; 8-07; 8-19; 8-37; 8- 50; 9-02; 9-19; 9-32; 9-47; 10-01; 10-15; 10-27; 10-45; 11-00; 11-11; 11-26; 11-42; 11-54; 12-06; 12-23; 12-37; 12-53; 13-07; 13-20; 13-35; 13- 46; 14-05; 14-19; 14-31; 14-45; 14-57; 15-13; 15-26; 15-37; 15-53; 16-10; 16-22; 16-39; 16-50 (depot); 17-04; 17-18 (depot); 17-26; 17-48; 18-09; 18-35 (depot); 18-54 (depot); 19-16 (depot).

Route №9 "Levoberezhny district - Salmiusky district"

Departure from tram depot №2

4-31, 4-59, 5-31, 6-03, 6-28, 6-57, 7-28, 8-01, 8-25, 11-59, 12-31, 13-32, 14-00, 14-24, 14-58, 15-28, 15-57, 16-19, 16-54, 17-52, 18-49, 19-48, 20-47

Departure from the Ost. "Western"

5-46, 6-14, 6-48, 7-18, 7-43, 8-12, 8-45, 13-13, 13-45, 14-46, 15-14, 15-38, 16-11, 16-42, 17-10, 18-07, 19-06, 20-03

Departure from the Ost. "Energown"

6-07, 6-36, 7-09, 7-40, 8-04, 8-33 in depot No. 2, 9-09 in depot No. 2, 9-36 in depot No. 2, 13-34, 14- 03, 15-07, 15-36, 15-59, 16-32, 17-03 in depot No. 2, 17-31, 18-28, 19-27, 20-24, 21-22 in depot No. 2.

Route №10 "Energoustock - Gorbolnik №2"

Departure from the Ost. "Energown"

6-07; 6-19; 6-28; 6-40; 6-54; 7-04; 7-14; 7-27; 7-38; 7-49; 7-59; 8-11; 8- 22; 8-35; 8-46; 9-00; 9-15; 9-28; 9-36; 9-47; 10-03; 10-21; 10-40; 10-53; 11-05; 11-16; 11-26; 11-36; 11-47; 11-55; 12-08; 12-21; 12-33; 12-47; 12-55; 13-08; 13-20; 13-36; 13-44; 13-54; 14-04; 14-13; 14-26; 14-36; 14-47; 15-01; 15-12; 15-25; 15-37; 15-49; 16-02; 16-16; 16-19 (in the depot); 16-26 (in the depot); 16-34; 16-49; 17-03; 17-18; 17-30; 18-05; 18-32; 18-59; 19-11; 19-23; 19-47; 20-08; 20-28; 20-49; 21-11; 21-31 (in the depot); 21-55; 22-45.

Departure from the Ost. "Gorbolnik №2"

5-13; 5-28; 5-43; 6-00; 6-13; 6-28; 6-44; 7-01; 7-15; 7-26; 7-36; 7-47; 7-59; 8-10; 8-21; 8-34; 8-44; 8-54; 9-05; 9-16; 9-30; 9-41; 9-53; 10-08; 10-21; 10-30; 10-42; 10-57; 11-14; 11-33; 11-46; 11-58; 12-09; 12-20; 12-31; 12-42; 12-49; 13-04; 13-17; 13-28; 13-42; 13-53; 14-03; 14-17; 14-29; 14-40; 14-51; 15-00; 15-10; 15-20; 15-32; 15-40; 15-55; 16-08; 16-19; 16-34; 16-42 (in the depot); 16-55; 17-10 (in the depot); 17-12; 17-30; 17-44 (in the depot); 17-57; 18-13; 18-25; 18-58; 19-25; 19-52; 20-06 (in depot); 20-16; 20-39; 21-01; 21-22 (in the depot); 21-43; 22-20 (in the depot); 22-49 (in the depot); 23-37 (in the depot).

Route №11 "Levoberezhny district - Calmius district"

Departure from tram depot №2

4-24, 4-53, 5-22, 5-52, 6-20, 6-50, 7-18, 7-48, 8-16, 8-45, 9-14, 9-43, 12-05, 12-43, 13-20, 14-00, 14-19, 14-38, 15-16, 15-55, 16-14, 16-35, 17-11, 17-51, 18-10, 18-28, 19-06, 19-46, 20-23, 21-01, 21-41

Departure from the Ost. "Energown"

5-14, 5-43, 6-12, 6-42, 7-10, 7-41, 8-08, 8-37 in depot No. 2, 9-39, 10-05, 10-30, 12- 54, 13-32, 14-10, 14-49, 15-08, 15-29, 16-05, 16-45, 17-03, 17-22, 18-00, 18-40, 19-17, 19-55, 20-35

Departure from the Ost. "Western"

5-35, 6-04, 6-33, 7-03, 7-31, 8-02, 8-29, 8-58, 13-15, 13-53, 14-31, 15-10, 15-29, 15-50, 16-26, 17-06, 17-24, 17-43, 18-21, 19-01, 19-38, 19-56, 20-16, 20-56

Cropped route №11 "Left Bank - Energy Supplies"

Departure from tram depot №2

10-00, 10-26, 10-51, 11-20, 11-50

Departure from the OST "Energostok" (along the way to the left bank)

9-39, 10-05, 10-30, 10-59, 11-29, 11-44, 12-22, 12-59,

Route number 13 "Pos. Mirny - Nikopolsky Ave.

Departure from depot number 3

4-59, 5-59, 7-03, 8-04, 9-03, 10-04, 11-07, 12-06, 13-09, 14-10

Departure from the Ost. "Western"

5-09, 6-09, 7-13, 8-14, 9-13, 10-14, 11-17, 12-16, 13-19, 14-20

Departure from the Ost. "Energown"

5-30, 6-30, 7-34, 8-33, 9-34, 10-35, 11-38, 12-37, 13-40, 14-41

Route №14 "PR. Nikopolsky - pos. Peaceful"

Departure from depot number 3

5-40, 6-40, 7-40, 8-40, 9-39, 10-38, 11-37, 12-36, 13-35, 14-35, 15-35, 16-35, 17-35, 18-34, 19-33 , 20-32, 21-32, 22-36

Departure from the Ost. "Energown"

6-07, 7-07, 8-07, 9-07, 10-06, 11-05, 12-04, 13-03, 14-02, 15-02, 16-02, 17-02, 18-02, 19-01, 20-00, 20-58, 22-04, 23-02

Departure of the Ost "Western"

6-28, 7-28, 8-28, 9-28, 10-27, 11-26, 12-25, 13-24, 14-23, 15-23, 16-23, 17-23, 18-23, 19-22, 20-21, 21-19, 22-25, 23-23



Working day

Route №2 "TFD - Combine Azovstal"

Departure from the stop "TFD"

5-19, 5-51, 6-34, 7-05, 7-48, 8-22, 8-56, 9-34, 10-31, 11-14, 11-52, 12-26, 13- 02, 13-35, 14-10, 14-42 (depot 4), 15-19, 16-42, 17-52,19-01, 20-12, 21-20 (depot 4)

Departure from the stop "Combine" Azovstal ""

5-56, 6-25, 7-12, 7-48, 8-21, 9-00, 9-29, 10-07, 11-12, 11-50, 12-27, 13-01,13-35, 14-08, 14-44, 15-57, 17-15, 18-26, 19-35, 20-46.

Departure from the stop "TFD"

7-03, 7-44, 8-27, 9-09, 9-51 (in depot), 14-48, 15-31, 16-12, 17-10, 17-50

6-32, 7-24, 8-05, 8-48, 9-30, 14-28, 15-09, 15-52, 16-33, 17-30, 18-11 (in the depot).

Route №5 "Suburban Avtostania №2 - Railway Station"

Departure from the "AC-2" stop

5-15, 5-57, 6-13, 6-44, 7-08, 7-29, 7-52, 8-12, 8-37, 9-02, 9-26, 10-15.10- 42, 11-04, 11-39, 11-59, 12-23, 12-46, 13-09, 13-31, 13-53, 14-19, 14-42, 15-04, 15-30, 15-48, 16-33, 17-38, 19-09, 20-03, 20-47, 21-32, 22-15 (depot).

5-35, 6-18, 6-35, 7-04, 7-28, 7-49, 8-13, 8-35, 8-59, 9-25, 9-48,10-36,11-15, 11-35, 11-59, 12-21, 12-45, 13-06, 13-29, 13-53, 14-16, 14-41, 15-03, 15-28, 15-50, 16-09, 16-57, 17-58, 19-40, 20-24, 21-09, 21-52,

Route number 8 "ZHMR-17,18 - TFD"

5-23, 5-51, 6-20, 6-55, 7-23, 7-54, 8-23, 8-56, 9-25, 10-29, 11-15, 11-45, 12- 15, 12-45, 13-17, 13-45 (depot4) 13-48, 14-21, 14-49, 15-21, 15-50, 16-21, 16-51, 17-22, 17- 52, 18-23, 19-26 (depot) 19-40, 20-42, 21-40 (depot)

Departure from the stop "TFD"

5-21, 5-51, 6-23, 6-51, 7-24, 7-53, 8-24, 8-54, 9-58, 10-45, 11-14, 11-44, 12-14, 12-45, 13-14, 13-46, 14-18, 14-50, 15-19, 15-51, 16-19, 16-51, 17-21, 17-52, 18-53, 19-08, 20-13, 21-11.

Route №10 "TFD - railway station"

Departure from the stop "TFD"

7-11, 8-16, 9-28, 11-33, 12-43, 14-48, 15-55, 17-09.

6-40, 7-41, 8-57, 10-00, 12-05, 13-25, 15-24, 16-29, 17-39 (depot4).

Departure from the stop "ZHM-17,18"

5-18, 6-11, 7-06, 8-00, 8-26, 9-21 V (in depot) 10-42, 11-45, 12-37, 13-31, 14-18, 14- 26 (in the depot), 15-14, 16-10, 17-04, 17-58 (in the depot).

Departure from the OST "Railway Station"

5-44, 6-37, 7-33, 7-58, 8-26, 8-53, 9-21, 11-17, 12-10, 13-02, 13-58, 14-46, 15-41, 16-37, 17-30.

5-00, 5-06, 5-14, 5-21, 5-27, 5-33, 5-41, 5-48, 5-54, 6-00, 6-05, 6-13, 6-18, 6-24, 6-28, 6-36, 6-42, 6-48, 6-56, 7-01, 7-06, 7-14, 7-20, 7-26, 7-34, 7-38, 7-44, 7-49, 7-57, 8-03, 8-09, 8-17, 8-25, 8-29, 8-35, 8-43, 8-48, 8-56, 9-09, 9-23, 9-37, 9-46, 9-57, 10-08, 10-20, 10-36, 10-52, 11-07, 11-19, 11-31, 11-41, 11-52, 12-02, 12-12, 12-20, 12-30, 12-41, 12-52, 13-03, 13-13, 13-23, 13-34, 13-42, 13-50, 13-55, 14-05, 14-15, 14-23, 14-29, 14-39, 14-44, 14-50, 14-56, 15-02, 15-11, 15-20, 15-30, 15-37, 15-45, 15-51, 16-00, 16-05, 16-11, 16-20, 16-28, 16-33, 16-43,16-54, 17-04, 17-13, 17-21,17-30, 17-40, 18-05, 18-41, 19-04, 19-26, 19-51, 20-01, 20-22, 20-44, 21-07, 21-18, 21-39, 22-04, 22-32.

5-38, 5-44, 5-52, 5-59, 6-06, 6-12, 6-20, 6-26, 6-32, 6-38, 6-43, 6-51, 6-56, 7-02, 7-07, 7-15, 7-22, 7-27, 7-35, 7-40, 7-45, 7-53, 7-59, 8-05, 8-14, 8-19, 8-24, 8-29, 8-37, 8-42, 8-48, 8-55, 9-04, 9-09, 9-15, 9-21, 9-27, 9-35, 9-48, 10-02, 10-16, 10-25,10-37, 10-47, 10-59, 11-15, 11-31, 11-46, 11-58, 12-10, 12-21, 12-31, 12-42, 12-50, 12-59, 13-08, 13-20, 13-31, 13-41, 13-52, 14-02, 14-13, 14-21, 14-28, 14-34, 14-44, 14-53, 15-01, 15-08, 15-18, 15-23, 15-29, 15-35, 15-40, 15-50, 15-58, 16-08, 16-15, 16-23, 16-30, 16-38, 16-43, 16-49, 16-57, 17-05, 17-11, 17-21, 17-32, 17-44, 17-52, 17-58, 18-08, 18-19, 18-42, 19-18, 19-41, 20-03, 20-27, 20-38, 20-59, 21-20, 21-43, 21-55, 22-16, 22-43, 23-10.

Departure from the Kalmiusky Market stop


Departure from the stop "TFD"

4-59.5-26.5-58.6-21.6-41.6-59.7-19.7-42.8-10.8-28.8-41.9-06.9- 24 (in the depot), 9-51,10-23 (in the depot), 10-46,11-25,12-05,12-35,13-18,13-48,14-23,14-54, 15-12,15-29,15-43,16-04,16-36,16-55 (in depot), 17-14,17-25 (in depot), 17-44,18-19 (in the depot ), 18-54 (in the depot), 19-55,21-33,23-11 (in the depot).

5-09, 5-22, 5-41, 5-53, 5-59, 6-13, 6-26, 6-38, 6-51, 7-03, 7-22, 7-35, 7- 43, 7-53 (to Pl. Freedom), 8-13, 8-25, 8-32, 8-45, 8-58, 9-22 (up to Pl. Freedom), 9-35 (up to Pl. Freedom ), 9-44, 10-30, 11-11, 11-19 (to PL. Freedom), 11-49, 11-56, 12-17, 12-19 (to PL. Freedom), 13-04, 13-11.13-45, 14-19, 14-36, 14-49, 15-11, 15-40 (to PL. Freedom), 15-45, 16-01, 16-23, 16-50, 17-01, 17-08, 17-19 (to Pl. Freedom), 17-40 (to Pl. Freedom), 18-15, 18-33, 18-57, 19-17, 19-33, 20- 09, 20-34, 21-04 (to Pl. Freedom), 21-17, 21-46 (up to Pl. Freedom), 21-53 (to Pl. Freedom), 21-59 (up to Pl. Freedom), 23-08 (to pl. Freedom)

5-38, 5-51, 6-04, 6-17, 6-27, 6-40, 6-59, 7-11, 7-18, 7-30, 7-43, 8-09, 8- 22, 8-29, 8-46 (to AC-2), 9-17, 9-27 (to AC-2), 9-56, 10-06, 10-35, 10-42, 10-55, 11-03, 11-50, 12-27, 13-05, 13-16 (to AC-2), 13-34 (to AC-2), 13-58, 14-27,14-45, 15- 06, 15-39, 15-54, 16-06, 16-25, 16-32 (to AC-2), 17-00, 17-20, 17-40, 18-06, 18-20, 18- 56, 19-16, 19-51, 20-02, 20-33, 20-40, 20-48, 21-26 (to AC-2), 21-55, 22-34 (to AC-2), 23-14 (to AC-2)

Schedule of trolleybus routes


Day off

Route №1 "Pl. Liberation - pos. Molding "(changed the scheme of motion" Pl. Liberation - Trolleybus Depot No. 4 ")

Departure from the stop "pl. Liberation "

5-45, 6-29, 7-13.7-59.8-45.9-31,10-58,11-44,12-30.13-16,14-02,14-48,15- 34,16-28.17-14,18-00,18-44,19-30.20-14 (in depot)

Departure from the stop "Trolleybus Depot No. 4"


Route №2 "TFD - Combine" Azovstal "

Departure from the stop "TFD"

5-10.5-41.6-14.6-46.7-20.7-52.8-40.9-02,9-46,10-50,11-40,12-13,12- 48,13-22,13-59,14-30 (in depot), 15-05, 16-16,17-24,19-20,20-24.21-31 (depot)

Departure from the stop "Combine" Azovstal "


Route №4 "TFD - Drama"

Departure from the stop "TFD"

7-03, 7-44, 8-27, 9-09, 9-51 V (depot), 14-48, 15-31, 16-12, 17-10, 17-50.

Departure from the stop "Drama"

6-32, 7-24, 8-05, 8-48, 9-30, 14-28, 15-09, 15-51, 16-33, 17-30, 18-11 (depot).

Route №5 "Suburban Avtostania №2 - Railway Station"

Departure from the stop "Suburban Avtostania №2"

5-16, 5-57, 6-13, 6-42, 7-05, 7-27, 7-49, 8-12, 8-37, 9-03, 9-28, 10-16, 10- 42, 11-03, 11-39, 12-01, 12-23, 12-48, 13-08, 13-32, 13-53, 14-19, 14-39,15-04,15-31 ( Depot), 15-50, 16-36.17-40,19-09, 20-06, 20-50, 21-34, 22-18 (depot).

Departure from the stop "railway station"

5-36, 6-17, 6-35, 7-03, 7-28, 7-48, 8-14, 8-34, 8-58, 9-23, 9-50, 10-37, 11-15, 11-37, 11-59, 12-24, 12-45, 13-08, 13-29, 13-54, 14-15, 14-40, 15-01, 15-25, 16-12, 16-56, 18-01, 19-43, 20-27, 21-11, 21-55.

Route №8 "ZHMR 17,18 - TFD"

Departure from the stop "Per. Transport"

5-26.5-55.6-24.6-53.7-23.7-53.8-24.8-56.9-27,10-31.11-02,11-32,12- 02,12-33.13-04.13-39.14-14, 14-41 (depot), 14-46,15-17,15-48,16-19,16-49,17-19,17 -49,18-19,19-19 (depot) .19-34,20-42,21-39 (depot).

Departure from the stop "TFD"

5-22,5-55,6-24,6-53,7-23,7-53,8-25,8-56,10-00,10-31,11-01,11-32,12-02,12-32,13-05,13-38,14-11, 14-44,15-16,15-47,16-18,16-49,17-19,17-49,18-49,19-05,20-13,21-10.

Route №10 "TFD -ZH / D Railway"

Departure from the stop "TFD"

7-13, 8-14, 9-25, 11-31, 12-38, 14-48, 15-52, 17-10.

Departure from the stop "railway station"

6-42, 7-43, 8-53, 10-04, 12-06, 13-14, 15-20, 16-32, 17-40 (depot).

Route №11 "ZHMR-17,18 - railway station"

Departure from the stop "ZHM-17,18"

5-18, 5-45, 6-11, 6-41, 7-06, 7-32, 8-00, 8-26, 8-54, 9-23 (in depot), 10-43, 11- 45, 12-38, 13-31, 14-18, 14-26 (in depot), 15-14, 16-10, 17-04, 18-58 (in depot)

Departure from the stop "railway station"

5-44, 6-11, 6-37, 7-06, 7-33, 7-58, 8-26, 8-55, 9-21, 11-17, 12-11, 13-03, 13-58, 14-46, 15-41, 16-37, 17-30.

Route №12 "Suburban Avtostania №2 - Salmius Market"

Departure from the stop "Suburban Avtostania №2"

5-00.5-10.5-22.5-33.5-45.5-52,6-02,6-10.6-19.6-27.6-35.6-44.6- 54,7-04,7-12,7-22,7-30.7-39.7-48, 7-59.8-06,8-15,8-24,8-33,8-42, 8-52,9-01.9-12.9-22.9-34.9-44,9-54,10-07,10-18,10-32,10-46,10-59, 11- 14,11-23,11-33,11-43.11-53,12-06,12-37,12-46,12-55,13-04,13-13, 13-21.13-30.13-38, 13-48,13-58.14-07,14-16,14-43,14-52,15-01,15- 10.15-18.15-46,15-54,16-03, 16-12,16-23,16-33,16-45,16-48 (depot), 17 -00.17-05 (depot), 17-15.17-14 (depot), 17-22 (depot), 17-30.17-43, 18-00,18-12,18-30,18- 48,19-01.19-14,19-33 (depot), 19-40,19-48 (depot), 20-04,20-18 (depot), 20-30,20-57, 21-20 , 21-53.22-14 (depot), 22-35.23-11 (depot), 23-50 (depot).

Departure from the Kalmiusky Market stop

5-38,5-48,6-01,6-11,6-23,6-30,6-40,6-48,6-57,7-05,7-14,7-22,7-32,7-42,7-51,8-00,8-10,8-18,8-27,8-37, 8-45,8-53,9-03,9-12,9-20,9-30,9-40,9-50,10-01,10-12,10-23,10-33,10-46,10-58,11-12,11-24,11-39, 11-52,12-04,12-12,12-22,12-31,12-45,12-56,13-05,13-16,13-24,13-33,13-42,13-52,14-01,14-09,14-16, 14-27,14-36,14-46,14-55,15-04,15-14,15-22,15-31,15-40,15-48,15-57,16-07,16-16,16-24,16-33,16-41, 16-49,17-00,17-14,17-30,17-46,17-56,18-07,18-20,18-37,18-52,19-08,19-24,19-38,19-50,20-17,20-40, 21-06,21-34,21-56,22-31,23-11.

Route №13 "Calmius Market - TFD"

Departure from the Kalmiusky Market stop

5-43,6-18,6-53,7-27,8-05,8-41,9-35,10-17,10-52,11-29,11-59,12-37,13-10,13-47,14-21,15-09, 16-01, 16-53,17-41,19-03,19-29,20-46,22-23.

Departure from the stop "ul. TFD "

4-54.5-30.6-04,6-38,7-07,7-43.8-18.8-57.9-38,10-29,11-08,11-48,12- 20,12-58,13-32,14-19,14,39 (in depot), 15-12,16-04, 16-52,17-44,18-32,19-58,20-19 ( in the depot), 21-36,23-13 (in the depot).

Route №15 "ZHM" Western "- ZHM" East ""

Departure from the stop "ZMR" Western ""

5-24, 5-40, 5-56, 6-12, 6-30, 6-49, 7-07, 7-22, 7-43, 7-54, 8-15, 8-25, 8- 46, 8-57, 9-17, 9-39, 10-21, 10-41, 10-53, 11-17, 11-27, 11-48, 12-12, 12-39, 12-54, 13-06, 13-18, 13-27, 13-47, 14-03, 14-18, 14-42, 15-09, 15-29, 15-47, 15-54, 16-00, 16- 21, 16-36, 16-53, 17-01, 17-12, 18-07, 18-27, 18-44, 18-57, 19-09, 19-21, 19-33, 19-43, 19-53, 20-14, 20-42, 21-01, 21-14 (up to Pl. Freedom), 21-41 (up to Pl. Freedom), 21-59, 22-44 (to PL. Freedom), 23-12 (to Pl. Freedom)

Departure from the stop "ZMR" East ""

5-38, 5-53, 6-09, 6-25, 6-41, 6-56, 7-13, 7-29, 7-46, 8-05, 8-24, 9-07, 9- 29, 9-40, 10-02, 10-12, 10-33, 10-56, 11-20, 11-42, 11-53, 12-03, 12-13, 12-34, 12-48, 13-06, 13-29, 13-56, 14-10, 14-22, 14-38, 14-51, 15-05, 15-24, 15-41, 15-58, 16-52, 17- 15, 17-27, 17-42, 17-50, 18-09, 18-20, 18-30, 18-41, 19-01, 19-29, 19-48, 20-01, 20-14 ( to AC-2), 20-28, 20-38 (to AC-2), 20-48, 21-00 (to AC-2), 21-10 (to AC-2), 21-31, 21- 59, 22-16 (to AC-2), 23-14 (to AC-2)

Administration of KP "MTTU"

Work with Martrans Site Mobile Version

Section "Traffic Schedules"

This section allows you to select the required route to illuminate the schedule of movement and the traffic circuit. Each type of transport is divided into color:

  • Red - tram
  • Blue - Trolleybus
  • Green - Municipal Bus
  • Orange - route taxi

Section "Fort Route Search"

It offers options for fast routes in accordance with the specified stops of departure and arrival with the display of the real time of arrival of transport to the desired stop.

Section "Map"

When choosing this section, the user can see:

  • Card stop
  • Motion of all public transport

When you choose a stop on the screen, the routes passing by this stop and when choosing "Show Send times" reflects the real time of arrival of a vehicle.

Section "Search"

The use of the section allows you to search for both the route number and the stopping point. When conducting the name of the stoppoint, the real time of arrival of a vehicle is displayed.

How to create a site label on your mobile device running iOS:

How to create a site shortcut on a mobile device running Android:

  • Open your internet browser on your device.
  • Go to the site M.martrans.gov.ua
  • In the browser menu, select "Add to Main Screen".
  • Select the name of this shortcut and click "Finish."

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