
Design of engineering networks at home. Line of communications to the house. Heating system and plumbing

Communication lines are connected to the house from a centralized system, after the approval of the relevant authorities. There are no problems with electricity. The connection is made from an overhead line to a junction box, from which high-voltage wires are brought inside the house. And how to properly lay the main sewerage and water supply lines?

Pipes are laid underground and the first thing to do is to take care not to freeze them in sub-zero temperatures. There are two ways out of this situation.

Option one - installation of pipes below the soil freezing line

When arranging water supply from a well, a caisson is built located in an earthen box, below the level of soil freezing. A supply pipe is laid from it, to the very underground of the building, and from there it is lifted up and internal wiring is made around the house. Under the building, the soil does not freeze, and on the rise of the outlet above, the pipe is additionally wrapped with a heater that prevents it from freezing.

Option two - heating

If it is not possible to lay a water supply system below the freezing level, then special heating is used for protection. This is a heat cable laid along the entire length of the system. Temperature drop sensors are triggered when a critical point is reached and heating is turned on. Very convenient, but it entails additional energy costs.

Sewerage through

Unlike a water pipe, there is no constant presence of liquid, so sewer pipes only need to be laid correctly from the inside to the outside. Laying above the freezing level of the soil is allowed. The inlet pipe is located at a depth of up to 60 cm, the distance from the septic tank to the foundation of the house is from 5 to 15 meters. The recommended slope is approximately 2-4 cm per meter of pipe. Thus, in order to ensure a normal slope, when laying the sewer from the house to the septic tank at a distance of up to 10 meters, the pipe must be buried at a depth of 40 to 60 cm at the entrance to cleaning channel, with a gradual rise in the slope towards the house.

Conducting communications through a columnar foundation

This is the easiest way to lay. A trench can be dug at any stage of building a house. The main thing is that it does not pass too close to the post, this will weaken the soil around it and reduce the bearing capacity. It is recommended to indent from 2 to 2.5 meters. But if at the same time the distance from one pillar to another does not allow meeting these restrictions, they dig a trench at the same distance from each support.

The main disadvantage of the pile foundation (columnar), in terms of wiring communications, is the cold underground. The floor can be well insulated, but the space between the ground and the ceiling will be cold. Warming will allow you to escape from the through wind, but it will not protect you from freezing. Therefore, as the only option for salvation in this case is the laying of a heating cable.

Tape base - how in this case not to freeze water?

Work on conducting communications in this type of foundation is worked out in advance. If the base is shallow, then before digging a trench, a ditch is dug under a water pipe, below the freezing level. The communications section located under the foundation is protected by a metal sleeve.

With deep laying, the highway is carried out through the thickness of concrete. To make a hole, at the laying stage, a metal sleeve is mounted in the reinforcement cage. After pouring the strip foundation, it is cleaned and water pipes are laid according to the instructions.

It is possible to remove pipes after laying the foundation. Only in this case, the work is complicated by chiselling the base. A hole will need to be made not only in a monolithic slab, but also additionally cut off the reinforcement that gets in the way.

Laying through a slab foundation

This option does not forgive shortcomings, so it is possible to lay a sewer or water supply only at the construction stage. First, a trench is being prepared for engineering systems. Pipes are laid in sleeves. Their installation is mandatory in order to protect against the pressure created by the weight of the foundation. Also, it will allow in the event of a breakthrough to replace the damaged area. After that, the trench is filled up and the base is prepared for the foundation of the slabs, in accordance with technological standards.

With the study of the entrance of engineering systems, one should not hesitate. It is better to do all the work in advance and not worry about the reliability of their operation.

The comfort of living directly depends on the quality of the engineering installed in the building. Comprehensive design of engineering systems will help to reduce the cost of its creation and avoid installation errors. Also, when performing design work, the problem of linking all networks into a single whole is solved, which eliminates duplication of functions and unnecessary operating costs. Another important aspect is the facilitation of any repair or redevelopment of premises and the prevention of failure of communications in the process of repair work.

By entrusting the design and installation of engineering systems to MosInzhGroup specialists, you will save yourself from unnecessary troubles or expenses, and the saved nerves will act as an additional bonus to the construction of the cottage. Based on the results of the work, we will professionally perform the installation of communications.

Design of engineering systems - price per m2

Section / Area (m2) 200

Over 800

Price for the boiler house project

110 rub. 90 rub. 80 rub. 75 rub. 55 rub.

Price for a private house heating project

90 rub. 80 rub. 75 rub. 70 rub. 65 rub.

Price for water supply design (internal)and sewerage (internal)

85 rub. 75 rub. 70 rub. 65 rub. 60 rub.
Power supply project price 60 rub. 55 rub. 50 rub. 45 rub. 40 rub.
Price for the design of mechanical (supply and exhaust) ventilation 195 rub. 190 rub. 185 rub. 180 rub. 140 rub.

Air conditioning design price

75 rub. 65 rub. 60 rub. 55 rub. 50 rub.

AUDIT of engineering systems project


We design systems and communications for the following sections:

  1. Boilers of all types
  2. Heating
  3. Ventilation and air conditioning
  4. Sewerage and plumbing
  5. Power supply
  6. Low-current system
  7. automation and control

What determines the cost of design work

The total cost of designing engineering systems depends on several factors and is determined by a set of tasks. The main component of the cost of engineering networks and systems is the complexity of the construction part of a building or cottage, its area or layout.

Another component of the cost is the complexity and branching of internal or external networks, their interaction with each other and the linking of all networks into a single whole. An example of such a solution is the increasingly popular Smart Home.

Also, the price of designing engineering systems of a private house is affected by the selective or complete composition of the documentation being performed.

Design of engineering systems of a country house - stages of work

A comprehensive project of engineering systems contains several stages of work:

  • At the first stage, a commercial proposal is developed, which serves as the basis for the development of technical specifications. The terms of reference reflect all the requirements and conditions of the owner of the cottage, and the final document of this stage is a feasibility study. The feasibility study links the requirements of the Customer with the indicators of the cost of design and installation work
  • The second stage involves the creation of a draft design, in which the main characteristics are calculated, and the necessary equipment is selected. Also at this stage, all design decisions are coordinated with the construction part
  • The stage of development of wiring diagrams includes the development of design solutions for the installation of internal networks or equipment. An important feature of this stage is the coordination of the placement of equipment with the routes for laying communications
  • At the final stage, a complete set of technical documentation is developed with the characteristics and specifications of the equipment, as well as specifications for the materials used

The cost of each stage is approved at the stage of creating a commercial proposal or approving the terms of reference for the project.

Negative consequences of an unprofessional project

Competent design of engineering systems of a private house eliminates the additional costs associated with installation work. The second side of unprofessional design work is higher equipment costs and maintenance costs for communications during operation.

Of the typical errors or inaccuracies in engineering design, several common cases of additional costs during construction or operation should be noted:

  • Incorrect calculation of the heat losses of the building in the heating project leads to overestimated costs for the heating circuit or a lack of heat output from the heating boiler
  • Faulty sewer engineering often requires raising the overall floor level to allow plumbing fixtures to drain securely.
  • Separate design of ventilation and heating systems can increase the operating costs for heating outdoor air during the cold season
  • Errors in engineering calculations and design of ventilation and air conditioning often lead to the installation of additional attachments and a violation of the overall design project of the cottage

MosInzhGroup performs high-quality design, installation of engineering systems and subsequent maintenance. The result of our work is trouble-free functioning communications at the Objects of our Customers.

When designing a brick house for permanent residence, it is very important to competently and reasonably approach the issue of equipping it with engineering systems, since even the best house is unsuitable for living without electricity, water supply and sewerage.

The power supply system of the house is, without exaggeration, the most important engineering system of the house. The plumbing and sewerage can, in the worst case, be replaced by a well and a characteristic wooden structure in the yard, but living in a house is completely impossible without electricity. It should be said right away that it is best to entrust the performance of electrical work to a specialized organization that has permission and a license for these types of activities, since only in this case there will be no problems with the acceptance of the house's power supply system for operation by regulatory authorities. It should be taken into account that the results of electrical installation work are carefully monitored by authorized structures.

But if the desire to independently master the difficult science of electrical installation has not disappeared, then you should start by studying the PUE (Electrical Installation Rules). This is a fairly extensive set of documents, which describes in detail all the stages and features of the production of electrical work. Next, you should contact the local energy supply authorities and obtain technical conditions (TU) for connecting a new house to the district's energy system. All further actions depend on the content of this document. Of course, each specific case has its own characteristics, but most often electrical work includes several mandatory components.

First, electricity is supplied from the power line to the house. For this, only self-supporting insulated wire (SIP) is allowed. The supply is carried out by an air line. For a cable line (i.e. underground), a permit from the local administration is required for earthworks and a certificate that there are no other communications on the territory of the cable. If these documents are available, then a trench 70 cm deep is dug out, a sand cushion is poured into it, on which the cable is laid. From above, it is closed with a layer of brick, flat slate or specially processed boards. Then the signal tape "Caution, cable!" and another layer of sand is poured. And only after that the cable line is covered with a layer of soil.

Read also: Thermostats for heating radiators: advantages, device, types, principle of operation and installation

The second block of electrical work is the installation of an introductory machine and an electricity meter at the entrance to the house, which are subsequently sealed by local authorities for the supervision of energy consumption.

The third block is the installation of circuit breakers. When installing circuit breakers, it is necessary to divide consumers as much as possible, that is, install several circuit breakers for different groups of electrical appliances (for example, one circuit breaker for sockets, one for lighting, etc.). All rooms with an increased risk of electric shock should be equipped with residual current devices (RCD). For the bathroom, an RCD with a leakage current of 10 mA is required, for the kitchen, boiler room, etc. - 30 mA.

The fourth block of works includes the installation of electrical wiring, switches, sockets and lamps. it is allowed to make both open (in boxes) and hidden. Open wiring is easier to install, it is easy to add new lines to it, for example, when increasing the number of electrical appliances in a room, but from an aesthetic point of view, it loses a little. Hidden wiring is placed in the wall strobes and covered with a layer of plaster. Thus, only switches and sockets remain on the wall surface. Wiring lines are laid with a double-insulated copper cable, for socket lines - with a cross section of 2.5 square meters. mm, for lighting - 1.5 sq. mm (for example, VVGng 3X2.5 sq. mm or NYM 2.5 sq. mm). Sockets are installed with a grounding contact. In rooms with high humidity, luminaires with a degree of moisture protection of at least IP54 are installed.

At the end of the topic of electrical work, it is worth saying that all of the above is not a sequence of installation work, but simply a list of them. The sequence may change depending on the situation.

Read also: Plastic drainage well: device, types, installation steps

Electricity is not the only thing that needs to be mastered when developing and installing the engineering systems of a private house with your own hands. It is possible to make a house really comfortable and convenient for year-round living only by equipping it with sewerage and water supply systems. Installation of external networks is a separate extensive topic, so we will focus only on the internal wiring of sewer and water pipes. The regulatory document, which you should carefully read before starting work, is SNiP 2.04.01-85.

The internal wiring of sewer pipes does not depend on whether you plan to use a centralized or autonomous sewer system. Its installation should be carried out in accordance with the project, which is better to order from a specialist or at least show it to a professional plumber before starting work. Pipes for sewerage have recently been used polypropylene. They are very easy to install, strong and durable. They are interconnected with standard seals. For domestic sewage, pipes with a diameter of 50 mm with a minimum slope of 0.025 (normal slope 0.035) are used, for the removal of fecal sewage - pipes with a diameter of 110 mm with a minimum slope of 0.012 (normal slope 0.02).

Branches from plumbing fixtures are laid above the floor, in the floor or along the wall in its lower part, depending on the type of plumbing fixture. Bend line turns should be smooth - at an angle of more than 90 degrees. Pipe sockets are directed against the current.

For risers, pipes of the largest diameter are used, that is, a minimum diameter of 110 mm. Branch pipes are connected to the riser using tees or crosses at angles of 45, 60 and 90 degrees. Technological hatches (the so-called "revisions") are arranged on the risers and separate sections of the outlet pipelines for cleaning.

In our time, a person is very accustomed to a high level of comfort, so living in a country house in the absence of communication systems is simply not possible for a modern person. What communications should be present in a comfortable country house? Before construction, it is imperative to consider such communications as: electricity supply, hot and cold water supply, sewerage, heating (if you are going to visit the house in winter) and ventilation.

If you do not think about how to conduct all these communications, then the construction of your house may be delayed for a long time due to the constant need for redoing, which in turn will require new financial costs. The cost of purchasing and installing communications is usually about 15-20% of the cost of building a house. For this reason, it is necessary, even at the stage of developing a plan for your future cottage, to carefully consider the design of all communication systems, which will ensure you long and proper work for a long time.

Supplying the house with electricity.

Lighting, the operation of electrical appliances, without which a modern person cannot comfortably exist, all this is provided by electricity, so it is very important that there is electricity in the house. The power supply system includes:

External connection to the electricity system through a shield or meter. There are two types of connection: working from a power plant or a gas generator and working after connecting to poles standing on the street.

Cabling and nodal points inside the house, plus installation of light bulbs, sockets (wire outlets), as well as connection of a 1000 kW diesel generator set from Alternativa CJSC in case of a power outage.

Depending on what walls will be in your cottage, the method of distributing the electrical network is chosen. If the house is frame, then the power grid is carried out inside the walls. In houses made of brick or concrete, it is "hidden" under a layer of plaster. In houses, strobes are made from blocks. Wires can also be drawn from the outside of the walls, masking them with a cable channel. Only after the wiring of the electrical network can lighting be planned.

Water supply.

There are three ways to conduct plumbing. The first is connection to the central water supply. The second is drilling a well. The third is to dig a well. If you want to connect to the central water supply, then first you need to get permission, and then you can start using it. With a well or a well, it is a little more difficult. You will also need permission first. However, you still need to install a pumping station and ensure its continuous operation, which will require additional financial costs. Only then can the system be used. Conduct water to the house using pipes made of metal (mainly copper) or pipes made of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC). Plumbing is selected based on your own desires, but it is better to choose plumbing of the same type and manufacturer.


Heating systems are of different types - electric, air water, stove heating.

Electric heating has only one minus. This disadvantage is its high cost.

However, it is water heating that is most often used to provide heat for country houses. If you are going to use this method, then you can save money by combining the heating and hot water system. In this case, you will use one boiler for these two purposes.

Another way is a hidden floor or plinth distribution of heat pipes, which is connected to the battery through a collector. For such a system, polymer pipes are most often used, which are easy to install and stand out for their strength. Such a system is gaining more and more popularity among the owners of country cottages.


This system includes two parts - internal and external. The internal one implies the flow of used water into the general sewer discharge, and the external output of all this into a centralized sewer or cesspool.


The ventilation system can be of three types - active, passive and mixed. If the walls are finished with materials that do not allow air to pass through, and the windows have high-quality double-glazed windows, then a passive system will not suit you, so ventilation devices are a must in your home.

Today it is no longer necessary to choose between the comfort in a city apartment and the charm of life outside a noisy city, because now engineering communications in a country house can even exceed the characteristics of those located in the city. It is possible to organize a high-quality engineering infrastructure even if there are no centralized networks in the region of a country house. If you entrust the drafting of the project and its implementation to professionals, then the owners of a country house will not have any problems with their operation. Today, ordering such services inexpensively will not be any problem, and you can buy everything you need to organize a heating system, water supply, and other things at any hardware store.

To order the installation of utilities in a country house - call +7 495 205-205-2

Conduct communications to a country house price

It is worth noting that before conducting communications to a country house, the price of which depends on many factors, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the main nuances of designing these same communications.

Of course, the best option would be to lay all communications at the stage of building a private house. All engineering networks are initially included in the project of the future home, so there are no problems with their organization. But sometimes this is simply not possible. It often happens that a house is bought ready to move in, but there is a desire to remake it to your liking. Or it may be that initially there were not enough funds for all communications, so they will be organized gradually. Sometimes this process can take several years.

If you entrust all the necessary work to specialists, then they will be able to perform any task that relates to laying communications even in a finished house. At the same time, they can use methods that minimize the need to disassemble the main structures of the house as much as possible. But still, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to put up with some inconvenience in any case.

How much do communications cost in a country house

Many lovers of country life are immediately interested in how much communications cost in a country house? In fact, it will be possible to answer this question only after the draft is drawn up. Its implementation should be entrusted to the specialists of the design bureau. Only a specialized company is able to accurately and competently perform such work. She has not only the necessary licenses for this, but also a lot of experience, and the higher it is, the better the result will be.

In order to create a plan for future communications, you need a plan of the house itself, as well as a conversation with its owners. Features of laying communications depend not only on the layout of the house, but also on the lifestyle of the owners. In simple words, it takes into account the number of people living in a country house, what kind of water and energy-consuming equipment is used, and so on. In addition, the moment in which the country house is operated is taken into account - as permanent or seasonal housing? By answering these and many other questions, it will be possible to develop the most optimal project for laying communications for a country house.

Engineering communications in a private house

As a rule, future engineering communications in a private house, namely their arrangement, begins with the creation of a draft design. It indicates all the engineering systems of the house, which will fully meet the features of the house itself and the requirements of the owner.

Based on the draft, the terms of reference for the design of future communications in the house are being developed. After that, you can draw up an estimate, thanks to which the owner of a country house can specifically see how much such a pleasure will cost him. Of course, the rationale for the use of certain materials is prescribed here, drawings of future communications are made, and the main components are detailed. It is worth noting that not everyone can organize accurate drawings. They should be not only accurate, but also as detailed as possible. The length of the pipeline, the location of the control valves and other details are indicated here.

It is noteworthy, but the communications of a country house and a traditional city apartment are different. Even because the area of ​​country houses is much larger than the size of an average apartment, and therefore the load on the systems here will be higher. It is not difficult to guess that in this case, engineering communications in a country house should be equipped with more powerful and reliable equipment. In addition, in some regions there are no backbone networks, and therefore in this case it is necessary to look for alternative solutions.

The cost of engineering communications in a private house

It is worth noting that the cost of engineering communications in a private house depends not only on the amount of work, but also on the qualifications of specialists, as well as the materials used. We can say with confidence that it is not worth saving on engineering communications. Not only the comfort of living in a country house, but also the health of people depends on their quality.

It is quite difficult to specify the exact cost of a particular service. It all depends on the prices of companies that are engaged in similar work. In order to choose a truly reliable engineering company, you need to focus on the following points:

  • Qualification of the working group;
  • The range of services provided;
  • Service cost;
  • Reviews about the company;
  • Company experience;
  • Equipment used during work.

Turnkey communications in the country house

If the need to save money is not only a desire, but also a hopelessness of the situation, then the best option would be to order communications in a turnkey cottage. An integrated approach to organizing communications in a country house will cost less than breaking this process into several stages. In addition, the longer you put off the need to complete a particular task, the more expensive it will cost, because the prices for materials are getting higher every year. Another advantage of this service is that only one company will carry out all the work, and therefore all its actions will be correctly coordinated, which will positively affect the quality of the work done. To optimize the process as much as possible, both in terms of price and time spent, will allow the design and laying of communications even at the stage of building a country house.

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Turnkey communications for a country house

As you know, turnkey communications for a country house include the organization of water supply, sewerage, heating, and electricity.

As for water supply, in this case, a country house can be connected to a central water supply, if any, or to an autonomous source, which is a well or a well. In addition to the standard equipment, which is familiar from a city apartment, in this case, additional equipment will also be required. This includes a pumping station, a water storage tank, as well as a hydraulic accumulator, which will start and stop the pump more smoothly, which will positively affect its operating period. In addition, fine and coarse filters will be required. With their help, it will be possible to purify water from various pollutants and impurities, which will subsequently make it possible to use it for drinking purposes. Before organizing the water supply of a country house, it will be necessary to equip a well or well with a caisson, and only after installing the pump. To transport water directly to the house, pipes of various materials can be used - copper, steel or polymer.

It is worth noting that if the pipe with cold and hot water are located in parallel, then in this case the pipe with cold water must be placed under the pipe with hot. By following this recommendation, condensate from a cold pipe will not drip onto a hot one.

How much does it cost to conduct communications in a private house

Answering the question - how much does it cost to conduct communications in a private house, it must be borne in mind that the materials used play a big role. Savings here will also be a place, because instead of expensive copper pipes, you can use polymer pipes, and the like.

As for the sewerage of a country house, it is necessary to organize a treatment plant for it, in which the water used will be subjected to biological treatment. An example is the topas system, but in addition to it, a large number of others are on the market. Experts note that such systems are absolutely safe from an environmental point of view, in addition, they do not require additional maintenance from the owner of the house. PVC pipes are used for the internal sewerage system of a country house. To date, this option is the most durable material, and the price for it is quite affordable.

Before choosing the necessary equipment for organizing the sewerage of a country house, it is necessary to make a project of sewer networks, determine their performance, laying depth, height of soil pipes, the location of the water purification tank, and so on. It is worth noting that this tank should not be closer to home than 4-6 meters.

Communications in a private house

Of course, no communications in a private house can do without a heating system. To heat a country house, a system of pipelines and radiators is used, as well as a heating source, which is presented in the form of a boiler. The result is a closed circuit, through which the coolant will constantly circulate while the heating system is operating. In order for this system to work without failures, it is equipped with a circulation pump, which increases the circulation rate of the coolant. In addition, the heating system of a private house requires the installation of an expansion tank, automatic air venting devices, and a feed pipe. In order for excess heated coolant to be normally removed, both relief and safety valves are installed in the system. It is worth noting that the heating system of a country and private house can be gas, electric, combined, or run on solid or liquid fuel. Very often, the organization of the heating system of a private house requires the allocation of a separate room for these purposes, which is called the boiler room.

In addition to heating boilers, it is necessary to pay attention to radiators. They will affect not only the level of heating of a country house, but also the total cost of organizing engineering communications:

  • Cast iron radiators. This is the main version of heating devices that were used in Soviet times. Despite the wide variety of popular models, such products are still very popular. But there is a significant drawback here: in order for such batteries to heat up to 45 degrees, the temperature of the coolant should already be 70 degrees, and this is not reflected in the best way on the amount of fuel used;

  • aluminum radiators. Their appearance is much more attractive than that of cast iron. The main advantage of this type of heater is excellent thermal conductivity. It should be noted right away that such radiators are not always suitable for individual heating, as they are very sensitive to the quality of the coolant;
  • Steel radiators. They can be panel and tubular. The former are a budget option and cannot boast of high heat dissipation. As for the tubular ones, they can be classified as premium devices.

Turnkey communications price

The last point, which includes turnkey communications, the price of which fully justifies the quality of the work done, is power supply. The main requirements for electrical networks are reliability and safety. Basically, the main source of electricity supply is the transformer. The voltage from the transformer goes through the wires and goes to the consumer, in whose house the voltage should be within 380 V. To create a project for the future of electricity supply, it is necessary to accurately calculate the future consumption of this energy. The choice of wires, as well as protective devices, will also depend on the result obtained.

Communications in a country house price

Before proceeding with laying communications in a country house price, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement with the relevant authorities for the power supply of the house. After laying the wiring, you will need to install a meter, as well as open an account to pay for the electricity consumed.

It is worth noting that the majority of domestic fires are provoked by a malfunction of the electrical wiring. The reason here may be incorrectly laid electrical networks, poor quality materials, as well as errors in the calculation of loads. That is why such work must be entrusted to qualified specialists of a certain profile.

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