
Builder is all about Construction, Architecture, Repair, Design! Construction from A to Z! From idea to object! Houses of the 87th series

114-87. With time requirement for quality improvement real estate associated appearance in Soviet period houses of the 87 series. Huge avenues and new streets were built, on which the usual “Khrushchev” buildings looked ridiculous. The main difference was the spectacular appearance of the building and more convenient layout inside it. So, for example, elevators and garbage chutes appeared in them - a significant advantage for high-rise buildings. The apartments were equipped with gas stoves, but in order to save money, the floors were covered with linoleum, and the walls were built from silicate brick, rather than ordinary brick.

Series: 114-87

House type: brick

Manufacturer: Local building materials

Years of construction: 1980-1990s

Number of floors: 9 floors.

Number of rooms in apartments: 1, 2, 3, 4

Height residential premises: 2.60-2.70 m

Number of apartments per floor: 4

Number of sections (entrances): 4 or more

Elevators: passenger

Ventilation: natural exhaust ventilation

Garbage removal: available on each interfloor platform

Loggias: There is

Balconies: There is

Baths: standard (not seated)

Bathrooms: separate

Load-bearing walls: Load-bearing walls - external and transverse internal

Wall material: Wall material is brick, most often white silicate; there are houses made of red brick

Internal walls: mostly gypsum

Partitions: gypsum block, gypsum panel

Floors: reinforced concrete panel

houses of the 87th series were divided into 2 categories: houses with typical and with improved layouts and housing characteristics and a non-standard form, compared to ordinary houses of the 87th series. All apartments with balconies or wide loggias (except the 1st floor) are quite good layouts apartments, increasing the area of ​​rooms and kitchens. 114-87-2 - 4-section house for 144 apartments (one-room 1B-18; two-room 2B-54; three-room 3B-54; four-room 4B-18), 114- 87-073, 87-073/1, 87-073 /1.2 - block section unified for 36 apartments (two-room apartments 2B-19; three-room apartments 3A-8, 3B-9).

Principles of labeling Moscow, Moscow region and all-Union standard series. Discrepancies in series designations in the documentation of various BTIs

Roman numerals were used to denote design features series: I - with longitudinal load-bearing walls, II - with transverse load-bearing walls, longitudinal rigidity diaphragms (longitudinal walls of staircases, individual sections of external or internal walls) and floors supported mainly on two sides by transverse walls; III - with longitudinal load-bearing walls, transverse stiffening diaphragms (transverse walls of staircases, end walls, etc.) and floors supported primarily on two sides by longitudinal walls.

As for Arabic numerals, for many all-Union series in the 1970s-1990s. there was a system in place where the name standard project consisted of 2-3 groups of numbers. The first group of numbers meant: 111 - multi-sectional apartment building with panel walls, 114 - multi-sectional apartment building with brick walls, 121 - single-section apartment building-tower with panel walls, 124 - single-section apartment building-tower with brick walls. The second group of numbers designated the series itself, and at the end after the dot, in some cases the year of development of the series was indicated.

In the Moscow real estate market, in the name of the series, in some cases the number of storeys is indicated through a slash after the actual series number, for example. series P-3M-7/23 - this means 23 floors. Since this modification differs significantly in both apartment layouts and floor plans from the basic P-3M series (9-17 floors), www.russianrealty.ru distinguishes it as a separate series. The same applies to series 1-515/5, 1605/AM5 (5-story Khrushchev buildings) and, accordingly, 1-515/9, 1605/9 (series of 9-story buildings). But, when floor plans, design characteristics and nomenclature standard layouts apartments do not depend on the number of floors in the house (this applies to most series), it is not practical to separate the options into a separate series. However, some BTI mechanically mark all special cases of different numbers of floors, for example. P-44/16 and P-44/17.

The number of sections (entrances) is indicated through a hyphen in the Moscow series, for example. residential buildings of type series II-18-01 consist of one entrance (i.e. they are “towers”). The floor plans and layouts of the apartments in them differ from the 2-entrance houses II-18-02. However, in some BTI there are special cases of designation of the number of sections in other series, for example. II-49-04, which is not important for most series, since the layout options for apartments in 4-entrance houses of the II-49 series do not differ, for example, from 6-entrance ones. The exceptions are the families of the II-18, II-29, II-66, II-68 series.

But the main headache of many apartment owners and novice realtors is discrepancies in the designations of many standard series of houses of the 1950s-1970s. For example, standard series II-07 in different sources appears as I-07, and 2-07, and P-07, and even as 11-07. The reason for this is the absence on Soviet typewriters of the 1950s-1970s. Latin font. Since universal instructions did not exist until 1975, typists of various BTIs arbitrarily decided how to print Roman numerals more correctly. Only with the introduction of the Unified Moscow Catalog of Unified Products was it decided to designate with the letter P only panel series. In those same years, the creation of unified databases with universal principles of literation began.

There are latitudinal (along the latitude), meridional (along the meridian) and universal orientations of residential buildings, which also affects the layout of apartments and floor plans in houses various types series. All rooms, except for the end and corner ones, in houses with a latitudinal orientation face the south and north, and in houses with a meridional orientation - to the east and west. In houses of standard series of latitudinal orientation there are no such options floor plans, where “line” apartments (with windows on one side) in row (ordinary) sections are present on both sides, otherwise it would turn out that the windows of all rooms in the apartments on one side would face only the north.

Thus, the letter M in the names of Moscow standard series of houses of the 1960s-1980s. means “meridional”, W or S - “latitudinal” (all “line” apartments face south). Possible deviations from latitude and longitude are determined based on calculations of the duration of insolation (sunlight) of rooms in accordance with SanPiN. That is, when tied to the terrain, houses of the corresponding types of series should be built according to the type of orientation, but in practice these rules were not always followed.

In the 1990s-2000s. the letter M in the names of the Moscow series began to mean “modified” and/or “municipal”.

The index “I” at the beginning of the names of the series of Moscow manufacturers means that at the time of development the house project was individual, and only subsequently went into mass production (the so-called “reuse project”). The exception is the I-155 series, so named in order to promote the brand of the SU-155 manufacturer.

For modern series near Moscow, it is common practice to indicate the year of development in the name of the series, for example. RD-17.04 was developed in 2004, 17S-02 - in 2002. The letters in their names, as a rule, indicate the manufacturer: V - Voskresensky House-Building Plant (VDSK), N - "Narostroy" (Naro-Fominsk DSK), OZ - Orekhovo-Zuevsky DSK, P - Podolsky DSK, RD (in earlier series - T) - “Ruzsky House” (Tuchkovsky DSK), S - Serpukhovsky DSK, Shch - Shchelkovsky DSK, E - Elektrostalsky DSK. In the 2000s. this principle also began to be applied in the names of some Moscow series: GMS (Glavmosstroy), MPSM (Mospromstroymaterialy).

It should be noted that many indices mentioned in some BTIs as names of series (KTZHS-13, BS-05-17M, etc.) are in fact only variants of standard block sections KOPE series, GMS-1, etc. Many series of the 1990s-2000s. There are several dozen variants of standard block sections, of which only 5-10 have actually been/are being built. More detailed information For information on different block section options, see the pages of the corresponding series.

Other letter combinations used in the names of Moscow and Moscow region standard series of houses: KPD - large-panel house, PB - panel-block, K - frame, brick, E - experimental (series), MG - Moscow city (series), MO - Ministry of Defense

Below is a list of episodes identified and presented in the series.

II-01 (5-floor, brick)
II-02(I-801) (8-story brick)
II-03 (5-storey brick) (see link)
II-04 (8-floor, block)
II-05 (5-floor, block)
II-07 and II-07-19 (5th floor panel.)
II-08, (8-storey brick)
II-14 (5-story brick) (see link)
Kyiv series I-442, I-443, I-406, (5 floors. Brick/blocks)

I-405 (5-story brick)
I- 305 (3-5 brick)
Mm-1-3 (3-5 brick)
I-440 (3-5 brick)
I-418 (3-5 brick)
I-460 (3-5 brick)
I-260 (3-5 brick)

I-402 (5-story brick)
Experimental period. SM-01.

Brief typology.

Moscow series

Houses of the 87th series were designed by KievZNIIEP and began to be built in the early 60s (although some note a clear similarity with the Moscow II-29 series). Historically, the series was based on the development of the 438 series.
The reason for creating this series was the need for mass construction of houses with improved consumer characteristics compared to the “Khrushchev” buildings that were being built in huge numbers at that time (there was a need to improve the quality of real estate). “Khrushchevkas” were not very suitable for the role of the “face” of the large streets - avenues - that were being built at that time (such as Lesya Ukrainka Boulevard and Brest-Litovsky Avenue - now Pobeda Avenue). For these purposes they tried to use the Khrushchev 438 series, but as soon as the 87 series was developed, they immediately switched to it (more effective appearance, better layout and convenience). In addition, there was a need for houses with improved layouts for workers of the “nomenklatura” (party and Soviet officials, generals, etc.). Therefore, the houses of the 87 series were naturally divided into 2 categories: houses with typical and improved layouts.

Houses of the 87th series were built from hand-laid bricks. At first, ordinary brick was used. Subsequently, they sometimes saved money by using cheaper silicate bricks. External walls are load-bearing. The interior walls of the apartment are predominantly plaster, which makes redevelopment easier. The ceilings were made from reinforced concrete panels. The side of the house from the street or all sides of the house were covered with tiles. However, sometimes the house was left completely without tiles. The 87 series also consists of four-apartment sections with a latitudinal orientation. One section was conventionally divided by load-bearing walls into 4 parts.

Elevators appeared in the houses of the 87th series - this was a serious improvement compared to the Khrushchev and Stalin buildings. Garbage chutes also appeared for the first time. The thickness of the walls was also increased compared to the Khrushchev buildings. However, the layouts, although they became a little better, in the standard construction of the 87th series were not fundamentally different from the “Khrushchev ones”, and sometimes they simply copied them.

Houses of the 87th series may have different locations of loggias or balconies and, of course, have different names. The apartments are equipped with gas stoves. The ceiling height is 2.6 - 2.7 meters. The floors are covered with linoleum. There is one passenger elevator at the entrance. The garbage chute is located behind the elevator on the span between floors. Flights of stairs are combined with floor landings. Houses of the 87th series mainly consist of two- and three-room apartments. Two-room apartments have one or two exits (from each room) to the balcony. One-room apartments can be located either at the end of the house or in the middle. Approximate range of living space three-room apartment is 17:14:10 m2., two-room - 18:12 m2.

“Special projects” were created based on the 87 series.
These were houses with improved housing characteristics and a non-standard form, compared to ordinary houses of the 87 series.
Also, hotel-type houses (“gostinki”) were built on the basis of the 87 series. True, they are quite rare.

Main characteristics of the 87-series:

Series marking: 114-87 -X

Thickness of load-bearing walls: 0.5 - 0.55 m

Load-bearing wall material: brick (sometimes silicate), with the front part covered with ceramic tiles

Floors: reinforced concrete, hipped

The floor height from floor to floor is 2.8 m.

Kitchen area: 7.5 - 8.5 m2

Main disadvantages: sometimes deteriorated layouts, sometimes poorly made screed on the floors (poor sound and waterproofing)

series II-57/17 (Moscow)

Progenitor of the famous series of sixteen-story buildings BPS there was a Moscow series in the city of Kyiv II-57(developer MNIITEP). The series was experimental and was developed in the early 60s. Its construction began in Moscow in 1964-66 with 9-story buildings.

Then 12- and 16-story modifications were developed (in which a freight elevator was used for the first time in mass-produced buildings!).

The sixteen-story version was developed by Mosproekt 1. Its distinctive feature was the presence of “legs” on which the house stood. The houses of this series were the first serial 16-storey buildings of mass residential development in the city of Kyiv. Up to ten houses in the series were built in Kyiv II-57.

It had many shortcomings even at that time. The most important of which is the lack of a smoke-free stairwell (violation of fire safety standards for sixteen-story buildings). The staircases themselves were narrow and uncomfortable. It was decided to modify the series.

BPS series was modernized at KievZNIIEP in the late 60s. The above shortcomings have been eliminated. BPS series houses- made of precast reinforced concrete with a technical floor. A distinctive feature of this series is the reinforced concrete panels of large thickness, connected with an overlap. In this case, the external walls are not load-bearing. The thickness of the walls in some areas reaches 60 centimeters - this was an unheard of waste of reinforced concrete for the Soviet era. According to experts, load-bearing walls of the house BPS series can withstand more than 25 floors without complications.

BPS series "with legs" (Bereznyaki)

Ceiling height 2.50-2.55 m. 8 apartments per floor (there can be six on the first floor if there is a second exit). The houses have 2 elevators - passenger and cargo-passenger. All walls are load-bearing. The technical floor is significant. An exceptional feature is that all apartments have kitchens of 7-8 m2 with a slanting balcony. The floors are covered with panel parquet boards. In the first houses BPS series Gas stoves are installed; in later buildings - electric stoves. There are eight apartments on the floor: four one-room, two two-room and two three-room. The entrance may have two exits. There are houses with one entrance, two, three, six or more. Houses of earlier construction have peculiar “tripods” at the ends. It is these houses that usually have gas stoves. These apartment buildings have large floor-to-ceiling windows. As a result, during construction in the late 70s, these windows were removed (due to large heat losses and inconvenience) and gas stoves(non-compliance with new rules fire safety) refused.

BPS series (Obolon

The origin of the name of the series (it differs from the typical ones at that time 1-480, 1-464 ...) is obvious from the name of the vibratory rolling mill on which panels for this type of house were made. The BPS-6M vibratory rolling mill is designed for the production of large-sized reinforced concrete panels using the continuous vibratory rolling method. The mill can also produce internal wall panels, expanded clay concrete panels for external walls, and floor panels. Series houses are often called "BPS" or "BPS-6"

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