
Subject environment, ergonomic foundations of organization. Basics of ergonomics Ergonomics and psychology in environmental design

Ergonomics is a field of knowledge that comprehensively studies human labor activity in the “man - technology - environment” system in order to ensure efficiency, safety and comfort of work activity. Ergonomics is the science of systems. It includes such concepts as anthropometry, biomechanics, occupational hygiene, occupational physiology, technical aesthetics, occupational psychology, engineering psychology. This is a branch of science that studies the movements of the human body during work, energy expenditure and the productivity of specific human labor. Application area

ergonomics is quite broad: it covers the organization of workplaces, both industrial and domestic, as well as industrial design. Ergonomics is a scientific and applied discipline that deals with the study and creation of effective human-controlled systems. Ergonomics studies the movement of a person in the process of production activities, his energy expenditure, productivity and intensity for specific types of work. Ergonomics is divided into mini-ergonomics, mid-ergonomics and macro-ergonomics. Ergonomics is based on many disciplines from anatomy to psychology, and its main task is to create

such working conditions for a person that would help maintain health, increase labor efficiency, reduce fatigue, and simply maintain a good mood throughout the working day. The emergence of ergonomics was facilitated by problems associated with the introduction and operation of new equipment and technologies in the twentieth century, namely the increase in injuries at work, staff turnover, etc., as scientific and technological progress began to gain momentum, and this required a new unification of sciences with the active involvement of psychology, hygiene and much more.

Purposeergonomics is the study of the patterns of labor processes, the role of human factors in labor activity and increasing production efficiency while maintaining labor safety conditions. E. includes the study of conflict situations, stress in the workplace, fatigue and workload, taking into account the individual characteristics of the employee. Pays attention to the process of selection, training and retraining of specialists. The creation of an information base, communications, and workplace design directly affects the production process and relationships. The development of uniform standards and criteria for work activity for each profession in such conditions is important for safety, minimizing emergency situations and optimizing working conditions.

Topic 37. Anthropometric requirements in ergonomics

Anthropometry- branch of science dealing with measurements of the human body and its parts. The shape and functional dimensions of the entire objective environment, its volumetric-spatial structures are inextricably linked with the size and proportions of the human body throughout the history of civilization. Ancient peoples and peoples throughout Europe until the 19th century used systems of measures based on the parameters of the human body (elbow, foot, foot, etc.). Builders and architects erected buildings in which not only the relationships of the parts were in tune with the proportions of a person, but also the absolute dimensions of the buildings themselves were commensurate with people. Artists and sculptors, in order to obtain simple means for reproducing a figure without resorting to nature, and also striving to create a harmonious image of a person, proposed and used systems of proportions - canons.

In the canon of Polykleitos, the sculptor of Ancient Greece, the width of the palm was taken as a unit and the head was 1/8 of the body length, and the face - 1/10, etc. Canon of Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) - a figure with raised and spread arms and spread legs fits into a circle, the center of which is the navel. The architect Corbusier (1887-1965) patented a proportioning system called "Modulor". It is a scale of linear dimensions that meet three requirements: they are in certain proportional relationships with each other, allowing the structure and its details to be harmonized; directly correlated with the size of the human body, thereby ensuring the human scale of architecture; expressed in the metric system of measures and therefore meet the objectives of unifying construction products. In modern practice they prefer to use anthropometric characteristics person. Distinguish classic And anthropometric ergonomic features. The former are used in the study of body proportions, age morphology, to compare the morphological characteristics of different population groups, and the latter are used in the design of products and organization of labor. Ergonomic anthropometric characteristics are divided into static and dynamic. Static signs are determined with a person’s position remaining unchanged. They include the dimensions of individual parts of the body and overall (largest) dimensions in different positions and postures of a person. These dimensions are used when designing products, determining minimum passages, etc. Dynamic anthropometric signs- these are the dimensions measured when a body moves in space. They are characterized by angular and linear movements (angles of rotation in the joints, angle of rotation of the head, linear measurements of the length of the arm when it moves up, to the side, etc.). These signs are used when determining the angle of rotation of handles, pedals, determining the visibility zone, etc. Numerical values ​​of anthropometric data are most often presented in the form of tables. The general rules for using anthropometric data when calculating the parameters of workplaces and production equipment are based on the percentile method. Percentile- one hundredth of a measured population of people to which a certain value of an anthropometric characteristic corresponds.

Subject environment, ergonomic foundations of organization

Kolesnikova Anastasia Alexandrovna,

postgraduate student at the Department of Decorative and Applied Arts and Technical Graphics, Oryol State University.

Ergonomics is the basis in design, the foundation that lays the foundation for everything created. In his book, V.F. Runge says this about design: “One of the main goals of which is the formation of a harmonious subject environment that meets the material and spiritual needs of a person. It is compositional unity that allows us to consider ergonomics as the natural scientific basis of design.” In industrial design, ergonomics is involved in the creation of household items, tools and mechanisms, and in graphic design in the development of packaging. In environmental design, the achievements of ergonomic research are taken into account in the design of interior and exterior, and the organization of landscape design.

Ergonomics is a scientific discipline that studies human activity in everyday life and work processes, creating the most favorable conditions for a person’s life and mental state. The design of the room should be focused from the very beginning on creating a system of ergonomic properties, since this is the most important goal. The goal of ergonomics is to improve the relationship between a person and his environment, preserve his health and create conditions for personal development. The connection between what surrounds a person and what he encounters in Everyday life, in ergonomics is abbreviated as “man – machine – environment”. This system harmonizes components, reasons united by a specific goal. The requirements for the “man-machine-environment” system are integrally related to the achievement of set goals.

These examples indicate that ergonomic fundamentals are involved in shaping the entire design environment and their importance cannot be overestimated. “As a scientific discipline, ergonomics is based on the synthesis of the achievements of socio-economic, technical and natural sciences.” As a result, it is aimed at creating favorable conditions for interaction between a person and his environment to ensure the interests of the entire society and each user individually.

The shapes of objects around us, their relationship to each other in size, the material from which the object is made and its volumetric-spatial structure can act as an object environment. “The unity of the subject environment is achieved by using artistic means and is addressed to the spiritual world of man.”

Throughout his life, a person is in residential premises either in a production premises or in a public one. Premises such as kindergartens, secondary schools, secondary specialized institutions, universities and additional education schools are considered public. Public buildings, in terms of their social significance, belong to the sphere of service activities. Samu service activities can be divided into several groups - training, nutrition, trade, exposition, spectacle and anticipation. Each of these groups determines its role in the formation of the spatial environment. The education system is divided into preschool, general education and professional stages. The choice of equipment and organization of the spatial structure is influenced by the selected premises (kindergarten group, classroom, auditorium, workshops). The basis for interior or exterior design is the anthropometric data and psychophysiological characteristics of students of all ages, since forms of education can be individual, collective or group. Each of these forms reveals its own characteristics.

A collective form of education, for example, involves the work of a teacher with a class or group. The students' attention should be focused on the teacher or the chalk board. This requires students to be seated in rows at study desks throughout the entire classroom area, with their visual orientation toward the front wall. It is important to note that the distribution of furniture and equipment is determined by the condition of normal visibility of the teacher or aids.

In group learning, students are divided into several groups; this is necessary for practical exercises, laboratory and creative work. Such types of activities can be carried out in kindergarten groups, school classrooms, additional education rooms or gyms. Important for group classes, has free space and proper placement of equipment in zones.

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In an individual form of learning, the emphasis is on the contact of the teacher with the student, where the latter can be at the board, at the device or at the teaching aid.

Considering preschool institutions, we can observe that a larger number of premises include group rooms, such as playrooms and children's groups, assembly and sports halls. In turn, children's groups are intended for both games and meals, and sometimes for sleep. To do this, as noted earlier, the premises require appropriate, competent distribution of equipment into zones. But music or sports halls can be used during inclement weather for celebrations or as additional recreation.

Great importance is given to functional and mobile furniture in preschool institutions. “The “constructor” method allows you to create furniture modules, on the basis of which various layout and equipment options are selected, for example, classes, depending on the composition of students, the size and configuration of the premises, etc. Schools receive containers with “building materials” from which they assemble the necessary items and systems for their specific conditions.” Often, children's furniture looks like adult furniture, only in reduced sizes. As for the tables, they are usually double or four-seater. Containers for storing toys and auxiliary materials are also needed; these storage facilities can be made from different materials, but taking into account the child’s anthropometric data and ergonomic studies. In addition to the usual daily routine, groups can watch visual graphic materials, educational films, television shows, and filmstrips.

The basis of ergonomics is also the influence of color and light, on which a favorable stay in the room depends, as a result, an increase or decrease in the work process. “The best conditions for natural light are created in the following situations: with overhead lighting, with side left lighting, combined with overhead lighting; with angular lighting (from the left and from behind); when illuminated from two sides (left and right)."

Color in an artificial habitat has a huge impact on the human soul, on his behavior and mood. The choice of color for a classroom should be conscious and balanced. These rooms are designed for both relaxation and mental work. In the latter rooms, tonic colors should be used: yellow, orange are also suitable, but the scope of this color is much less wide for aesthetic reasons. Green-blue, blue and blue colors are suitable for relaxation rooms; they are also calming.

Thus, the importance of the fundamentals of ergonomics is the basis that lays the foundation for everything created, because the scope of its application is quite wide and cannot be underestimated. Modern conditions environment, the needs and capabilities of a person make it difficult or impossible to perform vital functions. Every item that a person creates must take human factors into account as much as possible. Only in accordance with this will the “man – machine – environment” system be harmonious.


1. Bartashevich A.A. Fundamentals of furniture composition and design. – Rostov-on-Don.: Phoenix, 2004. – 192 p.

2. Bezdomin L.N. In the world of design. – Uzbek SSR.: Fan, 1990. – 295 p.

3. Minervin G.B. Fundamentals of equipment design for residential and public buildings: Textbook. A manual for universities. – M.: Architecture-S, 2005 – 112 p.

4. Rannev V.R. Interior. – M.: graduate School, 1987. – 132 p.

5. Revyakin P.P. Flower science. – Minsk: Higher School, 1984. – 285 p.: ill.

6. Runge V.F. Ergonomics in environmental design. – M.: Architecture-S, 2005. - 328 p.: ill.

7. Runge V.F. Ergonomics and interior equipment. – M.: Architecture-S, 2006. – 160 p.: ill.

8. Soloviev N.K. History of the interior. Ancient world. Middle world. – M.: Shevchuk, 2007 – 384 p.

9. Michael Foster. The principles of architecture, styles, structure and design. – Oxford.: Phaidon Press Limited, 1983. – 224pp.: il.

Creating interior design project or interior items, a good specialist should never forget about the beauty of the creation and its functionality. After all, in addition to the appearance, which must certainly please the eye, a person should be comfortable and nothing should harm his health, no matter if we are talking about a computer mouse or an entire apartment.

That is why, IKarchitects decided to contact ergonomics. So necessary for today's science.

We will try to outline what ergonomics is and why it is needed.

In the traditional sense ergonomics is a science that takes care of adapting the space and objects surrounding a person for safe and effective use based on the mental and physical state of a person.

In 2010 International Ergonomics Association A broader definition has been adopted:

« The scientific discipline that studies the interaction of humans and other elements of a system, and the scope of application of the theory, principles, data and methods of this science to promote human well-being and optimize overall system performance.”

Basis for ergonomics consists of many sciences, ranging from anatomy to psychology. And its main task is to find optimal shapes and sizes and correct location items for the safest and most efficient life.

Ergonomics important for the design of any interior, starting from the work area and ending with the sleep area.

And everyone who respects himself designer And architect must know everything laws of ergonomics and apply them in design projects.

In this article we will focus in more detail on interior ergonomics. As you already understand, one of ergonomic postulates is correct zoning. We'll start with recreation areas.

Ergonomics of the rest area

IN recreation area furniture is designed taking into account the size of a person in a relaxed position, but the angle of the chair or sofa should not make it difficult to get up. In addition, a person must reach objects on the tea table without getting up from the sofa, only by moving his body. To do this, it is necessary that the shins of the person sitting are under the table, and the necessary space should be provided. Speaking of space, it is necessary to provide legroom for everyone sitting on the sofa. This is especially true for corner sofas.

The TV screen should be at an angle of at least 30 degrees to the side. The distance depends on the screen size. Based on the direction of relaxed gaze, the main line of sight, which is directed to the center of the image, should deviate downward by 7 degrees.

Today, a fireplace, classic or modern, is becoming fashionable. Typically, it is placed in recreation area, and as it tells us ergonomics, the dimensions of the fireplace must be proportional to the volume of the room to prevent overheating. You should also not place furniture near the fireplace.

Having talked about rest, let's find out the features and general norms ergonomics of the working area, an important part of any interior.

Ergonomics of the working area

In order to properly design work area it is necessary to know exactly what industry a person works in, since the field of activity directly affects ergonomics of the workspace, but there are general provisions, which are inherent in every workplace. The height and shape of a chair and table are determined through the anatomical features of a person. The height of the chair depends on the height of the table, but it is desirable that back support be provided.

When working at a computer, you should be able to rest your elbows on the table, as well as place the necessary accessories.

Desk drawers should not be too low. The best option is the bottom edge of the box at knee level.

A person must sit and stand freely. If you want to save space, then a swivel chair is just for you. In addition, thanks to it, drawers and shelves can be installed on the side or behind the chair.

If it is necessary to equip several work areas in a room, then passages of at least 500 mm should be left.

Lighting- very important ergonomic aspect V workplace design. Your hands and body should not cast a shadow on the work surface, and the light source should not blind your eyes, so the table cover should not be enameled. Natural lighting will be ideal.

Ergonomics of the sleep area

Target bedroom ergonomics– provide a comfortable sleeping place. The size of the bed should be determined by the size of the owner. Perhaps a backrest for comfortable reading at night. Possibility of free approach to the bed for cleaning it.

And for comfort you can put a small bedside table.

Ergonomics of the eating area

The length of the table designed for eating by one person is 600mm. The depth depends on the number of dishes.

The height of the chair is determined by the height of the table, and the presence of back support is determined by the duration of the meal. It is important to ensure easy access to all chairs.

These are just general outlines about ergonomics in the interior. You will find out more details ergonomic standards in other articles IKarchitects.

But remember, good designer must know ergonomics, and in IKarchitects good specialists work who will design a beautiful, ergonomic interior.

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    Let us recall the definition of ergonomics itself:

    Ergo (Greek work) + notnos (law) scientific discipline that comprehensively studies functionality of a person in labor and everyday processes, revealing the patterns of creating optimal conditions for highly efficient life activity and highly productive work.

    Ergonomics arose in connection with the complication of technical means and operating conditions in modern production, a significant change in human labor activity, in which many labor functions were synthesized. Therefore, it was formed at the intersection of many sciences - from psychology, hygiene and anatomy to a number of technical disciplines.

    The subject of ergonomics as a science is the study of systemic* patterns of interaction between a person (group of people) and technical means, the object of activity and the environment in the process of achieving the goal of the activity or during special preparation for its implementation in the labor and leisure spheres.

    The goal of ergonomics is to increase the efficiency and quality of human activity in the system

    | “manmachineobject of activityenvironment” (abbreviated as “manmachineenvironment”) while simultaneously maintaining human health and creating prerequisites for the development of his personality.

    The object of study in ergonomics is the “man machine environment” system, i.e. the relationship between a person and the objective world in the process of labor and other types is explored

    ° activities. But other systems can also be considered, for example, a system of interaction between people in a production or other team.

    The task of ergonomics as a field of practical activity is the design and improvement of processes (methods, algorithms, techniques) for performing activities and methods

    g special preparation (training, training, adaptation) for it, as well as those characteristics of the means and conditions that directly affect the effectiveness and quality of activity and the psychophysiological state of a person.

    Ergonomic requirements are the requirements that are imposed on the “man machine environment” system (Fig. 2) in order to optimize the activity of the human operator, taking into account his socio-psychological, psychophysiological, psychological, anthropological, physiological and other objective characteristics and capabilities. Ergonomic requirements are the basis for the formation of the machine design, design development, i ] spatial and compositional solutions of the system as a whole and its individual elements.

    Human operator any person operating a machine: airport dispatcher, machine operator, housewife at the stove or with a vacuum cleaner, etc. for an ergonomist they are all operators. Ergonomics and its methods in Lately are increasingly used in the design of not only technical devices, but also architectural objects, interiors, and elements of their equipment. Therefore, it seems advisable in this case, instead of the concept “machine”** to use the more generalized concepts “product”, “object”, and instead

    * System combination of interacting factors, components united by a certain common goal, systematicity property of the system.

    **A machine or tool of activity (product, object) in ergonomics any technical device designed for the purposeful change of matter, energy, information, etc. The concept of “machine” can mean the simplest tools (knife, hammer, etc.) , as well as complex machines, computers or spaceships.

    the term “operator”, use designations appropriate to this action, “consumer”, “viewer”, etc.

    Ergonomic properties are the properties of products (machines, objects or their combinations) that manifest themselves in the “man-machine (object)-environment” system as a result of the implementation of ergonomic requirements.

    The main structural elements of ergonomics (Fig. 3) are theory, methodology and scientific knowledge about the subject of research. Along with these elements that form the general scientific foundations of ergonomics as a science, an important link in its practical functioning and development is the block of operational tools and methods of ergonomic research, which determines the specifics of ergonomics as an applied scientific discipline.

    The block of operational tools and methods covers the three most important areas of ergonomic research of the object “person, object, environment”: analysis, synthesis (modeling) and evaluation of the object.

    Results of ergonomic research scientifically and experimentally based data necessary for design development systems.

    The system design process from the very beginning should be focused on the formation of its (system) ergonomic properties as one of the most important goals achieved in the process of ergonomic design support.



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    (Environment] I environment I

    Anthropometric data

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    Rice. 2. System “manmachineenvironment”

    The entire process of ergonomic support (support) of design can be represented in the form of the following stages:

    analysis of human activity with the study of factors of its occurrence;

    development of ergonomic requirements and indicators, as well as recommendations for their consideration;

    formation of ergonomic properties of the designed equipment (product) and environment;

    final stage assessment of the completeness and correctness of the implementation of ergonomic requirements (ergonomic assessment and certification).

    Ergonomics is organically connected with design, one of the main goals of which is the formation of a harmonious object environment that meets the material and spiritual needs of a person. In this case, not only the properties are worked out appearance objects, but mainly their structural connections, which give the system functional and compositional unity (from the point of view of both the manufacturer and the consumer). It is the latter circumstance that allows us to consider ergonomics as the natural scientific basis of design. IN in practical terms taking into account human factors an integral part of design process.

    In recent decades, both in our country and abroad, the concept of ergodesign has been increasingly used to denote the field of activity that arose at the intersection of ergonomics and design. Ergodesign combines scientific ergonomic studies of the “human factor” with project design developments into a single whole in such a way that it is sometimes simply impossible to draw a line between them.

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